#i mean when i was little i thought everyone with dark hair was hispanic lol
soapywankenopy · 29 days
I know in my heart of hearts that Alex is latino. That kid is hispanic. I know it for sure. Like he is definitely half. I'm half and I know one when I see one.
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redhoodieone · 5 years
It’s Cold in Here Part 3
A/N: And…I’m back! Okay, so I wrote this at work (omg I know…I’m so bad lol), and the story is clearly continuing with Y/N ‘pretending’ to be Dick’s girlfriend. Now, I should mention again that there will be future warnings because Dick’s sexuality is going to be a problem to some people. Otherwise, I don’t have anything else to say right now, so enjoy the story!
Warnings: Language and masturbation.
I wake up with a stiff back. Falling asleep on the couch and lying almost still, I wince when I roll off and land on the ground to completely stretch my body. Sounds of cracking joints and muscles stretching to the fullest, I know I’m due for a hot shower.
 Stripping down naked, I step into the shower and allow the hot water to cleanse me. Applying soap into my hand, I scrub my body; letting my fingertips rub my sensitive skin. My hands caress my breasts; fingers gently pulling and pinching my nipples.
 A moan escapes my mouth. When was the last time my body was worshipped from a man?
 One hand takes turns on both my breasts while the other hand runs down my stomach all the way down to my pussy. Just the slightest touch to my clit is enough to have me panting and anticipating what’s going to happen next.
 The next thought is what gets me going.
 I close my eyes and imagine two strong large hands touching my body as if they have been dreaming of this. A hard, muscular tall body is pressed behind me. I slightly gasp when I feel a hard, thick cock being pressed against my ass.
 “Fuck...you must really want me, doll. I can see you’re already on edge. How bad do you want me, Y/N?” Jason’s voice whispers in my ear.
 His fingers replace mine and he begins to rub fast circles on my clit. Jason’s rough hands work their magic on me. Between the fast, hard circles on my clit, he begins to finger me as well.
 “I-I want you so bad! Oh God! Please destroy me, Jason!” I beg. Tears are pouring down my cheeks.
 “Oh, I will destroy you so much, Y/N. I’m going to fuck you so hard. Your pussy is going to be mine forever! Now, fucking cum for me, doll!” Jason demands. His voice deepens and he groans in my neck.
 One of his hands is holding my waist, while the other hand is being used to bring me to my orgasm. He fingers me with two fingers, while his thumb rubs my clit faster and harder than before.
 I grip onto the shower wall and with my other hand, I grab onto his arm; squeezing tightly to hold on because I feel a soaring hot sensation go through my body.
 “Jay! Oh my God, Jay! Fuck!!! I need you so bad!” I whine.
 “Fuck Y/N...I want to taste you so fucking bad. I want to feel you cum all over my cock,” Jason whispers seductively in my ear.
 Jason turns my head around to kiss me. The moment our lips touch, I feel myself clenching down onto his fingers. My pussy gushes with my juices, and I moan very loudly to where I bite my bottom lip to quiet down a bit.
 I open my eyes and realize it was only a fantasy. I remove my fingers from my pussy, and I end up washing myself again despite feeling relieved and somewhat attracted to Jason.
 Jason fucking Todd.
 Once I get out of the shower, I quickly slip on my black bikini top and short black swimming shorts that compliment my curves and ass. I then wear a pair of short jeans and red tank top over my swimsuit to go to the Wayne Family Barbecue at noon. The nagging voice in my head tells me to act natural, and to be the sweet loving girlfriend to Dick.
 Except I know it’ll be harder to do when all I want to do is punch Wally West in his fucking balls for sleeping with my boyfriend.
 Maybe it’s the woman in me. I obviously see that women have a power in them to make men’s lives miserable. And as a woman, I’m clearly strong enough to bring a man down when I want to; especially mentally, that is.
 So, I do what I do best: I make myself feel better.
 I put my hair up in a ponytail. I then apply a little makeup, but light enough so I can swim without looking like a raccoon with dark eyes. I even apply my favorite lip gloss; peach colored and flavored.
 A taste Dick can’t even deny.
 I grab my tote back with a spare change of clothes. I’m about to head out when I open the door and see Artemis and Zatanna there.
 “Oh my God! You guys are back already!” I squeal. Hugging them both tightly.
 “Hell yeah! We wouldn’t miss a Wayne Family Barbecue. Damn Y/N,” Artemis smirks and looks at me. “You look good! Are you trying to give Dick a heart attack?”
 More like kill him, I think to myself.
 “Yeah I am,” I giggle. “You both look so good, too!”
 The blonde bombshell smiles and twirls around so I can check her out in her booty shorts and green tank top. I notice Zatanna is shy, and waves at me. She’s wearing a short black skirt and white tank top.
 “Hi Y/N,” Zatanna greets me quietly.
 “Z...how many times have we been over this? I’ve known you for three years! Stop being so nervous and shy around me,” I insist.
 “Yeah Z! We’re the Powerpuff Girls!” Artemis says.
 “You’re Bubbles, Z! Arty is Buttercup and I’m Blossom! We’re good friends here,” I explain. “You should know that by now.”
 “She’s just nervous because she’s going to try to hook up with Tim tonight,” Artemis reveals. She wiggles her eyebrows at Zatanna. “She’s been crushing on the nerd since the vacation.”
 “Artemis!” Zatanna gasps.
 “That’s Buttercup to you,” I point out. I then freeze. “Wait...you like Tim?!”
 Zatanna blushes and looks down at her feet. “I think he’s...sweet...” she confesses.
 “Yeah! So, while you and Dick are sucking each other’s tongues, and Z hooks up with Tim, I’ll be trying to jack off Conner under the table,” Artemis admits. She steps aside, so I lock up my apartment. I slowly turn around and stare at her.
 “You...and Conner? What happened to M’gann and Conner?” I ask, slowly realizing how out of the loop I am.
 Artemis wraps an arm around me and Zatanna as we walk down the stairs.
 “She cheated on him. She complained she wasn’t feeling good on the vacation, so Conner decided to go back to rest with her, but she was being fucked by Lagoon Boy! So, after Conner proposed to her, she cheats on him and gets back with Lagoon Boy. So, the engagement’s broken off. Now Conner is single and ready to mingle, so...I’m not going to lie to you Y/N, I’m going to hit that perfect ass of his,” Artemis says, smiling at the thought of her and Conner. “Don’t give me that disapproving look! After Wally broke up with me eight months ago, I have the right to get with whoever the hell I want!”
 That’s right. I totally forgot that Wally broke up with Artemis. Even though the breakup wasn’t messy, I always wondered what his reasons were because Artemis always insisted, they’ve just grown apart after he came back from being stuck in the speed-force. Everyone believed he died, but Dick somehow always knew he was still alive.
 Maybe that should have been a clue...
 “I think today is going to be so much fun! It’s like a reunion for all of us,” Zatanna says excitedly.
 Artemis scoffs. As soon as we reach the bottom of the stairs, we walk out to my red convertible. “No magic transportation thingy?” I ask Zatanna.
 “No way! I love your car! We’re taking it,” Zatanna claims. She hops in the back while Artemis sits in the passenger seat, as I drive.
 The ride to Wayne Manor makes me feel sick. I can feel my stomach hurt and a headache coming on. I wonder if I can even get through this. I even think about how Dick said he was going to talk to me this morning, and that had yet to happen even though it’s almost eleven o’clock. As friends of the Batfamily, we always go early to these gatherings considering Alfred might always need help.
 “Earth to Blossom!” Artemis calls out to me.
 I blink. I must have tuned them out while I drive in complete concentration.
 “What? I’m sorry. I must have...been in my own world,” I apologize.
 “Well I heard from Tim that Damian is dating Jessica Cruz, the new Green Lantern. I guess her Hispanic culture interests him since he has someone to share his Arabic and Chinese culture with,” Zatanna reveals, while opening a bag of potato chips in the backseat. “I think they’re totally cute together.”
 “Totally!” Artemis agrees.
 “Yeah...” I trail off. I’m still feeling uneasy right now.
 “Look, I heard a little rumor while we were sunbathing out on the beach. So, I heard from Roy, who heard from his girlfriend, Kori, who heard from Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, who heard from Damian, who heard from Alfred, who heard from Bruce that Jason Todd is secretly in love with someone! Like, what the hell, right? So, as Z and I are gossiping on the beach, Z tries to get Damian to admit who the girl is, but it turns out only Tim knows who Jason is in love with. We HAVE to find out tonight!” Artemis demands.
 “Why? What’s so fucking special about Jason’s love life?” I ask, even though I can feel jealousy slowly seeping inside me.
 “It is a big deal because Y/N: Jason has never fallen in love before! I mean, if someone like Jason can find love, that means anyone can,” Artemis clarifies.
 “I think it’s interesting considering when I shortly dated Dick way back then, Jason was in love with you Y/N,” Zatanna reveals softly.
 “In love with me?” I repeat. My heart beats fast and I grip the steering wheel tighter. “You guys are crazy. Jason was never in love with me!”
 “It’s true because Jason said you were different, Y/N. You never judged him. You never abandoned him in his darkest moments. You were better than any other girl that he’s been with,” Zatanna explains carefully.
 I roll my eyes. “Okay, so maybe he could have been in love with me. Whoever he is in love with now must be special enough to handle him,” I say, not entirely sure what I’m saying anyways.
 Whether Zatanna is aware or responsible for it or not, flashes of memories come to my mind.
 At just fifteen-years-old, I was homeless with no one. Batman found me, along with Jason, as the second Robin.
 The two of us were inseparable. Jason’s goofy and fun-loving moments were only shared with me, while I was learning to let go of the hatred and darkness from my parents leaving me.
 Jason was there for me, as I was there for him.
 Then Jason died. A part of me did too.
 Maybe that’s why Dick was there for me, and why he and I got together.
 Maybe that’s why I chose to be with Dick because...I couldn’t have Jason?
 Oh fuck.
 Fuck Z and her mind tricks to confess dark secrets and shit.
 “If it’s any consolation, I believe Jason and you made more sense than you and Dick,” Artemis mumbles to herself. She must have thought I wouldn’t hear her, but I did. “Jason seemed to love you for who you are. Dick just loves the idea of you.”
 I act like I didn’t hear her since we’re pulling into Wayne Manor. This confession makes me feel sicker and more confused about everything.
 Artemis and Zatanna are my best friends. I’ve known them since I was just sixteen years old, and we’ve been through a lot together. Their opinions matter to me, too, and if they truly think Jason was meant for me, maybe it’s true to a certain extent.
 But Dick has been the love of my life forever, and I’m still in love him.
 But maybe a part of my heart has always belonged to Jason.
 But Jason has clearly moved onto someone else. I’ve lost him and that chance. My heart slowly rips apart like a taped picture from a wall.
 But one thing’s for sure though: this barbecue party is going to be interesting and dangerous.
 Because if I have to pretend to be Dick’s happy girlfriend, I can only imagine what could happen next.
A/N: And Let me know if you are ready for Part 4!
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1. What is you middle//full name? Sabrina Ines Rivera 2. How old are you? 17 3. What is your birthday? may 24 1999 4. What is your zodiac sign? gemini 5. What is your favorite color? pink 6. What’s your lucky number? never had one , maybe 6 7. Do you have any pets? 2 cats and a dog , yellow cat mac , black cat jen, chihuahua dog coco 8. Where are you from? born and raised in puerto rico for 7 years , then mostly here in florida 9. How tall are you? 5.1 10. What shoe size are you? womans 6.5 i think 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? like 10 but i only wear like 2 maybe 4 out of all of them 12. What was your last dream about? i dont know but i had a dream when i was 4-5 and then again at 10 about this little purple alien w green dots and its only as big as my hand and it would take me into its little door and i was turn as small as the alien and the place looked like new york but like underground 13. What talents do you have? double jointed in 4 of my fingures 14. Are you psychic in any way? no , but if i say "it wont happen" a lot of times , then it does happen , or like the opposite , so since nothing wants to go my way i just ask for the opposite 15. Favorite song? brenna from a victim a target 16. Favorite movie? idk , just listen is like an unknown movie but its so good and so emotional that i kind of love it 17. Who would be your ideal partner? someone who thinks about my feelings before their own and is cute and clingy as all hell 18. Do you want children? FUCK NO , dont even joke like that 19. Do you want a church wedding? hell no 20. Are you religious? athiest 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? many times , i had asthma till i was 3 , i fell from moms bed when i was three , i had an ear infection when i was three , threatened to kill my self when i was 12 , my sistick (its a ball that forms in the bladder while the menstrual cycle is on) poped when i was 14 and happens now every 3-9 months but now i mostly dont go to the hospital , good shit is i dont get pains now 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? nope 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? no-.- 24. Baths or showers? showers , but kinda equally love em 25. What color socks are you wearing? grey w pancakes on them 26. Have you ever been famous? lol no 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? lol no , maybe on youtube , but 28. What type of music do you like? anything hut country and shit rap , like meditating or heavy metal or xxxtentation 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? no , but i jumped in the pool w my bra and panty on once 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? two but my head lays on one 31. What position do you usually sleep in? stomach down 32. How big is your house? medium , not rlly big 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? jenny creig 34. Have you ever fired a gun? no 35. Have you ever tried archery? yes , when i berally remembered anything 36. Favorite clean word? beautiful 37. Favorite swear word? cunt 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 32 hours , crazy shit , i did an all nighter , pretended to get up early and went to therapy later and went places , got home at 6 pm 39. Do you have any scars? on my fore head , when i fell off moms bed when i was like 3-4 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? no , idk 41. Are you a good liar? nope 42. Are you a good judge of character? nope 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? not rlly , if i try 44. Do you have a strong accent? no , my mom does tho , i dont have an accent on either spanish nor english 45. What is your favorite accent? british 46. What is your personality type? interested 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? a dress in the back of my closet in which i got so that i can be brights made in my cousins wedding 48. Can you curl your tongue? no.. idk 49. Are you an innie or an outie? belly button? outie 50. Left or right handed? right 51. Are you scared of spiders? terrified 52. Favorite food? fuck idk , food , mac and cheese 53. Favorite foreign food? zorrullos , its hispanic 54. Are you a clean or messy person? messy , we aint talking soccer here 55. Most used phrased? go to sleep 56. Most used word? um 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 5 mins or less , unless a bitch pisses me off , then imma be cute/hot as hell for a bitch to be jealous 58. Do you have much of an ego? i dont think so 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? suck 😉 60. Do you talk to yourself? always 61. Do you sing to yourself? no 62. Are you a good singer? lmaoo.... no 63. Biggest Fear? spiders 64. Are you a gossip? only to my closest friend possible , probably gossip bout trump lol 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? hunger games probably 66. Do you like long or short hair? buzz cut 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? lol no 68. Favorite school subject? lunch 69. Extrovert or Introvert? both , like extrovert w people but alone i hate everyone lol 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? no , went zip-lining tho 71. What makes you nervous? everything , walking up to friends , talking to adults , starting conversations , walking places by my self 72. Are you scared of the dark? no , not at my house , in the streets a little 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? almost not , if they talking shit they aint suppose to , then a bitch gotta stand up 74. Are you ticklish? fuck you 75. Have you ever started a rumor? no 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? no , dont recall 77. Have you ever drank underage? lol yes 78. Have you ever done drugs? 420 bro 79. Who was your first real crush? kindergarten a little boy , we ended up dating untill i never saw him again 80. How many piercings do you have? one on each ear 81. Can you roll your Rs?“ yes , hispanic mami 82. How fast can you type? fast asf boi , when im mad 83. How fast can you run? slow 84. What color is your hair? blond , naturally dark brown tho 85. What color is your eyes? hazel, they've been orang yellowish for a while tho 86. What are you allergic to? donald trump 87. Do you keep a journal? yea but its like a sketch book , i draw my feelings if im mad 88. What do your parents do? sit behind a desk and then come home to complain about work 89. Do you like your age? eh , prefer 21 for all the good reasons 90. What makes you angry? my father 91. Do you like your own name? no , i prefer stella or steven 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? dren, steven , rose , their birthstone 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? a human who will choose their gender when they're older 94. What are your strengths? fangirling over steven universe , kindof good at math , like good at adding subtracting and multi 95. What are your weaknesses? socializations , situations in which i have to argue 96. How did you get your name? the nurse asked and mom was like "idk" and the nurse was like , this book says sabrina , and mom was like "ok" 97. Were your ancestors royalty? lmfaooo... no , i have a italian ancestor , explains my love over pasta 98. Color of your room? white but i have like 20 posters and drawings and painted handprints and shelfs and a portrait in marilynn monroe , also stickers and trash 99. Color of your bedspread? red 100. Make up your own question if u can meet anyone , who would it be? rebecca sugar the creator of steven universe , and i mean like , meet her and hang w her for like a day , i hope she's nice , i hear she's nice , but people always tell me , some idols turn out to be assholes
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