#i mean. i workout for me. but id like someone to hold my butt
I have wayy too nice of a butt to be single
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Worth a Workout? - Hongseok (Pentagon)
Trainer!AU Hongseok maybe? Let’s go!
Group: Pentagon Member: Hongseok (HongMom) Genre: AU, fluff (maybe) Your trainer makes your heart race in more than one way. (I’m not sure where I wanted to go with this. A little leading into something, a little bit of leeway for your imagination to wonder I guess. enjoy.)
As someone who was naturally energetic as a child you never really felt the need to exercise growing up. But now, in your early twenties with college drowning you, your diet consisting of whatever the mess hall offered and the local fast food places you were quickly realizing you needed to get your butt in gear. Your first year and a half at the local college wasn’t bad, you were still at home with your parents who kept you moving but now you’re on your own and you’ve fallen short on taking care of yourself.
You had begrudgingly scheduled all your classes to end before 2:00pm every day. That left the rest of the day for you to work on homework, papers, do your readings and whatever else seemed worthy of your time. Now you had decided to fill an hour and a half of that time at the campus wellness center.
After your last class for the warm Tuesday afternoon you headed back towards your dorm, greeting your roommate who opted for afternoon and evening classes and changed into a pair of leggings and a loose tee. The trudge to the wellness center wasn’t bad, the weather was nice and the fresh air helped you agree with your choice to try and be healthier.
When you walked into the wellness center you were greeted by a chipper young woman about your age at the front desk.
“Hi! Welcome to the campus wellness center, how can I help you?”
“Uhm, I was wondering about signing up for the gym or some kind of classes you may offer..” You felt out of place.
“Can I see your student ID please?” She held her hand out.
“Of course.” You fished it out of your lanyard and handed it over.
“Is this your first time here, (Y/N)?” She wrote down your student number and handed it back.
“Yes, I’m not sure what classes there were, if any, or how to do anything so I was hoping there’d be something to guide me.”
“We have physical education majors, typically junior and seniors, who work as trainers here to help then get practice. Would that be something you’re interested in?”
“That would be perfect. I literally know nothing about gym equipment and all that.”
“Okay, let me check the schedule and system and see who has an opening. Would you like to schedule a regular time or would this be randomly.”
“Would I work with the same person with a regular time?”
“Of course.”
“Then I’d like to do that, it’s much easier for everyone involved.” You smiled at her, before a light went off in your head. “Wait, Mae? Is that you?”
“Yea, I’m Mae have we met before?” She looked up at you, really looked. “(Y/N)!!” She screeched, jumping from her seat to hug you after the front desk. “I haven’t see you in years! Wow, you’re really grown up from high school. Did you just transfer here?”
“Yea, I wanted to finish out my degree at an accredited college. The community college back home wasn’t going to cut it.”
“Well, welcome to campus. I’ve got a friend who works as a trainer here and he’s the best, always getting requested for his looks.” Mae rolled her eyes. “He’d like you though, always working hard and never backing down.” She smiled, “He’s actually here right now, I’ll go get him!”
“Mae wait!” Before you could stop her, your childhood friend and senior was gone.
Before you could finish reading the three posters behind the desk offering helpful hints to healthy living Mae came back through the door she went with a guy who was too beautiful for words trailing behind her. She brought him around the front of the desk and put you two in front of each other.
“Hongseok, this is the junior of mine I’ve been telling you about. Do you think you can train her? She’s pretty much a total newbie, doesn’t know a thing.” Mae’s eyes glistened. You didn’t know if you wanted to smack her or hug her.
“I’m (Y/N).” You bowed slightly.
“She looks like she’s pretty heathy right now, a little on the weak side when it comes to strength.”
You didn’t know what to say. Mae squinted up at him.
“Ya know everyone starts somewhere, you were once this scrawny little thing that could barely do a few bench presses. You said it yourself you’d lacking in someone looking to strength train, she’s your girl. Besides, your both impossibly driven you’ll get along great.” Mae patted both of your shoulders before moving back behind the desk going back to her previous task. “I’ve already wrote her into your schedule for Tuesdays and Thursday from 2:30 to 4:00, get going.”
“Mae!” You both exclaimed.
“Let’s go.” Hongseok motioned towards the doors, “There’s no point in arguing with her.”
You followed him towards the doors to the weight room. You looked back for a second to see Mae giving you the thumbs up, which caused your eyes to roll back.
“Okay, let’s start with some stretching, you’ve never done anything like this before? At all?” Hongseok stopped you once you were at the opposite end of the room.
“Nope, I ran with a friend of mine in high school, she was on the track team but I myself have never done anything else.”
“Okay, follow my lead.”
Thus the two of you began stretching. You never realized how inflexible you were until Hongseok would step closer and help you out. His hand resting on your lower back to help you reach your toes, or his fingers brushing your arms to give you the proper form. It all felt very intimate with how close the two of you constantly were.
“Let’s start with some easy stuff, sit ups and push ups. Since it may be hard for you to do push-ups from your feet, starting with your knees is fine too. Let’s go with 10.” The both of you kneeled on the floor and Hongseok showed you the proper way to do a push up.
He helped you get the right form and kneeled beside you to watch. You felt his hand on your lower back push down to straighten your body and your face flushed.
“Keep your body straight, nine more.” He hand rested there for two more until he was satisfied with your form. You were already red in the face and it wasn’t from the push ups.
“Alright, you did good. How do you feel?” He asked after you sat back and caught your breath.”
“I don’t feel like I’m dying, which is nice.” You smiled, your arms were a little quaky but you didn’t have to tell him for him to notice.
“Let’s try sit-ups next. This will give your arms a break.” He sat down facing you, his legs crossed. “Put your feet between my legs and scoot over as close as your comfortable with.”
You did as you were told, you stopped just far enough to keep your butt from touching his leg. This closeness made your heart speed up.
“I’m going to hold your calves and you’re going to do your best at 10 sit ups too.” You nodded.
His hands wrapped around the swell of your calf muscles, they were soft and warm. He nodded for you to start and taking your time you laid back and rose forward. The cry from your abdominal muscles was loud, it was harder than you thought it would be. You had seen hundred of people do sit ups, they made it look so easy but you felt like you were dying. It took every ounce of concentration and will power to force your body to do nine more. By the last sit up you felt the pain in your stomach. As you sat back up your hands grabbed a fistful of Hongseok’s tee to steady yourself. When you opened your eyes you were almost nose-to-nose with him. His eyes were wide with yours matching his. 
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, your ragged breaths fanning across his face, his hands around your calves, his shirt in your hands. The two of you just stared at the other. He gulped before letting go of your legs and grabbing your arms before backing away slightly.
“T-that was good. Let’s go back to push-ups for a-another set. If you’re good.”
“Just a minute.” He nodded, holding you at arms length till you spun around to do ten more push ups.
You peeked up at him to see his face has flushed red. Smiling to yourself you focused back on your task. Your Tuesdays and Thursdays were going to be very eventful now. All you have to do is commit to working out with him, which is not that difficult.
After an hour of various sets of seemingly simple workout moves your body was crying but it felt alive. The burpees were the only move that made you cry, those made everything hurt. But now, you felt like you could run around campus twice, fight crime and find the cure for a disease with the energy inside you.
“You did really good today (Y/N).” Hongseok’s smile was wider than before more genuine. “I’m glad Mae threw us together, we make a good team.”
“You’re a good teacher Hongseok.” He blushed a bit. “I mean it, it’s not just because I’m hopeless alone. You took your time with teaching me the proper form and you didn’t rush me. It made all this much easier.”
“It’s what I’m going to college for.” He chuckled, “I hope I can at least do a decent job out there. Let’s stretch to end today. You need to after all we did.”
Once again Hongseok helped you bend forward a little more and really helped you stretch your sore muscles. His hands were placed delicately on your back, or you arm, or your side. He made sure you have stretched every muscle he made you abuse today.
“Go eat something high in protein, stay hydrated and make sure you’re not up all night with this new energy you have. You still need to sleep well and eat well to help your muscles recover from working out.” He took a swig from his own bottled water as you did the same.
“Any suggestions? I’m not health foodie, what’s good for post workouts?”
“Some people say peanut butter is good, or nuts... like peanuts, almonds, pistachios.” He flushed, making you giggle.
“Got it.” You made a mental note to see what the mess hall had. “I’ll have to be picky at the mess hall.”
“There’s actually a few vendors who have really good food that’s good for you and is under the meal plan. I’ll show you, let’s go.” Hongseok headed towards the doors towards the front desk, leaving you standing there for a second.
“Uh, okay.”
When you caught up he was talking to Mae before he disappeared into the back again.
“I see the two of you hit it off.” She grinned. “He said he’s going to show you the best places to eat in the mess hall?”
“Uh, yea. I don’t know much about eating healthy so..”
“That’s adorable.” Mae giggled. “He has someone to workout with and eat with. You two are already a match made in heaven.”
“Mae, stop. We’re not, we just met.”
“That’s why it’s even better. Come on, he’s gorgeous. I saw the awe on your face when I drug him out here.”
“He is. He’s absolutely beautiful.”
“That’s why everyone wants to train with him, because he’s so easy on the eyes. But most people just want to stare and end up not caring about working out.”
“He makes it easy to get distracted.” You admitted, you did a few times.
“I knew he’d like you, you’re a hard worker. You weren’t here to just get into his pants.” Mae paused, “Though if you were to later on, he probably wouldn’t mind.”
“Mae!” You choked on a mouthful of water. You were still sputtering trying to breathe properly when Hongseok came back out to the front, face red as a cherry.
“Are you okay?” 
“Uh yea, water when down my windpipe.” You cut your eyes to Mae who was snickering behind her hand.
“Careful, we don’t need you dying in the wellness center it’s bad for business.” Mae teased.
“I’m starving, let’s get going.” Hongseok ignored her and guided you out with a hand on your lower back.
As the two of you were walking towards the mess hall your phone dinged with a message from Mae.
Believe what you want, but Hongie falls quickly for a hard working, determined girl. Be careful with his heart if he gives it to you. --Mae
You looked up at Hongseok after reading the message and noticed the remnants of a smile on his lips. He noticed you staring and looked down to smile at you and your heart stuttered. The two of you continued in step with each other to the mess hall, tummies grumbling for food, talking and laughing about your majors and your days in college so far.
You never really believed in love at first sight or anything like fate or destiny but maybe that would change now. Hongseok just made you feel a type of way. And that you were okay with.
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steves-on-a-plane · 8 years
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That’s a Really Big Cat 
Words: 1209 Main Characters: Mom!Reader & Daughter!OC Guest Staring: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson & Tony Stark  Summary: Reader is a single mom who has been raising her daughter in secret, but the cat is out of the bag one day after Captain America insists she come down to the Avenger’s Compound. 
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“Captain Rogers speaking.” Steve answered his cellphone on the second ring. You knew he was expecting you in at the compound any minute. You were supposed to be helping him train some of the new recruits that morning, but instead you were still at your apartment about to watch Frozen for the four hundredth time with your eight-year-old daughter.
“Morning Steve, it’s [Y/N]. Listen I’m sorry this is so last minute, but I’m not going to be able make it over to the compound today.” None of the other Avengers knew you had a daughter. You thought it was safer that way. The less people who knew about her, the more secure she would be. This had been working back when there were only seven other Avengers, but now that the team was expanding to include more and more heroes, keeping your daughter hidden was growing increasingly difficult. (As if being a single mother wasn’t challenging enough!)
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Steve’s voice told you sympathetically through the phone. “Is everything alright?”
“Uh yeah. Yes. I think so…It’s just, I have a cat who needs a lot of attention and my cat-sitter is really sick. I don’t know when I’ll be able to…” This was only a little white lie since your daughter’s name was Katheryn, Kat for short.
“You could just bring your cat here.” Steve suggested. “There’s plenty of room for it and we can help you take care of it.”
“I don’t know…if you knew my cat you’d understand.” You wished you could just tell him the truth, but you’d been keeping Kat a secret for so long you didn’t know how to come clean.
“Please come to the compound.” He insisted. “The two of you can stay as long as you need.”
“I’ll see you in twenty minutes.” You sighed, admitting defeat. After hanging up the phone with the captain you looked down at your daughter. Kathryn was waiting patiently with the Frozen DVD in her hands. “Kit-Kat, do you wanna see where Momma works?”
“Yes please!” Your daughter said with a wide smile.
You flashed your badge to security who buzzed you into the compound. You always thought it was ironic that the Avengers had a security team. Last Christmas Tony bought them all “We Avenge the Avengers” tee shirts. He thought he was hilarious. Your daughter was gaping through the backseat window in amazement. She had never seen anything like this. Her world had been relatively sheltered until that day.
Once inside the parking garage, you found an empty spot and parked your car. Katheryn skipped excitedly alongside you towards the main door of the compound. The backpack on her shoulders was full of coloring pages and other activities to keep her busy. She held an Elsa doll to her chest as her light up shoes bounced off the pavement. Your own nervous stomach envied her childish wonder.
Your arms were weighed down with an overnight bag for you, one for Kat, another bag of games and activities for her, your usual purse, and a bag with your “super suit” and workout gear. Through some miracle, you managed to swipe your ID card on the door, then wrangle your daughter and all your gear inside the compound. You hoped you hadn’t been seen by anyone yet, but a quick look up the hallway showed Steve and Sam Wilson walking towards you. You’d been spotted. It was time to square your shoulders and face your teammates.
“That, is a really big cat!” Sam exclaimed once he and Steve were close enough to be heard.
“Mommy, that man knows my name.” Your daughter squeaked, cowering behind your legs. “Is he one of the mean mans you fight?”
“No, Sweetheart.” You promised as you put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “These are my friends.” Steve and Sam had reached the two of you. They were both smiling and while Steve was doing a good job at politely hiding his surprise, Sam was not.
“Steve, Sam, this is my daughter; Katheryn.” You explain.
“Ah, ‘cat’ as in Kathryn. Very clever.” Sam waved a finger at you before bending down so that he could look your daughter’s eyes. “It’s nice to meet you Kat….”
“Momma says I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.” She whispered.
“Well my name is Sam and I work with your mom. So, I’m not really a stranger.” He smiled. Your daughter looked up at you for confirmation.
“It’s true. These are two of my very good friends. Mr. Wilson and Captain Rogers.” You explained.
“Um, [Y/n], may a speak with you for a moment?” Steve asked tugging gently at your elbow.
“Ah sure. Kat stay with Mr. Wilson. I’ll be right over here with the Captain, okay?”
“Ok.” She nodded, holding up her doll out to Sam. “Do you like Elsa, Mr. Sam?” She was asking as Steve pulled you away.
“Does anyone else know about her?” The Captain asked you. You shook your head, ’no’. “Why not?”
“I wanted to keep her safe.” You told him. “But as it turns out it’s very hard to raise a kid on your own and play a major part in Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. I can crush a boulder with my bare hands but I can’t get a six-year-old to eat carrots. Now before you ask, I have I wanted to tell someone for a while, but I’ve been lying to the whole team for years. There was just never a right time to come out with something like this.”
“I see.” Steve got very quiet. You took the opportunity to look away from him. You watched Sam play with your daughter. It seemed she had found her Stuffed Olaf in her backpack and was now forcing her him to play frozen with her.
“I completely understand that I violated your trust, so if you can’t forgive me for that...” You said.
“I think you and Kathryn should move in here.” Steve interrupted. “There’s no safer place for you both than here.” He insisted. “You’d have help and all of our resources at your disposal.”
“I couldn’t ask that of everyone…”
“You’re not asking. I’m offering.” He said.”And I’m certain the others will too once you tell them.”
“Hang on a second!” Tony Stark had been walking by an intersecting hallway when he’d caught sight of your small gathering. He immediately came charging over wearing a fitted suit and a single Iron Man glove, with a tablet grasped between his bare fingers. “Who’s offspring is that?” He pointed at your daughter with his gloved hand.
“You’re Iron Man!” Kathryn gaped. “Mommy you know Iron Man?”
“Mommy? That’s a new name for you Capt.” Tony smirked. “Seriously where did you guys find this kid? Is it chipped? Can we scan it and bring it back to…what’s like a pound for kids? School? School.”
“Tony,” You breathed in another deep breath and told yourself to relax. You kicked bad guy butt all day. Tony was nothing compared to that. He was a friend. Tony could be trusted, even if he always found the most inapposite thing to say in the moment. “This is my daughter, Kathryn.”
“This is your…but where did it…I mean she come from?”
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