jeontwin · 3 years
And you're telling me this is the same man that's dissing and spitting bars to haters, who doesn't give a sh*t who doesn't give a f*ck 💜
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yoongi ♡ run bts ep 145 ♡
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jeontwin · 3 years
OK but like... step on me please? 🥲😭💜
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jeontwin · 4 years
More Like Me
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My first fic - One Shot
A/N: Our darling Jimin is just as human as the rest of us and has heartbreaks just like the rest of us and It sucks when I see him cry on stage, good or bad, I just wanna go hug him and give him some cuddles. I know I'm not the only one. <3
Warnings; it’s sad, no fluff, no smut, just sad times, angst?
Summary: Your childhood/best friend is in the dating scene and been dating a girl for 5 years, and thought she was going to be a wife to him and the mother of his future children. Till they broke up. Which broke him. Which broke you.
Inspired and some quotes by: The Veronicas- More Like Me
Park Jimin. He's genuinely a nice guy. Like for real. He might be a little flirty but his heart is gold and it's gooey and soft too. He has manners and is humble, sometimes dangerously so. Sees the best in everyone. Protects others even if he doesn't know them. He's the definition of a gentle man. He's fun. A little savage, But his kindness is beyond understanding.
So when he messaged me… Saying him and her are no longer together. My heart broke. Because I know how much he invested into that relationship. Every day, never was she not in his thoughts and every sentence as something reminded him of her. The way he smiled with those crooked teeth and sometimes too hard so he couldn't even see as they turned to moon crescents. The photos he had, the couple jewellery. The memories…
I stood in the park… the darkness around me. But I know that figure… hunched back, head in his hands on the dark green metal bench but in the night looking like black bars. Tears welled up in my eyes joining his as my ears registered his shaky uneven breaths, sound magnifying in the silence of the night. Looking down at the crumpled mess, my hand shakingly hesitatingly hover over his arched back as his body shaking and huffing from sobbing. Now seeing just a shaking blur with the build up tears overflowing to my cheeks and chin. I lay my hand gently on top of his back slowly lowering, bent at that knees, arms wrapping around him, embracing his body into a hug. A hug I hope could….. At least give him some sort of comfort….. But I know I couldn't.
It's been 4 months. Jimin is getting better. He has his times understandably, but his mind space is getting better. Till she started to contact me, with Jimin's silence, his nod gave me permission to why I am here in this café opposite her as she had a pink milkshake in front of her that she only had one sip of and stirring with her straw. 
The moment my mouth opens to ask why she has called me out, she turns to a mess, begging to me as if I could some how revive whatever they had, as if I had that kind of power, as if I could mend everything and wipe my best friend's memories of the gut wrenching, nauseating, sharp stab of pain. My fists clenched on my lap as my eyes narrows and I listen to the chaos coming out of her mouth silently. Silently until the one thing she says has me burning with rage and disbelief "I-I just wanted to be more like you! And maybe even more…. So he'd look only at me"
 Silence…….. My jaw couldn't be ever more clenched, my first words I speak to her at this 'meet up' are more stable and gentle than I expect as I stared not at her running mascara and liner, streaks through her foundation and concealer but the milkshake, prespiring not from the tension or the heat between us and my gaze on it.
"I'm sorry….. I see where you are…" lifting my eyes to her. Burning gaze, Intimidating and filled with rage as the hurt in my heart built up and reached my mouth "But you've been hanging on long enough" her eyes widening at my stern tone between my teeth "you can keep chasing him but you can't keep up with him growing to be the man you missed out on. I really do see where you are…. From the other side of a broken heart." tears forming as I remembered his defeated eyes and body I saw the following mornings from that night, but I refused to let them fall "But if you were more like me-" finger nails digging into the palms of my hands, holding myself back at yelling at her, to be able to say what I want to say "-You would of held on a little tighter, pulled him in a little closer…. Move in a little faster" I stood up and her large eyes staring up at me in panic and distain that the hope of me possibly helping her is destroyed. "The truth hurts but someday you'll see….. If you were more like me, you'd have kissed a little longer, been impossible to leave…… but he loved you with everything…." looking down at my bag to reach for it "Because you weren't like me." her mouth closing as tears ran down her face more. Placing my bag crossed over my body "I'm sorry your name doesn't reach his lips anymore.  And I think you're crazy for waiting around but you don't stand a chance, because with me…." a stray tear falling glancing at her one last time. "he's a better man."
But he'll never be my man.
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jeontwin · 4 years
I'm gonna start posting some of my writings up here, I've always written stuff but I want to be able share it with others (that aren’t my family cause you know…. there's some NSFW stuff haha)
Feel free to show some love <3 and requests will be open soon~ 
Thanks heaps~
All the Love
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jeontwin · 4 years
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jeontwin · 5 years
That’s ok. I wanted to be attacked anyway
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speechless. (© ️everything is OK)
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jeontwin · 6 years
Kill me now
wow I love suffering
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jeontwin · 6 years
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jeongguk in berlin | 181018
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jeontwin · 6 years
Relatable 😭❤️
i hate how much i love boy hands like really nice boy hands. like WOW can i hold your hand or maybe fuck myself on your fingers either is good
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