#i love this trope for the superman powerset
y'know i can't help but wonder about the used condoms sparse and about between homelander and soldier boy during herogasm (comics)
i know people can and do use 'em to contain a mess but the main thing tends to be prevention of pregnancy and or disease transmission.
and leik. i'll be honest, homie gives a vibe like he's one of those motherfuckers that has never used a condom in his life, or probably wouldn't wear one without a "good" reason to??
and we know well enough/can assume that supes (at least at his level) can't really catch or spread diseases
so leik.
it has me wonderin'...
can this motherfucker get other dudes pregnant???
is that actually canon? is that's what's being hinted at?? *why* the condoms if they're supes? and during herogasm i mean... why even worry about wearing them otherwise?
*how* would homelander even know if he *could* get other guys pregnant--OH SHIT--
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lacependragon · 3 years
Other Things in the NPU (#2):
Zatanna starts out as a kid, like in the YJ show. Because of this, some of her more... sexual characterization gets shifted to Constantine. Is he sexy? Absolutely not. He's a gross man who never showers. Somehow half the league still wants his dick. It's gonna be a running joke of "why do we find him attractive. Look at him." He does not appreciate this.
I recently rewatched all of Justice League and Unlimited and I hit a point where I just went "Okay so why aren't John, Mari, and Shayera a triad" and so I'm making them a triad. Mari is comfortable with her sexuality, Shayera is a bit confused at first. It was a ship in the show I really liked, and I loved how Mari and Shayera bonded and I want to explore it more.
Guy Gardner is a bisexual disaster. He's still grumpy, full of himself, and kind of a dick, but he's a /bisexual/ asshole.
Captain Atom is the den mother of the sidekicks. This is because he's still adjusting to modern society, because the kids like him more than the adults do, and because he literally switched sides based on helping the kids. The League wants to make sure they trust him first, though.
Batman and Superman got their names from each other. "Superman" was a teasing nickname Bruce gave Clark in their childhood. "Batboy" was what Clark started calling Bruce after he befriended the bats in the barn. This is one of the SEVERAL reasons they IMMEDIATELY know who the other is upon meeting in costume the first time.
Selina is a trans latina woman who may or may not have metahuman abilities.
Joker is a metahuman! Why? Because I needed an ACTUAL REASON why it's so hard to kill him. He's a healer. Unless he gets shot in the head, he just heals damage immediately. This makes him lowkey terrifying and a monster in Gotham. Basically "Joker Can't Die" trope is actually part of his character and is used in all its horrifying implications in this verse. Right up until I kill him. Because I hate him.
Superboy has his YJ show powerset, but he ends up getting to fly later on. Until he can, Kara and Clark make a point of taking him flying with them. He's lowkey jealous that the DOG can fly but he can't.
At birth, some Kryptonians are given a dog that will live as long as they do, or thereabouts, and the two are bounded for life. These dogs are often given to only children. Clark's pod was too small for Krypto, so he was put, as a very small puppy, in Kara's pod, because they were supposed to land together. Thus, we get Krypto when we get Kara, and we get PUPPY.
DeeDee/DD is what Dick takes to calling themself after they come out. It's partially because of the D in Dick and partially because of the call of a chickadee. It's technically a reference to Robin, in that way, but Bruce is fine with it because it makes Dick happy.
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l-egionaire · 3 years
Eternals Thoughts
So, I saw Eternals last night in theaters. I thought it was an okay movie as far as movies go. So, I thought I'd give some thoughts on some things.
Spoilers below
Mankkari seemed kind of wasted as a character. She was fun and had a fun seeming personality and powers but she doesn't have any kind of arc or modern connection like the others. We don't see what her modern day life is like beyond living in their ship and she doesn't seem to have made any of the human connections the others have. I honestly thought she'd be one of the archeologists in Irag which might have honestly made a more interesting story than just that she watched their alien spaceship for years. Also, her being deaf doesn't bug me that much since I can think of some reasons she might be (it's a flaw in her design but the Celestial didn't want to waste an Eternal unit, or she was previously damaged beyond repair in battle and he just kept her because she was powerful.) But I don't get why others use sign language to communicate with her. Her using sign language makes since because she's mute but she mentions in a scene she can sense vibrations to know what people are saying. Plus, you think after thousands of years, she'd just have learned how to read lips.
While the twist of the character with Superman like powers being evil isn't that big of a surprise, I do like that they DIDN'T make Druig the bad guy. Like, he had all the tropes associated with it (Mind control powers, black suit, angry and distant from the others) so it's nice they didn't go with the obvious "He's the bad guy" idea. I kept expecting him to be
Athens has my favorite powerset. Her whole "glowing, morphing weapond" thing is awesome and every time I saw it it just looked amazing. Second would probably be Druig. Maybe it's because I watch My Hero Academia, but there's something kind of cool about a good guy character using mind control. Third would be Sprite. Her illusions are cool and really useful if used the right way
I really wish they'd brought back Kingo in the final battle. Maybe have a scene where he sees the people and world he loves so much and realizes he can't be destroyed so he comes back to save it. Hell, there could even be a scene of him trying to talk down Ikaris and when that fails, he fights him but reluctantly. It just feels like he was dropped for like, no reason.
I will fully admit, I've already made an Eternals Oc, and if anyone wants to know more I will tell them.
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