#i luv that pyro stays the same
lu-undy · 4 years
A Sniper/Medic Short
I took part in a Secret Santa and my giftee wanted a Sniper/Medic short with cuddles in front of a fire or exchanging gifts. I did both :) Here it is!
"Gosh, it's freezing." 
Sniper woke up in his van on that cold morning of late December. He rubbed his eyes and pressed a switch to turn on the heating in his campervan. Engineer had been kind enough to fix him a button next to his bed that connected with the electric radiator. So the Aussie stayed in bed for an extra half an hour to wait for the van to warm up to an acceptable level. He could afford the wait as that day was off for both teams. 
In fact, the mercenaries enjoyed two weeks off at the end of the year's holidays.
Sniper looked at the time and took a deep breath. 
"Right, should probably get up now." 
And he followed his morning routine. He put some clothes on with warm socks and a season coat. It was thick and lined with synthetic yet warm fur around the hood. He put on a scarf and gloves. When the Aussie finished slipping in his boots, he opened the van's back door and the ice cold air bit his very skin. 
Everything was covered in a thick layer of white snow and as he jumped down to the ground, he landed in a muffled thud and sunk to the middle of his legs in snow. He hissed and winced. The kangaroo wasn't much of a fan of the feeling of cold wetness on his legs in the morning, or at any other time of the day either.
He locked up his van's backdoor and walked back to the base's main building. He entered and shut the door before feeling the drastic change of temperature. 
"Crikey, it's hot in here…" 
Sniper pulled back his hood, removed his coat and unrolled the scarf around his face. He placed all his clothing items on the coathanger there and proceeded to the kitchen for breakfast, where he found most of his colleagues, as usual. 
"Mornin' Sniper." Engie waved. 
The rest of the team present in the kitchen nodded to the Aussie who went straight to get a warm mug of coffee. As he reached the coffee pot, he stuck his frozen hands on it and let it sizzle his skin nicely. 
"Here, your coffee." 
The white mug marked '#1 Sniper' slid on the counter to him and when he raised his head, he saw a lab coat float away, back to the table. He smiled. 
He took the mug and resumed his usual seat around the table to partake in the usual morning debates. Well, partake was a big word, maybe just listen in and nod from time to time. He liked his colleagues' banter. It had taken some time for his head to stop hurting at it, but now he was fully used to it and he even appreciated it. He listened to it like the radio and watched it like TV. He would sometimes add his grain of salt to the conversation but he much preferred to listen and watch. 
"Hey, fancypants! Not wearin' a suit today? What is it, Christmas?" 
Spy entered wearing a knitted jumper that went up his neck, to the color of the team and a dark, matching pair of trousers.
"Very observant." He answered and went to the coffee pot to help himself. 
"Funny, eh, my Ma' knitted me the same kind of sweater!"
"Funny indeed." The Frenchman answered and the rest of the team sighed gently. 
"Any plans for today, guys?" The Bostonian asked.
"Today is a great day. You will all respect and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ!" Soldier exclaimed. "And if I catch one of you numbnuts not partaking in the festivities, it will be extra physical training and scrubbing duties!" He raised an authoritative index finger. 
"Calm down, laddie, what about a snowball fight? The snow's nice and fresh." Demoman suggested. 
"Yes, Sir!" 
"Right! Can me and Pyro join you guys?" Scout asked. 
"Of course, lads! The more, the merrier!"
"Heavy, you wanna join us?" Scout turned to his impressively built colleague. 
"Come on, Stalingrad! Let me give you a Second Cold War!"
"Aye, c'mon, Heavy, what are you gonna do inside, eh? It's Christmas and there's snow!"
Heavy rolled his eyes and smiled behind his crossed arms. 
"Fine." He yielded and the mercenaries rejoiced. 
"What about the support club?" Scout turned to Medic, Spy and Sniper. 
The Frenchman was reading a newspaper while Medic and Sniper looked briefly at each other. 
"Spy, d'you wanna-"
"C'mon, Spy-"
The old French man sighed. 
"I am busy."
"What will you be doin'?"
"Nothing that concerns you."
"C'mon, what could be better than a snow fight? Join us!"
Spy sighed from his side of the newspaper. 
"A phone call with your mother would be incomparably better than a snowball fight."
The mercenaries tensed around the table and their eyes all shifted to Scout. 
"Yeah, well, you're not gonna get it anyway so c'mon!" 
They facepalmed and rolled their eyes. Scout was remarkably oblivious. 
Little by little, the mercenaries left the table. Sniper's eyes rose from his final bit of toast when the flapping of the white lab coat caught his attention. Medic was leaving the table. The Aussie finished his breakfast but stayed a bit longer in the kitchen. He helped for the dishes, as he owed it to Engie.
"Wanna help me prepare lunch, Sniper?" 
"If you'd rather go with the others in the snow, that's fine by me, eh." 
"Nah, it's fine. I'll give you a hand."
At the other end of the building, Medic was filling some paperwork that he had been putting off for too long.
There was a knock at the door. 
"Uh, it's me, Doc'."
There was the noise of a chair moving and footsteps before the door opened. 
"Hey there."
"Hallo, Sniper."
"Mind if I join?" 
Medic shut the door after his guest. 
"What brings you here?" 
"Van's freezing." 
"Ah, so you're just here for the radiator?"
Sniper chuckled. 
"Yeah, nah…"
"I was about to stop and take a break. Shall we go to my living room? I will make some coffee."
Both mercenaries went through a corridor and Medic opened the door in the end. Medic, like Spy, had his own suite, which consisted of a living-room, a kitchen, bathroom and his bedroom. They were all a few doors away from his workplace.
"After you."
"Thanks, mate." 
"Make yourself at home, I will set the coffee."
Sniper entered and removed his old boots right at the door. The floor was carpeted and he didn't want to give his friend some extra work cleaning it. He slipped his coat off and hung it on the coat-hanger before proceeding to the sofa. He sat down and made himself comfortable as he heard his German friend busy in the kitchen. 
Sniper soon got off the couch and went to the kitchen door. He gave it a few short knocks. 
"Need some help with anythin'?" 
Medic turned to him, who was peeking from the door. Sniper's eyes fell on the tray that the medical expert was preparing. 
"No, I should be fine, danke, Sniper."
"You sure?"
"Ja, go get yourself warmed up in front of the fire. I will be just an extra minute." 
"Alright, gimme a shout if you need me, ok?"
Medic smiled.
"Will do." 
The Aussie turned and went back to the sofa. In front of it was a coffee table and a fireplace against the wall. It was lit up and Sniper could feel its heat diffuse to the sofa, slowly. 
"Here, coffee and some cookies." 
Medic brought the tray and sat down next to Sniper. 
"Ja, Pyro baked them for me the other day after I fixed his arm."
Sniper stared at the star and heart-shaped cookies with multicolored sprinkles. 
"Guessed as much."
"Did you?" Medic asked, handing Sniper his mug. 
"You don't come across as the heart shaped cookie bakin' type…" Sniper leaned his arm on the back of the sofa.
"Very perceptive you are." Medic leaned his head on the Aussie's shoulder and they chuckled. 
"Should take a break like the others, y'know, ease out on the work."
"Experiments don't carry themselves out unfortunately." 
"Guess so. But what if I ask you to take a break?"
Sniper put his now empty mug away and looked down at Medic. He held his chin between his index and thumb. 
"Cause I wanna spend time with you, darl'." He tilted the German's face upwards and stared into his eyes, through the thin pair of glasses. Sniper smiled. "Please." 
Medic's eyebrows rose up and he grinned back. He removed his gloves and threw them away on the sofa before wrapping an arm around Sniper. 
"Hard for me to refuse when you plead me with such beautiful eyes." 
"You got some pretty eyes too, eh." 
"Nah, just sayin' what I'm thinking."
"Mmh." Medic buried his head under Sniper's jaw, on his chest and he felt his arms wrap around him. 
"Missed you, luv'."
"So did I." 
They stared at the dancing flames of the fireplace and their breaths synced slowly, Medic's head was rising and falling to the rhythm of Sniper's calm breathing. 
"Oh…?" Medic's surprise escaped his lips as he felt Sniper's fingers slide between his. 
"I wanna spend a bit more time with you, y'know. Sometimes, I don't go to your office not because I care about what people would say or because I don't want to. It's cause I don't wanna bother you but…"
"But?" Medic asked. 
"But I miss you, I really do…" Sniper tightened his hug and clenched his fingers between the German's. "I wish we could spend a full day together and…"
"I thought you were wary of the others learning for us?"
"I'm sure Spy knows, the rest will, one day or another. Besides, I just wanna spend the winter break with you." 
Medic raised his head to his lover. 
"Me too, Sniper…" 
Their lips met in the quiet and dark room, the warmth from the fireplace hardly rivaling with the hot touch of their hands brushing past their clothes. 
"Please…" Sniper asked, sliding a hand behind Medic's head, through his hair. "Please stay with me tonight." 
Medic bit his lip. His hands slid on Sniper's collar and up to his rough, scruffy cheeks. 
"I will."
Sniper's delight came out of him in a silent gasp and a wide smile. He pulled Medic's face again to kiss him, for longer this time and they dived on the sofa, the German on top of the Aussie, ruffling his brown, short hair as their lips brushed, nipped and pulled. 
"Give me more than one night… Wake up next to me, please…"
Sniper curled a leg behind the white lab-coat and pulled the man below it flush against him. Their kisses went more heated and their lips were wet and slightly swollen from all the attention there. 
"I will." 
Medic removed his lab-coat and threw it away. Sniper pulled the blanket that was hanging on the back of the sofa and covered them both. The German just lied on top of the man that kept him safe after a long day of work. Sniper understood him, wordlessly. He knew when to ask for attention and when Medic didn't have the strength for it. 
That day, all the German wanted was affection. Affection and strong arms to hold him. He lay on Sniper, his head on the Aussie's chest and he felt long fingers play with his black, short hair. 
"Thanks, luv'. I know I might be askin' a lot from you but… You have no idea how good it feels to wake up with you instead of just, y'know, a big empty bed…"
"I do apologise, Sniper. I should spend more time with you."
"It's alright. I understand, you like your work, it's fine."
"Yes but…" Medic raised his head to look Sniper in the eyes. He smiled. "I love you and I would much rather spend my evening with you than with paperwork. You are right, my love."
"About what?" 
"Let's make this winter break all about us."
"What d'you mean?"
"I mean that you can bring a bit more clothes here and stay with me for a couple of weeks…?"
"Ja, I can spend my days and my nights with you."
Sniper's face radiated with a wide smile. 
"You'd do that? Really?" 
"Ja, we all deserve a break and I could do with a bit more affection from you." 
"Well I got loads of it for you, eh." Sniper's hands brushed Medic's back slowly under the blanket. 
"Uh… Would you…?"
"Would I what?" 
"Would you… have some… for me, maybe?" Sniper blushed and his eyes darted left and right in embarrassment. He wasn't so good when it came to words but had an incredible intuition when it came to moves...
"Of course." Medic pushed his lips on Sniper's and let his tongue brush past the hunter's chapped lips, which pulled a low growl from the wild man.
"Gosh… I'm so happy, I… Thanks, really." 
"You are welcome, Sniper." 
They snuggled up under the blanket and in front of the fireplace, they both warmed up nicely. 
"I got you somethin' for Christmas."
Medic's eyes snapped wide. 
"Did you?" 
"Why? I mean… I didn't."
"Yeah, you did." 
"What?" Medic asked.
"You're spending a couple of weeks with me. That's… Better than Christmas…!"
"Saying things like that makes me realise even more how much I neglected you…"
Medic raised his head with his now ruffled hair and they exchanged a kiss.
"So please, show me what you got us…?" Medic asked.
"Want it now?"
"Ja, why not?"
"I guess I can… I've been carryin' them on me all the time for you not to find them by accident or anythin'."
Sniper slid a hand in his pocket and retrieved his secret gift. 
"Alright, you're ready?" He asked, putting his still clenched fist in front of Medic's face. 
Sniper opened his hand and two bracelets lay in his palms. 
"Oh… They look lovely…" 
"I made them m'self." 
"The wooden pearls you carved yourself?"
"Oh, and what is this pendant?"
"Look at it. Carved it myself too. I had to go and get a book from the Teufort library to do it, cause I didn't really know what it looked like."
Medic held one of the bracelets. 
"It looks like an anatomically correct heart with an arrow piercing through it, but that's only the left half of it…" 
"Look at the other bracelet, luv'."
Medic took the other one and looked at the pendant. 
"Oh mein Gott… That's the right half…!"
"Yeah, I carved a little wooden heart, lookin' at an anatomy book, then carved the arrow, then cut it in halves. You get one and I get the other. Looks less ridiculous than a classic heart and it makes sense."
"Ja! And I guess the heart represents me and the arrow, you?"
"Yeah, you got it."
"I am… Speechless… It must have taken you hours to make them…"
"Who cares? It was fun and it made me think about you for hours. C'mon, wear it and show me!"
Medic slid one around his wrist and put one around Sniper's. 
"I feel like a little boy again…" The German doctor chuckled. 
"Yeah, bit childish maybe but uh…"
"Nein, please, I didn't mean it in a bad way, on the contrary. I guess this is the true spirit of Christmas." 
"Yeah, sort of." Sniper slid his fingers through Medic. 
"I love you, Sniper. Thank you so much for your gift."
"You're welcome. Love ya too, oh, mmh…" 
Medic slid up on Sniper to take his lips again. The flames of the fireplace danced as their bodies followed another choreography. The doctor and the hunter took their time that night. Maybe it was Christmas, maybe it was the gift, or maybe they had yearned for each other that much. 
That year, they did spend a Merry Christmas indeed.
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Ok so: mercs with a gf who is a rape victim, but her rapist is female, so she never told her mercenary lover about her or what she did to her because she so used to being told stuff like "It wasn't a man, so it wasnt that bad" "But she was your friend! Don't you ever wanna talk to her again?" etc etc. (Maybe she even lets her merc lover in on how her own mother told her she "cant compare it to a lady getting raped in a park" and tried to force her to be around her rapist?)
When you first tell him everything, he’s furious. He just wants to take a bat to everyone who’s said such disgusting things to you and especially to the woman who violated you. He can’t even comprehend how your own mother could say such a awful thing. He wants to scream and fight and...just hold you. He pulls you into the tightest hug he can ever muster and gently strokes your head. He’s trying so hard not to cry into your shoulder, he wants to stay strong, he wants to remain strong for you.
“I’m never letting that happen to you again, you hear me?! N-Not ever! You got me...you got me and my ma. She’ll be...she’ll be a way better mom than yours, o-okay?”
Why? Why would someone do something as awful as that? No matter how many times you try to tell him or explain to him, he’s never going to fully comprehend it. Why would those people say that? Why did your mother even think about saying that? Why did the universe allow such a terrible thing to happen to someone as good as you? So many questions are flooding his mind that he almost forgets you’re there. If you snap him out of his catatonic state, he’ll put a hand on your cheek and stare at you with wide almost tearful eyes.
“You’re a tough one, soldier. Tougher than me even. God throws all kinds of crap your way and you just tear through it all. Thank you...for telling me, soldier.”
Their hand is holding yours the entire time you tell them. They don’t say a thing the whole time. They don’t even react much besides an occasional squeeze when you get into the more grisly parts of the story. People assume they know nothing of the world’s cruelty and humanity's savagery, but they know all too well what people are capable of. They guess that’s why they want to burn it all down. They just want to burn down the entire world so it’s just the two of you. No pain, no suffering, just you. They pull their mask up to their nose, tears running down their scarred cheeks, they can barely hold back their sobs.
“I’m so sorry...Y/N...I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you! I’m so sorry, I-I’m so sorry...please...I wish I was there for y-you..!”
He’ll offer you some of his booze, it help eases the pain for him, so maybe it might do the same for you. He’s gonna drink the entire time you tell and occasionally give you a sad glance. He’s angry of course but there’s nothing he can really do. Terrible things just happen and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. It happened and it’s all in the past now. The only thing left to do is try to move on and heal. Don’t let the experience break you. Grow from it and only become a stronger person. He wraps an arm around you and pulls you close to his side.
“Listen, luv, I know you’re hurting and all but you can’t let this break your spirits. Keep being the beautiful person I know you are and grow from this. Just uh...don’t develop a drinking habit like me.”
He’s no stranger to rape and sexual assault. He’s seen it happen many times in the Gulag. And all those times he witnessed it, a part of him died. So it feels like his heart has been ripped out of his chest when you tell what happened to you. He’s angry at the fact that you were attacked, but he’s even angrier that your own flesh and blood would say that to your face. Family is supposed to support and comfort each other! Not brush off such a traumatic experience. He lets you lay your head on his shoulder and he gently strokes your waist.
“Anyone try to hurt you again, man or woman, will be crushed by me. I refuse to let you be hurt by anyone ever again.”
People like to believe that good people do exist and that good will always prevail over evil. That justice will always be served and every tragedy will be resolved with love and compassion. Engie liked to think this way. But it’s when he hears a story like yours that he feels like giving into the apathy of humanity. He won’t though. He can’t. Cause he still has you to care for. He has to be there to remind you that you are heard and loved. He wants you to know that he’ll always be there to listen. You’re sitting in his lap and he has you wrapped up in a hug, gently rocking you back and forth.
“I’m so sorry, darling. I’m so sorry you have to deal with any of this...I’m here though, hun, I’m here for you. You don’t have to do this alone anymore.”
Just like Heavy, Medic has witnessed many atrocities during his time in Nazi Germany. Things like assault become such a common occurrence that it no longer had any affect on him. It had just become a way of life.
However, his apathy didn’t prevent his heart from shattering when he heard what happened to you. He understood that bad things just happen sometimes but what he couldn’t understand is how cold your mother could be...weren’t they meant to be loving and comforting? Medic leaned down and gave you a long heartfelt kiss.
“People like your mother aren’t worth your time, liebling, they are but simple minded idiots. What matters now is that you’re safe here with me and Archimedes.”
He’s at a loss. He doesn’t know what to say or even do for you. Nobody’s ever told him something this personal and...real. He never imagined that someone he loved so dearly would have to go through something so traumatic. He feels slightly sick when you vaguely allude to what happened to you, he feels even sicker when you explain the dismissal you’ve had to deal with. He knew there were some bad people out there but why was your mother one of them? Why couldn’t she just believe you and comfort you like a real mother would? He shakily pulls you to his chest and holds you close.
“It’s...it’s alright. Y/N...I’m so sorry for everything...I...I just...I love you, roo, you know that? I’m always gonna love you and hold you close by me...”
What you tell him angers him to no end but he manages to hide it behind a stoney expression and a lit cigarette. The notion that women can’t assault others or it’s not as severe as a male doing it sickens and angers him to no end. When will people understand that anyone of any gender is capable of hurting another being so severely. He’s not a good father by any means but what your mother is utterly revolting. He’s no good with emotionally charged situations, but he knows he can’t leave you now. He holds your head to his chest and rests his chin on top of your head, his hand stroking down your back.
“I’ll always be there for you, mon trésor. Nothing and nobody will ever come close to you as long as I’m here with you.”
Miss Pauling-
She understands and empathizes with you. She’s met a few women who’ve tried to take advantage and she was met with the same dismissive comments. It seems like everyone cares about the victim until they learn the attacker was a woman. Then it’s just jeers and doubt from all those supporters. Just hearing you recount everything fills her with a rage she hasn’t felt in a very long time. All that murderous rage directed right at your rapist and mother. But she isn’t planning on murdering anybody until she gets the okay from you. Pauling wraps her arms around your waist and kisses your cheek.
“I know what it’s like. It almost happened to me one time but...I’m just glad you’re okay for the most part. And hey, if she or your mom come sniffing around here, can we bury them with these corpses here?”    
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girlsbtrs · 4 years
BangBangCon: The Live and BTS’s Powerhouse Fandom
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Written by Maryam Ragheb. Photo credit to Big Hit Entertainment/BTS
If it wasn’t for the pandemic, BTS would be wrapping up their world tour right now, and their biggest one to date at that. But unfortunately, here we are; trying to grasp at any semblance of what would be equivalent to a real live event. At the start of quarantine, BTS ran a free two-night concert series that encapsulated the final show of every major era they’ve had to date and titled it BangBangCon. On June 14th, they launched the live version of BangBangCon, an adorable reenactment of everything their live shows encompass.  
Perfectly timed with their anniversary celebration titled FESTA, the performances swept through the group’s discography from O!RUL8,2? all the way to their latest release, Map of the Soul: 7. And lest we forget the adorable chibi versions of the group reminding us to get comfortable, grab a snack, and connect our light sticks. Entering through pink and purple colored doors and onto a pastel adorned set, leader Namjoon began the show by adorably changing the lyrics of Dope to “Hello, first time at Bangbangcon?” (instead of “first time with BTS?”). Transitioning from a cozy, home-like set to a full stage complete with pyro and LED projections, it felt as though they felt the same way we did; watching a full set in the comfort of our own homes and yet wanting to be part of something bigger than we are.  
As someone who was planning on seeing BTS three times in a row this summer, I had a lot of anticipation for hearing Map of the Soul: 7 live. Don’t get me wrong, I never thought I would finally see the day that we heard Just One Day and Spring Day live ever again (which hurt by the way, I didn’t expect that much pain in one night); but I have been dying to hear a whole stadium scream “AYO SUGA” since January. As per usual, Namjoon and Yoongi did not disappoint me. Featuring a disco-aesthetic complete with grainy camerawork and choreography that was nothing short of adorable, Respect was indeed given the respect she deserved. (See what I did there? Okay, moving on.)
If a spinning stage to indicate transitions between subunits and the camera filter changing from black and white to color during Seokjin’s high note in Jamais Vu wasn’t enough, don’t worry, there’s more. A dark, forest-like set for their Black Swan performance with the members fully decked out in their System clothing line collaboration? A wall full of Army bombs lighting up like a rainbow while they performed a disco remix of Boy with Luv? Yes, give me all of it.  
Despite the two-and-a-half-hour long show feeling like it went by in ten minutes, there was a sense of community as my friend and I stayed on the phone together all night watching the magic unfold in front of us. Not to say that I didn’t enjoy the previous BangBangCon, but this felt like something new. There was a sense that BTS had missed performing just as much as we had missed seeing them. And even through a screen, every raw emotion evoked felt just as real. Excitement, happiness, hurt; but most importantly, love. Love for a group that never fails to show their fans just how much they mean to them.  
As BangBangCon swept through social media and took over Twitter trends, Army’s praises sung through from beginning to end. And to add another notch on the ever-so-powerful fanbase’s belt, BangBangCon accumulated a total of 756,000 viewers from 107 different regions. That’s enough to fill the Rose Bowl at top capacity, eight times over. The power and might of the fanbase not only shows how music can bring all these people together at the same point in time, but it highlights the special connection that BTS have with their fans. It’s a bond that isn’t merely hierarchical, it’s become a lifelong friendship.  
Since then, BTS have not dared to slow down one bit, releasing a Japanese album titled Map of the Soul: 7 ~ The Journey which features Stay Gold. The music video for the single premiered at the end of last month, showcasing glimmering gold specks of hope in the cold, dark rooms the members are trapped in; and ultimately ending with the full bloom of the barren tree that we all remember from Spring Day. The album also features Your Eyes Tell, a beautiful, emotional ballad written by the one and only Jungkook. Time to add this to the list of songs that instantly trigger my tear ducts (I’m looking at you, We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal.) And with a brand-new single coming out August 21st, BTS continue to show that their dedication and love for not only their art, but their fans, knows no bounds.  
BTS’s BangBangCon is now available for VOD purchase through Weverse!!!
Spotify Playlist | Apple Music Playlist 
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