#i love the dream smp
zeta-in-de-walls · 2 years
I’m glad Dream sent that voice message earlier as it addressed some concerns, chiefly for me I guess, that the streamers are currently interested and hyped for the server and it’s future. It shows that they’re giving stuff thought and have been active in planning stuff.
Beyond that though, it’s obviously still another example of vague promises and an unclear plan. It’s not gonna be a reboot in that it’ll keep the map and history but it is gonna shake things up significantly. In theory it would be the best of both worlds.
And it feels like they’ve tried stuff like this before, namely the portal to another world which barely got used. Additionally Dream loosened the server rules on farms and added exclusive items like an elytra and shulker boxes but it still didn’t really get people to play. I am hopeful but nevertheless somewhat sceptical that this change will succeed in revitalising the server. Still I’m happy to be proven wrong.
Also concerning is that he said the dynamics and relationships are going to be different. This could be good if its done organically of course. If not, it’s going to destroy my interest in the server if characters are suddenly wildly out of character for the sake of change. Fresh content is fine and characters being tested leading to changing relationships is more than welcome but well it’ll be easy to get the wrong. My friends theorised it could be amnesia and that I would seriously dread.
He mentioned a world altering event. If it could indeed provoke change I am all for it. It could be amazing. It could also be disappointing if it happens and then the server continues to be inactive because plans fall through and nothing happens. Like with how Dream’s prison escape failed to generate much content when it ought to have. The reasons it failed were not that it was not significant but that Tommy’s plans in response fell through for what sounds like organisational reasons and none of the other streamers built on it very much save for perhaps Sam’s prison arc. If however they can keep to streaming regularly and their not so disorganised that they’re constantly rescheduling lore we might get somewhere.
At this point though, we must acknowledge we’re working from a tough spot. I feel like if this conversation happened a year ago, revitalising the lore would be practical but now its been inactive and plotlines have been left to rot and fester, making them difficult to work with. Basically they’re starting from a position of disadvantage and the fans have had a year to grow more disillusioned over the server and they will be harder to win back as we’ve had a lot of broken promises.
I worry I guess, because I don’t know if Dream’s really tackling the actual problems with the SMP which are partly that the series feels like it’s been dragged on and many plots would be best served with a proper conclusion (I’m thinking chiefly of the Tommy + Dream plotline myself) and partly that there’s been huge organisational problems. I don’t know how much the fact that people have netherite and have built what they want to build plays into it. It might be a factor but I don’t feel like its the main one. Maybe I’m wrong. George’s problem isn’t that everyone’s in netherite so he can’t just log and kill someone. It’s that no one else is on except for maybe a heavily planned lore stream so he can’t just log in and kill someone. 
I want to love it, I guess. I do. 
But if they all care so much about the Dream SMP, then why did they all let it die, rather than play on it? Why aren’t any of them on it now?
...I know big things are planned. But one thing Dream’s escape from prison might’ve benefited from was if people had been on the server a bit in the week leading up to it. To actually get us hyped up. Instead we’re drawing our hype from a 5 minute voice message left on twitter that only dedicated fans will even see.
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tsui-no-sora · 2 years
C!Sam would canonically consider selfcest
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waddei · 3 months
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the pressure might be getting to him a little bit
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theminecraftbee · 8 months
today i am thinking about the entire mayor of hypixel skyblock incident with technoblade because i still like to imagine, since it happened during one of the big dsmp story gaps, that he was like "oh i'm going to head off for a bit phil don't worry about it" and phil's like "bye mate" and ranboo is like "i wonder what he's doing. probably intense training or something. he's so cool."
meanwhile techno is yelling at an entirely unruly crowd about anarchy and being made mayor while beating up like, it was a weird giant slime if i remember right? and he has a whole "bond of rivals" moment with squidkid, like, they have this whole "there's no one i could trust to have my back more... than you... my most favored enemy" thing going on in that video it's SO funny.
all of this with the world's most absurd numbers outputs because hypixel skyblock is an endgame mmo. just COMICAL levels of firepower. like, everyone is an end-of-series shonen character. this place is like the naruto world was after it had jumped the shark a bit and there was a moon goddess attacking. about like that.
and then he's like. my work here is done. thanks for electing me mayor. i don't see this is contradictory to my anarchy at all btw it's like, a symbolic thing, on account of me beating up the old dictator mayor. and just dips again, presumably to be forever seen as a weird potato-themed legend around those parts.
i like to imagine he gets home and phil is like "hi mate" and techno's like "sorry i had things to handle at home" and ranboo is imagining like, WILD battles and what technoblade's home must even be like. and whatever he's imagining doesn't really compare to "technoblade's home is an end-game mmo no wonder he constantly assumes he's weak here he can only do earlygame levels of damage, forever".
and technoblade, being technoblade, says nothing about being mayor of hypixel now, until like, after the finale or something when squidkid just sort of swings by to ask how they're all doing after that nuke thing, huh. and everyone loses their shit.
and this is one of my favorite stupid technoblade headcanons thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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bugflies00 · 2 months
dsmpblr now all we got is each other and the reblog button
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teethkid67 · 1 month
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happy @mcythorrorgiftexchange , @haunted-here !!!! sorry it took so long to get to u :P i wanted to go ahead and draw clem and reverie from your (and @stemms , which thanks for the help btw hehe) CD au !!!! so . here they are teehee :3
i had a really good time participating in this exchange !!! thank u mods for hosting and haunt i hope u like it !!!! :3
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lazy30 · 2 months
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He’s fine :D
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linktoo-doodles · 10 months
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Compass charm coming soon...
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rozugold · 2 months
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I wanna feel like I’m gonna die any second— I wanna feel calm!
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clingyduoapologist · 4 months
I already made a post about this earlier but it do think Hittiing on 16 is legitimately one of the most interesting things to come out of the dsmp. While I would take having the burger arc streamed any fucking day of the week, having a dream smp story being told with absolutely no regards to gameplay is just such a cool way to look at the story. The peeks into c!wil’s psyche are just so juicy and I don’t think a day will go by where I don’t think about “tubbo was wrong, the chair rolled the farthest,” or “Wilbur felt alive” or the fucking two Wilburs steering c!wil’s life, it’s just all so chewable, like a fucking…. Burger
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andhyssops · 1 year
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redraw 2021 -> 2023
despite everything it's still you
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finalherrschers · 2 months
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hi i was depressed but im back with clingyduo ref :)
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catzgam3rz · 2 years
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everything you need is within you
you are stronger than you know
you are the daylight
you are the night
the darkness you fight is within you
the light you seek is within you
you are not alone
Good Game, Mr. Blade
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clingyduofan · 11 months
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shark boy
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bugflies00 · 2 years
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hold hands, everyone. one last time.
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feminetomboy · 2 years
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THE STAR - Forgiveness after destruction.
You have endured many challenges and yet... you are ready to love again.
After so long, I can finally show you this Tubbo inspired by the Star Tarot arcana that I drew for XDivination. This was freshly after Wilbur's A Year Later stream. I thought Star fit him the best -- he's endured so much, but he has the hope to move on.
If you want to own this physically, check out my RedBubble!
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