#i lowkey hc nihilus being POC btw
sithsdoinshit · 5 years
If not black, which color of choice would the siths outfit themselves in?
dark grey
vader: let’s face it, he’s a goddamn Depressed Bastard. if he’s not in black, he’d probably be in a color so dark it’s barely distinguishable from black. perhaps a very dark red.
sidious: we’ve already seen this bastard in things outside of black. marvelous purples look excellent on the senate.
maul: it might not be his go-to at first, but eventually he discovers that white looks very good on him! especially if combined with a darker red (darker than his skin). i think he’d be open to some funky color accents as well.
savage: he looks handsome in blue, especially navy! i think he’d favor grey as a neutral color, or very warm browns. 
asajj: red or purple! what can she say? it complements her skin tone. she might even reach for pink every now and then, but it will probably be a dusty rose (not hot pink, ew). 
dooku: he’d probably stick to a wide range of neutrals, as befitting an older man like himself. though the count would definitely use a splash of color here and there to complete his outfits.
kylo: as much as he would deny it, kylo would favor blues and purples much like his mother does in her older years. of course he’s gotta be edgy and wear bright-ass red every now and then.
nihilus: he likes combining a lot of colors, as long as there are neutrals/subdued hues to prevent it from looking garish. kind of like kente---colorful without blinding your eyes in the process.
grievous: autumn colors are his favorites, as well as beige to complement them. one of his most treasured gifts was a red/orange/gold scarf from dooku (not because it was from him, because the scarf was very cute).
inquisitor: i think he would be subconsciously influenced by his old jedi temple uniform...gold and whites are lovely colors indeed. otherwise, he’d probably go with the classic pau’an reds.
lana: we already know she’s a fan of green, especially subdued/mossy green. i think she would enjoy earthy tones in general, as long as they’re not too bold or gaudy. 
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