#i mean technically i should probably buy a kitchen bar stool to sit at
cinematicnomad · 2 years
Tell me how the move went! :) <3
no move!! i'm in the same apt i've been in since last september, it's just finally, FINALLY fully furnished. the coffee table was the last big item i needed to buy (just in time for my lease renewal).
don't know if you remember but when i first moved in i didn't own a lot of stuff. the big open target bookshelf was the first item i purchased last september when i moved in as a way to separate my bed space from what would eventually be the living space, but for months that half of the studio was just...empty.
then my couch was finally delivered in mid november, but it was literally facing a blank wall (i have ALMOST finished paying off that couch). my parents visited around thanksgiving and brought me a tiny christmas tree so i could actually look at something when sitting on my couch and then they went with me to buy a big mirror to add to my space. as an early christmas gift my mom bought me a tv stand while it was on sale over black friday...for a tv i did not own lol. but i finally got a tv around...february (which took me about 4 months to pay off)? and left that christmas tree up until march due to a lack of light! but i finally got a standing lamp in april.
my great uncle passed away in march and in his will he dictated that all of his friends and family should get together and pick a few pieces of art from his collection. my mom and aunt convinced drunk-me to pick a very large piece that i loved, along with 2 others by the same artist, and those were finally delivered and hung in june (i'm grateful that they convinced me to stick with my choice but i was stressed about it for ages lol).
and then FINALLY i bought the coffee table. which i originally ordered for pick up only to drive an hour out of my way to find out the box was JUST BARELY too big for my car. so i had to return it and re-order it for shipping and it arrived yesterday and my brother helped put it together, officially, finally tying everything together.
✨sleepover weekend✨
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chroniclesinlacuna · 4 years
In Need of a Vase (read on ao3)
Pairing: m!detective (Dex DiBella) x Nate Warnings: minor book 3 spoilers Words: ~2.2k Rating: G Summary: This is just fluff. And flower giving.
Dex knew he should probably be sleeping. His one day off for the next week was tomorrow, and if he was going to get any type of sleep in the next long while, it would be tonight. And it was a true day off too - not expected at the station, even if he was technically on call like always, and with no movement on the current case, no reason to stop by the warehouse either.
But, instead of taking advantage of the looming freedom, he was instead, here, sitting at the bar to his kitchen, eyeing the bottle of jack that he’d gotten as a promotion gift from the volunteers, and debating the merits of a day off with a hangover.
It wasn’t a pleasant idea, by any means. And he knew he’d regret it about halfway through the second drink, let alone the next morning.
But there was still something rather...alluring, about the idea of wasting the night away and just. Not caring. About the blood drive, and the hell he was going to catch from the mayor. About the case that was currently moving absolutely nowhere, and how helpless he was feeling in the face of that stagnation. About Rebecca. About the last several months of everything.
Just for a little while, caring about nothing.
And...that thought is what got him off the stool to go put the bottle away, back in the cupboard he’d put it in when he’d first gotten the damn thing.
This week may have sucked on so many levels, but the last thing he needed was any thought like that. He should just throw the damn thing out, but he just couldn’t quite push past the guilt at the idea. It’d been a gift, and the volunteers had meant well.
The light knock at the door nearly has him dropping the damn thing.
He sneaks a quick look at his phone sitting on the bar. No notifications, so no one had called or texted. No emergency then. ...Maybe if he’s real quiet, whoever it was would just go away.
“Dex?” The voice is soft, muffled further through the door, but Dex can just about feel his shoulders sagging in relief. Setting the bottle on the counter, he slips over to open the door. Sure enough, there’s Nate, haloed in the cheap fluorescent light of the hallway and looking way too nice despite the sallow light.
He knows he himself doesn’t look nearly as put together - but he doesn’t know which is worse; the fact that he knows it looks like he hasn’t slept in two days, or the clothes that practically scream he hasn’t left the apartment all day.
Can’t find it really in him to much care though, with Nate smiling like that at him - all soft and delighted. Dex crosses his arms over his chest, to keep them to himself until he figures out just what the vampire is doing around these parts around this time of night, leaning against the door frame. “And what’re you doing here?” he asks in a lazy drawl that doesn’t fool Nate for a second, if the way his smile ticks up crooked is anything to go by.
“Mm...I cannot just stop by?” Nate asks, tone light, almost teasing.
Dex raises an eyebrow, finally actually taking the man in. Completely relaxed, looking like he just walked off some runway somewhere, like normal...and his hands behind his back.
“Of course you can,” Dex mutters, only half-paying attention to what he’s saying, now curiously trying to peek around Nate’s shoulder. He sees Nate blink before his smile goes soft again out of the corner of his eyes as he leans away. Nate may only have an inch on him in height, but he knew how to use it well to his advantage.
“...You’re going to make me ask, aren’t you?” Dex finally says, leaning back against the doorframe in defeat. He can’t quite keep the smile off his face though, so he knows it’s not very convincing.
“Of course not.” And with a flourish that Dex isn’t entirely convinced is due to vampiric grace, rather than Nate just being Nate, he’s suddenly blinking at a flower.
Not just any flower. One perfect, simple, white rose.
“...For me?” He asks, not entirely sure what his voice is doing - it sounds soft and unsure even to his own ears. He’s not entirely sure what his face is doing either, but when he finally looks up to meet Nate’s eyes, he realizes it’s probably not great, since Nate now looks worried - only just, in the tight curve to his shoulder, and the shuttered look to his smile that wasn’t there only a breath earlier. And Dex can’t have that.
Careful of the flower, he reaches out to grip Nate’s jacket, pulling him in to press a soft kiss to his lips, relaxing when he feels Nate’s smile press into his again.
Breaking apart a moment later, he keeps a grip on the jacket to keep him close, turning back to the flower, taking it carefully with his free hand.
Nate’s voice is soft, falling lazily into the space between them, “You mentioned the gardens you loved and while I cannot give those to you, I hoped this might suffice for now.”
Dex twirls the rose gently between his fingers, marvelling silently both at it, and the man who still hasn’t tried to break out of his hold.
No one looked at Dex and thought to buy him flowers. Sure, he’d bought flowers plenty of times for others. But...well. It just hadn’t happened the other way around, and the swell of emotion Dex was feeling right now was as terrifying as it was comforting.
“It’s beautiful, thank you.” Dex murmurs after a long moment, twisting enough to press a kiss to the corner of Nate’s lips, grinning widely when he twists to try to catch him completely. But, he was not going to let this devolve in the hallway. He liked to think that, while he may not be the classiest guy (by a longshot), he had some standards.
He steps back, intending to pull Nate into the apartment with him, only to pause, frowning and glancing back at the kitchen for a moment, wracking his brain.
“...Dex?” Nate asks after the silence drags on a little too long.
“...I don’t have a vase for this.” Or even a glass tall enough. Wait, what time was it? A quick glance at the clock and then he’s slipping around Nate still standing in the doorway. “Wait here.”
He knocks lightly on the door catty-corner to his own apartment - loud enough to get attention if she’s awake, but not loud enough to wake her if she’s not. The woman had a worse sleep schedule than he did, but he wouldn’t begrudge her what sleep she could get.
She opened the door a mere moment later, raising a thin eyebrow at him over gold-rimmed reading glasses.
“Declan? What is it dear?”
“Hi Mrs. Carsen. I have kind of a weird favor to ask…” That eyebrow just keeps getting higher. If Dex hadn’t lived next to the tiny old woman for the last five years, he’d think he was being judged, severely. And, he was, in a way. But the woman was all heart once you got past the looks that could cut a man. Instead of explaining, he holds up the flower. “I have nowhere to put this...if I could borrow a vase for a bit…?” he asks, not even bothering to try to stop her when she leans out enough to take a look down the hallway.
Nate, bless him, just smiles charmingly and waves.
The next thing he knows, he’s being smacked on the arm with a surprisingly strong hand. “‘Bout damn time.” she grumbles before disappearing back into her apartment. There’s a strangled sound from down the hall that Dex is pretty sure is a laugh, but he just rubs his arm and rolls his eyes.
She’s back a moment later with a thin, delicate looking vase. “I already like this one.” She offers with a small smile, voice dropping to try to keep it between them. Dex will give Nate this - he does pretty well at pretending not to hear.
“Yeah, I do too.” Dex replies with a soft smile - unable to help remembering a very similar conversation he had with Elidor, a couple months ago now.
“Introduce us next time, will you?”
“Sure thing, Mrs. Carsen. And thank you. Good night.”
He hears a return ‘good night’, before the door’s closing behind him.
“So. I don’t know how much of the rumor mill you heard after the carnival but it’s about to get ten times worse. She heads the largest gossip network in town.” He offers nonchalantly as he slips back around Nate, reaching out to grab him by the jacket again to pull him inside. Nate just laughs and goes with it easily, pushing the door closed behind him when Dex lets go.
“I did not hear most of it, no, but Felix did, so I’m sure to hear it all second-hand again.” And, for a wonder, he sounds rather pleased about that.
Biting down that swell of emotion currently pushing aside his heart again, Dex sets about getting the flower and vase set up. There’s a perfect place on the table by the window for it - a bright splash against the dark blue of the curtains.
He takes a long moment to just enjoy the look of it there, smiling to himself - stupidly, he knows, but...well, Nate’s the only one there to see.
He feels an arm slip around his waist as he’s pulled back against a strong chest a moment later - he’d only just heard the swish of fabric behind him a moment before. He doesn’t even pretend he doesn’t melt immediately into the grip. “You know, you’re lucky I like you.” He grumbles, even as feels more than hears the warm laugh at that.
“Oh, I am aware,” and there’s something aching there that Dex immediately wants to wipe away, but, after debating for a moment, he decides against it. Things are still so new - they have plenty of time for deep waters. Instead, he turns in Nate’s grip, arms coming up to wrap loosely around his shoulders in return. “Take it you’re staying then?” He asks instead, letting a hopeful thread twist into his voice, clear as day.
“If you will have me.” And there’s that ache again - thin and thready, and it hurts to hear it, even if he’s pretty sure he’ll hear it for a while yet.
“Mm...can’t promise anything exciting,” much as he wants to, it’s just now hitting him how tired he is, standing here, wrapped up in and around Nate like this, warm and comfortable in his own home - and there’s that warm laugh again he’s already falling a little in love with, one he feels more where they’re pressed up close together than he hears - “you’re welcome here however long you’d like.” he finishes, humming softly when Nate ducks into ghost a kiss along his jaw.
In a move he doesn’t quite follow - and not entirely because he’s tired either; sometimes he just...forgets exactly how strong Nate and the others are - he finds himself on top of Nate on the couch that had been behind them.
He blinks a couple times, both down at Nate, and back at where they’d been standing before just laughing, shaking his head at Nate’s not-quite sheepish grin.
“This is only going to be comfortable for like...an hour. At most.” Dex warns, even as he settles in close, enjoying the warmth of the other man spread out under him. His own legs are butting up uncomfortably against the arm of the couch, so he can only imagine how Nate’s are doing. The couch was an old, comfy thing, but it was not designed for two six foot plus men to lay out on it. It wasn’t even designed for one, as his back liked to remind him every time he fell asleep on the damn thing.
“Mm...we’ll move in a bit.” Nate offers, fingers curling in Dex’s shirt at his back.
Dex knows for a fact he’s going to wake up in the exact same spot, but can’t find it in him to argue - way too comfortable, and enjoying the closeness way too much. If Nate wants to deal with the couch like this, that’s his choice. So, instead of arguing, he leans up enough to steal another sweet kiss - little more than a too-short slide of warm skin and breath before settling down with his cheek on Nate’s chest.
The last thing he sees before he loses the thread for the night is that rose - bright and sweet looking against the heavy navy curtains. He’s pretty sure he falls asleep with a smile and plans to buy both a vase, and a bigger couch, very soon.
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let-it-raines · 4 years
all for a 56-pack of crayons
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Prompt which has obviously been a little modified because of who I am as a person: “I was bartending at an Italian restaurant and it’s pretty much full of valentine dates. A guy walks in and sits at the bar by himself. He had come to the city to surprise his girlfriend for valentine’s day (about a five-hour bus trip between cities) and he sure surprised her. she was in her dorm room fucking one of his friends from high school”
so @shireness-says​ sent me the above prompt a dreadfully long time ago, and I was going to write it for her birthday. I missed that date by a few weeks, but who doesn’t love a late birthday gift? Keeping the party going! 🎉 
found on ao3 | here |
“Oh my God.”
“Oh my God.”
“This,” Emma says, motioning out to all of the people in front of her. “People can go on dates every day of the year, but everyone in all of Portland is here tonight.”
“It’s Valentine’s Day,” Mary Margaret sighs, a goofy little smile on her face that’s always there when she’s talking or thinking about love. It’d be obnoxious if she wasn’t so damn charming. Or nice. Charming is really more of David’s thing. “People like to go on dates on Valentine’s Day.”
“Because it’s a – ”
“Societal construct. Yes, I know. You’ve said that once or twice.”
Emma rolls her eyes and grabs the bottle of wine she was looking for. “Look, all I’m saying is that if you think proposing to your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day is romantic, you’ve got issues. There are a lot of days of the year, make another one of them special.”
“I’ve got to go serve table ten. He’s got a ring being put in a dessert. Be right back.”
Mary Margaret isn’t behind the bar when Emma gets back. She’s probably off trying to help some teenagers flirt or listening to some couple’s love story. She’s very into romance and candy hearts and the whole big thing. It’s like this every year, but Emma can’t blame her, not really. Mary Margaret has been with David since they were fifteen years old, and her entire life is some kind of candy heart and giant teddy bear holding red roses world. There are obviously a few pieces of melted chocolate and fallen rose petals in there, but overall, she’s never had a reason to be sick of love and this holiday that just makes single people feel shitty about themselves.
“Whatever your strongest rum is, I want that.”
Emma turns to see a man sliding down at the barstool in front of her. No one is sitting up here tonight. Everyone is in the booths and at the tables, so what the hell is this guy doing up here?
She quickly glances over him. He’s got on a white button-down, the top few buttons undone, and a leather jacket on top of it. His hair is messy, like he’s been running his hands through it, and Emma can’t tell whether he just doesn’t know how to do his hair or if he’s one of those guys who tries to artfully mess his hair up. From everything else about his looks, he’s definitely a guy who tries to do that.
You don’t look like him and wear a leather jacket if you don’t know you’re attractive.
The blue eyes alone could probably get half the girls in here into bed with him.
Woah, Emma.
That’s definitely taking her judgment of people a little too far.
“You don’t want something specific?” Emma asks him.
“Whatever can get me drunk.”
Emma’s brows raise, but she quickly tries to neutralize her face. She judges people all the time, but they can’t know that she judges them. She would lose her tips, and she needs those to live and to pay bills and to be able to buy Henry new shoes and the 56-pack of crayons he wants that has all of the specialized colors.
“I am technically not supposed to encourage a customer to get drunk, but I will get that rum for you.”
“Thank you, lass.”
Emma bends down and searches through their shelf of rum, pulling out a bottle that won’t break the guy’s bank but that tastes good enough, and pours him a glass. “You need anything else?”
“Do you serve food up here?”
“We do, but sir, if you’re here for a date, I’m afraid – ”
The man downs his drink before slamming the glass against the bar top. He winces and then adjusts the tumbler.
“I’m not here for a date. I’m simply here for some food and a few more glasses of rum.”
“I’m not supposed to let you have enough to get drunk. I wasn’t kidding about that.”
“Lucky for you, I have a high tolerance.”
Emma’s eyes roll, and she turns away to hide that before grabbing a menu off the shelf and then handing it to him. “You can look through this, and then when you’re ready, I’ll send your order back to the kitchen.”
“Thanks, love.”
“Not your love.”
Oh shit. She shouldn’t get snippy with him. She was just thinking about how she needs the tips.  
56 pack of crayons and all.
“Sorry,” Emma mumbles. “Force of habit.”
“You have a lot of people call you love? I didn’t know there was such a British population in Portland.”
“I have a lot of people call me by pet names,” Emma corrects, forcing her smile back onto her face. “Baby, sweetheart, honey, whatever else men can come up with when they’re trying to hit on me.”
The man nods and places his hand on the counter. She glances down at the movement, notices the fact that he has a glove on just that one hand, and as much as she is curious, she’s sure as hell not about to ask. Her five-year-old might ask, but she’s decidedly not five and has better manners than that.
“I apologize, love. Fuck. Didn’t mean to say that.”
Emma chuckles and turns around to get him a glass of water. She should have already done that, but she got distracted. “It’s Emma. Emma Swan. I’m sorry for not telling you my name earlier. I should have as soon as you sat down. I seem to be off my game tonight.”
“Killian Jones.”
She turns around with his water and puts it down. “It’s nice to meet you. If you need anything, let me know.”
“Thank you.”
Emma stays busy for the next hour, serving drinks and doing the take-out orders, and while people come up to the bar, none of them stay. They’re here for a fleeting moment, getting what they need, and then going. She doesn’t mind. It’s busy enough in here that she never stays idle, and if she keeps working, this damn day will be over and she can go home, never thinking of engagement rings and candy hearts again.
A round of applause sounds around the restaurant, and Emma looks up to see a man on his knees and his girlfriend with her hands clasped over her mouth.
“Does that happen often?”
“The proposal,” Killian explains. “Does that happen often?”
“I’d say we get a proposal in here every two weeks, but on Valentine’s Day? At least ten per shift.”
He lets out a low whistle. “Damn.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“I take it you’re not a fan of Valentine’s Day.”
“I think it’s cliched, and I’m not really a fan of cliched.”
“Eh, I think it has its pros and cons. A few clichés are good.”
Emma crosses her arms over her chest. “Like what?”
“Surprises, maybe. If you’re in a long-distance relationship and you ride on a train for five-hours to surprise your girlfriend, I imagine that can be a nice, cliched thing.”
“Is that what you did?”
He drinks half of his glass before stabbing a piece of his steak. “Funnily enough, I did.”
“Then what are you doing here?”
“Well, when I showed up to her apartment, she was fucking my oldest mate.”
Holy shit.
No wonder he wanted the strongest rum they have.
“You’re kidding? You have to be kidding.”
He scoffs and leans back on the stool, a smile curving on his lips while his eyelashes flutter. “I wish I was.”
Emma shakes her head and grabs his bottle, pouring a little more in his glass. “I’m cutting you off after this glass, but this one’s on me.”
“You don’t have to do that, Swan.”
“Look, I may hate Valentine’s Day, but no one deserves that when they were trying to do something romantic. Hell, no one ever deserves that. Unless maybe they’re an asshole.”
“I guess I’m an asshole.”
“I don’t know you well enough to say for sure, but I doubt it.”
“How would you know?”
Emma shrugs. “I call it my superpower. I’ve got an intuition about these types of things.”
“It’s true. She does.” Mary Margaret steps up beside her and leans forward on the counter. “So, I couldn’t help but overhear your story.”
“Marg – ”
Mary Margaret waves her away. “First of all, I’m so sorry. Secondly, I bet you don’t have a place to stay tonight, so why don’t you stay with us?”
Oh hell no.
“Marg,” Emma hisses, pulling Mary Margaret away from the counter and back against the shelves, “what the hell are you doing?”
“He was going to stay with his girlfriend tonight, but now they’ve broken up.”
“He can stay in a hotel.”
“That’ll be so expensive. Come on. We have a couch.”
“I don’t want to have to spend the night with a stranger. That’s not safe.”
“David is a cop.”
“He doesn’t know that. He could still plan on murdering us.”
“Well, I suppose I do now,” Killian says. She and Mary Margaret both turn on their heels to look at him. “Sorry. You’re not exactly in a discreet spot. I’m afraid I’ll have to decline your offer, lass. I don’t – you’re too kind, but I can’t accept it.”
“Emma,” Mary Margaret begs.
“I’m Mary Margaret,” she suddenly says, turning to Killian and shaking his hand. “You’ve had a rough night, obviously, and I think you need some homemade brownies. Let me call my boyfriend, and I’ll clear it with him.”
“What about Emma?”
“Ignore her. She’s paranoid that everyone is a serial killer.”
“She has a point.”
“You’re not a serial killer. We can both tell.”
“Love, I really – I cannot impose on you.”
Emma blinks at him, wondering why the hell British people use so many pet names. She’s not sure what the hell is happening. Why is Mary Margaret inviting him to their apartment? Why is she so insistent on it? This isn’t the first time someone has stumbled into the restaurant wanting to get drunk because something shitty has happened, and it certainly won’t be the last.
But Mary Margaret is Mary Margaret, and Emma guesses she’s going to sleep in Henry’s room with the door locked and his dresser pushed up against the door.
Not that she thinks this is a bad guy.
But precautions and all that. She’s not naïve enough to think that everyone she meets is going to be a good person, and she’s not taking a single chance when it comes to Henry.
“You wouldn’t be imposing in the slightest. Our shift finishes at midnight.”
Emma turns around to Mary Margaret and hisses, “if he murders us, I’m coming back to life to kill you again.”
“I would expect nothing less.”
“So, what do you do?”
“David,” Mary Margaret sighs. “Don’t make him uncomfortable.”
“He’s sleeping on our couch. I can ask him what he does.”
“Be nice.”
“I’m getting my Masters in Civil Engineering at NYU.”
Emma lets out a low whistle before catching herself. Damn. That’s impressive, especially considering she’s currently in a bunch of lit classes with eighteen-year-olds who couldn’t care less about the classes they’re in. They also complain about having class at eight in the morning and then finishing all of their classes by noon, but, really, she can’t be bothered by them too much. If her life had gone the way theirs had, she imagines she would complain about being up at eight in the morning, too.
Hell, she does now. Just for entirely different reasons.
“Something to say about that, love?” Killian asks, both brows raised.
She bites her tongue at the name. He’s been letting them fly for both she and Mary Margaret all night, so it really must be a force of habit and not him trying to get into her pants.
“Not a thing.”
“So what do you plan on doing with that?” David asks Killian.
“Well, I am planning on – ”
Oh shit.
Emma turns around and sees Henry standing in the hallway. He’s in his pajamas, his hair pushed up from where he’s been sleeping, and he only has one sock on. How the hell does that always happen?
“Kid, what are you doing awake?”
“You guys are loud. Who’s that?”
Emma looks between Henry and Killian, trying to figure out how the hell to explain this to a child.
“A friend,” she quickly answers. “He’s going to sleep on the couch tonight before he leaves in the morning to go back home.”
“Where is he from?”
“New York.”
“How do you know him?”
“Alright,” Emma sighs, going toward Henry and gently placing her hands on his shoulders before guiding him back to his room, closing the door behind them. “It’s late, and you need to go back to bed. We’re going to the playground in the morning, remember?”
“The TV man said it was going to snow.”
“Well, when has a little snow ever stopped us?”
She gets Henry back in bed and cuddles up beside him, tucking him in and fixing his hair before kissing his forehead and sighing. She’s exhausted, desperately needs to be in her own bed, but that probably won’t happen tonight.
“Did you have a good day at school?” Emma whispers while she still strokes Henry’s hair.
“Did you give your cards to your class?”
“Yep! Can I eat my candy?”
“Right now?”
“I’m going to say no to that one. You’ll get far too much energy, and then you’d have to brush your teeth again.”
“Nooo,” Henry giggles, squirming as Emma runs her fingers over his belly. “I don’t want to brush my teeth again.”
“Then I guess candy will have to wait for the morning.”
Henry sighs and shifts in his bed, burying his face into his pillow. He’s quiet, so Emma doesn’t say anything, hoping that maybe he’s going to fall asleep easily. Henry’s going to be in a mood in the morning. She can already tell. Hopefully, and it is a big hope, he’ll sleep in.
There’s almost a 100% certainty that he won’t.
“Is that man your boyfriend?”
Emma nearly chokes on her own tongue.
Henry twists around until she can see his face again. “Avery said since I don’t have a dad, that my mom must have a boyfriend. Do you kiss him?”
His face is so twisted over the thought of Emma kissing someone that she can barely hold in her laughter. Her stomach is probably about as twisted as Henry’s face is.
“No, kid, that man is not my boyfriend. I don’t have one, but I promise if I get one, you’ll be the first one to know.”
He won’t be. If she ever does decide to date again, Henry won’t be meeting anyone until she’s somehow sure that everything will go right.
She has no idea how people do this.
It takes a few more minutes for Henry to fall back asleep, soft puffs of air hitting against her neck, and when she’s sure that he’s sound asleep, she carefully untangles herself and moves out of his bed, quietly exiting his room and going back out into the hallway. Mary Margaret, David, and Killian are all sitting in the living room, quietly talking, and Emma tries to slip past them and into her own bedroom only for David to call her over to hear some story about how Killian managed to get here from London. She listens to half of it, but she’s not nearly as intrigued by the stranger in her apartment. When he was nothing but a handsome customer, he was fine. This is much too much.
And that’s exactly why she excuses herself to her room, slipping out of her uniform and taking a shower to wash away the smell of food and alcohol and everything she hates about her job.
She’s going to smell like garlic bread for the rest of her life.
By the time she’s finished, has braid her hair back, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and changed into a pair of pajamas, it’s far past three in the morning. She needs to go to sleep, but she’s not leaving Henry unattended. As quietly as possible, she grabs an extra blanket and steps out into the main room of the apartment, hoping that Killian is asleep and stays that way.
Because this is her life, he is obviously wide awake and sitting at the kitchen table with a still steaming mug of what smells like tea in front of him.
He looks up the moment her bedroom door clicks behind her.
“Swan,” he nods.
She nods. How rude would she be to ignore him and walk to Henry’s room?
“Oh. You’re still up.”
“It would seem so.”
“Do you need something? Another blanket? A pillow? Is Netflix not working?”
Killian shakes his head and takes a sip of his tea. She didn’t even know they had tea. Mary Margaret must have had some.
“I’m fine. I assure you that the three of you have been nothing but hospitable when I was fine to find a motel.” He reaches up and scratches behind his ear. She tries her best to ignore the fact that the fingers underneath his glove don’t move. “If I had known you had a son, I – ”
The hair on the back of her neck stands. “You would have what?”
“I would have never accepted Mary Margaret’s proposal. I’m sure you don’t want someone you don’t know being that close to your kid.”
“No, I don’t. You could be the nicest guy in the world, but don’t think I’m taking my eyes off you for a second.”
“I would despair if you did.”
Emma scoffs and turns her head away. Stupidly, she looks back. “If you want to spike your tea, I think we have some whiskey.”
“Are you trying to get me drunk?”
“I’m off the clock now. I feel like you might deserve it.”
His head tilts back in quiet, broken laughter. “Aye, I suppose I do. It’s been a banner night.”
“I don’t know her or anything, but your girlfriend is obviously an idiot to cheat on you.”
“You don’t know anything about me either.”
“I know that very few people deserve to have their heart broken like that.”
“Is that what happened to you? You had your heart broken?”
She tugs the blanket around her shoulders. “That’s not your business.”
“Forgive me, love. You’re something of an open book to me. I didn’t mean to overstep.”
Now she’s the one who needs a drink.
This has not been her day.
Far too much love.
Far too many thoughts of Neal.
Far too many British men thinking they know her when they don’t.
“You don’t know anything about me either.”
Killian sighs and takes another long sip of his tea. “I know you hate Valentine’s Day and have a son while also living with another couple who are slightly older than you. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out a few things about you just as I’m sure you’ve done the same to me.”
Emma almost protests. But only almost. He’s right. She’s been watching people for a long time, and it’s easy to know that he uses his looks more than his intelligence to initially make people be fond of him. He’s charming, but he’s also smart. He’s studying a crazy difficult subject at a school that isn’t exactly for slackers, and while he may secretly be an asshole for his girlfriend to cheat on him, she doesn’t get that feeling.
She gets the feeling that he might be as down on her luck as she is sometimes.
“I’m getting the whiskey,” she blurts out. She’s not tired anymore, and if she goes to Henry’s room, she’s going to end up not being able to sleep. “Do you like hot chocolate?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever had any.”
“Well, we’re changing that.”
Emma has obviously lost her mind in some kind of sleep-deprived, stressed-out kind of way, but she finds it easy to talk to Killian.
Which is dumb.
She wanted to hate him.
She really did.
But he’s easy to talk to despite the fact that she’s mad about that and that it’s probably one of the worst days of his life. She would assume. She doesn’t know.
What she does know, however, is that he was in the Navy for one year, was involved in an accident, and the compensation he got for that funded his move to the US and his education, which is a lot more information than what he shared with David earlier. It’s kind of fascinating, if not a little tragic, and maybe today wasn’t the worst day of his life.
She may have a little bit of whiskey in her, but she’s not about to spill all of her secrets.
Then again, she’s never going to see this man again. He’ll be a fleeting memory, just a ship passing in the night.
But no. She won’t share. Wounds never close if you keep picking at them, and she’s not going to do that.
Instead she tells him she just started at a local community college and that she hopes to get into the nursing program. She’s never been great at science, but it’s a good career with good pay, and by the time she’s finished with the program Henry will hopefully be at least a little self-sufficient. Besides, she’s got David and Mary Margaret to help her, and she can handle it.
She always has.
His mom was apparently a nurse, and she doesn’t ask about the way he refers to her in the past tense. It’s easier not to. Instead she listens to him share stories of she’d once told him when he was younger. It’s all crazy and stressful, and if Emma didn’t want a better life for she and Henry so badly, she’d probably drop all of her classes out of fear right now.
But the better life is calling.
Killian keeps the conversation flowing from topic to topic more easily than anyone has a right to, and he only occasionally stops, a dark flash settling in his eyes and in the curve of his lips. But just as quickly as it appears, it disappears and he talks of his favorite shows or the runs he likes to go on early in the morning when, miraculously, most of Manhattan is asleep.
“Thanks for this, love.”
“For what?” Emma asks.
“For keeping my mind occupied. I don’t – well, I bloody don’t know what I’d do if I’d stumbled into another restaurant tonight.”
Emma leans forward and tears apart a piece of her pop tart. “You’d be sleeping on some other bartender’s couch.”
“There’s not currently a lot of sleeping going on.”
She laughs and takes another bite before looking down at her phone. “Holy shit. It’s almost six thirty. How are either of us awake?”
“I’m fueled by anger, sadness, and the conversation of an incredibly charming woman.”
His brows wiggle with his words, his smile more of a smirk, and in any other situation, she’d have the urge to slap him.
“I’m going to be dead inside today.”
“I should probably let you go to bed, Swan. I’m sure you’ve got plans today that require sleep.”
“Yeah, I do. I – ”
Almost as if on cue, Henry’s door creaks open, and he walks out into the living room. His hair is disheveled like it always is when he wakes up, and now he is officially missing both socks.
Why can kids not sleep in?
“I’m hungry,” he mumbles, wiping his eyes. “Can we have pancakes? With the faces on them?”
“Kid, I – ”
“I can make them,” Killian interrupts. “If that’s okay with you, of course.”
“Um, yeah,” Emma nods. “Yeah, that’s fine. I’m going to make some coffee, and then I’ll help. Henry, go brush your teeth.”
“And I’m going to check to make sure you actually did.”
Henry groans, and Emma hears Killian chuckle. “I was exactly the same as a lad. So, pancakes with faces on them? Where do I find the ingredients?”
The pancakes are really good.
Much better than the ones she makes, which seems impossible when the recipe is on the box.
And Killian is fantastic at entertaining Henry’s questions, even when Henry asks about Killian’s gloved hand. He makes up some story about being attacked by Peter Pan and being like Captain Hook, and it helps Emma be a little less mortified that her child has no manners.
So on no sleep and a slight hangover, Emma has breakfast with her kid and a half-stranger, and it’s not the worst thing in the world.
It’s actually kind of nice.
And when Killian leaves to catch a train home, he slips her a note with his phone number. He leaves the ball in her court, which she likes, and even though it takes a few weeks, she does end up calling.
Well, texting. It’s easier that way.
Really, the whole thing is easy, and Emma is as surprised by that as anyone. For once in her life, she has hope that something is going to work out.
Next year Valentine’s Day is spent eating pizza with Killian and Henry with the only acknowledgement of the day being Henry giving the two of them the leftover cards from his class.
It’s perfect.
The year after that Killian doesn’t have to travel five hours to see them.
That’s somehow more than perfect.
“Can we say that our anniversary is Valentine’s Day, love?” Killian asks her as his lips press into her temple.
“Never,” she sighs, “but maybe the day isn’t as bad as it used to be.”
144 notes · View notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Freds 5000 Do-it-yourself Building Plans!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/freds-5000-do-it-yourself-building-plans/
Freds 5000 Do-it-yourself Building Plans!
 Buy Now    
“STOP Dreaming And Start Building With Over 5.000 Ready For Use Building Plans…”
From: Fred Schouten Carpenter and DIY freak to the bone
RE: DIY the easy way!
Dear Do-it-yourselfer,
If you have landed on this page, chances are that you are working on a do-it-yourself project.
You have probably already spent a lot of money on building materials, only to find out that the project was going to take a lot longer than planned. Or to find out that the dimensions are incorrect in practice!
This is the problem: most building plans and plans that you find online and offline are worthless!
Why? The plans are often incomplete, unclear and lack dimensions. They are often intended to promote products instead of helping you!
“But what if I tell you that there is a way to finish your projects for much less money, much faster”
Below I tell you the story of more than 21,000 do-it-yourselfers in the Netherlands and Belgium who are currently achieving perfect do-it-yourself results. In an instant. No hassle. And also without technical knowledge.
Do you know what I like? That their results are much better than they could have imagined in advance. Much better than most people (including the super handy!) Will ever realize. Those results are also reserved for you!
Us do-it-yourselfers are much alike…
We both know how good it feels to finish a project smoothly and to perfection.
It feels SO satisfying to create with your hands what your eyes can see. Getting compliments from the people around you… What’s not to love?
Such a shame though that projects often take way more time than you had anticipated. Or that they end up being a disappointment… After hours and hours of hard work, you’re too afraid to show people what you’ve created. That sucks!
Trust me: it happened to me way too often. True, carpentry and DIYing sit in my blood. But there was a time where I couldn’t always create what I saw. And I wasn’t particularly quick at creating things either… Through trial and error, I grew wise – which costed me loads of time and money.
It doesn’t have to be like that for you.
I have often come across these things – recognizable?
You’re searching online for solutions for your idea or project – it takes you many hours of digging and rummaging through the internet
If you find a manual or a drawing, it doesn’t satisfy your needs entirely – you’ll settle for something you don’t really want
Drawings are often incomplete, unclear or miss dimensions – you end up with losing more time over figuring that out
Or the drawings that you find lack important information – they’re meant to promote products, not designed to help you
You end up asking an agency to make a drawing of your ideas – you receive a fantastic blueprint for 447 dollars (ouch) …
How about finishing your projects cheaply and swiftly – in a way that you want them done?!
Just imagine: you have an idea for a project. You take the drawing that matches it exactly, go to work and finish your project in no time.
No searches, no fuss, no expensive bill from an agency. Only admiration from friends and family and a VERY satisfying feeling.
And not for just one project. But always. Every single time that you come up with a project or idea.
Wouldn’t that be great?
I ended up totally frustrated from searching without any results. That is why I started making my own blueprints. All I have ever built has been turned into a drawing.
Drawings are the key to achieving perfect DIY results.
These past years I have made over 5000 drawings for you in such a way that any DIYer can work with them, even if you’re not particularly experienced or a true handyman.
And the beauty of it all? You can get things done. Adjust your components to the right size and assemble them in the right order.
All drawings have been collected into the complete DIY Blueprints Package. Including clear step-by-step building plans that will explain things in such a simple way things can’t go wrong.
Over 5000 ready-to-go building drawings, plans and projects that are easy to build step by step.
A crystal-clear manual with every blueprint for you to understand how things work and how to get things done all by yourself.
Every building plan includes a list of materials so that you know exactly what you need and how much. This will save you tons of unnecessary expenses on materials you don’t need.
Some projects as you will find them in the package:
My Building Plans Package is for do-it-yourselfers of every level. Whether you want to build something for the first time or have been a carpenter for years. The result is just as tight due to the easy to follow steps in the plans.
Do you need some more ideas? Walk through the building plans and get fantastic ideas. It is also a source of inspiration if you like to work with your hands.
Over 21,000 happy DIYers have tried it. This is what they say:
“This Package is something every DIYer should have”
Though I have been DIYing ever since owning my first house (in 1987), and I have seen many drawings, books and building plans, these are simply the best!
Not only does the package contain more drawings than you will ever need, it is so clear and easy to follow.
Nico van der Heijden, Apeldoorn
“Finally, a double bed ;-)”
Hi Fred,
I would like to thank you for your plans. After a week of searching for a drawing for a double bed, I landed on your website. I admit, I was skeptical. But I ended up buying the package after all and I am so glad I did…
We’ve just moved in together, so getting a double bed was mandatory ?It succeeded thanks to your drawing.
Maarten from Utrecht
“My students are over the moon”
Hello Fred,
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the package!
I teach technical sciences at a school, and I was looking for building plans for my students. Well, I’m set in stone for years thanks to your bundle!
With kind regards,
Arnold Teppen – Teacher technical sciences at the Delta College, Veendam
Instantly brilliant results with all your DIY projects
With this Package, you will have over 5000 complete building plans, including manual and list of materials.
You’ll get the best results, fast and easy at a fraction of what it would cost you to hire an agency.
No more searching
You’ll never have to search or invent things yourself again. Do you know how much time you will save?
I have composed the Package in such a way that you will smoothly find your way around. It is well categorized for you to quickly find what you are looking for.
Fast results
With the Package, you will be able to realize any project you can imagine rapidly and instantly. You’ll have immediate results and access for life to over 5000 ready-to-use building plans.
Fred’s Blueprints Package is the only and most complete bundle of building plans accessible for DIYers and professionals on the market.
You can get started within 5 minutes. Register now:
Types of Projects You Can Build Today:
List Of Building Plans That You Get:
Keep in mind that this is only a partial list of all of the more than 5,000 building plans that you will be downloading.
If I told you here what you get in Fred’s Building Plans Package … this page would be so long that you are reading until tomorrow night. You will find these categories in any case:
Air conditioner wood-cover
Animal shed
Awning wood
Bee hive
Billiard tables
Bin Storage
Chicken coops
Children’s rooms
Classic wagon trolley
Coat rack
Door Canopy
Fire tables
Flower boxes
Flyscreen Windows
Garden house
Hay rack
Heat pump wood cover
Insect Cabinets
Laundry hamper
Magazine rack
Market stall
Name plates
Outdoor kitchens
Pigeon loft
Rabbit Hutches
Radiator Cover
Shutters inside
Toy houses
Vegetable garden
Washing machine
Window shutters
Wood Shed
Wooden Gift Box
Free bonuses worth $134.00 USD if you decide NOW
The first bonus you will receive totally free with the Blueprint Package is the DWG & CAD software pack.
With this software, you no longer need to buy expensive CAD software priced at $ 650 USD or more. From now on, you’ll be able to open and modify CAD files!
The value of this software alone is $ 97 USD! But today you receive it completely free of charge as a bonus with Fred’s Blueprints Package! (this software can be found in our members’ area)
Normal price: $97 – FREE for you
Scaffolding Wood Garden Furniture Guide
In this bonus guide you will find plans and drawings specifically designed for use with driftwood.
One of my clients has used this guide to launch his own business in driftwood furniture. There’s a massive demand for this guide, which is why I have decided to start selling it separately for $ 37 USD!
So, grab your chance now! As soon as the website for this guide is ready, it won’t be offered as a bonus any longer…
Normal price: $37 – FREE for you
Lifelong Access To The 5000 Blueprints
Buying my Blueprints Package doesn’t mean you’ll only be allowed a single download, running the risk of having to pay for it once more if your computer were to crash!
No, instead you’ll be granted access FOR LIFE to these 5000 drawings.
Fred’s DIY Plans Package Total Value:
Many people have the question: “Fred, how much will this cost me?” And to be honest: my wife makes me crazy …
But I think the question is: what would it be worth to you? What would it mean for you if you never had to solve projects yourself again? That you always have a ready-made solution for every project now and in the future?
DIY experts informed me that this package should cost at least $497.00. Minimal!
But I don’t want that! I want the package to be affordable for everyone. So for you too. That is why the package normally costs $94.00.
BUT: because I want to help you and make it really easy for you, I am making a special one-off offer today:
Click on the “Add to Cart” below to start immediately
This is a one-time purchase. There are NO monthly costs
30-day money-back guarantee
If, for whatever reason, you decide within 30 days that this product is not suitable for you, you will receive 100% of your money back. Just send me an email. I, Fred, take all the risk.
You get 30 days to view and use building plans for free.
What you will get immediately:
Fred’s Building Plans Package – More than 5,000 ready-made building plans, plans and projects that are easy to make step-by-step ($ 497 VALUE)
DWG & CAD Software package – With this software you no longer have to purchase expensive CAD software for $650 or more .. But from now on you can open and modify CAD files! ($97 VALUE)
Scaffolding Wood Garden Furniture Guide – In this bonus guide, you will find plans and building plans that are specifically intended for scaffolding or scrap wood. ($37 VALUE)
Lifelong Access – If you take my building plan package then you will have access for the rest of your life. For example, if your computer crashes, you don’t have to pay again!
Direct access – You receive direct online access to the 5,000 building plans and all bonuses.
This is a one-time purchase. There are NO monthly costs
You may still have questions
It is always possible that you still have questions. The most frequently asked questions that I encounter in my mailbox are answered below.
Can I easily find what I need? Yes! Although we are talking about over 5000 drawings, you’ll be able to find anything you need with ease. All drawings are categorized and can be found in no-time. Say you are looking for an outdoor kitchen. Simply go to ‘outdoor kitchen’ and you’ll find all drawings and projects that are related to this subject.
How long is this offer still valid? Look at the bottom of the page. You’ll see a countdown clock. Until it hits 0, you’ll get the Package with over 5000 blueprints for 67 dollars + all bonuses. After that, the price will rise to $ 94 USD without bonuses. And you’ll miss out… 
I am very good at DIYing. Is this something for me? Yes! With over 5000 blueprints you’ll have at your disposal an unlimited source of inspiration. And you will save tons of time building stuff simply because you won’t need to search for an appropriate drawing. And think about the material lists… This will save you heaps of time researching things!
I am not particularly handy. Is this something for me? Yes! Anyone that can saw a shelf, can work with these drawings. They are a step-by-step description of how to proceed.
Does reading a drawing take a lot of time? No. Maybe the very first time you look, but you’ll get a hang of the system quickly. And once you’ve figured that out, every drawing is a piece of cake!
That’s a lot of blueprints for a very small amount. Is this real? Yes, it is: only 0.0067 dollar per drawing. But I have plans to change that. I am working on a webshop where I will offer my blueprints going from 17 to 67 dollar per piece. Another reason for you to join now.
“Do you want better DIY results in less time?”
Then take the advantage now: 5000 blueprints + free bonuses worth 134 dollars.
Only now at just 67 dollars. And I can assure you that the price will never be any lower.
>> So order now. See you in the client section of this website!
P.S. Do-it-yourselfer? I have over 5,000 drawings for you, for any DIY project. Now that is time saving! Temporarily at only 67 dollars and you will also receive free bonuses worth 134 dollars. But: only now. Grab this offer fast.
>> Take advantage of this temporary offer now
P.P.S.  What is your next move? You have 3 options:
Leave this page without taking any action only to return later and see that the price has risen to $ 94 USD.
Go searching for other blueprints and building plans that are mostly unclear, incomplete and more expensive.
You decide to try my Package for 30 days for $94,- 67 dollars after which you will never pay a cent for blueprints!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Freds 5000 Do-it-yourself Building Plans!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/freds-5000-do-it-yourself-building-plans/
Freds 5000 Do-it-yourself Building Plans!
 Buy Now    
“STOP Dreaming And Start Building With Over 5.000 Ready For Use Building Plans…”
From: Fred Schouten Carpenter and DIY freak to the bone
RE: DIY the easy way!
Dear Do-it-yourselfer,
If you have landed on this page, chances are that you are working on a do-it-yourself project.
You have probably already spent a lot of money on building materials, only to find out that the project was going to take a lot longer than planned. Or to find out that the dimensions are incorrect in practice!
This is the problem: most building plans and plans that you find online and offline are worthless!
Why? The plans are often incomplete, unclear and lack dimensions. They are often intended to promote products instead of helping you!
“But what if I tell you that there is a way to finish your projects for much less money, much faster”
Below I tell you the story of more than 21,000 do-it-yourselfers in the Netherlands and Belgium who are currently achieving perfect do-it-yourself results. In an instant. No hassle. And also without technical knowledge.
Do you know what I like? That their results are much better than they could have imagined in advance. Much better than most people (including the super handy!) Will ever realize. Those results are also reserved for you!
Us do-it-yourselfers are much alike…
We both know how good it feels to finish a project smoothly and to perfection.
It feels SO satisfying to create with your hands what your eyes can see. Getting compliments from the people around you… What’s not to love?
Such a shame though that projects often take way more time than you had anticipated. Or that they end up being a disappointment… After hours and hours of hard work, you’re too afraid to show people what you’ve created. That sucks!
Trust me: it happened to me way too often. True, carpentry and DIYing sit in my blood. But there was a time where I couldn’t always create what I saw. And I wasn’t particularly quick at creating things either… Through trial and error, I grew wise – which costed me loads of time and money.
It doesn’t have to be like that for you.
I have often come across these things – recognizable?
You’re searching online for solutions for your idea or project – it takes you many hours of digging and rummaging through the internet
If you find a manual or a drawing, it doesn’t satisfy your needs entirely – you’ll settle for something you don’t really want
Drawings are often incomplete, unclear or miss dimensions – you end up with losing more time over figuring that out
Or the drawings that you find lack important information – they’re meant to promote products, not designed to help you
You end up asking an agency to make a drawing of your ideas – you receive a fantastic blueprint for 447 dollars (ouch) …
How about finishing your projects cheaply and swiftly – in a way that you want them done?!
Just imagine: you have an idea for a project. You take the drawing that matches it exactly, go to work and finish your project in no time.
No searches, no fuss, no expensive bill from an agency. Only admiration from friends and family and a VERY satisfying feeling.
And not for just one project. But always. Every single time that you come up with a project or idea.
Wouldn’t that be great?
I ended up totally frustrated from searching without any results. That is why I started making my own blueprints. All I have ever built has been turned into a drawing.
Drawings are the key to achieving perfect DIY results.
These past years I have made over 5000 drawings for you in such a way that any DIYer can work with them, even if you’re not particularly experienced or a true handyman.
And the beauty of it all? You can get things done. Adjust your components to the right size and assemble them in the right order.
All drawings have been collected into the complete DIY Blueprints Package. Including clear step-by-step building plans that will explain things in such a simple way things can’t go wrong.
Over 5000 ready-to-go building drawings, plans and projects that are easy to build step by step.
A crystal-clear manual with every blueprint for you to understand how things work and how to get things done all by yourself.
Every building plan includes a list of materials so that you know exactly what you need and how much. This will save you tons of unnecessary expenses on materials you don’t need.
Some projects as you will find them in the package:
My Building Plans Package is for do-it-yourselfers of every level. Whether you want to build something for the first time or have been a carpenter for years. The result is just as tight due to the easy to follow steps in the plans.
Do you need some more ideas? Walk through the building plans and get fantastic ideas. It is also a source of inspiration if you like to work with your hands.
Over 21,000 happy DIYers have tried it. This is what they say:
“This Package is something every DIYer should have”
Though I have been DIYing ever since owning my first house (in 1987), and I have seen many drawings, books and building plans, these are simply the best!
Not only does the package contain more drawings than you will ever need, it is so clear and easy to follow.
Nico van der Heijden, Apeldoorn
“Finally, a double bed ;-)”
Hi Fred,
I would like to thank you for your plans. After a week of searching for a drawing for a double bed, I landed on your website. I admit, I was skeptical. But I ended up buying the package after all and I am so glad I did…
We’ve just moved in together, so getting a double bed was mandatory ?It succeeded thanks to your drawing.
Maarten from Utrecht
“My students are over the moon”
Hello Fred,
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the package!
I teach technical sciences at a school, and I was looking for building plans for my students. Well, I’m set in stone for years thanks to your bundle!
With kind regards,
Arnold Teppen – Teacher technical sciences at the Delta College, Veendam
Instantly brilliant results with all your DIY projects
With this Package, you will have over 5000 complete building plans, including manual and list of materials.
You’ll get the best results, fast and easy at a fraction of what it would cost you to hire an agency.
No more searching
You’ll never have to search or invent things yourself again. Do you know how much time you will save?
I have composed the Package in such a way that you will smoothly find your way around. It is well categorized for you to quickly find what you are looking for.
Fast results
With the Package, you will be able to realize any project you can imagine rapidly and instantly. You’ll have immediate results and access for life to over 5000 ready-to-use building plans.
Fred’s Blueprints Package is the only and most complete bundle of building plans accessible for DIYers and professionals on the market.
You can get started within 5 minutes. Register now:
Types of Projects You Can Build Today:
List Of Building Plans That You Get:
Keep in mind that this is only a partial list of all of the more than 5,000 building plans that you will be downloading.
If I told you here what you get in Fred’s Building Plans Package … this page would be so long that you are reading until tomorrow night. You will find these categories in any case:
Air conditioner wood-cover
Animal shed
Awning wood
Bee hive
Billiard tables
Bin Storage
Chicken coops
Children’s rooms
Classic wagon trolley
Coat rack
Door Canopy
Fire tables
Flower boxes
Flyscreen Windows
Garden house
Hay rack
Heat pump wood cover
Insect Cabinets
Laundry hamper
Magazine rack
Market stall
Name plates
Outdoor kitchens
Pigeon loft
Rabbit Hutches
Radiator Cover
Shutters inside
Toy houses
Vegetable garden
Washing machine
Window shutters
Wood Shed
Wooden Gift Box
Free bonuses worth $134.00 USD if you decide NOW
The first bonus you will receive totally free with the Blueprint Package is the DWG & CAD software pack.
With this software, you no longer need to buy expensive CAD software priced at $ 650 USD or more. From now on, you’ll be able to open and modify CAD files!
The value of this software alone is $ 97 USD! But today you receive it completely free of charge as a bonus with Fred’s Blueprints Package! (this software can be found in our members’ area)
Normal price: $97 – FREE for you
Scaffolding Wood Garden Furniture Guide
In this bonus guide you will find plans and drawings specifically designed for use with driftwood.
One of my clients has used this guide to launch his own business in driftwood furniture. There’s a massive demand for this guide, which is why I have decided to start selling it separately for $ 37 USD!
So, grab your chance now! As soon as the website for this guide is ready, it won’t be offered as a bonus any longer…
Normal price: $37 – FREE for you
Lifelong Access To The 5000 Blueprints
Buying my Blueprints Package doesn’t mean you’ll only be allowed a single download, running the risk of having to pay for it once more if your computer were to crash!
No, instead you’ll be granted access FOR LIFE to these 5000 drawings.
Fred’s DIY Plans Package Total Value:
Many people have the question: “Fred, how much will this cost me?” And to be honest: my wife makes me crazy …
But I think the question is: what would it be worth to you? What would it mean for you if you never had to solve projects yourself again? That you always have a ready-made solution for every project now and in the future?
DIY experts informed me that this package should cost at least $497.00. Minimal!
But I don’t want that! I want the package to be affordable for everyone. So for you too. That is why the package normally costs $94.00.
BUT: because I want to help you and make it really easy for you, I am making a special one-off offer today:
Click on the “Add to Cart” below to start immediately
This is a one-time purchase. There are NO monthly costs
30-day money-back guarantee
If, for whatever reason, you decide within 30 days that this product is not suitable for you, you will receive 100% of your money back. Just send me an email. I, Fred, take all the risk.
You get 30 days to view and use building plans for free.
What you will get immediately:
Fred’s Building Plans Package – More than 5,000 ready-made building plans, plans and projects that are easy to make step-by-step ($ 497 VALUE)
DWG & CAD Software package – With this software you no longer have to purchase expensive CAD software for $650 or more .. But from now on you can open and modify CAD files! ($97 VALUE)
Scaffolding Wood Garden Furniture Guide – In this bonus guide, you will find plans and building plans that are specifically intended for scaffolding or scrap wood. ($37 VALUE)
Lifelong Access – If you take my building plan package then you will have access for the rest of your life. For example, if your computer crashes, you don’t have to pay again!
Direct access – You receive direct online access to the 5,000 building plans and all bonuses.
This is a one-time purchase. There are NO monthly costs
You may still have questions
It is always possible that you still have questions. The most frequently asked questions that I encounter in my mailbox are answered below.
Can I easily find what I need? Yes! Although we are talking about over 5000 drawings, you’ll be able to find anything you need with ease. All drawings are categorized and can be found in no-time. Say you are looking for an outdoor kitchen. Simply go to ‘outdoor kitchen’ and you’ll find all drawings and projects that are related to this subject.
How long is this offer still valid? Look at the bottom of the page. You’ll see a countdown clock. Until it hits 0, you’ll get the Package with over 5000 blueprints for 67 dollars + all bonuses. After that, the price will rise to $ 94 USD without bonuses. And you’ll miss out… 
I am very good at DIYing. Is this something for me? Yes! With over 5000 blueprints you’ll have at your disposal an unlimited source of inspiration. And you will save tons of time building stuff simply because you won’t need to search for an appropriate drawing. And think about the material lists… This will save you heaps of time researching things!
I am not particularly handy. Is this something for me? Yes! Anyone that can saw a shelf, can work with these drawings. They are a step-by-step description of how to proceed.
Does reading a drawing take a lot of time? No. Maybe the very first time you look, but you’ll get a hang of the system quickly. And once you’ve figured that out, every drawing is a piece of cake!
That’s a lot of blueprints for a very small amount. Is this real? Yes, it is: only 0.0067 dollar per drawing. But I have plans to change that. I am working on a webshop where I will offer my blueprints going from 17 to 67 dollar per piece. Another reason for you to join now.
“Do you want better DIY results in less time?”
Then take the advantage now: 5000 blueprints + free bonuses worth 134 dollars.
Only now at just 67 dollars. And I can assure you that the price will never be any lower.
>> So order now. See you in the client section of this website!
P.S. Do-it-yourselfer? I have over 5,000 drawings for you, for any DIY project. Now that is time saving! Temporarily at only 67 dollars and you will also receive free bonuses worth 134 dollars. But: only now. Grab this offer fast.
>> Take advantage of this temporary offer now
P.P.S.  What is your next move? You have 3 options:
Leave this page without taking any action only to return later and see that the price has risen to $ 94 USD.
Go searching for other blueprints and building plans that are mostly unclear, incomplete and more expensive.
You decide to try my Package for 30 days for $94,- 67 dollars after which you will never pay a cent for blueprints!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Freds 5000 Do-it-yourself Building Plans!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/freds-5000-do-it-yourself-building-plans/
Freds 5000 Do-it-yourself Building Plans!
 Buy Now    
“STOP Dreaming And Start Building With Over 5.000 Ready For Use Building Plans…”
From: Fred Schouten Carpenter and DIY freak to the bone
RE: DIY the easy way!
Dear Do-it-yourselfer,
If you have landed on this page, chances are that you are working on a do-it-yourself project.
You have probably already spent a lot of money on building materials, only to find out that the project was going to take a lot longer than planned. Or to find out that the dimensions are incorrect in practice!
This is the problem: most building plans and plans that you find online and offline are worthless!
Why? The plans are often incomplete, unclear and lack dimensions. They are often intended to promote products instead of helping you!
“But what if I tell you that there is a way to finish your projects for much less money, much faster”
Below I tell you the story of more than 21,000 do-it-yourselfers in the Netherlands and Belgium who are currently achieving perfect do-it-yourself results. In an instant. No hassle. And also without technical knowledge.
Do you know what I like? That their results are much better than they could have imagined in advance. Much better than most people (including the super handy!) Will ever realize. Those results are also reserved for you!
Us do-it-yourselfers are much alike…
We both know how good it feels to finish a project smoothly and to perfection.
It feels SO satisfying to create with your hands what your eyes can see. Getting compliments from the people around you… What’s not to love?
Such a shame though that projects often take way more time than you had anticipated. Or that they end up being a disappointment… After hours and hours of hard work, you’re too afraid to show people what you’ve created. That sucks!
Trust me: it happened to me way too often. True, carpentry and DIYing sit in my blood. But there was a time where I couldn’t always create what I saw. And I wasn’t particularly quick at creating things either… Through trial and error, I grew wise – which costed me loads of time and money.
It doesn’t have to be like that for you.
I have often come across these things – recognizable?
You’re searching online for solutions for your idea or project – it takes you many hours of digging and rummaging through the internet
If you find a manual or a drawing, it doesn’t satisfy your needs entirely – you’ll settle for something you don’t really want
Drawings are often incomplete, unclear or miss dimensions – you end up with losing more time over figuring that out
Or the drawings that you find lack important information – they’re meant to promote products, not designed to help you
You end up asking an agency to make a drawing of your ideas – you receive a fantastic blueprint for 447 dollars (ouch) …
How about finishing your projects cheaply and swiftly – in a way that you want them done?!
Just imagine: you have an idea for a project. You take the drawing that matches it exactly, go to work and finish your project in no time.
No searches, no fuss, no expensive bill from an agency. Only admiration from friends and family and a VERY satisfying feeling.
And not for just one project. But always. Every single time that you come up with a project or idea.
Wouldn’t that be great?
I ended up totally frustrated from searching without any results. That is why I started making my own blueprints. All I have ever built has been turned into a drawing.
Drawings are the key to achieving perfect DIY results.
These past years I have made over 5000 drawings for you in such a way that any DIYer can work with them, even if you’re not particularly experienced or a true handyman.
And the beauty of it all? You can get things done. Adjust your components to the right size and assemble them in the right order.
All drawings have been collected into the complete DIY Blueprints Package. Including clear step-by-step building plans that will explain things in such a simple way things can’t go wrong.
Over 5000 ready-to-go building drawings, plans and projects that are easy to build step by step.
A crystal-clear manual with every blueprint for you to understand how things work and how to get things done all by yourself.
Every building plan includes a list of materials so that you know exactly what you need and how much. This will save you tons of unnecessary expenses on materials you don’t need.
Some projects as you will find them in the package:
My Building Plans Package is for do-it-yourselfers of every level. Whether you want to build something for the first time or have been a carpenter for years. The result is just as tight due to the easy to follow steps in the plans.
Do you need some more ideas? Walk through the building plans and get fantastic ideas. It is also a source of inspiration if you like to work with your hands.
Over 21,000 happy DIYers have tried it. This is what they say:
“This Package is something every DIYer should have”
Though I have been DIYing ever since owning my first house (in 1987), and I have seen many drawings, books and building plans, these are simply the best!
Not only does the package contain more drawings than you will ever need, it is so clear and easy to follow.
Nico van der Heijden, Apeldoorn
“Finally, a double bed ;-)”
Hi Fred,
I would like to thank you for your plans. After a week of searching for a drawing for a double bed, I landed on your website. I admit, I was skeptical. But I ended up buying the package after all and I am so glad I did…
We’ve just moved in together, so getting a double bed was mandatory ?It succeeded thanks to your drawing.
Maarten from Utrecht
“My students are over the moon”
Hello Fred,
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the package!
I teach technical sciences at a school, and I was looking for building plans for my students. Well, I’m set in stone for years thanks to your bundle!
With kind regards,
Arnold Teppen – Teacher technical sciences at the Delta College, Veendam
Instantly brilliant results with all your DIY projects
With this Package, you will have over 5000 complete building plans, including manual and list of materials.
You’ll get the best results, fast and easy at a fraction of what it would cost you to hire an agency.
No more searching
You’ll never have to search or invent things yourself again. Do you know how much time you will save?
I have composed the Package in such a way that you will smoothly find your way around. It is well categorized for you to quickly find what you are looking for.
Fast results
With the Package, you will be able to realize any project you can imagine rapidly and instantly. You’ll have immediate results and access for life to over 5000 ready-to-use building plans.
Fred’s Blueprints Package is the only and most complete bundle of building plans accessible for DIYers and professionals on the market.
You can get started within 5 minutes. Register now:
Types of Projects You Can Build Today:
List Of Building Plans That You Get:
Keep in mind that this is only a partial list of all of the more than 5,000 building plans that you will be downloading.
If I told you here what you get in Fred’s Building Plans Package … this page would be so long that you are reading until tomorrow night. You will find these categories in any case:
Air conditioner wood-cover
Animal shed
Awning wood
Bee hive
Billiard tables
Bin Storage
Chicken coops
Children’s rooms
Classic wagon trolley
Coat rack
Door Canopy
Fire tables
Flower boxes
Flyscreen Windows
Garden house
Hay rack
Heat pump wood cover
Insect Cabinets
Laundry hamper
Magazine rack
Market stall
Name plates
Outdoor kitchens
Pigeon loft
Rabbit Hutches
Radiator Cover
Shutters inside
Toy houses
Vegetable garden
Washing machine
Window shutters
Wood Shed
Wooden Gift Box
Free bonuses worth $134.00 USD if you decide NOW
The first bonus you will receive totally free with the Blueprint Package is the DWG & CAD software pack.
With this software, you no longer need to buy expensive CAD software priced at $ 650 USD or more. From now on, you’ll be able to open and modify CAD files!
The value of this software alone is $ 97 USD! But today you receive it completely free of charge as a bonus with Fred’s Blueprints Package! (this software can be found in our members’ area)
Normal price: $97 – FREE for you
Scaffolding Wood Garden Furniture Guide
In this bonus guide you will find plans and drawings specifically designed for use with driftwood.
One of my clients has used this guide to launch his own business in driftwood furniture. There’s a massive demand for this guide, which is why I have decided to start selling it separately for $ 37 USD!
So, grab your chance now! As soon as the website for this guide is ready, it won’t be offered as a bonus any longer…
Normal price: $37 – FREE for you
Lifelong Access To The 5000 Blueprints
Buying my Blueprints Package doesn’t mean you’ll only be allowed a single download, running the risk of having to pay for it once more if your computer were to crash!
No, instead you’ll be granted access FOR LIFE to these 5000 drawings.
Fred’s DIY Plans Package Total Value:
Many people have the question: “Fred, how much will this cost me?” And to be honest: my wife makes me crazy …
But I think the question is: what would it be worth to you? What would it mean for you if you never had to solve projects yourself again? That you always have a ready-made solution for every project now and in the future?
DIY experts informed me that this package should cost at least $497.00. Minimal!
But I don’t want that! I want the package to be affordable for everyone. So for you too. That is why the package normally costs $94.00.
BUT: because I want to help you and make it really easy for you, I am making a special one-off offer today:
Click on the “Add to Cart” below to start immediately
This is a one-time purchase. There are NO monthly costs
30-day money-back guarantee
If, for whatever reason, you decide within 30 days that this product is not suitable for you, you will receive 100% of your money back. Just send me an email. I, Fred, take all the risk.
You get 30 days to view and use building plans for free.
What you will get immediately:
Fred’s Building Plans Package – More than 5,000 ready-made building plans, plans and projects that are easy to make step-by-step ($ 497 VALUE)
DWG & CAD Software package – With this software you no longer have to purchase expensive CAD software for $650 or more .. But from now on you can open and modify CAD files! ($97 VALUE)
Scaffolding Wood Garden Furniture Guide – In this bonus guide, you will find plans and building plans that are specifically intended for scaffolding or scrap wood. ($37 VALUE)
Lifelong Access – If you take my building plan package then you will have access for the rest of your life. For example, if your computer crashes, you don’t have to pay again!
Direct access – You receive direct online access to the 5,000 building plans and all bonuses.
This is a one-time purchase. There are NO monthly costs
You may still have questions
It is always possible that you still have questions. The most frequently asked questions that I encounter in my mailbox are answered below.
Can I easily find what I need? Yes! Although we are talking about over 5000 drawings, you’ll be able to find anything you need with ease. All drawings are categorized and can be found in no-time. Say you are looking for an outdoor kitchen. Simply go to ‘outdoor kitchen’ and you’ll find all drawings and projects that are related to this subject.
How long is this offer still valid? Look at the bottom of the page. You’ll see a countdown clock. Until it hits 0, you’ll get the Package with over 5000 blueprints for 67 dollars + all bonuses. After that, the price will rise to $ 94 USD without bonuses. And you’ll miss out… 
I am very good at DIYing. Is this something for me? Yes! With over 5000 blueprints you’ll have at your disposal an unlimited source of inspiration. And you will save tons of time building stuff simply because you won’t need to search for an appropriate drawing. And think about the material lists… This will save you heaps of time researching things!
I am not particularly handy. Is this something for me? Yes! Anyone that can saw a shelf, can work with these drawings. They are a step-by-step description of how to proceed.
Does reading a drawing take a lot of time? No. Maybe the very first time you look, but you’ll get a hang of the system quickly. And once you’ve figured that out, every drawing is a piece of cake!
That’s a lot of blueprints for a very small amount. Is this real? Yes, it is: only 0.0067 dollar per drawing. But I have plans to change that. I am working on a webshop where I will offer my blueprints going from 17 to 67 dollar per piece. Another reason for you to join now.
“Do you want better DIY results in less time?”
Then take the advantage now: 5000 blueprints + free bonuses worth 134 dollars.
Only now at just 67 dollars. And I can assure you that the price will never be any lower.
>> So order now. See you in the client section of this website!
P.S. Do-it-yourselfer? I have over 5,000 drawings for you, for any DIY project. Now that is time saving! Temporarily at only 67 dollars and you will also receive free bonuses worth 134 dollars. But: only now. Grab this offer fast.
>> Take advantage of this temporary offer now
P.P.S.  What is your next move? You have 3 options:
Leave this page without taking any action only to return later and see that the price has risen to $ 94 USD.
Go searching for other blueprints and building plans that are mostly unclear, incomplete and more expensive.
You decide to try my Package for 30 days for $94,- 67 dollars after which you will never pay a cent for blueprints!
0 notes