#i need a good alt brush but i cant FIND one that meets exactly what im looking for
moonpaw · 9 months
I have an issue that I have a very strong attachment to my main brush that works really well for silly doodles and comics ect, but is absolutely horrible for detail work that requires smooth shading 😭
I have to use another brush for it! but when I do, it's just not the same! I'm always dissatisfied with whatever brush I try to use!
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martyrgargoyle · 4 years
Hey I know the Tyler post is about racism and not homophobia and I don’t want to change the topic from that but I just wanted to add on that he did something very similar in 2015. When gay marriage was legalized fans asked him to say something and he posted a long rant about his mental illness and basically implied posting was a burden to him. I just wanted to bring that to light as well cause it’s not the first time he’s made something unrelated about his own problems
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you’re right anon, good memory! he’s also been known to show disinterest when meeting fans and they say he inspired him to come out and be themselves, usually brushing past it. i didn’t include these in the original post since it was focusing on his racist past/excusing racism but if you look at the notes app rant he did for gay marriage, it follows the rant he did on twitter recently too! here’s the two rants compared (text) for anyone that wants them/need an alt text:
2015 TXT, on his silence on gay marriage being legalized:
“it breaks my heart to see that not posting would lead to some of you to believe that i do not love and support you. that is simply not true. any day where love defeats hate, you can know i am celebrating, just maybe not on twitter. as for the silence: through personal experience, i want to create and influence something that might help others navigate through the battlefield that is the brain. and for those who understand that terminology, you know what battle i am talking about. but while at this mental ground zero, i have found any influence added on, no matter how noble, becomes too heavy for me to carry. i am not strong enough. be patient with me as i grow, that some day i might be able to carry more weight. but for now, i write what i know. both josh and i mean this, with love and support, tyler”
his full 2020 twitter rant (in TXT) when told he shouldn’t joke about blm:
‘your own mental health should always be a priority. i’m amazed at how easy it is to forget that simple fact. it’s something that can sneak up on you, then eventually you check in on it and realize it’s in really bad shape. i’m trying to cut through to who really needs to hear this. this is tough, but it’s not hopeless. fighting for your mental health is not public, it’s not glorious, it’s not even interesting, but it’s the greatest challenge you will face. i use music, humor, being alone, breaks from social media, family, uncomfortable and honest conversations with friends, and sometimes crying. a few tools, but they don’t all work for everyone. find what helps you take back ground lost. i really don’t know if i can even handle everything that’s happening right now. the scariest place to be is when you find yourself in a spot where you can’t find an answer to the question, “what’s the point?” there has to be a point. according to the world health organization: Close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds. according to American Foundation of Suicide Prevention: On average, there are 132 suicides per day. mentally/emotionally, i can only carry so much, because what i do care about is so heavy, the thought of adding more on top of it makes me want to stop trying. but we can never stop trying. this site, along with many others, has been a guide. it’s not perfect, but it’s the right direction. [link to afsp.org] starting September 6th is national suicide prevention awareness week. what does that mean exactly? i don’t know. but if it can get a single person’s attention at the right time, it’s everything. #keepgoing. i respect all the warriors out there fighting for different causes. there is honor in it, purpose, and it can make our world better. i just want to remind you what i’m fighting for: your mental health is more important today than it ever has been. you’re not alone. you don’t know what someone else is going through. what other invisible weights they may be struggling to carry. keep that in mind as you go about your interactions. and take care of yourself, please. this isn’t a notes app moment. i’m doubling down on my platform tweet. it was fantastic.”
Lots of words! Here's a basic breakdown for people that may need help to see what was the similarities:
RED: I highlighted these since they stood out the most to me when comparing similarities and basically sums it up if you're skimming. Other than these lines being basically the same and not even hidden in the fact, he's shifting the weight and importance on HIS mental health. Not anyone else's or the situation at hand that caused outrage. Instead, he's using his mental health as an excuse while proceeding to tell us that it's a burden for him to support POC and LGBT and to be patient WITH HIM while dealing with other people's lives.
In both rants he's avoiding the issue that caused his fans to be hurt. Instead of holding any responsibility or giving an apology for any harm he caused to the wellbeing of his audience; he flips it and turns it to them and blaming them for how he may have hurt them/caused worries. i know a lot of people say it isn't a big deal BUT please remember who he directs his music for and his audience. he knows its a lot of mentally ill people, specifically younger adults or teenagers. and while there's nothing wrong with that, blaming and saying they're at fault for having a lot of hopes and seeing him as a general inspiration and getting hurt at the idea of him not supporting them finally being able to love someone legally; it can and did cause a lot of damage and insecurity in his more impressionable fan base.
for the blm one, it was even worse. he openly mocked the movement and people that protest to an impressionable audience and to his fanbase that again, see him as a huge inspiration in fighting for peace and justice since he inspires them to have a voice. so he not only showed the younger fans/planted the confusion of its okay to mock this movement, he also laughed in the face of people that admire him and are trying to fight for a change. and this is from a WHITE perspective, i cant even imagine how his POC fans felt and the betrayal they felt to see their hero mock their struggle and demand to not be discriminated against :(
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