#i love that shiro is a damsel in distress in this show lol
pepplemint · 6 years
Fanfic Recc:s
I had this since a long time back actually, I think. I figured I might as well post it and give ya’ll something lol.
Room with a View by isabeau25 (10,089 words): Lance manages to carve out a space for himself in a hidden part of the castle. The rest of the team find their way there eventually. ———- This was one of those fics I didn’t really expect to get as into as I did. Is really sweet and focus on the original team as a family. You know how you sometimes see art where everyone in a giant cuddlepile and it’s just too sweet and everyone is so comfortable with each other? This have got the same feeling, plus some Langst
————————————————-  Accepting Amelioration by XILVerify (4887 words): Shiro trusts his team with his life, but after what he and his daemon experienced at the hands of the Galra… well, trusting them with his soul is the one thing he just can’t bring himself to do. Or so he thinks. Daemon AU. Post season 1 speculation.  ———- Shiro and Hunk is a pair that have gotten very little bonding time in canon, so seeing them together here put in a situation where they are trapped in a distressing urgent situation is both interesting and engaging. I don’t know much about His Dark Materials or daemons to be honest but it’s explained well enough within the fic and I enjoy these representations very much. WARNING: Mentioned previous-to-fic assault
————————————————- The Purity of Sin by IcyPanther (105,002 words): Lance's first diplomatic mission had gone wrong. Very, very wrong. Instead of allies on planet Macka, he and Keith found only enemies who want to sacrifice them to their Goddess. The two Paladins are going to have to work together to survive the harsh desert, severe injury, relentless pursuit, with the added problem that in addition to losing copious amounts of blood, Lance is losing his senses one... by one... by one... ———- I’m sure most people have heard of this fic already but god damn it is INTENSE. You will feel stuff. I am terrible at keeping attention and tend to stay away a bit from longer fics but I couldn’t stop reading. WARNING: Explicit violence, religious rituals, character death
————————————————- Bury the Sun by maychorian (26,734 words): Sam Holt has been a captive of the Galra for more than a year. He has lost all hope of escape or rescue. But when a new prisoner arrives in his underground cell, a boy who seems to carry the sun in his smile, everything begins to change. ———-    An unexpected pair as Pidge’s dad kinda takes Lance too under his wings. This is really sweet at the same time as you can never forget the terrible situation they are really in. WARNING: Violence and mentions of torture
————————————————- I'll Be Your Journal by BreakTheDawn (5756 words): “Lance,” Hunk had pleaded. “I can’t believe you just did that to me,” Lance covered his face as his breaths started to become heavy and uneven. Looking back, Hunk doesn’t know how he knew, but he did. He knew at that point that if he didn’t fix that. Didn’t fix Lance. Then he would lose him. Hunk could not let that happen
Or, that one time that Hunk crossed the line. ———-  I just love Hunk and I love seeing his perspective. Also Hunk and Lance friendship... There’s too little of it in the world honestly.
The Cost of Winning by IcyPanther (9596 words): "The Blue and Green Paladins serve no purpose to the Empire," the Galran commander smirked at his bound captives. "And as such you have no use except as arena fodder." He chuckled. "Give us a good show before you die." / Lance is determined to protect Pidge and save her from the arena. She will not die here. Over his dead body. Hopefully it's not quite that literal of a promise. ———- I’m starting to see a pattern here uuuh anyway I love this fic, I love Pidge and Lance working together. WARNING: Violence, Character Death
A Little Unsteady (Hold Onto Me) by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee (13,385 words): Takashi Shirogane is nine years old when he holds his brother for the first time. “I’m here,” he’d whispered to his fussing baby brother, “I’m here, I’m here, I’m here.”  And Keith stopped crying. He didn’t laugh; he looked up at Shiro with big, skeptical eyes. A challenge. Like this tiny person was saying ‘oh yeah, prove it’. And Shiro, newly nine years old, promised that he’d prove it.Shiro and Keith's childhood in moments. ———- There’s a lot of Keith’s background story here that I fell really strongly for (though not canon compliant, I just like it.). If you’ve ever had that kind of relationship where you are like an older sibling figure, you can really feel this in your bones. WARNING: Child Abuse
Leave Them Stunned and Stuttering by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) (10,527 words): Five Times Shiro couldn't be knocked off balance, one time he was, and one time he trusted the team to see. Or, when sibling bonding goes wrong. ———- A little bit Everyone/Shiro. It’s fun to see the team all bond over trying to mess with Shiro.
———————————————— Fatalistic Daydream by Engineer104 (27,873 words):  Being a low-ranking Galra soldier stationed in a virtual backwater isn’t stopping Pidge from finding out what happened to her family. But the secrets she’s keeping from her friend Keith on top of the unwanted attention of an Altean prisoner-of-war are definitely...slowing her down. ———- Interesting AU where the Galra and Alteans are actively at war. Technically this is tagged as Pidge/Lance but there isn’t anything actually romantic so I feel it fits the gen category.
Racing on the Thunder by Jennypen (5435 words): Freshman Shiro is pretty hung up on Senior Lance at the Garrison, but no-one else shares his opinion. At least, not until a hostage situation changes everything. ———-   I love this!! Baby Cadet Shiro (who are not so baby-looking) pining after the older Cadet Lance, and Lance is a BAMF.
————————————————- Closer to Your World by CastleSL (29,576 words): Students will be carefully selected and tested for the opportunity to fly out to Kerberos for scientific research. Only one student may be selected. Application and Testing will commence during the third trimester, June 21XX. There was more on the page, statistics and requirements and more details, but it was legit. The flyer was printed on standard Garrison announcement paper, the document signed by the Dean and board of directors. The chance to go to Kerberos. Hunk took a moment to think, then clapped his hand on Lance’s back, smiling. “Well, I’m rooting for ya, buddy.” He said, and Lance beamed like that was all he needed in the world. ———-   It’s been a while since I read this fic but it’s nice with a lil longer Shance fic - it’s also really well written. A sequel is also being written right now that is also good. WARNING: Mentioned character death
Full Moons and the Mornings After by Impetus (6496 words): Shiro is an unlucky werewolf who can’t control himself during the full moon. Lance really needs to stop letting stray wolves into his apartment. ———-   This is like my favourite werewolf fic ever hahahaha. I love when werewolves are portrayed as big dumb dogs. It’s really cute and they’re both big pining messes.
————————————————-  Jaded by Impetus (8728 words): Shiro is the leader of Voltron. He is the strength and the calm in the face of the thundering storm of the Galra. Lance is someone Shiro doesn't quite understand. Shiro is someone Lance wants to understand with all of his heart. ———-   WARNING: Major character injury
————————————————- The Luxury of Lacking Confidence by oldmythologies (13,695 words): They knew how it worked; Lance was always the damsel in distress and Shiro was the big strong hero who came to save him. When Shiro’s lion is hit by a vicious attack, he is knocked off course and careens into an ice planet. Lance finally elects himself the hero and has to save Shiro from his own injuries and the Galra ships searching the planet. Shiro, feverish and low on blood, is forced to confront his demons; Lance has to learn how to fight them off. ———-    WARNING: Major character injury
————————————————- Tris for Guys by quiddative  (2907 words): It was all Keith’s fault—him and his stupid biceps showing up at intramural basketball two nights ago without his trademark cropped jacket (which was almost as outdated as his mullet) and making everyone swoon. And what was worse, even Shiro, their hotter-than-hell yet sweeter-than-sugar RA and current object of Lance’s helpless affections, seemed impressed. He actually went up to Keith after his team had pummeled everyone else into the ground, clapped him on the back, and uttered the words that Lance had been daydreaming about for approximately fifteen thousand years: “Great job, buddy!” So, as soon as he got back to his room that night, he logged into his student account and signed up for the first available complimentary personal training session the college’s gym offered. ———- The story of how Lance thirsts so hard he even makes the ultimate sacrifice and goes to the gym. Lance’s “voice” here is great.
————————————————-  Slowly, Surely by needchocolatenow (2997 words): Shiro is tasked with an assignment to deliver important cargo to Altea. Lance is his second. -- Or, the fic in which Shiro and Lance take a road trip through space in an unfortunately named shuttle. ———- Just a really cute story where humans have moved into space and Shiro pines and is as awkward as a kid with his first crush.
————————————————-  ordinary people are everywhere by lein (5625 words): The note, situated in the bottom right corner, reads simply: ‘Will you be my Valentine? Yes or yes.’ Surrounded by little hearts and unaddressed, it seems a little out of place nestled next to the carefully crafted drawings of both pigeon lance and the deviantart stamp Pidge sent to Keith that made him cry for upwards of an hour before he had wordlessly crawled atop the table to recreate it as closely as he could. Shiro grins as he picks up a black dry erase marker and circles a yes. ———- This fic is so underrated! It’s super cute and I fell in love already at the summary, but the fic in itself is really well written and nice.
————————————————- Lance's Guide on How to Embarrass Yourself in Front of Your Insurance Adjuster by Eilera (2035 words): “This is for my mama, Hunk. She was so worried about this whole thing. They just finished renovating. I’m not gonna let her down. If my name isn’t Lance fucking Hernandez Martine-holy fuck he’s gorgeous.” “Oh no. No. Lance do-“ Lance didn’t even hear him because there was a fucking gorgeous god walking up the path to the front door.
(In which Lance is helping his mama with an insurance claim and he was not prepared for the smoking hot insurance adjuster.)
———- Lance is Lance and this was funny and cute.
————————————————-  Left Side Or Right? by liddie (2698 words): When Lance accidentally locks himself out of his dorm room he finds himself on Shiro's doorstep hoping that this falls under Shiro's offer of  "Let me know if you need help with anything."
Luckily for him, it does. ———- Piiiining I love it...... I really do
————————————————-  Lactose IntolerLance by humblenoodle (1807 words): Shiro's aware, at least, that his current course of action is humiliatingly stupid, and he should really stop while he's still ahead.
But it’s not like he could just casually waltz up there and ask for Lance’s number, maybe even a date. That’s not how this worked. ———- 
This was really funny and cute, pining Shiro at his most awkward.
————————————————- Define Dancing by starbear (5495 words): “Dancing?” Shiro made a small, scoffing little laugh. “You’re kidding, right? “What? No,” Lance said, “Why?” “I can’t dance.” “Lies.” “No, I’m serious,” Shiro said, “Two left feet. I’m terrible.” “That I absolutely do not believe. I bet you’ve just never really tried.” Lance stood, abruptly, an unsettlingly determined look on his face. “C’mon, let’s do it.” “Do...what?” “Dance, duh,” Lance said. “Let’s go.”
Shiro learns how to dance, and falls in love along the way. ———-  I tend to like fics that are snippets through time, but this one stand out :)
————————————————- Ten Days by WashiPuppy (??? words): Most people never got to learn exactly what their mind is worth, how resistant it is. Lance knew now, and the answer was ten days. It only took ten days for something in him to break that he wasn't sure he could get back.
Shiro had survived a year and come out as someone still able to smile, to be kind and gentle with those around him. Scarred, but not shattered.
Lance wore no new scars. But he still hadn't made it ten days.
———- So you like slow burn? Well what about the characters doesn’t even interact for three thirds of the fic lmao. Honestly though this fic is really good and well written! The focus isn’t on romance at all and I even forgot about it a couple of times, but none the less it’s 100% worth the read.
————————————————-  Black to Blue by PuppetMaster55 (153,825 words): Lance, the undisputed (no longer, since he finally got the team to stop questioning his position like a month ago) leader of Voltron finds himself in the absolute strangest scenario: being the Blue Paladin.
Lance, still finding his place on team Voltron, wakes up to the weirdest world: one where he's the Black Paladin.
OR, I take a universe where Lance was always the Black Paladin and have him swap bodies with canon Lance, throwing both sets of teams for a trip.
———- I mean I assume most people have already read this fic but just in case someone missed it? Read it. This is the Lance as Black Paladin au you always wanted.
Breaking Wind by AshesTheTerrible (10,044 words): Shiro is settling into his new body and finally trusting himself to rekindle things with Lance. Intimacy proves to be a lot of stumbling after such a long time without. And nobody is safe from awkward bodily functions during sex, not even Shiro. ———- Like the mature dumbass I am I love this fic about farting. It’s really well written and have such a good, soft relationship though it’s worth it ok.  WARNING: Explicit
ticket to ride by mettaverse (2085 words): The officer raises his hand. “You were going thirty miles over the speed limit for a date?” Lance opens his mouth and the officer lowers his sunglasses just to glare at him. “Sixty in a thirty lane. You know how fast that is?” “Um. Fast? Pretty fast?” “Dangerously fast.” He pulls a pad of paper out of his pocket. “I'm gonna have to give you a ticket.” ———-  Short AU-fic that I just find really cute
How to Dig Your Own Grave by flyingisland (8804 words): The complete anthology, written from first-hand experiences and mortifying, soul-crushing interactions between Lance McClain and one very attractive neighbor. ———- This fic is kinda wonderful. Lance mess up so bad over and over and it’s hilarious. It’s all fine though in the end ;)  WARNING: Explicit, Sex Work (Pornography)
easier to lose by quiddative (???? words): Shiro is at the peak of his NHL career. Unfortunately, being famous has its downsides, particularly when it comes to dating. And that’s on top of the fact that he’s still in the closet.
However, a chance meeting with college student Lance, who seems to be the only person in the entire city who doesn’t know who he is, gives him hope that maybe he won’t die alone after all. Just as long as he can keep his identity a secret. ———- This fic isn’t actually finished when I add it here, but I expect it to be soon. I kinda love sport-AU’s not gonna lie. This one hit me right in the weak spot.
Five Minutes by WhatTheBodyGraspsNot (4176 words): When Keith is unwillingly tricked into a speed dating session by Shiro, he finds himself meeting several unusual characters. The most unusual of all, however, is the loud one in the letterman jacket. He's obnoxious and has no regard for the other people around him and he keeps making his way closer and closer to Keith within the ring rotations. Can Keith pull himself together to get through this meeting? Or will he find himself interested by the end of their five minutes? ———-   I like Keith being stubbornly set on being bitter and hating things he’s dragged into lol. Even when he kinda really doesn’t.
————————————————- gladly break my heart (for you) by godsensei (1747 words): “You want me to... touch you?” Lance asks, a mildly dubious look on his face. Keith feels his face go hot. “Yes! You touch everyone else. I just-- we’re boyfriends, right?” he asks, feeling stupid, but so hopeful. Lance searches his face for a moment, before his eyes soften, a sweet smile blooming on his lips. ———-   This is just fluff and touch starved Keith and I’m all for it. ————————————————- i want your heaven and your oceans too by mothpoem (11,610 words): “Not—not that you’d be my rebound! I mean, you’d be helping me take my mind off of this guy, but to be a rebound, I’d have to have dated him first, I think, and he doesn’t even know I like him, so. You wouldn’t be a rebound. At worst, we become badass partners-in-crime with a grudging respect for each other, at best, we’re soulmates for life and this is fate trying to help us find happiness. So. Um.” Lance swallows and looks up at the Blade of Marmora soldier through his lashes. “What say you?” They look down at their hands for a moment, fingers twisting together in deep thought. Then they’re pulling their gloves off, revealing pale, half-bruised knuckles of the human variation, and their mask is dissolving, giving way to big blue-purple eyes and an achingly familiar jet-black cowlick. “Who,” says Keith Kogane, in that low-pitched rumble that makes Lance’s stomach roil in the good way—holy fuck—“is this guy you’re trying to get over?” ———-   I drew a scene from this fic so I guess in a way I’ve already recc:d it, but I’m gonna do it again. I love awkward misunderstandings and Lance’s rambling in this fic is both kinda hilariously in character and well written. WARNING: Canon-typical violence ————————————————- Keith's Type by AmbitiousSkychild (24,050 words): “How would anyone notice what anyone else’s type is in the middle of all this?!” Matt demanded, laughing. “What’s Keith’s type?” Lance blurted out like an idiot. “It’s… obvious,” Pidge said. “He gets all flustered over shitty puns and most physical comedy. And have you seen the way he stares at Hunk when he’s going on about the mechanics of something? Like how the lions work? I’ve literally seen him blushing when Hunk goes into explanation mode.” “So, you think he has a crush on Hunk?” Lance squawked. “No. You bonehead,” Pidge laughed. “I’m saying any dad-joke-telling, klutzoid with good grades has probably got a pretty good shot at Keith.” Or: It figures that after years of getting it hilariously wrong face-to-face, Lance finally gets good at talking to Keith through a screen, which is, like, one of his biggest accomplishments. Then, Pidge makes the comment that Keith has a type, while heavily implying that it's Matt. But, listen, with everything going on with Voltron, the coalition, the Blade of Marmora, and Coran, Lance isn't going to get distracted worrying about it. Ask anyone, he's always been great with measuring levels of importance.... ———-   I kinda have a weakness for the emotional jealousy, the one that isn’t angry and hot but insecure and hits where it hurts. And yeah. Matt and Keith have (kind of?) a past together and Lance is alone-ish after Keith left the team. ————————————————- King and Reaper by PastelClark (35,512 words): Allura had told them once that Voltron was their destiny. If anything, Keith thinks, Lance had proven that while finding the lions might have been on the dime of some greater plan, compliance to their supposed fate was not strictly required in any remote sense of the word. In fact, by Lance's standard of doing things it was all rather bullshit. (Or: The story of the destruction of Earth and its aftermath, feat. questionable science in regards to weapons of mass destruction, gratuitous Star Wars references, theoretical chess games with the emperor of most of the known universe, explosions, the greatest bromance of all time, the worst romance of all time, far too many guns, concussions, extreme misuse of the French language, awkward flirting, and Lance in an overly-dramatic trench coat.) ———-   BAMF rebel leader Lance and mental images that kinda kick you in the inspiration, honestly. Everyone is older and different. Voltron kinda failed.
————————————————- Keith the Amnesiac by jilliancares (8878 words): In which an accident leaves Keith temporarily without his Voltron-filled memories and he may or may not spill a few of his better kept secrets to Lance. ———-   This story is great if nothing else because it feels so realistic in how it handled Keith’s amnesia. This is very much just what it’s like to have those small differences in how you perceive the world vs how you normally do.
Let's be (dis)honest by noero (1581 words): Lance is backed against his bathroom wall, one hand gripping his sink and the other nervously combing through his hair. Keith is in front of him — down on his knees — calling Lance’s bluff.  ———-   Nothing really to say about this other than I liked the competitiveness between Keith and Lance and it was fun. WARNING: EXPLICIT
Sun In Our Eyes by MatchaMochi (9349 words): “Think you can beat me hotshot?” He doesn’t falter, just nods and holds up his sniper. His hands don’t shake, his lips don’t tremble, (his heart though, that wild erratic thing stuttering in his chest, makes the blood rush to his ears, makes him think: Oh god.) ///
In which Kinkade pines and Lance has too many feelings. ———- 
So this is THE Kinkance fic, but just in case someone didn’t read it yet - I’m gonna add it here. (RYAN/LANCE)
———————————————— i'm willing to wait for it, i'm willing to wait for you by ThePackWantstheD (10,338 words): Lance McClain is hard to hate. He’s easy to love. Or: James Griffin falls fast and hard for a charismatic cargo pilot, dates him for six months, and then waits for him for five years.
This ship isn’t something I ever considered until this fic, but heck it got me on board. I like everyone’s reactions and James’ belief. (JAMES/LANCE)
no need to say goodbye by smolsarcasticraspberry  (13,557 words): The juniberry tree blossoms every seven years, and when it does, a gateway opens up to another world - a world that Shiro first explores as a child. There, he meets Allura. They do not speak the same language, but children do not need words to play. Every seven years, when the gateway opens again, Shiro steps through to visit the girl he knows on the other side. But the gateway only stays open as long as the juniberry flowers bloom... 
———- This is one of those stories that are simply wonderful, even if you’ve never seen the original show because it build up such a cool new world in the relatively few words. It also deals with Shiro in the aftermath of war and pining. (SHALLURA)
Drip Like Honey by avoidingavoidance (7171 words): In which Romelle recommends a hot Tumblr boy to Allura, but when she checks him and his stream out, she finds that he seems awfully familiar.
———- Obviously this is right up my alley. Da-mn. Allura is top as heck. WARNING: Explicit (SHALLURA)
———————————————— Frostbite by Rueitae (6109 words):  Pidge is a renowned super villain. Lance is a hero in training. During their latest encounter, Lance pushes his powers to their limit and Pidge has some soul searching to do.
———-  I doooo love superhero AU’s and this is both super sweet, funny, well written and paints a clear picture of the universe which we are thrown into. I like it a lot. (PLANCE)
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resanigii · 6 years
I don’t know but... every time someone brings this up it bothers me? So I guess now I decide to speak about it because it feels unfair? Like for all we know Shiro has always been doubted on, not just for his abilities but like in general. I mean I am a firm believer Shiro is an orphan, it would make sense why he struggles so much to do something for his life, and you add his disease which is another hinder in his life, it feels like he always been looked down on.
So he strives, and he thrives.
Becoming Garrison golden boy, or poster boy because he gained a rep for himself. (Another reason why he won’t let show weakness is because he probably HAMMER into his head he HAS to be as perfect as possible)  Like, that takes a toll on people...
it also shuts down people.
To a point that Shiro likely never let just anyone in, and because of it, people thought he was perfect. No one bothers to ask him, what he wants, its always putting a line there for him, always limiting him. He hates it.
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Adam did this to him, knowing how much this means to him. Why didn’t he bother to ask him what he WANTED, not putting a wall there?
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Shiro dialog speaks for itself. It’s something worth sacrifice for himself because he always been told what to do, they always put some kind of limit on Shiro. “Oh I bet he can’t do that!” and that hurts...? That’s why I feel why Shiro never brother to walk after him, because like everyone else, Adam put a limit on Shiro.
Then comes Keith, who basically does the opposite. We already know this part, I won’t bother to explain since everyone else write it better than me anyway lol. The point I am trying to bring is this one;
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It’s not like Keith is protecting Shiro because he thinks Shiro is unable to, because he knows out of everyone, Shiro can protect himself just fine. It’s more out of comfort, out of like a confirmation that the person he cares the MOST about is there. He won’t just jump if he knows Shiro can handle himself, just like Shiro didn’t jump until the LAST minute in the trial of Mamora. Because he knew Keith could handle himself before. It’s more of like “we aid each other back.”
You watch mine, while I watch yours. 
I don’t know, it just bothers me when people say that Keith “rescue” Shiro or that Shiro is a damsel in distress when the whole show is basically about saving each other (not just narrow down to Keith and Shiro) It just feels like people just looking for excuse to shit on them because Keith has shown this more in the show than any other. 
Yet no one brings up the fact Lance did the same for Allura? Or that Pidge did the same thing too?
It’s a family show, a found family. A family made not by being blood-related, but still, love each other strong enough to put aside their difference to become one.
Yeah Keith loves Shiro, he was basically taken out of a really fucking shitty spot, he was considered a “bad egg”  by basically EVERYONE ELSE. But then came Shiro, who saw him for who he is,  rather not of what life circumstances brought Keith. Shiro wasn’t looking for grades, he was looking for skill, for someone who pushed just like he forced himself to push.
I feel a lot of people joke about Shiro being a damsel but is he really? When he has shown time and time again he can handle himself? Keith saves him, yeah, but so has Shiro save him, just because it's not “ALL OVER YOUR FACE” doesn’t make it any less true.
Sometimes saving someone doesn’t need to be physically.
Sometimes saving someone means being there for them and seeing that which the other person might not believe in themselves to be.
I don’t know if this even makes sense but just bother me so I talked about it.
198 notes · View notes
bosstoaster · 7 years
End of the Year Fic Meme
List of Fics Posted:
Call it Magic (5856 words) (Gen - Hogwarts AU)
Infiltration (4898 words) (Gen)
Dark Necessities (9564 words) (Gen)
The Melting Milky Way (1827 words) (Gen)
Bet on It (4278 words) (NSFW - Shklance)
Bite of my Heart (12240 words) (NSFW - Shallura)
Giggle at a Funeral (2375 words) (Gen)
Want You to Remind Me (1834 words) (NSFW - Shiro Solo)
Just What You Want (10813 words) (Gen)
Trick and Spin It (7126 words) (NSFW - Shatt)
Days of Gladiator Love (3589 words) (NSFW-ish, Gen-ish)
A Smol Outtake (2546 words) (Gen)
Paint it Black (4001 words) (Sheith)
Turn the World to Gold (3211 words) (Shance)
Storm, Wait Outside (2423 words) (Shatt)
Shook the Bones of Me (2295 words) (Gen)
We're Onto Something (3269 words) (Hance)
Calling Me Home (2570 words)  (Shatt)
Blew Away my Storm (2815 words) (Heith)
May Tell You to Run (3784 words) (Nyma/Shay)
All About that Space (6434 words) (Shunk)
Wishes in the Dark (2696 words) (Uliro)
Gunna Go Far, Kid (3034 words) (Gen)
Come Back (as pure as gold) (3567 words) (Gen - Ten Years On)
Bridge This Gap (2287 words) (Gen)
This Paradox Place (30087 words) (Gen - Requests)
Far Above the Moon (4580 words) (Gen -Ten Years On)
Up All Night (1462 words) (Uliro)
Keep Your Head Down Low (3873 words) (Gen - AU)
Feel a Fever (2270 words) (Uliro)
You Give Me Fever (1426 words) (NSFW - Sheith - ABO)
For the World to See (10818 words) (Shance)
Pull Me Down Hard (20955 words) (Shatt)
Bedroom Hymns (32975 words) (NSFW, Shiro/Many)
Must Surely Be Learning (19317 words) (Gen)
Take Me to the Top (7415 words) (Shunk)
Teeth Ready for Sinking (13030 words) (Gen - Ten Years On)
Let the Choir Bells Sing (3327 words) (Uliro)
A Broken Hallelujah (16346 words) (Uliro)
Certain as the Sun (25281 words) (Uliro)
Hold Up Half the Sky (18430 words) (Many - Requests)
A Dream Away (22184 words) (Gen - Requests)
Spades to Start (1941 words) (Gen)
Touch Me More (6692 words) (Uliro)
We're Going Down (7677 words) (Shance)
Build A Home (4152 words) (Gen - Ten Years On)
Quit Playing Games (3116 words) (Gen)
All That Counts (1959 words) (Hance)
Singing in my Sleep (2524 words) (Sheith)
Blinded By the Sky (14598 words) (Shiro/Shay (Takashay)
Don't Take No Sorcery (7471 words) (Gen - Hogwarts AU)
Wanna Let Loose (1274 words) (Sheith)
All The World Will Be Your Enemy (35111 words) (Gen)
Over and Overture (14531 words) (Gen - Don’t Let’s Start)
Take These Broken Wings (27867 words) (Gen)
Unknown (17643 words) (Gen - Hogwats AU)
If I Can Live Through This (6804 words) (Gen - Spectrum)
Tail that Wags the Hound (5436 words) (Gen - Don’t Let’s Start)
Krypto the Voltron Dog (8380 words) (Gen)
The Worst Part (2550 words) (Gen - Don’t Let’s Start)
Discovery Channel (30356 words) (NSFW - Shiro/Multi)
Get What You Need (3114 words) (Gen)
Light it Up (13398 words) (Gen)
Light on the Dark Side of Me (26634 words) (Gen, Many - Requests)
High on Believing (6424 words) (NSFW - Sheith - ABO)
Pour Some Sugar on Me (36597 words) (NSFW - Shiro/Multi)
Wanna Dance with Somebody (2469 words) (Uliro)
A Sweet Escape (3618 words) (Shunk)
Kiss From a Rose (14176 words) (Gen)
Cancel Your Reservations (27970 words) (Shatt)
When You Are Alone (26355 words) (Gen - Don’t Let’s Start)
Need This Torture (7285 words) (Gen - Don’t Let’s Start)
Every Rose (3196 words) (NSFW - Shiro Solo)
A Taste of Honey (4048 words) (Shunkeith)
In My Eyes (5804 words) (Gen)
Break the Looking Glass (4586 words) (Gen - Hogwarts AU)
Empty Night (5250 words) (Gen - AU)
The Mane Event (7572 words) (Gen - Don’t Let’s Start)
Sharp Dressed Man (5358 words) (NSFW - Shatt)
King of Wishful Thinking (7126 words) (Gen - Requests)
Calls Me On and On (7614 words) (Gen)
Fear Itself (7277 words) (Gen - Don’t Let’s Start Verse)
Power and Control (7743 words) (NSFW- Shunk)
Rebuild all your Ruins (6074 words) (Gen - Dark)
Get Down with the Sickness (10856 words) (Gen)
Get Your Motor Running (2375 words) (Sheith)
Tickle my Fancy (4727 words) (Shatt)
Drift Away (2737 words) (Gen)
Gone with the Fallen Leaves (13382 words) (Shotor)
Save the Last Dance (2451 words) (Luron)
Words of Good Cheer (31364 words) (Gen and Others - Requests)
Feel Good Inc (8000 words) (NSFW - Shiro/Many)
There’s also my Writing Tag and my Meme Tag, which both contain more
Total number: 91 Total word count: 813,668 
Ship/character breakdown: Ship breakdown: 
Sheith - 12 Fics Shatt - 11 Fics Uliro - 11 Fics Shance - 8 Fics Shallura - 7 Fics Shunk - 6 Fics
There were also a few OT3 or multi.  Conclusion: I need to write more Shunk.
Character breakdown:
Look.  I think at least 87 of these were Shiro-focused, at least partially.  Let’s not do the numbers
Characters that had the main focus: 
Best/worst title? Best title:  All The World Will Be Your Enemy Worst title:  A Smol Outtake.  It’s not even a good joke
Best/worst first line?
I’m sorry, I can’t do this.  There are too many to go through.  Don’t make me look at the lines for every single fic.
Best/worst last line?
General questions:
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted? I knew I wrote a lot, since I hit a million words in September.  I underestimated how much of it was just this year.  91 fics.  800k+ words.  Man.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year? Uliro didn’t even exist last year, so that What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. All The World Will Be Your Enemy
It’s the strongest, it’s the only one in depth beta’s (thanks @butteredonions!), it’s different from my usual style, it’s a longer fic, and I love it.
Okay, NOW your most popular story. By Kudos, which I usually use as the best metric of popular, it’s Pull Me Down Hard for the year. Story most underappreciated by the universe? A Taste of Honey.  It’s a rare pair fic so I get it, but I think the universe is super cute and I wish it got more attention. Story that could have been better? Take These Broken Wings.  I really don’t like how it came out, but it was a Bang fic and that’s how it is some days. Sexiest story? Power and Control, I think?  Or else Discovery Channel Saddest story? Teeth Ready for Sinking is literally about grief, and how we deal with loss.  So probably that one. Most fun? Days of Gladiator’s Love, lol Story with single sweetest moment? The Mane Event, probably
Letting out a wild cackle, Allura wrapped her arm around Lance’s neck and curled her fingers like claws. The effect was somewhat ruined by the bright pink lion onesie she was wearing. “I have you now, paladin. I, the evil queen, can no longer be stopped!”
Lance gasped theatrically, swooning in her grip. “Oh no!” He stuck his leg up high in the air and artfully draped the back of his palm against his forehead. “The other paladins will save me, I know they will!”
“It’s too late!” Allura declared, tightening her grip (unnecessary) and tossing her hair dramatically. “No one could get through my meteor defenses! It would take the best pilot in the universe!”
“I can!”
Allura gasped, dropping Lance onto the floor (even more unnecessary) and holding up her hands. “Impossible!”
Hands on his hips in pure, open defiance, Shiro stuck out his little chest. “Not for me. I’m the best pilot in the whole ever!”
Behind him, a frown momentarily crossed Ryou’s face, pride stung. But he shook it off and extended his arms, showing off the plush claws. “And I’m the best fighter! We’ve come to save you, Lance!”
“I knew you’d come for me!” Lance cried, still swooning for all he was worth. Because, hey, if he was going to be the damsel in distress, he was going to milk it for every drop.
Hardest story to write? Take These Broken Wings.  Sigh.  The one that took the longest and received the most care was All The World Will Be Your Enemy, but that wasn’t hard to put words on paper.
Easiest/most fun story to write? Over and Overture spilled out of me in basically one go, which is always an experience.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters? Come Back (as pure as gold) gave me a very different Lance, which was interesting.  A Broken Hallelujah was a different look at Ulaz as well.  Otherwise, not particularly.
Most overdue story? ....Shook the Bones of Me Sequel.  It’s coming!
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? Yes.  At least one series was literally me planting my feet and yelling the entire fandom down about a character interpretation, one that I ended up being right about.  The entire Ten Years On series was a risk, too. And All The World Will Be Your Enemy was me doing my best to treat the fic like a novel.  Your milage may vary on it, especially with how it pushes Shiro into a very different mentality
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
More long fics for sure.  More plots that you see everything, rather than just series.  After that, we’ll see.
@eastofthemoon @demenior @realityisiron @lightshesaid @sednamode @@sleepyhunk @dragonescence @jamthedingus @paladinpuppypile 
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valo-kass · 7 years
Final thoughts of Voltron (S1&S2):
I hope this isn’t going to be way too long, it’s going to be long as fuck isn’t it
Thinking of the show, I think I expected lot of different things that I get, so this is mostly about that.
Before watching the show I actually thought that Lance would protagonist of the show, Keith his rival and secondary protagonist and Shiro authority type of character. At the first episode it quite seemed like Lance would be protagonist, him getting his lion first and being the chosen one etc. I also thought that his and Keith’s rivalry would be one of main points of the whole show. It took around half-way of S1 that I realized that nope he’s not protagonist of the show. I think the false perception of the characters and what I thought they and show would be somewhat affected my view of the show, for example I was looking for rivalry between Lance and Keith all the time since I was expecting it to be really big thing in show, but it wasn’t. I guess I got fooled a bit by all fandom stuff ^^;
- Lance: Instead of Lance being protagonist of the show like I thought, he ended being comic relief. I’m still quite surprised of this cause it’s opposite of what I expected from him. Overall I think he had more potential and was underutilized. Although I think it was good to not have him as protagonist- that would been too mainstream- I think the few serious characterizations moment of he had could have been dove into more. His rivalry with Keith that came from his feelings of being inadequate- I think it was due to this cause he first had one-sided rivalry with a guy that barely know who he was- and again feeling inadequate as team member cause he didn’t have a thing he was really good at. These feelings could have been explored lot more instead of kind of brushing them off with making him sharpshooter out of blue without ever showing before that he was a good shot.
I quite liked Lances character for it was, but I think he could have been more even without becoming protagonist that wouldn’t have been good in my opinion.
- Keith: At the beginning I was seeing Keith mostly as rival character to Lance due to thinking Lance as protagonist. Similar as Gary is to Ash Ketchup, Sasuke to Naruto etc. etc., everyone knows those shonen rivalries. But he actually had way more role and agency of his own in the show than Lance had. His rivalry relationship with Lance dropped in S2 to unimportant compared to his relationship with Shiro, Allura and different Galras. Instead of being just rival character he had journey to self-discovery that tied tightly to the main plot of the show. If there was more place, I’d like to have seen more of that self-discovery after him finding out being half-Galra, what did he think and feel after finding out that he’s not fully human and half-alien? That his mother was part of Galra’s resistance group? And what he felt about his teammates reactions towards him after people finding out, lost opportunity in my opinion.
Overall Keith was one of my fav characters of the show and I really enjoyed his character in the end, especially with Galras, but also his one-on-ones with Allura in the pod.
- Shiro: I think the show didn’t want to have one protagonist, but show whole team as main characters- but I still think Shiro kinda was the protagonist of the story. Shiro was someone who I knew I’d like from pics only.. I’m easy like that. I liked the way he looked, the way his personality seemed like. I think I expect him to feel bit more adult and authorital- kinda like general or sth lol, but he wasn’t that far of. I think he showed lot of strenght and weakness, confidence and insecurity in the series, which made him balanced. He was the leader in the show, but didn’t lead alone and wasn’t always best in it, but he had team supported him well.
(Sleeping break)
- Allura: I first thought Allura would be more mellow as character, just diplomatic and kind. That she was, but she was also assertive and funny. I think she was really well-rounded character and I still love her English voice-actor. I think she was being petty with Keith being half-Galra so I was quite annoyed with her about that, but at least she got over it relative quickly (still think that could have been explored more in both her and Keiths side since after the escape pod thing they seemed to be in really friends). Overall I think she was both great female character and great princess- leader on her own without really damsel in distress moments and took lot of action to her own hands.
- Pidge: I thought that Pidge would be one of comic relief characters, but I don’t think she was most of the time. She had story that tied well into plot as well as Keith, Shiro and Allura’s, though bit less than them at this point- and she had lot of skills that the team needed as well. On her being revealed as girl, I was expecting that that would change some things, but it didn’t. I’m both relieved and disappointed over it. I mean if they made her lot more feminine and girly after the reveal it would been just bad for her character. However it kinda felt that both other characters and the viewer even forgot that it even happened since zero things changed. I’d have maybe wanted her to perhaps eventually grow longer hair or maybe her real name started being used since she only changed those cause she pretended of being a boy to get into that soldier academy. But in other hand maybe I’m just too used of tropes and they could have ruined her for changing up too much.
- Others: I’m quite disappointed with the villains, they felt pretty one-note and I was expecting more complexity of them. Besides I though that Sendak would become one my favs, but he died so soon in the S1 and was just a throw a way character lol. In terms of others, I liked many rebel Galras even if though lot of them just ended up dying quite quickly lol. I don’t think I have much opinion on Hunk and Coran, them being pretty much just comic relieves of the show, but in that role they were fine to me.
I said before that I see where the Shiro and Allura ship comes from, but actually after whole S2, I think they had a moment- the one where they went into mission together and Shiro was like “woah” about Allura - but after that there weren’t that many interactions.
In terms of Keith an Lance, well like I previously mentioned their rivalry took really really backseat in the series from what I was expecting. I was constantly waiting for it so it might have been bad since I got confused and bit disappointed when there was nearly nothing. I think Klance is pretty much fandom-driven instead of canon-driven ship like I expected from the looks of it, that’s completely alright- I ship Mchanzo who become most popular ship in OW without them even having one interaction with each other at the start. So maybe fandom makes me eventually ship them, has happened before a lot, maybe not.
So I can see some ships in the show, but I don’t think I currently have quite one of my own at the moment.
Plot & final thoughts:
I have talked about characters and ships, but not about plot. Well plot, kinda predictable kinda not? Apart from fireworks of first ep, I think the plot was quite predictable, but still surprised me in some points. I wouldn’t say that the show was masterpiece and didn’t make me think about stuff (I kinda like shows that do that)- but was still really enjoyable and something I got into while watching it. Also my fav characters in the end were Shiro, Keith and Allura :F
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mustlovelance · 6 years
(regarding your last post) it's actually really interesting how many of lance's traits are ones generally considered feminine or reserved for female characters. he's an emotionally sensitive, naïve team support who is concerned with romance and personal appearance, spends a lot of time fawning over his main character love interest, and needed rescuing on multiple occasions, none of which is really common for male characters. maybe this is why all the vld lesbians love him so much?
oh, i think the whole thing is just fascinating.
lance is playing the female character role with the baggage of male expectations. this means that each of those traits manifest in the context of a conflict between his natural inclination towards feminine-coded traits and his desire to possess masculine-coded traits. thus, it isn’t presented as a blatantly obvious aspect of his character.
it does seem like he attracts lesbians (lol), myself included, and being in a female role may partially explain his appeal to that demographic.
where lance seems to slip up the most is in the romance department. 
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he tries so, so, so hard to be that cool detached male action hero who has pretty ladies pining after him while he does Important Stuff–but really, he just wants to talk about how amazing his crush is. 
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when he realizes that he’s failed to perform this ideal of masculinity that he aspires towards, one that requires a level of indifference to romance that he simply doesn’t possess, he backtracks and tries to act as if allura would say this about him. this connects what he thought about allura to what he expects a girl to say when she’s in love. he’s so frazzled that he even implies that he wants to be called pretty. 
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lance’s pickup lines and ramblings about other fish in the sea just mask his true desire–romance. that’s not to say that he isn’t also very attracted to allura and other girls, but he clearly harbors a fantasy of a romantic happily ever after–hence his desire to find mrs. blue lion. typically, it’s the female character who daydreams about being mrs. whoever, not the male character dreaming of finding mrs. whoever. 
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lance’s need of rescue very directly paralleled allura’s in DOTU, yet again connecting his situation to a female character’s. DOTU allura and VLD lance, within the same episode number (if you count vld s01e01 as 3 episodes), both a) piloted the blue lion; b) were tricked by a pretty person whom they were smitten by; c) had their lions almost stolen; d) ended up in the pretty person’s lap. it was very, very, very intentional. 
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even beyond that, the trope is damsel in distress, not dude in distress. nyma herself knows to refer to lance as a knight, only to later handcuff him to a tree like a captured princess. 
(there’s more about VLD lance’s parallels with DOTU allura here.)
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furthermore, while he’s trying to impress nyma in a very masculine way–showing off his muscles and his cool robot lion–his positioning becomes more feminine as he relaxes. for all his posturing beforehand, he ends up making himself comfy in nyma’s lap. 
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we see this kind of positioning, albeit not set up by him personally, when he discovers his new bayard form as well. 
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lance is also the closest thing that the team has to a peacemaker/mediator. it’s to such an extent that the rest of the team, including allura, looks to lance to resolve conflicts. 
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and let’s not forget the pep talks/reassurances! how many action series have you seen that featured a male hero being inspired by their female love interest’s heartfelt speech? and why did the female love interest know what to say to motivate the hero? because she’s emotionally perceptive, just like lance. 
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lance has showcased his emotional perceptiveness many times in the past, picking up on discrepancies in his friends’ behavior and acting accordingly. 
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it’s so obvious to the others that shiro actually seeks lance out for emotional comfort. again, not a typical male character thing, to be the go-to person for Feelings Talk. allura, in contrast, has mostly been frustrated by shiro, and needed lance to help her remember the big picture. 
this particular trait–emotional perceptiveness–isn’t something that lance tries to fight against or downplay, but it isn’t something that he recognizes about himself either.
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lance prioritizing the safety of the team rather than taking out high-profile targets? that’s the support role in video games, one typically reserved for female characters. although he makes a token protest about keith stealing his target (because he still wants the spotlight like the male action hero), he keeps an eye on keith for several seconds afterwards to ensure that he’s safe before moving on to cover the rest of his team.
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in general, lance has come to prioritize the team’s welfare over anything else.
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it’s a shift from his earlier behavior, in which he tried to snag the spotlight even if it wasn’t best for the team. 
this is something that lance had resisted up until the end of season 3–stepping out of the spotlight and supporting others instead. it’s a very gendered conflict, and one in which lance favors the masculine-coded role despite not being suited for it. 
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then there’s little things like posing himself in a certain way, caring about his appearance, offering to knit sweaters for the aliens, being trusting to a fault, being very considerate of others’ pain, crying in front of others (and denying it, continuing that conflict)… 
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oh, and the entire acrobatics sequence…with the soft instrumentals… 
i feel like this post can be easily misconstrued, so let me make it clear what i’m actually trying to convey here. 
i’m not saying that lance is a trans girl. you can headcanon that if you’d like, but this analysis is not about that. lance can still be a boy and like “girly” things and “act like a girl” as long as he himself says so.
i’m not saying that the fetishized hyper-feminine portrayals of lance are justified. those are more about sexy stuff, and this has nothing to do with that. (however, i do take issue with the idea that applying traditional feminine posing/appearance to lance is degrading or insulting to him in any way. it is not a bad thing to look “girly.” such a sexist mindset is likely a partial contributor to lance’s desire to be more masculine even when that isn’t who he truly is.)
i’m not saying that this means he’ll date keith because he parallels DOTU allura, or that he must be gay because he’s feminine. i headcanon him as bi, and sexual orientation is completely unrelated to gender performance. 
i’m not saying that i personally believe these traits only apply to female characters. i’m analyzing common media tropes and gender stereotypes, not an objective sense of “what girls are allowed to do” and “what boys are allowed to do.” 
i am saying that it’s interesting to see a male character struggle with his gender performance, such that the resolution of his arc is a (presumed) embrace of who he is, which includes many traditionally feminine traits/behaviors, and, hopefully, acknowledgement that such a role is valuable. he doesn’t need to be the male action hero in the spotlight to be valid and important to the team. he can happily be lance, with all his wonderful feminine qualities, in a support role instead. 
let lance wear face masks and look pretty and comfort his teammates and keep the team together and be the one who believes in others even when he shouldn’t–because that’s who lance is. denying himself has only hurt him in the past. accepting himself has led him to feel less lost and more confident. 
alternatively, let lance be lance. 
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where-paths-cross · 7 years
Thoughts on VLD season 4
Note: I wrote these after watching each episode, and after only watching them once each! Just needed to vent :P
Ep. 1: I really want to like Keith as a character and do to an extent, but wow am I sick and tired of him being the center of attention and all his transgressions just being forgiven. I realize it's deeper than that but that's definitely what it feels like to me on a base level. And while I'm not excited about Shiro piloting Black again, only because I'm holding on to that theory he isn't the real Shiro for now, I can't say I'm not excited that we finally will hopefully get to focus on other characters rather than Keith for once.
Ep. 2: Lovely, fantastic, if a bit predictable since we saw the shot of Katie and Matt punching someone together ages ago. Also, I'm convinced we don't care/don't know how glasses work for some reason in this universe. I know getting my sister's glasses like that and just putting them on my face after she got lasik or something would just mess my eyes up, nevermind wearing them all the time @___@
Ep. 3: seeing Haggar acknowledging her Altean-ness was neat! And must be kinda tough for her. Also I continue to hate (fake) Shiro's hair. Kinda surprised Lotor wasn't more surprised Zarkon wanted to see him/was up and moving since only one episode ago? he thought Zarkon was on his death bed. Kaltenecker bit was very fun though! Still not sure what Lotor's endgame is since Zarkon is right, why keep it secret. Matt and Pidge's relationship is super cute, love it! LOTOR KILLED HER WHAT THE HELL SHE WAS MY FAVE
Ep. 4: Meh kinda annoying how Coran, the guy who knows Allura isn't a damsel in distress, made her one for the skit, but at least it wasn't considered good lol. I know he said it was the legend of voltron and therefore not factually correct but still! Also EW THE BUG THING. That one planet looks like a pickle omg, and its noodle inhabitants...disturb me. Woooow Lance .____. Poor Hunk being given the comic relief role :/ the ending was good though! Appreciated the soccer kick lol
Ep. 5: Ezor is the new fave. I get the whole other reality and quintessence thing but again, what's the endgame? Just take his dad's empire from him? Whoa I really like that galra commander :O finally a lady?!...did they use Bex for that wolf-person's voice? >_> huh didn't see Auxia taking down Lotor...aaaand now he's loose again. Ew the double jointed-ness. If only what Auxia was referring to was joining Voltron!
Ep. 6: another Galra lady! Two! I knew they were real lol hope these aren't just like the generals and are actually pure Galra, just to say there are females. Huh that's a pretty neat thing Haggar did with that planet, didn't see that coming. I'd say that's a pretty creative move; getting away from the robeasts and all. Wow supportive lance is the best 😍idk why Keith thought that would work but I can say for once I'm glad Lotor showed up. Idk why he would want to team up with Voltron though if he bothered fighting with them before but okay I guess.
Overall I guess it was a decent season. I'll have to rewatch them all again and be less distracted writing my thoughts down though. Not sure where this is going but guess we'll find out!
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