#i love that my posted fics reflect that i rewatched merlin this year. and that i started watching critical role
littlebunnyman · 1 year
looking back
2022 represented by my posted fics:
47 fics in 9 fandoms
56,854 words
3 crossovers with 1 crossover pairing
20 canon divergent fics
31 Whumptober fics
Character with the most fics: BBC Merlin’s Percival (21 fics)
Non-Merlin character with the most fics: Jaskier (5 fics)
Check them out on Ao3
First fic of the year: Burn Butcher Burn (The Witcher Netflix, s2 finale canon divergence, T, 2,435)
Last (and longest) fic of the year: What I’m looking for (Merlin BBC, Mordredpercy, Modern AU, Omegaverse, E, 4,711)
Shortest fic of the year: The I Thought I'd Never See You Again Hug (The Magicians, Queliot, s4 finale canon divergence, G, 100)
Other fics I’m especially proud of:
The Saint of Never Getting It Right (Merlin BBC, Mordredpercy, BDSM AU, E, 2,299)
Midnight Snack (Merlin BBC, Critical Role, Vaxpercy, Crossover, E, 3,689)
Sweet thing (The Penumbra Podcast, Canon compliant, M, 426)
Wake up all the creatures deep in me (Jennifer’s Body, Jennifer/Needy, Canon divergence, Omegaverse, E, 1,490)
Pieces of the man he used to be (Merlin BBC, Mordredpercy, Omegaverse, M, 1,160)
Please put down your hands (Hannibal NBC, Hannigram, Mansfield Park AU, Omegaverse, T, 3,003)
What my heart just yearns to say (Merlin BBC, Gaius/Uther, s2 canon divergence, G, 528)
If you check any of them out, let me know what you think!
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witchmd13 · 3 years
Creator Tag Meme: Top 5 of 2020 ✨
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Thank you @shana-rosee @edwinya @little-ligi for the tag 💛💛
1. And He’s Still Left with His Hands
My first fic for Merlin and my proudest accomplishment in the fandom this year. This was the most self indulgent thing I’ve written ever. I loved writing every word and don’t think I’ve had fun researching stuff for a story like this one before.
2. Merthur x Invisible String edit
I think this was the first edit I made for merlin x folklore that I was actually proud of and had to read and watch multiple gif editing posts/videos for. It still remains one of my most favorite edits I’ve ever made.
3. Morgana x My Tears Ricochet edit
My very first Merlin x folklore edit and the first time I’ve colored gifs ever in my life. I’m still very proud of how it turned out. I kinda love the fact that I started the series with Morgana and that the first time I’ve colored gifs was of her. 
4. This gif set for my favorite merthur fanfic quote 
This edit was also one of the firsts I’ve done after starting to learn how to edit gifs. I’m very proud of it.
5. And Like the Cycle of the Year, We Begin Again as a Netflix Show edit
So notice the theme of self indulgence? this was the most self indulgent thing I’ve ever made. I love it and do believe that if I reblog it enough times, I will manifest it into existence. 
honorary mention (cause I want to and can break the rules and you can’t stop me):
This crack video of Merlin to Uptown Funk  
arguably my proudest contribution to the fandom this year 😂
tagging: @camelotsheart @onceandfuturehimbo @shut-up-merlin @nextstopparis @forever-rewatching-merlin @ughmerlin @screenwritr @arthurpendragonns @pen-dragonlord and anyone else who wants to 
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aly-the-writer · 6 years
Writer’s Reflections: Tag Meme
Tagged by @pikapeppa (Thank you! :) )
This little tag meme is an opportunity for writers to reflect on (and promote!) our own writing, but also to hear about the work of our fellow writers and to find something new to read!
Rules: answer the following questions about your own writing, whether fanfic or original. If you can’t/don’t want to answer a question, just put N/A. If you don’t have that many posted works, tell us about your WIPs or individual chapters/drabbles or even your ideas! Then tag as many writers as you like :) 
AO3 name and link, if applicable: Aly_H on Ao3.
What’s your most popular fic, by whatever metric is most relevant to you (hits, kudos, comments, reblogs, some other trait)? Let’s see, my most popular fic by every metric is Frost Flowers – my Surana/Zevran Voice-Verse longfic.
What’s your favourite fic that you’ve written? Oh, toughie… I think right now my favorite fic I have is “Just Another Night at the Vigil”. It’s a total fluff piece with Van Tabris/Nate.
It’s got some really close competition with “Nightlight in Hightown” – a F!Hawke/Fenris cuddle fic that’s gooey and adorable that makes me smile.
And – not in the DA fandom – but I really like how “ralof the medic for grumpy elves” turned out which was my first Skyrim fic. It features my grouchy bosmer assassin/stormcloak Riadel getting fixed up with a bit of help from his favorite Nord.
What’s your best fic, and is it different from your favourite fic?
It is totally different from my favorite because I’m a fluffy trash goblin who subsists primarily on a diet of cotton candy and pure unadulterated goo when it comes to fics. Quality does not apply to cuteness.
But uh…my best fic is probably The Dragon’s Heart. I wrote it at the beginning of the year (2018) and I really flexed my writing muscles with it. I’m super proud of the way it came out. The Dragon’s Heart is a Lavellan/Dorian fic that features a Thedas retelling of Beauty & the Beast
The runner up for this spot is probably “Those Left Waiting”, my Varric/Hawke ficlet set after Adamant that should only be read if you’re totally prepared to cry.
Do you have a fic whose popularity surprised you? Pretty much any of them that get kudos or comments. I publish expecting things to not get read. ^^’ Probably not the best way but I enjoy writing more than I do promoting so I don’t do a good enough job getting my stuff out there for it to garner a ton of attention.  Let’s see…I’ve been really surprised by the readership with Frost Flowers in the year plus I’ve been writing it. It’s a spin-off of a series written by a fic writer whose technical skills far outstrip my own, I expected it to float in the back of the archive and not get much attention and instead it’s had a really positive reception.
Do you have a fic you wish more people would read? Uh….not really? I love all of them and wouldn’t mind getting more readers on any of them. I know I’ve been kind of sad that no one gave The Apprentice a chance but I get why it’d not get any attention: it’s a gen fic, about a non-protagonist mage (the oldest of the Amell siblings), written in an experimental voice (for me), and it ends with the death of the main character at the Conclave. It’s not exactly going to be the sort of fic that checks anyone’s boxes but I enjoyed writing it so that’s what really matters.
Is there a ship or fandom you haven’t written, but really want to? Up until last week there was a really big glaring one: Merribela! Isabela/Merrill is one of my favorite DA ships but I had never written anything for them. (That’s Swagger by the way!)
I actually really want to write a proper Varric/Hawke piece but haven’t had any good ideas for it yet. I want to write some Solavellan but I have to actually PLAY the Solas romance to have a clue how to write it and I keep getting distracted. ^^’ Actually there are just a ton of ships that I need to write more for in the DA fandom.
I also kinda want to write a couple fics for Merlin but I haven’t gotten around to it. There’s also a few ships in Attack on Titan that I really want to write some stuff for. And a few other anime that I’d like to do ficlets for but haven’t found time to do a rewatch to write them.
Tell us a random fact about your writing process: “Process”…..no, I don’t think I know this word. Are you sure you didn’t just make it up? In all seriousness though I word vomit on the page in all at once in one or two writing sessions and then I don’t do nearly enough editing and throw it at Ao3. Oh! I do use excel to make timelines, outlines, and keep track of notes for my longer fics (FF is the only one with one going right now.)
Tagging: Do you write fanfic? Congrats. You are now tagged! :D
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