#i must check his char story when i next log in ;_;
tartagliatum · 1 year
This just gave us so much help
I mean we had aether throwing up and then freminet (idk if he's a little too young for you or not) with the primordial sea water 😶😶😶
the way aether brought it on himself too like pls 😭😭 unless it happens again but i have Yet to finish bc of work </3
there isn't really enough of freminet yet for me to figure out his character but i honestly just felt like sad for him. the LYNEY material though ohhhh :) all of his fear and pain rooted in codependence/abandonment issues and the need to shoulder the blame causing him to panic even thru a sedative making him all sick and slow and blurry like .......maybe his anxiety ridden ass needed to be tranquilized damn. i can't lie i really did enjoy the angst and pain they put lyney thru i lov him so much <3
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adenei · 4 years
Auror 99 - Chapter 9
Hey y’all! Sorry about the hiatus with this one. I’m so stoked to share that the inspiration is back and I’ll hopefully be back into this one to finish it out!
Slow State of Affairs
The next few days moved slowly. Despite various stakeouts and more research on the state of Vampire affairs in the United States, England, and Italy, they still had very little on Gerteso. He hadn’t been spotted at all entering MACUSA. It was starting to feel more and more like a wild goose chase than anything because they weren’t making any progress. 
Hermione had taken to spending her free time reading Amy’s Harry Potter books. Amy had been kind enough to go back to her apartment and get the rest so that Hermione could see what Rita had written. Ron and Harry had no interest in reading them, so Hermione would just share how accurate they were, which was incredible. Hermione had become convinced that Rita had other unregistered Animagi working for her, and their sole job was to spy on Harry and gather as much possible information as they could.
“You read faster than me,” Amy had commented when Hermione had finished the first three books in two days. “Would now be a good time to tell you that there are also movies?” she asked hesitantly.
Hermione had just taken Goblet of Fire off of the table. She looked at Amy. “What? Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Um...no. Should I not have said that? I thought you might want to watch them, too.” Hermione’s jaw dropped as Amy went on quickly. “They’re really not as good compared to the books! The screenwriters....they really changed a lot with the char- I mean, with you all. We don’t have to watch them if you don’t want-”
“Oh, we’re watching them. As soon as the guys get back from their stakeout today.”
“What’d I miss?” Rosa asked as she came in the door. She’d been at the station in a briefing with Captain Holt and Kingsley. 
“Just making plans for the evening. Any news?” Hermione directed the conversation back to the case.
“Still nothing. Jake and Charles haven’t seen anything. Not sure what the other two are up to. Shouldn’t you be researching the case and not what some bitch wrote about your lives?” Rosa raised her eyebrow in question at Hermione.
“I’ve researched everything I possibly can. Until we get a trace on Gerteso, I won’t know any more than I already do.” It was true. 
They knew Gerteso’s motive, they’d learned everything they could about how the vampires worked, even down to known hangouts and possible headquarters. But there’d been no movement to suggest anything was happening. So, Hermione had taken solace in the books. 
Hermione continued to ponder Rosa’s words as she set the children’s book down, her mind wandering back to the case. Harry and Ron were staking out different vampire hangouts in an attempt to get more information on the Cryptic, while Jake and Charles manned the entrance to MACUSA. Could there be an angle they hadn’t yet taken in the attempts of making a breakthrough?
Her thoughts were interrupted as Jake and Charles walked through the door with Chinese takeout in hand for the evening. “Anything new?” Amy asked them hopefully.
“Nada,” Charles said as Jake shook his head. 
“Whoever this guy is, he must relish in taking his time.” Jake said in frustration.
“Well, if he’s taking his time, there has to be some reason for it,” Rosa added.
“But what is it? That’s what we can’t figure out,” Hermione thought out loud. 
Continuously stumped over it, she shook her head and checked her watch. Harry and Ron should be back soon. As if on cue, her husband and best friend walked in the door with a simple shake of their heads. Once again, no luck.
Everyone sighed as they began tucking into the food. They were all tired and losing motivation. Something needed to give, and fast. In an effort to make conversation, Amy said, “So, Hermione and I are going to watch the Sorcerer’s Stone tonight. Maybe even Chamber of Secrets if it’s not too late.”
Harry and Ron both looked up. “What’s she mean ‘watch Sorcerer’s Stone?’ Hermione?” Ron was looking back and forth between Amy and his wife.
Hermione let out a deep sigh as Boyle said, “You didn’t know there are movies, too?”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Harry said.
“Bloody buggering hell,” Ron muttered.
“If you don’t want to watch it, I’m sure I could download the second Die Hard. There’s more than one TV here…” Jake suggested.
Harry and Ron thought about it. “We should probably watch it. At least we’re not watching ourselves...just watching people act like us.”
Amy looked excited, but also nervous. “I feel like I should warn you, as an avid fan, the books are MUCH better than the movies.”
“What d’you mean by that?” Ron asked.
“Well, the first few movies are a fairly good adaptation of the books, but as they go on, stuff gets left out or changed.”
“Wait, so it’s bad enough the story of my life is in a children’s series, then it was made into movies, and those movies don’t even do the books justice?” Harry said in dismay. “Can this get any worse?”
“Well, not really for you, no,” Boyle said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ron asked.
“You’ll see,” Charles immediately went back to his food. Ron looked at Amy for further clarification.
“The screenwriters changed some of the characters. But we may not even get to the later movies, so I wouldn’t worry about it,” Amy said quickly.
“Great,” Harry said. 
They all finished their meal and cleaned up before settling in the living area for the movie. Harry and Ron gladly took a beer from Jake who was offering them up. Maybe alcohol would make the experience easier. They settled into the movie, and by the time they reached the end, Hermione had to admit that, all things considered, it wasn’t terrible. She didn’t speak at first, though. Instead, she waited for Harry and Ron’s reaction.
“Of all the stink people gave about my eyes growing up, they chose an actor who didn’t even have green eyes?” Harry finally said. Everyone burst into laughter at that, and the tension seemed to be released from the air. 
“I suppose it was fairly close, all things considered,” Hermione acknowledged.
“Ron, were you really that much of a badass on the chess board?” Jake asked.
“I- yeah, I guess. They downplayed the injury, though,” Ron said as his ears turned pink.
“Well, it is a kid’s movie,” Rosa commented. 
“How close was the depiction of Voldemort?” Amy asked eagerly. 
“Er, pretty close. Quirrell really was the perfect host,” Harry told her. “And the turban was the perfect disguise to cover him up.” 
“I always did wonder how well Voldemort breathed in that thing,” Ron said, as everyone chuckled and agreed.
The conversation had continued on about the various characters and how closely the characters did or didn’t match their real life counterpart. But Hermione had stopped listening. She was stuck on something that Harry had said. The word disguise kept playing over and over in her mind.
Suddenly, Hermione looked up at the rest of the group around the room. “That’s it!” 
“What? Hermione, we might need to have a talk if Alan Rickman as Snape gets you off…” Ron joked.
“I- What?” Hermione looked at him. She didn’t let the confusion of his words bother her for very long, though. “Nevermind that. What if Gerteso is using a disguise to get in and out of MACUSA?”
“What makes you say that?” Jake asked.
“Well, you’ve been staking out the entrance every day. After the altercation in the alley, he’s bound to remember you! He’s been so secretive and getting away with things for so long. Of course he’s not moving around in the open, especially now that he knows we’re onto him! He must be disguising himself!”
Realization began to dawn on everyone. “You know, Hermione, you might just be onto something!” Harry said.
“And we’ve been spending all this time in underground vampire bars, when we should be watching MACUSA!” Ron said. “Hermione, you really are a genius!”
Hermione blushed at his words. Even after years of marriage, his praise always meant the world to her. Instead of thanking him though, she said, “Always the tone of surprise,” as she smiled at him. 
It was always their ‘thing’ that they said to each other, though perhaps the whole world also knew, too. She’d have to make a note to check for that when she got to the seventh book. If Rita did have such close tabs on them, even during the hunt, she had to give her credit for not selling them out to Voldemort…
“...Earth to Hermione,” she heard Jake say, “So what do you suggest tomorrow’s plan be, then?”
“Oh..right, sorry. Well, Harry and Ron should probably go investigate in the wand records office tomorrow.”
“But we don’t know what we’re investigating,” Harry said. “It’s not like we know The Cryptic’s actual name.”
Hermione furrowed her brow as she thought about what Harry had said. He was right, but before she could work it out herself, Amy chimed in. “What if you don’t need to know his name? Is there a visitor log you can track?”
“Yes! There’s a general sign in at the lobby, and another more detailed one in the wand records office. They don’t typically let anyone in that office.” Hermione answered.
“So if Gerteso’s been there, we’ll have a way to see what he was looking for,” Boyle said.
“Or what he found!” Jake added.
“And if he hasn’t been yet, he’s still working out a plan to get what he’s looking for successfully,” said Rosa. “If that’s the case, we’ll be more prepared to catch him.”
Everyone nodded in agreement. Hermione’s mind was in overdrive, formulating details for tomorrow. “Now, we plan.”
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detectivesebcas · 4 years
Comfortember 2020 Day 15- Campfire
Warnings: none
Universe: any post-STEM AU
Stefano looks away from the dancing flames to check on Sebastian, who is seated next to him on the ground.
“I’m okay,” Sebastian says, flashing him a reassuring smile before he can even ask the question, and Stefano looks back at the fire again.
Camping out was actually Sebastian’s idea- or more so Lily’s idea that Sebastian decided to act on- but Stefano wasn’t initially sure how well Sebastian would tolerate the fire.  It doesn’t always bother him, and of course it helps that the fire is contained and they are outside, but Sebastian isn’t the best about asking for help when he needs it, so Stefano is still surreptitiously keeping an eye on him.
For the moment though, all seems to be well.  Sebastian is leaning up against a log, toasting marshmallows with Lily and looking as though he doesn’t have a care in the world.  Unfortunately, Stefano does have to question his method of marshmallow preparation.  He and Lily seem to prefer theirs charred almost beyond recognition, while Stefano himself is careful to capture the perfect shade of golden brown.  Regardless, the three of them are putting a significant dent in the jumbo bag of marshmallows Sebastian brought.
Stefano inhales deeply, and the scent of the wood fire comforts him on some deep, instinctive level.  He is sure he must have enjoyed campfires or bonfires at some point in his life, even if he can’t recall those times specifically.  The smell is cozy and exciting all at once, and being here with Sebastian and Lily makes everything perfect.
When they are too full of marshmallows to move, Lily switches gears to telling ghost stories.  Most of them are more funny than scary, which is odd, because Lily has experienced things that would terrify most children her age, and most adults as well, but Lily has proven to be quite resilient and also possessed of a great sense of humor, and before long, Stefano’s sides are aching from laughter, and Sebastian is practically in tears.
Stefano continues to tend the fire, which is putting out quite a bit of heat, but as another hour passes, the chill of the night air starts to penetrate the light jacket he is wearing.  He starts to get up from the ground to grab his heavier coat, but Sebastian places a hand on his arm.
“You okay?”
“Yes,” Stefano replies.  “Just a little cold.  My other coat is in the car.”
Sebastian flashes him a smile that is as warm as it is mischievous.  “You could do that,” he says, “or you could come a little closer.  Remember, I’m great at body heat.”
Stefano has to suppress the urge to point out that all warm-blooded animals are ‘great at body heat’, because Sebastian’s idea actually does sound very appealing.  He has taken advantage of Sebastian’s body heat before, and he certainly won’t turn down a chance to enjoy some physical contact with the man he loves.
“Alright,” Stefano says.  “As long as you are willing to demonstrate your exceptional skills.”
“Oh, I think you’re going to be impressed,” Sebastian teases, and Stefano scoots over closer to him as Lily stretches her arms above her head and announces that she’s starting another marshmallow.
Stefano ends up sitting between Sebastian’s legs with his back pressed to Sebastian’s chest and Sebastian’s arms wrapped around him.  His back is being thoroughly warmed, and there is something delicious about feeling the chill of the air but being able to snuggle against Sebastian to relieve it.  It is certainly giving him some ideas about sharing Sebastian’s sleeping bag tonight.
Lily, on the other hand, seems to be perfectly comfortable in her sweatshirt and jeans, and is now trying to extinguish yet another flaming marshmallow by shaking it around.
“How is she not cold?” Stefano mutters to Sebastian.
He can feel Sebastian shrug behind him.  “She’s like me I guess.”
“Great at body heat?” Stefano asks.
“Yeah,” Sebastian says with a laugh, “or maybe just full of sugar.”
“I would try that approach,” Stefano says, “but I am not sure I will ever be able to eat another marshmallow again.”
“Well, I certainly hope that attitude changes by breakfast.”
“Surely we are not having marshmallows for breakfast,” Stefano says, wondering, not for the first time, if it was a mistake to let Sebastian handle the food for their camping trip.  Sebastian is not a bad cook at all, but sometimes his creativity can take a turn for the unappetizing.
“No, of course not,” Sebastian says.  “We’re having marshmallow oatmeal.”
Stefano snorts with laughter.  “I don’t believe you,” he says.  “In fact, I don’t even believe marshmallow oatmeal is a real thing.  I think you made it up.”
“Hey, just because I made it up doesn’t mean it’s not real,” Sebastian protests.  “We’ll see tomorrow.”
Stefano is afraid that they are indeed going to find out what marshmallow oatmeal tastes like tomorrow, but it is certainly not the strangest of Sebastian’s culinary experiments, so he can’t even complain too much about it.  He sighs deeply, taking a moment to just appreciate being out here in nature with Sebastian and Lily and being held in Sebastian’s arms.  It’s enough to bring a tear to his eye.
Apparently this does not go unnoticed, because Sebastian squeezes him tighter and leans down to whisper in his ear.
“It’s okay.  You don’t have to eat the oatmeal.”
That sets both of them laughing again, and soon enough Lily joins in, and they’re probably disturbing people at the neighboring campsites, but Stefano can’t bring himself to care.  It feels too good to have a family again, to have the love and acceptance of these people who mean so much to him, and he wouldn’t trade that for anything, even if it means eating some unusual food every once in a while.
The wind picks up, and the fire crackles, but Sebastian presses a kiss to his neck, and he can hardly feel the cold at all.
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tanaleth · 5 years
The School of Negation
 Spoopy present for @allisondraste. <3 (1400 words, also on AO3.)
The first of the two Schools of Matter, Entropy is the opposing force of Creation; for this reason it is often called the School of Negation. Nothing lives without death. Time inevitably brings an end to all things in the material world, and yet in this ending is the seed of a beginning.
--From The Four Schools: A Treatise by First Enchanter Josephus
"Do you believe in ghosts?" asked Alistair one night as he and Lucia sat before the campfire.
Sten was standing watch at the neck of the ravine, out of sight. The others had retired to their bedrolls—or in Morrigan's case, her own remote tent as usual. He could see her figure silhouetted darkly before the flickering of her campfire, though from this distance he couldn't quite tell whether she was facing away from the rest of them or towards them. Either way, she was probably glaring at something.
"Ghosts?" Lucia turned to give Alistair a perplexed look. "You mean spirits?"
"No, proper ghosts! Spooky stories!" He nudged her with his shoulder, faintly surprised at how natural the gesture felt and even more surprised that she didn't pull away, only shot him a sidelong flash of blue eyes along with the tiniest curve of her lip. "You're from a Circle—didn't all the little apprentices try to scare one another with tales of the haunted alcove on the fourth floor—"
"There was hardly any need for that. With true demons to worry about, we didn't need to invent fanciful tales. "
"Well, that's no fun. I'll tell you one if you—"
"I’ll tell you a story, though," she said, interrupting him. "A true story."
"You will? That's, uh… that's great," he added, a little taken aback. He hadn't really thought she'd play along.
Lucia stretched her legs out beneath her. It had been a long day of trekking on foot. "A story my tutor told me of his own youth, long before I came to the Circle myself. At that time, there were two apprentices who stood apart from the rest. Young women, both powerful and ambitious mages and both apprenticed to the First Enchanter.”
"Not your Irving, I hope.”
Lucia only lifted a brow. A log shifted in the fire before them, scattering sparks into the cool night air. Alistair fell silent and let her go on.
"Now, there's plenty of room in the Circle for scholars. And for years these two coexisted fairly peacefully, as these things go. They competed for prestige and acclaim but their strengths lay in different schools. The first girl focused on the Primal school—storm and fire magic and the elements—and the second in the school of Entropy.”
“Right,” said Alistair, stifling a yawn.
“Now, the first girl was powerful but reckless. She took risks in her studies and set fire to the library more than once.”
Alistair gasped theatrically. "Not the books!"
"Fire is fairly common in the library," said Lucia with a thoughtful tilt to her head. "There are protective measures to ensure the danger is contained. Still, it was a danger, and if she took such risks... well, my tutor told me that more than one Senior Enchanter whispered concerns that her Harrowing might be more of a challenge than anyone expected."
"What about the other apprentice?" asked Alistair. He was enjoying himself mightily. He didn't think Lucia would manage to really scare him—although she had a way of making him nervous with a look—but it was a novelty to hear her… well, talk.
"The second apprentice. Now, she was different." Lucia shifted her weight and crossed her legs, leaning away from the fire so that face was wreathed in shadow. "She wasn't showy or brash like the other. She was serious, careful. Meticulous. And all the other apprentices knew there was something else different about her.”
"Fangs? Oh, I hope it was fangs."
"Nothing so obvious. Her specialty didn't help, of course. Entropic magic—using life forces to power spells and hexes—has never been the most popular school. But it wasn't just that. Her tutors thought so highly of her that everyone knew her name—yet you could pass her in the hall without noticing there was anyone else beside you. Until she spoke. She had a strange voice, my tutor told me, harsh and dry as brittle leaves."
“That all sounds perfectly lfine and normal. No cause for concern at all.”
“Hush. I’m setting the mood. So, the time finally came for them both to be Harrowed. All the other apprentices took bets on who would be called first.”
"Well, that's just it." Lucia leaned forward, fidgeting with the gloves of her Grey Warden armor, and gazed at the flames as if she could unlock their secrets with a look. "One morning, the second girl—the apprentice of the Entropy school—didn't show up for breakfast. By dinnertime, there was still no sign of her Rumors flew and the templars gave one another knowing looks. She'd failed her Harrowing, no doubt."
"Oh, no."
"It gets worse. You see, the other apprentices looked around, and… it turned out she'd never been called for her Harrowing at all. They were looking around her bunk—checking for any of her possessions—and when they pulled back the coverlet, they saw…"
"What did they see?" asked Alistair, aghast in spite of himself. Harrowings were dreadful things. He counted himself lucky to have escaped a future in some Circle somewhere, and began to regret his thoughtlessness in asking Lucia to relive any of these horrors.
"Well, as I said, accidents are common. Perhaps this apprentice had been working on a spell for protection against fire damage, since the bedcovers hadn't even been singed." Lucia sighed. "But all that was left of the girl was a pile of ash and charred bones."
"Maker's breath!"
"It was a terrible tragedy, but of course nothing was ever said about it. The templars collected her remains, the Tranquil cleared her bunk, and the next week there was a new young apprentice sleeping there as if nothing had ever happened."
Alistair frowned.
"Now, the first girl was very quiet while all this was discovered. It seemed as if she hadn't heard the talk. There were whispers that she might have been involved with the other girl's death, but… she was focused on her studies with all the diligence she'd ever shown. When the time for her Harrowing came, it passed without event. She moved upstairs and that was that.
"But every now and again someone would see a shape in the fireplace, or in the shadows from a flickering torch. It would always disappear before they could take a closer look. Even a few templars were seen to look askance at the fireplace, now and then.
"Everyone but the very newest apprentices knows it's wiser not to speak of seeing mysterious figures in the Circle. But it happened, again and again, and hardly a year passed without whispers of a dead apprentice's spirit haunting the tower. Pride, people said, had no doubt been her downfall."
Alistair blinked. "Pride? So did the first girl have something do with it or not?"
"It seemed not. She became a successful scholar and took on students of her own. She never took students of the Entropy School, but that's only to be expected. However." Lucia leaned back, her expression grave. "When the time came for her elevation to Senior Enchanter, she was nowhere to be found."
"Vanished again. The templars must have been happy. Did they look under the covers?"
"They did. They looked everywhere, but it wasn't until they checked the apprentice quarters that they found her. Dead—not just dead. Desiccated. It was as if she'd had her life force drained…"
"...by an entropy mage?" Alistair waggled his brows at Lucia.
"Just as if by an entropy mage."
"You're having me on."
Lucia studied him gravely. "If you say so. There are so many things we still don’t understand about magic... but who knows? Maybe my tutor was mistaken. Anyhow, I’m going to turn in. Good night, Alistair."
"Good night, Luce."
Alistair chuckled to himself as she rose to her feet, still enjoying the warmth of the fire pit. The camp was quiet without so much as a snore from Oghren’s bedroll. But as he gazed into the flames, he thought he saw…
He scooted back, away from the fire.
Just in case.
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Games Updates and (Special) Mini Guide
Been a long a time I haven’t posted any after the previous. I was really wondering what I should post for my next posting. If you guys readers have anything to suggest, I’m so open for it. Be it for the fashion, novels or maybe another game update.
For today’s post, again, it’s about the games’ updates and stuff. I wanna post the kinda different games for different consoles. I’ll try to varied every game console and update the news for you guys, so my post won’t be so boring, lol.
Actually, I’ve prepared some articles for you and I need to get rid one of them because it’s kinda outdated. So, let’s get started. ;)
1. Overkill’s The Walking Dead 2018 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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So, post-apocalyptic gamers, another new zombie game from Starbreeze Studios and 505 Games titled Overkill’s The Walking Dead. The gameplay demo was on E3 and yes, Youtube has the videos of it everywhere. It’s made as a multiplayer games and I would say it is kinda similar to Left 4 Dead with different co-op features.
There are four playable characters: Aidan, Maya, Grant and Heather. Each has their own skill, role and background story. What makes this game different is your job is not just killing, but building camp defenses, upgrading weapons, even scavenging materials and crafting weapons or items. Also, the game’s difficulty will be varied based on the level of the player you’re playing with.
The game will be released this Fall, 2018. We can’t wait for the good news already!
I have another information that you guys could visit. Again this is made by the developer, so my credit goes to them. Go check THIS out for more details.
2. The Last of Us 2 (PS4)
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Mmhm, one of my favourite post-apocalyptic games. I enjoyed playing the first series and can’t wait to play the sequel. E3 revealed this Naughty Dog survival horror game’s gameplay and it was amazing, apart from the trailer with Ellie on it. The sequel is still the same, fighting both bad people and zombies, and has more gore aspects in it. Since it may be disturbing for some people, so you might wanna play it on your own or have another friend that is not at all disturbed by it.
I think the game will be focused on Ellie more this time. Again, we can not be sure since it’s not yet released.
3. Dragon Nest Mobile SEA (Mobile)
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Been playing this game for almost three months now and by far the game that I like. Well, there’s a PC version for this game that I haven’t played before, so I don’t how if this is different from the original version. As per update on 21st of June 2018, it has 7 different jobs to pick: Cleric, Warrior, Assassin, Archer, Sorceress, Academic and Kali.
I’m a mage player forever for the first time and will be like this for the rest of the game I guess. For this post, I’m giving you a guide about this game. Starting from what you can do, especially how to increase your Battle Points (BP).
What could you do? Lots of stuffs. I’m so amazed by how the MMO on mobile nowadays change into something more developed, almost like when we play it on PC. Including this one, not only just hack and slash, in Dragon Nest Mobile we could also do many things beside the main story like doing daily and weekly quests, upgrading your weapons and armors, PVP arena and other events held in the game. 
Let’s see if I could explain them all to you slowly. Take a look at those picture shown and I’ll give you a quick tour.
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1. This part tells you about your personal stats, carrier, settings etc when you click on the char’s icon bar. Other parts will show you other currency such as diamonds, dragon coins, gold, stamina and Battle Points (BP)—which I’ll explain it explicitly.
2. This part shows you what to do to get stronger (Strengthen), what you could get by simply logging in (Benefit), what you could get when you achieve something from the tasks given (Reward), what you can buy or sell (Bazaar), what you could exchange for point or items (Mall), what you could get by participating certain event (Events) and what/who do you wanna watch to broaden your skill/knowledge (Spectate).
3. I really do think that you guys could guess by looking, heehee. So, we have Arena where you could do the PVP here, to be exact. Then there’s Guild option, you’ll see the guild’s name above your name when you join one. Next is Daily, where you could find lists for doing your daily quests or weekend event ooor other intermediate hell dungeon to do. You could also find your activeness points here to see how active you could be.
4. In this part, we have Friend for your friend’s list; Home to visit you own house, fishing, cooking and farming; Rank to see your Rank in various dungeon, event and arena; Album to see if you’ve collected enough monster’s album and get more stats thru it; Moniker is the rank you get by using Battle Medal to upgrade them based on your BP.
5. This one will give you information about your hero in Character, you could see you gear to tittle here and decide what to do to gear up; Skill is what you need to do the PVE and PVP, arrange them here; Fairy helps you to increase your stats and gives you additional effects per fairy and its grade varied from C to S; Craft is used to make your weapons and armors, you’ll need certain materials to make one; Mount is your mount and it increases you BP too. You could get your additional mount thru events.
For nooow, let’s go to telling you how to increase your Battle Points (BP). I wasn’t that detail before, so I asked my kind friend to help me. He made this guide, so the credit goes to him, InnocentID (his in-game’s IGN). I will help by explaining a lil bit so that you guys understand more about this part. Okay, we’re starting it now. 😊
A.  Level Up Gear
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1. The plus number on the lower right of your gear is the number you get from Enhancing them, using Agates. The amount and the grade of Agate depends on the level and the grade of your enhanced gear. Enhancing your gear with the sum of 10 (+5,+10, +15, +20 and so on) will give you extra stat and an amount to your BP.
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2. Upgrade you gear using the same materials when you first time making the gear, so be wise when you wanna sell them or keep them.
3. Refine your gear using DEF Refine Stone for the armors and ATK Refine Stone for the weapons. Again, the level of the stone depends on the enhanced gears.
4. Enchantment is the part where you add some effects inside you gears, it gives you stats that needed by your current class, basically. 
B. Costume
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Of course costume matters for the sake of our BP. The better the quality, the better stats they give. You could either buy or make the on your own. Here is the tips, you need to have Chess costume first, then upgrade it to New Campus or Crew and then upgrade them into Metal and/or Magma. Chess costume could be bought thru the Personal Shop. Well as for me, I succeded in combining my Magma only using Chess, with the 20% success rate. Let’s say it’s based on your luck.
C. Heraldry
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Another essential part for your stats and BP. Heraldry could be found in the daily dungeons, Boss Rush or buy them thru the Bazaar. The sack randomly gives you different graded heraldry to craft and if you’re lucky enough, you could get the 3rd stat to identify (using your Dragon Coins).
There is also Skill Heraldry that contains additional attacks and decreasing the skill’s cool down. There are 8 slots for both stat and skill heraldry. Refine the stat heraldry using the stone to increase the every stat you need. Fyi, Skill Heraldry can not be upgraded manually, the effect is fixed.
D. Dragon Jade
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Everyday you will get so many Jades to use. The slot give will tell you which Jade could be put inside, refine them using the same kind of Jades to increase your BP. Tips for you, try to equalize the level of your Jades per gear.
E. Dragon-Ware
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You could only find your Dragon-ware in the daily dungeon, Dragon Soul. The rest will be upgrading using the Oven. For a starter, you’ll be given a blue graded DW, but eventually please make them into a full A graded DW. 😊
F. Album
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Like I explained a lil before, you could get more inside the Exploration. Exploration doesn’t have any limit to it, because the dice will be regenerated every hour. I don’t really have any suggestion on this one, but you might wanna upgrade the most needed with the biggest amount of it. 
G. Moniker
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And yes, I explained this earlier. 😊
H. Fairy
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Each Fairy has its own bonus stats. S is the best grade, still. But it’s not a must, at the very least, have 2 A graded and 2 blue, if you’re having a difficulty with your luck. There are two other features to upgrade your fairy, Awakening and Ascension. Awakening is used to upgrade the fairy’s talent stats, Ascension is used to upgrade the bonus attributes.
Thaaat’s all, folks! If you guys ever need some questions, do feel free to ask. I’m also open to suggestions, so lemme know if you have one. I’ll see you again in another new post!
- nikki
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