#i mean i was looking at the whiterose tag
misscammiedawn · 21 days
Plurality Weekend
Hey all. This post is for anyone discovering my blog for the first time this weekend. My name is Cammie Dawn and I write a lot about DID and Hypnokink. Both of these things will be quite relevant this weekend.
I'm attending The Plurality Positivity World Conference (info in link) this weekend after our therapist sent us to last year's event and it went well. Unrelated to the event, I'm also a panelist for a talk on hypnokink and plurality tomorrow (Saturday 5/18 at 1pm-3pm CST - info in link)
Networking at the PPWC for my Media, Myself and I essays (one kind person has already reached out to us about them which makes me glow with pride and grateful to know my stuff is getting out there) and providing my links to the panel tomorrow, I imagine I may get a few first time visitors to my blog. I thought I'd do a quick "resources and links" post.
For Media Essays:
Recontextualized Memory and Unprocessed Trauma in Umineko - A visual novel about generational trauma goes over how a young woman goes over and over the events of a tragedy in her childhood and how adult knowledge will recontextualize our adult recollections.
Derealization in Night in the Woods and Metal gear Solid 2 - Describing the sensation of derealization where the brain stops connecting associations between the self and the things one perceives in their surroundings. One example displaying how this impacts a person living with DPDR and the other showing an example of a game attempting to make a player share the experience with the player character.
DID and the healing process in Mr. Robot - A run down of the experiences of discovery, exploration, rejection and healing within DID as displayed in each season of Mr. Robot, along with a disappointed rundown of why the final episode fumbled the ball.
Bruce Banner and the roles of his alters - A breakdown of the formation of The Incredible Hulk’s DID and what roles his many alters play.
Romantic relationships with systems - A look at the marriage between Bruce Banner and Betty Talbot-Ross Banner in Hulk comics and a frank discussion between Betty and one of Bruce’s alters about how relationships function in a system.
Personality Play in Penlight - A review of one of the routes for a hypnokink visual novel called Penlight in which the protagonist hypnotizes a woman to have an alter personality, along with some descriptions of how dangerous play like that works in real life and what the consequences could be.
For Hypnokink Resources (more in our Hypnokink Writings tag):
Hypnosis and Dissociative Disorders - A Rebuttal to a recent claim at a hypnosis convention that we shouldn't practice with those who dissociate as part of a mental illness.
Ethical Personality Play - A discussion about the real psychological damage that can and will happen if you play with personality play in hypnokink without setting safeties and grounding as part of your play.
Unreality and Hypnosis - A small note about how derealization symptoms mingle with hypnokink and why grounding and ensuring "reality remains in the scene" is important.
Anyway. Thank you all. For those who follow me normally, I appreciate you indulging the link spam.
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crazywolf828 · 3 years
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: RWBY
Relationship: Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Firefighters, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Firefighter!Yang, EMT!Blake, Background WhiteRose, A lot of depictions of house fires, so heads up, Blake and Yang are flirts and we love it
"Yang? Why are you here this time?" Blake asks with a raised brow.
"What? Can't I come visit my favorite EMT?" She grins, plopping onto the stretcher. Blake gives her that look and Yang sighs, starting to to shuck off her layers. "I guess I got shot."
"What do you mean you guess?" She asks incredulously, already up, grabbing her equipment. "How the hell did you get shot inside a burning building!?"
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tinysylveon · 3 years
s'cuse me while i complain about the rwby fandom for a bit, and why i p much have refused to fully engage in it since the near beginning and even now. i'm putting this in a read more bc i actually have sanity to put mountain long paragraphs of text under read mores. :^)
those shippers in the rwby fandom really irritate me, because they seem to only pay attention to the shipping and get really angry at the writers for not making their ship "canon" or "interact in a meaningful way". sometimes i'm glad meme-based content creators keep their personal opinions to themselves, because i saw someone say they're "deeply disappointed in the current volume for not providing whiterose content", and honestly being so. and don't even get me STARTED on those fairgame shippers. way to come out as transphobic, basically. harassing a damn trans person like that, saying its all their fault your ship never got water. d e e p s i g h
no, the crwby is not, nor ever entitled to, giving you your ship. you know what actually matters in rwby? the plot. the characters themselves. if you enjoy ships? epic. just don't... harass people. don't go overboard. don't let that ship lead you to despise the show, the creators, or anyone relating to it.
however much i despise only paying attention to the ships, i still do think it's childish and stupid to put your ship hate in the ship tag you're hating. i know you want attention, but there are far healthier ways to do that than purposefully pissing people off by posting "yang/blake is fucking stupid and so are the shippers" or something in the designated tag. yike!!!
shipping is fun, but it's not everything. please exercise common sense, self control, and maturity. i know it's hard, but make an attempt.
sure, you can say it's "horribly/badly written" all damn day, but imo, i still think the writing is ok, because i could see foreshadowing even in the very first volume. now, i've tried my best to find some semblance (lol pun) of information that monty planned a good chunk of rwby, or at least had some plot points written out til the end, but all i can find is "he only planned out to volume/season 5", "volume/season 3", and then apparently "volume/season 10". again, this may mean actual scripts and more, OR just plot points, like a lot of us writers do (ive got a beginning, middle, and end for my story rn, but i only have a bit for the points past what ive already written. fun fun, but i digress. anyways.). so that's... completely all up in the air. what i'm saying is, from what we've gotten past three, and even five, i've enjoyed it a ton! i enjoyed rewatching it! i caught all kinds of small things and foreshadowing and i've enjoyed it a lot. call me easily amused or impressed by "horrible writing" (which... that's all honestly based on opinion at this point.), but fuck it. love this shit.
i can see why people are irritated with shippers. i can definitely see why others have granted a name for the peope who hate the show but still follow it JUST to make steven universe-esque critical posts about it call it the "hatedom" (which obv has been happening before steven's verse but hell it feels and looks so much like it. ya'll.. it's not. that. deep. sometimes.). the rwby fandom is so damn messy and i can see why i've been literally avoiding it for years and just happily watching the show.
this entire thing is def why i've been keeping myself from engaging in it and/or even making any content/side fan accounts for it. it's just... so immaturely messy. a whole mess!!!! a whole mess.
if you want to argue with me: don't. i will ignore you. you're literally part of the problem. if you hate these opinions so much, bro, just block me! it's super easy! a few taps/clicks, and you never have to see me again. wild, i know. i can do the same to you. epic.
have a rad day.
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skye-huntress · 3 years
RWBY V8 Finale “The Final Word” Reactions
Thus concludes the first Volume I get to watch as it airs week by week, and react to it
Sooo, I cannot not talk about this big one first because it gives me personal feelings. Penny is a character that is very precious to me, always has been. I binged the show up to Volume 7 last year so I didn’t have to go through years of new episodes knowing she was gone and then when she came back and throughout Volume 8, she cemented herself as one of my favourites, right up there with Ruby and Weiss. I even warmed up to Frosen Steel. I honestly did not think nor did I want to think that the show would kill her again, even knowing this was going to be a rough volume for her being the central figure in the whole conflict. The only consolation I have is that she died on her own terms.
While we’re on this note, my sympathies to Jaune for having to be the one to send her on her way. My sympathies to a lot of characters because whether or not Nuts and Dolts is platonic or romantic, she was particularly special to Ruby who once again was not there to save her.
Penny finally got her song, and it hurts
I could tell from the beginning that the Ace Ops were overrated. They seemed cool on the surface and as individual fighters they were probably up there, but I’m also sceptical of the ones that everyone (including themselves) called the “best” at anything. The reality is that they were a mess, they told to bury their feelings, and told to always accept their Jimmy’s judgment over even their own. Clover died a meaningless death because he ignored his own better judgment. That said, for Vine, the least expressive of the whole bunch to not only talk Harriet down but make a sacrifice for his team friends was not something I would have called. And yet I remember how he tried to comfort Elm, and how when Marrow was nearly killed how expressive he was in his shock and fear. Honestly, I should know better, as someone who isn’t able to express the full depth of my emotions very well, I should have known that Vine was probably the one who cared for his friends more than they ever realised.
Qrow was actually lucky for once. I have a theory. If Ren’s semblance can evolve from masking emotions to sensing them, maybe Qrow’s semblance could evolve so that he could change his or others’ fortunes for the better and not just for the worst. At the very least, rubbing the pin made him believe he could in fact be lucky, maybe that’s all he needed.
Harriet has a lot of issues to sort through, but maybe now without the toxicity of the military and Jimmy, she and her remaining friends can allow themselves to feel, grieve, heal and grow.
So we have Robyn, Qrow, Harriet, Elm and Marrow on a transport leaving Solitas through conventional travel. They probably can’t fly their transport straight to Vacuo so they may have to make some stops on the way, probably at Argus or Vale.
As for Ironwood, what a fitting end. He always saw himself as the hero of Remnant, the one with all the answers, the one who was always right, and who would save the day. But in the end, he wasn’t anyone even worth killing. To the villains, he was always a joke, someone to be used, and right when he is finally face to face with his greatest enemy, she never even looked at him once. In the end, neither he nor his precious Atlas proved to be very relevant or impressive.
Neo thought she was clever but she was a fool. That’s what happens when you let anger and vengeance consume you, it warps your judgment. Cinder was always using her, to get what she wanted, and as a means to get her own vengeance on Ruby.
Speaking of not letting not letting vengeance consume you, Blake. She saw how close she was to losing everyone else she cared about she switched tacts. I’m proud of her. And she risked the fall to save Ruby, unfortunately this risk was too great for her.
My WhiteRose heart cheered when Weiss went to back up Ruby. I assume Blake knew the partners could assist each other better than she could. It hurt that she had to watch the rest of her team family fall, to be the last one standing, using Gambol Shroud. And then she fell right in front of her sister.
Ruby really needs more practice with her eyes before she faces Cinder again. It was impressive though how she goaded Neo and knocked her over the edge. Unfortunately, there was more than one person there who really wanted her dead.
As for Ruby’s mental state, she never really had time to process anything that had happened, she was in survival mode the entire time. Falling into the same place as Yang did might give her hope that her sister is still alive and if she fell with Blake, all the better, then she won’t be alone. But like I said, Penny was very important to her, and this is the second time she has lost her. Just imagine though, if Penny’s body falls into the void with them and Ruby finds it, that’d be all the worse than just hearing about it from Weiss or Jaune.
Now, Winter, she is the MVP of this episode. Winter is now the Winter Maiden, not because Ironwood chose her to be or because she actually chose it herself but because Penny chose her. Penny believed in her friend. My love of Penny gives me a lot of conflicting feelings for this and the implications but it was satisfying to see Winter own Ironwood and hold her own against Cinder. And now she is the champion for Atlas’ refugees, but failing Weiss and Penny is going to have a significant impact on her. At least she’ll allow herself to feel and she still has some family left.
Now for the weapons. When Crescent Rose fell, it was like watching an entirely separate character fall as well. Gambol Shroud and Neo’s umbrella fell on their own, too. And Jaune’s weapon that was reforged with Pyrrha’s ruined weapon was destroyed by none other than Cinder. So basically the only ones still completely armed are Weiss and Yang, but of course the latter also has a concussion.
It wasn’t the complete victory she wanted but it was decisive. I figured a victory for Cinder would be getting both relics and she did. But I knew she wouldn’t get the Maiden powers, that’s always the part she fails at again and again. She tries to syphon a Maiden’s magic only to be interrupted. Every. Single. Time. Seriously, Cinder will just never learn from this mistake and its why she will likely never have more than one Maiden’s power at the rate she is going. But as decisive as this victory was, it will cost her in the long run. She needed help from Jinn, Neo and Watts in order to beat Team RWBY but they’ll come back stronger, smarter and more pissed off and Cinder won’t have all of that help next time. If anything, she might have put herself back on top of Neo’s shitlist.
Watts’ end is also rather fitting and also completely expected. Like Jimmy and Jaques, he represented a lot of what was wrong with Atlas, particularly the elite. How annoyed would Ambrosius be with Cinder though? “More fire, that’s it? This is my cosmic karma for being annoyed about being used by the same kids twice in a row.”
Atlas fell as I always knew it would, after all the relics exist to help humanity and a flying city did nothing but fuelled the egos of those who lived on that floating rock. Mantle was something to be proud of, but Atlas was a lie. Now Remnant’s “greatest kingdom in the world” reduced to ruin and it’s people refugees in a land their ancestors made a wasteland. This will have dire consequences.
So in the end, no help came for Atlas. Not surprising in retrospect. Atlesians didn’t have the best reputation to begin with, then Ironwood made a series of terrible decisions (that everyone around him strongly advised against), destroying Atlas’ relations with the other Kingdoms. Then came Ruby’s broadcast out of nowhere where she dropped some insane bombshells and then her message was cut off and global comms went down again. Few can vouch for Ruby’s character and even fewer can verify anything of what she said. I still believe it had an impact and we’ll see it as we visit other Kingdoms again, but the full pay off won’t be for quite some time. As I said before, the message was just the first of many, many small steps to uniting the world against Salem
So now for the detour, and that cursed image of Crescent Rose alone, slammed into the ground. It’s likely Volume 9 will focus mostly on our girls, Jaune and Neo, surviving in this strange environment and finding a way home.
Was that everything? Probably not. Now the mourning period begins as I try to process all of that.
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circamoore · 4 years
"Eep!" Weiss gave an adorable squeak as Ruby grabbed her hand and dragged her into the small storage room. After Ruby closed the door she spoke sternly "Ruby! Someone could see"
"I was careful" Ruby gently squeezed Weiss's hand, "I missed you" She pouted.
Weiss softened immediately. "I know it's hard"
"That's what she said" Ruby giggled.
"Clearly you've been missing my good influence." Weiss took a deep breath "If they knew how much you mean to me it would put you in danger. I miss you, I miss all of you guys, but I can't take the risk putting any of you in more danger"
Ruby looked thoughtful "You could hang out with Jaune"
"Ruby!" Her attempt at scolding was undermined by a barely suppressed giggle and a smile.
Ruby blushed. "What?! No! I- I just meant that nobody could possibly think you two would be together!"
Weiss hummed happily, and stroked Ruby's hand with her thumb. "I have to go" she reminded Ruby sadly.
"Talk again soon" Ruby moved their linked hands up to her lips an kissed Weiss's hand before releasing it.
Weiss turned to the door, but hesitated with her hand on the door handle before quickly turning, pulling Ruby close and bringing their lips together in a quick heartfelt kiss. "Soon, I promise" She slipped quickly out of the door leaving Ruby wearing a goofy grin.
AN: A little something for people feeling Whiterose deprived by canon at the moment. Apologies of it's overlapping something someone has already done, I haven't been keeping an eye of the whiterose tag lately.
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theladypeace · 4 years
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Modern Criminal AU
Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang become a criminal group.
Yang had involved herself in all types of trouble since a young age. On the way, she met Blake. Blake doesn’t talk about her past, but it’s clear she’s very skilled. Yang invites her sister later on. Weiss comes along too after she realizes she needs to get away from her family, her father specifically.
They steal from the rich. They keep some of it for themselves, but most of it goes to charity. Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren join them sometimes.
They used to work for Ozpin, but he retired from the criminal lifestyle. STRQ used to work for him too, but since they group disbanded, it stopped.
Oscar is an orphan boy who bumps into Oz one day under interesting circumstances. They become friends.
The ships will probably be Whiterose, Bumbleby, Cloqwork, Arkos, Renora, and Rosebird.
I have much more I want to talk about, but I might make this a fic in the future, so I don’t want to spoil anything.
Summer and Raven as Ruby and Yang’s Parents
This connects to the criminal au.
Summer is alive in this AU! They slowly fell in love and got together. Summer convinced Raven to get married and have kids.
Tai was the sperm donor. Raven got pregnant first and had Yang. Two years later, they decided to do the process again. Summer got pregnant with Ruby.
Ruby and Yang are aware Tai is their biological father. He’s more like their uncle though.
Evil Ruby AU
Everything is about the same until volume 8. Ruby starts stressing out more and more.
Ruby starts making more dangerous decisions. Yang, Jaune, Ren and Oscar openly speak against this, and so she turns on them.
They all find out that Ozpin is back. Oz tries to reason with Ruby. She refuses to change her mind.
Weiss, Blake, Nora, and Penny join Ruby’s side. However, Weiss seems to be the only one who is completely and utterly loyal to Ruby. The rest of them are hesitant.
During the argument, the truth about Raven being the Spring Maiden comes out, causing more tension in the air.
Ruby puts JOYR on the bench by making them go to Mantle, away from the real action up in Atlas.
Because of how Ruby is acting, seeing any of the villains will make her snap and every one is worrying what’ll happen to her.
Evil Oscar AU
I’ve written a few posts about this AU already. The tag is Evil Oscar Pine and Villain!Oscar Pine if you want to look at it.
Salem and Oz Team Up AU
The Gods are powerful— way more powerful than Salem and Oz combined— and that means that the villains and protagonists now have another, another enemy.
The Gods are clearly a threat, and Salem nor Oz can fight them so the solution is; temporarily team up. No one is happy about it, but it needs to be done. I have so many interactions in mind 👀
Oscar and Neo Become Friends
I’m not sure how it would happen, but I think they’d be good friends.
He helps her redeem herself. He gets her to listen to him and understand that Ruby didn’t kill Roman.
Oscar, for some reason, knows sign language and is the only one who can communicate with Neo.
They’re the same height and that’s hilarious to me, idk why.
Dadpin approves of this strange friendship.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Well I guess that was that. He’s dead, grimzilla, and it’ll probably be wrapped up in like 13 minutes. Woopity doo
Well according to VRV, the finale for RWBY V6 is expected to be the biggest in RWBY history with one of the biggest endings.
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Nowthis could just be VRV over exaggerating things just to bring in the hype. Imean what we’re seeing now being set up for the finale is big yes with thearrival of the LeviathanGrimm followed by a horde ofManticore and Sphinx Grimm. However I’d hardly call this original sincethis isn’t exactly the first time we’ve received a finale like this.
Asa matter of fact, the V6 finale is almost a rehash of the V3 finale.Similar to the Grimm Dragon that brought forth a horde of Grimm to invade Vale,the Leviathan Grimm in slowly advancing toward the city with an army of Grimmin its wake. It’s pretty much the same set up as V3.
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Howeverthis doesn’t diminish the excitement I’m feeling for this finale. What’sgetting me geared up for the V6 finale is the opportunity for the followingthings:
Seeing RubyRose master control of her Silver Eyes to kill the Leviathan Grimm. But most importantly ofall, I’m excited to see how Oscar will fairfor the finalefight. He’s been sitting on the side lines since C10.
I’mlooking forward to seeing Oscar jump into the fray at long last, fightingalongside our heroes to defend Argus. With the Manticores and Sphinx packsswarming the city, I’m sure our heroes will disband into groups to cover moreground. I wouldn’t be surprised if Maria ends up using the airship to help theAtlesian Military possibly evacuate the citizens while providing assistance andback up from the air.
SinceYang and Blake are already together, I feel like the rest of the team willinform them both of the Leviathan via their communication devices. With thegroups split up into teams of two or three, they’ll probably spread out todefend as much of the city as possible.
Apart of me really, really, REALLY wants tosee Oscar fightalongside JNR or at least alongside Jaune.I feel like if the group were to split up into teams of two to protect andrescue as much civilians as possible, the pairs may go as followed:
Yang andBlake (Bumblebee),Ruby and Weiss (Whiterose), Ren and Nora (Renora),Jaune and Oscar (Shovel knight) and lastly Maria and Qrow (Grave bird) beingour avian team.
Asmuch as I’d love to see Oscar and Ruby tag-team andfight some Manticores together, for the finale, I actually would love to see Oscar fight togetherwith Jaune purely for the reason ofgiving Oscar another golden opportunity to inspire Jaune to ask him to join up with him, Ren and Norato reform Team JNPR.
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Imagine…Jaune, being worriedfor the safety of his family, runs off to find Saphron, Terra and Adrian andOscar is the one to accompany him. Picture Oscar at some point saving Jaune withthe two even working together to double team some Manticores that had Jaune’sfamily cornered.
Andonce they both successfully take down the Grimm together, imagine Jaune turningto Oscar and thanking him for helping him, even going to far as to say “We make a goodteam, Oscar.”
Iwould love to hear Jaune say those words to Oscar. Yes I want RoseGarden forthe finale but just in case the CRWBY don’t deliver on that, at least give me Oscar provinghimself for this finale fight especiallyin the eyes of Jaune.
Who knows? Maybe Jaune and Oscarcould even meet up with Weiss and Ruby andthat can lead to Ruby trying to take out the Leviathan on her own, trying tosummon her Silver Eyes but to no avail, forcing Oscar to jump in and save herwith the Oz-cane. That’s most what I’d love out of the finale.
Otherthan that, since the V6 finale is expected to be the biggest ending, I hope this is ahint at C13 possiblybeing the longestseason finale in the history of RWBY---bringingin a runtime of almost 30 mins which would be a first for RWBY. What wouldactually be a real twister is if theV6 finale isactually nearly an hour long.
Afterall, V6 was originally meant to have 14 episodes instead of 13. Imagine if the CRWBY just decided to lump the original last twoepisodes run times together to give us one of the longest, most action packed season finales in all of RWBY history. That could be dope.But I dunno. It’s all just speculation athis point. For all we know the V6 finale could just be the usual 24- 28+ minfinale that we usually get. Though a 30 min to 1 hour season finale episodespecial could have been awesome.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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jin0uga · 6 years
Dance the night away
More whiterose because I need more of this otp. 
Whiterose, Married!AU, inspired by that video of a sweet dad who danced with his daughter on-stage. Second part of my A Rose in Bloom series.
Tonight was the night. Ruby dithered behind the curtains, anxiously watching her daughter get ready. It was Dia's first recital and her little girl was a bundle of nerves, constantly nibbling on her nails and jumping as stage hands flitted back and forth. Dia nervously smoothed the ruffles of her adorable, pink tutu and looked at her mother. 
"I don't wanna dance," Dia pleaded, paling as the mutter of the crowd drifted backstage. In contrast to her daughter's pallor and skittish behaviour the other girls buzzed in excitement and floated towards the curtains, alternating between peeking out of it and grinning at each other like overly excited rabbits.
Ruby gave her a reassuring smile before her attention was stolen by Zwei wriggling in her grasp. He whined, pawing at her shirt. She sighed and gently pecked the top of his head, briefly putting a stop to his struggles. Ruby hadn't wanted to take him along, but Weiss insisted he would be terribly lonely them. It was complete rubbish since Ruby knew the maids and servants always entertained Zwei more than was strictly necessary, but her wife's pleading eyes were too powerful a weapon to resist.
Dia tugged at her shirt – Ruby couldn't help think it was like another puppy clamouring for her attention – and mumbled something incoherent.
"You're going to be great out there. Remember how you showed the entire dance to Grandpa Tai?" Ruby stroked her daughter's head, smoothing the cowlick that sprung up despite the thorough gelling Weiss put it through an hour earlier. "We even watched the recording afterwards, you danced so beautifully!"
Her daughter hesitated. She met Ruby's gaze after seconds of quiet contemplation, eyes blazing with renewed determination. "Did Mommy come to watch me dance?" For the first time that night, she looked in the direction of the stage. Ruby beamed. "Your Mommy's here, along with Aunt Yang and Blake. Even Winter– I mean, Auntie Win, is here to watch you steal the spotlight."
Dia drew in a deep breath, and looked at her Mom. "Are you gonna be here once I finish?"
"Of course." Ruby wound her hand around hers, squeezing gently. "I'll be here no matter what."
The instructor's assistant finally appeared backstage, calling for the girls to assemble. Ruby looked on in amusement as the group of tiny girls rushed past her feet to get into formation. Dia stared after them with a hint of apprehension, but covered it up with a expression Ruby recognized. The Schnee's stoic mask was definitely hereditary.
Ruby bent forward and kissed her daughter's forehead. "Okay, my little diamond. Go out there and knock em' dead."
"Both of you, shut up. It's starting!" Weiss hit the record button as soon as she saw the first ponytail enter the stage, swishing like a tiny feather duster. Yang chortled. Blake rolled her eyes at her friend's overzealousness. Winter patted her sister's arm, laughter dancing in the normally stormy eyes.
"This is an important milestone in Dia's life." Weiss refuted their amused stares with sharp words, glowering at their lack of seriousness. It was only obvious she'd be excited her baby's first recital! She clicked her teeth. "Yang, make yourself useful and start recording."
"What? Don't you already have it covered?" Even as she said this, Yang lazily took out her scroll, doing as she was told. It was easier to go with the flow than fight against the current that was Weiss Schnee-Rose.
"One angle isn't enough to capture this moment. Besides, you have a better view of the stage from your seat." Weiss sighed in frustration when Yang nudged Blake, the two of exchange insipid grins. "I wish you three would take this seriously. I refuse to lose this memory to scroll failure or bad lighting." Her wife and father-in-law would be beside themselves if she didn't have at least three videos and a dozen pictures by the end of it.
"Weiss. If that's what you wanted you'd better… I don't know, watch it with your own eyes before whipping out your scroll?" Yang said, arching her eyebrows and jerking her chin in the direction of the stage. The girls were lined in a row, soaking in the applause and shouts raining down as the crowd peppered them with 'Good luck's' and 'break a leg!'
Winter pried the scroll from Weiss' hands, ignoring the outraged gasp. "Miss Xiao Long has a point. Enjoy the show, Weiss. I'll aid you in recording so you can watch without obsessing over angles, and how terrible the stage lighting is."
Weiss squinted. "Now that you mentioned it..."
"Just concentrate on your daughter, Weiss." Blake chided as the music started.
As the group of girls danced on stage, Weiss found herself smiling at Dia's expertly executed movements. Her daughter had obviously inherited Ruby's grace, each sweep of her leg and arms sinuous and smooth, liquid given physical form. Weiss also noted that although the girls wore identical pink outfits, Dia looked the loveliest out of all of them. A blooming rose among a field of tulips.
The tinkling music rose to a pitch. The girls circled the stage, taking turns to execute small jumps, twisting in the air like curling ribbons. Dia was the last in line. To Weiss's horror, her daughter lost her footing just as she was poised to leap. There was a crack of wood as knees met the stage floor, and the atmosphere in the recital hall plummeted into the negatives as the crowd looked on in stunned silence. Weiss took in Dia's hunched shoulders, ready to elbow people out of the way to rescue her daughter. It was Winter's vice grip, rough hands experienced in keeping order and stability even during the most tumultuous of times, that kept her pinned to her seat.
"Winter," Weiss had to fight to keep her voice steady. "Let me go."
"You know what would happen if you rushed up there." Winter watched her niece quake in embarrassment. The rest of the girls fluttered nervously in place, not daring to draw attention to themselves, leaving the poor girl stranded by herself. "It will do her no favours if you made a scene." Winter said, regretfully.
Weiss scowled. "I don't–"
Ruby barrelled onto the stage and pulled her daughter to her feet. In her other arm, Zwei swept his gaze over the crowd, tongue lolling out as he yipped in a obnoxiously adorable way only dogs could.
Dia snapped back to attention. Weiss watched their daughter regain the determined set to her jaw after taking in Ruby's patient smile. The tension in her shoulders dissolved and Weiss' heart leaped as her daughter took several steps back, before running forward. Dia did a perfect twirl in mid-air, and landed soundlessly on her feet.
From her seat, Weiss saw Ruby beam at Dia before she disappeared behind the curtains. The rest of the performers were spurred back into action when Dia returned to her spot. Everyone's movements were considerably stilted compared to before, but they continued admirably until the song's final note. The curtain fell accompanied by a smattering of applause. Murmurs rose as the audience got up from their seats, but Weiss remained rooted to hers, an unreadable expression plastered across her face.
Yang turned and said to Blake, "Wow, I'm glad we got that on video."
The parking lot was a flurry of activity, parents spilling from the recital hall after collecting their daughters. Friends and family stood near vehicles, chatting amicably about the performance as their children giggled and chased each other around the lot in a hasty game of tag.
Yang broke into brilliant grin when she spotted her sister and niece tottering towards them. "Here come the two scamps!"
"An admirable performance little diamond." Winter's expression was unusually soft as she bent down to face Dia. "How do you feel about it?"
"It stinked when I fell." Blake covered up a snort. They were spat in a distasteful, familiar tone that reminded her of Weiss in their University days, a time where the Schnee was critical of everything and did not hesitate to point it out. "But then Mom helped me out and made everything better." The tiny ball of sunshine beamed, melting the hearts of every adult in the vicinity. Winter chuckled and patted her cheek.
"It was a good performance overall, then?" Yang followed up, ruffling Dia's hair. The action made the girl more excited than embarrassed, a trait she'd definitely picked up from Ruby.
"Be careful next time," Weiss chided, waiting till Winter stepped away to wrap her in a hug. Her daughter hugged back, though she sighed dramatically at the reminder. "Yes, Mommy, I promise."
Ruby watched Zwei run circles around them before gesturing at Yang to pick him up. She clapped her hands. "Okay, who's up for some victory ice cream?" Yang and Dia yelled their agreement in unison while Blake lazily waved the red flag she'd brought along.
Winter inclined her head towards her car, a speck of white in a sea of grey. "Come along, everyone. Dia will take the front seat which means you'd have to sit in the back with Blake, Yang."
"Um, aren't we going together?" Ruby interjected, sounding terribly confused, "I mean, Dia and I came in Weiss' car after all."
Dia nodded, fringe flopping up and down. "Yeah!"
Weiss rested a gentle hand on her daughter's head. "I know, darling. But like I told your Aunts earlier, I've decided to take your Mom for… cookies, first." Ruby blushed, the warmth in her cheeks reaching high enough to stain the tips of her ears. Weiss was staring at her in an awfully familiar way. It brought to mind the memory of their wedding night, icy blue eyes ablaze with predatory hunger and slivers of unblemished skin peeking from black, racy lingerie…
Dia made a face. "Mommy, why's Auntie Yang giggling like that?"
"Don't mind her, she was dropped on her head as a child." Yang pursed her lips, shooting an annoyed scowl in Weiss' direction. Blake snickered and patted the blonde's arms. "You walked into that one."
"Har har."
"Come along, Dia. We'll leave your mothers to their own celebration." Winter told her, extending a gloved hand. "They will be joining us later, yes?"
"Y-Yeah." Winter smirked at Ruby and lead her niece away. Blake and Yang followed after them, but not before Yang gave her sister an overly exaggerated wink.
Weiss trailed her hand down Ruby's shoulder, enjoying the way her wife shuddered at the touch. The small whimper Ruby made sent a thrill of excitement through her.
"Back to the car, Ruby." Weiss silently cycled through their favourite isolated dating spots. Oh, the possibilities were endless. "I think it's time we tested if my car seats are as sturdy as advertised."
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Maybe next time, you shouldn’t reblog from someone you blocked.
“There is no q*eerbaiting or anything homophobic.”Â
????? “There’s no homophobia!!! I’m heterosexual, therefore I know when something is or isnt homophobic and also I get a say in what qualifies as homophobia!”
Nope, that’s my friends. thanks for proving that you don’t consider a person homosexual if they disagree with you. You call queerbaiting when the show is not over yet and you call homophobia when a vats majority of homosexuals don’t acre and equal number of people who call it outright oppose you. All stuff I’ve seen and noted from my friends. 
“That’s just an excuse for people to be thin skinned” Ah yes, homophobia doesn’t actually exist, it’s all in the mind of the Gays™ so they have an excuse to complain, I guess.
Yes, yes, we get it. you’re homophobe who projects their homophobia onto anyone you don’t like as evidence to that I never refer to gay people directly but I do refer to the RWDE tag directly, showing that you only count people as “gay” if they share the same mindset as you.
See, whenever I see the word “Queerbaiting”, people are always using it to mean “gay ship tease.” And that’s not what queerbaiting is since the definition is “hinting at a queer character where there is none.”  And even if that is the definition of queerbaiting, so what? Heterosexual ships get teased all the time and never come true. This just reinforces my point is that you are too thin skinned to not get your ship when literally millions handle it. And then we have the fact that shippers are inclined to misread situations as romantic because thy are shippers. You cannot deny this since I was a part of a community that held that very same mindset.
In. what. world. are people rushing to the defense of lgbt ships?
The one where people make such an uproar about “queerbaiting” in Sherlock that people blamed the showrunner and not the shippers. (https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/fans-accuse-bbc-sherlock-creators-queerbaiting-series-4-trailer/#gs.klRKNY8)
(sidenote: for a cishet dude, kob sure has an easy time using the word “queer”, which is a slur….)
So is “cishet”: I don’t do with my friends, I just “queer” for you because you use “cishet”: You refuse to not use slurs, why should I? Not to mention when I looked up “is queer a slur?”: the bets I could get is that it WAS a slur but is used now in a similar context to “N***a” in African American circles whereas both the urban (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cishet), Az (https://www.azdictionary.com/urban-dictionary/definition/cishet) and even queer (http://queerdictionary.blogspot.com/2014/09/definition-of-cishet.html) agree that it is used as an insult. And if you try using the loophole of “it’s just describing a person!”: So is “queer” relating to “gay” which means “happy” or “joyful or “merriment.” 
did i wake up and suddenly live in a world where homophobia doesn’t exist? does fandom suddenly exist in a vacuum where this is no outside prejudice?Â
No, you just delude yourself into thinking this is still the 1960′s instead of 2017 where homophobia is demonized and looked down upon by society as a whole. Where if you start acting like a jackass against gay people, you will be ostrachized. And where apparently things are so okay that people think it’s okay to suicide bait a creator for sinking a homosexual ship (Tokyo Ghoul anyone?)
wasn’t “Not Fall in Love with You” written beforehand by Jeff Williams for a band? as in, not for the RWBY soundtrack specifically? While on the otherhand, BMBLB is the name of an actual ship? and written for RWBY?Â
First three eyes, last no. Jeff has gone on record to say he just makes songs and edits them to apply to RWBY so no, BMBLB was never made for RWBY. Ergo, putting it on the same level as Not Fall In Love With You.
and it’s not like people were unjustified (I do not mean people were justified in attacking Jeff or Arryn) in calling out RT/Jeff for the blatant q*ueerbaiting of that track. Yeah, it was a miscommunication on Jeff and CRWBY’s part, but it was still absolutely q*eerbaiting?? But I don’t think kob believes q*eerbaiting actually exists so I’m basically talking to a brick wall.
No, tahts a mirror you’re looking at: The Brick Wall is you because people like you never use the word “Queerbaiting” for it’s intended purpose. If RWBY was over and there was no LGBT character: yes, it is queerbaiting. But take a look what I said: “RWBY was Over” “Was no LGBT” “Character”: Each of these qualifications must be met to be queerbaiting here. RWBY is not, there can be an LGBT PERSON and ships are completely disregarded for queerbaiting unless there is no character. BMBLB has no canonical connection to RWBY, was never used to confirm anything by the creators and doesn’t prevent any LGBT characters from appearing.
But the most pathetic thing of all is how you conflate everything about RWDE shippers is that you cannot look your own sexuality to see what is going on. This has NOTHING to do with your sexuality: No, it ahs everything and ONLY everything to do. With you. being. a. SHIPPER. Right now, I don’t see you as a rabid gay person, I see as a rabid SHIPPER. You using your sexuality to force your ship is no different than shippers in the past using shit like non-canon and popularity to force their ships. I know you are nothing more than a rabid shippers because this stupid fucking fight between Black Sun and Bumbleby is NOTHING more than a retrain of Amourshipping Vs. Pearlshipping. I have FOUGHT in wars like yours before I’ve MET your kind before on both sides but this is the first time I can say there is a definitive wrong side because neither Amour nor Pearl attacked the creators while Black Sun never assaulted the creators unlike Bumbleby shippers.
If this really was about being gay and nt being a Bumbleby shipper: Then the other gay shippers like White Rose would have demanded a song for themselves but this isn’t because they take it like good shippers, unlike bad shippers like you.
“people don’t hate q*eerships, they just hate this q*eership!” ??? (sidenote: there kob goes with that ‘q*eer’ bullshit again…)
And there you go thinking all queerships are Bumbleby. Guess WHiterose, Monchrome, Freezerburn, Ladybug, Sea Monkeys and Chocolate Rabbit don’t exist. 
This isn’t about being gay, this about Bumbleby having the highest concertration of bad shippers IE YOU.
And again, don’t want me to use “queer” despite no longer even being used as an insult? Stop using “cishet” then.
“many of the rwde shipper i’ve seen are bumbleby shippers” hmmmm. why is that? is it maybe because we’ve been q*eerbaited with bumbleby for a while now and are sick of it??? no of course not, that would require kob to think critically! (not to mention, most rwde posts aren’t even about bumbleby or ships in general? it’s about the shitty writing of the show but lmao!)
No, it’s because you have the highest concentration of bad shippers due to popularity and a few members of RT shipping it as well.  You guys go around being jackasses to everyone and that’s why no one likes you. 
And did I say “rwde posts” or “RWDE shippers?” Because Sokumotanaka, Dudeblade, You, RWBYcriticism, Riprorrude and pageoflore anre all Bubleby shippers who think they can get away with acting this way by trying to use all Bumbleby shippers as a shield, except now people are targeting EVERYONE and your own kind is turning on you.
You sure that lack of critical thinking isn’t you? Because you sure do lobe projecting your homophobia onto other people.
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tinybit92 · 7 years
Well, the Bumbleby tag is full of drama again, so let’s post some positivity! I’m gonna talk about one of the reasons this ship means so much to me.
I started watching RWBY right around the time volume 2 ended. Several months prior to that, I had started coming to the realization that I was bisexual. I was plenty open to the idea of it and had no self shame about it. I was involved in a few different fandoms with canon girl/girl ships like Legend of Kora and Homestuck, but none of the ships really spoke to me on a personal level.
So I started watching the show and immediately identified with Yang, love that girl so much. The outward projection of confidence and humor masking all the inner stress and anxiety is me everyday. I knew Bumbleby was a thing from fan art floating around, and it looked super cute, but I wasn’t on board with the ship immediately. I was more into WhiteRose at first, I liked their dynamic right off the bat and still do. I kept Bumbleby in mind as I watched and appreciated all the subtleties of their dynamic, but I still wasn’t sold.
But then Burning the Candle happened.
It was the first time I had seen that kind of deeply emotional dynamic between two female characters. The first time I really and truly believed that there was something deeper than just friendship between these young women. The emotional connection there was so real to me, so tangible, and by the time Yang walked out and threw Blake that wink, I felt something really powerful.
I don’t know if I realized right away how important that scene was to me, but I know that I loved it immediately. From then on Bumbleby was my OTP. But as I continued to watch the show and get all my friends into it, as we worked on our team RWBY costumes for conventions, as I actively incorporated the show into my life, I realized the way it was impacting me personally. I realized that I was much more confident about my sexuality, much more optimistic about my future romantic prospects, much more open to the idea of flirting with cute girls as well as cute boys. And I don’t know that I would have had that surge of self esteem without what I had witnessed between these two girls.
I remember when the news came out about Monty’s passing. I was sitting at my desk, and I remember it was like a punch to the gut. I had never met this man in my life, hardly even knew what he looked like outside of a few special features videos, but I knew that his work had and would continue having a profound effect on my life. And I remember sobbing. I remember breaking down crying for the loss of a man I never knew because the characters he had created and the relationships they shared had made me feel so strongly.
Bumbleby is important to me because it’s something that makes me believe in me, something that makes me hopeful and happy. This show and it’s characters are something Monty left behind for us all in the hopes of making something good, something that makes people happy. It’s had a real impact on me. These girls matter to me. They mean something.
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rosen-fenrir · 7 years
Tumblr media
“YANG!” “Ruby!”
<< Soon enough, her bag was thrown off her shoulder and with as much care as she could muster, she gave her the biggest hug she had to offer. Mostly pressing with her left but still, an Ursa hug like she used to when they were younger. No matter that they stopped being children long ago, they would always say hello this way. Yang was turning 25 soon, and Ruby looked more and more like Summer every time she saw her again; it was bittersweet. Still, the ever present red cape gave her a tiny relief that her sister would never change being who she was. >>
Hey guys! this is a little fragment and illustration of the first chapter of my fanfic The meaning of being home, you might have seen my reference sheet for the girls already. If not, you should find them on my tag. It’s a Bumbleby and Whiterose fanfic, so , you might want to check it out if you like that xD either way, i hope you like both the fanfic and this little drawing :) Let’s say that Yang’s travel bag fell somewhere next to the door ok? and that the door opens outwards and that the hinges are at the left side xD
As a side note, i really want Ruby and Yang to reunite already in canon, i want to cry my eyes out D’:
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ao3feed-mrrobot · 5 years
by MR01
E-Corp welcomes it's new CEO, Tyrell Wellick. If he's bleeding out on stage and at it seems like he's in the process, middle of kicking the bucket due to a gunshot wound.
Well who's to say it isn't all part of the theatrics. It is Christmas night after all.
And if a beautiful blonde woman. Dressed to kill. Coming here on a day like this.
As a bummy zombie with what looks like her brain matter spilling over her jaw-dropping dress makes her way onto the stage beside him.
Just to stare at them all with a glazed over expression before she calmly addresses the masses.
An eerie smile on her face. It just means it's all part of the show, right.
Words: 1054, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Cheredovat
Fandoms: Mr. Robot (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Mr. Robot (Mr. Robot), Whiterose | Minister Zhang, Dominique DiPierro, Flipper (Mr. Robot), Phillip Price, Qwerty (Mr. Robot), Leon (Mr. Robot), Oliver 'Olle' Wellick
Relationships: Elliot Alderson/Tyrell Wellick, Darlene Alderson/Angela Moss
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Mr. Robot won't get away with killing my lgbtq+ darlings, Not on my watch, but for real the audacity, Some angst but not really bc these hoes deserve happiness, I was going somewhere with this, not sure where anymore tbh, I'll continue it though
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/21245792
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