#i may or may not have been listening to bat country by avenged sevenfold while working on this
thaisibir · 2 years
Digimon Survive headcanons - Kaito as an adult
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An extension and elaboration of my first post on the Survive gang 15 years later
Age: 29 Profession: rock star
-For as long as he can remember, Kaito always had a hard time making friends. And for him, making six close human ones and a close Kemonogami one along the way is enough friends for a lifetime. Especially since he became famous, Kaito is very good at sniffing out bullshit from people who want to get chummy with him just because of his fame. He’s all about keeping it real and values his friends who’ve stuck with him through thick and thin, despite his flaws and difficult attitude.
-In the early years as Kaito’s music career picked up momentum, a few guys tried to form a band with him. Those attempts quickly fell apart due to many disagreements, disputes, and Kaito's short fuse. No one but Dracmon is truly in sync with him, and since that realization Kaito is adamant about not performing with anyone else.
-In his early twenties, Kaito struggled under the stress and pressure of international fame, and fell into smoking cigarettes and drinking excessively. He’d gotten into trouble once for driving while intoxicated, and twice when he got into a fistfight at a club. Trying to get his shit together, he checked himself into rehab. He’s been sober since and now swears off drinking. He’s still trying to quit smoking.
-Since journeying through the Kemonogami world, Kaito has been better about giving Miu the space she needs and tries hard not to coddle her. He’s still a worrywart when she makes public appearances at conventions. Since Minoru also likes to show up at those conventions, Kaito would discreetly tell him to keep an eye on Miu.
-Kaito frequents the local Buddhist temple, where he can meditate and clear his head to try getting his anger management and anxieties under control.
-Kaito keeps to himself and is notoriously private about his personal life. The only people who can really keep tabs on him is the Survive gang, and only because he lets them. Unlike his sister, he does not have any social media and refuses to partake in it. While he 100% supports Miu's career and influence on social media, he thinks it'd do him more harm than good to be on it himself. Kaito knows he's difficult to deal with, and being on social media would just be fuel to the fire. 
-Kaito enjoys performing in front of faceless crowds, but he doesn't do well with fans one on one. His social battery doesn't run long at all; meet and greets for photos and autographs are the bane of his existence. Ironically enough, his aloof, gruff manner makes him very popular with the girls.
-His first tattoo is Dracmon (to the surprise of absolutely no one). Dracmon likes to say how flattered he is to have his handsome face inked into Kaito’s skin forever.
-Kaito finds unlikely common ground with Aoi when he learned that she enjoys classic rock. His idea of fun during a reunion with his friends is to hit up a karaoke bar, and Aoi is his favorite singing partner as they jam to classic rock together. Before she left to study and live in the UK, her trips to karaoke with Kaito attracted great interest from the paparazzi. Tabloids spread rumors that they were dating, when they’re in fact just good friends hanging out to decompress and have fun.
-Out of everyone in the group, Takuma is the one Kaito feels the most comfortable around. Most of the time Kaito just wants someone who can lend an ear to his worries, anxieties, and frustrations, and Takuma is the right person for the job. He highly respects and greatly trusts Takuma. Since breaking his knee from the Kemonogami protest, Takuma was granted the same level of protectiveness as Miu, and since then Kaito makes sure to accompany him anywhere there could be trouble or danger.
-Dracmon became interested in drums since attending some live concerts of Kaito's favorite bands. Kaito enrolled Dracmon in drumming lessons and he picked it up with alarming speed. Soon Dracmon became the drummer who always performs alongside Kaito.
-Kaito owns a motorcycle that he and Dracmon share. The first Kemonogami to get a driver's license, Dracmon occasionally takes the motorcycle for a spin as Beelzemon.
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