#i love playing with pre-smaug thorin
Thorin’s Operatic Career
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As my special thank you for making The Marali Festival your #3 most loved Sunny fic, here’s a little drabble of Thorin thinking he wanted to be an opera singer when he was younger.😊 If you missed any of the fun this week you can find the links below. Tomorrow I present #2!!
To Move the World with One Song
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Characters/Pairings: Thorin & his Grandmother; Thorin/Bilbo
Words: 1152
Thorin had been sixteen years old when he first attended an opera. He had been so overwhelmed by the voices, he began to wail quite loudly halfway through the first act until his mother took him out into the hallway. His father and grandfather had been incredibly embarrassed, and immediately reprimanded him when they made it back to the royal wing. Thorin’s grandmother was the only one to take the time the next day to find out exactly what it was that had upset Thorin so. He told her he had never heard voices so beautiful before, and the emotion in it just made him hurt so bad. He expected to get a lecture when he was done, and he waited anxiously in his seat, unable to meet his grandmother’s eyes. Instead, her quiet verdict nearly had him jumping in joy.
“Thorin, son of Thrain, you will start music lessons with me tomorrow right before lunch. No exceptions.”
His excitement was lessened the next day when she sat him down at a beautiful golden harp.
“But Gamul amad (Grandmother), this is an elf instrument.”
“I don’t want to hear any of your sass.” She declared. “Elvish or not, this will be the perfect instrument for you to match pitch with and if one day your voice grows as deep as your Gamul adad (Grandfather), harmonize with. Now, do you wish to learn or not?”
Thorin might have pouted after that for days on end, but he was diligent in learning how to pluck the strings and match his voice to the note. His grandmother started him in simple scales, but it was barely a month in that Thorin sang and played his first full song. The Queen Under the Mountain understood in that moment that Mahal had granted the child a gift. And after Thorin performed for the first time in front of his family, Thror and Thrain finally stopped nagging her about Thorin being in music instead of his real lessons. 
Two years went by, and Thorin was accepted for a minor role in the next opera. Barely an inch of hair on his chin and a voice that still favored the high tenor and alto notes, but there wasn’t a dry eye in the theater that night. Something that brought Thorin immense pride and glee. It was at that point that Thorin made a rather grave error in judgment.
“Adad, what if I don’t want to be a king? What if I want to be a player instead?”
Thrain froze, and even Fris paused from where she had been setting the table.
“Thorin, being king is not something you choose. It is a sacred duty that Mahal bestowed upon our line. To care for our people in the greatest possible capacity. It is a duty that you don’t just…throw away.”
“But why can’t Frerin be king? What if I’m not good at it? I’m good at singing, and I like singing.”
“Mizimith (young jewel)...Some choices are ours to make, and some are decided for us. This is one of those paths I’m afraid that you can not deviate. I’m sorry.”
Thorin went to bed that night, tears still streaking down his face. He didn’t understand. Why would Mahal bless him with such talent if he wasn’t meant to pursue it? He could be one of the best singers in Arda if they let him. Why wouldn’t they let him? Thorin fell asleep to the dream of running away, far away where he could sing as much as he wanted. 
When he awoke the next morning, his routine changed slightly. He was to spend two hours in the throne room with his father and grandfather during court to learn what it means to be a prince. Much to the Queen’s chagrin and Thorin’s disappointment, music lessons became secondary. A passing fancy compared to the integral etiquette lessons in his curriculum. In a true twist of tragic irony, Thorin never got the chance to grow bitter to his new life before the dragon came and burned it to the ground.
However, in the wilderness of the world, staring up at stars instead of rock, he had to wonder: what was the point? Why had he been given such a voice that went unused more and more with every passing year? Nevermind that time and maturity brought it down to a rich baritone that still managed to bow over any who heard it. Coupled with the song the refugees of Erebor had composed, Thorin still managed to bring people to tears. However, he didn’t realize the power of such a skill as king until he ensnared the most useful of companions into joining his quest for his homeland…
Thorin paused in his ministrations of plucking the strings of the delicate instrument he held. 
“Why did you stop?”
Thorin looked over to see Bilbo had long given up on reading, and was sipping from his tea in his armchair, head back and eyes closed in bliss.
“You told me once that it was me or more accurately my singing that made you want to run out your door, correct?”
Bilbo slowly blinked over at him, but his gaze was as fond as it was exasperated.
“Fishing for compliments, are we?”
Thorin chuckled, shaking his head as he started picking at the harp again.
“Not quite. A thought had just occurred to me is all.”
“Oh?” Bilbo prompted as he decided to get up and move closer to him.
“I believed at one point I could either be a great king or move the world with my singing. And it turned out, I only had to move you to be the other.”
Bilbo snaked his arms around Thorin’s neck, giving him a wide smile before he leaned in to kiss his cheek.
“Well, this is certainly the opposite of an ego boost. Unfortunately, my rather ridiculous dwarf, you were fairly impressive far before meeting me. I also won’t deny that you are, in fact, a siren that captured my poor sheltered heart.”
Thorin’s grin turned downright wolfish. 
“Sheltered? May I remind you of who took charge last night, even teaching this old dwarf a thing or two.”
Bilbo swatted him lightly on the shoulder, a scowl on his face to hide his burning cheeks. 
“Don’t get cute.” He warned.
“Or what, mudùmê (my comfort)?”
“Or I may just force you to serenade me for the rest of the night.” Bilbo teased, kissing Thorin for real this time.
Little did Bilbo know that’s exactly what Thorin intended to do for the rest of their lives. He may not be playing for thousands anymore, but his audience of one was by far more important, more captivating, and certainly worth more than mere fame could compare. Whether by Mahal’s design or not, Thorin never again regretted his lot in life. Not when it led him to Bilbo.
Prompts | Commentary: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Star’s Art
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thorinthehottotty · 4 years
Hey 😈 it me Since it's past watershed where I am I was wondering if you could write some Thorin (how can I ask this without Tumblr stopping me) doing the rumpy pumpy for the first time headcannons whether that's him as a prince or him waiting for his one. If nsfw/nsft makes you uncomfortable to write how would Thorin seduce his one like does he have a plan in his head for how he will sweep them off their feet ? Thank you
I'm sorry. Rumpy pumpy has me dying! Thank you! Thank you! NSFW definitely doesn't make me uncomfortable!
Thorin would be a little raunchy pre-Smaug but he's still pretty young when Erebor falls. He's so busy trying to help his people, realistically he'd probably wait for his One, if he even has one.
Here we go:
The moment he meets his one, he cannot keep his hands off them.
Kisses. Like all the time.
Handholding is like breathing.
Constantly playing with your hair.
Butt touches. Loves the butt.
Marriage wouldn't be a must.
First time he's making sure your comfortable, going slow. You can stop him whenever.
His seduction is just pouring his love on you. He loves you. So much. Wants to show it with every kiss. Every caress.
He's going to go down on you at least twice the first time. There will be no rush. Plenty of time for you both. But he will eat you out on repeat!
He's surprisingly really good.
Follows instincts. Takes his time to learn his One's body.
He preps you as much as he can.
He's trembling the first time he pushes in.
He's a big boi. It'll hurt no matter what.
He's very patient.
He's loud too. Groaning, moaning, praising.
Dwarven. Stamina.
You'll be in ruins for days.
He's got a big praise kink.
King kink.
Very much appreciative of thighs, bottom, bewbs and belly. All the soft bits.
You will be half starved and exhausted and sore galore when he's done with you. You will have to swat his hands away.
Over all he does very good for his first time.
Honestly, who doesn't get swept off their feet by him?
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blankdblank · 5 years
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Prompt – “I Love You”
Went with Thrandy on this one, lots of feels. :D
@sdavid09​ - 52 Week Prompt Challenge, @theincaprincess​ some thrandy drama to add to yours, tee hee
It seemed to be a dream in itself, a chance encounter had your path crossing with a pre teen boy. Instantly those white long locks of his and pale blue eyes stuck in your mind. To repay your kind act of returning a lost book of sentimental value a visit to your first play that had left you a nervous wreck in handing the item over to the point of your turning to leave and presumably proclaiming your love for him. The misspeak was revealed later rendering you rosy cheeked and lost for words, simply turning away as he received an alert from his friend he had to get back. That should have been the end of it, though somehow you had fumbled your way into his sentimental list of penpals. Hopes you could be friends were far from achievable as you lived so far away and trust had yet to be won past entrusting you with a gifted set of books he ‘adored’ from time to time.
On your end you would always remind yourself, ‘merely a kindness’ that was why he wrote, a way to make you feel appreciated, and in the year you broke the cusp of teenhood you deemed the lull in letters to have been the final tapering off of his attentions. But on your right a body came to a hopping stop out of nowhere and a greeting shriek from you in your Grandfather’s bookshop was followed by the heavy book you were holding to be whacked across the cheek of the assumed attacker suddenly revealed to be the wide eyed Prince. Loudly the book fell and your hands covered your face turning a bright red, surely you were dead, they would kill you for hitting the Crown Prince of Great Greenwood in the face. Instantly at your expression just as in your parting to him at your first meeting a loud set of bubbling laughter burst from him until he bent to lift the book grinning widely in returning it to you.
Centuries bled by and the letters grew more detailed after that and visits grew closer and longer soon becoming inseparable. Wars came and went and from fleeing your home to finding another under the rule of your friend turned Prince who needed your friendship more than ever. Friendship, that was what it was, and yet more and more curiously after settling into the new kingdom the final pages of your letters began to grow shorter and shorter. All at once each final page seemed to be cut at an odd length right under the final line always making him flip the page over to see the rest of your note ending with your name.
Another odd quirk and yet as you both grew so did the topics discussed in those letters, one especially being taken as a sign of your floundering financial status after the passing of your parents years prior, having to reuse parchment, the sliced ones not being noticed until you would reach that point no doubt. Centuries these oddly shrinking and growing final pages had been treasured by the Prince, but from across the room Lords and Ladies would see those letters and begin to whisper as to who the odd person the Prince seemed to be corresponding with.
Months you had waited for a letter and again you had feared to have been cast off, yet again his letter did come, and it absolutely broke your heart. “I think I love her.” Exhaling sharply you dropped to the floor gripping your legs you pulled up to your chest staring at the stack of stationary he had specifically chosen for you to write to him on to ‘spare your parchment supply for daily use.’ Leaning your head forward you sniffled and each slice of your letters came back to you, one after another for so long it seemed to bubble out through your ink, what you couldn’t say. Three little words you had refused to say for fear of his laughter again and here two of them sat from him in front of the word ‘her’, Crown Prince soon to be wed to a Wife of his Father’s choosing he no doubt cared for.
It was a suitably lavish affair and decently seated among the guests you held your place as his friend, nothing more in his eyes or anyone elses, at least until your move. Unable to take the daily whispers of a possible heir you withdrew and emptied all you had strapping it down into your wagon bartered by trading for your favorite bow. Pulling the straps around the securing rods meant to attach to harnesses for a steed or beast of burden you lacked the funds or skills to care for on this journey you continued on foot.
A loud crack and a shriek from you found you face down in a small creek under the tilting wagon now with a broken wheel lodged in the center of the stream. A deep huff from you came as you gripped the stone that had sliced open your knee now staining the creek with blood. On your feet you grumbled, “What else?! What else could possibly go wrong?!” Turning sharply you hurled the stone only to turn at a pained cry and a loud splash farther down in the river feeding the creek you were in. “Oh no.”
Hurrying over following the creek to the river you froze in place seeing the swan boat floating past empty save for the giggling Princess Arwen while the startled Lord Celeborn stood and his eyes scanned the distance until he noticed you, still coated in a mixture of mud, water and blood covering your mouth wide eyed making him huff and say, “Lady Pear. Prince Oropherion has been sending inquiries of your whereabouts.”
Stepping through the river he came up on the stream while the Elf rowing the swan ship turned it to wait for the Lord now crouching to your eye level only to smirk at your muffled, “I am so sorry.”
He nodded and said, “You are bleeding.”
Lowering your hands you stammered out, “Well, I, in the, creek, and there was a crack and, broken. So I grabbed the rock, and, splash.” In a deflated sigh a sniffle left you and his lips parted at your eyes welling with tears in your gasp for air making him lean forward and pull you into a tight hug. An order for a pair of guards to get your belongings to Lothlorien was followed by his leading you to the swan boat after you had calmed that took you on a riverside tour of the kingdom you were gifted a lavish waterside home with a view of the ducks you loved each morning. Too fearful of living in the treetops you settled by the streams crossing and loved the soft babble disguising the emptiness of your home. Word you were safe had been sent back to Amon Lanc easing some worry though the uncertainty of why you had left awoken a seed long since ignored.
Warrior, Father, Widow and now King Thranduil sat atop his elk staring at yet another letter from you, never changing, steadfast and loyal, treasured more by his people in your absence as it gave them the variance between moods in waiting for and receiving your letters. Still silent and unvocal you befriended the young royals and treasured them in their visits to your home when you would share your stories they egged out of you, always gaining slinking adults and even Lords into your doorway and garden to listen in while you carved tiny trinkets to link to each tale.
Why was never asked, your safety was treasured and privacy accepted as none had claim to order the truth from you for fear of harming or frightening you away. A close part in the growth of the young nobles send often to this kingdom, those alone with the power to lure you to their homes for visits granting those lands sightings of the mysterious Lady Pear so awkward and forceful all in one smooth swing with words tipped with poison and honey alike.
Dragons come and go, though with Smaug as you were sent for by the desperate King in need of a friend a single confusing night tangled in the arms of the King was followed by a sunrise alone in his bed. Battle had called him away and as soon a you had arrived you were off again without a trace. Sixty years the King grew colder at what he’d imagined he’d done to his now painfully silent friend. Again and again he read your letters reminding him that somewhere you could be found and convinced to return for him to beg for your forgiveness. Smaug again broke his concentration and in an imagined flash of silver curls in the distance a body falling through the ice soon shattered by the stone body of the dragon unable to reach the floating city now rocking at his fall into the edge to the lake had him shaking his head at the lack of plausibility that it could be you.
You were far away, no doubt sailed back to the West with all the other fair maidens left to heartbreak by thoughtless men like him. Decades he questioned why after just moments alone with you his lips had found yours and he had been found in a post coital tangle of limbs and sheets leaving him publicly down two wives weighing on his reputation and self respect to a devastating level at times. Change had found the forest, Thorin had returned and thanks to his dragon slayer a shift had become clear, flowers were spreading again and no less than fifteen couples had become pregnant with nearly a dozen reborn Elves having been discovered in the forest at their waking. All signs of a new beginning, one that rippled through the lands like a wildfire on the heels of a short fable and a spreading of tiny turtles.
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Once upon a time there was a little girl, cursed long before birth to never hear love. From a long line of those cursed to doom others to the unknown and fabled to be the last of her kind. All through childhood a trio of words in a language only she knew would make those she uttered them to vanish on the breeze under the light of the light of the moon. One by one whispers filled the town and as she realized those words, only hers were just that, hers alone. An untamable fire swelled in her with each new soul who caught her eye.
Terrifying but just those taken were not without reason and a pattern seemed to have emerged only to sever as those words once spoken were now of written word. Loathed and feared beyond reason her words were still revered. Letter upon letter compiled with those words cut out and kept in a box all her own shielding her bleeding and breaking heart. Patchwork letters tethered connections among those she held dear, all falling one by one to time angering the beckoning moon.
Centuries he cried out to her for another gift of hers and silent she remained, fear faded and falling unseen to those in the distant town below the fabled woman so powerful and just once again was called upon. Letters had been found with words of silver shared and boasted with lines of clans receiving one to hundreds counted as mighty among the rest, none alive remembered or bothered to notice the blood red moon furious and starving for her voice. A demand was given, utter the words to one she held dear or the town would burn, again promised this would be the last.
Alone and drenched in tears with box of unspoken words open under the light of the fading sun her eyes fell upon the one she had chosen and into the encroaching night she whispered, ‘I love you.’ Moonlight soon raced in and much to his delight her eyes still locked on the mirror catching his glow dancing across her skin embracing her in a longstanding hunger to which she rapidly fell.
Silence coated the town in their encroaching slumbers. Days would pass and silence remained where songs and stories had once streamed and the bravest of all crept through the house now empty past littered bits dancing on the floors to the breeze in language unknown. The face and name of the woman once fabled now forgotten, with only her words to remain. All collected tiny slips here and there upon close inspection now joined flawlessly into those letters, hundreds upon thousands without definition or why her words had saved them they all could now see. All those she spared from the moon’s prophecy, now so clear for all to discover, note of the blood moon with all but her to see sunrise laid it out unspoken and true.
For time and fate’s bidding again she would fade but still one echo remained. When Death would come calling one hand would extend, one but not two, for unspoken and true with words smooth as silver with him she came, kind and warm hearted she would call them by name. Death has a beauty seldom seen and remembered, only his forever and safe they would stay. Hunger was sated when she gave him her name. So gather round friends when the road darkens and severs, never forget, not alone but lonely your gift of today came from one silent and true. Love one another with none left unsure for silence is poison harming none but you.
Prince Legolas raced into a meeting up the steps of the throne to land on his father’s lap earning a groan that faded when the stone turtle with crystal flowers atop its shell was shown. The booklet given with it was read to the King whose heart raced recognizing the style and at once it clicked the hints pointing him to you. Breaking his meeting he raced for his elk with the Prince right behind him holding Tauriel’s wares from her trip to Dale. One of the few shops open while others were being rebuilt and word of a celebration brewed in Erebor.
Through a splintered doorframe the stone shell of a shop sat secure with cloth door tacked back freeing the drenched King inside out of the growing storm to look over the glass cases showing more turtles and matching tales. A door behind the counter clearly led upstairs and not waiting for permission it was opened and his weight shifted on the stairs leading his curious Son up in hopes of finding you. Empty except for a freshly fixed stove cooled from formerly heating the room and a worn desk coated in various charms you had been trying to make from the basket of dragon scales matching those in the barrels downstairs. On the corner of the desk a stack of scribbled out drafts of letters to him made his heart swell knowing you had been meaning to inform him you were here, the leather binder it was in sealed again at a guard’s entrance saying, “My King, Her Majesty is in Erebor. A guest of King Thorin.”
Thranduil stepped closer to him sighing, “It appears we shall have to wait until their celebration is through to welcome her home again.”
The guard spoke up again, “My King, word is any are welcome and King Thorin hoped you would attend. An invitation was sent not an hours past it seems.”
Legolas’ hand rested on his father’s shoulder, “Ada, she must have traveled back with them from Lindon when she heard of the Journey.”
Back to his elk he hurried and made the short trip to the gates of the mountain that upon seeing his company opened. Once inside the small troop of Dwarves having arrived from the Iron Hills not two days ago sealed the gates behind them at the Elves’ dismounting, gentle pats on their steeds’ necks preceded their being led off by the reigns to the stables.
Winding halls poorly lit in their early scrubbing stages left little to be impressed by save for how well Smaug had left the halls he inhabited for decades ending oddly for them in the smoking lounge off the throne room the Elves assumed to be damaged explaining the detour. The double doors opened and straight through Thranduil strolled coming to a stop in the center of the carpet wide eyed seeing you seated on the arm of Thorin’s chair while he stood holding up a design for a hushed conversation in Khuzdul. Swallowing dryly his eyes raked over you in pants and a knee length tunic cinched around your middle with a pair of hatchets tucked in your tall boots as your long silvery braid shifted across your back. The closing of the doors behind them turned your head bringing your purple eyes to land on the group that all bowed their heads to you. Stepping closer to you a few steps Thranduil readied to say something only to pause at the tiny body on his right popping out from behind Thorin’s chair.
In a giggle the tiny girl just barely out of her toddler stage grinned and twisted on her feet up at the King and Prince saying in Doriathian, “Ada! I knew you’d make it!” Her purple eyes landing on her big brother who instantly crouched with the King, “Just in time for my birthday party.” Leaning in she whispered, “Big cake, but shh,” she said holding her finger up to her lips.
Thorin stated with a smirk, “It is good to you arrived in time, though not soon enough to beat the storm.” Thranduil’s eyes never left his daughter now reaching up feeling the berries and leaves in his crown.
On your feet you neared the trio and leaned forward gently tapping your daughter’s back saying, “Kiore, why don’t I take Ada and Legolas up to change while you work on that present of yours? Hmm?”
In a glance up at you she nodded then turned to Thranduil and pecked him on the cheek freeing a tear to stream down the other, then said, “I knew you’d make it.”
Clearing his throat he answered, “I am sorry we didn’t come sooner.”
She shook her head and said, “It smells much better now.” In a sway she turned to Legolas and tapped his nose making him smirk as she tapped hers after, “Naneth says we have the same nose.”
“I said had, when he was younger.” Making Thranduil glance up to you as she pecked him on the cheek and turned to hurry to the side door cracked open where you heard Bilbo on the other side of it complaining about the order the books were kept in. Finding their feet again the pair and their group followed you out into the hall again for the long stroll up to the Royal Wing where Thranduil’s usual apartment sat with swan gilded doors two of the Elves hurried in front of you to open earning a soft thanks from you. Outside they waited leaving their dripping rain cloaks by the door over the drip mat then sealed the doors behind them for your privacy. “Thorin believed it best I take your apartment.”
Looking up at Thranduil from a glance at Legolas you added, “How do you fit six decades in a letter?” After a sniffle you said, “I got just past Bree when it was confirmed, about Kiore.” Thranduil’s hand settled on your shoulder with a teary empathetic gaze, “By then, it was too late to travel, then she was too young for me to go alone, and then, so on, until I met a band of Dwarves heading this way willing to assist my travels.” A tear fell Thranduil gently brushed away, “There’s no way to apologize, for all you’ve missed.”
Shaking his head he replied, “I love you. I always have.” Cupping your cheeks he kissed you firmly feeling another tear stream down your cheek onto his thumb making him pull back, “I don’t know how I missed it, when it was so obvious. And I will never forgive myself for hurting you. But please come home.”
Your hand patted his chest and his lips parted, “You need to get changed.” Closing his lips in what he took as rejection he lowered his hands from your cheeks you added, “Kiore is far from spoiled, but sixty years hearing about you and now you are both several halls away. If you don’t change she will come looking for you, and trust me, she would give Legolas a run for his money for her mischievous streak.”
Legolas chuckled and said, “Wonder who she inherited that from.”
Thranduil looked you over and you said, “In Rivendell Elrond made me a few changes of clothes in your sizes, just in case.” Looking to Legolas you said, “I guessed the blue room might be yours?” He smirked and you said, “Well you can move the bag later.” With a smirk he closed the distance between you stealing a hug you gladly returned, “It’s been such a long time Little Leaf.”
He shook his head when he pulled back, “Barely a blink at all. Hopefully by tomorrow we can show our new Princess through her kingdom.” Turning to change while you joined Thranduil in your apartment where you pulled out a trunk for him.
Carefully you helped him undo the buttons on his outer robe before he sat to remove his boots then pants and shirt he tossed into the basket you hung his robe by. The grey pants were followed by another white shirt once he added his boot again followed by the other. In a glance by the bed he reached over to grab the box there puffed up with bits of paper, opening the lid carefully he eyed the first of hundreds of slips of the portions of your letters you sliced off over the years. Closing the box carefully he quietly leaned over and set it back then stood nearing you to help pull out the marigold robes Kiore had picked for him he gladly buttoned up as you dried and combed through his hair.
Explanations and details on what exactly would happen next would wait as you all returned to the impatient child now beaming as she led the newfound men in her life to see all she had prepared. Spending the night in their arms and laps cherishing each moment before the excited squealing hug she gave to the both of them in Thranduil’s stating you were moving in with them and you could finally be together again. One after another the Elves beamed at their Princess, who would be greeted fully by the nobles from both Rivendell and Lothlorien in a second celebration of her birth in fully Elvish style leading into, once she was respected fully and had agreed a proper trading of vows and crowning of the long since lost Queen was completed melting all into the faith that good times were coming with the completion of the Royal Family.
Pt 2
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puddeneen · 6 years
FIC REC: hobbit edition, mark vii (i counted this time)
previous hobbit lists: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
just plain old bagginshield, this time around! i, er, i have quite a bit more than i thought, so i’ll be splitting the rest into another post. again. should be up some time next week! you’re welcome, mobile users
Green Mountains by TheGoodDoctor (post-quest, everyone lives, universe alteration, bagginshield, kiliel; humour, romance, friendship, family, faith, dwarves in the shire, cultural differences) life after the battle of five armies, now with added consort hobbits, animate durins, and wee bitty frodos
Confound and Confusticate by Emelye (canon divergence, everyone lives, bagginshield; romance, humour, cultural differences) the do’s and don’ts of interspecies courting. in this example, specifically the don’ts!
Homecoming by Avelera (canon divergence, everyone lives, bagginshield; reunions, angst, drama, romance) this is what happens when you don’t use your goddamn words, guys
Draw You a Map by ReverseNostalgia (canon divergence, everyone lives, bagginshield; romance, humour, drama) in which a few common misconceptions are addressed, to a mutual party’s relief
Breathe In by keelywolfe (canon divergence, pre-dos, bagginshield; pre-slash, drama, humour) bath time in the wilds, and the perils thereof
Green Thumb by perkynurples (alternature universe, earth au, bagginshield; humour, drama, friendship, romance) when bilbo visits a florist’s one day, determined to find some kind of plant he can’t kill as soon as look at, he gets more than what he pays for
Spring is Sprung by MistakenMagic (alternate universe, earth au, bagginshield; humour, domesticity, romance) it’s hard out there for aging dorks in love, let me tell you
Burglar’s Guarantee by seashadows (canon divergence, pre-quest, bagginshield; pwp, humour) because sometimes it’s just easier to get the tension out of the way, in fairness??
This Will Only Hurt For A Second by fideliant (post-botfa, universe alteration, everyone lives, bagginshield; angst, humour, hurt/comfort) in which thorin lives, but turns out to be the worst patient this side of the misty mountains
Ever On and On by yubiwamonogatari (canon divergence, everyone lives, post-quest, fem!bagginshield, kiliel; reshirement, fluff, drama) when bilbo leaves the shire after her infamous eleventy-first birthday, she doesn’t do so alone
The Lily by LadyNimrodel (alternate universe, canon divergence, pre-quest, bagginshield; drama, horror, supernatural, friendship, romance) bilbo finds an injured dwarf in the east farthing woods and takes him back to bag end to recoup ... which sounds like the perfect harlequin rescue-romance type set-up, sure, until you factor in the uninvited third party that dogs their footsteps
Concerning Birthdays by yubiwamonogatari (post-quest, canon divergence, bagginshield; reshirement, family, romance) in which bagshot row plays host to a very happy halimath
But If My Love Be Clad In Blue by PsychicPineapple (canon divergence, post-quest, bagginshield; humour, drama, romance) maybe a slightly less traditional consort’s coronation than the ones that have gone before
Cat Got Your Thong by kettish (alternate universe, modernized middle earth, bagginshield; humour, romance) local bardwarf’s panty kink exposed by housecat, more at eleven
Through the Clover, Soft-footed and Swift by katajainen (universe alteration, post-auj, bagginshield; animal transformation, humour, drama, romance) in which beorn gets one thing right, but ... not so much the other
‘sharing a drink’ prompt fill by andhumanslovedstories (Margo_Kim) (post-auj, bagginshield; humour, romance) i mean, idk why bilbo’s surprised: it’s hardly a laketown fic if thorin doesn’t take off his shirt at some point
Traveling Companions by billiethepoet (quest-era, canon divergence, bagginshield; porn with plot, angst, drama, homophobia, cultural differences, poor communication, romance) one firmly closeted hobbit and a closed-mouthed dwarf king flounder their way into a relationship, or something like it
The War and What Came After by Lee_Whimsy (canon divergence, everyone lives, bagginshield; recovery, ptsd, family, drama, romance) in the aftermath of everything, thorin and bilbo can only take every day as it comes
and with thy lips dispell this curse by paranoid_fridge (universe alteration, everyone lives, post-quest, bagginshield; drama, supernatural, angst, friendship, romance) when bilbo falls afoul of an evil lurking in the ruins of dale, he and his friends struggle to cope with the fallout
Boundless by MistakenMagic (alternate universe, earth au, bagginshield; merfolk, drama, angst, hurt/comfort, romance) wherein gandalf the friendly local sea hermit has guests, and his guests are in a spot of trouble
No Admittance by kettish (post-auj, fem!bagginshield; pwp, romance) bilbo has her preferences, and thorin is perfectly happy to accomodate
Over Your Shoulder by northerntrash (canon divergence, everyone lives, bagginshield; fairytale elements, resurrection, angst, drama, romance) in which bilbo takes a) exception to the hand thorin is dealt, and b) the term “proactive” to a whole ‘nother level
Truth Universally Acknowledged by glasscannon, Jezunya (alternate universe, pride and prejudice au, bagginshield, kiliel, etc; drama, friendship, family, cultural differences, soulmates trope, romance) bilbo and tauriel aren’t quite sure what to make of the latest gossip in hobbiton: that an eminent dwarvish family has taken up residence in the netherfield smial, and the rumours of prospective marriage. well, either way, surely it won’t have much to do with them!
On Adventures and Other Forms of Conduct Unbecoming of a Wizard by manic_intent (universe alteration, everyone lives, bagginshield; drama, friendship, action/adventure, supernatural, romance) in which the wizard kemendil, also known as bilbo, of bag end, in hobbiton, is enticed coerced out of the staid comfortable life he’s made for himself in the shire
‘Thorin & Kingship’ prompt fill by andhumanslovedstories (Margo_Kim) (canon divergence, everyone lives, bagginshield; humour, drama, romance) the coronation looms. no one’s quietly wigging out about it all, nope
For Those Who Cannot Sleep by keelywolfe (post-auj, canon divergence, bagginshield; pwp, drama, romance) wherein bilbo and thorin spend a restless night together, all bad double entendres implied
Home by hoomhum (canon divergence, everyone lives, post-quest, bagginshield; fluff, romance, drama) on the perks of wintering away from the shire
Braided by fredbassett (canon divergence, post-auj, bagginshield; friendship, humour, cultural differences, romance) a companion piece, wherein bilbo sets thorin to rights (it’s only fair, after all, to repay the favour)
Again by alkjira (universe alteration, time travel, fix-it, bagginshield; humour, drama, angst) there’s fuckery afoot (fili and kili, however, would prefer to observe it from a safe distance, in this case)
Barrel Rider by tirsynni (canon divergence, post-auj, bagginshield; drama, angst, hurt/comfort, romance) fleeing from thranduil’s halls to laketown, none of the company has an easy time of it - least of all their hobbit
Carry Your Will by Lee_Whimsy (post-dos, bagginshield; drama, angst, romance) as the company settle in after smaug quits the mountain, erebor and her people - her king - give bilbo more food for thought than he can handle
Shoshu by paranoid_fridge, rutobuka (alternate universe, fantasy medieval japan setting, bagginshield; supernatural, animal transformation, action/adventure, drama, pre-slash) on his way home from the capital, the daimyo of the province of kodokusan stumbles across a woodland critter in distress and lends a helping hand. fortunately for him, one good turn does indeed deserve another
The Hobbit Daemon AU by unorigelnal (his dark materials fusion, bagginshield, gen; drama, angst, cultural differences, family, romance, major character death) a series of beautiful non-linear pieces following thorin’s company before and after the battle of five armies
Old Men of the Meadow by TheBookshelfDweller (canon divergence, fix-it, post-quest, post-war, bagginshield; non-linear narrative, reshirement, drama, romance) while samwise gamgee inherits bag end, its previous tenants still inhabit the house under the hill - in their way - and will continue to do so, if he has any say-so
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Updated Masterlist
So I don’t crowd your dash, this list is under the cut ;)
(And can also be found in my page header)
Random one-shots/Stories
Most of these are Dwelf-Verse standalones, though they're meant for world-building and can be read as standalones.
A kitten in Rivendell - fluffy and cute, aka. all children love Bifur and his toys, even Elves. Tumblr link
The Axe, the Guard and the Song - Life of Bifur, before and after the Axe - Tumblr link
Leaving Home – the last night before the Quest for each Company member(+ the Fellowship of Dwarrowdams Remaining Behind - Manaddadâna Khazdâna Binganugâl Ôra):  Glóin  Gimli  Vár  Óin  Dori  Ori  Nori  Bifur Bofur  Bombur  Athalrún  Balin Dwalin  Kíli  Fíli  Dís  Thorin
Thorn, the transgender Hobbit - Bilbo comes to your rescue
Shadows and Mirrors - Thorin’s meeting with Gandalf in Bree [part2]
Nori’s job interview (The Black Owl) - The reason Thorin trusted Nori to come along on the Quest and eventually named him Spymaster of Erebor… Tumblr link
Dáin, Lord of the Iron Hills - That meeting Thorin went to just before showing up in Bag End.
Diamonds and Iron - the parents of Dáin had different expectations of life together… can they find a bit of happiness instead?  [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] Complete!
Permission?! - When Thorin is caught wanting Dwalin's baby sister, tempers run high ;)
The Birth of Madness - Thrór lost his head… in more ways than one. A post-Moria fic. (flangst) tumblr link
The lost pebble - When Thorin’s mother got lost in Mirkwood and was found by Elves, events were set in motion that would shape the future of her whole family aka Legolas adopts a Dwarfling Tumblr link
A Piece of History - Dís getting ready for her wedding(based on Lucife56’s art)
Mama Dís - a regular day in Ered Luin
Of Dwobbits and Dwarrow - the story of Svari and Adaldrida, the dwarf/hobbit couple who are the ancestors of Bombur’s wife, Athalrún. [C1]  [C2]
Welcome to this Day - Bombur’s wife was pregnant when he left; this is the story of the birth of their youngest daughter (fluffy) - Tumblr link
Silver and Amethyst - In Erebor, years before Smaug, Thrór’s spymaster saves a young dam from a terrible ordeal. Personal HC about the ri-parents ;) (some angst, some fluff, and a baby Dori) - Chapter [1]   [2]   [3]
King under the Mountain - grandpa!Thrór w Thorin (Fluffy feels)
Inshêt Zahrar, The Dwelf-Verse Longfic:
Full fic - so far ;) -> Inshêt Zahrar - Ao3    Chaptered view
Chapter 1 - Tumblr
Chapter 2 - Tumblr
Dworin stuff: listed by Dworin week prompts/titles
Youth - A day in TA 2753 in the lives of Dwalin and Thorin
Despair & hope - Excerpt from Dwelf (angsty stream of consciousness)
Healing - D&T at Beorns; excerpt from Dwelf - some smut
Seeking safety - Not everyone is pleased with Thorin’s rule in Ered Luin
When Thorin rants… - Dwalin’s thoughts; some smut TL
Old Age - In Erebor and in the Halls of Waiting TL
Mind - battle dreams and comfort TL
Body - tattoos and remembrances TL
Good times - baby F&K and raiding of cookie jars! TL
Bad times - Winters are cold, but hearts are warm TL
Fur - the story of one of Dwalin’s scars TL1   TL2
Meeting - the Battle of Azanulbizar and its aftermath TL
Parting - Lament for Frerin
The Erebor Years - When Thorin met Dwalin and the years that followed TL
Caught in the Act - A Smutty Sunday fic from the road. You are Dwalin.
Daring to Dream - the follow-up to Shadows and Mirrors.
Silverslate (Celebrimbor/Narví):
Doors of Durin - Beginning in SA 1325: How they met, how they loved, how they lived and how they were parted… TL: C1    C2    C3    C4
Song of Souls - In SA1697, Celebrimbor's spirit departs his body in a desperate attempt to convey a warning to the on who holds his heart. [One]  [Two]  [Three]  [Four]  [Five]  [Six]  [Seven]  [Eight]
Devil in Disguise - Halloween Nwalin (smuffy), with Dwalin discovering a new kink
The Purple Dress (alternate C1 with born female Nori) + chapter 2 - Nwalin in Erebor, based on drawing by @asparklethatisblue … (Fluff, smut and angst)
A Labour of Love - More Nwalin in Erebor for Sparkle. Love letters, poetry and illiteracy all combine into a massive bundle of feels!
Heists and Humbug - Nori is sneaky, but sometimes he needs a little help from the good Captain.
Prince of Greenwood: The story of Thranduil and his Queen, from Second Age onwards
The Burned Prince - [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] First meetings
Pre-Dagorlad - the last night before the War of the Last Alliance began
Throne-Thoughts - TA ~2 (smutty)
Sing me a song of the Queen who is gone - TA ~6 onwards
Grey Havens
Woodland Woes
Crown of Winter (fluff-ish)
The Blue Butterfly - the slow darkening of Mirkwood
Sapling - Baby/youngster Legolas fics (baby elf fluff! Woop!) Promptable
Small crowns
Elk riding
Fíli-Ficlets: a bunch of ficlets featuring Fíli at all ages.
Mostly it’s fluffy, with a ton of family feels. Promptable
Moustache braids
Career Day
Fashion sense
Ravenhill confessions (angsty movie canon)
Kili in love
Mother’s Day in Ered Luin
Pickup lines
Birthday party
Full list to be found at Ao3 (I won’t update the Masterlist that often)
Renewed Hope - Beorn & reader, kinship drabble.
The Power of Potions - HP crossover with baby Durins C2   C3  C4  C5  C6  C7
Flower Crown - Elrond and Family
The Hobbit-Musical fics: Characters from the Hobbit do musical songs… unapologetic crack-fics.
Shiny – Smaug + song from Moana
I Just Can’t Wait to be King - Fíli, Kíli, Thorin & Balin
x/reader drabbles:
Pockets of Silence
Winter’s Chill
Flirting - lame pick-up lines and Bofur's stupid hat... no, he's NOT adorable, what are you talking about?
Gold of Erebor - You are a Princess coming to Erebor to enter an arranged marriage with Fíli - Tumblr link
Silver Secrets - You are Mjoll, Fíli’s old flame, a warrior who came along for the Quest - C1  C2  C3  C4  C5  C6  C7  C8  C9  C10
Braids and Broken Bones - Thorin’s jealousy leads to confessions by the Carrock.
Cultural Differences - pre-Thorin/human!reader - The Pixie cut in a Dwarven society can lead to hair-raising assumptions...
Braids for best friends - You braid Kíli’s hair to prove a point with unexpected consequences.
Kíli's Curls - smut in Erebor ;)
Song of Nimrodel - You are Galadriel’s favourite singer - Begins ~TA 2200
Chapter [1]
Chapter [2]
Chapter [2.5]
Chapter [3]
Chapter [4]
Chapter [5]
Chapter [6]
Chapter [7]
Haldir dying at Helm’s Deep - a possible ending for Song of Nimrodel - angsty, of course ;)
Guard-Recruit – Dwalin (chapter 2 is NSFW) Tumblr C1 C2
Apple Pie - You’re a little insecure, and Dwalin is a little oblivious. Also, a pie. For reasons.
Motorcycle Club – Modern AU Biker/teacher. There’s a bunch of feels in this, as well as some fairly explicit smut( E-rating).
School’s Out
Lazy Sunday (smut)
Touching (fluff, smut and angst)
Sweetness to Tears(angst and family feels)
Daydreams and Reality (smut)
Growth (fluff - with a bit of angst)
Announcements (mostly fluffy, also smut)
Lullabies (fluff and humour)
The Sleeping One - You are a barmaid who finds herself accidentally waking up in the arms of Lord Dwalin while on the Quest. (Angst, fluff, a bit of light gore - medical type) Complete.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - epilogue (explicitly smutty)
Cuddles – reader/(crush) -
undecided crush in part 1, will be continued with different members of the Company as inspiration dictates.
Part 1 - The Cuddling Incident
Part 2 (Thorin) - Thorin puts his foot in it
Part 3 (Thorin) - Thorin continues to be a fool; now with Elves around OR Part 3 (Dwalin) - In Erebor! Complete!
Part 4 (Thorin) - Playing in Fountains may lead to revelations
Part 5 (Thorin) - Thorin decides to be is an overprotective idiot
Part 6 (Thorin) - You are not the only one angry with Thorin
Part 7 (Thorin) - Meeting with the Elvenking… and Thorin in prison
Part 8 (Thorin) - The Company leaves for Laketown and you keep a bargain
Part 9 (Thorin) - The Arkenstone and BotFA
Part 10 (Thorin) - Mahal intervenes… or does He?
Part 11 (Thorin) - Aftermath - Complete!
Beorn: The Skinchanger Chronicles
In a mountain village by a clear lake, surrounded by forests, a small boy was born. He was a special boy, however, for he could change his skin and become a bear like the rest of his Clan. In a different mountain valley overlooking grasslands, a girl was born in a Pride of lynxes. The boy grew up to be a strong man, a warrior and protector of his people. Then his people were taken from him, one by one, until he was the only one left. The girl grew up to be a slave, forced to serve the whims of the Dark master who had slaughtered everyone she had ever known, destined for a purpose she never dared guess. This is their story.
Discontinued due to becoming an original novel.
Power of a Name - Cub!Beorn: Life before Azog
Little Red - Beorn finds a baby and a new friend
The Walkers - the Story of Ullrae; a Skinwalker of the Lynx Clan
The Walkers pt 2 - mentions of torture perpetrated by Orcs
The Walkers pt 3
The Walkers pt 4
The Walkers pt 5
The Walkers pt 6
The Walkers pt 7
The Bear’s Lady - Meeting the Company
The Bear’s Offspring - you and Beorn and raising cubs… what could happen?
Nori’s little secret - interconnected Nori drabbles.
Your name is Brynhilda.
Part 1 - in the cells of Mirkwood
Part 2 - taking care of your hair after arriving in Laketown
Part 3 - nicknames and bizarre attractions
Part 4 - bail-outs and proposals
Part 5 - A Stolen Heart
GiME: A humourous take on my least favourite trope?
Coming soon:
Christmas in the Biker AU(Dwalin/reader)
Nwalin Gift Exchange fic
Hobbit Holiday Gift Fic
Tolkien Secret Santa fic
Parts of the First Age seen through the eyes of the Falmari who eventually becomes the mother of Thranduil.
Chapter 6 of Potions
Chapter 9 + 10 of Song of Souls
Chapter four of Doors of Durin
random oneshots of a Christmas-esque nature ;)
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