#i need a cheerleader jisung in my life
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polarisjisung · 2 months
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pairings: nct dream x fem!reader
genre: fluff
wc: 0.7k
warnings: hopefully none
notes: this is a little shorter than usual but if you couldn't tell already I'm a sucker for petnames (if you think they're cringy you're just painfully single 😤) so I HAD to make this
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MARK — my girl/babe
now mark's a chill laid back guy, and he loves you like crazy but he also doesn't see any need in extravagant nicknames or petnames and he sticks to the classics, he probably won't address you by your name for the most part so he'll just stick to babe. sweet and simple
"that's my girl" is such a classic mark thing, he gets proud over the smallest things you do, he's like your personal cheerleader. It could be something so small as flipping an egg without breaking the yolk and mark would be ecstatic.
RENJUN — darling
nicknames are serious business for renjun, every now and then he'll call you babe but to him it feels too casual— most likely it'll be something very specific to your relationship and how you met but if not he loves darling, it feels the most endearing to him.
JENO — baby/angel/gorgeous
for the most part jeno will stick to baby, sometimes babe but in his softest moments he'll go for angel— it's unconscious really.
but to jeno you're the best thing that's ever happened to him, like his own personal angel— somehow you always know what to do/say when he's feeling down and he's never met someone like that before. you're unique and somehow everything you do feels perfect to jeno, he thinks your soul is so pure, you're his angel.
on occasion jeno will throw a quick but calculated "good morning gorgeous" your way— mainly because it has you absolutely falling apart to the point where you can't even form coherent sentences, but jeno thinks it's cute
HAECHAN — sunshine/sunflower/honey
you bring out the best in him, you're his motivation and you give him so much energy for performances and his idol life, especially when things get tough so calling you his sunshine just feels right to haechan.
haechan probably throws around a lot of nicknames with you, sometimes some a little too weird, but he knows it'll get you smiling
"hey snookums" he'd say casually as he enters the room
"are you talking to me hyuck?"
he'd nod eagerly and you can't help but giggle at his dorky smile
"I love you but please, never call me that again" best believe he'll stick to that nickname for the rest of the week
and of course every time he steps through the door, haechan has to announce "honey, I'm home" like hes in some american sitcom, as if you didn't see him pull up in the drive and hear his keys jingle as he unlocked the door— you love him either way
JAEMIN — princess/pretty
sure jaemin thinks he's a princess but you? you're like the princess of all princesses. plus jaemin feels the need to remind you of your worth day in and day out— you're a princess and so you deserve to be treated like one, given jaemin's practically a king at princess treatment, you'd consider it appropriate
jaemin thinks you're pretty no doubt. in some moments, especially when you don't quite share the same opinion, jaemin will be the first one to remind you, and if you're feeling down "hey pretty look at me" he'd say in that soft low tone of his that's so awfully comforting, with two hands on your shoulder before giving you the pep talk of a lifetime
CHENLE — babe/baby
chenle's not much of a petnames guy aside from a casual babe/baby here and there but you suppose that's what makes it all the more special when he does use them
he much prefers to have a nickname for you that's exclusive to him than using petnames, but if its something you're into he'll definitely try and step up his game, also if he gets teased by his members for calling you by your name
a jealous chenle uses all the petnames under the sun— anything to make it clear you're his girl
JISUNG — (my) love/beautiful
jisung is usually soft spoken but too shy to throw around "I love/like you's" without becoming a blushing mess so his favourite way to subtly remind you just how much you mean to him are through petnames. he truly thinks you're beautiful inside and out, so it's one of the first names he addresses you with.
he likes to switch it up, testing and seeing which ones your smile grows the widest at. he decides love feels right. after all, you were the person who taught him all about it.
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pretty-racha · 11 months
"you're different." | hyunho
College AU - Cheerleader!Hyunjin x Nerd!Minho - oneshot
words: 9.8k // warnings: smut, swearing, alcohol abuse/parties // 18+ dni if you are a minor //
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Minho never liked sports.
Well, he never did until he saw him. Seungmin had pleaded with Minho to go with him to the football game the school was holding that evening, and even though he hated sports, he would go. For Seungmin. He wasn't even sure how they had become such close friends, them being in different years, but when they both picked up the same nerdy science book in the library at the start of the year, they had clicked. Seungmin was a sophomore, Minho was a senior. He had successfully avoided any and all sports activities and events - until now. Seungmin only wanted to go to support his classmate, Jeongin. They sat in one of the middle rows of the bleachers, Seungmin waving over to his friend who was standing with the rest of the cheerleader squad. Then he sees him. Minho had to do a double take, thinking the light was just playing a cruel joke on him, but there he stood. The most beautiful man he's ever seen.
Hyunjin had become a cheerleader as soon as tryouts started, already equipped with the gymnastic and acrobatic skills needed as well as experience from school. In school, he took extra classes for trampolining and gymnastics to hopefully get a scholarship for college - it worked. He met his best friend Felix during tryouts - the two have been inseparable since. If you saw one, you knew the other would be close behind. They did everything together, they may as well be attached at the hip. The only time they weren't together were parties. Hyunjin did not enjoy parties all that much. He also hated the stereotype that all jocks and cheerleaders were stupid - he was not stupid and neither were his friends. For example, Changbin took a mathematics major and he was one of the best Footballers he had ever seen.
"You have to come tonight!" Felix pleads, holding Hyunjin's hand and flashing his pretty doe eyes.
"If I say yes, will you let go of my hand?" Hyunjin sighs.
"I like holding your hand." Felix smiles.
"Oh, get a room." Jeongin rolls his eyes.
"Your boyfriend came to see you~ Maybe you two should get a room with your gay asses." Felix teases, gesturing to Seungmin. Hyunjin and Jeongin look over, the younger waving to his friend and slapping Felix's shoulder playfully. Hyunjin's eye catches on the man next to Seungmin, lips curling into a smile as he looks away. Now him, if he went tonight, he would go too.
"What's so wrong with being gay?" Hyunjin moves the teasing to Felix, watching him furrow his brows and look at him.
"Hyunjin, baby, darling, light of my life, I do not care if he's gay, look at us as proof, I care that he would be dating a nerd." Felix corrects. "I mean, they're all so weird and boring."
"Only because you can't pull anyone, even the nerds." Hyunjin huffs, stretching his arms.
"And you're stupid so they make you look bad." Jeongin adds. Felix gasps, offended at such accusations. Before he can even argue back, they're called into position.
Hyunjin was over the party as soon as he got there. Jeongin had abandoned him to find his friend, Felix had dragged him over to his other best friend and his friends - Chan, Changbin and Jisung. After a few drinks, he was just not having any fun. Yes, so fun to see couples eating each other's faces on every surface you turn to and people chugging an inhumane amount of alcohol. His idea of fun was to lay in bed with a book, or paint, hell, he'd even prefer to go to the gym. He heads into the kitchen to fetch another horrible tasting concoction, noticing Jeongin speaking to his friend Seungmin and that guy. He pours himself a drink into his red cup and heads over to them.
Minho was also fed up of the party. He enjoyed parties, sure, but not ones filled to the brim with idiotic jocks and their empty-brained cheerleaders. He was sure an eight year old was smarter than all of them combined. He drank quite quickly, hoping liquid courage would give him the strength to stay. 'For Seungmin' he would remind himself after every drink. He was sure his boredom was clear as day on his face and he had hoped it would stop anyone approaching him. But nothing stopped Hyunjin's curiosity. "So this is your friend?" Hyunjin asks Jeongin.
"Yes, Seungmin and this one is Minho." Jeongin gestures to them respectively, Minho just nodding as a greeting. "Guys, this is Hyunjin."
"You did great today." Seungmin smiles politely.
"Thanks." Hyunjin shrugs. He really didn't know how to reply to compliments, making him seem egotistical when in reality he is just not used to it. In school, people would have rathered cut a finger off than even look at him. That's when he decided he needed to change, grow his hair, hit the gym, clear up his skin - which he did.
"I'm surprised you haven't left." Jeongin chuckles, downing his drink.
"So Felix can hound me about it in the morning? No thanks." He huffs, following Jeongin and downing his drink too. He has to hold back a gag at the strength of the alcohol, did he even add a mixer?
"Not a party person?" Seungmin asks.
"Not really. I know, very out of character for a cheerleader, but it's just... Ugh." He rolls his eyes, handing Jeongin his cup and he grabs them both new drinks.
"Cheerleader who hates parties? Now that is surprising." Minho chuckles, sipping his drink. Hyunjin isn't sure how to react to the unreadable tone, just smiling and leaning on the kitchen counter that isn't occupied by some couple trying to consume each other. Even if Minho was insulting him, he didn't care - he just focused on his beauty. The way his face scrunches when he smiles, he wants to grab his camera and capture it. Jeongin hands Hyunjin a radioactive-looking drink, sipping his own. Hyunjin sips it, nose scrunching in disgust.
"Hyunjin!" A woman calls from behind him and he looks over, forcing a smile.
"Hey, Soyeon." He greets.
"Where's Chan?" She furrows her brows, expecting him to be with Hyunjin and Felix - they usually were all together at parties.
"Living room last I checked." He states and she smiles, kissing his cheek and running off through the crowd of people.
"Are you two..." Seungmin trails off, but it's clear what he wants to ask.
"Friends can kiss, you know. If they can't, she would be dating half of the football team." Hyunjin didn't mean for his tone to be so aggressive, immediately regretting the attack. He just hated assumptions. He hides his face as he takes a drink, quickly finishing the cup. He was sure that his liver was going to fail after that, already feeling it aging 20 years ahead of him.
"So does that mean we can kiss?" Jeongin smiles teasingly, poking Hyunjin's chest.
"In your dreams." Hyunjin chuckles. "I'm gonna go find Felix, you guys have fun." Hyunjin waves and pushes through the people, finally finding Felix with Chan, Soyeon, Changbin and Jisung.
"Hyunjinnie!" Changbin smiles, immediately cuddling into Hyunjin's side. They all drink and talk for a while, Hyunjin excusing himself to the toilet. He's glad the music drowns out the moans throughout the bedrooms, but they're still there, assaulting his ears. It's really disgusting, he thinks, I mean, can they really not wait until they get back to their dorm? As he approaches the bathroom, the door swings open and knocks him in the head. He stumbles back, holding his forehead.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" A familiar voice calls, causing him to look up to see Minho.
"It's okay." Hyunjin shrugs, rubbing the sore spot a little. "Maybe it knocked some brain cells into me." He jokes.
"Let me see." Minho frowns and moves Hyunjin's hand, rubbing a thumb gently over the small red bump forming. Hyunjin's breath hitches at how close he is - even a gentle breeze would crash their bodies together. His eyes fall onto Minho's face, watching his brows furrow and eyes droop in guilt as he observes Hyunjin's forehead. His hands were smooth, his touch gentle against the light ache on his forehead. He can feel Minho's breath on his neck, caressing his skin and suddenly the room feels very hot and very small and his nerves light up in anticipation. His cheeks flush red and he jumps back once he realizes how close he really is.
"See? It's fine. Nothing to worry about. See you around!" Hyunjin stumbles over his words, quickly entering the bathroom and locking the door. He covers his face as he throws his back against the door, blushing a deep red and sliding down to the floor. He eventually composes himself, doing what he originally intended to do and head back downstairs. He decides to call it a night, dipping out of the house when no one's looking and doing the short walk back to his dorm.
Minho stands in the hallway for a few moments, processing what just happened. He smiles to himself, glancing back at the door. He really made the most popular cheerleader flustered, now that was an achievement. He excuses it as the alcohol, but deep down he hopes it was because it was Minho touching him. Hyunjin's perfume lingers around him and he basks in it for a few moments,how did he just have a cheerleading performance and still smell so beautiful?  He felt fondness grow as he exhaled, composing himself and heading back downstairs.
Hyunjin flops onto the bed, room still spinning as he strips down to his boxers. He knows his dorm mate - Felix - won't be home tonight, probably staying in someone else's bed tonight so that gives Hyunjin all the privacy he wanted. He closes his eyes, thinking back to the altercation between him and Minho. He remembers how gentle his touch was, thoughts wandering to if he would be as gentle in bed or would he throw Hyunjin around like a toy. He can feel his dick growing in his boxers and he slips them off, stroking himself slowly. He continues imagining how Minho would look on top of him, using his body to get himself off. Would Minho wreck him? Leave him crying and trembling? Would Hyunjin let him?
Hyunjin opens his nightstand drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube and rubbing some onto his fingers. He presses his finger to his hole, pressing both inside of him. He gasps, slowly thrusting them. Would Minho do this, too? He presses his fingers into his prostate, gasping and pressing again. He speeds up his fingers, "Minho!" He moans. He continues moaning his name, squeezing his eyes shut as he cums all over his own chest and stomach. He pants, slowly removing his fingers. When he's recovered, he grabs some tissues from the nightstand and cleans himself up, putting the bottle of lube back into the drawer and shutting it. He throws the tissue into the trash, pulling his boxers back on and turning onto his side.
The next few weeks, all Hyunjin can think about is Minho. The bruise on his forehead faded quickly, only small, but it had served as a reminder of then. If he knew what classes he took, he would try to catch him 'accidentally' just to speak to him again. He couldn't ask Jeongin, however, knowing he'll immediately assume he has a crush. He does not. Just because he jacks off to the thought of him and imagines going on dates with him and thinks of him everyday does not mean he has a crush. No, he can't. He sighs, looking out the window. This class was so boring when students asked long winded questions, especially when if they had just read the material they would know the answer. It's not hard.
Minho had also thought about Hyunjin everyday, even when he had his alone time in the shower at night. He imagined what it would be like to paint Hyunjin's lips with his cum, his soft brown eyes staring up at him as he licks it up like a good kitty drinking his milk. He imagines how much Hyunjin would squirm under him, how much he would moan and beg.
He had found out Hyunjin's schedule from Seungmin, who had found out from Jeongin during casual conversation. He never asked for this information nor seemed interested when he was told, but this was the best news Seungmin had ever given him. He learnt that Hyunjin would spend every Thursday in the library as it was his day off, either reading or catching up with coursework. On Saturdays, he went to the gym and on Sundays, he would go for a long walk outside of campus for art inspiration. Minho also had Thursday morning free, taking the opportunity to 'accidentally' bump into him.
Minho enters the library at 10am - which is much earlier than he would ever wake up normally. He strolls through the book aisles, finding a book he likes the look of and scans the tables. He sees Hyunjin sitting alone at a desk in the corner, workbook open and typing quickly on his laptop with one earphone in. He sipped an iced coffee before resuming typing. Minho hesitates, was this weird? What if Hyunjin wasn't interested in being seen with someone like him? He doesn't get to decide as he blows his cover by dropping his book, a loud smack echoes through the library. The librarians glare at him and he mines a 'sorry' as he picks it up. Hyunjin's head snaps up, a small smile creeping onto his lips when he sees Minho. "It's you."
"Hi, again." Minho waves awkwardly, standing behind one of the chairs. "Any new brain cells?" He jokes.
"I wish, but no, sadly. You can sit if you'd like to, I'm just getting some work done." Hyunjin fully smiles. Minho accepts the offer, sitting down. Hyunjin looks back at his screen, resuming his typing and Minho opens his book. He pretends to read but he's unable to concentrate with Hyunjin opposite him. Hyunjin sticks his tongue out the corner of his mouth, concentrating, well, trying to. He has to remember to breathe normally, not letting his mind wander to unholy places. Hyunjin glances up - it was so obvious Minho was not reading that damn book. "You're not reading." Hyunjin observes, causing the older to look up from his book with wide eyes.
"I am!" He defends, the tips of his ears reddening.
"Oh yeah?" Hyunjin raises an eyebrow, looking up from his screen. "What sentence did you just read without cheating?" Minho doesn't answer, just staring at him. He really didn't have an answer, a good lie even, mind completely going blank. He really hated this. "Why did you really come here?"
"To read." Minho doubles down, looking back at his book. He was not about to confess he only came to see his face again, that he's been unable to get Hyunjin's flustered face out of his head since the party. That everytime he closes his eyes, he sees his face and whenever his mind is not focused on work, it's focused on him. He felt like a nerdy teenage girl who was crushing on the school's 'it boy' - it was embarrassing. "What are you writing?"
"Essay." Hyunjin states, turning the page in his workout and scanning over the words. "It's due at midnight but I've had no time to get started until now." Hyunjin sighs, leaning back in his seat. "I tried to get started last night but Felix kicked me out of the dorm to get laid."
"I bet you'll get revenge on him soon enough." Minho jokes.
"Yeah, I wish." Hyunjin huffs. "I might as well become a nun." Hyunjin jokes, sitting back up properly.
"You are full of surprises." Minho observes, expecting him to be quite sexually active, considering he was a cheerleader. That was their whole thing.
"Maybe you're just full of assumptions." An awkward silence falls between them and Hyunjin had never been so relieved to see Jisung running over to him. Jisung was in his gym clothes, sweaty and hair slicked back.
"Please tell me you have the notes for class." He begs.
"Who said you can speak to me? Besides, my knowledge isn't cheap." Hyunjin looks at him, deadpan. He was joking. Kinda. He would give his notes over, anyway, but he just loved to toy with the shorter man.
"You serious?" Jisung raises an eyebrow and sighs as Hyunjin just shrugs. "I'll buy you Starbucks?"
"Hmmm." Hyunjin crosses his arms.
"I'll do anything, please, I cannot fail this class." Jisung begs, holding his hands together.
"You really need to learn to take your own notes." Hyunjin sighs, opening his bag, opening the notebook and flicking through the pages until he finds the page of the neatest notes you've ever seen. He takes a picture, sending it to Jisung. "That's the best you're getting from me."
"Thank you!" Jisung smiles, hugging Hyunjin who tries to pull away. "I owe you my life." He runs out of the library.
"Ugh." Hyunjin brushes his clothes off. He could feel Jisung's sweat still linger on him and he contemplated running back to his dorm to shower, grossed out. He really was not a fan of touch, especially when the person was drenched with sweat and smelling like a whole gym locker room. Hyunjin was blessed with never smelling bad, always smelling like he's fresh out of the shower. He glances at Minho, who actually started reading the book during their conversation. "What are you doing for lunch?" Hyunjin drags his attention back to him.
"Meeting with Seungmin and going to the canteen, what about you?" Minho looks up from his book.
"Oh, probably nothing, just studying." Hyunjin shrugs, looking back as his computer dejected. He was hoping Minho didn't have plans, that maybe they could get lunch together, but he didn't want to make him cancel on his friend if he's already made an obligation. Minho pulls a piece of paper from his pocket and uses it as a bookmark, closing the book.
"You're not gonna eat lunch?" Minho questions.
"I will, after everyone else." Hyunjin lies, checking the time. "If you're grabbing lunch, you might want to go now. It gets busy soon." Hyunjin suggests. Minho nods and stands, grabbing his book.
"Make sure you do, skipping meals is not good, you know." Minho smiles softly, heading off to check out his book and meet with Seungmin. Seungmin is waiting outside the canteen doors, scrolling through his phone as he leans on the wall. He slips it in his pocket when he sees Minho, waving.
"Jeongin is joining us, by the way." Seungmin smiles. Minho nods, joining him in leaning on the wall. Jeongin appears a few minutes later, Felix in tow. "Hey!" Seungmin smiles, waving.
"I hope it's okay Felix joins us." Jeongin smiles back, Felix just crossing his arms.
"Not hanging with your bestie?" Minho asks, looking at the blond.
"If anyone interrupts his studying, they will not be walking out of here." Felix chuckles, shaking his head. 'But he let me disturb him?' Minho thinks to himself, following the others into the canteen. Maybe Hyunjin was just polite, it totally had nothing to do with the fact he was pining for Minho like a teenager in love. The canteen was always really busy, people sticking to their own 'cliques' at tables - it was very reminiscent of high school. They all queue up to grab their lunch, Jeongin leading the way to the end of the jock table. Jeongin knows no one would dare to say anything about letting nerds sit with them, scared of Chan and Changbin's reaction to upsetting their beloved maknae. Minho sits in the end seat, Felix next to him. Minho doesn't even listen to the conversation around him, picking at his food as he thinks of the handsome cheerleader.
They had made this a routine, Minho 'accidentally' finding Hyunjin in the library every Thursday morning and sitting at his table with a book or his own coursework. The table was always quiet, neither feeling the need to break the silence and instead to just enjoy each other's company. It was motivating for Hyunjin to keep on top of his workload, even taking on extra-credit classes. Hyunjin would always stay behind when Minho left for lunch, typing away on his laptop like time wasn't even moving. Minho didn't want to pull him out of his concentration to invite him to lunch, instead just waving and leaving without a word.
Minho wasn't sure how they ended up here.
Hyunjin had woken up late on Sunday, staring up at the ceiling in bed. He usually would get up, shower and take himself for a long walk to the local forest for art inspiration and some pretty photos. Today, he just didn't want to move - he wanted to curl up and go back to sleep. He knew it was the hangover from the party Felix dragged him to last night, neither getting back to the dorms until the early hours of the morning. He eventually gains the energy to sit up, looking over to Felix who was still fast asleep in his bed. He pushes himself through his morning routine - a nice warm shower, brushing his teeth, doing his skincare and finding a comfortable outfit for the day. Today he decided on some loose black trousers, a white tee and a chunky knitted cream cardigan. He slipped the strap to his camera around neck. He slung his tote bag filled with art supplies over his shoulder. He heads into their shared kitchen and grabs the fruit he had prepared yesterday, dropping the tub into his bag and throwing his keys into his pocket, walking through campus.
Most people were still in bed hungover or in their dorms, everything empty except for the few crazy people who also never took Sunday as a rest day, people like him who stayed productive all week. The sun was shining today, although there was still a harsh breeze that gripped onto Hyunjin's skin as he strolls towards the exit. A familiar face catches his eyes and he smiles to himself, catching up to him. "Morning, Minho."
"Morning." Minho turns around and smiles. "Going to the library?" Minho already knew he wasn't, but he didn't want Hyunjin to know that Minho had memorized his whole schedule from Seungmin. That's a one way ticket to being labeled a stalker.
"Oh, no, no, I'm going for a walk." Hyunjin chuckles, looking down. He found it really hard to form sentences when those eyes stared back at him, observing him so intently. He hated how flustered he would get when Minho would catch his eye across the room or any of his friends catching him staring, which he always came up with quick excuses for. "Would you like to join me? I mean, if you're not busy-" Hyunjin fidgets with his hands, keeping his head down.
"I would like that." Minho smiles. "Lead the way." Hyunjin nods and continues walking, taking Minho to his favorite spot. It was a hidden forest a half an hour walk from campus, a large lake hidden behind the bushes. Hyunjin had made a small hole to crawl through when he comes, squeezing through and helping Minho through. There were stepping stones to get to the other side to the flower field, Hyunjin hopping over easily. He turns around to see Minho staring at the mossy stones with anxiety.
"The water isn't very deep, don't worry!" Hyunjin calls over from the other side of the lake. The stones weren't big enough for two feet, but he quickly came up with a solution to get Minho over safely. He steps back over, holding out his hands. "Come on, I'll make sure you don't fall." He smiles. Minho reluctantly rests his hands onto Hyunjin's, taking a step forward as Hyunjin steps backwards. He wobbles a little, but Hyunjin just tightens his hands around Minho's to keep him upright. They make it over the stones safely, Hyunjin letting go of Minho's hands and turning away. A blush paints onto his cheek and he bites his lip. Minho looks around, observing the surroundings.
Hyunjin pulls out his camera, snapping a picture of Minho staring at the pink blossom trees that overhang above the lake. Minho was amazed this place was so close to their dorms and yet he'd never been here, or even known it existed. Hyunjin captures some more pictures of the blooming flowers and the way the sun reflects off of the clear water. He eventually leads Minho down the mud path to the flower field, brushing petals off of an old picnic bench nearby and sitting down. Minho sits opposite him, looking around. Hyunjin pulls out his sketchbook, his paints and a jar. He strolls back over to the lake, scooping some water into the jar and heading back to sit at the picnic table. Minho watches in fascination as Hyunjin starts painting, no sketch or anything, just painting whatever feels right.
As Hyunjin waits for the bottom layer to dry, he pulls out his fruit pot and opens it, offering Minho some. "It's fresh." He smiles. Minho takes a plump strawberry, biting into it as Hyunjin eats a grape. "If you walk down the river bank, there's a pond at the end with ducks and a wooden fishing pier. I don't recommend standing on it, though, it's really old and I don't think it's stable, but the ducks are really friendly." Hyunjin explains, smiling.
"How did you find this place?" Minho asks, grabbing a green grape from the pot and plopping it into his mouth.
"When I moved into my dorm, I wanted to explore local areas and I just stumbled across it." Hyunjin shrugs. "I never tell anyone it's here, I don't want them to ruin it."
"But you told me." Minho counters, tilting his head in curiosity.
"You're different." Is all Hyunjin replies before looking back at his painting, checking how dry it is. Minho blushes lightly, looking down at the table. They let the silence overtake them again as Hyunjin adds details to his painting, them both still eating the fruit Hyunjin had brought with them. After a few hours of painting, Hyunjin packs up his paints and leaves the sketchbook on the table to dry as he rises from his seat. He grabs a small bag of bird feed from his bag and leaves it on the table, pouring some of the contents into the fruit pot with the squashy fruit that neither wanted to eat. He smiles, gesturing for Minho to follow him, which he does. Hyunjin leads him to the pond, kneeling on the floor as a few of the ducks rush over, quacking. He places the pot into the floor, letting the ducks eat as he gently pets each one. Minho stays back, watching. "Guys this is Minho, okay? He's friendly, so be nice to him." Hyunjin speaks softly to the ducks.
They stay with the ducks until the food is gone, Hyunjin standing from the floor and brushing off his pants. He grabs the pot and turns to Minho, who is watching him with a fond smile. "What?" Hyunjin asks sheepishly.
"The ducks really like you." Minho gestures to the way they nip at his ankles for more attention, quacking.
"I come here and feed them every Sunday, so I guess they just see me as their weekly food delivery." Hyunjin chuckles, "the sun is starting to set, we should go." Hyunjin leads the way back to the bench, collecting his things and carrying the jar of water. He refuses to pollute the nature here with the paint water, so he always carries it out of the forest before dumping it. Minho braves the stepping stones alone, making it without falling, barely. Hyunjin makes it look effortless. They crawl back through the opening in the bushes, leaving through the small path. Once by the main road again, Hyunjin pours the water down the drain.
"Thank you for inviting me today. I enjoyed it." Minho smiles, looking at the man beside him.
"You're welcome." He answers timidly and looks down, blushing lightly. Hyunjin had never shown someone something so precious to him before, a warm feeling in his heart at the fact they enjoyed it like he did. He's never even gone with Felix before. Hyunjin can't believe someone he met a few weeks ago had become too dear to him, even if he may never tell him.
It's the start of the competitive season, meaning Hyunjin was much busier than he had been the previous weeks. Practices ran on for longer, started earlier and were more frequent throughout the week - on top of his already busy class schedule. He didn't just have performances with the football team, but also state competitions to attend. He felt like he was drowning in responsibilities. He was managing his grades quite well, the teachers allowing him extra time to complete assignments due to his cheerleading, given that's the only reason he came to this college - the scholarship. He made sure to never miss Thursday mornings in the library, however, the only time he gets to truly relax. One morning, he's just not able to concentrate on the work in front of him. He sighs, putting his head in his hands and leans back in his chair. "You okay?" Minho asks, looking up from his book.
"It's too much." Hyunjin removes his hands from his face, stress plastered over his face.
"What is?" Minho places his book down, giving Hyunjin his full attention.
"This! This stupid assignment and the stupid competitions and- Ugh!" Hyunjin sighs in exasperation, running a hand through his hair and taking a deep breath. "I'm fine." He sits back up properly, looking back at his laptop.
"You need a break." Minho states.
"I don't have time for that." Hyunjin shakes his head, forcing a smile and getting back to his assignment.
"When was the last time you ate something?" Minho asks, tilting his head.
"I don't know, yesterday sometime." Hyunjin shrugs, checking his workbook and typing again.
"Food is good for concentration and energy, you know. Please have lunch today." Minho frowns at the way Hyunjin shakes his head, ignoring him. "Why not?"
"I have practice at lunch." Hyunjin states, Minho can hear the annoyance in his voice but he was stubborn, he was not going to accept Hyunjin skipping lunch over something stupid as a grade.
"Then after." Minho crosses his arms. "You know, not eating enough lowers muscle mass and energy levels and that would really affect your performance at competitions. You don't want to let your team down, do you? That's why you're working so hard, after all." It may be a low blow, but Hyunjin seemed to respond to that, raising his head from his laptop and looking at him.
"Does it really lower muscle mass?" He asks, concerned.
"Yeah, your body doesn't just attack fat when you eat that little, it also attacks your muscles for energy because you're not giving it energy with food." Minho educates, hoping it gets through to him. "And no, fruit is not a substitute for a balanced meal."
"Okay, fine." He gives in, saving his work and shoving it into his bag with his workbook. Minho puts his book away and takes Hyunjin to the canteen. Seungmin and Jeongin are already there with the rest of Hyunjin's friends, waving at the two as they get into the queue. Hyunjin gets something healthy and some diet soda, sitting next to Felix. Minho sits opposite him.
"Can we just skip practice?" Felix complains, picking at his lunch.
"Don't be lazy." Chan shakes his head, sighing in exasperation. "Eat your food."
"You have to look forward to the party Saturday, which you can only go to if you work hard today." Changbin bribes.
"You only want us to win because you graduate this year." Felix sighs, pushing his tray away.
"And we've never lost before, pretty embarrassing to lose because of you." Hyunjin chuckles, taking a bite of his food and grabbing Felix's fork, picking up some of his food and making him eat it.
"This food sucks." Felix frowns, eating his mouthful.
"Is this all you do? Complain?" Jeongin digs.
"I don't complain that much." Felix pouts, eating his food on his own now.
"You do." Hyunjin counters. He glances at Minho, who looks away and at his own tray with a blush. They continue bickering while everyone finishes their food. "Guys what's the time?" Hyunjin asks, sipping his soda.
"It just turned 1pm, why?" Jisung answers and Hyunjin pulls his phone out from his pocket.
"Assignment results should be out now." Hyunjin navigates through his portal, finding his results and opening them. 96%. He does a small dance, smiling as he reads his feedback.
"How'd you do? I got 63%." Jisung sighs. "The feedback was so harsh, as well."
"I got 96%. Why are your grades so bad recently? Are you doing okay?" Hyunjin looks at him with a small frown.
"I'm just not finding the time to study. I'll work on it." Jisung smiles. "I'll beat you next time." He challenges, smirking. Jisung was really smart, but he just never applied himself to get the grades to show that, preferring to do things he finds fun like football or working out.
"You're on." They fist bump, putting their phones back into their pockets.
"If you need any study help, I'm free." Minho offers, looking at Jisung.
"You'd really help me?" Jisung smiles, Minho nods enthusiastically and smiles back. "Thank you!"
"We have practice, now. We're gonna be late." Felix stands, everyone following suit. Seungmin and Minho wave, heading to their class while everyone else goes to practice.
Saturday night comes and the party is very much needed, everyone finally relaxing and letting loose from their busy week. Even Hyunjin was enjoying himself, dancing and drinking more than he ever does at these stupid parties. He leaves the dancefloor for a refill, brushing his hair back that's stuck to his face and pouring a drink of half vodka and half lemonade. He looks around, the kitchen unusually quiet. He tastes his drink, nodding in satisfaction and finding his way back to Felix in the crowd. "Come outside with us!~" Felix pulls on Hyunjin's hand, him just accepting it. A lot of people were swimming in the pool or relaxing on the pool chairs. Chan lights a smoke, offering everyone one. Hyunjin shakes his head, leaning on the wall for stability.
"You look like you're having fun." Felix observes, leaning next to Hyunjin.
"Hm?" Hyunjin looks at him blankly.
"Are you having fun for a change?" Felix asks, smiling.
"I am!" Hyunjin smiles, nodding. He knows it would be better if he was with Minho, but he hadn't seen him all night so he assumed he didn't come this time. He rarely did attend these parties, even when Hyunjin begged him, so it wasn't a surprise he didn't come. He was a little disappointed. "I need to pee!" He groans, pushing himself off the wall and finding his balance.
"We'll be out here if you need us." Felix assures and Hyunjin nods, heading back inside and sipping his drink. He finally makes it up the stairs and to the bathroom - which is thankfully empty -, does his business and makes his way back to the living room, being careful not to fall over. He spots Minho leaning on the wall and talking to Jeongin, cutting through the crowd to see him.
"Hey~." Hyunjin smiles, waving.
"Hey." Minho smiles back. "You having fun?"
"Yes! This is exactly what I needed!" Hyunjin smiles, grabbing Minho's hand. "Dance with me!" He doesn't give Minho a choice, dragging him into the crowd with his hand around his wrist. Minho follows Hyunjin's lead, resting a hand on his waist. Minho hadn't drunk nearly as much as Hyunjin, it being noticeable through the way his dancing is more stiff than the man in front of him, but he still had a lot more than he usually would - if he hadn't drunk at all, there was no way he would've been dancing right now. Hyunjin takes a sip of his drink then presses the cup to Minho's lips, letting him finish the rest of the cup.
"Do you want a refill?" Minho offers, holding the cup.
"I'll come with you." Hyunjin nods and Minho leads the way to the kitchen, fingers intertwined so they don't get separated. Hyunjin would usually become a flustered mess over these small touches, but he's full of liquid courage and ready to risk it all tonight. Minho grabs a cup of his own, pouring them both fresh drinks. Hyunjin leans on the counter next to him, watching. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol but Minho looked stunning under the colored lights tonight, his lip forming a small smile as he inspects his face. Minho hands him a cup, sipping his own. Hyunjin thanks him and drinks.
Chan brings out the shots not long later - by 2am Hyunjin is surprised he's even able to walk. Minho had stuck by his side all night, going along with whatever Hyunjin wanted to do. Minho suggests - no, he tells Hyunjin it's time to leave at 3:30am. Hyunjin tries to argue back, but just accepts his fate when Minho grabs his hand and starts leading him towards the door. Hyunjin interlocks their fingers, biting his lip. "Where's your dorm?" Minho asks, rubbing his thumb softly over the back of Hyunjin's hand. Minho may also be drunk, but he was in much better shape than Hyunjin right now so it was his responsibility to get him back. Hyunjin points at a nearby building, Minho walking that way. It shouldn't take this long for Minho to find Hyunjin's dorm, but Hyunjin's directions were worse than a 4 year olds and they ended up going in multiple circles before they finally arrived at Hyunjin's door. Hyunjin hands Minho his keys and he opens the door, Hyunjin heading inside.
Hyunjin kicks off his shoes, turning to face Minho who is watching him by the door, leant on the door frame. "Are you not coming in?" He frowns. Minho tilts his head, furrowing his brows. Hyunjin holds out his hands. "Sleep with me tonight." Minho blushes, looking down.
"You're drunk." He chuckles, shaking his head.
"So are you." Hyunjin chuckles, grabbing Minho's arm and pulling him to him, their bodies crashing together. "So, stay with me tonight." Hyunjin wraps his arms around Minho's waist, eyes flicking down to his lips and back to Minho's eyes. Minho notices, smirking. The tension was so thick, even the sharpest knife couldn't cut through it. They've been dancing around each other for weeks, neither having the courage to make the first move, neither wanting to ruin a friendship for something unreciprocated. Minho gives in, leaning forward and connecting their lips softly. Hyunjin kisses back as Minho's hands slide to his waist - the kiss is gentle. Minho slowly pulls away, placing a hand on Hyunjin's cheek and watching his face redden under his skin. "Does that mean you'll stay tonight?"
Hyunjin wakes to Felix slamming the door to the dorm, rubbing his eyes and looking over at him. Minho is still fast asleep, curled up into his side. Felix doesn't even bother to look at Hyunjin, flopping down face down in bed. The glimpse that Hyunjin caught of his face showed how annoyed Felix was. Hyunjin glances at his nightstand to his alarm clock- 9:23am. It was too early for one of Felix's temper tantrums, especially when Minho was sleeping so peacefully next to him in the clothes from last night. They shared kisses as they laid in bed until they fell asleep, not bothering to get changed. "What happened?" Hyunjin croaks, clearing his throat.
"Jisung and I lost our phones." Felix lifts his head from the pillow, looking at Hyunjin. "Then when Chan tried calling you to help us find it, you didn't answer."
"Sorry, I must've put it on do not disturb." Hyunjin sighs, patting his pockets to find his phone. He lifts the blanket, looking but it's not there. "Where the fuck is my phone?" He holds his head, a sharp, splitting pain assaulting him as soon as he moves.
"Not you too." Felix sighs, sitting up. Hyunjin carefully checks Minho's pockets, pulling Minho's phone out but not finding his own. "Why is he in your bed anyway?" Felix furrows his brows, only just now noticing the man cuddled into Hyunjin's side.
"Mind your business." Hyunjin glares at him, slipping out of Minho's grip and standing up to look around the floor.
"Oh my god, did you two-" Felix is cut off by a cushion colliding with his face, he grabs it and throws it back but Hyunjin catches it. Hyunjin nudges Minho's shoulder gently, waking him from his sleep.
"Have you seen my phone?" Hyunjin asks softly, Minho shakes his head and hides his face into the pillow. Hyunjin smiles softly, all of his previous annoyance melting from his body as he watches him. Minho pulls himself up, looking at Hyunjin tiredly. "Sorry for waking you."
"You lost your phone?" Minho yawns, rubbing his eye.
"Three of us have." Felix chimes in. Minho takes his phone from Hyunjin's hand, sending a text to Seungmin to help look for them if he's not already been awoken by Jeongin.
"Where have you guys looked?" Minho asks.
"The dorms, where we were last night and where we would've walked to get back. They're nowhere to be seen." Felix sighs.
"Do you have a laptop?" Hyunjin reaches under his bed, handing his macbook over to Minho and unlocking it. Hyunjin's already signed into his apple ID, making Minho's job of finding the phones much easier. He gets up 'Find My Iphone', the location for Hyunjin's phone pinging immediately. "Last seen just now in... I don't know whose room that is." Minho shows Hyunjin the screen, his face dropping. Hyunjin stands without a word, storming out of the room. Felix and Minho jump up and follow him, Minho still carrying the laptop. They pass Chan and Changbin on the way, Felix gesturing for them to follow, which they do. Hyunjin reaches the location his phone pinged from, banging on the door loudly until it opens.
"Dude it's too early-" Ryujin groans, rubbing her eyes.
"Give me my phone back." Hyunjin demands, crossing his arms.
"What makes you think I took it?" She crosses her arms too.
"I have location tracking, dumbass. Now, give it back." Hyunjin huffs.
"You're no fun, you know that?" She sighs, disappearing into her dorm for a few moments before handing him the three missing phones. He hands Felix his and Jisung's, slipping his own into his pocket. She rolls her eyes and slams the door.
"I'm going back to bed." Hyunjin sighs, holding his hand out for Minho who shakes his head.
"I should get back and get changed, I'll see you around." Minho places the laptop into Hyunjin's hand and runs off back to his dorm. He runs into the dorm, leaning against the door as he shuts it behind him. Seungmin is lying in bed, scrolling through twitter.
"Where were you last night?" He asks, placing his phone on the bed next to him.
"I stayed with Hyunjin last night and we may have kissed." Minho smiles. Seungmin sits up quickly, eyes wide. "You cannot tell a soul, you hear me? I don't think he wants the others to know." Minho sits next to Seungmin on his bed, crossing his legs. Seungmin turns to face him as Minho shares every detail from last night, from dancing to ending up back in Hyunjin's dorm, Seungmin gasping and clapping excitedly for him. Minho can't help but get embarrassed explaining the kiss, covering his face with his hands and grinning.
Hyunjin doesn't see Minho until after the first competition he has on Friday, catching him in the hallway as they all arrive back at the college in the evening. Minho was with Seungmin, sitting on the floor by the canteen, waiting for them. As soon as Seungmin sees Jeongin, he jumps up and runs over to him, hugging him. Minho stands, waving at Hyunjin. "How was it?" Seungmin asks.
"We won, obviously." Jeongin grins and hugs Seungmin closely.
"Congrats." Minho smiles, walking over to Hyunjin.
"Thank you." Hyunjin smiles back, looking down. "This is only the start of the season so we still have lots to go, though."
"And you'll dominate them, too." Minho reassures, rubbing his shoulder.
"I'll break the news to Chan, Jisung and Changbin that we need another song." Felix chuckles.
"You make your own music too?" Minho asks, surprised.
"Yeah, it gives us an advantage." Felix smiles. "I'm gonna go see them now. See you in the morning!" Felix waves and runs off towards Chan and Changbin's dorm, planning to stay there for the night. All party plans were suspended until the competitive season was over for a while and everyone went home for the holidays. The competitive season lasted until May, if they made it that far, but there were a few weeks between competitions that meant they could at least party once a month minimum. Seungmin and Jeongin also bid their goodbyes, heading to Seungmin and Minho's dorm for some one-on-one time. They were really close like Felix and Hyunjin were.
"So..." Hyunjin trails off, fidgeting with his fingers at the awkwardness that is now shared between them. Ever since the kiss, they've both been at a loss for words around each other. Hyunjin was still embarrassed at how needy he was when he got that drunk and Minho just didn't know what to say anymore. He had so much he wanted to say, but nothing felt appropriate to say to someone of Hyunjin's status. He believes the kiss was a matter of convenience and not because Hyunjin was deeply in love with him. "Do you want to go to my dorm and talk?" Hyunjin asks.
"Sure." Minho nods, following the taller one as he leads him back to his dorm. They both remove their shoes when they enter, Hyunjin sitting on his bed with his legs crossed and patting the space next to him for Minho to do the same - which he does.
"I don't think I've ever asked you what your course is." Hyunjin chuckles, deciding that they should really get to know each other. Considering they spend every Thursday together, they've never actually sat and spoke about themselves; their course, hobbies, passions, aspirations, or even plans for when they graduate, which for Minho is the end of this academic year.
"I take science with math. What about you?"
"I do literature with art. So you want to be a doctor?" Hyunjin looks at him.
"Something along that lines. I'm actually not sure what I want to do when I graduate, I'm just taking things as they come, y'know? I would prefer to become a dancer, but there was no way I was getting on a course for that." Minho explains, fidgeting with the hem of his trousers.
"I love dancing! I actually used to take classes in school, but since I came to college I simply don't have the time anymore. I'm hoping I at least can become a writer or editor, if I don't get any offers while competing - even then, I don't think I'll accept them." Hyunjin smiles.
"Why?" Minho looks at him, tilting his head a little.
"It's a very stressful job and it brings a lot of attention, I mean, while we're at competitions we have tons of different agencies scouting for just one person in the crowd of hundreds of potential candidates. One agency paid for my scholarship, but I haven't received an offer to stay to work for them when I graduate. I know that's why my teachers push us so hard because they want the money that comes with our contracts if we get them, Felix and I have the most potential which is why we get pushed harder than the rest." He explains, sighing. "We're not just competing for a cheerleading career, but a modeling career too and there are even beauty and fashion companies there. It's why we get put on diets and strict workout regimes so often, because to them we're a product and our sell date is short for our age. It pays really good money but at what cost? I like being creative more than I like having money."
"They're stupid not to see that you're perfect as you are and that there's nothing for you to change." Minho rests a hand on Hyunjin's knee, "you don't need to change a thing." Hyunjin blushes lightly and keeps his eyes fixed onto a crease in the blanket ahead of him at the words, not used to hearing them - Minho would change that, even if it's the last thing he does in this life. "Look at me." Minho puts a hand on Hyunjin's cheek and turns Hyunjin's face to face him. "Don't change a thing, okay? Show them you, not what they want you to be." Hyunjin nods, leaning into Minho's gentle touch.
"I hope one day I can see me the way you do." Hyunjin smiles sadly. He wishes to swap bodies with Minho just to be able to see himself from his eyes, would he still feel bad about himself? What exactly does Minho see in him? What makes Minho stay? Hyunjin knew he wasn't someone people fell in love with, but rather someone to love for a passing time until their love is ready to serve it's true purpose. He can't even fathom the idea that someone with a brain like Minho's would choose him out of a crowd, nevermind an agency recruiter with hundreds of thousands of people they see a day. His words felt coated with sugar but inside were the bitterest of apples - they didn't feel honest.
"I hope so, too." Minho strokes his thumb over Hyunjin's cheek. They stare at each other in silence, communicating with just their eyes instead of words. Eyes tell stories that words can't express, of experiences not to be told and emotions not yet understood by words. They were truly a window to a person's soul. Minho leans forward, connecting their lips together for the first time since their drunken moment, letting Hyunjin set the pace. It starts off sweet, soft, but Hyunjin deepens it, parting his lips for Minho to allow his tongue to explore his mouth. He opens his legs, gripping Minho's shirt and guiding Minho on top of him. They pull away for air, Minho watching Hyunjin's expressions carefully.
"Do you have plans tonight?" Hyunjin pants, Minho shaking his head. "Good." Hyunjin leans forward, kissing Minho with a passion that he's been holding back the whole time they've known each other. Since the moment he saw him, he's imagined himself in much lewder positions than this - he wants him so bad. Minho disconnects their lips, trailing kisses down Hyunjin's neck and removing his shirt to continue the trail down his chest and stomach. He takes care to kiss every inch, thumbs rubbing into his upper thighs. Hyunjin gasps, his pants suddenly way too restricting. Minho kisses above his waistline, sliding off his pants and boxers achingly slow. He continue his kissing-assault down his thighs, before finally giving his dick the attention it's been craving by licking a stripe up his length so slowly Hyunjin wants to grab Minho's hair and force him down.
"Lube?" Minho asks, Hyunjin nods and pulls open his nightstand drawer, digging around and pulling out a small bottle of lube, placing it in Minho's hand. He pops open the cap, pouring some onto two fingers and rubbing it between them to warm it up. He presses a finger against his hole.
"Wait." Hyunjin gasps, Minho pausing and looking up at him. "I've never actually... Done this, before."
"Had sex?" Minho furrows his brows.
"No, I've never... Bottomed before." Hyunjin blushes at the confession, looking back up at the ceiling.
"I'll be gentle." He reassures.
"No, I can take it, do whatever you want to me." Hyunjin shakes his head and Minho was happy to oblige. He presses two fingers into Hyunjin, thrusting them slowly and scissoring them out to stretch Hyunjin thoroughly. It felt so much better than when Hyunjin would to do it alone, reaching spots his fingers cannot reach. Minho's fingers graze Hyunjin's prostate and he gasps, closing his eyes. He thrusts his fingers faster, using his other hand to stroke Hyunjin's length while his tongue teases the tip. Hyunjin reaches his hand down to run his fingers through Minho's hair. Hyunjin wondered how many times he had done this before, how many people he's ruined under his skilled hands, did Minho really get laid more than him? "I'm so close." Hyunjin whines, but Minho doesn't stop, if anything he presses his fingers harder into him. It only takes another skilled swipe of Minho's tongue and another thrust of his fingers to shove him over the edge as cum spills into Minho's mouth and over his stomach. Minho slips his fingers out, swallowing the cum that spilt into his mouth and kissing the inside of Hyunjin's thighs lightly.
He stands from the bed, stripping himself off and crawling between Hyunjin's legs, kissing him again. He pours some of the lube onto his own dick, stroking himself a few times before slowly pushing into Hyunjin. Hyunjin pulls away from the kiss to moan and grip onto Minho's arm. Minho stops when he's fully inside, letting Hyunjin adjust before he starts thrusting. The slow pace doesn't last long, Minho setting a brutal pace and Hyunjin can do is take it. His moans echo off of the walls around them, hands gripping the sheets. Hyunjin swears he sees God when Minho grabs his dick, rubbing his thumb across the tip before he strokes him in time with his thrusts. Before he can come, Minho pulls out. "Turn over." He orders, Hyunjin obeying and gets on his hands and knees. Minho thrusts back into him hard, causing Hyunjin to throw his head back with a moan. Minho leans forward to kiss Hyunjin's neck, leaving love bites in places he knows he won't be able to hide. Hyunjin's legs shake, the heat building in his stomach - Minho was getting close too, thrusts becoming more harsh. Hyunjin is unable to even warn Minho when he comes, arms collapsing under him as his chest falls onto the bed. Minho follows shortly after, catching his breath before pulling out.
Hyunjin lays on his back, panting, as Minho grabs the wipes he can see in the drawer and cleans them both up. He reaches down onto the floor, grabbing their boxers and dressing them both. He finally lays down, holding Hyunjin as he cuddles into his side, stroking his hair softly. Hyunjin falls asleep within minutes.
The next morning, Hyunjin wakes not long after Minho, who is scrolling through twitter with one hand and the other arm around Hyunjin's waist. He rubs his eyes, looking up from his spot on Minho's chest and at him. Minho notices he's awake and locks his phone, placing it next to him and looking at Hyunjin. "Good morning." He smiles, stroking a strand of hair out of Hyunjin's face. "Did you sleep well?"
"I did. Did you?" Hyunjin croaks, yawning. Truthfully, that was the best sleep he's every had. He wasn't sure if the ache in his back was from the competition or from what they did last night, his other muscles not nearly as sore.
"I did." Minho nods. Hyunjin reaches over Minho's chest, grabbing his phone and checking the time as well as his notifications. It was 9am and Chan had sent at least 10 messages asking what time he was coming to the gym as they normally met by 8am at the latest, Hyunjin sighs and places his phone back on the nightstand. He sits up, stretching and releasing another yawn. He doesn't even get a chance to get ready, however, before the door swings open and Chan walks in with Felix.
"You're late- Oh my god." Chan notices the situation he’s just walked into and turns away, resting a hand on his hip and staring at the wall. Hyunjin and Minho both blush deeply, Hyunjin pulling the blanket up to cover his chest as Minho hides his face in the pillow below him.
"Oh my god!" Felix gasps, covering his mouth with wide eyes.
"Can you shut the door at least?!" Hyunjin glares at them, Chan nodding and shutting it behind them before he finally turns back to face them.
"Wow, um..." Chan sighs, at a loss for words. This is not what he was expecting to see so early in the morning, especially when Felix assured him that 'Hyunjin just overslept like always!'. The room is filled with awkward tension, no one knowing what to say. Felix is in shock, still trying to process that Hyunjin and Minho actually slept together. Chan is just more embarrassed that he has seen them both presumably naked than the fact he knows what they did. Hyunjin's love bites were clear, fresh on his neck.
"So, considering you've already done your cardio, no gym?" Felix jokes, unable to cope with the silence anymore. Hyunjin grabs his shirt and launches it at Felix, who catches it and laughs, throwing it back.
"It feels like I've been caught by my disappointed parents." Minho chuckles, sitting up and reaching for his clothes on the floor, slipping his shirt on.
"I'm... I’m so confused." Chan rubs his forehead. "How did this even happen?" He gestures to the two of them.
"Do you really need a lesson on the birds and the bees?" Hyunjin joins in with the joking as he pulls his shirt on, watching Chan just shake his head and sigh again. Felix and Chan decide to let them get dressed, heading back to the gym to meet the others that are waiting for them. Hyunjin pulls on some sweatpants and changes into a clean tank top, tying up his hair. Minho slips on his trousers and wraps his arms around Hyunjin's waist, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"I'll see you later." 
{ @mixtape-racha }
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linoscence · 3 years
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Sypnosis. In which you got into an argument with your best friend Minho and he says “let’s just move on to the kissing part.”
Warnings. Foul words ig
A/N. I wrote this when the net got lost sksks 
A Minho drabble.
     A week after the cheerleading competition you’ve been striving off for lately, your cheerleading squad and friend group decided to have a get-together. And your friend group has none other than your very best friend Lee Minho ━ the one who have been ignoring you for a while now, your last interaction was when you told him that you were set up on a blind date. He interrogated you after, asking if you are capable of a commitment, if you can settle your life now without him. He could even call your mom that time if he wants you to get busted.━ Well, you don’t even know if you can consider him as your best friend now. But that’s what friends are for, eh? There will be a dispute.
    You managed to ignore him in the start not until you saw him giggling with some girls as if he is having the best time of his life. You’re starting to get the bubbling thing in your stomach similar to what you feel when you’re watching a Japanese movie were the male lead has now a girlfriend that is attractive and somehow a bitch. You thought that the reason would be you miss talking to him, laughing with him, because of his natural joking. You guess?
   Gladly, Seungmin went to you and checked you up. He lightened up your mood by sharing the story of Jisung from the other block going onto the law department’s dorm naked after showering. Little did you know that Seungmin is now getting murdered into pieces by the person glaring at the two of you chattering lively.
   Speaking of the devil, Minho is now in front of you two, listening to your story. Once Seungmin noticed Minho (AKA his mortal enemy), he excused himself that he needs to get back to his friends.
  “So now you can obviously live without me?” Minho started boiling your blood.
  “Minho, if you just tell me what’s wrong or what did I do wrong then we can actually make our lives easier. “
  “There’s nothing wrong y/n, I swear to God.” That’s your cue to get out of this since you know that he will not say what’s bugging him, but you turned to him again hoping that he will be less annoying than he is now,
  “Then why the fuck are you acting a bitch to me now, huh? Ignoring me like I am nothing? Yet you are treating other girls as if they knew how you are outside school?” You started ranting. Feeling the rising irritation into your veins.
  “No y/n, you don’t understand how difficult is it for me to see you- to imagine you with other guys. They don’t know how you will borrow my shirts and never return them if I don’t remind you, they don’t know that you are the clingiest person ever just to show your love. “ He started moving towards you, “ And I find you annoyingly endearing for that. They will know how caring you are and how you find the simplest things amusing. I can’t seem to risk that, I can’t risk seeing you with other guy’s shirt.” As he confessed, he gazed intently into your eyes.
  You were loss for words, “Then... I will just not wear their clothes?” you joked.
  Minho sighed heavily, rolling his eyes. “No! What I’m saying is- that we- you-“He keeps stopping his words and held your waist, closing the gap between you two. Smiling teasingly,
  “Let’s just move on to the kissing part.”
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝙉𝘾𝙏 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 : 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙡 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙
@cherry-jaemin ~ Hello! Can I request a dreamies reaction to you being an idol and their best friend? Thank you!! ♡ (◕‿◕✿)   ~~~  Thank you so much for your request it was really fun to write, hope you’ll like it!! :)))))
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Mark Lee
he cherishes you A LOT (︶ω︶)
but i honestly see him as someone who keeps his private life private
so your close friendship is kept lowkey
but he finds time to spend time with you despite both your busy schedules even if it’s made through your phone screens :(((((
one thing he’s most grateful for is that you understand
you understand what it’s like spending hours in the practice room frustrated, you understand what it’s like constantly missing home, you understand what it’s like working nonstop with no breaks until your body forcefully gives up my heart breaks for him every damn time
you understand him
your friendship is so pure (•ˇ‿ˇ•)
like you can both be laughing your asses off one minute, mark flopping around like a fish on land
and the next one you can be having a therapy session usually consisting of wordless comfort
mark doesn’t seem an emotional person but if there’s one(1) thing that can shatter him is witnessing you on your breaking point
like you were usually the one to check up on him often and pull him away from work for a while before he drowned himself in it
so seeing you overworked and utterly exhausted made him sick
no one could convince him to leave your side for some time (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)゚
you clung onto each other and mark softly scolded you for taking more care of him than yourself despite knowing that he’d do the same you’re like his baby he’s allowed to
other than your emotional moments you’re so playful together
‘bruh’ ‘dude’ ‘man’ - your daily vocabulary involving each other -_-
you sometimes gather in a studio and just write lyrics together or help each other with practice bonding time
basically you just vibe together so well and you’re just so grateful for each other’s presence because it eases your hectic and busy lives
you feel like a breath of fresh air to him and vice versa
Huang Renjun
friendship with him is basically clowns clowning each other 🤡
even more so since you can both joke about your shared career
he makes a tradition of reacting to your every m/v god help u he clowns you from the first second to the last
“looking a bit constipated aren’t we, y/n? i guess that hotpot didn’t sit well with you” <( ̄︶ ̄)>
“that’s just my face when i think about u, garden troll”
*huff* *incoherent mumbles of protest*
but he secretly streams THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR M/V and forces the rest of the dreamies to watch it several times too
you watch his radio every evening and sometimes even send in cringy messages just to get a reaction out of renjun lol
so basically you’re super supportive of each other but in your own ways
imagine sleepovers ma friend that’s a wiiild ride
ghost stories, alien conspiracies, crazy theories - THE MAIN MENU
bet y’all renjun can’t sleep without someone he can hold onto after watching or talking about scary things ੧| ‾́ー ‾́ |੭
and you wouldn’t call that cuddling no, it’s more like....strangling....but with love....kinda....yeah that sure  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
on another note, you made it you personal mission to lift his confidence whenever SM doesn’t treat him right (╬ Ò ‸ Ó) y’all evil cockroaches
and renjun always promotes you subtly during his lives
“ ‘renjun can you give us a song recommendation?’ yeah sure actually there’s this song-” spoiler alert : it’s always one of your songs
one of the biggest secrets in kpop is who drew that *absolutely* gorgeous portrait of you that you proudly showed in your own live
spoiler alert x2 : it’s renjun, it’s always renjun
your friendship is really one of a kind
basically best friends lovingly clowning and supporting each other at the same time precious am i rite
Lee Jeno
jeno seems like a very comforting person to me
like he’s someone you can go and vent to about all the pressure of your career and what not
and he’d just listen to you and hold your hand tightly in his if you’re able to meet face to face, he has his own way of grounding you when everything gets hectic (^v^)
he’s a lowkey hypeman
whenever you happen to perform at the same awards show as dream he makes sure to dance and cheer cutely for you o(≧∇≦o)
you won an award?? this man is so proud he hollers louder than your fans well basically he’s your no.1 fan soo :))))))
he always tries to shield you away from hate so it’s one of the reasons he doesn’t disclose much of your closeness lowkey protective jeno
you had an airport accident once common against idols unfortunately
lemme tell ya, jeno went NUTS  (`⌒´メ)
he’s not a confrontational person but he CAN and WILL be when it comes to you
he babies the heck out of you for the next few days :3
and once he has the occasion to turn on vlive he takes a minute to *calmly* explain that while idols love their fans, it’s not fine for fans to invade their privacy and personal space preach sister
you were also close to flipping the sasaengs’s shit up when they kept bothering keno with calls leave the man alone jeez (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻
he always reminds you to to take care of yourself
“don’t push yourself too hard” “don’t drink too much coffee, you’ve seen what it can do to jaemin and we don’t want that now, do we?”
he often covers your dances ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒ and nails them
“jeno you’re dancing better than me on MY OWN SONG”
“idk what you’re talking about” (^ω^)
overall your cheerleader and each other’s poorly read not at all paid bodyguards
Lee Haechan
“your sun is here to enlighten your life!!!!!”
“gtfo hyuck”
this man knows no privacy
he’s ruthless and he visits whenever he wants even if it means that’s on a wednesday AT 3 AM (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻
he tells you it’s because your ‘just forcefully woken up’ is the best blackmailing material
in reality it’s because he just misses you A LOT ( ⁍᷄⌢̻⁍᷅ )
this rascal is busy a lot and you’re busy a lot and so every single moment spent with you is so so precious to you both
he gets overwhelmed by this feeling of longing sometimes so he acts on instinct and just barges in wherever you are
but you can also count on him at any time
*middle of the night* *donghyuck sleepily answering his phone* *sniff* *sniff* “hyuck”
“yeah what’s wrong??? who am i beating up???? should i take johnny too???? just say the name cutie (*`Ω´*)”
you only ended up crying about missing his cuddles
*sigh* “you only love me for my cuddles”
you once told him fleetingly that you missed breakfast and lunch
you found 2 boxes of takeout outside your apartment already paid by a certain someone i need a hyuck pls
he’s also quite vocal about your friendship and randomly mentions you
“y/n told me that i look cutest with my baby belly so unless you wanna pick a fight with them lay off gremlin” ー( ̄~ ̄)ξ
both your dreams are to get to collab on something anything it would be heavenly for hyuck to colllab with anyone tbh
nothing can keep you 2 apart, your duo is just too strong and the world just isn’t ready for you
Na Jaemin
he’s such a warm person
he babies you but just because he wishes you’d have more time to spend with each other ( *’ω’* )
so the only way to quench his worry is texting you daily to make sure you’re alright and taking care of yourself or he’d personally do it
the way he talks about you tho (╯✧∇✧)╯ like you put the stars in the sky you did for him
“y/n is actually quite good at this game, i ate dirt when we played together”
“y/n looks so pretty in those pictures we took together” Σ(*ノ´>ω<。`)ノ
“y/n is my favorite model end of story”
talking about his love for photography, you’re his model 80% of the time
his camera roll is filled with pictures of you every time you find enough time in both your busy schedules to meet up
he has enough to open a fanpage if he hasn’t done that already ;)
in turn you’d secretly dedicate parts of the lyrics you wrote to him
i’m telling you he would CRY hearing your sweet voice sing such beautiful words meant for him he would feel so appreciated pls ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )
he always says that he has no other friends other than his members so having you validating the strong bond he feels with you would elevate him to cloud 9  :,(((((
i can imagine you two meeting on a variety show a mess that would be
you can’t be too close in front of the cameras in order not to give the wrong impressions
but behind the scenes you’re not leaving each other’s side, chatting and clinging onto each other the entire time (≡^∇^≡)
and even on screen as long as you’re allowed to you’re attached to the hip, ALWAYS beside each other
in conclusion you’re the besties everyone is envious of and wishes to share such a precious bond with someone ∩(︶▽︶)∩
Zhong Chenle
y’all are basically the ‘you can’t sit with us’ pair -_-
another one who i think would keep your friendship private
like it is public that you two are friends but neither of you shares more about your meetups and so on
but chenle is lowkey highkey whipped
chenji making keychains for the rest of nct? +1 for y/n (/^▽^)/
surprise party for chenle’s birthday? you’re dressed as staff waiting for him to notice you after cameras are turned off he screeched so loud the entire building heard him and then proceeded to cling onto you forever
you know how chenle took jisung to him home in china? he took you with him as often as you both could afford the time to he even rescheduled a few times to make it convenient for you to come along (。•́︿•̀。)
he buys all versions of your albums cuz he can
going to each other’s concerts!!!!!
i can imagine you accompanying his family to the dream concert (˃̩̩̥ɷ˂̩̩̥) the same one when jeno and jaemin decided to get nakey nakey yes
you’re texting nonstop istg (◔_◔)
chenle can always be seen texting in the waiting rooms and so on
you’re his source of confidence before concert and certain schedules
also you’re probably discussing your hangout plans :))))
which often ends up in playing basketball in a park at night and then getting bored or tired and just wandering aimlessly around
you secretly record duets together unreleased unfortunately ( ب_ب )
and he teaches you how to play piano
basically your friendship is very playful and you find a comfort place in each other to remind yourselves that you’re allowed to have fun and live your lives o(*>ω<*)o
Park Jisung
i think it took quite a while to befriend him
his shyness can get the best of him sometimes it’s okay bby
but once you got hi to break out of his shell you’ve got yourself a lifelong best friend congrats (ര̀ᴗര́)و ̑̑
he shows his caring nature through small acts
texts you good luck and encourages you before award shows
becomes your dramatic weatherman
literally glitches if you ever have even a *slightly* sexy concept
“how did you like the dance, jisungie?”
“i-uh...um...it was...yeah...it was really uh *coughs* *clears throat* it was NICE, yeah...nice” (๑ּగ⌄ּగ๑)
ofc he *absolutely* loved it, he just respects you and looks up to you too much to make any further commentary
you coach each other through dance routines :3
you never fail to calm down and give confidence to jisung whenever his nerves get in the way
jaemin actually specifically asked you to look after jisung during his hiatus
jisung’s TMI’s sometimes involve you  (´ㅂ`๑)
“today’s tmi? i started working on a surprise for you czennies...and i got help from a very talented performer”
the surprise was a dance cover choreographed and performed with you that was the death of your fandoms ੧| ⊗ ▾ ⊗ |୨
you can be considered childhood friends so you understand each other with little to no words spoken
that’s why everyone loves your ‘partners in pure crime’ friendship
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lamptracker · 3 years
Untitled Han Jisung Fic
Officially, it has no title. I could not think of one. 
Unofficially the title is “Eris Said I Didn’t Have to Give This a Title”
At any rate:
Untitled Han Jisung (Stray Kids) Fic
Pairing: Han Jisung/Female Reader
Summary: Jisung and the reader celebrate their one-year anniversary. The other seven morons members show up at the end. 
Warnings: Mediocre smut, some language, tooth-rotting fluff at the end. Oh, and no title
Author’s note: This is based on an idea that @jisungiesbunnie​ came up with for Valentine’s Day, but since I could not get my shit together in time for that I changed it to an anniversary celebration.
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You carefully pulled the cheesecake out of the oven, smiling to yourself as you gently shook it. The center of it wobbled slightly - perfect. Just like everything else you’d had planned for tonight.
It was your anniversary with Jisung, one year. One year of inside jokes, of laughter, of love… and, you had to admit, one year of the best sex of your life. 
Jisung was everything to you. He was your best friend, your confidant, your sounding board, your biggest cheerleader. You loved him, so much. And tonight, you had grand plans to show him just how much.
You’d told him that you’d had to work late that night, and would be perfectly content celebrating another night. But, of course, you didn’t have to work late. Instead, you’d gone to the dorms to surprise him with dinner and his favorite dessert. You had to get the other guys out of there, at least for a few hours. So you gave Chan some money (“I don’t trust those guys,” you’d said; Minho threw a pillow at your head) and told them to go out and do something fun. So off they went for dinner and shopping and who knows what else (not that you really wanted to know), while you made dinner and cheesecake.
“Hey, guys, I’m home.” The front door opened, and you did your level best to not drop everything you were doing and immediately run into your boyfriend’s arms. Instead, you stayed in the kitchen, waiting for him to discover the surprise. “Um… hello? Where is everyone, uh… oh, wow, something smells good. Hey, Felix! What’s cookin’, good lookin’, huh?” Jisung poked his head into the kitchen. “I...oh, whoa, you’re not Felix.”
You giggled softly. “How astute of you.”
His confused expression softened into a wide smile; chuckling, he immediately walked over and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“I thought you had to work late,” he said, burying his head in your shoulder.
“I might have made that up so I could surprise you.” You gently kissed the top of his head.
“Where is everybody?”
You laughed. “Threw some money at them and told them to have a good time. Chan promises they won’t be back before ten. So… we’ve got the place all to ourselves.”
“This is amazing.” Jisung lifted his head, smiling. “I’m sorry I called you Felix.”
“Hey, he’s a really good cook. I take it as a compliment.” 
“I’m glad you’re not Felix, though.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love the guy. But he would never let me do this.” He pulled you close to him, gently pressing his lips to yours. Your hands moved up to his hair, gently curling around the short strands as the kiss deepened slightly. Just as his hands slid down your lower back, a loud buzz filled the air.
“Oh!” You pulled away from him abruptly. “That’d be the air fryer.”
Jisung eyed you skeptically. “You didn’t cook Hyunjin, did you?”
“He wouldn’t fit,” you replied without missing a beat. “We’re having chicken.”
Jisung threw his head back and laughed; you absolutely adored that sound, and the fact that you were the one making him make that sound.
“Do you need help setting the table?”
You shook your head as you pulled two plates out of the cupboard. “Just get washed up, I’m pretty sure you haven’t washed your hands since lunch. I’ve got this, baby.”
“You’re sure?”
You nodded. “Now scoot, I’ve got a table to set.” You dramatically shooed a now-giggling Jisung out of the kitchen.
While Jisung washed up for dinner, you finished setting the table and started to plate the food. Jisung walked back in as you poured two glasses of wine.
“Wow, babe, this looks really good.” Jisung pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. “I can’t believe you did all this for me.”
“It’s our anniversary,” you replied simply. “I think you deserve a little spoiling.”
“Well,” he said as he pulled out your chair for you, “thank you.”
“What do you want to watch?” Jisung asked. Dinner and dessert was long behind you. The food (not to toot your own horn or anything) was delicious. The conversation was, as always, fantastic. Jisung had a way of telling stories that had you hooked from word one. Even his simple story of going to the convenience store the other night with Minho and Jeongin to get slushies became an epic tale. 
Now you were settled on the couch, trying to decide what to watch on Netflix. To be honest, nothing sounded good. You didn’t really want to watch anything. But you knew what you wanted to do…
Wordlessly, you gently took the remote from Jisung’s hand and set it on the end table next to the couch. Jisung started to ask you what you were doing, but his breath caught in his throat as you swung your leg over his lap.
“Oh,” he breathed as you straddled him. “Don’t want to watch anything, huh?”
“No, there’s one thing I wanna watch.” You leaned down, your lips grazing the shell of his ear as you whispered. “I wanna watch you cum, baby.”
“I like the way you think.” He reached up slightly, pressing gentle kisses to the side of your neck. “Right here?”
You nodded. “We should put a towel or something down, you know how Chan gets.”
“You do that-” his lips traveled down your neck, stopping just above your collarbone - “and I’ll grab a condom.”
You gasped as he harshly sucked on the spot. You knew there’d be a mark there later, but you really didn’t care. “Okay.” You quickly hopped off his lap and ran to the linen closet for towels while Jisung dashed to his bedroom. Carefully but quickly, you spread the towels on the cushions and quickly disrobed. As Jisung re-entered the living room, tiny foil packet in hand, you leaned casually back on the cushions.
Jisung groaned slightly. “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath.
“Not without you.” 
“God, I have the best girlfriend ever.” Jisung made quick work of taking off his clothes; you bit your lip as your eyes traveled over his toned body. It’s nothing you haven’t seen before, but it stirs something inside of you every time.
Jisung sat on the couch next to you, ripping open the condom and carefully sliding it onto his rock-hard shaft. 
“Would you ride me?” he asked, quietly yet confidently.
You nodded as you straddled him again, resting your hands on his shoulders. 
“Before we get started,” Jisung said breathily, “how much foreplay are we talking here?”
“Next to none,” you replied, eyebrows raised. “I’m so fucking horny right now, it won’t take me long at all.”
Jisung whined softly. “Fuck, you’re the greatest.”
“Save the praise for the end, baby boy.”
“God, I love when you call me that,” he said as you gently lowered yourself onto him. 
“I know.” You gripped his shoulders slightly while you started to roll your hips slowly. 
“Feels so good,” Jisung moaned. “Always does.”
“Mmm, yeah.” 
One of the things you loved best about sex with Jisung was, it didn’t need to be vocal. You didn’t feel the need to constantly make sounds of approval, or tell him how good it was. He knew just by the look on your face, the way your eyes fluttered closed when something felt right, the way your mouth fell open when you were close. 
And he was the same way. The corners of his mouth perked up when you did something that feels good - like when you sped up as you rode him. His eyebrows raised slightly as you dug your fingernails into his shoulders, not too hard, just hard enough for him to notice. And as his orgasm approached, his breathing hitched, his hands flew to your hips, and he bit his lower lip as his head fell backwards slightly and his eyes screwed shut.
“Oh, babe,” he panted, “I’m so close.”
You leaned down slightly, so your breath danced around his ear. “Let it out for me, Jisung.”
And with a loud groan, he did. As he rode out his high, his hips stuttered up against yours; that was all you needed to tip over the edge. Your mouth fell open and you buried your head in the crook of his neck; your legs shook as the sensation washed over you in waves.
When both of you were spent, you pushed yourself up slightly so you could smile softly at him.
“Hi,” you whispered.
Jisung smiled back at you; his eyes fluttered open, looking at you like you were the only thing in the room. “Hey,” he replied.
“That was…”
“Awesome, yeah.” He tapped the tip of your nose with a finger; you scrunched up your nose and he giggled softly. “I hate to be a mood murderer here, but we should really get cleaned up before the Dork Squad gets back.” “You’re right.” You gently pulled yourself off of him; he let out a soft whine at the loss of contact. “Oh, stop that, I’m staying the night. We can do it again.”
He laughed. “I know, it’s just… I miss you already.”
You shook your head as you smiled. “Just get rid of that and get dressed, already.”
Half an hour later, you and Jisung were cuddled up on the couch, watching Netflix. The door swung open, and Jisung’s bandmates came spilling into the room.
“Hey!” Hyunjin called out brightly. “How was the big anniversary dinner?”
“Oh, it was awesome!” Jisung said, a smile creeping across his face. “(y/n) made dinner, and dessert.”
“Cheesecake from scratch,” you interjected. “There’s a ton of it left, if you guys want some.”
“Score.” Changbin immediately headed toward the kitchen; Chan laughed at him.
“Well,” the de facto leader said, “I’m so glad you guys had a good -” Chan stopped mid-sentence; he raised a finger in the air, sniffed slightly, and his eyes suddenly grew wide. “Wait just a second,” he said. Then, pointing at the two of you, he exclaimed loudly: “Y’all fucked on this couch, didn’t you?!”
“What on Earth are you talking about?” Jisung asked, as innocently as he possibly could, even batting his eyelashes for effect.
Chan tsk-ed loudly. “You did! I knew it! You horny little shits!”
“So what if we did?” You raised an eyebrow at him. “We used protection, even put down a towel first.”
“It’s… I… we sit on that couch!” Jeongin sputtered, flustered. 
“I don’t care if y’all had six towels on it,” Chan grumbled, “that is unsanitary.”
“Anybody else got anything to say?” Jisung asked as you burst into laughter. Unsanitary. That is hilarious. 
“Hey, man,” Minho said, raising his palms in somewhat self-defense. “What you two do on your own time…”
“Yeah, whatever,” Seungmin agreed. “Just don’t give me details, okay?”
Felix grinned widely. “I love,” he said, “that you two love each other so much that you just couldn’t wait to show each other. You had to do it right now. Isn’t it romantic?”
“It’s gross,” Jeongin protested.
“It’s kind of sweet, actually.” Hyunjin nodded. “When’s the last time any of us felt like that about someone, huh?”
“I don’t care.” Chan huffed loudly, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “That is disgusting, doing that where…”
“I wouldn’t talk,” Hyunjin interjected. “Especially since you and Yuri did it in the shower not two weeks ago.”
“What?” Chan’s face turned tomato red. “How did you…”
“You left the door open.” Hyunjin shrugged as he brushed a piece of hair out of his eyes. “By the way, has she called you since then?”
“Said something about her mom’s dog being sick… she’s not calling me, is she? I mean just because I… whoa, whoa, whoa! This isn’t about me! It’s about Jisung and (y/n) being unhygienic!”
“Unhygienic!” you wheezed as you dissolved into laughter.
“We use that shower!” Jeongin yelped. 
“It cleans itself!” Chan shouted back. And with that, the seven of them left the room, squabbling the entire way; Changbin doubled back, cheesecake in hand, and ran up to the two of you, fist raised.
“Awesome,” he said. “Mad respect, you guys.” 
Jisung laughed as he gave Changbin a fist-bump; you gently tapped his fist with yours as well. 
Changbin flashed a toothy, goofy grin at you as he ran back out of the room.
“I’m sorry about them, as usual,” Jisung said quietly as you laughed.
“Oh, baby, no need to apologize. Sounds like Hyunjin got custody of the brain cell today, though.”
It was Jisung’s turn to laugh. “Seriously, though? This has been the best night. I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” You pressed your lips to his as his arm snaked around your shoulders, drawing you closer.
“Oh!” He pulled back suddenly, taking his arm off your shoulders. You cocked your head to one side in confusion, watching as he pulled one of his silver rings - his favorite, you noticed - off his finger.
“Jisung? What are you doing?”
“I want you to have this,” he said, almost shyly. “You are the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, and I want you in my life for a long time. I don’t know that I’m ready to be married just yet, but I know that I don’t want to be apart from you for any longer than I have to. I promise to always be near you, whether that’s in person or not. And I… I want you to take this as a reminder of that promise.”
Tears rimmed your eyes as he slipped the ring onto your finger (you are very lucky in that your hands are about the same size). “Oh, Jisung. This is so sweet, thank you.” You reached up, kissing him softly. “I guess I shouldn’t leave you hanging and tell you I feel the exact same way, right?”
Jisung laughed quietly. “I figured you did, love. I just… I love you.”
“I love you.” You snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you again and he unpaused the show. Your thumb rubbed softly against the metal band now circling your finger. You loved this man, more than you’d ever dreamed you could love anyone or anything, and it was a thrill to know he loved you too.
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boymeetsweevil · 4 years
in your court
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Grouping: Reader x B-ball player!Jaehyun (feat. BFF!Hyuck)
Word Count: ~10.8k
Warnings/Themes: Two idiots in love, oc is scary when mad, hyuck is crafty always, jae is a bit intense but he’s just trying his best, gratuitous descriptions of dimples, a kiss!!! sfw!
Prompt: “awkward!oc with his basketball teammate jaehyun. Honestly anything with bff!haechan.”
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“Make sure you don’t make it look shaky.”
Donghyuck puts the phone camera close to his face so he can better see your handiwork through the video call. He looks a bit like a fish, but you can’t see him because you’re focused on the mirror in front of you.
“Remind me why I’m being forced to do this?”
“Because I’m your best friend and I deserve a sign just as much as Jisung and Johnny.”
You have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes so you don’t mess up the number 14 you’re drawing carefully onto your cheek in eyeliner. Although you hate to see good makeup go to waste, you’re trying to be a better friend while also trying not to accidentally write the number backwards. It’s Donghyuck’s new number this season and he begged you to show some team spirit despite the fact that you normally mix with sports the same way oil mixes with water. The last time you showed up at practice was the first day of the season and you fell from the third courtside bleacher after Donghyuck called you over to introduce you to a cute new walk-on team member. If anything, just being around sports is dangerous for you.
A minute later, you sneeze while holding the pencil and draw a huge line straight through all your hard work. Donghyuck literally screams and you hang up the call to focus. When you finally finish redrawing on the side of your face, there’s half an hour left before the first home game of the spring season starts. You grab the matching construction paper sign you made earlier, complete with a huge gold glitter 14, and head out the door.  Taeyong is supposed to pick you up so you can make it to the gym on time. He’s the only other friend you have who is remotely associated with sports and that’s only because he’s dating one of the players, Doyoung.
The ticket Donghyuck gave you days ago places you near the court’s side with a near-perfect view. You settle in and wait for the game to begin. The team is already out on half of the court, doing some light warmup tosses and making the occasional mean eye at the visiting team practicing on the other half. You catch your best friend’s eye and he lights up when he sees the sign and eyeliner drawing.
“Check me out, Hyuck!” 
You turn to give him a full view of your profile, subtly proud of your skills.
“Look at you,” he drawls as he jogs over to you, “You know, I think this is the best your eyeliner has ever looked.”
“God, you’re so annoying.” 
You try your best to cast an elbow at him without disturbing the still slightly wet glitter on the sign. When you nearly take out the old man sitting directly in front of you, you settle for flipping him off.
“Wait,” Taeyong peers at the sign, “Aren’t you—”
“I think Doyoung said he was looking for you. Something about wanting a good luck kiss.”
Taeyong narrows his eyes but still stands up to go look for said boyfriend. Doyoung’s not the nervous type, but he’s also not the type to say no to some pre-game affection. You watch Taeyong disappear towards the locker room while Donghyuck steps over some of the fans already seated and takes the now open spot next to you.
“Hey,” he says with no trace of humor in his voice any longer. “Promise you’ll still be my friend after this game?”
You place the sign on your lap and turn to look at your friend. Lately the coach has been pushing him harder and you suppose it’s starting to wear down his usual confidence. With the hand that’s not covered in little golden glitter flecks, you reach down to rub his shoulder.
“Of course I will, Hyuck. And even if you guys don’t win tonight, I’m still taking you to get food after. My treat.”
It was supposed to be a rare moment of sincere friendliness. But this seems to distress him further because he looks down at your hand on his arm and then groans before covering his face in his hands. You’re confused but you don’t have any time to ask him what’s up. A few of his teammates walk over then.
“Sorry to break up the love fest, but Coach wants us to do some stretches before the whistle,” team captain Johnny says, gesturing to the other side of the gym where some other players are already contorting themselves. 
Behind Johnny stands that new walk-on. The one you fell on your face in front of. He takes in your temporary face tattoo and overly detailed sign and smirks, allowing a dimple to wink at you. You can only hope to every deity in the universe that he doesn’t remember the way you first met.
“Hey,” he smiles good-naturedly. “Glad to see you made it here in one piece.” 
“Thank you,” you say with way too much sincerity.
It’s enough to knock Donghyuck out of his bad mood and make him snort loudly beside you. The new guy smiles a bit wider, revealing a twin dimple. You look away.
“Don’t get too friendly, Jung,” Donghyuck says with fake menace in his voice. “There’s only room for one Dream Team member in her life, and that’s me.”
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you guys were—”
“We’re just friends,” you blurt out before looking down at the fascinating liver spots on the old man’s head in front of you.
“Yeah, she wishes.”
“I definitely don’t,” you snap.
He sticks his tongue out at you. “Well, I’m glad you don’t.” 
“Guys, come on!” Johnny calls a moment before the coach’s whistle blows to give a final warning.
As they walk over to the side of the gym you curse yourself for acting so weird in front of that Jung kid. If he didn’t think you were a dope when you tripped over nothing the first time you met, you’re certain he thinks you have the charms of a 13 year-old boy by now. The only thing that snaps you out of it is the fact that Donghyuck is in a time of distress and clearly needs his friend. 
With squared shoulders and a new sense of duty, you try your hardest to be the world’s best cheerleader. You’re not really sure how sports work, basketball included. The game itself turns out to be really fun. Even though you’re not quite sure what’s happening. Taeyong sends you a text with a picture of your own mildly confused face contorted into a pout as you raise your handmade sign a moment too late, after everyone has already sat back down. But eventually you figure it out after enough times of standing when people around you wearing school colors stand up first. You know enough to cheer every time Donghyuck takes the ball to the basket and boo loudly every time he gets knocked down or his shot misses. In fact, you get so into it that you catch yourself cheering for other players. You even make the mistake of cheering once for new kid Jung but immediately stop when he catches a glimpse of you in the stands and shoots you a beaming smile. 
They win by a small margin, thanks to a 3 pointer Johnny shot in the first half of the game. By the time that happens, you feel like you have a good feel for the game. You don’t have to wait for the other fans from your school to stand up when the last buzzer rings, and you instinctively run out onto the court with the rest of them as the final score settles. There’s adrenaline and joy pushing you into Donghyuck’s arms. He’s genuinely surprised but welcomes the greeting, spinning you lightly while he laughs.
“Congrats on the first win of the season,” you shout when you finally pull back. He lets you squish his cheeks in excitement. Doyoung ambles over then, looking for Taeyong. You offer him congratulations as well.
“Thanks,” he smirks a bit as he takes in your large sign and the slightly smudged 14 on your cheek. “Shouldn’t Jaehyun be the first to hear it, though?”
You raise a confused brow.
“Shouldn’t I be the first to hear what?”
You can’t help the way you stumble back against Donghyuck at the deep sound of Jung—no— Jaehyun’s voice. He looks pleased. Probably with the outcome of their first game.
“I was just saying you should get the first ‘congrats’,” Doyoung explains, nodding in your direction. Jaehyun blinks, but takes it in stride.
“I’d be glad to receive it,” he says with a grin. His dimples pop out even more than usual under the sheen of sweat and the glow from the fluorescents. “So, what’d you think? How’d I do?”
You have no idea why but your heart is beating like it’ll fly out of your chest. It takes everything in you to muster up a cool and natural response.
“You throw good.”
Donghyuck, the traitor that he is, gets sent into a cackling fit. If you listen carefully, between the gasps for air and the hyena-pitched giggles you can hear him calling you a dork. You’d turn to yell at him, but he’s right. Doyoung barely covers up his own laughter while leaning on Donghyuck’s shoulder to try to disguise the sound as a series of coughs. But Jaehyun merely smiles down at his shoes as if he’s somehow moved by your clunky words.
“Sorry,” you mumble.
“No, I feel like I did well today thanks to your little sign.”
“The sign? Oh. Actually, this is for—” 
In that moment you realize two things. The first is that Jaehyun’s jersey has a big 14 emblazoned on the front of it. Just like the one you spent 10 whole minutes drawing onto your right cheek. And the one you spent 2 hours glittering the night before. The second is that you aren’t nearly as observant as you thought you were. Then you realize a third thing: Donghyuck is slowly creeping away from you as it all clicks together in your head.
When you turn to face your friend, the color has already drained out of his neck. He can see the wheels turning in your head and he raises his hands in a placating gesture, but you cut him off before he can even start. Grabbing at his jersey you make him turn around until you can see the white number 6 emblazoned on the fabric. It’s the same number he had last season, and the season before that.
“Just to clarify,” you begin with an unsettlingly calm voice, “When you asked me earlier if I would still be your friend after the game, you were talking about this, right?”
Donghyuck’s eyes go wide and dart around anywhere but your face. “You know what? I think you’re thinking of my brother, Hyongduck. We look a lot alike, so it’s an honest mistake.”
The coach calling him over in that moment is the only thing that keeps you from eviscerating him on the court with so many witnesses. You let him go, but not without him having to un-pry your fingers from his jersey. Jaehyun watches on with amusement in his eyes and you remember that he saw you nearly Hulk out on your friend.
“So, you actually didn’t know my number was 14?”
You shake your head, “I thought it was Hyuck’s.”
“I see.”
He tilts his head again, with eyes narrowed he looks you over before looking past you to where Donghyuck has finally made it to locker room safety.
“Well,” he fiddles with the chain around his neck, “I’m kind of sad the sign isn’t actually mine.”
“Oh. I mean, you can keep it if you want.”
Jaehyun’s head ducks down a second time, shaking his head at the ground like he heard something funny that you couldn’t hear. He does take the sign out of your hands though. With slow hands, he wraps the construction paper up until all the remaining glitter is safely tucked away.
“What about that one?”
“What do you mean?”
He points at his own cheek to mirror yours. You had forgotten all about the 14 you drew on your face to go with the sign.
“I don’t—I don’t know if you can wrap this one up, you know” you laugh stiltedly.
“Yeah. But I could always take a bit for the road. May I?”
All you can do is let out an eloquent ‘huh’ before he’s reaching out then and swiping away at some of the eyeliner that had moved around during the game. The drag of the pad of his thumb across your cheek should be completely harmless. Donghyuck has been infinitely rougher with his handling of you; one of the privileges of close friendship. And yet it’s this soft touch that has your breath leaving you like he punched it out of you. You swear the corner of his mouth raises, but it could be a trick of the light.
“What are you doing after—”
“I gotta go, sorry. Good game,” you toss over your shoulder before pulling your phone up to your ear like you’re taking a sudden phone call. 
No one has to know that you spend the next few minutes dunking your head under one of the running faucets in an empty locker room to cool your heated face.
Nearly 20 minutes later, Donghyuck is tiptoeing out of the men’s locker room. He doesn’t notice the shadow waiting for him. When he deems the coast all clear, he opens up his messaging app and shoots you a text asking for your whereabouts.
“I’m right here.”
He jumps nearly 3 feet in the air before letting the scream that built in his throat turn into a whine. You’re just barely visible in the dark corner of the gym. If he squints you look a bit like his sleep paralysis demon.
“You scared me,” he says as he takes a step back only to hit a wall.
“Funny how that happens.”
You pull out your phone, stilling standing in the dark, and let the light from your phone cast eerie shadows across your face. Donghyuck gulps audibly as he watches you type slowly in response to his text. The sound of his phone notification moments later sounds deafening in the otherwise silent space.
You (21:39) - Run.
“Look, let’s talk this out like adults.” His hands come up, palms exposed like you’re a feral animal.
“I knew you weren’t number 14,” your voice is steady and devoid of emotion as you take a step towards him.
“Then you shouldn’t have fallen for it—shit. Wait!”
He trips in his haste to get away from you and falls. You foot lands dangerously close to his face as you come to stand in over him and he grimaces.
“Please don’t kill me, I’ll do anything.”
“Why did you tell me your number was Jaehyun’s number? Make it good and maybe I’ll let you live.”
“I just felt like it.”
“What the hell!”
“I’m serious.”
“Wrong answer, Hyuck.”
With that, you wriggle a foot free from one of your sneakers and shove your socked foot over his nose. You’ve been wearing the shoes all day and, because you forgot to do laundry the night before, the socks are recycled. The sound of Donghyuck’s cries for help make you slightly better and you smile softly to yourself.
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You would think that Donghyuck would have learned his lesson about not causing chaos in your life after a face-full of foot. But you should know that it’s practically his job description after knowing him for as long as you have. Sometimes you love that about him and sometimes you kind of hate him for it. This time, you hate him for it. 
Donghyuck prefaces the outing as a way of apologizing for tricking you. Normally you would have been slightly more critical. The first thing to tip you off should have been the fact the “apology" in question was coming almost two and a half weeks after the fateful jersey swap accident. The second thing should have been that the “apology” was coming in the form of a trip to a very specific tea house you don’t frequent because you’re not a tea person. And Donghyuck knows this. Because he knows everything else about you. Like which sweatpants you wear when you’re feeling bloated or when you just need a hug. But mainly you should have known something was up because it was Donghyuck. When he feels like he should do something, there’s no stopping him.
“What do you want to order,” he asks while holding the front door open for you to pass through. 
“A smoothie.”
“It’s a damn tea house, order something normal.”
“A smoothie is normal.”
“Do you order hot dogs at seafood restaurants too,” he pins you with a tired glare. You mirror the glare and add crossed arms.
“If they don’t have a smoothie, then I don’t want anything.”
You take a look around at the interior of the shop. It’s the polar opposite of the shops you usually frequent, which are all trendy with their mixes of dark, unfinished woodwork and sleek minimalist furniture. This place is almost cottage-like in the ornateness of the older architecture and the collection of kitschy antique pieces. You’re not surprised to see that a good deal of the patrons are older, some verging on elderly. There’s only a handful of people who look like they could be your peers. One of them looks oddly familiar. You can’t put your finger on it, but there’s something familiar about the way he stands and the delicate gold links laying across the back of his neck.
“Jaehyun,” Donghyuck calls a bit too excitedly, “Hey, man is that you? What are you doing here”
“You told me to meet you—” Donghyuck cuts him off with a dramatic gasp and a glance at his bare wrist.
“Aw, would you look at the time. I actually have somewhere to be right now, so I can’t stick around.”
“But you drove us here,” you whip your head around to look at him, but he coughs suddenly and looks away.
“Yeah, sorry. No time to drop you back off at your place, so I guess you have to figure that out yourself. Jae drives though. Maybe you can figure something out.”
Neither of you really know what to say. You watch silently with your mouth open in disbelief as Donghyuck turns on his heel and struts out of the tea shop exit, whistling contentedly. You suppose that if you’re the god of chaos reincarnated, all of this would feel like a good day’s work. You berate yourself for recently washing your socks.
“Good to see you again,” Jaehyun says after a beat. He shoves his hands into his pockets. “Thought I had scared you off after...yeah.”
“Oh, right. That.”
The air feels both too thick and too thin at the same time. You want to leave, every fiber of your being is screaming at you to leave before you do something weird in front of him again. But you can’t move. So you stand there, 3 feet away and not saying anything as Jaehyun looks over the large chalkboard menu hanging above the head of the older woman who is manning the front counter.
“What are you getting?”
“Me? Uh, I don’t know. I’m not really a tea person.”
“Well, what kind of person are you?”
Given the context, it’s a harmless question. But there’s a sing-songy lilt to the way he asks the question. It’s so blatant that curiosity gets the best of you and you stop purposefully avoiding looking at him. One of his dimples is out and he’s very nearly poking the tip of his tongue out at you, like he knows you’re suffering and he thinks it's funny. Almost like he’s flirting. Almost.
“I’m a smoothie person,” you finally say. “But there’s no smoothies on the menu.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
“But doesn’t it say ‘no customizations’?” 
There’s a sign on the edge of the counter that says just that. Despite the fact that it’s written in beautiful, looping cursive, there’s an ominous tone to the message. Like the little old lady behind the counter might actually make you into tea if you asked for a frappe or something. You’re a little worried for Jaehyun’s safety. He must sense some sort of hesitance because he brushes it off and gestures toward the rest of the shop.
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of it, you can go grab us a table.”
The way he says ‘us’ so casually has you tripping slightly over nothing. He’s somehow there in the nick of time to grab at your elbow in a gentlemanly fashion to help steady you. Perhaps you yank yourself out of his proximity a little too quickly. But it’s only because you really want to find a good table and you can’t do that if Jaehyun is distracting you by grabbing at your limbs. 
In actuality, though, the tea shop is fairly vacant. There are a variety of tables with pressed white tablecloths and dainty tiered tea trays housing pastries. You pick one at random and sit down. Part of you really does wish you’d left when Donghyuck did. But the other part is curious to see what Jaehyun’s like when he’s away from his team and truly outside the context you usually find him in. So you compromise and watch as subtly as you can.
He seems fairly similar—all charming smiles and pretty hair while approaching the counter to talk with the lady you assume is the owner of the shop. She looks stern as she polishes some dainty bone china, but brightens when he comes to the counter. You watch in quiet awe as she reaches a hand up to pat fondly at the side of his face, most likely pinching a cheek from the angle you’re sitting at. You see him run a hand over the back of his neck which grows red after he says something to her that she must not like. Her brow grows heavy and her lips purse but he says something else then that has her directing her sharp gaze at you. You gulp and pretend you were merely admiring the tea sandwich tray on the table as opposed to spying. A wave of sudden embarrassment comes over you and you open up your phone to text Donghyuck
You (15:38) - this is a shit apology just so u know
You (15:38) - come get me plz
Hyuck (15:40) - sorry suddenly cant read dont know what that says :)
You place your phone face down onto the table and cross your arms with a huff. While trying to plan an escape that makes you look the least asshole-y possible, Jaehyun returns with the drinks. More specifically, he returns with a tall water glass in one hand that’s filled with a pale tea with fruit chunks and mint leaves sprinkled throughout. The other hand is encased in a floral appliqué oven mitt that holds the prettiest squat little teapot you’ve ever seen. It’s blue, so it doesn’t match the pastel green teacups organized on the tablecloth, but it’s still a lovely sight.
“What’s this,” you stir at the fruit in the glass with an elegant teaspoon.
“It’s a chilled fruit tea,” he explains while casually pouring himself a steaming cup of black tea. “I tried my hardest with Mrs. Li, but there was no way I was gonna get you a smoothie. This is the closest thing I could get.”
“You really didn’t have to go to all that trouble. I would have been fine with just a water. I don’t want to get you in trouble with the owner.”
“Don’t worry. I think my reputation is fine for now.”
It’s weirdly fascinating to watch him fix up his tea. As a member of a basketball team, you would have never thought he’d be a tea drinker. Let alone a tea drinker who takes heaping spoonfuls of sugar to go with a tiny splash of milk in his tea. He hums a little to himself as he stirs it all with a silver spoon that’s been crafted to look like roses are growing up the stem. When he looks up a moment later, he catches you staring at him. His eyes crinkle and they look like they did when he looked at you after shooting a 3 at the latest home game, full of quiet joy. Both then and now you’re not sure what the smile means or why it seems to be for you. You look down and realize his lips are moving.
He chuckles at how far away you sound. “I said ‘how’s the tea?’”
“Oh, uh, I don’t know yet. I got distracted. I was...thinking.”
“Mhm.” There’s smugness practically oozing out of his thoughtful hum.
You take a sip to appease him and frantically search for something to say that won’t make it obvious that you aren’t a fan of tea, but then you stop yourself. It’s no smoothie, but it really is the next best thing. The tea is cold like a smoothie, providing the same reprieve from the sticky heat of Spring. The tea with all its macerated berries and mint leaves is sweet and thick much like a smoothie.
“This is amazing,” you peer down at the cup like you’re not sure where half the glass went.
A light weight lands on your shoulder then. “That’s very kind of you, dear. High praise coming from a non-tea-drinker.”
It takes a lot of effort not to scream and even then your eyes open comically wide and you jump in your seat. Jaehyun has to disguise his laughter at your reaction by turning away in his seat as you turn in yours to face the old lady who was at the counter.
“I’m sorry for any trouble you went to so you could make this, Mrs. Li, Ma’am. I told Jaehyun that I wanted a smoothie and he was just trying to make me feel comfortable.”
“Oh, I know. Jaehyun’s been coming to the shop since I opened it, so he should know all about my ban on requests.” Mrs. Li eyes Jaehyun as he takes an innocent sip of his tea. “He’s always been courteous about it, so I thought he must have a darn good reason for breaking my rule this time.”
Jaehyun’s hand slips while pouring a second cup, but he doesn’t say anything as Mrs. Li continues to expose him. 
“Now, that reminds me. Jaehyun, my boy, I’m sorry to tell you that Kevin won’t be coming to his sessions this week. He has a dentist appointment and it can’t be helped,” she sighs and waves her hands.
“That’s alright. As long as he practices a little every day he should be in good shape and we can pick up right where we stopped.”
She nods and for a moment the serious expression on her face morphs into something softer. Patting the back of his chair, she looks over the table and then at you.
“Alright. I hope everything is to your liking, but if something does come up do feel free to tell Jaehyun. He’s a very capable young man and he knows the shop like the back of his hand. I’d better get back to work now. The silver won’t polish itself.”
You wait a few beats to be respectful, but as soon as Mrs. Li returns to her post behind the counter you gulp down the rest of your tea and lean in. 
“Who’s Kevin?”
“Her 9 year old grandson. I teach him and his younger brother piano on the weekends.”
“Oh, that’s—that’s nice,” you nod coolly. At least, you hope it appears cool. Internally you’re scrambling.
Of course your best friend’s basketball teammate teaches piano to young kids. Of course he helps the elderly tea shop lady with her store. Of course he drinks sweet tea out of blue floral teacups. Of course.
He’s finally ready to go after a third cup. You’re not sure where he’s putting it all, but it seems to be a regular occurrence for him. He takes your glass from you before you can argue about your own ability to do it and walks back over to the counter. Now more than ever you wish you could read lips. He goes around the counter to wash the glass in the farmer’s sink in the back and then stops briefly to say something to Mrs. Li. She says something back with a smile that has his cheeks flaming. He leaves a bill on the counter and comes back mumbling about his tea being too hot when you stare at his face. You’re not sure how true that is given how fast he downed those cups.
When you emerge from the tea shop, the sun is shining from a different angle and the temperature has mellowed out.
“My car is a few blocks that way,” he points in the direction of the parking lot nearby. 
“You don’t have to—”
“I want to.” Even with his soft tone, his voice is firm and you don’t try to fight him on it.
But it’s strange walking with Jaehyun silently. It feels entirely too companionable despite the fact that you don’t even know him. 
“Do you...want to play 20 questions?”
He stops in his tracks, clearly not expecting you to talk without him coaxing you out of your shell. But after the initial shock fades, he nods.
“What’s your favorite color?”
“White,” he says immediately. “What’s your major?”
“Studio art. Do you play other sports?”
“Nah. Is Donghyuck your best friend?”
“Yeah, Hyuck’s my best friend.”
“Is he...protective?”
“Protective? Of what?”
“You, I guess.”
“Hyuck?” You let out a snort because the thought is just hilarious. “On the right day I’m pretty sure he’d sell me to Satan for a fresh order of sweet potato fries.”
“I see,” he purses his lips like he’s in deep thought before returning back to the present moments later. “You get two since I asked two.”
“Do you like it here, now that it’s been a while since you transferred?”
“Yeah,” he looks you in the eyes. “I like it here.”
You swallow a bit too audibly but power through and keep asking questions. It takes nearly half an hour to walk the two and a half blocks leading to the parking lot. Even after that, Jaehyun takes a scenic route back to the main campus. When he pulls up outside your dorm, you’re not sure what to say, but it feels like something should be said. The sun is near setting and he’s haloed by the dying rays as he leans on the steering wheel to make sure you make it inside.
After giving a little awkward nod, you drag yourself out of the cabin of his car. There’s only a few steps left until you reach the door when he calls out. You turn.
“So,” he trails off, drumming his hands on the steering wheel before adjusting the mirror even though he’s in park and no one is coming. “Donghyuck has, like, a million fans.”
“I just mean that he’s been on the team for years, he has a fan base. But I’m just a transfer student, so I don’t have that. And, you know, it’s really nice to have someone to cheer for you.” He tests the waters and looks at you hesitantly before continuing. “I still have your poster.”
All you can do is blink as you realize what’s going on. Or, you think you know what’s going on. And it makes zero sense to you, but you have a habit of overthinking things anyway. You kick at a pebble near the toe of your shoe, taking some time to muster up the courage to be presumptuous in a way you’re not used to.
“I can...I can make you another sign. If you want. Or like wear your number.” He grins and in that moment it seems to outshine the fading sun. “So you don’t feel left out.”
“I’d like that.” He starts the car up then, still grinning as he looks down to shift gears and adjust all his mirrors yet again. “Tell Hyuck he doesn’t need to set aside tickets anymore.”
“Okay,” is your witty reply before turning once more with a too warm face.
He waves at your retreating back before putting the car into drive.
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Everyone on the team knows that every once in a while Donghyuck likes to come to practice a lot earlier than is probably normal. It’s not strange to come in when there’s 30, 40, even 50 minutes before practice starts and find him practicing footwork or doing layups on the court alone. 
Jaehyun hedges a guess that he’ll find Donghyuck in the gym a good hour before practice starts one day and is pleased to find that his intuition was correct. There’s music blasting from a portable speaker and Donghyuck is doing some of the drills the coach likes to run, but done with his non-dominant hand.
When the ball rolls to a stop and Donghyuck moves to get some water, Jaehyun announces himself.
“You quitting already?”
“Not yet,” Donghyuck takes in the serious set of Jaehyun’s jaw and shoulders. “We can do a 1-on-1. If you’re up for it.”
Jaehyun nods and sheds his outer layers on the sidelines. Donghyck wonders if he’s angry about something, perhaps that about practice a few days ago where he went a little too hard on Jaehyun and bashed his cheek with an elbow during a scrimmage. He braces himself for some incoming aggression, knowing he may deserve it a little.
They settle for leaving the ball on the ground in the paint since the equipment cabinet is still locked until the coach arrives. Both of them sprint from the freethrow line, with Jaehyun grabbing the ball first. Donghyuck moves into defense easily, having been in game mode for who knows how long. Jaehyun isn’t nearly as tough in his offense as Donghyck expected. In fact, he’s playing surprisingly light.
“What’s up with you,” Donghyuck says after the first basket.
Jaehyun catches the ball after it falls from the basket, jogging it back to the starting position. Donghyuck waits for him back at the freethrow line, brows raised but otherwise silent.
“Nothing’s up. Nothing big, I mean.”
“You’re a pretty bad liar.”
The words catch Jaehyun by surprise and he stumbles a bit coming off the line. Donghyuck uses the momentary shock to his advantage and steals the ball. The point comes easy as he basically runs a circle around his competitor.
“Since I won that point, why don’t you tell me what’s really bothering you?”
Donghyuck doesn’t bother going back to the freethrow line and instead goes back to dribbling practice. His rhythm is slow with his off hand, but steady. Better than Jaehyun’s with his off hand.
“Do you believe in bro code?”
Donghyuck snorts. “I guess. You’re not gonna ask me for my mom’s phone number, are you?”
“No. Not your mom’s,” Jaehyun trails off.
Instantly Donghyuck knows what this is about. Or who. Your face flashes in his mind and he has to bite his own cheek to keep from laughing. Being your best friend gives him exclusive access to just how awkward you can be. But the fact that Jaehyun resorted to all this buildup is kind of hilarious.
“Aw, you guys are cute.”
“What?” Jaehyun’s cheeks grow pink. “Why is this cute?” 
“Look, you don’t need to ask me first or do whatever this is. I’m not her keeper. And I’m not gonna sabotage you, either.” Jaehyun’s shoulders lose some of their squared off edge.
“Okay,” he nods. “Thanks, man.”
“I could use a favor, though.”
“Oh. What is it?”
“I have a meeting with Coach after practice today. But I also really need to pick something up at the stationery store before tomorrow. Can you go pick it up for me?”
“Sure, I guess.”
“Cool. I’ll text you the details later.”
Jaehyun arrives at the stationery store with his phone in hand. The note from Donghyuck mentions some special set of paints with a foreign-sounding name. As he walks through the aisles of the little store, Jaehyun wonders who the paints are for. The note also mentioned that they were a gift for someone, but it doesn’t say who the someone is.
It takes a few laps around the store, and by the time he spots the little nook for the brand, the store owner's voice had already sounded through the overhead speakers to say that the shop would be closing soon. He grabs the last box left and quietly rejoices. Donghyuck had bartered your number for the price of running the errand. If Jaehyun could get the paints, then he could get the number. The odd part was that Donghyuck had mentioned something about Jaehyun possibly not even needing to ask him for the number if he played his cards right. Originally he had shrugged the comment off, but it did raise the hairs on the back of his neck a bit. There’s something about Donghyuck that feels akin to a cartoon villain, but Jaehyun can’t put his finger on it.
“Checking out?”
“Yeah,” he hands the shop attendant the container of paints.
The attendant tries to scan the barcode, but a strange sound comes from the machine.
“I think something’s wrong with the barcode. If you can wait right here, I’ll go get another one to scan and give you that one instead.”
“Oh. That was actually the last one left.”
“I see.” The attendant presses some keys on the computer before nodding. “I think we should have a reference code in that backroom. I can go get that and punch it in manually if that’s okay.”
“If it’s not too much trouble, that would be great.”
The attendant assures him it’ll only be a moment before leaving the counter and disappearing into the back of the store. Jaehyun waits patiently while leaning on the counter when the bell to the front door of the shop rings. Another customer has come in right before closing, and the sound of their labored breathing makes it clear that they know they’re cutting it close. The footsteps fade out and then grow louder once more after a few minutes. He takes a glance over his shoulder to see you standing a little bit behind him.
“Oh. Hi. H-hey.”
“Hey, yourself.” Jaehyun turns completely and sets his phone on the counter. “What brings you here?”
“I’m just grabbing some paint. I ran out a few days ago and I have some big projects coming up.”
“That’s funny. I’m doing the same thing.”
“Do you paint,” your eyes grow a little bigger with the prospect. At the sight of your small smile, Jaehyun wishes he could paint for the first time ever.
“No, but I’d like to learn.” And it’s never been true before, but he means it in that moment.
“Well, I could—”
“Sorry for the delay,” the shop attendant comes jogging back from the backroom. “Another employee had the reference book, so I had to spend some time to hunt it down. But you should be all set now.”
Jaehyun sends an apologetic smile your way before turning back to finish checking out. Once he’s done, even though he’s on a tight schedule with this favor, he hangs back.
“—I’m sorry but we sold out of the Neo Color Technology paints. If you’d like, we can give you a call when the next shipment comes in, but there’s a two-week wait.”
“Ah, really? Okay.” 
You gnaw on the inside of your cheek as you think about what you’ll do now. The idea of continuing some of your projects with a new set of paints that could have a completely different set of hues makes you nervous. You just perfected the shade of green you needed at the base for your huge forest study. Now you’d have to start from scratch.
Jaehyun is trying his hardest not to eavesdrop, but the odd paint name catches his attention. It’s the same one he just bought, per Donghyuck’s request.
“You can have mine,” he blurts out. “I’m the one who bought the last ones. But I obviously don’t need them like you do.”
“Are you sure?”
“Please, take them.”
Jaehyun hands you the bag. The smile you offer him in return is brilliant.
“I’ll pay you back.”
“God, no. Don’t worry about it.”
“Then, let me buy you a tea or something at least.” You hand him your phone. “Here, put your number in and you can pick a day. I’ll pay.”
So Jaehyun takes your phone and inputs his number. A moment later he gets a text from you, clarifying that it’s you. He feels victorious for a moment and then confused. Here he is, getting your number without having to ask, just like Donghyuck himself had mentioned. He’s getting this number because he gave you, Donghyuck’s friend, some paints. Paints that Donghyuck asked him to buy, as a gift to a mysterious friend. 
Maybe Donghyuck is less like a villain and more like a twisted fairy godmother.  
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This little dance you keep doing with Jaehyun is strange, to say the least. 
It felt odd to copy the number 14 onto your cheek for the first time knowing who it would really be for. And it felt weird to get so used to doing it that you can now copy the stencil in with practiced ease using the face paint you bought specifically for the occasion, no longer worrying about accidentally writing it backwards. All the while, you can barely make eye contact with him after a game, although you can practically feel the weight of his gaze when you make a beeline for Donghyuck after the last buzzer rings. And you can see the way his hand tugs at the gold chain around his neck as he approaches you cautiously. And you can hear the disappointment in his tone when he asks if you’re going to the house parties thrown by one of the players that typically follow the games only to hear you say no each time.
Another few weeks later finds you trying to make it through midterms. Donghyuck being a literature major means his midterms schedule is always different from yours. This time his midterms end much earlier, a few days earlier to be exact. You’re left to suffer through late night crunches to finish up paintings for one of your crits. Photoshopping some pieces for your digital art class leaves you so busy you don’t even register what’s going on around you.
“It’s my turn to host the post-game party,” he says after letting himself into your apartment one day. He drops the spare keyring reserved for him in the dish near the front door.
“But I feel like it would be a nice change to have it here.” When he makes a big show of dropping the takeout he brought you, you don’t even flinch at the sound of it hitting the table you’ve taken over.
“Sounds good,” is all you say as you try to find the one layer out of the 25 you had that you were looking for.
“Great, so I’ll probably stop by on Friday with stuff before the game to set up and then the team can just come through afterwards.”
“Don’t hate me,” he places a kiss on the top of your head before wrinkling his nose when he smells your unwashed hair. “And don’t work yourself too hard, either.”
Friday comes by and you’re still working, so you have to skip the actual game itself. In the brief window of free time you had that morning, you wonder if you should text Jaehyun again so you can tell him you won’t be coming or bringing your little hand stenciled 14. But you decide against it. It’s a big game and he doesn’t need to be bogged down by unnecessary texts.
You’re actually away at your first crit when Donghyuck stops by again, this time with party supplies. When you come back, you barely register the mountain of beers and cheap wines sitting in your kitchen. All you want to do is sleep like the dead for a few hours. As you zombie walk to your room, you swear you hear him call to you to ask if he can store his balloons in the sink. With your last two brain cells you figure he must have said something else and you were just too tired to actually comprehend it.
Hours later, bass blaring through the thin walls of your place wakes you from your slumber. The details of your conversation with Donghyuck a few days prior come flooding back just as you pick up your pepper spray to drive out what you thought were home intruders. You leave your weapon behind and open your door just slightly. The music washes over you, louder now that the seal to your bedroom has been broken. 
There’s plenty of voices coming outside that accompany the music. Even a few errant screams make it inside and to your ears. Courtesy of Chenle, no doubt. A few more brave steps outside your room and a glance out of the hallway window lets you know that you didn’t mishear Donghyuck. You see several of the guys chucking water balloons at one another on the grass outside. The pile of little teardrop-shaped balloons is admirably large and it becomes clear that they’ll be doing this for a while.
You’re not in the mood to get soaked or get mosquito bites just so you can seem friendly. After all, the party is being hosted in your apartment complex. That’s friendly enough, you reason. Once you’ve done a quick sweep through the rest of the apartment to make sure nothing is stolen, stained, or broken, you return to your room to get ready for bed properly. It takes a while because you have to wash your hair on top of everything else after receiving a very strongly worded text from Donghyuck.
While in your bathroom, brushing your teeth and watching a video Taeyong sent you, there’s jumbled knocking on your door. Barely any time passes between the last knock and the creak of someone leaning on your door as they open it. You curse to yourself before spitting in the sink.
“Hey, the bathroom for guests is actually—”
Jaehyun stands in the middle of your room, squinting at the tapestry you have hanging over your bed. The sound of his teeth chattering despite it being the peak of Spring is actually alarming enough to stop you from being mad that Donghuck didn’t think to put a clear sign towards the bathroom for the general public.
“I always thought your room would have candles in it,” Jaehyun drawls. He looks around once more like he’s hoping a candle will jump out of a hiding spot. All his movements are slow and sleepy.
“Are you drunk?”
He grins with eyes that droop closed. “Yep.” 
“Great,” you mumble. When you take a step closer you realize the dark red sleeveless tank he’s wearing is actually dark from being saturated with water. “Why are you wet?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah. We played water balloon tag. I lost the last round.”
Jaehyun places a clumsy finger to his lips and stage-whispers a loud “shh”. For some reason you mirror that back to him. He nods, satisfied with your reaction.
“Don’t tell the others, but I...” he hiccups “I got cold, so I came inside.”
“What’s wrong with telling them you’re cold.” He hangs his head in shame then. Clearly you’re missing something important.
“Hyuck says bad bitches never get cold.”
With his shoulders slumped forward in such a pitiful fashion, you actually feel bad for wanting to laugh. It’s surprising. Super surprising actually, considering Jaehyun’s presence in your room means Donghyuck forgot to do the one thing you ask of him when he hosts parties at your place—put clear signs for drunk people to follow to the guest bathroom. You usually don’t want to deal with drunk student athletes, but something about Jaehyun makes him exempt from that.
“You can warm up here.”
As soon as you say the words, you cringe. It sounds like the awful beginnings of a bad porno, but your intentions really are pure. There’s something too sad about watching him nearly doze off while standing up like a newborn colt. So you go and find the best hoodie that you have in your clean laundry and you risk going to the kitchen and getting hit with a runaway water balloon so you can put water on for tea. Hopefully it will warm him up while also sobering him up a little.
“Is this Hyuck’s shirt,” he asks as soon as you return with a steaming mug.
“Uh, I think so.” You take a moment to appraise the hoodie. “Yeah, it’s his. It’s from one of his basketball camps from when we were younger, I think.”
He purses his lips but gratefully takes the mug with swaying hands. After taking a large sip, he hums and lets his head loll back with a smile.
“This is Mrs. Li’s blend.”
It doesn’t seem right to tell him that you’ve been back there a couple times now and have started trying to get into tea. You take the time to put some distance between him and you. You walk to your bed and fluff a pillow that doesn’t need fluffing. The thing is that Jaehyun being in your room feels...weird. He looks all too content and comfortable in the space. That’s not to say he doesn’t suit the environment well. Somehow he looks like he belongs in your room with his soaked tank top and damp hair. You fluff the pillow harder.
“You must be tired,” he says after a long silence. He’s finished his tea but his eyes are still glassy.
“Donghyuck told me ‘bout all your projects. Told me you had to draw him for one.”
“Oh, yeah I did. People actually loved that piece the most. But it took me the shortest amount of time.”
“Next time,” he begins ambling across the room, coming to place the empty mug on your bedside table. “Next time, you can ask me to model. If you want.”
“I mean, I only asked Hyuck since he was watching TV and he was there. Plus I know his face so well that it doesn’t even matter if he talks while I paint. The company is kind of nice.”
“Well, you can do it with me next.”
He’s drunk, you remind yourself. He doesn’t realize how strange what he’s saying is. And yet, your face still heats up. The sound of his teeth chattering lightly again reminds you how he got to be in your room in the first place. Jaehyun hugs himself as he continues to check out your room with a small smile on his face. He looks content.
“Do you want to get in,” you offer before your brain can process what your mouth has just done. His eyes go wide.
“Excuse me?” 
“Not—I mean, you just...look really cold and tired. Plus I heard you guys lost the game tonight, so the coach had you hauling ass after.” At the sight of his mildly amused face, tongue nudged between his teeth you add, “I don’t mean you should stay the night. It could just be for a bit and then you could, like, get up and call a cab home. But I get it if you’d rather not. Actually, I can just go see if Hyuck is around. I think he brought his—”
“No, no, stay,” he replies quickly to keep you from jumping out of bed. “I could use the rest.”
He turns around to shrug off the wet tank and pull on the hoodie, mumbling something about ‘not wanting to get your sheets wet’. Internally you wonder if you’re being laughed at by the gods while staring politely at nothing in the other corner of the room. You scoot over from your position in the middle of the bed to the side opposite him. He rewards your kindness with a flash of a bright smile before moving to pull back the covers.
His face lands directly in one of your pillows and you panic when you realize your sheets aren’t fresh out the washer. Jaehyun doesn’t seem to mind and lets out a sigh before shivering a little. With the hood over his hair, you can barely make out his eyes but you can tell they’re trained on you.
“You sure this is okay,” he whispers. 
The bed shifts minutely as he turns a little to get more comfortable. It feels hot in the bed all of the sudden. Despite the fact that you have on weather appropriate pajamas and your most lightweight Spring bedding on. Despite the fact that you’re not laying close enough to him to be able to feel any body heat. Maybe it’s warmer outside than you thought. That’s probably it.
When you wake up several hours later, it’s to the sound of clanking in your living room. The other side of the bed is empty and you try not to read into it. It wasn’t supposed to be a full night over, after all. You swing your feet over the edge of the bed only to squeal when your foot hits something cold in the little rug you keep there.
“What is it!” Donghyuck crashes into the room while holding the trash bag he was collecting loose beer cans with. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just—oh.”
You look down at the rug and see something shiny and metallic as opposed to something wet and slimy. With your index finger and thumb, you pick up a medium length golden chain. It shines even in the low lighting of your bedroom. You both squint at the jewelry, trying to place it.
Donghyuck’s eye grow wide and he looks around the room in disgust suddenly.
“Was he in here?”
“Uh, yeah,” you grumble as you rub your eyes.
“What for?”
When Donghyuck raises an inquisitive eyebrow, your mouth drops open.
“We just slept—”
“You slept together?”
“Hyuck, not like that! What’s your problem?”
“Still, why is he sleeping in here? You never have guys sleep in here.”
“You sleep in here all the time,” you point a finger at him.
“True,” he cedes immediately, pointing a finger back. “Well, you better return that. I think it’s his lucky charm or something.”
“Can’t you do it?” He laughs before returning to the living room. 
“He didn’t leave it in my bed.” 
“I–fine. I don’t need your help anyway.” 
At that, he snorts.
“You do, but I’ll let you keep thinking that you don’t, because I’m a good friend.”
“You’re annoying, that’s what you are.”
You pull on a sweater before coming out of your room with your phone in hand. There’s a companionable silence that falls over you two as you attempt to draft a text to Jaehyun about his chain while Donghyuck picks up the remaining trash from the party.
“How’d everything go,” you ask once the message is sent.
“It was fine. Jae was so gone that we thought he had flushed himself down the toilet for a while. But I guess that’s not what happened.”
Your face heats up at the teasing tone he uses.
“Hyuck, I have something to tell you.”
“God, what? Are you pregnant?”
“No! What the hell? Are you?” You try to swipe at his butt from the back of the couch.
“No! But...can you just say what you’re gonna say? You’re making me nervous.”
He even goes so far as to put the trash down and come around to sit with you on the sofa. You take a deep breath.
“I have a crush on Jaehyun. I just thought you should know.”
He stares at you, not blinking for a few seconds. He opens his mouth and then shakes his head to himself and closes it again.
“I see,” he finally says.
“It’s been going on a while, and I didn’t want to leave you in the dark.”
“You’re not mad?”
“Nope! I don’t mind being in the shadows. I do some of my best work there.”
“Do you think it could go anywhere?”
“What do you mean,” he throws another can into his bag.
“Like, do you think I have a chance with him?”
Donghyuck turns to stare at you, deadpan. “Do I think you have a chance with Jung Jaehyun? The man who slept in your bed a few hours ago?”
“Yeah.” Your face is completely open and imploring.
He sighs, “I think you might have a shot, sure.”
“Why, though?”
“I don’t know. Just a hunch.”
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The next game of the season is a big one. The team coming in to play is an old school rival, so it draws a crowd that contains even the less sport-inclined students. You manage to get a ticket set away, but it’s still tough trying to find a spot to sit. It’s first come first serve with seats since the gym isn’t big enough to have labeled arena seating. 
Initially you had planned to use the extra time you had before the start to return Jaehyun’s chain, but it took you so long to make it from the parking lot to the gym and then to an open seat that there wasn’t any time left. Somewhere in between, you nearly get knocked over by the heavy current of fans from both teams flooding the space. The chain, once clutched in your hand, ends up around your neck out of fear that you lose it permanently.
You end up in the nosebleeds for the rest of the time. The players look like ants and if it weren’t for the large printed numbers on their jerseys, you might not be able to tell all of them apart. You text Donghyuck your location, and you see him looking towards the back rows at the beginning of the game, but he has to stay focused. You try your hardest to focus as well. At this point, you’re just about fluent in the sport that is basketball. But tonight’s game is hard to follow despite this. Jaehyun grabs your attention instead. He plays especially rough tonight, you note. He pushes hard across the court, even gets a couple warnings for defending like he’s on offense. There’s a fair amount of goals with his name on them as well. It’s exciting and you just wish your cheers could reach him.
More annoyance comes when the game finally ends. It’s a last minute shot by one of the other players who walked on this season that tips the game in your school’s favor. The crowd is deafening, even the ending buzzer is muted by their shouts. The bleachers shake under you with the force of fans running to meet their favorite players and generally gloat in front of the other team on the court. The shaking underneath you is terrifying enough to keep you seated until things have died down. There’s still probably a minimum of hundred people gathered on the floor, but you can at least step over empty concession bags as opposed to being stepped on by the supportive members of the hockey team.
It takes forever to find a single person you know. Of course it’s Donghyuck, who is in the middle of talking with some friends from off the team.
“Hyuck,” you begin to run over. When he sees you, you give him a big smile.
“No,” he responds simply as you get closer.
You slow down and let confusion wrinkle your brow. He offers no further verbal explanation but does give you a swift head nod in another direction. You follow the gesture and find Jaehyun at the end of the path. He looks a bit lost despite being with Doyoung and Johnny.
The fact that the others are there makes you freeze up at first, but the feeling of the chain laying delicately on your clavicle reminds you of what you need to do. Luckily, he sees you before the others do and he steps aside under the guise of getting a fresh towel. He waits for you to catch up once he’s out of their line of sight.
His voice is low, like he’s worried being too loud will make you change your mind about talking with him. But there’s an undercurrent of sincere happiness.
“There you are.”
“I was at the top row. I got here too late to sit where I normally do.”
“Ah. I thought maybe you couldn’t make it.”
“There’s no way I would be able to miss this one. Hyuck threatened to shave my head if I did.”
“That...sounds like him.”
“Yeah,” you chuckle. The nerves are getting to you a bit. You’ve never confessed your feelings to anyone before, and you’re not sure if Donghyuck was right about you having a shot.
“So, what are you doing—”
“I’ve been meaning to tell—”
You both start talking at once and then immediately clam up when you interrupt each other. 
He gives the floor to you. “You go first.”
You reach for the back of your neck and watch as his gaze follows the movement of your hands only for his eyes to light up in recognition.
“I wondered where that thing went.”
“You left it at my place. I put it on because I was scared I’d lose it for real. Sorry.”
He reaches out casually to thumb at the chain around your neck. “Don’t be. It looks good on you.”
“It looks better on you.”
The chain slides off cool against your skin and your fingers shake as you carry the chain over to him. Wordlessly, you reach up and loop your arms around his neck to reunite the chain with its rightful owner. Sweaty palms make it difficult to redo the clasp without being able to see it. It puts you right in his personal space for an awkwardly long time.
“I’m really sweaty,” he whispers.
“Uh, that’s nice?”
He laughs and it puffs off your temple.
“I don’t want to get you dirty, but I really want to kiss you right now.” The clasp finally snaps into place
The way he leans in, the way his arms come to cage around your waist, the drip of the sweat from his temple down the hinge of his jaw. All of it is slow. As if to give you the space to withdraw if you wanted. But you surge forward into him. And for once it’s not awkward. You don’t know how long you stand there necking like hormonal high schoolers in a sea of people on the gym floor at a school dance, but—just like at the school dance—someone is bursting the gossamer thin ambiance just when Jaehyun’s fingers graze the back pocket of your jeans.
“If you look to your left, boys and girls, you can see two local horndogs engaged in a seasonal ritual” He karate chops a hand down the space between your faces, cutting the kiss off abruptly and nearly bruising Jaehyun’s nose. Meanwhile Taeyong snickers loudly from behind Doyoung.
“Do you have a death wish,” you turn to him with fire in your eyes. He backs up slightly, but attempts to stand his ground.
“Do you know how hard I’ve been working to set you two up?”
“What are you talking about?”
You turn to Jaehyun, who looks just as confused. The gears turning in your heads are practically visible as you and he put 2 and 2 together slowly. The random lies, the weird errands, the sudden party. The blank stares from Donghyuck every time the two of you were in the same room but refused to talk. It all adds up.
“You owe me sweet potato fries for the rest of your life. Maybe longer, I’m not sure yet.”
Donghyuck puts his arms around you and Jaehyun, pulling you with him as he heads out of the gym and towards the exit that leads toward the cafeteria.
“I can’t believe you...puppet-mastered us,” Jaehyun’s voice is airy with disbelief.
“I can’t believe you guys didn’t realize what was going on,” Taeyong snickers on the walk over. Doyoung snorts while lacing their fingers together.
“Yeah, the whole team was in on it.”
“You guys are one to talk.” Donghyuck turns back to give the two boys a humbling once over. “Don’t get me started on how hard it was to get you two losers together.”
Doyoung stops in his tracks, nearly tripping Taeyong in the process. 
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melonkooky · 4 years
stray kids reaction - their s/o being a professional ballet dancer
genre: fluff (i guess lol)
author’s note: this is kinda a different style of reaction than i normally write. i also only chose one, if you want i can do another one with their s/o being a classical musician. ☺☺☺
please do not copy my work. but please like and reblog it. thank you!!!!
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bang chan
chan would think it’s the coolest thing. chan is an extremely supportive person so he would be by your side whenever he can. since ballet was an important passion of yours, chan would know not to get between you and ballet. he also understood because he had important passions himself. so whenever you were practicing or getting frustrated or in some kinda pain from ballet, chan would be on the sidelines supporting you. he would be there without any hesitation. he also would attend all of your shows to the best of his ability and if his schedule allows it.
lee minho
minho is a member of the dance unit of stray kids, so i think having you being a professional dancer would excite him. he would like that it was a different form of dance, compared to what minho did. minho would be a little more goofy when it came to you practicing. he would oftentimes tease you by trying to copy a move you’re working on and it ending up terribly. he’d try to do this mainly when you would get stressed, because minho just wants to make you laugh and feel better. he’s somewhat of a coach, telling you about his experiences as a trainer and backup dancer, and motivating you to try again, but also to take breaks and to not push yourself too much.
seo changbin
i think changbin would think that having you, a professional ballet dancer, would be the coolest thing in the entire world. he often spoke of you to his friends and members, trying to explain to them some crazy dance you did. but of course he would always end up saying, “if you saw it for yourself, you’d understand what i mean.” watching you dance would be mesmerizing because he liked how flawlessly you moved, the fluidity of your routines, how much concentration and thought you put into it, while also keeping accurate emotions for whatever the song was. changbin didn’t necessarily like the music you danced to, but that was okay as long as he could watch you dance.
hwang hyunjin
hyunjin would be like minho in this situation, so i’ll try not to repeat too much. i think he would really enjoy having someone like you that enjoys dancing as much as he did in his life. both of you would have conversations about dancing experiences and tips, and then of course remember the drastic difference in styles of dancing. hyunjin liked to attend your practices whenever he could, just like how you do with his practices. he would love to watch how hard you work. it would be beautiful in his eyes. and like minho, if you ever had any hardships and be frustrated to the point where you say, “i’m giving up.” hyunjin would be there, helping you, telling you to not give up your dream, your life, just because it’s hard.
han jisung
jisung would also be really supportive of you. however unlike the others, i don’t really see him coming to all your practices and watching you. he would love you, he would like the fact that you were a professional ballet dancer, he would love the fact that you have the opportunity to travel the world and perform shows at historical theatres. although jisung wouldn’t attend your practices on his own, he would if you asked him to. he would help you whether you asked him or not. and that also goes for attending your shows, because seeing you at your happiest is all jisung could ask for.
lee felix
felix would never hesitate in bringing you up in conversation. he would be so proud of you, all the time. he would be like your cheerleader. whenever your practicing, he would be off to the side watching you, waiting to come to your aid if need be. but he also knew you were a professional. he would love watching you dance and would think it’s the coolest thing. felix would attend all your shows, even inviting the members and family and friends, not caring if they disliked ballet. felix would just want to brag and show off the love of his life to his friends and family.
kim seungmin
seungmin most likely would be more quiet about you. however, that doesn’t mean he would love you and support you any less than the other members. seungmin would be the one to show up at your practices during lunch or dinner because he’d be worried if you’d eaten properly. he would bring you water as well. seungmin wouldn’t brag about you, but would ask family and friends if they’d like to see you perform. he would enjoy your performances because they were always moving, filled with passion and emotion. and if the members ever teased him about it such as the smile he would have during a solo, seungmin’s cheeks would blush very, very noticeably.
yang jeongin
i think jeongin would be similar to seungmin in that he would be shy, like, “oh jeongin, your s/o is a professional ballet dancer?” and he would grin and his cheeks would turn red. i can’t necessarily say if he and the boys would like ballet or not, but i think jeongin would admire you for how much effort you put into dancing. it reminded him of how hard he worked when he sang and danced. he would always ask you how you’re during and when your next show is, because you can count on jeongin to easily get the members to take him to your shows.
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nanasarea · 4 years
Zhong Chenle as your bff
Genre: crack fluff
Pairing: Chenle x reader
Prompt: best friend Chenle shaking your sanity 
Word count: 766 
a/n: me being in my chenle feels caused me to make this...he really do be shaking my bias list rn. also not proofread.
Jaemin / Jisung / Renjun / Haechan / Chenle / Jeno
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chenle is chaotic and i love him 
i know it’s 2020 and ya’ll probably forgot this existed but
Pokemon Go
you met while both playing Pokemon Go
he dragged Jisung outside to go with him to the park
Chenle was DETERMINED to find the rarest ones 
so when he heard you yell
“Oh my god! I found a Porygon!”
his immediate response was 
and you became instant friends
you met up regularly to catch the Pokemons 
and to get your km/miles in for your eggs to hatch
he ends up offering to take your phone to get the kilometers in for when you have to study
which was the most wholesome thing
and you thought he was the cutest human to ever walk this planet
but then you soon realized
he’s also the most chaotic
once, you wanted to put on more makeup than usual
or put makeup on in general, your preference
Chenle would clown you
“What happened to your face?” 
“That was makeup! What’s your excuse?”
You would bicker so much omg
“I can’t get the hang of this game, what’s wrong with me?”
“You want me to get the list? nice”
“Did you just “nice” your own joke?”
“You would too, if you could do jokes. Nice.”
yknow when Chenle wanted to eat on Weekly Idol and told Haechan he will buy him a new computer if he lets him eat?
that’s his way to get what he wants like 99% of the time
“no, chenle, it is 4 in the morning, go to sleep.” “I’ll buy that cute phone case you have in your cart but never bought” “when we meeting?”
no, you’re not his friend bc of his money
so you kinda feel bad at him buying you everything
and when he finds out, he just laughs
“consider it like me being your sugar daddy, but make it platonic”
he insists on spoiling you
even making an extra diy craft for when he does ChenJi’s This and That
and you guard it with your life
hyping you up
making you do aegyo
and then his arms turning into fists
he malfunction
also don’t you dare say anything bad about yourself
(in general, not just here lol)
especially not in front of him
he will scold you
and tell you that whatever insecurity you said was cute
but also he will not hesitate to insult you if needed
“chenle, what do you think? black or blue shirt?
“Black, the blue makes you look weird”
he’s a Sagittarius he has no filter what do u expect
but he’s also a cusp (scorpio-sagittarius cusp) 
so he enjoys insults
and sometimes uses them to cover the fact that he finds it cute
“that was weird”-chenle’s mouth
“that was the most adorable shit my eyes have ever seen”-chenle’s brain
also teasing Jisung together
ChenJi + you are the new holy trinity 
he plans all of your surprise birthday parties
like he did for jisung
“y/n, you are going home with me and MEETING ALL OF MY FAMILY BC THEY NEED TO MEET YOU!”
spoiler his family likes you more than chenji
you end up hearing all the stories from his iconic baby photos
you entering his house is basically Shane Dawson reacting to Jeffree Star breathing
“i knew you were rich, but damn, you rich rich”
and then you meet his nephew
it’s like looking at two babies at once
a big baby holding a small baby
he’s your own personal cheerleader
whatever you do, he hypes it up
screaming your name 
causing you to lose your hearing but okay
teaches you chinese insults and swear words
renjun scolds him for it
also turns into your personal chef
mainly he cooks ramen tho
mainly to show off
but he will feed you
he doesn’t care if you can eat yourself, 
he will feed you
gets all cocky when you compliment his food
“amazing, right?”
and he nags 
like almost all day
chenle: one of the best vocalists of this century, has been singing since he was a young child
also chenle: you know I’m a rapper, right?
127 marathons
since they are his favorite group
cue kun crying in the background
he ends up being a mom to you too
he baby chenle
he baby you
now both u and chenle baby
to kun
have i mentioned he cuddles you like 24/7
the c in chenle stands for cuddles 
and clingy
and cocky af
Long story short, he is just a whipped best friend who takes care of you while driving you insane at the same time 
I’m whipped for Chenle and that’s the tea, sis.
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bbulmeintea · 3 years
That Night.
Romantic Pairings: Lee Minho x Han Jisung (mentioned briefly).
Platonic Pairings: Hwang Hyunjin & Han Jisung (brothers).
Genre: Comfort // Late Night Convos.
Warnings: 13+, Brief Anxiety within Jisung.
Contains: Anxious Jisung, Mentioned Dysfunctional Family.
Word Count: 1,181 words (according to A03).
Summary: “If you ever want Seo Jisung to do something for you, like change the smoke alarm, get the groceries out of the car, or wash your clothes, don't expect him to do it for free. However, if you're Jisung's older brother, Hyunjin, don't even bother asking.”
A/N: “Disclaimer! This is a fanfiction meaning it is a work of fiction and not intended to be imitated, offensive, or impose danger on anyone, including those involved in the following story. Thank you for reading!”
Alternative: AO3.
If you ever want Jisung to do something for you, like change the smoke alarm, get the groceries out of the car, or wash your clothes, don't expect him to do it for free. However, if you're Jisung's older brother, Hyunjin, don't even bother asking.
" Baby bro?" If Jisung were smart, he'd keep his mouth shut and ignore the nonsense pouring out of the blonde's mouth. "Can I ask you for something?"
Yet, the younger always proved himself to be dumb each time. "Go to sleep, Hyunjin, dad's coming home late tonight, and if he sees we're still awake, he'll kill us."
Even in the darkness that surrounded the two boys, even in the bunk beds that kept them apart, Jisung rolled his eyes knowing Hyujin couldn't and wouldn't stay quiet. Maybe it was because he knew Jisung hadn't fallen asleep yet, or even worse, he knew Jisung wasn't sleeping for a reason.
"Yet, you're still awake," He said.
Jisung replied, not even thinking of the words flying out of his mouth. "That's because you won't shut up."
"Or because you won't let me ask you for something," Hyunjin added.
The brunette grumbled. "You're older! What could you possibly need from me?"
They were only months apart, but Jisung could swear they were lightyears added between them. Starting from the way Hyunjin's body outgrew their bunk beds and ending in the way Hyunjin captured the hearts of his peers with a single look. Including Jisung's crush, Minho.
"Oh, I don't fucking know! Be my brother?" The blonde dramatically huffed. "You know! My only brother that I have in the whole world!"
Jisung shut his eyes, "and? Find another one, drama queen."
"How dare you!" Hyunjin gasped as if he gotten shot or found out some life-changing family secret. "I am not a drama queen! I- I'm just a good actor!"
"An actor that needs to stop acting."
Another thing that seemed to add space between them, acting. Jisung never found himself lying through his teeth with a pretty smile for no reason. However, Hyunjin made it his hobby to lie about everything that didn't fit his perfectly crafted persona. Such as having two loving parents who cooked meals every night and are totally not in a messy divorce. Or, perhaps, being on the selective honor roll list and dating the hottest cheerleader in school.
"So, can I ask you or not?" He questioned, popping his head under the bunk to glimpse at the brunette.
Jisung sighed, opening his eyes. "Whatever makes you shut up."
"Great!" Hyunjin replied while seamlessly hopping into the younger's bed. "I knew you were worth not sending away as a baby."
"Sending away? We're like four or five months apart, dude." Jisung glared.
He smirked, "Ah! I was a smart five-month-old, you see."
Even in the darkness of their bedroom, Jisung could make out his older brother's cocky smirk and raised eyebrow as if those petty white lies somehow embraced him. Odd. The brunette found it odd, but the past year has also been like an uncanny valley picture, somewhat real and somewhat fake.
"Are you going to tell me or not?"
"Promise not to tell anyone, like anyone?" Hyunjin held out his pinky.
Most would raise an eyebrow, but Jisung crossed their pinkies. "Like the time you begged me not to tell dad you crashed at Jenny's and pissed her grandpa off?"
"Mm. I can't help that she wanted me to braid her hair." He shrugged, releasing their pinkies.
Jisung added. "Until her grandpa nearly killed you and threatened to call dad or god forbid, mom."
"He threatened to kill Jenny’s boyfriend, but yeah." Hyunjin corrected.
He grimaced. "That she doesn't know she has- Great. Totally not creepy or whatever, but continue."
“Continuing!” The blonde scoffed out a chuckle, twirling his small ponytail. “I was wondering…”
Jisung blurted. “Can you tell me instead of wondering?”
Jisung groaned. "Jinnie, don't tell me... You just said-"
"Yeah." Hyunjin shrugged. "Tell daddy you wrecked the car, you know because you're his favorite and all."
"Favorite!? He gave you a car!"
"So...? He gives you allowance."
"To take care of you, idiot."
"Still. Please, for your dearest older brother, please."
Jisung shut his eyes to avoid Hyunjin's pleading looks. If it weren't for their physical differences and the fact Hyunjin even has a car to wreck, Jisung could've sworn he was older than the irresponsible drama queen resting beside him. However, his older brother might need help... Big time.
"Fine!" His eyes popped open as Hyunjin engulfed him in a warm hug. "I'll help you, but you have to promise me something, okay?"
"Anything!" Jisung’s smirk was well hidden in the darkness of the two teens' bedroom. "Whatever keeps daddy off my back."
"You'll..." Jisung's breathing halted. "Set me up with Minho...?"
Hyunjin released the younger from his grip. "With Minho? Lee Minho? That guy on my debate team?"
"Yeah, that guy."
Silence so thick, silence so dry, silence so thick and dry hadn't consumed Hyunjin and Jisung's room since the announcement of their parent's separation, but even then, it was full of tears and hugs. Right now, none of that was present, which left not only awkward silence but racing thoughts in the brunette's mind. Was his older brother surprised to the point he went silent? Or was he so disappointed he'd rather keep his mouth shut?
Honestly, both thoughts sent Jisung spiraling on the inside and maybe outside too.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Even in the dark, Hyunjin saw how Jisung's lip quivered as he held back tears. "Jisung..."
Hyunjin filled the air with a constant flow of words, yet nothing changed. "Jisung. Ji? Talk to me."
If silence could be thick and dry, then tears were a tsunami of emotions that overwhelmed them both in various ways. Hyunjin was never the best at catching Jisung's small triggers, which he couldn't help, but envy his absent mother for, although gone on a trip to Australia, she always knew how to calm him. Hell, she knew everything about him and might've caught onto the younger's crush on Minho first. Mrs. Seo- I mean, Ms. Hwang probably wouldn't be in such a situation, she was gentle, and maybe, Hyunjin just wasn't.
"Hey, I'm sorry-" Still, the blonde knew how to apologize, unlike Ms. Hwang, who never seemed to. "I'm sorry, I don't know what the hell I'm doing or what I should be saying. Mother always knew what to say. Me? Not so much."
Jisung let out a small scoff. "Now, that woman's a good actor. Too good."
"Yeah..." Hyunjin's voice trailed. "So, wanna do that tv sitcom thing where we open up and hug?"
Jisung replied. "Twice in one night? No way!"
"Thank gosh."
If you ever want Jisung to do something for you, like change the smoke alarm, get the groceries out of the car or wash your clothes, don't expect him to do it for free. However, if you're Jisung's older brother, Hyunjin, don't make Jisung question himself. It's something his mother was too good at doing.
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Writing Blog URL(s): @mjlkau​​ (nct) & @beomberry (multi)
Name: Anie
Nationality: Filipino
Languages: English and Filipino
Star Sign: Aquarius
What fandom(s) do you write for?
Nct dream, skz txt, red velvet
When did you post your first piece?
May 24, 2020
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why?
I write fluff, angst and suggestive and sometimes all together. It depends on the mood or the general feel of the concept (especially when I join collabs).
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc?
Reader Inserts as of now, I have yet to try anything else.
Why did you start writing on Tumblr?
I got bored one day and missed wattpad.
What inspires you to write?
I guess my own feelings, sometimes I would add random notes that would hit other people when I show them, so why not make it into fics in secret? <:
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?
I love fantasy. I love a good weird plot that’s never seen before.
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?
Hoping the plots aren’t as common and maybe my writing style will be noticeable.
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?
I stop and breathe when my own thoughts can’t be processed or I ask people to help me with it.
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?
My most favorite work is my fic for jisung called Within Walls because I put my heart into it (even if it’s such a short piece) and for my story guide (since it was a myth) it had little to no dialogue as I had to add a lot for it to make sense. Most successful is my first timestamp which is for Hyuck {1:24 pm}
Who is your favorite person to write about?
When I first started I thought I would write for Mark and Hyuck a lot but I seem to like writing for Jeno (even if most of my works are Renjun shh) but I don’t know it just seems extra magical when writing for Jeno.
What do you think makes a good story?
Conflict, imperfections and honestly you don’t always need a good ending for a good story.
What is your writing process like?
Either I get in the zone and write till I tire out or I think of a concept and then create the title and plan each scene.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?
I like enemies to lovers. I don’t have any tropes that I don’t stand in specific but I hate when people use ‘orbs’ big turn off or when they use words that sound abnormal to read.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?
Very much! I like to know if it’s good and why and maybe some of your favorite scenes?
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)?
Probably when t*mblr tags used to work ): But I've been getting a lot of followers lately when I had put out longer works and fixed my layout maybe. Plus joining collabs and meeting new mutuals (:
Favorite color: any pastel colors
Favorite food: Chicken nuggets
Favorite movie: If i must pick one it’s scott pilgrim vs the world (can’t stop watching)
Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla
Favorite animal: cats
Go-to karaoke song: September by earth, wind & fire
Dream job (whether you have a job or not):
I just want to be successful with whatever I plan to do (currently lost but I’m in Marketing) and be happy.
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering?
Coffee. Americano or caramel macchiato
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?
Renaissance Era
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?
No, I don’t want to be exhausted twice.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?
I like this question. One horse-sized chicken. Do you know in the ph the host chicken fights? That’s so scary please.
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?  
I wanna be a cheerleader but instead of being horrible to the main character I’ll just act unbothered, but at least I’m a cheerleader. (HAHA)
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?
Yup! Absolutely
What’s the most unusual place you’ve ever fallen asleep?
My friends and I went somewhere and we had luggage but Jet lag really hurt me so I ended up lying down on the luggage when we finally got into the place and I fell asleep without realising.
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?
I’m allergic to shellfish.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?
Yes, it’s because we are looked so down upon because they think we’re doing something that shouldn’t be done, that it’s wrong and creepy and whatever negativity they splur ou ton us (especially for sm*t). But people forget that what we write is fiction and will forever be fiction.
Do you think art can be a medium for change?
Yes! Draw out your feelings, write what you think is right. People do it all the time when their voices aren’t heard enough.
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?
When I ask for requests, I think I do my best to write what I want, because there’s a different satisfaction when writing for yourself.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?
Not yet.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?
Nope, maybe just one but they’re on tumblr with me too (:
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?
Thank you so much for supporting me! It means a lot (:
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?
Do what you want to do, don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise.
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey?
Yes! I would like to list a few, my very early mutuals; @jensungf @neocitybynight @legendnct @hyuckgasm @aufaits @nanasarea @peachy-jisung @neostains
Pick a quote to end your interview with:
Look! Skrrt pull up in the coupe, beep-beep. Girl, I got your lovin' on repeat (Brra) - Mark Lee, Highway to Heaven
Interested in your very own episode of The Sunny Show? Find out how to apply here.
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caprichans · 4 years
𝙛𝙖𝙣 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙨 — 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
FAN FIC RECS — MASTERLIST: a compilation of some of the best skz fics written, mostly crafted in the depths of archiveofourown. feel free to browse through these amazing works and send off your kudos to the authors for creating these amazing works! 
NOTE: these fics are member + member ships. 
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[ ♡ ] highly recommended, favorite [ G, PG, PG-13, *E ] audience ratings  * E meaning explicit content or R-18; warnings will be explained below  [ HOT! ] a new pairing or fic  [ OG ] original work
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minsung [minho + jisung] 
[ ♡ ] verbatim by icemage4739 (PG, violence)  – a mafia au wherein minho and jisung meet through an encounter with a rival gang, and they get entangled with tensions between the two gangs. 
[ ♡ ] you’re driving me wild by prettyboykook (PG)  – wherein minho is a vet and jisung’s an art major who meet because of a stray kitten that got caught in a storm. 
the curse of saturdays by indifferentyoongi (PG)  �� wherein minho needs a fake boyfriend, and changbin happens to know just the guy. 
[ ♡ ] broken compass by luway (PG-13, violence, implied/referenced homophobia)  – a pirate au wherein jisung is a merchant lost at sea, and minho, a baker, happens to hold on into a precious ornament that belonged to jisung years before he finds him with a brand new family, and a chance at a new start. 
to: the lonely hearts club by jisxngie (PG-13, implied self-harm)  – wherein lee minho runs the lonely hearts club, a blog where lonely, broken hearts of the world can gather, talking to him about their relationships, their crushes, their heartbreak. jisung crushes on the cheerleading team of his rivalling school, minho, and turns to the lonely hearts clubs for solutions. 
on my lips (your laughter is the sweetest) by luway (PG-13)  – wherein minho is a deaf barista, and he finds jisung’s lips pretty whenever he has to order a drink at his cafe. 
talk too much by bassbot (E, smut)  – wherein minho and jisung make out when the power goes out of the dorms. 
[ ♡ ] suncity by icemage4739 (PG)  – a royalty/tangled au wherein minho, a prince, just wants one night of freedom, and a thief named jisung just so happens to be the one who can bring him the freedom he’s been wanting. 
windows to your soul by screwzlooze (PG)  – wherein jisung’s a director working on a film, and he needs a person suited for one of the main characters of his film. luckily, he finds the perfect person, but he finds him throwing up in a bathroom stall. 
changlix [changbin + felix] 
[ ♡ ] falling: a photo essay by lee felix by seuta (G) – a photographer au wherein felix needs a muse for his portfolio and changbin happens to be in the right place at the right time. 
[ ♡ ] beats me chewhy (PG-13) – a 1940s/1950s au wherein changbin and felix are both poets in a dark society. 
read my lips by jisquish (G) – a high school au wherein changbin is deaf but whipped for a cute boy named felix.
broken compass, young wings (PG)  – a soulmate au wherein changbin doesn’t have a soulmate, but finds his next door violinist neighbor, felix, quite interesting. 
[ OG ] incandescent smiles (G)  – wherein changbin has this habit of smiling at everyone, and felix happens to be a boy with smiles that could light up a thousand suns.
[HOT!] chanlix [chan + felix] 
[HOT!] [ OG ] talking to the moon (PG, angst)  – wherein the moon finds two soulmates from australia talking to it, and decides to bring them together in seoul 
seungjin [hyunjin + seungmin]
[ ♡ ] blessings wait by seenstealers (PG-13, underage drinking, swearing, making out)  – a hogwarts au wherein hyunjin and seungmin have been in the same group of friends for years, but have never spoken to each other until one day, when hyunjin asks seungmin to tutor him. 
[ ♡ ] when we cross at intersections by orphan_account (PG-13)  – wherein hyunjin’s a part-time waiter and seungmin’s an idol that meet up again after several years at hyunjin’s part-time job.
something in the water by iridessence (PG)  – a siren au wherein hyunjin is in australia for vacation and he finds himself falling for siren seungmin. 
seungbin [seungmin + changbin] 
[ ♡ ] friends and foes and princes by hero_hero (PG)  – a royalty/magic au wherein hyunjin and seungmin decides to switch identities and mess up an entire kingdom. 
[HOT!] unsuspecting by straycty (E, smut)  – wherein changbin had a crush on his neighbor, chan, until he saw his brother. 
[HOT!] heartbeats accelerating series by bitsori (PG)  – wherein hyunjin is getting married, and seungmin & changbin get stuck on a trip together + minho and jisung make an important announcement, and it makes seungmin & changbin rethink where they are in their relationship
 hyunmin [hyunjin + minho] 
[ ♡ ] sub rosa by hero_hero (PG-13, heavy angst)  – wherein all hyunjin wants to do is get his boyfriend, minho, to pay attention him. it appears to be harder than hyunjin thought it would be. 
woochan [woojin + chan] 
[ ♡ ] blushing, baking, and balconies by wonpilsdimple (PG)  – a neighbors au wherein woojin sings outside his balcony sometimes, but he finds somebody else singing back. 
seunglix [seungmin + felix] 
what the hell is your problem, kim seungmin?! by orphan_account (PG)  – a high school au wherein seungmin is an avid daydreamer who often dreams on winning the the love of a certain someone named lee felix. 
ot9 [poly ships] 
[ ♡ ] what doesn’t change by layni1771 (PG-13, suicide, murder, homophobia, warnings added at the end of each chapter)  –  a reincarnation au wherein minho falls in love with 8 people in 8 different lifetimes. 
when you love someone by krucxa (PG-13, depression, self-harm, suicide attempt)  –  a soulmate au wherein changbin dreams of whatever his soulmate is doing in their daily life, and it isn’t good. thankfully, hyunjin’s presence is enough to calm him down, but the dreams keep on replaying on changbin’s mind and he knows that it’s happening again. 
[ ♡ ] jeongin’s foolproof guide to getting out of bad dates by percentage (G)  –  wherein jeongin has his fair share of bad dates, and [not so] luckily, his friends step in as his jeongin bad date protection squad. 
[ ♡ ] new boii™ and boiifriends™ by ashtin  – a textfic au wherein everybody is just heads over heels for the new boy in town, felix. 
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NOTE: just because there are  [ ♡ ] ‘s does not mean that the recs are my least favorite! all of these fics are really recommended to read. it’s completely fine if you don’t want to read it because of the warnings. :) 
i will add more as i encounter some more fics that i will read. 
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tartxglia · 5 years
Smitten // Bang Chan
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Pairing: Athlete! Chan x Cheerleader! Reader Genre: Fluff Requested: Yes by anon Words: 7.3k+ Warning: Little bit of sexual tension but not smut level
A/N: Sorry this took so long! Sorry if I don’t mention much about cheerleading or get technical, I’m not very well versed in it :( I tried my best with it, I hope you like it anon~
It wasn’t every day that you fell for boys on your first night out in the new town. Or in this case, fall on them.
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry!” With how packed the club was, you expected the pushing and shoving but you weren’t expecting to be thrown into some guy’s arms. As a natural instinct, your hands came up and held onto the closest stable source in order to avoid falling–the source being this random guy in the club.
“No no, no worries. I hope you’re okay.” He was nice enough to grab onto your forearms, helping to stabilize you until you were back on your own two feet. 
Now on both your feet, you finally look up to meet the eyes of the owner of the gentle voice. 
Wow, you feel your breath taken away. His wavy blonde hair was styled perfectly to fall across his forehead and away from his eyes which seemed to reflect tenfold every dim lighting in this club. There was a small gentle smile on his face as he greeted you and it made you putty in his arms (quite literally since the two of you had yet to separate). God, he was cute and you were smitten for him.
“U-uh yeah I’m good. Sorry for the sudden uh-” Realising that you were still in his hold, you finally let go and so does he. You smile in thanks but neither of you takes a step away from the other.
“No really, it’s okay. It’s pretty packed in here huh?” He smiled wider and gosh was that a dimple? Pretty sure you were swooning in plain sight at this point.
“Yeah, no kidding is it usually always like this?” You ask, taking the opportunity to start a conversation with the cute guy. 
“On Fridays? Always,” He chuckles and god dammit even his chuckle is cute. “The college kids love to come here after a tough week. You new around here?”
“Uh yeah,” All of a sudden you’re nervous and fiddling with the hair in front of your face, tucking it behind your ear, flashing a shy smile, “Starting college soon.”
“Hey,” you feel him nudge you lightly with his elbow, prompting you to look back up at him. “How about I buy you a drink then? A treat for the newbie?“ 
His head tilts sideways following his question and his smile is gentle as ever. His eyes are soft and clearly, he doesn’t mean it in any motive other than friendly. 
A cute guy was asking you out? Did this count as asking out? Oh god, your heartbeat picked up and you were nervous but you thanked whatever gracious deeds you had done in your past life to deserve this.
Your shy smile widens and just as you’re about to accept his offer and ask for his name, the phone in your back pocket blares with a call. 
"Sorry, I gotta take this,” you flash an apologetic smile and fish out your phone, finding the call to be from your best friend who you had previously lost in the crowd.
“Rina? Rina hey,” you’re shouting down at your phone, one hand plugging your ear as you try to make out what she was saying. 
“Y/N! Y/N Y/N Y/N my bestest world friend!” What-‘bestest world friend’? Was she drunk? Already?
“Rina are you drunk?”
“Drunk????? God forbid no!” The evident slur of her words was contradictory to her claims, this girl was drunk. 
Sighing, you can only close your eyes for a moment before replying back, “Hey, okay Rina I need you to move towards the toilet, okay? I’ll meet you there. Go there, now, got it?" 
You finally put your phone down and face the cute guy again, "Sorry, I really gotta go.”
“Yeah, no problem! Looks like your friend is having a bit of trouble, huh?” His gentle expression never once wavered, you kinda felt bad turning him down like this.
“She tends to go a little crazy when unsupervised, yeah,” you lightly chuckle at your own statement and he returns it. “I’ll hold you up to that offer next time?” Gosh, you hope your face doesn’t give away your hopeful expression, that’d be embarrassing. 
He lets out a light chuckle once again, glancing down and ugh he’s so cute, “Yeah, I hope so." 
With a final flash of his cute smile and adorable dimples and your shy smile in response, you back away, off to look for your cockblocking best friend.
It never occurred to you that you had never exchanged names with the cute guy until you were dragging your drunk friend towards a cab. Somewhere in the middle of her drunk ramblings, she asked what you were up to and that’s when it hit you. You had no idea how to refer to the cute guy except for ‘cute guy’. 
Ever since that day, Rina’s been teasing you for not even managing to exchange names with the cute guy, to which you retort by calling her out for her interruption. Still, you described his features to her, the way he talked and how kind he seemed and Rina was convinced you fell in love with him.
Unfortunately, you haven’t seen him ever since then, not even around your college. He seemed like a college student, just like you, albeit probably senior to you but still. Thoughts of him always lingered at the back of your mind from time to time but you had no time to be swooning over a guy you barely knew. As a med student, you already had a lot on your plate and now that you were in training for the cheerleading squad, your plate was overflowing. You didn’t complain about it though, you truly enjoyed studying medicine and you equally loved the art of cheerleading. 
Plus, there were many other cute guys right on campus–Kim Seungmin for example. He was also in medicine and you shared quite a number of classes with him, even working on a few group projects with him. He had a refreshing feel and exuded the kind of gentle and innocent vibes that a lot of girls on campus seemed to like. While you weren’t blind to his beauty and charms, you simply didn’t view him as a possible romantic partner and so your friendship with him very quickly thrived. In a matter of weeks alone, you found out just how maniacally evil he is underneath those innocent looks and he cracked your shy shell to find the confident sassy woman you are underneath. 
When Rina found out you were classmates with Seungmin, she just about stopped breathing. When she found out about your growing friendship with him, she just about fainted. It was on one rainy weekend, you and Rina huddled on the sofa discussing gossip as one does with their best friend, that you learnt out about Kim Seungmin and his eight friends. Apparently, there were nine guys spread across your college, Covern, and your rival college, Rashford. Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin, Kim Woojin, and Lee Felix attended Covern while Bang Chan, Seo Changbin, Han Jisung, Lee Minho, and Hwang Hyunjin attended Rashford. The nine friends were as thick as thieves, yet separated into the two biggest colleges of the area who also happened to be rivals. These nine were also known for their handsome looks and kind personalities that made them extremely attractive to the female college student population. 
Of course, being the kind of person you are, the next time you saw Seungmin you didn’t hesitate to bring this up. The sly smile on your face as you approached him didn’t go unnoticed and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t the least bit worried about what was going on in your head.
"Kim Seungmin,” you began barely being able to hold in your laughter, “you’re so good looking, you’re so popular! What did I do to deserve you as my friend?” At this point, you have the fakest awestruck look on your face, your hand dramatically on your forehead, your eyes glancing at Seungmin. The only response you get from him is an eye roll and a sigh, the typical Seungmin response.
“You found out about me and my friends huh?” He quickly goes back to the book on his desk, revising the content for today’s class. You finally drop the act and slide into the seat beside him, constantly nudging him as he stares down at the book below him.
“I knew you were popular with the ladies, Seungmin,” you hear him groan out loud at that statement, “but being in a whole boy band of good looks? That’s a whole another level.”
“We are not a boy band.” He’s quick to snap in reply and you can only snigger as you continue teasing him.
“Anyway, when were you gonna introduce me to your fellow boy band members?” He narrows his eyes at your choice of words but gives up fighting you. With another sigh, he finally turns his body in his seat to properly face you.
“You know the game happening this weekend?”
“The basketball game?” You had heard that basketball season was starting soon. Not because you were a huge basketball fan, but more because of the preparation the cheerleading team was going through for the upcoming tournaments. “What about it?”
“Well, my friends are playing–as the opposing team that is–and then we’re gonna have a party, at my house. I was gonna invite you to meet my friends there.”
“Woah woah, am I being personally invited by the Kim Seungmin?” His shoulders sag and his face is deadpan at the fact that you continued the joke. Before he could possibly retract his invitation, you quickly straighten yourself up. 
“Okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you’re still giggling here and there, your hand on his arm asking him to calm down. “I’d love to meet your friends, send me your address?”
He nods and the conversation ends there just as the teacher walks in and starts class.
You can’t suppress the light shiver you feel as you enter the air-conditioned gymnasium with Rina. The bleachers are slowly filling up and the place is in a buzz as students of both Covern and Rashford gather to watch the big match. You register the squeaking of shoes as the players warm up as Rina and you do a quick sweep of the bleachers for an empty spot. With a quick wave towards Seungmin who you had spotted sitting with his Covern friends, you and Rina finally sit down and face the court.
Off to one corner, you see the cheerleading team prepping for their performance. You’d join but you weren’t declared ready yet, still in need of a little more practice getting used to group dynamics and performance skills. They figured you’d be ready by the next tournament and you couldn’t wait to finally show what you had been working hard on. On the court, you see your college’s team players in white and gold in one half and the other team in black and red on the other half. Rina is beside you squealing over the good-looking friends of Seungmin as well as some of the Rashford players and your attention is brought to them. Your jaw drops and you swear you’ve stopped breathing this time as you register the cute blonde hair guy from the club among the players. 
“That’s him,” your voice is quiet and you mumble more for yourself rather than Rina but she catches it anyway. 
“That’s him, that’s the cute guy I met at the club. The blonde one there.” Her head snaps to look at you but you’re just gaping over at the Rashford team. Oh god, he was wearing a sleeveless jersey. Dammit, this was basketball of course he was wearing sleeveless. Your eyes soak up the beauty of him, his blonde hair that’s left unstyled but still falling perfectly on top of his black headband. His biceps that bulge and tense as he dribbles and maneuvers the ball with ease, and the veins on his forearms as he flicks his wrist for a hoop shot. Fuck he’s cute and really hot? Unfair.
You’re snapped out of your trance admiring him as Rina suddenly snaps upright, screeching, “You met Bang Chan?!" 
Your eyes widen and you’re aware of the slight hush that fell over the gym at Rina’s exclamation. He, who you now knew was named Chan one of the nine heartthrobs, probably heard it too but you didn’t dare look in that direction. You quickly grab onto her wrist and tug her down to sit back down. Unwillingly, your eyes flicker to the Rashford team to find Chan looking in your direction. You see recognition in his eyes and oh god you wanna curl up and hide in embarrassment. 
"Rina, will you shut up?” You practically hiss at her, “Nice going, now he knows.”
“Y/N you met Bang Christopher Chan! At the club!” She’s still holding a shocked expression.
“Yes, I know that thanks,” you take the moment to look back towards Chan. He has a slight smile on his face and you send him a small shy wave in greeting.
“He was gonna ask you out!” Rina squeals as she punches your arm in excitement. 
“He didn’t-That doesn’t count.” You pout as you rub the sore spot on your arm. 
“Oh Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,” she swings an arm around your shoulders and faces front towards the court again, “you’re cute, I’ll give you points for that.”
You’d reply but you’re too busy admiring Chan again who has gone back to warming up with the rest of his team. When you don’t respond, she continues, “You gotta put your game face on girlie, you got a man to seduce.”
This time you don’t have a response apart from the stuttered “No!” you managed to squeak out.
Parting with Rina post-game was both easy and hard. On the one hand, you couldn’t wait to get away from her and her teasing remarks cheering you on to seduce Chan and “get some.” On the other hand, you were now nervous as heck about going to Seungmin’s party. She left you with Seungmin, but not before giving you many winks and sly nudges. Seungmin noticed the weird behaviour and when he turned to question you about it, you simply raised a hand and stopped him right there. Surprisingly, he lets it drop and instead leads you to his car, making light chat about the game on the way to his home. 
“So you must already know Jeongin, Felix, and Woojin quite well,” he began and you lightly nod in response while admiring the sights outside. 
“I wouldn’t say 'well’, but I do know more about them than the rest.” You glance at him from the corner of your eye and the sight of him watching the sides of the road for oncoming cars as he turns into a curb almost makes your heart flutter. “Jeongin is working towards a teaching degree, Felix majors in dance and Woojin is a lit major, right?”
“Yeah, I’m not surprised you’d know more about them since they study here in Covern. My other friends are Rashford students; Chan, Hyunjin, Minho, Jisung, and Changbin.” The moment he mentioned Chan’s name, your heart fluttered and you push down the smile fighting to appear on your face.
“Chan is the uh-the basketball player right?” You try to coyly ask while also hiding your growing interest.
“Yeah, Chan or sometimes otherwise called Chris, he’s a music major in Rashford and he’s also caught your eye, what’s up with that?”
Your peaceful scenery gazing is interrupted by his unexpected comment and all of a sudden you’re choking on your own spit. 
“Cau-Caught my eye? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You try your best to put on a poker face, recovering from the choking fit you just had. All you can do is look outside, unable to meet eyes with Seungmin who is now chuckling at your flustered state.
“If you wanna play hard-to-get with that denial game, that’s your choice,” you finally see him pull up into the driveway of a home you assume is his, “But just saying, he has just as much interest towards you.”
By the time you’ve registered what he said and recovered from the shock of it, he’s already opening his side of the car door. You gape at him as he exits the car, and continue gaping as he slyly smirks at your flustered expression.
He’s leading you towards his house as you stutter questions regarding his previous comment but he keeps quiet with that damned smirk on his face. Instead, he opens his front door and immediately you’re welcomed with the ruckus going on inside his house. There’s a chill but upbeat melodic tune playing from what you presume to be his living room where you see most of the boys inside, another few in his main corridor heading to raid his kitchen. 
“Yah!” The loud exclamation from the otherwise demure boy beside you makes you jump and you turn to see him walking into his kitchen, chasing the boys who just went in. You’re left at his doorstep, feeling slightly awkward and lost, but not for long as you’re accompanied by an arm slung around your shoulder. 
“Hey! You must be Y/N, right?” You trace the cheery voice to be the owner of the arm slung across your shoulder and you can only shyly nod in response. The guy has dark blue hair and a bright expression on his face. His smile is really cute, especially considering the cute squirrel-like cheeks he had. His whole demeanor exuded soft vibes that easily relaxed you into a smile, making you feel comfortable in his arms as he leads you into the living room towards the rest of the boys.
“I’m Jisung,” he flashes a smile and you coo inside at how adorable he looks. He waves a hand forward and you pull your attention away from him to the five boys huddled in different areas of the couch. “Guys come meet Seungmin’s friend!”
Five heads turn to face you and you flash a small smile in greeting, your eyes sweeping the crowd of faces. Your eyes snap first to the familiar faces of Felix and Woojin, before realizing you didn’t know the other three in the room.
“Hi I’m Y/N, Seungmin and I are classmates.” Your eyes sweep the living room once more before confirming that Chan wasn’t in the room and you didn’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed. Still, introductions and names were exchanged all while Jisung’s arm remained around your shoulder. Surprisingly, you didn’t mind it despite the fact that you had just met the guy because he exuded such calm friendly vibes that you easily accepted that he was a touchy person. 
All of a sudden, the arm on your shoulder is slapped away and you turn to find yourself facing Chan. He has a bun in his mouth, and his eyebrows are furrowed at Jisung, glaring at him as he backs away from you with his hands raised. Your breath hitches at how cute Chan looks with the food still in his mouth, and your heart flutters at the thought that perhaps he was jealous of the skinship between you and Jisung. But you quickly dismiss that thought as your eyes finally meet his and you’re melting again at how gorgeous Chan looks with his showered wet hair that dangled down his forehead.
“H-hi,” you shyly greet him finally and he doesn’t snap out of his trance until Seungmin lands a blow on his back. His hand snaps up to pull the bun out of his mouth and he straightens himself up, clearing his throat.
“Hey, I’m Chan or Bang Chan, or Chris,” he begins to ramble a bit in his introduction and you nearly let out a giggle at how cute he is when flustered. “It’s nice to finally meet you again,” his smile stretches wide and his dimples are on full display, and you have the strongest urge to poke one.
“HA!” You’re interrupted as you gazed at Chan with the softest smile on your face. You jump in shock once again, your hand on your chest to soothe your heart and you wonder how many more times you’ll be shocked tonight. Chan and you face the living room to find most of the guys with knowing smirks and you can only wonder why.
“So you’re the girl who had Chan smitten at the club!” One of the guy remarks in complete glee, jumping at the chance to embarrass his friend.
“Wha-What yah! Seo Changbin!” Chan’s voice is squeaky in response and you let a small giggle slip, hiding your elated laugh behind your fist as you watch the horror and embarrassment dawn on his face. Bang Chan was smitten by you? Cute. The light red tint on his cheeks? Adorable. Just as Chan was about to lunge at Changbin, he’s stopped by Seungmin who has one arm around him and the other around you. 
“Now now, you’ve just finished a game,” Seungmin is surprisingly very good at mediating and you wonder how many times he’s had to do this. “Let’s just sit around and chill for the night, get to know Y/N!”
The night passes in the blink of an eye when you’re surrounded by nine dorks. Loud laughter and chatter filled the room as the ten of you got to know each and while you’d admit these guys were gorgeous, their personalities were amazing. Somehow these guys were both smart and dumb. You’ll probably never comprehend how such a contradiction was possible but that was the last of your worries as Jisung made you cry from laughing too hard at his jokes, as Felix taught you the weirdest meme dances, and as you fawned over how precious Jeongin is. If you were anywhere near as drunk as Minho and Hyunjin were, both of whom were singing ballad songs to each other by the way, you’d probably be coddling Jeongin and declaring him your son. 
But you make the responsible choice (since no one else in this house seemed to be up for that) to step out in the backyard for a quiet moment to yourself. The air is slightly chilly but the cold freshens you up and it feels good to be breathing in the fresh air. Somewhere behind you, you hear the backdoor opening and closing but don’t bother to face who entered. You’re gazing up at the night sky when said person stands next to you, also taking a moment to breathe in the fresh night air.
“Needed a moment to yourself? Completely understandable,” you hear him chuckle and you automatically register him as Chan, despite not knowing the guy for very long. 
“Yeah,” you hum in response. “Not in that way though, don’t get me wrong you guys make for an amazing company.” Chan doesn’t reply and the two of you are left standing beside one another, enjoying the silence and each others’ presence. Your eyes don’t stay on the night sky for long, as they trail down to gaze at Chan’s side profile. His jaw was chiseled and sharp, his eyes gleaming once again despite the dark environment he’s in. He’s breathtakingly beautiful and you worry he can hear your heart thundering in your chest at the effect of his beauty. But the moment quickly passes as Chan starts a chat that allows the two of you to get more acquainted with each other in a more private setting away from the loud boys. 
You don’t know how long you’ve spent chatting with Chan outside, but you enjoyed every second of it. He was kind even in the way he spoke and you learn more about both his mature and goofy sides. The two of you discussed deep morals, shared the latest trending memes, and conversed about everything in between. You learnt all about him; from his love of music and rap group named 3Racha compromised of Jisung and Changbin to his dog Berry and adorable siblings. You’d spend all night with him, in this moment, the hushed chatter between the two of you, the occasional comfortable silences, and laughs and giggles filling the air.
“So…” you start up the conversation this time as your previous one fades away. Your voice sounds light and you can’t help the small smirk that grows on your face as you think back to what Changbin had said, “You’re smitten for me, huh?”
Chan’s face snaps to yours, making immediate eye contact and your laughter fills the otherwise silent air at his gaping face. You don’t quite know where this confidence was coming from, but you definitely like the way he reacts to you. Just as you’re about to continue teasing him, his body snaps to face yours and he takes a bold step closer to you. Your breath hitches in your throat, no longer laughing at him and now he’s the one with the smirk on his face. He takes another step closer and you find yourself at the edge of the porch fence. It digs into your back and you’re trapped as Chan encases your frame with his large one, his two arms trapping you. 
“You say that as if you aren’t just as smitten for me, babygirl,” his voice is quiet, just barely above a whisper but it’s husky. That along with his term of endearment has you weak in the knees. You swallow in nervousness as your eyes trail up his face, admiring his features once again, pausing for the slightest moment at his lips before continuing up to meet his eyes. His gaze is intense and you’re lost in them, in him. Out of habit, you bite your lip in nervousness and his eyes snap down to watch the action, letting out the faintest groan that you barely catch. 
When his eyes meet yours once again, you see him move closer, or is it you who’s moving towards him? Your noses are brushing, the sensation sending light tickles down your spine and you breathe him in as your hands grasp the sides of his shirt, scrunching the material in your fist. Lightly tugging, you finally pull Chan down, closing the final distance between the two of you and your lips lightly brush his-
“Chan!” There’s a sudden whine coming from inside and the two of you spring apart. At the backdoor appears Jisung, his cheeks flushed as red as yours and Chan’s but not for the same reasons. 
“Changbin is bullying me,” he pouts and his already chubby cheeks puff out that much more. Suddenly, you don’t have it in you to be mad at the poor drunk guy. Chan, however, is clearly sick of his bandmate/friend’s drunk bullshit. He lets out a sigh before turning back to you, his cheeks still a bit red but his blush is quickly fading. 
“I’m really sorry,” the poor guy sounds sincere in his apology and you give him a soft smile.
“No no, it’s okay we should be heading in now anyway." 
Chan’s shoulders slightly sag in disappointment, but he nods in response and gestures for you to go first, "After you.”
It wasn’t long after that when Seungmin finally called it a night. Some of the guys chose to stay over, and the others headed out back home like you. It also didn’t take long for Rina to be on your ass about the post-game party and Chan. You told her about how the two of you enjoyed a light conversation before you dropped the bomb that you nearly kissed him that night. Rina ran circles around the room, squealing in excitement for you and you could only chuckle at her antics. 
When she had finally settled down, she asked if the two of you had settled a meeting and that’s when you were left dumbfounded. It never even occurred to you to ask Chan to meet you again. Once again, you were astounded by the level of dumbassery you were able to achieve. You groaned and grumbled about it to yourself for a couple of days, but the weekend quickly passed and Seungmin let it slip that Chan felt just as dumb for not asking you out. Your mouth easily twitched into a shy smile, but you quickly looked down to your fiddling hands to try to hide it.
Seungmin offered to help the two of you arrange something but the following week passed in a blur with your final cheerleading practices and Chan’s basketball practices for the second game next weekend. It was both mentally and physically tiring, practicing for cheerleading while juggling studies. Every night you’d return home, jump into the shower, then sit down to study until the late hours of the night and into the early morning. You imagined it to be the same for Chan who had mentioned the upcoming intense practices at Seungmin’s party. As a result, neither of you were even available to meet up for a date anyway. Ah, the life of a college student is tough.
When the weekend had finally rolled around once again, you were finally performance ready and itching to cheer on your team for the second game against Rashford. Your cheerleading uniform had arrived sometime midweek, giving you plenty of time to get used to the skintight material and short skirt. In the afternoon, you prepared your makeup and outfit with Rina and the rest of the cheerleading team, and in the evening you did a final marking run through with the team. By the time the game began, you were definitely ready but the nerves in your stomach said so otherwise. You didn’t know whether it was because this was your first time cheerleading in front of a crowd or because you knew Chan was going to be there. The thought of him sent butterflies in your stomach and you tug the ends of your uniform, feeling nervous about being in such a short skirt in front of him. 
The signal to go on the court was given and you put on your game face as you stepped out in front of the crowd. They cheered at the sight of your cheerleading team and you automatically smiled in response. The pre-game performance went smoothly and the fact helped soothe your nerves. Throughout the whole performance, you could feel Chan’s gaze on your but you didn’t have the courage to look back at him. You missed the mixed look of surprise and adoration on his face as he watched, entranced and impressed by your performance. His eyes took several laps gazing up and down your figure, soaking in how gorgeous you looked in the cheerleading outfit, how beautiful your confidence was in a performance. He was hooked on you, smitten for you, and he wondered whether he’d be able to pay attention to the game with you looking like that. 
Before he knew it, the referee was prepping both teams to start off the game, and he was whisked off to his position on the court. His performance started off flawlessly. His head was in the game, he was analyzing his opponents’ moves; predicting their moves and coming up with counters. With the help of a few of his teammates, he easily managed to score a couple of points within the first few minutes. A mass of sweaty bodies hugged and gave quick congratulations to him before dispersing and he takes the moment to wipe the sweat off his brow, push the hair off his face. His eyes unconsciously trail over to you, who seems to be setting up for another performance with the cheerleading team. 
Since the opposing team had managed to score points so early in the game, the team and you had decided that a quick cheer would help the team morale. As a result, you and three others were setting up in preparation, planning what would be done. Once decided, you took your stance and began your performance. The routine was quite simple but included a moderately risky stunt on your part. Upon your execution of it, the crowd let out a resounding gasp and for a moment you thought it was for you. That is until you were landed safely on the ground and allowed to look around you.
There was a huddle of players in one spot of the court and through the legs of the many players, you could spot a blonde head of hair on the floor. Immediately you let out a gasp and run towards them, worried about Chan who seemed to be groaning and on the floor. 
“Move, move! I’m a med student!” Your remark has the crowd of players parting way for you. You hurriedly kneel down next to Chan and survey his whole body for any evident signs of trauma, broken bones, etc. 
“Someone call the nurse! Quick, what happened?” Your voice is harsh and snappy but you don’t have time to be mushy.
“He zoned out mid-play and got hit in the head with a basketball,” one of the players standing behind you starts, “he fell down from the shock and I think he might have hit his head too.”
Fuck, if he was hit in the head with a basketball then hit again on the way down, your first concern was whether he had a concussion or not. Now that you knew what had happened, you immediately check his head for any bumps or bleeding. Chan’s eyes are squeezed shut and he seems dazed as he groans and moves his head side to side. Upon feeling your fingers press on a certain area, he lets out a loud grunt and you know it’s where he hit his head. Fortunately, you don’t feel any bumps or bleeding. 
“Someone pass me a phone. Now.” You’re quickly handed one and you quickly fidget with it to pull up a flashlight. Chan’s eyes are still squeezed shut so you go to open his eyes with one hand, the other flashing the flashlight as lightly as possible into his left eye first, then his right. You let out a sigh as both pupils dilate with reaction to the light and hand the phone back to one of the hands behind you. 
“Chan?” You start lightly, stroking his wet sweaty hair away from his forehead. “Hey Chan, I’m gonna need you to keep your eyes open, okay?”
You only hear him groan in response and you continue calmly stroking his hair with one hand, the other resting on his arm. When he finally opens his eyes, he grimaces at the bright lights before focusing on you. You send him a small smile and nod approvingly at him.
“That’s it, that’s it. Stay awake okay? You probably don’t have a concussion but I need you to stay awake anyway, keep looking at me, can you do that?” Your shoulders sag in relief at the fact that Chan seems completely responsive. Considering his responsive pupils, no bleeding or bumps on his head, he probably didn’t have a concussion but it was always good to be safe than sorry anyway.
“I could stare at you all day, babygirl.” In any other situation, you might have blushed and felt flustered at his comment, especially considering the crowd around the two of you. But not here, not now. Still, you let yourself chuckle at his comment and just as you open your mouth to reply, his eyes roll up and he falls unconscious. 
All of a sudden you’re back to panicking, both your hands now cradling his face and trying to get him to wake up. Your breath hitches but not in a good way. In the middle of your ramblings as you try to get him awake and the constant soothing stroking of his hair, the nurse finally arrives and tells you she’ll handle it from here. Chan is quickly transferred onto a gurney and carried off to the nurse’s office, you following closely behind in worry.
Chan opens his eyes to once again face the bright white ceiling lights of the nurse’s office. He’s lying on a bed and after getting his bearings, he straightens himself as he reaches for the glass of water on the bedside table. Just as he takes a sip, the door opens and in marches you who seem to be pissed off.
“Bang. Christopher. Chan.” Pissed off at him, apparently. Wasn’t he the injured one here?
“Hey Y/N-”
“You fell unconscious. You fell unconscious!” You’re quick to cut him off. You were so worried when he passed out, fearing the worst case scenario that he might slip into a coma especially considering he hit his head. 
“Woah, Y/N slow down-”
“You had a head injury then you fell unconscious when I told you to stay awake! 'I could stare at you all day’ didn’t last very long did it?” You knew you were being unfairly mad at him, but you couldn’t help it considering how anxiously you waited for the results of his imaging tests from the doctors, hoping and praying for it to not be a concussion. Thankfully it wasn’t.
“You could have had a concussion, Chan. And if you fall asleep when you have a concussion you risk falling into a coma. Do you realise how dangerous-”
You’re cut off by the tug on your wrist, and the fall you experience before landing with a thump on Chan’s upper body that remains upright. Just as you begin to scold him, he’s snaked a hand up your arm and to the back of your neck. He gently pushes your head forward, moving closer himself, before finally sealing his lips onto yours. The feel of his lips of yours is euphoric. The touch is as soft as his eyes that first fell on you at the club, as soft as his presence as he kept you company in the backyard of Seungmin’s house. You’re quickly swept into a fervor of kissing Chan, your lips pushing onto his and molding into one. 
You take a shaky breath in, still caught up in the kiss and Chan tugs you the final stretch to bring you on his lap. You straddle his thighs, your hands snaking up to his hair and giving light tugs to which Chan responds with small moans. At this point, the two of you are separating constantly for air, but your lips never stay apart for long. One of you is quick to pull the other back down, sensually moving your lips together as you drown in each other and forget the outside world. Kissing Chan is thrilling, addicting, another level of sensory pleasure and adventure. He’s soft and yet rough, slow and yet fast, savouring the moment but also hungry and passionate for more. Pushing you closer to him, pushing his lips harder on yours, sucking and biting your lips. 
Perhaps it’s the pent up sexual tension from last week at Seungmin’s party, you suppose. The two of you had nearly kissed only to be interrupted and it seems the near kiss had the two of you on edge for the whole week. You know Chan is a gentle person, but the kiss conveys the strength of his feelings towards you. You’d keep kissing him forever if you could, but you’d be damned if you let things go anywhere in a hospital of all places. 
 So with a final, long kiss just connected your lips with his, you finally part. Your eyes open to see his staring at yours, and both of you think even stars don’t shine as bright as the other’s eyes. You let a small, shy smile take over your face and you bite your lips out of nervousness. You don’t miss the flicker of Chan’s eyes to your lips before he speaks.
“Sorry, you looked really hot during your angry nerdy talk.” Chan sheepishly smiles at you and you melt on his lap, groaning and hiding the wide smile on your face with your hands. Chan brings his hands up to lightly grip your wrists before removing them from your face, wanting to see your breathtaking smile in full view. You comply and drop your hands to his shoulders instead, your face suddenly taking a serious expression.
“Bang Christopher Chan,” you begin to which he coyly raises an eyebrow, “when I tell you to stay awake you stay awake, you got that? You better listen to me from now on, mister." 
A wide smile takes over Chan’s face and he nearly coos at how cute you looked, trying to be serious on his lap. Regardless, he gives in with a chuckle, "Yes ma'am." 
You nod in approval then hook your fingers behind his neck, letting your expression drop as you pull him closer and kiss him on the forehead. His hands automatically find a place on your hips, keeping you seated on his lap, as he closes your eyes to embrace the feeling of your soft lips. 
He hums in contentment before opening his eyes to look up at you, "So what’s a med student doing being a cheerleader?”
“What’s a music major doing on a basketball court, one of the best players on the team?” Your retort to him is snappy and he swears he falls for you even more. 
“Touché,” he’s chuckling at your snarky response and he pulls you close to rest his forehead on yours. 
“So,” he continues once again, “What do I need to do to have my own cute cheerleader? Cheering for me and only me from the sidelines?" 
"Hmm, how about a dinner date and I’ll think about it?” You smile teasingly at him, withdrawing from him to put on a thinking face. 
“What?! Hey, I’m injured here, you still not gonna cheer me on?” Chan’s hands trail up from your hips to your sides, giving you light tickles. The feeling makes you squeal in laughter as your hands automatically go to grab his, trying to push them away from you. 
“I said I’ll think about it!” You manage to squeal out in the midst of your laughter. Chan’s face is overtaken by the wide smile and he’s thriving as he soaks up the beautiful sight of you, on his lap, with the widest smile and the sun shining down perfectly on your hair, sparkling off your eyes. He finally stops and you settle down, still in his lap. 
“We gotta go, you’re cleared for dismissal so you can take me on that date since you’re so smitten for me.” You peck his lips and quickly climb off his lap before he recovers from your teasing. By the time he snaps out, you’re already down and standing beside his bed, helping to gather his things and he can only pout in your direction.
“Hey, come back, that wasn’t a proper kiss!" 
Needless to say, in the next Rashford game that wasn’t against Covern, you stood in the bleachers wearing a large black and red jersey with "BANG” written on the back. His jersey reached just above your knees and you were practically drowning in it every time you wore it. The first few times, you grumbled complaining that it made you look like a midget but Chan was quick to soothe you with long comfy hugs and constant kisses all over your face. He’d never get over the sight of you in his jersey, it made his heart melt even as he was on the court and it took everything in him not to get distracted. But he had promised he wouldn’t and he made sure not to. Instead, taking every second of his breaks to stare adoringly at your figure enthusiastically cheering him on from the bleachers, loudly chanting his name regardless of how far he was from you. 
Bang Chan was smitten for you, he’d admit it in a heartbeat. And you were equally as smitten for him, one could say you fell for him at the club–both literally and figuratively.
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forehead-enthusiast · 5 years
For Those Dealing With Broken Hearts
Pairing: Jisung x Reader
Genre: Some angst, fluff
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Life sucks. You got cheated on, dumped, and when you get to this DNYL Club, there’s only one other person, this Jisung guy, who you barely know. At least you know he’s heartbroken too, right?
A/N: It has been so so so long since I’ve written a fic!! I really hope you guys like it, and thank you for taking the time to read it!!
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When the announcement first blared over the speakers, you thought it was a prank. Don’t Need Your Love Club? What a joke. You scoffed at the idea of a club for broken hearts, finished drying your eyes, and reconsidered. It hadn’t been a great day romance-wise. You’d caught your now ex-boyfriend groping some cheerleader behind the bleachers, and somehow you were still the one who got dumped out of that relationship. Insult after insult. You debated whether some stupid prank club could make your day any worse, and concluded it couldn’t. With red eyes and a backpack slung over your shoulder, you strode out of the classroom and towards whatever awaited you.
You stood before the door, unsure of whether you should knock or not. You put your ear next to the door to see if you could hear anyone behind it, but were startled by a loud swish of the door opening. Someone on the other side had pulled it open, and you nearly fell into them. Your eyes dragged their way up from the surprisingly tall stranger’s chest to his face, and vaguely recognized it.
“Have we met?”
The stranger’s eyes widened at the sight of you. “Uh… yeah. We had physics together last year. I’m Jisung.”
“Ah, right,” You flushed, feeling guilty for not remembering him. “Of course. Hey, Jisung.”
“Hey, y/n.”
He knew your name already. You cursed yourself for spending all of last year pining for the idiot who dumped you today. He was a waste of time you knew you’d waste more time getting over, and you wondered how many other people you ignored because of your infatuation. You realized Jisung was holding the door open, and hastened inside and plopped your bag on the table.
“So… are you here for the club too?” He called from behind you.
“Yeah.” Having admitted it out loud, you were suddenly uncomfortable at the idea of others knowing about your awful relationship, and the even worse way it ended. It was humiliating. You avoided his eyes, and fiddled with the zipper on your bag. Tears threatened to fall again, and you stared at the ground, hoping they wouldn’t escape and expose how truly heartbroken you were. You saw out of the corner of your eye that he had turned away, and quickly shoved your sleeves into your eyes to sop up the sadness.
“Um, well, I don’t know if anyone else is… coming.”
“Yeah, there’s just a note from the organizer, I guess. It’s over there.”
You spotted the small sticky note stuck to the table before you and walked over to read it aloud.
“‘Welcome to the DNYL Club, a community for people to mend their hearts together. The fact that you’re here means you’ve acknowledged you need one another to heal. You all understand what everyone else has been through.’ That’s it? That’s all we get? What even…”
“Yeah. Not a great club.”
Silence followed his acute observation, and you wondered if you should just leave. The club was basically a joke after all, or at least it seemed that way. You expected it, but somehow you were still disappointed. All you wanted was to feel okay again. Some part of you hoped this club was going to help you do that. You despised yourself for getting your hopes up, and despised even more the fact that your watering eyes had returned with a vengeance. You hurried to grab your bag and leave before you broke down in front of this almost-stranger.
“Are you okay?”
The simple question made you turn towards the boy who asked it, and as you did, burning tears began to slide down your cheeks. All it took were a few words of compassion, or even just common decency, to push you over the edge. He panicked at the sight, rushing over to you with hesitant hands hovering over you, wondering what to do. You smeared the tears across your face with the backs of your hands, unable to speak. Jisung placed a hand cautiously on your shoulder, as you tried and failed to stop the tears from flowing. You gave in and let yourself sob with the boy doing his best to comfort you until you eventually began to calm down.
“I-I’m sorry. For making you cry.”
“No! No, it’s not your fault,” You sniffed, “I’m sorry. It’s just been… A rough day.” As if that wasn’t the understatement of the year.
Jisung awkwardly gave you a pat as you did your best to dry off your cheeks. “Do you,” he hesitated. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No, I- thank you, but I just. Can’t right now.”
“…Then what about tomorrow?”
And thus, the second meeting of the two person DNYL Club was arranged.
After your classes ended the following day, you went to the same room and waited alone. You wondered if he’d even show up, and cringed remembering the meltdown you’d had in front of him. Some random classmate of yours watched you get all smudged and snotty. You buried your face in your arms, horrified by your own lack of composure.
“Y/n! Are you alright?”
You flipped your head up to see a very concerned boy leaning over you. Upon seeing that you weren’t crying, he let out a sigh of relief. You attempted to smooth out your hair and appear like a normal, emotionally balanced human, and hoped your puffy eyes didn’t blow your cover. The same awkward silence from yesterday reemerged from whatever void it came from, and hung on your shoulders.
“…He cheated on me.”
Jisung blinked at the sudden confession, and scratched behind his ears. He sat down and waited for you to continue as you took a few deep breaths.
“He wasn’t my first crush, but he was my first boyfriend. The first…” You paused, smiling emptily. “The first one who said yes when I asked. I guess that’s why I liked him so much.” All you needed was that scrap of affection for you to devote yourself entirely to someone who, you knew now, couldn’t care less about you.
“I really liked him.”
“…I’m sorry.”
Despite whatever reason caused your attachment, it was strong nonetheless. Knowing he was a piece of shit didn’t make you forget about him just like that- it just made you hate yourself more for making such a fool of yourself for him. If he was worthless, what did that make you? Something worth yet less? Or just someone stupid enough to worship a shred of trash? You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything else, or else risk breaking down again, so Jisung just sat by your side until it was time to leave campus.
You decided to meet up again.
And again.
And again. The DNYL Club, as underpopulated as it was, was thriving. You’d meet up with Jisung, open up to him like you’d never done with anyone before, and he’d listen. He didn’t often say much, but somehow he always managed to make his empathy known. His careful pats and infrequent murmurs offered more comfort than anyone or anything else. He was your mysterious solace that was too kind to be your therapist, but too intimately known to be considered a friend. You couldn’t have shared this with one of your other friends. He was just different.
Over time, you got more comfortable talking about your ex, and all that’d you’d done to try and win his affections. You were able to laugh about it, although your chest still tightened at your memories. Jisung mirrored this change, smiling and laughing more, in the same awkward way he did everything else. You looked over at him in the empty classroom, and were suddenly ashamed.
Your serious tone caught his attention. “What?”
“Why are you here? All this time I’ve whined about my heartbreak, but you came here because of someone too. God, I can’t believe I’ve never asked, I’m so sorry, that’s just… awful of me.”
“Ah,” he said, turning away from you, “it’s not… a very interesting story.”
“Geez, I hope you weren’t listening to mine for the drama of it all. C’mon, I’m here for you. Tell me.”
Jisung sighed with resignation. “There was a girl that I… liked. We didn’t date. I just liked her. She was sort of, uh, sunny. I really liked her smile.” A smile of his own crossed his face, albeit a sorrowful one. “Unfortunately, the smile I liked most was always directed at other people.”
“Was she blind or something?”
He chuckled. “Nah, I just couldn’t seem to grab her attention. Kinda frustrating. I mean, I probably should’ve made more of an effort, or… I dunno. She liked plenty of people she barely knew, but maybe I was stupid for hoping one day it’d be me. One day, I just had to,” he swallowed, “I just had to give up. See the situation for what it was.“
Your heart ached at his bitter expression, and you reassured him, “If she didn’t see how great you are, that’s on her. I think you’re wonderful.” He didn’t respond, and you were desperate to return to your lighthearted laughter you’d interrupted a few minutes prior. You were irritated that someone had made him so forlorn. He’d grown important to you, and you felt the need to defend him against anyone who would make him feel unworthy.
“She’s an idiot. You’re probably way out of her league.” You couldn’t control your tongue, and spat, “Who even is she? What’s her name?”
Jisung turned away again. “You don’t know her.”
“That doesn’t matter! I just… Ugh, I’m so mad. Just tell me her name! It’s not like they’re off limits.” You’d told Jisung your ex’s name weeks ago, just to make trash-talking him easier.
“No, it’s not like that’d change anything.”
“Jisung, just tell me. You- Don’t you trust me?”
“Then tell me! I already told you mine, it’s fair!”
“I don’t want to tell you!” He snapped, more agitated than you’d ever seen him. He strode away from you, and you followed him. You were taken aback by his tone, and your indignation at the nameless girl shifted into fear.
“Jisung, why won’t you tell me? What did I do?”
“Nothing, can’t you just drop this already!?”
“I don’t know why you can’t just tell me! Jisung!” It wasn’t about the name for you anymore, you just needed to know he trusted you with it at this point. You walked in front of him, and demanded, “Jisung, tell me who she is!”
His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths.
“IT’S- It’s you, it’s,” his voice caught in his throat, “it’s always been you. Always.”
He grabbed his backpack off the floor where he’d left it, and rushed out from the room, leaving you to be stunned frozen where you stood, in a mist of confusion and guilt.
Jisung hadn’t returned to the classroom. Not that you’d know- you hadn’t gone back either. The sadness you felt at what you’d done to him for God knows how long weighed on you far heavier than the sadness of being dumped.
He had known your name.
He knew the name of the girl that broke his heart.
He had listened to you, week after week, complain about one of the jerks he’d watched you fall for.
You put your head on your desk and buried it in your arms, and felt the guilt press down on you like a vice. There you were, spouting bullshit about how wonderful he was and how you’d have to be stupid and blind to not notice him, and all the while he had to be thinking you were the biggest hypocrite. You couldn’t get the way he looked when he confessed out of your mind. How frustrated, how distraught, how heartbroken. It always circled back to heartbroken with you two.
You couldn’t bring yourself to face him. You didn’t know what you’d say to him. You were a coward. You didn’t understand why he liked you. You couldn’t really… believe that he liked you. As hypocritical as you had been, you’d been honest in what you’d said to him. He was a wonderful guy, you’d meant it. You hadn’t known him long, but it wasn’t hard to see he was caring and kind, and really funny when he wanted to be, despite his quiet and sweet disposition. Your heart ached even more, thinking about how sympathetic he was to you despite your obliviousness to his feelings.
It was difficult for you to fathom why someone that great would like you. You felt your arms grow warm, and realized the glow of your cheeks atop them was the culprit. You cursed yourself for feeling happy at a time like this, but the flush persisted. Thoughts of Jisung’s smile, and his touch on your shoulder, and his quiet voice circled around in your mind, ignoring your pleas for them to leave you to mope in peace.
It was obnoxious, feeling so overjoyed when all you wanted was to wallow in guilt and misery. But Jisung liked you. He liked you enough to be heartbroken when you didn’t like him back.
You sat up suddenly.
You pressed your hand against your chest to feel your racing heartbeat, and made up your mind.
Finding Jisung wasn’t as hard as you worried it’d be. You had walked to the familiar classroom, without much hope, only to run into him in the hallway before it. You opened your mouth to say something, anything, but couldn’t find the words. Instead, you gently tugged on his arm to lead him into the classroom. He allowed you to pull him, just as silent as you were, and walked in after you. He waited, patient as always, for you to collect yourself and turn to face him.
“Thank you for listening to me. And… thank you for liking me.”
At that, he looked away from you, and prepared for his heart to be broken once more.
“You, well, you know this by now, but for me, it hasn’t always been you.”
“Y/n, I already know, it’s oka-”
“I’m not done yet. It hasn’t always been you, but,” you gulped, “it’s you now. And I know it hasn’t been you for very long, but I’m very confident that it’s you. For me. For good. I don’t know… why you like… or liked me, or how much, but I promise that I will like you more than that. I like you. I love you.”
Jisung had turned back and been looking at you during your stuttered speech with an unreadable expression, and you just wanted to cry, but you made yourself keep talking.
“I just wanted you to, um, know how I felt about you. I understand if you don’t like me anymore. I came prepared to have my heart broken back, so I won’t blame you at all if you…”
Jisung slowly walked towards you, his arm slipping from your grasp and the hand attached to it gently resting on your arm. He stopped just a bit in front of you, and used his other hand to pinch his cheek, hard. He winced in pain, and you saw his eyes glaze over with tears.
“Jisung!? Are you okay?”
He flicked a tear from his eye and his shoulders began to quake, and you realized he was laughing.
“I’m so much better than okay.”
He looked at the hand he’d placed on your arm, then met your eyes.
“Can I hug you?”
You blushed, but nodded. Gingerly, he wrapped his arms around you, as if you were a dream that would shatter if clutched too tightly.
“Um, I still like you. More than ever, actually, so, uh, good luck liking me more.”
You beamed up at him, ready for the challenge, only to see a bright red strawberry in his place.
“Jisung? You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just. Wow. This smile, your smile, is just even better than the one I… Uh, the one I fell for.” He blushed even more forcing those words out, and you couldn’t believe it took you this long to notice someone this endearing.
“We should probably change the club name.”
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opinionated810 · 4 years
NCT reaction to their s/o being a feminist?
I am SO sorry this took so long ... there are a LOT of NCT members!  😂 I hope you like it!
Taeil:  Honestly, Taeil would find your passion about women’s rights really sexy. He does his own thing in life, and is always true to himself so he would love a partner who is the same way. He would always be rooting for your success and cheering you on from the sidelines (side note: when i wrote this, all I could picture was his cheerleading from NCT Life lol).
Johnny: I think Johnny would find it really sexy. He’s into people who do their own thing and are happy with their own beliefs - even if they don’t match his. But he’s super independent and needs a s/o who is the same, so I think he may just let you do your feminism thing by yourself. He would support you by telling you he’s proud of what you’re doing, but I don’t think he would get much more involved than that.
Taeyong: Taeyong would be really intrigued by his partner being a feminist. He would love to learn from them. He loves learning and growing so he would be constantly asking questions and wanting to talk about it with you. He especially loves really deep conversations where the two of you exchange thoughts and ideas. He would feel like he was contributing to your cause while, at the same time, growing as a person himself.
Yuta: Perhaps the biggest feminist out of all the members, Yuta would find it brilliant that you’re a feminist as well. He would love talking about serious issues with you, especially feminist theories and agendas. Even if you didn’t always agree on the subject, he would respect your ideas and would love to have debates about them. He would find it really sexy when your differeing opinions led to some fierce debates (provided you were still respectful of his opinions), which in turn would lead to some hot times in the bedroom.
Kun: I think Kun would be very supportive of his feminist s/o. However, I don’t think he’d actively engage in activities with you. He’d be more of a behind the scenes supporter. He would encourage you to do what you wanted and to stand up for what you believed in, but he wouldn’t be front and center with you. He’d be your sounding board for new ideas and your support when things weren’t going well.
Doyoung: Doyoung would think it was very attractive that you’re a feminist. He fully believes in speaking your mind and standing up for what you believe in so he would find that trait really attractive in a s/o. In fact, that might be the first thing he notices about you. He would be incredibly supportive of you being a feminist, and would encourage you to find new ways of spreading your message.
Ten: Ten would be right there with you at all the assemblies, rallies, and protests. He would help you make signs and matching t-shirts. He would always be encouraging you to do more or to try something new to bring awareness. I think he would find your passion really attractive and he would proudly and loudly support you and your efforts.
Jaehyun: Jaehyun is drawn to people who are passionate about things they believe in so he would love your passion and enthusiasm about feminist issues and causes. I think he would be interested in hearing your opinions, but I don’t feel like he would contribute a lot of his own thoughts - it’s your passion so he wouldn’t want to intrude too much. I actually think he may be slightly intimidated by someone who is very loudly passionate about a cause (mostly because I think he’s still figuring out who he is), but he would be really intrigued by them and would support a feminist s/o from behind the scenes.
Winwin: I think Winwin would be interested in hearing about your beliefs because they matter to you, but he wouldn’t necessarily make much effort to engage in your cause himself. I think he would love listening to you talk about what being a feminist means to you and what you hope to accomplish. I can’t see him rushing to join you at events, but he would always encourage you to do more and stick to your beliefs.
Jungwoo: Jungwoo would cheer loudly for you - both in private and in public. He’d be your number one supporter and would be by your side any chance he could. While I don’t think he’d personally get involved in feminist causes, he would definitely support you and your beliefs. He’d get so excited to go with you to protests or rallies because it meant spending time together. He’d love just watching you in the middle of a protest or rally; actually witnessing your passion would make him very proud.
Lucas: Like some of the other members, Lucas would find your passion really sexy. I feel like he has some really intense emotions and feels things very strongly, so I think he would find a passionate partner really appealing. He would be interested in learning about why you’re a feminist - how you got into the cause - and the things you’re doing to further your cause. I think Lucas would come up with all kinds of ideas to help you - some really far-fetched and some really viable - and be really into exchanging ideas on how to help you.
Mark: Similar to Johnny and Kun, I think Mark would really love how dedicated you are. But I also think he’d prefer to just let you do your own thing while he supports you from behind the scenes. However, I think he would really enjoy talking and debating about feminist issues with you so that he can learn and grow more. But his support would be completely behind the scenes and between the two of you - very private.
Xiaojun: When you talk with Xiaojun about your feminist beliefs, he loves seeing the passion on your face and hearing it in your voice. He could just sit and listen to you talk about it all day. He’s fascinated by your passion and exuberance about feminism. I think Xiaojun would also love learning from you. He wants to know all about the things that make you happy.
Hendery: I feel like Hendery is very open-minded and socially aware, so I think he is really attracted to similar people - both romantically and in any other kind of relationship. I can see him being incredibly supportive of you in your endeavors, and wanting to help when he can. He would be a quiet support - he would listen to you when things were difficult and would cheer you on when things were going well. I don’t see him being involved personally, but he would always support your causes because they’re important to you.
Renjun: I think Renjun would find a feminist s/o really attractive. He’s one of the members who isn’t afraid to be themselves at all times - for good or bad; he just doesn’t know how to NOT be himself. Because of that, I think he would love a partner who is also true to their self and stood up for what they believed in - even if Renjun didn’t believe the same (even though he would totally support a feminist s/o). He loves people who have unique thoughts and aren’t afraid to stand out and be loud when the situation calls for it. 
Jeno: Jeno would love listening to you talk about feminism and what you stand for. He’s a fairly quiet guy and prefers listening to talking, so I think he would be all ears when it came to your beliefs. He would listen attentively and ask a bunch of questions because he genuinely wants to know more about what you’re interested in. He isn’t the type to join you at rallies and protests, but he would always be texting you to ask how it’s going and to make sure you were safe.
Haechan: I think Haechan would be in awe of the strength of your convictions. He might even be slightly intimidated by it. I think he might see you as some kind of avenging angel and would be really attracted to you. He would be really intrigued by how passionate you are and he would want to learn more from you. He would love that you have such a deep passion for something that can make a positive difference to a lot of people.
Jaemin: Jaemin loves people who stand up for something they believe in - no matter what it is - but especially something that can have such a profound impact on the world. He would be instantly attracted to someone who spoke clearly and ardently about their beliefs. He would always be asking if there was anything he could do to help you, and he would always be hyping you up to do more.
Yangyang: I think Yangyang would be slightly in awe of someone who was very passionate about a cause they believed in. He wouldn’t feel inadequate, but he would feel as though he needed to contribute something to the world as well. A s/o who is involved in feminist issues would help him question some of his own beliefs (in a good way - not an “oh my God, what have I been doing with my life” kind of way). I think he would love to learn more about feminism and how it connects to some of his own causes and beliefs. You would inspire him to be more active in social causes.
Chenle: For some reason, I think Chenle would find it really attractive that you’re a feminist. He really likes people who are intelligent, and I think he would equate being a feminist to being smart and wise to the ways of the world. He would brag about how smart and ‘woke’ you are to all the members and his family. I think he would want to help you prepare things for events, but he wouldn’t participate in the events themselves.
Jisung: At this point in time, I don’t think he would truly know what you meant when you told him you were a feminist. He would understand the basics, but I don’t think he’s probably ever really been exposed to the deeper, more complex insights of feminism (especially western feminism). Because of that, I think he would just accept that part of you without questioning it because it’s something he doesn’t have an opinion about. In the future, I think this might change - I can see him really supporting a feminist s/o and learning a lot from them.
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luvknow · 5 years
sundial | kim seungmin
genre: kim seungmin x fem!reader | light angst ; friends-to strangers-to lovers ; high school/college/spring break au ; mentions of alcohol ; swearing summary: you’re in love with seungmin at the wrong time. wc: 9.6k
“Oh, my God, finally.”
Inside the posh coffee shop in the middle of downtown, Hyunjin sat at one of the tables impatiently awaiting your arrival. Of course you were late, how could you not be when he chose a place to meet up that was closer to his campus than yours!? And during the lunch rush, of all times. He always had a habit of choosing places or ideas that were more convenient to him, but he offered to pay, so it was an offer you couldn’t refuse. The clout you got for hanging out with his stupidly handsome ass was a plus for your social media points, too, so fine, you’ll hang out with him.
Hyunjin had his glasses hanging on the tip of his nose and shot you a sassy glare that reminded you of when your high school teachers would look at you both when you walked into class late because he had to fix his hair in the bathroom.
“Sorry I’m late.”
“No, you’re not,” he scoffed. “What took you so long?”
“I saw this trash bag on the side of the road and I thought it looked just like you, so I stopped and took a picture. Uncanny resemblance, right?” you teased, showing him the trash bag on your phone.
“You think you’re so funny, huh?”
“I’m hilarious.”
The handsome boy sighed dramatically and handed you your favorite order. “Here’s your drink, although it’s probably half water by now.”
“Thanks, and I’ll live.” You happily took the iced drink from his hands.
Hyunjin might be annoying and unbearable on most days, but he was one of your closest friends who regularly kept in touch with you after graduating high school. Meeting up in coffee shops in between classes or grabbing a bite to eat on the weekends was a regular move and those little meet ups were what brought you two closer together. Sometimes the meet ups had a purpose, like he needed last minute tutoring for an exam the next day that he totally forgot about or he was just lonely and wanted some company for dinner. During those times, you’d talk about random shit like some hot chick Hyunjin met at a party, or this drama you were totally into or reminisce about the good ol’ days and it’s like you never left high school.
Ah, the good ol’ days… Were they really that good if they were spent in high school?
You did miss a lot of your other friends that were in the group. It’s not to say that you and the rest of them weren’t close, it was just that your relationship with most of them was more like picking things up where they left off. Hyunjin also went to the college closest to yours, so you often joked about how your friendship with him was based off of convenience, which was kind of true all things considered, right?
“You’re usually not as urgent when it comes to me being late. I think you texted me more today than you have in a month,” you noted suspiciously.
“Can’t I just be eager to see you ~?”
“Caught me. I’m eager to see you because I need an answer from you by the time we part ways.”
“You sound so romantic - like when the guy is confessing to the girl when it’s raining and he’s like ‘I love you! I need to know if you love me, too!’”
“Not to disappoint your fantasy of dating me, but I’m not confessing to you. At least not today,” Hyunjin giggled cutely. “A bunch of us are getting together for spring break at Changbin’s vacation home. You down to go?”
“Ah, the vacation home! We have a lot of memories there.”
Both you and Hyunjin could clearly remember after senior Prom all the cheap booze everyone drank for the very first time and both of you hogging the only two bathrooms to hunch over the toilet puking for hours. It was the morning after when everyone appreciated the stash of ramen Changbin had specifically for lunch with a banging hangover.
“And we’re about to make some more memories as dumb kids in college. So are you down, or what?”
“It depends. Who’s going?”
“The usual: Changbin, Jisung, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Seungmin, Chan -”
“Wait, Seungmin’s going?”
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t he?”
Seungmin was the only one you didn’t really keep in touch with. There were texts here and there, maybe a Snapchat or two once in a while, but you never made the effort to meet up with him even when he was the one who asked to see you. When your best friend that goes to a different school asks to see you just once every month because he really misses you, the normal response would be for you to be excited because God, you really miss him, too. But your situation was a little more complicated than that.
“Right…” you hesitated.
“Why are you responding like that? You two were like the closest out of all of us.”
You shrugged weakly while playing with the straw in your drink. You hoped your body language could help you lie out of this one. “Even the closest friends can drift apart when their schools are on opposite sides of the country.”
“No, they would find a way to make it work.”
“Yeah, well… This one didn’t go very well.”
Hyunjin sensed your hostility and didn’t push the matter forward. Though his nosy self is curious as to what you meant, you’ll tell him when you’re ready. “Don’t let the awkwardness between you and a couple of others stop you from coming! We’re not the same without you.”
“I don’t know…”
“The _____ I know wouldn’t be such a coward.”
“Hey, I’m not a coward!”
“Then what are you so afraid of!”
“All I’m saying is that this isn’t very cash money of you.”
Hyunjin had this charm about him where he could passively pressure anyone into doing anything. It was like the most ordinary superpower known to mere mortals - basically all he’d say to get someone to do something was ‘bet you won’t’, but fancier and with more filler words that made you lose brain cells. Like what does you not being very ‘cash money’ even mean…
“It’s not even for the whole week, it’s during the weekend spring break starts because Changbin has family coming over afterwards. Please come? I’ll be so lonely…”
“Shut up, no you won’t.”
“Give me one good reason why you don’t want to go and I’ll leave you alone. Hell, I’ll even be your alibi and lie for you when everyone asks where you are, but only if you tell me what’s really up.”
Dammit. You had to weigh the pros and cons between telling Hyunjin the truth or sucking it up and going. If you tell him, he’ll stop bothering you, you’ll end up lonely and stuck at home, and now Hyunjin knows that painful secret you keep locked in the apex of your heart. But at least you won’t see the boy in question’s face, you know he won’t go around telling anyone, and your heart is still intact. If you end up going, you’re spending a weekend of a lifetime with your closest friends but that means Seungmin will be there, too. What were you to do if you went and saw him for the first time after avoiding him for so long? Would the heavy weight of guilt rest on your shoulders the whole weekend? Would you feel that familiar crack in your chest? Would your heart be in pieces by the time the weekend was over?
Were you being too dramatic? Maybe. Even though you believed your heart was strong, you couldn’t deny that it was weak for Kim Seungmin.
You could totally lie to Hyunjin, sure, and maybe if he was any other person you probably would have, but your friendship with him meant so much that lying to him was out of the question.
Ok, you’ll go. No one, not even Hyunjin, can know your unprecedented feelings, at least not yet. You’ll suffer through the heartache if it means no one will know.
“Fine, I’ll go,” you said halfheartedly.
“Really!? Awesome! You and I can drive down together. Ah, this is going to be so much fun!”
“I hope so.”
“We’re the closest to the house, so we can leave early and have time to stock up on the goods. Is silver tequila still your drink of choice?”
“Actually, I’m more of a Hennessey girl now ~” you bragged jokingly.
“Wow, are you getting classy on me, babe?”
“For spring break, I am.”
“I suppose Henny-thing is possible on spring break.”
It’s a terrible pun that made you wish you were deaf at that moment, but sadly, Hyunjin was right - anything was possible the moment you see Seungmin.
You met Seungmin by chance. The day you met him was the day the Principal had asked you to show the new kid around school because you shared the same schedule. Of course you agreed because you figured transferring halfway through the year was not easy at all and it’s not like you had the option to decline, anyways. You remembered how shy his smile was, but it still held an undeniable warmth to it - like how the sun rays would peak over the horizon at 6:00 am on a Sunday morning. He matched his smile with a bashful personality, silently nodding and following you around the school like a lost puppy and that’s how it was for about a month. Then you two were partners for assignments, lunch buddies, a carpool dynamic duo, and just like that, Seungmin became your confidant.
Ninety percent of your high school life was spent with Seungmin by your side. The other ten percent was crying over grades, but you easily repressed and replaced those memories with college replicates. You could never do the same to those memories with your best friend. Practically everyone knew how inseparable you two were and that was only because you two came from totally different social classes.
Seungmin was the sports guy. Not necessarily a jock - Minho fit that stereotype more than anyone else - but Seungmin was just naturally good at a lot of sports and still managed to keep his grades up which landed him a full ride to the school he currently attends. All those sports meant a lot of games which also meant a lot of cheerleaders and you know how it goes from there. To put it simply, Seungmin was popular.
You, on the other hand, weren’t as high on the hierarchy of popularity. As long as you weren’t at the bottom of the food chain, the high school protozoan society, you didn’t care where you fell on the infinite layers of the pyramid. But when your friends and his friends and your friends’ friends and his friends’ girlfriends and THEIR friends all knew about how close you two were despite your differences, it was like world peace had spread throughout the school because who knew the star athlete would befriend an understudy like yourself?
That’s pretty much the baseline of how your weird group came together. Seungmin would have his games and matches that you’d always attend and he’d introduce you to his teammates he got close to. You met Hyunjin at a volleyball game; Chan, Minho, and Jisung at a basketball game; Woojin and Changbin at a football game; and Sana and Momo were the cute cheerleaders who never let you forget how much they loved to hug. Seungmin met Felix, Jeongin, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung through you and that was your one big, happy, Breakfast Club-esque loving friend group.
You’re not sure when your heart decided without your consent to flip the switch from platonic to romantic, but you think it was either on one of the nights he sat with you in your parked car with food on your laps talking about the stars and beyond until 2:00 am or when he looked for you in the crowd after winning one of his games. You think it’s the latter because even though those late night talks with mix tapes he made you playing in the background held a special place in your bruised heart, nothing could compete with the feeling of running into his gross and sweaty arms after a game. His hugs were tight, like he couldn’t even bear the thought of ever letting you go. It’s like those cheesy romantic comedy movies set in high school, where the two main characters hug in the middle of the basketball court with confetti falling like snow and they faded out the crowd to focus on how perfectly you fit each others arms.
At least that was how you felt, but you watched way too many rom-coms growing up.
What sealed those feelings in your heart for good like piping hot wax on an envelope was when he asked you to Prom. The way he asked wasn’t extravagant like how all his other teammates asked their dates, but it was perfect nonetheless. It was perfect to you.
It was 9:00 pm on a Wednesday. Your school won this huge basketball game all because Seungmin landed a three pointer right on the buzzer. You went about your natural routine by jumping into his arms before he swung you around, fading out the background noise so it felt like it was just you two in the middle of the gymnasium. When it was time to leave school grounds after he’d finish changing, the skies were pouring.
“Did you bring an umbrella?” he asked you.
“Same here. Well, I could use a shower after tonight’s game.” Without a warning, the silly boy ran into the rain towards your car with a big grin on his lips, leaving you stunned. Already soaked to the bone, he turned back to you. “Are you coming, or what!?”
“No way, I’ll get sick!”
“You and I can get sick together! C’mon, we won a game today, celebrate with me!”
He ran back to you and dropped his gym bag by your feet before taking your hands and pulling you out from under the awning. The rain was cold that evening, but you focused on the warmth of his hands instead and that was enough to forget about the rain. For a while you two danced as Seungmin screamed the lyrics to Dance Dance and Stop the Rain by Day6 at the top of his lungs with your laughter filling in the gaps.
You felt invincible. You’re in love, and you felt like you could fly forever in the pouring rain. How was he able to do that to you?
Then finally, after catching your breath from singing and laughing, the pouring rain subsided to a light drizzle and it’s the only music you both can hear. You’re too distracted trying to move the hairs stuck on your face to notice Seungmin kept his eyes on you until you returned his gaze with your confused one.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you wondered.
“You don’t have a prom date, right?”
“No, but thanks for reminding me.”
“Oh, that’s good.”
“How is me spending prom alone good!?”
“Because I was going to ask if you wanted to go together.”
What. “C-Come again?” you stuttered, hoping the rain was a good excuse to hide your nervousness. Prom? Together? With Seungmin? It’s something you could only imagine in your dreams.
Seungmin got down on one knee and pretended the container of Ice Breakers from his pocket was a ring box. “_____ _____, will you go to Prom with me?”
Your body reacted in different ways. At first, your heart felt like it was racing to flat line, then the butterflies in your stomach fluttered like it was midday summer, and then you felt your head pounding against the walls of your skull. Seungmin was the only one who could make you feel this way.
Of all people, he chose to spend one of the most special nights of your high school life with you.
“Yes, I’ll go, you dork. Now get up before the security man watching us through the cameras gets the wrong idea.”
He looked up at you with his sunshine smile and rosy cheeks and its then when you realized you were in deep trouble.
You never questioned why he asked you. You probably should have - were you going as friends or something more? Did he feel sorry for you because you two were the only ones without dates within your friend group? He had people lining up to be asked by him, so he could have easily asked someone else, but he didn’t. Why?
Prom rolled around quickly, a lot faster than you expected and you were completely terrified. Everyone got together at Changbin’s mansion to get ready - the girls stayed in his sister’s room and the guys were hanging out for a couple hours before actually getting ready because it only took them like ten minutes to do so.
Seungmin was dressed in all black, like the rest of them, with his cherry red hair styled handsomely and standing out from all the black. His mouth was gaping when you entered the room. You were stunning, absolutely breathtaking. He held your delicate corsage in its plastic container and you couldn’t help but imagine that this was like how he had your heart in the palms of his hands.
His grin stretched from ear-to-ear the moment you stopped in front of him.
“You’re so pretty,” he teased, tapping the tip of your nose.
Your heart did a flip. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
And so prom night commenced! It was like any other high school dance except food was provided and the school expanded their budget so they could hire a good Dj for once. The decorations, the food, the occasion itself - none of that mattered the second the dance floor opened up.
Seungmin took your hand and dragged you onto the dance floor, thus making you two the very first couple to break it in. For a couple of seconds, this moment really was like how you’d always imagined it to be - you and Seungmin alone in the middle of the room, not caring about the world surrounding, and simply loving each other’s company. The venue could have been burning around you for all you cared, and even then, you don’t think you’d even notice it because Seungmin was with you.
Your friends and classmates joined in not long after, causing you to shorten the gap with your best friend. With your hands in his, bodies close, surrounded by your favorite people, even though the idea of dancing alone with Seungmin sounded so perfect, sharing the dance floor with all of your friends was nice, too.
Then the slow songs came on and you panicked. How did normal people act in this situation!? Did they just… go right into it? As if reading your mind, Seungmin was already guiding one of your hands to rest on his shoulder. One of his hands ghosted over your waist and the other was occupied holding your other one. It was one thing to hold hands - you were kind of used to the touch - but his hand on your waist was totally new. There were tiny, little electric shocks to your skin whenever you felt pressure in that area. You could feel him switch from ghosting over your waist to actually holding it for the shortest second.
It hit you that he was nervous, too.
“Are you having fun?” you asked, trying to break the awkward silence.
“If I’m with you, always.” Your heart hurts. “How about you?”
“It’s never a dull moment when I’m with you.”
“I’m the life of the party, huh?”
“Well, you’re definitely the party in my life.”
“I’ll hold that title with the highest honor.”
“You better, Kim Seungmin.”
Being in his arms lasted too shortly. The dance ended with Seungmin being crowned Prom King and some girl from the same social ranking was crowned the Queen.
“Hold tight,” he told you. “I’ll be all yours again in a minute.”
They danced to some slow song to commemorate the occasion and somehow you’re not jealous. Rather, you felt alone. Seungmin could have been dancing with anyone. Hell, he didn’t have to be dancing at all for you to have felt that way. Just looking at him, standing within the circle of people, watching him smile the same way that made your heart flip, made you feel so, so small - like the tiny moon being compared to the vastness of the sun. He couldn’t have been more than fifteen feet away from you, yet he felt a million miles away.
What hurts the most was that this - whatever you and him were - was as good as it could get.
That’s just how it was, and that’s how it would always be, because Seungmin fell for the other girl in his arms a week later.
The sun was so warm even though it was only 8:00 am. The feeling was reminiscent of a simpler time. It took you back to when you were still in high school, hanging out with your friends until the sun rose again the next day with the only thing worrying your young minds was what kind of food you all wanted to eat. You and the girls didn’t bother suggesting any places because the guys would be yelling and arguing too much to listen, but it got to the point where you and the ladies were hashtag over it and went ahead to the place and texted the guys, ‘see you @ this location’. Eventually the guys learned to compromise, so now everyone got a turn to pick a place to eat.
The sun wasn’t the same in college. Sunrises and sunsets weren’t spent at the beach, but rather spent in the library on weekdays or you completely slept through them on weekends. At least this weekend you could be in the sun again. It was already off to a good start when you and Hyunjin soaked up the Vitamin D in his I’m-a-privileged-kid convertible.
“Whoa, your car has a camera, too!?” you gushed, pressing every button imaginable.
“Yes, now stop messing with my settings!”
“I call Dj! How do I turn up the bass in this thing?”
The journey to the famous vacation home was a couple of hours away, so with all of the pit stops for grocery shopping and instagrammable scenes to capture, you both would arrive around noon. You both practically wiped out the snacks and frozen foods section of the general store and with the bottles of alcohol and red solo cups in the second cart, the cashier was totally judging your guys’ purchases when the store only opened fifteen minutes ago. You tried to hide your shame behind Hyunjin, but he proudly swiped his credit card and bid the cashier a wonderful day. (“Why are you so embarrassed!? They’ll never see us again.”)
“So are you going to tell me what’s up with you and Seungmin or am I going to have to respect your silence?” Hyunjin asked after eating the french fry you fed him from your fingertips.
You knew he was going to ask eventually, so you weren’t thrown off when he asked, but that didn’t calm your nervous one bit. You might as well tell him. What did you have to lose?
“Promise not to tell anyone?”
“Uh-oh, that doesn’t sound good. But I pinky promise.”
“It’s nothing huge… Things just aren’t how they used to be, you know?”
“You said so yourself that even the closest friends can drift away, but why is it that when you hang out with the others, it seems like things haven’t changed at all? Now that I mention it, I can’t remember the last time I saw you hanging out with Seungmin. When was the last time, anyways?”
“When did we graduate high school…?”
“Seriously, _____!?”
“I couldn’t do it, Hyunjin!”
“It’s not because you’re in love with him or something, are you?”
There was a short silence after what he thought was a rhetorical question and he can only assume from there because God forbid that you’d admit something like that out loud. Harshly, he pinched your arm hoping he’d knock some sense into you.
“Ow, what the hell! I didn’t say anything!” you whined.
“You didn’t have to!”
“It’s complicated, ok?”
“Oh, I’m sure it is.” Hyunjin ran a hand through his messy hair as if he knew delved into something deeper than what he expected. “For how long?”
“I don’t know… Around Prom maybe?”
“Isn’t that around the time he started dating what’s-her-name?”
“Yeah. Let’s just say the whole avoiding him thing started around that time, too.”
“_____, you need to tell him.”
“Are you out of your mind!? Why would I ever do that!?”
“You know they broke up like last year, right?”
Your heart did that familiar little flip. “Really?”
“But that still doesn’t mean I should tell him. It’ll just make everything more complicated than it already is and what if I ruin the dynamic of this group? What if it gets awkward and you guys have to pick sides or alternate who you hang out with on certain days like kids of divorced parents?”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“How do you know?”
Hyunjin let out a dramatic sigh as if he’s heard this too many times before. “You can’t let Seungmin know what I’m about to tell you. And don’t be mad, ok?”
“What do you mean…?”
“He asks about you all the time.”
Oh. Well that was unexpected.
“He does?” Either the sun was too hot or your heart was racing too fast, but you could feel your cheeks burn brighter after every passing second. Where did you put the sunscreen?
“When he sees you on my Snapchat, whenever he and I are texting, hell even when he’s at some party at three in the morning, he’ll ask me how you are because I guess I’m the closest he’ll ever get to you these days. He really misses you, you know? He wasn’t going to come on this trip unless you were going, so I promised him that I’d get you to go. Luckily that wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be.”
Hyunjin’s words struck your chest painfully and you’re filled with guilt, but you couldn’t risk mistaking Seungmin’s gestures for reciprocating your feelings when in reality he was just trying to be a good friend and make up for your lack of effort. Seungmin was always so caring and thoughtful of you, and what did you end up doing after graduation? Ghosting him and making up excuses because you were a coward.
“It’s up to you whether you want to tell him or not,” Hyunjin said, breaking the tense silence. “But I say shoot your shot.”
“You always say shoot your shot.”
“Yeah, but how often do I make my shots? Like one hundred percent of the time. That’s both precision and accuracy, baby, so you should trust my word.”
“But I’m not you, Hyunjin.”
“Very true, but you could be missing out on something great if you don’t go for it. _____, you and Seungmin… There’s no one out there that could be more perfect for each other than the two of you.”
“You think so?” The way your words came out sounded more like a surprise instead of you begging for some reassurance and you hoped Hyunjin caught that before he fed the little glimmer of hope inside your heart.
“I know so.”
Why did he have to say that?
The vacation house was exactly the same as it was on Prom night, only a lot cleaner. You almost forgot how huge it was - it was the biggest one on the block. Only the biggest and the best for the Seos.
Hyunjin parked behind a shiny black Audi that had Chan’s name written all over it.
“My car is still sexier, right?” Hyunjin pouted.
“I don’t know, dude. You got some competition.”
Changbin, Chan, and Sana greeted you both with open arms and tight hugs before helping you bring all of your stuff and the supplies in. The three were already dressed in their swimwear ready to soak up the sun while dipping their toes into the crystal clear waters of the lake and you couldn’t wait to join in. Sana dragged you to the girls’ room which was really just Changbin’s sister’s room, but it was the biggest one in the house.
“I missed you!” she gushed cutely while clinging onto you like a leech. You weren’t as hug-y like the rest of the group, but you admit that Sana’s hugs were one of the few you missed dearly.
“I missed you, too, you dork.”
“So ~” she sang suggestively with some sort of implication hiding in her tone.
“I heard Seungmin was coming ~ And he’s single ~”
“Sana!” you shrieked, covering her giggling mouth. “Shut your pretty little mouth!”
“So you do like him!?” she muffled under your hands.
“How in the hell did you figure that out!?”
“Girl’s intuition? You’re also a terrible liar.”
“... I’m going by the lake.”
“Wait, me too!”
As the hours passed, more and more people started arriving and the fun was just getting started. By the time Jisung and Minho’s loud asses arrived, the tables were already set up outside and the liquor was practically pouring itself into everyone’s cups. All that was left was Seungmin and Woojin to arrive with boxes and buckets of pizza and chicken.
At the edge of the mini pier, Sana kept on nudging you whenever she noticed you look towards the door.
“Nervous?” she teased again.
“You have no idea.”
“Just don’t worry about it! Let the drinks do the talking for you!”
“It’s barely 2:00 pm, you alcoholic.”
“It’s five o’clock somewhere.”
As if God wanted you to suffer, Hyunjin sloppily swung open the back door of the house to reveal Woojin and Seungmin holding lunch.
“WOOSEUNG IN DA HOUSE!” Hyunjin yelled, hoping you would hear.
Time began to move slowly - so slow that you hoped time would just stop so you wouldn’t have to live through the weekend. You instantly regretted agreeing to coming here the moment Seungmin laid his big, curious eyes right on you. He found you right away like he was looking for you and you only. Time completely paused once you were caught under his gaze and you felt like you were turning into stone. You felt like the many men who fell under Medusa’s gaze - where was your Perseus when you needed him? (He was busy eating a chicken leg. Hyunjin was literally The Worst Perseus.)
Time only returned back to normal when he smiled at you. It’s been so long since you’ve seen it, but you could never forget a smile like his that held a special place in your heart - it was irreplaceable. His eyes did the cute little upturn that had your heart racing faster than you realized and now time was moving too fast. Were you panicking? Maybe, but you couldn’t tell. He lifted his hand to wave at you but instead of returning the gesture, you jumped into the lake.
The water was cold. Even though you could see the sun rays from underneath the surface, they didn’t warm up the lake like you hoped. You appreciated the scattering, glittering light for only a second. The colors reminded you of all the fairytale stories about mermaids and pirates and oh, how you wished to be that young and naive again. The union of yellows and blues helped you calm down before you returned to the real world once more.
“Yo, you good?” Changbin called from the pier. Seungmin stood right next to him, worry painting his beautiful face and you felt your body sink deeper under the surface.
“Yeah! I, uh, thought I saw something shiny down there…!”
“Quit being weird and eat with us!”
Reluctantly, you headed towards the ladder on the pier. Water droplets were blinding your eyes when an anonymous person gave you their hand for help and it took a few blinks to see that it was Seungmin.
Under the shade, his hair color was a warm chestnut, but under the sun, flecks of cherry berry strands peaked out proudly.
“Hey,” he greeted before wrapping a towel around your shoulders. You’re shaking, but not because you’re cold. “I think you need this.”
“Hi… And thanks.”
“How are you -”
“Ti~ime to eat!” Hyunjin yelled, dragging both of you towards the picnic table. Thank Zeus for your Perseus.
Woojin found the restaurant where he bought the fried chicken from around midnight the night after Prom. He was so damn hungry after a vigorous game of Smash that he ordered the catering option on the menu and had it delivered. He didn’t want the set up or anything, he just wanted lots and lots of chicken, for all of you of course, and you remembered how much you and the girls clung to him as a thank you for buying real food that wasn’t chips and dip. He didn’t order the entire menu this time now that there was pizza, too, but everyone was happy with the food choices,
Seungmin sat across from you at the picnic table and you wished you had a drink in your hands to chug so you couldn’t worry about his presence. It didn’t help that Sana sat beside you, kicking you at random times throughout lunch both in a teasing manner and as a ‘talk to him, you weirdo’ manner.
“You still only eat the wings?” Seungmin asked.
Looking down, he was right - you strictly had spicy wings on your plate. Whenever you and Seungmin got a combo plate at any chicken restaurant, you both would split it down the middle. You favored the spicier pieces and Seungmin opted for the milder ones. You expected his plate to be full with mild drumsticks, but his taste must have changed over the years because a spicy wing or two surprised his plate. Yours, on the other hand, stayed the same. What a weird metaphor for how the years in between affected you two.
“Since when did you eat spicy?” you asked.
“Since I didn’t have you hoarding all the pieces.”
“Ah, you should have said something back then! Now I feel bad.”
“You know I could never say no to you.” Seungmin teased.
Despite your restraint, despite the ache in your chest, you couldn’t help but smile. It was nice talking to you again. He was so happy that you were here right in front of him after so long. Even if it seemed like you were miles away.
After lunch, you and Seungmin were the only ones who helped clean up while the rest dove into the cooler or prepared the solo cups for drinks. Luck must have been on your side today - or rather Seungmin’s.
He wanted to talk to you - to ask you how you’ve been; to ask why you never wanted to see him; to tell you he misses you so, so much. But he didn’t. He stayed silent. You stayed silent. It hurts - everything, anything, all of it.
You spent the rest of daylight away from Seungmin. How was it that even talking about something as stupid as chicken wings gave you heartache? Or maybe it was heartburn? Regardless, being near Seungmin wasn’t good for you. No matter how many times today he tried to talk to you, to be beside you, to get you to even look in his direction, nothing worked. It’s like you wanted nothing to do with him.
What did he do to have you hate him this much?
“He keeps looking over here,” Sana noted while you both dipped your feet in the lake. She left the teasing tone behind when she noticed you hadn’t smiled as often as you should be on spring break.
“He misses you.”
“I wish everyone would stop saying that.”
“Fine fine, I won’t bother you with it anymore.”
Just when you thought you could sit calmly without a care in the world, without wondering about how the boy you loved was looking at you, your serenity was interrupted by Sana pushing you into the lake. The icy water knocked the sorrow out of you and now all you wanted was revenge.
“You bitch!” you giggled before yanking Sana in by her feet.
Then chaos ensued! From the rope hanging on the tree to floating on the little inflatable banana, everyone joined you two in the lake. Laughter filled the open air and for the first time since Seungmin arrived, you didn’t think about him at all, even when you felt his eyes on you.
Your smile was still the same. So was your laugh, your little nose crinkle, and the blush that adorned your cheeks. With the setting sun behind you, Seungmin was reminded how you were still so beautiful. How could he have forgotten? It really must have been that long.
Your hair clung to your face the same way it did when it rained.
After the boys were tired to jumping off of the rope, taking flexing pics with the girls, and a hundred rounds of chicken, the sun set calmly below the horizon. Orion’s belt glittered the night sky first and that let everyone know it was time to bring the festivities inside.
“You comin’?” Hyunjin asked.
“Gimme a sec. The city doesn’t get a view like this, y’know?”
“Don’t stay out too long, you’ll get sick.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
The night air was crisp and cool, peaking through the holes of your knit sweater. It helped you sober up from what little alcohol was left in your system and you felt good even though you were alone. The slow winds dried your hair while you sat contently at the edge of the pier and for a short while, you just enjoyed the reflection of the moon on the water in solidarity.
Seungmin joined you shortly after he wrapped a towel around you again and you’re no longer nervous nor bothered by his presence. It was time to face the inevitable. Seungmin was always quite persistent when it came to you, so why bother fighting it. So here you two were - old, distant friends sitting at the edge of the pier in a tense silence waiting for the other to say something.
“Hi,” Seungmin began.
Your heart flipped. “Hi.”
“How are you?”
He was trying to be careful with his words - tip toeing around you so he doesn’t scare you away. How does one go about a conversation after being absent for so long? How are you, he asked? You’re coasting through torturous monotony. Before you could answer, he corrected himself.
“I guess it’s more like how have you been? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“A couple of years now.”
“Yeah… why is that?”
His tone was a homogeneous mix of curiosity, hurt, and upset and it was hard to tell the difference. He’s not mad, that you’re sure of, because you had to have your reasons, right? But would you be honest with him about it?
“What do you mean?” you questioned innocently.
Seungmin jumped right into it. “Why don’t we ever see each other anymore? Did I do something wrong?”
No, of course not! “No, that’s not -”
“Then what is it? You don’t answer my calls, my texts, or anything! I need a middleman just to get to you! What am I supposed to do when I’m up at 3:00 am at some party drunk off my ass and I’m somehow still thinking about you and worried about whether you’re eating right or sleeping enough!? I can’t call you because you won’t answer, so you know what I do? I call Hyunjin, and it hurts. It hurts because I’m sitting here wondering if you even miss me, too, or that you already replaced me with him, but I still call him because I miss you, _____. But I also can’t be calling Hyunjin every single time I think about you.”
He was like water breaking a beaver dam with his emotions spilling all at once. Seungmin’s angry and his voice is shaky, but he’s not angry at you. He’s angry at time and how time functioned. Something like this was inevitable, right? Moving cross-country to different schools, dating other people, drifting apart, forcing yourself to forget about him just so the pain in your chest would subside… It was bound to happen.
“Do you remember our promise?” he asked.
There was a huge get-together, one last hoorah at Woojin’s place before everyone parted ways to different colleges. Seungmin would be the first to leave tomorrow and it hadn’t hit you until you and him stood on the rooftop of the apartment complex overlooking a place you called home one last time.
“Are you all packed?” you asked quietly.
“Got your teddy bear and everything?”
“You know it.”
“Posters? Decor? Pictures of friends?”
“Yes, yes, and yes, although half of them are of you and me.”
“Perfect.” The tears in your eye were stinging. “How is Yuna taking it?”
“Way worse than you are, that’s for sure.”
“That’s how all girlfriends are supposed to be.”
“It’ll be worse after she drops me off tomorrow. You know how dramatic she can get.”
Yuna would be the last one to see him. She’d be the last to hug him, to kiss him, to tell him she loves him, and it was better this way.
He nudged you with his elbow and brought you out of your thoughts. “What’s up with you, space case?”
“Nothing, I just…” The tears start to fall. “I’ll miss you a lot. That’s all.”
He chuckled because how could you be so silly? Of course he’d miss you, too, but nothing would change. There was nothing for you to be sad about. Seungmin pulled you into a big bear hug and smoothed out your messy hair that got tangled in the wind. His hugs felt like home.
“I’ll miss you so much, _____-bear. I promise I’ll keep in touch.”
“Ok, I believe you.”
“Never replace me, ok? I’ll fight someone if I have to, I swear.”
“I believe you,” you giggled.
“Promise you’ll never forget me?”
“How could I forget THE Kim Seungmin?”
“Just promise me. Please?”
“I promise I’ll never forget you, Kim Seungmin.”
“Mm, good. You know I love you, right?”
You’re crying harder and it hurts to breathe.
“I love you, too.”
“Did you forget? About the promise - about me?”
Seungmin was looking at you, silently begging for you to return the favor, but you refused. It’s like he didn’t know who you were anymore.
“I could never forget about you,” you reassured. You were unforgettable.
“Then where were you!? Where were you when I missed you? When I missed home? When I aced my final and wanted someone to tell me they were proud of me? When I was heartbroken over Yuna? Or when I just needed to know you were ok!?”
Where were you? Drowning your sorrows in some cheap jungle juice? Dying at the library maybe? Somewhere with Hyunjin? Most importantly, you were probably ignoring those feelings for him deep in the apex of your heart. That’s what you were doing on most days.
All that effort went to waste in the end.
��I’m sorry,” you mumbled pathetically. “It’s been rough these past couple of years.”
“Me, too, and that’s why I needed you. Do you not need me anymore?”
You’ll always need him. No matter how far apart you are, no matter how hard you denied it, no matter how much you tried to forget him, deep down you knew you’ll always need him. The heartache would be worth it as long as he was with you, so you should stop fighting yourself, right? It would subside one day.
“I’ll always need you,” you whispered. “Maybe I just needed to be alone. In high school, I didn’t know who I was without you - isn’t that crazy? We’d been stuck together for so long and now we’re facing adulthood alone. Well, I’m alone, at least.”
“I’m lonely, too.”
“Yeah, but you have Yuna.”
“Right, sorry.”
“But you have, Hyunjin, don’t you?”
“I see him like twice a month and we don’t talk about that kind of stuff, so that doesn’t really count in my book.”
“Twice a month? That’s a lot… Yuna and I didn’t even see each other that often…” There’s a hint of jealousy in his tone and you shouldn’t feel accomplished, but it felt good to be on the other end of the spectrum for once.
“Can I ask…?” you hesitated. Were you ready to open a can of worms you weren’t prepared for?
“You mean what happened with Yuna?” Seungmin shrugged carelessly as if heartbreak was just a thorn in his side. “Even I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?”
“One day I’m telling her ‘I love you’ and the next day I can’t say it back.” He laughed but it left a bitter taste in his mouth.
“You just stopped loving her…?”
“Yeah, I guess. I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know!?”
“Ah, don’t get mad!”
“I-I’m not…!” you lied. Ok, you’re not mad, you’re more confused if anything, but how could he not know what went wrong in their relationship!?
“Funny, that’s exactly how she reacted when I said I don’t know.”
“If I ask a guy I’m in love with why he doesn’t love me back anymore and he says, ‘fuck if I know’, you bet your ass I’m gonna be pissed!”
He laughed again, but this time it was genuine. Then a comfortable silence fell in between. Seungmin got what he wanted to say off of his chest and you two were bickering like you would in high school, but he knew there was something you were holding back. The _____ he knew was never this shy around him. Yes, things have changed, but even he speculated it couldn’t be by that much, right?
“Are you ok now?” you asked.
“After the break-up? Oh yeah, I’m fine. The first week was bad, but I’m ok now.”
“That’s good. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me.”
“It’s ok. As long as you’re here now and you won’t ghost me anymore.”
The heartache would be worth it. “I promise.”
“Good, because I don’t think I can continue missing you like this anymore.”
Seungmin loved the moon. She was beautiful tonight, but not when compared to you. In the same sense, you loved the sun, but you loved Seungmin more. The love story of the sun and the moon was tragic, wasn’t it? Fate decided that two beings full of light and love destined to only love each other would never cross paths. They would perpetually revolve around the Earth for eternity only getting a glimpse of each other every twelve hours, seeing the other fall below the horizon just before they could even say hello. But once every four hundred years, the sun kissed the moon during the solar eclipse. Waiting four hundred years was nothing compared to the short moment they shared together. It was worth every second when the timing was right.
“Have you ever been in love?”
So this is it.
“I have.”
You saw Seungmin tense up next to you. He must not have expected you to say yes right away. “Really…?”
“Mhm,” you hummed with more confidence. Seeing his reaction was kind of fun. Was he wondering who you could be in love with?
“What’s it like?”
“You should know better than me.”
“I wouldn’t say that… But what’s it like for you? What’s it like for cold-hearted _____ to be in love?”
“I’m not cold-hearted! Am I…?”
“Ghosting me for two years is kind of cold-hearted in my eyes.”
“Ok ok, I deserve that.”
“Tell me, _____. Tell me your love story.”
You hugged your knees close to your chest hoping they’d protect your heart a little more than the cage it was already in, but she was wild like a bird and ready to break through any second. Not even you could anticipate how she’d react while you told your story.
“I wouldn’t call it a story,” you shrugged. “There’s no plot, no character development, no comic relief - hell, there’s not even a resolution of conflict. It’s just one big cloud of conflict.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Neither do I, to be honest.”
“Why was it conflicting? Doesn’t being in love make all your problems irrelevant? Doesn’t it make you want to fly?”
“It did at first, but now it feels like my wings have been clipped and just the thought of flying hurts because I want what I can’t have.”
“Now? You’re in love now?” he asked incredulously.
Curse the Freudian slip. “I-It’s just a metaphor…!”
You watched his shoulders relax. “Is your love story happy at all?”
“It’s more of a tragedy than anything else.”
“What happened?”
“How does that one saying go? You can’t help who you fall in love with? I guess I fell for the wrong person.”
“Couldn’t it just have been the wrong timing? Love just doesn’t fall into your lap. If you’re meant to be, you’ll end up with each other eventually, right?”
“I don’t know if I really believe in that.”
“Why not? The sun thought the same thing when he first fell in love with the moon and bam, four hundred years later, when the timing was right, they were together in a painfully beautiful eclipse. Total eclipse of the heart in the most literal sense.”
“Solar eclipses don’t even last ten minutes!”
“That’s not the point!”
“Well, what about you and Yuna, hm? Did you think you guys just fell in love at the ‘wrong time’?”
“No, we simply weren’t right for each other. I don’t think we’ll ever get back together - it’s not like she’s my soulmate.”
“Please don’t tell me you believe in that stuff, too!” you groaned loudly. Even in the midst of all the bickering, neither of you could hold in cheek-burning smiles, arguing just like the old times. You missed this just as much as you missed him.
“Of course I believe in it! How can you not!?”
“That’s not fair, Yuna reciprocated your love. You believe in this kind of stuff because you got to love and be loved and learn that you weren’t right for each other. So obviously, you fell for the wrong person at the time, right? It wasn’t just the timing of things.”
“But we both knew that because we were being honest with our feelings for each other, regardless of how we ended. How can you know for sure you just fell for the wrong guy or if it was the wrong time when you’ve never told him how you feel!?”
“Because you loved Yuna!!”
Crickets chirped in the bushes, lightning bugs danced by the shore, and pesky little mosquitoes stung the surface of your skin. You tried focusing on anything, even bugs, just so you wouldn’t have to look at Seungmin’s twisted and confused face. You should jump in the lake again - you would sink beneath the surface and hope evolution would turn you into a mermaid in a matter of seconds so you could swim away and never return.
You wanted to get up and run inside, but you were too tired. You wanted to cry, but even so, you were too tired. You wanted Seungmin to leave you for good and give you the answer you needed to hear, but maybe he was also too tired…
Even if he did leave, even if he ignored you forever, even if he hated you for loving him as more than a friend, would that make everything easier? It had to be better than this silence, right? It was so quiet that you could hear your heart collapsing as the seconds passed.
When You Love Someone by Day6 played on the shitty speaker of Seungmin’s phone.
“Do you remember this song?” he asked.
You could feel his eyes bore holes into your soul. “This played at Prom, didn’t it?”
“It was our first slow dance together.” Seungmin hopped up from his seat and held a hand out to you. He chuckled at your confused expression. “Dance with me.”
It was a command, not a question, so you reluctantly (gladly) obeyed. With both your hands in his, he pulled you up and guided both around his neck. His hold on your waist was not as shy as it was on Prom night. You’re not used to this confident side of him, but you figured it was just one of the few things about him that changed after not seeing him for so long.
You liked it.
Your collapsing heart was beating rapidly in your chest and with the nonexistence of the gap between you and Seungmin, you swore he could feel it, too. It was so loud - louder than the song playing on his phone. No one other than him could make you feel like you could die and fly at the same time.
“What are you doing?” you whispered.
“Reliving high school.”
“Ew, why?”
“What, you didn’t like being my Prom date?”
“It’s not that, it’s just why would you want to relive high school? It sucked ass.”
His laugh was music to your ears. “Yeah, it did, but it sucked less with you next to me.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Thank you.”
You could feel Seungmin play with the hem of your sweater as the song ended. A queue wasn’t set up, so you and the boy you loved swayed to the crickets chirping in the bushes.
“Are you in love with me now or was that just a metaphor?” he asked.
“I need to know if you loved the wrong guy or you loved me at the wrong time.”
Seungmin was always a patient man, but not today - not in this moment. He needed to know your answer.
“I tried everything. I haven’t talked to you for years, I avoided you at all costs, and I almost gave up the chance of seeing everyone all together again because I knew you’d be here and I didn’t know what I’d do when my heart couldn’t handle seeing you. I tried everything to not to feel this way about you, and none of it worked. Maybe you are the wrong guy, maybe it was at the wrong time, maybe it’s both, but no matter how hard I try, I could never stop loving you.”
The tears in your eyes blur the lightning bugs floating around you two. Everything hurts. Even when Seungmin held you tightly against his chest, trying to keep you whole, your confession made you feel broken. There’s no longer that heavy burden of hiding your feelings weighing you down, but you still felt incomplete. Empty.
“_____-bear,” he hushed, calling you by your beloved nickname he made. “Timing is a funny thing, isn’t it?”
“It’s a terrible thing.”
“Only sometimes. But today, it’s almost perfect.”
“How?” you asked, quite insulted that he’d say such a thing with you crying in his arms.
“After two years of trying to get to you, today I got to see you. I got to talk to you. I got to dance with you. I got you to confess your undying love to me. And now I’m here, under the moonlight, with you in my arms. The timing couldn’t be more perfect.”
“Don’t say those things unless you mean it, Kim Seungmin.”
“I could never lie to you, _____-bear. Not when you’re the right person at the right time.”
You sighed heavily, the shakiness in your breath apparent and Seungmin held you tighter. He kissed the top of your head when you buried your face into his chest. He felt like home.
“You make it so hard to stop loving you,” you mumbled.
“Good,” he replied. “Don’t ever stop. Even after I do this.”
“Do what -!?”
Seungmin must have been working out since you last saw him because with ease, he picked you up and jumped into the lake with you screaming in his arms. The water was still cold, much colder than it was earlier today and you knew you were both going to get sick after this. Before you could scold him and swear up a storm, his lips shut you up and you figured this was what it felt like to fly.
“I hate you,” you cried out after pulling away.
He moved strands of hair that stuck to your face. “That’s too bad because I love you.”
You couldn’t handle his corny words, so now it was your turn to shut him up.
The water was cold, but at least his lips kept you warm.
“Are they making out yet?” Sana asked Hyunjin who hogged the window space.
“I think so? I can’t see now that they’re in the lake.”
“Finally! It’s about time!”
“Yeah, but now we’re going to get front row seats to their PDA…”
“Oh God, it’s only Saturday, isn’t it?”
“And we’re here until Monday morning…”
“Great…” Sana handed Hyunjin a full cup of some mystery drink. “Cheers to spring break.”
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