#i love the polysquad so much
honeyviscera · 6 months
i get really tired of the vbs fanon of "oh haha wlw mlm hostility" "oh an and akito HATE each other and fight all the time" and just only focus on the vivids and the bad dogs INDIVIDUALLY when the whole point of vbs' story is that none of them could do it alone. they all need each other. and sure, in the vbs initial story the vivids and the bad dogs do have a hostile relationship, but that's before. they're a team now, and they all work to support each other, again, none of them can do it alone.
sure, an and akito banter with each other, but it's not actually malicious. they do genuinely trust and value each other. im reading the "find a way out" event story right now and akito is constantly thinking of the other three, not just toya, and how the four of them are all constantly there for each other and have helped each other improve beyond what any of them could do alone. the main theme of this event story is to show akito's growth-- how far he's come between then and now, how much allowing himself to rely on others has helped.
the point is, is that they're all friends, and they all love and trust and rely on each other. that's why it always feels so shallow when people only focus on toya/akito and an/kohane. shipping majorly contributes to this, how people only like to consider the Fun Gay Ships at the expense of the canon deep relationships these characters have with each other. and then on top of that there are fans who are hostile to those who ship either of the girls with either of the guys, which, since the het ships, in the fandom, are generally viewed as "worse" or "erasure" or what have you, it just goes to further solidify the "divide" between the vivids and the bad dogs in the general fandom consciousness. and it's SOOOO FRUSTRATING.
VBS ARE ALL FRIENDS OKAY. THEY TRUST EACH OTHER AND RELY ON EACH OTHER AND WORK HARD TO ACHIEVE THEIR COLLECTIVE DREAM. they could never do it alone and they could never do it if they didn't trust each other. toya writing his own song. vbs going camping for inspiration. vbs putting on events. collaborating with other groups. practicing. exercising. shopping. hanging out. celebrating holidays and each other's birthdays. an and akito and toya riding the train to pick up kohane. all of the event stories and card side stories are all about how much time they spend together and how much each of them want to improve for each other. they love each other. vbs love each other and im tired of popular fanon pretending they don't.
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mymarifae · 1 year
i think the most important thing in the world is vbs being best friends who love each other so much and are super affectionate with each other like. listen to me:
- when toya hugs kohane he'll pick her up a tiny bit (a tiny bit is all he can manage. noodle arms) and she squeals with delight every time
- toya just really likes hugs in general. it's suuuuper common for him to just come up behind akito or an or kohane and wrap his arms around them and lean his head against theirs. hello and goodbye hugs with him always last a good 20 seconds because he won't let go sdjfjsnfkd
- kohane loooooves to tuck her hand in the crooks of her teammates' elbows while they're walking together. this way she won't get lost <3 sometimes she'll hold onto like, akito's elbow with one hand and an's with the other. it's very cute. and as vbs has grown closer, she's started to switch to hand holding. (don't tell anyone but akito's her favorite to hold hands with because he swings their arms as they walk and it's cute)
- also, kohane's hair tends to be messy because of her damn hats and this bugs akito so he spends a lot of time fussing over it. he'll just sort of...tug her closer and take out the pigtails and comb through it with his fingers. at some point she starts packing a brush in her bag to placate him. i like to think akito knows how to do hair because ena will sometimes make him do hers so after a while he stops just rebrushing kohane's hair and starts pulling it up in different ways... braiding it... etc... and he starts keeping things like hairspray in His bag. yknow. jic
- the hairstyling extravaganza extends to an and toya too. (i mean there's only so much akito can do with toya but he tries...) it's a calming thing for him - fiddling with his teammates' hair as they plan setlists or wait backstage. and having your hair played with is always nice <3
- i think shortly after teaming up an started giving kohane little kisses on the cheek. not as a romantic gesture - just simple affection! and after a while, she starts kissing toya and akito too. toya is always happy to lean down so she can pepper his face with little platonic kisses, but she usually has to wrestle akito. it's all in good fun and he'll always relent and let her kiss him in the end
- speaking of platonic kisses, i ALSO think that akito gives toya little kisses from time to time. it started back when they were still BAD DOGS. toya wasn't having a great time one night and after soothing him with a good sturdy hug, akito kissed the top of his head. it completely floored toya and akito blew up when he realized what he did. and they never fucking talked about it <3 but since toya didn't seem MAD about it, akito decided to stick with it and kept giving toya kisses like that. it's not common, and he ONLY does it when they're alone. except for when they make up after their little divorce arc in the main story. IGNORE the gunjo sanka mv and listen to me. they HUG after their heart to heart. and akito kisses toya's cheek. right around where he punched him
- but an's overaffectionate nature kind of rubs off on akito after a while. so he becomes less stingy when it comes to kisses and starts giving them to kohane and an too <3
- they lean against each other while sitting like kohane might cuddle into toya's side or an goes and lays her head on akito's shoulder
- and they have sleepovers and they fall asleep comfortably tangled up together (or not comfortably. at all. seriously cuddling while sleeping can get so uncomfy but it's worth it to be so close to someone you love). ken's taken quite a few adorable (and sometimes really funny) pictures of all four of them passed out on piles of blankets and futons. just dad things
i could go on forever it's just. platonic affection is so important to me and it's so frequently Ignored in fandom spaces. and in the case of vbs and the prsk fandom specifically, there's a tendency to separate vbs into akitoya VS anhane. which is so 💔 because the whole POINT of their story is that while they started off as separate duos, that's no longer the case! they've become such good friends. they're inseparable.
like even jokes about akito and an being "wlw and mlm hostility" are starting to wear on me because... they're friends, guys. they're incredibly close. akito is always looking out for an and is right by her side to support her through all the shit she's currently struggling with. there's no "hostility" present in their relationship. like, if you actually look at the game's text, an... rarely teases akito. the person who teases him the most is actually toya but you know... whatever... gotta reduce an down to a mean lesbian amirite... completely ignoring that she's one of the kindest characters in the whole game...
idk. i juuuuuust wish that this fandom wasn't so defensive and obsessive over shipping akitoya and anhane (mostly akitoya while anhane is a second thought but YOU KNOW) because it results in so many people watering down vbs as individuals And as pairs - because all they care about is shipping. like i promise that the other dynamics in vbs are worth exploring (both platonicallyand romantically but too much of this fandom still feels threatened by m/f vbs ships). and hell, explore akitoya and anhane on a platonic level, too! don't just jump to shipping them because teehee boyxboy and girlxgirl. take the time to understand what draws them together in the first place
i love friendship. i love when friends outwardly express their affection for each other and it doesn't have to have any romantic implications. can we talk about friendship for once like this game is literally The Ultimate Friendship Simulator feat. Hatsune Miku
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bloomingnewwrld · 11 months
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Polysquad Week Day 1: Sleepover "Time just seems to flow most naturally when I'm with them. I wonder why that is?"
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0mysteiarchives · 6 months
Arcade Date !! // Poly!VBS
(Ft. Emunene)
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Vivid bad squad just finished their daily morning practice, and decided to take a break for the day and head to the arcade !!
Toya going from game to game, winning prizes for his partners
Akito having to carry all the prizes and keep an eye on Toya so he doesn’t lose him in the crowd
An impressing the passerby’s in the karaoke with her singing, Kohane cheering her on
Kohane taking her turn on the mic, An doing the same to her partner
Akitoya running into Emu and Nene, challenging them to a 2v2
-Toya and Nene both putting up a fight when it was down to a 1v1, Nene won but both congratulated each other and went on their separate ways
Anhane going out and coming back with snacks to share with the other two while taking a break
Akian being competitive on two player games, laughing whenever the other loses a bet they made
Toyahane playing nearby games and looking at the ticket prizes, talking while watching over their partners
AnToya sitting on a nearby bench, jokingly talking about how they like _ the most
-(Depends on your favorite ship btw)
Akikoha giving subtle hints to one another whenever they are stuck on a specific level
Poly!VBS taking turns on the karaoke, praising each other after one of them finishes
Poly!VBS redeeming their tickets, having three buckets full of them
Poly!VBS heading back during sunset to the weekend garage to grab some drinks and take a rest
Poly!VBS giving each other either a hug or a peck on the cheek before going their separate ways back home
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starz4valen · 10 months
polyvbs nicknames. if you even care:
an: annie, starshine, handsome
toya: to/toto, blueberry, beautiful, pretty boy
akito: aki, kito, sunshine, also a pretty boy, kitty
kohane: koko, hane, koha, strawberry, bunny
i think they’re neat ok
poly bi aroace squad is real. im making it real.
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sebsxphia · 1 month
(Comes in quietly)
So uh, bunny looking guilty when polysquad gets home and it's been storming bad for a few days.
Nat: Bunny.... did you break a rule?
Bunny: no mommy! I'm a good girl, I promise
Jake: Then why the guilty look?
Bunny: (slowly holds out a fawn) her mama was hit. I couldn't leave her! I saw it happen and the driver just left!
Robert and Bradley: oh boy...
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ehehe 🤭 i think initially, everyone is feeling a bit confused about what to do, but bob’s wealth of knowledge about looking after baby animals from working on his ranch, comes into play and he gets everything needed and contacts the right people. the agreement is that you can look after her for a couple of weeks, but then she has to go. you reluctantly agree, but you know it’s for the best! they get you a bambi stuffie after the weeks to make up for it! eeek thank you so much for this sweet thought, my love! 💌
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noname-nonartist · 19 days
Polysquad for the ship bingo?
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I see them mainly platonic, but god damn!
They are such a ride or die close friends group! Love Them! X3c
They just help and support each other so much! But they each have such insecurities of feeling not enough and the underlying feeling of jealousy for the other’s talents and-
I’m very sane about this group. :3c
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Also . Dumb question but if you have the energy . What's your opinion on each individual polysquad ship . I'm only really sold on anhane and akty (both canon 2 me ...) but I'm really curious to hear your thoughts :o
My thoughtssss
The tldr is. In terms of canon, obviously AnHane and AkiToya are hinted at a lot and for the first few months were the only ones I shipped. Then I started thinking AkiKoha was cute and then 2 months later (around SDSC on en) I just went full in.
AnHane were always the biggest for me. Just from the beginning I loved them (doesn't help that AB was what got me fully invested in Sekai) and the story really doesn't help in not getting me invested. I mean Buddy Funny exists. Y'know. AkiToya also for the main story, just not as big as AnHane.
AkiKoha came from me just. Really liking their dynamic. As in, the whole resolve thing and how Kohane took Akito's harshness as a way to push herself forward instead. Then when main story finishes Akito is constantly on her side. I really like the similarities in how they view An/Toya (who grew up with music where they didn't) as so much better (and also how they view Akito/Kohane in return). I also like how they grow to trust each other. ESPECIALLY in Kick it up a Notch. For Akito, Crawl Green is a really important event (as seen in FAWO) but he has enough trust in Kohane to let her lead the event. I just think they're neat.
In a similar sense, Akito and An have known each other the longest, Akito picked up the dream after seeing both RW and An performing on the street, An had respected Akito a lot before the game. They understand each other to the point where (particularly in early events ie An1/2 and Akito1) they are the ones to confront the other. Also in regards to LUTF, Akito specifically is always looking out for VBS, to the point where, in his second card side story, he finds a cafe off of Vivid Street for them to go to. Sadly this understanding of each other is rarely portrayed in fandom because (misogyny/out of character portrayals seriously why is An bullying Akito so popular).
Sekai hates us so Toya doesn't get much with An and Kohane. An really likes hyping Toya up and Kohane takes book recommendations from him. When I finally get myself back to reading events and I reach Kohane Valentine's it's over for you all. However I will mention that SDSC is a big source for VBS dynamic in general. It's a nice event for letting them breathe a bit and is probably why I'm still so big on polysquad today. I especially recommend Kohane's card side stories (part one in particular for showing one of my fav bits of AnToya which, again, we don't ever get).
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solesommerso · 2 years
How do you think polysquad would be while drinking and how they would be when drunk?
~ the content below is 18+, if a minor or uncomfortable with talk of adult content please click away (it’s really just abt alcohol)
This was so freaking fun omg I love them so much and they’re so chaotic at a bar 😭😭✋ fr one of my favorite posts I’ve ever made
(We’re ignoring how many times I’ve used this damn gif )
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Street- giggly/stumbling
- you’d expect him to be all flirty and fuck boy like but nooooo this man can’t stand up straight. He is the one who drags someone to do karaoke with him and then has the time of his life singing Michael Jackson like an idiot. Also I have a total Hc that he doesn’t sip drinks, he chugs them, like not even in a normal “I shotgun a beer way” No the bartender will hand him his drink and Street will hand back the empty glass not 5 seconds later. He is so so sure that it’s safer to chug a drink then risk someone slipping something into it, he’s kind of right but he doesn’t need to do that in deacons backyard yet does. Every single time.
Tan- emotional as hell
- he cries so much and never has enough stability to get himself to stop. As soon as that first tear falls, it’s game over and Tan will drape himself over Street who’s busy taking shots and just sob about how much he loves the team. Streets his victim of choice which means he also gets dragged around the bar no matter how upset he is. “Street I just- just love you so much man.” Tans a sniffling mess and Street just puts a glass in his hand and goes “I love you too but loookkkkk!!!! Lucas dancing!!!” He gives not a single fuck that his best friend is sobbing right now
Deacon- dad duty
- as much as he wishes he could relax while drinking, he can’t. It heightens his worries and his need to check in on every single person. He drinks like whiskey and such but will do so while forcing Tan to sit down and wipe his face and also wrangle Chris from fist fighting someone for no reason at besides “he looked at me weird Deac” and deacon is absolutely dead on his feet by the end of the night. He rarely drinks enough to get drunk but even if he’s only had one drink, he still on dad duty ™️
Luca- dancing/time of his life
- he absolutely adores being drunk and dragging anyone onto the dance floor with him! He is and will always be the “fun” drunk that can make anyone giggle. Also he’s the protector of girls drinks, has and will huddle around the bar shielding away ten different girls drinks while they go dancing and Luca sits there head banging to the music, he’s more than happy to help anyone
Chris- aggressive/argumentative
- we technically saw this with that bar fight but I definitely don’t see that as a one off type deal, she’s always in the mood to argue with anyone once she has a drop of vodka in her system. Which means Deacon basically keeps her on a leash when they’re at a bar, Chris is just too much of a run off and come back bruised person. She sees no issue with this. She’s happy to get into fights, she loves the adrenaline rush and can’t even sit beside Tans crying for more than five seconds before she’s shoving him back over to Street and stalking off to go find a guy to arm wrestle or yell at
Hondo- calm/reserved
- he does none of what the others do and just sits there sipping his drink watching the chaos. At times he’ll step in to help Deacon but he kinda enjoys seeing Deacon rush to try and pull Chris away like a rabid dog while trying to help Luca hold some girls drinks. It’s free entertainment if you ask Hondo. The only time he ever really gets up from his seat is to either dance with someone or pick Street up off the ground cause he just ate shit and tans freaking out about it, streets giggling with blood dripping from his nose and Hondo just throws him over his shoulder and calls them all a taxi. If anything he’s the designated driver and will drink maybe a single cup of something that does nothing cause fucking look at him, it takes a lot to get Hondo drunk
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collectalong · 1 year
4, 6, 10, 18 -"The Night Light"
Favourite thing about roleplaying?
answered already! there is also something to be said for having inside jokes and memes abt plots and characters. i LOVE a good laugh. p much most of the muns i have a connection w on my carrd can attest to this
OTP for your muse?
TOUGH!!!! mostly bc i have so many. ready for a lightning round? ok... go!!!
collector: king is his bestest friend ever!
gus: i think him and matt would be fun, but no preference!
eberwolf: darius qpp forever ^_^ was also fond of darius and raine rebellion trifecta! i think whatever he and darius have its open as hell.
fern: no one in adventure time canon, but funnily enough, my OTP is actually with a friend's OC! they don't go here, ok? but rest assured it's very sweet!!!
jacuzzi: NICE ALWAYS!! though i can see something with graham on the side too. kind of a freak. teehee!
kris: a strange question! 🤔 berdly has been circling my brain for a bit. but a friend of mine and i have been rping for a while, and funnily enough, kris and joshua (from twewy? yes from twewy) have been an interesting couple!
zenitsu: ...sorry... i ship him with both tanjiro and inosuke... im sorry... i hope you forgive me...
emu: polysho! but of course, it's not necessary. a close second has been emurui believe it or not.
kanade: mafuyu! was it ever any question?
shiho: polyneed! this one felt like a no brainer too.
toya: akito! im also starting to see the appeal of polysquad...
tsukasa: again, polysho! but also, who could deny the classic rui ship?
len: i don't actually ship him with anyone...weird, huh?
iroha: this is a tough one. im not well versed in vocaloids besides the classics. una? maybe... they both have weird hats, so maybe...
teto: again, i don't know a lot. but i feel like she would be good friends with other UTAU, like namine ritsu and yowane haku—and the triple baka squad, of course!
shou: ritsu, that feels right. i also think he has a bastard sibling energy with teru.
tome: i think she has a weird respect for mezato, but besides that... again, i find myself shipping her with another OC of a long lost friend's.
cirno: best friends with daiyousei!
mystia: i can see the appeal of many characters, but in the end, her bandmate kyouko seems the most natural approach.
crona: oh... maka and soul, yeah... that aside, i don't know why others overseas ship them with death the kid, but i guess i'm just missing something.
wirt: sara is sweet ^_^. geez, i haven't considered ships for wirt in forever though. wonder if that'll change here?
thanks for attending the rapidfire OTP corner! now for something completely different!!
Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
UMMM COSMO OPENED MY EYES TO KRIS BEING A RESIDENT TO THE DEMON REALM. I REALLY REALLY LIKE THAT. i also want to craft AU's for my other muses in the world of the owl house. we'll see how well that goes! something something... mutter mutter...
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I redrew a hella old drawing and forgot to post it so ayee *finger guns*
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Mandy’s Care Home
Characters: Tyler Sharp, Quinn Sharp, Eliza Riley-Sharp, Matty Davidson-Sharp, Damian Sharp, Ant Sharp, Vikki Barnes-Sharp, Mandy McGinnis, Heather Sharp (Mentioned), Jessie Goldhart, William Lyne, Lauren Maaya (Mentoned) , Pixie Patterson, Mikey Patterson, Nadine Holt, Gus Griffith, Daxter Griffith, Bryan Torres, Danny Cook, Gracie Christ (Mentioned), Molly Arbore (Mentioned)
Ship: None/Polysquad
Words: 1807
Warnings: Mentions of/Hints at Will’s abuse, hints at Quinn falling, ask if you need something added.
Tag List: Empty
Want to be tagged in my OC work? Let me know!
Tyler placed his camera into his bag alongside his notebook before slinging it over his shoulder.
“Hey, guys!” He called through the house from the front door. “I’m heading to Mandy’s care home! Anyone want to come?”
He’d expected Matty to come along, and maybe Eliza if she wasn’t busy. What she hadn’t expected was for all of them to decide to join him. (Besides Heather, who at the time was getting ready to go to work.)
They all walked as a group along the streets. Quinn held tight to Eliza’s hand, Damian and Ant arguing about something stupid, Matty skipping and talking about a new song he was working on. Tyler smiled. He loved taking trips out with the others.
The care home was a new building. Mandy had had help from Lauren when raising money for it (Which might’ve been helped by the fact Lauren was constantly followed around by a very large dragon). It stood tall and welcoming, the orange bricks painted over with white paint. The windows were clean, and Tyler could see the flower-patterned curtains inside and a little cactus on one of the window ledges.
He knocked on the door and a small, round woman with fiery red hair answered. Her eyes lit up when she saw the group and she smiled wide. Her face radiated the same warmth and kindness as the building itself did.
“Oh! You’re all here! That’s lovely,” She opened the door and gestured for them all to enter. The inside of the house smelled of brownies. “Gracie… Had to stay home today,” She said sadly, frowning slightly. “But Molly said she might stop by later to help! Until then, feel free to introduce yourself to any of the children.”
“Uncle Ty!”
Tyler barely had chance to look towards the source of the yelling before a blur of pastel colours threw itself at him. He stumbled slightly as he looked down, seeing a small, blonde girl beaming up at him.
“Pixie!” He laughed, picking her up and spinning her around. She giggled, kicking her legs.
He placed her back onto the floor and dragged him into the main room. There was a table in the corner with chairs set up around it. The surface was covered in paper, pencils and crayons. A box of blocks lay scattered on the floor near the window, two small children talking quietly to themselves and building little houses. Pixie pulled Tyler towards the table and made him sit town before climbing up into his lap.
“Look what I drew!”
On the paper in front of her was a drawing of herself, her brother Mikey, a kid covered in band-aids that Tyler could only guess was Jessie, a kid holding a book that was definitely Will, and then Lauren. Tyler smiled. “That’s wonderful, Pix! Where are the other little monsters, anyway?” He asked.
Pixie kicked her legs and picked up another pencil and a new piece of paper, beginning to scribble more people. “Think Mikey an’ Jess are playing football in the yard,” She shrugged. “Mandy said Lauren’s got college an’ she’ll visit us when her lesson is done. Think she’s doin’ English.”
“What about Will?”
Pixie paused. “He’s havin’ a bad day. Mandy said he hasn’t been talkin’ to anyone today, not even her.”
Tyler frowned and nodded. Given Will’s past, moments like this were expected. Tyler turned around to the others, seeing them all looking around. It was their first time really visiting.
“Hey, Quinn?” He said.
The angel looked up, lip red from biting it. “Mm?”
“You remember Will, right? D’you think you can go sit with him for a bit, make sure he’s ok?”
Quinn nodded and turned to leave the room. Mandy walked with her, leading her up the stairs.
The others all looked around, deciding they should probably communicate with some of the kids too. Matty walked out towards the back door, following the sounds of giggles and small voices. He found Jessie and Mikey outside – Jessie up in the treehouse and Mikey on the floor as they threw the football to each other. Matty grinned.
“Hey guys!”
The two turned to look at him and instantly lit up. Mikey grabbed hold of Matty and tugged him towards the treehouse. “Wanna play?” He asked, handing the ball to Matty.
“Hot potato?”
Mikey nodded. “Yeah! But Jess wanted to be higher up, so they’re in the treehouse.
Matty laughed. “Of course, I’ll play.”
Back inside, Eliza had followed the smell of brownies to the kitchen. A young teen, possibly around the age of 13 if Eliza had to guess, was sat at the kitchen table with a worksheet and a frustrated look on their face.
“Hey, dear,” Eliza said softly, sitting down on the seat next to them. “Do you need help?”
The teen shook their head. “No. I gotta do it by myself or it’s not the same.”
“Oh,” Eliza said. “You know, you’re allowed to ask for help if you’re struggling, dear. It doesn’t make your work any less good. If it helps, I can give you questions like what you’re answering, but with different numbers, and I can show you how that works, and you can apply that to your work. Does that help?”
The teen finally looked up at Eliza and nodded slowly. “Y-Yeah, ok. That works.”
Eliza smiled and picked up a spare piece of paper and a pen from the stack in the corner. She wrote down some questions and handed them to the teen. “Oh, and I’m Eliza,” She said.
Vikki had taken to the two boys sat on the floor building houses. She sat next to them, slightly floating off the floor. One smiled at her, the other nodded in her direction but kept his eyes on the blocks.
“I’m Gus,” Introduced the blonde boy, lisping slightly due to the missing front tooth. “That’s my brother, Daxter. He doesn’t talk very much but it’s ok because Mandy says I talk enough for both of us.”
Vikki laughed. “Well it’s nice to meet you both. Mind if I build?”
“Sure!” Gus grinned, pushing some blocks towards her. “Why are you floating?”
“I’m a ghost.”
Gus shrugged. “That’s cool. Oh! Here’s this little man, you can stick him on your house when you’re done. I called him Mr Orange because he likes to wear an orange hat.”
“I love that.”
The three build together, Gus occasionally piping up with a silly joke or to ask for a block or ask Daxter for help. Vikki eventually handed Gus her little house with a man on it. “Does this look right to you? I don’t build very often.”
Gus smiled wide and sat up straighter, clapping his hands. “Good! Look, Dax, isn’t that cool?”
Daxter looked up at the house and smiled, nodding.
Gus handed it back to Vikki. “If Dax likes it, that means it’s super good.”
Quinn hadn’t spoken since she’d entered Will’s room. Instead, she’d curled up on the chair next to his bed, sitting quietly as he slowly rocked himself. If anyone of the group knew how to handle Will, it was her. Forcing him to talk wouldn’t work – She had to wait for him to make the first move.
“Can I see your wings?”
His voice came out soft, cracking slightly. She nodded and stood up, moving to sit next to him on the bed. She closed her eyes and felt her wings appear, shaking and stretching out. It’d been a while since she’d let them out. They were a soft lavender colour, the lower feathers burned and stained with ash from her fall. Will leaned against Quinn’s side, smiling slightly when Quinn wrapped her wings around the two of them.
They sat in silence for a while longer. Will’s eyes closed.
“I was thinking about… Them… again,” Will whispered.
Quinn didn’t need to respond with words. She just wrapped her wings closer around them, a hand taking one of Will’s. Will sniffled and curled up a little tighter against the angel’s side.
“I just wish I could forget it. All of it. Sometimes I can pretend it didn’t happen, but sometimes I can’t.”
Quinn lightly squeezed his hand. “I know, Will. And it’s going to hurt for a while. Maybe for a very long while. But… But there are ways to deal with it if you want that. I can find you some people that you can talk to, and maybe they can help you feel better.”
Will nodded and rubbed his eyes with his free hand. “P-Please.”
Quinn kissed the top of Will’s head. “You’ll be ok. I promise.”
Ant and Damian walked around together. Some of the other kids were out at classes, but they eventually ran into two kids upstairs in a bedroom, dressed up in costumes. One of them was a little redhead covered in freckles, a gap between his two front teeth and a wide grin on his face as he raised a fake cardboard sword. The other was dressed like a dinosaur, messy blonde hair covering his eyes. His hands were held out in front of him like claws.
“Hey there, boys,” Damian greeted as he walked into the room, Ant following.
Both boys turned, their eyes widening. “Woah!! Your eyes are red!!”
Damian and Ant shared a look and grinned.
“Yep, they are,” Ant nodded.
“Pointy teeth!” The blonde said, looking at Ant.
“Pointy ears!” The redhead yelled, looking at Damian.
“My name’s Damian,” Dami said, smiling and kneeling closer to their height. “I’m a demon.”
“And I’m Ant,” Ant waved. “I’m a vampire.”
Both young boys jumped around, excited.
“I’m Bryan,” The redhead introduced himself, bowing and laughing.
“I’m Danny!” The blonde joined in, striking a pose.
And laughed. “I guess you two enjoy acting? Mind if we join in? Damian would make a great damsel in distress,” He joked, winking towards Damian. Damian stuck his tongue out.
Bryan lit up and ran to a chest at the base of one of the beds, pulling out some accessories. “Of course, you can join in!!”
The four of them acted out scenes, each taking a turn at the different roles until Tyler called them down to leave.
Tyler hugged Mandy at the door. She smiled, holding out a tin to him. “There’s some treats in there for you all as a thank you for stopping by today.”
Tyler took the tin and smiled back. “We’ll try to come by again soon.”
“Please do,” Mandy said. She looked into the main room where all the kids were now settled in front of the TV with blankets watching a movie. “I can tell they really enjoyed seeing you all. They’d love to have you back.”
“Then we’ll definitely be back,” Eliza promised. The rest of them nodded in agreement.
“Have a good night, Mandy,” Tyler said as the group walked away.
“You too, dear.”
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mymarifae · 8 months
hi i went through a lot of ur pjsk meta n read "and what's a little kiss between bros?" and enjoyed it a lot! ur shinonome siblings content makes me so happy UGH 🙏 n ee ways all this 2 say i enjoyed it a lot and hope u have a good day :3
THANK YOU!!!!!!! the shinonome siblings mean the world to me it's the way things are difficult and strained between them for a multitude of reasons but rather than drifting apart and becoming completely estranged they both INSIST on maintaining their relationship. ena doesn't have to ask akito to go to cafes and the mall with her, and he doesn't have to agree to go. she chooses to drag him around and he chooses to let her because staying present in each other's lives is so so so so important to both of them. it's the way akito leaves bags of snacks outside ena's door; it's the way ena can take one look at akito and immediately know he's been crying. it's the way they both love fiercely but they weren't exactly taught how to express that love - nor how to receive love. so they come off as harsh and sometimes standoffish. their love burns and bites, but it's still love. through and through.
it's everything to me. people who say either of them are bad siblings or that ena is abusive because she used to lash out and scratch akito will face my wrath. tell me you don't know what it's like to have siblings while growing up in an abusive nightmare house without telling me you don't know what it's like. they're both doing the best they can for each other, and they've both long since grown out of their Lashing Out phases. they do love each other. so much.
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Poly!Hamilsquad Sleeping:
Fist time writing a headcanon for the polysquad! Send in any requests to my Ask Box!!
He always wants to be the big spoon, but he’s so small that it’s more like a baby chimp clinging to their mom.
Eventually he rolls over and will cuddle into someone’s chest, usually Lafayette, and let himself be the little spoon, usually to John.
When he’s exhausted, like ‘hasn’t slept in a week’ exhausted, he’ll let himself be carried to bed.
Alex will come home from work, grumble for a few minutes about what an asshole Jefferson is while he puts his stuff down and takes off his shoes, and then collapse on whoever is closest.
He refused to go to bed until at least one of the others go with him. Ever since they started dating Alex can no longer sleep in bed alone.
He loves it when someone plays with his hair while he is falling asleep.
Sleeps in fetal position.
Alex’s little spoon turned big spoon. He lets Alex do whatever he wants to fall asleep because he doesn’t sleep enough as it is.
He usually sleeps on the outside John doesn’t like to feel like he can’t get out.
Whenever Alex succumbs to being the little spoon John will lay so that he is touching everyone as much as possible. He works with Hercules to trap Lafayette and Alex in the middle of the cuddle-pile
Sleeps partially on his stomach, partially on his side so he can reach everyone.
Lafayette is the only one who’s ever a big spoon to John, when he is he’ll whisper sweet nothings to John in French to get him to go to sleep faster.
Oddly enough it’s John who talks in his sleep, not Alex.
Sleeps on his stomach when alone but will either sleep chest-to-chest with someone or be a big spoon.
Tosses and turns unless he’s being held or is holding someone.
He likes to sleep naked, his excuse is that it gets too hot with so many other people in bed.
Likes to have his hair played with as he falls asleep, it’s one of the few times he wears it down.
When Lafayette falls asleep on the couch Hercules will carry him bridal-style to bed because Laf claims that he’s too tired to walk.
Is usually the first one awake, he enjoys watching the others wake-up.
The cuddliest of all cuddle monsters.
Sleeps on his back so whoever wants can cuddle him
Good luck getting away from Hercules before he’s awake, everyone has tried, everyone has failed. Just accept your fate.
Hercules snores, not super loud or anything and he denies it, but it’s a known fact.
He always hogs the covers, “I’m the biggest I need the most!” “You always have Laf laying almost on top of you!! How are you cold?” “Exactly! So, there’s two of us that need covers!”
Does not like to wake up and will cling to whoever is left in bed/closest to get them to stay in bed with him.
Does not feel bad using his size to his advantage and will trap whoever is in the middle of the cuddle-pile with the other person on the outside.
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jumpingjackets · 7 years
lonely rabbit (hamilsquad x reader)
Anonymous said: The polysquad walking in on reader masturbating? (You can take it from there bc tjis is as far as i went with this thought)
Word count: 1407
a/n: that’s all I need, nonie
tw: nsfw
“Herc! Laf!” You shouted throughout the seemingly empty house in frustration. “Alex! John!”
You felt like a broken record, in denial that they aren’t home. The guys are always home, and they decide to go out the one day you want them here?
“John! Alex! Herc! Laf!” you whined the last name in annoyance and childish frustration. You finally decided that they weren’t going to respond, because they weren’t here. You’ll just have to deal with yourself on your own. You sighed, defeated, and headed for your bedroom in quick, short steps.
When you closed the door, you figured you didn’t need to lock it, as the boys rudely decided to leave you alone, horny and deprived of them. You did latch it, though, for the sake of it.
You quickly got rid of your shirt, letting it to pool next to the foot of the bed. You didn’t realize it was Lafayette’s until you saw the artsy design in between the waves of fabric while you were crouching down, looking under the bed for the special box.
It was impossibly far into the center of the bed, and after a bit of struggle, you were able to reach it. A relieved huff left your lips as you looked around the generous variety of toys that were scattered inside. You instinctively licked your lips as your fingers trailed down your favorite sex toy, a vibrating glass rabbit. You ran your finger over the pink detail while taking off your underwear. Maybe it wasn’t so bad that the boys are out.
You laid back on your bed, balancing your weight on your elbows, spreading your legs. Blindly, you reached down to the box for lube. Coating the toy with it, you discarded the empty bottle and sat back comfortably.
You turned on the vibrations, running the ears around your thigh before pressing the head into your entrance. You bit your lip and threw your head back as you pushed the tip inside you. You looked down at the toy as you continued to slide it in until you could feel the vibrations in your clit. Your jaw was slack, breathing heavily as the pleasure ran through your body. Your skin felt like it was getting hotter by the second as you held toy deep inside you, your mind somewhere far away. You could only focus on yourself, your body, your pleasure.
Your body fell back into the bed as you pulled the toy back only slightly, the ears still vibrating directly in your clit. You let out a choked moan when you changed the setting to a higher vibration, your hips bucking up helplessly into the toy. Your free hand gently caressed your skin, pinching and touching the skin in your stomach and sides before moving to your breast. You couldn’t help the escaped cry that you let out, pleasure overriding your senses.
Your legs spread wider subconsciously as you fell deeper in arousal, your hand cramping the slightest from the position. You turned the vibrations down to the lowest setting, wanting to ride your edge as long as you could. As a soft moan escaped from your lips, you heard the door click gently, and a smiling Alexander walked in before stopping in his tracks.
You gasped, pathetically trying to cover yourself with a nearby blanket. It was no use, though. He had seen you, and not to mention that there was still a soft, unmistakable buzz that could be heard from between your legs. He stood, unmoving, at the door with an open mouth, before a light smile spread through his lips. As he was going to speak, another head popped out of the open door.
“Hey, Y/N– oh.” John’s voice trailed off, scanning your position. You felt your cheeks and neck heating up.
“Can we watch?” Alexander said, not so subtly eyeing your exposed skin from the blanket, and you responded by biting your lip and nodding, trying to suppress a moan that was already up your throat. You slowly slid the blanket off your body, completely exposing yourself to them, and laid down on the bed again.
Alexander motioned John to you, and walked to the foot of the bed. John walked to the side, next to your face and crouched. He brushed back the hair covering your face and kissed your forehead.
“Go ahead, love.” He whispered. You looked up at him with lust filled eyes. “Pleasure yourself for us.”
Your skin felt like it was burning now, and you were breathless, but you started pumping the vibrating toy into you faster than previously.
“Mon lapin, where are you?” You head the Frenchman call out. Knowing he was close and could walk in made you moan out pitifully. Alex heard it as clear as day, judging from his smirk.
“In here, mon cher.” He shouted, taking the control for the toy currently inside of you and turned it up two vibrations. You threw your head back and screamed out in pleasure. Your head was spinning by the time Lafayette and Hercules stood at the door with concerned looks. When the two men spotted you, red cheeked and panting, they looked at Alex and John before back at you.
“Herc, please,” You breathed out, reaching your arm for him. It was like his body was jolted awake. He walked to you and crouched next to John.
“Yeah, babe. What do you need?” He asked, cupping your reddening cheek.
“I want to suck you, please.” You said as Alexander fucked the toy into you faster, thoughts all jumbling into one.
Hercules stood, unbuckling his pants slowly as you looked at him with pleading eyes. He slid his pants and underwear to mid-thigh, and held his cockhead to your lips. You responded by opening your mouth with a breath and taking him in fully. You heard his breath hitch as you hollowed your cheeks around his length.
You felt Lafayette taking the toy from Alexander, pulling it back until the rabbit ears were only slightly touching, before thrusting it into you. Your eyes drew back in pleasure, moaning around Hercules, to which he responded by grabbing your hair and thrusting into your mouth roughly.
You pulled back from his cock to cough, and looked up at him with wet eyes. You wrapped your hand around him and kissed the head, giving it a kitten lick. While he brushed strand of hair behind your ear, you noticed John behind him jerking off to the whole scene.
“John,” Your voice was a lot hoarser than you thought it would be, “let me.”
John bit his lip before moving to kneel opposite of Hercules on the bed. Still pumping Hercules’ cock, you took John into your mouth until your nose touched his crotch. John let out a loud moan and intertwined his fingers between your hair, moving his hips softly to your mouth. You moaned around his cock when his fingers tightened in your hair.
In your daze, you didn’t realize that the toy had been slipped out, and Lafayette was spreading your legs around him. You felt his head slide from your clit to your entrance and up again, the slick coating his cock. He pulled back, only to slide a condom on.
All the while, Alexander’s hands roamed up and down your torso, your hips and your breasts. Your mind was melted, a serene silence besides John’s loud moans.
When John pulled out and you turned to take Hercules into your mouth, Lafayette slid his cock into you in such a slow pace that you felt fireworks in your stomach, along with Alexander’s hand on your clit had your head spinning. You moaned around Hercules’ cock, and he pulled out to shoot his cum over your face.
Your eyes rolled back as you bit your lip, your hand still around Hercules as he came down his high. You felt John pulling your face to his direction before feeling his cum over Hercules’. By then, Lafayette was thrusting into you. Everything became too much, as you threw your head back and shouted, your body convulsing with pleasure in every direction.
Lafayette pulled out of you, Alexander not minding taking him in his mouth. You looked up through hooded eyes at Hercules and John, who were looking at you with admiration and love.
“Where were you guys, before?” You asked, still trying to catch your breath.
Even Lafayette laughed.
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starz4valen · 1 year
they all have matching bracelets made by kohane. they are also all neurodivergent asf and all have odd relationships w objects.
toya constantly feels bad for items and will hold onto thing just bc they’d feel bad
an hoards the most random things bc it gives her unexplainable joy
kohane often treats certain objects like her best friends, namely stuffed animals and toys, and tries to give them all equal amounts of love
akito,,,he has a lot of personal items he’s overly attached to, and cant bear losing
now picture him losing the bracelet kohane made for him to symbolize not only her love for him but also an and toya’s love for him and that they all match with and he refuses to take off like ever because of how attached he’s become to it. mans would be distraught.
imagine being backstage and you see some ginger kid crying on the floor while, through his tears, trying to explain to his blonde tiny gf that “NO KOHANE IT WONT BE THE SAME IF YOU JUST MAKE ANOTHER ONE” in reference to a bracelet while his two split-toned haired and dark blue haired partners try and calm him down but its not working and then the split-toned one picks up the bracelet he was crying about for the past 15 mins and he immediately tackles them and repeats “I LOVE YOU” 5 billion times
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