#i made a pinned bc im bored and everyone else has one i feel left out
aqourz · 7 months
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Hello! I'm Mabel
They + 23 + 🇲🇽🇺🇲
I will not follow back if you are under 18.
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luccislegs · 5 years
i'm going to do it. ace/reader/vivi hcs maybe :lookingaway: poly relationship hcs.... bcs im love (w them and you mwah mwah)
ahhhh kizo im lov 2 w u 🥰🥰🥰
Vivi is a fashion designer, friends with you and Nami since highschool. She left to go abroad for an internship and was gone for a few years. In the meantime, you meet the brothers Ace, Sabo, and Luffy. Nami hits it off well with Luffy and you find yourself spending a lot of time with them.
Ace is a construction worker, mixing his off time with odd jobs here and there. He likes being active and in the sun, and he’s good at his job. He’s already attractive to you, all rippling muscles and tanned skin, and always smiling. So the more you get to know him and get to know his sweet, funny, and kind personality, it’s only natural you fall for him. The only problem is he’s a bit of a free spirit and doesn’t seem interested in a relationship. He’s always bringing other people home with him, and almost never the same person.
So you don’t bring it up. Except to Nami, who encourages you to bring it up with him. Luffy’s already told her that Ace talks about you all the time and that eases your worry a little, but you’re still unsure. You wouldn’t mind an open relationship or anything, but you don’t want to just be one of a parade of people he’s swinging through. It honestly isn’t until someone else asks you out on a date and you agree just for the sake doing something other than pining after Ace that something finally happens.
He knows the man, knows how terrible he is because he’s dated other women Ace knows, and is suddenly steaming jealous that you’re out with him. So he follows you, dragging Luffy along to make it seem less suspicious and when they show up and interrupt the date, you’re annoyed but also relieved because it’s going terrible. The man does nothing but talk about himself and his accomplishments and you’re bored. Ace and Luffy give you an out, and soon you’ve forgotten all about your date.
When you leave, Ace pulls you aside and half-heartedly apologizes, even though he’s wearing a bit of a smirk. He’s only sorry for being conniving, not for interrupting what he already knew was a terrible date. He asks you out after that, but you hesitate, asking if you can have time to think. Instead, and very surprisingly, he asks if it’s about the dating around. Again, you hesitate before nodding. You don’t want him to think you want him to change, but if you're just going to be another to him, then it isn’t going to work.
On the other hand, you’re a lot like him. You wouldn’t mind having another partner, and an open relationship isn’t off the table entirely. But free-floating through multiple partners at a time isn’t something you’re going to be okay with. You tell him all of that as best you can, anxiety tightening your throat and fogging your mind so that you’re unsure if you’re making sense or not. But at the end, he nods and takes your hand, promising to work it out.
Over the course of a few months, you and Ace grow closer and he isn’t seeing anyone else. You were worried at first that he thought he had to give up all of his other partners in order to make you happy, but when you brought it up he laughed you off. It isn’t that he feels he had to do it, he was only having fun with them. But he likes you and wants something real.
During that time, you find out Vivi intends to come back. Ace hadn’t yet met her, but the way you talked about her with a bright light in your eyes makes him like her already, and when she shows up, he’s instantly smitten. But then he remembers she’s one of your best friends and he’s already fallen head over heels for you, no way is he going to make any sort of move.
Meanwhile, you’re struggling yourself. Vivi has always been beautiful to you, and you won’t deny you used to have the biggest crush on her. You were sure you had gotten over it, but after 3 years apart it seemed it was back and stronger than ever. She looked more gorgeous than ever, sporting a beautiful tan and a new confidence that you hadn’t seen in her before.
When she runs into your arms, flinging hers around your neck and almost bowling you both over, your heart is in your throat as you lock eyes with Ace over her shoulder. He can see the emotions clear as day on your face, and he wonders if his own is reflected back at you. The whole day is spent in the company of your closest friends, and Vivi doesn’t leave your side for more than a few seconds at a time. Any time you look up, her eyes are on you and whenever they lock, she turns a faint pink and smile.
Ace isn’t oblivious to whatever is going on between you and Vivi, even if you’re unsure. The hug the two of you share at the end of the night is warm and lingers longer than any others you shared, almost as if you didn’t want to part. As you got into the passenger seat of his truck, he slung an arm around your shoulders. “So you and Vivi, huh? I can dig it.”
In the faint light from the streetlight, he can tell you’re blushing, averting your eyes to the side like you’re afraid to look at him. “I don’t know why. I thought I was over it but…” You don’t really know how to continue, instead picking at a loose thread on your jacket cuff. It felt weird, discussing your crush on your best friend with your other best friend and current partner. There was a disconnect of some kind going on, but you were also relieved you could talk so openly about it.
Ace smiled and pulled you closer, tucking you into his side. The seat belt around your waist cinched tighter, forcing you to adjust until you can comfortably lean against him. The warmth blowing out of the heater is nothing compared to the warmth he exuded, and you melt into it, nodding off on his shoulder as he drove.
As Vivi made her own way back to Nami’s apartment, where she was staying until she could find her own place, her thoughts kept drifting back to you. How had she never noticed how beautiful you were? No, that wasn’t it. She had always known, choosing instead to push it down and ignore it. You were friends, and she loved you dearly and didn’t want to push you away, so she refused to acknowledge it. But after a few years apart, it seemed like her emotions had flared even hotter, to the point where she couldn’t keep her eyes off of you all day. And you seemed to feel the same; everytime she looked up, she was locking eyes with you.
On the other hand, you were with Ace. She had never met him before, but she knew enough about him, and had studied the pictures you sent him, and she adored him for how he treated you. Somehow, however, meeting the real him was entirely different. The warmth and friendliness he exuded towards everyone made him more attractive than his picture could do, and there was a pang of guilt at the jealousy she felt over the two of you being so happy together, and over the fact that she would like to have the both of you.
Over the course of the next few weeks, the three of you were inseparable. It wasn’t a surprise to anyone, they were two of your best friends, but all three of you could feel something was different. The air between you was a strange combination of relaxed and friendly and tense, as if everyone was dancing around something unspoken. Everyone was hesitant about speaking in front of each other, afraid of their true feelings being revealed, and yet when you all stopped focusing on it, you got along like a house on fire.
Things really came to a head in the simplest way, when you were hanging out with Vivi at Nami’s one day. You were trying on one of her newly made outfits, one she was planning to use when she revealed her new fashion line to the public. It was still surreal to you that this sweet girl you had been friends with forever was now a rather famous fashion designer and was intending to launch her own line, but you were so happy for her. Her work was amazing and she was so good at it.
You stepped out from behind the screen divider, shyly looking at your feet as you waited for their reactions. The room was silent for a moment before the both of them blurted out at the same time.
“Oh, ___, you’re so beautiful.”
“Wow, gorgeous, babe.”
As soon as they realized they had done it, they looked at each other, their cheeks flushing pink as they locked eyes.
“Sorry,” Vivi murmured, looking at her feet. She had no reason to apologize, of course. It wasn’t uncommon for her to compliment her friends like that, but in her mind it didn’t mean the same thing. You were more than a friend to her, and that little stab of guilt hit her heart again.
“Nah, you’re right, ___ is beautiful,” Ace said, and there was a moment’s hesitation as he looked at you, took in your wide eyes, full of nervousness and hope, before he looked to VIvi again. “But so are you, Vivi.”
You could have heard a pin drop in the silence that followed his statement, his heart racing in his chest as he waited. It was a gamble on his part, but he was pretty sure he was right. After a few moments of a mexican standoff, you met Vivi’s eye and nodded, just a little, and she licked her lips. “Are you guys...I mean…”
You gulped, balling the hem of your shirt in your fist. “I like you, Vivi. I’ve liked you for a long time. But would you be okay with-- with Ace and I too?”
Vivi hadn’t had a whole lot of time to get to know Ace, but in the limited time she had spent with him, she had fallen for his charms. It was a no brainer. “I’m more than okay with it. I actually like Ace too...if that doesn’t bother you, ___.”
It was like a collective sigh escaped all three of you and the tension that had been lingering over the last few weeks dissipated with it. There were timid smiles all around, except from Ace who slung his arms around each of you with a laugh. From across his chest, you and Vivi locked eyes, tentatively reaching out to intertwine your fingers together, sharing an exasperated smile.
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doctor-sweet-blog · 7 years
also all belle and simba too lbr
☾ - sleep headcanon
belle sleeps primarily on her side, curled up all cute-like. she normally sleeps with her hand tucked up under her chin and all snuggled in her blankets, sometimes all you can see is the top of her head. and if she’s really tired--she totally drools. just a lil, enough to be cute and not gross. lol
★ - sad headcanon
i feel like there are?? so many?? after her mom died, her dad forgot her birthday every year. for like...twelve years, to the point where even belle forgot it was her birthday after a while.
☆ - happy headcanon
sometimes, on her dad’s good days, when he would go work in his workshop, he would let belle come in too and he would teach her different little mechanical things or show her his inventions in progress and belle always thought they were the most wonderful things.
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
when belle’s dad left she lowkey destroyed a bunch of his inventions because she was so mad. tbh, belle will definitely throw things when she’s mad enough. it doesn’t happen often but she is not opposed to lobbing a pillow or a book at someone.
✿ - Sex headcanon
obviously, she’s not the most interested in sex (and right now it definitely isn’t a priority rly) but she does appreciate it and i think when she has time (when everything stops being awful forever) she will get v v curious and that will be a #trip
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
gosh what hcs do i not have about belle’s house? i know i’ve mentioned this one a lot but it’s my favorite: belle’s house is covered in clocks. they’re everywhere. and none of them tell the proper time. they’re all wacked out.
♡ - romantic headcanon
belle’s way of showing romance is like surprisingly more physical than i imagined, but she’s not good at words, so she has to show it with her actions. she likes to touch people, just little touches (and this goes for friends too). once she feels comfortable, it is how belle shows affection bc she really doesn’t like touching strangers/being touched otherwise.
♥ - family headcanon
maurice and charisse met in paris while maurice was fixing one of the big fancy clocks in the opera house. charisse was on her way to practice and a spring got loose and hit her and she was so mad about it she started yelling at maurice but cut herself off halfway because she realized he was fixing a clock and goodness isn’t that fascinating--and she missed her rehearsal because she was just drilling him with questions.
☮ - friendship headcanon
in school there were definitely people who wanted to be her friend, most of belle’s loneliness was self-made because she thought people were pitying her or wanting to be her friend to get into her pants/have her help them with school (both of which were often true.) but she was very good friends with a few of her teachers, and of course, mr. livre, the owner of chapter three.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
humming. belle hums a lot. she used to sing too, when she lived alone. but she hums when she’s reading sometimes, even, without realizing she’s doing it. or hums while she’s making dinner or in the shower or cleaning (which she rarely does lmao)
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
secretly loves trashy romance novels, though she’d never admit to it. she’s not really a fan of autobiographies.
▼ - childhood headcanon
belle used to draw on her bedroom window with dry erase markers. she created these beautiful scenes to entertain herself (she’d like stage whole battles and stuff) because she didn’t have any traditional toys--no dolls or leggos or anything like that. all she really had was her imagination.
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
when belle will be sharp as a whip until the day she dies. she’s that grandma that is still up and moving around at 97 years old, correcting people for their grammar and having philosophical discussions.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
belle is not the world’s greatest cook. she had to entirely teach herself and while she is excellent at following a recipe, she is almost too good, and never leaves room for interpretation which leaves her food just kind of meh.
☼ - appearance headcanon
belle rarely wears patterns, unless she’s going to an event, and even then she stays away from them--or too-bright of colors. anything that draws the eye. she dresses pretty conservatively too, long to-the-knee skirts at least and blouses buttoned all the way up (she’s a master at safety pinning her shirts so they don’t pop open.)
ൠ - random headcanon
belle knows allllll the kinds of tools like the difference between a philip’s head and a flat head screwdriver; hammers, different kinds of nails, screws, etc etc. because she helped her dad a lot on his inventions.
☾ - sleep headcanon
as a kid, simba was read to every night without fail and then listened to books on tape to fall asleep, or music if all else fails. he got broken of the habit when away for school, but when he has a bad night the easiest way for him to get back to sleep is to listen to someone read him something.
★ - sad headcanon
every time something significant happens in his life (he gets engaged/married, has a kid/dog, gets a new job, moves)--he’s going to cry because he wants so badly to share those things with his dad and he can’t.
☆ - happy headcanon
simba is lowkey like super excited to go through all of kiara’s big milestones with her. he doesn’t really talk about it but he thinks about her graduations and her getting married (and he really hopes she’ll ask him to walk her down the aisle or some equivalent--”give her away” or w/e).
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
when simba gets angry it is almost 100% of the time because someone put someone in danger or was in danger themselves. most of his like true anger is a defense mechanism against fear.
✿ - Sex headcanon
simba is like the most goofy person during sex like 70% percent of the time. he likes to crack jokes or tickle or just do things to make the other person laugh because he’s super comfortable with his body and stuff but he knows other people aren’t so he’s always tried to be like a super relaxed partner and likes to make sex fuN because it should be FUN
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
when he was a kid, simba was superrrr messy. it got a little better when he was in boarding school bc im sure they had like regular room inspections, but as soon as he hit uni his shit exploded again. buttt when he bought the cabin, he fixed it up himself. there were like leaky ceilings and rotted floorboards and all sorts of stuff, and he spent like a whole year fixing it up and painting it and picking out all the furniture. his house is lowkey his baby and he doesn’t like it being messy bc he wants it to look impressive. it’s definitely like--lived in, but not messy.
♡ - romantic headcanon
simba is not one of those people who withholds his “i love you’s” and he’s not someone who thinks saying it makes it mean less because that’s utterly ridiculous. he grew up with a family that said “i love you” a lot and he thinks it’s very important that the person u love knows that.
♥ - family headcanon
there is a big line for simba between friends and family. and yes, it is possible for people not related to him to cross the divide, but it is very distinct for him. it doesn’t mean he really treats people differently--until it comes to making the decision of keeping someone in his life or not. friends are a lot easier for him to cut out, but it is almost impossible for him to cut out family (you have to be taka, lmao. he is the exception.)
☮ - friendship headcanon
simba is so incredibly loyal to his friends. and he is definitely that person to call when you have to move or when you need a last minute babysitter or you have two tickets to some boring art show and you need someone to go with you. the friend to call if you’re feeling weird while walking home at dusk. he will bend over backwards to keep the people he loves happy and he is more than wiling to lend an ear or helping hand.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
simba keeps a prayer mat in his office/at home/and in his car and he prays three times a day almost without fail (only if he is too depressed/drunk not to). he prays at sunrise (shorook), afternoon (asr), and evening (maghrib). (he mixes it up sometimes, like depending on his schedule he’ll pray at noon or later at night--there are five prayer times.)
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
simba loves snacks. or food in general. he’s always eating. which makes ramadan so rough for him ahaha. he very much dislikes people who think that they are know-it-alls. they make him feel stupid.
▼ - childhood headcanon
simba’s favorite thing when he was a kid was when everyone would get together and dance. this could be just him and his mom and dad; or him and nala and their other friends; or whole groups of people together. he just lovesss dancing.
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
simba will be the cutest old man omg. he’ll still love babies so much whenever someone in the family has a baby he’s that grandpa that is just so cute and wants to touch their little heads and give little kisses and give all sorts of life advice to the parents (unsolicited.)
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
food is a big, important thing to simba because it symbolizes family and bounty. he’s used to just having huge meal celebrations with his family and whenever he eats he hates to do it alone, he’ll go wandering around with his plate until he can find someone to bother while he eats.
☼ - appearance headcanon
simba is a surprisingly snazzy dresser. his mother has an eye for fashion, and tbh so does simba. he loves colors, he rarely wears jeans because he much prefers colored trousers. he has all sorts of fun shoes and shirts and ties and he wears colorful bracelets sometimes too, and occasionally cloth or beaded necklaces from kenya. now he has his dad’s watch that he wears sometimes, though not always.
ൠ - random headcanon
now that things are better, sarabi was finally able to give simba everything that was left to him by his father in the will--including a few quilts his grandmother made, his father’s watch and a few other pieces of jewelry, and, most importantly, his father’s wedding ring (sarabi gave him her wedding band too, though she kept the engagement ring to continue wearing.)
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