#i might as well start reading magnus chase because i can’t freaking wait
athinakori · 1 year
Guess who is finishing reading the throne of fire and has started to read magnus chase the sword of summer ? 👁️👄👁️
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castcharmperson · 5 years
are you going to continue fic about taako's glamour??? because my dude it is JUICY AS HELL and i'm SO about lup (and/or anyone else) finding out
hi ohmygod i love your work and i literally cannot believe you read my fic?? you’re like, a very cool person and i totally freaked out when i first saw this ask??? thank you????
okay okay okay okay, hear me out. First and foremost, this is, perhaps, the most flavorful compliment i’ve been given and i adore it thank you. The juicy drama shall only continue.
also im splitting part three into two chunks, sorry not sorry, part four comes out tomorrow!
This was her first winter on Faerun. Lup had sort of lost track of how many holidays their new home had, but that was fine. She got firewood with Magnus, decorated how Killian showed her, rolled around in the snow with Mookie just to feel how cold it was. She’d had her body for almost eight months now, but every sensation felt so new. 
“I’m told you’ve mastered Scorching Ray.”
She watched her brother retreat into the kitchen, Angus chasing after him. There were a lot of new things, she realized, when she couldn’t chase after him too.
Lup wasn’t stupid. Her brother was a world class liar but he couldn’t lie to her. At least, she thought he couldn’t. But everything was new and different now. The old Lup would have rushed in on that summer afternoon, pushed and prodded until Taako told her about every scar. The old Lup had never been as patient as Taako. He could hang back, wait years for the perfect opportunity if he had to, but Lup was made for action.
A decade in an umbrella had changed that. Now, she was patient.
Well, patient to a point. She waited while Angus left for school, waited while Taako got settled with his own school. She waited for months, had to be certain Taako wouldn’t bolt the first time she brought it up. She didn’t even bring it up today! Just hinted at it. She supposed it was foolish to hope he was forgetful in same way he had pretended she wasn’t perceptive.
So she had to wait. Again. That was fine, she tried to tell herself. The cheering had turned into drinking around the fire from the massive keg Merle and Davenport had brought, but Lup wasn’t really in the Solstice mood anymore. This wasn’t her tradition yet, still too new, just like everything else. Barry gave her a look as she passed by. She hoped her smile said enough, and it must have. He gave her a soft smile of his own, but didn’t follow her as she snuck in through the side of the house, not wanting to pass through the kitchen.
“You’ve been hiding a limp all day.” Angus sounded confident, voice echoing through the empty house in the same way he talked about his successful cases with the Neverwinter PD. Lup had planned to curl up in bed, but this… this might be worth waiting to hear. Taako said something, but she was too far away to hear it. Then there was shouting.
“It’s not bullshit when someone’s keeping secrets!”
“Watch your fucking language!”
Then Silence, powerful arcane energy that stopped her midstep, just before the doorframe of the kitchen. She saw Taako and Angus keep talking, but she couldn’t read their lips. The tension her brother had been carrying all day seeped out of his shoulders. Whatever was happening in there, she needed to wait to see its end.
She wasn’t sure how long she’d been waiting, but the spell started to crackle out of existence.
“I don’t want that. You shouldn’t even know about this. No one was supposed to know.” Taako sounded just like he did when he told her everyone was dust.
“You should at least tell Lup.” Angus said. Candlenights was late on the calendar this year, but Lup was buying this kid every Caleb Cleveland novel she could get her hands on. She’d kidnap the author and gift wrap them for Angus if she had to.
“I can’t tell Lup.”
A decade in an umbrella, a year of listening to her brother and not being able to say a thing; Lup had patience now, but only so much. Coming out from behind the door frame, she threw on a smirk she didn’t feel and finally rushed in.
She wasn’t really sure what she expected. Taako’s Dex mod used to be higher than hers and she was never really good at Stealth rolls anyway, so it was rare that she could surprise him. Even now, he didn’t jump, didn’t squawk and yell at her the way he used when she and Magnus could prank him. He froze and didn’t even look at her. He looked at Angus.
Lup thought she’d seen every emotion cross her twin’s face, the thousands of matching expressions they shared, but she’d never seen this. It wasn’t anger, wasn’t even surprise. He looked almost empty, filled with nothing but bone deep betrayal. She could almost see his “I trust no one and nothing except Angus McDonald” crumbling to dust in their kitchen and she felt sick.
“He didn’t know,” she said before thinking twice about it. There was a flicker of something and then the hallowed out look of loss was gone and Taako was smirking at her, make up perfect and a hand on his hip.
“Ooh, so you were eavesdropping?” He clicked his tongue a few times, shaking his head. “Davenport would be so disappointed you didn’t pay attention to his Boundaries In Close Quarters powerpoint from cycle seven.”
He was waiting for her to take the bait, to point out the only reason they had to watch the powerpoint that cycle was because of him. As the seconds dragged on though, she could see his smirk falter. The silence stretched further and she still couldn’t speak. Now was her moment, this is what she’d been waiting for! There was so much she needed to say and yet the only thing that came out of her mouth was a broken, “Taako.”
“Nope.” He turned right around, picking up a spoon and furiously stirring something.
“Sir, should I go…” Angus started but Taako just picked up the potato peeler and handed it to him without looking.
“You are staying right here and peeling those potatoes, Agnes.”
“Taako,” Lup tried to say something else but that’s all that could be said. She took a shaky step forward but her brother still wouldn’t look at her. “Taako, please, I know something’s going on.”
“Uh-uh. I am not doing this today, Lulu. I know you’re new to this planar system but this feast is– oof!” She nearly knocked Taako into the counter as she collided with him, wrapping her arms around him in a crushing hug. “Lulu…”
“You’re soft. Need soft.” She murmured into the back of his sweater. When she first got her body, they spent days like this. Taako let her feel every fabric he owned, his softest silk blouses and his most scuffed up leather boots. She ran her fingers through his hair for hours. There were still some nights when she’d sneak into his room, shove Kravitz out of the way, and hold him close just because she finally could. She hadn’t had a bad night like that in weeks, but maybe Taako forgot.
“I can’t do this today, Lup.” He whispered, seeing right through her in a way she used to be able to do too. At least he didn’t push her off, slowly stirring whatever mixture he was working on for dinner. Angus had the peeler on a potato, but hadn’t moved.
“Tomorrow?” She asked.
The silence that followed, she could truly see her brother again. Angus must have seen it too. He relaxed and got through two more potatoes as they both pretend not to watch Taako run the numbers. Could he fake a school emergency tomorrow? What were the odds she’d believe he had the flu? Maybe if he Blinked enough times in a row, she wouldn’t be able to follow him. Anything to get out of this conversation. He slumped a little and Lup tried not to laugh. He couldn’t avoid her forever, they both knew it. At least not everything was new and different.
“Fine,” Taako surrendered. “But I seriously have to get cooking.” She didn’t move. “Are you just going to hang off of me all day?”
Taako gave a full body sigh, shuffling them together through the kitchen to put something in the oven. Angus laughed and Lup was pretty sure she could feel Taako smile. “Fine.”
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sssssssim · 7 years
Can you please write a review for Thor : Ragnarok?
oh my god
Spoilers ahead, obviously. Also, a few disclaimers. This are my own personal hella subjective opinions. And I read the last Magnus Chase book right before seeing the movie. Magnus Chase is a Norse demigod and in the last book, he stops Loki from starting Ragnarok, and I really think the series influenced me a little. Still, you asked, I shall deliver.
Let’s split this review into several parts, nine points of interest: general plot, intrigue and shock value, funny vs drama, visuals, character personification and development, character relationships, actors, integration in MCU and miscellaneous.
(This has 2700 words. oops.)
1. General plot
The plot of this movie was a pretty complicated one, I think, in the sense that a lot happened. The action takes place on three different planets, but to be fair, the action is linear, mostly, (except for the two flashbacks). There are just a few scenes that Thor isn’t a part of, a couple from Hela’s POV, from Skurge’s or Heimdall’s.
I found the start a bit… boring. Until Thor ends up on Sakaar, the plot was used to explain things, to update the viewer at where the world is at, in that moment. While this was needed, I found myself yawning, a little, thinking they should hurry things up.
But then, the action did change its pacing, or maybe I just got more interested in the actual plot of the movie.
I can’t really say anything too bad about the general plot. It was okay, it was entertaining, it was simple enough to understand but complicated enough for it to not be boring.
I’ll say two things, though.
It may have been a little obvious. I mean, I kinda figured out the main outcome of the film a little earlier than they expected me too. I knew they weren’t going to stop Ragnarok from happening since Loki made it to the final fight on Asgard.
They never actually said the whole Ragnarok prophecy out loud. Granted, had they done so, the major plot twist at the end wouldn’t have been so shocking. Cause, as far as I know (from Magnus Chase, maybe it’s different in the actual Norse Myth), there are a lot of “steps” that need to happen before Ragnarok, and Loki triggering it (with the helmet and the fire) is one of them.
2. Intrigue and shock value
When it comes to this, Thor: Ragnarok delivered, and it delivered a lot. There were a lot of times I gasped out loud (or acted like a child and hit my friend’s arm in excitement oops), and not just at the big, major plot twists. There were times when I realized a reference, when I made a correlation to mythology or to something else from Marvel, and so on.
In my opinion, the smaller intrigues were a lot better than the big one.
In most stories, there is one main plot twist, the intrigue which leads to the final outcome. In this movie’s case, it’s the fact that Ragnarok is triggered. That Thor makes a choice and doesn’t stop Ragnarok from happening, urging Loki to actually start the apocalypse.
And like I said before, I saw that one coming.
But. A lot of the smaller intrigues, the mini plot twists, those I hadn’t seen coming, the ones that made me gasp in excitement, I enjoyed the heck out of them. Hela being Odin’s daughter, the quinjet showing Nat, Heimdall stealing the sword, Loki actually joining the fight, and so on and so forth.
And the best one, the one shocking scene that pushed all of my buttons, is the one when Thor, one eye down and presumably killed by Hella, lands on the bifrost ready to fight. Ya know the scene I’m talking about. The one where there’s electricity coursing through his veins and lighting up his eye, the scene that made you think more of Zeus (and Jason Grace) before you remembered that Thor is the God of Lighting and that you’re finally seeing it. The scene where Immigrant Song started playing in the background, as Thor was more badass than ever, and you, as a fan, completely lost it in the movie theater. That scene. I loved it.
3. Funny vs drama
Thor: Ragnarok is a funny movie. There’s no doubt about that.
You have various types of humor, be it situational (Thor screaming his lungs out while he’s in the chair on Sakaar, Valkyrie falling off her ship) or intentional (I’ll be Tony Stark).
Some of the humor is cheesy, some of it is cringy, some of it is amazing (Korg was the absolute best).
Bottom line, it is a comedy. It makes you laugh.
When it comes to the drama, though, it’s a bit… weird. Because, for me at least, the moments that were supposed to be dramatic and were supposed to make me Feel Things didn’t do much (Odin’s death, Valkyrie’s last battle). Not immediately, any way.
I feel like when it comes to drama, Thor: Ragnarok is a film that delivers it like a saline drip. Drop by drop, over a long period of time.
For example, Odin’s death scene didn’t affect me as I was watching the movie. But as I started thinking about it afterwards, holy fuck did it hurt. Because Odin wanted both of his sons there, and Loki finally got the recognition he always desired from Odin. But Odin was still Odin, and he left them with the biggest problem they ever faced, a problem they knew nothing about. And the worst thing, the thing that made me cry when I realized it, was the fact that Odin, as opposed to Freya, he chose when to die. Which must have been such a horrible feeling for Thor and Loki, wasn’t it?
And another example I wish to mention is a scene with Thor and Loki on the ship, at the end. Thor saying I’d hug you if you were here, and Loki responding with I’m here. That was brilliant. I’ll get back to that on a later chapter.
4. Visuals
The visuals are 100% the best part of the movie. They were absolutely brilliant.
The CGI was incredible, have you seen Fenrir? The Hulk really got an upgrade, the scene with the Valkyrie’s last battle was breathtaking, the fight between Hulk and Thor was badass (was anyone else having flashbacks of Gorilla City, then? Of Barry vs. Grood?). I mean, hell, scene 1, Thor meets Surtur, the evil dude was beautiful. And don’t get me started on Korg and all the other aliens we catch a glimpse of.
The cinematography was incredible. Well done slo-mo just when you needed it, cohesive framing throughout the movie. There were a couple of scenes that were above the else. Like Hela walking into the Throne Room where Thore is waiting, the camera panning to the ground, we just see her shadow growing horns. The Valkyrie’s last battle was a Renaissance painting come to life.
The sets were incredible, Sakaar especially. A weird combination of steampunk and trash, with a little wannabe class inserted into the higher ups of society. Honestly, I loved the whole 80s vibe it had going on.
The costumes were incredible. Not just Thor’s armour. Not just the Valkyrie’s battle gear, Loki’s fighting suit, Hela’s sinful curves. But also the Grandmaster’s outfits, the people’s outfits when they were celebrating the Hulk, the suit Loki wore on Earth. All the clothes of the hundreds of extra in the background of Sakaar scenes.
The makeup was incredible. While Hela was wearing a full on black smokey eye, it was made special by its shape. The white symbols the bounty hunters wear on Sakaar were different from person to person and from day to day.
Thor: Ragnarok might just be the best good looking Marvel movie. There’s a clear 80s vibe all throughout it (not just in the visuals, but music as well) and I didn’t hate it. I actually kind of freaking loved it.
5. Character personification and development
This wasn’t something I particularly paid a whole lot of attention to as I was watching the movie.
But as I thought about it afterwards, I came to the conclusion that that happened because of all characters acted so well, so organic, nothing bad caught my attention.
In this movie, we see Thor, finally!, as what he’s supposed to be: a king. Everything we see before he takes the throne in the end of the movie, is to make us realize that Thor will be a good kind. He evolves in this, of course he does. From the moment he loses his father and his hammer, he starts to mature, heading towards the responsibility of being kind.
… Not all the way, though. He still bickers with Loki and has no idea how to talk to a woman (poor Valkyrie), so he’s still the Thor we know and love.
But he is something more. He’s a new king, which is a job he took even before he took the throne. There have been discussions about how Thor manipulated Hulk/Banner into doing his bidding. I kinda agree with that statement, and it was a crap thing to do, but it was a necessary crap thing Thor needed to do in order to save his people. Honestly, most kings screw up like this, sooner or later.
Now, let’s talk about Loki. He had the most evident character development, considering he finally redeemed himself.
If you know me or you’ve been around here for a while, you know I usually don’t like redemption arcs. And I still don’t.
But this one, I liked this one. Probably because I liked Loki a whole lot since his very evil begining, but not just because of that. I also enjoyed it because it didn’t happen instantly. After the first Avengers, Loki got two movies to redeem himself.
And he did so by still being an asshole, by still stealing and cheating and being kind of horrible.
He stole the Tesseract, but he did redeem himself in Ragnarok. And I feel like his redemption story isn’t over yet, it’s still at the start.
And, I’ve mentioned the scene before. Thor and Loki on the ship towards the end, I’m here. That was such an emotional scene for me, because for the first time in what felt like forever, Loki actually showed real affection for his brother. And the fact that he was there means so much, in terms of his development. Honestly, I left the movie thinking “I can’t believe Loki’s there”.
Valkyrie needs a mention in terms of character development, it’s pretty evident. I thought it was nicely done, too. I won’t say too much about it, it really is hella obvious, and I enjoyed watching it. Because we got to see a glimpse of how awful her story was, but we also got to see what a Valkyrie is supposed to be, a strong (amazon-like) fighter.
If I start talking about Banner, I’m gonna start crying. I don’t want to do that, so I’ll just say this: you should think about Banner’s state of mind. Waking up after 2 years of Hulk brain, the terrifying thought of never changing back to Banner again, but he still decided to do it. For Asgard and for Thor. The way he play-fighted with Valkyrie in Hulk mode, that was a first, we never saw that side of him before. Bruce’s development is too complicated to explain in words and I just wanna hug Bruce, really.
6. Character relationships
The relationship between Thor and Banner is a tricky one. I’ve mentioned before, the manipulation Thor does with Hulk and Bruce both. But, in the end, they’re still Avengers. They still fight together, side by side to defeat evil. Maybe this relationship wasn’t portrayed in the most healthy manner, but all the Avengers are various levels of fucked up when it comes to mental health. You can’t really accept healthy relationships.
I don’t know if I should be shipping Valkyrie with Thor or with Banner. I don’t wanna ship either, to be honest.
But in terms of relationship development, I feel like it was nicely done, in the sense that it was organic, going with the flow of their own character development.
And I most definitely ain’t shipping her with Loki. I mean, if you do, you do you, boo. But I don’t wike it.
7. Actors
Honestly, I don’t feel like I can say man, this person was absolutely amazing in this scene. I’m not saying the acting was bad, cause it was not. It was good, constantly, everyone did their characters well. But I don’t feel like the scenes gave them an opportunity to showcase their incredible acting scenes. Ya know? I hope that makes sense.
8. Integration in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
First thing first. I think it was the first time a post credits scene was actually included in the next movie. The Doctor Strange post credits scene was a part of Thor: Ragnarok, they just expanded the scene. Which was a very nice touch.
It was also a nice point of start, for introducing Doctor Strange to the Avengers.
The thing is, I was kind of frustrated by my lack of information. If you’ve been here a while, you know I don’t know shit about the comics. All my information comes from the MCU and random wiki pages.
So I just knew enough to know I didn’t know enough. I’m positive I’ve missed so many things. Especially on Sakaar, there were so many aliens and characters I knew nothing about. And it frustrates me, because I know there were probably hella cool references to the extended Marvel universe.
I need to mention the post-credits scene. The first one. The ship one.
I screamed, not gonna lie. Because I was expecting something for the Black Panther, and when I realized what it was, who it was… Yeah, I screamed.
I can’t fucking wait for Infinity War. It’s going so hella epic and I am so not prepared for it, it’s ridiculous. But I loved that we got to see it. How it starts.
9. Miscellaneous
Let me tell you a few other random reasons why I liked Thor: Ragnarok.
The 80s type of music and Immigrant Song.
I recognized Kree writing on the prison on Sakaar.
KORG is the best comic relief in Marvel (and he’s voiced by Taika Waititi, amazing).
We saw Thor on Asgard’s throne (even if it was brief).
The running gag with Thor throwing things at Loki to check if he’s really there.
Loki in chains was a direct reference to the Ragnarok myth.
So was the story Thor told, about Loki and a snake. Kind of.
The fact that Thor said I love women, a little too much sometimes (or smthg like that). Thor confessing he’s a player, bless.
I’ve been waiting to see Thor actually be the God of Thunder since 2011. You don’t understand how much I enjoyed seeing it.
I equally enjoyed seeing Thor in The Helmet. I MEAN.
Thor and Valkyrie destroying those ships, in the sky, while flying was so fucking epic.
Thor and Hulk fighting was even more fucking epic. Great use of slo-mo.
Valkyrie’s flashback was amazing, another great use of slo-mo.
Hela. Everything about her. The costume, the makeup, the hair, the head piece, the transition between the hair and the head piece, her takenobullshit attitude, her badassery.
I laughed a lot when Zachary Levi died, cause they announced he signed a contract with DC just a few days before Thor premiered.
Karl Urban’s ridiculous accent.
Cumberbatch and Hiddleston getting on each other’s nerves.
Thor’s new look.
The whole Valkyrie/Hulk I feel like I know you gag.
Thor. Getting. Powers. Without. The. Hammer.
Let me tell you a few other random reasons why I didn’t like Thor: Ragnarok.
It ended.
I wanted to see more of Bruce, actually talking and dealing with his trauma.
Odin dying a peaceful death. I feel like a god isn’t supposed to die like that.
When they first announced Bruce is gonna be in Ragnarok, I was very excited about seeing him interact with Darcy. … Nope.
I know I missed a lot of things. But… yeah. I loved Thor: Ragnarok. It’s the best of the Thor movies. It might not be the best Marvel movie, but it might have surpassed Guardians when it comes to light and funny Marvel movies.
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high-lady-of-dreams · 7 years
Hello, lovelies!
Spring has sprung big-time in Sweden and the trees are growing greener by the day (yay!). Even if I´m currently staying up way past my bedtime to read ACOWAR (oops) the weather has been so lovely and the sun is getting me through 5 hours of sleep.
So, April was an okay reading month for me. Not the best but not bad. I got through a few of the books I put on my TBR last month and I´m so excited for all the books coming this month!
If you want to see some more of the books releasing in May, I posted about it yesterday here.
Anyways, here are the books I read in April:
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1) Magnus Chase and the Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan
The Magnus Chase series is the first series I´ve started by Rick Riordan and I have to admit it´s becoming one of my favorites. It´s funny, it adventurous and the characters are diverse and interesting. The whole story is action packed from start to finish and I found myself kind of marveling at how Riordan comes up with everything.
I´ve written a review on it here and it was a 4-star rating for me!
2) The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
For me, this was a little bit of a let-down. I had expected more from this book as it had been floating around Goodreads praised by booktubers and reviewers but I personally didn´t see the charm. The concept and idea behind the story I like, but the execution plot-wise dragged it down and let the idea as well as Johansen’s beautiful writing down if you ask me.
You can find my full review on it here, I rated it 2,75 stars out of 5.
3) Ett Drömspel by August Strindberg
I hadn´t originally been planning to read this wonderful drama this month but on a whim, I sat down a couple weeks ago and spent my Sunday afternoon plowing through it – and it felt like a dream. This drama is written by Swedish author August Strindberg (I read the Swedish original) and it´s very unique in its style and form. Steinberg’s writing is beautiful and descriptive and he managed to replicate the kind of lucidness of dreaming really well.
This was a clear 5-stars for me and I´m definitely planning on getting my hands on some more of his work soon.
You can find my full review here.
4) Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
This book – my ladies and gents – is what good writing is.
This was my first read by Laini Taylor (how haven´t I read anything by her before!?) and I´M IN LOVE with her writing. The prose is poetic and it has a wonderful fluentness and the metaphors and descriptions make me want to travel and dream my way to my own city of gold.
I´m currently writing a review on it that is being posted later this week but I can already tell you it was a bright and shining 5-stars.
May TBR:
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
I don´t know if I really have to say more about this book. I´m currently reading it (and LOVING it) and I´m longing for the weekend to come so I can properly sit down and enjoy it for more than 20-min train rides.
If you´re interested in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series, get reading now folks! It´s a brilliant series and I would highly recommend it!
Fröken Julie by August Strindberg
This is one of the books I have assigned to read in my literature class (I´m reading this in Swedish) and after loving Ett Drömspel (A Dream Play) so much I´m really excited to get to this! I´ve made my way through the first little bit (it´s quite short) and I can already tell I´m going to have a long review trying to spell out all my feelings about Jean.
If you´re interested, here is a bit of the blurb for you:
August Strindberg’s disturbing and enduring drama of the transgressive affair between the daughter of a count and the count’s man-servant has an eerie feel of the contemporary about it. It´s about the fight between high and low, noble and peasant and the downfall of someone once high up.
Zenn Diagram by Wendy Brant
Netgalley kindly provided me with a copy of this book that was quite recently released (April 4th) and it sounded really interesting so I´m hoping to get to it soon. It´s a YA Romance/Contemporary and while it´s about math – which I´m usually less fond of – the blurb actually made me really intrigued:
“The more I touch someone, the more I can see and understand, and the more I think I can help. But that’s my mistake. I can’t help. You can’t fix people like you can solve a math problem.
Math genius. Freak of nature. Loner.
Eva Walker has literally one friend—if you don’t count her quadruplet three-year-old-siblings—and it’s not even because she’s a math nerd. No, Eva is a loner out of necessity, because everyone and everything around her is an emotional minefield. All she has to do is touch someone, or their shirt, or their cell phone, and she can read all their secrets, their insecurities, their fears.”
It´s sounds really cool and like there might be some magic-type stuff going on, so with some hope I´ll have time for this sometime during may!
The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton
This is the book of the month for my Goodreads group A Book Nirvana this month and I´m really excited about it. It´s a YA Fantasy/Magical Realism book and it´s supposed to have very beautiful prose. It´s the story about Ava Lavender, a sixteen-year-old girl born with the wings of a bird and how it is to be born with hearts that are tragically and exquisitely human.
Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare
Once again, what else is there to say about this?
It´s Cassie Clare, it´s Shadowhunters, it´s the sequel to the lovely Lady Midnight and I´m so freaking excited for May 23rd when it´s being released.
I wrote a Waiting for Wednesday post on it here if you want to read more.
But, for now, that´s all! Stay tuned for a Strange the Dreamer review later this week and a happy May the Fourth to all my fellow Star Wars nerds out there!
April Wrap-Up and May TBR! Hello, lovelies! Spring has sprung big-time in Sweden and the trees are growing greener by the day (yay!).
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