#i lowkey want to write a track and field au
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Name: Lionel Kovu Ejiofor
Nicknames: Lio, Kovu, Cub, Kitty, Grumpy Cat, Li (friends, classmates, and Aya)
Age: 15
Birthday: July 27th
Height: 5'6
Gender: Male
Appearance: He takes after his father a lot from his emerald green eyes, thick wavey dark brown hair, and forever scowl on his handsome face. He's tall with a semi athletic build much like other teens his age with a scar across the right side of his face that goes over his eye and eyebrow just under his birthmark a few inches wide from his right temple to the scalp.
Clothes: He often dress in very easy moving casual close like high waisted baggie jeans or cargo pants and a baggy shirt and high top sneakers
Personality: Lionel is very aloof and disinterested in the world around him, rather wanting to sleep all day than actually do anything. When he isn't tired beyond life he's pretty sarcastic and loyal especially towards Aya and their father and is very strong in both brain and physical strength and smarts.
Schooling: 2nd year in high school
Likes: Aya, afternoons, honey, bobba tea, potato chips, meat, track and field, his dad, his cousin Leon (though he doesn't admit this), summer, the smell of roses and sage, naps, freshly cleaned clothes and bed sheets, lo-fi, rock, country, art, history, fish, writing, chilling with his friends, lava lamps, black nail polish, Hot Topic, oranges, citrus, bubble baths, video games
Dislikes: Sugary sweet things, being bothered or annoyed, his annoying classmates, when someone ask about his family too much, someone making Aya cry, Ivan, his uncle, being called spoiled or rich, loud busy places, when someone uses his hair products, racists, sexists, Karens
Abilities: Very smart, very fast, strong, okay with kids, good with words
Name Meaning: Lionel - Latin for "little lion" Kovu - Swahili for "scar" Ejiofor - Nigerian for "I am bestowed with righteousness and virtue"
Trivia: - Was born some time before Aya was adopted by Taka, only ever knew them as his family - Doesn't trust Ivan since he's protective to Aya and Ivan is lowkey scared of the boy - Despite his laziness he hasn't failed a single class test which is impressive and annoying to teachers who want to "teach him a lesson" - Doesn't tell people the story behind his scar
So I made Leona in this AU-
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dangan-meme-palace · 4 years
PokeV3 AU – Boys!
Flying Type
His theme is loosely based on travel.
He got delibird because he canonly likes to bring back souvenirs. Mantyke was his first pokemon and hes been using it to travel around on the water. The rest he got just by traveling to different parts of the world.
Rantaro is a traveler for sure, but when he finally settles down I imagine he would become a pokemon breeder and he studies for that while traveling.
His family is different than canon so heres some info on them too:
His dad is like a green haired Saxton Hale. Used to adventure a lot but then settled and became a business man, and a surprisingly good one at that. He owns the poke center chain and a certain mansion where he let's people visit and battle the staff for fun. Absolutely loves the fact that his son is adventurous like he was and will pay for whatever he needs. Not worried about Rantaro because he turned out all right, so why wouldn't his son? Adventure runs in his veins haha! He's just a happy go lucky guy that really loves his kids and supports them.
His mom is VERY worried about Rantaro in stark contrast to her husband, and gets mad that her husband is so carefree about their own child. She waits impatiently for the day Rantaro finally settles down so she doesn't have to worry anymore. Very doting and cute!
His sisters arent lost, they're the poke center nurses!
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Fighting Type
His theme is competition and teamwork!
Ryoma used to be one of the youngest people in the elite four until his pokemon got stolen by the antagonist team. He barely made it out alive, but lost his pokemon and hasn't been the same since.
Would only adventure if someone gave him hope that he could find them again. The adventure ends when he finds them all because he'll want to go back home and settle down now that he's finally got them back.
He wouldn't necessarily get back into the elite four after finding them because he's just not as enthusiastic as he used to be about fighting, but he would probably become someone that gives advice to young trainers around his town.
He used to be super famous when he was in the elite four, and everyone knew him for his competitive spirit and his good sportsmanship. Lots of people still remember him and wonder what happened to make him quit so suddenly.
While he's still missing his pokemon he would hate it when people would be like "omg weren't you in the elite four?!?!" but when he gets them back he just kinda cracks half a smile and chuckles, not really answering but also not saying no.
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Ghost Type
His theme is ancient culture to absolutely no one's surprise.
Frosslass was given to him by his sister. He found golett, yamask, and duskull in different archeological digs that he visited. Banette and misdreavus just took a liking to him, so they joined up with him. He's surprisingly really good with ghosts types? They just like him for some reason...
Korekiyo is an anthropologist like in canon.
His sister is alive but she's really frail after her health took a dramatic turn and has to stay home instead of exploring like she used to. She was super into ice type pokemon, but cant go catch them because her body can't handle the weather anymore.
Kork wants to show his sister the world she cant go out and see anymore and so he travels and brings back souvenirs and pictures for her. She's a little sad she can't go with him, but tries to keep her spirits up despite not being able to fulfill her dream and supports her little brother's dream instead. She's still getting used to the thought of not being able to adventure like she used to.
She was a kinda famous ice type trainer that was about to make it big before her health started failing.
Her health problem is hereditary and her mother died from it when Korekiyo was born because her body couldnt handle the illness and giving birth to Korekiyo at the same time. She won't die as long as she's careful, which includes not going into cold areas and not engaging in strenuous activity. Only the girls in the family get it, and no one really knows what it is.
They dont know where their dad went, but he left after their mother died because he couldn't stand the grief.
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Bug Type
Fun bug fact: he somehow managed to accidentally catch all the bug types people that freak people out (spider, centipede, wasp/bee hybrid, bugs with pinschers, the parasite one, etc). People have run away from battles with him before and he feels bad about it but cant figure out why they ran.
Gonta doesn't really battle so much as he goes looking for new bug type pokemon. Really enthusiastic about bug types and helps his professor by giving him all the field notes he writes.
Oddly doesn't seem to have any parents? The professor has basically adopted him at this point and they don't talk about it.
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Dragon Type
His theme is any pokemon he thinks is cool.
Kaito wants to be the champion and if he calls someone his sidekick it means he wants to have them be in his elite four.
He has a penchant for doing things he thinks other people would find cool. Probably has a fucking cape and sunglasses. Wants what Leon has so fucking badly but ends up looking like an egomaniac and a try hard on accident. Totally lies about his adventures to try and look cooler to people, but little does he know that no one ever believes him.
Hasn't actually traveled much despite what he may tell you, but you could get him to tag along as long as there are no ghost types involved. He's scared of them.
Hates cold weather.
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Ghost Type
His theme was childish looking pokemon, but then they evolved so it's mischievous pokemon with cool and spooky lore
If the dex entry mentions anything about children, odds are he's caught it already. He's a magnet to those types of ghost pokemon for some reason.
The way he caught his drifloon was cuz it thought he was a little kid and tried to steal him lmao
Kokichi "haunts" (read: terrorizes the townsfolk of) whatever place he's at until he gets bored, then he goes to a new place and starts again. He's another one that oddly doesn't seem to have parents.
He gets excited by adventure and challenges, but I dont think he would leave his country unless he had people he really cares about ask him to go with them, and he'd only go because he doesn't want them to leave him. He'd eventually come around to the idea of traveling and really enjoy it, you just have to give him some time to adjust.
Kokichi in this AU gets really attached to places/things/people that leave an impression on him and doesn't wanna let them go kinda like how ghosts possess places and things and dont want to leave until they get exorcised or find closure. Luckily for Kokichi he "definitely doesn't" let himself get attached to things anymore. I wonder why...?
His tragic backstory is that he's always had an affinity to ghost types and that freaked everyone out so they basically cast him out when he was younger and he's lowkey traumatized by it. Was kinda raised by ghost types in an abandoned, haunted mansion after that because they liked him a lot. Raised in that place but eventually forced to leave because it was so decrepit that it finally collapsed.
Once he meets someone he likes who actually likes him too, he sticks to them like glue and doesn't let go. So much for not getting attached.
Scared of bug types.
Likes Falinks and Pawniard even though they're not ghost types.
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Electric/Steel Types
Kiibo is human in this AU. He's a technology enthusiast and a huge fan of Miu's work.
Knows a lot about pokemon like Shuichi and would absolutely geek out with him, but his interest is mostly directed towards steel and electric pokemon rather than all of them, unlike Shuichi's interest in ALL pokemon.
Heir to his father's tech company and that's how he met Miu; she works for his dad. They're really good friends and have been for years.
Magearna has been passed down through his family.
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Psychic Type
Shuichi is a pokemon fanatic and is probably in a pokemon fan club.
Studies all day about everything from type matchups to berries but gets overwhelmed and forgets everything he's learned until he really gets into the battle.
Not bad at battling when he's not overwhelmed.
He's good to have around because he's basically a walking wiki page.
He has a knack for finding pokemon and his life goal is probably to try and discover new species or types of pokemon.
His uncle is a detective and he still lives with him like in canon. He's tracks down lost pokemon more than anything though because those are the only cases he really enjoys working on. I imagine he would be like a lost pet/pokemon detective when he's older because that's his specialty.
Solved a big case involving the antagonist team when he was younger and wears a hat to hide his face so they don't recognize him and try to get revenge. Really, really hopes that it will eventually blow over.
He would be nervous about traveling very far, but looking on the bright side of things he gets a change in pace, some new experiences, a chance to avoid the antagonist team, and new friends. He would accept for those reasons, but he would only go with someone he trusts.
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dunderklumpen · 5 years
When you read the long fics list me pls those with happy endings (JB endgame) thank you very much.
You know, I’ve been lowkey dying to rec my favourites, so I’m not letting this opportunity pass. These are my favourite fics (>10k and/or multichapter) from my bookmarks. Most are AUs, as I’m working through ao3′s AU tag first.
Pretty by astolat (E but more like M, 30k, season 4 divergence)UST following Jaime and Brienne’s arrival in King’s Landing. Jaime gets spurned by Cersei and lusts for Brienne, who lusts back but has Standards and (self-imposed) Obligations. One of the few fics that does justice to the fallout of the Jaime/Cersei relationship, in which Cersei is treated as an actual character. A lot of this fic is Jaime being terribly chuffed about the fact that his wife can beat/kill the shit out of anyone who raises a finger against her and it’s glorious.
Travelling Far by astolat (E but more like M, 24k, canon divergence)Jaime decides to join Brienne’s quest to bring the Stark girls back home. Much family feels, it’s all terribly soft and sadjhk
Blood Bank by Coraleeveritas(E, 40k, doctors)Based on the Bon Iver song Blood Bank (which I coincidentally can’t stop listening to). Brienne is an ER doctor, Jaime a visitor. Both have children/family in hospital, they meet at the blood bank where Jaime is giving blood; things get heated like whoa. Minor subplot of Jaime (re)connecting with his children, Cersei is an asshole but virtually non-existent. Also I have to add that this writer’s style is AMAZING; it’s much more novelistic and descriptive than your standard fic, and absolutely beautifully written.
Human Touch by Lady_in_Red (T, 17k, doctor/patient and recovery)Jaime is suffering from phantom pains after the loss of his hand, and his last hope is a treatment Brienne offers. They kinda like each other, but Brienne is a Professional, so there’s lots of UST with a soft ending.
Madonna on the Balcony by QuizzicalQuinnia(M, 40k, artist/muse)Gosh okay so this is probably the only artist/muse fic I’ve ever genuinely liked. Jaime is a grumpy one-handed sculptor-turned-teacher who is sulking at some kind of resort thing, Brienne is a slightly traumatised rescue worker who is sent on leave after an accident. Jaime notices different parts of Brienne’s body from his balcony, and it Inspires him, so he seeks her out. Probably one of the more abstract fics I’ve read; it features a really nice lowkey commentary on art, beauty, and parts/wholes.
Mile High by bergamot(M, 20k, airport meet-not-so-cute)Jaime and Brienne meet at the airport; Jaime “subtly” arranges to move Brienne to first class because he finds here Interesting. Lots of excellent bickering, things get a bit heated, but not as heated as you’d hope judging from the title. Until they do. idk what I’m saying. XD
quarantined. by justme (silver_spring)(not rated but T-ish, 27k, doctors)Jaime and Brienne are doctors who get exposed to some kind of virus, so they have to spend ten days in quarantine. Fun times, exasperation, and awkward boners ensue. Enemies (ish) to friends to lovers. 
Spy Games by Lady_in_Red(M, 16k, secret service/undercover)Three-part series which containing snapshots of Jaime and Brienne’s partnership from grudgingly tolerating each other to being stupidly in love. In the first and longest fic Jaime and Brienne go undercover in a suburban neighbourhood, and one of the subplots is that Brienne is forced to read Fifty Shades of Grey. Jaime voluntarily (and secretly) reads the damn book. Highly recommended, I wish there were more fics like this!
Working Girl Brienne series by CaptainTarthister (E, 170k, various)Smutty smut with feelings where Brienne meets Jaime in different professional situations, which quickly turn… less professional. My favourites are Manslayer (journalists AU, 22k, Brienne has to write a perfume review and Jaime is smitten), A Lion at the Door (hairdresser/celebrity AU, 45k, Jaime breaks up with Cersei and wants to lop his locks off, much smut ensueth), and At All Fronts (bodyguard/royals AU, 30k, Jaime and Brienne are in a sorta secret relationship, this fic chronicles the fallout of an assassination attempt and Realisations of Feelings).
Clean hands by Gwen77 (T, 13k, lawyers)Brienne is an idealistic lawyer; she and Jaime went to law school together and he occasionally tries to poach her for his company lmao. Brienne is forced to work together with Jaime on a case and they catch feelings, Shit hits the fan, and there’s slight temporary angst, but all’s well that ends well. Brienne has zero confidence and puts herself down a lot, which is kinda hard to read cause she’s so brilliant. 😭
Stacked by QuizzicalQuinnia(E, 11k, academia and libraries)This fic is ridiculously uncomfortable for me because it’s set in academia and dear lord phd candidate/associate professor relationships make me so so so so uncomfortable. BUT. It’s soooo goood ugh. Brienne is a phd candidate hunting down an obscure medieval source (i.e. a future and more successful me), and she challenges Jaime, who wants to recruit her as a research assistant, to help her track down said source. JAIME’S FIELD OF EXPERTISE IS THE HISTORY OF INSULTS FHDAJDGAJ. Anyway, he commits to the challenge because he’s s m i t t e n and library research/steamy times/manuscript abuse ensues. It’s terribly cute and hot, but I just can’t with the eating pASTRIES WITHIN THE VICINITY OF MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS. SACRILEGE. Also this has my favourite first kiss scenario probably.
On the Night’s Watch by Miss_M  (M, 105k, detectives)THIS IS HANDS DOWN MY FAVOURITE FSGJAGHDJA. Okay so the case is hands down disgusting (think Reek storyline in the books), but the story is more partner-focused than case-focused. Jaime is a bitter disgraced detective, who’s partnered with newbie Brienne, who is transferred after an Incident. Relationship starts off antagonistic, but develops into mutual respect and, of course, lust. Kind of slow-burn but not really. The development of the relationship and the whole detectives thing is really well done and I’d read 500 more of this fic it’s so good fhsjdk. This author has written a few other fics set in law enforcement, but this really is the best one.
Storks Ltd. by FaerieChild (M, 70k, coworkers and babyfic)So tbh the premise isn’t my thing at all, but I thought the story was really well done, so I’m including it. Brienne works at the Lannister company and desperately wants a child because she’s the last of her house. Jaime is in a relationship with Cersei, who won’t let him be a parent to their kids, which is the one thing he really wants. So Jaime and Brienne enter an Agreement where he fathers the kid, but also gets to be a father. Jaime/Cersei fizzles out, feelings happen, Jaime (re)connects with his already existing kids.
The Book of Love by hardlyfatal (M, 60k, airport meet-not-so-cute)Jaime and Brienne meet in less-than-ideal circumstances in an airport and are condemned to each other’s company when all flights are cancelled and Jaime happens to have rented the last rental car, and also Brienne happens to be a cellist in Tyrion’s orchestra, talk about coincidences. So they roadtrip (that’s a verb now) to their destination and catch feelings. The roadtrip part is absolutely excellent 💯👌 but obviously things get a little complicated when they reach their destination before the happy ending.
Flat White by shiphitsthefan (M, 10k, coffee shop)Jaime is a barista and obsessed with the tall and mysterious flat-chested lady who has a very specific coffee order.
Jaime’s Awkward Boner June collection (various)Does exactly what it says on the tin and it’s glorious. Definitely my favourite trope in this fandom.
Bonus: There’s Always Much Ado About Nothing by imagineagreatadventure (T, 1k, theatre)Yeah I’m including this purely because it’s a motherflipping Much Ado About Nothing theatre fic fhasjk
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bi-and-wanna-cry · 5 years
Fairy Tail High School Au
(I know it’s been done before but not by me, so her ya go)
• Natsu “flamebrain” Dragneel - only sophomore on the varsity football team, dreams of going pro, talented but undisciplined
• Lucy Heartfilia - adorable cheerleader, can do the most amazing stunts, knows everyone
• Gray Fullbuster - Ice hockey jock, emo af, scary on ice, first of his friends to get a tattoo, in love with a football player (who shall remain nameless)
•Erza “Titania” Scarlet - Captain of the varsity basketball team, volleyball player, casual fencer, junior but has already been accepted to several colleges
• Wendy Marvell - freshman track star, everyone loves her, sweet and precious, kinda terrifying on the track
• Happy - Natsu’s cat that he ‘secretly’ takes to school. Makarov knows but everyone loves having the cat around so he lets it slide.
• Carla - Wendy’s cat that she brings because Natsu asked her to. Loves wendy and follows her around. Beautiful white maincoon
• Juvia Loxar - swimmer, kind of a loner, but loves her team and her school, hair is perfect despite the chlorine, everything she owns is blue
• “Blacksteal” Gajeel Redfox - ironworker, that one guy who actually likes shop class, Juvia’s childhood bestie (they still do movie nights)
• Levy Mcgarden - academic prodigy, wins every academic competition, shy but well loved, cute nerd trope wishes she was this awesome
• Laxus “Thunder” Dreyar - Headmaster’s grandson™️, captain of the varsity football team, Natsu’s idol, has a shitty dad, president of the Protect Freed Justine club (it started as a joke but they take their job very seriously)
• Freed Justine - hardcore fencer, NERD™️, President of The Thunder Legion (that’s what they call themselves but they all cheer each other on)
• Evergreen - local beauty queen, dancer, loves ballet, member of the Thunder Legion, exudes confidence but secretly has stage fright, will only perform if her friends are there.
• Bickslow - your friendly neighborhood chaos spirit, rebel without a cause, probably crazy but his friends love it, member of the Thunder Legion, cheers the loudest, writes incredible stories with shocking twists
• Mirajane - actress extraordinaire, Captain of the varsity volleyball team, supportive friend, used to compete with Erza but now they work together, has the hardest spike, works at the local cafe
• Elfman “Beast Mode” Strauss - Quarterback, weightlifter, takes up half of the hallway, lives for his sisters, calls everyone dude
• Lisanna Strauss - cheerleader, goes to as many sporting events as possible, volunteers at the local shelter, wants to be a vet, works with Mirajane at the cafe
• Cana “the witch” Alberona - fortune teller, gives free tarot readings, everyone swears she’s psychic, knows when her friends are down, throws the best parties
• Laki Olietta- Carpenter, lowkey scary, Gajeel’s shop class partner, can build the most complex structures
• Kinana - new girl, no one really knows where she came from, super friendly, helps out at the cafe
• Romeo - Freshmen, JV football player, wants to be like Natsu, says he hates that his dad is a teacher but secretly loves it
• Macao and Wakaba - those teachers who get into more trouble than their students, pals, actually good teachers
• Gildarts Clive - that one alumn who came back to be a teacher, Cana’s dad, let’s her throw parties but keeps a close eye on the kids, Cana’s friends are his surrogate kids, let’s the Strauss kids sleep over whenever
• Bisca and Alzack - teacher ship, super chill, will throw paper at you if you fall asleep, love teaching, doting parents
• Makarov “Gramps” Dreyar - current headmaster, exasperated but indulgent, loves every student, hype man at sports events
• Mavis Vermillion - founder of Fairy Tail Academy, her portrait is in the hallway, people still say she watches over her fairies
• Gratsu - it took them forever to get together due to the ‘rivalry’. Erza finally got tired of the pining and set them up. They go to each other’s games.
• Lucana - no one expected sunshiny Lucy to date “the witch”. They’re so cute tho. Cana can sense when Lucy gets anxious. Lucy is very protective of her girlfriend
• Erzajane - Volleyball baes, Fairy Tail High’s power couple, they support each other, got into the same college and are trying to stay together, everyone’s mom friends
• Chendy - they met at a track meet, puppy love at first sight, friends first, cheer each other on even though they’re on rival teams
• Livia - Lisanna convinces the cheerleaders to go to swim meets. Lisanna loves watching Juvia swim and Juvia loves visiting Lisanna at the shelter, cutest couple™️
•Gajevy - classic bad boy x nerd girl ship. Except Levy is super badass and Gajeel is ultra dorky. They make each other better
• Fraxus - supportive boyfriends, have been together since forever, Makarov ships it. After a player on another team makes a homophobic comment, Laxus goes into the middle of the field and proclaims his undying love for Freed.
• Elfgreen - fell in love slowly, Mira and Bickslow got them together, Elfman lives to watch Evergreen dance, he’s amazed by her grace. Evergreen starts cheering him on at football games
• Lakinana - adorable love story, Laki makes stuff for Kinana, kinana dotes on Laki, Laki will fight you if you mess with her girl
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subfunctions · 6 years
i’ve been thinking about “modern” AUs with aloy and some of the npcs as the teen squad, and elisabet, gaia, the alphas, and some older npcs as the adult squad, but i realized that i’m just bored with normal settings no matter what.
so i wanted to spice it up with another AU, and then i thought.................. jurassic park. with robot dinos.
ted decides that he can make more money and some good pr by making a show out of his cool military robots and some “greener” designs that he allegedly stole from miriam tech. in an attempt to smooth over some lawsuits, he invites elisabet and gaia (human in this AU), their team, and their families/invitees of choice to the island amusement park for it’s pre-opening, as a kind of good faith gesture, while showing it off to investors and other business and scientist folk.
and of course...... life finds a way. even artificial life.
scattered thoughts:
let’s call the island....... osiris park, maybe. ostensibly for the reference to cycles and resurrection and the father of horus, but mostly for the irony.
i’m thinking that there would be some kind of renewed environmental efforts, maybe with some extreme environmental damage and climate change rearing its head again due to, you know, constant robotic warfare and corporate greed still going at it. and maybe FAS is taking the brunt of the blame for claw-back efforts of previous decades being undone.
so it’s elisabet and gaia putting their heads together for the same basic outcome (environmental restoration, except on a smaller scale), and that’s why a team from all over the world (alphas, betas, gammas) has been gathered under a project spearheaded by miriam tech.
but now miriam technologies and faro automated solutions are reluctantly working together, along with other corporations, governments, etc., for the purposes of renewed environmental efforts. hence why ted is trying to get back into elisabet’s good graces - dropping lawsuits, offering to settle on the stolen ideas thing - as she and gaia are the people making waves where green robotics are concerned. this would be a few years before when the faro plague would occur. insert timeline tweaking where necessary.
so the miriam robots are the GAIA machines we know and love (like grazers), and ted’s stolen designs, on the island, are modified versions of unused miriam ideas and are the HEPHAESTUS robots we know and love (like sawtooths). a specific line of war machines, the chariot robots, are being showcased for the first time on the island as well.
the alphas would serve the same basic functions, with some tweaks, and their individual divisions would have the same names (HEPHAESTUS, etc.). for clarification: patrick is there for the purposes of preserving endangered species (plant and animal) until certain habitats are restored. samina works with the team as chief cultural consultant, since there’s a lot of cross-national work going on, and the APOLLO division is in charge of navigating that web and making sure that their efforts reflect cultural preservation and don’t step on toes. ayomide (the MINERVA alpha) is a retired military captain turned security programmer for the project. travis is there as another lead programmer, and the HADES division is dedicated to correcting errors in the project. and the rest are pretty self-explanatory.
there’s always a bunch of young people running around miriam, people’s kids/relatives/interns/etc., and the alphas have sort of taken them all under their respective wings.
so, family/friend stuff, and what kind of nerds everyone would be. it’s going to align with the first gen -> second gen alpha set-up i have in my fic because i’m attached to that now:
elisabet and gaia are roboticists/engineers and aloy’s moms, and maybe rost is elisabet’s adoptive brother or step-brother? and elisabet and gaia are super busy, of course, so rost often takes care of aloy, and aloy basically has a dad-uncle along with two moms. (and i’m gonna imitate a basic idea from the wonderful @project-another-dawn and say that rost is a caretaker/ranger for the now-closed yellowstone national park. also, teersa is aloy’s great-aunt through rost.)
in this, the second generation are all in their mid-to-late teens.
aloy takes after her moms in a variety of interests, but she doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life yet. she’s leaning towards engineering.
sona has known elisabet and gaia for a long time and is an engineer who originally did military work until she became disillusioned with it. she specializes in aerospace engineering, and she currently works for miriam under the AETHER division. varl and vala are aloy’s best friends. varl has an interest in genetics and hangs out with patrick a lot. vala is interested in climatology so she spends a lot of time with the AETHER alpha. (still haven’t thought of a name for him, guerrilla games please give me details). haven’t thought of a last name for sona’s family either, but i’ll get there.
they’re all invited to go with the sobeck fam, and varl and vala tag along. sona and rost don’t go, but they catch wind of what’s happening on the island and haul ass to get there later in the story.
ersa and erend are travis’s niece and nephew, and he often declares random days as ‘bring your niblings to work day,’ so they’ve become close friends with aloy and the other teens. he brings them on the island trip. i guess their last name could be tate too, so i don’t have to come up with a modern surname for them. both of them are interested in engineering. erend leans towards agricultural engineering, so he and naoto (last name watanabe, i’ve decided) get along well, and ersa is interested in hydraulics engineering, so she hangs out with the POSEIDON alpha a lot. (guerrilla games, please).
petra (the oldest of the second generation, in her early 20s) has a robotics internship with miriam and is very close with margo, her supervisor, who invites her to the island. haven’t thought of a last name for petra either, r.i.p.
ayomide is vanasha’s mom, and vanasha is fast following in her programming footsteps, so she ends up hanging around miriam with the other teens as well. vanasha okilo! a last name!
charles and tom are talanah’s adoptive dads after her father and brother died in an accident that may or may not have been FAS’s fault. (another lawsuit that ted wants to smooth over.) talanah shares charles’s interest in the natural world, though she leans more towards wanting to study zoology.
jiran is a military investor who works closely with FAS, and nasadi and itamen are avad’s step-mother and half-brother, while older brother kadaman died in a mysterious accident. (i don’t want jiran to be dead in this AU because i want him to get eaten by a machine at some point.) nasadi and samina are cousins, and samina has been mentoring avad, who has an interest in cultural preservation, so samina offers a standing invitation for them to visit miriam whenever. nasadi does so often to get the kids away from their father. (everyone loves itamen, especially vanasha.) no last name on the avad fam front yet, either.
sylens is there at the island’s pre-opening as a preeminent figure in his field; i’m thinking programming. but he’s maybe actually there for shady thievery reasons. he hates corporate science (tm) a lot because seeing pure science twisted to serve money really grinds his gears, so he’s lowkey enjoying watching the mess that FAS gets itself into on their robot dino island.
and the premise, of course, is that life finds a way, and the artificial life on the island goes bonkers while everyone tries desperately contain it to the island and shut it down before it spreads, while also trying to stay alive.
the general idea is that the machines evolved on their own because the complexity of their programming is almost indistinguishable from the complexity of natural life and starts mimicking it. like, it’s because their programming is highkey illegal to begin with (and i think something similar went down in canon, as in someone said fuck the turing act, as part of a plot to sell military bots to various entities and then seize control of them from their owners, and then, well.... Regret), but the machines going rogue is an unintentional side-effect and is simply life finding a way.
but there’s a subplot about security being tampered with, and the island being cut off from the rest of the world, and private black ops showing up, and it turns out that it’s the people who illegally programmed the machines to begin with (far zenith a.k.a. ted’s buddies) trying to cut their losses and cover their tracks the second they know it’s irreversibly gone to shit, because there are a bunch of geniuses on the island who are going to figure it all out real soon.
there absolutely has to be a scene where ted tries to be hip (tm) and in with the teens, and none of them are having it. it’s all [knife emojis] in the group chat.
i’m not going to do anything with this soon because i don’t have time and i have other things to write, but i’ve been thinking about it a lot, and i wanted to get all of this down.
this would also be my general set-up for any “modern” AU where everyone is a big nerd family. i’m not saying that someone should steal this whole thing, but.... i would love.... to read anything with said set-up.
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