#i might push her to see that side🌝
nohadrawsworld · 2 years
Infp: omg i lost my phone oh noooo.⁠·⁠Ž⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠Ž⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.
Enfp: oh! Let me ring it for you!💜✹
Infp: I put it in silent incase someone rang...
Enfp: ✹may i punch you?✹◉⁠‿⁠◉
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apollotarot · 1 year
â™“ïžđŸŒ The Most Majestic Tarot Spread For 2023's Full Moon In Pisces
Before diving into the Full Moon in Pisces Tarot Spread, explore Molly McCord's enlightening insights in her YouTube video "Pisces Full Moon - Integrating More of Your Intuition Into Your ResponsibilitiesÂč." We've distilled key takeaways from her discourse on the upcoming August 30th, 2023, Pisces Full Moon. Discover the interplay between intuition and responsibility and the significance of this celestial event in shaping our path.
Unveiling the Mysteries: Navigating the Pisces Full Moon of August 2023 🌕🌟
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The Dance of Moon and Sun:
As the moon takes its position at seven degrees of Pisces, it directly opposes the Sun at seven degrees of Virgo. The moon reaches its peak brilliance during the full moon, illuminating aspects of our existence hidden in the shadows. Dive deep into your astrological chart, identify the presence of seven degrees in your placements, and open yourself to the cosmic messages being delivered. đŸŒđŸŒžâœ‰ïž
Pisces Moon's Whispering Intuition:
The moon's placement in Pisces infuses the atmosphere with sensitivity, intuition, and a yearning for solitude. This is a time to embrace your internal world, listen closely to your soul's whispers, and trust the feelings that arise, even when they're intangible. The Pisces moon beckons you to connect with the essence of your being and honor the importance of quiet contemplation. đŸŒŠđŸ€«đŸ§˜â€â™€ïž
Virgo Sun's Analytical Gaze:
In contrast, the Sun in Virgo brings forth its practical, analytical energy. Rooted in Earth, Virgo's energy urges us to adapt, analyze, and diligently attend to our responsibilities. This energy calls for a harmonious balance between intuitive Pisces and methodical Virgo, creating a synergy that guides us toward informed decisions and grounded actions. đŸŒđŸ”đŸ’Œ
Saturn's Karmic Influence:
Saturn stands at the heart of this celestial ballet, stationed at three degrees of Pisces in retrograde motion. Saturn reminds us of our energetic responsibilities, unfinished tasks, and the karmic threads that need attention. The Pisces Full Moon aligns with Saturn, bringing forgotten matters back into focus. This conjunction provides an opportunity for self-awareness, growth, and releasing what no longer serves us. ⏳đŸȘ¶đŸŒ±
Facing Uncertainty and Finding Guidance:
This cosmic convergence may stir feelings of uncertainty and even vulnerability. The moon's connection with Saturn might lead us to question our path, causing feelings of isolation and powerlessness. However, remember that this discomfort is a catalyst for growth. Embrace the energy as a gentle nudge from the universe, encouraging you to trust your intuition, even when you can't see the bigger picture. đŸ€”đŸ’«đŸš€
Embracing Humility and Wisdom:
Amid the uncertainty, the Pisces Full Moon encourages humility. Acknowledge that you don't have all the answers, and that's perfectly okay. The song "Both Sides Now" by Joni Mitchell resonates with the essence of this moment, reminding us to remain open to new experiences and wisdom. Trust your soul's guidance, even amidst life's uncertainties. đŸŽ¶đŸŒ„đŸŒ 
"I've looked at love from both sides now From give and take and still somehow It's love's illusions that I recall I really don't know love Really don't know love at all."
Integration of Spiritual Wisdom:
This full moon sheds light on integrating your spiritual self into your daily reality. Let your intuition and inner wisdom become guiding lights, aiding you in navigating the complex energies swirling around. Your spiritual muscles have been developing, urging you to embrace your intuitive gifts and use them as a compass through the storms of life. 🌟🧠💡
Balancing Practicality and Spirituality:
The harmonious dance between Virgo and Pisces, practicality and spirituality, invites you to be responsible with your energy and intuitive insights. This energy is a call to action, a push to address pending matters and trust your internal compass. Consider seeking physical, tangible support for your journey as the angelic essence of Pisces embraces you. đŸ€đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ„
As the Pisces Full Moon graces the cosmos, it reminds you to trust your intuition and inner wisdom, even amidst uncertainty. Embrace the dance between the practical and the mystical, and find solace in the unknown. This celestial event encourages us to release what no longer serves us, honor our responsibilities, and navigate life with humility and spiritual strength. 🌕🌌🔼
McCord, Molly. "Pisces Full Moon - Integrating More of Your Intuition Into Your Responsibilities - 2023 Astrology." YouTube, uploaded by Molly McCord, August 20th, 2023, https://youtu.be/3ucCVMPwMEo.
đŸŒâ™“ïž Full Moon in Pisces 2023 Tarot Spread
Now that we know the profound energies surrounding the upcoming Pisces Full Moon, let's delve deeper into its mysteries with a specially designed tarot spread. This spread is crafted to illuminate the hidden facets of your existence, guide you through the dance between intuition and practicality, and empower you to embrace uncertainty with humility and wisdom. Each card is vital to unlocking the insights the cosmos wishes to reveal during this celestial event.
Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic alignment? Shuffle your deck, lay out the cards, and let the celestial dance guide you through this transformative spread.
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Card 1: The Dance of the Moon and Sun
Question: How can I illuminate hidden aspects of my existence during this Pisces Full Moon?
Card 2: Pisces Moon's Whispering Intuition
Question: How can I best embrace my sensitivity and intuition during this moon phase?
Card 3: Virgo Sun's Analytical Gaze
Question: How can I balance practicality and intuition in my decision-making process?
Card 4: Saturn's Karmic Influence
Question: What unfinished tasks or karmic lessons should I focus on during this Pisces Full Moon?
Card 5: Facing Uncertainty and Finding Guidance
Question: How can I navigate uncertainty and vulnerability with grace and trust?
Card 6: Embracing Humility and Wisdom
Question: How can I embrace humility and trust my inner wisdom even in uncertain times?
As you lay out each card, remember that this spread is a cosmic tool guiding you through the complexities of this celestial event. Allow the tarot's wisdom to merge with your intuition, creating a bridge between the earthly and the ethereal. Your path is illuminated, and the universe's whispers are ready to be heard.
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 3 years
Poker Face
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Mob!Tom Holland x Reader
You get a knock on your door, detectives wanting to use your apartment for a stakeout. Of course you say yes, little do they know you have a secret of your own. Little do they know you know more about their investigation then what they tell you that nightïżŒ
Warning⚠: description of injury and surgery’s
»»——⍟——««A/n: I held this captive in my drafts for a few days just to make y’all suffer🌝
Prologue // Chapter 1
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This chapter is brought to you by Greys Anatomy đŸ©șđŸ©č
Chapter: 5
Sam. His leg's broken, the bone completely snapped and pushed out of his skin. If they leave it, it could get infected. It can easily get infected in his state, and if it gets infected, they might have to remove his leg altogether. The biggest concern is his neck. However, or whatever he landed on caused a bad injury. Some of his skin ripped off, and it's been actively bleeding for a concerning amount of time. If there is an internal bleed, it could reach and damage his spine. He could get paralyzed from the neck down.
Harrison. His nose got broken, many injuries to his face, a high possibility of needing plastic surgery. He's almost unrecognizable. Plus, there's a gash, a large gash on his stomach. It's an open wound waiting, basically waiting to get infected. The only good thing is that it stopped bleeding not long ago, but the remains of his suit sit against the wound, and the doctors know if they move it, it could make it bleed again, but if they don't, it increases the chance of infection.
Tom. He got impaled with glass from the windows at the warehouse. It's a large piece that went through and through, in his abdomen and out through his back. There aren't many shards or pieces that ended up in the wound, but they're there. The worst part, he has forced trauma to the side of his head. If they don't treat him soon, he might have a crack in his skull and bleeding to his brain.
Contrary to what you thought, his ear wasn't gone. It's still attached but basically ripped off and hanging from his head. That's an almost definite internal bleed. But they don't know where. It could be in his spine, it could be in his neck, or worst, it could go to his brain. If the bleed is in his brain, which it's likely, not only could it paralyze him, it could cause a lot of brain damage. He could end up brain dead.
The doctor explained this to Harry, wanting his help on what to do. Tom is his brother, Sam is his twin, and Harrison is one of his closest friends. How would he pick who has to suffer? "S-so um, what's the best option? What- what do you think is best?" he asks.
Possible brain damage, death, or paralyzation, yeah, none of the options was best. From now, each action had to happen with purpose. Moving them without knowing what they were planning to do could cause piles of problems. The worst part, the part the doctor hated to tell Harry, hated seeing the way his face fell, is the fact they could all already be gone.
The doctors can't touch them without a plan. It could cause more damage or mess up the possibility of another option. They didn't know if their hearts were still beating. They didn't know if they were responsive. Sam might be already permanently paralyzed. Harrison might already have a fatal infection running through his body. Tom's brain already might be shut down. He could be dead.
Harry looks back into the room. His eyes fall to you. You're still in the chair in the corner, your knees pulled to your chest and your head sitting on them, tears flowing from your eyes as you look over all three of their bodies. How would he tell you? Harry knew he needed to stay calm. He needs to keep his head on straight. Right now, Harry is in charge. Paddy took Nikki to Tom's office, her not being able to bear looking at the scene.
Harry is the next person in command, the only one who can make these decisions. So he asks more questions, everything running through his brain at lightning speed, knowing his time is running out by the second. If they aren't dead now, they would be soon.
They could stretch supplies, and they already had people running to get another heart monitor. But beds, even if they had another bed, there is no room. The gurneys they were brought in on are bloody and not clean, they can't be put back on them, and they can't put together the supplies to clean them because that would take away from being able to sanitize the other things needed.
A thought crosses Harry's mind, and he knows it could cause problems, but it's not the only hard decision he'd have to make, nor is it the most important one. Harry is taking these decisions one by one, so as much as he didn't want to have to do this, he knew he had to ask.
Harry turns from the doctor, walking into the room and squatting in front of you. "Y/n. I need you to look at me." Your red bloodshot eyes turn to him, but your body doesn't move an inch. "Y/n, listen, things are not good right now. There are serious decisions I have to make, but right now, all their lives are on the line. I know you hate to see him like this, I know this is very hard, but I need you to promise me something." You continue to look at him, again not moving, but he can tell you're listening. "I'm going to send out for another bed, but it's no place for it to go in here, so I'm telling them to put it in Tom's room. If I do this, you'll have to see him like this constantly. Can you handle that?"
You blink a few times. If saying yes meant this' easier for Harry, or that it's a higher chance one of them lives, you near you couldn't say no. You slowly nod your head, watching Harry deflate with relief as he hangs his head for a moment. "Thank you," he says. He stands quickly, giving you a kiss on the forehead before hurrying back to the other side of the room to the doctor.
Now for the hard part, who gets care first? Tom is the mob boss, Sam is their brother, and Harrison is one of their best friends, plus Tom's second in command. There's no easy way to weigh who "deserves" a higher chance. The best thing Harry could do is think of the injuries. What's worse? What has the best possibility of waiting? What could they live with, what could he live with knowing he did?
Tom. Tom is the first one that comes to mind. All of them could end up dead, but Tom's injuries have the highest possibility that he could end up dead quicker. "Tom. Work on- work on Tom first," Harry's voice stutters as he nods. The doctor looks past him, yelling out a few things, and the other doctors and nurses head to Tom, immediately pulling the bed out and rushing to the operating room.
"We still have doctors available," the doctor speaks slowly, looking at Harry's face as he continues to think, wheels turning in his head. "If you don't pick someone now and wait for them to finish with the Boss, it's almost definitely one of them will not survive. Best course of action is to pick between Sam and Harrison. Who gets care now and who should wait."
Sam or Harrison. His twin or his and his brother's best friend. Harry is trying his best not to let his bias take over. He wants to be reasonable, but at the same time, how would he live without either of them? How would he live with himself if he knew Sam got paralyzed, or Harrison died from an infection since he made one of them wait?
"Sam. Take Sam in too," his voice stutters as he says it, his heartbreaking for his best friend. The doctor nods, quickly moving past him and going with the other doctors to take Sam in to start surgery. After he's alone outside the room, he lets out a shaking breath, leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes, praying he made the right choice.
The way he thought of it is that if Harrison gets an infection, they could still fix it, flush it out, and he would be ok, but they couldn't fix Sam getting paralyzed. Sam can't wait, Harrison can, so it's the best option.
While Harry is still standing in the hallway, the men he sent out to get the beds and heart monitors come back. They push it into the room, next to Harrison's body that's still on the floor. Harry gets himself together quickly and steps into the room. "He's not dead yet, be careful," he says as he walks past the men attempting to pick him up. Harry was walking toward you but noticed you weren't in the chair. He looks over, seeing you watching the operating room, watching Tom. "You know you don't need to watch this," he speaks slowly, stepping in front of you, his back to the window, not wanting to see it himself.
You sniff, your lip trembling, and Harry can already hear the "but" coming. "You'll already have to watch him when he gets better. Don't torture yourself," he says.
"If he gets better. He could die on the table," you say quietly.
Harry sighs, putting his arm around you and turning you around, walking away from the window, out of the room. The farthest you go is the living room area. He sits down with you, and you lay your head on his lap, something you remember doing with Tom at your apartment when he'd be on calls, letting him play with your hair.
You remember Harrison always joking with you. He'd say how one day Tom would get annoyed and accidentally pull too hard and pull out your hair. Now you're hoping you have a chance for him to do that again.
Both of you fall asleep. Harry wakes up first, seeing that it's 3 hours later. He looks down at you, taking your head in his hands and slowly moving and setting it on the couch. He pulls out his phone, quickly sending a text to Paddy to come and sit with you while you sleep.
He slips from the room when Paddy comes into view. He walks quickly toward the infirmary, walking into the room without a second thought. He notices how the room is clean, with no more blood on the beds. The only blood is Harrison's, who's in the middle of the room, still battered and bloody. Harry walks up to the bed, looking down at his friend, feeling his eyes gloss over, but he wouldn't dare let them fall.
It's slow and soft, but Harry can see his chest still rising and falling, confirming that Harrison is still breathing. "I'm sorry, mate. Hang in there," he whispers, biting his lip. He wanted to reach out a touch him so badly, but he knew the slightest movement could make him bleed again. Harry turns his head away, turning to walk to the window. Everything looked ok, almost as if they were close to being finished.
The doctor looked up, seeing him standing at the window. She excuses herself and walks out to him, already knowing he wants an update. "The glass was pretty solid, and we got it all out without harming any of his other organs. Fortunately, Boss' skull didn't crack. Minimal internal bleeding and nothing reached his spine. However, he lost all hearing in his left ear."
Harry lets out a breath, at the moment only relieved that he'll live. Other problems can get dealt with later. It only matters that he's going to live. "As for your twin," Harry's eyes shoot back over to the doctor, "his leg will be bandaged up for at least two months, waiting for it to heal. There was a lot of bleeding, most of it did reach his spine, but we got it out without damage, and at most, he'll need physical therapy, but before any of that, we will be putting him on a neck brace and keeping him in a coma type state. His body needs to heal, and the slightest movement of his neck could cause more bleeding and paralyze him before we can fix it. We will bring him off it once we think he's healed enough."
Harry held his breath, afraid the doctor would say Sam didn't make it, but she didn't, he did, he was so relieved he could cry. His gaze falls on Harrison, and a sudden sadness flows through him. His brothers would live, but his best friend might not. The doctor picks up on his gaze and starts speaking again. "Sam will be out first. They should be putting his leg in a cast right now and stitching his neck. It won't be much longer. We'll be able to start on Harrison." Harry nods, and the doctor returns inside.
Hours later, Harry is sitting in a chair, head on his hands as he waits for an update on Harrison. They had finished Sam as they said, now he's laying a few feet from Harry, and took Harrison in the second they cleaned everything.
Harry looks up when he hears someone walking into the room, seeing it's you and Paddy. You're holding on to him like you had been the first time you guys walked into the infirmary, and your eyes are just as red as you look around the room, seeing how clean it now is.
You and Paddy walk over to Harry, him scooting over so you can fit on the chair. He fills you both in, and you cry in happiness, plus fear for Harrison. A few seconds after he finishes, the operating room doors open, and they push Tom into the room. You stand quickly, almost too quick, making you lose your balance, but Paddy catches you. Harry isn't far behind you, and you all rush up to the side of the bed, looking at Tom. There's a bandage around his head, plus one holding down his ear. There are multiple cuts and scrapes around his face and neck. Plus, you figure there are more bandages under the hospital gown.
The doctors wheel him down the hall, taking him to his bedroom as Harry instructed. When they get there, they hook up the heart monitor and everything. They tell you he'll be asleep for a while, but to be careful. Harry is surprised when he turns to go back to the infirmary, and you try to follow him. But you tell him as he said, you'd have to see Tom like this for a while, no reason to sit extra time, and you want to see Harrison, make sure he's ok when he comes out.
At 6:34 pm, the doors opened. The doctor walked out, you, Harry, and Paddy shooting up to see if Haz was ok. All of you are nervous, your hearts racing, afraid that she would she say, his heart stopped.
"He'll be ok," you all audibly let out sighs of relief, "his face looks the same as before, his nose actually wasn't too damaged, and there was an infection, but we flushed it out, minimal damage to his organs, nothing that we couldn't repair."
As the doctor talks, they push Harrison from the operating room. They put him in the spot next to Sam, moving out of the way as you three look at them, all of you happier than ever that they're all alive.
You feel Harry move, and you look at him, seeing him slump down on the floor, his head falling to his hands as he lets out a long breath. His heart is aching with relief. They're all alive. He made the right choice, and everything will be ok. All of the doctors and nurses step out of the room, and you hear Harry let out a shaky breath, knowing tears were falling down his face. He's never dealt with anything like this before. Tom was always the Boss. He never had to do something so stressful.
You lower yourself to the floor, sitting next to him and pulling him into a hug, hearing his quiet sobs of relief. You all stay like that for a while, only hearing the sounds of the heart monitors, again confirming they're all alive, they're ok.
Harry made the right decision.
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Chapter 6 >>
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Ahem: @notyourcupofteax @dreamsarecloserwithyou @tomsirishgirlx @novaresque @b0kutoswaifu @iamasimpingh0e
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