#i love vampirism as a vehicle for tragedy and the horror of someone who is almost a person!!
laughatlocksmiths · 2 months
today i am thinking about bella swan, as a vampire arrested in time who will always have the psychology of a 19yo and can no longer fully remember how it felt to be human anyway, trying to parent teenage!renesmee.
maybe bella ends up being the same kind of parent her own mother was: sweet and fun and completely out of touch with the real world. well-intentioned, but unreliable. someone who loves her daughter very much but doesn't know her daughter very well.
maybe renesmee learns early in life that she can't go to her mother with anything important, because bella won't understand. maybe renesmee learns to indulgently tolerate her mother's moods and melodramas, just like bella learned to indulgently tolerate renee. maybe renesmee has to grow up too fast, just like bella did.
maybe bella never fully realizes this is happening.
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fclsemessiiah-blog · 6 years
Unholy Scripture (Biography)
Ophelia is the daughter of a Swedish satanist named Elise Nygard. Beautiful and witty as a succubus, the young mortal mere twenty years of age charmed the Beast of Many Names himself, thus Lucifer answered her prayers and took Elise as his. Nine months after the Coronation of Hell’s new Queen, the Lawless Princess was born, and given the name Ophelia by her mother. Formally however, Hell’s Young Majesty is ought to be referred as Antikrista (or Antichrista).
Ophelia was raised in luxury (to the point where her baby bottle as an infant was made of black crystal and gold, I speak of such level of luxury which, minding her status, is hardly surprising). Antikrista is someone who gets what she wants and never hears no. Only thing she may have had lesser is interaction with other kids. Elise, despite having always been an artist and a tameless rock'n'roll chick, gave herself completely into doting over the infant. Father Satan himself - head over heels. Due to Royal blood and a tragedy (elaborated later in the page) which befell the Unholy Family, Ophelia was heavily sheltered through her young years, even though never allowed to be naive. As a child, she was in a way like a cat - adored by all, worshiped by all, everyone wanted to cuddle her though she’d often give the finger and demand to be left in peace, completely unimpressed. Though her Parents  - she’d snuggle to them and refuse to let go.
Appearance: Antikrista can be described to be of diabolic, unearthly beauty no soul can hold against. The shape of her face is flawless. Her skin, unlike artificial ones of the Satanic Pontiffs, has natural skeletal markings on her bone white skin (she may mask it with aid of glamor, seeming entirely human). It appears thin, somehow even gossamer. Her hair falls in lush, velvety midnight black waves, giving her face nearly ethereal appearance. Eyes burn like embers, though in crimson rather than orange, and her wings resemble a black swan. Her frame is slender and delicate, though athletic due to martial training from very young are. As a mockery of Christ, her wrists as well as feet bear wounds of Unholy Stigmata. She too can manifest a black Crown of Thorns on her forehead, thus skin of her brow usually is scraped.
(Closest image I could find on Pinterest. Credidt to the Author and the Model)
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Demeanor: This young Antichrist is a creature of elegance entwining with keen mind and sharp wit, and with a deep touch of cynism. In demeanor, she very much resembles Lucifer, her father. Holds free will above all things (might be main reason why she’s so damn annoyed by bodyguards), but does not defy her Crown, recognizing the duty of blood which binds her to Hell’s highest matters, and the Unholy Conclave. Will use her regal status as well as immense power for her own advantage whenever she feels it might be necessary. Not spoiled despite things being her way all the time. Someone wise simply knows how to have things their way rather growing accustomed to it, and wise she is bound to be. Extremely dangerous when angered, for after all, her wrath might end up, quite literaly, Apocalyptic. Vengeful. Miscievous. Playful and tender to lovers. Caring and loyal to friends and family. However outside the chosen few - sadistic, manipulative, menacing and sinister. Bold and adventurous. Unorthodox. Basks in commiting blasphemy and defiling the order of God. Has dark sense of humor. Heavily sapiosexual. Prefers intimidating, powerful and wise men as well as fatale women for intimate company, but at times does toy around with mellower, shy folks. More than often to appease her malicious, not too sincere tendencies, or if she senses something beyond the timidity - she enjoys liberating the hidden side then. Well… there too, is the possibility of tainting a saint which she rarely chooses to skip. Speaking of Saints, she may oddly enjoy seducing angelic beings even more than daemons, for they frequently are less pious around her and can be extremely feral in bedroom.
Yet in spite of her serpentine charms, Ophelia, a being of terrific omnipotence, deep down crumbles under the weight of her own self. More than often, Serpent Tempter is but a mask to veil shards and bruises her rotting spirit had left the Antichist in. She drowns the pain in harmful satisfactions, hedonism and self mutilation.
When Ophelia was a toddler of mere year or two, both she and Elise had been kidnapped by agents of Vatican. The Church could not kill the Antichrist, though could torture her. Crown jewel of her wounds was a cross carved into her ribs over and over until blade pierced flesh, bone and lung. Blood filled her respiratory tracks, making the child convulse, suffocating in agony, unable to die until Lucifer saved her and her mother (who was tormented to reveal where Seven Holy Blades are hidden and refused to betray her daughter). Her neck and spine were broken, chest crushed, limbs mutilated… It’s a wonder how, but somehow she survived. For months, she was left paralyzed (medically induced paralysis to keep her from injuring herself further) in a hospital bed, attached to tubes and machines, unable to move, to speak, even to breathe by herself, only shudder and weep. Ophelia, after having recovered a little, would crawl to her mother when brought to visit, snuggling up and she’s not even able to stroke her head. Recovery is not without consequences. Antikrista suffers from violent night terrors (often including a drowning sensation) and anxiety without even remembering where it rises from. She tends to mask the painful sensation by heavily drinking as well as indulging in a lot of sexual adventures. Elise is unable to have more children. Every time she conceives, she loses the baby, and nearly her life too. This mess and Ophelia being their only child has caused Lucifer and Elise (even more) to be paranoid and overprotective over her, often annoying her. She understands what’s happening once she learns the story obviously, but the two can’t bring themselves to speak about it for a very long time, unwillignly increasing the ever deepening turmoil of their daughter.
A while after Ohelia does find out all the truth, another tragedy strikes. Elise manages to give birth to her second living child, however he barely even resembles a breathing thing upon seeing light - so weak and sick. Healers put all their skill into keeping the newborn alive, but effort is of little use - nothing can soothe his screams of agony. Not even Elise’s coaxing. Elise understands she loves her son too much to let him live in such pain any longer, thus attempts to strangle the boy with a pillow. However is unable to. Understanding all she could do is take matters into her own hands, Ophelia asks Lucifer to comfort her mother in another room. Meanwhile she gazes at her ill, tormented brother for the first time before kissing his forehead, whispering an apology and snapping his neck with tears in her eyes. The boy, without even receiving a name, is cremated and buried in an urnmarked grave, in deepest Chapel of Hell.
All torture she went through, and the weight of immense power as well as the Infernal Crown, took a great tool on Ophelia as a person, one can hardly blame her for being a cynical alcoholic, and at times maniacal.
Some facts:
Ophelia’s most beloved bad is Behemoth. Metal as a genre with most of it’s branches (extreme especially) is a favorite to her, but she tends to enjoy classic rock, doom rock, symphony, blues and synth as well.
Her favorite colors are black, maroon and golden.
She enjoys horror films, especially slasher genre. She finds them entertaining.
She has no intention or wish to cause Armageddon. After all, Earth is to be thanked for metal, classic horror films and brutal vehicles. Besides, Armageddon would be direct obedience to Biblical Scripture, to the Divine plan, and would crush the very concept of destiny in an idividual’s hands. (Unless plot calls for something different)
She enjoys mechanics, and keeps an enormous collection of cars as well as motorcycles she has repaired.
A few animals tend to accompany her. Most notable being a foretold Hellhound called Norman (after the killer in “Psycho”), a black cat named Xenomorph (after the creature in “Alien”), a black mare named Juliet (that she should lead the Appcalyptic forces upon. Instead, Ophelia feeds the horse quinces and rides her to to during the morning traiming session. She chose “Juliet” so they both bear a Shakespearean name), and many, many snakes. She too, tends to be very fond of rats.
She detests bodyguards, even in somehow fragile state.
She became an alcoholic at the age of thirteen. She was already a smoker a couple of years before.
She lost her virginity at the age of fourteen. The initiative was hers. Often participates in carnal pleasures, not quite monogamous (can be on certain threads though, in case the connection between our muses is exceptionally deep).
She has mastered a sword, a bow, bare hand combat, throwing knives, a spear and a gun. She had been trained from very early childhood. In more intelectual sense - black sorcery, infernal powers, languages, music… You could call her education prime without a stutter.
She holds very deep fondness for zombies and despises vampires.
Has an unexplainable liking towards evil specters. She may even grant them strength for her own entertainment of watching the hauntings occur.
Can not stand men who hold themselves above women. Those shall suffer if Ophelia happens to catch them. And she will, if she wants to.
Surprisingly, Ophelia adores humans. Sinners, heathens, satanists independent souls and glorious mind that is. She holds Religious folks (including Christians, Jews and Muslims), fools and flocking sheep below maggots. She enjoys tormentimg them.
One of most frequent reasons why she sneaks up to Earth is nocturnal motorcycle or car racing, bars (bar fights included), strip clubs and metal shows, aside general curiosity about mankind. Living after midnight so to say. Well, and obviously, short break from the mayhem that is Hell’s politics.
Despite hedonistic lifestyle, Ophelia has an iron shell around her more vulnerable side and in fact enjoys reading in peace. Written sources are of few that her near-omniscence does not include, thus fuels her unending thirst for mental stimulation.
What she holds worst display of weakness and is most reluctant to reveal to another soul are her night terrors. That’s why she forbides casual lovers to stay the night.
(A picture of Elise. Credit to the Author and the Model. She may appear in action on occasion )
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(Lucifer. Credit to Artist)
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