#i love this little freaklet so much already
moonbtch · 1 year
Introducing my chat mascot, Jorbo, and his favorite vocal stim 👽✨
Jorbos are alien creatures that have infested the moonbase and represent my commoonity! They have a ton of neurodivergent traits that represent auDHD folks like myself and many members of chat.
One of these traits is an upcoming feature from VTS P.O.G. that allows the model to make soundboard noises! Chat can use channel points to redeem "vocal stim" and play a random sound.
They have a ton of species lore which I presented on stream but will be posted soon in the discord for reference! There's also a template for making your own jorbosonas and it's been so fun seeing everyone's creations.
Fun fact: I drew and rigged Jorbo's model myself, he's actually just a live2D item with my arms attached to give the illusion that he's part of my base model!
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lokilickedme · 6 years
Good morning, well afternoon already. I last night i felt like shit so i decided to cheer myself up and read the Tricksters Wife again! I finished early in the morning and feel much better ;) it was my first fanfic ever to read and my god its amazing. Even better with the 'right' Bragneire in my head! It was so good to read how Loki slowly started to change because of Anja. And i nearly cried over their 'fight'. I see now that this ending is fitting for Bragneire, i didnt before ;) Thank you! ❤
Morning!  Afternoon, whatever, it’s all good :D
I’m always so happy when someone tells me they read one of my old fics to cheer themselves up - you’ve no idea how good that feels, and I’m honored that you chose mine to do the cheering.  I’m also giggling that it was THAT one you chose.  Ahh, the twisted love triangle of Loki/Anja/Bragneire and the war that almost wasn’t.
Lemme tell ya a funny story that might cheer you even more - when I was writing that fic, my readers kept baying for blood and demanding Bragneire’s head on a pike (try reading the comments on some of the later chapters for a real giggle at how bloodthirsty fic readers can get, it’s amazing) and I kept feeling the need to defend him because BRAGNEIRE! ISN’T! THE! VILLAIN! HERE!
I mean, he cut a deal with Odin and then got screwed by the old fart.  He kept up his end of the bargain - no aggression toward Odin’s part of the world in exchange for a wife that would unite the kingdoms.  Simple arrangement.  Until Odin caved once again to his dickish nature and signed Loki’s death warrant by giving that wife to him instead.
Bragneire didn’t do anything to deserve that - and in good faith, he left the golden city and Odin’s entire kingdom the frick alone for years.  And when he finally came to cash in on the deal after all those years of peace?
ODIN:  What wife?
So yeah, I spent a lot of time defending poor Bragneire.  Yeah, he’s a shameless barbarian.  Yeah, he hated Loki (who didn’t though?)  Yeah, he took Anja and the babies and he wasn’t exactly nice to them (but hey, he didn’t kill them did he?)  He set them up in his castle and went on about his business of being a barbarian, because that’s all he ever really wanted to do.  Wives and kids aren’t his thing.
And then he got war declared on his ass, just for taking what by law (and by the Allfather’s decree) was his to begin with.
Not really fair, is it?  But barbarians gotta barbarian, so that’s what he did.
But still everybody wanted Bragneire dead at Loki’s feet.  And I just kept screaming NOOOOO HE DOESN’T NEED TO DIE, THERE’S WAYS AROUND THIS, JUST WAIT!!
No dice.  You guys are ruthless with your staunch loyalty and dogged determination to have Loki win everything, lol
So I keep typing away, and I tease you all with close calls and Loki being all brilliant and shit, and edge Bragneire closer and closer to losing but never really let Loki topple him, even with Thor’s half drunk ass assisting.
So to mess with everybody’s bloodlust I have him smack Anja on the ass hard enough to send her sprawling, and I have him get attacked by one of the kids and punish the little Jack-Jack freaklet, and I have him go at Anja like a rampaging bull (I let her save herself, but still, he was horny and determined and I knew that would send you guys over the edge).  And it did :D
So I did it some more.
I had so much fun writing those later chapters, let me tell ya.  I was baiting and taunting you all right till the final moment, and it was a euphoric experience to rival the bait-and-switch chapters from The King’s Heart.  You wanted Bragneire dead and I didn’t...and I had the advantage of being the writer.
It was one of the few times I’ve really felt in control of a story.
And then, like a year or whatever after I finish the fic the way I want to finish it (which made some people Righteously Indignant and Questioning The Writer’s Judgment, but whatever) a little movie called Justice League comes out and everybody starts getting damp crotch panels over Aquaman (pun #1), and I sit back and say “You guys didn’t like him much when he was locking Dain up on the roof”.
And then I start getting this echo back of “THAT’S BRAGNEIRE?!?!?!”
Yes, that’s Bragneire.
And now, surprise surprise, everybody likes him...the story is getting tons of hits that I know are re-reads...and I’m getting Asks demanding that I write a sequel because WE WANT MORE BRAGNEIRE!!  And oh my how the tides have turned (Aquaman pun #2, not sorry) - there have been tentative requests asking for Bragneire and Loki to share Anja.
And I’m just laughing over here with my vanilla cappuccino because the comments section at AO3 doesn’t lie.  But that’s okay, because I knew all along that eventually poor Bragneire would be recognized for what he is.
A hot barbarian who was secretly in love with Loki all along and took his wife to get his attention ;P
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