#i need help gary i need my asian art history professor back
jun-wu · 4 years
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omf well if u want to know how insane i am i paused on this screenshot from joy of life and spent 45 minutes trying to figure out what dynasty that painting is from (if any). my gut instinct was to say tang bc of the blue/green coloration but obvs that doesnt say much bc like every other dynasty after them did the same shit LOLLL and the jol one doesnt seem to have much a traveller/wanderer story vibe so it probably isnt tang and anyway  all the tang ones on artstor werent promising except the one on the bottom left which is part of the orchid pavilion preface i think. anyways i was like ok no luck so i searched thru qing bc they had a similar style in terms of mountain shape and plant shape and they did some blue/green stuff but they r way way later (its the one in the middle btw) but i thought this one looks sort of similar if you were to mirror it vertically maybe and like... erase a lot of the filler in the middle... and my final guess was southern song just bc their stuff was waaaay softer lots of empty space and evaporating mists n shit u know anyway thats the bottom right which i felt pretty good about except song def didnt use the green/blue color scheme so what im assuming happened is they painted an amalgamation of all diff types of chinese landscape and slapped it on. which is fair but as an art historian i did sigh a little. anyways thats all
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