#i may or may not have toothache rn
anglophiletraveler · 5 months
And Baby Makes...Eight?
This little fic was written for the Deano Bingo, unfortunately, I didn’t get it done by the end of April, but I’m putting it out there anyway.  For clarification, I refer to Mitchell in this story most of the time as John, because Anders calls him John, but the rest of the family still call him Mitchell.  I hope you like this little fic that turned out way longer than I first anticipated it would be, and has not been seen by a beta.  
The scene looked like it was something from a Lucille Ball movie - a waiting room in a maternity ward of a nondescript hospital with the typical baby colours and decorations and signs giving advice to new parents.  Various chairs are arranged along the walls of the room with white cubes in the middle of the room holding various magazines such as ‘Parent Life,’ ‘First Time Parents,’ ‘Working Mother,’ ‘Autism Parenting,’ and ‘Green Parenting’.  Along one wall was a large coffee maker to assist in those long nights of labour.  
On this particular day, the waiting room started out quiet and empty. The nursing staff was enjoying a slow day. But soon the Johnson family would be descending upon the room like a battalion storming the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. There were going to be various uncles pacing the waiting room like the expectant fathers they weren’t.  
Ty and Dawn had waited to start a family until the Norse gods had ascended from their human vessels, leaving them behind to lead normal human lives, whatever that may be. To Mitchell’s surprise, Bragi had granted Anders' wish of John becoming a mortal once again.  The former vampire could now see his reflection in mirrors, and his eyes no longer turned black and he could now have a normal toothache without fangs!  So the Kiwi and the Irishman had taken the plunge and married in a nice civil ceremony at the courthouse.  After John had graduated from nursing school and was now working as an RN at the hospital, the couple had finally left Anders’s bachelor flat and bought a home with a large back garden where their two rescue dogs ran around.  They weren’t sure of their breeds but the small grey one looked like the combination of a weiner dog and a poodle, so of course they named him Tank, and the larger brown and black dog could have been a mix between a great dane and a labrador retriever. So his name had to be Tiny. 
Throughout Dawn’s pregnancy, Anders always put on the cocky front that this was going to be an ugly baby just like the billion other babies out in the world.  But of course when nobody was watching, he doted on Dawn in the office whenever he could.  He often made her recline on the sofa and put her feet up on pillows.  
John was thrilled about Dawn’s pregnancy.  He had always wanted to be a father, but his previous circumstance of being a vampire had snuffed out that dream.  For the most part, Anders had gone along with John’s constant talk about babies, but occasionally felt he had to reign John in a wee bit.  He really didn’t want to hear about his sister-in-law’s birth canal and the stages that it went through, sore nipples, nor did he care to hear about something called a placenta.  John started reading baby books and whenever he found something that he thought Ty and Dawn should know, he immediately called them or went over to their home to tell them about it.  It really was quite sweet, and secretly Dawn enjoyed all of the attention.  Ty hadn’t minded it until the day after Mitchell had read the chapter on breastfeeding.   It was on that day that Anders and Mitchell had actually showed up at their house with multiple nursing bras, nursing nightgowns, a breast pump and various essentials including breast pump wipes, hot and cold breast pads, nipple shields, and of course nipple cream.  At first Ty thought they had brought all of this over as a joke, until Dawn pulled him aside and explained to him that it was done out of love.
So it was no surprise that Anders and John had been the first uncles to show up at the waiting room after Ty called them at 8 o’clock in the evening with the news that Dawn was having contractions and they were on their way!  The couple had tried to wait at home for news from Ty, but after they had both bitten off all their fingernails, they grabbed the hospital bag that they had packed for themselves (uncles need their own hospital bag?) and headed to the hospital.  Once they had arrived at the waiting room, they had set up camp in the corner of the waiting room closest to the coffee maker.  For a while they kept their wits about them, watching the staff go about their duties.  Every once in a while a nurse that John knew, would stop and chat with him.  
One nurse that John had gotten to know from his clinicals in the labour and delivery unit tried to talk him into coming to work for the labour and delivery department, “John, I was really surprised that you didn’t try for a position here.  You were such a natural during your clinicals, and worked really well with the moms.”  Anders watched John closely when she mentioned this.
John shook his head, “Aw, Julie you’re sweet.  Have you met my husband Anders?  Anders this is Julie, she’s the charge nurse for labour and delivery.”  Julie and Anders exchanged pleasantries.  Anders was impressed that this nurse was so impressed by John’s skills and spoke so highly of him.  He hadn’t met very many of John’s coworkers so he enjoyed this exchange.  John had his trademark smile on his face, “I did enjoy working here, but I think that it would be really hard working here and not being able to have one of my own.”
“I get it.  Well you and Anders could always hire a surrogate or adopt!  Where there’s a will there’s a way!  Well, I better get going.  It was nice seeing you again.”
Anders noticed the large sigh that John let out as Julie walked away, and the smile disappeared.  “Um, I’ll be right back, going to the loo,” Mitchell mumbled as he left Anders behind.  It broke Anders’ heart a little to see John's gorgeous smile disappear.  He knew how much he wanted children.  Anders had always discouraged the idea because he knew he would be a shit dad. As much as they loved their dogs, sometimes it didn’t seem like quite enough for John.
At one point Ty took a break from the birthing room and came out for a cup of coffee and some reassurance from his brother and brother-in-law.  
Anders noticed that his brother looked worn out, “Ty, are you alright?  Would you like one of us to go in with Dawn for a while?”
Mitchell and Ty both looked shocked at what Anders was offering.  
“I appreciate that Anders, but I don’t think you realise what goes on in that room.  And I don’t know if Dawn would want you in there, no offence.”
“None taken.  Well, if you change your mind, the offer still stands.”
Mitchell was interested in how the new mother was doing, “So Ty, how’s Dawn doing?  How far is she dilated?”
Ty sighed, “She’s tired, but she’s doing really well.  I’m so amazed by her strength.  She’s still dilated at six, so hopefully she starts progressing soon.”
Mitchell was shaking his head in agreement, “She will mate, don’t worry.  Don’t forget that since this is her first bairn, the labour can take longer.”
Ty finished his coffee, “I’ll keep that in mind.  I better get back in there.  Thanks for being here guys.”
Anders and John got up to give Ty a big hug.  With tears in his eyes, Anders clasped Ty’s face, “We’re here for you baby brother.”  
After Ty left the waiting room, Mitchell looked at Anders, “You know, I’m totally shocked that you offered to go into the birthing room to help Dawn out.  I’m actually pretty impressed, Anders.”
“Nah, I care about Dawn.  I’ve seen her at her worst, and she’s seen me at mine.  What’s a few contractions between friends?  People forget that I’ve known Dawn longer than Ty has.”
Mitchell smiled at Anders and gave him a quick kiss.
Later on, Mike, Michelle and Axl carrying an extremely large teddy bear, came strolling in at just about the time Dawn’s screams went up a decibel or two.
Axl was standing around with his hands in his pockets while the rest of the Johnsons were chatting.  Finally he asks, “Who is that screaming?”  They all stop talking and turn around and look at Axl in disbelief and yell, “Dawn!”
Axl came to the realization, “Are you fucking kidding me?  That’s Dawn screaming?  Holy shit!”
“Axl! If you get us kicked out of here, I’m going to shove that bear up your arse!” Anders threatened his brother.  John put his hand on Anders’s shoulder to try to calm him down, “C’mon love, lets go sit down.”  The other three followed suit and sat down.
Mike looked at his watch, “So Anders, how long has Dawn been screaming like that?”
Anders looked at John, “I don’t know, what do you think John? About a half hour?”
“Yeah, her contractions have really started getting closer and harder.  I’m sure that Ty’s losing the feeling in his hands by now,” John replied.
“Better him than me!” Michelle was her typical supportive self.  
Axl was holding the teddy bear looking pale, “I thought that was only in the movies that women screamed like that when having babies.”
Mitchell smiled at his young brother-in-law, “Every mum is different, Axl. And it also depends on if it’s the mum’s first bairn or not.”  
Axl nodded his head like he understood what Mitchell just said.  
There were the typical overhead pages for a hospital going off.  Mitchell and Michelle listened to them instinctually but didn’t react to them since they weren’t working.  At one point there was a Code Blue called that raised Mitchell’s attention.  Anders looked at Mitchell, “Isn’t that where you work, babe?”  Mitchell nodded his head, “Yep, sure is.  I don’t know who it would be though, there wasn’t a patient in that bed yesterday when I worked.”
“Well, do we know if this new Johnson is a boy or a girl?” Michelle asked.  
Anders chuckled at Michelle’s coldness when asking about the baby, “No we don’t know.  Ty and Dawn decided not to tell anyone the sex of the baby.  Michelle, weren’t you there at the baby shower?”
“God no.  I can’t stand those things and all of those stupid games they play.  And then some mother starts talking about how long her contractions were when they were in labour and where she was when her waters broke.”
Some more screaming came from the birthing room, which made Michelle clinch her legs together.  
Axl stood up all of a sudden, “Oh shit, more screaming!”
Michelle stood up now, “Of course she’s screaming Axl, she’s pushing a watermelon through her vagina!”
Anders huffed at Michelle, “Well Michelle, nobody can accuse you of being overly maternal.”
Mike stood up and steered Axl away from Michelle, “Why don’t you just have a seat Axl, this could take a long time.”
The main doors to the unit opened and everyone looked to see who it was.  It turned out to be someone from environmental services riding the floor cleaner that looked like a little zamboni.  
“Jeezus, the fumes that thing leaves behind is almost as bad as a real zamboni,” Mike observed.
John looked at his watch and got up and made more coffee for everyone since it seemed like it could be a long night ahead.  He was starting to feel a little nervous on the inside but he didn’t let anyone else know how he was feeling.  It had been five hours since he and Anders had arrived at the hospital, and another six or seven hours that Dawn had contractions while at home, and while 10-12 hours wasn’t a horribly long time for labour, it was enough that it was making him nervous.  The nurse in him wished that he was in the birthing room and knew how dilated Dawn was and what the baby’s heart rate was.  He found himself staring out a window at the dark night and the street lights lighting the way for those drivers who happened to be out at this time of night.  He heard a voice beside him, “She’s going to be fine.” John turned his head to find Michelle standing next to him.  “Sometimes being a nurse or a doctor is harder when you know what can go wrong in a situation.  But she’ll be fine,” John was surprised by Michelle’s soothing voice.
He let out a big sigh, “Yeah, I just wish that I was in there and knew what was going on.  I don’t like being on this side of the waiting room.”  John turned around and noticed that Mike and Anders were pacing, and Axl was pouting in the corner holding on to the large bear with a face like a little boy. The scene made Mitchell smile.  
The double doors to the birthing rooms opened causing everyone to turn and see Ty come through wearing scrubs.  He sat down exhausted rubbing his face with his hands, “The nurses are changing Dawn’s bed so I came out here for a break.”
Everyone spoke at once asking for the latest news on Baby Johnson.  Ty raised his hands to get them to quiet down, “The nurses say they don’t think it will be much longer, maybe another hour or so.  I feel so bad for her.  She’s getting tired.  I wish that I could take the pain away from her.”
John sat down next to Ty and put his hand on his shoulder, “Aw, it’ll be over soon, mate.  Just keep rubbin’ her back for her.”
“I feel so helpless, like I’m not doing enough for her…”
Michelle interjected, “I’m sure you’re doing everything you can Ty.  Mitchell’s right, just keep rubbing her back.  Fall back on what you learned in the birthing classes.”
One of the ward nurses came back out to get Ty, so he went back in with Dawn.  
Michelle’s personality changed as soon as he walked out of the room.  She turned and looked at Mike, “Don’t ever think of getting me pregnant!”  Mike’s eyes got big as saucers and raised his hands to let her pass through.
Two pots of coffee and two hours later, the Johnson brigade was back to pacing in the waiting room, although Axl had managed to fall asleep in his chair still holding the gargantuan teddy bear.  Throughout the night the brothers had managed to move the teddy bear in different poses and took several pictures of Axl holding it!  
Mitchell suddenly noticed the nurses in the nursing station got busier and left the station to go back towards the birthing rooms. Then the scream from Dawn got lower. John turned to look at Michelle but she was already looking at him.  
Then there was silence and everyone stopped in their tracks.
Then there was a tiny cry!  Everyone let out a sigh of relief and laughter.  One of the nurses that Mitchell knew came back out quickly and gave a thumbs up to the family and went back in. That was a huge relief to everyone, in particular to John.  Anders looked for his husband and finally found him sitting on a chair with his face in his hands crying.  Anders kneeled in front of him and put his hands on John’s, “Hey Babe, it’s okay.  It’s over… Love?” He moved to sit in the chair next to him and started running his hand through John’s hair to try and comfort him.  Anders let John take a moment to get himself together.  When John dried his eyes he raised his head and Anders gave him a big hug and kiss.  He placed his hands on Mitchell’s face, “I’ve been watching you all night.  You’ve been worried about Dawn this whole time, haven’t ya?”
John had a few tears roll down his face  and nodded his head, “Yes, I have to admit it.  I’ve been worried off and on.  I’ve been going nutter not being in there to make sure Dawn was alright.”  Anders gave John another hug.  
“What the hell is going on?” Axl’s voice coming from the corner.  Everyone looked at him and laughed.
As soon as Dawn was cleaned up and moved to her room, and all of the measurements of the newborn were done, four uncles, one aunt and one bear were gowned and allowed to go meet the newest Johnson.  The door slowly opened and three heads stuck through the door to find a pink cheeked Dawn sitting up in bed holding a bundle of joy with Ty standing next to her with the biggest smile anyone has ever seen on his face!
A smiling Ty waved everyone in, “Come on in, come in!” And they all pushed through, including the giant bear.
Dawn was laughing at all of the family, and everyone was asking “What is it!  Is it a boy or a girl” 
Dawn couldn’t stop smiling, “Look what we made!  This is Miss Johnson!”
Everyone was oohing and aahing at finally having a baby girl in the family to spoil!  Even Mike was smiling at the baby.
“Dawn, you look amazing!  How do you feel?” Michelle asked the new mother.
“I feel great! Kind of numb, but very happy!  Mike, would you like to hold her first?” Dawn asked the eldest brother.
Mike looked shocked, “Me! Why me?”
Anders laughed at his brother, “Because you’re the old man, bro!”
Ty gingerly handed the baby to Mike, “It’s been a long time since anyone in this family has held a baby.”  Mike started cooing at her and looking at her tiny hand.  “She’s so tiny! Aren’t you a beauty!  You like your mum, thank goodness!”  Everyone chuckled at that.  Mike looked up at Axl, “Axl do you want to hold her?”
Axl looked pensive at the thought and rubbed his hands on his pants.  He looked at Dawn, “I don’t know how, I don’t want to drop her.”
Ty looked at his baby brother, “Go ahead Axl, you’ll be fine.”  Mike carefully handed her to Axl and showed him how to support her head.  Axl got a grin on his face and just stared at her for a moment, and then she fussed a bit, “Here you better take her back Mike.”
“Hang on you egg, it’s my turn,” Anders walked over to Axl and took the baby from him like an old pro.  “I used to hold you when you were this young Axl.  Look at you gorgeous!  Look at that beautiful blonde hair just like your favourite uncle’s.  You are certainly a beauty, and we are going to beat off any man that looks at you twice.”
Mitchell stood behind Anders with his hands on his arms while he held their new niece.  He had tears in his eyes watching Anders hold their new niece.  He was definitely a natural at it.  Anders looked up at Michell, “Are you crying again?  You are such a sap!”
Mitchell shrugged his shoulders, “I can’t help it!  I love babies, especially this one.  Here, hand her over to me now.”  Mitchell took her from Anders.  Instead of holding her in his arms like everyone else did, he held her up close to his shoulder so he could smell her.  “I love that new baby smell.  Dawn and Ty looked at each other briefly and then smiled at Mitchell.  He lowered her to his arms so that he could stare at her some more.
Michelle spoke up, “So you never said…what did you name her?”
“Well, it was a hard decision.  We couldn’t agree on a name that we both liked,” Dawn said.
“So then we thought of family names…” Ty said with an unsure voice.
Mike cringed, “Oh don’t tell me that you named her Agnetha.”
Dawn was still smiling, “No of course not.  Well none of us have mothers that we loved enough that we would want to name her after except… Mitchell!”  Mitchell was still in awe of the baby and didn’t catch on to what was being said around him.  “Mitchell loved his mother very much, so we named her Mary Elizabeth.”   Finally Mitchell heard something to make him pay attention, “What?  You named her after… my mum?!”
Dawn looked at Mitchell a little more seriously, “Is that alright?  I know we didn’t ask you.  If you don’t want us to, we can always change it.”
Anders was watching the shocked look on John’s face, “Oh fuck he’s going to start crying again!”
“I can’t believe that you… what an honour.  Thank you so much!  That means the world to me!”  Mitchell leaned down to kiss Mary Elizabeth on the head.  Anders wrapped an arm around John’s waist and leaned in to his husband, and smiled.
Anders cleared his throat and looked at the new parents, “That’s really lovely.  Thank you.”
The door opened and a nurse stepped in the room, “Alright everyone.  It’s late and this new mum and babe need their rest.  You can visit them tomorrow.”
Mike spoke up, “Alright guys, you all heard the lovely lady, time to go.  Congratulations Ty and Dawn, you have a beautiful daughter.”  They all said their goodbyes to the baby still in Mitchell’s arms on their way out the door.  Anders and John were still standing, staring at Mary Elizabeth.  
“Babe, I think it’s time to go,” Anders patted John on the shoulder.
“I guess,” John walked over to give the baby back to Dawn, “Here ya go all safe and sound.  Thank you so much for naming her for my mum.  It’s really special for me.”
“You’re welcome, Mitchell,” Dawn said.
Anders and John shuffled into their house dead tired.  It had been a long night at the hospital and they were just ready to go to bed but Tank and Tiny came running over to greet their parents with a high pitch, yappy bark and a deep ferocious bark.  If one didn’t really know Tiny’s personality, you would think he was going to swallow you whole, but he was just a teddy bear.
"Oh fuck I forgot about you two,” Mitchell’s voice was tired and a little hoarse.  “Come on you two wankers, I’ll let you outside.”  This was one of the times that he was very grateful that the back garden was fenced in and all they had to do was open the back door to let the beasts out.
Anders had already started to strip, “John do you want anything to drink or eat?”
John sat at the kitchen table waiting for the dogs to come back inside, “Something cold.  Do we have any bottled water in the icebox?”
Anders smiled at John calling it an icebox, a reference to his childhood days in Ireland.  He opened the fridge door, “Uh yes, yes we do.  You want that?”
“Yes please.  I can’t believe how exhausted I am.  I’m more tired than if I had worked a normal 12 hour shift,” John saw that the dogs were just playing around now so he whistled for them to come inside.  He followed Anders’s lead and started taking his clothes off. He chugged one bottle of water down right away and grabbed another to take upstairs.  
Anders wrapped his arm around John’s naked waist and kissed his neck, “C’mon babe, let’s go to bed.”  He locked the back door and turned off the kitchen light and pulled John to go upstairs with him, the dogs following right behind them.
Tank and Tiny jumped up on the king-size bed and took their place waiting for their masters.  Anders had tried to train them to not sleep on the bed, but eventually gave up when he caught John several times allowing the dogs on the bed.
“Are you going into the office tomorrow?” 
Anders sighed, “Fuck no, at least not right away.  I do have some afternoon appointments that I have to attend to.  What about you?”  Anders finished stripping and climbed into bed.
“Umm what’s today?”
Anders looked at his phone, “It is now officially Thursday the 10th.”
John looked at his work scheduled on his phone, “I guess I’m off today.  Well, Miss Mary Elizabeth has great timing!” The smile had returned to John’s face as he crawled into Anders’s arms.
“Yes, I guess she does!  She’s such a beautiful baby isn’t she?”
John raised up, “Wait a minute, I thought you said that all babies are ugly?”
“Well, all babies are ugly except for Mary Elizabeth.  No other baby can compare to her.” 
John gave Anders a long kiss, “Mmm I agree, love.  I still can’t get over that they named her after my mum.  I didn’t want to give her back to Dawn.  And YOU mister ‘I don’t want to have any kids’… YOU were a natural when you were holding her!”
“Hold on, hold on, you’re forgetting that I helped raise Ty and Axl from when they were born.  Holding a baby doesn’t scare me, being a father scares me.  And can we please stop talking so you can start kissing me!”
Mitchell’s laugh lit up his face, “I love you Anders Mitchell-Johnson.”
“I love you too John Mitchell-Johnson.”
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ser-comfrance · 7 years
So Imagine; Eggsy and Harry, having nowhere else to go, coming home to London and crashing at Michelle’s house.
Eggsy fucking ecstatic because he’s missed so much and Daisy’s so big, and they’d lost track of how long they’d been in America and, “What! It’s no November already!? As if I missed Halloween!”
Eggsy absolutely not balling his eyes out when Dais vanishes and reappears in her best princess dress and vampire teeth, with a plastic batman mask for him.
“Put it on like this,” she says, jamming it on his face upside down. “And say ‘tickor treat’.”
She pulls out her bag of sweets and they spend the entire day eating chocolate and watching nightmare before christmas and he loves that she snuggles in for the scary bits even on the 4th showing.
Harry finding him a few days later, curled into the sofa with a bag of frozen peas on his face, cursing the fireworks. Harry sighing fondly, “You know we don;t have dental resources right now, you idiod child, why.”
But he lets Eggsy lay his head in Harry’s lap, and strokes his hair, and Daisy snuggles into his stomach, and his mum picks up a ton of ibuprofen for him and lets him pick the films even though he’s half asleep, and the toothache is totally worth it.
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butterfluffy · 2 years
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ੈ♡˳· “when i looked at you, i had a toothache! i mean, how can i not when you're the sweetest thing ever?”
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ੈ♡˳·┊basic info:
fluff/fluffy | minor | female | she/her | straight | july 8 | cancer | INTP | ambivert
(likes) - anime | cats | reading | writing | drawing | memes | dark humor
(dislikes) - creeps | too much noise | horror | anyone/anything annoying | hot weather | school
ੈ♡˳·┊animes/fandoms i'm in:
one piece (main fandom) | haikyuu!! | jjba (i'm at jolyne's part rn) | h×h | aot | spy × family | dr. stone | kakegurui
ੈ♡˳·┊currently crushing on:
trafalgar d. water law | eustass kid | basil hawkins | killer
english | tagalog/filipino | i understand spanish a bit
ੈ♡˳·┊current concern/s:
i keep on accidentally posting my works that are still in progress and it's hella annoying and embarrassing knowing that some people seen it.
i hate it how i suck at striking conversations and comforting.. ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
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⠀⠀➧ these are all the things you need to know about me, you may ask me for more, but have boundaries when doing so! and i wish to interact with you all! ♡
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© butterfluffy 2022
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iaminlovewithmytc · 7 years
Today was weird day.
So basically today when I saw J I was like hmm let me make him jealous, and I stared speaking and laughing with another boy near J and I’m 100% sure he saw and hear us really well and I was so confident back then because I saw he was angry and jealous I was like yeeeeah but then my classed with J stared and actuality I was late and he started to screaming @ me like “where did you been for that long?!” and I was really surprised because he never screamed @ me before but yeah after that he left for a minute and then I asked my schoolmates why J is so angry and they said he has toothache and then everything was clean. I mean not that all but yeah, I really feel but rn, I can’t stop thinking about him, I’m worrying so much, and the things is that I don’t know is he really speaking the truth because I mean I know that he may have a toothache but how do you guys think? Is that was just a excused because he was really jealous or he had a toothache seriously?
Damn, I’ll worry about him no matter what.
Fuck my life.
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ohlookitstomorrowff · 5 years
Hey, long time no see ☂️, how's your chest infection and toothache going? Actually, do you have any news about anything rn (especially about fics, "her name" and "in these lines you'll find our story" because I'm aaaaaa) (or your life, because I mean, that's interesting too heh)
Heya:) xo
I’m doing decent, toothache and chest infection have subsided, finally (thank god!) I’m almost finished writing chapter 8 of ITLYFOS - it’s my favourite chapter as of yet - things have just been really slow as I seem to have acquired a life these past few weeks. It’s like a night out aint a night out ‘til Tails walks in… sorry, that was an awful pun/joke. How’ve you been? LIKE SERIOUSLY, I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU! Haha, I may be suffering from a lack of sleep, and therefore, I’m not coherent… xo
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What was the best thing to happen to you this week? This week was probably the most uneventful one of the quarantine so far... I did like the fact that I made my own dalgona coffee last Wednesday! I don’t know how it’s faring in the other side of the world, but it’s a pretty big trend around Asia at the moment.
Where do you put your keys when you get home? I never got accustomed to putting it one place – every day it’s in a new area in the house haha but usually it’s at one of these places: hung on my doorknob, on the living room table, on the dining table, on top of my drawer, or on my bedside chest. Sometimes when I get home super late and have to wake up early, I don’t even take my keys off of me anymore.
Do you prefer hot coffee or iced coffee? Iced, which is why I’m missing coffee shops a ton rn. I have to deal with making lukewarm coffee at home. Water’s kind of a luxury at this point with most of the water refilling stations being temporarily closed down, so I can’t really afford to waste my family’s stock of water just to keep making iced coffee.
What’s your phone background picture? For the longest time my lock screen was a photo of Kobe and Gigi Bryant, but I just changed it an hour ago of a photo of the sky and the beach.
If you could move to any country, what would it be? Is Finland the one whose government is populated by mostly women? I’d love to live in their world. 
Have you ever seen a snake in the wild? I may have once or twice. I live in the Philippines after all haha.
What’s your favourite movie from the 80s? Ooh, good question. I never did like most of the stuff that came out of the 80s so I had to Google the movies that came out then. Turns out I enjoyed a few: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is my absolute favorite one, and my runners-up are Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, and This is Spinal Tap.
Do you have any posters, paintings or other artwork on your walls? I have several wall decors of Aubrey Hepburn on one side, and I have a few paintings on the other.
What would your dream wedding be like? Hopefully big and expensive. My parents have always preferred to keep family celebrations simple and lowkey, and I’ve been really itching to break out of that cycle and throw a huge ceremony/celebration for myself for once.
Would you ever take a trip to space if given the chance? Already answered this in a previous survey but absolutely hell yeah. I wanted to be an astronaut for quite a long time, so I won’t let go of the chance if it came.
How do you cope with anxiety? I take surveys, find a YouTube series to distract me, or simply take a nap. Bottomline is I can’t be stuck doing nothing.
Are you expecting any phone calls or emails? It’d be nice to hear a reply from my prof. I submitted a paper three weeks early (she gave an April 17 deadline so that we didn’t have to work on it during the break, but I went ahead and did it and submitted mine anyway) and I would love a “thank you” or “I appreciate this,” but whatever haha.
What’s the weather like in your part of the world right now? My weather app says 28C, which is 81F.
What was the last takeout food you ate? Haven’t had that in a while cos they’ve also closed down restaurants. But hmm, I think we were able to get Jollibee before they imposed a stricter lockdown.
Who makes you laugh the most? Angela, Gabie, Andrew, JM, Aya, my dog.
Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? No. I know of people who have my middle name as their surname, but I’ve never been middle name twins with anyone other than my cousins.
What did you have done the last time you saw a dentist? I needed to be treated for a really bad toothache, which turned out to be deposit piled together in that area.
What does a successful relationship look like to you? Idk I think it’s different for all couples, but it’s nice to have maturity and healthy communication as start-off points.  
What do you like to put on your baked potato? I don’t really have those a lot – I never order them and it’s not the kind of thing either of my parents make. But uhhh I guess I’d like a lot of bacon and cheese in them, but that’s about it.
What field of science interests you the most? Biology. It’s one of my the-one-that-got-away courses; like I’m generally average in science but I’ve found that I do unusually well in biology, so there was a time I did consider taking it up and heading to med school. I had to let it go when I faced the reality that I was terrible in chemistry.
What’s the closest shop or restaurant to your house? There’s a McDonald’s situated literally right beside our village. Homeowners would typically go there in their pajamas, lol.
Do you have any family that live in another country? I have tonssssss of family living all around the world. I have family in Illinois, New York, Kentucky, Texas, Vietnam, New Zealand, and China. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are any more immigrant relatives I missed; Filipino families are huge.
What colour is your couch? Gray. < Yeah, same.
Do you know how to care for plants and keep them alive? Hell no. I’ve tried caring for a few before and even though I always followed the right ways to take care of them, they always died lmao. My thumb is just far from being green, I guess.
What was the most memorable birthday you’ve had? 18th and 20th. I’d call my 19th memorable too, but I celebrated those with people who are no longer in my life, so I don’t want it to matter.
Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains? Right now I’d really prefer the beach. The area where I live is already pretty mountainous so a change in scenery would be heavenly for me now.
What do you do for work? I don’t work yet!
Have you ever been to see the circus? Does Cirque du Soleil count? That’s the only circus-related thing we have here.
Are there any words that you hate or make you cringe? I heavily dislike cunt.
What is the best house you’ve ever lived in? Our current one. It’s peaceful and quiet here, and we get a nice view of the city all year round, and of the fireworks when it’s New Years. We moved out of our old house mostly because my parents couldn’t anymore take the alcoholism issues that run in the extended family, so the fact that our present house doesn’t smell like brandy every night or the fact that I haven’t seen a drunk-fight in over a decade is a big relief for me.
What was the first CD you ever bought? It was I Am... Sasha Fierce by Beyoncé, in ‘08. That was the first album I ever bought cos I was a new fan back then, but when I started getting more interested in Bey I caught up and bought her older albums as well.
Do you look in the mirror before you leave the house? Yeah, almost always. Sometimes I won’t have time to because I’m running late.
What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten? I’m adventurous when it comes to food – and I’m also Asian LOL – so a lot of stuff I’ve eaten may be everyday food for me but unusual to like, Americans lol. I know so many who already squirm at sea urchin or balut (duck embryo), which is a Level 1 Filipino street food, so I guess you’d be even more grossed out if I say I’ve tried pig’s blood on a stick, pig’s ears, frog legs, and a day-old chick.
Have you ever seen someone quit their job in a dramatic way? No, I’ve never hung out in a workplace for that long.
What movie reminds you of your childhood? Finding Nemo, Brother Bear, and Toy Story.
Do you know why your parents named you what they did? My dad said they liked the name, my mom said I was named after the singer.
Do you have any bills that need to be paid? I think the bills just arrived today; I remember my dad getting them from the front door.
What do you like to dip your fries in? MAYONNAISE, and mayo only.
Is your house clean or messy right now? It’s always pristine cos my mom’s a bit of a clean freak.
What was the last email you received? Announcements from the university. It doesn’t really concern me though so I haven’t opened them, oops.
Do you know someone who speaks without a filter? Yeah, me.
Are you in any social groups? Yeah I still have bits and pieces of my high school group, but I mostly hang out with my orgmates who have since been my close friends.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 7. Would’ve been more hours but my mom likes cutting my sleep so I can eat breakfast with the rest of the family.
What’s your favourite kind of museum? I enjoy museums with archaeological pieces and evidence more than any other museums, which is why I’ll always be in love with Ayala Museum’s collection of gold accessories from our pre-colonial period, and the National Museum of Anthropology’s collection of artifacts recovered from a galleon trade shipwreck in 1600.
Do you believe in alternate universes? Yes. This piece by one of my favorite people, Gaby Dunn, completely converted me to team alternate universes.
Whose house did you last visit? Gabie’s.
What games do you play on your smart phone? Simple ones that’d take my mind off of things, nothing too complicated nor battery-draining. I’m loving 1010 and Sort It right now.
What was the first concert you ever went to? Paramore in 2013. I was a bit of a late bloomer when it came to concerts.
Do you know anyone who is colourblind? I don’t think so.
What’s your favourite season and why? Can’t relate lol.
Are you the youngest, middle or eldest child in your family? Eldest.
If you had to make something for a potluck, what would you make? I’d learn how to make lumpia, because that’s never not a winner at parties.
What kinds of decorations do you put up at Halloween? I don’t put up decorations; I just like having costumes.
How many tabs do you have open right now? In my current window, 14.
What’s something you’ve been meaning to do but keep putting off? Progress on my thesis and a term paper for my history class. Shhhhh I’m on a break, let me enjoy it.
What’s the first thing you check on your phone at the start of the day? Notifications on Twitter and Facebook.
Have you ever flown a kite? Only as a kid. I don’t think I’ve done it since Grade 5.
Who was your favourite music artist when you were 16? Ooooh that was the time I let go of my punk phase and got introduced to other cool artists by Gab and Athenna – around this time I was heavily into Banks, Hozier, and alt-J.
What are three things you usually always have in your fridge? Eggs, bread, meat.
0 notes
gonewiddershins · 5 years
a bunch of ask memes
as always, thanks to @what-may-be-perceived for indulging my easily bored ass~
pick any fandom you want, i'm curious to hear your choices
8. my I will go down with this ship and I won’t put my hands up and surrender, there will be no white flag above my door. I’m in love and always will be fave ship 
I’m not really much of a shipper- friendships usually work just as well or better than romantic relationships. I do like the way this question is phrased, though- since it lets me actually answer the thing.  
If most romantic relationships downgraded to just friendship I would just nod sagely and put up that white flag. I usually just latch on the canon ships because I really couldn’t care enough to come up with my own, or fanfic-inspired ships because same. When sexualities sunk my one active PJO ship did I hunker down and hold the fort? No. I started a crossover buddy comedy.
One exception I can think of is Gil and Tarvek from Girl Genius. I have been screeching for those boys to shut their traps and KISS ALREADY since the Si Vales Valeo arc, and I know that canonically they are both very into Agatha but it’s THEM I am romantically invested in and I will be actively disappointed if they don’t become canon.
Another exception is (sigh) Thomas and Justine from The Dresden Files. I DON’T KNOW why I’m so invested in this ship but I am despite the fact that they get BARELY ANY screentime or development and 90% of the ship is in my head. If they do not get a fairly happy ending I’ll probably be very upset.
Female Character I’d Marry; Male Character I’d Marry
None. I take the concept of marriage very seriously and I would prefer to not marry anyone till there has been an actual relationship and cohabitation. There are also no characters I would want to date, tbh. The ones I like are all very high-maintenance and I just wanna be friends with (or admirers of) all the comparatively low maintenance characters.
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.
Indirectly? Tanoraqui on tumblr, whose posts made me check out girl genius. I’m choosing to assume “fandom” means “at least passively involved in the discourse” rather than “liked the media thingy.” 
5. World building: What do you love most about the world the story takes place in? What does the author do to make it so appealing? Do they deal with alternate history, have a unique take on a cliched theme or story element? 
Okay so I want to talk about the Temeraire books here because I have seen a lot of books with solid worldbuilding but this- it’s in a league of its’ own. It’s the most in-depth Historical fic AU that I’ve ever seen, especially once it starts to go away from the British Isles. There’s just so much speculation done on how the presence of dragons would impact colonialism and it is… SO GOOD? I started to read these books because of a naval officer and his Large Dragon Son but then the way the dragons were seen and how they influenced various cultures and Laurences’ slow but steady realization that the British Empire is Certifiably Horrible because he can’t ignore the facts in front of his eyes? Excellent!
41. Favorite fluffy tropes?
-       Non-threatening sickness fics. Characters have leaking noses or toothaches or chickenpox and is miserable and they in turn irritate the heck out of other characters who love them very much BUT ALSO HONESTLY.
-       Idk if this really qualifies as fluff but I LOVE outsider povs where the muggles meet he harried protagonists at the latter stages of their journey and become all like THESE CHILDREN ARE TIRED AND THEY NEED HELP SO I WILL HELP THEM without knowing that said people saved/are saving the world and whatnot.
-       Two characters who don’t like each other are forced to get along in domestic setting (festive dinner? Normal dinner? Barbecue?) because their mutual Loved One wants it so. Mutual loved one is aware of the tension but they WILL FORCE THEMSELVES TO SMILE THROUGH THIS OR DIE, GODDAMMIT. Let THESE fuckers feel uncomfortable all the time for a change. Alternatively, it is one of those Important Events like a Wedding.
-       Actually pretty much all Outsider PoV fics with any element of “oh that poor soul they look tired” makes me feel mushy. It’s a thing.  
-       Characters have passionate (but non-serious, because it’s not the fucking end of the world if you disagree on something) arguments about really dumb things. Like who was cheating at Go Fish.
There’s probably more tbh but I can’t think of them rn.
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virginiamurrayblog · 6 years
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF
Summer may be coming to an end, but we’re *seriously* burning up. Why? Because the most highly-anticipated romcom of the summer has truly #blessed us with eye candy.
Crazy Rich Asians, which hit theatres on Aug 15, is BIG for many reasons: It’s the first film featuring an all-Asian cast in 25 years (we repeat, the first all-Asian cast in a quarter of a freaking century). It’s breaking down stereotypes about Asian culture, bringing some much needed representation to Hollywood and the big screen. And, to quote FLARE writer Madelyn Chung: “Not to be shallow, but can we talk about the hunky, shirtless, Asian men?”
Seriously, the leading lads are sexy. Like, super sexy.
If you haven’t yet treated yourself to this delicious feast of finery, here’s a taste. First, there’s Nick Young—heroine Rachel Chu (Constance Wu)’s BF and heir to a serious family fortune—played by Hollywood newcomer (but longtime stud) Henry Golding. And he’s…OK to look at if you’re into breathtakingly handsome. Seriously, someone audibly gasped in the theatre when Golding took his shirt off, which like, same.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Perfect hair, fitted suits and the debonair swagger of a man who would both respect you as an equal and hold the door open for you? Is it hot in here or is it just us?
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
To quote icon and queen Peik Lin (Awkwafina), Crazy Rich Asians is basically “like the Asian Bachelor!” But, TBH, we should only be so lucky to see this level of hunkiness, and diversity, from the Bach franchise.
Same, Rachel. Same.
And Nick Young is far from the film’s only hottie-with-a-body. His good friend Colin Khoo, played by Chris Pang, is dorm-room-poster worthy beautiful.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And don’t worry, if men in suits aren’t really your thing, Crazy Rich Asians also delivers plenty of, um, “dressed-down” scenes for your viewing pleasure.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Eye candy so sweet, we have a toothache.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And let’s not forget Astrid’s husband, Michael Teo (Pierre Png) who makes a very *steamy* (pun intended) entrance in the film and trailer, as he exits the shower.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Our loins rn:
As superficial as all this ogling may seem, it’s also important. The portrayal of the Crazy Rich Asian hotties defies the stereotype of Asian men as nerdy, geeky, “unattractive” and romantically undesirable. As Chung notes in her FLARE piece, Crazy Rich Asians isn’t only challenging Asian stereotypes, but also “redefining North American standards of beauty by putting more Asian men and women into the spotlight, in a different light than they’re usually portrayed.” And this wasn’t happenstance.
“I think it’s important for Asian men to get portrayed that way,” co-screenwriter Adele Lim told Men’s Health of the shirtless scenes in the film. Lim and her co-writer intentionally depicted Asian men as sexy and masculine. They brought this thirst trap to life by emphasizing the joy of being attractive, fit Asian men—something that was inspired directly from the novel, like author Kevin Kwan’s description of Michael Teo as a military man who exudes masculinity and sexuality.
And this change could have effects off-screen as well. According to a 2014 OKCupid study, Asian men are considered less desirable than other men on the dating site. But maybe, with more representation and depictions of Asian men as romantically desirable on screen, we’ll see a change IRL. Journalist Alex Jung is optimistic,  tweeting: “[W]hen my popularity on Grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office”
when my popularity on grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office
— E. Alex Jung (@e_alexjung) August 14, 2018
And it’s not just about being desirable to other people, it’s also about feeling good about yourself. In Men’s Health, Pang—who plays “crazy rich” groom-to-be Colin Khoo, as seen above—notes that growing up, he only saw two versions of Asian masculinity in films: the martial arts buff who never got the girl, or the nerd who plays ping-pong. Those narratives shaped how he saw himself. “As a kid, you feel second-rate and you feel lesser about yourself,” he says. “You have a complex about your self-image, because of what you’re taught in the media.”
Convinced this movie is a must-see? On your way to the theatre rn?
Good. We’ll just be here, daydreaming about this face. All. day.
“CrazyRich Asians Isn’t Just a Movie—It’s a Sign That I Matter, Too” Awkwafina Is All the #MondayMotivation You Need I Can’t Stop Thinking About the Accents in Crazy Rich Asians 
The post PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF appeared first on Flare.
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF published first on https://wholesalescarvescity.tumblr.com/
0 notes
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0 notes
virginiamurrayblog · 6 years
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF
Summer may be coming to an end, but we’re *seriously* burning up. Why? Because the most highly-anticipated romcom of the summer has truly #blessed us with eye candy.
Crazy Rich Asians, which hit theatres on Aug 15, is BIG for many reasons: It’s the first film featuring an all-Asian cast in 25 years (we repeat, the first all-Asian cast in a quarter of a freaking century). It’s breaking down stereotypes about Asian culture, bringing some much needed representation to Hollywood and the big screen. And, to quote FLARE writer Madelyn Chung: “Not to be shallow, but can we talk about the hunky, shirtless, Asian men?”
Seriously, the leading lads are sexy. Like, super sexy.
If you haven’t yet treated yourself to this delicious feast of finery, here’s a taste. First, there’s Nick Young—heroine Rachel Chu (Constance Wu)’s BF and heir to a serious family fortune—played by Hollywood newcomer (but longtime stud) Henry Golding. And he’s…OK to look at if you’re into breathtakingly handsome. Seriously, someone audibly gasped in the theatre when Golding took his shirt off, which like, same.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Perfect hair, fitted suits and the debonair swagger of a man who would both respect you as an equal and hold the door open for you? Is it hot in here or is it just us?
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
To quote icon and queen Peik Lin (Awkwafina), Crazy Rich Asians is basically “like the Asian Bachelor!” But, TBH, we should only be so lucky to see this level of hunkiness, and diversity, from the Bach franchise.
Same, Rachel. Same.
And Nick Young is far from the film’s only hottie-with-a-body. His good friend Colin Khoo, played by Chris Pang, is dorm-room-poster worthy beautiful.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And don’t worry, if men in suits aren’t really your thing, Crazy Rich Asians also delivers plenty of, um, “dressed-down” scenes for your viewing pleasure.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Eye candy so sweet, we have a toothache.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And let’s not forget Astrid’s husband, Michael Teo (Pierre Png) who makes a very *steamy* (pun intended) entrance in the film and trailer, as he exits the shower.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Our loins rn:
As superficial as all this ogling may seem, it’s also important. The portrayal of the Crazy Rich Asian hotties defies the stereotype of Asian men as nerdy, geeky, “unattractive” and romantically undesirable. As Chung notes in her FLARE piece, Crazy Rich Asians isn’t only challenging Asian stereotypes, but also “redefining North American standards of beauty by putting more Asian men and women into the spotlight, in a different light than they’re usually portrayed.” And this wasn’t happenstance.
“I think it’s important for Asian men to get portrayed that way,” co-screenwriter Adele Lim told Men’s Health of the shirtless scenes in the film. Lim and her co-writer intentionally depicted Asian men as sexy and masculine. They brought this thirst trap to life by emphasizing the joy of being attractive, fit Asian men—something that was inspired directly from the novel, like author Kevin Kwan’s description of Michael Teo as a military man who exudes masculinity and sexuality.
And this change could have effects off-screen as well. According to a 2014 OKCupid study, Asian men are considered less desirable than other men on the dating site. But maybe, with more representation and depictions of Asian men as romantically desirable on screen, we’ll see a change IRL. Journalist Alex Jung is optimistic,  tweeting: “[W]hen my popularity on Grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office”
when my popularity on grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office
— E. Alex Jung (@e_alexjung) August 14, 2018
And it’s not just about being desirable to other people, it’s also about feeling good about yourself. In Men’s Health, Pang—who plays “crazy rich” groom-to-be Colin Khoo, as seen above—notes that growing up, he only saw two versions of Asian masculinity in films: the martial arts buff who never got the girl, or the nerd who plays ping-pong. Those narratives shaped how he saw himself. “As a kid, you feel second-rate and you feel lesser about yourself,” he says. “You have a complex about your self-image, because of what you’re taught in the media.”
Convinced this movie is a must-see? On your way to the theatre rn?
Good. We’ll just be here, daydreaming about this face. All. day.
“CrazyRich Asians Isn’t Just a Movie—It’s a Sign That I Matter, Too” Awkwafina Is All the #MondayMotivation You Need I Can’t Stop Thinking About the Accents in Crazy Rich Asians 
The post PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF appeared first on Flare.
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF published first on https://wholesalescarvescity.tumblr.com/
0 notes
virginiamurrayblog · 6 years
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF
Summer may be coming to an end, but we’re *seriously* burning up. Why? Because the most highly-anticipated romcom of the summer has truly #blessed us with eye candy.
Crazy Rich Asians, which hit theatres on Aug 15, is BIG for many reasons: It’s the first film featuring an all-Asian cast in 25 years (we repeat, the first all-Asian cast in a quarter of a freaking century). It’s breaking down stereotypes about Asian culture, bringing some much needed representation to Hollywood and the big screen. And, to quote FLARE writer Madelyn Chung: “Not to be shallow, but can we talk about the hunky, shirtless, Asian men?”
Seriously, the leading lads are sexy. Like, super sexy.
If you haven’t yet treated yourself to this delicious feast of finery, here’s a taste. First, there’s Nick Young—heroine Rachel Chu (Constance Wu)’s BF and heir to a serious family fortune—played by Hollywood newcomer (but longtime stud) Henry Golding. And he’s…OK to look at if you’re into breathtakingly handsome. Seriously, someone audibly gasped in the theatre when Golding took his shirt off, which like, same.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Perfect hair, fitted suits and the debonair swagger of a man who would both respect you as an equal and hold the door open for you? Is it hot in here or is it just us?
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
To quote icon and queen Peik Lin (Awkwafina), Crazy Rich Asians is basically “like the Asian Bachelor!” But, TBH, we should only be so lucky to see this level of hunkiness, and diversity, from the Bach franchise.
Same, Rachel. Same.
And Nick Young is far from the film’s only hottie-with-a-body. His good friend Colin Khoo, played by Chris Pang, is dorm-room-poster worthy beautiful.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And don’t worry, if men in suits aren’t really your thing, Crazy Rich Asians also delivers plenty of, um, “dressed-down” scenes for your viewing pleasure.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Eye candy so sweet, we have a toothache.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And let’s not forget Astrid’s husband, Michael Teo (Pierre Png) who makes a very *steamy* (pun intended) entrance in the film and trailer, as he exits the shower.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Our loins rn:
As superficial as all this ogling may seem, it’s also important. The portrayal of the Crazy Rich Asian hotties defies the stereotype of Asian men as nerdy, geeky, “unattractive” and romantically undesirable. As Chung notes in her FLARE piece, Crazy Rich Asians isn’t only challenging Asian stereotypes, but also “redefining North American standards of beauty by putting more Asian men and women into the spotlight, in a different light than they’re usually portrayed.” And this wasn’t happenstance.
“I think it’s important for Asian men to get portrayed that way,” co-screenwriter Adele Lim told Men’s Health of the shirtless scenes in the film. Lim and her co-writer intentionally depicted Asian men as sexy and masculine. They brought this thirst trap to life by emphasizing the joy of being attractive, fit Asian men—something that was inspired directly from the novel, like author Kevin Kwan’s description of Michael Teo as a military man who exudes masculinity and sexuality.
And this change could have effects off-screen as well. According to a 2014 OKCupid study, Asian men are considered less desirable than other men on the dating site. But maybe, with more representation and depictions of Asian men as romantically desirable on screen, we’ll see a change IRL. Journalist Alex Jung is optimistic,  tweeting: “[W]hen my popularity on Grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office”
when my popularity on grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office
— E. Alex Jung (@e_alexjung) August 14, 2018
And it’s not just about being desirable to other people, it’s also about feeling good about yourself. In Men’s Health, Pang—who plays “crazy rich” groom-to-be Colin Khoo, as seen above—notes that growing up, he only saw two versions of Asian masculinity in films: the martial arts buff who never got the girl, or the nerd who plays ping-pong. Those narratives shaped how he saw himself. “As a kid, you feel second-rate and you feel lesser about yourself,” he says. “You have a complex about your self-image, because of what you’re taught in the media.”
Convinced this movie is a must-see? On your way to the theatre rn?
Good. We’ll just be here, daydreaming about this face. All. day.
“CrazyRich Asians Isn’t Just a Movie—It’s a Sign That I Matter, Too” Awkwafina Is All the #MondayMotivation You Need I Can’t Stop Thinking About the Accents in Crazy Rich Asians 
The post PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF appeared first on Flare.
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF published first on https://wholesalescarvescity.tumblr.com/
0 notes
virginiamurrayblog · 6 years
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF
Summer may be coming to an end, but we’re *seriously* burning up. Why? Because the most highly-anticipated romcom of the summer has truly #blessed us with eye candy.
Crazy Rich Asians, which hit theatres on Aug 15, is BIG for many reasons: It’s the first film featuring an all-Asian cast in 25 years (we repeat, the first all-Asian cast in a quarter of a freaking century). It’s breaking down stereotypes about Asian culture, bringing some much needed representation to Hollywood and the big screen. And, to quote FLARE writer Madelyn Chung: “Not to be shallow, but can we talk about the hunky, shirtless, Asian men?”
Seriously, the leading lads are sexy. Like, super sexy.
If you haven’t yet treated yourself to this delicious feast of finery, here’s a taste. First, there’s Nick Young—heroine Rachel Chu (Constance Wu)’s BF and heir to a serious family fortune—played by Hollywood newcomer (but longtime stud) Henry Golding. And he’s…OK to look at if you’re into breathtakingly handsome. Seriously, someone audibly gasped in the theatre when Golding took his shirt off, which like, same.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Perfect hair, fitted suits and the debonair swagger of a man who would both respect you as an equal and hold the door open for you? Is it hot in here or is it just us?
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
To quote icon and queen Peik Lin (Awkwafina), Crazy Rich Asians is basically “like the Asian Bachelor!” But, TBH, we should only be so lucky to see this level of hunkiness, and diversity, from the Bach franchise.
Same, Rachel. Same.
And Nick Young is far from the film’s only hottie-with-a-body. His good friend Colin Khoo, played by Chris Pang, is dorm-room-poster worthy beautiful.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And don’t worry, if men in suits aren’t really your thing, Crazy Rich Asians also delivers plenty of, um, “dressed-down” scenes for your viewing pleasure.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Eye candy so sweet, we have a toothache.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And let’s not forget Astrid’s husband, Michael Teo (Pierre Png) who makes a very *steamy* (pun intended) entrance in the film and trailer, as he exits the shower.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Our loins rn:
As superficial as all this ogling may seem, it’s also important. The portrayal of the Crazy Rich Asian hotties defies the stereotype of Asian men as nerdy, geeky, “unattractive” and romantically undesirable. As Chung notes in her FLARE piece, Crazy Rich Asians isn’t only challenging Asian stereotypes, but also “redefining North American standards of beauty by putting more Asian men and women into the spotlight, in a different light than they’re usually portrayed.” And this wasn’t happenstance.
“I think it’s important for Asian men to get portrayed that way,” co-screenwriter Adele Lim told Men’s Health of the shirtless scenes in the film. Lim and her co-writer intentionally depicted Asian men as sexy and masculine. They brought this thirst trap to life by emphasizing the joy of being attractive, fit Asian men—something that was inspired directly from the novel, like author Kevin Kwan’s description of Michael Teo as a military man who exudes masculinity and sexuality.
And this change could have effects off-screen as well. According to a 2014 OKCupid study, Asian men are considered less desirable than other men on the dating site. But maybe, with more representation and depictions of Asian men as romantically desirable on screen, we’ll see a change IRL. Journalist Alex Jung is optimistic,  tweeting: “[W]hen my popularity on Grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office”
when my popularity on grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office
— E. Alex Jung (@e_alexjung) August 14, 2018
And it’s not just about being desirable to other people, it’s also about feeling good about yourself. In Men’s Health, Pang—who plays “crazy rich” groom-to-be Colin Khoo, as seen above—notes that growing up, he only saw two versions of Asian masculinity in films: the martial arts buff who never got the girl, or the nerd who plays ping-pong. Those narratives shaped how he saw himself. “As a kid, you feel second-rate and you feel lesser about yourself,” he says. “You have a complex about your self-image, because of what you’re taught in the media.”
Convinced this movie is a must-see? On your way to the theatre rn?
Good. We’ll just be here, daydreaming about this face. All. day.
“CrazyRich Asians Isn’t Just a Movie—It’s a Sign That I Matter, Too” Awkwafina Is All the #MondayMotivation You Need I Can’t Stop Thinking About the Accents in Crazy Rich Asians 
The post PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF appeared first on Flare.
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF published first on https://wholesalescarvescity.tumblr.com/
0 notes
virginiamurrayblog · 6 years
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF
Summer may be coming to an end, but we’re *seriously* burning up. Why? Because the most highly-anticipated romcom of the summer has truly #blessed us with eye candy.
Crazy Rich Asians, which hit theatres on Aug 15, is BIG for many reasons: It’s the first film featuring an all-Asian cast in 25 years (we repeat, the first all-Asian cast in a quarter of a freaking century). It’s breaking down stereotypes about Asian culture, bringing some much needed representation to Hollywood and the big screen. And, to quote FLARE writer Madelyn Chung: “Not to be shallow, but can we talk about the hunky, shirtless, Asian men?”
Seriously, the leading lads are sexy. Like, super sexy.
If you haven’t yet treated yourself to this delicious feast of finery, here’s a taste. First, there’s Nick Young—heroine Rachel Chu (Constance Wu)’s BF and heir to a serious family fortune—played by Hollywood newcomer (but longtime stud) Henry Golding. And he’s…OK to look at if you’re into breathtakingly handsome. Seriously, someone audibly gasped in the theatre when Golding took his shirt off, which like, same.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Perfect hair, fitted suits and the debonair swagger of a man who would both respect you as an equal and hold the door open for you? Is it hot in here or is it just us?
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
To quote icon and queen Peik Lin (Awkwafina), Crazy Rich Asians is basically “like the Asian Bachelor!” But, TBH, we should only be so lucky to see this level of hunkiness, and diversity, from the Bach franchise.
Same, Rachel. Same.
And Nick Young is far from the film’s only hottie-with-a-body. His good friend Colin Khoo, played by Chris Pang, is dorm-room-poster worthy beautiful.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And don’t worry, if men in suits aren’t really your thing, Crazy Rich Asians also delivers plenty of, um, “dressed-down” scenes for your viewing pleasure.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Eye candy so sweet, we have a toothache.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And let’s not forget Astrid’s husband, Michael Teo (Pierre Png) who makes a very *steamy* (pun intended) entrance in the film and trailer, as he exits the shower.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Our loins rn:
As superficial as all this ogling may seem, it’s also important. The portrayal of the Crazy Rich Asian hotties defies the stereotype of Asian men as nerdy, geeky, “unattractive” and romantically undesirable. As Chung notes in her FLARE piece, Crazy Rich Asians isn’t only challenging Asian stereotypes, but also “redefining North American standards of beauty by putting more Asian men and women into the spotlight, in a different light than they’re usually portrayed.” And this wasn’t happenstance.
“I think it’s important for Asian men to get portrayed that way,” co-screenwriter Adele Lim told Men’s Health of the shirtless scenes in the film. Lim and her co-writer intentionally depicted Asian men as sexy and masculine. They brought this thirst trap to life by emphasizing the joy of being attractive, fit Asian men—something that was inspired directly from the novel, like author Kevin Kwan’s description of Michael Teo as a military man who exudes masculinity and sexuality.
And this change could have effects off-screen as well. According to a 2014 OKCupid study, Asian men are considered less desirable than other men on the dating site. But maybe, with more representation and depictions of Asian men as romantically desirable on screen, we’ll see a change IRL. Journalist Alex Jung is optimistic,  tweeting: “[W]hen my popularity on Grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office”
when my popularity on grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office
— E. Alex Jung (@e_alexjung) August 14, 2018
And it’s not just about being desirable to other people, it’s also about feeling good about yourself. In Men’s Health, Pang—who plays “crazy rich” groom-to-be Colin Khoo, as seen above—notes that growing up, he only saw two versions of Asian masculinity in films: the martial arts buff who never got the girl, or the nerd who plays ping-pong. Those narratives shaped how he saw himself. “As a kid, you feel second-rate and you feel lesser about yourself,” he says. “You have a complex about your self-image, because of what you’re taught in the media.”
Convinced this movie is a must-see? On your way to the theatre rn?
Good. We’ll just be here, daydreaming about this face. All. day.
“CrazyRich Asians Isn’t Just a Movie—It’s a Sign That I Matter, Too” Awkwafina Is All the #MondayMotivation You Need I Can’t Stop Thinking About the Accents in Crazy Rich Asians 
The post PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF appeared first on Flare.
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF published first on https://wholesalescarvescity.tumblr.com/
0 notes
virginiamurrayblog · 6 years
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF
Summer may be coming to an end, but we’re *seriously* burning up. Why? Because the most highly-anticipated romcom of the summer has truly #blessed us with eye candy.
Crazy Rich Asians, which hit theatres on Aug 15, is BIG for many reasons: It’s the first film featuring an all-Asian cast in 25 years (we repeat, the first all-Asian cast in a quarter of a freaking century). It’s breaking down stereotypes about Asian culture, bringing some much needed representation to Hollywood and the big screen. And, to quote FLARE writer Madelyn Chung: “Not to be shallow, but can we talk about the hunky, shirtless, Asian men?”
Seriously, the leading lads are sexy. Like, super sexy.
If you haven’t yet treated yourself to this delicious feast of finery, here’s a taste. First, there’s Nick Young—heroine Rachel Chu (Constance Wu)’s BF and heir to a serious family fortune—played by Hollywood newcomer (but longtime stud) Henry Golding. And he’s…OK to look at if you’re into breathtakingly handsome. Seriously, someone audibly gasped in the theatre when Golding took his shirt off, which like, same.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Perfect hair, fitted suits and the debonair swagger of a man who would both respect you as an equal and hold the door open for you? Is it hot in here or is it just us?
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
To quote icon and queen Peik Lin (Awkwafina), Crazy Rich Asians is basically “like the Asian Bachelor!” But, TBH, we should only be so lucky to see this level of hunkiness, and diversity, from the Bach franchise.
Same, Rachel. Same.
And Nick Young is far from the film’s only hottie-with-a-body. His good friend Colin Khoo, played by Chris Pang, is dorm-room-poster worthy beautiful.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And don’t worry, if men in suits aren’t really your thing, Crazy Rich Asians also delivers plenty of, um, “dressed-down” scenes for your viewing pleasure.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Eye candy so sweet, we have a toothache.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And let’s not forget Astrid’s husband, Michael Teo (Pierre Png) who makes a very *steamy* (pun intended) entrance in the film and trailer, as he exits the shower.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Our loins rn:
As superficial as all this ogling may seem, it’s also important. The portrayal of the Crazy Rich Asian hotties defies the stereotype of Asian men as nerdy, geeky, “unattractive” and romantically undesirable. As Chung notes in her FLARE piece, Crazy Rich Asians isn’t only challenging Asian stereotypes, but also “redefining North American standards of beauty by putting more Asian men and women into the spotlight, in a different light than they’re usually portrayed.” And this wasn’t happenstance.
“I think it’s important for Asian men to get portrayed that way,” co-screenwriter Adele Lim told Men’s Health of the shirtless scenes in the film. Lim and her co-writer intentionally depicted Asian men as sexy and masculine. They brought this thirst trap to life by emphasizing the joy of being attractive, fit Asian men—something that was inspired directly from the novel, like author Kevin Kwan’s description of Michael Teo as a military man who exudes masculinity and sexuality.
And this change could have effects off-screen as well. According to a 2014 OKCupid study, Asian men are considered less desirable than other men on the dating site. But maybe, with more representation and depictions of Asian men as romantically desirable on screen, we’ll see a change IRL. Journalist Alex Jung is optimistic,  tweeting: “[W]hen my popularity on Grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office”
when my popularity on grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office
— E. Alex Jung (@e_alexjung) August 14, 2018
And it’s not just about being desirable to other people, it’s also about feeling good about yourself. In Men’s Health, Pang—who plays “crazy rich” groom-to-be Colin Khoo, as seen above—notes that growing up, he only saw two versions of Asian masculinity in films: the martial arts buff who never got the girl, or the nerd who plays ping-pong. Those narratives shaped how he saw himself. “As a kid, you feel second-rate and you feel lesser about yourself,” he says. “You have a complex about your self-image, because of what you’re taught in the media.”
Convinced this movie is a must-see? On your way to the theatre rn?
Good. We’ll just be here, daydreaming about this face. All. day.
“CrazyRich Asians Isn’t Just a Movie—It’s a Sign That I Matter, Too” Awkwafina Is All the #MondayMotivation You Need I Can’t Stop Thinking About the Accents in Crazy Rich Asians 
The post PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF appeared first on Flare.
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF published first on https://wholesalescarvescity.tumblr.com/
0 notes
virginiamurrayblog · 6 years
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF
Summer may be coming to an end, but we’re *seriously* burning up. Why? Because the most highly-anticipated romcom of the summer has truly #blessed us with eye candy.
Crazy Rich Asians, which hit theatres on Aug 15, is BIG for many reasons: It’s the first film featuring an all-Asian cast in 25 years (we repeat, the first all-Asian cast in a quarter of a freaking century). It’s breaking down stereotypes about Asian culture, bringing some much needed representation to Hollywood and the big screen. And, to quote FLARE writer Madelyn Chung: “Not to be shallow, but can we talk about the hunky, shirtless, Asian men?”
Seriously, the leading lads are sexy. Like, super sexy.
If you haven’t yet treated yourself to this delicious feast of finery, here’s a taste. First, there’s Nick Young—heroine Rachel Chu (Constance Wu)’s BF and heir to a serious family fortune—played by Hollywood newcomer (but longtime stud) Henry Golding. And he’s…OK to look at if you’re into breathtakingly handsome. Seriously, someone audibly gasped in the theatre when Golding took his shirt off, which like, same.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Perfect hair, fitted suits and the debonair swagger of a man who would both respect you as an equal and hold the door open for you? Is it hot in here or is it just us?
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
To quote icon and queen Peik Lin (Awkwafina), Crazy Rich Asians is basically “like the Asian Bachelor!” But, TBH, we should only be so lucky to see this level of hunkiness, and diversity, from the Bach franchise.
Same, Rachel. Same.
And Nick Young is far from the film’s only hottie-with-a-body. His good friend Colin Khoo, played by Chris Pang, is dorm-room-poster worthy beautiful.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And don’t worry, if men in suits aren’t really your thing, Crazy Rich Asians also delivers plenty of, um, “dressed-down” scenes for your viewing pleasure.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Eye candy so sweet, we have a toothache.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And let’s not forget Astrid’s husband, Michael Teo (Pierre Png) who makes a very *steamy* (pun intended) entrance in the film and trailer, as he exits the shower.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Our loins rn:
As superficial as all this ogling may seem, it’s also important. The portrayal of the Crazy Rich Asian hotties defies the stereotype of Asian men as nerdy, geeky, “unattractive” and romantically undesirable. As Chung notes in her FLARE piece, Crazy Rich Asians isn’t only challenging Asian stereotypes, but also “redefining North American standards of beauty by putting more Asian men and women into the spotlight, in a different light than they’re usually portrayed.” And this wasn’t happenstance.
“I think it’s important for Asian men to get portrayed that way,” co-screenwriter Adele Lim told Men’s Health of the shirtless scenes in the film. Lim and her co-writer intentionally depicted Asian men as sexy and masculine. They brought this thirst trap to life by emphasizing the joy of being attractive, fit Asian men—something that was inspired directly from the novel, like author Kevin Kwan’s description of Michael Teo as a military man who exudes masculinity and sexuality.
And this change could have effects off-screen as well. According to a 2014 OKCupid study, Asian men are considered less desirable than other men on the dating site. But maybe, with more representation and depictions of Asian men as romantically desirable on screen, we’ll see a change IRL. Journalist Alex Jung is optimistic,  tweeting: “[W]hen my popularity on Grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office”
when my popularity on grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office
— E. Alex Jung (@e_alexjung) August 14, 2018
And it’s not just about being desirable to other people, it’s also about feeling good about yourself. In Men’s Health, Pang—who plays “crazy rich” groom-to-be Colin Khoo, as seen above—notes that growing up, he only saw two versions of Asian masculinity in films: the martial arts buff who never got the girl, or the nerd who plays ping-pong. Those narratives shaped how he saw himself. “As a kid, you feel second-rate and you feel lesser about yourself,” he says. “You have a complex about your self-image, because of what you’re taught in the media.”
Convinced this movie is a must-see? On your way to the theatre rn?
Good. We’ll just be here, daydreaming about this face. All. day.
“CrazyRich Asians Isn’t Just a Movie—It’s a Sign That I Matter, Too” Awkwafina Is All the #MondayMotivation You Need I Can’t Stop Thinking About the Accents in Crazy Rich Asians 
The post PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF appeared first on Flare.
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF published first on https://wholesalescarvescity.tumblr.com/
0 notes
virginiamurrayblog · 6 years
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF
Summer may be coming to an end, but we’re *seriously* burning up. Why? Because the most highly-anticipated romcom of the summer has truly #blessed us with eye candy.
Crazy Rich Asians, which hit theatres on Aug 15, is BIG for many reasons: It’s the first film featuring an all-Asian cast in 25 years (we repeat, the first all-Asian cast in a quarter of a freaking century). It’s breaking down stereotypes about Asian culture, bringing some much needed representation to Hollywood and the big screen. And, to quote FLARE writer Madelyn Chung: “Not to be shallow, but can we talk about the hunky, shirtless, Asian men?”
Seriously, the leading lads are sexy. Like, super sexy.
If you haven’t yet treated yourself to this delicious feast of finery, here’s a taste. First, there’s Nick Young—heroine Rachel Chu (Constance Wu)’s BF and heir to a serious family fortune—played by Hollywood newcomer (but longtime stud) Henry Golding. And he’s…OK to look at if you’re into breathtakingly handsome. Seriously, someone audibly gasped in the theatre when Golding took his shirt off, which like, same.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Perfect hair, fitted suits and the debonair swagger of a man who would both respect you as an equal and hold the door open for you? Is it hot in here or is it just us?
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
To quote icon and queen Peik Lin (Awkwafina), Crazy Rich Asians is basically “like the Asian Bachelor!” But, TBH, we should only be so lucky to see this level of hunkiness, and diversity, from the Bach franchise.
Same, Rachel. Same.
And Nick Young is far from the film’s only hottie-with-a-body. His good friend Colin Khoo, played by Chris Pang, is dorm-room-poster worthy beautiful.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And don’t worry, if men in suits aren’t really your thing, Crazy Rich Asians also delivers plenty of, um, “dressed-down” scenes for your viewing pleasure.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Eye candy so sweet, we have a toothache.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
And let’s not forget Astrid’s husband, Michael Teo (Pierre Png) who makes a very *steamy* (pun intended) entrance in the film and trailer, as he exits the shower.
(Photo: Warner Brothers)
Our loins rn:
As superficial as all this ogling may seem, it’s also important. The portrayal of the Crazy Rich Asian hotties defies the stereotype of Asian men as nerdy, geeky, “unattractive” and romantically undesirable. As Chung notes in her FLARE piece, Crazy Rich Asians isn’t only challenging Asian stereotypes, but also “redefining North American standards of beauty by putting more Asian men and women into the spotlight, in a different light than they’re usually portrayed.” And this wasn’t happenstance.
“I think it’s important for Asian men to get portrayed that way,” co-screenwriter Adele Lim told Men’s Health of the shirtless scenes in the film. Lim and her co-writer intentionally depicted Asian men as sexy and masculine. They brought this thirst trap to life by emphasizing the joy of being attractive, fit Asian men—something that was inspired directly from the novel, like author Kevin Kwan’s description of Michael Teo as a military man who exudes masculinity and sexuality.
And this change could have effects off-screen as well. According to a 2014 OKCupid study, Asian men are considered less desirable than other men on the dating site. But maybe, with more representation and depictions of Asian men as romantically desirable on screen, we’ll see a change IRL. Journalist Alex Jung is optimistic,  tweeting: “[W]hen my popularity on Grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office”
when my popularity on grindr goes up by 68% this weekend we will truly know Crazy Rich Asians’ impact at the box office
— E. Alex Jung (@e_alexjung) August 14, 2018
And it’s not just about being desirable to other people, it’s also about feeling good about yourself. In Men’s Health, Pang—who plays “crazy rich” groom-to-be Colin Khoo, as seen above—notes that growing up, he only saw two versions of Asian masculinity in films: the martial arts buff who never got the girl, or the nerd who plays ping-pong. Those narratives shaped how he saw himself. “As a kid, you feel second-rate and you feel lesser about yourself,” he says. “You have a complex about your self-image, because of what you’re taught in the media.”
Convinced this movie is a must-see? On your way to the theatre rn?
Good. We’ll just be here, daydreaming about this face. All. day.
“CrazyRich Asians Isn’t Just a Movie—It’s a Sign That I Matter, Too” Awkwafina Is All the #MondayMotivation You Need I Can’t Stop Thinking About the Accents in Crazy Rich Asians 
The post PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF appeared first on Flare.
PSA: The Men of Crazy Rich Asians Are Hunky AF published first on https://wholesalescarvescity.tumblr.com/
0 notes