#i miss drawing and proper editing and shit but i cant do anything and probably even if i could i would hate everything
the-kipsabian · 1 year
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Hiya JWB! Your thoughts on the scene when Arnav takes khushi to his mums. i HATE that they used such obvious body doubles & only watched it i think two seperate times, whenever it comes on i skip or stop it. I dont even remember what was said in it as all i can see is the body doubles, and that hand rubbing khushis cheek to clean the drawing just before they go? Cant remember when but it properly annoys me haha. Love ur replies and analysis keep it up for us still loving Arshi. Biggest thankyou!
Hey Anon!
Oh I so wish they had the script supervisor just note which car they used to create some semblance of continuity! I totally understand why they’d use body doubles but then considering how prominent Sanaya and Barun’s hands are, why they’d go for hand close ups and just why they chose completely different cars… sigh
To be honest when you’re shooting rapidly and daily these important things can be really missed out on! I’m sure on the editing table they realized that damn the nail work just doesn’t match (they tried to crop it!) and the cars don’t match either but probably what’s most important is to get the episodes out in line at the proper time!
You can see below they super cropped in but couldn’t do a anything much cause it was evident how different the hands were!
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However all said and done it is a BEAUTIFUL scene, one of the best ones post elopement and is absolutely worth the watch! It adds the emotional gravity we were so waiting for!
It’s a shame there wasn’t a common schedules for the actors that day and that very obvious discrepancies were visible (I can bet that even the directors and editors went “ah shit”) but perhaps it’s one of the few times I can watch over an obvious error.
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Also at that point ipk was seriously breaking down in terms of budget - I think a lot of the production stuff was probably being funnelled to other shows? - because you could start to see the set wear down, makeup go off, cinematography slightly cheapen and all.
The scenes also are suddenly too brightly lit. You see the way they managed outdoor Nainital versus the garden and you’d understand there was just a higher quality of equipments employed previously.
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(You can see the difference in colouring lighting costume and makeup - massive yet subtle differences)
It’s a good scene though - just hear it out - it ties up the conversation Arnav had with Khushi about parents becoming stars and the whole Anjali Arnav bangle conversation.
Sigh, if they’d only top that scene with Arnav actually giving her his mum’s bangles it would’ve totally closed the loop! But hey very few shows give things in retrospect at this point (where the writers were changed or new writers stepped in).
Small things though could’ve made the scene easier:
- give Sanaya a glitter mehendi or a real mehendi with sketch pen to the body double
- give the body double short red nails instead
- have Arnav wipe Khushi’s face with a handkerchief so in a closeup we have the thumb wrapped in a hanky
- choose the same car for the actors to blend the scene
- have the master shot instead of close ups where they touch each other’s face so we can see the full moment between the actors (the pic below is a master - which is usually a wider shot with both the leads in)
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- shoot the hands from the other side so we don’t see the nails but just the hands together
But also there were moments where they got the lighting and body double position really right where you can easily believe it’s arshi! And that is tough considering you need to command eye line, where they’re looking, outdoor lighting and all to look cohesive!
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So, I hope you give this scene a chance regardless! Cause tv is tough to perfect, especially under pressure, and sometimes when the writing is brilliant you can forgive other things 😊 I’d always take good writing above two actors in the same frame doing shitty scenes (for example the swami track eww)
On a funny note, the hut scene did give us the worst of both worlds 😂
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