#i mostly wanted to make a joke and lightly offend my mom lol
naomiknight-17 · 1 year
A mayoral candidate who is pro-cop happened to be sitting at the table next to ours during lunch at the hotel restaurant
We were talking with one of mom's coworkers about the view from our hotel windows and how we could see town hall and she could see CN Tower
And I was like, oh man, I could hang out our window and give the mayor the finger! Then Mom reminded me that the mayor stepped down/retired and we don't really have one right now, and I don't have beef with the interim mayor (don't know her tbh)
Anyway. Through all this I had no idea the mayoral candidate in question was at the next table. Until Mom made the mistake of pointing him out
And I was like. Cool! I can give HIM the finger!!
And mom was like, no, don't - you don't even know his stances. Oh by the way he likes cops.
And I was like "THEN I REALLY NEED TO GIVE HIM THE FINGER WHICH ONE IS HE" cuz there was more than one guy at the table
She wouldn't tell me.
But her coworker was like, "He's the one in the white shirt"
I managed to resist, tho. Somehow.
It would probably not be cool to get us kicked out of the hotel on the first day of a week-long conference
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mingtiddies · 5 years
genre: fluff at some point, a little funny??, prince au
word count: 2470
warnings: blood, gun violence (one shot fired), (it’s not very detailed but it’s there), mentions of sex
a/n: for some reason everytime i write for jihoon it’s super long jzhgdzjhg
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● jihoon wished you would shut up
● which you’d understand if you were blabbing like prince soonyoung
● but your job made it kinda hard NOT to talk to jihoon
● you were the daughter of a high government official
● and you were following in the footsteps of your mom, by overseeing laws made by the royal family
● and also by advising the crown of laws they could make to improve the life of the kingdom
● and since prince jihoon was getting ready to be crowned king, he was already given the responsibility of making laws
● you’d seen first hand what some of the people were going through
● although crimes weren’t that big of a problem (your mom and the king had passed enough laws for the people to think twice about committing any crime)
● poverty was one that broke families apart and even started to take a toll on the economy of the kingdom
● and you had so many ideas to try and improve their lives
● the downside was that you had to talk to jihoon so he’d provide insight and actually submit the laws
● and prince jihoon hated it so much
● jihoon likes to be alone
● all the time
● so he avoided his staff as much as he could
● and jihoon loves to sleep
● and he’s also a terrible morning person
● but as future king, there’s no such thing as sleeping in
● the entire staff dreaded waking him up
● pls save them
● they thought it was a literal chore
● “rock, paper, scissors, the loser wakes up prince jihoon”
● so when you started barging into his room at 7am while the staff was deciding who would go in and wake the prince up, they felt so relieved
● so now you woke up jihoon on a daily basis
● “okay so i was thinking...”
● and the prince is irritated to no end
● one day you came to your mother’s office to review a few law requests
● and there was one from jihoon !!!
● (he rarely submits any)
● “y/n cannot speak nor approach prince jihoon for five to twenty minutes of his choosing each day”
● you laughed, albeit bitterly
● but boy almost hates you as much as soonyoung
● which is funny because soonyoung is a good friend of yours as you’ve helped his kingdom for a few months
● he has so much trouble trying to get rid of other princes
● for some reason??? they think jihoon’s kingdom is a good place to chill
● received a snap from prince seungcheol, from just outside the palace at the window
● creepy mf
● has once locked you in the dungeon
● the staff was so confused but so conflicted because your mom scares them but jihoon is the prince and his parents are the king and queen
● but you found it funny
● because you once locked jihoon in the dungeon too
● no one even noticed because he hides so much from the staff that they assumed he was hiding again
● has also locked you and prince soonyoung in the dungeon at the same time
● “for annoying people like YOU”
● worst decision he ever made
● because that’s when soonyoung became your best friend
● (you also befriended soonyoung’s future wife who had so much trouble keeping him in his own kingdom)
● soonyoung now texts jihoon privately too
● he mostly told him to listen to you
● another reason jihoon wanted to lock you in the dungeon:
● you always kept finding him????
● how????
● not even the staff could find him
● at some point (none of you notice) he stops being irritated when you come see him
● he still wouldn’t talk to you but at least he wouldn’t grumble and groan at everything you said
● sometimes he’d smile !!!!
● and if you pointed it out he’d scowl and go back to being expressionless
● while all of this occurs
● tension grew between the wealthy class and the poor class
● so jihoon had to listen to you now
● and so one day you were walking the public royal garden with jihoon
● (which now seems like it was a terrible idea but the people knew who you were so being seen with jihoon was a good move when public relations had purposely spread rumors of the crown working on laws to improve the life of the lower class)
● suddenly someone in the garden screamed at the two of you
● they were clearly angry and they were talking about laws to help people like him
● and before the guards accompanying you could react, the man fired a weapon in your direction
● which was originally aimed at jihoon
● but hit you instead
● the bullet hit you in the arm near the shoulder, went right through
● panic spread so fast that it took them a second to realize it was you who’d been shot
● the screams from everyone had kinda drowned yours
● jihoon was the first to hear you and he almost flipped
● just as a guard laid eyes on you (and all the blood dripping down your arm)
● (finally)
● so they rushed you to the nearest hospital
● whatever went through jihoon’s mind, his entire demeanor changed
● you think you blacked out because you can’t really remember anything from after being shot
● like it was so surreal to you
● so now you’re in a hospital bed, your arm hurt as fuck and you still don’t understand how tf this happened
● jihoon was sitting next to your bed when you woke up, on his phone trying to calm down all the princes who had seen the news
● “you look like someone died”
● (for a second prince jihoon imagined his life without you in it, and not only was it boring but it was also lonely)
● “you almost did”
● “but i didn’t”
● “but you almost did”
● “but i didn’t”
● he wanted to kill you for a hot second
● “yeah well you still got shot”
● and it’s so obvious that it bothered and affected jihoon
● but before you could say anything else, prince soonyoung barged in
● a nurse tried to stop him because “prince soonyoung you can’t risk startling a patient”
● but soonyoung barely heard the poor nurse
● he hugged you but it hurt you so he apologized
● and then he started hitting jihoon????
● lightly hitting because well soonyoung doesn’t really have a death wish
● still very brave of him to even touch prince jihoon
● the prince’s patience was running so thin
● to get him off jihoon’s case, you pretended your arm hurt more
● and it worked lmaoo
● because soonyoung immediately came to dote on you and make sure you were okay
● jihoon didn’t know and even he glanced at you worriedly before seeing your face
● your “i’m up to something” face
● and then you have like five princes in your room
● two of them being soonyoung and jihoon
● and the others were princes you’d advised on some laws
● prince minghao, prince wonwoo and prince chan
● you made one joke about being shot and everyone scolded you
● “who do we kill”
● “i need a name and a description”
● “i have royal hitmen on speed dial”
● “i already ordered his execution”
● jihoon said it so calmly?????
● it’s when he said it that you realized you were looking at him and him at you
● all the princes turned to him
● because
● that’s not really how it works here and even they know that
● the shooter would definitely be charged, but there was a protocol to follow
● and by ordering the man’s death, prince jihoon completely overlooked that
● (cough he did it for you cough)
● the princes tried to tell him
● but all jihoon replied was “he’s lucky i’m not the one executing him”
● and well it’s jihoon so would he ever admit he did it because he was angry because he almost lost you
● well surprise !!!! because he did admit to it
● the man was long found and killed 
● you had joked about prince jihoon killing to avenge/protect his people
● and he had muttered that it was just you and that he’d do it again
● which shouldn’t have been such a big surprise to you since you’d seen the look in his eyes when he had said he had ordered the execution
● oh and jihoon’s parents were pissed like seriously pissed
● a struck of luck would have it that the shooter’s actions had been so dangerous (not just for the crown and the royal court but also the people) that public relations released an immediate statement about executing the shooter as soon as he was found
● anyway so like “it’s just you though, and i’d do it again for you”
● !!!!!!!!!
● he then submitted a law that stated you should never be allowed outside of the palace’s premises without at least two royal bodyguards
● which your mother approved of, but not as a law lmaoo
● but it touched you that he cared enough to give you big men to protect you
● you teased him so much for hinting at him liking you
● and he tried to submit another law that said you weren’t allowed to talk about his feelings for you
● which !!!! actually proved to you that he did have feelings
● “you do realize my mother’s office deals with important laws right?”
● and you had the request for the law in your hand, neatly written, with the prince’s seal at the bottom
● he sat at his desk, nose buried in paperwork
● and you had a shit-eating grin on your face, leaning against his desk
● “i’m glad you’re admitting you like me though”
● the prince blushed madly and you tore up the official paper
● jihoon was almost offended as he watched the pieces dropping on his desk
● but that was okay
● because you then leaned across his desk and pecked his cheek
● it was funny because while your mother was very wary of the relationship you two began to share, the king and queen actually supported it
● your family was well respected across many kingdoms
● and it would be a plus for them to have you stay as your mother moved on to another kingdom
● it’s when the queen started pressing you and jihoon into making an announcement about getting engaged that jihoon thought
● ‘i do wanna marry her’ and that no one could be a better future queen than you
● so he did what he thought would make you both laugh at how ridiculous it was but also make you happy
● he submitted a law stating that he was to marry you at the date and location of your choice
● the squeal you let out scared tf out of your mom lol
● and she was even more confused when you ran out of the room but you’d tell her later
● it was morning
● and prince jihoon did not expect you to be reading it so early in the morning
● so when you barged into his room at like 7am he just groaned and told you to go away
● “prince jihoon, prince jihoon, prince jihoon, prince jihoon, prince jihoon”
● “let me sleep or i’ll call the guards on you”
● to be fair, you were extra annoying on purpose, bouncing on his bed and everything haha
● “jihoon~”
● he groaned again and covered his head with his covers
● which you found adorable
● your grumpy prince
● “come back in five hours”
● so unreasonable
● so you got up to leave and you were about to
● but who would you be if you didn’t tease him more? haha
● “hm i don’t know if i’ll still want to marry you in five hours, but suit yourself”
● and of course you were out of his room before he had time to process your words
● you greeted the staff on your way back to the office
● behind you people gasped and you could hear running?
● (i mean the staff hadn’t seen the prince running since he was a kid and some had never seen him run at all)
● so your words did have an impact
● although you did not expect the prince to trap you into his arms in the middle of the hallway
● “nevermind the five hours, please marry me”
● you were going to tease him a bit more
● but hearing the words coming out of his mouth rather than being written on paper kinda did things to you
● honestly you almost squealed again
● but you kept your cool and told him you’d marry him right now if he wanted to
● which he almost took to heart because he said let’s go
● you stopped him because there was no way the two of you would be getting married right now
● so he invited you to breakfast
● you had already eaten
● but you said yes regardless
● on your way to breakfast, you stopped by your mom’s office, leaving prince jihoon outside for a second
● jihoon totally heard you and so did the staff walking past the prince
● he was so red lmaoo
● it was a tiny bit worth it
● you talked less and he hid less
● well at least he hid less from you
● the staff still struggled to find him, and he usually was with you
● as for you talking his ear off, it started to become a telltale sign for your nervousness and stress
● e.g when your work was stressing you out
● when you were trying to make surprises for him (birthdays were Not surprises rip)
● or when you got pregnant
● which is how he found out
● you had started advising him more than usual about laws
● just nervous blabbing about the future of children
● most of them were about protecting children, laws for orphans, laws for school
● and he kinda just put two and two together
● jihoon’s parents found it so funny that you got pregnant before the two of you were even king and queen
● parenthood had its ups and downs and both you and jihoon were relieved that you could raise your little one before being crowned
● jihoon didn’t think he could handle being a king and raising a baby
● by the time you were crowned your little prince was almost 10 years old and the two of you tried to avoid making a second one lol
● at the end of the day, if you were to be pregnant again, jihoon would be happy regardless
● around his third or fourth year of being king, jihoon developed baby fever
● him and his son both being only sons played a huge part in wanting to have another kid
● (he literally brought it up when you were having sex)
● “wouldn’t the gap be too wide between the two?”
● “let’s have two more then”
● you grumbled about being the one carrying the children for nine months
● but you ended up having two children anyways lmao
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seungcheol ║ jeonghan ║ joshua ║ junhui ║ soonyoung ║ wonwoo ║ jihoon ║ seokmin ║ mingyu ║ minghao ║ seungkwan ║ vernon ║ chan
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crushedbyhyperbole · 5 years
Promises - Chapter Six
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Chapter Summary: Rules and red tape.  Bucky and Izzy make the agreement that will redefine their friendship from then on out.  Bucky thinks this is singularly the best and the worst idea he’s ever agreed to.  It’s not like there’s a chance something will go wrong further down the line, right?  Right?
A/N: Ok so I toyed with abbreviated text speak for the [text messages] but it annoys me so much I can’t bring myself to put it in there, authenticity be damned.  Yes, I’m anally retentive, it IS a big problem, and no, I’m not currently seeking help ;)
I’m just going to apologise that this chapter is mainly dialogue, and probably not all that good dialogue either, but it sets everything up for Bucky and Izzy’s friends with benefits relationship.  The next couple of chapters after this are going to be smut central so you have been warned.
Warnings:  Tiny bit of angst - Bucky is feeling the stress. Mostly just fluff and talking.
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Belated Prologue Part Five - The Rules
At a little after lunch time the next day, Bucky’s phone buzzed to life.
  [Izzy]  Morning Buckinator!  This is your next morning sobriety text! X
So much for her forgetting, he thought ruefully.  I guess I’m really gonna have to consider the options, now.  Fuck!
  [Buck]  Good morning.  You feeling rough? x
  [Izzy]  I feel like I licked the inside of a trash can.  What did you give me to drink?  Booty juice? X
  [Buck]  Hey, you asked for it x
  [Izzy]  I remember asking for something else too… so how about it? ;)
Euphoria.  Fear.  Anticipation.  Dread.  He felt them all and more each time he thought about the predicament that Izzy was putting him in.  He made a promise to himself that he’d keep his feelings under wraps, and do whatever he could to keep her in his life.  She was offering him something that he never thought he’d ever have but it was only half of what he wanted and it could ruin them if things went badly.
Rules were a good idea, they would help keep things in check and set boundaries.   There were only a few things that Bucky really wanted out of this arrangement and that was to safeguard their friendship and for it not to be a drunken booty call thing.  Oh, and safe sex.
  [Buck]  I dunno Iz we got a lot to lose if this goes bad x
  [Izzy]  It won’t.  Pinky promise. XX
She had to go and say fucking ‘pinky promise’.
  [Buck]  What got you started on this idea?
  [Izzy]  Honestly?  I’m horny and every guy I meet either comes with some amount of bullshit that I just don’t have the time or energy for right now.  I need a friend, someone who understands and will share this with me.  Guys I meet for 1 night are just there to get themselves off.  I want a bit more respect than that. X
  [Buck]  And your 1st thought was me? xx
  [Izzy]  Actually no, my first thought was paying for an escort but that doesn’t get you over the awkwardness of sex with a stranger. X
  [Buck]  I dunno that can be fun :p
  [Izzy]  Fun but not what I’m looking for. X
  [Buck]  Fair enough.  Why me? xx
  [Izzy]  Of all of the people I know who would probably sleep with me, you’re the safest option.  I can’t ask Steve, he’d die of embarrassment lol. X
Steve would probably drop down dead if Izzy had asked him.  As it was, Bucky wasn’t doing much better.  His mouth was dry and he was almost shaking with nerves, skin pale and clammy.  Panic was growing in his chest and all he could think about was losing her if this all went tits up.  He registered somewhere in the back of his mind that Izzy had put him on the list of people who would maybe want to sleep with her.  He didn’t know if that said more about her or him, and didn’t know if he should be offended or not.  He let it slide.
  [Buck]  I’m pretty much dying over here too xx
  [Izzy]  You can say no, Bucky. I’ll not be upset or anything. XXX
  [Buck]  true story? x
  [Izzy]  True story.  Listen, are you free in an hour? X
  [Buck]  Yep, I work at 6 though x
  [Izzy]  Come round to mine, we’ll talk ok? XX
  [Buck]  Ok doll xx
Jesus what was he doing?  This had to be the worst and the best idea of all time.  He was torn between protecting what he had and seizing this new opportunity.  He might actually get the chance to sleep with Izzy, more than once too, and have it not ruin their friendship
 Izzy answered the door in lounge wear; black leggings, novelty slippers and a huge white rolling stones t-shirt.  There was no big showy seduction going down here which made him feel more at ease.  He was usually confident when it came to sleeping with women but this was one of his best and oldest friends.  There was a history there that he cherished as much as he cherished her.
“Drink?”  She offered, shuffling off to the kitchen in her slippers.
“Soda, coffee, whatever.  I’m easy.”
“Well I had heard that about you but I didn’t want to believe the gossip.”  She quipped.
“I see my reputation precedes me.  I presume that’s why I’m here.”  It was half a joke and half serious.
He was curious as to whether Izzy had chosen to ask him because he slept around a little and had no problem with no strings sex.  The problem was, with her, there were so many strings it was a tenuously strung web of feelings and memories.  No part of this was going to be easy for him, but she had asked, and he would give her anything.
She passed him a chilled can of diet Pepsi before slouching on the sofa.  She seemed comfortable with him, even in this awkward situation.
“I wouldn’t say it preceded you but I’m aware of it.”  She smirked lightly.
“I do come with recommendations.”  Bucky raised a sarcastic eyebrow.
She nodded, distracted, distant.  The missed opportunity for a ‘your mom’ joke betrayed her nerves.
“Look, you can say no.  I understand it’s not ideal.  I just need someone reliable who gets me and won’t hurt me.  Someone I connect with but who won’t make demands on my time or dictate to me how to live my life.  You’re one of the most laid back guys I know and you’ve always looked after me, Bucky.  I just need someone I can be with without any drama, you know, without any bullshit.”
Bucky felt like he was watching the scene from somewhere deep in his skull, too far behind his own eyes for him to actually be in control of his own mouth at this point.  What she was asking for was virtually everything he wanted but he wanted love too.  She was willing to give him almost everything he wanted other than a full-on relationship.
He decided it was as close as he was ever going to get and who knew, maybe the feelings would come for her later, just maybe she could learn to love him like he loved her.  Or even part way to that and he’d be ok with it.
“I know I can, Iz, it’s just that I really cherish what we have and if this thing that we’re talking about here doesn’t work, and if it ruins our friendship I don’t know what I’d do.  You and Steve, you’re everything to me.  I can’t lose you, not for a few tumbles in the sack.”  He was being as honest as he could without breaking his promise to himself.
“Then that’ll be one of the rules.”  She said, regarding him carefully.
Bucky licked his lips absently as he thought about it.  It could work, if they absolutely promised each other that their friendship came first, no matter what.
“Okay.”  He said, blowing an unsteady breath out through pursed lips.
“Okay?”  She jumped with anticipation.
“Yeah.”  Bucky sighed right before Izzy threw herself forward to hug him.
“You’re awesome!”  She breathed against his neck.
She felt different, all of a sudden.  The giddy thrill of holding her with his feelings kept hidden had been replaced with the deep burn of longing.  He had permission to want her now, permission to touch her more than he ever had, but yet he didn’t.  They needed to set boundaries.
Pulling away, he stood up, turning his back to her as he collected himself.
“I have requirements.”  Bucky said, after a few long moments of silence where they both just existed in the space, contemplating how everything was going to be different for them both after this.
“Okay,” she pulled out her phone.  “Rule 1.”
“Protection.  The sex always has to be safe.”
“Okay, yeah, good.”  She typed quickly.  “Rule 2.”
“Respect.”  Bucky crossed his arms across his chest and frowned slightly as he searched for the right words.  “No drunken booty calls, or making the other person feel shit for saying ‘no’.  We respect each other as we always have and respect our other friends too.”
“Okay, got it.”  She smiled softly.
“You do one or I’ll feel like I’m dictating.”
“Rule 3.  No catching feelings.”  She said after a long pause.  “If it’s just sex it should be just sex.  One person falling for the other will probably end in disaster so no feels and no jealousy.”
That was her first rule, no falling in love with him?  Did it matter that he had already fallen for her?  She said ‘no catching feelings’ but his were already caught.  No matter how he looked at it, it still hurt to hear.
“Ok, in that case rule 4 should be no displays of affection.  No kissing, no cuddling, no holding hands romantically, no gifts other than maybe the standard shit we’ve always done at Christmas or birthdays.”  He clenched his jaw slightly.  This was more difficult than he’d thought it would be.  “Rule 4 supports rule 3.  If there’s to be no chance of one of us catching feelings then avoiding the little things like that will help.”
“Right.”  Her fingers tapped frantically over her phone screen. “Rule 5.  We both have to get off.  I’m about done with guys and their panda antics.”  She said with a frustrated sigh.
“Panda antics?”
“You know.  That joke?  Why is a man like a panda?  Because he eats, shoots and leaves.”
“Ohhhh, that’s witty.”  Bucky smothered his smirk.  “You know I’d never do that to you, right?”
“Let’s call this insurance.”
“What if I want to get you off but not myself?”  He couldn’t believe he was even discussing this stuff with her.
“I suppose that’s your call.”  She bit her lip thoughtfully.  “Okay, so we both have to be willing to make sure we both get off, unless we choose otherwise for ourselves.”
“Okay, deal.  Rule 6.”  Bucky sat back down beside Izzy, the warmth of her leg against his was both comforting and alluring.  “We only do this while we’re both single.  And we’re up front about the people we’re seeing.”  He wanted to know in advance if there was to be someone else on the scene.
“As soon as we think we might like someone we press pause.”  Izzy was concentrating on getting it all down on her phone as Bucky watched her.  The way she chewed the inside of her mouth, her minuscule frown.  He couldn’t believe he was this close to having her.
“Rule 7?”
“Rule 7.”  She mused.  “We have to keep it secret.”
“Yeah, Steve would freak the fuck out!”
“Imagine the lectures?  Oh god!”  She laughed.
“No one is gonna understand this whole thing so yeah, keeping it to ourselves is a good call.”  Bucky could do that.  The only person either of them would have an issue keeping a secret from was actually Steve.  It would be interesting to see if he could tell there was something going on.
“Rule 8.  Just sex, no making love.”  She sat back against the cushions as she wrote.  “No sleepovers in the same bed either.  And we should probably avoid using the word ‘love’ at all too.”  She tapped her phone against her thigh as she mentally weighed the idea.  “If we never say it, even to describe something, then it can never be misconstrued.  Rule 3, remember?”
“Sure.”  He said in absent agreement.  “Define making love.”
“Oh, you know, slow and passionate, with kissing and holding each other.  Staring lovingly into each other’s eyes, that sort of thing.”
“Right.”  He had a significant downward turn to his excitement now.  All these rules put in place just to stop either of them from catching feelings.  Knowing when you were breaking rule 8 might be difficult but he supposed that if you left out the kissing and eye contact then some slow sex might get past unnoticed.  “Rule 9?”
“No nudes.”
“Seriously?”  Disappointment didn’t cut it.
“Seriously!”  She chastised.  “There’s no way I’m letting naked pictures of myself anywhere near your phone, that any one of your friends might see… Hell no!”
“What if I wanted to send but not receive?”
“You wouldn’t want to receive?”
“Well, yeah I would, but…”
“No nudes, Bucky.”
“Ahh come on, you’re breaking my balls here.”
“What would you want them for anyway?”
“You have to ask.”  He laughed.
Izzy just shook her head with a bemused smile.  She knew, of course she did.  All guys liked to keep something to get them going with their personal time.
“Okay then, rule 10?”
The pair of them pondered in silence for a few moments.
“I got nothing.”  Bucky shrugged.
“Ooooh!”  Izzy twitched.  “Rule 10 should be the all-encompassing friendship rule.  Our friendship comes first, no matter what.”
How could he have forgotten that one?  It was the thing that was most important to him.  The first thing he’d said before they even started concocting rules and boundaries.
“That’s the most important thing to me, Izzy, I mean it.”
“Me too.”  She smiled and squeezed his hand.
After a long pause, she read through the 10 rules they had drawn up.  There were a few things that weren’t covered but they could go on for days creating red tape for themselves.
Red tape, hmm, I wonder. 
“So is there anything you don’t like, or won’t try?  Anything that’s a total turn off?”  Bucky wanted to get some insight into the territory he’d be traversing.
“Honestly, I don’t know.  I guess we just talk about it?  Do the respect thing, no forcing each other and no guilt trips if one of us says no.”
“Sounds fair.”  Bucky nodded.  “And when exactly are you thinking we start this arrangement?”
“Whenever you’re ready.”  She said calmly, like this wasn’t the most nerve racking thing he’d done since leaving the army.
Bucky just blinked.  Was he ready?
Continue to chapter seven >>>
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