#enfp x infp texts
nohadrawsworld · 2 years
Infp: omg i lost my phone oh noooo.⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.
Enfp: oh! Let me ring it for you!💜✨
Infp: I put it in silent incase someone rang...
Enfp: ✨may i punch you?✨◉⁠‿⁠◉
Infp: … ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ
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tangyangie · 1 year
Hii! Honestly thank you for all your works!, they’re so good and feel so accurate, you embody the characters so well😫‼️.
I dont know if ur taking requests right now but i was wondering if you could do a karma x enfp reader head-cannons? I saw you did an isfp one, idk if you’ve done any other, but Thats alright if not of course!
Reader is really bubbly and loud, she makes alotta dirty and crude jokes with Rio and similarly, she has good grades she just doesnt try. She’s girly (loves being feminine) but that doesnt stop her from getting dirty, Shes very much a hopeless romantic and goes feral for some loving.
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desc. karma x enfp!fem!reader, who's loud, playful, and talkative, yet stubborn, smart, and romantic.
notes. i'm preeeetty sure i'm an enfp (or infp), so a lot of these traits reminded me of myself!! so, this one was pretty easy to write, and i hope you like it!!
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he's drawn to you from the beginning.
you're funny and joke about everything with him. oh, someone fell out of a tree? oops, you guys are literally on the floor.
you guys never have a dull moment. you always have something to talk about, and your conversations usually end up lasting hours.
physical touch is biggg for you guys. it's rare to see you guys not hugging or being close in some way.
he loves your outfits. no matter what you wear, though, he will be completely infatuated by you but he does like seeing you in dresses.
he picks you up a lot. piggy-back rides, carrying you bridal style, over the shoulder... any way that your feet aren't touching the ground.
you guys bounce around a lot. like, people mistake you as children for how energetic you guys are—you're constantly running around places.
you guys are constantly texting. it's kind of funny how much battery is wasted, even though you two are in the same room.
you guys also play gamepigeon a lot together. you've both gotten really good at the word games, and you're constantly competing. your screen is lit up like a christmas tree because of just how much you guys play together.
karma and you are both stubborn, and so you guys are like a rainbow brick wall with bubble guns at the top. it's the most accurate description of your personalities together that i can give.
when it comes to school, you guys are one and the same. you've got good grades and stuff, but you do not pay attention.
you will have an assignment that was given at the beginning of the week, and you're finishing it literally morning of. and then you get a perfect score.
you guys spend a lot of time outside together. whether that's looking for cats in sidewalks, going to playgrounds and parks, or finding a lake and skipping rocks together. you guys definitely feed the ducks, too.
you kiss him a lot. he definitely doesn't mind—he welcomes it. while, of course, throwing in a few teasing phrases.
you guys make a lot of dirty jokes together. it's crazy you guys haven't been reported to the police for the amounts of looks you guys have gotten.
you guys collect stuff for each other. you collect stamps and he collects rocks, so you guys trade each other stuff. if someone doesn't have enough to trade, you pay in affection.
you guys climb on stuff a lot. it's a normal occurrence to see you guys on the roof or hanging off a window of a 6-floor tall apartment building.
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notes: every time i write these i get reminded of my nonexistent social life 🫶
also i'm so sorry for taking so long ☹️ been feeling v unmotivated to write but i did see the spider-man movie so i'm feeling much better (and in love w miles oh m y god)
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plutopools · 1 year
about rocky and lola
(ahoy! oc x canon/self ship ahead! also, walls of text)
some of you guys wanted to know more about my oc, so here you are!
i would also like to preface this by saying: i am not an immigrant. while i am of italian descent, there are things in here that i cannot relate to because i was born in the us. please let me know if my oc is a gross representation of immigrants. i would feel awful if my character offended or misrepresented anybody. i won't be upset, i promise. please let me know
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before lola met rocky:
lola immigrated from italy to the united states in 1912, due to the rise of crime and poverty. while i would also say fascism too, but mussolini didn't start his regime until the early 1920's.
she immigrated with her father and paternal grandmother. they would move around a lot while her father scrambled to find work. they finally settled in saint charles, missouri. her father worked several jobs to stay afloat.
while lola doesn't have many memories with her father, she knew that he was doing his best as a single dad who only knew so much english.
the few things that her father and her would do when he wasn't busy, is play guitar- which is how she got into playing music. (this is important to her adulthood btw- put a pin in it)
they lived a few houses down from the mcmurray household.
during that time, lola really locked down on learning english. her nonna was more like a drill sergeant when it came to teaching her granddaughter a different language. in some instances, she'd wake lola up in the middle of the night for quizzes. lola wouldn't say anything about it though. you don't talk back to nonna.
lola would also do insane amount of chores for nonna, and she'd take advantage of this full force.
this might make it seem like her nonna was uncaring and cruel, she really wasn't. she is more of a cool disney grandma than anything else. she's just looking out for her granddaughter the best way she knows how.
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after lola met rocky:
after a while, rocky and lola bumped into each other when they were 11 and became friends.
'bumped into each other' is a cuter way of describing their first interaction. in reality, lola found rocky stuck in a bush and helped him out. it was awkward. but they warmed up to each other!
lola understood most english, however didn't understand rocky's grandiloquent way of speaking.
while rocky wanted to be courteous and speak in a way easier for her to understand, lola wouldn't allow him too. she wanted him be himself. that, and she also didn't want to be 'dumbed down' in a sense. she wanted to understand more english, and was adamant about it.
rocky inadvertently helped her with a lot of vocabulary, simply just listening to him and and asking him questions if she couldn't put the pieces together.
this also made her love his poetry, especially when they became teenagers.
rocky enjoyed listening to her speak in italian. with his fondness of romanticism and the renaissance period, he thoroughly enjoyed just listening to lola. it would be his very few instances of calmness.
he also thought her accent was adorable (who can blame him though? children speaking in italian is really cute)
music is when rocky and lola had the most fun. they would play music for hours, teach each other how to play their instruments, create instruments with glasses and cartons.
they were both just shining balls of creativity, and being together sparked it even more
( a little side note, but i headcanon rocky as an ENFP, and lola as an INFP )
rocky was, of course, much more adventurous. he'd drag lola into situations all the time. this would get her into a lot of trouble depending on how dangerous the 'adventure' was.
lola never got angry at him however. if anything, she was glad it happened.
there were only a few instances were lola ever raised her voice at rocky, but they were for good reasons.
lola was iffy about aunt nina. while she tried to understand why she acted the way she did, she just never understood her disdain towards rocky.
lola never disliked nina, she was very nice to her when she was by herself. but she also didn't like her in a way either.
rocky never opened up about his past until later in life, so she didn't know much about why he didn't have parents or why he was living with his aunt's. and frankly, she didn't want to pry.
lola knew, in a small way, what it was like to not be raised by your parents, so she didn't want to make him feel anymore alienated than he already did by asking questions.
she just understood, and rocky appreciated her so much for that.
for a brief synopsis of their childhood friendship: rocky helped lola come out of her shell and take risks, while lola helped rocky enjoy the littler things in life and taking things slow.
i'll talk about their relationship as teenagers in a later post, because this one is just so long as it is.
i imagined lola singing this and i started smiling like an idiot
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mbti-enemies · 2 years
MBTIs are classified in 4 groups, right? how are they divided exactly?
well.... not exactly. IF IVE MANSPLAINED AND LIKE YOU MEAN SOME OTHER 4 GROUPS IDK ABOUT TELL ME. alert for mild cognitive function talk that will hopefully somewhat explain itself. functions are basically ways of processing your experiences. here's a post that leads to a post if you want to learn more by the end of the article. the smaller text is this function talk.
16Personalities divides 'mbti' .... (THEY EXPLICITLY SAY THEYRE NOT DOING MBTI SO ITS ALL FAKE OKAY in the house we do not stan 16P because its they made their strange thing up and stole mbti stuff basically for it but ofc much respect for all the attention its brought to mbti though) .... into four categories yes, but that's not an mbti thing, that's a 16P thing
in 16P they're divided (with X's being unkowns): XNTX, XNFX, XSXJ, XSXP
anyways its an interesting grouping system..... essentially what they've done is divide the N's into stronger thinkers (logic/systems) vs stronger feelers (values) and divide the S's into percievers (who will use their sensing function externally and tend to be more sponatenous and dynamic) and judgers (who will use their sensing function internally and tend to be more organized and reliable). It can be relatively helpful when trying to type people - each of these gorups do have a slight vibe to them that you will get acquainted to.
i think another interesting way to sort the types would be to do so by their first judging junction (thinking/feeling functions) because it tends to equally noticeable in all the types. // read: while percieving functions (sensing/intuition) may be obvious in one type they may not be obvious in another. so, the judging functions at Extroverted Thinking (Te), Introverted thinking (Ti), Extroverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Feeling (Fi)
This sorting would look like:
Fe: esfj, enfj, infj, isfj
Fi: isfp, infp, enfp, esfp
Te: entj, estj, istj, intj
Ti: intp, istp, estp, entp
Hopefully, this sort of a grouping may also reduce the S vs N gap (??)
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mrslulu25 · 3 years
Things Siblings Do
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A conversation between Intp and Entp after an argument.
Sources: Me and my entp sister
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Vibe-spotting: INFJ
>> “Wait, you’re an introvert?!” Of all the 16 types, INFJ is the hardest to spot. While they could be seen daydreaming in the shadows, they may also be the life of the party. Because they are curious about the human mind, enjoy learning about and understanding people, and are invested in their friendships, they’re the most outgoing and social out of all the introvert types, to the point where they’ll have others fooled into thinking they’re an extrovert. But if you examine their patterns more closely, you’ll realize they are indeed true introverts, internally-focused individuals who need alone time to recharge. Because they are so perfectionistic, they’ll only socialize when “mentally prepared,” as socializing requires a lot of effort for them. Last minute hangouts are not their cup of tea; they prefer to arrive put-together and “ready” to engage. When busy introverting, they’ll hide for days to recuperate and you won’t see them, and will emerge only when they have the energy: thus presenting a perfectly crafted picture of themselves to others as being social or charismatic ALL. THE. TIME. At 1% of the population, INFJs are the rarest and most easily misunderstood type, and the “veil” of extroversion makes them even harder to pin down. 
Even though they may be quite social, respecting their (oftentimes unrecognized) need for space and solitude is a must; they can become burnt out and irritable if they don’t get enough alone time.
>> May seem slightly menacing or intimidating. May initially seem cold, as if they’re judging you, but that’s because they’re working out who you are with eerie accuracy and hope to advocate for you. Once they do, assuming they like you, they’ll unrelentingly support your visions, help you reach your full potential, and encourage you to be your highest self. They are actually quite friendly, peaceful, and warm-hearted. They can be unexpectedly pushy and forceful for an introvert, hence the “J” in INFJ.
>> Something otherworldly about them, they seem to have an inherent wisdom (hence INFJs are often portrayed in fiction as characters such as Dumbledore, Gandalf, Yoda). They dance to their own rhythm, seem a bit psychic, can predict how situations will unfold frighteningly well. This also applies to social situations, though they can have random socially clueless/ oblivious moments.
>> Can seem accessible on the surface, but is secretly very private. You’ll think you’ve gotten to know them, only to discover another layer. Despite being guarded themselves, they can be quite probing in getting to know *you,* which they’ll do with keen insight and perceptiveness. You may find you feel more comfortable revealing your true thoughts and secrets to an INFJ than you do other types. The fact that they’re able to be so highly accomplished and bring so much energy into living out their goals and dreams only contributes to the aura of mystery. Although they’re daydreamers with vivid imaginations, they are equal parts dreamer and doer.
>> The most cerebral, intellectual, and rational out of all the Feeler types.
>> Often staring off into the distance, zoning out. But when they really *look* at you their gaze is intense and penetrating as if they’re x-raying your soul. However that same that same gaze can also make you feel safe and adored.
>> Can get irritable if they feel their time is being wasted. They often seem slightly restless as if they’re always on a schedule. (Hence the “J”).
>> Take what they say at face-value. Don’t bother trying to ‘psychoanalyze’ them, you’ll only wind up more confused. Because they’re highly complex, you can be assured no one knows them better than themselves. They tend to avoid people who are unnecessarily critical or abrasive. This is primarily because as perfectionists, they are already so hard on themselves; they set high expectations for themselves and don’t like to let others down. They often have very specific reasons for doing the things they do, and act out of what they believe to be the best intentions, so others’ judgments may only contribute to their already present patterns of feeling misunderstood or isolated/alienated.
>> Express themselves better through writing, so may hide behind a screen as as a replacement for actual socializing. It’s okay to remind them that facebook messages and texts can’t replace face-to-face interaction.
>> Dressed simply but well.
>> Best matches: other INFJ, INTJ, INFP, INTP, ENTP, ENFJ, ENFP
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ahmortentia · 6 years
MBTI as people i know
INFP The INFPs I know are probably the people who know the most about me? They can be judgy at times, but when they know it’s serious I trust them the most to not give me a look. Would I go to an INFP before my mother? probably. They’re really bad about eating regularly—sometimes they’ll send a text at seven pm that says “oh i forgot to eat?” Which makes me worried. They’re very sensitive to noise and surroundings, more so than other types. They tend to get really deep into something when they like it; they aren’t casual about their favorite things. They check in on people and really don’t like to burden others with their problems. At low points, they’ll wish someone would check in on them. Really good at focusing on one thing, but tends to struggle with five things at once. Negative side is that sometimes she gets so wrapped up in things/her feelings that she can’t really pay attention to her surroundings.
ISFP She’s kind of mysterious; I know bits of her past because we’ve been friends for a long time, but I wouldn’t know otherwise. She takes humor and throws it into her life; she tells great, hilarious stories, but seems too spaced out to really use that as a function. Sometimes she rambles off, almost lost in thought. She seems careful to not interrupt other people, she’s very polite. Sometimes, though, she can be really present in a conversation and it’s almost scary. We both find the same things funny; the most random words and phrases will pop into our heads and we’ll start laughing our asses off. Hufflepuff vibes, cares about other people but can be awkward in showing it. Doesn’t really know what’s going on, but is along for the ride. Never self-deprecating but never, ever arrogant. Kind.
INFJ The two INFJs I know really like mbti and I talk about it with them a lot? I don’t know if this is common within the type. The INFJ has strong moral code. Kind, cares about others. Very polite, seems to know what to say when. Has dreams and then also has an idea of how to get there; it’s not as strictly planned and straightforward, but it’s there. Somehow a soft voice (or maybe buttery?), regardless of what they’re saying. Has a good sense of the world, of how the world is; likes classifications, categories in the world. Unafraid. Negative side is that it’s hard to argue with INFJs because they have such a deeply rooted sense of self, and can take things very, very seriously.
ISFJ This is someone I’m placing here based on my semester’s observations. He loves telling stories about his life; when we talk, he’ll always be reminded of something that happened recently or even a long time ago. Gives advice in the form of a good story. Has a warmth about him, always smiles and waves. Gentle. He asks how everyone is doing, makes sure there’s a good group dynamic; will move and push things aside for people. Gives off huge Hufflepuff vibes, big suburban dad vibes. Will tell you how he feels and isn’t afraid to express his affection in words; an open book with all his life. Loves what he does and loves learning, isn’t afraid to be wrong and acknowledges when he doesn’t know. Downside is I fear people take advantage of his goodness.
INTP Gentle, but has his opinions. Stubborn as hell; likes to debate about abstract theories and things. Enjoys chasing the why. Private, takes a while to open up. Loves his planner but more for doodling and writing his thoughts than actually planning. Never sees his opinion as the way---is cautious to never assume he’s always right---but he’s right a lot of the time. It’s possible a tiny part of him knows it.  Patient, willing to let me ramble for years on end before saying his bit. It’s like he tastes his words, swishes them around in his mouth before saying them. He’s sweet.
INTJ Sees things in black and white with little to no grey areas. Sometimes corrects my jokes, which is…. Ouch. Takes things very seriously, but never seems to be driven by a passionate feeling. Loves learning, but isn’t interested in being a part of academia. A nice nerd. Makes you feel like you know him, but then he’ll tell you he has a dog and you never knew that. A really good person in the sense that he keeps to the rules and tries to do the best for everyone. Very private. Likes routine, sticks to similar outfits and the same colors. Jokes may not be laugh-out-loud like some people’s, but they’re always clever and smart. Enjoys indie music. Can be a little awkward or uncomfortable, especially if it’s a new situation. Not the best at thinking on his feet.
ISTP Always has a good time; laughs loudly with his friends. Thinks well on his feet--writes limericks and jokes on the spot as opposed to doodling. Never really plans things but is open to hanging out whenever, is laidback, doesn’t really try but manages to do well in everything. He’s somehow both put together and a total mess. Clever, witty. Can be a little bit of a showoff, apparently, but I’ve never seen that side of him. Makes a lot of self-deprecating jokes, but easily transitions into insult humor with his friends. He doesn’t really seem to change much around different people. Terrible at chess. Somewhat understanding, I think sometimes he can get stuck in his head a bit.
ISTJ I sit across from him on the couch and I ramble to him, he tells me stories in such a concise manner. He tends to focus on what people say and what really happens in the story. Rational, straightforward. He sees things more in black and white: this happened, this didn’t happen. Really good at debating and arguing things. I always lose. He’s sharp and so funny. He doesn’t mind so much making fun of people at their expense; in fact, most of his friends are the same way and they all have a good time. Unafraid to tell me when to shut the fuck up, especially when it’s needed. Clever, analytical, very good with numbers. Somewhat impatient.
ENFP I love her so much; energetic, balanced, she has a laugh that makes my heart flutter. When she finds things funny, she’s unafraid to show her feelings. She lives vigorously. She’s really funny; there’s a wit that lives in her. She goes by her feelings a lot. Knows there’s something in her gut and follows it through; gives sound advice because her gut is always, ALWAYS right. Sometimes doesn’t trust herself even though she really should. And when she goes back on herself, it turns out badly and she gets confused and insecure. Another ENFP I know is so gentle and warm, and very, very good at making and keeping connections. She’s soft, but in the best way: she loves and loves and you can feel the warmth spreading from her fingertips into the air. I worry she takes on too much; both are unskilled in the saying no department.
ESFP I used to know her relatively well as a kid, but we’ve split up since then. She’s so energetic and loud. The two words that are most apt are social butterfly: she flutters from person to person, bright and passionate, dragging everyone along to the next adventure. She can’t control her excitement--she stands up when she gets excited. She offers to drive her friends places, especially if they don’t have a car (it’s on the way or she’s got time). Popular, well-liked, always smiling. Will walk up to someone she hasn’t seen in years, or maybe someone she barely knows, and has this skill of making them feel known. Her energy, sometimes, can be too much, though.
ENFJ She feels things deeply. Looks out for everyone in a situation. Makes lots of jokes to help others feel comfortable, or to make herself feel more comfortable (usually self-deprecating jokes). Good at understanding what you say even when you speak gibberish. Bold. Talks with everyone, and is very cool. Chill. Doesn’t really change drastically in different environments; she is who she is. Smart, especially in a practical sense: also has a real gut intuition and just Knows what’s right emotionally. Decisive, trusts her feelings and sticks to them. Stands up for what she believes is right—she makes me proud to be her friend. Negative side is that sometimes she feels like the way she sees things is the only way; if something is obvious, then it should be obvious to everyone.
ESFJ Another one of my closest friends. Goes on coffee runs for people, is willing to go way out of her way to get people home safe. Knows what she wants and gets it. Is unafraid of talking to people, asking for help, or even texting people she doesn’t know. The glue of a group, consistently checks in. Well known throughout, but doesn’t strive to make her name known; it’s just who she is. Very popular, good-hearted. She enjoys calling and FaceTiming people—what more can I say about that extroversion? Spreads love and joy wherever she can. Negative side is that she can get absorbed in her feelings and sometimes she doesn’t see how she’s affecting other people with what she’s saying. 
ENTP So, so cocky. The one person I know of this type is someone I’ve placed here myself. Sharp, cutting…Biting sense of humor that makes the room come alive but never feels bitter. Tends to mock the people he likes the most. Very blunt: doesn’t dwell on the past but thinks about what he can do next. Can’t really listen for the sake of listening, he needs a purpose. Enjoys attention. Thinks well on his feet but terrible at planning; leaves things vague and doesn’t feel specifics are necessary. Tendency to make observations and translate them into analysis, but without any feeling or personal input involved. Intimidating. Maybe, maybe cares under 78 layers of doesn’t give a fuck; will never say how he feels.
ENTJ She never understands my complaints because there’s always a simple solution: just do x, y, z. She’s supportive, but not in a cheerleader way. She’s quick, good at getting things done; smart and tries hard even when she makes it seem like she doesn’t care. She sticks up for her friends and isn’t afraid to call someone out on their bullshit to their face. Uses reason and logic to get her way; great at debating and arguing, and seems to always hold herself together even when she jokes about a mental breakdown she had earlier. Has a nice laugh and always has interesting facts in her head. Knows her shit about music. She jokingly adopts a holier-than-thou attitude about some things, but everyone knows it isn’t to be taken seriously (and if you don’t know that, then you definitely aren’t friends with her). She can do impulsive things, or get dragged into impulsive things. Can think she’s always in the right and that other people are wrong.
ESTP Electric. I’ve never known her up close, so I can’t say much, but she has this energy that makes you look up when she enters a room. Knows how to have a good time. Can be a bit cutting or rude, especially to people she doesn’t know; doesn’t really care about who someone is, she has to say what she thinks is right. You primarily have to earn her respect. She’s the type who will walk up to a stranger to compliment their shirt. Enjoys being in the spotlight to the point that the spotlight naturally rests on her, it’s attached to her. Seems absolutely fearless, even though she may have doubts inside. Has taken her identity and made it into a badge of honor. Doesn’t plan things herself, but falls off that metaphorical cliff and lands in a catlike way, defying gravity. She maneuvers life having perfected improvisation.
ESTJ She, like the ISTJ, thinks so logically. But there’s something else to it: whereas the ISTJ is more independent and sticks to their own, the ESTJ wants to go-go-go. Always has a plan or an idea in her head, always wants to go out and do things, regardless of what. Loves making plans almost as much as I do. She sticks to her facts and has a tendency to forget feelings in the equation. She thinks in such a linear manner, going from A to B to C. Thorough. Bright, cheery, and loves her everyday. Negative side is that she latches onto facts and outside opinion wherever she can: instagram likes, the people who respond to her texts, her reputation according to others. She doesn’t consider how she should feel, especially internally.
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alltypesofmbti · 7 years
What Each Myers-Briggs Type Does If They Like You
ISFP: Inserts themselves into the same social circle as you and parties with you regularly until the two of you inevitably hook up.
ESFP: Puts X’s at the end of all text messages and finds fifteen excuses a day to hug you.
ENFP: Teases you mercilessly and uncharacteristically does not flake on any of your plans.
ISTJ: Rearranges their schedule in order to spend more time around you but fiercely denies their attraction until you make it clear as day that you’re interested in them.
ESTJ: Orders you to go on a date with them.
INTP: Is actually motivated to spend time with you, especially if they don’t know you very well. Stares at you when you’re talking as though they are studying you.
ENTP: Finds out exactly what makes you tick and then uses it to convince you that YOU like THEM.
ESTP: Shows off in front of you at every available opportunity.
ISTP: Becomes uncharacteristically protective of you.
ESFJ: Asks you ten thousand questions about yourself and remembers every. Single. Answer.
ENFJ: Somehow gets you to open up about your deepest childhood trauma over coffee.
ENTJ: Takes you out to dinner and grills you about your long-term goals.
ISFJ: Develops a keen interest in everything you’ve ever even remotely mentioned liking.
INFP: Writes about you on their secret blog while fantasizing that you’ve been following it all along and will write them back.
INFJ: Gives you a look that implies they are staring directly into your soul without collecting $200 or passing “Go.”
INTJ: Lets you touch them without cringing. And/or replies “Yes” when asked directly whether or not they like you.
Heidi Priebe
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kendrixtermina · 7 years
It's not your "4 fix" that makes people think you're a infp. It's your obvious inferior Te. People like midlink have told you a thousand times: high Ti users break down their thought process instead of sending a long walk of text with difficult and over researched words. A intp wouldn't need a "long list with points and examples with less vague definitions" because that's Te, a Ti Dom is not as sure about their type as you're so stubborn with yours. You don't explain yourself like a intp.
Ah you’re one of their cronies. as I suspected. 
One group of raid-loving associates is hardly “people”. Calm your Fe tits and get perspective. . 
I shall not be wasting further time on this nor repeating the same arguments I made weeks ago, other than the tl; dr is that you’re shoehorning my words into your conceptions of the definitions with a generous helping of word-twisting and presumption. 
An amusing example for casual readers:
Me: “Be precise and specific. Give me reason to give your random claim attention and consideration.” ( that is, Don’t use a vague  that could be applied to anything)
They: You asked for said you needed “less vague” definitions [as in easier to understand] hence inf Te. 
It’s like those ppl who argue their fav character is an INFJ  and blame all the obvious, copious and constant displays of sensing on “inferior Se”. never mind that an inferior function would generally be used mostly when triggered rather than being the person’s default aproach.
I mean take a step back and look at this.  Do they realize that they’ve just basically claiming that using, referencing or researching technical jargon is something an INTP would never do? I don’t think they meant to do that  because it’s opposite of like what any source ever tell you about INTPs when you first ask what they are. Stereotypes don’t apply to everyone but the love of nerd jargon and researching new topics seems to be widespread. 
Rather this is insofar as I can tell a honest mistake due to using bad definitions. 
Good example for these “One trick pony, simplistic” conception of the functions a la “Si is memory” or “Ni is planning” that creates so much confusion, in their case “all referencing is Te”. In truth one behavior can be done by various processes in various ways. 
Since neither of us invented mbti and we wish to talk about mbti and not some thing we’ve made up from scratch on our own, we would have to read up on sources in order to talk about this mbti thing and use jargon in order to discuss the topic with precision and familiarize ourselves with the concept.
Since no human can invent the wealth of modern science themselves we ALL have to reference at some point. That’s no more a particular function than memory rather function influences how we reference. I daresay a lot of referenciing is also Ne but that would be a more associative sort. 
With the T functions its more about connections - the difference is more that Te takes the data as it is as basic “building blocks” which it then build into methods, procedures and applications, whereas Ti tries to understand what the source “means” that is recreate a model of the concept and its logical interconnections in their head. They won’’t just go and use the fact right away until they have analyzed it for themselves, but they may well think “this is an useful concept!” and adopt it, making additions or changes for themselves or synthezising their own understanding from multiple sources depending on what convinces them whereas the Te user adopts an alghorithm/procedure based on how well it gets results. 
Accepting info after checking it isn’t the same as just “swallowing” it. There’s a difference between citing a source as an appeal to authority or doing it so the other person knows which imput you used, which parts of the thinking are yours and to go and form their own conclusions. Obviously I would not reference concepts that did not convince me but the decision wether to be convinced or not is made via how the concept mashes with previous understanding and wether it makes logical sense not because I have seen its results and widely found useful by ppl in general (Te) - indeed a lot of this advanced in depht socianics stuff isn’t known or used by many people but I use it because I have found it makes sense and makes good distinctions.barring future changes of opinion of course.
Indeed knowledge only through results but not and unless there’s very good proof I tend to disbelieve or be sceptical of claims of casual relation if there is no mechanistical explanation of HOW thing A can possibly affect thing B. For better or for worse. Sometimes it turns out the local INTJ was right and a problem really ~was~ the laundry detergent’s fault even if I did not know how. . 
But in either case the person will talk of square roots when they encounter a square root or a problem that square roots  are relevant and refer to the word “square root”. Not everyone who ever did this is a FP or TJ. The difference is more in the focus understanding: TE: “You get a square root by multiplying a number with itself.” Ti: “A square root is a number’s multiple of itself.” - hence why socionics calls it procedural logic or alghorithms (”This is how you do it.” where the answer is a method) vs. structural logic or laws. (”What is it?” where the answer is a cathegory in the TPs’ sorting system)
Te is not just repeating phrases. TJs and FPs do not just repeat stuff - they know, to varying degrees, when and how to use what depending on what they encounter and criticize/ find fault in such methods. (Indeed in my experience the types who do the most “unsynthesized repeating of statements” are usually Ti inferiors who often compensate with a very Fe ish, “A said X statement but B said Y so I am asking a third person consensus decision process and they seem to have a hard time extracting extra information from a statement by deduction.)
What Jung meant by “objective” or “Subjective” in his original definition of the functions - which I’ve studied -  is not the colloquial sense of the words (that extroverted functions only copy and that introverted ones make every) but wether “the attention begins with the subject” or “the object.”
That means ddoes the thought start with the person, or with what they are seeing? 
Te, Ne, Fe, and Se will pay attention to the stimulus because it’s there wether it’s reacting to a feeling, awknowledging a fact, reacting to a sensation, noticing an association etc. with Fi, Ti, Si and Ni the process begins from the inside - how does the stimulus relate to the subject and their own feelings/beliefs/archetypes/past sensations? Hence why Te pays attention to things that are ‘relevant’ whereas Ti follows what the person is interested in & may not show much interest in what is deemed “relevant” by broad society hence the math geek who knows nothing about movie stars etc. 
And once you understand that it is way more probable that I have Ti insofar as I can discern I match those patterns very well. 
IDK who OP is surely can’t type them from just this paragraph but I recall that a lot of ppl of the group from the 2 weeks back poster were ENTPs so for a moment I’ll work off the asumption that you are one it would make a lot of sense if you were even if its not the only option. 
This is where the fine distinctions of socionics concepts are useful particularly in how they describe the difference between different function slots such as auxillary and as well as Victor Gulenko’s “Cognitive styles” (I am almost certainly holographic-panoramic so assuming that I was indeed mistaken and was a Fi user all along, I’d be an ENFP if anything.
It may come down to a difference between ENTP and INTP.
But to make iot short and cut to the basics the idea  - which at least to me seemed consistent with all my observations - is that the auxxilary or “creative” function is used to “create” new thoughts at the behest of the base/program/dominant function when the dom function switches it on. in any case the dominant function is what makes the primary decisions that is basic in any variant of jungian typology. 
Hence why an ENTP can defend a wolly foreign belief system on the fly in a debate, change opinion over night and reinterpret all past data to that end etc. but that is specific of auxillary Ti not all Ti. In an ENTP your auxillary spits out ever new all new such logically consistent frameworks at the whim of your dominant Ne. 
So Ne doms change their opinions very fast and are often constantly wondering if they’re mistyped - even when they know that this is common for Ne doms they still could be wrong and as Ne doms they primarily see the world as “coulds”. Since they have little Si they are not likely to give past experiences much weight and take longer to “retain” tendencies anyways so their opinions are not particularly inert especially if their gut fix is not nine. 
I mean think of it: Ti is an introverted function. It uses an internal framework to make decisions which it constantly mantains. New problems are either quickly decided based on past categories or require a slow introverted process of reorganization.  In an INTP, Ti is in charge and flips Ne on when needed.  Dom Ti fits everything into one big central framework which is the main organising principle of the person’s mind. 
When new data or queries are encountered the ENTP would first go to Ne and look at the possibility, examine it in its own right, and then later create or look for a logical framework that fits it. The INTP would go to Ti first, that is, try to fit it into that big preexisting net work. And only if it does not fit will it be reorganized, “Oh, I was wrong, so what else could it be? * activates Ne” 
 First time someone presents you with a possibility you will examine it but you won’t reexamine something from the ground up if you already “know” the terrain and have a strong detailed framework that explains why the person may think that even though you don’t think it’s true. You’re still open to changing your mind but a threshold of unaccounted data must be crossed before reevaluation will happen. That is how dominant  introverts work. It’s not stubborness its not reinventing the wheel twice. 
Its not uncommon for INTPs in particular to “miss” data that does not fit their framework at times and need some time to change entrenched beliefs. And again that’s not just me saying it that’s very common info with a simple cause: the way in which dominant Ti tries to fit everything in a preexisting framework first and then maybe changes. Really not making any wild controversial claims here. Also we have more Si than ENTPs making the ideas more inert for better or for worse. 
To summarize: 
Dominant Ti doesn’t change at the drop of a hat like aux Ti especially in conjunction with tert si
Citing sources is basic rhetoric not Te the difference is in HOW the sources are used
The difference is in focus on the object vs begin of thinking inside the subject
in the end there’s only so much sense in discussing my thinking with a stranger who isn’t a telepath. I know my head but how would i prove that to you? 
(See the common apologist spiel about”All nonbelievers secretly believe.” Me: *feels no belief* actually no. - but how to I prove to someone what is or isn’t in my head, especially if their worldview doesn’t even allow for the possibility? Same with being in denial. How do you prove youre not in denial? especially when both no denial and denial can produce the answer “No im not?”.  )
Person A: You talk only about yourself!
Person B: No I do not`?
Person A: You’re doing it again! ... but you can’t answer a quetion anout yourself without mentioning yourself. Its the other person who mentioned you in the first place. So IDK if anything will even come of this except another hour of my life going out the window. 
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xviennesewhirl · 7 years
Get  To Know Me!
Okay, so this may be an unpleasant wall of text on your dash, but I was tagged to do this by the lovely @sakuralove842​, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. It’s currently 8:20am in the morning and I’m running off no sleep because I’m petrified a spider is going to eat me or something whilst I sleep, so this should be interesting... 
Rules: Answer 30 questions and then tag 20 people you’d like to know better.
Nicknames: My real name is Amelia and not many people really use a nickname for me. :c If they do, however, it’s usually Mia. Family call me Meli as it’s a childhood nickname but I don’t particularly like it. Been called Amy a few times but that just reminds me of Doctor Who. 
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius 
MBTI type: ENFP-T (Although, it changes every bloody time I take the test and clearly isn’t accurate. Also been known to be an INFP and an ISFP so who knows, really?)
Height: Teeny tiny. Somewhere between 5″0 and 5″2. 
Time: Currently 08:31AM
Birthday: 20th January 
Favorite bands: Boy, oh boy. Music questions are hard. :c A few favourites of mine are Paramore, Royal Blood, Fall Out Boy, The Script, The 1975, The LaFontaines, BABYMETAL annnnd then we go into the K-Pop mess that is SHINee, Cosmic Girls - they were obvious I’m sure - SONAMOO, BTS, MAMAMOO, Red Velvet, Monsta X... It’s probably best that we stop here. 
Favorite solo artists: Ahhh, where to begin? Ed Sheeran, George Ezra, James Bay and a whole lot more but let’s add some K-Pop in here too by adding Zion.T, Eric Nam annnd Z.Tao because- ah, my baby. ;~; 
Song stuck in my head: Caramelldansen by Caramell, lmao. I don’t know why.
Last movie watched: I honestly don’t know when I last watched a movie. I want to say Moana, to be honest, but that could be completely wrong. 
Last show I watched: It was probably the anime Konbini Kareshi. If we’re going non-weeb, it was probably Brooklyn Nine-Nine or something else that was on in the background at a friend’s. Idk, I don’t watch stuff whilst at uni. 
When did I create my blog: Around two years ago - I deleted my old blog just in time for starting university and I regret it so much because it was so old and big and nothing is different between that one and this one and ugggh why ;-; 
What do I post about: Literally whatever. Mostly K-Pop, I will admit, but if I ever see something that I want to post, I’ll post it. If it’s not K-Pop, it’s usually me going “dat me irl” or something.  
Last thing I goggled: "a level results” - I didn’t know when it was for this year and I needed to know for a blog post I’m writing. Doesn’t apply to me being in university already, of course, but still... always nice to know!
Do you have other blogs? Yeah, I have a couple more. For instance, my actual anime blog has it’s own Tumblr page (that apparently needs fixing, wtf happened there, Wordpress?) and I have a little studyblr sideblog that I made to try and be more productive throughout summer. Also because I know for a fact some of you won’t want to see stationery as much as I do. 
Do you get asks?:  Asks? What are they? (I don’t think I’ve ever received one on this blog, ngl lol) 
Why did you choose your url: I like viennese whirls. 
Following: 121
Followers: 40 (pitiful, I know, rip) 
Favorite color: Blue~ 
Average hours of sleep: idek because sometimes I sleep for an entire day and sometimes I don’t sleep at all like help me pls
Lucky number: I don’t really have one?? But 2 or 22 are ones I always tend to choose, idk why
Instruments: Keyboard and Guitar (but I’ve not played in years so- eh)
What am I wearing: Black jeggings, a top that should be my work uniform and my university hoodie. Please don’t judge- all of my clothes are to be washed, I have no clothes left. Student life. 
How many blankets do I sleep with: A duvet and a blanket but the more blankets the better!
Dream Job: I’m a confused undergraduate student who has no idea what she wants to do - next question, please.
Dream Trip: Definitely want to go to Japan and South Korea! I also want to explore Europe too, so places like Austria, France, Finland, Latvia, Denmark... I want to visit more places in Italy too! OH, and I want to visit the States because I haven’t been there yet. Maybe revisit Thailand too? 
Favorite Food: Sunday Roasts! <3 
Nationality: British 
Ahhh, thank you for tagging me in this, Justine~ It was quite fun and managed to entertain me as I wait for the library to open. :’) 
Other Tumblr users, I choose you! (In other words, I don’t really know who to tag so just feel free to say I tagged you or something if you do do this~ :3c)
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