#i need more athletes to talk abt this movie
chrisrin · 1 year
hi soljade fucks tell me abt them
OK, SO! The main idea with SolJade, in my head, is that it works in combination with The MultiShip Of All Time.
That being, this abomination:
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Essentially, Sollux and Jade are moirails who both share two boyfriends (Dave and Karkat) and two girlfriends (Aradia and Feferi).
(meaning the individual pairings are: AraSolFef, AraJadeFef, DaveSolKat, DaveJadeKat, and JadeSol, as far as quadrants I imagine they're all over the place with, outside of JadeSol which is firmly pale)
This is the dynamic of all time to me and it exists purely for my pleasure, and SolJade can be enjoyed outside of this BUT I think important context is needed here for the following explanation:
Now, I know there's more to love than hobbies (or apparently, my maybe-aro ass doesn't know much better) BUT let's look at the hobbies that some of these pairings share. Specifically, hobbies of Sollux's, specifically, video games.
Sollux is, to me, a big mega-cringe Gamer. However, everyone in this pairing isn't necessarily also a big capital G Gamer to me (outside of one exception, oooh foreshadowing it's obvious who, we're literally talking about it).
Dave isn't a gamer, he plays games to break the shit out of them. He runs around on a Minecraft server griefing and building giant dick towers. His sole enjoyment with the one game we know he's played is to find glitches and fuck with it until it's broken.
Karkat isn't a gamer, Karkat will enjoy the occasional casual single-player game but he'd much rather put his time into books or movies.
Aradia and Feferi also aren't gamers, they're both more athletically-inclined people in my mind and engage in different activities/hobbies with both Jade and Sollux.
This leaves Jade, who grew up on a solitary island with only access to the internet for the large majority of her childhood. Jade, is a Gamer.
Sollux and Jade mostly connect over video games. Games that Sollux would've initially put off are things that he and Jade end up connecting over. Jade introduces him to Stardew Valley, and while he thought it was a "game for normies", 300 hours later and he's trying to perfectly optimize his keg house to get the maximum amount of cashback a day. Sollux introduces Jade to some online games and is delightfully surprised at watching her get toxic during a League of Legends game (they both have fun shitting on the other team). They play puzzle games together, both of them incredibly smart and working through mysteries together. Outer Wilds is a game they hugely connect over, and I think they'd have a blast playing something like Ace Attorney.
This is the main draw for me with the pairing. This connection that they'd have over this hobby they don't really share with anyone else. There's also an interesting emotional dynamic when tied together with the giant multiship. The two of them are moirails but also share partners, so they get to discuss all levels of their relationships comfortably with each other and the roles they play in them. It's fun, they're happy to hang out for hours quietly in Animal Crossing, or work on their collective Minecraft server (Sollux is the redstoner, Jade is the builder).
In conclusion: Huge nerds, huge gamers, huge diamonds. <>
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alykatsevents · 4 months
Can I get a romantic matchup from Hazbin? Here are some informations abt me
Gender and pref: I’m a he/she and choose how I present myself based on the setting bc I’m not that open with ppl (yeah, I think it’s important to express yourself but realistically that won’t get me far in certain settings in my country); no gender pref but I’m not too fond of some writing choices when it comes to women in Viv’s works, depends on a character though
Style: kinda rockstar gf vibe? Sometimes softer colours too
Personality, hobbies: I’m social and extroverted. Usually that leaves me as a leader of whatever group I’m in. I have a little bit of a hater in me, but I don’t show it if ppl don’t encourage it. I do like when it’s being enabled though. It’s not convenient when you’re in a position where ppl ask you for opinions and actually follow your guide, yk, if I manage an event I’m not going to go around shit talking everything. It feels nice to have someone who does that though, makes it easier to join in and not feel like a jerk (or at least be jerks together I guess??). I write my own songs and am in a band as a backup vocal. Kinda proud that it’s my band but I need to get better until I step up as anything more. I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I like to tease ppl if given the opportunity. Others say I’m flirty. Bold with it at that. I’m ambitious too. Kind of a big thing but I have npd (if you want to look it up without reading scientific papers, go on tumblr, bc the rest of the internet is filled with ‘demonic narcissism’ bullshit) and it influences the way I am. I care lots about my image and don’t have a ton of empathy. I don’t go kicking puppies, but it’s noticeable how I lack in this department. Sometimes people say I’m ’too nice to have it’ cause i do well with kids and do all the youth group volunteering. Also, I do some martial arts and other sports. Kinda sceptical of romance at this point cause I had lots of it and I don’t mix well with a lot of people, but maybe I could do something serious for once if I had the right person. I try to be responsible and respectful but I have no issue finding my place at a wild party or something. I'm pretty chill in general, but I can be soft-er if I want, like with children or if the few ppl I actually am close with (I've got many friend groups but I struggle to make meaningful connections) need me. Usually I just stay my highly analytical, laid back self and say my silly little comments every once in a while. Heard I’m pretty funny if I want to be. My love language is acts of service. I like small things and I do them a lot. I can do words too, but I don't care for them in return. Like, you can be an asshole (up to a limit, I know my worth) and it’s cool with me if I see you have your ways of caring like putting on a song I like in the car
Likes and dislikes: love movies like Fight Club (my fav), American Psycho and Donnie Darko; hate sharks, they freak me out; my fav book is The Catcher in the Rye; hate it when people push me to open up and be emotional; love music and unironically had a few guys play songs AT me and I actually like that too, tho I get why ppl clown on that
My type: I like people who are more negative than me and aren't afraid to shittalk everything. Just saying whatever, not caring if they offend ppl (up to a point, some issues aren’t debatable ik). Don't really care for morality (to a certain point, again) if you're charismatic and fun to be around, I’m along for the ride and happy to support whatever you get yourself into. I think I would get along with someone who had a little npd too, I like to be able to relate to my partner a bit. If they work somewhat similarly, I don't have to struggle with understanding some stuff, bc I already know how to manage an ego or grandiose behavior. As for looks. Idk, I don’t have a set type. I think maybe ppl that are bigger than me? I’m pretty athletic so it’s not hard, but I guess that’s been a pattern? Also, I do enough of leading as is so in relationships I don’t mind watching from the side and supporting whatever my partner is doing
I match you with...
~He likes listening to you sing
~He doesn't get flustered much but he has a couple times by you
~Both of y'all are skeptical about the whole romance thing, But y'all are trying
~Likes watching movies with you
~Yall are both a bit emotionally stunted, that's okay though
~He loves your style
~He prepares drinks for you
~You do a lot of the talking between you two
~Yall shit talk together
~He likes your sense of humor
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curiosity-killed · 2 years
@ your tags abt trying to get people into ballet and running.. i am very interested in getting into ballet and running but i don't know where to start! tbh i feel like i might be a bit old to start ballet (19), but running seems like something i could start at any age!
FRIEND I have NEVER dived so quickly out of a movie in order to reply to a message as I just leapt from that terrible shitty movie to answer this
this is going to sound cliche but you're literally NEVER too old to start either!!
also oh god i'm sorry this is. it's so long. mistakes have been made
starting with ballet bc it sometimes has the biggest barriers to entry:
People start ballet young for a couple reasons (for one thing: children are easy to lure in with promises of pretty costumes and fun tricks and then they get suckered in too far before realizing that they're 25 years old and spend more on dance per month than groceries but ANYWAY) including the fact that it's generally easier to build your base understanding of technique and establish the particular musculoskeletal (& proprioceptive) capacities uniquely demanded by ballet.
That said, even professional dancers don't always start super young. Misty Copeland started ballet at 13; there are professional dancers who started in their 20s. And regardless of your aspirations within the field, ballet is so fun. For all the media out there saying ballet is brutal and cruel and competitive (and it can be), ballet is also making silly faces with your friends and laughing when you mess up and feeling a whole different knowledge of yourself bloom in movement and joyful struggle. I've continued ballet for 20 years not because I'm great at it (I'm a decidedly decent dancer and that's about it) but because I love it and the unique feelings it provides.
So if you're looking for ways to start, here are a couple tips:
First, look for dance schools near you. Depending on where you live and if it's rural or urban, you may not have a ton of options, but if you do, I would recommend looking for adult ballet classes. These tend to have a mix of levels (i.e., I regularly dance with Legit Professional Dancers and also people who are on their 5th ballet class ever in my weekly classes) which to me helps the environment feel more friendly and welcoming. They also will often have recommendations for what you need for class and where to get it locally (if you ever need more info on this, there are lots of lists online and I'm always happy to help out!). You may have to make an actual phone call if you live in a small enough town (or go through your mom's childhood bestie's mom's cousin. small town dance is a whole different post).
There are also a lot of free online ballet classes which are very cool but I'm hesitant to recommend those for starting out simply because a lot of ballet is not intuitive and you can injure yourself by doing it incorrectly. Being in a studio with a teacher helps not only provide you with useful feedback but also have someone looking out for you and reducing risk (like a spotter in lifting but they may also be an extravagant Argentinian woman who swoons while loudly asking, "May I TOUCH your gluteus??" which is honestly way better).
WAIT ALSO: if you're in uni (or there's a university/college near you), that has a dance program, many have youth or community schools (this is what my studio was when I was growing up!) which can be DOPE.
Two quick notes: every dance school has its own environment. Most are a mix of good and bad, and they can all be a little overwhelming at the start. I usually recommend giving it at least a couple classes as a try (if that is an option) before deciding some place is Bad, Actually.
Along with that, ballet is kind of a lot. It's a demanding athletic activity combined with artistic components plus all these French words (often mispronounced and used in weird ways. That being said, there are frequent chocolate and cheese metaphors for fondu so...that's a win??). It is both a-okay and also super normal to feel a little overwhelmed or lost. One way to help is to make sure you introduce yourself to the teacher either before or after class. This can be super simple: "Hi, I'm [name] and this is [my first time taking a dance class/my first class in a long time/etc]." This helps the teacher get to know you and provides an opportunity both to see if they feel the class is right for you and to ask for help on any steps that were particularly challenging or confusing that day.
okay I'm stopping there but seriously pls feel free to holler if you have questions or anything else comes to mind!! i am the Anti-Gatekeeper of Ballet i want everyone to try this shit (with the appropriate safeguarding beforehand so as to be better protected against the various in-field issues and uhhhh quirks of the art)
also here is an article with things to know before your first class! i confess i skimmed it but it seemed like a starting point?
this feels like a good time to admit that while I am very enthusiastic and very excited to help/provide info on these things, I've been doing both ballet and running since i was. a child. and so am not actually a great resource on starting out because my brain was basically wrinkle-free mush when i did but ANYWAY what we lack in knowledge we make up in being So Excited about getting to talk about this shit
The number one thing I would say about running is extremely counter to my entire existence but: don't jump in 100% of the way at the start. Going too hard too early is the number one way to get injuries (hi chronic tendinitis, my old friend).
The number two thing is please for the love of god get running shoes if you really want to get into running. They are expensive, but a) it is much more expensive to fuck up your feet/knees/hips/back from running in shoddy shoes and b) I am extremely skeptical about the quality of the average person's general shoes and even if you don't wind up doing tons of running, they'll save you pain if you wear them for like. walking. and shit. Also they come in fun colors so that's a win. Anyway, if you can, try to get to an actual running store and have them fit you properly for your first pair. As with most things, you can try to guesstimate based on suggestions/lists online but it's a large enough purchase and important enough for your health that I would recommend not doing that until you at least have a stronger sense of what you need/want in your shoes. A fitter goes a long way towards making sure you don't drop $100 on shoes that tear your feet apart. bc that's what pointe shoes are for not running shoes!
Aside from shoes* (and socks*), I think a lot of running gear is...pretty subjective? Like sure, having basic athletic clothes is a good place to start, but the specifics are really up to you. I still run in shit from middle school, other people I know run only in high tech fancy ass shit. you do you boo
*technically also subjective but we're not getting into that here
Once you are, presumably, dressed and shod, my other recommendation is: fartleks. Both because they're funny to say and also because they're a great and versatile training method. A fartlek is, essentially, a run where you switch up your speed periodically (I'm sure there's a more technical definition somewhere but like hello it's 1 AM and i have lost control of this response). For starting out, I'd recommend trying to do a 1:1 or 1:2 run:walk ratio. That can be running 1 minute and then walking 1-2, it can be running for 5 minutes and walking for five. No one is actually keeping time. The idea is basically to incrementally increase your amount running while providing your body with lower-impact walking breaks, which are still exercising your legs/core/etc. and lungs. As you continue to do these a couple times a week, you'll gradually build strength and endurance which will enable you to do longer/faster runs.
Like dance, and most things at the start especially, running can kind of suck. Don't get me wrong I love it and think it's great but it takes a while to build strength and endurance and get to just run as opposed to making yourself run. Getting through the slog stage is often easier if you associate it with something you like: for instance, go for a run at your favorite time of day (with considerations for safety), have a special playlist of fun songs just for running or a podcast you like for it, or run a route you really like (to a favorite park or along a fun sidewalk, etc).
I also recommend getting into the habit of telling someone when you're going on a run and where you're going/about how long you think it'll take. If you have a running buddy (highly recommend), this is less important but it's a good habit for safety. Whether it's rolling your ankle or getting lost and winding up in the middle of very featureless corn fields, you never know when you're going to want to have someone ready to come pick you up.
You can go into a whole rabbit hole on running form and the real nitty gritty but I'm definitely not qualified to speak on that and also wouldn't be much help from here. I will say that, in general, I've found that the more relaxed you can be while running, the better. Places that tend to hold tension include your hands (instead of holding them in fists, try to shake them out and envision a heavy grapefruit or pomegranate held loosely in your hands) and neck/shoulders (try to think of dropping your shoulders and letting them swing naturally from the socket).
Also if you have the option between running on soft surfaces (dirt, grass, etc.) as opposed to hard (concrete, sidewalks, etc.), soft surfaces reduce impact on your joints (but may also be uneven/etc., so be safe).
And now a Runner's World article
oh: if you feel a tightness in your chest while running, a feeling like you can't fully exhale/inhale, have wheezing/rasping breaths, and/or a dry cough after running. that is asthma. pls don't do a me and wait almost a decade to get that checked out
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
hihihi!! could i request a st ship for your ship game? all of your answers to the others have been so beautiful. if you don’t want to, thats totally fine!!
my pronouns are she/her or she/they, and i go by Ash
i am 5’7 (which i am very proud of i like being tall)
i have like, lightish golden brown hair but it’s purple at the ends right now lol
i have a form of heterochromia in my eyes that make the inner rings gold and the outer rings blue green (if that makes sense?)
i am bi greyace <3🏳️‍🌈
my MBTI is INFJ, and honestly sometimes i feel a little more ambiverted than introverted but i do love alone time. my personality basically consists of my special interests, like nature and science and photography/film. so ig passionate is the more accurate description? anyway, my personality is i guess a mix of my love for things and people with some sarcasm thrown in
hobbies include infodumping for hours (lol), guitar, playing with my dog, and writing. oh and daydreaming abt traveling the world.
i am vegetarian and i feel the need to clarify that before i say that i do not like meat. i also dont like cigarette smoke because i have ~sensory issues~. as for more mundane things that i do or dont like, i love cardigans and being cuddly in blankets, and i also love listening to my friends talk about their passions.
i speak french and i think thats pretty cool
my body type is like, medium? idk i do yoga and im strong but i dont look particularly athletic? i am pretty tan considering the rest of my family is extremely pale (haha, theyre irish and i’m adopted.
as always, if you don’t want to answer please don’t feel like you have to!! if you do, i’m looking forward to reading what you think! xx
i ship you with...
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eddie munson!
how you met: you were in family video one day, just hanging out and distracting your best friend, robin, from her shift one day. you were browsing the shelves and calling over to her to ask how different movies were when you heard the bell on the door and a voice. it was eddie.
his first impression of you: you were quiet. why were you so quiet? what was going on in your head? eddie immediately became obsessed with getting to know you and cracking the code of who you are. ESPECIALLY when robin made you laugh with a stupid joke and he saw you cover your mouth and your eyes widened as you giggled. HE wanted to be the one to make you do that.
how you got together: turns out you talked more the more you got to know someone. and eddie loved that. he, of course, found this out because he charmed you into hanging out with him more. he could listen to you talk about any topic on the planet for forever. anything you talked about had him intrigued. he was especially interested in the fact that you were a vegetarian. i mean, how cool was that? eddie was never a huge lover of animal products anyway, so he actually decided to try being vegetarian himself, which excited you instantly. you decided to have him over to make a vegetarian dinner for the two of you, and you asked eddie to get something from the fridge. he went over to grab the ingredient, but as you looked at the recipe on your phone, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist and hold you tight. you blushed and turned around to ask what he was doing, when eddie smiled and kissed you on the nose. he couldn’t tell how you felt about that, so he instantly let go and started apologizing, but you just giggled and reached out to grab him hand, letting him know that him doing that was perfectly fine, and that he could kiss you on more than just your nose if he wanted. he grinned and took advantage of that offer right away.
what he likes most about you: your sense of style! eddie actually didn’t start wearing rings until he met you, and he instantly loved the ones you had. as a fidgeter, he really thought they were perfect, and instantly took to wearing some himself. (he also gets you some too ahsdjk <3) he also loves your quiet boldness. even though you’re a pretty reserved person, you aren’t afraid to be yourself and he loves that about you. physically, he is OBSESSED with your eyes. he could study them for HOURS because of just how gorgeous they are. the specs of all the rich colors?? he didn’t even know there were that many hues in existence.
what you guys enjoy doing together: eddie thinks that you being able to speak french is the coolest thing ever. he wants to learn to speak it too, so you start tutoring him, and you make him this cute little book of vocabulary and everything. on your birthday, eddie comes over and grabs your guitar from the corner of the room and surprises you by singing you a cute little love song he wrote in french for you (very surprising, as cute little love songs weren’t his style, but you brought out something new in him that no one else saw except for you). other than music and french, you guys often talked and planned for the day that you would both leave hawkins and explore the world together. nothing made you happier than seeing the gleam in his eye as he got excited about traveling the world with you. it was adorable.
bonus headcanon: when eddie realized that you got sensory overload from smoke, he swore right then and there that he’d NEVER smoke around you, and he’d try to cut back in general. you thought this was sweet of him, and you actually bought him some candy cigarettes as (somewhat) of a replacement. not that he smoked cigarettes as opposed to weed often, but he still appreciated the gesture. (and so did you!)
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chimielie · 9 months
hii 1- 44 for your ask game pwease
fine. im gonna do it.
under readmore to respect people’s dashes HAHAHAHAH. bear warning that there’s like 2 things that could be considered nsfw (but not rlly i don’t think) and like 3 questions abt substance usage!!
1 age: 20
2. shoe size: us 5.5, which is an eu 36 i think?
3. do you smoke? cigarettes very rarely and only socially
4: do you drink? yessir
5: do you take drugs? nope
6: age you get mistaken for: like 23? it's usually not far off but always older
7. have tattoos? no
8: want any tattoos? yes i think so! but that's for a later date when i have the funds
9: got any piercings? yep! the usual ones in my earlobes and i also have my nipples pierced :)
10: want any piercings? i'd like to get my doubles done, but i'm pretty happy with what i have now
11: best friend? my irl bestie: i've known her since we were 7? she's basically family. on here it's definitely my beloved mika
12: relationship status: down bad for my boyfriend (11 months next week!)
13: biggest turn ons: glasses, light biting, nice arms and back, athletic trainer, 27, iwaizumi hajime,
14: biggest turn offs: answered here
15: favorite movie: crazy rich asians (the wedding scene...)
16: i’ll love you if… you understand me?? i feel like all the people i've loved the most felt like they really could see me which is a pretty general answer but i love so many people so much
17: someone you miss: my little sister :(
18: most traumatic experience: i don't want to answer this seriously but sometimes i remember that iwaizumi isn't real and that's very upsetting 😞
19: a fact about your personality: i'm so eepy rn
20: what i hate most about myself: not applicable i don’t want to do that to my brain!!!
21: what i love most about myself: good with words :)
22: what i want to be when I get older: an accountant!!
23: my relationship with my sibling(s): my little sister is one of my best friends she's incredible i'm so proud of her
24: my relationship with my parent(s): i’m an eldest daughter soooooo
25: my idea of a perfect date: answered here
26: my biggest pet peeves: answered here
27: a description of the girl/boy i like: answered here
28: a description of the person i dislike the most: my best friend's ex-boyfriend 👎
29: a reason i’ve lied to a friend: said i was gonna go do homework and then took a nap
30: what i hate the most about work/school: it stresses my boyfriend out and cuts into my naptime
31: what my last text message says: “tell her you don’t have any more storage on your phone” to my roommate bc her mom wants her to download life360 LOL
32: what words upset me the most: probably not the Most but i think really cynical statements like “love isn’t real” or “healing is impossible” or stuff like that make me not want to talk to someone so much bc those are like. fundamental parts of my thinking yk? ofc jokes don’t bother me
33: what words make me feel the best about myself: “you do everything right all the time” HAHAHAHA
34: what i find attractive in women: glasses
35: what i find attractive in men: glasses
36: where i would like to live: i’ve always wanted to live in san diego… someday 🤞 i also daydream about ireland a lot
37: one of my insecurities: perpetually terrified of seeming mean by accident
38: my childhood career choice: estate planning lawyer 😭
39: my favorite ice cream flavor: honeycomb!!
40: who i wish i could be: someone who always has a lot of friends visiting :) and hosts a lot of dinner parties
41: where i want to be right now: san diego
42: the last thing i ate: i am currently right in the middle of eating prosciutto on toast with roasted red pepper tomato soup!!!
43: sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately: answered this earlier but it bears repeating: iwaizumi hajime i need u
44: a random fact about anything: answered here but here’s an extra: i have a little marcel the shell figurine on my desk and i pick him up and talk to him whenever i have writer’s block and it’s really helped boost my productivity hahahahahah
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lesbolieeh · 2 years
NingNing also got in a scandal for congratulating Chinese athlete winning medal. I get that they might have rigged it, but just because their Chinese doesn't mean they always lie. Like, they be insulting Chinese people, then eating up our culture. 'How to Be a Hypocrite 101'. So, the number of foreign members are probably going down. Especially Chinese members, with people saying go back to our country to pursue your dreams. And they can't recognize their on Indigenous land (Not all some)
I feel like Ningning would’ve gotten hate for congratulating a Chinese contestant no matter if there was any controversy behind the medal bc I think ppl would only be ok with her congratulating Korean team since she’s in a Kpop group — but I don’t think it’s ok to expect someone to let go of their culture or pride in their country just bc they moved to a different country!
Rly bad :/ I live in Scandinavia and here ppl will eat Chinese food and some ppl watch Chinese dramas like Meteor Garden then make fun of Chinese ppl, language, culture and even connect the ppl to corona (the notion of “a ppl = a virus” is so fkn dangerous bc it leads to dehumanizing them, it’s literally why the holocaust happened, and I’m so fkn disappointed and scared that it’s happening rn) and it’s so hypocritical!! Like how dare u eat food of a country then talk shit abt and make fun of the ppl?? It’s abt time Chinese ppl r painted in a good light in media. If u look at American classics like 16 candles there are rly racist portrayals of Chinese characters and even in some modern movies like White Chicks where they call Asian cleaners ‘Lingling’ — ppl grow up watching and hearing that! It’s so engraved in the west to normalize racism towards Asians in general that ppl don’t see that it’s wrong!! America’s previous President Trump has used anti-Asian rhetoric like calling corona the ‘Chinese virus’ or ‘kung flu’ which has led to an extreme increase in crimes against Asians! Antagonizing a whole ass ppl is not good for anyone right now!
Since Kpop is so popular and influences large groups of ppl it’s important to debut Chinese idols (as well as from other countries) right now especially!! I truly hope Hybe’s next gg has more foreign members than Sakura. She’s amazing ofc but we need Chinese idols to debut too!♥️
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getofy · 3 years
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matchup: #1 - hq boy w/ an extroverted fem reader!
—a/n: wow im genuinely so sorry for taking so long. literally school is ruining my life and i also um,, haven’t been doing the best this past month. i really hope this makes up for it !! it’s kinda long so my bad...also this is NOT proofread lol i apologize if it sucks aaaa.
DISCLAIMER: while this is a personalized matchup, they’re still headcanons, so basically anyone can enjoy them! :]
hello @/meremoomoo ! you are so cute and tysm for being patient about ur request. i debated who you would go well with for a while, but in the end i came up with...
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suga has a personality type of INFJ, which compliments your ENFP personality type well.
“...you may benefit from perseverance in this relationship. your sensitive, sympathetic nature may at times overtake you, leading you to make decisions that feel right but are not really the wisest option. this person, whose approach seems so cold at times, can help you to tune into your powers of objective reasoning and ensure that you are not letting emotions rule your life.” —some website i found
while INFJs are not the most compatible with ESFPs, your other personality type, wonderful things can still come out of INFJ/ESFP dynamics! 
“your differences mean that you actually have a lot to offer one another. your counterpart may inspire you to slow down and think more deeply about the meaning of things, rather than just doing what feels right in the moment. in turn, you can help them to get out of their heads and enjoy life for what it is.” —some website i found
sugawara and you did not start off on the right foot at first...
the two of you were in the same class and sat very close to each other so he decided that he really wanted to get to know you.
he also just really likes becoming friends w/ people lol
since you were always laughing loudly with your friends during break time, he deduced that you had a good sense of humor.
he decided that jokes seemed like the right way to get to your heart win you over!
easy enough, right?
apparently, he had caught you on a bad day because his attempts to be friendly were not received well. at all.
poor suga.
he does his best to be kind to everybody, but at the same time, he does love to poke fun at others. he probably took one of his jokes too far or something?
or maybe you really were just having a bad day?
who knows.
anyways, after that awkward encounter, he did his best to avoid you.
it’s not that he hated you, it’s just that he thought you hated him. it sort of bummed him out because you seemed cool, but he wanted to be respectful of your feelings!
*sorry it’s not enemies to lovers, but it’s close enough i hope ?
the class had finished testing early, so the teacher decided to put on a movie.
(basically it’s just an incredibly depressing dog movie. like, if you’ve never seen it then just imagine the saddest movie you’ve ever seen 10x)
anyways, you ended up crying. very loudly.
sugawara was incredibly concerned for you, since you seemed to be genuinely distraught, but he didn’t say anything
eventually, the teacher caught on to your disarray and excused you from the room so you could go calm yourself down.
after some time, the teacher tells suga to go check up on you to make sure ur not dead or whatever lol (you were taking a while).
he was hesitant to do this since he knew you weren’t too fond of him, but suga decides to do it anyways since he didn’t want to be a disobedient student.
he finds you sitting on a bench with tears streaming down your face
and MAN!!
all at once, suga gets this overwhelming urge to make you feel better. but like, as in, he-never-wants-to-see-you-in-this-kind-of-state again-otherwise-he-might-breakdown kind of urse.
despite not being super close to you, he had gotten so used to your large smiles and extroverted demeanor, that watching you cry felt foreign to him.
he missed your smile.
he soon realizes that seeing you upset hurts him because he genuinely cares about your well-being.
so he decides to make it his personal mission to make you smile again.
suga takes the spot next to you voicelesslyand tries his best to talk you through your dismay.
you don’t seem to mind the company, and to his delight you don’t seem to hate him as much as he thought you did!!
suga is very grateful for this
anyways, he manages to cheer you up, and the tips of your lips turn up into a small grin—just like he wanted them to.
whew this man’s heart skips a BEAT baby and he is lowkey spiraling lol he’s so confused like why is this girl’s smile making me feel some type of way
he had been so focused on what you thought about him, but he had never once stopped to consider what he thought about you (until this very moment, of course).
turns out suga was incredibly fond of you
yeah, that’s how he knew.
suga brain go brr 4 pretti girl
you two had been hanging out more frequently as of late
and getting to know you was only making suga‘s crush grow EXPONENTIALLY
after many nights spent in long contemplation, he came to the conclusion that it was time to ‘man-up’ and just rip off the band-aid that was being honest about his feelings.
he buys a single flower (tanaka’s advice) and waits by your locker
very very simple and sweet confession typa beat :(
literally SO nervous pls help . he’s scratching the back of his neck and holding the flower out to you with a slight twinge in his cheeks.
“y/n...i know you weren’t too fond of me at first, but i...i don’t know i think we’re great together! and now that we hang out and stuff i was thinking that maybe we could-“
yeah you cut the poor boy off and said yes to put him out of his misery.
literally verbally celebrates when you accept his flower. does a lil victory dance and everything.
ugh yall r so cute.
somehow the most wholesome and chaotic couple to ever exist???
you guys spend like every waking moment together it’s adorable
noya and tanaka would jokingly hit on you and suga would pretend to be actually jealous.
i hc him as being a somewhat possessive-y boyfriend so do w that what you will
total best friend kind of lover but he’s also a sweetheart and rlly romantic + respectful abt ur needs:(
y’all r super comfy w each other !!
sugawara is usually the kind of person that’s always there for other people so he appreciates the fact that you’re the same way! you guys bond over your shared therapist/mom-friend tendencies, and quickly become the support systems you so desperately needed prior to getting together.
he’s there to listen to you about your problems and vice versa.
he adores how you can meet and sometimes even exceed his energy. it’s a nice change of pace since he usually gets scolded by daichi. </3
thinks it’s cute how much you care for animals! you’ll often find him staring at you in wonder as you pet a random dog on the street lol.
will spend hours on end watching you play video games on FaceTime. after a while, he ended up buying his own console and now you guys play together!
he’s fairly competitive, and will whine whenever you destroy beat him in a game!
he’s so cute pls
one of his favorite things to do after a long day is sit and play slower paced games such as minecraft and animal crossing with you.
whether it’s about your fav historical monument or about a new show you saw, suga will listen to you talk for hours and never get bored. usually he’s always got something to add to the convo though. sometimes you guys get overly excited together and end up speaking over each other in the same way.!
is INCREDIBLE at getting you to calm down?? like, if you ever need to be put in your place, suga knows exactly what to say to do it. does this make sense? lol. you guys have big ying and yang energy sometimes i feel.
you’re his BIGGEST supporter. whenever he’s put into games, you’re always the LOUDEST one cheering him one.
it really touches him to know that you’ll always be there to root for him!! even mr.refreshing gets down sometimes, so it’s incredible to have someone as positive as you by his side constantly reassuring him.
he’s a big animal person as well so you guys like going to volunteer at shelters together!
this was actually your second date HAHA.
if a dog is within a 40 ft radius from y’all, it is almost guaranteed that you guys will sprint to go pet them.
since you’re both athletic, you guys help each other practice sports together! suga’ll throw u soft toss and help you run drills and hype u up before games. & you’ll help him work on his technique and such <33.
y’all totally gossip together wow. you said you were a bit on the meaner side of the spectrum and lowkey he doesn’t mind AT ALL. he lives for it HAHAHAHA.
he literally thinks you’re stunning so it upsets him whenever you get insecure, but he’s always got the right thing to say to cheer you up! genuinely just,,,, so good with his words. if you’re having a bad night, he’s ready to come to your rescue with a gentle smile and funny one-liner and maybe a documentary if you’re lucky enough.
in his eyes, everything about you is beautiful. your hair. your freckles. your body. your laugh. your smile. everything!! he’s going to do whatever it takes for you to love yourself in the same way he loves you.
this man so whipped smh 🙄🙄
tl;dr: suga thinks you hate him. you don’t. you start hanging out. he confesses to you by the lockers. you start dating. you are infinitely better at gaming than he is and will never let him forget it.
YOUR ANTHEMS (in no particular order):
darling by christian leave
pleasantries (with your lover) by mustard service
upside down by jack johnson
sunflower, vol.6 by harry styles
what do you like in me? by nasty cherry
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pic 1 | pic 2 | pic 3 | pic 4
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*do not repost my work without proper credit and my explicit premission
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settersloveletters · 4 years
hello hellooo!! i literally love ur blog so mf much, can i pls request some yummy angst w a fluffy ending w tsukki and kenma 🥺? where their s/o feels jealous n insecure maybe about another girl and when they bring it up they end up having a huge fight ?
— you’re great; oneshot
a/n: okay,, i only wrote tsukki’s right now and i’ll get to kenma’s soon but i really wanted to post this tonight so i hope that’s okay >_< also idk how to write angst so i’m sorry if this doesn’t pull your heartstrings ;w;
oh i also started to write in proper grammar and not all lowercase ehehe
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➳ request: s/o insecure abt another girl + angst + big fight with tsukki and kenma
➳ pairing: tsukishima x f!reader
➳ genre: angst, fluffy at the end
➳ word count: 1.9k
➳ admin: kiri ♡
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Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
You continued to tap the top end of your pencil against your desk, leaning your head against the palm of your hand as you glared at the familiar blonde across the room. You and Tsukishima Kei had been an item for almost a year now, and you couldn’t be happier. That is, until your homeroom teacher assigned a project that required everyone to be in pairs.
“Earth to (Y/N),” Hitoka Yachi, your assignment partner and best friend, waved her hand in front of your face. “You’re gonna get wrinkles on your forehead if you keep glaring at Tsukishima-kun and Akari-san.”
“I am not glaring at them.” You scoff, leaning back against your chair and folding your arms over your chest.
“(Y/N) you shouldn’t be worried about anything,” Yachi responded, “Tsukishima-kun only has eyes for you.”
You blew your bangs out of your face in frustration as you turned towards the window. You knew that you shouldn’t be worrying over this trivial matter, but the fact that your boyfriend was spending most of his time with the most popular girl — also dubbed at the most prettiest — in your year bothered you.
“Doesn’t help that Kei’s partners with Akari-san.” You argue back. Akari Hana was the girl that every guy dreamed about. Smart, athletic, pretty. You were insecure enough. When you compare yourself to Akari you could find so many flaws in you and so many perfections in her. It didn’t help that your last boyfriend — which was back in junior high — broke up with you for a girl similar to Akari.
As the bell rang, signaling that school was over, you gathered your things into your school bag and was about to head over to Tsukki when you stopped. You watched as your boyfriend — without glancing at you — made his way out the class. Still talking to Akari. You purse your lips and gripped the strap of your bag.
It’s okay. You were fine.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
The rest of the week remained just like that. Tsukki only offering you good morning texts and a peck on the cheek when he sees you, before making his way to Akari. Again. Every time you tried to talk to, or approach Tsukki he would brush you off before he ran off to Ms. Popularity.
You told yourself that it was fine, and that they were only spending that much time together for the sake of the project. However you started to notice how much closer the two started to get. Every time you see either of them, the other is right beside them. Even as you went to the volleyball club’s practice after school, you stopped yourself from entering the gym as you saw Akari watching from the sides. You turned right around and went home. The only text you got from Tsukki was him asking where you were, to which you replied saying you weren’t feeling well.
[5:43] my little tsun-chan: hey why didn’t you come to practice today?
[5:50] you: i went home, wasn’t feeling well
[6:00] my little tsun-chan: dumbass, you gotta take better care of yourself
You tossed your phone to the side and pressed your face into your pillow. Kei you idiot.
Friday finally came around and you couldn’t be more relieved. Friday was the day you and Tsukki held your weekly movie nights. One of the days that left a special place in your heart. You smiled as you made your way to school, knowing that this was one day that Akari Hana couldn’t take Tsukki away.
“Oh sorry (Y/N),” Tsukki looked at you. You found him underneath a tree out in the school yard. You assumed that he was waiting for you, however that wasn’t the case. “Hana-san and I were gonna finish the assignment today.”
“But we always have movie nights Fridays.” You furrow your eyebrows. “We’ve never missed one unless you have a game.”
“Well yeah, but this is for school and Hana-san is busy over the weekend so we only have today to finish.” Tsukki pulled out his phone.
“Hana-san? Since when have you started calling her by her first name?”
“I forgot, but she’s the one who insisted and I didn’t really care.” Tsukki replied, not sparing you any glacé.
“You and Akari-san have gotten a lot closer huh?” You bite your lip, your throat starting to hurt.
“Well yeah, we’re partners of course.”
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with her too. We’ve barely talked to each other this whole week” You brought your gaze downwards, whispering the last sentence.
“(Y/N), don’t you think you’re overreacting?” Tsukki, rolled his eyes, finally looking at you.
“Is it my fault that I’m worried? Probably.” You bite your lip harder. “Akari-san’s amazing though. She’s pretty, smart, talented and athletic.”
“Yeah she’s all of those things. But you’re great too (Y/N).”
“Just great… That makes me feel better.” You laugh bitterly.
Just hearing Tsukki say stuff like it wasn’t a big deal, affected you a lot. You started to remember this exact scenario happening back in your last year of junior high. Where you confronted your current boyfriend at the time and asked him about a girl in your grade that all the guys fawned over. If you weren’t already insecure the words that he said raised the bar.
“She’s just amazing. From her face to her personality. But you’re great too (Y/N).”
But you’re great too (Y/N). But you’re great too (Y/N). But you’re great too (Y/N).
You could feel some tears welling up in your eyes as you remember that phrase, “You seem like you like Akari-san a lot.”
“What are you jealous?” He smirks.
“Do you think this is a joke?” You can see a figure out of the corner of your eye. Glancing towards the side you see Akari Hana walking out of the school doors looking around for Tsukki.
“Okay Hana-san and I need to finish our assignment. When you’ve gotten over your unnecessary jealousy, I’ll text you.” He started to walk towards Akari.
“You know what. I’m done Tsukishima.” You dig your nails into your hand. “If you think Akari is all that, you might as well go out with her.”
Tsukki turns around at your statement, “What? (Y/N) what are you even saying?” He touches your wrist.
“NO! Don’t touch me!” You yell, shrinking away from his touch. “Just go to Akari. I’m done Tsukishima.”
You turn away and run off to your house.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
You spend your weekend locked up in your room, eating ice cream and chips while reading sad fanfiction to soothe your aching heart. Tsukki tried calling you after you ran home, and even sent multiple texts. But you just brushed it off, putting your phone on do not disturb as to not disrupt your reading.
When Sunday came around, your heart hurt just more than it had been. It was your one year anniversary with Tsukki. Or it would’ve been. You covered yourself with your blankets as you hugged your stuffed animal. You gave up reading on fanfics and decided to just lay there, staring off into space. You enjoyed the quietness.
“(Y/N)-CHAN!” Your bedroom door was slammed open, surprising you from the sudden loud noise. You looked up to see Yachi standing in the doorway. “I’m here to take you out because you’ve been stuck inside all weekend.”
“Yachi please no,” You groan, pulling the covers over your head. “Just let me wither away in my sadness.”
“Nope it’s almost 6 and you’ve spend the entire day inside, now get up and get in the shower.” Yachi replied, grabbing the covers off of you.
Groaning once again, you begrudgingly made your way to your bathroom knowing that you couldn’t argue your way out of this. Stepping back into your room, wrapped in your towels you see Yachi sitting on your bed, texting away on her phone.
“Who’re you texting?”
“Huh? Oh, just Hinata-kun don’t worry.” Yachi says, placing her phone down on your bed. “You’re wearing that by the way.”
She points to a yellow sundress covered in a floral pattern laid out on your bed. Letting out a sigh, you grab the dress and head back into your bathroom to change. After fixing yourself up, You and Yachi head downstairs. Reaching the final step you hear a knock at your door which leaves you confused. Looking back at Yachi, she shrugs her shoulders at you.
Opening the door, you come face-to-face with the person you’d least expect to show up. “What’re you doing here.”
At your door stands Tsukki, in a pair of khaki coloured pants and a navy blue polo shirt. He was holding a bouquet of flowers as he darted his eyes everywhere, except your own eyes.
“I–uh,” Tsukki, sighed and finally looked at you. “(Y/N), please let me explain everything.”
“I’m supposed to be going out with Yachi right now.” You cross your arms over your chest.
“Actually (Y/N), Hinata-kun texted me and needs my help with Kageyama-kun.” Yachi speaks up, “I gotta go but I’ll talk to you later!”
The blonde girl heads out the door before you could say anything and you’re left alone with Tsukki. The two of you fall into uncomfortable silence, something that hasn’t happened between you in awhile.
“(Y/N)–“ Tsukki starts to say, but you cut him off before anything.
“As much as I don’t wanna talk to you, I’ll give you 10 minutes.”
“I need 30 minutes.”
Your mouth gapes open, “30 minutes, Tsukishima–“
“Please, (Y/N).” He pleaded.
After a long walk in silence, the sun had started to set that an orange hue was left in the sky. Tsukishima led you to a small park away from the houses and roads. From a distance you could see small little lights littering the ground. As you got closer, you realized that the little lights littering the ground were candles. Candles that led to a small gazebo where a table setting was set up in the middle.
“Tsukishima what is this?” You asked as he pulled out your chair for you to sit.
“This is what me and Han- Akari-san had been planning.” Tsukki reveals.
“All that time her and I have been spending, she’s been helping me plan this for our one year.”
Your eyes widen at his confession. You suddenly feel stupid for thinking the things you thought. You felt stupid for thinking that Tsukishima would ever be like your ex-boyfriend. You just felt stupid.
“I–“ You don’t even know what to say.
“No don’t you dare apologize. I’m the one who’s sorry for just edging you on like that. I just made things worse.” Tsukki took your hands in his. “I have no idea how to express how I’m feeling without being sarcastic. And I hurt you. But I swear to you (Y/N), I love you and I will always love you.”
You could feel the tears coming up in your eyes, but you feel Tsukki’s calloused fingers wipe them away. “I’m sorry for acting so jealous and insecure. And for jumping to conclusions.”
Tsukki shakes his head. “Let’s just put this behind us.” He leans in and places a kiss on your forehead showing his affection.
Your relationship stood strong ever since.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
[Behind the Scenes]
(Y/N): wait a minute did yachi have a hand in this too? Is that why she came to my house and got me to get ready?
Tsukki: maybe
(Y/N): wait is that hinata and yachi… and akari-san in those bushes??
three heads pop up before the three run off
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3am peter maximoff/me discord headcanons
the people have spoken. i edited it a bit so no personal info is revealed. also sometimes a ‘you’ is addressed, that’s my friend but feel free to imagine that as you. have a fun peek at my brain when i am not putting in Effort. also i misspoke its 6000+ CHARACTERS not words. i passed out after the final headcanon
- first of all. this bitch is Insecure with a capital 'I'. all his life he was told that he was a freak because of his mutation and then he believed he was a loser because he lived in his moms basement for a while and he just. he needs someone to tell him that he is actually great and a Hero
- I can and WILL be that person
- I think this is canon but ya know they don't really discuss this stuff in a superhero movie but. Peter is a whole ass virgin. 
- bisexual because no straight person dresses THAT well
- if peter was around these days he would be a retro punk type of person. I think he would like lemon demon but that might just be because i'm listening to lemon demon rn
- since both his parents were holocaust survivors he would be a huge advocate for human rights
- i'm not saying he would try to kill the president but that's exactly what I'm saying
- I think Peter would have a similar interest in children as I do. other people's kids are cool. Do I want kids? FUCK no
- if peter maximoff was a real person he would 1) be my bestie and 2) ABSOLUTELY have a weed old people music basement party with us
- he is super touch starved because most of his mother's affection was given towards his little sisters (his dad wasn't around because of the whole. 'not knowing he was his dad' thing)
- peter would cry the first time he got laid and thats all im saying about that
- he gives the BEST hugs because they are tight but not too tight 
- he smells like leather 
- not a headcanon but. I want to touch his hair
- Peter Maximoff just wants to be given affection and praise for everything he's accomplished. I would pull the sun out of the sky and hand it to him if he asked
.- this is going to sound like im Projecting but Peter would play bass 
- he plays bass because it helps him slow down and focus without being a drag on his personality
- hates water
- thinking about Holding his Hand makes me cry
- bro this is a FICTIONAL character I am being weird but I do not care
- dude I just pictured getting to wear the silver jacket and im :sobs: 
- anyways back to what I was saying
- peter could tell me that the only way he could ever be At Peace and Happy was if I grew wings and flew into the sun then I would do exactly that 
- he dresses in traditionally masculine and feminine ways because he is epic
- he just knows the power he holds in a skirt
- I am crying 
- low key hc him as nb 
- by low-key I mean not at all lowkey
- he is oddly good at drawing faces but nothing else. He can only draw faces.
- YES this is so he can draw the faces on the bodies i draw
- this man would punch a neo nazi in less than a second. no hesitation. again, the parents thing
- he protects his little sisters but like not in the creepy "whatever you do to her, I do to you" way. just in a 'dude I am literally an xman if u hurt her ill obliterate you' way
- hc abt me. I buy him shoes a lot because he is constantly destroying his shoes because he moves at the speed of sound
- living with peter would rock because 1) the whole space is clean in 0.000000000000000000001 seconds and 2) cuddles and 3) he showers in 3 seconds so the water bill won't get too high when i take 30 minute showers
- he is canonically a kleptomaniac but you already KNOW he is raiding and vandalizing hobby lobby because those bitches homophobic 
- I would force you to let him participate in 1 mcu cover (MCU is my mcr cover band called my chemical uterus where we replace half the words of mcr songs with penis)
- he is an xman which means he is athletic but begrudgingly so
- if he was real every Christmas i'd give him twinkies and he'd give me chocolate chips and I'd sob and cry for hours and hours
- this motherfucker would despise ahs because he doesn't like seeing people sad or in pain but he would still listen to me if I talked about it because he's cool like that
- dude no one would ever shatter their phone around him because he'd just catch it before it hits the ground
- I am trying not to make this sexual but. I mean c'mon. he can jerk it to the speed of light that's gotta count for something
- he can do FLAWLESS eyeliner because he practices on his sisters and i am Jealous thinking about it because i look like a raccoon when i do eyeliner
- peter would say acab rights
- he would simultaneously love and hate Jojo Rabbit. if he were real I wouldn't make him watch it very often but it is my favorite movie so he might see it once or twice.
- problem is. this bitch can't be driven ANYWHERE
- it's always "bro we could've been there and back by now. no dude you don't understand you can just ride on my back—" 
- any meticulous or "slow" tasks would make him really anxious and fidgety. unfortunately that just makes him more anxious because he's afraid he's annoying the people around him.
- ^ is that canon? probably
- retro gaaang
- arcade gaaang
- he would probably try to beat my asteroids high score but he CANT because im the asteroids KING
- literally I beat the highest score ever done in that arcade I am So Cool
- not a fan of stickers. too much responsibility 
- pet ferret 
- lowkey insecure about his laugh & his smile because a bunch of adults in his life said his laugh was irritating
‐  fuck you YES im projecting
- blue painted nails because he has taste
- king of DDR
- [friend’s name] you’re not reading this but he would kick ur ass in taiko
- halloween would fuck SO HARD
- space nerd space nerd space nerd space nerd space ne
- bro if peter was real i think id never infodump on my parents again
- a 3 hour rant about ahs from me
- a 3 hour rant about the solar system from peter
- my parents are crying because my voice box would implode on itself
- cud ddddleel ee
- i want him to Hold Me Gently
- i want to wear the goggles
- pink floyd party
- nirvana party
- mcr party
- crying on the floor because I love him so much.
- Peter likes to have his picture taken but he doesn’t want to see the picture. He wants to live on past his death but he does NOT want to see his disastrous hair
- speaking of hair
- yes i would braid it
- very nice color I want to touch it
- butterfly clips……………….
- in conclusion: I love this bitch and I will protect this bitch until the day that I fly myself into the sun
- also i want to kiss him on the m*uth
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hinasho · 4 years
isle of the lost vs descendants 1 characterizations
the book ends literally when the movie starts so their personalities cant be that different right? lets see
(similarities posted at the bottom!)
book: when evil queen goes on about beauty related things, especially in regards to her daughter, usually evie would begrudgingly recite whatever “tip” eq taught her and just go along with what she says. not to say she hated those kinds of things, but whenever her mother brought it up, she never expressed similar excitement or engagement. more often than not she was indifferent to her mother’s beauty antics, and we only see her talk about them in regards to herself in the last few chapters (im not talking abt the mirror incident, but the one liners she’d drop about her appearance here and there) movie: when the parents first tell their kids about going to auradon, eq talks about sprucing her daughter up before she leaves and evie is visibly excited about the makeover. she also goes onto encourage it on others as seen when they’re all in the limo and she tries to put makeup on mal.
book: the villain parents are not friends and we almost never see them together. the one time we saw the parents/adults all together was in the prologue scene for evie’s 6th birthday party. after that they never interact and dont pay each other any mind. this is especially true regarding evil queen and maleficent, as they state in the book that they’ve been at odds ever since they fought over who’d rule the isle. eq has also just been welcomed back into society after being banned by the other, so time-wise, at worst, they are still enemies and, at best, barely tolerable acquaintances. movie: evil queen & maleficent have a significantly close relationship, so much so that eq knows her house like the back of her hand and where maleficent keeps things, specifically that her spellbook is in the fridge. they even have a laugh about how they use to run things before being forced to live on the isle. they seem to be genuinely close. 
put the rest under the cut bc this post is too long lol
book: jafar and jay’s mantra is “whoever has the gold makes the rules” which was significant because it helped them while in the forbidden fortress movie: jafar and jay’s mantra is “there’s no team in I” (while this change was surprising, i also wasn’t that upset abt it bc both book and movie!jay struggle with teamwork)
book: carlos is not athletic at all and goes on about how he hates gym class. he is very focused on stem and doesn’t really care about any other kind’ve hobby. meanwhile jay is athletic and does casual parkour when going anywhere. movie: both of them do extreme parkour in the opening song. im not referring to the dancing ofc, but the extra flips and tricks they do. this is not unusual for jay, but is in regards to carlos.
book: jay isn’t the only one that goes around stealing things, mal very much does it to. at the end of the day they’d even compare how many things they’ve stolen to see who’s the best thief. jay usually wins, but still, both are thieves. movie: when they get to auradon, mal is very confused as to why jay would take the time to steal things and even needs for him to explain why he does it.
book: ben describes audrey as a classic fairy tale princess. she finds all things in auradon lovely and beautiful, and even has a bird land on her finger during their date. while she does think negatively of everyone on the isle, she acts mostly “lovely and sweet” before anything else, and it is not faked. think: giselle from enchanted. movie: idk how else to explain this difference besides “audrey just has a different vibe”. she is more regina george-esque than genuinely cheery, and puts on an obviously fake smile and attitude so often that queen belle expresses distaste for her 
mal likes art and goes around the isle putting up tags --- (the romance storyline wasn’t bad, but it would’ve been nice to see mal maybe join an art club? or get into painting or smthg else related to her hobby)
carlos is afraid of dogs --- in the book he can’t even say or hear the word bc it’s a trigger for him. he can say “puppies”, but he cannot say the word dog. whereas in the movie, he says the word several times. this is an extremely minor difference to be fair
when they’re afraid/think they’re in danger, they all cling to jay
they’re not used to sunlight 
the ben & mal tension on first meet (and continued infatuation before the cookie scene) --- in the book both characters have had a dream about the other. they didn’t know who the other was, but they remembered the dreams vividly enough that they were able to describe their faces in detail. in the movie when they first meet, both pause on each other several times. it’s likely because of the o’l Disney Romance™️, but it could also be because of curious recognition. 
jay is a flirt/smoother charmer and girls fawn over him
carlos is good with and likes science & technology
mal wanting to prove herself to her mother & the others not being as set on it --- in the book, mal is constantly reminded of the times her mother has called her “not worthy of bearing her own name or of being her daughter” and it causes mal to lose her cool several times. the other VKs also have parental issues ofc, but ones that are not as focused on proving themselves like mal’s are. theirs lean more towards other problems. in the movie she is extremely insistent on reminding them what they’re at auradon for and that this is their “one chance to prove themselves”
the core four freeze in fear when confronted with the reality of their parents’ pasts
mal can touch maleficent’s scepter --- to be fair that dance number in the museum was most likely just mal daydreaming, but still
jay going off on his own/following his own plan --- in the book jay and jafar plan for him to go with mal to the forbidden fortress and then double cross her and steal the scepter for himself, taking it as their “big score”. in the movie when they first see the wand with their own eyes, he runs off in front of everyone and only opens the gate enough for himself to squeeze through. carlos has to open it wider so they can all get through it after him. and once theyre in the same room as the wand, he reaches for it first against mal’s wishes.
carlos is bad at sports --- this is in both the differences & similarities section because, while in the book & movie he’s bad at sports, in the book he also doesnt like them and has no desire to do them as he is completely focused on science & tech. while after some practice in the movie, carlos joins the tourney team alongside jay. (i personally would’ve preferred for him to join a computer or engineering club)
mal can manipulate people with ease (book: evie / movie: jane & ben)
fairy godmother is mainly the one that enforces the “no magic” rule --- beast may have created it, but both in the book & the movie, people/creatures talk about fairy godmother being the one that restricts them
carlos climbs trees/searches for higher ground when afraid
evie knows how to use her looks, specifically her smile, to get the things she wants (book: persuading dr. facilier / movie: getting info out of chad)
audrey likes to dance 
carlos is sarcastic & competitive 
mal cheers up evie when she’s upset 
evie is good with academics
ben wanting to be his own person rather than act like his father --- this was a good continuation from book to movie as ben only realizes he needs to be himself in the final chapters, which he just continues to encourage in the movie. 
mal’s spur of the moment saving tactics
the villains aren’t good with computers/the internet --- the isle canonly doesn’t have wifi and in the movie the villains struggle with the laptop that was most likely given to them from an auradon representative
audrey’s family still being deeply traumatized by what maleficent did 
belle not letting beast talk shit 
mal pitying her mother for what she went through --- in the book: when she sees the past of what happened at aurora’s christening and sympathizes that her mother was nothing but a sad lonely girl. in the movie: the “and i really wish you hadn’t gotten there yourself” line during ben’s coronation
annddd yeah!
honestly there were a lot more similarities than i was expecting, and i am pleasantly surprised! book to movie things dont usually crossover well, but honestly, the first movie didnt do too bad of a job of it. 
tbh i think the one that probably suffered the most was audrey’s character. she really seemed very different from her book counterpart. this isnt to say that book!audrey was a saint and would’ve treated the VKs kindly, but she also wasn’t a fake person and was genuinely that cheery and upbeat all the time. whereas in the movie, it seems like almost nobody likes her (except chad) bc of her “fakeness”. 
i personally think if they were gonna go with the “bad girl and her minion” role, then audrey should’ve been the minion. in the book she was kind’ve an airhead (?? idk she just tended to have her head in the clouds a lot) and if one of the auradon girls told her to act a certain way towards the VKs for the “good of auradon”, i could see her listening to them. i dont know if she’d be the one to come up with the evil deed herself though. 
overall, the continuity flowed pretty well. i wish they didn’t change audrey’s character like they did (they probably could’ve had jane play the role of ‘stuckup girl’ tbh since she was a new character and her mother had a higher position in the kingdom compared to audrey’s parents anyway, so smthg to boast abt), but other than that, the movie’s characterizations were kinda close to the books!
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bronanlynch · 3 years
beam saber recap time: an ex-osha inspector and an ex-mech sports athlete walk into a secret underground bunker full of scientists who hate each other and now they’re all snowed in together! what happens next will shock you!
(technically a christmas episode, depending on how you define christmas episodes)
starting off strong with kay @girlfriendsofthegalaxy saying concerning sentences to me: “I’ve been playing red dead redemption so I’ve been looking up a lot of pinkerton manuals about union busting” “I love where this is going” “don’t worry about”
“unions?? in my god-fearing underground base??? it’s more likely than you think”
accidentally gave an npc a slightly stronger version of my new jersey accent, which I guess is fair considering they’re an archaeologist who’s trying to unionize so it that not just a self-insert oc at this point
zan @duckswithwings: “that’s my secret, cap, I’ve always been from new jersey”
reappearance of the artist formerly known as hawthorne march aka ballad imperative aka herculine vane
v bought her silence by asking her out on a date. love this awkward fraught spy romance we’ve got going on here
a very fun conversation between v and her rival, holliday rue. I love playing holliday she’s so awful. I didn’t transcribe everything we said but. some highlights
Holliday: “We need to talk”
V: “do we, what do we need to talk about”
Holliday: “I think it will be relevant to your interests”
V: “Relevant to my interests, right, because you know so much about those”
Holliday: “is your continued self-preservation not still relevant to your interests?”
(some stuff that I didn’t transcribe because I started paraphrasing, holliday is threatening to tell someone that v’s been doing shit she’s not supposed to, and saying that she knows v’s up to something, at some point v says “and yeah I am up to things, because I’m a spy”)
V: “I thought you were smarter than to threaten a spy with a gun, my expectations for you were low, the bar was on the ground, but now it’s in the bunker we’re in”
Holliday: “valentine, darling, I thought you were smarter than to assume that I don’t have a gun”
V: “you might have a gun but do you have a bulletproof vest”
Holliday: “think about this sensibly, if you were to shoot me in a crowded room, imagine how that would look”
helpful aside from zan suggesting that v doesn’t need to shoot her and can just stab her with a poison volt meter
kay: “How do I give my rival food poisoning”
V: “Only one of us is a dedicated decorated civil servant (I’m lying, they don’t give spies medals)”
Holliday: “and yet only one of us was forced to resign in disgrace”
the other fun thing abt that conversation is that while v is having a miserable awful time, indigo is arranging a threesome in the background because they’re snowed in and he’s gonna live his best tropiest life
I think this was a mission where I did a little bit too much prep and had things a little too complicated in my notes but I like how it turned out and like. which parts of my planning I decided to keep
especially happy with how some of the stuff with hawthorne/herculine turned out, and the part about her helping some other spies defect from the empire as a way of showing the party one potential way out for them
and then also managing to include some stuff that I wasn’t sure how to fit in until indigo started flirting with some of the people who were defecting, so now he knows that some of them want to join the cirque du soldat, the independent squad his twin belongs to
my other fave moment as a gm this session was when I said that a certain npc would probably join another faction instead of going independent, and I have in my notes that it’s because she likes belonging to a military hierarchy, and before I said that zan said “yeah, makes sense, she seems like she likes the structure” which. love when I can characterize relatively minor npcs well enough that my players pick up on what their motivations are
zan made sure to establish that indigo still had the orb in his pocket during any and all seducing he was doing, leading kay to call him a nevernude and me to say the horrible sentence “instead of leave room for jesus, leave room for the orb”
indigo installed the orb into his mech and then bonded with it like he’s the protagonist of a horse girl movie
my game mechanics answer to what having a sentient orb installed into your mech does was “a mech can make a move at any time”
indigo took one of his several boyfriends on a date
zan: “Have I learned anything about Dr. Boyfriend” me: “yeah his name maybe”
v is having trouble buying a house because her credit score is bad because she’s a spy who lives on a secret base and legally doesn’t exist
zan and I kept saying a distorbance in the forbce and kay made increasingly distressed noises, sorry kay I need to say at least one cursed thing per session it’s how I reduce my stress
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captainkippen · 4 years
prompt tiiiimeeee shovel talk shovel talk shovel talk i need the ghc+jonah talking to tj abt being nice to cy and rOLE REVERSAL the basketball boys telling cyrus what a softie tj actually is and to be nice to him 🥺
Four Times TJ Got Given The Shovel Talk + The One Time Cyrus Did Instead
Buffy and Jonah
In hindsight, TJ probably should have seen it coming the first time. It had been three weeks since he summoned up the courage to tell Cyrus how he felt at Andi’s party (the most terrifying moment of his life) and all their friends had been suspiciously quiet about it. At first he’d assumed maybe Cyrus hadn’t gotten around to telling them yet, even though that seemed unlikely in the face of his love for gossip, and when it became apparent that they did know he just assumed they didn’t care enough to bother him about it.
Oh, how wrong he was.
Jonah and Buffy cornered him in the music store one afternoon, waiting until Cyrus was sufficiently distracted picking up the box of guitar picks he’d sent clattering to the ground by accident just a few moments before.
“He really likes you, you know that right?” Buffy asked, pretending to peruse a box of records. “Cyrus, I mean.”
Jonah loomed behind her looking like he didn’t quite know what he was doing there, just shrugging in response when TJ shot him a bemused look. 
“Yeah. I got that,” Said TJ. “I like him too.”
After a moment of silence, TJ assumed it was safe to turn back to the Back In Black vinyl he’d been looking at. He’d only just flipped it over when Buffy cleared her throat again, and forced himself to hold back a sigh. 
“If you hurt him, nobody will ever find your body once I’m through with you.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“I’m serious.”
“She is,” Jonah agreed firmly.
“Yeah, I got that too,” TJ said. “Look, I’m not going to hurt him. I like him, like I said. I don’t know why he’s with me - you and I both know he could do better, but he is with me. And I’m not gonna risk screwing that up for anything.”
Buffy rocked back on her heels, evaluating him carefully in a way that left him feeling like he’d just been x-rayed with her eyes. It was unsettling. Finally, she gave a satisfied nod and looked back to the boxes. 
“Do you think my mom would like any of these?”
TJ grinned and began listing recommendations. 
The second time, he felt totally justified in being blindsided. He was new to this dating thing, but TJ was pretty sure the shovel talk was meant to be a one time thing. Apparently Cyrus’ friends hadn’t got the memo.
“Cyrus is a really good person,” Andi said, making TJ jump as he closed the refrigerator door to find her lurking behind it. 
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” He replied, trying to calm his rocketing pulse. 
She was sneaky -- too sneaky. He hadn’t even heard her coming. It was a Saturday, one that they should have been spending out having a frisbee game in the park, but the rain had come in heavy the night before and washed that idea away fast. Instead they had settled for a ping-pong tournament at Cyrus’ house. The whole group was there, which TJ already found intimidating enough. He wanted them all to like him. Thankfully, they all seemed to be just as competitive at the game as he was and he’d felt himself slipping into place alongside them all just before he’d slipped out to grab a soda. It was nice, that feeling of camaraderie. Nice to have friends whose competition was more teasing and fun than built on impressing others like Reed and Kira’s always had been.
Andi looked unimpressed. “I could do worse than give you a heart attack, but I won’t. As long as you don’t hurt him. If you make him cry I will destroy you.”
His eyes widened involuntarily. Andi wasn’t particularly big or threatening and she’d never had the same feistiness that Buffy had, but her tone meant business. He believed she could destroy him if she wanted to. Her parents would probably help -- they loved Cyrus almost as much as they loved their daughter.
“Okay,” he said, unsure of what else to do.
It was a little frightening how quickly her face went from deadly serious to sunshine and rainbows.
“Cool, can you grab me a Dr Pepper? It’s way too hot downstairs.”
The third time was unexpected because TJ hadn’t even realised that Cyrus knew Amber, let alone was friends with her.
Amber and TJ had floated in and out of one another’s peripheries for most of their school careers - friendship circles overlapping and all that jazz. He didn’t know her well, but they’d talked a few times. She seemed cool, if a bit intense. He’d never thought of her as scary before. Well, not until now.
“So you’re dating Cyrus,” she said, sitting down across from him as he waited for Cyrus at The Spoon. They had a full day of stuff planned starting with Baby Taters and ending with the movies. He’d been looking forward to it all week.
“Uh…” Was all he could say in response, but that didn’t seem to matter. 
“I don’t really get why,” Amber continued on like a steamroller. “‘Cause he’s a giant dork and everyone knows you’re like… kind of a dick. Completely opposite ends of the spectrum, but even though he’s a dork, he’s really cool. And he was nice to me even though I was kind of a dick too, and he had no reason to be. So if you’re mean to him I will kick you in the balls so hard you have to get surgery. Okay?”
TJ just nodded, still trying to process what was happening.
“Awesome,” Amber said brightly, standing up with a smile as if she hadn’t just threatened him with physical violence. “So can I get you anything to eat?”
“...Baby Taters?”
She tapped her notepad. “Coming right up.”
How many times was this going to happen? Surely there weren’t any friends left to threaten him, he thought to himself. But then the little bell over the door tinkled and Cyrus walked in, and TJ forgot about everything other than his smile.
It was going to happen at least four times, apparently. TJ was getting sort of tired of the shovel talk now. It had been funny at first, but it was getting old. 
“Look, I get it, okay?” He huffed despairingly at Marty. “I’m not good enough for him, you’ll beat me up if I hurt him, yadda yadda yadda.”
They were in the middle of a pickup game of basketball in the park -- he’d been pleasantly surprised when Marty invited him along. They hadn’t spoken often, and usually when they did it was in a group of other people, but when they’d been at the movies last week Marty had brought up that they needed another player and asked TJ to join without even missing a beat. It had given him a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest (not that he’d admit that to anybody out loud), and Cyrus had smiled so brightly about it that TJ was sure he hadn’t known Marty was going to ask either.
“No dude, that’s not what I was gonna say,” Marty laughed as he stole the ball back from TJ. “I don’t think you’re not good enough for him. Jonah told us how you apologised to him and stuff, and you guys are always together. You obviously really like each other. He talks about you like all the time.”
Oh. Well, that was sort of nice he guessed. At least someone didn’t think he was a terrible choice of boyfriend for Cyrus. 
“I was just gonna say be nice to him, okay? ‘Cause I think Buffy might break your face if you don’t, and it would suck to be down a player again.”
TJ snorted. “Yeah, okay.”
Marty grinned. “Sick. Hey, you wanna get milkshakes after this?”
And if that was the conversation that kicked off a life-long friendship between the two of them? Well, that was nobody’s business but their own. 
The Basketball Team
The terrifying thing about jocks, Cyrus thought, was that they travelled in packs. It didn’t seem to matter where you went in the world, if there was one athlete lurking about, then ten more were sure to follow. It was intimidating. Especially when they decided to focus their full scrutiny on you. They had a habit of surrounding you when you least expected it.
This is what happened about a month into the new school year. It had been going alright so far. Better, at least, than Cyrus had thought the first few weeks of freshman year was going to go. It was nerve racking; it didn’t matter that he was one of them now, high schoolers would always be terrifying. Considering this, he felt justified in saying it was only natural that he’d drop his books and let out a little shriek after turning around from his locker to find half of the basketball team around him. 
“I don’t have any money!” He said, shielding his face. It was all very cliche.
One of the boys laughed, but it was not a cruel laugh.
“Relax bro, we’re not trying to mug you. We just wanted a chat.”
Slowly, Cyrus lowered his arms. The guy seemed genuine, in fact Cyrus even recognised him. He wasn’t sure of his name, but he’d seen him hanging around the hallways with TJ some mornings before class. He might’ve even said hi to him at some point, who knew?
“Um, okay?”
“TJ says you guys are together.”
Oh God.
“Cool. We just wanted to say we’ve got your back, just so you know. If anybody gives you any trouble you should let us know and we’ll handle it.”
The boys nodded collectively. Cyrus wasn’t sure what to do with himself.
“That said,” The boy continued, leaning in dangerously. “If you hurt TJ we will fuck you up. Got it?”
“Got it,” Cyrus said weakly. 
The boy leaned back again and beamed, then bent down and picked up Cyrus’ textbook for him and handed it back with a jolly pat to his shoulder. “Cool. We’re gonna go get some food at The Spoon after class. You wanna come?”
When Cyrus told TJ about it later, TJ laughed so hard he got a stitch. When he’d finally recovered and sat up, he tangled their fingers together and leaned in to give Cyrus a soft kiss on the forehead. 
“I’m really happy when I’m with you,” he said.
Cyrus leaned his head back on his shoulder and smiled a blissful smile. “Me too.”
And just like that, they knew they would never hurt one another.
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lanajvmeson · 4 years
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emerges frm a field of corn slinking in w a faux mink shrug dangling around my elbows n a strand of wheat between my teeth..... farmer eleganza.... hlo! my name’s nai. i am bt a humble ghoul arrived to haunt ur home. 23 n she/her pronouns n i live in manchester. fun fact my friend’s neighbour used to b harry styles PE teacher. i played delilah yrs ago as carlson young (n even cara delevingne at one point what the fk) which feels so weird n ancient to me nw bt i missed her a lot so decided to spruce her bk to life.... ANYWAY delilah’s pinterest is here n i’ll jst leap right into things without further ado
their family is kind of modelled off the sedgwick family like old money n pretty dysfunctional bt all abt keeping up a seamless facade of perfection... with a pinch of the kennedy’s in there. her dad’s high up in politics n his dad before tht ws in politics n it’s just a long prestigious line of clones in expensive suits as far as delilah’s concerned. her dad i picture as like.... nate archibald’s grandfather in gossip girl.... personality wise.
for as long as she cn remember she’s found this cookie cutter white picket fence life boring. stifling. to delilah it’s like being hemmed in a stuffy room n forbidden frm opening a window. it’s all vry Rich People Problems i wnt lie bt <3 she feels everlastingly bored. All The Time. plus her family hs always been a focal point fr tabloids etc which doesn’t help this feeling of not rly Living but just being the focus of a spectator sport. they’re lowkey a bit of a household name so they get a bunch of scrutiny n......... well. new bullet point alert! cue a powerpoint transition
(self harm & depression tw) frm being young delilah always knew there ws sort of. a white noise inside her where everyone else saw a technicolour movie screen. it rly hit her at like 12 i’d say as she was jst coasting towards adolescence. it ws pretty obvious frm her behaviour i’d say bt her parents only became Aware it ws a problem when she stuck a fork into a socket n short circuited the power in the house. she got shocked unconscious n when she woke up she told the in house dr they’d called (to keep it under wraps frm outsiders) tht she just.... couldn’t feel anything. she’d been reading frankenstein (she’s always liked gothic literature) n thought it’d zap her to life like the monster
her parents got her on medication n figured that wld fix everything. they didn’t like to talk abt things and that was that. it wasn’t to be mentioned again
delilah’s parents r just very.... sterile. family is abt appearances. they’ll be all smiles n flowing conversation when ppl are around bt it feels like being an actress n reading frm a script. being a toy in a dollhouse
she had two siblings: an older sister named clara & a younger brother named elijah. clara ws always like.... the Dream daughter. did everything right. amazing grades. america’s sweetheart. LOVED by the press. did sm charity work. elijah was fine/kind of a slacker compared bt coasted by on athletic prowess (captain of the rowing team). delilah hs very much always been the anomaly in this idyllic line-up. middle child effect! altho having said tht she’s always ran w the popular crowd of her age group bc Rich + Pretty = Status. it’s all quite superficial n delilah’s attitude on the matter can b summed up w this photoset. having said tht there was Some merit in constantly being paraded around as “such a pretty thing” bc a few modelling agencies attempted to scout her bt delilah found that boring. she wants to b called brilliant not beautiful. her mother called this her “not playing to the advantages that god gave her”. with a tight-lipped smile and a “god forbid i use my brain”, delilah only disappointed her further <3
(drugs & ed tw) delilah gt pretty heavy into partying fr the sake of trying to Feel something. intense on the drugs front (coke n prescription pills). rarely eating. she got a silver broach of a swan tht she pins to most of her clothes n u can unscrew the swan’s neck n pull it out to reveal a little powder spoon. still wears this today. clara n delilah were always super close n clara wld cover fr her a bunch. making up lies n jst having her back to their parents if they ever asked where she was / she ws in trouble n needed to keep it under wraps. when delilah hd an article in a tabloid pretty mch like this one clara talked their parents dwn frm sending her to a rehabilitation centre in switzerland. they gt it pretty much scorched frm existence bt delilah kept a clipping bc honestly she thought it was funny hw pale her mother went abt it
(car accident & drunk driving & death tw) at a fancy benefit the astors were all attending among 4857925974 uppity families delilah wound up heading off w some of the rich kids n one thing lead to another n a couple of them gt arrested fr a coke scandal. delilah used her phone call to contact clara n fr once clara hd let loose a little n hd something to drink bt still drove to the station to bail delilah out n try n fix her mess bt.... skipped a red light n crashed. she died upon impact.
(hospitalisation & drugs & addiction tw) this made delilah spiral massively obviously.... she clung on by the skin of her teeth fr a while bt she rly was just getting quite out of control doing an extremely excessive amt of coke to get by at this point so her parents actually did.... end up shipping her off to switzerland for rehabilitation. they didn’t tell anyone this tho n as far as ppl were/are aware she was doing charity work with habitat for humanity in trinidad. her parents literally........... hired ppl to take photos of things there n a social media team posted them to her instagram account jst. the most elaborate lie.... it’s a lot.
delilah jst pretty much went along w whatever they said at the facility bt didn’t absorb any of it too much.... she did get sober there bt it was vry much bc she had no other choice rather than a want to......... she even pretended to “find god” while she ws there n memorised bible lines to recite w a coolly detached smile. in her head she ws probably thinking abt hw her mandated therapist cld gladly eat shit and she’d be happy to watch. it was just like.... everyone there was RLY hideously overpaid bt did they actually Care abt their work or patients? debatable. wasn’t the most healing experience thru delilah’s eyes bt... maybe it’d work better if she’d actually opened her mind to it bt anyway...... <3 cornelius fudge voice: she’s back. the dark lord.....
nw tht her history is out of the way i’ll leap like a flea off a shaggy dog’s back into personality! aesthetically she almost ALWAYS wears white/cream. reminds me of the woman in white frm sharp objects. rarely she’ll dabble in silver or gold or like..... vry pale green bt.... always muted tones. usually white or cream. big white sunhats. white sunglasses. white pussybow blouses w a little white skirt n a pearl barrette in her hair. she even smokes white sobranie cigs tht r imports like it’s a lot she’s truly committed to the aesthetic.... paired w like. classic patent mary janes.... she tends to flutter around the place like a silk moth. likes lace too. hs a very put together image n even demeanour like she’s very lithe n graceful n drifts like a ghost which kind of contrasts w... who she is at her core bt in the astor family it’s all abt appearances <3 the only deviation from this is she sometimes wears dark blue mascara once in a blue moon n if ppl comment on this she’s like. idk what ur talking abt? glides away like a ghost in a haunted mansion n is never seen again.
very perceptive. incredibly observant. yrs of early life media training n being born frm politicians means she’s an excellent liar. she knows ppl n knows what makes them tick bt she’ll only use this when necessary. she isn’t a terrible person bt she knows how to b Very mean n will equip this as a weapon shd a situation call fr it. also more prone to lashing out since her sister......... she hs sometimes played chess games socially fr kicks
dark n biting sense of humour. rather frank abt things. VERY ruthless when scorned bt she isn’t particularly?? emotive abt it??? her bf cheated on her once n when he told her she slapped him rly hard in front of sm ppl he knew n then jst walked away. blocked him on literally everything. removed him frm the face of the earth as far as she ws concerned. had him blacklisted frm every event n told ppl they’d be cut too if they continued to associate w him. goodbye sir <3 u are the weakest link <3 needless to say he regretted it <3
very loyal to u until she isn’t. finds it very easy to cut ties if need be. once her trust is broken it is gooooone baby goone.... the trust is Gone. selective in who she cares abt
vry cavalier abt sex. she doesn’t sleep around hugely i dnt think??? bt when she does it isn’t often tht emotionally invested she’ll jst out of the blue very nonchalantly blow out a wisp of smoke n b like. so u want to fuck me then? cool. proceeds to get up as if she’s walking to leave n then looks bk n is like what do ur legs not work? follow me. n leads them somewhere
nothing rly.... moves her particularly. she isn’t very animated. it’s like she jst finds the entire world thoroughly unimpressive. it’s difficult to stimulate excitement from her. it’s like that hugh laurie quote where he realised he had depression bc “boredom is not an appropriate response to exploding cars”.
has a pet swan bk at home she’s named lilith inspired by satan’s offspring. lilith bites ppl if they get close n is honestly an abomination of a bird. delilah finds her funny n throws her bits of croissants sometimes bt even she isn’t immune to her pecks. in some ways they’re similar...... hv a graceful surface appearance / aesthetic bt a darker attitude beneath the surface
exes: the ex bf tht cheated on her n she got blacklisted from 94872347 social events cld be a fun thing to explore..... delilah wld be EXTREMELY cold towards him n honestly want him dead. wouldn’t show any shred of caring abt him at all she’s very gd at stoning her emotions n keeping them inside. hasn’t cried since her sister died as an example of how..... withdrawn she is from confessing her innermost thoughts n desires. maybe an ex bf before tht that she rly didn’t take seriously at all..... typically she just isn’t interested/invested in romance she’s vry apathetic abt it all
party friends: those tht run in similar rich kid circles tht she would have smuggled off with at fancy events so they could let loose.......... ppl tht r completely her opposite who she finds interesting bc they represent everything she always wanted outside the oppression of her strict regiment family....... mutual bad influences tht are heavy into drugs n always enable each other...... u name it!
hook-ups: she doesn’t have a HUGE amt of these bt.... maybe a select handful.... some she wld have hooked up w once n never again n just been like >_> if they implied they shd as if it was preposterous n she was thoroughly over it.... some maybe she’d find interesting enough to extend beyond tht...... none she’d invest in if she cld help it altho? maybe someone as an exception to tht rule cld be fun
friends of her sister: (death tw) clara was universally well liked for being rly sweet n well intentioned n she attended yates only two yrs delilah’s senior so she might have some connections here still somehow??? cld be angsty to work with
i won’t lie i’m rly hungry as i write up these wcs so my brain’s going blank n i’m gna have to sprint to get some toast bt <3 roommates, enemies, competitive friendships, resentments, angst, chaos, drama, strife, u name it n i am dwn!!!! hits post n takes off galloping dwnstairs
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wiinterrose · 4 years
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          ( xavier serrano , male , he/him, 23 ) omg ! i was walking yonge street downtown , and you’ll never guess who i saw . 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐋 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒 ! i just saw a post about them on sixsecrets ! i think it said something like “ 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐘 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝟓 𝐀𝐌 : 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ?” . isn’t that wild ? i guess it makes sense through , since they’re apparently 𝐃𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐒 and 𝐂𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 . but i’ve heard they’re also 𝐎𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂 and 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ! i’ll just stick to giving them the benefit of the doubt . i mean , it’s not like i know them personally — they’re a famous 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 / 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄𝐑 ! you know , i’ve actually heard rumors that ██████████████████, but they’re just rumors … i think . i dunno . if you happen to run into them , tell them i’m their biggest fan ! ( ollie , they / them , 21 , est )
— mikey was born and raised in winnipeg because i think it’s funny when characters are from winnipeg. if you’re from winnipeg i’m so sorry. definitely was born on the coldest day of that year ( so like some point in january )
— but because of those long, cold harsh winters, mikey found himself in a dance studio a lot. his aunt was a dance teacher and with rather absent parents who meant well but both had long hours at the local hospital, he spent a lot of time with her. he fell in love with dance pretty early on, always having a certain fluidity and grace even when he was young.
— random but he also played hockey up until he was like 16 or whatever because he’s canadian and i’m not stupid. it happened. he can still skate tho. in a slightly different life he probably would have been a pretty good figure skater huh 🤔🤔🤔 but anyway...
— also feel like it makes sense that he did gymnastics. and trained in classical ballet.
— he went to university of toronto for college, studying kinesology and dance, and danced at one of the prestigious studios in the city.
— his big break moment was when in his sophomore year at ut, he made it onto the second season of world of dance in early 2017 ( lets pretend that show has been on longer than it has bc i don’t want it to be the first season of it sldk ). he made it all the way to the finals and quickly become a fan favorite along the way. though he ultimately placed second and missed out on the million dollars, that was the beginning of many doors opening for him. ( for those who, might have the vaguest clue what i’m talking about : i’m highkey feeling like, michael dameski style which is an idea i had after i named him michael so don’t @ me for him having the same first name ).
— millions watched that show, including some prominent agents and scouts who were able to help him launch a professional dance career : something he never thought he’d see himself actually doing. his first big gig was making the dance team for some singer’s north american tour, and he ended up not returning to ut to pursue a professional dance career full time. since then he’s danced in a few music videos for some uber famous musican ( same one he went on tour with or not idk ?? also a wc ?? maybe ?? ), a tv show, couple movies, and other various gigs around the city. he works part time at a studio when he has time, and has been honing his choreography skills as well.
— he makes enough dancing, but certainly not enough to make him RICH. no, that come from an impromptu vlog he did while on tour with aforementioned singer. having already garnered a following from world of dance, he soon rose to youtube fame as well, something he never could have predicted. i feel like his videos are very just, day in a life with various random challenges mixed in, and various workout and flexibility tips. he also still does pieces and duets with other prominent dancers just for fun too. his natural charisma and attitude really just carries him through easily lmao.
— mikey developed a bit of a habit of sleeping around when he left for college, all the newfound freedom was just intoxicating and well. he was hot so. it wasn’t like it was hard alsdkjf. that stuck around well into his blossoming dance career. nothing that was enough to be scandalous, but he made his way around. and then a year and a half into this unforeseen new life, he met matthew glass.
— he’d had a couple serious relationships before, one in high school, one his freshman year of college but neither of them could hold a flame to what he felt when he was with matt. perfection wasn’t something mikey believed in, but he almost did with what they had.
— it was like for over a year and a half he lived in this insane dream, and then mikey and matt broke up and he was devastated ( behind closed doors and with curtains pulled tightly shut ).
— he then proceeded to broadcast how perfectly fine he was doing by going back to his old ways and sleeping around obsessively, this time with very little regard as to how many headlines he was making. as far as coping mechanisms go, i guess sex is better than alcohol ?? not to say he wasn’t also drunk at times l o l.
— mikey is a... how do u say... im gunna write manwhore bc it’s accurate so pls don’t take offense. inch resting bc i’ve written smut like once in my eight year rping career but that’s what he decided he was gunna be and who am i to deny that.
— very bi. very much does not care. if the world didn’t know he was before, it definitely does now lmao. he hasn’t come out in the sense he’s like posted a video about it and said “i’m bisexual” but it’s pretty obvious from the media and maybe he has gotten asked in interviews and has just shrugged and been like does it matter ?? i’m sorry he’s not the vocal bi ally we need. perhaps we will work on that.
— hasn’t dated anyone since matt bc he’s highkey lowkey still hung up on him but no one needs to know that right. outwardly, he’s very much the same : seemingly happy, but he’s a lot more careful with his heart and letting people close to him. if anything he’s become a bit of a two-way mirror, always seeing out but never really letting people see in, just what they want to see.
— probably goes without saying but extremely flexible. idk if any of you know who juuse saros is but apparently he can twerk in a split and i’m not saying mikey can but like. he just might be able to...
— straight up does not get cold. never wears more than a hoodie, probably danced shirtless in the middle of winter just fine. at least being from winnipeg is good for one ( 1 ) thing.
— i feel like people call him flower. idk guys. maybe im just thinking too much abt hockey goalies.
— he tends to be extremely underestimated as he comes across a bit dumb and generally has a pretty positive outlook on life which people confuse for him being naive when that isn’t the case. but he’s found he can use that it his advantage and that sometimes, people will tell him things they think he can’t understand but he hears and remembers everything. it’s helped him out of a few difficult situations before.
— i feel like he has a bit of ethan dolan’s personality & dumbass energy idk guys...
— live in the moment kind of dude. his motto is probably like : you just gotta know what you want to do next. i mean looking back on his life it’s been pretty crazy and that’s only solidified his outlook that like, you really can’t control too much. just let it go where it takes you.
— people do like him though and they like talking to him for whatever reason. generally has pretty trustworthy vibes but he’s more slippery than he comes across. he’s a selfish person at heart and always has his own best interests in mind, even if it doesn’t seem that way at first.
— extroverted. i think ??
— 6′1″. chocolate brown eyes. curly brown hair. he has a lithe but extremely fit build due to his career. his core strength is especially impressive. 
— he has a monochromatic lineart tattoo of a rose on his left forearm / wrist and a butterfly ( again monochromatic & just lineart ) on his right shoulder. small scar at the base of his neck by his ear from an unfortunate hockey accident.
— needs glasses but usually only wears contacts unless he’s in his apartment late at night.
— he’s not overly fashionable, going more for comfort than how he generally looks. on a regular day, he’s probably got the whole... college athlete look going if you know what i mean. a big fan of mirrored aviator sunglasses. wouldn’t know what dressing up meant even if it slapped him in the face.
first and foremost i want to say that i like to vibe and brainstorm with people to come up with unique connections between our characters but here are a few ideas:
— the singer whose tour he danced on — singer whose music videos he’s been in — mayhaps even actors for that tv show / movie he was in ( v small role but whatevs. maybe they just Vibed yknow ) — flirtationship 😔 — always ye ol good hookup l o l — we keep running into each other idk maybe we should talk ??
          hey guys, i’m ollie. my intros are either written really eloquently or a big mess bc im trying to rub together a couple braincells at 1 am and whatever comes out, comes out. no need to guess which category this one falls into lmAO. anyway, i’m a slow plotter bc i’m easily overwhelmed trying to do too many things at once but i swear i will try to get to as many people as i can. and yeah this entire character is inspired by my love of world of dance don’t @ me... if u made it all the way down here u should watch this bc 😳 & mikey has the same athleticism and strength.
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we fixed hsm
here are our 3 page fanfic plans
Troy & gabriella break up after like a month in college. Gabriella is around people smarter than her for the first time in her life & she’s really struggling & he doesn’t understand what she’s going thru & she realizes that he’s not that empathetic & bad at communicating. She’s single for like a year just adjusting to college & making new friends & figuring out who she is after hs & also not putting her entire identity in her intelligence. She tries out for theater & they’re like “you’re not that good at singing” & she’s like “never mind” bc she liked it because it was with her friends in the first place. She finds community elsewhere & eventually is in a more fulfilling & communicative & mature relationship
Troy is having a lot of trouble bc being a student athlete isn’t enough at FUCKING BERKELEY!!! And he’s having trouble at school. He also isn’t getting lead roles in the theater program bc it’s like. A hobby as opposed to his major/career path. He has to learn to like things without being the best at them & also communicate w people better. He’s no longer super special and the focal point of everything. He immediately tries to rebound by getting a new gf & she realizes right away that he just wants her to love him and pay attention to him and solve his problems and is like “fuck that dude go to therapy”. He goes to the school therapist which sucks but he finds a good therapist & like. Improves as a person lol. He has to think more abt the experiences of others and not need to have everyone love him all the time. He gets a dog -- good for him bc he has to be responsible for the life of something else but also dogs are very affectionate
Sharpay goes to UA & at first loves it bc she’s the star but then is super underwhelmed & depressed. She talks to Ryan and he’s like “you know you can just transfer” and she’s like “wow i’m so smart i’ll just transfer”. After like a semester she transfers to a different school with a good theater program (not Juliard tho). She has a good mentor figure who’s a prof who’s like “your ambition and drive are good things actually especially bc ur a woman and will be told that ur awful & bossy for standing up for yourself.” she makes her first real friend other than her brother (i am So sad) in a theater class-- not someone who worships her but like an actual human connection. Specifically a girl who she respects & doesn’t feel she has to compete with. She has a learning moment when her friend gets the lead role and Sharpay is genuinely proud of her and she realizes she wouldn’t have been suited to that part and that she doesn’t have to be the center of attention all the time. She learns to derive self worth from her love of theater instead of from everyone validating her. Also her friend is goth & tells her that all the pink she wears is bad. They both initially loved the theater bc they wanted to be accepted but learn together that they can just find worth in each other and themselves and their work. Also at one point Sharpay starts dating someone and gets really annoying and her friend is like “you’re being annoying” and they get in a fight and Sharpay is like “i don’t even like him that much but i feel like i have to be in a huge romance relationship (bc of troy and gabriella but also Society)” and this eventually leads to her realizing that she’s a lesbian and also that she has an unhealthy view of relatioships. She goes to therapy (it takes her a really long time to go but once she realizes she gets to talk abt herself she is more willing). Important that she does not date her friend (her emotional support system) but she does eventually get a gf. It takes her a long time to figure out how to be a good girlfriend and that her professional ambitions are different than her personal ambitions (she’s used to treating her relationships like a business instead of a two-sided thing where there needs to be emotional connection and both people being like vulnerable w each other)
Her and Ryan having space from each other where he can shine by himself and she feels like she doesn’t have to upstage him all the time. He feels for a long time that he can’t rely on her bc she’s a mess but eventually he texts her like 16 times in a row abt a person in his program he’s really annoyed at and she’s like “oh my god he’s ruining your show you Have to talk to the director!!!!” and it’s really helpful to just talk it out w her even if he doesn’t take her advice. It’s helpful for him to realize that it is a problem and he’s not overreacting but also that he should not take things to the extremes that Sharpay does lol. He should not poison this person. They eventually fall into a good & more balanced sibling relationship where they can rely on each other for a certain subset of things but they aren’t the only people in each others’ lives
Ryan meets other gay guys at Juliard who tell him that his hats are bad and show him how to dress not like an idiot. They’re like “it’s ok buddy. I know you were the only out guy at your high school but you don’t need to do that”. He’ll like. Do fine in college! He’s like fairly confident in his abilities and identity & good at like. Balancing career & personal life. He’s fine enough at school and doing well in his theater things. He’s charismatic and makes more good friends. He “formally comes out” to his parents in like a big thing. He choreographs it and makes Kelsey write him a song to sing. His parents are like “well we knew that but did you have to make it this much of a thing” and he’s like “yes”. His mom is generally more accepting than his dad and his dad is like “please don’t talk about this to the people at the country club” and he’s like “i… wasn’t? I don’t know these people. They’re your friends”
After college Ryan gets famous before Sharpay does and generally has a good thing going wrt doing choreography for “really important things” (he isn’t public facing)-- he’s good at choreo and also good at working with divas (thanks Sharpay i love u). He gets Sharpay a good role in a thing but he makes a big deal like “I got you an audition i didn’t get u the part u did it all yourself :)” but he totally got her the part lol in that he recommended her. She does a rlly good job tho (obvs) and does well in the spotlight bc she;s actually like. Hardworking and driven and good at musical theater. Her Big Break is in like a movie adaptation of a musical. She’s Glinda when they finally make a Wicked movie. The choreography is really good bc Ryan does it
Taylor tries to become a politician but slowly realizes that her passion for being an activist doesn’t super align with that and figures out that she wants to enact social change without like. Being a part of the system. She has a youtube channel where she talks about social issues and wears her stupid sweater vests & ties. Also she dates someone who likes women. Before she was invested in the public-facing aspect of the relationship and she learns what it means to actually have private moments of caring & how to not follow a stereotypical relationship and instead to do like. What she actually wants to. She’s bi and she dates a woman and enjoys not having societal expectations wrt how relationships are supposed to go. She dates a guy and realizes that a m/f relationship also doesn’t have to conform to societal expectations. Both are super important experiences for her even if neither are “endgame” (i love u matty)
Chad is heartbroken after Troy goes to a different school but tries to hide it/is in denial. He kind of lashes out at people who want to make friends with him and goes into a depression spiral. He eventually snaps out of it when Sharpay (who is still going to UA at this point) is like “what’s your problem?? Anyway i started going to therapy and it helped actually. Toodles!” and he’s like “what the fuck just happened” but he makes an appointment. The first session he’s like “hwatever this is stupid idk why i’m here. Whatever” and the therapist is like “yeah. Okay.” but he eventually opens up and then like. Learns to see himself as not part of a friendship or group/team and see himself as an individual. He gets over Troy, which takes him a while but he does it & we’re proud of him <3 it also takes a while to make friends who he can be emotionally vulnerable around bc he’s never really had that type of relationship before (bc he and troy are very guys being dudes & he like. Wasn’t super close w Taylor as they were p much just a relationship for show). He makes friends w both some guys and girls who aren’t all on the basketball team and has friends from lots of different places. This process takes him like. All of college.
Chad doesn’t date anyone in college and afterwards it’s super awkward bc it’s like the first time he’s actually dating someone. He ran into Ryan and they have a talk where Ryan’s like “you could’ve been my first love but you were never really emotionally available bc u were in love w a straight guy and also not confident in the fact that u are gay. Like that summer was fun but it wasn’t real” and chad is like “oh”. Ryan was like in a serious relationship at that point but didn’t mention it bc he didn’t want to feel like he was rubbing it in lol. And then Chad thinks about things. This is like during a Thanksgiving break while still in college. Chad eventually dates a guy who understands how it’s like. Hard to be gay and figuring out relationships and stuff at different life stages.
Kelsey gets negative feedback for the first time and freaks out but eventually learns that a prof who only gives positive feedback when she deserves it is good actually. She incorporates criticism and starts to write songs that don’t suck. She continues to wear awful outfits. She has a nice girlfriend who also wears awful outfits. They are an awful annoying couple but they’re happy. They do annoying theater kid things
Ms Darbus realizes that it’s bad to force her students to completely write & choreograph their own shows and stops pouring her entire life into high school theater and fixes her problems with her “legal domestic partner” whom she was feuding with
Zeke realizes that he likes Sharpay in the same way he likes celebrities and that isn’t a crush. He makes plenty of friends in college bc everyone loves a guy who brings baked goods to places. He continues doing basketball & baking as hobbies but neither is a career & he finds passion elsewhere. He loves doing whatever he’s currently doing but doesn’t have like a Thing he wants to do forever and it takes him a while to find a forever career. He ends up teaching a variety of classes at community college and is happy doing that but also he might not do that forever. He comes to terms with his “contentment w the transience of life” and is like “if i’m happy doing what i’m doing now then that’s good enough for now”. He serves as a good contrast to all of the super driven people who know exactly where they want to be (gabriella, sharpay, ryan)
We did it. we fixed high school musical
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heesgf · 5 years
basketball player! byounggon
in honour of my baby’s birthday, here’s a cute + lighthearted basketball player! gon fic that i’ve been dreaming abt for eternity :’)) as per usual, the beginning is a little slow, but it’s worth ur patience, i promise💞😚
warnings: vvvv sweet (might give u cavities), BASKETBALL PLAYER GON BEING THE HOTTEST MF ALIVE, hyunsuk bff tomfoolery (what’s new lmao) 
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in which Lee Byounggon is basketball team captain, and you’re suddenly a sports fanatic. 
             Had Choi Hyunsuk seemed a little less desperate, perhaps you wouldn’t have found yourself in a crowded gymnasium, pressed against rampant bodies, and subject to the shrieks of devoted sport fanatics.
      This morning, like any other, had started quite mundanely. You were perched against the headboard of your dorm’s single bed, doodling carelessly onto sheets of chemistry homework, while Hyunsuk mused a brightly coloured fedora in front of your full length mirror.
“Listen,” You shouted across the room, in between bites of your buttered croissant. “I invited you over to study, not to commit fashion atrocities in my dorm room.”
      Hyunsuk, still balancing the horrendous garment over his head, shot you a pained expression, and rolled his eyes in distaste. He waves his hand vaguely in your direction and grimaces.
“Says the girl wearing a shirt that says ‘caffeine queen’.”
“Hey, you asshole, my mom got me this! I think it’s cute.” You cross your arms over your chest and narrow your eyes, while Hyunsuk shakes his head deliriously. He eyes you up and down once more, and then scrunches his nose.
“Sure, Jan.” He says slowly, and you contemplate throwing the pillow wedged behind your back toward his head. You opt against it, but the look on your face might be just as scary.
You stick your tongue out. “No one says memes out loud like that, you doofus!” 
He spares you a lopsided shrug and giggles, then he breaks out into a smile and looks toward you once more.
“You’re coming to the game later, right?” He starts suddenly, and you bite your lip.
“I don’t know, Suk. I’m trying to stay focused on chem and stuff.”
      Hyunsuk launches toward your spot on the bed, and reaches his hand out toward one of your stray sheets of paper, filled to the brim with miscellaneous stick figures and, in Hyunsuk’s opinion, the worst cartoon images of a corgi he’s ever seen.
“Yeah.” He baits, swinging the paper in front your wandering eyes. “You really look like you’re invested in learning.”
“Shut up!” You mumble out in a laugh, and then you roll your eyes. Hyunsuk still waits for an answer, and you purse your lips.
“I’ll think about it. Maybe, okay?”
      Hyunsuk’s nod seems uncharacteristically tame, but there’s something about the devious look in his eyes that makes you think this conversation is far from over. When you come out of the bathroom a few minutes later, and his iron grips closes itself around your wrist, you find yourself yanked out of your room, into the hall, and most likely toward the gymnasium. In that moment, you think Choi Hyunsuk might be the worst person you’ve ever met, and the next couple hours, spent watching a college basketball game, were going to be completely unbearable.
      Two minutes into sitting on painfully cold bleachers, having popcorn spilled over your lap, and your cheek elbowed by the rowdy couple next to you, you think you might be having a basketball induced aneurysm.
      Hyunsuk is seated calmly next to you, and staring serenely into the crowd; every once in a while, he waves to someone you can’t recognize, most likely one of his teammates, and he looks back at you with a reassuring smile.
“Why are we here if you’re not even playing?” You groan, sliding your head onto his shoulder, and shutting your eyes tightly in discomfort.
“I told you, [Y/N].” He sighs into the crown of your head. “I have dance practice later. I gotta keep my calves limber. We’re here for the sportsmanship.”
      You playfully roll your eyes and feign a barfing motion. Hyunsuk pushes your head away from his shoulder and pouts.
“I don’t even know what that means and I’m still disgusted.” You retort. “Besides... what do you know about sportsmanship? Literally every time we play Mario Kart I catch you cheating.”
      Hyunsuk starts talking about how ‘you’re in great need of a chill pill’, and though you fight the urge to slap him silly, you instead find yourself staring intently at the court, eyes glazing over the lines of male athletes running drills across the gymnasium floor. As you watch, you notice the beads of sweat, the graceful strides, the cohesive movement, and as you watch, your eyes seem to close in on a particular someone—and suddenly, Hyunsuk’s words feel like they are worlds away.
      The boy is standing in the centre of the court with his hands pressed against his knees, and his eyes trailing sporadically across the room.
      His jersey, like all his teammates, is a blinding crimson, and against his honey sodden skin, a seemingly perfect contrast. His hair, slightly damp, is a disarrayed and glossy black, but something about the way it presses against his forehead, frays upward on the sides, sways lucidly when he runs, is wildly cinematic, and you think it just might consume you, like your favourite movie. On his back, there is the stark white outline of the number nine, and on the bottom, in between crinkled fabric, you think you can make out the name ‘Lee’. He’s waving his arms at a teammate, shouting something incoherent, and when the ball makes contact with his hands, his lips break out into the purest of smiles; it radiates an energy that is lively, almost impossible to miss, and completely intoxicating, even at your distance in the stands.
      When that smile transforms into the shell of laughter, there’s something about the crowd’s cheering that suddenly feels rhythmic.
“Hey.” You whisper, poking into Hyunsuk’s rib cage. “Who’s that guy over there?”
      Hyunsuk squints at your bewildered expression, and then looks onto the crowd, following the path of your eyes.
“Who? The guy in the hat? That’s coach Yang. God, I hate that guy. He’s always on my ass about making it to practice. And if you think my fashion is bad, Jesus Christ, you should see him at Sunday morning practice; crocs and socks all da-,”
“No, not him, you idiot.” You shake your head erratically. “T-the guy in the middle, look, he has the ball right now.”
“Oh.” He shrugs. “Well that’s Byounggon.”
“Byounggon.” You repeat. And then your bottom lips find it’s way between your teeth. Hyunsuk sits back against his seat, and focuses in on the game once more. And you, well you’re enamored by the rapid movements of a lanky boy with a smile that’s strikingly tender.
You think maybe basketball isn’t so bad after all.
      When Byounggon’s team wins the game, Hyunsuk tackles you in a tight side hug that feels almost violent. He is jumping up in his seat, screaming toward his teammates, and coincidentally, dragging your body with him. When he finally pulls away, and you can catch a string of fresh air, you ponder the appropriate time to start asking questions. You’re trailing down the bleacher steps when your voice finally breaks out, and your eyes are glued to the floor.
“So... when is your next game?” You ask nonchalantly.
      Hyunsuk looks at you once in confusion. Then he makes a double take. And then a triple.
“Did you just say what I think you said?” Then he waves his hands in front of his eyes and shakes his head furiously. “Nah, I must be dreaming.”
“I’m serious!” You laugh. “I wanna watch your next game. I genuinely had fun!”
      Hyunsuk still looks weary, but he nods his head halfheartedly. When you think he’s stopped looking at you, you turn your attention back to Byounggon, who is currently standing in a crowd of his teammates, and giving high fives all around. You’re distracted by the way his eyes crinkle when you hear Hyunsuk emit an amused ‘huh’, and when he points a sly finger in your direction, you know he’s put two and two together.
“I see what’s going on here.” He whispers excitedly. “You have a thing for Byounggon!”
“What? No I don’t! I don’t even know him!”
“Oh really?” He teases. “Then stop drooling over him like an animal.”
“Suk, y-you’re being ridiculous right now.”
“And would you look at that!” He whistles. The mischievous glint in his eyes makes you nauseous. “Looks like he’s coming over here, right now.”
“Hyunsuk, don’t you fucking dare. I’m serious.”
“Hey Byounggon!”
“Ohmygod.” You whine, smacking a palm to your forehead as your heart overcomes itself with panic. “I hate you. I genuinely hate you.”
      Hyunsuk rolls his eyes, and then erupts in a laugh that makes the pits of your stomach twist.
“Trust me, [Y/N]. You’re gonna love me after this.”
You think that’s highly improbable.
Byounggon is more illusive when he stands in front of you.
      Now, jogging toward Hyunsuk, tufts of raven coloured frame the cusp of his forehead, and the slight peak of his neck; his eyes narrow, but it’s far from hostile, and rather, a tinge of warm familiarity.
“Hey, you came!” Byounggon remarks, pulling Hyunsuk into a tight hug, and you realize his voice is gruffer than you would've thought.
“You guys were awesome, dude!” Hyunsuk gushes with a smile, and then he looks towards you, and gestures a hand in your direction. “This is my friend, [Y/N].”
      Byounggon’s eyes shift to meet yours. He lifts his head in your direction, and waves his hand with a shy smile.
“Hi.” You respond awkwardly, raising a hand to match his stance.
He raises a brow and grins. “Did you like the game?”
“Yeah! Yeah, you guys were all really good. I loved it!”
“Really?” He breathes out in a giggle. “Because when I was sitting on the bench I could’ve sworn I saw you sleeping?”
      Hyunsuk breaks into a hysteric fit of laughs, and you shake your head rampantly, hoping the scarlet tinge of your cheeks doesn’t give you away. There was some truth to what he said; of course, when Byounggon wasn’t playing, the court seemed a little less compelling...
“Me?” You exasperate, face still flushed. “N-no, I would never!”
“Oh yeah, dude, she totally was. In the third quarter, she was knocked out! Almost drooled.”
      You shoot Hyunsuk a glare, but he’s too caught up in his own laughter to notice; Byounggon throws his head back in a soft chuckle, then he looks back at you and shakes his head.
“Nah, I’m just messing with you.” He smooths over. “I’m glad you guys liked the game.”
      His smile, like that smile on the court, is wide and contagious. And though you��re immersed in the plans of Hyunsuk’s murder, you can feel the corners of your lips drift upward, and the soft glimmer of a smile take over. When you hear someone shout Byounggon’s name across the gymnasium floor, you’re not sure if it’s the voice of one of his teammates, or the soft call of your heart.
Byounggon looks back at the sound and smiles apologetically. “That’s me. I’ll see you guys later?”
      Before he leaves, Hyunsuk pulls Byounggon in for another hug, and you offer an awkward wave. You watch as he drifts away from you, and toward Yang Hyunsuk, who you know knew was his coach.
Damn. His style really was awful.
“See, now that wasn’t so bad, right?” Hyunsuk’s voice breaks you away from your train of thought, and on instinct, you smack him across the chest.
“Ouch! What the fuck was that for?” He groans, running his hand over the tender spot; you roll your eyes and trot forward, Hyunsuk trails behind you.
“That,” You shout. “—is for being the world’s WORST wing-man!”
“[Y/N]... You don’t mean that.”
You meant that.
      A few days later, and you’re sitting in the campus library, buried in Calculus homework. If you were being completely honest, the past few days had consisted a little too much of ‘finding Lee Byounggon’s Instagram and Facebook’ and not enough ‘finding the derivative of f’(a)’. You may not have been prepared for your upcoming midterm, but you were, however, well informed on the kind of memes Lee Byounggon liked to use on Facebook circa 2011; knowing that Byounggon was an avid watcher of Naruto made him somewhat less intimidating in real life.
      You’re still working through your Calculus workbook when the silhouette of a particular someone looms over the table, and when you look up, he’s flashing that smile that gives stars a run for their money; you think maybe his shadow made the room a little brighter.
“Hey! Whatcha’ doing?” His voice rings, and you remove a headphone from your ear.
      Byounggon is wearing a sleek black crewneck and light grey sweatpants that hang low on his waist. His hair, unlike at the game, is neatly tussled, but it still has that vibrant sheen. He’s standing at the end of the table, and looking at you curiously; at his side, he holds a black drawstring bag.
“Calculus.” You groan, and his face twists to match yours. “What about you?”
He shrugs. “On my way to practice.” 
“Through the library?”
He laughs. “It’s a shortcut.” Then he pauses, and continues. “By the way, if you like watching us play, you should come to our game this weekend.”
“Yeah, I might! I like watching you guys play, it’s kinda... surprising?”
      Byounggon scrunches his eyebrows together and tilts his head inquisitively. His gaze, at the moment, is soft and gentle; and you wonder just how much that gaze would change if you told him basketball was anything but stimulating, and it was instead the smooth curve of his lips that had kept you on the edge of your seat. But of course, you knew you couldn’t tell him that.
“Oh yeah? How so?”
Your face twists into a sideways smirk, and you think you should have a little fun. “I guess I just thought basketball players had to be tall?”
“Wow, wow, wow. I’m tall.” He argues. “Very tall.”
     Now, you lean back in your chair, and size him up and down; then you shake your head and grimace.
“Mmmm...I don’t know about that.”
Byounggon straightens his back, and at the same time, puffs out his chest. He gestures up and down, and stares at you wide eyed.
“I’m 180cm tall.” He reassures. “I measure myself everyday!”
You tilt your head. “A little obsessive, don’t you think?”
His face, while tight, breaks out into a wholesome laugh, and he bites his lower lip.
“You still don’t believe me, do you?”
“Aren’t you gonna be late for practice?”
       For a moment, Byounggon sticks his tongue of his mouth and smiles. Then he bites the inside of cheek and shakes his head at you, wagging his finger disapprovingly.
“This isn’t over.” He ventures, flashing you that smile once more. And when he walks away from your table, looking over his shoulder every so often to make eye contact, you find yourself overwhelmed with fluttering emotion.
“I’m tall!” Byounggon shouts one last time into the silent library, and various heads, all buried in books, lift to stare at the both of you. You glare at him, but the smirk that tinges on your lips tells a different story.
       You’re still staring at the library’s double door entry when Lee Byounggon leaves.
       Somehow, it’s a Thursday evening and you find yourself sitting in the bleachers of Byounggon’s basketball practice, rather than going to the gym like you had promised yourself.
       Byounggon is jogging across the gymnasium floor and running drills; he is clad in a large grey hoodie and fitted black track pants. At the end of practice, he talks with his coach, and his eyes twinge in confusion when he sees you in the stands. He grabs his bag, and while everyone trails out of the gym, he jogs toward you.
“Hey! Have you been here the whole time?” He breathes, running a hand through his dampened hair.
“No, no, I just got here a couple minutes ago. Hyunsuk kept asking me to watch him practice so... here I am!”
Byounggon bites his lips, and his eyes narrow, like he’s had a realization. His lips stretch into a smirk.
“But.” He ponders. “Hyunsuk wasn’t at practice today.” 
Your throat grows tight. “Oh.”
His smile widens, and your face flushes a deep and transparent red.
“That is... so weird!” You exclaim dramatically, but Byounggon can hear the panic in your voice, and he’s giggling. You hope he can’t see the red of your cheeks underneath the gymnasium’s orange lighting, too.
“I-I should probably get going.”
You turn your body toward the gym’s exit, and as your footsteps get heavier and heavier, you feel Byounggon’s fingers clasp onto your shoulder.
“Wait, [Y/N]! I wanted to ask you... do you wanna maybe, uh, get some ice cream?”
“Yeah.” You beam. “Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
       With some persuasion, Byounggon leads you into the boy’s change room. He sits on one of the wooden benches, in front of the row of lockers, and he fiddles with the hem of his sweatshirt.
“Just give me a second, I’m gonna change out of this, and then we can get going.”
Then suddenly, without warning, he takes his sweatshirt off, and you, are left winded at the sight of a shirtless Lee Byounggon.
Before you can marvel at the way his muscles tightly outline his abdomen, you slap the palms of your hand over your eyes, and scream.
“Jesus, can you give me a warning before you take your shirt off like that?” You groan, eyes still shut tightly through the protection of your fingers. Byounggon, now shrugging a fresh black t-shirt over his shoulders, chuckles deeply into the empty locker room, and the heavenly sound bounces off the walls. You know he’s coming closer because you can hear the sound of his footsteps, and your warm cheeks seem to fire up again. He outstretches a hand onto the crown of your head and ruffles your hair.
“You’re cute.” He says affectionately, and you suddenly think your hands would be better suited if they covered your cheeks, and not your eyes.
“I am not letting you buy butter pecan that’s disgusting.”
“What’s wrong with butter pecan? It’s like... sweet and savory.”
“Ohmygod, I’m gonna barf.”
       Byounggon sits back onto his chair and shoves another spoonful of butter pecan ice cream into his mouth, and you playfully gag in response. He’s laughing and rolling his eyes, but in the sparkling daylight, he still looks like something out of a spring catalogue. The sky’s vivid blue is complementary to the golden hue of his skin, and against the rosy pink of his lips, you think butter pecan might not be so bad.
      The two of you are sitting on the patio of an ice cream shop just off of campus, and maybe it’s the vibrancy of the sun, or the sugar high, but the scenery seems to amplify every emotion you feel. The pots of summer flowers at the shop’s entryway makes your anticipation grow tenfold, but the winding music of passing shop vendors soothes your beating heart with every note.
“Wait, hold on sec.” Byounggon mumbles.
      He leans forward into the patio table and his face, only centimeters from yours, makes your breath hitch in the back of your throat. His eyes are focused on something you can’t quite capture, and he outstretches a tentative hand to the side of your face. His fingers brush against the expanse of your jaw, and instinctively, you nuzzle into his touch. You think he might kiss you, because there are twinkling hearts where his eyes should be, and you feel your lips part in preparation. Byounggon’s fingers latch onto a single strand of your hair, and he twiddles with the bottom in between the pads of this thumb and index finger.
“You had ice cream in your hair.” He explains quickly, and then he moves back to his original position, and you hope you don’t look too disappointed.
“O-Oh.” You laugh. “Thanks.”
“So are you gonna come to the game tomorrow?”
“I think so.”
“I hope you do.”
      The smoothness in Byounggon’s reply makes chills run up and down your spine, and your eyes widen ever so slightly. He notices the rashness of his words and before you can respond, the words rush out of his mouth.
“B-because Hyunsuk!” He interjects. “I uhhh... know he’d be really bummed if you didn’t come.”
        Maybe it’s the vibrancy of the sun, or the sugar high, but you suddenly feel a rush of confidence spring through your body. Lee Byounggon may have been illusive, but he was always so candid, too; you could hear it in the airy quality of his laugh, like he’s gasping for oxygen, like he’s searching for answers, like he’s uncertain; uncertain about you.
You grin at him, and he licks his lips expectantly.
“Nice save, Gon.”
He looks down at his fingers.
“I’ll be there,” You bite your lip. “For sure.”
He looks up again.
      As you walk away from Byounggon with lips perched in a shameless smile, the giddy feeling in the pits of your stomach just might consume you. He’s still staring when you look over your shoulder, and if you listen close enough, you think you can hear him whispering to himself in complete elation;
      ( Later that evening, you are home in your dorm and deconstructing the events that occurred only minutes prior, and your heart palpitates in your chest. It isn’t until you change into your pajamas when you notice it; a crumpled frock of red fabric shoved into your backpack.
      Your mind races when you guess what it might be, but the feelings don’t set in until you unfold the red fabric, and the stark white outline of the number nine greets you with a blinding sheen. Blinding like those eyes, Ike that smile.
His jersey.
      You don’t know when he’d put it there, or how, but those questions seem irrelevant when you push the material against your nose and breathe his soft scent; like spearmint and timber. You throw yourself against your bed and grin wholeheartedly.
That night you dream of Byounggon.
And now you think he might be dreaming of you, too. )
       You decide to wear Byounggon’s jersey underneath a sweatshirt because it all feels a little too cliche. Well, that, and because you don’t think you’ll be able to take Hyunsuk’s incessant teasing when your heart is beating out of your chest.  
      The gymnasium, like usual, is filled to the brim with amped-up sports fanatics, and if you squint your eyes, you think you can make out the face of Coach Yang standing across the court. (Although, you really wish you hadn’t; his sense of fashion seemingly degrades by the day.) This time, Hyunsuk is warming up with the rest of his teammates, with Byounggon, and you are sitting alone on the bleachers with a tight smile.
      You watch as Byounggon looks into the crowd, once, twice over, and when he finally makes contact with you, you watch as his eyebrows push together in subtle concentration. He beams a sideways grin, but it’s not quite as full as you’re used to. That’s when you push down the collar of your sweatshirt, reveal the patch of scarlet fabric beneath, and you think Lee Byounggon might look happier than he would have if he won this game.
      Moments later, Hyunsuk pushes himself next to Byounggon, catches your eye, and begins to wave erratically. Then he takes in your expression, and then Byounggon’s, and he nods slyly at you, wiggling his eyebrows. He’s worlds away, and yet, you give in, laughing with full vigor.
      You know Byounggon’s team has won the game when Hyunsuk removes his jersey off his body and flings it into the air, and then he screams like a madman across the court (somehow, over the crowds’ cheering). Byounggon, on the other hand, hugs his teammates, and once the chaos settles, he turns to look at you.
      You are standing in the bleachers, your sweatshirt now long gone, and the bright red of his jersey, on you, gives him butterflies. Since his victory, you’ve been jumping in the stands with the rowdy onlookers beside you, and for the first time ever, you think you might’ve actually enjoyed a basketball game. When Byounggon waves a hand at you, you take it as a sign, and run down countless steps, all the way to court-side where he stands waiting eagerly.
“Congratulations!” You shout, and he’s surprised when you fling yourself into his outstretched arms. His fingers intertwine in your hair, and he laughs onto the top of your head, placing a small kiss at it’s crown.
“Thank you.” He mumbles into your hair; a gesture with such tenderness, you feel yourself overridden with energy.
      Byounggon pulls away after a few moments, and his hands are still clasped tightly at the small of your back, yours around his neck. He doesn’t let go. Now, you’re staring intently into his eyes, remarking the scarlet hue of his cheeks—from the game, or this moment, you’re not sure—Byounggon doesn’t close the space between your lips because he’s too busy immersing himself in the gentle sparkle of your eyes; so you take it upon yourself, and kiss him amorously.
      His lips, thought slightly chapped, are fervent against yours, and part with a tenacity you’ve never quite encountered. You sigh into his mouth, and he softens his lips, brushing gently over yours; it’s chaste and sweet. You pull away when you feel your body grow weak, and you realize when you’re kissing Byounggon, breathing feels like a second priority.
       He is gasping into the hot air of the gymnasium, and you are biting your lips, hands still loosely clasped around his neck. His hands slide from the base of your jaw and toward your cheek, pinching softly.
“I hope that was okay.” You whisper. He moves his lips to your ear.
“It was perfect.”
       Before you can sigh in relief, hug him tighter, kiss him more, you can see Hyunsuk approaching through the corner of your eyes. He runs toward you with his lips outstretched into a wide grin, and as he comes closer, he opens his arms and envelops the two of you in a group hug.
“I take credit for every part of this.” Hyunsuk states with glee, and you smack him upside the head.
He flicks you against the forehead. “I’m way too happy to complain about your abuse right now.”
       And though the three of you erupt in boisterous laughter, and you shake your head fiercely into their embrace, you think there might be a layer of truth to Hyunsuk’s words. Had Choi Hyunsuk seemed a little less desperate, perhaps you wouldn’t have found yourself at that first game, pressed against rampant bodies, and subject to the boy who you now swore had your heart.
       You may not have been the sports fanatic you envisioned, and now, after all this time, maybe you still weren’t; but you did like Lee Byounggon. And now, every time you count to ten, the number nine feels a little bit warmer.
a/n: if u made it this far, thank u so much for reading!! im sorry this is mostly plot driven and not necessarily beautiful writing, but i just wanted to post smth cute for gon’s bday!! as always, feedback is appreciated, and ilu all!!! 😚😚💞
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