#i need a elliot meeting the others and him telling everything that's happened video right now
washa · 10 months
I listened to Vincent and Sam’s recent audio and here’s my favourite personal comments/thoughts! (We need Elliot and some blues clues shit right now man 😭)
“He’s tying up some loose ends.” I’M SORRY?? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN NOW??
Also Sam sounds rather pissed and I’m just a tad scared.  
“Do we think those “loose ends” will still have a pulse by the time he’s done with them?” Probably not. Realistically not. 
Vincent sounds so disbelieving?? I MEAN I WOULD BE TOO???
“I’m not even exactly sure where he went.” Porter don’t you dare ghost treasure. PORTER DON’T YOU DARE GHOST TREASURE.
Again on, The Shaw pack needs a fucking break 🙌
I bet Vincent is FUMING or right now. Imagine you were mingling with someone who had a hand in something that legitimately killed a thousand people, and your lover. 
I mean i wouldn’t call them “his lover” but go on. 
“His moral compass has never pointed true north.” Amen, Now on that note, I’d like to reinstate on how Treasure should run. 
“-And were gearin’ up for somethin’ else.” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??
Yeah Vincent stay positive 💪 
CloseKnit = Hydra confirmed 
I imagine a lego tower with like “House of Bennet” stuck on it crumbling down in Lego Movie style.
“We’re about to get our hands a lot dirtier then.” If you can listen closely, you can hear Vincent’s eyes darkening, his character development and trauma tingling.
“No secondhand go-betweens, no twisted game of telephone.” I love the way he said that, Like yes drop them bars Princey ‼
“They’ve shown incompetent they can be.” Sweetheart’s kicking the ground right now.
I have a question, Has nobody followed up on Elliot??? I know he reported it after the Inversion and how he got brushed off bc yk it was the INVERSION. BUT It’s been TWO FUCKING YEARS?? Realistically he’d be one of the best leads on CloseKnit, He has a basic understanding how powerful CloseKnit is and how they operate. Can we get a lil circle back to him please 😭 
“I’m not Porter, I won’t just do something because it’s what’s ordered of me, whether I agree with it or not. That’s not how I operate.” DAMN SAM DAMN
The next couple of lines are just things Sam said that I find really interesting…
“But that’s a dangerous precedent. We all know what growing power can do to a person with good intentions.” 
“-”Messy realities” of being in his House, Since we never wanted to be in it in the first place, and that choice was taken from us.” 
“But it’s also convenient that he kept all of this from the two people who were most likely to have a problem with what he’s doing.”
 “-To only trusted in people who voice any opposition to it, and well just do as ordered without question.”
“I need answers on those things.” 
“I appreciate you see me on that same level, deservin’ that same trust from him. But in a lot of ways, William’s old school.”
“I’m not his progeny. I haven’t been around as long as you or Alexis, He didn’t take me under his wing, like he did Porter. He’s always been kind to me, Set me up with a home and with work, and I'm grateful for that.” (I can’t tell if Sam said fringe or friend next, but If it is friend, then Porter and Sam feel the same way, which is an interesting take on how they both feel.)
“I believe that feels that he owes you an explanation, I don’t know if he’ll think that he owes me one.”
“Glorified Press Release” I want that framed on my wall.
Vincent has developed SO MUCH within these two years it’s crazy.
Vincent wants like a guard dog or smth?? Or is he gonna use the guilt trip/ threaten type shit, Like,“Look who you put in danger, a member of the Shaw Pack! Tell me what’s gonna happen from now on or the Shaw Pack will cut ties with you 😇”
Hey on the bright side, Hendral Wyrdsmythe is coming BACKKKK 💕
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John Munch / Simple
Prompt: “Suck it” “oh i’m gonna suck something” 
Word Count: 3,887 
Warnings: canon typical situations and violence, discussion of rape (non-graphic), hurt/comfort apparently, fin and munch are literally some of my fav characters to write for lmao, some discussion of the psych evals from 1x22
A/N: what is this? how did this happen? I don’t know - i blame @laneygthememequeen​ mostly, but also my friends for enabling me beyond belief lmao. 
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“Am I allowed to come in or must I bow and show my allegiance before I am deemed worthy?” and you didn’t need to look up from your desk to know who it was. Your pen still moved, scribbling notes in the margins of the answer that was given to you by Roger Klessler — more hassle than law. 
“No need for allegiance, Detective Munch — I know you only give that to your squad and your string of conspiracy theories,” you finish with the page, sparing him a glance, “only compliance is needed — the one thing you didn’t do on the last case.” 
“Your hands aren’t exactly clean yourself, counselor,” he shuts the door behind him, slipping his hands into his pockets, “what did you do to get that warrant again?” 
You raise an eyebrow, “Are you questioning my integrity?” 
“Funny, I didn’t know lawyers had any,” 
“They don’t, but I can try, can’t I?” you lean on your elbow, “what do you need?” 
“We have a suspect in holding who just invoked, we thought they might be a little more conducive to having an A.D.A. in the box with them,” he tilted his head. 
“Alex isn’t available?” 
“Alex told us to get you,” you held in your sigh, “don’t you lawyers talk to each other?” 
“No, we communicate through telepathy,” you reply drily, grabbing your coat and bag, “Let’s go.” 
“Counselor, you should remind your client that his options are running out,” to say this meeting was going poorly would have been the understatement of the century, “and my patience is running thin.”
A serial child and women abuser — with videos abusing so many children and women over the last twenty years, videos that made your stomach turn — and to make matters worse, he had made into a business, selling these children and women and their pain for profit — and now it was time to make his pain your profit. 
“You have no evidenc—” 
“We have a witness who saw your client, we have his DNA being run against the blood that was found at the scene, and when it comes back it will match and your client will be facing life in prison—” your teeth grit,  “And I’ll be sure he gets it. Or, give up your sick buddies. And maybe you’ll have the possibility of parole in the far off future.” 
“You fucking bitch—” he spits at you. 
“Is that the best you can do?” you raise an eyebrow, as you see Munch tense out of the corner of your eye, “Mr. Bradford,  I’m not scared of you. I’m not a defenseless child or battered woman you can intimidate—” you cross your arms, “not so easy picking on someone who can fight back, is it?” 
 Bradford lunges,  but Munch shoves him back into his chair, “Do we need to add assault on an A.D.A. to your laundry list of charges, Bradford?” and you blink, slack jawed, a shiver going down your spine — if Munch was a second later�� “Try that again and I’ll have you—” 
There’s a knock on the window, and your eyes snap over, “Control your client, counselor, or I’ll have him locked up in solitary,” your jaw is set — you wouldn’t give him the pleasure of seeing you waver, “the offer had 24 hours — it now has an expiration date in ten, so look forward to hearing from you in one.” 
The door shuts behind you, your fingers white knuckling the handle of your briefcase. Liv frowns, “Are you—” 
“I’m fine,” you wave them off, as Munch emerges from the room as well, “tell me when he caves to my offer. And when you’re setting up the sting to get the other guys — I want to be there to make everything go smoothly. No screw ups this time.” 
“All due respect, counselor, but we don’t need a babysitter,” Fin says. 
“All due respect, Detective, maybe you do,” you swallow the lump sitting on your throat, “we need to nail these guys — we have all of New York, 1PP, and the D.A.’s office all breathing down our necks — it needs to be airtight,” you scan all of their faces, “unless all of you would like to take the heat?” 
“I don’t think any of us want that, counselor,” Cragen cuts in, “we appreciate your help. We’ll let you know when we decide to go ahead with the sting.” 
You nod curtly, intent on leaving the precinct as quickly as you could — the image of Bradford lunging at you still fresh and stinging — but nothing was that easy, “Counselor,” Munch was at your side, standing beside you at the elevators, as you pressed the button, “in a rush?” 
“To go home? Yes,” 
“I just wanted—” 
“Wanted what, Munch? What do you want?” you sigh exasperatedly, fighting a losing battle for your voice not to break, “I’m not in the mood for a verbal sparring match, so why don’t we take a rain check?” 
The elevator doors ding, and you step in, hoping to spare yourself the agony of a response, but he follows, the doors shutting behind him. 
But surprisingly his voice was soft,  “I wanted to make sure you were okay,” 
“I’m fine,” you cross your arms, hoping that it would hold you together, until you got to your office, “I’m not scared of him, Munch—” 
“I know you could kick his ass, counselor, I’m not asking you if you’re ready to go seven rounds in the ring with him—” he leans against the wall of the elevator, “I’m just asking if you’re alright.” 
You raise an eyebrow, “John Munch asking me if I’m alright? No sarcastic remark?” 
“I know, I’m surprised myself, I might have to ask Skoda to do a psych eval on me,” and you crack a smile, shaking your head. 
“It was scary,” you admit, something you didn’t want to, “I’ve been threatened before — messages, verbally, even had a guy say he would kill my family—” you bite your lip, “but I never had someone try something, physically before.” 
“It’s okay to have been scared, y’know,” the elevator doors ding, and you step out, shaking your head, “no one expects you to be strong all the time, counselor.” 
And you pause, looking back at him, “But I do,” you blink away the tears, “good night, detective.” 
“It’s too risky!” you ignore Munch, continuing to fix your makeup, “You saw how you acted when Bradford lunged at you — why—” 
“I would do anything to make sure these men get put away,” you finish your makeup, grabbing the outfit Liv had handed you, “and that includes this.” 
This being an undercover operation designed to get names of victims, ages, and dates if possible, before arresting the group for exchanging pictures and videos of their crimes. 
“Putting yourself in the middle of this chaos? You’re being reckless—” 
You slide past him and into a bathroom stall, “I know what I’m doing,” 
“Do you? Do you know how many things could go wrong?” he continues, “I could list them for you for posterity — assault, battery, rape, and let’s not forget murder—” 
“I don’t think Liv will let me get murdered when she’s in the room with me, and I would you, Fin, Stabler, and the Captain wouldn’t either—” 
“Things go wrong on these ops, counselor — the field isn’t as safe as a courtroom — court officers, a metal detector right outside—” 
His words fail when the door swings open, a skin tight bodysuit clung to your figure, crimson, just as his ears nearly were, his eyes raking over your outfit, before finding their way back to your raised brows, “You were saying?” 
He stumbles over his words, “I was saying that—” you cross your arms, waiting and he finds himself distracted all over again, before he shakes himself from his stupor, “I was saying that this is too dangerous—” 
“Munch—” you cut him off, “I appreciate your concern, really I do, but I’m going to nail these guys anyway I can, so you can’t change my mind,” your hand finds his shoulder, squeezing, “but I can count on you to have my back right?” 
He simmers, sighing, his eyes softening, “Of course,” and you squeeze his shoulder, and he calls after you as you head towards the squadroom,  “I just hope they taught you taekwondo in law school,” 
“And I hope you know by ‘having my back,’ I meant more than my ass,” you flash him a smile over your shoulder, shaking your head, and flexing your fingers. 
It would be fine. 
You would be fine. 
It wasn’t fine. He couldn’t find you. 
“Where is he? Where is that son of a bitch, he took—” 
“Munch, calm down,” Liv starts, and he’s shaking his head, his finger in his face. 
“You were supposed to watch them, you were supposed to—” 
“Hey, Munch,” Elliot cuts between him and his partner, his hand on his shoulder,  “we all were there, Bradford slipped out during the raid, there wasn’t anything we could do. We’re going to find them.” 
Munch brushes him away, finding Fin, “Where are we on Bradford?” 
“Got him sneaking out during the takedown,” Fin points you out in the crowd, “looks like he had a knife pressed against counselor’s back, just out of view.” 
“How the hell did that scum sucking, gangrenous low life of a—” 
“Looks like he stole it off one of his buddies he was setting up,” Fin rewinds the tape, and points it out, “lifts it right from his pocket.” 
“Where does he go?” Fin fast forwards, until he gets to the cameras outside, shooting from the van itself. 
“He steals a car down the street, must belong to that brownstone,” Fin shoves the equipment at another officer, “Let’s get the license plate and get a bolo out.” 
Liv and Elliot join the two of them, handing a report to Fin, “We got a list of places that Bradford was known to hang out at—” 
“What are we waiting for?” Munch brushes past them to the car, rounding the car to the driver’s seat, pulling it open, before Fin stops him. 
“I’m driving,” Fin says, holding his hand, and Munch opens his mouth to rebut, “do we really have time to argue right now?” 
Munch glares at him, before handing him the keys, “You better not abide by any traffic laws,” 
“Do I ever?” 
“Can we go any faster than this? I swear my great uncle could drive faster than this,” Munch expects his partner to be angry, but he’s only sighing and shaking his head, “what?” 
And Fin side eyes him, “If you’re in love with—” 
Munch gapes at him, “I’m not—” 
“--then why don’t you just say something, man?” Fin scoffs, “you can deny it all you want, explain it away with one of your crazy ass conspiracy theories, but it’s there, John.” 
Munch pulls off his glasses, running his hand over his face, fingers resting right below his nose, “You know every time I got married, I thought I was in love,” 
“I know, and then your ex-wives screwed you — what about it?” 
“This is different,” he sighs, “and I don’t want to admit that to myself.” 
“What’s so bad about that, Munch? You want to try again,” and Munch is shaking his head. 
“You know a psychiatrist once told me that the reason all my marriages failed was because I chose women who were spoiled, beautiful, and not my intellectual equal?” 
“Meeting some of your ex-wives, I could believe that,” Fin’s eyes fall back to the road, “what’s your point?” 
Your name slips from his lips, “this is different — this is someone’s who's my equal — smarter than me, beautiful— it could — we could be—” he cuts off, “I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose--” and he cuts off, sighing, “I don’t know.” 
“Well that’s easy, John,” Fin pulls over, the car screeching as it does, “we won’t,” and he jerks his head, “whose car does that look like?” Munch calls in the car, unbuckling himself and slipping from the car, “We have to wait for back-up—” 
“I’m not waiting—” before he adds, “you don’t have to come—” 
“I’m not letting your bony ass get shot again,” Fin is already shutting the car door, pulling his gun out, “let’s go.” 
“Are you scared now?” Bradford asks, circling you — a predator gauging its prey — no, he was simply playing with you now. Your wrists flex against your restraints, the wood grain of the chair digging into your skin the more you struggled, the rope around your wrists ungiving, “are you, counselor?” 
It was rhetorical — judging by the tape stuck to your lips and the fact he continued to speak, and his fingers fist into your hair, pulling your head back, “Come on, no smart remarks now?”
Are you that stupid that you’ve forgotten that you taped my mouth over? 
No, wait he was that stupid. 
And he slaps you — the sting of his palm against your cheek dazes you a moment, and then his fist lands a blow in your stomach, choking on the same air you breathed, tears burning before slipping down your cheeks. 
“Do you think this is bad?” and now he’s holding your face between his fingers, nails digging into your cheeks, and he grins, a shiver going down your spine,  “just wait.” And he disappears a moment, his shadowy figure rifling through a bag on a table. 
Your eyes darted around, looking for something that could help you, something to help you escape, but nothing was within reach. Your chest squeezed — what if you died here? What if you never saw your family again? What if you never saw your friends again? What if they never found your body? Fear claws up your throat, eyes burning. 
What if they found your body? 
What if Munch found your body? 
You had promised him you’d be careful, but you were careless. You didn’t watch Bradford close enough, you didn’t stick with Liv, you were stupid — so stupid. 
And you wondered if he’d rape you before he was done — if they would find your body like so many victims that came across your desk. You wondered if he’d kill you at all — or just let you live with the memories of his torture. 
And you didn’t know what was worse. 
But then something clatters in the distance, and his head is whipping around, there are footsteps, and he’s grabbing a knife, cutting your restraints free,  “Come here bitch,” he mutters, hurrying to cut the ropes, at your feet before moving to the ones at your wrists,  “they aren’t taking me before I get a chance to slit your throat.” 
Blood roaring in your ears, you know you have to do something — he’s almost done cutting the last rope at your wrist. You couldn’t wait for help. 
You rear your head back, before smashing it into his, hard. His groan gets caught in his throat, as you lunge for the knife, the handle within grasp of your fingers, and you’re trying to crawl away, a deep ache in your skull. You’re stumbling to your feet, but his fingers close around your ankle. 
“I should have fucking killed you from the start,” and you kick him with your free foot, hearing him scream and the satisfying crack of his nose breaking, gripping the knife in your hand and pushing yourself to your feet. 
And you rip the tape from your mouth, “Get the fuck away from me!” you point the knife at him, heart pounding against your ribcage, as he lays clutching his bloody nose. 
But he’s still getting to his feet, “You better hand over that fucking knife—” 
“You better not take another step before I blow your brains out,” and suddenly Fin and Munch are there, Fin stepping forward to arrest Bradford, as Munch is beside you. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” and he’s trying to ease the knife out of your fingers, but you won’t let go, “let go of the knife, it’s okay,” he’s murmuring in your ear, slipping the knife from your fingers, “you’re okay. I got you.” 
Your knees are buckling, and he’s holding you, your head buried in his chest, “I thought he was going to—” 
“I know,” he says softly, “I know, but you’re okay.” 
“Because of you,” And he’s helping you up, and police sirens in the distance, as he helps you out of the building, “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be,” he whispers, “I’m sorry,” 
“For what?” and his arm around you squeezes you gently. 
“For not saving you sooner,” And suddenly EMS and police are flooding the scene, Fin is shoving Bradford into a car. And you spot him, glaring, but Munch steps between his view, his arm around your shoulders, “don’t bother with that scum. He’s not worth it.” 
And he wasn’t — you knew he wasn’t, but you know that you wouldn’t be able to prosecute him now. But, you craned your neck to watch him be taken away, you wanted to see the bastard get put away at least. 
It’s over, you tell yourself as you rest your head against Munch’s shoulder. 
It was over. 
“I just want to go home,” you shake your head, but he pulls you along regardless, protesting all the same.
“Just let them look at you, please?” he asks, “if only for my sanity.” 
And you scoff softly, “I thought you lost that a long time ago,” 
“There’s that wit,” he replies, and you go with him, fingers intertwined with his. E.M.S. examines you, insisting on taking you to the hospital for a possible concussion. But you don’t want to — you just want to sleep, you want to take a shower, you want to forget this ever happened— 
“Please just let me go,” you’re pleading with him, tears slipping down your cheeks, “John, please let me go home.” and he’s wavering for a moment, before his hand is on your shoulder, gently pushing you back down. 
“I can’t, and you know that, counselor,” he never wanted to see you cry like this, he never wanted to see you as a victim — because you aren’t just another victim at his desk or in photos spread across his desk — you were you. 
But you were also a victim now. 
“Why not?” you lie against the pillow in defeat, tears slipping down your cheeks, and he’s leaning down to your level, running his fingers through your hair. 
“Because you’re hurt, and you need to be seen. I don’t trust doctors as much as the next conspiracy nut, but you still need to see one,” he tilts his head, “do you want me to come?” 
And you’re blinking back tears, before nodding, “I’m sorry, I’m—” 
“Don’t apologize,” he’s wiping your tears away, “don’t ever apologize for this.” 
You don’t remember much else — it’s a blur of testing, until finally they let you sleep. And you don’t know how long you sleep. But you don’t dream, and for that much, you’re thankful. You awake to the low hum of hospital machinery, and quiet voices in the room. And you blink, the fluorescents much too bright for you, and your eyes flutter shut again, before not before voices creep in. 
“—been asleep?” 
“It’s been a few hours,” Munch whispers, assumedly trying to keep from waking you, but that was out of the question already, “docs gave something for sleep.” 
“Have you said anything yet?” and it’s Fin asking. 
“When? In between the ambulance ride here and the C.A.T. scan and the fifty other tests they ran?” Munch replies drily, sighing, “it’s not the right time,” 
“You know there’s never going to be a right time, John,” and you’re grateful that you’re turned away from them, your brow furrowed, their voices growing louder, “you have to say something or is counselor a mind reader now?” 
“Don’t spout another conspiracy theory or you’ll be the one in the hospital bed,” you could almost see Fin crossing his arms. 
“You know that psychiatrist also told me I could make a conspiracy theory from a five-year-old’s lemonade stand,” 
Fin raises an eyebrow, “Well now that I believe,” 
“What am I supposed to say?” Munch asks, “‘hi, I know you almost just died, but I think I’m in love with you?’” 
And your eyes snap open, the air sucked straight from your lungs — “It can be that simple,” 
He was in love with you? John Munch was in love with you. Your heart squeezed at the thought — you hadn’t a clue that he was. You knew he cared — but you didn’t know he… loved you.  
“Nothing is ever that simple,” and you turn around, the words leaving your lips without a thought. 
“It can be, John,” and both him and Fin’s gazes snap to you, a small smile on your lips, “if you let it be.” 
Munch is staring at you slack jawed, while Fin is grinning, elbowing him, “I’ll leave you two alone,” before he adds, “remember that there is an officer at the door—” 
“Fin—” and he’s gone, disappearing out of the door, and Munch is wiping a hand down his face, his cheeks flushed red, “so how much of that—” 
“All of it,” and he’s covering his hands with his face, “for someone who claims to be so evolved, you’re very cute when you’re embarrassed,” 
“I’m cute?” he repeats, and you hold out your hand to him, and he’s staring a moment — as if he can’t believe it — before taking your hand, “how cute?” 
You snort, “Just cute enough, don’t go getting an ego,” 
“You’re sure it’s not just the concussion? And the almost dying?” and you roll your eyes, tugging him closer, by his coat’s lapel, and he’s whispering your name. 
“How’s this for an answer?” and you kiss him — his lips barely brush yours a moment, but he’s already pulling you back in, parting and meeting until you hold him there a moment, fingers twisting in the hair resting on the small of his neck, “John—” you breath against his lips. 
“I don’t understand why…” he whispers, your foreheads brushing. 
“I don’t understand why me,” his fingers cup your cheek gently, as if you’d disappear between his fingers, “you could be with anyone — why would you choose this paranoid, old detective?” 
“Because it’s you,” you softly chuckle, and you draw your lips to his again, “and I wouldn’t want you any other way,” before you add, “except maybe sharing your feelings more so I don’t have to overhear any other conversations to know how you’re feeling.” 
“I could say the same to you, counselor,” 
“Excuse me, I said how I felt first,” you gape at him, in mock offense. 
“Only after hearing how I felt,” but you shrug, smiling as your noses brush. 
“Still, I was the first, so suck it,” you reply, and he laughs, a warm sound that makes your chest stir. 
“Oh,” his lips brush yours, a smile on his lips,  “I’m gonna suck something.” 
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mellometal · 3 years
Hey, everyone.
I've tried to compose myself before making this post. This is a subject that I've touched on a little bit in posts, but I've never done a deep dive into JUST this topic. I was going to make a post solely about this subject sooner, but this one in particular is really hard for me to talk about without getting emotional...and yet Dhar Mann has talked about this on quite a few occasions in the most insincere, toxic ways. I'll do my best to discuss this topic without getting too emotional.
It's about a serious subject that people still are ignorant about and don't take seriously. Even to this day, with the body positivity and body neutrality movements. (I don't know of a better way to describe just being neutral about your body. Sorry if it sounds weird.)
For anyone who doesn't know what I'm referring to (honestly, I don't blame you, as this is a subject that's often seen as normal and is encouraged in society for the most part), I'm talking about fatphobia. Hating on people for being fat. Discriminating people because of their weight in the workplace, at the doctor's office, just in general. Not many stores having inclusive sizes. People being treated like they're subhuman because they're fat.
I want to say this first, before I bash on Dhar Mann again: I'm a plus-size young woman. This is something that I have personal experience with. Your weight has no significance to your worth as a person. If you do happen to be overweight, obese, whatever, you're not subhuman. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You're worthy of being loved, listened to, treated with kindness, and respected, just like anyone else who isn't fat.
If you treat people like utter shit for their weight, get some help. Why do you care about somebody else's weight? Obviously there's an exception to this, like if they're so big they can't move or they're so skinny their organs are showing....because those are causes for concern, but other than that, mind your own business. Even if they are in those extremities, unless you're their doctor and/or their family, STILL mind your own business. How the fuck does a fat person simply breathing and existing affect you in any way? News flash: there will always be fat people.
Before I get to the weekly ritual of tearing TWO of Dhar Mann's videos apart (the next one will be in another post or I'll reblog this post and continue on there), here's an obligatory trigger warning for the video analysis itself and my response: The following post contains fatphobia, fat shaming, a man being super fucking misogynistic and treating women like they're objects, and there's even a touch of some racial aggression. How shocking. Because Dhar Mann really seems to get a kick out of writing about racism to make it all cute. Oh yeah, you're totally solving racism, Dhar Mann. /s
My response contains my experience with fatphobia, relationships with food, mentioned/implied thoughts of s3lf h@rm, feeling like I'm unworthy of being treated like an actual person because of my weight, and absolute rage. Like usual. My responses are very heated. This one especially. It's LONG. Buckle up.
With all this out of the way, let's get to the first video that I want to tear apart. This one is about the auditions for a record deal. I will get to the video about a kid wanting to be a host of a radio show later.
To sum up the first video, a plus-size white woman (Krissy Elliot) is singing for an agent (Isaac) and his assistant (Evette) so she can follow her dream to become a singer. Isaac cuts Krissy off to viciously bash her for being a plus-size woman. Evette stands up for this woman, and says she sounded fine and to let her finish. Isaac doesn't listen to Evette, let alone take what she said into consideration. He continues to ridicule Krissy for her appearance, that she'll "never make it in the music industry" (WRONG, do you know how many plus-size people are in the fucking music industry? There are A LOT more now than when I was growing up and it honestly makes me so happy. There were more plus-size people in the entertainment industry than in the music industry back then.), suggested that she "become a chef or a food critic" because she apparently loves being around food (being a chef or a food critic are noble professions, but NEVER fucking assume ANYONE'S relationships with food), to the point where Krissy left the room in tears.
Here are a few screenshots for context:
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When this skinny, conventionally attractive woman (Jesse) comes in, Isaac's mood does a COMPLETE 180° and he's all sunshine and rainbows. Then right as soon as Jesse did her audition, Isaac is over the fucking moon, complimenting her physical appearance, treating her like an object, and signs her up for a record deal RIGHT AWAY. Pay attention to Isaac's facial expressions in one of these screenshots.
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Evette suggests that they sign Krissy for a record deal instead. Because she was "the best singer they've had all day". Isaac, still all hot and bothered by a skinny, conventionally attractive woman that he's treating like an object, tells Evette that people like Krissy don't make it in the music industry because they're "overweight and unattractive", and is verbally aggressive towards her when she does nothing but explain her stance. Isaac sees this as Evette "talking back" (remember how I mentioned that there's racial aggression? He says that Evette is "talking back" because she happens to be a black woman) and fires her. He signs Jesse a record deal and has a blast with her.
The award ceremony comes around, and they're picking a winner for Best New Artist. They pick the winner, and it's....guess what? You'll never get it! It's Krissy Elliot! Why? Because Evette became her agent after Isaac fired her. Krissy goes into her whole story about how she was laughed out of every single agency and that she worked hard. Good for her. Jesse is obviously very happy for Krissy. We gotta love women supporting women.
This video was again another dumpster fire. As usual. Like I said, with this video in particular, I couldn't get through the first thirty seconds the first time around. Because I've dealt with shit like this. Obviously not with the music industry because I don't even think I'd be good enough to step into an agency...but I mean in my personal life.
Being told by my own dad that he was "tired of buying bigger clothes for me" when I was a young teenager, despite him buying almost nothing but "junk food".
Having my abuser make comments about my weight and talking about diets while I'm trying to eat my food, despite her being overweight.
Having someone I know (not anyone I'm friends with) make a comment about me eating a few things (ONE small piece of broccoli, two baby carrots, a small handful of chips, and ONE small piece of pineapple) and said to "save some for everyone else", even though I was saving food for everyone else, which is why I took so little. She tried to justify it with the fact nobody was there yet (why do you think I took very little food?), and she "was saying that to everyone" (why did she look at ME when she said that instead of making it clear that she was talking to everyone [saying "Hey, everyone" before the comment about saving some for everyone else IS NOT HARD]?), even though I know it was just to save her own ass. I knew she said that to me because I'm plus-size. She didn't say anything to anyone else, nor did she make it clear that she was talking to everyone.
Another person I know (not a person I'm friends with) saying that I overreacted (I did not overreact; SOMEONE TRIGGERED ME and you did NOTHING about it) even though they all KNEW my relationship with food is complicated. They KNEW that I don't really like eating in front of other people. I was upset that someone MADE A FUCKING DISGUSTING, TRIGGERING COMMENT ABOUT ME EATING VERY FEW FOOD ITEMS, ALMOST ALL WERE HEALTHY, DESPITE OTHER PEOPLE EATING A LOT MORE THAN I DID AND PICKING AT EVERYTHING. That day, I was begging one of my friends (one of the people I trust to eat around) to PLEASE take me home because I didn't want to be there (never wanted to be there in the first place), I was tired (I worked all night the night before and was forced to go to a meeting before all this happened), I didn't feel comfortable there anymore, there were way too many people (four individuals plus all their staff from another house were in the house I work in), I couldn't breathe (I was either about to pass out, have a panic attack, or just start crying), but nobody listened to me. I ended up getting a bus to go home.
(Sorry about all that. I was trying not to get emotional in this post. I just needed to share how this can affect people.)
Onto my response, which is all in the screenshots below.
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ETA: I know the screenshots for my response are very jumbled right now and it’s difficult to read. I apologize to anyone who’s unable to fully read it! Because this is part one of this whole subject of fatphobia (I’m making a post about the boy wanting to become a radio host very soon), my response here will tie into that post. My response to that video is vastly the same, despite not making a comment on that video as of right now (the radio host one). 
I’ll be typing out my full response here. I apologize for weird formatting. Instagram wouldn’t let me break up my response into paragraphs. I’ll break them up into paragraphs here instead.
CC (Combination of the first, second, and third screenshots, aka, the first part of my response):
 I have a few questions before I get into my thoughts on this video. One, how the hell does your weight have any significance on your worth as a person, and if you do think this way, why would you think that? Two, do you know that fatphobia is a lot more than just judging a person for being fat? Three, why do you feel like you can speak for fat people like myself with this piss poor excuse for a video that I could barely get through the first thirty seconds of the first time? 
You can’t speak for any of us. I can’t speak for every fat person because not everyone has the same experiences as me. 
I’ve been bullied for my weight in real life as well as online. People have called me ugly just because of my weight. By the way, your weight doesn’t equal beauty, and that’s what I’m still learning. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. 
On quite a few occasions, I have actually thought about doing dangerous things to my body that I don’t feel comfortable going into here. All because I had people try to boil me down to my weight, call me ugly, and destroy whatever self-esteem I had left. You don’t know what fat people go through, so don’t act like you do. 
There are many factors that go into why a person may be fat, including medical conditions, mental illness, trauma, genetics, etc. All of those things are none of your business unless those people decide to be open about it. 
No, it’s not always healthy to be fat (obviously there are extremities on both sides of the spectrum of weight that are extremely unhealthy), but it doesn’t make a person any less of a human being. Fat people are human too. Quit treating us like we’re not. We deserve to be treated like everyone else who isn’t fat. I’m not saying put all fat people on a pedestal. I’m saying treat us like human beings.
CC (Combination of the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh screenshots, aka, the second part of my response):
Remember how I said that fatphobia isn’t just about judging people for being fat? Well, there’s the “fat tax” on plus-size clothing (even though it maybe only costs a little bit more in fabric, if there’s any difference in making clothes for people who aren’t fat), limited styles for fat people in stores (making a lot of us have to buy fast fashion or have to spend a fortune on clothes that actually flatter us), not very many stores have inclusive sizes still (if you don’t at least carry max 5XL or a size 38/40 in pants size, you cannot call yourself inclusive), and a lot of other things.
Many fat people, myself included, are afraid to seek medical attention for anything (even checkups) because of doctors who only focus on our weight and not on what we came in to see them for. They write it off as if our weight is the sole cause of our problems, which isn’t always the case.
How about we talk about how expensive it is to eat healthy in a lot of places? Not everyone can afford to make fresh meals every day, let alone once a week. Maybe they were never taught how to due to their upbringing. You don’t know.
I’ve had people comment on my weight, what I’m eating (even if I’m eating something healthy like fruits and veggies), talk about my weight or diets EVEN WHILE I’M TRYING TO EAT, and it’s caused me to wait until I’m alone or around someone I trust to eat anything. As a result, I have a complicated relationship with food now.
Telling someone they’re fat doesn’t help them. They know that. They see themselves every day. People may want to change, but they either are afraid to ask for help, or they don’t know where to start. Some may not want to change. It’s up to them, honestly. If you want to help them lose weight, maybe suggest any physical activity they’d have fun doing and do them with them? I dance for fun. Also, you could help set up meal plans with them. 
If you’re not going to at least try to help them lose weight if you’re so concerned about them (this is all if they actually want to change things and don’t know where to start), I cannot say this in a sweeter way: shut your mouth and mind your own business. Because you’re just being a cunt at that point.
CC (eighth screenshot, aka, the third and final part to my response):
There are quite a few plus-size people in the entertainment industry as a whole who are/were very successful. Remember the late Chris Farley and Aretha Franklin? Chris Farley was big, but that didn’t change how great of an actor he was, how funny he was, or how much of an impact he made in the entertainment industry. Aretha Franklin was a plus-size black woman in the music industry, but she’s inspired SO MANY artists we have today! There are many plus-size men, women, and I believe even nonbinary people in the public eye in general. Like I’ve said, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. That’s why the body positivity and body neutrality movements are a thing.
(I know I implied that I thought about sh here in my response, but please don't worry about me as far as that goes. I'm fine now. I would never go through with anything like that.)
In the last part of my response where I mentioned some plus-size people in the entertainment industry as well as the music industry (the late Chris Farley and the late Aretha Franklin), I was going to name more people, but my comments were getting too long. I'll name some more here off the top of my head:
Lizzo (rapper), the Piggy Dolls (the first K-Pop girl group made up of actual plus-size women), K*v*n Sp*c*y (I don't feel comfortable saying his name because he's a disgusting person, but he's another plus-size man...he was in King of Queens and in A LOT of movies), PSY, Greyson Gritt (a genderqueer person in the music industry), Elle King, Produce Pandas (the first music group in China full of plus-size men), Martha Wash, Chubby Checker, Fats Domino, Big Angel (a J-Pop group of all plus-size women), Chubbiness (another J-Pop group of all plus-size women), Pottya (another J-Pop group of all plus-size women)...there are so many that I found, but if you want to add more plus-size artists, plus-size actors, plus-size comedians/comediennes, feel free to add them in the comments!
Dhar Mann, you'll never know what plus-size people go through. You don't know what we go through. You have NO IDEA what we go through on a daily basis. Stop acting like you do. Because you don't, and you never will.
By the way, Dhar Mann, this will NOT be the last post I'll make about you or your videos. The more you make fucking deplorable, poorly written bullshit, the more posts I'll make! Teehee!
If you got this far, thank you so much. The next part of this is coming very soon. I'm sorry for not posting too many screenshots from the video. I wanted to fit in my response because it's important for people to see.
Have a good day/afternoon/night, y'all. Love you!
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msiopao · 4 years
The One Where the Moon Became a Witness
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pairing: sera x jeno
summary: in the middle of a blackout and dead phones, they danced to the music from her box in the dark with light from the moon streaming in through the window
for christmas, the members all respectively went to their homes with Renjun and Chenle going back to China and the rest to their families, but 2 remain. The parents of the two decided to take vacations without their children since they were told to warn their families that they might not make it back home for the holidays. But it was proven wrong as they were free and now, had no family to go to.
One was in a cruise while the other was in a vacation to make up for a previously cancelled anniversary trip.
Refusing the other members’ wish to stay with them, they slightly regretted the decision at the empty dorm and the silence that filled every crevice.
Sera sat on the couch with Haikyuu playing in the TV but she was barely paying attention, instead focusing on her phone with her fingers typing rapidly and her brows furrowed together. Her brothers were all in college and they too, were without their parents. At least, they had each other and met up in New York. 
elliot: why couldn’t you just have taken a plane here
mika: its only 15 hours
sera: ‘iTs oNLy 15 hOUrS’
sera: fool get off crack
elias: we dont want you here anyways 😤
sera: i will actually fite your face
atticus: its literally christmas eve
atticus: would it kill you to be nice for a few days
sera: hmm,,, suddenly mom appeared in the chat
mika: can you video later
mika: we usually celebrate the first few hours of christmas together
elliot: we wouldnt need to do that if finny was here
sera: lit rally just say you miss me
elliot: yall hear sum
sera: that unfair
sera: i dont have a twin to clown you with
elliot: god has his favorites and its obviously not you
mika: stop arguing
mika: its annoying having to swipe up when i just want to play my game
sera: jeez, mik, why you so pissy for
atticus: elias used up all the hot water
sera: imagine being pissy for taking a cold shower
sera: you shouldnt be unfamiliar with it since you used to take one every morning right, brother mikhail sir?
atticus: one christmas
atticus: one peaceful christmas was what i want
jeno noticed her soft smile and he approached her, holding 2 mugs full of hot chocolate and marshmallows topped with whipped cream. Exactly how she liked it. A giggle escaped from her and she turned to look at him as she felt the cushion beside her sink due to the weight placed on it. She smiled gratefully at him and moved to hold her cup so he could safely hold his.
“Do you miss them?” He asked, noticing the name of her oldest brother’s name pop up. 
With a wistful look, she nodded and blew on the hot liquid. “Yeah. Even though I want to see them, we only have 3 days of break so its not worth flying back and forth.”
Jeno wrapped an arm around her shoulder, gently pulling her close. His eyes trained on the ball that flew around the court in the show and he felt her laugh when the orange-haired boy missed the ball.
“Ah, no!” She whined with a laugh at the face of the boy.
Continuing to watch the banter between 2 characters, they grew silent as they became focused and interested at the show and the speech that a character was giving. She soaked in every word since it reminded her and Dream but then it went blank.
Everything went dark and the soft glow from the street light came through the window beside the TV to give them a way to see things a little bit clearer. Jeno felt her tense form and with the help of the slight light, he gently pried the cup off of her hands and placed both of their mugs on the coffee table in front of the couch.
“Ah, we have a blackout,” Jeno said. Sera nodded and she moved to turn on the flashlight from her phone only for it to blink ‘1%’ in red. 
Cursing at the worst timing, she turned it off and placed it to the side since it was no use anymore. “Jeno, can we use your phone?” 
With a sheepish look, he sent her a lop-sided smile. “You see, I played my game too much and I just plugged it in earlier. It might not have a lot of charge in it. I can go get it?”
“Oh, it’s okay. We just need it to tell the boys we have a blackout and in case they need to get ahold of us,” she reasoned as he stood up to get it from his room and coming back with it on hand.
They sat in silence, even the sound of birds disappeared and was replaced with eerie quietness which was very unfamiliar to the dorm. This might be the first time the walls heard such silence after they moved in.
“The light is hurting my eyes,” Jeno mumbled before taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes.
“Do you want to go in my room? My string lights are battery operated so it’s not turned off. It’s very bright,” she suggested. He nodded and they padded over to her room at the end of the hall.
Jeno has been in her room millions of times so it wasn’t unfamiliar territory and he even noticed his hoodie hanging on her chair.
“There it is!” He pointed at the missing material he was just looking for a few days ago.
Sera smiled guiltily and placed her hands up. “Sorry,” she apologized.
“Nah, it’s okay. I just thought I lost it. You can keep it,” he reassured before jumping on her bed. “It’s so not fair you got a soft bed.”
She rolled her eyes before climbing on it beside him. “What are you talking about? Jaemin has the softest. This isn’t that comfortable.”
Jeno turned his head to look at her and his ears turned red as admired the way the bright lights against the wall illuminated her face and made her eyes brighter than they usually were. It almost made it look like she was glowing.
Sera noticed his stare and looked at him curiously. “Hm? Something on my face?”
He snapped out of it and his smile reached his eyes, turning it to crescents. “No. I just like the lights.”
For a 30 minutes, they just talked about absolute nonsense and old memories to past time since they couldn’t use his phone for entertainment. Then the string up lights flickered slightly that went unnoticed by the two.
“God, Chenle almost killed Renjun. Thank god you were able to hold him back,” Sera laughed at the memory.
Jeno shook his head with a smile when he remembered the unpleasant time that Renjun spilled a little bit of paint on his apple watch. “Honestly, he could’ve just gotten a new one. It didn’t help that you pointed it out in the first place.”
“Yah, if I didn’t, Jisung would’ve. There was a big blob of blue in the screen of his watch. Who wouldn’t notice that?” She defended and tightened her hold of his middle.
“Okay, okay,” he chuckled and was about to say something when for the second time that day, they were covered in darkness again.
“Really, God absolutely hates me right now,” she muttered harshly. “Chenle took all of that good luck with him. I told him to leave that jade bracelet here.”
Jeno knew about her slight fear of the dark because she slept with the lights on everyday and it’s been probably a while since she changed the batteries. 
“You stay here while I go get some batteries and a flashli-”
“No, don’t leave me.” She stopped him from sitting up with a hand on his arm. 
Jeno saw her slight wide eyes and nodded before laying back down. His brain racked up ways to comfort and keep her entertained but he came blank. Turning his head to the side, he looked around her room with blurry eyes and he found the small box that she had on top of her dresser.
“I have an idea,” he said. “But I need to get up, love. Will you let me go get it?”
She nodded and he smiled softly before standing up and crossing the room to grab the circular object. Sera sat up and saw the familiar outline of her great-grandmother’s music box that was given to her right before she died.
Jeno gently wound the box and opened the lid, hearing the soft melody of an unknown song and watching the dancing of the 2 figures. He placed it on her nightstand and he held his hand out to her.
“May I have this dance, m’lady?” He asked. Sera wasn’t able to answer properly since the moon hit behind him so perfectly that it looked like he was an angel and she still cannot believe someone as gorgeous and perfect like Jeno was her best friend.
“I-Um,, Yes.” 
In their pajamas and socks, the two people danced slowly, moving side to side. Their eyes were closed as they slowly got lost into their own world. The soft music from the box filled the room and she could feel his heartbeat as her head rested on his chest and her arms were loosely around his neck. Jeno’s hold of her waist tightened when she moved closer to his warm form.
“Thanks, Jen.” Her gratitude made a smile appear in his face and he kissed the top of her head.
“I can feel your heartbeat,” she mumbled against the cloth.
“Hm? Can you really?” He asked, smile growing wide.
“Yea,” she answered. “Hey, Jen?”
“I love your smile the most.” 
The declaration took him aback. “W-Well, thanks?”
Sera smiled at his awkward stutter and continued on. “It reminds me of the moon. When you smile, it just lights up everything else. Like the moon in the sky. It gives purpose and comfort that there is light in the midst of darkness. And your eyes. They scrunch up like moon crescents. That’s my favorite hour of the moon.”
“I love your smile, too.” He giggled and there was something different in the atmosphere.
She opened her eyes and saw the digital clock flash a red ‘12:05′. “Look, it’s Christmas.”
Jeno moved his head and he swears he could see faint snowflakes. “Oh? It is.”
“I guess I got my wish then,” she hummed happily. 
“I wanted God to let me spend Christmas with someone I love,” she revealed and looked up to meet his eyes. “It wasn’t just a coincidence that you happened to have to stay here too.”
He brushed away strands of her hair that rested on her face before patting her hair. “Stuff happens for a reason.”
“When I came to Korea, you and Jaemin were the only ones I had. But now, I have 18 people with me. I’m very thankful for everything but I think meeting you is the one I’m most thankful for.”
The confession might’ve been spawned as she got more tired and sleepy but he thinks that she’s probably wanted to say that for a while.
“I’m here for you, Sera. I’ve been here from the start and I’ll be here till the end.” Jeno reassured and she hugged him tighter with a content sigh.
His promise is only heard by the 4 walls of her room and remembered by the two of them but it signifies a new beginning and the creation of a deeper bond and the only witness was the moon.
And it thought this was beautiful.
a/n: this was lowkey cute but it didnt turn out the way i wanted it to :(
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julia-highstorms · 6 years
Play My Game (Tom x F!MC)
Author’s note: after latest ILB chapter, I needed something light and fun, so here we are! I imagine Tom and Julia as the most competitive couple ever and these two goofs are constantly competing over the most stupid things lol
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry Studios.
Song: Play My Game - The Donnas
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Tom x F!MC (Julia Vance)
Word count: +2200
I almost broke my highest score
When you walked through that door
I lost my game and you're to blame
I could have been in the hall of fame
Tom laughs maniacally as his Toad passes through a dizzy Yoshi, Julia’s avatar, after throwing a banana at her.
As soon as the green dinosaur stops spinning, the girl presses hard on the button, speeding up towards the finish line.
“Ugh I hate this fucking stupid rainbow road!”
Tom just keeps laughing beside her, his avatar easily gaining on the other competitors. Soon, Julia’s character shows up close to his.
It’s the final turn. The others are long behind. It’s only the two of them now.
She has to do something.
Suddenly, the girl throws the Wii control aside.
“What are you do—” - but Tom is interrupted when his girlfriend almost literally jumps on him, her hands in claws, ready to tickle him. - “STOP. I know what you’re trying to do!” - he says falling on his back, Julia landing on top of him, as he grabs her wrists with both of his hands, avoiding the tickling attack. - “I don’t fall for this anymore!”
“Are you sure?” - she smirks devilishly at him before showering his neck with kisses. Tom burst out in giggles, squirming beneath her. The girl’s fully aware how sensitive her boyfriend is, especially on his neck area.
Taking advantage of the situation, Julia pulls out and finishes the running while Tom still recovers from her attack.
“HA! First place!” - she makes a little dance of victory and Tom lets out a low curse.
“Hey, this wasn’t fair!” - his face still is all flushed.
“You’re such a sore loser, Sato.”
“How can I be a sore loser when you cheated?!”
“This is exactly what a sore loser would say!”
“Oh my God, you’re impossi—”
“I’m going out, kids.” - they are interrupted by Elliot as the boy crosses the living room and opens the front door of the old cabin, used to those two bantering.
“Where are you going?” - his sister promptly asks, forgetting the bickering.
“I’m going to meet Robbie. We’re going to the movies.”
“Okay, call me if you need anything! I can pick you up later—”
“Julia, it’s fine. Don’t worry about me. There are no more crazy cultists after my blood and mad grandma is gone. I’ll text you, don’t worry. You two have fun!” - and he leaves the house.
“When did he grow up so suddenly?” - she murmurs with tears in her eyes, but she soon recomposes herself. - “Anyway, where were we? Oh, right, I just defeated the unbeatable Tomoichi Sato on his favorite video game.”
“You won unfairly.” - he corrects her, but she just rolls her eyes and steps closer, throwing her arms around his neck.
“Well, what’s done is done.” - she states, her face now just inches from his. - “You know, we have the house all for ourselves—”
But before she can kiss him, Tom frees himself from her embrace and stays an arm long from her.
“I’m sorry, but cheaters aren’t allowed to get any of this.” - he points to himself and Julia groans in discontent. - “I claim for a rematch.” - and a devilishly smile spreads on his face.
Let's play ball we don't need a court
Just you and me baby full contact sport
And there's no ref to tell us to stop
So we can play until we drop
“Okay, this is unfair.”
“Why? You agreed on a rematch.” - Tom says, adjusting his glasses, that sly smirk still on his face.
“Yeah, because I thought we were going to play one of your video games again, like Street Fighter or whatever. Not that we were going to do this.” - his girlfriend explains, pointing to where they are and to the orange ball he holds. They’re standing in the middle of an empty basketball court in Swan Park. It’s a pretty sunny day and some people jog around and kids’ laughter can be heard from the playground area. - “You were part of a basketball team during your high school. This isn’t fair.”
“I just played it regularly for like, three years. And I spent one of it on the bleachers.”
“I spend my whole life on the bleachers, Tom.” - he chuckles.
“This will teach you to think twice before tickling or distracting me from my game.” - Julia grunts and they both start stretching out, their eyes locked on each other’s, defiant looks on their faces.
“So, who wins?”
“The one who gets more points, obviously. And just because you’re not used to playing it, don’t think I’m going to make it easy for you. Not after that betrayal.”
“Just shut up and let’s get this started already.”
“Guess you can defeat me?”
She smirks back at him.
“Oh, you’re on!”
After 15 minutes, they’re both panting, their eyes locked, carefully watching each other’s next movement. Tom’s winning, but Julia’s proven to be a great adversary, and she’s not too much far behind him.
“You’re not so bad like you said you are, Vance.” - he says, with the ball spinning on his point finger.
She gives him a sly smirk.
“Maybe beginner’s luck is by my side today.”
“Not for long!”
The game starts again. Tom races toward the basket, skilfully kicking the ball on the floor. She sprints closer, trying to grab the ball, but he’s dodges right on time. He flawlessly shoots the ball through the hoop.
“Damn your stupid... long arms!” - Julia curses, still a bit out of breath because of all that exercise, making her boyfriend giggle. They’ve never felt those 8 inches/20 centimetres height difference between them as much as now. - “What are you doing?!” - she asks as her boyfriend takes off his t-shirt.
“I am hot!”
“I hate you. I hate you so much.” - and mostly she hates how much she enjoys that view.
“Why? Am I too distracting to you, Vance?” - Tom smirks slyly, fully aware of what his bare chest does to her.
“You’re so dead, Sato.”
And without warning, she takes the ball and cross the court running. But soon Tom’s already hovering over her, trying to block her shoot. She can feel his chest bumping on her back as he tries to get the ball from hers.
“This was your plan all along, wasn’t it? Picking a full contact sport and taking off your shirt. Who’s playing dirty now, uh?”
“Well, now you know how I feel when you tickle me! Or when you start with all those damn kisses!”
“You love those kisses!”
“Oh, crap!” - Tom curses as Julia takes advantage of her short height, easily ducking underneath his arms and shooting the ball through the hoop. Another point. - “This was a good one.”
Tom’s about to go retrieve the ball, but Julia suddenly pulls him in. It’s all so fast and intense, and she’s far stronger than she looks, and the boy ends up losing his balance.
“Ouch.” -  Tom complains when his back hits the floor, with Julia clinging onto him, showering his neck with those kisses that make his head spin.
The game is already forgotten and he kisses his demanding petite girlfriend back, his arms around her waist, flushing her closer to his chest.
“I’m not gonna apologise for this.” - she stops for a quick second, cupping his face between her hands.
“I know. ” - he grins back at her. And that’s true. He already was half expecting it. That she would in some way turn his game against him, again. And he would end up falling for it, again. He always did. And to be honest, he just pretended to be mad at her. He actually enjoyed it more than he should. - “Although this is the second time you attack me just today. And I hit my back.” - she lets out a mischievous giggle.
“Tom… No… more… games...” - Julia says between pecks on his lips, hovering over him.
“Okay, I guess that’s... enough for today.”
She grins mischievously and leans down, kissing him fully. The kiss gets heated in no time, his hands on her hips, hers on his hair, their hearts beating fast and their breaths quickening…
“Hey, this is a public area! Go find a room!” - they’re suddenly interrupted by a known voice nearby.
They immediately stop kissing and look over to where the sound of whistles and cheers come from, to find their friends there, on the other side of the court’s fence.
“Woo you go, you two!” - Imogen jumps up and down, while Parker chuckles and Danni shakes her head disapprovingly at them. Tom and Julia immediately pull apart, faces flushed.
“Parker, can’t you arrest them for, like, excess of PDA?” - Danni turns to the police officer standing beside her. - “I’m pretty sure this is indecent behavior.”
“Well, they haven’t done anything too explicit yet… and they’re just making out and are in love. Let them live, Danni.”
“I am a hundred percent sure I saw a boob grab.”
Imogen and Parker laugh loudly as the couple stands up and walks toward them.
“Uh, hey, guys! What are you doing here?” - Tom asks, his face burning with embarrassment. He’s already put his t-shirt back on.
“I was taking pictures as usual when these two showed up.”
“Today’s my day off and I like helping the Boy Scouts whenever I can.” - Parker smiles proudly.
“Well… I’ve met with a lawyer earlier today and my head was so full of everything that I needed a bit of fresh air.” - they all smile to Imogen. She surely was the one who suffered the most with all that hell that happened a few weeks ago, losing her best friend, her horse and her parents. Naturally, she inherited all her parents possessions and properties and was having to deal with the legal part of it. - “And today’s such a beautiful day, so I came in here and bumped into Parker and Danni. I was just telling them about this new restaurant that opened nearby when we heard your shouting.”
“That was a pretty intense game, guys. Well played. I didn’t know you played, Julia.”
“I don’t, but someone...” - Julia answers Parker, playfully bumping her shoulder with Tom’s. - “...is a sore loser so we were having a rematch.”
“I’m not a sore loser when you cheated to begin with!”
“So, will you come have lunch with us or what?” - Danni interrupts before they start bickering at each other again. - “I’m starving.”
They both immediately decide to go with them.
“Yay! Follow me!” - Imogen squeals and the group walks together in a relaxed pace, enjoying the shadow of the trees. - “The restaurant is right in front of the park entrance! You’ll love it! They have these killer fries and this pink lemonade—”
“Wait, wait, will we be able to pay it?”
“Of course you will! I don’t eat only on fancy restaurants, you know!” - Imogen chuckles. - “And I can pay your part if you don’t have enough money, Danni.”
“I wouldn’t accept it, but thanks, Genny.”
“Nonsense, we’re friends!”
“Anyway, my wallet thanks knowing that I can pay it.”
“Seconded.” - Parker agrees.
“Fourthed.” - Tom and Julia say. He looks down at his girlfriend with a grin, her hand interlacing with his, while he carries the ball on his other arm. They walk a bit behind. - “Guess we’ll have to put our rematch on hold.”
“‘On hold’? I clearly won. Again.” - she smirks. - “Just accept this, Sato: I won, you lost.”
"I guess you hit your head when we fell because I was winning. But what do you say we solve this next? This still isn’t over, Vance.” 
“You’re insufferable. Lucky you that you’re so darn cute and I love you.” - and she kisses his cheek, whose grin widens. - “Hey… do you want any help packing up your things tomorrow?”
The boy feels his heart shattering a little. The summer is almost over and he’s moving out of Pine Springs the next day now that all that supernatural weird stuff is gone. And he wants to spend every moment he has with Julia. And this is why they’ve been hanging out daily with each other for the past weeks, because they already miss each other. And this is why he likes teasing her to keep with that stupid playful competition between them. Because they know they’ll be months apart until they can see each other again.
“Yeah, that’d be nice. Thanks.”
“No problem.” - she smiles warmly at him, squeezing his hand tighter as they enter the restaurant. - “...But I’ll pick what we’re going to play next.”
“Okay, and what will it be?”
“Strip poker.” - she whispers on his ear and watches with satisfaction her boyfriend’s face turning a shade pinker. She bit back a laugh. - “I’m joking. I don’t even know how to play poker.”
“Oh. Okay. Good.” - he immediately seems more relaxed. - “Can you imagine? What if Elliot came back home right in the middle of the game and found ourselves in our underwear there? I guess I would die of embarrassment.”
“Haha, Elliot would probably just ignore us but lock me out of our room.” - Julia laughs as Danni yells at them:
“Hey couple! If you don’t hurry up there’ll be no seats left for your pretty asses!”
“Jeez, so bossy! We’re coming!” - she yells back before turning to her boyfriend again: - “We’ll continue this later, Sato. And you’ll play my game.”
“I can’t wait.” - he kisses her temple and they join their friends.
Well you can play my game
But I’ll put you to shame
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Chapter 2
Ringing. The only sound Derek could make out was the constant ringing in his ears. His chest hurt and something was leaking from his forehead. Blood? Why was his forehead bleeding?
“David? David are you alright?” he finally managed to ask. Silence.
“David?” he tried again. Still nothing. He willed himself to turn his head only to discover a gaping hole in his windshield and his son not in the passenger seat beside him. Derek couldn’t wrap his mind around what had just happened. Suddenly there was a knock on his window.
“Everything’s going to be alright, sir. You’ve been involved in a hit and run accident. Are you alright?”
“My head,” Derek mumbled.
“Alright. I’m going to open the door and get you out.”
“David. Where’s David? Where’s my son?” The paramedic’s face paled as he helped Derek from the wrecked BMW.
“Let’s get you checked out first sir, then we’ll talk about David.” Derek allowed the paramedic to lead him to the ambulance and take him to the hospital. He faded in and out of consciousness several times before finally passing out. He awoke several hours later, bruised and bandaged and in excruciating pain from the neck down.
“Mr. Jenkins?” the doctor asked cautiously when she noticed that he had come to.
“Where am I?” he asked, clearly still dazed from the morphine.
“You’re at the hospital. You were involved in a hit and run accident.”
“Where’s my son? Where’s David?” The doctor sighed softly before delivering the heartbreaking news.
“David didn’t survive the crash, Mr. Jenkins. He was ejected from the vehicle.” The remainder of the doctor’s words faded as Derek processed what he had just been told. His son, the only piece of his family that he had left had been taken from him in a car accident. The tears streamed down his face and his screams could be heard several rooms away. It had only been 4 years since he lost his wife and now he had lost his son.
“There are some officers here that would like to speak with you about what you remember,” the doctor said. “I’ll let them know that you’re awake.” With that, she turned on her heels to alert the awaiting officers. They came in about five minutes later, their faces solemn and regretful.
“Alderman Jenkins, I’m sorry for your loss,” the taller gentleman said. “My name is Detective Elliot Fitzgerald and this is my partner Antonio Ramirez. Can you tell us what you remember from the accident?” Derek sat up slowly, wincing slightly from the pain in his neck.
“All I remember is leaving the baseball game with David. We were on the way to go get dinner and ice cream since his team won. We were stopped at a red light and when it was our turn to go, this car just came out of nowhere and hit us dead on. Everything goes blank after that.”
“Do you remember what kind of car it was?” Ramirez asked, writing important details in his notebook.
“It was black, a Mercedes I think.”
“Were you able to get a glimpse of the driver?”
“No, everything happened so fast.”
“Thank you, Alderman. We’ll pull the traffic cameras from that intersection and see what we can find. Thank you for your cooperation and I apologize again for your loss.” With that, the gentlemen left, once again leaving Derek with his thoughts.
“I failed you, Tameka. I promised you that I would take care of him and I failed. Please forgive me,” he sobbed.
“Are you sure there’s nothing you can do, doctor?” Tameka Jenkins asked when it was just the two of them in the room.
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Jenkins. The cancer has spread to almost 90% of your body. Even with chemotherapy, there’s still a 99.9% chance of it coming right back. I’m sorry.”
“About how long do you think I have left?”
“If I’m being honest, you may not make it to Christmas.” Her soft sniffles could be heard from outside of the door and Derek’s heart was crushed. They’d loved each other since they were freshmen in high school and hadn’t been away from each other for more than a few hours in 16 years. How would he function without her? His son needed a mother and he most certainly needed his wife. It was too soon. God couldn’t be taking his angel this soon.
The bell to the cafe chimed, signaling another patron had entered the tiny space. Pastries of all kinds lined the display shelves, inviting guests to sample their sweetness. Derek Jenkins sat in a booth in the back of the restaurant, a black fedora covering his low cut fade. Smoke rose from the cup of french vanilla coffee as he clicked away on his Macbook, passing the time until his breakfast guest arrived. He’d been reluctant to take her up on her offer, seeing as how she had been trying to include herself in his activities for the last few months. It wasn’t that she wasn’t attractive, she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, but looking at other women felt like he was betraying Tameka. Though it had been four years since her death, he still couldn’t bear the thought of loving another woman the way he loved her.
I’m surprised you called,” a feminine voice called, pulling him away from his campaign plan.
“I thought about what you said the other night and you’re right, it is time that I let someone in,” he stated before taking a tentative sip from the mug. Margo smiled a soft smile before taking her seat across from him. The pair talked for a few hours, bonding over their sons’ shared interest in baseball and their experiences as single parents.
“So have you heard anything from Moore?” Margo asked as she sipped her white hot chocolate.
“He called me last night, said he’d gotten a lead in the case. We’re supposed to be meeting later on to go over the details.
“Are you nervous?”
“A little, but I need closure. It’s been a year and I still don’t have the slightest clue as to who could have done it or why. I just want to know who the coward was that killed my son.” Margo reached out a hand, carefully stroking his knuckles to bring him back to the present. This was one of the reasons he didn’t like talking about David or his death. Each time the memory surfaced, he became angry. The same anger he felt when the two detectives told him that David didn’t survive the crash. His phone rang, pulling him from his wayward thoughts.
“I’m here, where are you?” he says into the receiver.
“My office, 15 minutes,” Detective Moore says before ending the call. His tone was much more gruff and aggressive than usual, which worried Derek.
“He wants me to meet him at his office, care to tag along?”
“Sure,” Margo answers, pouring her remaining cocoa into a togo cup. The pair made the short drive to Detective Moore’s downtown office and anxious to hear what he man had to say.
“After careful examination of the traffic cam footage from the night of the wreck, I finally have the identity of the driver that hit you and left.” Derek watched with wide eyes as Moore enhanced the video footage.
“Is that Senator O’Bannon?”
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From the Beginning Exclusive!
This is an exclusive for the rewritten and soon to be posted Danny Phantom story “From the Beginning.” This is a sneak peak as to what FtB is going to be all about. You can even think of it like a trailer. Not everything is chronological and these paragraphs might not make it into the final copy, but it tells the heart of the story!
From the Beginning’s first chapter will be released on July 6th! Pledge to me on Patreon Buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi
Summary:  Danny Fenton was a simple, sixteen-year-old teenager who loved fast food, video games, and getting a B on surprise pop quizzes. He’s also the half-ghost teenage hero Danny Phantom who defends Amity Park from ghost attacks on a daily basis. Somehow, the ghost attacks make a lot more sense than crushes, friendships, and falling in love with someone he is definitely not supposed to be falling in love with. It was a lot easier to separate Phantom and Fenton before, but now it’s getting a harder the more he learns about himself. Just who was he? The dorky son of scientists who loved the stars or the hero that protected the town. He’s starting to feel like he won’t like the answer. (Iambic Prose) (Prequel to Guardians and Partial Show Rewrite)
“Hello? Anyone here?” Danny shifted outside the massive library, hesitantly knocking on the doors and oh. Okay. That happened, then. Right. Doors swinging open without anyone there. That was his life, wasn’t it? “Great. I’m trapped in a horror movie and it’s not even a good one.”
Pushing his way in, Danny swallowed at the silence and the thousands of books that he could see even from the front doors. “Hey, uh, Ghostwriter dude? Your doors kind of opened and I came here to, um, visit?”
“Huh.” Danny crouched down, tilting his head at one of the broken murals. While the other murals at Pariah’s Keep had been beautifully painted across the walls and held strong even now, this one was shattered on the floor. “I wonder what you meant.”
There had been one with ten cloaked figures crowning Pariah as king, but then the next few had shown Pariah’s fall and his subsequent imprisonment. Danny half wondered who had drawn the murals, but he was willing to chalk it up to it being a ghost thing. Reaching a hand out, Danny brushed his fingers against the mural he was currently inspecting.
While there were ten figures, they weren’t the shapeless cloaked figures from the other murals. These ten all had varying sizes and heights, but it was broken in the way that only one figure was separated from the rest. Danny wondered if these were the original Ancients. He never heard much about them, and he was pretty sure ‘the Ancients’ was just the Observants in disguise, but these ghosts definitely didn’t look like Observants.
Shifting his balance, Danny almost tumbled forward before he caught himself, both hands now braced against the cracked mural-
Golden eyes that shone like molten gold and death and hate and loss and pain and how dare they how dare they how dare they when it had been him to bring them all together and if they wanted to suffer than he would show them and he would make them see him he would make sure they never forgot again-
Grunting as he hit the floor on his back, Danny stared up at the ceiling and only absently realized he was gasping for breath and what… What had that been?
“Recent? Recent- It’s always been like this! You’ve always been so damn prideful and full of yourself and it’s gotten worse ever since you became ‘Phantom.’ You think you’re above everything!”
“Above- You have no idea what I go through! I’m trying to be ‘in charge’ because I, at least, know about all these damn ghost things-”
“And I don’t?! I’ve been right here this entire time and learning it all the same time as you! I’ve been here the whole time and you don’t even see me! I’m nothing but the tech guy to you!”
“At least you know what you are! I don’t even know if I’m alive anymore some days-!” Danny’s voice died in his throat as he saw the shot that was speeding towards them and while it might  hurt ghosts, this was a shot that could kill humans and no-
“The blame seems to lie in both parties this time around, so why not agree to forgive and forget on both sides?”
“Jeez, does everything you say sound like it’s from some kind of Hallmark card?” Laughter bubbling out at the annoyed look he was given, Danny shook his head and forgive and forget, huh? Not bad, but… “Hey, Ghostwriter, what about something else, instead?”
“Oh, please. ‘Something else’ typically means a battle royale and I’m uncertain about you, but I prefer to solve disputes these days by-” Ghostwriter’s mouth closed with a snap, Danny’s grin growing wider as he continued to hold out his hand.
“Hi, there. My name is Danny and I’m a half-ghost idiot with a saving people thing. I hate Christmas, I love my friends, and it’s nice to meet you.” The long silence was worth it when the ghost finally clasped his hand, genuine smile on his face.
“Hello, Danny. My name is Ghostwriter and I’m obsessive over my books and tend to talk to myself outloud. It’s nice to meet you, as well.”
“You don’t understand- I wasn’t even a ghost.” Danielle, the little girl that had pretended to be his cousin the last week, looked up at him as if begging him to understand. Danny found it hard to when he was strapped in some machine and doing his best to not panic. “If it wasn’t for Daddy- If it wasn’t for Vlad, then I would still just be a half-formed spirit thing floating around the Ghost Zone. He gave me my life back.”
“That doesn’t mean- That doesn’t mean you just go and do everything he says! You’re your own person, aren’t you?” Please- Please see that this was wrong. “Do you really think this is the right thing to do?”
“No, but… Danny, please. He’s hurting. Daddy loves me, but he’s hurting and I ran away to see if he would care enough to come get me and he did! I didn’t think he’d hurt you, too, but please, you have to help him.”
“So, yeah.” Danny took a breath after a rambling apology that had went on for far too long, a little of the weight falling off his shoulders when he saw Elliot’s smile. “I’m… I’m sorry that we got off on the wrong foot. I can kind of jump to conclusions, sometimes, and I didn’t mean to make you feel like you didn’t belong. Trust me. I know how it feels.”
“You could have just said sorry,” Elliot laughed, stepping forward and resting a hand on Danny’s shoulder. “It’s alright. I did kind of push my way between all of you.”
“It’s hard to be a new kid,” Danny shrugged, and, okay… Maybe Elliot could be okay. Maybe everyone was right and he had just been a jealous brat. “Right, so, um, yeah. It’ll- It’ll be nice to have another friend around here.”
“That’s sweet.” Elliot laughed again, grip tightening on Danny’s shoulder for a moment. “I never would have thought that ghosts could pretend to be so kind.”
“Gh… Ghosts.” Danny watched as Elliot’s glasses slipped down and no… No, there was nothing warm in those eyes. “I don’t-”
“It’s okay.” It was the same feeling as when he had stepped into the portal and felt his palm press against a button. A missed step. A wrong move. An unseen threat. A mistake. “The Guys-in-White have been very eager to meet you, Danny Phantom.”
“Give her back!” Ice crawled through his veins and Danny knew that each breath he breathed out was filled with crystals of ice and snow. “She’s not yours.”
“Meddlesome child.” Plants with thorns and toxins deadly even to ghosts rose up, Undergrowth at the center of it all with Sam sitting under him. “She will be Queen. This child will carry on the work that has been left unfinished for far too long! After her death is complete, she shall be the one to heal the world.”
“Maybe, but she doesn’t need to die to change things. She never has.” Energy colder than anything he had ever felt poured into his hands, and this. This was why he had first started fighting back. Someone needed to stop the ghosts.
“I always wondered, but why do you risk so much to protect your town? Surely you’ve read enough comics to know how poorly life is for a ‘hero.’” Ghostwriter stared at him steadily, curiously, and Danny felt all his lies die in his throat.
“I…” He told everyone it was because he had always dreamed of being a hero. He agreed that he had a ‘saving people’ thing. He swore up and down that if he didn’t do it, then he’d regret that he never got the chance to do something so amazing. None of it… Not all of them were lies, but they weren’t the truth.
“You risk everyone and you don’t have to. I’ve known you for months, almost, but I just can’t understand it.” Ghostwriter was honestly confused and Danny couldn’t help but laugh. Really. Shouldn’t a writer have known before anyone else? “Wha- Danny?”
“No, no, it’s just… It’s simple, isn’t it?” At the look, Danny shook his head. “Bad things… Bad things happen sometimes, right? A lot of times, you can’t do anything about it, and you just help where you can and keep on going. The thing is, though…” Danny swallowed, looking up at Ghostwriter and taking a steady breath.
“When bad things happen and you have the power to stop it and you don’t? Then the bad things happen because of you. If I have these powers and someone gets hurt and I can do something? I’m going to do it. It’s not because I’m playing at being hero, but because I’m doing whatever everyone else has always done. I’m protecting my home.
“Danny-” If this Reality Gauntlet thing really worked, which he had just proved it did, then they would never remember this, and that? That was perfect.
“I love your stupid poetry, I love how you mutter under your breath when you have a new idea you want to write about, I love your stupid hair and how you can never completely get it to lay flat you hypocrite, I love how you sometimes go hours without realizing that your coat that you’ve been looking for is on the back of the only couch you ever sit at, I love how you can’t see without those stupid glasses, I love how you have to always have your tea in just the right way or you won’t drink it, and I love, more than anything else, that you saw me.”
Andrew seemed struck completely speechless, Danny giving a hopeless smile. “I always thought it’d be Sam, you know? Maybe Paulina or someone else from school, but then I met you, and… God. It’s like I met you, and I knew- I wasn’t looking to ever fall in love like I did, but then I met you, and oh, man. I lost so bad, Andrew. So I’m going to say it now, just this once.
“I’m in love with you, Andrew Riter. I love you. You’re never going to remember this, but I thought you deserved to know at least just once.”
“Oh, I see.” Still crouched and ready for danger, Danny eyed the ghost that was in front of him in the dream he had found himself in now. He didn’t know where Nocturne was, but he was going to be ready for anything. “She must be dreaming…”
“Right, yeah, okay, dream that knows it’s a dream. Great. Is there where the walls start oozing blood?” A laugh escaped the ghost in front of him. It was definitely a ghost Danny had never seen before. The hairstyle alone was something he definitely would have remembered considering it was dreads tied up with beads and chains and, yeah, definitely not something from today’s style. “You should know that I don’t go down without a fight and-”
“Hush, young one.” The ghost walked forward and before Danny could fly away, he was taking a necklace off and pressing it into Danny’s hands. It looked like a dreamcatcher or whatever, only… It was glowing and the thread seemed like ghostly energy rather than thread. It reminded him of Clockwork’s staff, weirdly enough. “When you see Nocturne, gift this to him. He will know what it is.”
“I, uh, yeah. Okay?” This was a very weird dream, but if Danny didn’t have to fight, then, yeah, hey, great. “Do you know where to find him, right now? I’m kind of trying to stop the entire world from entering into a sleep coma.”
“Follow this path until it ends.” Great. Cryptic. Just what he needed. “Young one…” The ghost bit his lip, Danny near jerking back in surprise when his cheek was cupped. “Oh, such young ones. I’m sorry for what you will face.”
“That’s that, then, huh?” Danny rubbed at his eyes before looking back to the results of three night’s research. It all said the same thing no matter how many times he reworked the problem. “I’m dying.”
He felt like the words should have torn something apart in him, but all they did was make him tired. He supposed, somehow, that made even more sense.
“You know, GW, I have a feeling that we’re going to be great friends.”
“I find that I rather agree with you on that.”
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odanurr87 · 7 years
My thoughts on... Altered Carbon
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Apologies for not posting this review earlier but a few things happened during the week, one of which was the Farewell episode of Life is Strange: Before the Storm and I simply couldn’t not play it right away. Also, as you may have noticed by now, I hadn’t written up this review yet. I’ll try to keep this brief.
Overall, Altered Carbon is a series I enjoyed a great deal due to several factors, the first of which is its length. Much like British TV shows, Altered Carbon’s first season is short, comprised only of ten episodes, what’s good because it doesn’t dilute the narrative and keeps the momentum going. I’ve lost count of how many filler episodes there are in any given American TV show and I’ve often pondered how much better something like, say, The Flash would be if it were given half the number of episodes to tell a story. Not to mention there are only so many times I can be invested in Barry having to defeat yet another evil speedster. Altered Carbon is given 10 hours to make this work and I believe it succeeds.
The second factor that immediately appealed to me was the blend between sci-fi and crime thriller ala Blade Runner (probably leaning more towards 2049 than the original). The main protagonist, Takeshi Kovacs, is introduced to us as a mercenary on the run who is later hired as a private eye to look into a murder given his... colourful background. The investigation is certainly eventful and well-paced although it doesn’t do as good of a job as other murder mysteries, such as Poirot, or Miss Marple, in involving the audience and trying to get them to play detective themselves. By the time Kovacs decided to gather everyone in the traditional “room scene” I had few concrete reasons to suspect any of them for the murder but Takeshi managed to paint a colourful picture as was, indeed, the intention. 
Perhaps this is compounded by the fact that, in Altered Carbon’s universe, the body is just a shell (wink wink), a sleeve, a skin that can be worn by anyone, what makes it difficult to guess who may be using a person’s sleeve at any given time, a fact that Altered Carbon takes advantage of throughout the series. This leads to a number of plot threads that introduce new characters and potential allies of Takeshi, such as Kristin Ortega (played by Martha Higareda), a police officer who’s aware of Takeshi’s colourful past and decides to keep tabs on him; and Vernon Elliot (played by Ato Essandoh), a former medic in the Tac Marines who initially becomes a prime suspect in Takeshi’s investigation. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Poe (played by Chris Conner), the Raven hotel’s Artificial Intelligence who takes on the appearance of, you guessed it, Edgar Allan Poe and sees himself as Takeshi’s partner in crime. If only. Poe’s introduction in episode 1 is probably the best in the series (certainly the funniest and a tad creepy as well) and I hope he returns in an eventual sequel.
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Poe, one of the best supporting characters.
Since we’re talking cast I should mention a few other names that are tied to Takeshi’s past but for that I need to paint you a picture of the setting. As I mentioned earlier, in this alternate future, humanity has unlocked the means to live forever by storing their consciousness in a chip called a “stack.” In so doing however, humanity has paved the way for further differentiation of the classes, where the rich and powerful can practically live forever in the best and most alluring sleeves while the lower classes either die or often get placed in the cheapest bodies they can afford. At one point, a group of rebels called Envoys decided to rise against this system and tried to put an end to immortality. Needless to say, it did not go well for them and the series explores the events that led to their downfall alongside the murder mystery. In fact, Takeshi was the sole surviving member of their group and he was put on ice for a couple hundred of years. You can imagine he was none too thrilled about being brought back to solve the murder of an immortal, as he embodies everything Takeshi fought against.
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Takeshi Kovacs, meet the new Takeshi Kovacs.
This segways nicely into an interesting discussion point as Altered Carbon’s main protagonist is played by two actors (three actually, as he’s briefly played by Byron Mann in the beginning as the above picture shows): Will Yun Lee, during his Envoy days; and Joel Kinnaman (whom you may recognize from Suicide Squad), during the murder investigation. Personally, I liked both their performances and I even felt, at times, that I could see Lee’s Takeshi in Kinnaman’s performance, what is no mean feat. Connecting the two is Quellcrist Falconer (played by Renée Elise Goldsberry), the smart and fearless leader of the Envoys and, incidentally, Takeshi’s love interest. I absolutely loved her interactions with Takeshi, be them past or present. Indeed, Altered Carbon successfully weaves and balances the Envoy storyline with the murder mystery in a way reminiscent of how Arrow used to balance Oliver’s past in the island and his day-to-day as a vigilante in Star City. Some, if not all, of the best moments in the series involve these two in some form or another. Quell is always present in Takeshi’s thoughts, even in death, and her wisdom helps him out of many a tight spot. It’s a rather beautiful, if tragic, love story and I’m a sucker for those. The ending of the series perfectly sets up the sequel playing to Quellcrist’s theme, undoubtedly the most emotional of the music tracks in the series and my personal favourite (sadly, it’s not a part of the OST). Since I mentioned music, I must admit Altered Carbon has some badass scenes that are perfectly enhanced by tracks like PJ Harvey’s “The Wicked Tongue.” Is the soundtrack worth listening to on its own? My first answer would be “no” but let me get back to you on that.
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Quell is my favourite supporting character and I hope we see more of her in a sequel.
There are a few other positives and negatives I could mention about the show but I’ll do so in the spoilers section of this post. In general lines, the murder mystery is relegated to a second place after a certain point in the series as it switches to the heist genre once the criminal mastermind has been identified (perhaps somewhat sooner than I would’ve liked in retrospect). The reveal came as a bit of a surprise, even when it really shouldn’t have. Personally, I found the conclusion to the investigation more disappointing than the culprit’s identity as a few things line up rather too conveniently. 
The series has also been, to an extent, criticized for its somewhat gratuitous depictions of gore and nudity but, to be fair, it’s nothing we haven’t seen in Game of Thrones before, a series that, if I remember correctly, was praised for that very same fact not too long ago (even though I always felt this was done for the shock value and to attract viewers). However, at least the nudity doesn’t seem too out of place in Altered Carbon when you consider most of the universe’s richer denizens see their bodies, their sleeves, as a sign of their power and would probably waste no opportunity to show off (indeed, one such scene transpires between Takeshi and Miriam Bancroft). Still, I believe the series would work just as well if there was less of it.
Overall, Altered Carbon is a series I would heartily recommend to any fan of science fiction and murder mysteries, not to mention it has a solid romance story between Takeshi and Quell (and maybe between Takeshi and the beautiful Kristin Ortega, you’ll just have to see!). I’m a bit puzzled by the critics’ tepid, if not outright dismissive, reception of this series, but for a while now I’ve had the feeling that critics have become increasingly out of touch with what people look for in entertainment. Their professionalism in analyzing or critiquing a film or a series has, sadly, become more and more influenced by their biases and agendas (be those political or otherwise), as recent releases like Ghostbusters or The Last Jedi would suggest (or the different reception to The Orville vs. Star Trek Discovery insofar TV shows are concerned). In fact, James Raney over at YouTube makes an interesting comparison between reviews for Netflix’s Bright and Disney’s The Last Jedi, highlighting the lack of consistency when reviewing one of the other (you can watch his video here). Erik Kain from Forbes also wrote an article about a month ago arguing some critics didn’t do their due diligence when reviewing Altered Carbon (you can read his article here). Is the takeaway here that I should start watching everything the critics review badly? I should hope not.
With that said, let’s dive into spoiler territory.
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I didn’t like the character of Lizzie, Vernon’s daughter. I thought Poe’s therapy took way too long and was meant entirely to have her show up in the last episode to save her parents through Kovacs’ levels of badassery in an outfit that felt out of place, if not out of character. Not to mention she hints at being able to see the future, something that comes entirely out of the left field and certainly adds nothing to this series but perhaps it’s setup for the sequel. It’s also rather convenient that she has the single, most damning, piece of evidence for Takeshi to round up his investigation, something you will probably guess early on and that the show will do its utmost to make you forget (or you will have solved at least half of the puzzle).
Much criticism has also been directed at the character of Reileen Kawahara (played by Dichen Lachman; did I mention the women in this show are all absolutely gorgeous?), Takeshi’s sister. As you can undoubtedly guess, she’s the evil mastermind behind everything that’s going on to the point she even has her version of Oddjob (that’s from James Bond’s Goldfinger in case you didn’t know) to run interference and murder everyone that gets in her way. I personally liked how Lachman played the character as I felt she was very attached to her brother (maybe too much so), to the point I truly believed she was sincere about wanting him back at her side, the two of them against the world, even if it was also crystal clear everyone else was utterly expendable to her. In hindsight, perhaps the flashbacks don’t accurately convey this bond as Takeshi and Reileen have little time to reconnect, after being separated since childhood, before they’re recruited into the Envoys, but Reileen certainly comes across as (overly) protective of her big brother from that point onwards. Props to Joel Kinnaman also as Reileen’s and Takeshi’s last scene aboard the “Head in the Clouds,” is especially poignant as you can see how neither truly wants to harm the other and it tears Takeshi (and the viewer) apart when he finally pulls the trigger and end his sister’s life. As the resort plunges from the skies to its inevitable doom, Takeshi ignores Ortega’s pleas to escape with her and resolves to stay with his little sister to the very end.
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Please find a way to reunite brother and sister in a sequel! It’s so sad we spent so little time with her before she was outed as the villain.
I think that about covers it. As you may have noticed, I’ve taken a liking to several of the supporting characters in the show. Sadly, all of these end up dead but I’ve learned not to take death for granted in a sci-fi show, especially one where there a technology exists that can backup a person’s consciousness. Let me add here that I also liked Ortega’s busybody character but I feel her arc was well-rounded at the end of the series so I don’t think it’s necessary for us to see her again in the sequel, but maybe Takeshi will run into Elias Ryker one day? That would be fun to watch.
What did you make of Altered Carbon? Who was your favourite character? Who would you bring back? Also, with the introduction of sleeves, this show could potentially go on for as long as it wants (or has enough material), similarly to Doctor Who. Will Yun Lee could certainly reprise his role as Takeshi Kovacs or perhaps he could be played by someone else. The ending takes every precaution not give away any hint as to his ethnicity, to the point his new sleeve is even wearing gloves. Who would you like to see play Takeshi Kovacs in a sequel?
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allthingsjaneausten · 5 years
 I first saw this book on Kickstarter where Karin was trying to get funds to translated it from Dutch to English, I fell in love with it and knew we had to help make it happen and it did. After a successful campaign the book was translated and now it is being published  in a scrumptious edition in English – worldwide. It will be in stores very soon but you can be the lucky winner of this giveaway or pre-order on the link below. 
 Q&A: Karin Quint
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m a 42-year old Dutch journalist and photographer from Tilburg, a city in the south of the Netherlands. I’m an avid reader, I love going to the movies, wish I visited the theater more often and enjoy walking. Since my first visit to England in the 1990’s I’m an anglophile. You can wake me up in the middle of the night for an afternoon tea, a good Victoria sponge cake – or any cake, basically.
How was your first encounter with Jane? Was it a movie or a book?
When I was a student in the 1990’s, I found a copy of Pride and Prejudice on a flea market – it was so cheap I just had to buy it. I had heard of Jane Austen, but wasn’t aware that Pride and Prejudice was one of the best-loved novels in English literature. When I started reading, I just couldn’t put it down, I HAD to find out what would happen to Elizabeth and Mr Darcy. I think it was one of the most satisfactory reading experiences I have ever had.
What’s your favorite Jane Austen novel?
It tends to vary. It used to be Pride and Prejudice because of its mesmerizing protagonist, the wit and humor and the pacing of the story. But since a few years, my favorite is Persuasion. I just love gentle and kind Anne Elliot, who gets a second chance at true love.
Darcy forever or do you have another favorite hero?
Hahaha! I love Darcy on the page, but I’m not sure I would like him very much in real life. Too moody for my taste. And all that money, I wouldn’t know what to do with it … No, I prefer the reasonable Mr. Knightly, always eager to help others, a perfect gentleman. I love how he struggles with his feelings for Emma but keeps them hidden and just gives Emma time and space to realize what her real feelings are.
How did the idea for your book guide come about?
As the webmaster of the Dutch website  janeausten.nl  I receive questions about all sorts of things relating to Jane. In the summer of 2012, I received an email from a father who wanted to take his two daughters on a Pride and Prejudice tour of England. He wanted my advice on which locations to visit. So, I wrote him a lengthy email back. While doing that, I suddenly wondered why there wasn’t a Jane Austen travel guide that included both the places where she lived and worked, and the filming locations from popular adaptations. After a sleepless night (I was so excited about the idea!) I decided to write one myself.
Favorite Darcy and favorite adaptation.
Colin Firth, no doubt about it. Although I did love Sam Riley in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I would have loved to see him in a ‘normal’ adaptation, he’s such a great actor. Pride and Prejudice 1995. I think it’s just perfect: the script, the actors, the costumes, everything!
Tell us what you want people to know about your book.
Jane Austen’s England is a true labour of love. I am a Janeite and I’ve written this book for all those other Janeites who are just as interested as me in where Jane lived, worked, shopped, visited, but who also want to know exactly where Colin Firth stood when he took that dive in the pond (which in fact he didn’t, as you’ll read in the book).
What’s the coolest thing that has happened to you since you started this Austen adventure?
The coolest thing was the support I received during my Kickstarter campaign to fund the translation of Jane Austen’s England from Dutch to English. It was really amazing that so many kind people from all over the world contributed to make this dream come true and I’m so very grateful! Without this crowdfunding it would have almost been impossible to find such an excellent English publisher like ACC Art Books, who is now distributing the book worldwide.
I have to mention you made wonderful videos for your Kickstarter campaign and with your permission given previously I will share it here and now. It’s hilarious. I think Jane would not smile, she would laugh out loud!
Tell us about being an ambassador for the Jane Austen Literacy Foundation.
As an enthusiastic reader, I know all about the joy and knowledge reading can bring. And as a professional writer, I understand the importance of being able to express yourself through writing. I truly can’t imagine a life without being able to read and write, but there are still communities where children do not get the opportunity to learn just that. The Jane Austen Literacy Foundation wants to change this, by funding e-readers and e-libraries for communities in need. It’s a great honor to be an ambassador for an organization whose goal is so close to my own heart.
Tell us about your experience in Alton at the Jane Regency Week meeting fellow ambassadors and fans! By the way it was lovely meeting you in person and also Odette Snell (both of us pictured above (for those who don’t know us, Odette is pictured with Karin on the left and I’m with her on the right).
It was amazing! I had no idea what to expect – it was my first time at this festival – but in a few hours I already felt we were and are all part of a big, international family! It was wonderful to meet people I’ve known for years online (like yourself, Rita!) and to participate in all the amazing events. There were only highlights, but my favourite was the picnic at Chawton House, organized by the Jane Austen Literacy Foundation. Lovely entertainment in a relaxed atmosphere. And I got to meet Susannah Harker, who played Jane Bennet in Pride and Prejudice (1995) and who turned out to be just as kind and lovely as the fictional character she portrayed. She’s an ambassador as well, so I guess I could call her my colleague now 😉 ?
What’s next for you and your book?
I’m very excited that Jane Austen’s England will now find its way to Janeites all over the world. And of course I hope to meet many of them! This coming September I’ll be visiting the Jane Austen Festival in Bath. I’ll have a stall at the Festival Fayre on Saturday 14th. So for those who are going, come and say hi!
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  To learn more about the Jane Austen Festival in Bath this coming September click HERE!
One lucky winner – anywhere in the world – with a valid address will get one (1)  paperback copy of the wonderful book JANE AUSTEN’S ENGLAND by their also wonderful publisher ACC Art Books.
Please leave a comment at the end of this post to say what place in England that is related to Jane Austen (real life or adaptations) that you would like to learn about.
Share this post on social media (and let us know where)
Send an e-mail to [email protected] so we can get in touch if you are the winner
Thanks to Karin Quint and ACC Art Books for this wonderful giveaway.  Karin, thank you for your time and all you do for us Janeites creating this amazing guide to JANE AUSTEN’S ENGLAND! Send us a video from Bath!
Rita L. Watts
 I first saw this book on Kickstarter where Karin was trying to get funds to translated it from Dutch to English, I fell in love with it and knew we had to help make it happen and it did. 
0 notes
vgckwb · 5 years
Danganronpa: Away Chapter 2: Talk is Cheap, Death is Free (Part 8)
We all stood there, staring at each other. You could hear a pin drop. The Monokuma said “Alllllllllllll-right! It’s time for another class trial. Now then, let’s go over the rules for the Class Trial. Students will take turns discussing who they think is the killer. This will continue until an agreement has been reached. Afterwords, a vote will take place to determine who the blackened is. If you guess right, then only the blackened will be punished. However, if you guess wrong… then everyone BESIDES the blackened will be punished. Now let the Class Trial BEGIN!”
Jay: Who did it?
Jay: Just confess already!
Pierce: Woah, slow down there.
Pierce: I  know it’s hard, but remember, it’s hard for all of us.
Pierce: Let’s just calm down and assess what we know.
Annabelle: Well, what do we know?
Elliot: I don’t know.
Justin: Maybe we should just start with this morning.
Justin: Before we get into anything else.
Cassy: I think that’s a good idea.
Cassy: So, what does everyone remember about this morning?
Pierce: Well all off the doors in the boy’s hall had notes from Troy, telling us to meet him in the auditorium.
Cassy: Meanwhile, the girl’s hall was concerned with Sophie, who had fractured her wrist.
Rachel: Once we had that sorted out, we had been informed of these notes, and we all went to the auditorium.
Elliot: We then sat down, and then the lights went out.
Buck: And then we heard a thud coming from the stage.
Sophie: Then Justin dragged me to the stage in the dark.
Jay: I went to turn the lights on, which is when the two of them found Troy’s body.
Andy: I also saw the body from under the projection screen.
Jay: Still, we were too late.
Jay: Troy fell to his death.
CCOA: Jay: Troy fell to his death.
Truth Bullet: Monokuma File #2
Justin: You’ve got the wrong!
Justin: Jay, Troy didn’t fall to his death.
Jay: What?!
Justin: According to the Monokuma File, he was dead at around 12:30.
Justin: He couldn’t have died from falling onto the stage this morning.
Jay: Oh.
Jay: I KNEW that.
Justin: Then why did you say he fell?
Jay: Just because he fell after he died doesn’t mean he did fall.
Cassy: But the Monokuma File also says the cause of death was blunt force.
Jay: Does falling not constitute blunt force?
Cassy: ...While blunt force is used, I would think that Monokuma would have labeled it differently.
Jay: And what do we know about Monokuma?
Jay: He likes to confound and confuse us.
Jay: There’s no precedent for what he would call “blunt force.”
Jay: So I’m sticking with my guns.
Monokuma: Good call!
Monokuma: I DO love confusing and confounding you.
Monokuma: Oh, and don’t expect me to tell you now.
Jay: Figures.
Justin: Jay, why are you so sure he fell?
Jay: What do you mean?
Jay: We saw him fall.
Justin: Well, yes, but it’s agreed that he was dead then.
Justin: Why do you think falling was his cause of death?
Jay: I mean, what else could it be?
Jay: Why would the killer rig this all up if he didn’t fall in the first place?
Tammy: Yeah, I’ve been wondering that too.
Duke: As have I.
May: Yeah, it does seem strange.
May: So, LET’S TALK!
Jay: The killer set up the whole thing to show us how Troy died.
May: But that makes no sense.
May: If I were the killer, I would want to throw people off.
May: Not that I’m saying I AM the killer.
Tammy: Still, it did leave quite an impression on us.
Tammy: Why would Troy’s body need to drop?
Tammy: Couldn’t the killer have just left the body in the theater?
Duke: Yeah, we would have discovered it either way.
Andy: The drop was more theatrics than anything, it seems.
Tammy: Couldn’t the killer have just left the body in the theater?
Truth Bullet: Bloody Blanket
Justin: You’ve got that wrong!
Justin: I’m not so sure.
Tammy: What do you mean?
Justin: Up in the rafters, Cassy, Andy, and I discovered this.
Duke: WHAT?!
Justin: It is a blanket covered in blood.
Justin: I suspect that it was used to move Troy to the platform from which he fell off this morning.
Tammy: Wait, but that means-
Justin: Exactly.
Justin: Troy’s body was moved.
May: Huh.
Tammy: So, where was his body moved from?
Cassy: We believe it was moved from the hall.
Cassy: Pierce found a bloodstain in that area that seems to have come from Troy.
Tammy: So, why go to the auditorium of all places?
Justin: I’m guessing that has to do with the notes.
Justin: The ones that Troy used to call us out their in the first place.
Buck: Hang on, this is confusing.
Buck: So the killer moved Troy’s body to correspond with Troy’s note?
Buck: Why not just ignore that?
Buck: Why go through all of the trouble to set up this elaborate stunt, if it was all a ruse?
Justin: (Buck has a point.)
Justin: (But it seems impossible to figure out.)
Justin: (Unless…)
Justin: Alright everyone! Why do you throw out you best guess as to why the killer did this!
Buck: What?!
Cassy: Indeed, WHAT?!
Justin: We’ll try everything and see what stick.
Cassy: That is completely non-conventional.
Pierce: Alright, sure.
Cassy: What?
Pierce: I mean, you have to agree that none of this is conventional.
Pierce: I saw we give Justin’s idea a shot.
Justin: Thanks Pierce.
Justin: So, who else is with me?!
Pierce: The question is simple.
Pierce: Why did the killer set up the drop?
Jay: Well, the note Troy made said to meet in the auditorium.
Annabelle: But that could have easily just been ignored.
Annabelle: And the notes never got to the girl’s side anyway,
Annabelle: So there was no guarantee that we’d all show up.
Sophie: I feel like we would have seen the boys rushing to the theater and asked about it.
Buck: But if Troy’s body was in the hall, there’d be no reason to show up to the theater.
May: I don’t know if there was much of a reason anyway.
May: The projector was down, but no new video was ready.
May: Did Troy call us there for nothing?
May: I don’t know if there was much of a reason anyway.
Truth Bullet: Targeting Motive
Justin: You’ve got that wrong!
Justin: I guess you might not know.
May: Know what?
Justin: The reason Troy called us all out.
May: Well, of course not.
May: Troy died before he could ever tell us.
Justin: However, I think we have a guess.
May: Oh? What would that be?
Justin: I believe that he was going to act on the motive.
May: ...You don’t mean…
Justin: I do.
Justin: I believe he was going to kill his target.
May: …
Cassy: I suspected that as well.
Cassy: But what does that have to do with why the killer set up the elaborate scheme?
Justin: I don’t think it does.
Cassy: WHAT?!
Pierce: Relax, it’s something new.
Pierce: And it’s worth talking about.
Cassy: I guess you’re right.
May: So, he was going to kill his target?
Justin: I assume so.
May: Was he killed to try and stop that?
Justin: !
Justin: (I hadn’t thought about that.)
Cassy: But who would know Troy was going to do it?
Justin: (That, I do know the answer to.)
Question: Who could have known Troy’s motivations?
Answer: Jay Lafayette
Justin: It could only have been you!
Justin: Jay, did you have concerns over Troy’s behavior last night and this morning?
Jay: Well, yeah.
Jay: I was kind of afraid that he was going to do what you were suggesting.
Justin: Could anyone else have know about this?
Jay: Of course not.
Jay: We talked about a lot of private stuff in his room last night.
Jay: If any of that got out, I’d die from embarrassment.
Tammy: Well, I don’t need to hear any more.
Jay: What?!
Tammy: I formally nominate Jay as the person who killed Troy!
Jay: WHAT?! You’re crazy!
Tammy: Am I?
Tammy: You repeatedly asked people to confess.
Tammy: If I recalled, Roman did the same for Maria’s murder.
Tammy: And he was the one who killed her.
Tammy: You can put two and two together, right?
Jay: Don’t mock me on top of accusing me of murdering my best friend!
Jay: And what you’re saying is ridiculous.
Tammy: Is it?
Tammy: Because you spent a lot of time with him last night, and grew worried over his behavior.
Tammy: If that doesn’t sound like Arkham’s Razor, I don’t know what does.
Andy: Occam's Razor.
Tammy: That’s what I said.
Tammy: Oakkum’s Razor.
Andy: Ugh…
Tammy: It’s obvious you killed him, Jay.
Jay: It makes no sense.
Tammy: If you don’t believe me, let’s go over the facts.
Tammy: One, you were the last person to see him alive.
Tammy: Two, you talked about a lot, including the motive.
Tammy: Three, you grew worried about his behavior.
Tammy: That sounds like you wanted to prevent that from happening.
Jay: Yeah, but to kill him for it?!
Jay: That’s going too far.
May: That might be true…
May: But it could also have been an accident.
Jay: Come on, guys!
Tammy: One, you were the last person to see him alive.
Truth Bullet: Tammy’s Account
Justin: You’ve got that wrong!
Justin: Tammy, did you forget what you told me?
Tammy: What does that have to do with anything?
Justin: You were the last person who saw Troy, remember?
Tammy: What are you talking about?
Justin: You told me that you saw him going to the library.
Tammy: Right, and THEN he and Jay hung out.
Jay: No? He and I went to his room after we all watched the race.
Jay: THAT’s when we hung out.
Tammy: Wait, what?!
Jay: So, everything you just said was based on a lie.
Tammy: It wasn’t a lie!
Tammy: It was ignorance.
Tammy: I didn’t know.
May: So, how does that change?
Justin: It means that while Jay might have been worried…
Justin: ...he didn’t know that Troy was set to act on the motive.
Justin: Which means Jay wouldn’t have known to stop him.
Justin: Wha? What is this?
Buck: Don’t just count Jay out because of one little thing!
Buck: For all we know, he could still be the killer.
Justin: But it would have been hard for him to know anything.
Buck: Shut the fuck up!
Buck: I’ll tell you why you’re wrong!
Buck: You said it yourself Jay had concerns over Troy due to the motive.
Buck: He could have easily seen Troy getting ready to strike and catch up with him.
Buck: Lord knows they tie in everything.
Buck: He could have confronted Troy and when Troy wouldn’t budge…
Buck: BAM! Right in the noggin.
Justin: But what about the notes?
Justin: Why would Jay leave them up and set up the fall in the theater?
Justin: Why not leave Troy and take them down?
Buck: You really think those are from Troy?
Buck: You must be dense.
Buck: Jay could have wrote those himself to confuse the Hell out of us.
Buck: There’s nothing linking the note to Troy.
Buck: Nothing physical anyway.
Buck: There’s nothing linking the note to Troy.
Truth Blade: Bloody Notes
Justin: I’ll cut through your lies.
Justin: Buck, have a look at these.
Buck: …
Buck: What are those?
Buck: And why are they covered in blood?
Justin: These are the note that were supposed to go to the girl’s side.
Buck: Oh.
Justin: They didn’t however because they were covered in blood.
Justin: If I had to guess, it would be Troy’s blood.
Buck: ...So, what does that mean?
Justin: Simple.
Justin: It means that Troy had these on him at the time of his death.
Buck: Oh.
Buck: …
Buck: Ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Justin: That’s right.
Justin: It’s proof positive that Troy authored these letters.
Buck: OK, so Jay didn’t write the letters.
Buck: What about my other points?
Justin: It’s possible that that could have happened,
Justin: but based on timelines, it seems a bit unlikely.
Jay: So, does that mean I’m out of the woods?
Justin: Not quite.
Jay: WHAT?!
Justin: Now now, I don’t mean anything negative per say.
Justin: Just tell us your timeline of things that happened after we left the theater.
Jay: Oh, is that all?
Jay: I can do that.
Jay: So after our meeting with Justin Troy asked me to his room.
Jay: He had a surprise for me.
Annabelle: What was the surprise?
Jay: It’s...not important.
Jay: When I wasn’t that receptive to it Troy got a bit upset,
Jay: but I talked him down from it.
Jay: Afterwards, we just started talking.
Jay: Eventually we got to the motive.
Jay: It seemed like Troy was serious.
Jay: I felt like he would if he felt it was the best course of action.
Jay: We finished chatting and then I left.
Cassy: So, nothing else happened?
Jay: Yup. That’s all that happened.
Jay: Yup. That’s all that happened.
Truth Bullet: Troy’s Answering Machine
Justin: You’ve got that wrong!
Justin: So nothing happened before you left?
Jay: That’s what I said, right?
Justin: Well, what about the call Troy got?
Jay: Wait, Troy got a phone call?
Justin: Yeah.
Jay: Well who called him?
Cassy: We don’t know.
Cassy: It was deleted.
Jay: WHAT?!
Annabell: Yeah, hold on, what?
Annabelle: That seems like something we need to figure out.
Andy: Who called Troy?
Andy: And why?
Pierce: That’s a good question.
Sophie: This seems really confusing.
May: So Troy received a phone call.
Jay: Which was later deleted.
Buck: Who called Troy?
Andy: And why call Troy of all people?
Annabelle And who deleted the message?
Tammy: Do you think the killer did it?
Pierce: It would make sense.
Pierce: Lure Troy out, kill them, then delete the call.
Pierce: It seems almost perfect.
Pierce: Lure Troy out, kill them, then delete the call.
Truth Bullet: Troy’s Bed
Justin: You’ve got that wrong!
Justin: So, your logic here is that Troy’s killer called him, killed him, and then deleted the message in his room.
Pierce: That’s correct.
Justin: But based on what we know, it doesn’t make sense.
Pierce: How do you figure?
Justin: We know Troy was moved to the theater with the use of a blanket.
Justin: But when Cassy and I investigated, Troy’s bed looked like it was used.
Justin: His blankets were still there.
Pierce: Meaning what?
Cassy: Do we have to spell it out for you?
Cassy: Why didn’t the killer grab Troy’s blankets when they went to delete the message?
Cassy: It would have been easier and less suspicious on them to do that!
Pierce: I see.
Pierce: That is puzzling.
Tammy: What if Troy was already moved when they went back?
May: That doesn’t make sense either.
May: It would be too time consuming.
Elliot: Yeah, if Troy was just on the stage, it would be one thing,
Elliot: but there was a whole set-up and everything.
Elliot: How would the killer be so alert?
Justin: (That does seem like a lot for the killer to do.)
Justin: What if the killer didn’t call Troy?
Justin: They’d have no reason to delete it if they didn’t know it was there in the first place.
Duke: Smart thinking.
Duke: But then who DID delete the message?
Justin: Well, if I had to guess…
Question: Who deleted Troy’s message?
Answer: Troy Devlinski
Justin: It could only have been you!
Justin: I think it was Troy himself.
Duke: WHAT?! That’s absurd.
Justin: It’s the only person who makes sense.
Tammy: But why?
Tammy: I can’t think of a reason.
Cassy: I think it might have to do with the motive.
Tammy: Wha?
Cassy: Think about it.
Cassy: Troy called us all out because he was acting on the motive.
Cassy: What if someone else put him up to it?
Jay: WHAT?!
Justin: That makes sense.
Justin Troy deleted it to make it seem like he made the choice on his own.
Buck: Well whoever did better come forward. NOW!
Buck: Well?!
Cassy: I don’t think we need to worry about that right now.
Buck: The fuck?
Cassy: What’s important is that we know why Troy was out now.
Cassy: Besides, I suspect that they might feel bad about luring Troy out.
Buck: ...I suppose you’re right.
Cassy: So, it looks like we know what happened to a point.
Cassy: But we still don’t have enough information.
Cassy: Any ideas?
Elliot: Well…
Elliot: I know you kind of brushed it off,
Elliot: but what if the play had something to do with it.
Cassy: …
Cassy: Alright, let’s talk about the play.
Justin: Really?!
Cassy: Well, your “throw ideas to see what sticks” method worked, so let’s keep that rolling.
Cassy: I swear, nothing is orderly in here.
Monokuma: Well that’s what makes it FUN!
Cassy: Quiet you.
Elliot: So I’m think that Troy fell after he got bludgeoned.
Elliot: Like the play.
Elliot: And right before, there was a blackout.
Elliot: Just like the play.
May: Is that were the similarities end?
Elliot: Well, there’s one other thing…
Cassy: Go on…
Elliot: Well, if it is like the play,
Elliot: Troy was upsetting Sophie’s character…
Elliot: so she killed him.
Sophie: Are..Are you accusing me of killing Troy?
Elliot: Yes.
Elliot: Yes I am.
Elliot: If everything is like the play.
Elliot: And right before, there was a blackout.
Truth Bullet: The Play
Justin: You’ve got that wrong!
Justin: You say that this was like the play.
Elliot: Well yeah.
Elliot: That’s my whole argument.
Justin: If it was, then something is inconsistent with it.
Justin: You said that before Troy fell and died there was a blackout.
Elliot: Was there not a blackout?
Justin: There was.
Justin: But what I’m saying is unlike the play, Troy was dead long before the blackout occurred.
Elliot: Well now you’re splitting hairs.
Justin: Pardon?
Elliot: I mean, yeah, Troy died before the blackout, while his character died during,
Elliot: but that doesn’t mean anything.
Justin: I disagree.
Justin: Because if Troy was already dead,
Justin: then a blackout wouldn’t be needed.
Elliot: Ooooooh.
Elliot: That is a fair point.
Justin: Yet one occurred.
Justin: So why?
Jay: It feels like we need to figure out behind Troy’s fall before we can do anything.
Cassy: I agree.
Cassy: So let’s figure that out.
Elliot: So we need to figure out why the blackout occurred.
Cassy: Well, we found a piece of string that we think was used to create the blackout.
Elliot: Yeah, but why?
Duke: Perhaps it was to block our viewing of the fall?
May: Yeah, but that screen was in the way already.
May: Why go that extra step?
Elliot: To make it seem like the play.
Elliot: Duh!
May: Yeah, but that screen was in the way already.
Truth Bullet: The Screen
Justin: I AGREE!
Justin: The screen was up before we got there.
Justin: So to dismiss it isn’t smart.
Justin: To say the blackout was used to make it seem like the play seems like an extra step.
Elliot: But if it was to call out to the play, then how else would you do it?
Justin: But if the killer is Sophie, as you suggest,
Justin: then calling back to the play would only make you seem more suspicious.
Elliot: Ooooooh!
Elliot: That makes sense.
Elliot: You’re so smart.
Annabelle: So, what’s the deal with the blackout then?
Justin: Well, if I had to guess, I believe it was a later addition to the plan.
Justin: To further complicate things.
Annabelle: Hmmmm
Duke: I still feel like we don’t have enough information.
Jay: Besides, it’s not like that alone puts Sophie in the clear.
Sophie: WHAT?!
Jay: In fact, she’s been my prime suspect since the investigation started.
Sophie: How could you say that?!
Elliot: Yeah, if it wasn’t a send-up to the play, why still suspect her?
Jay: Because she was Troy’s target.
Jay: I’m saying that more likely than anything, this was a matter of self-defense.
Justin: (I knew we would get to this sooner or later.)
Justin: (But I know for a fact that Sophie is innocent.)
Justin: (Let’s see what everyone thinks, and maybe they’ll come to realize it as well.)
Jay: I believe this was self-defense.
Rachel: How can you be so sure?
Jay: You kidding?
Jay: She's the Ultimate Good Luck.
Jay: She’s only alive because of her luck.
Sophie: That doesn’t prove I did it!
Jay: But you being Troy’s target makes you the most likely suspect.
Sophie: …
Jay: Look, I’m not saying you did it on purpose.
Jay: You just got lucky is all.
Jay: You just got lucky is all.
Truth Bullet: The Race Video
Justin: You’ve got the wrong!
Justin: Jay, do you even remember your race with Troy.
Jay: Of course.
Jay: What makes you think I’d forget?
Justin: Well, it’s just, I think Troy would take into account Sophie’s luck.
Justin: He knew he was taking a risk, but he did it anyway.
Justin: Much like your race.
Jay: Now hold on, don’t compare the two.
Jay: Troy had skill, yes,
Jay: But Sophie’s luck is on a whole ‘nother level.
Jay: I wouldn’t be surprised if she killed him by luck in her sleep.
Justin: Maybe you’re right…
Cassy: You’re backing down?!
Justin: Not exactly.
Justin: Let me finish.
Justin: IF Sophie got lucky and killed Troy,
Justin: how did she set-up the fall?
Justin: Even if luck can take the form of snap decisions,
Justin: the fall took considerable planning.
Cassy: I see.
Sophie: Yeah, I might be lucky to accidentally kill someone, but I’m not smart enough to pull it off.
Jay: Au contraire, mon ami.
Jay: THAT was just pure luck as well.
Justin: Do you have any proof?
Jay: Proof?
Jay: I’ve got proof in spades.
BEGIN! Jay: Troy’s fall was perfectly timed.
Jay: Someone knew how to lower the platform Troy was on.
Andy: I guess Sophie could have figured that out during rehearsals.
Tammy: Are you kidding?!
Tammy: We worked so hard, we wouldn’t have time to learn that.
Andy: It’s still possible…
Jay: Not only that,
Jay: but they did it without practice.
Jay: We saw no evidence of any practice runs.
Jay So whoever dropped Troy had to get it right the first time.
Jay: And there’s only one person I can think of that first that bill.
Sophie: Bu-bu-bu-
Jay: We saw no evidence of any practice runs.
Truth Bullet: Leftover Cleaning Device.
Justin: I agree!
Jay: Wait, you agree with me?
Justin: Yes.
Sophie: Why did you turn on me?!
Justin: Wha?
Rachel: Yeah, answer her.
Justin: I didn’t turn on her though.
Duke: Who’s side are you on then?!
Justin: Duke, remember when we found that cleaning device?
Duke: Yeah.
Justin: THAT’s why I agree with Jay.
Duke: …
Duke: There’s no evidence of a practice run because the killer hijacked one of Monokuma’s cleaning devices to clean it up.
Cassy: And since it was evidence, Monokuma couldn’t take it away.
Monokuma: You really need to learn to stop touching my things.
Buck: Why don’t you make that a rule, dumbass?
Monokuma: Because everything in the school is mine.
Monokuma: If I did that, you’d all be shot dead for standing on MY floor.
Monokuma: And I don't want to ruin the entertainment.
Pierce: …
Pierce: So there was a practice run then?
Jay: I still have a hard time believing it.
May: How so?
Jay: Well, what did the killer practice with?
Jay: Nothing was missing from the stage.
Cassy: That’s true.
Cassy: I spent a lot of time in the theater, and nothing appeared to be missing.
Jay: Nothing was missing in the auditorium.
Cassy: I can confirm that the stage looked as well as I left it.
Cassy: Minus Troy’s body, and the screen, and the platform.
Buck: So what? They took whatever they used from somewhere else?
Rachel: It seems possible.
Rachel: But that would have been a lot of extra work.
Andy: Wouldn’t we have all noticed something missing?
Annabelle: We really hurried to the theater, and a lot of the investigation’s focus was in the auditorium.
Annabelle; I don’t think we would have noticed.
Pierce: I looked outside the auditorium.
Pierce: By my count, everything seems to be in order there as well.
Jay: Nothing was missing in the auditorium.
Truth Bullet: Missing Dishes
Justin: You’ve got that wrong!
Justin: There was one thing that WAS missing from the auditorium this morning.
Pierce: So what was it?
Justin: Last night I left the plates from dinner in the theater, leaving them for today.
Justin: The killer could have used those dishes.
Justin: There were enough dishes to run multiple tests even.
May: Oh. And since there was some food, that might have fallen into the seats,
May: and THAT’S when the killer decided to use the screen as a splash guard.
Justin: I like where your head's at.
Justin: That seems probable.
Cassy: What do you think of your suspicions now, Jay?
Jay: …
Jay: Even if it was tested, I still think it was Sophie.
Sophie: WHAT?!
Jay: I mean, you were his target.
Jay: I can’t discount that fact.
Jay: Besides, there’s always the possibility that you defending her could be her luck working.
Jay: So I won’t budge until I know for sure she’s innocent.
Justin: Well, I know she’s innocent.
Justin: Do you trust me?
Jay: …
Annabelle: Hang on, how could you possibly know that?
Elliot: I believe in Justin when he says that.
Duke: I  dunno, it seems too early to tell for sure.
Rachel: Justin means business when he says he’s sure.
Pierce: He could be lying to further argument.
Buck: We’re supposed to be a team.
Tammy: Hate to break it to ya, but someone on our “team” killed someone.
Monokuma: This just SCREAMS for a debate.
Monokuma: A new addition to this old school’s courtroom: DEBATE ARENA!
Monokuma flipped over an ignition and put a key in. Suddenly, the places everyone was standing had guardrails pop up. Everyone was given two buttons to push; one for if you think Sophie is Guilty, and one for if you think she isn’t. Once all the buttons were pushed, everyone started to move. It ended up that everyone who said that Sophie was guilty was on one side, and everyone who said she wasn’t was on the other. The portraits were divided among the two sides.
Side Sophie is Guilty: Maria’s Portrait
Roman’s Portrait
Side Sophie is Innocent: Troy’s Portrait
Jay: I still think luck had something to do with it.
Justin: SOPHIE!
Sophie: Justin proved that it was skill that was used to set up the drop. Not luck.
Annabelle: The stunt is audacious in it of itself. It would take luck to do that.
Justin: ELLIOT!
Elliot: The stunt served to confuse us. I say that's reason enough to try it.
Pierce: We still don’t know why the fall occurred.
Justin: RACHEL!
Rachel: The point of the discussion so far was to establish skill. Why is irrelevant at this point.
Tammy: Sophie doesn’t have an alibi for the time of the murder.
Justin: ANDY!
Andy: No one has a good alibi. It wouldn’t be fair to assume one person is guilty because of that.
May: Sophie was Troy’s target. If Troy went after his target, Sophie would be the only one defending.
Justin: BUCK!
Buck: Don’t forget, we had the meeting to discuss who our targets were. Someone else could figure out where Troy was going if he was caught on his way.
Duke: We did find the remaining bloody letters in the girl’s dressing room.
Justin: CASSY!
Cassy: Where we found the letters is irrelevant, and could have easily been placed there to confuse us as well.
Pierce: She could have still caused the blackout. Her hands were free.
Justin: RACHEL!
Rachel: Sophie’s hand closest to the aisle was fractured. She couldn’t have pulled the string without causing pain.
Jay: I still think that Sophie may be guilty.
Justin: I GOT THIS!
Justin: Face it. Sophie cannot be guilty.
Justin, Cassy, Andy, Elliot, Sophie, Rachel, Buck: THIS IS OUR ANSWER!
Justin: Jay, do you believe me now?
Jay: ... It’s hard to say.
Jay: On the one hand, you have a lot of proof,
Jay: but Sophie was Troy’s target.
Justin: Look. I knew coming in here that Sophie wasn’t the culprit.
Justin: As Rachel pointed out, her hand closest to the aisle was fractured.
Justin: Her other hand was holding onto mine.
Justin: The string couldn’t have been pulled by Sophie.
Jay: …
Jay: Alright. You win.
Jay: Sophie isn’t the killer.
Sophie: (sighs)
Annabelle: Hang on, does that mean we can discard the motive?
Tammy: Yeah, does the motive not have anything to do with Troy’s death?
Pierce: Well, what else could it be?
Pierce: Even if it wasn’t Sophie, perhaps the killer learned of Troy’s plan and stopped him.
Duke: Well, if that’s the case, why did the killer kill Troy?
Duke: Troy had the upper hand because he was killing his target.
Duke: The killer’s target wasn’t Troy though, so they’d have to have a good reason for it.
Pierce: Hmm, that’s true too.
Cassy: Do you just like causing chaos?
Pierce: Sometimes.
Justin: I do think we should discuss this point.
Justin: Does the motive have anything to do with Troy’s death?
Jay: So if Sophie didn’t do it, then could the motive still be the reason that Troy is dead?
Annabelle: It doesn’t seem likely, no.
Andy: I don’t think anything about this situation is “likely.”
Tammy: Even if it was, how would they know Troy was out to kill his target?
Tammy: It’s not like Troy would tell them.
May: Well, if they came to the meeting, they might know.
Duke: So the killer is someone who went to the meeting?
Annabelle: Hey, don’t look at me! I called the meeting to prevent this from happening.
Cassy: You didn’t invite everyone though.
Annabelle: Still…
Tammy: It’s not like Troy would tell them.
Truth Bullet: Troy’s Monopad
Justin: You’ve got that wrong!
Justin: I think Troy is the type of person that WOULD tell them.
Tammy: What?! That’s stupid.
Justin: Remember when we found Troy.
Justin: His Monopad was ON the tab for his target.
Justin: It seems weird that he would have it open to that tab.
Pierce: I getcha.
Pierce: What you’re saying is that Troy was in the middle of revealing his victim to someone when he died.
Pierce: So the motive MUST be important in that way.
Justin: Yes.
Duke: But who would kill someone to stop someone from taking advantage of the motive?
Duke: That still doesn’t make sense to me.
Justin: Trust me, it’s only going to get more confusing from here on.
Duke: What do you mean?
Justin: (There’s only one person who fits the bill.)
Justin: (One person would would be so defensive.)
Justin: (It won’t make sense to anyone else.)
Justin: (But I’m sure they know what they’re doing.)
Justin: I believe I know who the killer is.
Duke: Alright then. Who is it?
Question: Who killed Troy Devlinski?
Answer: Rachel Lewis
Justin: It Could Only Be You!
Justin: Rachel is the one who killed Troy.
Rachel: …
Rachel: …
Rachel: ...prove it.
Sophie: Huh? You’re not denying it?!
Rachel: I don’t need to deny it.
Rachel: If he can’t prove, then I didn’t do it.
Sophie: Oh yeah...That’s right…
Duke: Hold on that doesn’t make any sense.
Pierce: Didn't Justin say that it wasn’t going to?
Duke: ...Well damn.
Annabelle: No. That’s not good enough.
Annabelle: Rachel actively defended Sophie.
Annabelle: She wouldn't have done that if she was guilty.
Andy: Well, what if she wanted to pass the blame off to someone besides Sophie?
Annabelle: Fool. The end result would still be the same regardless of if we vote Sophie or not.
Justin: Exactly.
Justin: Which is why I think she wants to get caught.
Annabelle: No! It makes absolutely no sense that Rachel would want to get caught.
Justin: I’m telling you, it’s true.
Annabelle: THEN PROVE IT!
Annabelle; You can’t take something to the tabloids without hard evidence!
Annabelle: There’s no way that Rachel is the killer.
Annabelle: She DEFENDED Sophie!
Annabelle: If she wanted to get away with it, she’d have gone along with it.
Annabelle: It makes no sense for her not to.
Justin: Well, what if she didn’t want to get away with it?
Justin: What if she wanted to get caught?!
Annabelle: That makes even less sense!
Annabelle: Why would anyone here want to die?
Annabelle: Hell, I’d believe I killed Troy before I believe she did.
Annabelle: It just defies logic.
Annabelle: Why would anyone here want to die?
Truth Blade: Troy’s Monopad
Justin: I’ll Cut Through Your Lies!
Justin: The motive.
Annabelle: Huh?
Justin: Troy’s target was Sophie.
Annabelle: Well, yeah…
Justin: Sophie and Rachel have a well documented history as close friends.
Justin: Therefore, I believe that Rachel killed Troy to make sure Sophie stays alive.
Justin: And that also means, taking the fall here as well.
Annabelle: ...woah.
Annabelle: That’s...believable.
Annabelle: I believe that.
Rachel: Alright, let’s entertain your idea.
Rachel: Suppose I did kill Troy.
Rachel: How do you intend to prove it?!
Justin: (The proof have to be somewhere in the fall.)
Justin: (I’m just not sure where.)
Sophie: It couldn’t be Rachel!
Cassy: And what makes you say that?
Sophie: Because she didn’t know how to use the platform!
Sophie: Yeah, that’s it…
Rachel: Indeed.
Rachel: I was not in the play.
Rachel: So how would I have known to set up the fall?
Rachel: Like Sophie said, I wasn’t in the play.
Sophie: So she didn’t know how to adjust the platform.
Cassy: And how did you know?
Sophie: Well, Troy was trying to figure out how to stage the fall
Sophie: I was looking around and I found that the lighting box by the entrance also had controls for that platform.
Sophie: I showed Troy, but he insisted we used the stairs
Annabelle So wait, you KNOW about the platform?!
Cassy: And you didn’t inform us?
Sophie: Well, I didn’t want to seem suspicious.
Sophie: But that’s how I know Rachel isn’t guilty.
Sophie: It really isn’t obvious on that box, of she had no way of knowing.
Sophie: It really isn’t obvious on that box, of she had no way of knowing.
Truth Bullet: Rafters Lighting Box
Justin: You’ve got that wrong!
Justin: Sophie, I bet you didn’t know this,
Justin: But there’s box up in the rafters that’s just like the one at the entrance.
Sophie: Huh?
Cassy: Also, the one up there was labeled clearly.
Justin: So, if someone went up there, they could have figured it out.
Sophie: But why would Rachel be up there?
Sophie: She wasn’t in the play, so she’d have no reason to be up there.
Pierce: Well, if Rachel is the killer,
Pierce: then she’d have a reason to be up there.
Pierce: To dispose of the body.
Rachel: Interesting. And how are you going to prove I was up there at all?
Justin: I agree, there’s no good way to prove it.
Cassy: Why are you telling them that?
Justin: Is there?
Cassy: Well, no…
Cassy: ...because of laundry day.
Cassy: But you don’t want to let them know that.
Cassy: But fine.
Cassy: This was more to prove that anyone could do it.
Cassy: So calling someone unsuspicious because they wouldn’t know isn’t going to work.
Sophie: But…
Pierce: Hold on. We still don’t know why the killer went up there anyway.
Elliot: What do you mean?
Tammy: He’s talking about making Troy fall.
Tammy: We still don’t know why the killer did that.
Andy: Yeah, I don’t know why that happened either.
Andy: We could have just found the body in the theater, but the killer had to have it fall? Why?
Justin: (Right. That is puzzling.)
Justin: (There has to be something we’re missing.)
Tammy: So why did the killer make Troy’s body fall?
Pierce: Well, if Justin is to be believed, then Rachel did it, and wants to get caught.
Pierce: Maybe it’s an allusion to “The Fall of Troy.���
Pierce: To give us a hint.
Rachel: This is a murder trial, not open mic night.
Pierce: Believe me, if this was open mic night, I’d be the one killing, not you.
Rachel: Regardless, if I did it, I’d have an actual reason.
Rachel: One supported by evidence.
Andy: But what reason could that be?
Andy: We were all there when Troy fell. And nothing stuck out.
Andy: Troy. The pipe. His monopad. They were all there on the ground when we observed him.
Andy: So what gives?
Rachel: …
Andy: This just doesn’t add up.
Andy: Troy. The pipe. His monopad. They were all there on the ground when we observed him.
Truth Bullet: Monokuma File #2
Justin: You’ve got that wrong!
Justin: (Finally. This is starting to make sense.)
Justin: Thank you Andy. You helped me understand the problem.
Andy: I did?
Justin: Well, with the help of Rachel and her tell.
Rachel: …
Justn: I figured it out.
Pierce: Well then, tell us.
Justin: According to the Monokuma File, Troy’s monopad showed signs of falling.
Sophie: Well yeah, but isn’t that from when it fell with Troy?
Justin: No.
Justin: And that’s what we were hung up on.
Justin: If Troy’s monopad showed signs of fall damage, then the jig would be up.
Justin: That’s why the killer had to make Troy fall.
Justin: Fall in a very noticeable way, I might add.
Duke: Interesting. Tell us.
Duke: Why DID the killer need to hide the fact that Troy’s Monopad fell?
Justin: Huh?
Duke: If it fell or not. Why does it matter?
Justin: (That’s a good point.)
Justin: (What does Troy’s monopad falling have to do with the murder?)
Justin: !!
Justin: I got it.
Justin: That’s what gave the killer their opportunity!
Duke: Huh? I don’t follow.
Justin: Simple.
Justin: Normally, Troy would be good at getting out of situations that might put him in danger.
Jay: Right, so how did he not this time is your question.
Justin: Yes. And the answer was he was distracted.
Justin: By the fact that his monopad fell.
Justin: He was probably busy being embarrassed or picking it up that THAT’S when the killer struck.
Cassy: Furthermore, Troy’s monopad was on the screen with his target on it.
Cassy: If Rachel is the killer, she’d have seen the screen and then decided to stop Troy while he was distracted.
Justin: Exactly.
Justin: Which is why Rachel is the killer.
Justin: What’s this?
Sophie: You can’t just pin the blame on Rachel THAT easy.
Sophie: For one thing, how do we even know Troy dropped it?
Justin: Well, I just explained it, so-
Sophie: So nothing!
Sophie: Tell me how Troy dropped it before I start believing you!
Sophie: Troy is a careful individual.
Sophie: He carries a sword with him for goodness sakes.
Sophie: And yet nothing bad has happened with that sword.
Sophie: He has fine control.
Sophie: So why is this time different?
Justin: Well, maybe there’s something you’re not taking into account.
Justin: Something exclusive to the night of the murder.
Sophie: And what would that be?
Sophie: Did the killer knock the monopad out of his hands?
Sophie: Did he drop it to be funny?
Sophie: It makes absolutely no sense.
Sophie: And what would that be?
Truth Blade: Troy’s Hair Gel
Justin: I’ll cut through your lies!
Justin: Troy’s Hair Gel.
Sophie: What about it?
Justin: Jay, you told me that he washes his gel out every night.
Jay: Well, yeah…
Justin: If he were to go out again, would he reapply it.
Jay: Oh, for sure.
Sophie: What are you getting at?
Justin: When Cassy and I investigated Troy’s room, we found Troy’s gel.
Cassy: If I recall, it was kind of messy.
Justin: Exactly.
Justin: Troy applied it again when he went out for the night.
Justin: But unlike in the mornings, he made a mess of it, and it got everywhere.
Justin: Including his monopad.
Sophie: !!
Justin: So when he went to get it, it slipped out of his hand and fell.
Elliot: So, Troy dropped it?
Justin: Exactly.
Justin: And that gave the killer enough time to make their move.
Cassy: Furthermore, if we use the evidence and motive we have, Rachel is the only person who could have done it.
Sophie: …
Justin: Furthermore, based on Rachel’s tell, I was able to solve a crucial part of the mystery.
Justin: So it stands to reason that maybe she wanted to get caught.
Rachel: …
Rachel: Bravo-
Sophie: Hold on!
Rachel: What?
Sophie: You don’t have sufficient evidence.
Sophie: There’s no way Rachel would have done this.
Cassy: And what makes you so sure?
Sophie: Because…
Sophie: ...because…
Sophie: ...Because I did it!
Rachel: What?!
Sophie: Yeah.
Sophie: I did it.
Sophie: I killed Troy.
Justin: But that doesn’t make sense.
Jay: Yeah, even I don’t believe you did it anymore.
Sophie: Oh, I had you all fooled for a long time.
Sophie: But if you’re going to be this stupid, I might as well admit it.
Rachel: What are you doing?
Sophie: What does it look like?
Sophie: I’m saving you.
Rachel: It looks like you’re sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.
Sophie: Well, if you don’t want to hear the truth, then stop listening.
Sophie: Because I’m going to tell you how it happened!
Act 1: I called Troy to lure him out of his room. I convinced him that he would be doing the right thing to kill his target. However, I was just so sick of this motive and only wanted end it, thinking I could manipulate Troy.
Act 2: I grabbed a pipe from the stage and waited for some time to pass before meeting Troy in the hall. He was surprised when I met him, but I was calm and asked him who his target was. Of course, I had no idea that it was me, so when I saw my face in his monopad, I was shocked.
Act 3: Still, I was just planning on killing him, so it didn’t matter who his target was anyway. I raised my weapon and struck him down. But before I made the killing blow, he dropped his monopad.
Act 4: Troy, now dead, has caused me some problems by dropping the monopad. I decided to look at the papers Troy was carrying for some inspiration. I decided to move his body to the theater and drop him. I took the old blanket from my bed and moved Troy’s body while cleaning the area.
Act 5: I set up the platform, knowing how to do it from the play, and decided to do a few tests. I used the plates that were there to test how long it would take for something that heavy to fall. I then placed Troy’s body on the platform, raised it up, and cleaned the mess with one of Monokuma’s machines.
Act 6: The next morning, I faked fracturing my fist and grabbed some string. Once I got my brace on and the boys alerted us about Troy’s note, we went to the theater. I set up the string on the box and set Troy to fall. Once everything was ready, I pulled the strong and blacked out the auditorium. I was surprised when Justin dragged me, but I then got to see the result of my work.
Sophie: I had you all going for a while, but now the truth is out there. The killer is me: Sophie Lincoln, the Ultimate Good Luck!
Justin: I know you want to save your friend, but this is patently false.
Sophie: Oh yeah?! Prove it! I bet you can’t!
Act 2: I grabbed a pipe from the stage and waited for some time to pass before meeting Troy in the hall.
Truth Panel: Bloody Pipe.
Question: Was this the murder weapon?
Justin: You can’t rewrite the truth!
Justin: You said you grabbed a pipe from the stage.
Justin: I assume you mean this pipe?
Sophie: Yeah. So?
Cassy: It’s just, this isn’t the murder weapon.
Sophie: What?
Cassy: It might have blood on it, but no dents from where Troy was struck.
Justin: This was placed as a distraction.
Justin: If you were admitting to this, you might have wanted to point it ot.
Sophie: ...AHA!
Sophie: I was just testing you.
Justin: What?
Cassy: This is stupid.
Sophie: I wanted to see if I could get away with one last lie.
Sophie: I used a different weapon, which I then hid.
Sophie: But everything else I’ve said is true.
Sophie: And you can’t prove otherwise.
Justin: We’ll see about that.
Act 3:  I raised my weapon and struck him down.
Truth Panel: Blood on the first floor.
Question: How did that much blood end up on the first floor?
Justin: You can’t rewrite the truth!
Justin: It seems that you can’t be the killer after all.
Sophie: Of course I can, because I am.
Justin: Well then, can you explain the blood Pierce found on the first floor?
Sophie: I just didn’t notice it when I was cleaning up.
Justin: Oh, I already assumed that mistake was made.
Justin: But how did the blood end up there in the first place?
Sophie: What do you mean?
Justin: Well, if you struck him, just like you said, the blood shouldn’t have gotten that far.
Tammy: But if anyone struck him with a blunt object it wouldn’t have gone that far!
Tammy: You said something similar about how anyone could figure out the platform, so it’s not a good measure of figuring out who did it.
Andy: Yeah, shouldn’t this be the same for those who didn’t do it.
Justin: Probably. IF a blunt object was wielded.
Rachel: …
Cassy: Just what are you getting at?
Justin: What I’m getting at is the murder weapon.
Justin: I figured out what it is.
Tammy: Well, we can’t go back to collect it now, can we?
Justin: Even if we could, we wouldn’t be able to.
Tammy: What?
Sophie: But that’s impossible.
Justin: Not really.
Justin: Considering that the murder weapon was the guard rail!
Sophie: …
Sophie: WHAT?!
Justin: See, when Troy was getting his monopad, a blunt object wasn’t brandished against him…
Justin: He was brandished against a blunt object!
Justin: The killer grabbed Troy and smashed his head into the guard rail.
Justin: On which some blood lingered…
Justin: and eventually dropped to the floor.
Sophie: ...oh.
Justin: Now, it seems that for someone claiming to be the murderer,
Justin: not knowing what the murder weapon was seems like a reason that you aren’t the killer.
Sophie: …
Justin: Are you good?
Rachel: Just give her time.
Rachel: In the meantime, I think we have enough to go on to vote for m-
Justin: What?
Sophie: You didn’t tell us where she got the string from.
Sophie: So there’s NO WAY we can vote for her yet.
Rachel: Sophie. Come on. It’s over.
Sophie: No it isn’t.
Sophie: Not until he tells us where you SUPPOSEDLY got the string to black out the auditorium from.
Sophie: It wasn’t part of the plan, right?
Sophie: It was added later, you said.
Sophie: When was this “Later”?
Rachel: ...She’s speaking nonsense.
Justin: It’s OK. I have the proof she wants.
Justin: I just need to talk her down for a minute.
Sophie Lincoln-Persona Forming:
Sophie transports to a field of four-leaf clovers, wearing a jade-colored kimono with the number 7 all over it, holding the mask of a white elephant and a lucky rabbit’s foot.
Justin Arbil-Persona Forming:
Justin’s armband forms into a trench coat this is white on the left side and black on the right side, combs his messy hair back in one motion, reaches into his trench coat and pulls out two guns, his left hand holding a black one, his right hand holding a white one.
Sophie begins asking her questions in an attempt to defend Rachel. Her words begin to attack, but Justin fights back against the words with his guns. As he does so, Sophie’s persona begins to deteriorate. First the field is blown away. Then the 7s are erased from the jade kimono. Then the Kimono disappears all together. The the rabbit’s foot disappears. With nowhere left to go, Sophie blurts out her question once more.
Sophie: So tell me! Where did she get the string, huh?
Bits of Truth Bullet: Nurse’s Office The In
Correct formation: In the Nurse’s Office
Justin: You’ve got that wrong!
Sophie’s mask of a white elephant shatters and Sophie is on the ground crying over it.
Sophie: The nurse’s office?
Justin: Yes.
Justin: When she went down to get your brace, she also got the string that blacked out the auditorium.
Justin: It’s the only thing that makes sense.
Sophie: …
Justin: For your sake, and for the sake of everyone here, I’ll summarize what really happened.
Act 1: Troy got a call from someone and that call made him attack his target. But he needed to prepare. He started by regelling his hair, and setting off. He made his way to the library to type up some note for the plan he was thinking of. This is when he was spotted by Tammy.
Act 2: Once Troy was done, he printed his notes and went back. However, he didn’t notice, or didn’t care about the killer, who was still in the library late at night. However, they also decided to leave soon after.
Act 3: Troy made his way back to the boy’s hall where he put up the notes saying where he was going to be tomorrow morning. He was going to do the same in the girl’s hall, but someone ran into him. The killer. Neither of them were expecting this, but they got to talking. Troy no doubt explained what he was going to do honestly.
Act 4: The killer asked who his target was, because they weren’t there at the meeting to know. Troy pulled out his monopad and brought up the screen with his victim on it, only for him to drop it. The killer, having seen his target, grew furious. As Troy went to grab his monopad, the killer grabbed Troy and bashed his head in on the railing.
Act 5: The killer, now having done the deed, was in a bind. However, they looked at the notes Troy was carrying and formed a plan. They were a quick thinker and managed to come up with a good plan. They realized that their laundry hadn’t been done yet, so she grabbed their blanket, cleaned the area, and wrapped up Troy. However, they didn’t notice that some of his blood fell to the first floor.
Act 6: The killer dragged the body to the theater. They went up to the rafters and found out how to use the platform to drop Troy’s body to confuse us. The killer decided to test out the platform with the leftover plates and hijacked one of Monokuma’s machines to clean up. After the tests, the killer prepared Troy’s body and a pipe to act as a fake murder weapon. After that, they pulled down the screen, threw out the rest of Troy’s notes, and went to bed.
Act 7: The next day the killer was awoken with Sophie punching into her room and fracturing her fist. The killer decided to get a brace for Sophie, and have May follow them They looked and found on, but before that, the killer found some string and took it with them. They hid it from May and they left with the brace.
Act 8: Back upstairs, the boys had gathered and informed everyone about the notes. We then all headed to the theater. The killer, purposefully entered later than everyone else so that they could manipulate the box to get Troy to fall. They also took the time to tie the string to the lights. They then sat down, rolled the rest of the string down the aisle, and then pulled it, causing the blackout. Troy’s body fell, the lights came back on, and the investigation began.
Justin: That’s exactly how it went down, right killer? Or should I say Rachel Lewis, the Ultimate Historian!
Rachel: I have to say, while this went in a different direction than I thought it would, I need to congratulate you for figuring it out.
Rachel: You win.
Sophie: ...Prove it.
Rachel: Huh?
Sophie: Prove to me that THAT’S when she go it.
Sophie: Or else I won’t vote.
Rachel: But not voting means that-
Sophie: Exactly!
Sophie: If you can’t prove that Rachel got the string in the nurse’s office,
Sophie: then I’m going to not vote.
Rachel: You can’t.
Rachel: There’s no proof that I got the string from the nurse’s office.
Sophie: Then I’m just not going to vote.
Rachel: You can’t just give up your life, after I went through all this trouble to save it.
Rachel: There’s no proof that I got the string from the nurse’s office.
Truth Bullet: Monobird Not Being Allowed To Investigate.
Justin: You’ve got that wrong!
Justin: Rachel, there IS proof that that’s when you got the string.
Justin: Or rather, an absence of proof that itself is proof.
Rachel: ...What do you mean?
Justin: Before I continue, I want to explain something.
Justin: See, while we were focused on the mystery of who killed Troy, we didn’t figure out the other mystery that came to us today.
Sophie: ...other mystery?
Justin: Yes. But this answers both of those.
Justin: So Rachel, who was with you when you got Sophie her brace?
Rachel: Well, there was May, but I hid the string from her,
Rachel: And then there was…
Rachel: Oh. I see.
Tammy: There was who else?!
May: Monobird.
Justin: Exactly.
Justin: The reason Monobird couldn’t help us is because he saw the killer grab the string that would eventually lead to the blackout.
Justin: If he told us that, then this trial would have ended in a heartbeat.
Rachel: ...I have to say I’m impressed.
Rachel: I crafted this whole scenario, and yet I somehow missed that one detail.
Rachel: Bravo. You have truly outsmarted me.
Sophie: …
Rachel: Sophie, are you going to vote?
Sophie: Yeah, I promised.
Monokuma: Well, it looks like it’s time to vote.
Monokuma: Remember, if you guess who did it, then only the blackened will be punished.
Monokuma: But if you guess incorrectly, then everyone BESIDES the blackened will be punished.
Monokuma: So, who do you think did it?
Question: Who killed Troy Devlinski?
Answer: Rachel Lewis.
Monokuma: Alright, let’s check the results.
Results: 13 votes for Rachel Lewis.
Monokuma: Well, let’s see if the results are correct.
The slot machine with the images of us came down and started spinning. Finally it landed on three pictures of Rachel and the machine congratulated us with flowers and Monocoins again.
Monokuma said “I can’t believe it. Two in a row. What luck.”
“Why did you do it?” asked Sophie.
Rachel responded “I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you.”
“But you met with Troy” said Sophie. “Surely he told you what he was up to.”
Rachel said “Of course I knew what he was up to.” She grabbed another bloody paper from inside her coat. “These are Troy’s own words he was planning to say once he killed you. ‘Good sirs and madams, I have decided, on my own volition, to take the life of my target: Sophie Lincoln. I have decided that in order for me to face the man who killed my master, I have to become just as evil. I will now leave and take out the Ultimate Killer. After which I will never see any of you ever again. Goodbye.’”
Sophie looked down. “Oh. So he didn’t tell you after all.”
“Tell me what?” Rachel asked.
“Uhpupupupupu!” humed Monokuma. “I’ve got this. See, while phone messages may have been deleted from the phones themselves, I still have them all. Now let’s see what Troy’s missing message says.” He pushed a button.
“Hello?” said Troy, over the machine, half asleep.
“Troy, it’s me, Sophie.” said Sophie.
“Oh” said Troy, perking up, “what do you want, good madam?”
“Troy, I know this isn’t going to be easy,” said Sophie, “but I need you to kill me.”
“What?” asked Troy.
“I know I’m your target. I followed you guy to the meeting and spied on you” said Sophie. “I need you to do this for me.”
“But good madam, I can’t in good conscious-” said Troy.
“ Please!” said Sophie, cutting Troy off. “If you kill me, you can leave and take out the Ultimate Killer and end this once and for all...You can save everyone else. You can avenge your master. This is for the greater good.”
Troy responded “Still, I cannot justify killing you for all of that.”
“Well, the I order you to!” said Sophie, crying. “Please. Save everyone. I know you can.”
“...I understand, good madam” said Troy.
We all looked at Sophie, stunned at what we just heard. “That’s why I punched a hole in the wall...because my plan didn’t work and I was alive.”
“Why?” said Rachel. “Why go through with this foolish plan?...Answer me! I at least deserve that!”
“Because, this whole thing is terrible!” shouted Sophie.
“That’s no reason to give up on life!” Rachel shouted back.
“Yeah well, all of you are great! I’m not” said Sophie. “I’m just some loser who gets lucky. He he, look at me. My luck saved me from dying when I WANTED to die.”
Rachel was pale. “Why didn’t you tell me you felt like this?” she asked.
“Because I knew you would try to stop me” said Sophie. “Hell, I would have killed my own target and gone out to find our captor, but I was too afraid to.”
Rachel looked at Sophie and said “There are more answers to life than that. You taught me that.”
Sophie looked back and said “Yeah, well, you’re important. I’m not.”
Rachel slapped Sophie. “Don’t. EVER! Say that again. You saved my life.”
“I’ve been saying that anyone could have done that” said Sophie.
Rachel. “No! Only you. Look, I haven’t told you this, but that wasn’t the first time.”
Sophie looked confused and sad “It wasn’t?”
“No” said Rachel. “I tried to kill myself before you saw me attempt that one night.”
WHAT?! I managed to not blurt that but because it was a serious moment and I didn’t want to ruin it.
“However, whenever I was caught, it didn’t stick” said Rachel. “No matter how many times everyone told me that I was worth it, I felt like I wasn’t. I just felt like some dork who liked history.” Sophie was holding back tears. “But you. You were different Sophie. When you told me everything we going to be alright, I believed it. When you told me I was special, I believed it. After that, I decided to protect you. Because the world needs someone like you who can make people feel like they’re worth it. That they aren’t someone to be cast by the wayside. That they are special.”
“Rachel…” said Sophie, barely holding to together.
“And soon, those deep feeling...eventually turned into love.”
WHAT?! I held it in again, but it almost came out.
“But, I thought you told me you were asexual” said Sophie.
“I thought I was” said Rachel. “But it turns out I’m demisexual. I have to form a strong emotional connection to someone. And there’s no one I’ve felt a stronger connection with than you.” Rachel gently lifted Sophie’s chin and gave her a kiss.
After Rachel and Sophie broke away, Sophie said “I’M SO SORRY!” and began to cry on Rachel's jacket.
After Sophie let go, Rachel gave something to Sophie. “Here. To remember me by.” Sophie took it and looked at it intently. Rachel said “I’m sorry everyone.”
Jay said “No, it’s fine. I don’t blame you for anything that happened.”
“Yeah…” said Buck. “It’s that jerk Monokuma’s fault…”
“Well, now that this sob story is finishing up, are you ready?” said Monokuma.
Rachel closed her eyes and said “...I guess I am.”
Ready for what?.... “OH NO!” I blurted out.
“That’s right” said Monokuma. “Now for you, Rachel Lewis the Ultimate Historian, IT’S PUNISHMENT TIME!” Monokuma took out his gavel and hit a buzzed that appeared in front of him.
A screen came up and it read “Game Over. Rachel Lewis has been found Guilty. Time for the PUNISHMENT!” A pixel Monokuma came after a pixel Rachel, but Rachel just stood still and got carried off. At the execution grounds, Rachel was standing there, with handcuffs and ankle cuffs tied to the floor.
A title card popped up and it read “Rachel Lewis’ Execution: Ides of March.” A mannequin Roman with a knife popped out of the ground. And then another. And another. Then more popped out and suddenly, there was a lot.
The mannequins the began to move toward Rachel and one by one they all stab her. She was hit from every angle. Pretty soon she was coughing up blood.
Rachel was struggling to hang on to dear life when the mannequins backed down. But the Monokuma himself appeared wearing a Roman helmet and weilding a sword. He finishes the job by cutting off Rachel’s head. He the stands proudly over Rachel’s body.
We were all in shock. Again we saw the results of a trial, and this time it felt worse. No one was it harder on than Sophie, who was on her knees, holding what Rachel had given her. We were too afraid to talk to her. Until…
“So, what did Rachel give you?” May asked.
“It..it was her half of our best friend necklaces” said Sophie through tears. She gripped it tightly. “I will never let it go.”
“Ho ho, man, this is some grade A despair!” said Monokuma.
“Shut up” said Cassy.
“I’m serious” said Monokuma. “And to think I was going to wipe your memories.”
We all looked at him. “What?” said Jay.
“Oops” said Monokuma. “I wasn’t supposed to say that. But I was just too excited over all of this despair!”
“You were going to erase our memories?” I said.
“Well, OK, I’ll give you this since I told you already. Basically, I was originally going to have you attend Hope’s Peak for a while and then brain wipe you and have you do all of this. However, when bird brain over then brought you here, I had to make some changes to my plans. I thought this was a downgrade, but after seeing this, I couldn't be more excited tat that didn’t happen.”
“You son of a BITCH!” said Buck, punching a stand.
“Let’s just go before we do something we regret” said Andy.
“I agree” said Buck. We all turned and headed to the elevator.
We rode up in silence. I don’t think anyone wanted to say anything. We were all frustrated. How could this happen again? Monokuma really knows how to push our buttons. When the elevator stopped we all got out and went out our rooms.
I thought about today. A lot happened. We found Troy dead, and that was just the beginning. Everything else that happened felt like a hurricane and I am just doing my best to clumsily hang on to a lamppost so I don’t get lost in the shuffle. I feel like I can make it, but the storm is swallowing so much that I don’t know what will be left.
Later that Night-The Library computer lab.
Tammy is staring at a computer screen. “If he told us about it, then maybe it’s in here” she said to herself. “But under what?” She then looked at her list. “Hey, Monobird?” she asked.
“Yeah?” he said.
“WHich one of these is the death of Troy’s master?”
“This one” said Monobird.
Tammy looks into and and finds something. “Ah ha!” She said. “Wait, what?”
Chapter 2: Talk is Cheap, Death is Free: END
Students Remaining: 12
0 notes
replicarters · 7 years
hellraiser 3 funtime carnival, final
part 1 || part 2
happy easter! let's welcome it with BLOOD
the good thing about last time is that it was very gay. the bad thing about last time is that we've established the villain can and will tear the entirety of people's skin from their bodies, and then consume them as dinner. but this movie is a gay love story now, and god willing, there will be no dead lesbians by the end of it. there will be a lot of other dead people, sure. but hopefully no dead lesbians.
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okay joey's girlfriend is officially in the hands of pj or jp or whatever the fuck this total douche's name was.
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and he is very, very eager to get her eaten by his new carniverous friend
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but before that, we have to jump back to dream vietnam, just the place everybody wants to be.
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except now there's someone else here with an Accent and he's all "joeyyyyy wassup girl". oh my gosh who could it be!
tons of soldiers blow up and die and joey wakes up screaming
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now let me tell you a movie that scares the bajeezus out of me: it's poltergeist. i don't think this movie will become that so i'll just take this shot at face value.
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okay except for that it's like... making scary noises. you remember the episode of x-files where scully heard voices in the tv and unscrewed all her light bulbs? it's those noises, but much more loud and scratchy and unnerving.
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motherfucker, get out of there! i'm going to set this television on fire.
he says YOU HAVE TO HELP ME and then goes away again. help you with what? consuming kid cuisines where the chicken nuggets are made out of human thigh meat?
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jp is in here DRIVING A WEDGE BETWEEN GAY LOVE talking smack about joey while terri cries. god i hope jp gets eaten at the end i hope it so bad.
oh but wait! terri suddenly exclaims "SHE WOULDN'T" while she sobs, and blames herself for things that haven't even happened. honey :( joey hasn't gone anywhere and she's going to come and save you THIS I BELIEVE.
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"come hug me baby, but do it over here next to the statue."
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"mmmm come hug me over here"
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"no baby hugs are way better next to grotesque works of art~"
oh no and then he says "come to daddy" shlfkhld NO
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oh no oh no terri gets up!! no!! i bite my nails that i painstakingly regrew this past week.
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AHHH HE'S AWAKE AND HE HUNGERS. at the very last second terri decides she doesn't want to do a hug, but jp grabs her by her very sparkly shirt and pinhead opens wide for another nutritious meal.
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then terri breaks out brass fucking knuckles oh hell yeah girl, and she socks jp right in his smug, awful, ugly face
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terri runs to the door but pinhead yells WWWAAAAIIITTTT. "why run away~?" he says. you can come live in my stone stomach with all the other people i've eaten. it's cool. it's progressive. it's modern art.
lmao oh my god, then pinhead, ever the hungry man, offers terri the chance to off jp in exchange for ~dreams~.
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i mean, she's considering it, and i would too if all i had to do to unlock a world of dreams was toss some loser into a living pincushion's gaping maw.
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well, he's a little heavy. where are those convenient chains right about now?
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oh, there they are. holy shit, though, terri really went for it.
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bye byeeeeeee! i didn't even have to wait until the end of the movie for jp's demise! this is AWESOME.
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jp doesn't get eaten so much as he gets, like, giant nails driven through his head or something, and then pinhead yells a lot and the statue gets all crusty with bloooood.
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oh and then it... pees? i don't know what's going on, some goop comes out of nowhere and dribbles all over.
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ooh, that's... euugh...
gross flesh bombs just... explode from it. just gunk dropping off of it all over the place, smoking piles of gunk. it's icky.
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oh that's... that's not good...
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"terri. we are going to open the local spirit halloween store together... 6 months early!!!"
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poor joey isn't getting any sleep, there's old-timey music coming from somewhere and all the lights are doing weird glows. also this apartment is fucking sweet as hell, how does she live here.
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she opens a glowing closet, which, she has balls of steel to be doing that. but i guess if all your shit is glowing in your house at 3 am and you have 40s on 4 playing out of nowhere, you'd probably want to see what was up.
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there really was a literal radio just sitting in the closet. so she takes it out and puts it on a table.
she turns some dials on it and then mr. video starts telling her to do stuff, noooooope buddy i need to know your motivations my dude, i need to know what you're all about.
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maybe don't follow directions from mr. video/radio/dreamland. he tells her to go to the window which i guess is fine enough? but what's she gonna see out there... nnnn....
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okay, this guy's just out here chilling. who are you now???
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it's no problem for joey "balls of steel" summerskill, who is going for it. all in, baby! literally all in, her whole body in, to... the... window.
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she ends up on the other side of this darksided cs lewis wardrobe intact.
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look at this princess serenity dress she wears to bed every night, love it.
"who the fuck are you and why won't you let me sleep"
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"hold up... gotta stare at the cube." this guy has the same hairline recession as michael eddington.
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"i just walked into madness for you!" that's really what she says and i'm tickled by it. girl knows what fuck is up. it's all insane. least this guy can do is pay attention!
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uh oh what's this now, what's this indiana jonesing over here.
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joey goes for it, because she's a very brave girl, and now it's vietnam time again.
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"joey, how kind of you to come." literally her alternative was watching you stare at the cube. you better start explaining some shit!
well he doesn't start explaining anything, just slinks away behind the ridge. joey follows him, looking at all the nasty soldier corpses.
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"you have to help me; i don't understand." ME! i don't get any of this. dump some info on me, mr. video!
"you have to help me," mr. video says. buddy, you better be, like, the misplaced sealant on pinhead, otherwise i'm out.
he takes off his hat and he says his name Was elliot spencer.
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AND THEN JOEY INTRODUCES HERSELF AND SHAKES HIS HAND i'm laughing. TOO PURE. "hi dead man who won't leave me alone nice to meet you."
he says she's brave, which is true! and says "you've probably never shaken hands with a ghost before." i mean PROBABLY NOT.
well she says "ummm captain spencer, what the hell is going on???"
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"hell is exactly what is going on." ahhhhh. because it's been raised! we hell now.
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they set off for a walk, a nice stroll through what spencer the ghost says is the limbo between heaven and hell. he says he can't do squat in the real world, but joey can.
"there is a monster out there, joey, and it's me." eeeeep.
anyway so he's pinhead because war is hell, and he originally opened the box and got mad chainz, yo. stopping him will require "great courage".
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joey doesn't know if she has that, but spencer is like, "girl, you just walked through a goddamn solid window to talk to me, you're fine."
the cube is the gateway to hell and pinhead wants it, and spencer says joey has to let him come for it. aw helllllllllll no! eff that, why can't she just drop the cube in a volcano or something?
"but what if he takes the box from me before i can-"
"he can't take it, it must be given to him." oh dear so he's going to try to persuade her to give him the box. PERSUADE HER LIKE HE PERSUADED TERRI TO LET HIM EAT JP? just great. i have large worries.
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let's have a little party pitstop.
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my favorite baby is here, and it sTARTS MOVING AHHHHHHHHHHH HELL N O
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and then there's an explosion
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and H E  C O M E S
everybody goes screaming and running and chains start flying. a guy gets his hand cut and his palm spurts blood LIKE A FOUNTAIN just like i've been expecting this whole time. another guy gets a stick of wood through him.
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this girl's drink comes to life and also she's still sitting at a table while the entire place is in a full-on panic.
the bubble becomes a pinhead head, which then becomes a huge dagger of ice that impales the girl in the mouth. i don't know, i'm laughing at that one. let this be a lesson to us all: if, while in a club, madness begins all around you, just run. leave your $12 drink. it's not worth it.
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the sleazy bartender gets barb wired. a girl gets her face torn. pinhead cackles in the background.
here's my thing: how is joey going to fight all this shit? SHE'S JUST ONE PERSON and pinhead can do all this?! man... i have concerns...!
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more killing! you know what's going to happen to the dj, don't you?
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weeeeeeee! maiming!
pinhead starts locking doors. people start getting chains to their faces. and their necks. and through them, while other people get them through their faces behind them. just all-around a delight for everyone.
there's one last door that's not shut, but do you really think it's going to stay open?
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NOPE! you're in pinhead's funhouse now!
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and as the whipping of the chains grows louder, and the screaming dies down, blood flows out under the door.
literally. how is joey going to win this thing.
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no sleep for joey as she wakes up, again, to news reports of a "catastrophe" at the boiler room. that sure is one way to put it. joey, poor sweet innocent brave joey, gets her ass dressed and calls grandpa cameraman.
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oh boy. it's time. it's time for joey to bring the pain to a very bad man, armed with nothing but that box against his MYRIAD OF SPOOKY POWERS. I HAVE EXTREME CONCERNS! that's all i'm saying!
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mmmmmm and the tv was unplugged the whole time. CONCERNS RATCHETING UP A FEW MORE LEVELS.
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it's raining, it's pouring, that door up there's fuckin opening on its own. grandpa's car was outside but grandpa was not in the car oh god he is almost certainly mutilated by now.
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and we got some folks HANGING AROUND............................
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yeah there's bodies everywhere and joey's scared out of her mind. PROTECT THIS POOR BABY.
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joey holds onto the cube for dear life, because SOME GHOST thought it was a GOOD IDEA to send a 27 year old mortal human in to fight a needle-faced hell man with NOTHING MORE THAN A BOX.
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it's gross, she's crying, there are just... so many bodies. she's looking around trying to find grandpa, growing increasingly more distraught as she sees, you know, severed heads and stuff. lmao and there's one guy with about 15 billiard balls stuffed into his dead maw, which i found pretty comical.
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welp joey, who is absolutely going to have nightmares for the rest of her living days, just screams out for grandpa, but i think she and i both know he's not going to answer. oh, grandpa, what horrible thing has happened to you?
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joey goes farther in and some lights come on
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another doorway beckons
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and inside, it's like a banquet hall of... terribleness. i don't have any words left to describe all this, my goodness. and joey's still crying. i don't blame her. she came all the way the fuck in here instead of getting on the first plane to the other side of the world like i definitely would have, she deserves to let some tears out.
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oh, and grandpa?
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is very dead, with his head replaced by a camera.
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ohhhhh everything is beyond misery
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pinhead appears, waxing poetic, blah blah death and stuff. suffering. humanity's darkness, whatever.
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"mmmm gimme my box kiddo"
naw she's not here for that, so pinhead starts yelling "DON'T DEBATE WITH ME, GIRL. JUST COME HERE AND DIE WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE OPTION OF DOING IT QUICKLY."
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"you're gonna have to come and get me, you ugly fuck." OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
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now with the knowledge that pinhead really can't touch that box unless he's given the box, joey takes off and almost gets run over by a cab outside.
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cab hits a pole instead but listen, bud, your sacrifice is duly noted. hell's getting stopped tonight, bro! if you live, you'll get to see it!
then the pole falls over, knocks out all sorts of shit, and the cab lights on fire.
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uh oh pinhead's doing pinhead stuff. WILL THE CUBE PROTECT AGAINST ELECTROCUTION?
oh my good god then pinhead sets off a fire hydrant and once the water is everywhere, where do you think he puts these nice cables?  C O N C E R N S
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pinhead's impromptu death river comes barrelling down the street, but joey gets up on the sidewalk and the water sluices harmlessly by. phew.
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except for now chains are coming out of the sewer. nnnnggggaaaahhhhh!! they do get her a little bit! me scream!
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more stuff blows up! i'm very tense! joey keeps running. the sewer's blowing up, every electric thing is blowing up, THE MANHOLE LID comes spinning at joey's face but she dodges it. everywhere, EVERY LITERAL PLACE SHE GOES, stuff blows up and is on fire.
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"what the fuuuuuuck where's the part where i get to go home and live a peaceful life"
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"a peaceful life where all my friends are dead, and this place is fucked." hey... hey where's terri...? did... did she died...?
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eeeep you're on pinhead camera! KEEP RUNNING
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OH NO it's grandpa, and he's a weird camera borg now :(
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oh joey honey i love you sweet girl please hang in there
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then all the tvs blow up
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then some guy???? who is just walking around out here????? joey runs into him and screams at him to run, but he's all, "hey baby where you going? everything's cool." oh YEAH, EVERYTHING'S REAL COOL.
so that guy dies when borg grandpa spears his eye camera through his head.
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here comes pinhead, slinking out of the shadows.
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just in case you forgot, this is the general state of things. not great. could be better.
oh there's more dead borg corpses walking around, too. that's a different one over there; it's cd head from the club.
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L E T ' S   J A M   T O    T   S W I F T
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when is enough enough, pinhead?!
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it's never enough. guess what walks out of that explosion, it's another borg corpse.
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whoaaaa and this one spits fire. SURELY PINHEAD HAS PROVEN HIS POINT BY NOW.
then the cops roll in, and joey again implores them to just fucking run. they don't.
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one of the cops gets gasoline on him, and if you might recall (joey does), one of the dead borgs breathes fire.
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joey wisely does not stick around for this, leaving the cops to their piping hot demise.
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what now? now joey ducks into a church and just collapses. same.
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you better be a priest, sir.
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"father there's an awful lot of sinning going on outside, my only friend is a killer zombie, and new york is in general aflame."
this idiot priest tries to tell joey demons aren't real. haha! dude! you've missed several updates.
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several. updates.
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there he is, the man himself.
and then, oh my god, lol:
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"then what the fuck is That." shdfklshlkfhs
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leeeet's go if you don't want to die!
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hey if you thought stuff was done exploding, you were wrong.
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come on, that is ripe for becoming a deadly projectile.
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or a melty mush. ooh, but a molten one. eugh, it couldn't just melt to melt, huh? had to be a scorching melt.
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rarrrrgh i hate sunday school!
then listen, pinhead stands at the altar, ready to perform his own sacraments, which involve pulling a slug out of his head? and then putting the slug into his other hand (he's losing me here), then all the candles in the church start blowing up, then he pulls out another slug, puts that slug into the first hand, and then a wall starts cracking...
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look, if i understood it, i'd let you know.
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the rite of slug is now complete. whatever windows remained are, you guessed it, blown to kingdom come. then the altar crumbles, and for some reason, the priest thinks he's going to be a hero. no. wrong. pinhead pulls out slug number three, i think, i couldn't really tell. i think that's the only thing i could have been was another slug.
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joey's over here rubiks cubing. there's not a great deal of time left in the movie, so, everybody cross your fingers some evil about to get sealed.
oh ew i think what pinhead pulled out was a flesh glob, and then he stuck it in the priests mouth, huge ick.
but joey gets the cube to go blue.
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joey taunts pinhead with the cube and bolts again. she makes it to the best place to be in the middle of a hell siege, which is a construction site. yes.
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she immediately hears shit creaking around, because this will never be easy.
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ohhhh good, it's more happy friends.
oh no no no and one of them... one of them...
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IS TERRI!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO MY BEAUTIFUL LESBIAN LOVE STORY ;________; also note terri's direct line of smokes now.
"i can dream now, joey..." auuuuugh this wasn't the dream i wanted!
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"terri..." her voice is so tiny and weak and defeated. i hate this, i hate this, HER ONLY OTHER FRIEND IN THIS WHOLE WORLD AND SHE'S A ZOMB.
well she tries to mess with the cube some more but borg jp and borg terri circle around her, beating her up. :(
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and guess who arrives atop the hill, and threatens joey with "dark decades" of pain. oh golly.
more zombos come in.
"ahhh, more friends, come to play with you, joey."
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joey gets the cube to go blue but this time...
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it starts opening up!!
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it starts autobotting and the zombos are looking at pinhead like, uh, dad? what do we do/???
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then the cube starts shooting out blue stuff and ghostbustering all the zombos into it. they all scream and cry about it but there's nothing to be done, battle over, cube wins, that's it. pinhead tries to resist but he goes in, too... i... i think... we don't actually... see him...... go in.............
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is that it? can joey go home now? this poor girl has been through An Ordeal.
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joey tries to ask good ol ghosty if that's it. hello? is he there? don't flake out on us now, pal.
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oh, what... is this now. wasn't that just dirt on the ground two seconds ago?
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oh okay we're... here now, i guess.
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look everybody, it's joey's dead dad.
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so joey saved the world and gets to hug her dad, that's a pretty good reward. it's not going to bring back the scores of dead people, but this is okay.
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"joey, they said you'd have something for me. something you won't need anymore." OH MY GOD STOP I'M HOLLERIN
"this? oh here, take it!" HONEY NO. JOEY NO. OH MY GOD
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oh my god my entire soul is fleeing my physical form
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well what the shit happens now
"save your tears. i'll reap your soul slowly."
then i legit don't know what the hell happens next, joey thinks about the window, and then all of a sudden...
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...we're there? past the window?
"couldn't resist playing games, could you?" ah our old chap there he finally is
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"you had to come through the window of her mind" okay say whatttttt. the window was in joey's mind all along? well that's kind of stupid if you ask me.
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uh oh oh no oh dear it's time for chains. this is not the kind of kinky shit i am after let's not go down this road. cries and watches this through my hands.
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oh no oh geez. pinhead stop i can't... do this... do not talk about pleasures right now... while this is... oh lord this is too weird
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what... in the seven hells... is that. pinhead and ghostie take their sweet time watching each other while this THING rises up toward joey.
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no. no fuckin way. i'm done. there's like three minutes left and i'm ready to leave.
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bro. you're way too calm about this.
"you're right," he says to pinhead. "we do belong together."
and he reaches out and gets pinhead to drop the box. all right noW DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT BACKGROUND HELLSPAWN
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okay hellspawn and all the chains and weird things disappear, and then ghostie and pinhead fight, i guess.
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me irl: "uhhhhh ok"
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ah now they're a... tangled flesh monstrosity.
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sure seems like... pinhead absorbed ol ghostie, though. that's not... great.
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oh but... maybe it didn't go so hot for pinhead after all?
ghostie's head pops up and says "JOEY. SEND ME TO HELL." oh god please do. right now.
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joey/cube otp
she messes with it a bunch while pinhead stalks closer, yipes!
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now it's swiss army knifing. that's not what we need right now we need the other thing! the blue!
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all right just kidding she gets it to be a dagger and stabs him good.
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yeeeeowch! my pancreas!
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yeah see ya. finally, once and for all, i think he's outta here.
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ah, and there's the cube
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NOW can joey finally go home? live in peace? all that good stuff? please leave her alone for the rest of time.
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man stick that thing in some cement where it belongs, then throw it in the bottom of the atlantic.
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look, cement! really get it in there deep. it doesn't really seem that deep. there were like nine more hellraisers after this so i'm thinking the cube makes its way out of the cement.
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oh my sweet girl, go home and never think about any of this again. get some rest. get a therapist. stay far away from any and all ugly statues the rest of your life. you got a transport to space to catch; you don't got time to be running around down here!
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joey goes home.
but there's one last thing.
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that building they built on that construction site has some familiar designage.
THE END!!!!!! no seriously that's it. pinhead is the whole building?!!?!?!? NUKE IT.
ughhhhhh rubs my hands over my face so much for not having nightmares. thought i'd be free when i finally finished, but i think i am more unsettled than ever. really good! exactly what i wanted! man, what the fuck happens to joey now? she goes home and has ptsd for the rest of her life? somebody write me that fanfic. just kidding, don't, i don't want to think about it. only a happy life for joey now. no more hell raising for her. hope she moves to monterey and forgets all her troubles. maybe gets a nice girlfriend, settles down, never has a nightmare again.
oof. i gotta... do a juice cleanse or something. 2 spook. and jake is exactly right, i should never ever watch the rest of these movies, not ever in my life.
hey jake? you there, bud?
hold me ;_;
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babylon-bitch · 7 years
Just Friends ~ We Weren't Ever Just Friends  (Part 29)
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I know that the cover doesn’t do justice to the original but they are pretty good. That dress is really pretty though. Give me feed back honeys :) 
Harper White is best friends with Luke Hemmings, they always have been. Not only is she  friends with the rockstar, but with the rest of 5 Seconds Of Summer, as well as a really nice girl named Erika.
Harper has a few secrets, she can play all the instruments the boys play and many more. It’s a talent she has kept hidden, only very few people know.
What will happen to the six teens, wondering around the world together?
Warnings: mentions of depression and swearing
Only had one meltdown since I’ve been here, and I’ve been here two days. I went round to aunt Lauren’s house and surprised her. I was there for about an hour before I broke down, she asked why I’m here and I told her everything, more than my mum. I delved into my mental health more, I don’t like talking about it with my mum because she gets so worried and then won’t leave me alone. She told me about passed experiences and advised me to go see someone. Someone she went to about her depression and said it helped her so much.
She was really happy to find out about Luke and I, she squealed like the teenage girl she is. Lauren demanded all the details, which resulted in me crying. If we had to take a break, why are we even together?
The kids were all at school or nursery and Lauren’s husband Jonathon was at work, Lauren is a stay at home mum. It was really good to actually talk to someone without them pestering me, it was like therapy. We sat in the lounge for hours and just talked, she told me her problems, I gave her advice for her problems, I told her my problems, she gave me advice on my problems.
It was like having a sister. Lauren is my only aunt I’m in regular contact with. I hardly ever talk to my dad’s side of the family, mainly because they didn’t like my mother very much. For some reason though, neither of them seem affected by it. I’d say I’m closer to her than the rest of my family. Anna and Mark are Evie’s parents and I’m not too close to them, even though they live in the same country. Lauren is probably the second person I’m closest to, or at least top five.
We all know who the first person is.
There’s just something about her that makes her so approachable. Maybe it’s because she is a child at heart, she is 35, but acts 17.
The ‘therapy session’ was interrupted by Lauren having to pick up the kids, I came along to that too, and the look on their faces was priceless. They clung onto me for dear life.
I joined them all for dinner before going back home.
So far this whole trip I’ve felt this overwhelming sense of guilt, I’ve had endless texts from Erika and the other boys, none from Luke though, which I’m kind of grateful for.
It’s like he’s the only one that understands me when things like this happen. He knows to leave me alone, I’ll come round eventually.
Or he decided he wants nothing to do with me and has actually broken up with me.
In that case, shit.
He wouldn’t do that, right? Luke’s not like that.
I had a text from my mum saying that Erika came round and that she told her I’m at Anna and Mark’s.
Hopefully she believed that.
I have hardly been on my phone, only to change the song or text my mum. It’s quite nice to take a step back.
I visited my grandparents early this morning, they were just as surprised as Lauren was. I didn’t exactly tell her the reason why I was here because she was just like my mother. Funny that, they’re mother and daughter.
I’m currently round Lauren’s house, all the kids are here. They’ve just come back from school, so they are a little exhausted.
Lauren ordered me a pizza whilst she picked the kids up, so I’m eating that, the dog keeps trying to get some though, and so does Toby.
“Harp Harp, can I have some?” A little voice asks.
Looking to my right I see Toby standing next to me. “Here, one bite, you have dinner soon.” I warn and hold the crust for him whilst he takes his humoungus bite.
“Fank woo.” He says with a mouth full of food, and I burst out laughing.
“That’s okay.” I smile.
Deciding to show everyone that I’m not dead, and taking a picture of the pizza box with one slice in it, with the caption: oh shit.
Within seconds I get a notification from Erika.
@Erikaaa @Harper33 thank God, you’re alive
I like her tweet and put my phone down, groaning into my knees.
Why am I like this?
“You okay?” Lauren asks.
“I guess, am I being a bad friend?” I question.
“You’ve got to put yourself first sometimes Harper! You’ve got to be selfish to make yourself better. They need to understand that, if they want you to get better they need to see that. It’s okay, they’re not going to hate you. Yes, it might hurt them a little with you leaving without any warning, but they can get over that if they are true friends. Things might be awkward when you go back, but hopefully you’ll be on your feet again.” She reassures.
“Right.��� I nod and give her a small smile.
“Don’t beat yourself up about it. I know how you work, and drop that guilt, that’s not going to help you.” Lauren claims.
“Okay.” I sigh.
Because I’ve got no one my own age around, I text Delilah and Laura.
Me: hey, I’m in england for a while, don’t tell anyone though because I haven’t told my friends back in Aus. It’s a long long story x
Laura: hello :) what a pleasant surprise. Do you want to meet up? X
Delilah: hiya, I’ve got detention, but I’ve only got like half an hour left. Where do you wanna meet? X
Me: in town or at my place, I’ve got the whole house to myself.
Delilah: your house
Laura: that’s decided then, thanks Del 😑 see you in an hour or so x
Me: okay, I’m at Lauren’s right now, see you in a bit x
Delilah: bye bitches
Laughing I lock my phone and start to get up, only to be met with a whining sound.
Lily pouts up at me and grabs onto my hoodie. I lift her up and hold her on my hip, which seems to cheer her up.
“I’m gonna head home, I’ve got some old school friends coming over to my house. Laura and Delilah, remember them?” I ask.
“Vaguely, have fun sweetheart, see you again tomorrow?”
“Yeah probably.” I smile and put Lilly down.
Gathering my stuff, well I say stuff, I mean my bag with my stuff in it, as well as my phone.
“Bye then.” She says and pulls me in for a hug then kisses my cheek.
“Bye lil’ munchkins, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I grin down at the exhausted kids.
I giggle as I see that they’re too sleepy to make a fuss about it.
“Bye.” I wave as I close the door behind me.
Reuben waves when I walk passed the window and I laugh as I wave back.
Everyone is here now, Delilah’s boyfriend tagged along. I made a cake whilst I was waiting for them, it didn’t finish in time, but it was in the oven my the time they were here.
Turns out he is a really good singer, Delilah showed me a video of him secretly singing in the shower and he blushed and hid in a pillow whilst grinning.
His name is Elliot and he is an alright guy, very funny. I can see why Delilah likes him. I’m just gonna get this out the way now, he is a total babe. He is so hot. Black almost brown hair, in a short quiff.
Now I’m not gonna go cheat on Luke with him, but I’m not gonna deny that he is attractive.
“You both are good at singing, why don’t you guys make a video?” Laura suggests.
“You can sing?” He ask.
“A bit yeah.”
“A bit? The girl can sing better than Hayley Williams.” Delilah claims.
“Okay, that’s a bit of an overstatement.” I accuse.
“No, honestly, she is one of the best singers I’ve ever heard.” Laura agrees.
“Do you play any instruments?” He asks.
“I play the ukulele.” I tell him.
I give Delilah a warning glare and she gives me a confused look before looking back at Elliot.
“Have you ever written any originals?” He questions.
“Yeah, I’ve written a couple.” I shrug.
“Her boyfriend is Luke Hemmings, of course she has.” Laura chuckles.
“Actually, he doesn’t know, no one does, besides you guys. So feel honered.” I admit.
“Why?” Laura asks.
“Long story, but do you want to film this video?” I ask Elliot.
“Sure, what’s the song?” He asks.
“It’s an original, I’ll give you a run down on what to do in a minute.”
I went and got my camera, lights, and ukulele.
Giving him my idea and him nodding his head. This song is called Creep, I wrote it a while back.
I laugh and turn off the camera. He really is a good singer, his voice was really satisfying, it was like his voice were puzzle pieces and they slotted in perfectly. “Wow that was really good.” I grin and hug him.
“You were great,” He smiles down at me.
“Thank you, so were too.” I say.
“Well done guys.” Laura says as she comes back in.
We both smile at her.
“Best thing I’ve ever had, it gave me an eargasm.” Delilah follows.
“That’s a way to describe it.” Elliot furrows his eyebrows
“What are you guys doing this evening?” Laura asks.
“Nothing besides uploading the video, why?” I ask.
“Do you wanna go out?” Laura questions.
“Like out out or just out?” Delilah questions and I laugh.
“To a club?” Elliot ask.
“Yeah.” Laura nods
“I don’t know…” I trail off.
“Oh c'mon Harps, live a little.” Delilah nudges my ribs with her elbow.
“Its only half six now, we’ll leave at 9 or 10, you’ve got plenty of time to get ready.” Laura reasons.
“I’m going.” Delilah says.
“Me too, I’ve gotta fend off men from my girl.” He chuckles as he wraps his arm around Delilah, and kisses her head.
“I’ve literally got nothing better to do.” I shrug. “Haven’t you guys got school in the morning?” I ask.
“We can skip, or at least the morning.” Laura tells me.
“Usually Del is the ‘badass’ but this time Lau is, what happened?” I chuckle as I bump shoulders with Laura.
“What can I say? I’ve been around her for so long now that her habits are brushing off on me.”
“I’m gonna go home and get ready.” Delilah says.
“Okay, let’s meet back here at like eight, maybe half eight,” I explain, “Oh and I’m gonna post the video whilst I wait. I’ll send it to you, what is your number, or social media name?” I ask Elliot.
“I’ll give you my number.” He smiles and I pass him my phone whilst he passes me his phone.
put my name as girlfriend’s hot best friend.
“That’s a name…” He laughs.
He put his name as Harry Potter and I laugh at it. “Okay, bye then.” I smile and pull each of them into an individual hug.
Luke p.o.v.
I don’t know who that guys is but I hate him. He might even me related to her, I don’t care, all I know is that I hate him. And he is a really good singer.
I was scrolling through Twitter when I saw that she posted a video, being the good boyfriend that I am (or not, I haven’t talked to her, it looks like she has moved on) I decided to watch it.
They were both really good though, I’ve never heard that song though. It was a very pretty song.
The words were quite bold, and it made me worry about her. If she was that bad, surely she would of reached out to me.
I heard she ran off and nobody can find her, I’ve been pretending that I don’t care, but fuck, I care so fucking much. I want her back in my arms, safe and sound, more than anything. I don’t know if she is okay or not, it’s sort of sending me into a frenzy to be honest.
Erika is really upset and surprisingly angry about it all. Understandably so, I mean, if your best friend ran off without any warning and won’t return her calls at all, you would be mad and upset. Erika likes things to be normal, hates change, so I can understand why.
I really don’t know if she is okay, I’ve just got this feeling that she is a mess. I want to help her, but I don’t know where she is, or even if she’ll take my help. Which suck, it sucks balls, but it’s her way of dealing with things, I guess.
Usually she is an absolute trooper, but I guess it all just got to her this time. She still is a trooper, she’ll always be my little troop.
I’m currently scrolling through Twitter, deciding to check up on Harper. I have her notifications on, but I was busy at the moment so I just swiped them away. There were about two or three.
Searching her name, then clicking on her profile and scrolling down. There is an empty pizza box with the caption 'oh shit’, scrolling up I see her in a very revealing dress.
Hot damn, she is doing an innocent pose, yet the dress is anything but innocent. A huge slit in the middle, exposing a bit of cleavage, then it ends mid thigh. She’s not exactly showing that much off, but you can see everything.
Only I’m allowed to see her like that.
She looks great don’t get me wrong, outstandingly sexy, but why does she need to wear a dress like that?
That wasn’t a selfie either, somebody else was with her. I’m not trying to be controlling, but when your girlfriend (possible ex-girlfriend) hangs around with a guy, has a super sexy dress on, and somebody else takes a picture, you get a little nervous.
We set down a rule that we weren’t going to sleep or be intimate with anyone else whilst on this break, whether she has given up on me and already moved on or not, I don’t know. I don’t think she is the type to do that though.
I miss her, I really do, we haven’t even talked in ages. I’ve only had second hand information, I regret this whole thing. It does make it easier for her in a way, because I’m on tour she has to do all these extra things just to talk to me or us, and it’s wasting her time.
As much as I love being on tour, I’ll be glad when this one is over.
“Dude, have you seen Harper?” Calum asks.
“Yes.” I snap, a little harsher than intended.
“Alright, chill man.” Calum says.
“Sorry, it’s just, why is she doing this? Only I can see her like that. Why is she posting but not talking to you guys?” I ask.
“You were the one that told us to give her some space.” Ashton chimes in.
“It’s almost like she is playing games with us.” I claim.
“No, not at all. I think she is trying to tell us that she is at least alive, but doesn’t want to talk to us.” Michael adds.
“Why?” I question.
“That, we don’t know.”
It’s the next day now and pictures have surfaced from Harper’s night out. Her getting cosy with that guy she filmed a video with, there’s no kissing or anything, just her sat on his lap, or his arms around her.
That should be my lap and my arms around her. There is no one I recognise in the pictures, besides that dude and her.
Hopefully she didn’t drunkenly make out with him, then things would be completely over.
I couldn’t sleep all night because I was worried about her. I hate how much I love this girl. She could be a psycho murderer and I would still love her. If we do break up, I will always love her. No matter what happens I will. She’s been my crush for years, I started to develop feelings for her when we were 13, 14 and I didn’t really know what they were, so I just pushed them aside.
My heart literally broke when I heard she was moving back to England, my seven year old self didn’t really have anyone to play with after that.
She fell out a tree once when she was 13, and broke her wrist, and something clicked (not just her wrist) I don’t know what happend, I started looking at her in a different way, I saw her in a different way, was even more protective of her. Something changed between us and it hasn’t really been the same since. It wasn’t a bad thing, things just weren’t the same after that.
We held each others gazes for a little too long, held each other a little more than normal, constantly kissed each other, just on the cheek or shoulder, we weren’t simply just friends, and I don’t think we ever were, or will be.
I was about 16, possibly 15 when I realised I was in love with my best friend. That scared the hell out of me, I thought I was going to ruin it all.
She got a boyfriend at 14 and I don’t think I’ve ever despised someone so much, he took her first kiss, and that hurt me. At the time, I didn’t know why I was so jealous, and upset that he took her first kiss.  There were other reasons why I hated him, he took Harper away from me, and I was left on my own.
When they broke up a couple of months later, and Harper was crying in my arms, I could help the ear to ear grin that was plastered on my face. That made her mad though.
When she was sixteen and her lowest point, I felt so useless and helpless because I didn’t know how to help her. She tried to push everyone away and blocked us all out, but we both knew she needed us more than anything. Harper was so ashamed of what she had become, claiming 'I don’t want you to see me like this’.
I can’t lose her, she is the person that truly knows me inside and out. Yeah, the boy’s no me really well, but there’s something about Harper. Maybe its because she’s my soulmate or because I’ve known her so long.
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jyum · 8 years
- ̗ ̀fan account ̖ ́-  #TURBULENCEinLA
let’s start this yo okay so i met up with @poeticyoungjae (mina) and @soft-jaebum (mia) at the venue around 1ish?? i got there last because i took forever to get ready and then my sister and i hit traffic :/ but it was all good
i honestly thought the line was going to be suuuper long to get our wristbands (hence why we got there early) but it wasn’t! there was no line at all so we got our wristbands and we were set!
we then ended up going to ktown to go to this kpop store and it was so fun the car ride was the best thing because we were bumping to got7 and when boomx3 came out we pulled down our windows and we were getting lit! (i bought this cute jaebum ring thingy for my phone from the kpop store and IT’S MY FAVORITE THING EVER)
by the time we got back to venue it was like 4ish and we just walked around and bought stuff from the fansites and got all the cute banners and stuff they were passing out
we were just hanging out when we hear someone talking from the mic and i guess that was the cue that the doors were gonna open soon so i booked it up the stairs (idk why if our the venue was all seated so we had a guaranteed spot ???)
so that got everyone even extra pumped so we’re waiting and they finally open the doors (by this time, we had met up with @cu​ june) so it’s me, mina, mia and june and we’re all walking in arms linked so we can get our tickets scanned
we get our tickets scanned and we have to separate because mina had center, june had left center but mia and i were on left so it was kind of :( but it was all good
mia and i walk to our seats and i honestly didn’t think i was going to be that freaking close??? (i was row e seat 39) like i was sh*tting bricks because i was hella close (mia was 2 rows behind me if any one is curious)
so i’m sitting by myself waiting for people to sit next to me so i can make friends and oh my god everyone around me was so sweet (none of them had or used tumblr so we added each other on snap but i love them all so much and we actually planned to meet up if we go to the next got7 concert/fan meet)
so we’re all talking getting pumped and people just start screaming and my friends and i were like ??? whats going on AND WE COULD SEE BAMBAM WITH HIS SNOWFLAKE HAIR AND I THINK IT WAS JACKSON FROM THE CURTAINS
they started with ‘let me’ (I WAS SINGING MY HEART OUT EVERYONE AROUND ME WAS LAUGHING) and then it was ‘boomx3′ (DOUBLE B) and then ‘just right’ those were the first 3 songs they performed
after ‘let me’ they introduced themselves AND LET ME TELL YOU, WHEN JAEBUMS SAID “hi guys i’m jb” I-I ALMOST D-E-D JUST 4 WORDS AND I ALMOST K.O
i got the cutest jinson interactions i’ll post them later but bless i think i’m passed my markjin phase hello jinson i’m ready to be loyal
okay okay so they did the questions where they get the sticky notes with questions on it and ask another member the question and honestly!!! i can’t really remember-JUST MOTHERPHUCKING KIDDING I REMEMBER SOMETHING
okay moving on if you read my tags i love disney so much when mark asked what their favorite disney movie was i obviously lost my marbles and wow jinyoungs favorite disney movie is toy story bless hIM
yugbam danced to juju on dat beat AND BOY WAS GETTING IT AYE AYE
watching them play the guess this song game was one of the best things to watch jaebum kept having to do the squats while flapping his arms like a baby bird and there was one point where they put their ears to the speakers to guess the song like wow they was getting wild they was here trying to pop an ear drum (youngjae won and i loved hearing him sing a part of the song he guessed bLESS)
jaebum and yugbam had to sing their parts on helium and freaking bambam started singing watch me whip and do the stanky leg and yugyeom sounded so cute he sounded like a minion
they played the behind the scenes from the filming of hard carry and came back on stage with ‘fly’ but okay so we all have seats and we can stand but we have to stay at our seats but there were these groups of girls that ran to the front of the stage so everyone else thought it was okay too so they kind of blocked the way and my friends and i were trying so hard to stay at our seats but ended up getting frustrated because couldn’t see crap so ended up moving a little up (don’t worry we didn’t stay there when we were suppose to be seated like most people we would go back to our seats) 
after it was ‘if you do’ and jaebum came out with his emo side and had his hood on (i hope he was doing it for the effect i hope it wasn’t bad or anything pls pls pls i hope he wasn’t upset or anything okay no bad thoughts arianna stop) but yeah my boy came out looking good and was going HARD AND 2JAES VOCALS AND MARKSONBAMS RAP 
that stage was amazing tambien i just remember saying “FUCK IT UP” throughout the whole thing
they started their goodbyes and oh my god i was so :-( merp but i was so happy when youngjae sang for elliot yamin he sang for him and then he got up from his seat and was so hyped for youngjae ahhhh i’m so happy for him our sunny
jaebum said his speech and wow i seriously love him with everything my 🌎"thank you for coming *my screams covering up what he said after* peace” and THEN MARKS SPEECH REALLY HAD ME HE WAS LIKE CHOKING UP AND GOD I’M SO HAPPY HE WAS HOME THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LETTING HIM BE HOME (idk who i’m thanking but JUST THANK YOU)
jacksons speech really got to me like i know i’ve been saying this but (not to be a sap) his speech was something i really needed to hear oh my god i’m going to cry BUT JUST UGH I LOVE JACKSON WANG 
they “finished” up with ‘hard carry’ and honestly i thought it was for real done like idk why i forgot about ‘homerun’ but they came back on stage AND HAD THEIR ENCORE STAGE ‘HOMERUN’
jaebum didn’t come to my side :/ its cool i see him no i’m kidding but i have a close up of each member except my babe BUT IT’S ALL GOOD BECAUSE HE MADE IT UP AT THE HI TOUCH (i know this very long and theres probably going to be more but pls bare with also thank you for reading so far :-)
they finished up ‘homerun’ and they did their bows and it was such a heart warming feeling like i really saw them perform i was and still am so happy like i didn’t even cry i was just so happy i couldn’t stop smiling :-) i could just feel all my love and their love and it was just a big aroma of love and i loved it
^^^ i was going based off my memory and videos but i forgot about when they played the hacky sack game oops
okay so when jaebums partner was introducing herself her name was kat (like a gato) and she did like claw with her hand and jaebum was confused he was kat? and she was like yeah kat and did the claw thing and once he understood he was like oh kat and did the claw thing too aiandjsjdjsjsjs CUTEST THING
and once again youngjaes partners name was arianna (or ariana) and every time they said her name i would scream so freaking loud (i think she was one of the girls that they surprised in the buzzfeed video but i’m not sure)
jinyoung is hella good at that hacky sack game when he was done i kept screaming “messi who?? messi WHO?”
oh and bambam called his partner queen and noona and aishsinajsjsjsjs i love him
OKAY HI TOUCH TIME so they’re finishing up the photo op and now i’m reunited with mina and june so its mina, mia, june, 2 other friends we made there and me! we kind of wanted to go last for the hi touch but apparently some fans went twice for the hi touch :/
i guess they didn’t leave the venue and just went back in line and got to high five them again so security was getting pretty strict and somewhat rude
so before anything else could happen we got into line (we ended up losing june) and the line started moving fast
the line up was jackson, jaebum, youngjae, mark, yugyeom, bams, and jinyoung
so ya girl was coming up with what to say to them and the line is moving hella fast!! so mia was first then mina then me and our other 2 friends
i get to jackson and he’s leaning on the table and i high five him and tell him “please be healthy i love you” aidnajjsjsjs he gives me his little turtle like smile and i freaking almost d-e-d but jaebum was after so i pulled through
something happened and mark was not letting go of minas hand so i was with jaebum for like a cool minute so he has like his hand in a low high five position and i’m resting my hand on his and i’m telling i love him and to stay healthy and thanking him and he’s nodding and smiling and staring into my soul like hard core and oh my god i thought this was it this was the end for me it felt like i was going up to heaven
his hair was covering his eyes but i could see his eyes and FLIP I LOVE HIM SO MUCH JAEBUM I LOVE YOU
its youngjae next and i sorta blacked out with jaebum because i was there pretty long and youngjae is the cutest thing ever i high five him and tell him i love him and thanked him and then mark!
i don’t know what happened to me but i was chill with mark so i start “welcome home mark… mark you look so good in turtle necks i love you” HE WAS NODDING SO CUTELY AND WHEN I SAID THE TURTLE NECK THING THING HE RAISED HIS EYEBROWS AND DID THAT CUTE CHUCKLE HE DOES AND I ALMOST K.O AGAIN
then it was the maknaes and i told them i loved them and thanked them (i forgot what i wanted to tell them because of everything that happened :/) and finally it was the prince himself jinyoung
jinyoungs english is so good everyone he practices so hard to improve his english each time they come to the states so i knew what i had to say “jinyoung i love you so much your english is amazing thank you for practicing so hard we all appreciate it” he was nodding and smiling and said thank you aidnajfjsjsjs in my head i was like boy don’t thank me thank yourself you’re out here Doing that THANK YOU
and that was it i walked down the stage and mina and mia were a little ahead of me and once i got outside the venue mina was holding my hand and I BROKE DOWN
after my little moment i had to leave because my sis was already at the venue ready to dip so i said bye to everyone and i had my little dramatic ‘looking out at the stars through the window’ moment while we were driving home
but yeah that was my fan meet experience if you read all this: thank you so much i love you and i should be posting most of my videos and picture tomorrow while i’m at school (it’ll probably be in my queue)
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hiimkendy · 8 years
so, it all started with my sister
i was literally dying from some sort of stomach bug, right after i had the flu! so i couldn’t go to school, but my mother was concerned something bad would happen to me while no one was home. so what was the bright idea we came up with? i would go to work with kailan at the day care! so that’s where i went for half the day until i was sweating and almost crying from pain and she took me home. but while we were there, i decided to confide in her. i told her i was dating elliot, and that whatever happened between us was over and said and done. all was forgiven and he makes me happy. she told me to not tell my mother whatever happens between elliot and i because my mother hold grudges. naturally, with her being my older sister, i trust her. but maybe i shouldn’t have.
Friday, January 20
i’m still sick- getting over that bug. elliot barges in my house, per usual, and gives me a hug and a kiss after school. he has to leave, he has his friend zach over and idk they’re going to elliot’s house to do boy things. i briefly meet zach which was a little awkward since i was in my matching snowflake pajamas. elliot leaves in a flash and i hop my sick butt back into bed and try to enjoy being sick as much as possible. i got my dog, i got my snacks, i got New Girl playing on my tv, i’m good. about 2hours later i get a text from elliot, “i’m coming over.” so of course i’m confused and panicked! i’m sick! he shouldn’t come over! and where is zach! zach was with him! elliot knocks at my door and he and zach are there! i asked elliot why he was here and he replied, “i need to take care of my baby girl! and i wanted to be with you, but i couldn’t leave zach” okay, weird. i didn’t need him. but now he’s here! so i mosey up the stairs and i resume my episode of new girl while i have two new accompaniments in my bed. after a while everyone get’s sleepy and we make some sort of pile on each other? zach is base, elliot is on zach, i’m laying on elliot. we all almost fall asleep, sitting in the dark listening to music or some video elliot wanted to watch. it was peaceful, and it was rowdy. it was an inconvenience, but also really sweet and fun. it was uncomfortable, but also cozy. i had the best time while being sick, i can’t lie.
my mother finds out, because of my sister’s second nature to gossip! so of course now my mother is beyond hurt that i didn’t tell her, and we get into an argument. a big one. a really big one. within a matter of seconds she’s screaming, telling me i’m stupid, she’s protecting me, and that elliot just isn’t worth it. she’s angrier than i’ve ever seen her. she’s upset that i’ve trusted kailan instead of her. “you can never see him, as long as i have anything to do with it.” so now i’m yelling and she’s yelling and we’re both crying. we’re trying our hardest to hurt the other person. “you’re not my friend anymore!” “well you’re not my friend anymore!” 
somehow we get to the topic of my attempted suicide. i couldn’t even tell you the date. i know it was in the past year, in summer i believe. i took a bunch of pills, 18 melatonin to be exact, and a few regular pain killers. i’ve never had the chance to talk about it face to face with her. i was so angry at her for that and i didn’t even know it, because i don’t talk about things. i was infuriated with her for not noticing anything of course that’s not fair- i’ve been hiding all of my feelings all of my life. how was she supposed to know?
with talking about how upset i was with her for not noticing, she came to the conclusion that i resented her for pushing me to go with john 4.10.14. which i don’t 
all in all- it got really emotional and a lot of things came up. we argued for 3hours. 
i cried, and cried, and cried, and cried, and cried until my eyes were red and puffy. i didn’t think my eyes could ever get red because i’ve never cried that much.
needless to say, i didn’t sleep that night.
the next morning i woke up and sat on her bed while she got ready, per her request. it was silent. so silent. we just looked at each other, confused on how we could hurt each other so much. we barely spoke.
Saturday, January 21
i text elliot, which tears me up inside. why did i do that? i knew he was still with zach, he didn’t need to know what i was going through. he didn’t need to know, it was none of his concern. i don’t care if i was stabbed because i was dating him, i should suffer in silence and not worry him, but i know that’s the exact opposite way he thinks. so i guess maybe that’s why i texted him, i put my feelings of pride and stoicism aside and i opened up to him, because if he found out weeks later what i had went through it would crush him that i didn’t ask for help. of course he starts to worry, which immediately makes me want to distance myself because i feel like if i don’t talk to him at all it’ll make him worry less. i know my backwards logic and damaged emotions are wrong when it comes to situations involving people, so i continue. i tell him i don’t know where to start and that we should just talk later. i want him to enjoy his time with his buds. but of course he’s not having it. i didn’t know where to start, so i rambled and random things that upset me from the night before came out in no particular order. he tells me he doesn’t have a lot of time. i’m confused and scared because i spent my whole night crying, why am i still crying?! i repeatedly ask him how to get it to stop, but i get no answer. perhaps he doesn’t know either. he sends me a text that doesn’t surprise me in the least, everyone leaves. “i gtg i have to help a friend.” now what does surprise me is that as soon as i read that text, i hear my front door open and i hear his voice. (why is my front door always unlocked) he runs up the stairs, i quickly shut the door and try to wipe my face of any tears. i hear him at my bedroom door- “please let me in. i want to help, but i can’t help through this door.” i open the door. he sweeps me into the most lovely hug, and i felt safe. i sit down on my bed with him. i’m not even sure what i said, everything on my part is a blur, i only remember him. “my friends don’t need me” “you’re important to me” “i’ve got you, i’ll keep you safe i promise” “i couldn’t leave alone” “i want you to know that i will always be here” it was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me- especially since i didn’t ask. i never o n c e hinted that i needed him or anything like that. he truly cares for me. i cried in front of him, and he was there. he didn’t leave me, he was there just like he always said he would always be. he wiped away my tears and told me i was strong.  
i’ve never felt so loved, and secure. there is no way i could ever possibly doubt his love for me ever again. he’s a keeper!
you would think it ends there- but it doesn’t.
he tells me to “get dressed, i’m coming to his house” he says that he can’t leave me alone, but his friends are still at his house. his friends show up at my house and we walk back to elliot’s. i see his mother, i give her a hug. evie is beyond happy to see me, i let her take over my phone and download musical.ly. i follow her and we watch her videos and i laugh. i finally meet lulu, and boy oh boy do we get along well, it was lovely meeting her. everyone that i was nervous about welcomed me with open arms and i was so happy. i watch elliot and zach play battlefront and some basketball game. every few seconds elliot glances over to check on me and kisses my cheek. oh yeah and they made me play knockout- i like the tiny ball, it fits in my hands better. there was some point where we ended up laying together on the floor- i couldn’t pay attention to anything else in the room but him. how happy and safe he made me feel consumed me, it was like we were the only ones in the room. which is saying something because his younger brother was screaming very loudly while playing video games. i was resting head on his shoulder/chest and our faces were pressed together as we layed in an almost sleep like rest while whispering cute things to each other and giving each other kisses on the cheek and smiling.
btw i tried to lie to my mother but apparently she knew i was with elliot the whole day lmao 
elliot walked me home
and i don’t know what changed my mothers mind but she called him back to the porch and made me go inside 
she finally forgave elliot and likes him again!
elliot goes home and tells his mother we’re dating again 
and everyone is okay? everyone is okay
i haven’t been this happy in so long
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Ed. Note: Contributor Wesley is here to tell us all about a new project coming from a group of MCA alumni – and they need our support to get this project done! Their Kickstarter is only until July 4th at 9 a.m. so time is running out. Donate here and get all kinds of fun things – including their 170-page color anthology, enamel pins, t-shirts, and more.  A group of Memphis College of Art alumni are coming together to produce Paper Cuts—a comic anthology of over 170 color pages created by 16 artists living across the country. Spearheaded by Art Director Elliot Boyette and Editor Shane McDermott, both MCA alumni, the project was brought to Kickstarter to raise money for the printing and shipping of physical copies that’ll hopefully find a nice new home on your bookshelf.  The comics included range from post-apocalyptic fast food chain restaurants, to cavemen on a wooly mammoth hunt and apes telling jokes, to gunslinging witches, and other stuff I can’t wait to read.  I sat down with Elliot, Shane, and Paper Cuts contributors Olivia Logan and Mathis Ryan at the cafe in Crosstown Arts to talk about bringing Paper Cuts from conception to completion. Elliot Boyette is a graphic designer for the City of Memphis and Paper Cuts’ Art Director Shane McDermott is a former Memphis College of Art professor and Editor of Paper Cuts. Wesley: You were all independent working artists before deciding to collaborate. What are some of the benefits of doing an anthology versus instead of trying to release stuff individually? Elliot: I think that’s a divided approach, when you go individual. It’s hard to get attention for a new artist just starting out, and a lot of us were just coming out of college and still are. We were inspired by Kazu Kibushi’s Flight anthology, and a lot of those people are big name artists now who got their start with an anthology. So as a way to start our comics careers, we thought we’d come together and make a book with everybody in it. Mathis: It’s good to either start a new project with a one-off or just do a palate-cleanser. It’s a good excuse to just create, and a lot of people kind of needed it. I know I did. Olivia: In the unstructured life that came after the structure of school, it kind of gave us a purpose that wasn’t a vague goal that was unlikely to happen.   Wesley: When did the idea of creating a comics anthology come about? Elliot: The project’s been kinda going on since 2014 or 2015 I think. We started having these meetings at Memphis Pizza Cafe where we brought in all these people that were interested in being a part of it. It was very fun and loose, no name idea, no nothing, let’s just get together, make comics, and see what happens. From there, we were breaking up into groups, making stories, come back every once in a while, have another pizza meeting, and then talk about what was going on.  Olivia: The name was probably the one thing we deliberated on for the longest amount of time. For the full three years. Mathis: You would think that a big group of creative people would be able to name one thing easily. Wesley: Is there an overarching theme in the anthology between stories, or is it a collection of non-connected stories?  Shane: In the beginning, we intentionally decided against having a theme. A lot of the anthologies we were looking at did have themes, but I figured since this is our first foray into this, let’s just see what we can do, put it all together, and let it be its own thing.  Elliot: I guess the theme is it being a mixtape of everything we’ve wanted to write comics about.  Some Paper Cuts panels from illustrator Robert Burns’ comic Wesley: I feel like comics in particular are more accessible to new career artists because you don’t necessarily have to be a master illustrator to make a good comic, since the narrative is just as important as the art. Does that make sense?  Olivia: Definitely. For example, Questionable Content is a webcomic I’ve been following for about ten years at this point, and when the guy started out, he sucked. You’ve watched him grow as the years have gone by, but everyone came for the writing and jokes, basically.  Elliot: Which is funny, because there are a lot of comics that are just gross to look at or neutral to look at, but the writing’s so good. There aren’t many comics that I know of that look really good, but you just hate reading them.  Wesley: Are there any dedicated writers on your team? Olivia: It was all very free, choosing how we wanted to put this thing together. There were people who decided to team up on one story, but there were several of us who did it all. Elliot: I think there are three writer-artist teams. There’s Angel Bonesteel with Rory, Chris Haley with Lan Pitts, who’s actually done some work for Boom Studios. And Robert Burns has a writer buddy, Tyler. Wesley: You brought the project to Kickstarter, which as of now has raised a little over $3,700 of its $12,800 goal. How else are you getting the word out about Paper Cuts? Shane: We’re looking at other things now, like ads we’re going to take out and press releases we’re going to send. Bleeding Cool emailed me last night asking me to write something in the first person for their site basically talking about the project and linking to other work. So I cranked out this article in three hours that went up a couple hours actually. Elliot and I talked about not milking the whole “MCA is closing” thing, but as I was writing, I was feeling really connected to the school and to our friends, so I definitely turned that up a bit.  Wesley: Speaking of which, how does Memphis College of Art closing up affect this process? Shane: We started talking about Paper Cuts late 2015, just under a year before the school announced it was gonna close. At the time, our connection was MCA, but we weren’t broadcasting that it was this MCA thing because we were open to bringing in other people from the community as well. But once the school announced that it was closing, there was this collective feeling of, “Oh, well we kinda want this to be a tribute to the school and the programs.” It’s definitely heartbreaking. Editor Shane McDermott is also contributing a story to the anthology—here’s a page from him. Wesley: But artists nationwide are contributing to this, right? Or is it just MCA alumni? Shane: There are 16 of us total, 3 of us aren’t MCA alums.  Olivia: And there are people living all over contributing to this even though we’re centered in Memphis.  Wesley: Is there another plan if the Kickstarter doesn’t reach its goal? Have you worked with any other agencies or organizations in Tennessee to get Paper Cuts out there? Shane: We’re not out to make money on this. If it made any extra money we talked about distributing it amongst the artists, but ultimately we just want Paper Cuts to exist as a physical book. We want it to be on bookshelves. There are other things we could do, like Amazon’s CreateSpace print-on-demand thing. Maybe get a grant to get it printed and then sell it in local shops or something. Part of the reason the Kickstarter goal is so high is, not only are we printing it, we have to get it shipped here from China, and then shipped to all of our backers.  Mathis: Sponsors and grants are cool and everything, but the real goal we want is books in hands. So instead of people being independent contributors and just covering the cost, we want people to actually have it. We’re making something we want to give to people. Money is cool, but even if we just end up giving it to 90 people, it’s like, I hope those 90 people like it.  Shane: I’m not opposed to just making .pdfs and giving it to everyone if the Kickstarter doesn’t make it. Then if people want printed copies, we could try again. Wesley: Anything else you’d like to add? Shane: I wanna throw some kudos to our contributors. I may have gotten the ball rolling in the beginning, but these guys were talking about doing this a long, long time ago, way before I said, hey, let’s finally do it. Especially after the MCA announcement, I’ve dropped the ball on this and it shifted to the backburner for me, but Elliot has kept it on track. He’s really the heart and soul behind the Kickstarter campaign. Olivia got her comic done really, really early on. It’s a 100 percent collaborative effort, we’re peers, and we’re all equal in this endeavor. Here are some very important links to check out if you’d like to support Paper Cuts: Paper Cuts Kickstarter campaign: http://kck.st/2ERLOV7 Project website: papercutscomics.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/PaperCutsComics Instagram: @papercutscomicanthology or www.instagram.com/papercutscomicanthology/ And, check out Shane’s post on Bleeding Cool here: https://www.bleedingcool.com/2019/06/15/comics-art-school-alumni-anthology/ About The Author Wesley Morgan Paraham is a Memphis native and University of Memphis graduate who spends most of his free time in his Midtown apartment playing video games with his partner. He’s currently DCA‘s PR+Social Media Coordinator.   Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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thegloober · 6 years
How Parents Can Teach Boys to Deal With Rejection
Stories of men responding to rejection badly are an online literary staple, a genre of micro-nonfiction. Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook are piled high with brutal recollections. “When I turned a guy down for a 2nd date, he became angry, telling me he ‘knew’ I was into him,” @I_Am_StephanieD recently wrote on Twitter. “For the next 8 months, he showed up at my office and home repeatedly. Each time insisting he was ‘giving me a chance’ to change my mind [sic] bc I was ‘so stupid’ not to go out with him again.”
That’s far from the worst of it. “I was out at a concert with a friend,” an anonymous Tumblr user wrote in September. “Some guy approached me and started talking to me and trying to make advances; I tried to make it clear I wasn’t interested. He didn’t get the message so I blatantly told him I wasn’t. He got angry and punched me in the face.”
The worst stories aren’t told in the first person. In August of this year, a 14-year-old boy from Oklahoma stabbed a girl after she rejected him romantically. In August, a Tennessee woman declined to give a man at the gas station her phone number, prompting him to jump on top of her car, punch through her window, and drag her out by her hair. In 2014, a Connecticut teen was sentenced to 25 years after stabbing his 16-year-old classmate to death after she rejected his prom proposal. In April of this year, a 25-year-old self-described “incel” by the name of Alek Minassian ran over a dozen women in Toronto, killing them all. He said he was inspired by Elliot Rodgers, another “incel” who perpetrated a mass shooting in 2014 to “get back at women who had rejected him.”
Data suggests parents of daughters should be scared. More than half of American women who are murdered are murdered by men. More than 90 percent of those are perpetrated by men that women already know, most commonly a current or former romantic partner. For women, men who know them are more dangerous than men who are strangers.
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That women are at risk of being murdered by the men in their lives is not news. But what often goes unstated is that those same statistics — and all these stories — should trigger action on the part of parents raising boys. Clearly, young men are failing to understand or cope with rejection. Giving them the tools to do so and demanding better not only protects girls and women from men, but men and boys from their own worst impulses.
Rejection is crushing. We all know this. And dealing with rejection is difficult. That’s why parents need to have (and re-have) conversations about weathering emotional blows and why it’s important to provide context for kids confused by messaging around rejection they might get from popular culture.
Part of this messaging comes from the commonly-held idea that women don’t know what they want, that no may mean yes, and that if a man tries hard enough, he can change a woman’s mind, either through persuasion, persistence, or downright deception. How many families have a story where persistence was a key trait in the getting together of two grandparents? And there are classic and well known examples of this like Say Anything, The Notebook, 10 Things I Hate About You, and Sixteen Candles. But even seemingly innocuous movies often teach weird lessons about rejection, potentially communicating to boys that women don’t get to have the final say.
Wedding Crashers is a prime example. When Owen Wilson’s character, John, meets Claire, played by Rachel McAdams, he continues to make moves on her despite the fact that she is engaged to another man. He even goes so far as to poison her fiance (played by Bradley Cooper) to get time alone with her, all the while lying about his true identity. When, in a turn of events, Claire realizes she can’t marry her fiance, Cooper’s character then gets belligerent and angry and tries to order Claire back onto the altar. The entire movie is men acting about women, and not asking what women want, and somehow, despite engaging in the same nefarious and upsetting activities that Cooper’s character does, Wilson is the good guy.
So what’s a parent to do? The rather obvious and also correct answer is this: Talk about it.
“We can’t control everything, and we shouldn’t,” says Dr. Steve Silvestro, a pediatric doctor who runs an expert-driven podcast on raising healthy and thoughtful kids. “But by ignoring it, or by hoping that our kid won’t pay attention, or that your kid will stick to something you talked about in the past as their guiding principle, these open a lot of opportunities for their thoughts and feelings to be swayed in a way that probably isn’t the best for them.”
There are, per Silvestro, a couple of ways for parents to tackle this particular issue. The big one: time and time again, parents need to tell their boys one thing: if a woman rejects you, you respect her decision and you move on. You can be her friend, but you don’t have to be. You can cry if you want, but you don’t have to cry, and you don’t do it to make them feel bad. You can be upset, but that girl is not the focus of your upset. You are upset because you are hurt, because you put yourself out there — and that’s the bravest act of all. And you hammer that home with empathy.
As conversations around masculinity are changing, long-held beliefs about male aggression have never been so hotly contested by the cultural zeitgeist at large. It is no longer culturally acceptable for men to behave poorly in response to rejection, either by ignoring the wishes of the women who rejected them or by responding with violence. In order to clearly state to those reluctant to change, the world at large, and specifically parents, need to change the way we talk about romance. Women are not sending secret messages with their words. They are simply saying what they want.
The pop cultural trope of men continually propositioning women after they’ve said no, or even following them and manipulating them into relationships, or being angry and vindictive after rejection, is rampant in rom-coms. It’s even rampant in popular music. Miguel’s How Many Drinks ft. Kendrick Lamar reads: “How many drinks would it take you to leave with me/Yeah you look good, and I got money/But I don’t wanna waste my time/Back of my mind, I’m hoping you say two or three.” The suggestion that the right amount of alcohol might lower a woman’s defenses and have her engage in sexual activity is problematic for a number of reasons, largely due to the fact that it suggests that consent is a blurred line, one that can be manipulated.
Most adults know that these tropes are not how real life goes. But kids don’t.
If parents listen to a Miguel song with their kid and it features a boy chasing a girl who keeps saying no, parents should ask their kid what they think about that. When they watch a rom-com that features a boy who is relentlessly pursuing a girl who is not interested, they should ask their son how they would feel if someone was doing that to them. These conversations shouldn’t only happen when a kid is already in trouble for doing something bad. They should be proactive, and constant. If the messages a kid gets from the boys around him and from the tv and the music and the radio say that reacting with violence is okay, then it’s a parent’s job to make sure their kids know it’s not.
So why did this attitude take hold? Why, at any point, was male aggression normalized and even tacitly accepted to the point where it became a pop cultural norm? And what is there to do about it?
A study by University of Kansas researchers on male aggression in the face of female rejection posits a theory: Long ago, particularly in the American South, men had to protect themselves and their families from perceived economic and existential threats (the two often being interchangeable). A man in the South couldn’t let a thief steal his horses, not only on principle, but because they represented his family’s livelihood. The power and aggression of his defense was what made him a capable defender of his home, someone to be feared and someone worth the respect of his peers.
What emerged from a culture in which defensiveness was more valued than the ability to bind together a community? What researchers call Masculine Honor Culture, a social system in which men respond to any form of “emasculation” with aggression. The problem now is that we no longer live in a system where the ability to protect one’s home is more important than the ability to make friends and influence people. But culture has lagged. This leads to men profoundly overreacting to minor forms of perceived emasculation, notably romantic rejection.
Why a woman’s rejection is seen as emasculating is another question entirely. There’s not a clear answer there other than that it represents a manner in which men are not only told that they cannot have what they want, but are informed of this by women. This rankles those who see being bossed around by a woman — even one they admire — as a humiliation. That’s a significant population.
The best thing parents can do is help their sons recognize that people reject others for a whole number of reasons; yes, maybe it is them, but it’s not because of their manhood. Or maybe it’s because they’re seeing someone else, or maybe it’s because they don’t want to date. Maybe it’s just because they don’t like their personality. But whatever the reason is, it doesn’t matter. That’s the whole point: what other people think of you is not what defines your worth. But a lot of men today — especially those who cling on to their sense of identity as something that must constantly be proved — haven’t understood that yet.
Parents have no choice but to help their boys understand this. Otherwise, sons’ sense of self-worth — and what it means to be a man — might lead to them equating rejection with inadequacy and not taking no to an answer. There are already enough stories like that being told by frightened women and myopic screenwriters. We don’t need any more.
Source: https://bloghyped.com/how-parents-can-teach-boys-to-deal-with-rejection/
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