#i miserabili 1964
bernard-the-rabbit · 3 months
Not art related but!
I'm finishing I Miserabili (1964) and it's one of the first times i'm feeling very fratelli d'italia l'Italia s'è desta.
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aburninghill · 2 years
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Café Musain and Les Amis de l’ABC from Episode 6, “I FIGLI DI WATERLOO” (Waterloo’s sons), of I Miserabili (1964) dir. Sandro Bolchi. 
Orazio Orlando as Lèsgle/Bossuet, Stefano Varriale as Courfeyrac, Roberto Bisacco as Mario (Marius), Claudio Sora as Enjolras, Daniele Tedeschi as Combeferre, Carlo Reali as Prouvaire, Franco Odoardi as Feuilly, and Antonio Meschini as Grantaire.
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pureanonofficial · 2 years
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - A Chapter In Which They Adore Each Other , LM 1.3.6 ( I miserabili 1964)
Dahlia, as she ate, said in a low voice to Favourite, amid the uproar:—
“So you really idolize him deeply, that Blachevelle of yours?”
“I? I detest him,” replied Favourite in the same tone, seizing her fork again. “He is avaricious. I love the little fellow opposite me in my house. He is very nice, that young man; do you know him? One can see that he is an actor by profession. I love actors. As soon as he comes in, his mother says to him: ‘Ah! mon Dieu! my peace of mind is gone. There he goes with his shouting. But, my dear, you are splitting my head!’ So he goes up to rat-ridden garrets, to black holes, as high as he can mount, and there he sets to singing, declaiming, how do I know what? so that he can be heard downstairs! He earns twenty sous a day at an attorney’s by penning quibbles. He is the son of a former precentor of Saint-Jacques-du-Haut-Pas. Ah! he is very nice. He idolizes me so, that one day when he saw me making batter for some pancakes, he said to me: ‘Mamselle, make your gloves into fritters, and I will eat them.’ It is only artists who can say such things as that. Ah! he is very nice. I am in a fair way to go out of my head over that little fellow. Never mind; I tell Blachevelle that I adore him—how I lie! Hey! How I do lie!”
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asagaciousmind · 3 months
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The ABCDiscord Server (JOIN) is going to have weekly I miserabili (1964) watch parties, so I drew this event banner :]
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oldbookist · 1 month
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ueinra · 2 years
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Yup he appeared out of nowhere just like that.
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lucrezianoin · 4 years
how to access 1964 Miserables (alias, the best Les Mis adaptation in my opinion)
you can download the subtitles I wrote for this series here
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how to get to the videos is under cut in easy steps
1) Install a VPN to your browser. I use google chrome and the VPN Hola. Select ITALY.
2) Go to the Italian website RaiPlay and I MISERABILI page (link here).
3) Now, open the episode you want, and you should be able to actually start it because of the VPN. Once you clicked play, pause the episode.
4) Copy the LINK/url of the episode.
5) Paste the url on Pastylink (link here) (it might ask you to disable your ad blocker)
6) Copy the link in the space and wait a couple of seconds. Click continue. Right click and Save as “insert name”.
Alternatively, once the episode is playing on chrome you can use the extension VideoDownload Helper
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cryingalexanders · 5 years
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adaptation tiers
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so! First thoughts!
I'm digging it! Nobody has spoken in the first three minutes and yet we already get a clear sense of how valjean is feeling. We got a long shot from his perspectives of the habitants of digne watching him while he's drinking from the fountain and how unwanted and rejected he is. And all this from a couple of shots to an old grumpy lady's face!
also this valjean is very thicc
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italianjavert · 4 years
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i need everyone to experience tino carraro!javert being an absolute heartthrob 
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bernard-the-rabbit · 1 year
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Enjolras était le chef. Combeferre était le guide, Courfeyrac était le centre.
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aburninghill · 2 years
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Scenes from Episode 6, “I FIGLI DI WATERLOO” (Waterloo’s sons), of I Miserabili (1964) dir. Sandro Bolchi. Orazio Orlando as Lèsgle/Bossuet, Stefano Varriale as Courfeyrac, and Roberto Bisacco as Mario (Marius).
Lèsgle and Courfeyrac teasing Marius about his vague political ideas and teasing one another.
Lèsgle has a much larger role in this adaptation than others 
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pureanonofficial · 2 years
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Hindrances, LM 1.7.5 ( I miserabili 1964)
“Monsieur,” said the woman, “my boy tells me that you wish to hire a cabriolet.”
These simple words uttered by an old woman led by a child made the perspiration trickle down his limbs. He thought that he beheld the hand which had relaxed its grasp reappear in the darkness behind him, ready to seize him once more.
He answered:—
“Yes, my good woman; I am in search of a cabriolet which I can hire.”
And he hastened to add:—
“But there is none in the place.”
“Certainly there is,” said the old woman.
“Where?” interpolated the wheelwright.
“At my house,” replied the old woman.
He shuddered. The fatal hand had grasped him again.
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ineedsomecyanide · 7 years
I’ve just finished watching the 1964 Italian Les Mis miniseries and it was really really good and close to the book and sad and the acting was A++ and I’m just too emotional rn to write something coherently
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asagaciousmind · 3 months
can anyone join the discord server? how does it work? I just stumbled upon your post about I miserabili 1964
anyone can join! here is the information post which includes a link to the server! how it works is that (along with regular server activities) we're going to have weekly streams of each part of the i miserabili series, one stream for each part, so 10 weeks total, as kind of a fun event for the server! :] its super easy to join if you have/make a discord account, and i'm super active on there and will be able to answer any more questions you might have once you join! ^_^
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citoyenneangele · 5 years
I miserabili 1964
So after I read here about its existence, I decided to have another look to try if I can find it. And I found it.
I also had a first look at it. Of course I haven't watched all of it, I just scrolled through the barricade episode... Yet I thought that this might be the right moment to share my first impressions of it...
It is one of the more faithful adaptions of the original work of Hugo, which is of course facilitated by the fact that they had multiple parts and did not have to shorten the entire Brick to 1,5 hours of film...
So there is also an entire episode for the barricade
At first Gavroche is so prominent in the phase of tbe construction of the barricade that you could think that he is the actual leader of the barricade (my mom actually wondered at first why they chose such a young actor for Enjolras when I showed her this part)
Hugo did well at letting Grantaire sleep through the entire barricade part. He does not here, at least not in the beginning and instead has something to say on basically everything. I felt compassion for Javert who is left with him when taken prisoner and even more with Enjolras whom he reproaches quite a bit after the Le Cabuc incident and thus almost drives him crazy as he himself was just trying to come to terms with the fact that he just killed someone...
The death of Enjolras & Grantaire is pretty canonical including a "if you permit", a handshake and a smile of Enjolras
Given its length it includes a lot of interesting scenes that are usually cut out in the other adaptions, such as the aforementioned Le Cabuc incident (that I remember having seen only in the 1925 movie, correct me if I am wrong) or Valjean offering his national guard uniform so that one more can leave the barricade safely
However they have given themselves some freedom by rearranging some of the order of events. So Enjolras gives just one long speech after Le Cabuc and not two seperate ones. Jehan's death is also featured but only towards the end, when Valjean then "shoots" Javert
Also I had thought to add some pictures, but my phone does not let me take screenshots, so I may add some later...
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