#i love u steampunk ocs
cimicherrychanga · 8 months
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bird guuuuy!! 🥰🥰🐦🐤🦅
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lory-draws · 1 year
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character belongs to my hubby .u.
some simple rendering practise
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triptrippy · 5 months
I love your art so much! If you don't mind me asking what's your process for designing characters/outfits?
i had to think about this for a while
when designing characters sometimes im just thinking of a concept ive been exposed to and want to expand in my mind, like with my dunmeshi ocs there were multiple Things in dungeon meshi i wanted to play around with.
dwarves having high tech ruins with trolleys? telephones? there must be Some innovation going on with dwarven society, what if i made someone interested in that innovation but theyre not a dwarf. elves have magic but instead of casting, this character leans toward that tinkering mentality and they brew magic potions and make explosives. Then, i know the noble dwarves in the story are drawn like Rennaissance lords but they have telephones, so maybe there could be a little bit of a steampunk vibe. And then being an elf, around dwarves, they probably get their gender confused more often, maybe they actually dont mind that much and its fun. maybe they work for the dwarven noble in the party? i think that was basically my thought process for fry. and then for his physical appearence, i started drawing an elf and i was focusing on that "likes to have fun" part and i gave him sort of that elven shagginess/laid back look, and messed around with the color pallett until i picked something i liked. he almost had bleach white hair reminiscent of a mad scientist but brown felt more grounded. and its pink at the root because its cute!
i feel like i wing it with outfits but i think i use the same logic. hes an alchemist and lives around nobility, so he has kind of a suit as if hes in academia. but hes cute, so it has a skirt and no jacket. he has a magical prosthetic that he controls with a puppet spell like milsiril uses to control her puppets. it doesnt heal when hes healed because he was born without the arm, and it also doesnt count towards the 1/13th of body missing that would ruin a ressurection since it was never there to begin with. SORRY I GOT INTO THE LORE ON YOU umm yeah and then his head is very warm toned so his outfit i chose warm tones as well. i put goggles and gloves because safety first proper PPE. and thats it! i pick outfits that make sense for what i know of the character, their class(monetarily) how practical i imagine they are, what they would dress for on a daily basis. either before or during the design process im thinking of the silouette and color chemistry as well, but that can change with an outfit.
awesome question thank u!
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meowierz · 2 months
i have an easier oc to and I love your style
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So could you draw Celestine (her left arm is a steampunk themed prosthetic arm)
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scribble-dee-vee · 6 months
Happy STS! Which of your characters do you think would be most popular among cosplayers? If you had to pick one of your OCs to cosplay, who would it be?
Oh heck yea! Thanks for the ask; I lowkey forgot that STS was a thing
So, I loooove cosplay as an art form/means of having fun! I used to do it more when I was younger, and I still dress up for cons/fan themed events. I also follow a lot of cosplay content online. I must admit that I think about the cosplay-ability of my characters a LOT. Like, every author wants a screen adaptation/a fully VA'd audiobook/whatever, but I specifically want silly creative ppl on the internet to dress up as my lads!!
That being said, I have many opinions on this front.
Taking a broad look at the Heart of Lead universe, I think it would offer a lot of different options to cosplayers. I could see the extended cast catering to people of all skill levels and interests, at least in terms of character design. You got regular-ass humans with one or two defining physical traits (although someone could always go in for more detail, because of the Victorian-fantasy clothes)! You also got characters with A.) complicated armor/uniforms/gowns, B.) wings/fangs/assorted fantastical traits, and C.) like,,, props?? Like there is a very large, somewhat evil sentient sword in this universe, and I would die happy if someone made their own for cosplay purposes. I would DIE.
All that in mind, here are the characters I think would be the most popular to cosplay, based on my observations of present-day cosplay communities online. I've given all them "most ___" awards, for funsies.
Dale Porter – most popular. No contest whatsoever. Sarcastic, evil, conventionally attractive white man. People love to cosplay characters with this profile; it's inescapable, and somewhat obnoxious. He's also fairly easy to cosplay, I would argue, as long as u got a white wig. (I would not personally cosplay him. He is my pookie but he can go ROT.)
Rosalind Lake – most sexy. If you want to wear an ostentatious dress and look hot in a femme way, here ya go. She's not the most important character, but her look is distinctive and fun. (I would definitely cosplay Rosalind.)
Wren Dorian – most steampunk. Listen, if you love steampunk/gaslamp fantasy/cabaret rock aesthetics, she is your GIRL. Big curly hair, big boots, massive belt full of tools, potentially goggles if you're feeling really fancy. Wren also gets some interesting design variations throughout the series that make her even cooler. (I would cosplay Wren. I have closet-cosplayed her before.)
Nicolas – most edgy. At least, that's how I think people would cosplay him. He wears a black trench coat and fingerless gloves for like half of the series; he has emo boy hair; he lowkey looks like Dream of the Endless. I'm not going to spoil his magical abilities, which make him EVEN EDGIER, but those exist, and they also impact his physical appearance. He's a sweetie boy baby who cries a whole lot, but he LOOKS very cool to one's inner 13-year-old. (I would cosplay Nicolas, and I have closet-cosplayed him before!)
Vesper – most fantasy. They're a faerie. He has wings. Their magic turns their eyes and fingers black. He wears sickass gender-nonconforming outfits, including such articles as capes and tiaras. If I was actually going to pour tens of hours into creating a cosplay from the HoL universe, I would 100% cosplay Vesper. They look cool as hell. (Also, fun personality – he's very outgoing and sweet!)
I'll leave it there for now, but I genuinely have SO many more opinions about HoL cosplay potentiality. There are options for the ppl who only cosplay evil dilfs,,,, for ppl who like to play princess dress-up,,,,, for ppl who incorporate gore and horror elements into their cosplays,,,,, we've got it all!!
(Now to get about FINISHING and PUBLISHING these books, so ppl can feasibly do this. Lmao.)
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ishhbowl · 4 months
Can u tell me about ur ocs…
YAAAAS i <3 my ocs i am thinking abt them 24/7 365 ‼️‼️‼️
my sona tenni (who is my newest oc) doesn’t rly have a story atm other than he comes from an alternate universe where it’s the future but humanity kept making tech look like it’s from the 2000s . like if steampunk was frutiger aero or whatever the aesthetic is called instead of victorian era. and he is a robot made from a radio/cd player ANDD he roller skates bc roller skating is awesome 💥
my other fav ocs are from my story that i plan to make into a comic called into orbit!!! its abt aliens and the cycle of abuse and dumb teenager drama and gay people and a lot of other things. the 5 main characters are sylv, shel, theo, jaz, and spacegirl and i love them all sooooo dearly :3 i have a lot of stuff written on them and a big chunk of the plot for their story written out, some of which i’ve posted (and u can find in my oc tag if u want, you’d have to scroll a bit tho i think)
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birthclod · 1 year
top 5 of ur favorite oc/canon pairings (optional: + why if u wanna gush about them)
for legal reasons this is in no particular order.
I JUST. THINK THEY'RE NEAT. they're both arospec and they both have biomed/veterinary medicine degrees and they work together and they get the other person down to the smallest detail and they're the Only Goddamn Person The Other One Can Stand. shit's great.
2. jet and ammy
they've got good banter honestly. also both of them grew up in bad home lives in america and the whole "being turned into a cyborg against your will" thing is bound to give them a few things in common. they just Get each other you know?
3. tabbybob / tabbygraham
i can't choose between either of my more prominent tabby ships because they're both really good. tabby and bob came first and i can see them being more domestic in the future and they personally click more for me. they also have actual conflict in their arc bc of, certain events in electricopolis. also their names together can be cats puns. tabby and graham is also a really good fit because they're both musicians and they both have the same things (and fears) in mind. also, i paid $130+ for a tabbygraham commission and it's one of the best things i ever spent money on so that's worth something
4. takumezuru
these people are in their 30s. they are depressed and self-destructive and they have some solid trauma they never really got past. takuto takes it too far and after he's stopped he starts over. eventually umezuru decides to turn her life around too and get her shit together. they're both recovering one day at a time and that brings them closer. also takuto thinks umezuru is hilarious.
5. pop and dollie
this is like if when harry met sally was between two people who worked for the mafia together and eventually broke away from said mafia. they'd only see each other every so often. it took them literal YEARS to confess to each other and they've never been separate from each other since. partners in romance and crime.
honorable mention: kurtis and madar, because i love their dynamic a lot but ive never done anything with them really except for rp with friends as either of them more than any other tupper i have. also because disgaea does not interest me beyond kurtis and that makes it harder to get material for them. irene and cottonmouth, because toxic problematic outlaws my beloved. they're awful people and they're the best. megido and mary, because meggy is still fresh on my mind and i love him having a little shit as a girlfriend. and marinoch, because i REALLY love their aesthetic as a steampunk engineer man and gothic woodcarver/dollmaker woman who are both unsettling but together thoroughly harmless. also jigi and natsume bc same universe and jigi is peak supportive girlfriend of her eccentric anxiety-ridden lover
and honorable honorable mention to the newest addition to the group, mothman and mon— /shot
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chevs-and-spiders · 3 years
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scenes from my steampunk story :)
basically airship pirates Samantha (mc) and her brother are super broke and some aristocrat sends them a letter asking them to send a girl to a rival aristocrat’s ball to meet up with a captain and steal military info from him. The girl they gotta send is described to look like Samantha, and they’d be rewarded handsomely if they could pull off the stunt. being in a bad financial situation, the pirates accepted, and now Sam got herself a problem, but she’d do it to save her family and tribe.
also Darvan in his office bc i miss him 
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melon-official · 3 years
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posting my attacks from the second half of artfight! here’s an image for a bunch of friends of mine (its special so it gets its own post)
@planetstardream @shadow3142 @tallowcat @dustyhyena @lettucesquid @sapphic-agent-4 @sybeez @veetroglycerin <33
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evilnumnum · 3 years
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@/andromelite on twt & artfight ^^^^^^^
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@canopicgirl on artfight, tumblr, & insta ^^^^^^
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(on the left) @hotdogwaterrr on tumblr & artfight, @/hotdogwater_ on twt, @/hotdogwaterrrrr on insta
(on the right) @ponyprospector on tumblr, artfight, twt, insta, and toyhouse
ARTFIGHT BABEY!!!!! more 2 come.
& my artfight acc is @/Evilnumnums, feel free to check me out!!
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hmmgg time man
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hershelchocolateart · 3 years
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I’m still working on getting all of the character profiles I want uploaded, but here’s my info for Art Fight! I hope to be able to attack some of you guys once it starts up!!! I’m very excited for this year!!!
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fvaleraye · 4 years
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I’ve been trying to think of a name for this gal, and I think Victoria sounds good So meet Victoria everybody
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maitaitiu · 5 years
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me: hrm my brain: new s,torie
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bestiard · 6 years
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Lucia Asaro: Steampunk ! AU — another concept.
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lairofmusic · 2 years
I’m making this post ‘cause I’m stupidly proud of my base in my single-player Modded Minecraft world and want to show it off. The most visible mods will be the Create Mod (’cause I’m a steampunk nut) and Builders Crafts & Additions (most of the furniture), though if anyone ever wants my full mods list, just say so and I’ll post it.
Onwards to the screenies!
Basic overview of everything; building in the middle is my house, building on the right I call the main workshop/factory ‘cause it has all the BIG contraptions/farms, and then on the left is my horse stable, small farm of wheat and beetroot, and a bee farm collecting both honey and honeycomb. The left side has actually gone through a big change since this screenshot ‘cause things needed to be moved around (later screenshots reflect this change).
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Front of the house;
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Back/side of the house, and thanks to the Create mod, yes, the big gears turn! 83 It’s awesome;
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Updated farm area;
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Onto the factory! Starting with the first screenie is my Mechanical Crafter setup, with a door next to it that connects to the windmill tower. Right of that is part of my ore crushing/processing setup, which is shown better in the next screenie with a kelp farm to the right. Next screenie then shows a front view of the automated kelp farm (that then cooks and presses dry kelp into dry kelp blocks) and next to on the right is my assembly line contraption for Precision Mechanisms.
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Right of the Precision Mechanism assembly setup is a ladder that leads down into the factory basement. Currently the basement has three main farms/processing setups. First is an automated bamboo farm (which has, since the screenshot, been modified to only have two floors instead of three). Across from the bamboo farm is an infinite iron processing/farm setup, powered by a furnace engine that uses dry kelp blocks as fuel (it powers the bamboo farm too). It’s not nearly as good as an iron golem iron farm, but it works just fine for my needs.
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Then through the doorway between the bamboo and iron farm, is a gold processing/farm setup, powered by the same furnace engine. It’s no where near as good as a gold farm on the nether roof, but similar to the iron farm, it suits my needs just fine.
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Furnace engine setup;
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And of course, I’m gonna show off the inside of my house. Obviously it’s not a big house, so there is fairly limited space, but with the Builders Crafts & Additions mod I make it work wonderfully.
Ground floor (entranceway);
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Forging area and crafting/storage nook (there’s more cramped storage space up the ladder);
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Then through the door in the forging area is a lil’ workshop attached to the side of the house;
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Second floor, with a kitchen/living area and a lil’ potions nook;
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And then the third floor which is sleeping quarters and where I keep my dragon egg from the End, which also has a lovely balcony area with a decent view;
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Last, but not least, is the lil’ basement of my house! This is where I have my enchantment setup (as well as a villager with Mending);
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And that’s it. I’m not really a ‘mega base’ sort of person, so I know it’s not nearly as impressive as a mega build, but I love how cozy and simple it all looks ‘cause me (and my Minecraft OC/sona) enjoy a more simple life... Well, as simple as it gets with Create mod infinite iron and gold factories, lol xD
But all that is as automated as it gets for me. I still thoroughly enjoy going down into caves, exploring and mining for other resources. And I doubt I won’t be building more things in the future, though for now I’m refusing to update to the new version of Create (even though I really want to mess with the new trains, they’re so cool!), ‘cause I don’t like that they removed the furnace engine from the mod. That’s a rant for another day though.
If you’ve gotten this far, thank you for checking out the post! I hope you liked my lil’ Create Mod base ^u^ ♥
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