#i love you jiminnie!
brainddeadd · 2 months
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Yoongi x fem!reader
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Yoongi feels bad.
He's been busy in the studio, and then away on tour and now he's got the flu. It's been months since he's seen you properly, which is unacceptable in his eyes. You're his best friend AND he's in love with you. He's dying to see you, not that he'd ever admit it to anyone.
But, see, Jimin knows Yoongi better than Yoongi knows himself. And Jimin knows that Yoongi misses you and needs you. He also knows that Yoongi won't do anything about it. So, he takes it upon himself to do something about it.
mini: can you please check on yoongi hyung?
mini: he's sick and we're all busy
y/n: he's sick???
y/n: why didn't he tell me????
mini: it's yoongi
mini: so you'll go?
y/n: im already in the car
You get to Yoongi's and let yourself in with the key he gave you all those years ago.
"Jiminnie, I told you I was fine!" Yoongi's voice travels down the hallway from the living room, where you'd bet money that he's sprawled out on the couch, re-runs of a drama you can't remember the name of playing on the tv.
"Not Jiminnie." You call back, kicking off your shoes and carrying the groceries into the kitchen. You can hear rustling and then a dishevelled and exhausted Yoongi appears in the doorway to the kitchen. He moves to help you unpack the groceries but you bat his hands away and gesture to the bar stools on the other side of his kitchen counter. He raises hands in defence and moves to sit.
"What are you doing here?" He's curious.
"Jiminnie texted me." You reply and he nods in understanding.
"You didn't have to." Yoongi raises his hands again when you level him with a glare. "Not that I don't appreciate it."
"You're sick and I can help take care of you."
"I'm not that sick." He looks like Death came knocking and he barely managed to fight him off.
"Min Yoongi, just let me take care of you for once." You give him a stern look, but your adoration and affection for him bleeds into the look. It's one he's not used to seeing from you.
"Thank you." His voice is soft, his shoulder's relaxed and you swear that there's love in his eyes.
"I want to take care of you. It's not a chore or a job or something that's difficult and a nuisance for me." You tell him, reaching over the counter to hold his hand. "I always want to take care of you."
You pull your hand away instantly, terrified that was too far, too much, too close to a confession. Yoongi thinks his heart might beat out of his chest.
"I always want to take care of you too." His voice is soft and he reaches for your hands again. The look on his face telling you that you're not wrong about this.
"How about we take care of each other?"
His smile is blinding, even through the exhaustion of his flu.
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gienn-ah · 8 months
If I had to choose a place to stay and find peace it would be with both of you. My place is in every interaction the two of you have, however long or short it lasts. My place is where you both are.
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Jiminnie: the pride I feel watching your documentary and witnessing all the way you went through to get to what "Face" is today generates a lot of admiration in me, you really did an excellent job and I congratulate you for that.
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Thank you for the existence of "Letter", this song is in a very big place in my heart and I will always be grateful for it, I still listen to it and I cry again as the first time when your voice began to sound. I still remember how my heart broke when I recognized that the beautiful voice in the background was Kookie's voice. I still get excited about how good any song where your voice and Jungkook's voice come together sounds. I love how well they complement each other, I love everything they are .
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Letter will always be and mean so much to me, thank you for allowing me to see how you arrived at it . I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU GUYS.
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kimtaegis · 4 months
favourite k-pop group tag game! smooches to @raplinenthusiasts, @btsiu, @jkvjimin, @epiphanytear, @sevencoloredstar and @jinstronaut for tagging me 🤍
Who is your favourite k-pop group? bangtan <33
Which member sparked your interest first? it was taehyung, I saw a singularity (black-green outfit) concert performance fan video of him on tiktok and went: WHO is that wow
Who was your first bias? taehyung!
Who is your current biases? my beloved taegimin 🤍
What makes them your current bias(es)? taehyung's authenticity, serenity, his love for fashion, art and photography, his inner and outer beauty, his stage presence, his incredible vocal colour, his humour, the way he does what he wants to do and his abililty to just enjoy what he's doing
yoongi's music and how much I'm able to see myself in the things he talks about, his (emotional) intelligence and maturity, his way with words, his quiet way of loving others, his voice, his resilience, reassurance and honesty
jimin's joyful and loving nature, his giggles, his ambition and work ethic, his vulnerability, gentleness and delicacy co-existing with his immense emotional strength, his ethereal beauty and unmatched talent in dancing, his selflessness and the way he loves
I think as many others, I can see myself in my biases but also want to be the best possible combination of all of them which would then just be my true self, if that makes any sense? lmao
Who is your bias wrecker? I already have three biases I don't need a bias wrecker on top!!! not doing that friends!!!
Which members are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/ bias wrecker? I miss jungkook a lot :(
When did you first discover the group? september 2020, shortly after dynamite had been released! one weekend of extensive content consumption and I was done for
Have you ever been to one of their concerts? this was fun to answer until now
What are some of your favourite songs by the group? IDOL, Sea, Best of Me, Cypher Pt.3, Blood Sweat & Tears, ON, Don't Leave Me
I'm tagging @amygdalagustd, @vrainydays, @btscontentenjoyer, @hoseeok, @serendipetite and @tiny-jiminnie <3
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 4 months
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day 302/548 of hobi's military service
these selcas were posted on 160218, hobi's 22nd birthday, with the caption:
Thank you so much to those who watched today’s V App (live). It was a meaningful finish to my birthday because of you guys. I love you guys~~ Our Jiminnie, I’m really infinitely moved, I love you ~~~
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
bonus birthday tweets from that day:
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Eldest hyung Jin starting off the uploading of bizarre photos #HappyBdayHobi
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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Ah really, even a guy who sees this would think you’re cool #HappyBdayHobi #It’sSugaHyung #AstroBoyHope
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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Eung Happy birthday #RM #HappyBdayHobi
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
Thank you so much for the award today, ARMYs
I want to give you guys my gratitude
This picture is also what I feel in my heart
I love you Hoseokie hyung
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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Pictorial #AsExpectedOfTaehyung #HappyBdayHobi
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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bangytell · 11 months
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"All my emotions feel like explosions when you're around." Rick Montgomery– Line Without a Hook
summary: After knowing the truth you have to get moving so you start your journey
pairing: fairy!Jimin x f reader
rated: mature, +18
word count: 2.2K
warning: Just a little cock riding, let's start with something right?
a/n: Hiii i'm back, please give some love to this new episodes, im really excited for this series.
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"Now Y/N there's this secret I have to tell you." At the brown couch with your legs up covering your face, you tilt it up with glowing eyes 
"Why inside?" Jungkook asked, curious
"Outside there's fairies, bad fairies also, and the windows are protected," you blinked in obliviousness 
"You better start telling her cause we have to get moving." Taehyung entered the room with a bag, a big bag hanging his arm
"Y/N remember I told you I didn't mean to tell you about the part of you being a nephilim?" with a nod in response he continues "This place is protected, your garden and the house, I am here to protect you from the day you were born, but something happened…" his voice shutted down
"What happened?" You ask in response with a raspy voice
"We met," Taehyung answers slowly
"While I was away, you went out the circle, and a bad person looked at you, not only that but he warned…" his gaze hesitated around the house as if the answer was right there 
"Jiminnie, I know i don't acknowledge that much of the outside, but I am a woman, a full and grown woman." he nods, in the verge of crying 
"I protected you, on your way to your job, on your job, anywhere i be nobody could hurt you, I waited until you finished your work because I wanted you to feel normal, after a few days I left, Tae knew you were here, so he tried to watch you over" he stopped and got closer to you, a few inches from your face and he placed his hands on your cheeks
"Remember the day you climbed that tree?" With a nod, he continues his story."The forest is a place full of creatures…"
"Your father is looking for you," Taehyung said cause he knew Jimin couldn't
"My…" father?" Jimin nods with your gaze on his 
"That 's the secret? " he nods again. "Then why do I have to go?" With a confused tone, you look at the eyes of the three around you
"Your mother was an angel, so we thought, she looked like one, she was so beautiful, like you, she was magical but not the magic we thought, she came from a bloodline of witches and witches are humans, and she knew your father would have wanted a firstborn to take his place in the realm of the underworld" you are confused, a lot of information you don't understand fully
"Aren't nephilim supposed to be creations from an angel?" 
"Yes, your father is an angel, a fallen angel, he lost his wings" your eyes were open and your mouth as well, you couldn't believe what he just said, the fact of your father being alive was a pure surprise itself the mere fact of fallen angel and wings was something you couldn't catch on it
"Does that make me a fallen angel, too? Jimin denied with a gesture of his head 
"Of course not. You are an angel, a pure angel." he gifted you with a soft smile while letting go of the touch of your skin. You miss his warm hands
"How…?" You ask, still in confusion 
"We need to leave. The sun is setting, and i want to get to where we have to be before that happens," Taehyung speaks, and the little fairie flew around the house 
"Can i come with?" he asks in excitement
"You don't even have a century of age. How can you come?" Tae asked
The fairy disappears into your room, and you can hear some heavy steps. A husky and tall Jungkook came walking with a grin 
"Woah Jungkook, when did this happen?" Jimin asks with a chuckle from the look of surprise of Tae
"You can come… You look appropriate for the job," he chuckled and hugged his hyung with one arm. He is a few inches taller 
"I need some clothes." You stood up to go to the room, Tae stopped you
"I have a few changes here, princess, don't worry." Sheepishly, you look his way 
"Underwear too?" he nods, and you hide your face 
"Yah, you pervert touching a girl's underwear!" You laugh at Jungkook trying to tackle Taehyung.
You walk to the door, Jimin beside you, he holds your hand and give a caress with his thumb, his hands are always warm, you look into his eyes, he always looks so ethereal and it makes you feel a spark inside
"I love you too." Your cheeks light up in a carmesi tone, and he caresses your chin 
"Let 's go, okay?" and so, you begin your journey, walking to town the sun is giving its last light rays, you look at your black boots and the way your dress moves every time you take a step, everyone stops, at a house that looks normal to you but feels… odd
Taehyung knocks three times, and a tall man with black hair opens up. He has a beautiful smile. You think it looks like a heart.
"Hi guys, hi Y/N." You look at him with confusion
"Do we know each other? he chuckles 
"No, I know you. Who do you think made a spell for your house?" So he is.. a witch? "Come on in, it's almost nighttime,"
As you all go inside, the candles light themselves up.
"I have a few rooms available for you, if only you told me earlier you were coming." Jimin chuckles 
"We know her father is getting closer. If not, he's in the forest by now." The unknown boy appeared so close to you that you got scared
"She looks so beautiful, you look just like your mother," he says, admiring you
"My mother?" he nods 
"Hye, she was a woman of beauty, I'm Hoseok, by the way," 
"You're scaring her," Jimin said and chuckled
"You knew her?" You ask, and Hoseok nods 
"A little more than what you think, if you know what i mean" you nod and giggle at his honesty "I have a picture around here" he appears somewhere else in the room, grabs something and appears in front of you again, he doesn't even need to move 
He hands you the picture, and it's like looking at you. Your mother's hair was shorter than yours now, and her eyes were bigger, but she was beautiful. 
"She was beautiful, could she do that, appear in different places?" Hoseok chuckles at your curiosity
"She liked to walk, and we are a little different. She was a little more human than me." You nod and smile, giving the photo back to its owner, but he refuses
"Keep it, it's a gift," you smile 
"Guys, I'm starving," Jungkook said, and everyone chuckled 
Hoseok showed the way to the dorms he had available, Taehyung and Jungkook shared one, it had two beds, Taehyung lent you the bag he was holding for you and with a small thanks he went inside.
The other room he had was one bed but a big one, it could easily be for all four of you, Jimin and Hoseok were talking while you admired around, white and green gray decorations, a night table and a chair, you sit and start to think about everything that's been happening today, you're exhausted. 
Hoseok leaves the room, or so you think to listen, every movement seems unreal.
You hear Jimin talking to you, you think? He isn't around your sight, his face looks blurred and then your eyes shut down and all your eyes see is black.
Jimin helped carry you to bed, even if he didn't appears so, he was strong, he went looking for a towel that he soaked in water and place it on your forehead; once you start to gain awareness of your surroundings you notice Jimin sitting next to you on the floor, he's breathing is slow paced and little sounds leave his lips, with extra care you caress his face; he always seemed away from you, even now, you know he doesn't feel the way you do, you know he sees you like a little girl to take care of. 
He slowly opens his eyes, sees you awake, and smiles.
"Jimin, you know that time I asked you how it was that you ate, and you told me it was a secret?" he nods. He knows what you're trying to do 
"You want to know now?" You nod, your gaze is angry, it's a whole new experience, but you need it.
"I asked Taehyung, and he said it was something adults do. Aren't I an adult?" Jimin nods. He is upright looking at your eyes 
"We eat by sex." You open your eyes in surprise. "Sex with humans." 
"Only humans?" he chuckles
"Well, it depends, we could do it with our own, but you know, it's not the same." You nod, digesting every word
"Do Taehyung and Jungkook eat the same way?" he chuckles again 
"They come to town, we only have to do it once a week, we have to be very careful with humans, but i think they're eating themselves now" you choke at your saliva and Jimin chuckled
"They what?!" he laughs and seats next to you on the bed 
"They like each other, so why not?"
"I thought Tae was messing around with him," 
"Yeah, they do that sometimes," you both chuckle, and you gaze at him. "I know what you want to ask."
"You do?" he nods 
"I came to town, and ate, I do it every week." He looks at your lips. They're open and plump, and he thinks they look delicious.
"Can you… eat with me?" he sheepishly, look at you
"I don't want to… make you feel that way."
"And what way is that?" You look away, and he grabs you by the chin to make you look his way.
"Cause when I eat, it's a one-time thing, and i don't want that with you." 
"You don't want to do it with me," he denies 
"No, I want to do it every day with you." Your eyes open in surprise, and your cheeks tint red from shyness 
"I-.." Words can't get to you, and he smiles, so beautiful to be true
"But if you want me to… we can do it step by step." 
"If you… do it with me, there won't be anyone else, right?" He remains in silence for a brief moment and you think he's going to say no, that he's going to leave you there, but he cups your face and pulls you in closer for a kiss.
You open your mouth a little giving him a silent permission to dive in more deeply into your mouth, and so he does, not later on his tongue begins to caress the inside of your mouth, the kiss deepens and he helps you get on top of him where you get to kiss him freely.
You feel the bulge beneath you, and with the help of Jimin's hand, you thrust on top of him. 
Jimin's husky arms are holding you as each thrust lets moans part from your lips. You feel the heat inside of you, and every sensation around him is new as you let him guide you. 
"Would you let me take off my pants?" he whispers at the end of your kisses as you take a breath, you nod since words can make the way to form inside your brain, you sit next to him as you see dispose of the black pants. "Are you sure about this?" You nod again."Do you like me?" he asks, nervous of what you might respond.
"I do like you a lot, do you like me?" he nods and leans in to kiss 
"I've been in love with you long before you could notice." With the dress still on your body, the thrust becomes into a quicker pace, Jimin's soft moans scape his mouth, every atom from you becomes strange to you, it's like soul has left the body, everything is magical, exciting and you feel the tightness of muscles and the orgasm about to explode. 
Jimin is guiding the thrust. He lets go, and soon after you follow, you're all damp and begin to feel a little embarrassed for this situation.  
Getting up, you step away to the bathroom, look at the mirror, swallow lips, and chest heavy on breathing.
Jimin gets inside, now wearing pajamas and stares at you.
With a little smile, you hold onto the zinc, Is hiding an option by now? You've done things before, with another man, but doing this, even so little with Jimin, the feeling of fainting kicks in.
"Angel? Is everything okay?" His sweet velvety voice brings the world in order. You nod, and he steps closer. "Talk to me lovely" 
"I'm embarrassed about this situation." He chuckles, and you look over your shoulder 
"Sweetheart, nothing around us should be like that." Walking over the bed he follows, you look in the bag and take out a panty to change to.
"Turn around," He giggles, but as told, you change into clean underwear. "I'm done."
"You know lovely, tomorrow i have something i want to talk to you about," he grins and gazes you
"Why not tonight?" 
"Because I want you to be all up and rested, we're gonna keep moving. There's somewhere you need to be for you to be safe." With a nod, you agree, you do feel tired.
You don't want to say anything more, nor about what happened or what he wants to tell you, laying in bed he joins you but keeps a safe distance, soon enough sleep greets you and takes you in his arms.
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©️bangytell please do not copy or steal my work, any translation can’t be done this is the only way to read it.
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minieggukie · 2 years
tagged by @singingtillthemorn 💜 thank you for always thinking of me!
name: kris(tine)
sign: leo
height: 160cm
time: ?? it's around 2pm right now O_O
birthday: aug 12
fav band/artist: the borahae boys
last movie: i rewatched venom last night, and the sequel
last show: and because i rewatched venom i also finally subscribed to disney+ for moon knight lmao
when i created this blog: last year! around feb i think
what i post:
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other blogs: i had a bunch which i refuse to name but they're still active out there lmao. i currently have a sideblog for non-bts stuff but i haven't go there in a while 😭
do i get asks: yes!
followers: it's between 5k-10k. don't know how it happened but thank you :')
average hrs of sleep: 6?
instruments: none because i gave up on the guitar after only 3 months! (she says, almost too proudly)
what i'm wearing: work uniform at the top, sweatpants at the bottom cuz that's how i roll
dream job: lottery winner 💜
dream trip: south korea! and i would like to visit famous historical sites, especially in europe cause i'm a nerd like that
favorite songs: bad decisions is on loop these days
tagging: @jeonggukshi @euphhorias @gimbapchefs @namchyoon @jimimn @permanentmochakisses @jungkkyuk @taejinnies @myork @taechnological @kithtaehyung @stormblessed95 @actorjinnie + will tag a few more people i don't personally know but would love to get to know because you all seem pretty awesome 😌 @blueshibuya @tiny-jiminnie @blueside-hobi @userjungkook97 @jiminieology27 @lilformlessblob @abcdefghi--lnmopqrstuvwxyz @btsiu @lesbianminyoongi @itsallaboutzayn @usertae @jiminsproof
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wishesunderthestars · 11 months
I am so glad that slowly Taehyung is finally trying to bond with some of the people in the castle. He’s just such a softest baby and I just want to bubble wrap him so he could be safe forever!! I hope soon he won’t be so scared of the MC and will try to bond with her. I know it will come!! Im just so excited reading his healing arc.
I couldn’t help but feel sad about Tae not having someone to confide with about his nightmares. That makes me think of my question.
Ellie if you don’t mind me asking, who do you think between the people in the castle would he turn to if he gets his nightmare episode again when he feels more comfortable with everyone? Im not sure if you can understand the question but to rephrase it who between the pack will he talk to about it???
Also, do you think you would sometime in the future meet the pack and the mc’s ex lover? what do you think would be their reaction? Are we also half way done with the fiction?? Just wondering!! Please don’t take this question the wrong way 🙏🏼
Ellie!!! Thank you so much with this gift you’ve been sharing. You write so beautifully and I really just wanna thank you because every time I read this I feel so comforted. Like im cuddling with my dogs with the fluffiest bed and blanket on a rainy day! Thank you so much for being so dedicated and making these chapters, despite your busy schedule!! I hope you to have a great break and take care!! ☺️☺️☺️
Jungkook and Jimin are definitely the softest and fluffiest!! They have been through so much (I know it's my fault but...) and now they are finally talking and on the same page. Jimin has gotten so much braver since he first arrived at the Castle and it's mostly because of how loved he is and now he knows it. I love them so much.
Taewhyung is taking a few baby steps to get closer to the pack. He can see the way they act around each other and how soft and dull of live they are and it makes him very confused but at the same time he secretly craves for that too. He doesn't know how to be like that though and he still can't understand what the limits are, how he should act and what his place is. He is less afraid of the mc now but he can't help but be guarded around her, it doesn't help that he doesn't see her that much (regardless of what ashe believes)
To answer your question I think he would either go to Hoseok or Jimin. Hoseok because he has spent the most time with him and he trusts him the most. And Jimin because being with him is easy, he feels like there are no expectations there (soulmate things, you know).
About the pack meeting Jacob... Maybe... We'll see... They are a little overprotective of her so that would show. And they don't like him on principle so it would be interesting.
Eunoia is more than halfway done and after the next chapter we'll move on to the final part of the story. It makes me emotional to think about it. Thank you so much for reading 💜💜💜
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sopebubbles · 1 year
Lemme just preface this with the fact I love this fic okay? Okay.
Seokjin. Get your head out your ass. Wake up. You’re the goddamn alpha look after your pack and stop acting like a dick cus that’s what you’re doing right now and we both know you don’t want to be like that okay. Chill. Please.
Yoongi I’m sorry baby, but you need also to stick up for yourself as an alpha and also talk. To hun specifically but to everyone. You need hugs and love rn, and you need to let the emotions out properly okay? No bottling it all up (I’m a hypocrite) please just confide in your damn pack.
Y/n. Im watching you. Don’t you dare leave that room. Don’t. You. Dare. I can’t handle it if you upset our Jiminnie anymore rn, so you better not. You stay. S t a y. And throw away the goddamn scent blockers.
Jimin. I’m here. That’s all.
And to the rest of the pack. Look after eachother. Please. Don’t let yourselves fall apart over this.
Your lovely amazing wonderful (and new)
- ✨Anon <3
Yall are so funny. What do you think the teaser is for?! Lmao I'm just teasing better late than never. In fact im happy to still be getting reactions today 🥰
Jin like, really needs to be told he's fucking up. And Yoongi is in the habit of arguing with him but i think it's to the point that Jin just thinks he likes to argue and doesn't really listen all the time. They're going to have to really lay it all out there.
She's trying very hard okay!! This is difficult for her!
Jimin is very glad you're here and so am I
As for the rest of the pack, it will be interesting to see how they handle what's coming in the next chapter.
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cakejerry · 8 months
Alcoholism lowkey actually highkey way dirtier and more disgusting to me than smoking... Jungkookie we love you ruin your lungs all you want idc you look hot jiminnie on the other hand....... Babygirl you've got severe deep running issues i sure hope you solve them and release an album about the process approximately 4.7 years from july 2018 (NO SPOILERS)
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foxiesblog · 2 years
BTS reactions and what they really like about you
My mind is unstoppable :(/
What Jin loved most about you was your hair. He caressed you on them at every opportunity, washed them with shampoo in the shared shower or kissed you on them.
"You have such beautiful and soft hair"
RM would literally love your belly for that. Whenever you were on his lap, he would caress your stomach or hug you around the stomach.
"I love your soft skin y/n"
Suga likes your thighs. Every time you sat up your skin was wider and he caressed you every time.
He loved your legs in shorts especially in a skirt. He was literally crazy about your thighs.
"I love how big they are"
Your smile. Every time he saw a shining sun like him, he tickled you very often, or made you laugh. He really likes pictures of you smiling.
"You have a perfect smile"
Jimin literally loves your boobs or ass. He finds them so soft and so he lies on top of them and kisses them. He even fell asleep several times.
"They are so soft. Can I reach in?"
Baby jiminnie
He really likes your eyes. He always gets lost in them. He likes to make eye contact during sex or just cuddling.
"Your eyes are as beautiful as mine"
Kookie loves your height and most of all your little hand. It's so small compared to his, so he's always teasing you.
“y/n your little hand was made for me”
Author's note: no one should be offended by this reaction or anything similar, on the contrary. Everyone is perfect👯🫶
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soulminyg · 2 years
It's four in the morning, I've got to go to work, I am so sleepy, but thank you Jiminnie, you gave me energy, I love you even if you don't know and never will, thank you.
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kimtaegis · 10 months
hello miss annie i need to send you an ask again because just praising in the tags wasn't enough!! you are a very talented and incredible person and i genuinely have no idea how you can make an amazing set and then turn around and make an even better set next time? you are so talented and so brilliant and you always blow my mind with your creations and everyone needs to see them and if i could print them and plaster them onto my wall, i would. this is truly just an ask where i repeat myself and tell you how talented and amazing you are, and i will say it again!! thank you for still being here despite this site killing itself, thank you for still making beautiful things, thank you for being kind and so loveable like jimin himself. i know you always spend a lot of time making these stunning sets and i wish you got the recognition you deserve. i wish everyone did. <3 i hope you have an amazing day. jimin came home specifically FOR YOU!! <33
(i was once again from tiny-jiminnie <3)
I could cry, oh gosh, that is the sweetest message I could ever wish to receive, seriously 😭 I’m a bit at a loss of words I am SO happy because of you right now, this feels like it’s my birthday instead of jungkook’s. you can’t imagine how much this means to me, that someone could enjoy my work so much that they’d even consider writing up a message like that. I can’t thank you enough, just you saying all of this made the work and time worth it and is so motivating to keep on creating sets like this. thank you a billion times, you’re so so so kind to me I really want to give you the hugest hug right now, I’m sending you all my love
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brillitosposts · 3 years
BTS ───────→ ARMY
↑ 。゚゚・。・゚゚, |
| ゚, 。゚ |
| ゚・。・゚ ↓
BTS ←───────ARMY
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uwujgk · 4 years
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dionysusmood · 5 years
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doodlboy · 4 years
Papa and baby Mochi - Carpool karaoke with BTS
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