#though to be fair everything feels far away everything before whumptober feels like last year
littlebunnyman · 2 years
looking back
2022 represented by my posted fics:
47 fics in 9 fandoms
56,854 words
3 crossovers with 1 crossover pairing
20 canon divergent fics
31 Whumptober fics
Character with the most fics: BBC Merlin’s Percival (21 fics)
Non-Merlin character with the most fics: Jaskier (5 fics)
Check them out on Ao3
First fic of the year: Burn Butcher Burn (The Witcher Netflix, s2 finale canon divergence, T, 2,435)
Last (and longest) fic of the year: What I’m looking for (Merlin BBC, Mordredpercy, Modern AU, Omegaverse, E, 4,711)
Shortest fic of the year: The I Thought I'd Never See You Again Hug (The Magicians, Queliot, s4 finale canon divergence, G, 100)
Other fics I’m especially proud of:
The Saint of Never Getting It Right (Merlin BBC, Mordredpercy, BDSM AU, E, 2,299)
Midnight Snack (Merlin BBC, Critical Role, Vaxpercy, Crossover, E, 3,689)
Sweet thing (The Penumbra Podcast, Canon compliant, M, 426)
Wake up all the creatures deep in me (Jennifer’s Body, Jennifer/Needy, Canon divergence, Omegaverse, E, 1,490)
Pieces of the man he used to be (Merlin BBC, Mordredpercy, Omegaverse, M, 1,160)
Please put down your hands (Hannibal NBC, Hannigram, Mansfield Park AU, Omegaverse, T, 3,003)
What my heart just yearns to say (Merlin BBC, Gaius/Uther, s2 canon divergence, G, 528)
If you check any of them out, let me know what you think!
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thisfairytalegonebad · 11 months
Flare - Whumptober day 14
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Character: Noctis Lucis Caelum Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Read below the cut or on AO3 here.
Noct got lucky, all things considered. Lucky he was born as the Crown Prince, with immediate access to medical attention from the best doctors in the country. Lucky his father shied away from neither cost nor effort to ensure that in addition to the scientific approach, he also got treated by the Oracle, Queen Sylva of Tenebrae herself.
If he were anyone else, he would have never walked again.
This is what he’s been told many times, by doctors, politicians, journalists, even his own father. Lucky, they call him, and he supposes he sees where they’re coming from, but it’s still kind of a stupid thing to say - it’s not like he’s had any control over any of it.
Right now, he doesn’t feel very lucky at all.
Waking up is always a chore, his internal clock’s factory settings are just running a few hours behind and he’s used to that. He hates getting up in the morning, hates how tired he is all day, and hates that this is the case no matter how early he goes to bed.
Today, the moment he sluggishly blinks his eyes open, it’s not tiredness that makes him want to curl up and die. No, it’s the dull ache in his back that spikes into blinding agony the moment he tries to move, and in his half-awake state, he can’t hold back a high-pitched whine.
Even if he wanted to get up, he’s not sure he could. If he had to guess, he’d say probably not, and that’s speaking from experience. It’s far from the first time this has happened, but it’s been months, nearly a year since the last time so he’s almost forgotten how much it hurts.
It’s a Wednesday, he’s supposed to get up for school, and even though he woke up before his alarm this morning - which in itself should’ve made him suspicious - it’s already light out so it’s probably almost time.
He knows he should get his phone, check the time, turn off his alarm and maybe call Ignis, tell him he doesn’t need to bother picking him up for school today - there’s no way he can go like this, he can’t even move - but he simply can’t work up the willpower to twist enough to actually grab it.
So he just lies there for a while, simply existing, and when his alarm finally does go off he tries to turn it off, but moving sends sharp bolts of pain down his spine, and his phone’s all the way on the nightstand and it hurts so much he can’t manage to reach it.
The alarm blares for what feels like hours while Noct grits his teeth and resigns himself to the fact that he’s going to find out how long it’ll go on before turning off automatically.
He doesn’t get to find out, because it’s still blaring next to his ear when his door opens and Ignis steps inside, clearly intending to wake him up.
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise when Noct makes eye contact, which is fair, Noct usually doesn’t even see as far as the door yet when Ignis comes to kick him out of bed.
“Your alarm is going off,” Ignis points out helpfully, then frowns and comes to stand next to the bed when he realises Noct isn’t making any move to turn it off. “Is everything alright?”
“Back hurts,” Noct tells him curtly. Pain makes him crabby and he isn’t in the mood for pleasantries. Ignis will understand, he always does.
“I see,” Ignis says, bending down to turn off the alarm himself. “I’ll call the school, let them know. Do you wish to sleep some more?”
He does, but he doesn’t think he can with his current levels of pain. The dull ache he felt right after waking up has been slowly increasing to the point where it’s impossible to ignore, even without moving.
“Painkillers first, I think.”
“Of course.” Ignis saunters out of the room and returns within a minute with a glass of water and the painkillers.
“No water,” Noct quickly says, because he’s not sitting up enough to not spill water all over himself and he’s definitely not about to get into a position where he can comfortably drink.
He takes the pills from Ignis and swallows them dry, then closes his eyes and waits for them to kick in so he can go back to sleep.
When he wakes again, his curtains are drawn - Ignis’ doing, Noct always leaves them open at night so he can see the moon and stars when it’s clear out - and his back still hurts, but the painkillers haven’t quite worn off yet so he’s actually able to sit up somewhat and grab his phone.
It’s late morning and he’s got a bunch of texts from Prompto, concerned but not panicked, so apparently Ignis filled him in. He quickly answers them then puts his phone away and faces an uncomfortable truth: he really, really needs to pee.
Slowly, painstakingly, he turns in bed until his legs hang over the edge, and then he has to stop and take a few deep breaths in anticipation of the pain before he actually pushes himself to his feet.
Even when it’s expected, the pain is enough to take his breath away for a moment, but when it subsides to a more bearable level, he thinks he might be able to make it to the bathroom that’s attached to his bedroom, but when he goes to take the first step, his confidence falters.
If it were just the pain in his back, he thinks he could power through it long enough to shuffle to the bathroom, but his leg feels weak and unstable and he doesn’t really want to risk falling, so after a moment of hesitation, he sucks it up and calls for Ignis.
Ignis, of course, shows up within seconds and is by his side even faster than that.
“Do you want to lean on me?” he asks without preamble, bless him. For all his fussiness, Noct is really glad Ignis knows him well enough to figure out what he needs right now without panicking over him or asking him loads of stupid questions.
“Yeah,” he says and lets Ignis take most of his weight as he slowly, painstakingly limps to the bathroom.
While he’s in there, he also uses the opportunity to quickly brush his teeth because he is not getting up again after this.
When he comes back out, Ignis is there to support him back to the bed, and by the time he’s lying back down he kind of wants to cry with pain and exhaustion and just general misery.
“Do you need anything else?” Ignis asks, hovering by the door.
Noct is about to decline when he reconsiders. “My tablet?”
Might as well entertain himself if he's going to be stuck in bed all day.
The day passes in an uncomfortable blur of pain and sleep and boredom, with Noct alternating between dozing and watching mindless videos on his tablet, but by late afternoon, he can’t stand it anymore.
It’s been long enough for him to safely take another dose of painkillers, so he pops some pills into his mouth, and when Ignis comes to check on him the next time, he asks to be taken to the living room.
“Can we watch a movie?” he half-begs as Ignis helps him make his way out of his room and onto the couch.
Ignis hesitates for a moment, long enough for familiar guilt to well up in Noct’s chest - Ignis is so busy all the time, of course he doesn’t have time to watch a movie with Noct, it’s bad enough he’s been stuck babysitting him all day - but then smiles at him, soft and gentle, and says, “Of course, Noct.”
His back is on fire by the time he’s deposited on the couch, legs across Ignis’ lap, but the change of scenery is worth it.
Ignis lets him pick the movie because of course he does, so he picks a childhood favourite of his. It's an animated movie that he remembers Specs liking too when they were kids, hoping that it'll make up for his now messed up schedule a little
At first, Ignis has his laptop on Noct’s legs, working quietly while glancing at the TV screen and occasionally making a comment about the movie, but by the time the movie reaches its climax, he shuts the laptop and just watches.
It’s nice, in a way. Noct’s still hurting and he knows from experience that he’ll be out of commission for the rest of the week, he’s still in for a few days of agony, and after that, he’ll have to take up physical therapy with Gladio again, but he also gets to spend some downtime with Ignis for the first time in forever, and that, at least, makes it all bearable.
Read all of my Whumptober prompt fills here.
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hardygalwrites · 3 years
FanFiction.Net Link
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Anime/Manga: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (Part 1: Phantom Blood)
Characters: Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando
Synopsis: During a visit to London, Jonathan and Dio are confronted by some less than savoury characters.
Note: Originally written for Whumptober of 2020 - Day 16: A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day | Forced to Beg
Set during the seven year gap in Phantom Blood. TW for mugging and violence
“Seen enough of London yet?”
“You do not have to accompany me,” Jonathan said, perhaps a little more shortly than he should have. “You are welcome to go back.”
“I’ve already told you, Father insisted I accompany you,” Dio retorted. “He seems to think you will get yourself lost. I am more inclined to believe you will get yourself killed.”
“That’s not funny, Dio.”
“Good thing I am not joking then.”
Jonathan glanced at his adoptive brother strolling alongside him. Dio’s golden eyes appeared to sharpen as he walked, staring down the crowded path ahead of them.
“Here in London, there are plenty of streets and alleyways that would better be described as deathtraps for the unsuspecting. One misstep, one wrong turn, and you could end up dead in the gutter, shoes gone and pockets empty.” Dio glanced, in turn, at Jonathan. “And we would not want that, would we, JoJo?”
It was hard to tell if Dio was toying with him - something that Jonathan would definitely not put past him, especially after their recent argument - but the severity of Dio’s words and eyes still took Jonathan aback. He frowned, turning his gaze back towards the path ahead.
“No, I suppose not…”
George Joestar had come to London on business. As his sons were both fifteen years old, practically men now, he had seen it prudent for the two of them to accompany him, if for no other reason than to acquaint them with the responsibilities of his occupation.
If Jonathan was being entirely honest with himself, he considered his father’s occupation just a bit beyond what his own mind could grasp. All talk of enterprise, investment, and trade meant very little to Jonathan, no matter how hard he tried to make sense of it all. He never did have much of a head for numbers. All that said, Jonathan still made an earnest attempt to listen to and understand his father’s business meetings.
Dio did not seem to have a problem understanding the trade, which honestly did impress Jonathan. When Dio’s accomplishments were not being compared to his own, Jonathan found that there was a lot to admire about his adopted brother, and it made Jonathan want to improve himself in turn. In the case of their father’s trade, however, Jonathan wondered if this was one of those cases where certain people were just more suited to certain tasks than others.
No, Jonathan’s frustrations with Dio concerned something else. One of the men that George Joestar had met with had recently invited the Joestar family to his place for dinner. While there, the man introduced them all to his own family, including one of his daughters - a lovely young lady around Jonathan and Dio’s age.
While conversing with her had certainly been a genuine delight, and Jonathan found her to be rather charming and remarkably intelligent, much of the young woman’s attention had been stolen primarily by a certain blond headed young man. Dio’s behaviour towards her seemed to go just a little beyond that of a gentleman speaking to a lady, and she, in turn,was clearly infatuated.
Dio had been dismissive when Jonathan brought it up that morning. That had shocked Jonathan, who thought that Dio had been making an honest attempt to pursue the young woman. When Jonathan pointed out that the woman was clearly taken in by Dio’s behaviour, and Dio remained dismissive, an argument started. Jonathan was obviously appalled at the thought of toying with a young woman’s feelings, while Dio claimed that none of it was Jonathan’s business and that Jonathan was overreacting.
Their father ended up stepping in before Jonathan’s agitation rose to the point of shouting. After hearing what the argument was about, George lightly admonished Dio for being cavalier with the young woman’s emotions, whether intentionally or not. Dio, who had remained cool and aloof throughout the whole argument, accepted the admonishment and apologized.
Grateful that his father had taken his side, but still irked by Dio’s insincerity, Jonathan left with the declaration that he would be taking a walk about the city. The hope that he would be able to clear his head through a long stroll did not last, as Dio joined him shortly after.
Now though, as the walk dragged on, and Jonathan turned everything over in his mind, he wondered if he was being unfair. Perhaps Dio had not realised he was being callous.
(Memories of his early life with Dio sprang to mind in protest, as they often did whenever Jonathan tried to move past Dio’s more objectionable moments in the present day. This one was of a despondent, blond haired girl. Though his heart stung, Jonathan pushed it back like all the others).
“Listen, Dio,” Jonathan said slowly. “I suppose I may have… overreacted earlier. Or rather, I assumed the worst of you when you said you had no interest in Miss Langford. I’m sorry.”
Dio glanced at him. “...You apologise too much, JoJo. Keep it up and I may stop believing you.”
“We’re brothers now, Dio,” Jonathan pressed. “I know we have our disagreements, but I do want us to get along regardless of them. Don’t you?”
Dio did not respond, seemingly distracted by one of the surrounding shops.
The street that the two of them were on now was rather cramped. It left no room for carriages or horses, instead bustling with throngs of people looking to get from one place to another. Jonathan had pardoned himself many times now trying to navigate his way through the crowd without accidentally bumping into or against someone. He could not even begin to imagine what it would be like to grow up in such a place. Even on its busiest days, the town at home seemed less crowded than the widest streets in London.
Jonathan felt a pang of disappointment when Dio did not immediately answer his question, only for Dio to say lightly, casually, “I believe we’re being followed.”
“Oh?” Instinctively, Jonathan went to look over his shoulder.
“Don’t look, you fool,” Dio bit out. “They will know we’re on to them if you do that.”
“Who are they?” Jonathan asked, turning his glance into an offhand observation of one of the nearby apartments.
“Pickpockets, more than likely. A pair of men looking to take advantage of the two rich boys who have wandered carelessly into a less than savoury part of town.”
Dio sounded amused, but Jonathan did not find the situation all that funny.
“How do we avoid them?” he murmured.
“Simply keep a tight hold on your wallet, JoJo,” Dio said carelessly.
“Perhaps we should make our way back towards the main streets…”
“Also a viable course of action.”
Jonathan began to look around, earnestly taking in his surroundings for the first time since he had started his impromptu walk. “Where exactly are we, anyway?”
“What makes you think I know? I’ve been following in your footsteps this entire time, JoJo.”
Dio was definitely toying with him now. Holding back a sigh, Jonathan looked down a right turn in the narrow street. It led down a largely empty pathway, through which the afternoon sun shone through, unfiltered by any surrounding buildings.
"I thought Father sent you after me to make sure I didn’t get lost,” Jonathan stated, turning in to the pathway.
“And I decided that you were more likely to get killed,” Dio said in lieu of a retort.
Jonathan actually did sigh this time as the two of them turned one last corner. “Dio, if you’re still angry at me or–”
Three figures suddenly stepped into the alley in front of Jonathan and Dio, cutting off their path to the open street. Trepidation set in, and Jonathan glanced behind to see another two figures turning the corner.
Dio scoffed. “Recall what I said earlier about deathtraps, JoJo...?”
“Dio, please, not now...”
The tallest of the three men in front of them spoke up, a wide and disconcerting smile on his face. “Now what’s a pair of fancy lookin’ young men such as yourselves doin’ around here?”
“As if our business is of any concern to you,” Dio said snidely.
In spite of his aloof attitude, Jonathan could tell that Dio was just as tense as he was. His shoulders were rolled back and his hands were clenched. Jonathan, for his part, tried to remain calm.
The tall man’s smile took on a more obviously dangerous edge. “Fair enough, and I suppose it’s clear what we’re really after, anyway.”
The rustle of clothing had Jonathan turning around completely. The two men who had approached from behind now each had a fist decorated with a set of well worn brass knuckles. At the same time, Dio shifted into a defensive position beside Jonathan, focus fixed on the three men ahead of them.
Jonathan’s heart thudded in his chest, and he fought the urge to wipe away the sweat forming in his palms. “There is no need for violence…”
“Ha ha! Well, aren’t you a smart one?” the tall man exclaimed. “All right then, hand over those wallets.”
“One more step,” Dio snarled, “and I will ram your own weapons down your throat.”
Jonathan gripped his adoptive brother by the shoulder. “We have nothing on us.”
He was telling the truth, at least as far as he himself was concerned. Jonathan did not have any money on his person.
“Don’t make me laugh again, boy…! Young men as well groomed as you two are bound to have a pound or two tucked away in those fancy clothes of yours…! An’ me an’ the lads are more than willin’ to tear you apart t’ find out.”
The two men in front of Jonathan inched forward, cracking their knuckles, leering at him. He was nothing but prey in their predatory gaze, and Jonathan felt like it too. He hoped they could not see him swallow as he fought to keep his fear at bay.
“Just try it then…!” Dio snapped, wrenching his shoulder from Jonathan’s grasp.
“I said we have nothing on us,” Jonathan said pointedly. “Even if we did, I do not respond favourably to threats and violence.”
“Oh…” The tall man’s voice dropped, sending a chill down Jonathan’s spine. “I am willin’ t’ bet you don’t.”
Dio lunged forward.
“Dio–!” Jonathan’s protest was immediately cut off by a blow to the face, knocking his cap off and sending the Joestar heir staggering back. He recovered quickly and faced the two men in front of him.
“Oi, the lad can take a hit…!” one of the men laughed.
“No need t’ hold back then,” the other said. “Not like we was plannin’ on it anyway.”
Jonathan assumed a boxing stance, teeth grit, worry and fear forcibly cast aside. He really had hoped to avoid any violence, but it looked as though he would not be given much of a choice.
The fight was difficult. His opponents were older than him, more experienced, and just as strong, if not stronger. Both Jonathan and Dio largely matched their opponents equally in height, the tallest man being the exception, but Jonathan was not so naive to assume that gave him much of an advantage. The men still outnumbered him and Dio more than two to one. The odds were not in their favour.
Jonathan knew better than to dwell on his disadvantages, though. He had been working hard to improve himself over the past two years, and while he was not yet quite as fast or agile as Dio, Jonathan liked to think that he had become a lot harder to knock down. Indeed, in spite of every strike that the two men managed to land on the young Joestar, in spite of every moment that Jonathan was staggered, not once did he fall. Jonathan held his ground.
In the end, after withstanding many painful blows himself, Jonathan managed to knock both his opponents down. They were not unconscious, merely stunned, but it gave Jonathan the chance he needed to step back, to breathe–
Someone screamed. Jonathan spun around to see Dio on his knees, arm being twisted viciously behind his back by the tall man.
“Dio!” Jonathan rushed forward.
At Jonathan’s cry, the tall man’s focus turned immediately on the young man charging towards him. The tall man yanked Dio to his feet, wrapping his other arm around Dio’s throat and pressing a knife just below Dio’s eye. Jonathan stopped in his tracks, his drive extinguished by a cold horror.
The man laughed, showing off a blood stained smile. “You really are a smart one…!”
Laying sprawled out on the ground, the other two men who had accompanied the tall man groaned as they slowly regained whatever senses Dio had knocked out of them. Jonathan only noticed them peripherally. All his attention was on the man currently holding a knife to his brother’s face.
“I haf’ta admit,” the tall man said, sounding just a little breathless, “you two put up a far greater fight than I expected from a couple rich boys. But that don’t matter.”
The knife pressed deeper into Dio’s skin, drawing a trickle of blood.
“No, don’t!” Jonathan shouted frantically.
“You bastard…!” Dio struggled fruitlessly in the tall man’s grasp. His teeth were bared in a snarl, and there was a slightly wild glint in his eyes.
Jonathan recognized that look. DIo felt cornered.
“Hand over your wallet, and I’ll consider not carvin’ off your friend’s face,” the tall man hissed.
“I told you, I don’t have it on me…!” Jonathan cried, a pleading desperation colouring his voice.
“Don’t lie t’ me, boy!”
“I’m not, I–!”
The tall man flipped the knife around in his hand and stabbed it into the top of Dio’s shoulder. Dio screamed.
“Stop ! Wait, please, stop!” Jonathan’s voice peaked. To his utter relief, the tall man stopped, the knife no more than halfway into Dio’s shoulder. “I- I don’t have any money, but I do have something else…!”
Slowly, so the tall man would not think he was doing anything rash, Jonathan reached into his waistcoat pocket.
“This pocketwatch…” He held up said item by its silver chain. “It is bound to be of some significant worth to you.”
The pocketwatch had been a gift for Jonathan’s most recent birthday, given to him by his father. It was a fine piece, and Jonathan was fond of it, but...
“You can have it, it’s yours. Now please let my brother go.”
“JoJo, what are you doing?” Dio growled, whatever anger or frustration he was trying to convey ultimately blunted by the pain in his voice.
The tall man pulled the knife from Dio’s shoulder, drawing a tight groan from the young blond, and laughed again. “Well, now…! An’ here I thought you said you didn’t respond favourably to violence.”
Jonathan opted not to respond. Someone snatched the pocketwatch from his hand. It looked as though the tall man’s compatriots had recovered, including the two men that Jonathan had faced.
“Still,” the tall man said carelessly, “after all the trouble you boys have put us through, I think we’re deservin’ of a little more.”
Jonathan’s heart sank. “That is all I have on me, I swear…!”
“Well ain’t that a shame?” The tall man returned the knife blade to Dio’s face. “Guess we’ll just have to take this one’s life as compensation.”
“Stop it, JoJo!” Dio glared up at the tall man, pure hatred flashing in his eyes. “These pieces of trash wouldn’t dare.”
The tall man’s face morphed into a glare of his own. “You willin’ t’ bet your life on that, boy...?”
The knife cut into the base of Dio’s neck, instantly drawing blood and a stifled gasp.
“Stop, please!” Jonathan shouted.
“You had best give us somethin’ then!” the tall man shouted back.
“I have nothing left to give!” Jonathan watched as the knife cut deeper, and he could not keep his voice from peaking a second time as he pleaded, “Please, I’m telling the truth…!”
“Well, if you really have nothin’ left t’ give us…” The glare faded into a sly smile, and the tall man removed the knife from Dio’s neck. “...then how about you give us a show?”
“A… show?” Jonathan echoed, confusion overtaking his panic.
“The way you say ‘please,’ all polite an’ sincere-like. I think we’d like t’ hear more of that, right, lads?”
The other four men responded affirmatively with grinning and laughter.
“Basically,” the tall man continued, “we want t’ hear you beg.”
They wanted him to… beg?
“Well? Get on with it, then!” The tall man traced the knife blade down Dio’s temple. “Beg for this one’s life and maybe I’ll consider lettin’ the both of you go.”
“Do not listen to them, JoJo…!” Dio hissed. “They’re bluffing!”
Were they though? The cruelty in the tall man’s smile, in his eyes, was undeniable. Even if Dio was right, and these men had no intention of taking their lives, the tall man had already stabbed Dio - Jonathan had no guarantee that they would not do worse.
“Killing either of us right here, right now, would pose too great a risk! They would not dare do something so stupid– Ghk…!” Dio choked as the tall man tightened his arm around Dio’s throat.
“Shut up, boy,” the tall man growled, before returning his sights back to Jonathan. “What’s the hold up? Too high and mighty to give us a bit of a beg?”
For a moment, a deeply shameful moment, Jonathan hesitated.
The tall man shrugged. “Suit yourself then.” And began to carve the knife down Dio’s temple.
“Wait, no, please! Please, I…!” Jonathan swallowed. His panic or his pride, he did not know, but they were either way irrelevant in the face of the fear he felt for Dio’s wellbeing.
“I beg you,” Jonathan said hoarsely. “Please, spare his life.”
“Jo...Jo…” Dio had turned his glare on Jonathan now even as he clawed at the tall man’s arm with his free hand, disbelief flashing amongst the wild anger. “What the hell are you doing…?!”
“Ha!” The tall man scoffed. “Come on, is that the best you can do? Show some respect to your elders, boy! You can do better than that!”
Jonathan clenched his fists at his sides, and bowed as he had been taught to do. “Please, sir, I beg you, spare his life…”
“JoJo…!” Dio snapped, his voice still tight and breathless, but no less frustrated.
“Hmm, better,” Jonathan heard the tall man say. “But not good enough. I know you’ve been livin’ the high life an’ all, but even a rich boy ought’a know how t’ beg. On your knees, boy, an’ let us know you mean it!”
“Don’t you dare!” Dio veritably screamed. “JoJo, I swear to god, if you don’t stop this…! JoJo!”
Jonathan could only apologise mentally to Dio as he dropped down to his knees. Whether Dio actually cared about Jonathan’s dignity, or if he simply did not want Jonathan to do something like this for his sake - Dio always did seem to despise being in what he perceived as debt to others - Jonathan was still resolved to do anything within his power to save him. And if that meant humiliating himself, well…
What kind of gentleman could really say he had held on to his pride when, in trying to preserve it, he caused others to suffer?
On his knees, palms turned up, Jonathan said, “Please, please, let him go. Please, I beg of you…”
“JoJ–!” The repetitive cry was cut off as the tall man clamped his hand over Dio’s mouth, allowing the knife blade to rest against Dio’s cheek. Dio began screaming in earnest, sheer fury clear in every squirm and struggle.
“Keep at it, boy!” the tall man bellowed over Dio’s muffled yells.
Jonathan clenched his fists and slammed his palms onto the moist cobblestones in front of him. “Please, I’m begging you…! Let him go! I don’t know what he thinks, but he is a brother, my brother…! We don’t always get along, and I often have trouble understanding him, but I want to keep trying–!”
Jonathan’s voice peaked and wavered dangerously. His eyesight blurred.  No, don’t cry, Jonathan told himself, he was far too old to cry.
“Please…! Spare my brother’s life, I’m begging you, spare his life…”
One of the other men in the group laughed. “Sounds like the lad’s ‘bout t’ cry!”
Something struck against the back of Jonathan’s head, and he fell to the ground completely, face pressed against the cobblestones. Before he could even attempt to get back up, Jonathan felt a shoe slam itself down on his head with enough force to make his vision go white.
Dazed, Jonathan could not even hear what was being said around him. By the time his senses dragged themselves back to awareness, someone kicked him in the side, forcing a scream from Jonathan’s lips as the shoe connected with an injury he had received during the fight.
“Fockin’ ‘ell, ‘e is soft,” one of the men scoffed.
The shoe returned to Jonathan’s head, the subsequent increasing weight drawing another cry of pain.
“Best continue your snivellin’, boy–”
Someone screamed. Through the fog in his mind, Jonathan registered that it was not Dio who had done so.
The weight on his head suddenly disappeared, and Jonathan could hear shouts of alarm and panic, alongside a familiar voice snarling threats, and more screaming. As Jonathan pushed himself upright, someone stumbled into his blurring field of vision. It was the tall man, cursing and screaming as he lurched down the alleyway from which he had come, clutching at his face with blood covered hands. The tall man quickly disappeared around some corner, just as Dio entered Jonathan’s line of sight.
“Damned coward…!” Dio shouted into the alley. “Get back here so I can make you eat your own blade!”
“Dio…?” Jonathan tried to get to his feet, only for the pain in his head to force him back down to his knees with a groan, clutching his head.
The sound of rapidly approaching footsteps acted as Jonathan’s only warning before Dio grabbed the lapel of his jacket.
“What the hell were you thinking?!” Dio shouted furiously. “I told you it was all a bluff, and yet you went and submitted to them anyway! You damned fool, why the hell would you do that–?!”
Dio suddenly pulled back with a cry, grabbing at his shoulder.
“Dio…!” Jonathan gasped.
“I’m fine!” Dio snapped. He threw the tall man’s knife - which Jonathan only now realized that Dio had been holding - to the ground, before again covering his wounded shoulder.
Jonathan watched him, not yet daring to speak. When Dio did not continue his rant, all his glares and attention focused on his injury, Jonathan let out a breath.
“Dio.” Jonathan received a glare in response, but he met it readily. “Even if you were right, I could not risk even the slightest chance that those men would kill you...”
Dio growled and turned his glare towards a nearby wall. “So you chose to submit,” he said through grit teeth. “Damn you, JoJo, how the hell could you throw away your pride so easily?”
“We’re brothers now, Dio, I’ve told you this before.” Jonathan tilted his head, trying to get Dio to look at him again, see that he meant what he was saying. “There is a lot I have yet to understand about you, and a lot I... have to move past… but regardless, I value the bond we have. If I must humiliate myself to save your life, then so be it. I will not apologise for that.”
Finally returning Jonathan’s gaze, Dio regarded him with a dark scowl. “Such selflessness is liable to get you killed one day, JoJo...”
“So be it,” Jonathan replied decisively.
Dio scoffed. A stretch of silence followed. Then, Dio approached Jonathan and held out a hand.
“How is your head?”
Jonathan tried to hold back as smile as he grasped Dio’s offered hand and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. Another stab of pain had Jonathan clutching his head again, but he managed to remain standing.
“Still aching,” he admitted. “But nothing a bit of rest won’t mend. How is your shoulder?”
Dio pressed his hand back over his most severe wound. “It isn’t serious. The knife blade did not cut too deeply.”
“Oh, good,” Jonathan said with some relief. “We should head back, then. Father is probably wondering about us by now, anyway.”
Dio ‘hmph’d in response, and the two young men soon finally made their way out of the alley and onto the main streets.
After some time spent simply walking, trying to ignore the looks both he and Dio were receiving, Jonathan thought to ask, “Ah, Dio, I am wondering: how were you able to escape that man’s grasp?”
“I bit him.”
“You… What?”
“I bit him,” Dio repeated nonchalantly. “And I would have done far worse if he hadn’t run off.”
“Dio…!” Jonathan exclaimed. He knew (from firsthand experience) that Dio was not above using underhanded tactics, but still, biting someone?
“It was disgusting,” Dio admitted with a grimace, “but my options were limited, and with you submitting to getting your head kicked in, would you rather I had just done nothing?”
“...I see.” It certainly would not have been the first tactic Jonathan would have resorted to, or even thought of, but he could not deny that Dio had saved both of them as a result. “Thank you, Dio.”
Dio waved his hand. “Yes, well… I doubt it would have been as effective if they all had not been distracted by you.”
Jonathan could not hold back the smile this time.
“You look like an oaf when you smile like that,” Dio scoffed. “Especially with all those cuts and bruises.”
“Ha, sorry,” Jonathan chuckled.
Dio simply rolled his eyes and continued to lead the way onward.
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Whumptober Day 18: To Fix What Is Broken
Summary: Written for Whumptober Day 18, follow-up to Day 12. Set after Httyd 2, not canon-compliant with THW. Years after their mistake, the Gang may need to force Hiccup to break down the wall he's constructed since then. It may not end as terribly as it did last time.
Rating: Mature
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut
Pairing: None
Words: 5 187
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: "Panic Attack”
Whumpee: Hiccup
Author’s Notes: NOTE: The rape/non-con elements in this fic are purely implied and referenced. Nothing is explicitly shown.
Not sure how much I've succeeded at portraying a panic attack in this one. I’ve only done it once before and it’s in an unposted one-shot. So I have no idea how well I’ve written a panic attack.
Might also be too long. I tried to look at what needed cutting, but I had no idea what.
Also written as a follow-up to Whumptober Day 12, which I will be linking.
Constructive criticism is appreciated!
Ao3 to Whumptober Day 12
Ao3 To Whumptober Day 18
In the end, nothing got fixed. After his outburst in the Dragon Academy and doing "damage control" with his father, Hiccup somehow managed to convince him to let him go back to the Edge, and then it's like everything went back to normal.
Normal as in Hiccup pretending like nothing happened and continuing on as usual. Giving orders, prioritizing dragons and beating Dragon Hunters, sassing, the whole charade. He simply goes about his business, truly as if nothing happened that day, as if they hadn't hurt him and he hadn't hurt them.
A part of them is selfishly relieved and wants to go along with the pretend, but a slightly bigger part of them knows it isn't right, that Hiccup is simply ignoring the issue altogether in the hope that it will just go away.
So they've tried to bring it up with him. At dinner, during game night, during a patrol, any moment where he can sit down and have a talk. But he always shuts them down as soon as the subject is brought up, telling them not to make such a big deal out of something so stupid and small and to let it rest.
Sometimes they don't even get the chance to start talking before Hiccup would leave the room as soon as they sit down. There's just something about the way they sit down whenever they try to talk to him that tips him off to what they're planning on doing.
This whole thing has made him a hypocrite because he wouldn't just let this rest if the person suffering isn't him. Though to be fair, he would be a lot more sensitive about it than they have been.
The worst part is that their attempts at reaching him aren't only in vain, they make things worse between them and him, too. Though he and Toothless seem to be doing fine, the two of them go off together without the rest of the Dragon Riders a lot more than they used to even at the very beginning of the Dragon Academy.
Hiccup spends more time by himself, while game night often keeps going until the wee hours of the night, he only stays for an hour or two before retreating to his hut or forge to do whatever.
And then they get captured again. The Riders fight and fight to make their captivity end as soon as humanly possible, to save Hiccup from more hurt, but when they get home, Hiccup and Toothless disappeared for days.
So instead of suffering through this period of pain on the Edge, he was suffering through it somewhere else instead, with only Toothless there to see it.
It's so unhealthy. The way he avoids it altogether, pretends like nothing is wrong, like his head isn't full of what he's enduring. The way he runs from his second home, from his friends, to suffer completely on his own only to return and continue to act like nothing's happened and like he hasn't been gone.
So they let it rest, feeling like they have no other choice. After telling Stoick had been disastrous, after returning to the Edge, after attempt after attempt ends in failure, they decide to let it rest. Maybe them "letting it go" will, at the very least, urge Hiccup to stay home when he has these troubling episodes. That way, he's safe with them when he has them and not off to Odin knows where.
Unfortunately for Hiccup, life has a way of confronting someone with their traumas.
Years pass.
Drago Bludvist happens, Hiccup finds out his dead mother isn't actually dead, Stoick is killed, Hiccup becomes Chief of the Hooligan tribe at the young age of 20, and Eret joins the Dragon Riders. Once again his life is turned upsidedown, but besides a few references here and there, Viggo's criminal acts are never talked about.
Despite this, the Riders know that the former Dragon Hunter Chief is far from forgotten, even while dead.
Because Berk is a very handsy place and Berk doesn't know about Hiccup's ever-growing aversion to touch. They act around him as they always have, Hooligan friendly, and his friends have seen his discomfort that everyone else is either blind to or attributes to his awkwardness.
On that front, Eret is very observant, keeping it at friendly shoulder pats.
But it isn't just the "no touching", the Riders can see Viggo's influence on other aspects of Hiccup's life.
They can see when he's having a particularly bad episode by the bags under his eyes from a lack of sleep, by the weight he loses when eating becomes a problem, or when he suddenly and inexplicably needs to leave a room and won't be back for hours.
They've never disturbed him before, but they know he's at the cove with Toothless when he does this. So at least they know he's safe.
But Hiccup's wardrobe isn't lost on them either. Going from a simple tunic and somewhat plain armor to layers upon layers with armor on top and belts in more places than they need to be, one dagger strapped to an arm, and his Inferno strapped to his thigh,... the Riders aren't idiots.
Berk may think it's his taste for the dramatic, but they know that he's making up for a concerning lack of a sense of security. Viggo's death hasn't made him feel any safer and Stoick's has made that even less so.
It's all leather, too, all except for his tunic.
It always takes him minutes just to reach his main tunic and knowing Hiccup that is bound to bite him in the ass someday.
And it did.
Having allies means coming to their aid in their time of need and that can sometimes result in one of the Dragon Riders getting hurt. This time, it so happened to be Hiccup.
Aiding the Berserkers when an enemy tribe thought to raid them, the Dragon Riders came to help and in the ensuing battle, Hiccup got knocked off Toothless.
It is easier to down a disabled dragon than a fully-abled one, even with a rider, but throughout the years, their grace in the sky hasn't just grown, but their chances of being downed have lessened.
Unfortunately for Hiccup and Toothless, that means crashing just hurts more. As a dragon, Toothless is sturdy and can therefore shake a crash or two off, but as a mere human, Hiccup cannot.
Unable to just walk it off, he was taken to the healer to be looked at and treated. He'd been unconscious the whole way there, a blessing because that meant he didn't need to feel them move him and cause him more pain in the process, a curse because that meant he woke up in a stranger's home.
"He won't let me treat him," The healer had to tell the Riders and Heather, the Berserker Chieftess. Despite her many attempts at soothing him and telling him that he needs to be examined, he still won't let her.
The Riders, standing outside of her shack, all look at each other, knowing why Hiccup is refusing treatment and too afraid to say.
Heather places a hand on Astrid's shoulder, sharing her troubled mood. She, too, knows of Hiccup's fear, having lived on the Edge for a time and experienced his episodes for herself.
"Maybe it'll help if his friends are there? A familiar face can do wonders." She suggests, while Eret steps forward.
"This is so strange. The Chief has his reckless moments, but refusing treatment just seems... not like him." He says and he's right. This is beyond being reckless, this is endangering his own life.  And not just for some stunt, but for refusing treatment!
"We can go in and see what we can do, but you're going to have let Toothless in. Hiccup won't accept treatment without him in the room." Astrid tells the healer. It's not a plan that guarantees success, but it's better than forcing him to comply with something that triggers an old fear.
The healer sighs and nods. She's not particularly happy to have a Night Fury in her home and place of work, but she recognizes that she needs to allow it for her patient's sake.
Astrid turns to face Toothless, who was all but glued to the door of the shack, awaiting the moment he could join Hiccup's side again. Was because he's already entering after pawing the door open.
So she turns to Eret instead.
"Eret, I know you want to help, but I need to ask you to stay here." She tells him and Eret nods. It's not that she wants to exclude him, it's just that he probably doesn't know and Hiccup would probably like to keep it that way. Until he wants to talk about it himself, that is. They've learned their lesson about telling people something this personal, even if they think it's for his sake.
The rest of the Riders, they follow Toothless inside. What they find is Toothless and Hiccup having what can only be called a stand-off.
"Oh great, guys, can you tell Toothless to move? He's not letting me leave." Hiccup requests when he notices they aren't alone anymore, but quickly resumes his staring contest with the dragon, who is rumbling challengingly. In a "you just try to get past me" kind of way. His tail is swaying behind him.
"Leave? You need medical attention, you can't leave!" Astrid replies surprised.
"Which I can get plenty of back home. Berk isn't far by dragon." Hiccup passes Toothless and for all his bravado, he realizes that he can't actually stop him from leaving the healer's hut.
The Riders and Toothless watch him limp towards the door, holding his side. He still looks like just as much of a mess as when Eret brought him in, including the bloody pants that he has bandaged rather messily. As someone who knows at least a thing or two medically and knows of the importance of proper treatment, this only shows his urgency to get out of here.
Catching him trying to limp past them and out the door, Astrid comes to stand before him, effectively stopping him in his way. Blinking in surprise, Hiccup looks at her.
"Wow hey, you can't just leave. A few hours by dragon is still far when you have injured your ribs. Especially when you have healer and supplies right here." She tells him and Hiccup doesn't like what he's hearing. She's making sense to him as well, of course, but his high levels of discomfort are overruling his common sense.
"Astrid, I'm fine. I can breathe fine, albeit, with a little bit of pain, I can make the trip back to Berk."
"So you say and then, once we're over the ocean with no island for miles you discover that, oh no, you suddenly can't breathe out of one lung! You faint, you and Toothless crash, and you both drown." Astrid puts her foot down and crosses her arms, scolding him for his way of thinking. "A little bit of pain" does not equal "okay".
"But that's why I have you guys, to keep that from happening." He says.
"Oh yeah, because we can definitely fix a collapsed lung on the spot." Snotlout sides with Astrid and comes to stand next to her, obstructing Hiccup's way out further.
Hiccup sighs and a look of pain passes on his face, the too deep release of air hurting his side.
"Hiccup, why don't you want to be treated?" Astrid asks, having some idea, but not wanting to jump to conclusions.
"It's just... It doesn't feel good to have a stranger..." Touch me, he wants to say, but having put up a wall between the Riders and his "issues", he refuses to say it.
"To have a stranger what?" Astrid asks, suspicious of what he actually wants to say.
"I just trust Gothi's expertise more." A rude thing to say, especially for him. They're lucky the healer isn't here to hear him.
The Riders glare at him and Hiccup looks away, uncomfortable with how rude he's just been to a woman who simply wants to help him. The words had left him before he could stop them and he regrets them already.
"Okay, we'll stay." He finally decides, but keeps standing by the door because he doesn't actually feel like moving, more so because of how much it hurts to use his injured leg.
He doesn't know what he cut his thigh on, just that it bleeds enough to require stitches and be at risk for infection. Which makes his decision to leave seem even more foolish and unlike him.
But the Riders don't blame him because they know exactly what causes this out of character behavior.
Offering her hands, Hiccup lets her help him sit down on the bed behind him. He'd been lying on it before, when he woke up and the healer tried to examine him and he was being too difficult of a patient.
Hiccup wipes his sweaty palms on his pants, he's anxious and his friends notice. Astrid crouches down in front of him.
"We can stay if you want us to. Fishlegs knows how to heal, he can even do it while the healer watches and helps where needed. We already convinced her to let Toothless stay. If having a familiar face helps you get through this, we're here for you." She talks vaguely about him not needing to be touched by a stranger or being left alone with a stranger on an island full of strangers.
Hiccup mulls it over, thinking about her offer, but then shakes his head lightly.
"This is stupid, she's not even..." A man, like he was. But he doesn't say it, whispering more to himself than he is talking to Astrid. They don't need to know. As if they don't know already.
"You're really anxious, it's not stupid." It's Snotlout who says this as he's surprisingly sensitive about this forbidden topic.
Hiccup looks up at his friends, Toothless purring as he invites himself in their space and nudges his human's uninjured leg in support.
He's not ready for this. He can feel himself sweating, his heart is pounding so much in dread that it aches, his anxiety is already through the roof.
He doesn't want to do this, but Astrid is right, this could potentially be needlessly life-threatening and he would be dragging Toothless down with him.
He just has to stop being so stupid and let the woman do her job.
"Okay, call her back in." Hiccup requests and lies back down with some difficulty while Fishlegs leaves to get her.
It'll be fine, it'll be fine, it'll be fine. It doesn't matter how many times he'll be repeating that in his mind, he'll have to do it as many times as it takes.
The old healer enters her hut again and she wants to get to work.
Hiccup watches her move around, his eyes following her as he attempts to control his breathing, as hard as it is with his ribs aching. Every breath in and out hurts him and that some part of him wants to draw shorter and shallower breaths with his rising nerves doesn't help.
She takes everything she may need. Cloth, bandages, water, herbs, anything to treat his injuries with.
It'll be fine, it'll be fine.
Everything in hand, Fishlegs helping her carry her stuff, she approaches and sets it all down.
"It'll be fine." Astrid looks at him when she hears him mutter.
But the second he feels hands trying to undo his belts, he panics. He takes her hands and pulls them away from him before rushing to sit up and hurting himself in the process. A cry of pain leaves him, everyone jumps to attention.
"Hiccup, wait, it's okay." Astrid tries to tell him, grabbing a shoulder.
"No! Nope! None of this is okay! I'm not okay!" He tells her before he winces and has no choice but to fall back down, holding his side and jostling his leg, which has bled through the bandages by now.
The Riders and Toothless gaze at him, the healer keeping her distance as she can tell this is a rather personal matter and so doesn't involve herself.
They listen to him groaning in pain, see the expression of agony as well as the sweat already glistening on his skin in the candlelight. His air intake is ragged. It is shallow and too fast, which only hurts him more.
"Hiccup," Astrid speaks his name, he shivers beneath her hand.
"No, I can't I... I just can't. I can't let this happen." This is wrong. This feels so wrong to him. The hands of someone that he doesn't know on his body where they don't belong.
In the past few years, the only ones who have been able to infiltrate his personal space in such a close manner have been his father and Toothless, maybe occasionally the Dragon Riders. Though, the Dragons more than the Riders.
And Berk, of course, but that was beyond his control. He doesn't like any of it and that is already hard to suffer through. Doing this is more than he can bear. He wants out.
He can already feel it creeping onto him. The hands.
"Hiccup, you need a healer." Astrid gently reminds him.
"I can put you under a sedative if that makes this procedure easier on you." The healer offers Berk's Chief some peace, at least for the next few hours.
"What? No! No sedatives!"
"Not even painkillers? It might help." Ruffnut suggests.
"No, no painkillers either. I want nothing." He's breathing so fast, he's becoming lightheaded. Meanwhile, his ribs burn.
"Then what do you want us to do?" Astrid asks, hoping Hiccup can tell them what he thinks will help him get through this most.
They've already gone behind his back once and it had made everything worse for him, had made things terrible between them.
But Hiccup shakes his head, not even knowing the answer to that question himself.
Gods, he can feel them. Disembodied hands where they don't belong, touching him where they were never meant to touch.
He wants to cry.
Astrid offers him her hand and he takes it too quickly and squeezes too hard. He's dying for comfort.
But he knows he needs to go through with it.
"Just go ahead with it. Just do it." He tells them uncertainly and the healer steps forward again, hands moving to his belts to undo them.
This time he lets her, but his hyperventilation worsens and so does his trembling. His eyes close as if it'll help if he can't see her hands on him. Feeling them on him is already bad enough.
He can feel other hands creeping upon him. They're bigger with more callouses and they aren't actually there, which is why they creep.
They belong to a man that isn't even alive anymore and yet, with every unwanted touch forced upon him, he can feel him again.
"Shhh, it's okay. You'll get through this. Just breathe, Hiccup, breathe." Astrid tells him and he tries to keep a hold of himself to the best of his ability.
His vest is splayed upon and more wounds are made bare. Besides the aching of his ribs, there's a splotch of blood on the right side of his lower abdomen, close to the hem of his trousers.
"He's bleeding through his tunic." Snotlout mutters, bringing attention to it. The healer takes the hem of his tunic in order to take a look.
Hiccup can feel it, is too aware of her every move. Still squeezing Astrid's hand, he squeezes even tighter and she lets him. Tears wet his eyes and when she cautiously pulls it up, they slip free and he seizes her hands again, unable to bear any more of this.
"Hey, shhh, it's okay." Astrid holds all of their hands as she hushes him.
Toothless intervenes and headbutts his human's face, a gesture of affection that Hiccup returns.
"Yeah, it's okay, we're all here with you." Snotlout tells him, stepping forward, but not daring to go as far as Astrid is going. One of them is probably enough.
"Breathe, Hiccup. Breathe."
"I can't. I-I can't."
Fishlegs comes closer.
"Then maybe I can help! Try to follow along with me, okay?" Hiccup leaves Toothless to face him, who exaggerates his breathing in a slow and timely manner so he can keep up.
It's hard, but Hiccup tries his best to follow along until his breathing comes to a more natural pace and his lightheadedness doesn't turn to darkness.
Astrid manages to make Hiccup let go of the healer and hold onto her instead.
They don't like any of this, the panic attack, the sweat sticking his clothing to his skin, or the tears now sliding down his face. His lip is trembling, his everything is trembling.
This is what he hid from them after their damning talk with Stoick for so long, this is what Viggo has done to him. Their fearless leader rendered to this. The fact that they still don't know the details haunts them to this day.
He can still face any enemy, can stare down death itself if he has to, but he can't stand being touched, not even if it's for his own well-being.
"This is so stupid." They hear him mutter, something they've heard him repeat over and over again with whatever involves his issues. They don't know what he thinks is so stupid, but they've heard him say this so many times by now.
Astrid dares to take a seat on the bed next to him and lets go of his hand to cup his cheeks. He stares up at her with a wild look of panic. If he wants her to let go, she trusts that he'll let her know.
"Hiccup, please listen," She starts and hopes that's what he'll do.
"We're all here to protect you. I know we've failed you before, but no more. You're safe with us. Tonight, tomorrow, every day for the rest of your life, you're safe." She tells him and his hands take hers, but he doesn't pull them away. Her touch is light, so it wouldn't be hard to remove them, he wants them there.
"We love you. Please let us protect you." She requests with genuine emotion.
He nods.
"Okay," He says quietly, barely above a whisper as most of his voice is stuck in his throat. It's a miracle he even got that much out.
Toothless rumbles encouragingly and invites himself partially into the bed, pretty much wrapping his forelegs around his Rider, but staying mindful of his injuries.
Hiccup lets go of Astrid's hands, gaining some control over himself.
Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut take them, watching for any reaction that might tell them this is the wrong move to make. So far, there isn't any.
This might be it, the opening they've been waiting for. For years Hiccup has been completely closed off on this topic, he's locked his fears up tight and thrown away the key. But now, perhaps the door stands open on a creak and they're allowed a peek inside with a promise for more.
Whether this is what it is or not doesn't matter at the moment. What does matter, is helping him through tonight.
"Hey, how're you feeling?" Back on Berk, Astrid asks Hiccup this question as they enter his home a few days later.
Looking up from his blueprints, he watches them enter with a tired smile.
He's sitting on a chair, wearing a comfortable tunic to spare his bruised ribs the weight that comes with many layers. The stitched gash on his lower abdomen benefits from this, too. He doesn't like it, but Toothless is with him always and so is Sharpshot, who lies curled up on the table. His injured leg rests on another chair, the wound having been stitched closed and showing no signs of infection so far.
"Eh, tired. Maybe in need of some more painkillers. It's been a few hours and my everything hurts again." He answers as they walk further into the home, greeted by Toothless who croons their way happily. He's lying curled up around Hiccup's spot, helping him feel secure as he can't wear his "shield".
Ever since that night, something has changed in their group again. Talking with him, being around him, it's easier. It's as if there's been this tension for so long that nobody even noticed after a time, and now that it's finally gone and they can all feel that lack of weight.
"I'll go make some!" Fishlegs offers himself up and disappears into the kitchen.
"How is everything with the village outside?" Hiccup asks, hoping that his work isn't stacking up as he spends his time inside recovering. He is weirdly okay with staying indoors. So far, at least.
"We're managing things, the twins are actually fixing stuff more than they break it," Astrid informs him.
"Hey, we can be very good repair people." Ruffnut protests.
"Besides, just means there's more for us to break later," Tuffnut mutters to her, and the two snicker. Astrid and Snotlout both roll their eyes.
"We'll make sure they don't break stuff later." The latter promises with a deadpan. Hiccup smiles at him gratefully.
"Here it is!" Fishlegs returns with a painkilling, and possibly sleep-inducing, broth and hands it to Hiccup.
"Thanks," He says, taking it and then staring at it as he holds it in his hands. He's not exactly looking forward to it, these broths never taste that pleasant. This one doesn't even smell good.
He should take it, get rid of the pain, and maybe get some shut-eye. These blueprints can wait.
But first, there's been something that he's been contemplating as he waited for his friends' inevitable visit for the day. They always come by.
"Hey, um..." He starts, gaze still on the cup with the broth.
The Riders look at him, wait for him to talk, and say what's on his mind as there is clearly something.
They aren't quite prepared for the topic he's about to bring up, but the day they've been waiting for has finally arrived.
After some hesitation, Hiccup forces himself to say it.
"He never went all the way."
Surprised to hear him talk about it, the Gang listens.
"Vi-Viggo, he... He never..." Hiccup stops talking then and they don't interrupt or try to finish his sentence for him. They can tell it's taking him everything just to talk now, he's not even looking at them, hand coming up to hide most of his face from view.
Toothless purrs, sitting up to meet Hiccup at eye-level, but he's not looking at him either.
"It really did just stay with words and... and touches... Every time I got captured and taken to him, but... That's it, nothing else." It's not like they don't know that something's been done to him, but to actually hear him say it, to hear their suspicions be confirmed is something else entirely.
The twins share a saddened look, Fishlegs looks down at his hands, and Astrid and Snotlout both feel themselves tense up. It's been a good few years and still, it makes them so angry that any of it happened.
Back to the conversation, Snotlout wanted to remind him that that wasn't nothing, but Astrid stops him. Hiccup is finally talking, they should let him have his say before they comment.
Still unable to bear to look at his friends, Hiccup wipes his sweaty palms on his trousers.
"It-it-it... "It" never actually happened so-so it-so it just seemed so stupid to feel the way I did. The-the way I do. Like-like I was hurt when I wasn't." That was part of the problem, it wasn't as bad as it could've been and that made worrying about it seem so dumb to him.
He's lucky. That's what he's been telling himself. He's lucky.
"So stupid," He repeats, feeling like an attention seeker for something that was "not as bad as it could've been". So many people have suffered worse than him, he shouldn't complain.
He rocks nervously, trying to cope with the influx of memories that have festered over the years, with the shame welling up. Thus far they've only been dealt with by cramming them into the darkest corners of his mind, a fruitless effort that usually ends in frustration and anger. There they have continued to rot and chipped away at him piece by piece like an untreated infection.
Bringing it up now still hurts just as much as it would've hurt to bring up back then.
As a brief silence sets in, Astrid dares to take a step and sits down at the table on a seat next to him.
"I think you and I both know that he doesn't need to go "all the way" for this to hurt, Hiccup. What happened was so, so traumatizing, doesn't matter how far he did or didn't go. And it happened... It happened multiple times." Astrid has to swallow, feeling like she might throw up if she doesn't.
"If we were in each other's shoes, you would be telling me the exact same thing." She tells him and Hiccup finds that she has a point.
If this had happened to Astrid, to any of his friends, he wouldn't stand for them to call their reaction to being... to being... He wouldn't call them stupid, he wouldn't call them calls for attention.
"He hurt you and you have every right to be angry, even now." She continues.
"We all hurt you." Snotlout admits, coming to sit at the table as well. The others, they swiftly follow their example.
To hear them tell him that he has every right to be angry, to be hurt, is more relieving than he can ever express.
But there's a question Snotlout has been wondering about this whole time and he wonders if Hiccup will answer.
"How... I understand if you don't want to answer, but how far did he get?" If he's not ready to tell them yet, if he'll never be ready, then he'll understand.
Hiccup doesn't answer and while he's told them he never went "all the way", "not all the way" still seems to be pretty far.
He wants to cry again. The memories running rampant inside his mind, the non-existing hands that refuse to leave him, they make tears gather in his eyes.
He's in pain and has been for much too long. He feels like he's been on fire this entire time and that someone is finally putting out the fire.
It's with a mere cup, but it's a start.
Managing to look at his friends, Hiccup cautiously gazes at them all, fearing judgment as he finally bares it all.
Astrid reaches and takes his hand, squeezing it lightly. Perhaps, it's time to talk and let his family in.
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finalgirlkateausten · 4 years
Grief/Death of a Loved One
Not Psych today, folks... it’s Call the Midwife time! While ordinarily I write almost everything for this fandom in an AU where Barbara lives, I decided we can acknowledge her death today for the sake of whumptober pain. Since we got so little of Trixie reacting to the loss of one of her closest friends... it’s time to fix that.
Warnings: grief, MCD, referenced Alcoholism
She had left them.
That’s the only thing Trixie can think as she sinks into the green sofa in her aunt’s parlor.
She had left, and she had needed to leave, couldn’t stay when the smog she’d breathed for years suddenly began to choke her. But regardless of why, she had left and now she’s not there when she needs to be.
“Trixie?” the concern in Valerie’s voice is audible even over the phone. “Are you still there?”
Trixie takes a deep, shuddering breath, surprised there’s any oxygen left in the room. “She- she’s gone?” She doesn’t even try to stop her voice from breaking, sure she’ll be crying any minute now. The prospect of her mascara running is a far away, trivial concern.
“Late last night,” Valerie confirms. Her words are shattering Trixie’s heart, but at the same time, her gentle voice is soothing. She’s missed the strong, rich sound of a cockney accent, Trixie realizes. She’s missed Valerie. She’s missed home.
But will home feel like home without Barbara?
Trixie swallows hard, working up the courage to probe further. “What happened?”
“Septicemia,” Valerie answers, and Trixie flinches at the thought. “We didn’t even know she was sick. And then she told Tom she needed a lie-down instead of attending some celebration or other and Phyllis was staying with her, and she noticed the rash...”
For a moment, Trixie can’t do anything other than nod, though she knows Valerie can’t see her. She tries to swallow the urge to cry but it rises anyway, and her next breath is a small sob.
“Oh, love,” Valerie murmurs, her own voice tight. “I know. I’m so sorry you’re not here.”
“Me, too,” Trixie manages. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I left.”
“No, you needed to,” Valerie refutes. “You couldn’t have known. We still miss you, though.”
“I miss you, too.” Trixie takes a shaky breath. “When is-- when is her service?”
“Sometime next week.”
Sighing, Trixie wraps her arms around a throw pillow. “Blast. I can’t make it back that soon.”
“We know you’d be here if you could,” Valerie soothes. “But take as much time as you need. Hell, I wouldn’t blame you if you needed more time off after this.”
Again, Trixie finds herself nodding, despite being on the phone. “How... hoe are you all holding up? How’s Phyllis? How’s Tom?” She’ll need to write him a letter, check in with him personally. A phone call would be too much for both of them.
“As you’d expect,” Valerie sighs. “Phyllis hasn’t left her room yet this morning; I don’t think she wants us to see her cry. Lucille said something about checking on her. And Sister Julienne went to see Tom just before I called you. The general consensus is that he likely won’t so much as eat without outside influence.”
“Poor man,” Trixie murmurs, feeling hot tears beginning to fall. She closes her eyes and lets them come. “I can’t even imagine what he’s feeling right now. I wish I was there with you all.”
“I do, too,” Valerie agrees. “I would really like to hug you right now.”
The thought of a warm hug from Valerie makes Trixie cry harder. She’ll smell like a damp wool sweater, like cigarettes and saline. The Nonnatus house couches are far more comfortable than her aunt’s “stylish” parlor. Trixie would give anything to be crying among friends instead of stranded so far away from home.
She would give anything to not have a reason to cry at all.
There’s a series of clicks and rings from the phone, and Valerie curses quietly. “Another call. I’m sorry, Trixie, I probably do need to take this.”
“Of course,” Trixie manages. “Babies come on their own schedule.” She’s trying for levity, but ultimately just sounds even more sad.
“I’ll write soon,” Valerie promises.
“I look forward to it.” Trixie tries not to let her voice shake. “Take care.”
“You too.”
Trixie hangs up the phone and melts against the couch cushions, her tears coming even faster. She can’t fathom the idea of Barbara being gone, dead, having left them forever. Not Barbara. Not when she’s so young, after all the good she’s done and with everything she still had in front of her...
This isn’t fair, she thinks. It isn’t right.
But there’s nothing she can do about it.
All too recently, she might have instantly reached for a bottle, tried desperately to drown her sorrows. To do that now would be to destroy what little foundation she’s built for herself in these weeks away. Trixie owes it not just to herself but to her family to be better.
Hurrying up the stairs before she can attract her aunt’s attention, she curls up on her bed with a pad of paper and a pen. She scribbles the date, takes a deep breath, and begins.
Dear Tom...
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vyther16 · 4 years
count to seventeen and close your eyes
Whumptober 2020 Theme 1: let’s hang out sometime; prompt 2: shackled (loosely)
More specific CW: a small child stabs a guy with the help of his father, pov character gets stabbed a lot, graphic depictions of violence, torture, body horror, major character death, White No-Face’s general creepiness, it’s That Scene from book four except Worse, minor dissociation
Glossary for ppl like my mom who have no idea what any of this is -Xie Lian/dianxia/gege -- the guy getting stabbed a bunch; he’s a disgraced god and the former Crown Prince of XianLe, a fallen kingdom -San Lang/Hua Cheng-- he is a ghost, and is the ghost flame; he’s in love with Xie Lian -White No-Face-- he is also a ghost, and he wears a white half smiling-half crying mask; he’s pretty creepy even when not in strange nightmare territory. -Human face disease-- a disease reminiscent of the chicken pox, but instead of red bumps, it is human faces, and it is deadly if not cured, but there is only one cure *cue croods dun dun dun sound effect* -A’die-- dad, informal -(xiao-)baobei-- (little) treasure; a nickname for small children -Dianxia-- your highness
The first half of this is a nightmare, which becomes progressively more obvious as it goes on, so strange body horror stuff is not editing errors. It is not a rewrite of the temple scene in book four; it is a nightmare about that scene. (though, to be fair, i only went through and edited for grammar, not narrative consistency or flow.)
Xie Lian sits in the decrepit shrine, avoiding looking at the toppled statue, even though it looks nothing like him. 
Slowly, more people arrive. The scene feels familiar, the way dreams are familiar.
He blinks, and the room is full of people, farmers and families and merchants and performers. A little boy waves at him from the doorway. Xie Lian waves back, but his hand is caught by a freezing grip.
“Hello, dianxia,” White No-Face says from behind him. Xie Lian freezes.
There’s a crash outside the temple, followed by moaning. A ghost flame appears above White No-Face’s head. White No-Face catches it easily as he guides Xie Lian to the altar in front of the toppled statue. Xie Lian wants to struggle, but he can’t. 
White No-Face speaks to the crowd as he ties Xie Lian to the altar. Xie Lian doesn’t come to his senses until it’s too late for him to struggle free. His breaths are coming too fast, short and panicky. White No-Face strokes a hand across his cheek in a gesture that is meant to be comforting, but it only serves to heighten Xie Lian’s fear.
White No-Face continues speaking to the crowd, telling them all about the Human Face Disease. “The cure is murder,” White No-Face says. Xie Lian’s panic grows again.
“Who are we supposed to kill!” a merchant shouts.
White No-Face tilts his head. Xie Lian can only see the smiling part of his mask from this angle. “After seeing dianxia’ s face, I should think it would be obvious who to kill.” Xie Lian gets the sense that White No-Face is smiling under his mask.
The little ghost fire caught in White No-Face’s hands flickers angrily, flashing between red and silver. Xie Lian realizes it wants to kill anyone who even considers what White No-Face is implying.
“Oh right!” a farmer cries. “He’s a god! He’ll come back!”
The crowd shoves forward eagerly. A family of three pushes their way to the front. “Our xiao-baobei has a face already! We should go first.”
The little boy from earlier takes up the sword White No-Face offers him. “ Dianxia will be okay, right a’die ?” he asks, struggling with the weight of the black blade.
“Of course, baobei ,” the father says, placing his hands over his son’s. Together, they stab into Xie Lian’s chest, through his heart.
It hurts.
More people take up the sword, stabbing through his heart and neck equally. White No-Face continues stroking his face through the whole thing, in a mockery of comfort.
“I tell you the truth,” a merchant says, stepping forward to take the sword. “There were rumors that he knew the cure long before XianLe fell. All those deaths from the Human Face Disease would be considered his fault.”
The crowd considers this. “Of course it would have to be his fault,” a performer calls.
The rest of the crowd agrees.
I didn’t want to turn my entire people into murderers, Xie Lian tries to say. The sword slices into his throat again.
It hurts.
White No-Face pauses in his caressing of Xie Lian’s face to say, “oh, but dianxia . They don’t really blame you.” White No-Face’s head turns, so that Xie Lian can only see the smiling half of the ghost’s mask. “You’re just convenient.”
Xie Lian can’t reply, his throat too mangled to speak. He’s not sure how he’s even able to hear right now; his ears are drenched in his blood. He can’t feel his legs, or his arms, or anything beyond pain.
It hurts.
The sword slides into his chest again.
It hurts.
Xie Lian’s eyes lock onto the little ghost fire trapped in White No-Face’s hands. It never told Xie Lian its name, but he knows it anyway.
Why does he know its name?
The flame flickers silver.
The sword slides in and out of his stomach. Another death.
It hurts.
San Lang, he tries to say. San Lang. San Lang, save me.
All that comes out is a garbled sound, muffled by the blood clotted in his mouth. He can’t breathe.
It hurts.
White No-Face laughs. “ Dianxia , your San Lang can’t save you.”
Xie Lian watches in horror as White No-Face reaches down with one hand. When did he get another hand? San Lang is still cupped in two of them. White No-Face’s mask has gotten bigger.
White No-Face trails a finger along Xie Lian’s face, dragging the tip through the blood and tears drying there. “So messy,” he chides. “Now, where’s your necklace.”
If Xie Lian’s heart hadn’t been stabbed through already, it would have stopped at those words.
No! He tries to shout. San Lang’s flame flickers silver again.
It hurts.
“Ah, here we are.” White No-Face’s mask is even bigger now. Another hand closes around the ring looped around Xie Lian’s neck. “I’ll take that.”
White No-Face gives the chain a single sharp tug, and it snaps. Xie Lian struggles to move, to do something to take it back, to take it out of White No-Face’s hands.
It hurts.
White No-Face tuts. “Now now, dianxia . You can’t go moving just yet. You’re injured.” He holds up the broken chain, fist closed around the ring. “Now, let’s see. This is a very pretty trinket. It would be such a shame if it were to… fall.” The chain slips through White No-Face’s fingers. Xie Lian watches it fall with growing horror, trying to move to catch it.
He can’t, tied too tightly. The sword slides in again.
It hurts.
There’s a distant crash.
It hurts.
The ghost flame in White No-Face’s hands flickers silver one last time, then explodes into silver butterflies.
Xie Lian tries to scream.
“Now it’s just us, Dianxia,” White No-Face says sweetly, palm still cradling Xie Lian’s face like a parent would to a child. “We’ll have so much fun together.” The hands that were holding San Lang have disappeared.
Xie Lian watches the last butterfly flicker out of existence and sobs.
The sword slides in again.
It hurts.
Xie Lian jerks awake in the quiet of Puqi Shrine, muffling a scream on his fist. His other hand scrabbles at his chest, searching for wounds that aren’t there, until it finds San Lang’s ashes looped around his neck. He closes his hand around the ring, hunching in on himself, and shudders, holding back sobs.
He wants San Lang here, but San Lang is in Ghost City right now, dealing with the new Supreme that’s risen up. Xie Lian can handle nightmares without bothering San Lang; he’s been doing it for over eight centuries now.
His fingers close around the dice anyway, and before he’s consciously aware of it, he’s already walked through the doors into Hua Cheng’s receiving hall.
Xie Lian is wearing a simple white outer robe; it had been cold recently, so he’d taken to sleeping with both an inner and an outer layer. He’s holding his bamboo hat in his hand, and he looks conspicuously out-of-place among the more grotesque fashions of the ghosts and ghouls watching Hua Cheng converse with the new supreme.
Hua Cheng’s eyes snap away from the supreme when Xie Lian appears, and Xie Lian regrets coming, because this was silly, he can deal with nightmares on his own, and San Lang is clearly busy, but then San Lang is right next to him and the citizens of Ghost City are grumbling but leaving, and one of San Lang’s servants is leading the Supreme to a guest room and Xie Lian is wrapped into a hug.
“Dianxia, gege, what’s wrong?” San Lang murmurs into his hair, and all Xie Lian can do in response is clutch San Lang closer, pressing his face into San Lang’s maple-red tunic, and let out the sobs he’s been holding in since he woke up.
San Lang holds him tightly, humming a song into Xie Lian’s hair. Xie Lian lets San Lang’s song wash over him, washing away the taint his nightmare left on him.
Xie Lian comes to himself in Hua Cheng’s private chambers, curled up on San Lang’s lap while San Lang cards his fingers through Xie Lian’s hair. San Lang is humming quietly.
Xie Lian shifts to sit up, and San Lang’s arms tighten momentarily before releasing him. “Is gege alright now?” San Lang asks, gentle.
Xie Lian hums in acquiesce, pressing a kiss to San Lang��s cheek, before gingerly moving off of San Lang’s lap to sit next to him. “I’m sorry for disturbing San Lang’s meeting,” he murmurs. “I know it was important.”
Hua Cheng huffs. “Not nearly as important as dianxia.”
Xie Lian buries his face back into San Lang’s shoulder to hide the redness of his cheeks. “San Lang is too good to me, truly,” he protests.
“Nonsense. Gege deserves everything good, and more,” San Lang declares. “Nothing this San Lang does could be too good for gege.”
— fin —
Author Notes
Title is from the My Chemical Romance song S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, which is *technically* a post-apocalyptic lullaby set last year. *Looks outside.* Well, they weren't too far off. if you look at the lyrics closely, it fits v well with hualian and also it's one of my fav my chem songs and i am but a humble emo. Also, i just really like that line in the song bc it's so odd and strangely comforting.
I toyed with using the phrase "It hurts" bc I used said phrase eleven (11) times in the nightmare portion of this fic. I counted. (With the find and replace function on google docs bc i'm lazy) Make of that what you will.
the Ao3 link is on the reblog to my main
Personal-ish notes that are skippable past here (TL:DR is VOTE, goddammit, for my USA peeps.)
Anyway, this note is brought to you by me ignoring my parents "discussing" black lives matter. I swear to god, I can't wait until I can move out because guess whose parents are probably going to be voting for trump again this year. I am Not Pleased. In fact, I'm pissed, bc I am a queer white girl in a small white town, and right now, I'm not as disproportionately affected by trump as some people, but there are people who will not survive another trump term. there are people who didn't survive this trump term. anyway, repeating the tldr bc its important. tldr is VOTE, goddammit, and I swear, if you support trump in any way, you might as well just leave.
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snezfics-n-shit · 4 years
Whumptober Day 23: Shiver
Fandom: Ace Attorney 
Characters: Larry Butz, Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Trucy Wright
Notes: Respecc Larry 2020. Trucy’s going away to college in two months and her Uncle Larry has come all the way from his last book-signing tour stop to celebrate Laurice Deauxnim style. In which Larry lies about as well as a Weeble and earns himself that extended stay with the Wrightworth family he’d been wanting since Miles and Phoenix got married. He just wishes it was under better circumstances. Now who wants some wholesome fluff? 
“You’ll remember to call us as much as possible, right?” Phoenix scribbled a checkmark next to a few names on the RSVP list for Trucy's graduation party.
"Of course, Daddy! I'm not going for another two months anyway, so don't worry too much yet." Trucy grinned, peeking once or twice in the hallway, looking for someone.
"Uncle Larry is still sleeping off his jet lag." Phoenix knew exactly what Trucy was going to ask before she even spoke. "He had a long trip here, so naturally he was pretty tired."
"See? When I suggested we prepare the guest room before his arrival, it wasn't for nothing." Miles commented before checking what names were on Phoenix's list, raising a brow at a few names that were clearly only contacted via spirit channeling. He could understand his father and Mia Fey, but then there was Harry Houdini written as if he could just be sent an invitation by mail. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Trucy, sweetheart, remember when we said your guest list should be realistic?”
“It is realistic! Aunt Maya said the mediums she’s training could use the practice.” Trucy crossed her arms. “I’m officially an adult now, so why can’t we go all out?”
“He’s right, Trucy.” Phoenix nodded, proud to see Miles putting his foot down about this. “We should really restrict the channeled guests to just family and friends.” He looked over the list again, noting how Trucy’s biological father was not even considered once. It wasn’t like he could blame her, but his heart ached sensing the hurt and betrayal that fueled Trucy’s decision. He put on a smile, though, just as his mentor taught him. 
“Fine.” Trucy sighed. “I hope Uncle Larry wakes up soon, then I can talk to someone who likes fun.” She teased.
“Trucy.” Miles feigned an authoritative tone, chuckling as he shook his head. In the corner of his vision was a figure sporting an oversized T-shirt in a familiar shade of orange.
"He's up!" Trucy sat up from the sofa to greet her Uncle Larry, who was now surely full of energy ready for a night of movies and calling Mr. Grossberg to ask if his refrigerator was running.
"Hey Nick, did you turn up the air conditioning while I was asleep?" Larry shivered on his way to the living room. "It's really cold in here!"
Phoenix and Miles looked at each other. The last time they significantly adjusted the air conditioner this year was during a particularly bad heat wave that had since passed. Not to mention, wouldn't Larry feel warmer in the LA heat after staying in states with far cooler climates?
"No, Uncle Larry!" Trucy giggled, assuming Larry was joking.
"I don't get it." Larry blinked a few times, looking bewildered by something only he could see. “I guess I might just have gotten too comfortable in that cozy guest bed of yours. I never really had a good sleep from those hotel beds.” He rubbed his shoulder. “All those hard mattresses really added up.”
“Then I’m sure you’ll appreciate every bit of sleep you’ll be getting this weekend.” Miles smiled. If this had been ten years ago, he wouldn’t have dreamed of letting Larry even set one foot in his house, let alone stay for two nights. He had to admit, seeing Larry so successful that his busy schedule typically only allowed weekend stays made him proud, but there was a tug of guilt about how he and Phoenix treated him in the past. Miles wondered, if it weren’t for Trucy, who had taken a liking to Larry from the start, would Larry have even wanted to associate with them? 
“So, Larry,” Phoenix stood up to pat his old friend on the back, “are you rested enough for tonight? Trucy’s really been talking up that movie night you suggested.”
“Should we order the pizza now or after a few rounds of Uno?” Trucy asked. Uno was a long-standing tradition for Larry’s visits, probably because it was one of the few card games he stood a chance against Phoenix, since having a card-playing professional win every time wasn’t very fun. Larry even had a solid win streak across his recent visits once Trucy declared herself too old for him to let her win.
“Actually, uh, I’m not really that hungry.” Larry shrugged, shivering again, already twice too many times for the middle of June.
“Did you eat before we picked you up from the airport?” Miles pushed up his glasses. “I don’t think you ate anything here before you fell asleep.”
“Nope.” Just as he answered, Larry was caught off guard by a deep tickle in his chest. He attempted getting rid of it with a brief cough, but as soon as he started, he couldn’t stop it on his own and let the fit overtake him.
"Larry?" Miles frowned in concern. "Are you alright?"
He was still coughing. It felt like an eternity until he could finally stop, and when he was done it was like all his muscles had left his body.
"Yeah." Larry's eyes were wide, he was still trying to figure out what just happened. "Allergies, probably." He guessed, tilting his head.
"That's odd." Miles said softly. "I recall you saying you were only allergic to cantaloupe just a few months ago. Something you told us you didn't eat from our fridge while you had hives on your arms proving otherwise."
"We caught you red handed there, Uncle Larry!" Trucy added, laughing at her own joke. The laughing stopped just as quickly as another coughing fit started from Larry, this one sending him dropping to his knees. “Uncle Larry?”
“I know that cough.” Phoenix held his chin. “You didn’t get your flu shot this year, did you, Larry?”
“How did you know?” Larry looked up from his position on the floor, his cheeks discolored from the strain. “I really planned to do it, though! I just forgot, is all.”
“It may be too late.” Phoenix crouched down to press his palm on Larry’s forehead. “You’re burning up.”
“That’s impossible.” Larry insisted. “I feel great. Can we play Uno now?” He attempted to stand up on his own, but instead almost immediately fell back down, this time supported by both Phoenix and Miles holding him so he wouldn’t hit the floor again. “This takes me back to those trust exercises we did when we were in school. Remember those?” Larry smiled as if that could prove his claims of good health.
“You can’t lie to us, Uncle Larry.” Trucy singsonged. Lying to any member of the Edgeworth-Wright family was just about impossible to get away with. Sure, a little fib here and there would be overlooked because it wasn’t worth the fuss, but Larry certainly wasn’t telling Phoenix his novelty ties were not at all tacky. “It’s not like we can’t play a game of Uno while you’re in bed, if that makes you feel better.”
“You’re absolutely right, Trucy.” Miles nodded. “Can you help us carry our guest back to bed?” He ignored Larry’s weak attempts to wriggle out and run for it. Where would he run to, anyway? Miles looked at Phoenix, then back at Trucy, signalling he was ready for the three to use their collective strength to hold Larry upright as they led him to bed.
Larry thought it wasn’t fair. Not just the fact he was outnumbered, but also that this would be how his desire for a longer visit would be fulfilled. There was no way he’d be allowed out of bed by Monday, not when blinking of all things was a source of discomfort. Don’t get him wrong, he couldn’t think of a better family to take care of him, but that in itself made him feel like he was intruding. He figured it was probably that ‘dad instinct’ he knew both Phoenix and Miles had down pat by now that explained their willingness to not only carry him to bed, but tuck him in as well. His face felt hot as he wondered if he was even worth being cared for like this.
“Don’t you, uh, think this is kind of weird?” Larry stared at the blanket over his legs, disappointed that it barely warmed him at all. “I mean, I’m not your family or anything.” He let his head rest on the soft, definitely expensive pillow.
“I don’t think it’s ‘weird’ at all.” Miles said as he walked to the guest bathroom.
“Yeah, it’s not weird.” Phoenix agreed, pulling the end table’s drawer open to grab the box of Uno cards that resided in it.
“And of course you’re family!” Trucy added. She sat on the edge of the bed, dangling her feet above the ground despite her being tall enough for them to touch the floor. “If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be Uncle Larry, you’d just be ‘Larry.’”
“Or we would just call you by your pen name,” Miles entered the room again with a digital thermometer in hand, “‘Laurice’ or perhaps ‘Mr. Deauxnim’ to be more formal.” He slid the thermometer between Larry’s lips and felt relief when Larry lifted his tongue in cooperation instead of fighting off the device like he initially expected. 
“Besides, bedside manner isn’t exclusive to family anyway,” Phoenix smiled. He slid the card deck out of the box and into his hand. “What else would we do? Just leave you alone, coughing up a storm and being generally miserable?” He heard the thermometer beep and closely watched his husband gently take it to analyze the numbers on display.
“Congratulations, Larry.” Miles’s tone remained flat. “You have a fever.” 
Larry wasn’t sure what it was about everything his old friends were saying that made him flustered enough to hide his nose under the blanket. Maybe it was the attentiveness, which, to him, seemed undeserved and out of nowhere. This was only made more apparent when he broke into another intense coughing fit that sent him doubling over. He could feel Phoenix’s hand carefully sliding up and down his back. 
“You said you don’t have any more book signings scheduled, right?” Phoenix saw Larry nod in response. He was grateful Larry wasn’t straining himself by talking if he didn’t need to. “So you shouldn’t have anything stopping you from resting.”
“Can Uncle Larry stay with us for a few more days after he’s feeling better?” Trucy looked up at Miles with puppy-dog eyes that held an impressive success rate over the last ten years. 
“I’m fine with that arrangement.” Miles adjusted one of the pillows to provide Larry with some elevation. “It would be a shame if you two never got your celebratory movie night. Of course, that’s only if he wants to extend his stay longer than we already have.”
“I don’t know.” Larry closed his eyes, finding that to be slightly less painful than keeping them open. “Are you really sure you guys want me here that long?”
“Well, when you put it that way…” Phoenix trailed off before he shook his head with a laugh. “Just give it some thought, but first get some sleep.” He closed the curtains to keep the summer sun out of Larry’s eyes.
“We’ll leave you be.” Miles ushered Phoenix and Trucy out of the room. “I’ll bring you some water for when you wake up. If you don’t have an appetite, you should at least stay hydrated.” 
Larry nodded in understanding. His eyes fluttered open temporarily to watch the family leave the room. He picked up some of their conversation as they left, bits and pieces of debating when they should consider him seeing a doctor, a few comments about a trip to the pharmacy. The sincerity of their concern was not lost on him, prompting him to smile as he dozed off.
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echo-bleu · 4 years
By The Sword
Malex Musketeers AU. I’m reposting this little series here (from AO3) ahead of the @alterarnm fic I’m hoping to finish by Thursday (movie fusion, though it’s a show). This was originally written for the Whumptober prompt “Stab Wound” but it also fits with today’s theme “Pre-1900s”.
Alex barely makes it all the way to the garrison before he collapses. He falls to his knees the moment he's inside the large doors, with no energy left in him to make it to his quarters.
“Captain!” someone calls out. “Liz! Maria! The Captain's back, and he's injured!”
“Alex!” This time it's Maria's worried voice. Alex feels her crouch beside him. “Alex, what's wrong? Where are you hurt?”
“Shoulder,” he murmurs. Maria gently pries his hand away from the wound on the inside of his left shoulder, not far above his heart, and hisses.
“Alex, you got stabbed?” she asks. “Kyle, get over here!”
“Alex!” Liz calls, joining them.
“I'm okay,” Alex murmurs, trying to stand back up.
“No you're not,” Maria says. “You have a stab wound and you've lost a lot of blood. Now how about you let us get you to bed?”
Alex just nods and relents. Liz slings his right arm around her shoulders and pulls him up. Alex tries not to put too much of his weight on her, but between the bloodloss and his leg, he's unable to stand under his own power. Liz supports him without flinching, though. She may be short, but she's stronger than she looks−otherwise she would never have made it through Musketeer training.
Maria stays on the other side for balance, though she doesn't touch his arm. Alex is grateful for that, because he almost passed out the last time he tried to move his shoulder. The three-hour ride back to the garrison has been hell.
Kyle, the garrison's doctor, joins them halfway to Alex's quarters, his medical bag in hands. He helps Liz lower Alex onto his bed and immediately starts removing Alex's leathers.
“Your shirt isn't salvageable, but these can be cleaned,” he says, handing them off to Maria. “Good leather is pricey.”
“Kyle, no offense, but we don't really care about his uniform right now,” Liz says, annoyed. “How about the wound?”
“Get me some water to clean it out, and I'll tell you!” Kyle rolls his eyes.
Alex only barely follows the conversation, exhausted. He grits his teeth as Kyle runs a wet cloth on the partially scabbed wound.
“It's not life-threatening, as long as it doesn't get infected,” Kyle diagnoses. “But it definitely needs stitches.”
Alex winces. He expected it, but it's never fun. He's had his fair share of injuries over the years−more than his fair share, actually, since an infected wound took his right leg in the last war. Everyone expected him to retire then, or at least retire from the field, as he'd just been made Captain, but he got thoroughly bored of desk work after a week, and Liz and Maria were simply not as good a team without him. So he worked his ass off to get back on his feet and train to fight with his new prosthetic, and within less than a year, they were the best Musketeer team of all Antar again.
Liz hands him a glass. “Bourbon,” she says. “You're going to need it.”
Alex nods his thanks. He barely has time to swallow the drink before Kyle digs into his injury, checking for dirt, and he arches back, biting back a scream. Liz offers him a cloth to bite onto.
“I'm going to bind your arm to your chest for now so you don't tear the stitches,” Kyle says when he's done with the stitching. By then, Alex is exhausted and covered in sweat, so he doesn't protest. His leg has definitively cured him of his tendency to take injuries lightly, anyway.
He gestures to his leg, which is painful and raw after the abuse it took today. “You want me to remove it?” Liz asks. Alex nods.
“So, who was it this time?” Maria asks, while Liz pulls of his boot and works on the latch of his prosthetic.
“My father's men, who else,” Alex answers tiredly. “But they had someone else with them, I couldn't see his face.”
He could swear he recognized his stance, though. But it's impossible. The man it belonged to is long dead. But the way he ducked left, right before plunging his blade into Alex's shoulder…
Alex doesn't know many people who can fight that well. He's one of the best swordsmen in the kingdom, even now, and this person bested him like he already knew all his tricks.
He ponders on that for a long time, after the other file out of his room. He's spent but restless, the pain preventing him from sleeping for more than a few minutes at a time. He can't find a comfortable position to lie in. His free hand keeps going to the pendant around his neck, as his thoughts wander. He traces the gold ring, and then the medallion, without opening it.
Why did this man, cloaked and hooded, remind him so much of the man he once almost married?
He swipes at his eyes before the tears can fall, angry with himself for letting his thoughts take him there. Of course that man wasn't Michael: Michael has been dead for ten years. The anniversary is coming up, Alex realizes. He died the day their wedding was set to take place, a reflection of his father's twisted mind. Ten years, in less than a week. Maybe that's why Michael was on his mind so much today.
Sitting up, Alex decides he's done lying in bed. He can be careful of his arm and still make himself useful. Putting his prosthetic and his boots back on is hell with only one hand, but he manages after a few minutes. He rummages his chest for a clean shirt and pulls it over his head awkwardly, leaving the left sleeve empty as his arm is strapped to his chest.
“Alex!” Liz exclaims from the courtyard, when she sees him coming down the stairs. “You shouldn't be out of bed yet!”
“I'm fine,” Alex says. “Don't worry, I'll be careful.” He knows Liz is just as scared as he is of him getting another infection, but he really wants to shake off her concern. This whole business has put him in an awful mood, and the fact that he's light-headed from bloodloss and in pain doesn't make it better. “Anything happen while I was gone?”
“The king requested us to escort his children tomorrow back from the summer palace,” Liz says.
Alex sighs. “Are we on babysitting duty again?”
The twin prince and princess, Max and Isobel, who are about Alex's age, aren't really as annoying as children, but they tend to scoff at having bodyguards, and regularly ignore the Musketeers' safety requests. They like to travel a lot, especially between the royal houses all over the country, and the king has taken to requesting his best Musketeers to guard them since the latest threats on their lives, even though it should be a job for his royal Guard. But everyone knows Valenti's Musketeers are better fighters than Manes' Red Guard, especially with Alex Manes at their command. Something that angers his father to no end.
“They're not that bad,” Liz shrugs. “You won't be going anyway, you're injured.”
“And you're not saying that at all because you have a crush on Prince Max,” Maria interjects, handing Alex a bowl of soup as he sits at the table. “How are you feeling?” she adds to Alex.
“I'm okay,” Alex says. “Just sore.”
“You're the one who keeps flirting with Princess Isobel,” Liz retorts to Maria. “What, you thought I hadn't noticed?”
Alex shakes his head at his friends' antics. They've been inseparable ever since he first joined the Musketeers. They're the best of friends in every situation, funny and supportive. With them, he even forget, sometimes, the life he left behind.
“What's got you so worked up?” Maria asks, and Alex realizes he's gotten lost in his thoughts again. His hand has made its way to his pendant against his will, and Liz and Maria are both giving him knowing look.
Over the years, they've become really good at gauging his moods, and especially at noticing when he's taken by bouts of melancholy. He's never told them anything of his former life, and he doesn't intend to, but they know which subjects to avoid.
“Sorry,” he says. “Just...I hate being injured.”
“We know,” Liz says, putting her hand on his arm. “But you still need to rest up, okay?”
“I know,” Alex sighs. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees someone march up to them. “And I guess it's time for me to report,” he adds, standing up to welcome Commander Valenti. “Commander.”
The woman looks him up and down with severe eyes.
“Captain. Who did you piss off this time?”
Six days later, Alex is in the foulest mood. He's been dreading this anniversary for months, and it's proving as bad as he thought it would be. Everything is going wrong. His arm still isn't healed enough to use, now resting in a sling, so he's been on desk duty for the last few days, and he's remembering exactly why he hates it. And then, whether the effect of his injury or simply the time of the year, the nightmares started. The anniversary of the day he lost his fiance and the day he lost his leg are just two days apart, and it's always a bad time for him, filled with alcohol and fevered dreams.
His team is set to spend the day at the palace again, and this time the King specifically asked for his favorite Musketeer despite his injury. Alex doesn't understand why, but as he's not bed-bound, he has no choice but to obey. He hoped to be able to take the day off and drink the pain away, but the universe is against him. To top it off, both his shoulder and his leg are killing him, and he's forced to ask an aid to hold his horse's reins on the way to the palace, because he barely has enough balance to keep himself on the saddle.
“Come on,” Liz tries to motivate him, as he mopes on his horse. “It's going to be okay. There's to be some kind of celebration planned, for some noble guy who just came to court.”
“That's usually not good news,” Alex remarks. “Means we'll have to be twice as vigilant.”
“Leave that to us,” Maria says, bringing her horse to his other side. “Just because the King requested you doesn't mean you should overtax yourself.”
“My father will be there,” Alex sighs.
“And you can't help showing off your Musketeers in front of him, in hope that he'll acknowledge your accomplishments someday. Alex, you don't need him. Everyone knows you're better than him.”
“He's still the Prime Minister, and he has the King's ear. He could have me executed if the fancy took him to see me gone.”
“The King loves you far too much for that,” Liz says. “That's why your father is reduced to sending his Reg Guards to fight his battles and try to off you in a skirmish.”
Alex sighs and readjusts his sling. “We're here,” he says.
As usual, the day at the palace involves a lot of waiting around and standing guard, far more than Alex's leg should really be put through today. But sitting in front of the Royal Family is simply unthinkable. He watches Prince Max and Princess Isobel, lounging in comfortable armchairs under a canopy, with envy and a twinge of resentment.
“Who's this?” Liz asks him, midway through the day. She discreetly points to a man on the other side of the canopy. He's wearing red like the Red Guards, but his uniform is richer and perfectly clean, and his stance isn't that of a guard. He has a hood over his head, hiding his hair and his face. Alex frowns. Someone who can get away with hiding his identity in the middle of a royal event must be high-ranking, probably from the Royal Family, but he can't think of who that could be.
“Watch him closely,” he tells Liz. There's also the option that he's an imposter.
He's not. Minutes after Liz notices him, the man approaches the canopy at a sign from the King. The king stands up, and everyone immediately stops talking.
“I would like to introduce to the court my natural son, Michael,” the King says, one hand on the man's shoulder. Alex feels his breathing pick up, like his body has already figured out what his brain refuses to understand.
The mysterious man reaches up and removes his hood.
“Thank you, my King,” he says, kneeling quickly. “I have lived my whole life in the shadows, and I will go back to a modest life as soon as my purpose is complete. I have come to court for one reason only: to challenge Captain Alex Manes of the Musketeers to a formal duel.”
Alex gapes. Liz and Maria rally around him, confused. “What?” Liz frowns.
Michael stands back up, and turns to look straight at Alex. It feels like a punch to his gut.
“But why? Alex, do you know him?” Liz presses in a murmur. The court is getting agitated, the announcement raising eyebrows. A King introducing a natural-born son to give out a title and a land is not uncommon, but for that son to challenge the Captain of the Musketeers? That's unheard of.
“Yes,” Alex mutters, still in shock.
“Who is he?” Liz asks.
“Michael was my fiance,” Alex says. “My dead fiance.”
“He can't be alive,” Alex breathes. “It's not possible. He was hanged because of me.”
Liz looks about to shake him, but she's interrupted by Michael raising his hands. “Do you accept?” he shouts across the space between them.
“But he's injured!” Maria shouts back.
“No,” Alex says, squaring his shoulders and taking a step forward. “Reparations are deserved. I will duel you. Choose your field of honor.”
He meets Michael's eyes for a moment, and the emotions are almost too much to keep inside. Alex feels like he's going to burst. Michael is alive. The man he's missed so much that he would have ended his life, had the Musketeers not given him a purpose again.
Michael takes a step back and looks toward the King, who nods.
“You will duel here,” he says. “The two of you are likely the best swordsmen in my kingdom. This should be entertaining. Please refrain from killing each other, though. Although my court may well be bloodthirsty enough to enjoy the show, I have uses for both of you.”
Michael bows deeply, and Alex scrambles to do the same. His leg gives out of under him, and Liz has to hold him up as he straightens again.
“Elizabeth and Maria will serve as my seconds,” he says when he's balanced again, waving at his friends. “Who are yours?”
“Oh, I was hoping for sweet Maria,” Michael tilts his head. “Are you as good with the sword as you are in bed?”
Alex looks at Maria in shock.
“I didn't know who he was,” she whispers hurriedly. “It was just a drunken hookup.”
“I know Michael,” Alex murmurs back. “He's a charmer alright, but he didn't approach you by chance. He was fishing for information.”
Maria frowns in anger. “I'll stay with my friends, thank you,” she shouts across the field.
“Then, will my King allow his daughter to second me?” Michael asks, bowing respectfully. “Obviously the heir cannot risk a hair on his head,” he adds with a smirk to Max.
“Did you have to make me second choice?” Isobel whines.
“You can never be a second choice, dear sister,” Michael assures.
It's only then, that the King's proclamation from earlier makes it to Alex's brain. Michael is the King's son. How is it possible? A man who came to him poor and alone, with no family and no name, is the King's bastard? A man, as he discovered, convicted and branded for thievery?
Did Michael know his heritage, back when they were together? Did he hide that from Alex, too?
For the first time today, Alex looks over to the chair to Max's right, a little to the back, where his father sits. Jesse Manes gives him back an enigmatic look. Alex has no way to know if he knew about this, if he knew that Michael was alive and who he was this whole time. He closes his eyes in dismay.
“I will allow it,” the King says. “Now prepare yourself.”
“Alex,” Liz shakes his good shoulder. “Are you sure you can do this? You don't look good.”
“I'll be fine,” Alex says. He doesn't know if that's true. He's the one who taught Michael to fence, and even back then, he was amazingly good at it. God only knows how much he's improved in the last ten years. And he's able-bodied and uninjured, while Alex can barely stay on his feet.
He's read to be beaten, though. It's only what he deserves.
He removes his sling, keeping his left arm close to his body. It's useless, but he needs to be able to move for balance. He gives Maria his hat and his blue uniform cape, and draws his sword. He'll give Michael a run for his money, if nothing else. Michael has always enjoyed the challenge.
Trying not to limp too much, Alex approaches Michael, in the middle of the field everyone else has vacated. They have an audience, a good portion of the court. Duels are a highly-valued form of entertainment to the noble class.
When he's close enough to Michael, he turns toward the King to bow deeply, then gives Michael a smaller bow, without taking his eyes off him. Michael returns it with a smirk.
“You look good in blue and leathers,” he says, low enough that only the two of them can hear.
“How are you alive, Michael?” Alex asks in the same tone.
“Not thanks to you,” Michael shrugs. “I've come for revenge. You had me hanged!”
Alex averts his eyes.
His father gave the order, when Michael was exposed as a thief and a fraud, and Alex wasn't strong enough to stop it.
That's why he joined the King's Musketeers. To become strong enough.
“Fight!” the King shouts.
Alex raises his sword.
I’ll be posting part 2 in the next few days, and then the new stuff Thursday or whenever I manage to finish it.
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Whumptober 2020 Day 16: A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day | Forced to Beg
Anime/Manga: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (Part 1: Phantom Blood)
Characters: Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando
Rating: T
Genre: Suspense and Family
Synopsis: During a visit to London, Jonathan and Dio are confronted by some less than savoury characters.
Author’s Notes: Wow, this is spectacularly late. This oneshot really did just spiral out of my control until I finally reigned it back in. Enjoy some fifteen year old Jonathan and Dio whump, with a side of Jonathan trying to be a good brother.
“Seen enough of London yet?”
“You do not have to accompany me,” Jonathan said, perhaps a little more shortly than he should have. “You are welcome to go back.”
“I’ve already told you, Father insisted I accompany you,” Dio retorted. “He seems to think you will get yourself lost. I am more inclined to believe you will get yourself killed.”
“That’s not funny, Dio.”
“Good thing I am not joking then.”
Jonathan glanced at his adoptive brother strolling alongside him. Dio’s golden eyes appeared to sharpen as he walked, staring down the crowded path ahead of them.
“Here in London, there are plenty of streets and alleyways that would better be described as deathtraps for the unsuspecting. One misstep, one wrong turn, and you could end up dead in the gutter, shoes gone and pockets empty.” Dio glanced, in turn, at Jonathan. “And we would not want that, would we, JoJo?”
It was hard to tell if Dio was toying with him - something that Jonathan would definitely not put past him, especially after their recent argument - but the severity of Dio’s words and eyes still took Jonathan aback. He frowned, turning his gaze back towards the path ahead.
“No, I suppose not…”
George Joestar had come to London on business. As his sons were both fifteen years old, practically men now, he had seen it prudent for the two of them to accompany him, if for no other reason than to acquaint them with the responsibilities of his occupation.
If Jonathan was being entirely honest with himself, he considered his father’s occupation just a bit beyond what his own mind could grasp. All talk of enterprise, investment, and trade meant very little to Jonathan, no matter how hard he tried to make sense of it all. He never did have much of a head for numbers. All that said, Jonathan still made an earnest attempt to listen to and understand his father’s business meetings.
Dio did not seem to have a problem understanding the trade, which honestly did impress Jonathan. When Dio’s accomplishments were not being compared to his own, Jonathan found that there was a lot to admire about his adopted brother, and it made Jonathan want to improve himself in turn. In the case of their father’s trade, however, Jonathan wondered if this was one of those cases where certain people were just more suited to certain tasks than others.
No, Jonathan’s frustrations with Dio concerned something else. One of the men that George Joestar had met with had recently invited the Joestar family to his place for dinner. While there, the man introduced them all to his own family, including one of his daughters - a lovely young lady around Jonathan and Dio’s age.
While conversing with her had certainly been a genuine delight, and Jonathan found her to be rather charming and remarkably intelligent, much of the young woman’s attention had been stolen primarily by a certain blond headed young man. Dio’s behaviour towards her seemed to go just a little beyond that of a gentleman speaking to a lady, and she, in turn,was clearly infatuated.
Dio had been dismissive when Jonathan brought it up that morning. That had shocked Jonathan, who thought that Dio had been making an honest attempt to pursue the young woman. When Jonathan pointed out that the woman was clearly taken in by Dio’s behaviour, and Dio remained dismissive, an argument started. Jonathan was obviously appalled at the thought of toying with a young woman’s feelings, while Dio claimed that none of it was Jonathan’s business and that Jonathan was overreacting.
Their father ended up stepping in before Jonathan’s agitation rose to the point of shouting. After hearing what the argument was about, George lightly admonished Dio for being cavalier with the young woman’s emotions, whether intentionally or not. Dio, who had remained cool and aloof throughout the whole argument, accepted the admonishment and apologized.
Grateful that his father had taken his side, but still irked by Dio’s insincerity, Jonathan left with the declaration that he would be taking a walk about the city. The hope that he would be able to clear his head through a long stroll did not last, as Dio joined him shortly after.
Now though, as the walk dragged on, and Jonathan turned everything over in his mind, he wondered if he was being unfair. Perhaps Dio had not realised he was being callous.
(Memories of his early life with Dio sprang to mind in protest, as they often did whenever Jonathan tried to move past Dio’s more objectionable moments in the present day. This one was of a despondent, blond haired girl. Though his heart stung, Jonathan pushed it back like all the others).
“Listen, Dio,” Jonathan said slowly. “I suppose I may have… overreacted earlier. Or rather, I assumed the worst of you when you said you had no interest in Miss Langford. I’m sorry.”
Dio glanced at him. “...You apologise too much, JoJo. Keep it up and I may stop believing you.”
“We’re brothers now, Dio,” Jonathan pressed. “I know we have our disagreements, but I do want us to get along regardless of them. Don’t you?”
Dio did not respond, seemingly distracted by one of the surrounding shops.
The street that the two of them were on now was rather cramped. It left no room for carriages or horses, instead bustling with throngs of people looking to get from one place to another. Jonathan had pardoned himself many times now trying to navigate his way through the crowd without accidentally bumping into or against someone. He could not even begin to imagine what it would be like to grow up in such a place. Even on its busiest days, the town at home seemed less crowded than the widest streets in London.
Jonathan felt a pang of disappointment when Dio did not immediately answer his question, only for Dio to say lightly, casually, “I believe we’re being followed.”
“Oh?” Instinctively, Jonathan went to look over his shoulder.
“Don’t look, you fool,” Dio bit out. “They will know we’re on to them if you do that.”
“Who are they?” Jonathan asked, turning his glance into an offhand observation of one of the nearby apartments.
“Pickpockets, more than likely. A pair of men looking to take advantage of the two rich boys who have wandered carelessly into a less than savoury part of town.”
Dio sounded amused, but Jonathan did not find the situation all that funny.
“How do we avoid them?” he murmured.
“Simply keep a tight hold on your wallet, JoJo,” Dio said carelessly.
“Perhaps we should make our way back towards the main streets…”
“Also a viable course of action.”
Jonathan began to look around, earnestly taking in his surroundings for the first time since he had started his impromptu walk. “Where exactly are we, anyway?”
“What makes you think I know? I’ve been following in your footsteps this entire time, JoJo.”
Dio was definitely toying with him now. Holding back a sigh, Jonathan looked down a right turn in the narrow street. It led down a largely empty pathway, through which the afternoon sun shone through, unfiltered by any surrounding buildings.
"I thought Father sent you after me to make sure I didn’t get lost,” Jonathan stated, turning in to the pathway.
“And I decided that you were more likely to get killed,” Dio said in lieu of a retort.
Jonathan actually did sigh this time as the two of them turned one last corner. “Dio, if you’re still angry at me or–”
Three figures suddenly stepped into the alley in front of Jonathan and Dio, cutting off their path to the open street. Trepidation set in, and Jonathan glanced behind to see another two figures turning the corner.
Dio scoffed. “Recall what I said earlier about deathtraps, JoJo...?”
“Dio, please, not now...”
The tallest of the three men in front of them spoke up, a wide and disconcerting smile on his face. “Now what’s a pair of fancy lookin’ young men such as yourselves doin’ around here?”
“As if our business is of any concern to you,” Dio said snidely.
In spite of his aloof attitude, Jonathan could tell that Dio was just as tense as he was. His shoulders were rolled back and his hands were clenched. Jonathan, for his part, tried to remain calm.
The tall man’s smile took on a more obviously dangerous edge. “Fair enough, and I suppose it’s clear what we’re really after, anyway.”
The rustle of clothing had Jonathan turning around completely. The two men who had approached from behind now each had a fist decorated with a set of well worn brass knuckles. At the same time, Dio shifted into a defensive position beside Jonathan, focus fixed on the three men ahead of them.
Jonathan’s heart thudded in his chest, and he fought the urge to wipe away the sweat forming in his palms. “There is no need for violence…”
“Ha ha! Well, aren’t you a smart one?” the tall man exclaimed. “All right then, hand over those wallets.”
“One more step,” Dio snarled, “and I will ram your own weapons down your throat.”
Jonathan gripped his adoptive brother by the shoulder. “We have nothing on us.”
He was telling the truth, at least as far as he himself was concerned. Jonathan did not have any money on his person.
“Don’t make me laugh again, boy…! Young men as well groomed as you two are bound to have a pound or two tucked away in those fancy clothes of yours…! An’ me an’ the lads are more than willin’ to tear you apart t’ find out.”
The two men in front of Jonathan inched forward, cracking their knuckles, leering at him. He was nothing but prey in their predatory gaze, and Jonathan felt like it too. He hoped they could not see him swallow as he fought to keep his fear at bay.
“Just try it then…!” Dio snapped, wrenching his shoulder from Jonathan’s grasp.
“I said we have nothing on us,” Jonathan said pointedly. “Even if we did, I do not respond favourably to threats and violence.”
“Oh…” The tall man’s voice dropped, sending a chill down Jonathan’s spine. “I am willin’ t’ bet you don’t.”
Dio lunged forward.
“Dio–!” Jonathan’s protest was immediately cut off by a blow to the face, knocking his cap off and sending the Joestar heir staggering back. He recovered quickly and faced the two men in front of him.
“Oi, the lad can take a hit…!” one of the men laughed.
“No need t’ hold back then,” the other said. “Not like we was plannin’ on it anyway.”
Jonathan assumed a boxing stance, teeth grit, worry and fear forcibly cast aside. He really had hoped to avoid any violence, but it looked as though he would not be given much of a choice.
The fight was difficult. His opponents were older than him, more experienced, and just as strong, if not stronger. Both Jonathan and Dio largely matched their opponents equally in height, the tallest man being the exception, but Jonathan was not so naive to assume that gave him much of an advantage. The men still outnumbered him and Dio more than two to one. The odds were not in their favour.
Jonathan knew better than to dwell on his disadvantages, though. He had been working hard to improve himself over the past two years, and while he was not yet quite as fast or agile as Dio, Jonathan liked to think that he had become a lot harder to knock down. Indeed, in spite of every strike that the two men managed to land on the young Joestar, in spite of every moment that Jonathan was staggered, not once did he fall. Jonathan held his ground.
In the end, after withstanding many painful blows himself, Jonathan managed to knock both his opponents down. They were not unconscious, merely stunned, but it gave Jonathan the chance he needed to step back, to breathe–
Someone screamed. Jonathan spun around to see Dio on his knees, arm being twisted viciously behind his back by the tall man.
“Dio!” Jonathan rushed forward.
At Jonathan’s cry, the tall man’s focus turned immediately on the young man charging towards him. The tall man yanked Dio to his feet, wrapping his other arm around Dio’s throat and pressing a knife just below Dio’s eye. Jonathan stopped in his tracks, his drive extinguished by a cold horror.
The man laughed, showing off a blood stained smile. “You really are a smart one…!”
Laying sprawled out on the ground, the other two men who had accompanied the tall man groaned as they slowly regained whatever senses Dio had knocked out of them. Jonathan only noticed them peripherally. All his attention was on the man currently holding a knife to his brother’s face.
“I haf’ta admit,” the tall man said, sounding just a little breathless, “you two put up a far greater fight than I expected from a couple rich boys. But that don’t matter.”
The knife pressed deeper into Dio’s skin, drawing a trickle of blood.
“No, don’t!” Jonathan shouted frantically.
“You bastard…!” Dio struggled fruitlessly in the tall man’s grasp. His teeth were bared in a snarl, and there was a slightly wild glint in his eyes.
Jonathan recognized that look. DIo felt cornered.
“Hand over your wallet, and I’ll consider not carvin’ off your friend’s face,” the tall man hissed.
“I told you, I don’t have it on me…!” Jonathan cried, a pleading desperation colouring his voice.
“Don’t lie t’ me, boy!”
“I’m not, I–!”
The tall man flipped the knife around in his hand and stabbed it into the top of Dio’s shoulder. Dio screamed.
“Stop ! Wait, please, stop!” Jonathan’s voice peaked. To his utter relief, the tall man stopped, the knife no more than halfway into Dio’s shoulder. “I- I don’t have any money, but I do have something else…!”
Slowly, so the tall man would not think he was doing anything rash, Jonathan reached into his waistcoat pocket.
“This pocketwatch…” He held up said item by its silver chain. “It is bound to be of some significant worth to you.”
The pocketwatch had been a gift for Jonathan’s most recent birthday, given to him by his father. It was a fine piece, and Jonathan was fond of it, but...
“You can have it, it’s yours. Now please let my brother go.”
“JoJo, what are you doing?” Dio growled, whatever anger or frustration he was trying to convey ultimately blunted by the pain in his voice.
The tall man pulled the knife from Dio’s shoulder, drawing a tight groan from the young blond, and laughed again. “Well, now…! An’ here I thought you said you didn’t respond favourably to violence.”
Jonathan opted not to respond. Someone snatched the pocketwatch from his hand. It looked as though the tall man’s compatriots had recovered, including the two men that Jonathan had faced.
“Still,” the tall man said carelessly, “after all the trouble you boys have put us through, I think we’re deservin’ of a little more.”
Jonathan’s heart sank. “That is all I have on me, I swear…!”
“Well ain’t that a shame?” The tall man returned the knife blade to Dio’s face. “Guess we’ll just have to take this one’s life as compensation.”
“Stop it, JoJo!” Dio glared up at the tall man, pure hatred flashing in his eyes. “These pieces of trash wouldn’t dare.”
The tall man’s face morphed into a glare of his own. “You willin’ t’ bet your life on that, boy...?”
The knife cut into the base of Dio’s neck, instantly drawing blood and a stifled gasp.
“Stop, please!” Jonathan shouted.
“You had best give us somethin’ then!” the tall man shouted back.
“I have nothing left to give!” Jonathan watched as the knife cut deeper, and he could not keep his voice from peaking a second time as he pleaded, “Please, I’m telling the truth…!”
“Well, if you really have nothin’ left t’ give us…” The glare faded into a sly smile, and the tall man removed the knife from Dio’s neck. “...then how about you give us a show?”
“A… show?” Jonathan echoed, confusion overtaking his panic.
“The way you say ‘please,’ all polite an’ sincere-like. I think we’d like t’ hear more of that, right, lads?”
The other four men responded affirmatively with grinning and laughter.
“Basically,” the tall man continued, “we want t’ hear you beg.”
They wanted him to… beg?
“Well? Get on with it, then!” The tall man traced the knife blade down Dio’s temple. “Beg for this one’s life and maybe I’ll consider lettin’ the both of you go.”
“Do not listen to them, JoJo…!” Dio hissed. “They’re bluffing!”
Were they though? The cruelty in the tall man’s smile, in his eyes, was undeniable. Even if Dio was right, and these men had no intention of taking their lives, the tall man had already stabbed Dio - Jonathan had no guarantee that they would not do worse.
“Killing either of us right here, right now, would pose too great a risk! They would not dare do something so stupid – Ghk…!” Dio choked as the tall man tightened his arm around Dio’s throat.
“Shut up, boy,” the tall man growled, before returning his sights back to Jonathan. “What’s the hold up? Too high and mighty to give us a bit of a beg?”
For a moment, a deeply shameful moment, Jonathan hesitated.
The tall man shrugged. “Suit yourself then.” And began to carve the knife down Dio’s temple.
“Wait, no, please! Please, I…!” Jonathan swallowed. His panic or his pride, he did not know, but they were either way irrelevant in the face of the fear he felt for Dio’s wellbeing.
“I beg you,” Jonathan said hoarsely. “Please, spare his life.”
“Jo...Jo…” Dio had turned his glare on Jonathan now even as he clawed at the tall man’s arm with his free hand, disbelief flashing amongst the wild anger. “What the hell are you doing…?!”
“Ha!” The tall man scoffed. “Come on, is that the best you can do? Show some respect to your elders, boy! You can do better than that!”
Jonathan clenched his fists at his sides, and bowed as he had been taught to do. “Please, sir, I beg you, spare his life…”
“JoJo…!” Dio snapped, his voice still tight and breathless, but no less frustrated.
“Hmm, better,” Jonathan heard the tall man say. “But not good enough. I know you’ve been livin’ the high life an’ all, but even a rich boy ought’a know how t’ beg. On your knees, boy, an’ let us know you mean it!”
“Don’t you dare!” Dio veritably screamed. “JoJo, I swear to god, if you don’t stop this…! JoJo!”
Jonathan could only apologise mentally to Dio as he dropped down to his knees. Whether Dio actually cared about Jonathan’s dignity, or if he simply did not want Jonathan to do something like this for his sake - Dio always did seem to despise being in what he perceived as debt to others - Jonathan was still resolved to do anything within his power to save him. And if that meant humiliating himself, well…
What kind of gentleman could really say he had held on to his pride when, in trying to preserve it, he caused others to suffer?
On his knees, palms turned up, Jonathan said, “Please, please, let him go. Please, I beg of you…”
“JoJ–!” The repetitive cry was cut off as the tall man clamped his hand over Dio’s mouth, allowing the knife blade to rest against Dio’s cheek. Dio began screaming in earnest, sheer fury clear in every squirm and struggle.
“Keep at it, boy!” the tall man bellowed over Dio’s muffled yells.
Jonathan clenched his fists and slammed his palms onto the moist cobblestones in front of him. “Please, I’m begging you…! Let him go! I don’t know what he thinks, but he is a brother, my brother…! We don’t always get along, and I often have trouble understanding him, but I want to keep trying–!”
Jonathan’s voice peaked and wavered dangerously. His eyesight blurred.  No, don’t cry, Jonathan told himself, he was far too old to cry.
“Please…! Spare my brother’s life, I’m begging you, spare his life…”
One of the other men in the group laughed. “Sounds like the lad’s ‘bout t’ cry!”
Something struck against the back of Jonathan’s head, and he fell to the ground completely, face pressed against the cobblestones. Before he could even attempt to get back up, Jonathan felt a shoe slam itself down on his head with enough force to make his vision go white.
Dazed, Jonathan could not even hear what was being said around him. By the time his senses dragged themselves back to awareness, someone kicked him in the side, forcing a scream from Jonathan’s lips as the shoe connected with an injury he had received during the fight.
“Fockin’ ‘ell, ‘e is soft,” one of the men scoffed.
The shoe returned to Jonathan’s head, the subsequent increasing weight drawing another cry of pain.
“Best continue your snivellin’, boy–”
Someone screamed. Through the fog in his mind, Jonathan registered that it was not Dio who had done so.
The weight on his head suddenly disappeared, and Jonathan could hear shouts of alarm and panic, alongside a familiar voice snarling threats, and more screaming. As Jonathan pushed himself upright, someone stumbled into his blurring field of vision. It was the tall man, cursing and screaming as he lurched down the alleyway from which he had come, clutching at his face with blood covered hands. The tall man quickly disappeared around some corner, just as Dio entered Jonathan’s line of sight.
“Damned coward…!” Dio shouted into the alley. “Get back here so I can make you eat your own blade!”
“Dio…?” Jonathan tried to get to his feet, only for the pain in his head to force him back down to his knees with a groan, clutching his head.
The sound of rapidly approaching footsteps acted as Jonathan’s only warning before Dio grabbed the lapel of his jacket.
“What the hell were you thinking?!” Dio shouted furiously. “I told you it was all a bluff, and yet you went and submitted to them anyway! You damned fool, why the hell would you do that–?!”
Dio suddenly pulled back with a cry, grabbing at his shoulder.
“Dio…!” Jonathan gasped.
“I’m fine!” Dio snapped. He threw the tall man’s knife - which Jonathan only now realized that Dio had been holding - to the ground, before again covering his wounded shoulder.
Jonathan watched him, not yet daring to speak. When Dio did not continue his rant, all his glares and attention focused on his injury, Jonathan let out a breath.
“Dio.” Jonathan received a glare in response, but he met it readily. “Even if you were right, I could not risk even the slightest chance that those men would kill you...”
Dio growled and turned his glare towards a nearby wall. “So you chose to submit,” he said through grit teeth. “Damn you, JoJo, how the hell could you throw away your pride so easily?”
“We’re brothers now, Dio, I’ve told you this before.” Jonathan tilted his head, trying to get Dio to look at him again, see that he meant what he was saying. “There is a lot I have yet to understand about you, and a lot I... have to move past… but regardless, I value the bond we have. If I must humiliate myself to save your life, then so be it. I will not apologise for that.”
Finally returning Jonathan’s gaze, Dio regarded him with a dark scowl. “Such selflessness is liable to get you killed one day, JoJo...”
“So be it,” Jonathan replied decisively.
Dio scoffed. A stretch of silence followed. Then, Dio approached Jonathan and held out a hand.
“How is your head?”
Jonathan tried to hold back as smile as he grasped Dio’s offered hand and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. Another stab of pain had Jonathan clutching his head again, but he managed to remain standing.
“Still aching,” he admitted. “But nothing a bit of rest won’t mend. How is your shoulder?”
Dio pressed his hand back over his most severe wound. “It isn’t serious. The knife blade did not cut too deeply.”
“Oh, good,” Jonathan said with some relief. “We should head back, then. Father is probably wondering about us by now, anyway.”
Dio ‘hmph’d in response, and the two young men soon finally made their way out of the alley and onto the main streets.
After some time spent simply walking, trying to ignore the looks both he and Dio were receiving, Jonathan thought to ask, “Ah, Dio, I am wondering: how were you able to escape that man’s grasp?”
“I bit him.”
“You… What?”
“I bit him,” Dio repeated nonchalantly. “And I would have done far worse if he hadn’t run off.”
“Dio…!” Jonathan exclaimed. He knew (from firsthand experience) that Dio was not above using underhanded tactics, but still, biting someone?
“It was disgusting,” Dio admitted with a grimace, “but my options were limited, and with you submitting to getting your head kicked in, would you rather I had just done nothing?”
“...I see.” It certainly would not have been the first tactic Jonathan would have resorted to, or even thought of, but he could not deny that Dio had saved both of them as a result. “Thank you, Dio.”
Dio waved his hand. “Yes, well… I doubt it would have been as effective if they all had not been distracted by you.”
Jonathan could not hold back the smile this time.
“You look like an oaf when you smile like that,” Dio scoffed. “Especially with all those cuts and bruises.”
“Ha, sorry,” Jonathan chuckled.
Dio simply rolled his eyes and continued to lead the way onward.
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lyssismagical · 5 years
I don’t invite the headrush but it follows me
Whumptober Days 9 & 10 - Shackled/Unconscious 
Read on AO3
Waking up in the lab isn’t too abnormal for a workaholic like Peter. It’s not weird to have a crick in his neck and vaguely aching joints and muscles. It’s not out of the ordinary to have a pounding headache and a shout on his lips.
What is abnormal, though, is to wake with his hands and ankles tied.
Thick metal encircles his wrists, attaching him to the table leg. He’s sitting awkwardly propped up on a chair, one of the ones bolted to the floor, ankles separately cuffed to the chair legs.
He tests the metal holding him, confusion more prominent than fear. He’s Spider-Man, he shouldn’t really fear anything, especially after everything he’s had to face.
But this is different. This wasn’t being kidnapped on his way to pick up Morgan, this isn’t following a bad guy into a trap, this isn’t being taken. This is his lab, his home.
He tugs a little harder at the chains, but they don’t budge.
“You won’t be able to free yourself, Spider-Man,” a voice drawls somewhere behind him. He tries to jerk around to see him, but he can’t strain his neck far enough to find the source of the disturbingly familiar voice.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says, trying not to let his sudden chill of fear show. This man knows he’s Spider-Man. Only a very select few people know that.
A laugh, chilling and echoing in the lab. “The internet will love this, Petey.”
Peter flinches at the nickname, wishing Morgan’s nickname for him wouldn’t be hurt in this way. “What do you mean? The internet?”
“Didn’t think I’d film this, did you?” the man continues condescendingly. “Once we’re done here, this will be uploaded for the world to see, Spidey. They’re going to hate you. They’re finally going to see how weak and pathetic their dear hero really is.”
There aren’t many options Peter has.
The shackles are too strong for him to break out of. He’s the sole leader of Stark Industries. It’s not weird for him to be on a work binge. Nobody’s going to question it.
“FRIDAY?” Peter says.
There’s no response and the man laughs. “Yeah, you thought I’d overlook that, didn’t you? She’s been disabled for ‘updates.’”
Tony, Pepper, and Morgan are all retired a few miles outside of the city. Tony wouldn’t even question Peter not calling for a few days, probably assuming Peter’s busy with running a multi-billion-dollar company.
May’s been going to nursing school to finally finish the degree she wanted to get. They’ve both been too busy to really call more than once or twice a week.
Nobody’s really going to notice for at least a few days. And Peter’s absolutely screwed.
“Before you ask,” the man continues, a strange metallic noise ringing through the air. “I’m not going to go on a villian-esque rant about how I deserved this company or at least more than what I got. I’m not going to bore you with my life story. All you need to know is that this isn’t going to be fun for you, but I’m going to have a wonderful time.”
Peter rolls his eyes. “I get it. Whatever. You wanted the company, Tony didn’t give it to you. He chose me. Therefore, it’s my fault. I feel like this is a pretty boring story, isn’t it?”
A fist slams down onto the table behind Peter, making him flinch, chains rattling against the metal chair legs.
But just as fast as the anger came, it disappears again. “Anywho, I’m not on a time crunch, but I’m a little too excited to wait any longer.”
The footsteps that slowly move around Peter are deliberate, making it last as long as the man can, letting the tension build up inside of Peter.
And then,
Peter recognizes one of the employees he used to work with back when he used to just be in charge of R&D. He was always a little bit intimidating to work with because he used to have angry mood swings, blowing up at anyone, anytime. And Peter, the kind of person who actively avoids conflict, didn’t want to have to deal with that.
“You’re angry because of BARF, aren’t you?” He remembers, vaguely, hearing the conversation between Pepper and Tony a few years back. Beck had tried to get his job back not long after the snap, but Tony had recognized him before Pepper could hire him again.
Beck sneers, hand gripping the old camera in one hand shaking. “Of course, I’m angry. Did you think I wouldn’t care? Stark took everything from me.”
Peter just rolls his eyes, tugging a little bit at the chains.
He doesn’t expect the hit when it comes, whiting out his vision for a few long moments as he breathes through the pain, head flung to the side with the force of the punch.
“Fuck, man, you couldn’t just- I don’t know- talk to a therapist or something? I’ve heard that’s really good for someone’s-”
Just because he expects it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt any less. He’s been hit by his fair share of enhanced individuals or aliens or people with inhuman strength, so Beck’s punches are much less than the strength Peter’s used to feeling, but they’re constant.
There’s no fighting back, there’s nothing he can do. He can barely even pull his head back without worrying about breaking his wrists at the awkward angle of the cuffs.
Beck was right, he wasn’t going to bore Peter with chatter.
He spits some blood onto the tiled floor between hits, trying to find the breath again as he feels his lip split and his nose crack.
Beck hits him again. And again. And again.
The last thing Peter sees before he loses consciousness is a blinking red light.
When he comes to, he can barely peel his eyes open with the overwhelming swelling. He feels like he was stung by a thousand bees. He’s only ever been stung by one bee and it was when he was ten years old  and he had cried because he knew that meant the bee had died. May tried to console him, but he knew the bee population was diminishing and he had killed a bee when he’d been stung-
On track, he thinks, trying to grasp onto important thoughts even though his brain feels like molasses.
He can hear Beck mumbling not too far from him, humming a tuneless song. One of his hands is tapping the table at an inconsistent rhythm, a dull ringing whenever his ring hits the metal table.
Nobody’s gotten to him yet. Vaguely, he can hear one of the bots beeping angrily in the corner, but last he saw, they’d been broken in some way. Without wheels or batteries or whatever had been easiest to break them. Beck had thought this through.
“I know you’re awake!” Beck calls out. “I’ve been so bored without you.”
Peter pries his right open, left too swollen to even try. He opens his mouth to speak, but his throat is dry and the movement tugs at the cuts and bruises he knows litters his whole face. The last thing he needs is to reopen the wounds.
“I’ve been watching the video,” Beck continues like Peter cares. “And even though you did perfect, amazing work done, I just feel like it could’ve used a little more… je ne sais quoi. A little bit more pizzazz.”
Peter would’ve protested if he thought he could’ve moved his mouth without restarting the waterfall of blood from his lips.
Instead, he watches Beck until he disappears behind Peter’s chair.
And then, without warning, a sickening snap sounds through the lab.
A choked sob bubbles out of Peter’s chest as he tries to move away, pain flaring from his now broken finger all the way up to his head.
Beck laughs again, an awful noise that grates at Peter’s ears. “This is just the excitement I was looking for. I could make this into a film, Spidey, do you understand that? The money I could make.”
Peter forces his mouth open, desperately pulling at his chains as cold fingers rest on his ring finger of his left hand. He doesn’t care if he bleeds, he just wants this to stop.
“You can… you can have m’ney,” Peter says, tears starting to slide down his swollen face when his lip resplits and blood immediately fills his mouth.
“This isn’t about money, Peter. This is about fame,” Beck cackles gleefully.
Peter cries out as a second and then third finger are broken, body shaking when the pain has nowhere to go. His chest aches, his fingers burn, his whole face throbs. He doesn’t have the energy to spit the blood out, so it all just drools out of his mouth and down the front of his shirt.
He only makes it through two more cracks before his mind, sludgy and murky, finally gives out to the pain.
He has to save himself. There’s no other way he can get out of this.
It’s probably Friday and he really can’t wait two more days for Tony to start getting antsy about Peter not responding to see why he hadn’t shown up for Sunday Night Barbeque. And even then, antsy isn’t going to get him saved.
“You ready for Part Three?” Beck says, a smile on his face. It makes his eyebrows look too high and his eyes too wide, leaning over his legs. He’s sitting directly across from Peter, split knuckles the only sign of something being wrong.
Peter makes an incomprehensible noise in return, chin resting on his chest, no longer the energy to hold him up. He cries out when he tries to flex his fingers. All ten are broken.
“I’m thinking of making it a YouTube series now,” Beck’s saying, talking about fame and money and everything he apparently deserves for thinking he invented BARF. “The world is going to be so happy someone finally put Spider-Man in his place. As nothing more than a petty little bug to be squashed.”
Peter can make out the camera, a few feet away, red light flashing obnoxiously. It’s sitting on a stack of miscellaneous objects as a makeshift tripod, holding it up so it’s pointed right at Peter.
He just wants to go to the cabin and curl up on the couch with May and Tony. Breathe in the soft scents of rose perfume and cinnamon body wash. Wants to watch old Disney movies with Morgan. He wants his family. He wants his Dad. He wants to cry.
Swallowing thickly around the metallic taste in his mouth, he tries to talk. To beg, maybe.
But then the door busts open.
And like the most incredible knight in shining armor, May stands in the doorway. Rhodey and Happy a few feet behind her.
“Get the hell away from my kid,” she demands, gun pointed at Beck’s head. Peter, in his at least partially delirious and blurry state, realizes it’s Ben’s old police gun. The one he kept locked in a safe in their closet. B.P is engraved in the side.
Beck stands quickly nearly tripping over his chair, hands raising and eyes wide. “You wouldn’t just kill someone-”
“You really want to test that theory?” May says, jaw clenched and expression hardened. She clicks off the safety. “Because I’d suggest you listen to what I say before you end up with a bullet between your eyes.”
Beck does as told, moving towards the wall until he’s out of Peter’s line of sight.
Rhodey moves forward, a pair of cuffs dangling in one of his hands. The bots are all beeping happily, knowing Peter’s safe now. Happy follows Rhodey’s lead, blocking Peter’s view of the man further.
May races over to Peter, sneakers squeaking against the floor in her hurry. She slips the gun back into the waistband of her white skirt, messy hair falling into her eyes as she sinks to her knees in front of Peter, gently cupping his face.
“My baby,” she murmurs, face falling. “Oh baby. You’ll be okay. I’m here, you’re okay.”
Peter blinks slowly at her, trying to hang onto reality as best as he can when his thoughts slip through his fingers like sand.
“Ti… ‘m tired,” he slurs, blood slipping through his lips and dripping onto his ruined shirt.
Her hands are cold and she smells like her wonderful rose perfume and she’s there and that’s all Peter’s been wanting. He doesn’t care that he’s twenty-three and shouldn’t be curling into his aunt’s embrace like he’s still a ten-year-old boy who’s been stung by a bee. He doesn’t care. All he knows is that she’s here and he’s safe.
“Sleep, baby. It’s okay. Tony’s on his way. You’re safe.”
It takes Peter three days of mostly sleeping and cuddling for him to heal, broken fingers very slowly mending back into place.
Three days is nothing in comparison to the three months it takes for Peter to even step foot into his lab which once felt safe and homey, and is now nothing more than a torture chamber filled to the brim with bad memories now. Memories of helplessness and pain.
Beck will never get out of prison and the tapes were all destroyed, but Peter doesn’t think he’ll ever forget Beck’s laughter and excitement, forever seared into Peter’s brain.
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Fic: explosion
For the Whumptober 2019 Day 2 prompt: explosion!
Summary:  When the breakdown finally arrives, it’s nothing like Dick once pictured it would be: a spectacular implosion, buildings collapsing on themselves and raining debris until there’s nothing left but a flaming pile of rubble. The weight that he’s been collecting (for too long) just seems too big for the letting go to be anything short of a disaster. Instead, it starts slow, without him even noticing.
aka: at the end of everything, Dick breaks down, and his family is there for him. 
Warnings: future!AU, Titans s2 spoilers upto 2.04, some swearing. this is some truly indulgent shit.
When the breakdown finally arrives, it’s nothing like Dick once pictured it would be: a spectacular implosion, buildings collapsing on themselves and raining debris until there’s nothing left but a flaming pile of rubble. The weight that he’s been collecting (for too long) just seems too big for the letting go to be anything short of a disaster. Instead, it starts slow, without him even noticing. It erodes him with the unceasing regularity of the tide, instead of cracking him right through the centre.
It starts with the end, the night after Deathstroke is defeated and the Titans, both old and new, are gathered at the tower. The gigantic rooms are about as small as Dick has ever seen them, filled with people and music and laughter and chatter. Superman and Green Lantern-themed party decorations hang from the ceiling, (“literally all that was available last minute,” Gar had told him earlier that day, like somehow over the last year he’d gotten better at lying to Dick. Hah.) glittering in the lights, and there are pictures everywhere—trophies of their biggest triumphs, and snapshots of smaller, more intimate moments that Dick has no memory of ever posing for or taking.
Dick walks through the party, beer in hand, feeling strangely light-headed. The music sounds muffled, and he hears snippets of conversations as though they are coming from very far away. He smiles vaguely at Gar talking animatedly to Rachel and Rose, flits, ghost-like, between Jason and Dawn throwing down for an impromptu sparring session, and gestures with his beer at Donna across the room, hoping that’s answer enough for the curious look that she’s giving him.
Joey catches his eye from where he’s sitting with Kory and Conner. You okay? he signs. You look unwell.
“I’m okay,” Dick says loudly—maybe a little too loudly, because he can barely make out anything over the roaring in his ears—and keeps walking, determined not to be a buzzkill (this once, Rachel had said, crossing her arms over her chest but with a playful twinkle in her eye).
Somehow, he finds himself sitting at the kitchen table, watching Hank determinedly mix something in a giant bowl.
“You’d think he’d know the difference between walnuts and peanuts,” Hank’s saying. “I mean, just on principle. The kid’s got a smartphone and every fancy gadget money can buy and he doesn’t think to text me oh hey hank, you weren’t really planning to bake a cake with peanuts, were ya? Because that would be ridiculous, oh no, not him—”
“You do a mean Jason impression,” Dick says. “Gotta save that for the actual party.” Now that he can actually hear himself speak, he winces—he sounds scratchy and hoarse, like he hasn’t spoken in a while (he hasn’t spoken in a while).
Hank stops mixing to stare at him. A beat passes before he sets the bowl down and walks around the table to sit next to him. “You feeling all right, man?”
Dick sighs. This is exactly what he wanted to avoid. Usually when he gets like this—wobbly, sad, there but not quite—he discreetly escapes to his room and punches and cries and screams into pillows, stares at the ceiling and the walls, listens to loud music or makes notches on his desk with his bare fingernails, anything to quell the desperate, seething mass of feeling inside of him. It almost always works.
“Just tired,” he says. It’s not even a lie.
Hank nods, then throws an arm around Dick’s shoulders, pulling Dick towards him. “Yeah right,” he says, “like you’re going to weasel out of the party with that excuse. Roy still hasn’t forgiven you for skipping his birthday to go to wilderness survival training in the Amazon, and that was a hell of an excuse.”
“You say that like I had a choice,” Dick mutters.
“You coming back and lecturing us on camping styles and insisting that we stock up on twenty different kinds of insect repellent? Definitely a choice.”
Dick remembers Hank dragging him away then just like this, reminding him none-too-gently to get his goddamn head out of his ass once in a while. He opens his mouth to laugh, but to his horror, hears a sob escape instead.
Hank freezes. “Dick?”
God-fucking-damnit. He really, really can’t do this here, not in front of all these people. He wriggles out of Hank’s hold and staggers in the general direction of his room, his vision swimming. The music stops, there’s a litany of concerned voices and numerous hands reaching out to stop him, and Dick squeezes his eyes shut and keeps moving because if he doesn’t—
if he doesn’t he can’t—
“Dick please,” Rachel says, and her voice cuts through everything like it always does, like it did when she saved him from Trigon (when she saved them all). “Dick, what’s wrong?”
He’s in his bedroom with Kory, Gar and Rachel, trembling like he’s going to fall apart with the force of the ticking time bomb inside of him. He wants to reassure her, but he can’t find the words or his voice, and so he looks to Kory, pleading.
Please, he tries to say. Not with them here.
Thankfully, she seems to get the message, and ushers them out of the room. Within seconds, she’s back in the room, her arms around him. She’s warm enough to be right at the cusp of uncomfortable, her skin glowing faintly in the dark room. Dick leans into her touch even as she says, “It’s okay. It’s just us now, Dick.”
And Dick… crumples.
He cries—loud, keening sobs that are barely muffled by her shirt. Every time he thinks he’s just about spent, a fresh wave of sorrow washes over him, and he starts all over again. He doesn’t understand where this is coming from—why this sadness is pulling him along in its current and washing him up on shore feeling empty and bereft—when everything is over, fixed, saved. He only knows the feeling of a festering wound being sliced open, spilling pus and infection until the blood runs red. He only knows what it means when something blows open, spitting smoke into the air as fire burns everything clean.
There’s so goddamn much to burn through.
He realises that at some point he stopped crying and started talking. He’s not making much sense, not even to himself, but the words pour out of him like a messy afterbirth anyway. At one point all he can say is it’s been so cold for so long and he doesn’t know if that means all the nights training in the Batcave past the point of collapse, or if it means trying so goddamned hard to keep himself together while everyone fell apart around him because he’s the leader, this was his idea, or if it means living with the guilt of Joey and Slade and Zucco and Bruce festering inside him, trying not to let it spill out of him even if all he wanted to do sometimes was tear at his hair and scream—
“I understand,” Kory says, the only words she’s said the entire time that he’s been falling apart. “But it won’t be cold forever.”
He collapses against her, utterly spent. She threads her fingers through his hair, singing something both indistinct and ethereal—Tamaranean, he guesses.
“I’m sorry,” he says, his voice like smoking wreckage. “I shouldn’t have—put all of this on you. It’s not fair.”
“Maybe not,” Kory says lightly. “Perhaps you will return the favour one day.”
“I want to,” he says, and there’s a longing there, a wistful belief that he will ever be strong enough to do for others what Kory is doing for him.
“You will,” she says, and continues to sing. He falls asleep to the sound of her voice.
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vegetacide · 5 years
Whump●tober - Secret injuries
Veg-notables: This went in a direction I did not expect it to go.. As I woke up this morning inspiration hit me up the back of the head and I ended up rewriting the whole thing from a different perspective than I had intended. Scrapped over 1100 words as Kayo burst in the front door and demanded I write her instead of Scott and V… She can be rather scary and demanding.. 
Thanks  @gumnut-logic for dealing with me filling your inbox through I know this is not what I originally sent you last night and well.. I am expecting various hard candies to be lobbed my way.. 
Obligatory whumptober stuff: @whumptober2019 @la-vie-en-whump
Blanket warning: Hospital room conversations, a little medical jargon and some emotional turmoil.  
Characters: Kayo, Scott and a sleeping V.. yes he is out cold but only sleeping this time. 
Whumptober - TaG’verse
Previous posts can be found HERE.
24.Secret Injuries
When Kayo returned sometime later the room was quiet again, the only sound that of heart monitor and the ambient noise from the hallway through the door at her back.  The shuffling of feet,  the squeak of wonky wheel on an IV pole as it was pushed by,  the laugh of a nurse.  
Despite the lightening of the mood,  the lessening of the dread that  pulled the family down there was still a lick of something hanging like a fine gossamer shroud over everything.  An inkling of apprehension that tickled up the back of her neck and had her checking blind spots and exits out of habit.
Drawing in a deep breath to calm her nerves,  Kayo crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against the thick wood paneling of the rooms only egress.  Taking in the now familiar space and its two occupants with a critical eye.
A top-notch ICU room with all the bells and whistles that money could buy.  Temperature controlled,  recessed linear circadian optic lighting,  drone docks hidden away behind remotely accessed ceiling panels,  an alphabet worth of med scanners and monitor,   heated gels filled bio-bed with anti-grav capabilities, the works.  Helped that the family had made several large anonymous donations over the years.
If the donations had been anything but anonymous Kayo was pretty sure there would be a wing with the Tracy name on it but the Tracy’s weren’t the type to  flaunt their charitable endeavors.  Stroking egos was the last thing on their minds, their only goal was to save lives in anyway they could so they used their money.  Considering they had enough to buy a small country several times over,  the hospital had benefited greatly from their generosity. 
Now the Tracy’s were benefiting for their own kindness and they had a fleet of some of the world’s top Doctors to go along with it which she was eternally grateful for.    
Virgil; the man whom she had come inexplicable entangled with, was asleep again.  Propped up amongst bleach white pillows and snoring softly. Her eyes instinctively watched his chest, counter the length of the rise and fall of his chest, the  tightness in her own loosening as the information in her head computed back as safe, alive, still with her. Thank God. 
She noted randomly that the bed had been adjusted, most likely in an attempt to alleviate the discomfiture he had been experience since rousing from his coma, that he was trying and failing miserably at hide from her.  She was well acquainted with his penchant to spare those around him from worry but really,  after everything that had happened?.. Men. 
Shaking her head at her other half, she turned her attention to Scott.    
He sat hunched over close by, eyes distant as he stared off at the middle distance in deep thought.  Elbows braced on his knees,  hands rubbing worriedly between his thighs as if trying to wipe something off them. 
Kayo narrowed in on the movement,  her mind conjuring up scenarios and only dark things came to mind as the bruised knuckles finally registered. She’d missed that in the drama of her world coming unhinged at the seams.  
She pushed away from the door,  stepped further into the room and Scott’s eyes finally shifted to her.  No surprise on his expression at seeing her there.  He hadn’t acknowledged her upon entry but he’d known she was there. 
“The blockers are helping enough.”  His voice though soft, was heavy with emotion but Kayo didn’t comment on it. 
“I know.”  She replied coming up the end of the bed and resting her hand on one of Virgil’s covered feet. A physical act of reassurance she couldn’t explain but viscerally needed.  
“His speech..” He started and couldn’t seem to finish.
“I know,  Doctor’s said there could be some neurological damage from the cerebral edema. He has no idea he is slurring or muddling up some of his words but it’s gotten better since he woke up.  Swelling is still going down.”
Scott’s head bobbed up and down once.  “Nurse came by.” 
“I ran into her just outside,  she filled me in.  The neurologist will be by in a bit, she’s just getting out of surgery..”  Kayo stopped, unsure if she should continue or not.  Scott wasn’t doing so well and she didn’t want to burden him more.  He already blamed himself for GlobalMax. 
She needn’t had hesitated though, Scott already knew.  
“They keep checking his pupil response every time they come in.”  
Kayo closed her eyes, a despondent weight settling over her. The news she had secretly been dreading, fears that she had been right about voiced and confirmed by Scott with his concerned words.
“Did he say anything to you?” She asked, knowing that if Virgil hadn't told her about his sight the chances were slim that he would have mentioned it to Scott. 
“Not a peep but I suspected as much.  The Doctors did warn us.”  Scott looked down, rubbed once more at his battered fists, flicked his glance at the growing  medi-chart that hung off the end of the bed.  
Kayo watched Scott worry away at his hands,  his apprehension tightening his shoulders, distorting his usually impeccable posture.  “Have you put any ice on those?” She queried, shock spearing through his eyes as they shot up to hers.  
She leaned on the bed by Virgil’s feet,  hands in her lap playing with loose thread of her sweater.  “He might not be able to see the damage, Scott but I certainly can.”  She waited a beat,  “So can the others, mind you they won’t ask but they’re worried  about you and so am I.” 
Something flashed in his eyes at that, something she hadn’t seen in a long time as his vibrant blue gaze jetted up to hers and skittered away again.
Her own pulse kicked at the look but it was an instant only.  Something that would never be followed through on or explored.  It was from a childish youth years before she knew the truth of her adult self.  The strength of her feelings for the sleeping man quietly snoring at her back.  His leg resting against her spine, residual heat from his fading fever radiating through her clothing and warming her skin. 
Had she known then what she did now, that wellspring of youthful emotion would have fizzled to non-existence but that was the journey of life.  To experience its highs and it lows, and to see how far one could go in either direction without breaking or succumbing.  She'd found her peak, the pinnacle of her high and it was interwoven intricately with the mind behind loving, steady, sable brown eyes.  
Scott's athletic shoulders shrugged, not as wide as his brothers but just as able in a rescue. They carried many a burden, had sagged slightly under pressure but held firm time and again to whatever life threw at them.  This time though she wasn't too sure as doubt glossed over their resilience, maybe this time it would be too much. 
"You really should get them tended." She was well versed in the pain he was most likely experiencing having had her fair share of tussles over the years.  Some she'd won, some she'd lost but the pain in one's hands was always the same.  Bone deep and achy.  
"I will..just…". His attention turned to Virgil. Scott hadn't left his side since his return from wherever he had disappeared to but Kayo had her suspicions.  The haunted look in his eyes told her plenty.  
"Scott," Kayo put a hand in his jumping knee, the one she was sure he hadn't been aware danced up and down when he was overly tired and distraught. It stopped its mad jitter, his piercing blue turned back to her. "When was the last time you slept?" 
He'd comforted her during her time of need, now it was her turn to do the same in whatever small way he would allow.  She knew it was hard for him to admit needing it, a task usually delegated to Virgil to suss out but he wasn’t up to it and it would be sometime before he would be. 
"I'm doing okay, Tin". A childhood name, one seldom used and a testament to Scott’s current troubled mind.  
"No, you're not." 
His eyes shifted to the hand still on his knee and she lifted it, tucked it into the crook of her arm as she folded them again across her chest.  
“I have to be.” For his family, for the commander he was forced to be in the absence of their Father.
"Grandma was asking after you, maybe you should go and see her. She’s gotten antsy since the Doctor’s veto’ed her access to force her to rest.” Kayo tipped her head towards the door. “I wont leave him.”  
“She made you come in here to get me, didn’t she?”  He knew the woman well.
Kayo’s lips perked,  “You know Grandma,  always looking after her boys.”  She stood, offered Scott a hand.   “It was either me or TI security and a tranq’ gun. I figured I was the better option.”, 
Scott snorted, “You figured right since I could fire them all.” He took her hand,  groaned as she dragged him up to his feet.  
He stood in front of her a moment, close and she caught a whiff of his aftershave so different from Virgil’s but so Scott.  An awkward beat and she stepped back swinging out her arm to gesture towards the door dramatically.  “After you.” 
A slight uptick of a smile,  a flash of dimples before a quick glance over to his supine sibling. “You’re right.” He said as he stepped past her, long legs eating up the short distance. 
He stopped at the door,  back to her still. “Kayo…?”
“Yes?”  Her fingers combing through Virgil’s hair, brushing the tangled mess back from his pale brow.  
“..nevermind..”  and Scott was gone, the door swinging shut quietly in his wake. 
Not all injuries were visible but they hurt all the same.  
Next post can be found HERE
The Master List of prompts can be found HERE
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whumpqhs · 5 years
Whumptober #11. Stitches
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
"Get up."
Sonora groaned and sat up, swinging her legs to the floor. She'd been let loose from the restraints on the medical bed when the prisoner she’d been set to save had recovered, and while she was still kept in the same interrogation room much of the time, the "interviews" had gotten fewer, and further between. 
In their place were long sleepless nights, pressed into service as everything from a short-order lab tech to an emergency trauma surgeon to a burn specialist. Newly and critically wounded from the war, these prisoners were too high value to be allowed to die, and with new battles every day, the infirmary was struggling to keep up. She followed that familiar punchable face into the clean room, past all modesty by this point, and started changing into fresh scrubs and washing her hands. Next came the PPE, already laid out for her on a tray. No extras; nothing for her to sneak out. He trained the blaster on her as she pulled on her shoe covers and tied the apron around her legs.
It wasn't her first time scrubbing in at gunpoint, even before her capture, and it was very unlikely to be the last. But it wasn’t all bad: her bruises were healing, she was getting actual food… 
"Here, let me get that for you."
...and Keeper had become substantially less of an ass. She turned, giving him her back, and tucked her head down so he could tie the gown at the nape of her neck. 
"Thanks. Where are we?"
"OR 2." He followed behind her. His blaster was still aimed at the middle of her back, and it gave her the nerves, but she was getting used to it, in a way. Sometimes she could even forget about it, for a few seconds, or sometimes longer if he set it down, like he did now, passing it off to a guard standing at the doorway as he fixed her with a stern and serious glare. 
"Remember, Cipher--if he dies…"
"I go too. Yes. Can I do the timeout now?" She'd long since accepted that condition of the arrangement… and had moved on to making sure he understood that it no longer bothered her.
"Can y--? No. It's my turn to do the timeout." He shook his head. "You did it last time." 
Success, in the form of a petulant look from the elite SIS agent. 
"No, you did it. Remember? The exploratory lap?"
Greater success: for a moment, he scrunched his eyebrows together and frowned. "...oh yeah. I guess I did. Go on then."
Her smirk about being right--and making him admit it--was invisible behind her mask, fortunately. As she settled into the familiar rhythm of something she'd done so many times before, she could feel the tension and panic of being a prisoner melting away as, for a moment, she wasn’t a prisoner at all. She was herself again: a Cipher, a caregiver… 
"Alright, time out! Hands off the patient. This is prisoner F2975, thirty year old, Force blind, Zabrak male. We're doing a resection of damaged GI tissue with multiple sites, debridement of any necrotic tissue. Going in from the lower left quadrant, site is marked…" she checked the lines of body marker on his skin, "Patient is positioned supine, draped appropriately, intubated and anesthetized… do we all agree so far?"
Around her, the rest of the team nodded. She continued. "Skin prep looks like it's already been done. Ten blade, please."
The fact that Keeper willingly handed her a knife, scrubbed in and standing at her right, should have been a clue about how sure they were that she’d never make it out of here. But if she started thinking about that, she might make a mistake. Instead, she thought only of making the perfect incision, cutting at just the right angle, to just the right depth. Blood spilled out from behind the inflamed skin. She didn’t even need to call for suction; he was already working on it, moving it behind her blade and staying out of her way.
“You’re good at this.” 
“Thanks. I wanted to be a surgeon.” He offered her the retractor she’d been about to ask for. How did he know? “They make us get out after a certain amount of medical training, so I only got my RN. Not like the Empire.”
“How would you know about the Empire’s policies, hm?”
She’d had Cipher training, unlike the rest of the room, so even in her peripheral vision, she could see what they hopefully couldn’t: the flicker of surprise as he looked up at her and then quickly recovered--he was a spy too, after all--and smoothly replied, “I read your file when we captured you. Imperial Medical Board has you down with a stack of certificates and extra degrees as tall as I am. They should really stop using the same personnel numbers as Imperial Intelligence… that’s pretty much asking for trouble. Worked out pretty well for us, though.” He grinned at her and went back to working the suction as she slowly opened up the incision to see what they were dealing with.
“Ah. Well… I was a bit of a special case.”
“How’s that?”
“I’m not just a medical operative. They usually don’t get that much training… since they do a lot of field work. Theirs tends more toward strategy, tactics, search and rescue, that stuff.”
“Not you?” He passed in a hemostat when she put out her hand. 
“Not me. Ciphers are… different. I did most of my work in a hospital setting, like this one. Targets too highly classified to be given to regular medics. Important figures who were under threat and needed a trusted team… or who could make it worthwhile for Intelligence. We were the best in the Empire; and that meant we were constantly in demand.” Even now, she couldn’t keep the pride out of her voice. Being promoted had been the best day of her life.
“Huh. We don’t have that type of thing; at least not that I know of. Just Agents, Special Agents, like me…”
“If it’s one up from the typical agent rank, then it’s the same as Cipher--so… you and I would be the same, then.”
“Hey, watch it, Ron.” One of the nurses cut in. “No need to go giving her info.”
“Your name is Ron?” She stopped, with both hands in the patient, and just looked at him.
“...Rongeur. It’s my designation. You are still my prisoner, and you will still call me Keeper.” She could see the color rising into his cheeks.
“It’s a nice designation. Useful instrument.”
He shook his head. She could hear the rest of the team snickering… clearly they were already well aware of how he didn’t like it. She sighed and went back to clamping, and cutting away, the tissue, then stitching the remaining healthy bowel back together.
“Oh, come on. No one likes their first callsign. I was so excited to change mine when I got promoted. It’s okay.”
“If it’s so “okay”, then why don’t you tell me yours?”
“Nice try.” She finished the last stitch on the intestine. “Rinse please, sterile saline and kolto.”
Once the cavity had been irrigated out, she nodded. “I think we’re about ready to close up, what about you? I need a second pair of eyes.”
He leaned in to check her work, nodding. “Looks good to me.” With the main procedure done, personnel began to leave, prepping for the eventual move to the infirmary’s PACU. When it was just them and the anaesthesia droid, she looked over at him. 
“What? No. He’s not coding.”
“No, that was… that was me. My designation.” She placed the last stitch to anchor everything down within the cavity. “I was part of the rapid response team. Specialized in running codes. They used to say I was like a dose of it--little, which always made me mad, and… the best thing to have on hand if your heart stopped. Which made me really happy. So when I got to change my designation, that’s what I picked.”
Keeper--she’d already decided she wasn’t going to use that other name, it fit him even less somehow--looked back at her and quietly repeated, “Epi.”
He picked up a needle holder, sighing. “I guess if they ever let me change mine--although I don’t think SIS does that--I’ll pick something cool like that.”
Why was it suddenly warmer than usual behind her mask?...
“I, y’know, it’s not that cool. I just… you’re right about yours, it really doesn’t suit you…”
“Thanks. Everyone else knows I hate it, they get a real kick out of it. S’why I jumped on making you call me something else.” He gestured to the needles that were lined up on the tray, already threaded. “You want the silk, or the Dakryl?”
“...You mean the dainethylene, right?”
“You just did it again.”
“Did what?”
“When you get some time, look at that package. I’ve had to use Republic supplies in the field, you know? Emergency surgery… nowhere on there does it say Dakryl. It says the generic name. Dainethylene.” She paused, then added, “I want the silk, though.”
“It… so what?” He handed it over. She could tell from his tone that she’d hit a nerve. “I must have picked it up from a prisoner, like you. You’re not the first Sith-licking Imperial to come through here, don’t flatter yourself.”
Sonora started placing the stitches carefully. She knew she shouldn’t push. But… “You usually talk about surgical supplies with the prisoners here?”
“My specialty as a medical operative is interrogating. With medical torture. It comes up.” But he sounded defensive.
“I guess. I didn’t mean anything by it, it’s just… strange. I’ve captured my fair share of SIS too, you know?...”
“I’m well aware.”
“They didn’t talk like you do.”
“That doesn’t mean anything. And as soon as he’s closed up, you’re going back to your cell.”
She blinked at him, tying off another stitch. “Was it something I said?”
“You keep acting like you have something on me, Cipher, well let me make this clear--you don’t.” His speech was fast and pressured, and he sounded genuinely angry. “I am a loyal Republic citizen. I always have been, and always will be. And you are still alive only because you are useful, and not very much trouble, so if I were you I’d be very careful about irritating the person who has to fight for you not to be taken downstairs and shot.”
That brought her up short. Mid-stitch, in fact. “...you… you’re the reason they’re keeping me?”
He turned away, prepping another needle. “You pull your weight. Don’t make errors. You work without complaint, the shit no one else wants to do, you do it.”
“I don’t have much choice.”
“So you do it, and you don’t spend an hour in the charge nurse’s office whining about having to.” He passed it over to her. “I’m trying to convince them that you’ll defect if we give you time to see that the Republic’s not all bad. We’ve lost a few of our agents to Imperial Intelligence. Might as well even the score.”
“So what would that be like? Just… turning around for the other guys, just like that?”
“They wipe your memory. Parts of it. So I hear, anyway.”
“Oh. I wouldn’t be much use as a medic, then.” 
He shrugged. “Maybe they leave those parts alone, so you can still practice.”
The words hung in the air for a moment. It seemed like they were both making the connection at roughly the same time. Parts like the names of suture thread?
Keeper was the one to jump in and try to fill the silence. “--Either way, you don’t have to stay in a prison cell once you defect, you know. You should do it. Come fight for the good guys.”
“Would that be the good guys who, unlike Imperial Intelligence, let their medical agents specialize in medically torturing people for information?”
“The very same.”
“...yeah, not yet.” She placed the last stitch. 
“Think about it.”
“I will, if you’ll think about something for me.”
“What’s that?”
She pointed to her stitches. “What was it you called this? Far-far, near-near, symmetrical bites...”
“It’s a Tirian loop. Did they not teach you that?”
“Yeah, they taught me that. At the Academy on Dromund Kaas. Tirian comes from Lord Tiria, the Dark Council seat for Biotic Sciences. He perfected it a couple hundred years back and promptly insisted on it being renamed after him...” As she began to tape down the drain coming out of the incision, she continued, “I had hold of one of your medics once. And I used this stitch on him. He called it a Beltic stitch, after Beltos Shala, the one who invented it.” Sterile gauze padded the stitches and wicked away any extra fluid. “...So while I know where I learned it… I’m pretty curious about where you did. Mister Loyal Republic Citizen.”
“It is not your job to be curious.” His voice had dropped back to the cold, cutting tone from when she’d first seen him, standing over her as her muscles locked up. She winced. “You’re a prisoner, it’s your job to do what you’re kriffing told. Are you finished with the procedure?”
“Good.” He ripped the PPE off of himself and tapped on his wrist comm. “I’ll have them come get him and move him to PACU. You’re going back to your cell. Now.”
“What?! I can’t leave a patient!”
He picked up the blaster and leveled it at her chest. “You’re. Going. Back. To your CELL, now MOVE.”
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elizabeth-234 · 5 years
Whumptober 2019
Day Seven: Isolation 
Read on AO3
Hi Friends! Hope your week started off well!
Day Six: Dragged Away
Summary: A young Peter Parker comes to live with Tony Stark. What happens with Tony is too haunted by his past to see a future that includes Peter?
It was eleven months since he moved into the tall building and Peter had only seen Mr. Stark a total of seventeen times. When Peter mentioned it to his nanny, the man’s eyes narrowed for a moment before congratulating him on counting that high.
His new home was huge and every time Peter explored he found something new. His nanny, Mr. Chi, couldn’t be there at all hours of the day and night to look after Peter so sometimes he was left to himself. Jarvis was always there if he needed help but Peter knew the rules. Rule seven stated that if a door wouldn’t open it meant he wasn’t allowed in. That was easy enough to follow because it enforced itself. The rest of the rooms were fair game to Peter and that was all he cared about. So much alone time meant boredom and his curious nature needed to be sated somehow.
He explored methodically, room by room, as the days went and took careful note to remember where he left off so the next day he could continue his way. Sometimes he ended up meeting people in his explorations. They would smile and sometimes, if they weren’t busy, would talk to him. Truth be told Peter looked forward to those times. He couldn’t wait to tell someone about what he discovered.
It was on such excursion that he met his friends, Ms. Pepper and Rhodey. They always made time for him though he knew they were busy and they never patronized him. Rhodey would greet and say goodbye to him with the warmest hugs. Ms. Pepper snuck him treats sometimes and helped him with his homework from Mr. Chi. Sometimes he wasn’t sure if he was exploring or trying to catch a glimpse of them.
Mr. Chi gave him homework to complete throughout the week and he was by far the person who Peter spent most of his time with but Mr. Chi was not his friend. It wasn’t that Peter didn’t like him, the boy was hard-pressed to find anybody to dislike, but there was a strict distinction between teacher and student. He diligently finished the work so that the man would be pleased with him.
The last person who remained was the one who took control of him when his parents died. Mr. Stark was also the person that Peter saw the least and wanted to the most. He was curious about the man who saved him from being alone. Who plucked him from darkness and took him to a magic tower. His dreams were the only things that were not affected by their new surrounding. No matter how much Peter wished it they were disturbed by shadows and when he woke up, heart pounding and sheets tangled, he was left with a deep longing for his family.
It was the anniversary of Peter coming to live in the Tower. It was also the anniversary of his parent’s deaths and Peter was not behaving today.  
If asked, Mr. Chi would say that Peter was an unusually bright boy that, when applied, was a fast learner and overall nice person. If pressed for more Mr. Chi might say that there was something missing when the boy smiled. Something in the way his eyes hardly lit up contrasting heavily with the bright smile on his face.
Peter was not smiling today. He ran out of his lesson with Mr. Chi and, asking Jarvis not to let his teacher know where he was, found one of his favorite closets. Peter sat on a makeshift chair he fashioned out of an upturned bucket and stared at the door.
His head bent forward to rest on his crossed arms and Peter sat there in the dark.
Tony Stark’s day could not get any worse.
First a business deal fell apart. Of course, Pepper blamed it on the fact that he was late… and hangover. His life consisted of meeting after one more meeting and his mind was melted by the end of each day so he wasn’t sure what she expected.
All he wanted to do was go back to his floor, have a drink or two, and collapse for the night without any intrusions. He grimaced at the thought. No matter what his instructions were Jarvis insisted on informing him when the kid woke up from a nightmare and contrary to what the press thought Tony had a heart. He could hear the disapproval in the AI’s tone when Tony acknowledged but didn’t move from his floor.
What was he supposed to do? He wasn’t the kid’s father. No, his father was pushing up daisies on a hill somewhere. Tony wasn’t anyone’s father and didn’t know how to be. How could he be one when he never had one himself? If Tony were around more he would have felt awkward living with a child. As it was his own insecurities turned to annoyance at having to curb his life to fit the needs of some kid.
He tried, he would tell us, to welcome the kid into his life at first. The day after the boy came he had breakfast catered. A real smorgasbord spread out on the table for them only to have the boy stick his nose up and nibble at a piece of toast.  
After that Tony let the boy stew and a week later he tried again. This time he took the kid to see a movie. Again, it did not go well and when the boy started crying, Tony realized that a crime movie wasn’t the best way to bond with a five year old whose parents were just murdered.
Frustrated and embarrassed Tony didn’t trust himself anymore but was too proud to ask for any advice. From that point he kept their interactions short and businesslike.
Every time he ran into the kid he was left confused. Tony was sure there was some type of vital translation errors between them because something would happen that would invariably confuse him. It happened last month when he came into one of the kid’s sessions with Mr. Chi. Tony stood at the back of the room shifting his feet back and forth and debated whether Mr. Chi was right. Would the kid want him there? He hadn’t seen Tony yet but was showing some type drawing he finished. Tony felt the breath rush out of him. There on the page was, if the misshapen facial hair was anything to go by, him. He was there with what looked to be all sorts of weeds around him and then in the corner Tony thought it looked like the kid. At least it was small enough. The figures were so far apart though and blocked by all the weeds. Tony wasn’t sure what to make of it but Mr. Chi was looking at him like it was important but he couldn’t understand and Tony fled the room.
He refused to think about why the kid drew that and what it meant, but he couldn’t get it out of his mind. Why was he surrounded by such dense green and did his facial hair really look that out of control? It seemed like the kid was always around a corner but sadly he was the person Tony saw the most. He sat down at his desk and snorted at how pathetic that sounded. Pepper was avoiding him recently and would leave all their interactions to over the phone and Rhodey was busy with work…or also avoiding him. Tony didn’t know nor did he care. He was fine.
He played with his pen and gazed around his office. On the walls were paintings that Pepper acquired for him. They were neutrals tones, grey and beige, and matched beautifully with the furniture. His desk was the only piece that Tony picked out for himself and sat in the middle of the room. In fact it was something he made from old Iron Man suits that he soldered together. It had thin steel legs that intertwined and twisted under a thick glass top. Tony loved how you could look through the top at so many different angles and not see what was holding it up. Only by standing just right would you be able to see the delicate metal supporting the glass.
Tonight, Tony stared blankly around the room, noticing for the first time how out of place his desk looked. The grungy style of the desk looked out of place among the sophisticated decorations. He sighed and put his head in his hand.
Everything would be fine if he could get some sleep inside of trying to psychoanalyze his furniture.
If asked Tony could tell us the name, age, and relevant information recorded on the file for one Peter Parker. If asked again he would flounder and instead of admitting he knew nothing personal about him, would say that the boy didn’t like toast or violent movies. When pressed once more Tony would storm out of the room without answering.
When he walked into the living room of his floor he was displeased to see Mr. Chi sitting on one of his couches.
“Oh,” he said before moving to the liquor cabinet. “You’re still here are you?”
The man sighed and Tony’s cheek twitched. No good had ever come from finding the man staying late to talk to him. Usually Tony was subjected to these little talks once a month. Sometimes more depending on how the boy was doing and Tony hated them. Hated the pleading in Mr. Chi’s eyes when he talked to Tony. It was the same look Pepper and Rhodey would give him and made him feel like a villain.
“As I have recommended multiple times, Mr. Stark…”

“Please, just Tony.”
“As you wish. I have told you, Tony, the boy needs guidance. He needs someone to look up to. Rules and boundaries so he is not walking aimlessly along life’s path.”

Tony snorted but didn’t look up from his glass the uneasiness grew in his stomach.
“And I told you. I’m not the man for the job. I wouldn’t be able to keep my rule from becoming a dictatorship.”
The man across from him shook his head.
“I thought it wise to tell you...” He paused and waited for Tony to look up.
“You know what day it is.” Tony rubbed his hand down his face before draining the glass and filling it again.
“Yes. Its Friday.” He said with sarcasm
“Indeed, it is and not just any Friday. Peter is currently hiding in the closet on the fifty-seventh floor.”
“Again?” Tony asked.
The man sidestepped his question with a suggestion that sounded more like a command: “I think it prudent if you go find him. Personally.”
Tony swallowed at the hard look coming from Mr. Chi. It wasn’t the first time he’d been subjected to it and Tony was sure it wouldn’t be the last. Resignation dripped from his expression as he wished the man a goodnight. He wondered how well he would have succeeded under Mr. Chi’s tutelage when he was a child.
He started down the stairs forgoing the elevator to lengthen the time it took to get there. The closet was at the end of a rarely used hallway and Tony’s eyes purposefully avoided it as he walked closer. When he stood in front of it he saw the no light emerged from under it. Tony wondered how long the boy had been in there.
Not letting himself be cowed by a five-year-old Tony strong forward and knocked.
“Peter?” He said with no response. “Peter.” Annoyance seeped into the name and infused it with purpose. Tony was wrong. The day could get worse.
“Open the door. Now.” His ear pressed flat against the door and still not a sound could be heard. He paced back a forth for a moment, his eyes straying to the closed door.
“Jarvis. Unlock the door, please.”
Jarvis seemed to be giving him the cold shoulder because without a word the door opened. The light from the hallway flooded into the tiny room. Tony glanced in and saw what looked to be some kind of chair, complete with handles made of old stacked cleaning bottles. It was… resourceful.
He stepped closer and spied a shoe covered half in shadow. Tony followed the shoe into the shadow and spotted a leg and then a small body attached. He lay quiet and still. At first Tony thought he was sleeping, he couldn’t see the boy’s face but he liked to imagine that was all but the boy hadn’t moved when Tony entered.
The ground rushed up to hit his knees and Tony stared at the boy. His hands reached out in front of him toward the small body but stopped before they could touch him. What if he hurt the boy without knowing?
His hands trembled in the air and staring at the child thoughts of his own childhood burst from their box in his mind. Isn’t that the same excuse he gave Howard? It was certainly the way he managed as a child. Howard couldn’t possible have known he was hurting Tony so it wasn’t the man’s fault. It was an accident. His father told him that many times but now Tony didn’t want to repeat the same accident.
“Peter?” He whispered and realized it was the first time he ever spoke the boy’s name out loud; At least in his remembrance. Ironic than that the boy wasn’t awake to hear it. His chest rose and fell rapidly. Faster than he thought was normal. His hand moved on its own to ghost over his pulse. It was too high. Tony’s breath stopped and he pulled his hand away, shaking, as if he was burned.
“Jarvis?” He said not sure what he was asking,
“His pulse is high, Tony. You need to get him to the Medbay. He has suffered from what seems to be a panic attack, again.”
There was that word: again. Like the definition itself, the word kept repeating over in his life and Tony was starting to hate it. It meant that there wasn’t one bad thing but multiple. That the burdens would continuously stack up on each other creating an unmanageable load.
He took in a deep breath and gently picked Peter up before walking to the Medbay. He held the body in his arms away far into the air but his neck bent to look uncomfortable. Slowly Tony brought Peter closer to him and rested the small head on his shoulder ignoring the warmth before picking up his pace.
The nurse on duty bristled when she took Peter’s pulse and other vitals. It was strange seeing the normally active child in bed, still. It was strange seeing him in general. His hair which Tony now guessed was freshly cut when he came to live here was now longer and little curls rested against his forehead. Small freckles lay underneath the curls and along his chin and cheeks. Tony wondered what color eyes he had. Wires wrapped around him creating a strange sort of cage and Tony took a sat in a chair to the side until the nurse came back.
“Alright Mr. Stark. He’s going to be fine. From what we gathered he must have had a panic attack, which caused him to fall and hit his head. It was lucky you found him. I suggest you watch him for twenty-four hours and then check back in. Lots of rest and no stress.” She said, checking Peter over once more before leaving him alone in the room.
Tony rested his forehead on his clasped hands and stared past them to the ground. The sound of the machines whirling and their breathing filled the room and gave the illusion they were the only two people in the world. He glanced up at the boy again and caught the deep circles ingrained under Peter’s eyes. Nobody that young should be so tired; nobody that young should be lying in a hospital bed.
He thought back to the many conversations he had with Rhodey and Pepper. On first meeting the two were smitten with the boy. Somehow they came across Peter and immediately fell in love. They set up some sort of intervention for him complete with his favorite cake but Tony wouldn’t listen. Wouldn’t see past his own history to see the possibilities in Peter’s. After their last attempt to talk sense into Tony was met by an intoxication level they hadn’t seen in a while they left him to simmer. They hadn’t been back to see him again.
How was he supposed to handle caring for another person? A child? It was too much and Tony wasn’t ready for it. His eyes flitted to the door; hope building that someone would arrive and be able to fix everything. The door remained closed. Worries and doubts plagued him through the whole night but he sat there next to Peter.
The sun long past disappeared when he noticed the kid’s body trembling. He quickly took off his jacket and laid it over the boy, its length covering Peter’s whole body. Tony wrapped his arms around himself and stayed vigilant.
The renewed sun appeared but Tony’s will remained unchanged. He had no late night revelations about what he should do. Their little hospital room was untouched by anything from the outside and Tony felt as though he aged a lifetime by daybreak.
The small hand twitched and then a groan came from the boy.
“Peter?” He said, tasting the name on his tongue for what felt like the first time.
“Mr… Mr. Stark?” The voice that responded was weak and dry. Tony hurried to lift some water and watched as Peter gulped it down murmuring a weak thanks. He watched as Peter’s head flopped down onto the pillow and turned to look at him.
Warm brown eyes regarded him. Tony should have guessed that was their color, was ashamed he hadn’t known. They were a mixture of many browns. In one corner there were gold flecks and in the other there was a beautiful hazel that reminded him of his mother’s eyes. Peter smiled at him and Tony’s heart stopped.
Thankfully a nurse came in before Tony had to say anything and he took the opportunity to make a phone call. He felt odd contacting someone from work but it needed to be done. He had to cancel the meetings scheduled for this morning. Tony stepped back into the room not a quarter hour later and curled his hands into light fists. He hurried out and went to the nursing station.
“We thought you were going back to work so we had someone take him back to his room.”

Tony nodded and with heavy feet left the Medbay. The air in his office was stale, unused, and he had the errant thought that maybe they had been locked away in that little room for a thousand years.
He sat in his chair and started opening emails. No one cared it was Saturday. There was always work to be done. He worked on autopilot and answered them but the image of the Peter in that closet never was far away.
On more than one occasion he was tempted to see how Peter was doing. In the end he stayed in his office. Tony stayed seated at his chair staring at the beige paintings wondering why, all the sudden, his heart felt heavier and the glass of brandy to his right didn’t comfort him as it normally did.
Thank you!!
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added): @verdonafrost
Day Eight: Stab Wound
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kookiesnjimjams · 3 years
Whumptober2021  No.1
A/N: I’m a little late, but muse was stubborn as usual. Anyways, here is prompt 1 for Whumptober 2021!
Whumptober Prompt No. 1: All Trussed Up and Still Nowhere to Go
“You have to let go” | barbed wire | bound
 The barbed wire dug sharply into Fayre’s wrists.
 She couldn’t believe how many of the Amalj’aa had shown up to their “ambush.” It should have been obvious, in retrospect. No matter how they questioned him, Ungust had never admitted to any knowledge of the Immortal Flames’ patrols. And even if he had admitted to it, how would he have such knowledge in the first place? Obviously, there had to be an inside man.
 Minfilia had told her that with their ability—Echo, she called it—Fayre could divine a man’s intentions; know his mind and heart. Well, bloody load of good it had done her this time. She hadn’t realized anything was amiss until it was far too late.
 She wondered where her friends were—if they had been captured as she had been. She worried most for Lavenza, their little Healer. The Lalafell had been terrified of facing the Amalj’aa. She had a stratagem for damn near everything else, her clever Scholar’s brain picking out every weakness and exploiting it before Fayre had fully finished swinging her axe, but the Amalj’aa were like the boogey under Lavenza’s bed.
 Apparently, a childhood spent in Ul’dah and hearing the terrifying tales of what the lizardmen did with their captives had left its mark. But she had trusted their little party and the Scions. Fayre told her she would protect her, and yet…she had cheerfully led the lot of them into the midst of a hopeless ambush.
 I hope Thancred got her out of there, at least, Fayre thought. Of course, in a perfect world, only Fayre would be among the captives. If anyone should have to suffer the consequences of her blunder, it should be Fayre alone. There was no way to tell from here, though.
 Presently, Fayre was being carried on the back of one of the Amalj’aa, hanging off his back like an unwilling Hyuran cloak. Each lumbering step jostled her, digging the barbs deeper into the soft, paper thin skin of her wrists. She still felt groggy from the Sleep spell the Amalj’aa mage had hit her with. Her limbs felt sort of wobbly and her brain even more so. Still, she needed to figure a way out of this so she could ascertain the safety of her friends.
 Ignoring the pain, she began testing the strength of her bonds—and the patience of her bearer.
 “Stop wiggling around,” the Amalj’aa who carried her growled, driving his elbow backwards and into her side. Fayre’s breath left her in a rush, rib buckling a bit from the force of the blow.
 “It’s best to just let it be,” came a ragged voice from her side. “There’s no coming back from where they’re taking us. And even if, by some Twelve-sent miracle, we do come back, we ain’t gonna be the same.”
 Fayre looked sharply towards the voice, not recognizing it as one of her party members. On the back of another Amalj’aa, one of the Immortal Flames that had joined their ambush hung draped much as she was. He looked worse for wear than she felt, sporting a black eye and split lip. Despair shone brightly from his eyes, as if he wanted to cry but feared how it would look.
 Fayre pitied him; she really did. But she was not one to give up, no matter the odds, and his words would not deter her.
 “I have to find my friends,” she stated back sharply, gathering her strength for another attempt at jostling her bonds. Maybe she could use them against her captor somehow? Fayre’s mind cycled through several possibilities, drawing on what she had learned from Lavenza and the Arcanists’ Guild to hopefully come up with a stratagem of her own.
 Fayre may have been a mere Marauder, but she wasn’t stupid. Her father had made sure of that. Between her parents, Fayre’s mother had been the dreamer and her father, the teacher. This meant that Fayre had a naturally quick and adaptive mind, able to come up with creative and innovative ideas, and her father helped her turn those ideas into reality through education and study.
 Unfortunately, Fayre lost her mother to the Creeping Death when she was still young. As for her father, well…she didn’t really know. Her memories surrounding the past five years were blurry at best and had been since she’d awakened on the boat to Limsa.
 For the life of her, she couldn’t remember from where she’d boarded the boat or her purpose in coming to Eorzea beyond joining the Adventurer’s Guild. She had a vague memory of saying goodbye to her father, but it felt distant—as if it happened long ago rather than the few moons it must have been had it occurred prior to that awakening.
 Still, the point was that Fayre wasn’t some dumb jock. But she really, really could use her father’s calm and collected voice right now to turn the jumble of ideas bouncing around her head into something actionable.
 Just then, the Amalj’aa carrying her brought her into what appeared to be a massive cave. Already, it was full of captives. From Immortal Flames to the various Ala Mhigan refugees that had been abducted to feed the lizardmen’s primal, they were all there.
 Before she could properly look and see if her friends were among the captives, Fayre had to fight back a yelp of pain as her captor lifted her up using her bound wrists and flung her over his shoulders and onto the ground. Fayre did the best she could to roll with the impact, but it was difficult going and she ate more than her fair share of dirt and bit her tongue in the process.
 As she spat out a mouthful of dirt and blood, Fayre rolled herself onto her back and groaned. “Thanks for the ride, mate,” she gasped. “Bit gentler on the landing next time? I am a lady, after all.”
 If her words reached the Amalj’aa brute, however, he didn’t show it. He simply turned away and marched out of the cave, presumably to prepare the ritual they were going to be subjected to.
 Fayre allowed herself a brief moment of reprieve, letting her various hurts—now that she was laying down, she could feel them all fully—wash over her and recede. The reprieve was all too brief, however, as she heard a very familiar cry of pain.
 “Venza!” Fayre gasped, rolling over unceremoniously so that she could look towards where she heard the voice.
 The familiar Lalafell lay huddled on the ground, cowering away from an Amalj’aa overseer. He stood poised to strike, his arm pulled back in what Fayre could only assume was going to be a second blow. How Lavenza had managed to get out of her bonds, Fayre couldn’t quite say. Nor could she say what the Scholar had done to earn the beastman’s ire. What she did know, however, was that this monster had hurt her friend and that was unacceptable. She’d be damned if she let him do it again.
 At the sound of Fayre’s voice, Lavenza looked up in surprise. Golden eyes not unlike Fayre’s locked onto her and several complicated emotions flooded the small, round face. But all Fayre could see were the unshed tears in her friend’s eyes as well as the soft, white strands of her hair slowly turning crimson as blood dripped freely from a head wound.
 Now, Fayre was usually a very nice girl. Many even called her beautiful and delicate, citing her deceptively petite build, fair skin (for which she had been named), and softly curled hair which framed her pretty face, the rest gathered in an intricate braid at the back of her head. “She truly is a beauty!” they would all say in the small, provincial town she had been raised in.
 But those who knew her best knew this: when it came to protecting those she cared about, Fayre was no beauty—rather, she was little more than a beast.
 It didn’t matter that her axe was nowhere to be found. It didn’t matter that her hands were bound, or that she was injured and outnumbered. As soon as she saw her Healer bleeding, Fayre let out a bellow of rage and leapt to her feet.
 Two Amalj’aa overseers tried to stop her. She stunned one with a swift kick right to his nether regions and then used her bound hands to send him pummeling into the other. The barbed wire broke with the force of her throw, but she didn’t let it fall, instead keeping a hold of it as she sprinted forward. As they went down in a tangle of limbs and curses, Fayre had only one objective: to get to the bastard who hurt Lavenza and hurt him worse.
 Fayre used her momentum to vault herself up on the back of her friend’s attacker and used the barbed wire which had formerly been binding her as a garotte to strangle the Amalj’aa. In the moment, it didn’t occur to her that it was kind of poetic justice: whereas she had been carried in here on the back of her captor, helpless and bound, she now found herself in the exact same position but with the upper hand this time.
 Not that he made it easy. With one hand, he tugged at the barbed wire, trying to keep it from tightening on his throat; with the other, he did his best to wrest her off of him. He tried everything from elbowing her to clawing at her. When none of that proved a deterrent, he bellowed and made for the cave wall.
 Several captives shouted and scurried away, but Fayre simply tightened her hold with a shout of effort. The Amalj’aa brute then positioned himself so that he could slam himself against the wall—with Fayre between the two.
 The air rushed from Fayre’s lungs and several of the Marauder’s bones buckled on impact but she felt none of it. She clung, weathering that first impact., second, third…no matter how hard he tried, her grip never wavered. She was dimly aware of Lavenza screaming something, but she couldn’t hear anything over the rush of blood in her ears.
 Slowly—or quickly, there was no telling how much time had come and gone—the impacts grew weaker and weaker as the Amalj’aa’s strength wavered. How long could a reptile go without breathing? It didn’t matter. She would hold on as long as it took. Finally, finally…he gave one last impact and then his knees buckled. He fell to the ground. And still, she clung.
 “Fayre…Fayre…” words filtered through her brain, distant and foggy. She tightened her grip once more. Something warm gushed between her fingers. “Fayre? Please. You have to let go.”
 It was the please that did it. Fayre blinked and saw Lavenza’s concerned expression floating before her face. “You’re okay?” she asked.
 Lavenza let out a huff of indignation. “Me? I’m fine. It’s you I’m worried about. Now will you please let go of that damned lizard so I can see to your bloody wounds?”
 Somewhat self-conscious now that the danger had passed—well, maybe not passed but certainly paused—Fayre did as she was told…and immediately regretted it.
 Her hands were a bloody mess. The barbs from the barbed wire had mangled them almost beyond recognition. The cuts were so deep in some of them that she damn near lost two or three of her fingers. The pain was incredible. Who knew such small injuries, though admittedly numerous, could hurt so damn much?
 “Bugger me, what were you thinking?” Lavenza tsked. She reached for her Grimoire and cast Physick. The worst of the cuts started to seal themselves, a cool relieving sensation dancing across the bleeding digits. As the skin worked on knitting itself back together, numbing pinprick-like needle sensations took the place of the pain. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it was a far-cry better than the agony from before.
 “I was thinking that I promised I would protect you and I failed miserably,” Fayre commented.
 Pain radiated from her chest with each word—no doubt a result of being slammed multiple times into the cavern wall—and another Physick washed over her. Bones knitting themselves back together hurt a hell of a lot worse than cuts, but Fayre had grown used to that dull, aching pain.
 “Sorry,” Lavenza said, smiling slightly. It was a sad expression, and Fayre wished she could find another lizardman to strangle to death if it would only make her smile a real smile again. “You got hurt because of me.”
 Fayre shook her head. “Don’t be daft,” she said. “It’s my job to protect you. That’s why I carry the big axe.”
 Lavenza lifted her Grimoire and then, quite without warning, bonked Fayre over the head with it.
 “Ow!” Fayre cried out. “What was that for?”
 “You may carry that big axe, but you don’t have it right now, do you?” Lavenza lectured. “Whereas I have this.” The white-haired Lala held the Grimoire in front of Fayre’s face almost tauntingly.
 Fayre blinked at it uncomprehending.
 Lavenza sighed and shook her head. “Did you consider that maybe I had a bloody plan?”
 “Uh…” Fayre began, but before she could articulate a better response, Lavenza was up and pacing. Fayre knew her well enough by now that she recognized a wrap-up when she saw one, so she rested her back against the wall and prepared to listen.
 “First, I was already unbound. One of the Flame captives rightly assessed that I was their best shot of getting out of here alive. So, while the guards were rounding up the rest of you lot, she helped me slip out of my bonds. Then, another told me there was a tunnel in the stream I could possibly swim through to get out and get help. It wasn’t quite big enough for anyone bigger than a Lalafell and none of the others were brave enough to risk it.”
 Fayre felt her lips quirk up in response. “That so?”
 “Mm-hm! So, naturally, I swam through. When I got through the tunnel and out of the water, I found myself in a different part of the caves. I was quite lost for a while, but then I remembered hearing one of Mistress Thubyrgeim’s lectures about how you can use Carbuncle to help you navigate through a dark cavern system,” Lavenza continued.
 The excitement in Lavenza’s voice was clear, and although Fayre was still in a bit of pain, it actually comforted her quite a lot to hear it.
 “Eventually, I exited somewhere in Drybone. From there, I found Thancred and told him what had happened. He was really worried about you in particular, by the way. Kind of cute, actually. Maybe he has a crush? Anyways, I told him where the captives were being held and he said it would be best if I swam back so I could let you all know that help was coming without alerting the Amalj’aa of our plans.” Lavenza took a deep breath, obviously having exerted quite a lot of energy in the retelling of the story.
 But if help was coming, where was it? And what had happened to the rest of their party? Perhaps sensing Fayre’s questions, Lavenza halted her pacing and gave her a smile.
 “The others are fine, by the way. A little banged up, but Cora was able to drag Vis away while A’xian covered their escape with his flashy magics. You know him—always ready to put on a show.”
 Fayre did know A’xian. He never did anything halfway; that Miqo’te wouldn’t know the first thing about being subtle. She was glad it had come in handy for the others this time. Vis was a talented Paladin, but the Hrothgar was a tad overprotective—especially of Fayre. She could imagine he wasn’t easy to drag away from the action, especially once Fayre had fallen to that damned Sleep spell, but if anyone could get a hold of him it was Cora. She was never anything but sweet most of the time, though the occasional snark could easily be detected in her tone—however, nobody dared cross the Viera if they had half a brain, lest they find themselves with an arrow in their arse for their trouble.
 “Good, that’s good…but if help is coming, where…”
 Before Fayre finished her question, she heard the sound of fighting coming from the other side of the cavern. She could have shouted for joy. Except…
 Several Amalj’aa rushed into the cavern, barking orders to the captives to all get up for “Tempering,” whatever that was. Lavenza and Fayre had little choice but to obey, exchanging a worried glance even as they were forced to their feet and pushed towards a hidden door in the cavern.
 “We go to meet the Lord of the Inferno,” one of the Amalj’aa barked. “You had best show the proper respect—not that you’ll have much choice on that front.”
 As he chortled, Fayre steeled herself. If help was coming, all she and Lavenza had to do was survive until the others came to the rescue.
 No matter what, she figured, she would show them. Someone who could strangle a lizardman with naught more than a piece of barbed wire and sheer stubbornness was not someone to be trifled with…and now she had Lavenza on her side.
 Fayre nodded at her. Lavenza nodded back. It was time to meet this “Lord of the Inferno” and bring him to his knees.
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