#i might post some drawings of alex cus
indigocloverr · 2 years
new sketchbook let’s fuckin GOOO
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my first page lel
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very messily drawn autism creechers
is that ^ how you inglés?
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Unusual Ask Answers
1. Spotify 
2. clean room
3. brown eyes
4.I like my name because my mom gave it to me. Though, I kinda wished my name was a non gender specific name like “Alex”
5.Relation ship status: Single 
6.Shy, Funny, Creative? are 3 words I’d use to describe my personality. 
7.My hair color is black. 
8. I drive a red car. Ah, I don’t know the oldie car but sometimes i drive a red Malibu for school purposes. 
9. I shop anywhere, I guess? I’m not picky...
10. I would describe my style as a casual emo tomboy. 
11. favorite social media account: Tumblr 
12. I have a queen size bed.
13. I have 1 sibling.
14. If I could live anywhere in the world it’d be Tokyo because it’s been a dream to visit Japan and I would like to explore that area. Though I am not sure if I would live there permanently since I want to see the world.  
15. I don’t have Snapchat ^^; but my favorite filter is usually funny? (i.e a horse mask) 
16. I don’t wear make up... so i don’t know my favorite make up brands... 
17. ah, in a week I shower like probably 5+ a week
18. My favorite TV show is “Gintama”
19. My shoe size is 8 in women.
20. I am 5′5″ tall.
21. I prefer Sneakers over sandals 
22. I don’t go to the gym cus i’m shy af.
23. my dream date would be going to the arcades games or an amusement park to play and enjoy rides with that special someone. I want it to be a fun date but generally I am not picky.  
24. at the moment I have about 60 bucks? but i need gas soon so, about $30 bucks y’all.
25. I am not wearing any socks at the moment but if I did they would either be black or gray ankle socks. 
26. I sleep with 2 pillows.
27.I do have a job. I work as a busser in a restaurant. 
28. I have about 5 friends that I am close with but I usually communicate with 2 the most? 
29. The worse thing I have ever done is over step my boundaries and hurt someone.  
30. I have no idea what my favorite candle scent is. I’ll investigate that soon. 
31. my 3 favorite boy names are: Oliver, Elian and Tony/ Makoto 
32. my 3 favorite girl names are: Ayame, Esmeralda, Hailey
33.my favorite actor is probably Tom Holland or Jackie Chan.
34. my favorite actress is Scarlett Johansson .
35. my celebrity crush is Min Yoongi from BTS 
36. My favorite movies are: Coco, Big Hero 6, Love, Simon.
37. I used to read a lot but not too often anymore. My favorite book that I can think of is probably Demian by Hermann Hesse
38. I prefer brains over money.
39. My nickname is Alice.
40. I’ve been in the hospital over 3 times.
41. my top ten favorite songs are: The truth Untold-BTS, Oh Lord- NF, Coming Home- Diddy Dirty Money, O-Coldplay,  The Village- Wrabel, Symphony- Clean Bandit, Sorry- Halsey, Wake Up-Eden, Never let you go- Kygo, Remember This-NF
42. I don’t take any medications daily. 
43. My skin type is oily. 
44. my biggest fear is losing the people I care about, failing and being alone in the end. 
45. I want 2 kids.
46. my go to hairstyle is a pixie.
47.I live in a medium house, kinda old though. 
48. my role model is BTS 
49. my last compliment I've received was that “I am a nice person.”
50. the last text I sent was “Costco?”
51. I was about 7 years old when I found out Santa wasn’t real.
52. My dream car is Honda Civic or Chevy Malibu
53. I don’t really like the smell of smoke nor the idea of smoking... sorry^^;
54. i go to college, yes. 
55. my dream job is Counselor or some type of Psychology profession. Unless Sleep can be my dream job. 
56. I don’t care if I live in the rural areas or suburb areas. 
57. I don’t take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels. 
58.I don’t have freckles ;; 
59. I try to smile for pictures but their forced lol 
60. I have 133 pictures on my camera roll but over 1,000 in all. 
61. I don’t think I've ever peed in the woods. 
62. I still watch cartoons 
63.I prefer chicken nuggets from McDonalds than Wendy's 
64. favorite dipping sauce is ketchup or ranch depending on the food?
65. I usually wear tshirts and shorts for bed 
66. I’ve never been on a spelling bee.
67. my hobbies are learning Japanese, drawing, playing video games, will start video editing again and will learn to play an instrument.
68. I guess I can draw but their not good enough for me...
69. I will soon learn to play the piano 
 70. the last concert I went to was the BTS WINGS Tour in April 2017
71.Tea over coffee 
72. for now, Starbucks over Dunkin Donuts 
73. Yes, I think I would like to get married.
74. My crush’s first and last initial are T.S. For Todoroki Shouto ^^
75.Depending on my marriage, I might consider changing my last name. 
76. I think black looks good on me but i dunno
77. I miss a friend right now 
78. I sleep with my door closed 
79. I believe and yet do not believe in ghosts 
80. my biggest pet peeve is Racist People and Tailgators
81. the last person I called was my mother
82. favorite ice cream flavor is cookies n cream
83. regular oreos over golden oreos 
84. rainbow sprinkles over chocolate sprinkles 
85. I’m wearing a blue cat eating pizza t shirt
86. my phone background is a yoonkook drawing
87. I’m not outgoing,I’m shy lol
88.I love it when people play with my hair, as long as their hands are not sweaty... 
89. uh, I don’t speak with neighbors because they aren’t close by. 
90. I wash my face in the morning but sometimes at night 
91. I’ve never been high 
92. I don’t think I’ve ever been drunk 
93. last thing I ate was an eggo waffle 
94. favorite lyrics right now are “Don't overthink it Let it go and try to trust the feeling You know it in your gut you're healing From every time that you've been hurt before I see it, I see itIt's true love, don't fake it You better not, you better not It's right here, don't waste it You better not, you better not...” Better Not- Louis The Child
95. I prefer winter than the summer 
96. I prefer the night over the day but both are good 
97. I like milk chocolate 
98. favorite month is June. 
99. my zodiac sign is Leo 
100. the last person i cried in front of was my sister. 
FROM THIS: https://studejing.tumblr.com/post/174266771809/unusual-asks 
do it if you’d like to do i too ^^ 
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j422m1n3 · 4 years
The Evolution of My Characters 2
Well, its been 9 days & I think that’s enough time for me to procrastinate so here’s part 2!
So the 6 new characters are Ross; def not Dave, Shan; Prospit royalty rogue of lifeght, Jack; Dersite mage of void, Tera; Purple moon having thief of heart, Mary; not Kankri, & Nora; Prospiteer Sylph of time. Don’t get attached, not because I’m getting rid of them, but because they s u c k. Also I changed not dave & not kankri to a knight of blood & a seer of doom for some reason. 
Finally back to the other 6, Alex is now a derse dreaming Prince of Breath, Gwen is a Bard of Space, Joey is a Heir, & just about everybody up & changed their dreaming moons! Can you tell I’m having no fun right know? & Liam is a doom boi because why not. From this point on I just won’t tell y’all if their moon changes.
For like a month or so I was changing stuff like their pesterchum handles & their land names so imma skip to the first edit of 2020. Y’all remember when I thought this would be a fun idea?
Beta Morgan is still showing how stupid I’ve been with classpects & honestly imma leave this here. This obviously has not been as fun or as interesting as I thought so yeah, sorry. Imma try to disconnect my ocs from homestuck & just post about any personality updates, one for Jessy is coming soon cus I’m still not happy with how much of a jerk she seems like. Occasionally there might be a homestuck or any fandom post, escpecially when I learn how to draw.
So yeah, bye :]
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ninappena · 8 years
office desk de·curating
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31st of January, jeez! I don’t know what has gotten in to me, but I only clean when I’m ‘feeling’ things. This is prolly an end of month insanity! I’m not exactly sure how to expound that, but let me just say I love tidying, period. Neat freak right here. *raises both hands*
I’ve been feeling artsy-craftsy the past days. I rearranged my desk a bit, got rid of some things, then added a few others. Okay, this is going to be really random but I think it’s bec I miss a lot of things... like, being in art school!
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I recently followed Chuck Tingely on Facebook and I’ve been SO inspired by him. He makes me want to keep creating, regardless of the form of art. I haven’t touched any sort of drawing tool/material for a while now, but that doesn’t take away the fact that I live art. I still strongly feel it run through my veeeeinnns.
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I constantly crave new things and I guess one way to express that is through decorating space. Or should I say, de-curating (totally made it up, not unless it’s an actual term). I spelled it in that way cus I mean it literally curating something that has already been curated. Am I making sense?
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There’s a tiny book of fashion I’ve owned for a couple years now, which I’ve rediscovered hiding in one of my shelves. Since it’s been dilapidated over time, I decided to tear out pages which I think I could still draw inspiration from. I hung them on my desk’s walls (lewk above).
I also saw an old photo of my Dad, brother, and I in Rodeo drive (also shown above), posing across a Chanel boutique. Freaking boss vibes!!!
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I made a “coffee corner,” to constantly satisfy my caffeine cravings. And oh, those two prints I hung are legit — I’ve posted about them here.
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These last two photos above and below are at the back part of my desk. Mmkay, you might be confused as to why I look like I have a lot of desk corners; that’s only because my desk is shaped like a ‘C.’ I didn’t take a panorama shot because I dislike panoramas tbh anymore, but I hope you can still visualise how my desk looks collectively.
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Last but not the least, lemme just show you this little touch I’m crazy about. My officemate, Alex, gave this PUNny magnet last Christmas. It’s so me! Plus, it’s a good reminder for me to hustle hard at work. Haha. Cool beans.
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