#i need to clean.... but its so hard to walk up and down stairs augh
traitor-lord · 2 years
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my executives, theyre dysfunctioning-
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mooleche · 5 years
A Story of Ink and Venom - Chap. 6
A/N - Another long chapter, forgive me! Just a forewarning that there’s death involved and blood! But this is where the fun really begins! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Taglist - @leo-writer @master-sass-blast
Just be ready.
Those words hung in my head all day, invading my thoughts like a swarm of angry bees that refused to let up. I sat in class staring blankly ahead, the professor's words going in one ear and out the other as he attempted to teach, but the class was alive with whispers of what happened last night.
“I heard it had, like, 3 rows of teeth,” a girl nearby whispered. Her friend gave a small gasp in response.
“I heard it got ahold of someone and pulled them apart like a mozzarella stick-” another voice, male this time, murmured with amusement into the sea of whispers. A noise of disgust followed with the sound of someone slapping his arm in response.
“Augh, don’t be gross!”
I grimaced and tried to focus on my drawing again, feeling my discomfort return as I saw the piece I had been absentmindedly working on throughout the period. It was of the creature from last night, eyes narrow with excitement and mouth set in that terrifying toothy grin it had revealed before-
A loud snap erupted in the room and I looked down to find my pencil now broken in two. My hands, hidden once more by their gloves, were now shaking and my breath labored as I emerged from my trance. Looking back up I saw that half the class was staring at me now, surprise etched on some faces, disgruntled looks on others as I had interrupted their concentration. Ahead of me, the professor looked surprised, starting towards me with concern on his weary face.
“Is something wrong, Miss Knight?”
“No, I... Sorry…,” I hesitated, taking to shoving my belongings in my bag and hightailing it out of the room before he could question me further. It wasn’t like I was going to miss anything that he had said anyway as class was almost over. Hearing all the rumors was just...getting to me. They hadn’t been there, it was only reasonable that this would have been the talk of the town today. But it also meant reliving it, something I wasn’t ready to reconnect with so soon.
Exiting the building I was greeted by the onslaught of rain the sky had been threatening to come down all day. By the time I was halfway back I was soaked, my thoughts immediately turning to Queen and how she was fairing in this weather. I picked up the pace, cursing as I realized I hadn’t had enough time to toss on the cover I had before leaving. Now I risked a wet butt on the journey home later tonight.
What was usually a 10-minute walk now felt like ages as I watched the clouds darker and more ominous overhead. But something also felt off, strange, as I trekked across campus to get back to the safety of the labs. It felt like someone was watching me, a feeling that only intensified as I dared to turn around only to be met with fellow peers hurrying to get out of the rain. I risked standing still to search who, or what, could have been me stalking in this weather but found nothing but droplet covered glasses in return. Now even more on edge, I hurried for the familiarity of the office building, fishing frantically for my keycard.
Suddenly the door swung open with Barry beckoning me in on the other side. Seeing his short, stout figure again after so many hours had me flabbergasted, yet relieved.
“You’re still here?” I blurted in surprise, a deep chuckle erupting from him at my question.
“Ah yeah, and it’s a good thing too because I managed to save ol’ Queenie there before it got too bad. Hope you didn’t mind me poking around,” he added sheepishly as I turned an looked outside. Now behind the safety of the door, I saw that Queen had been covered to avoid the rain and I turned back to him with a relieved smile.
“How could I mind when you did me a huge solid?”
“Aww, it was nothin’, it’s been slow today due to the storm. Renato asked if I could stay a few extra hours today, and you know I can’t say no to him after all he’s done for me,” he admitted as we took to the stairs to meet him.
It was then that I remembered the strange relationship they shared that was similar to mine and many others. Barry’s wife was also a mutant. He didn’t voice this often. Not because he wanted her to be kept a secret - he was anything but quiet when expressing his admiration for his wife - but because it was hard to trust people with something like that. Hell, he still didn’t know that I was one. To him, I was still just Renato’s trusty courier who only found out about his wife after a surprise delivery to his home. I’d say it made us closer but Barry was just a friendly old man to begin with, so much so that he was an employee favorite here in the building.
He now looked at me with his big bushy brows and frowned. “Are you alright, Miss Knight? You know, from last night...” he asked gently as we headed down the stairs side by side. I was so caught up in the moment prior that for a second I had forgotten the worries of last night. Seeing him watch me with worry etched into his features now I shrugged and offered a weak smile.
“I’m about as alright as I can be currently,”
“Sometimes that’s all we can manage, and that’s okay,” he reassured me as we stepped into Renato’s lab. I went to nod in agreement but was cut short as I saw the condition of the room, now barren of any proof that he had ever worked here. All that remained was Leviathan’s ominous tank in the corner of the room and a box of what looked like science knick-knacks that sat at his desk that lacked even his trusty computer.
“What the hell…?” I whispered in awe as we wandered farther into the room. It had been clean before, but now it was pristine. Beside me, Barry seemed just as surprised.
“Professor said he’d be taking a bit of a break from here but I didn’t think it’d be like this,” he whistled, his attention turning to the tank that he now eyed with curiosity. “I do wonder how he’ll be handling this though...”
“Hey Barry, don’t do that-”
“Yes Barry, I wouldn’t advise it,” Renato’s voice ran in the air, both of our startled appearances turning to find his lanky frame juggling an umbrella and drinks in one hand while the other held a bag from the coffee shop across the street. I hurried over to help him from painting his lab coat with what smelled like coffee and he gave a sigh of relief. “Thank you. Figured you hadn’t eaten yet. And a coffee for you,” he murmured softly as he removed a styrofoam cup from its holder to present to Barry who accepted graciously.
“Trying to win us over with food,” I teased as he rummaged through the bag to present a fancy salmon bagel in my direction. As many questions as I had for him, I couldn’t deny the fact that I hadn’t eaten since last night, my stomach protesting in agony in case I forgot. My joking facade changed as I noticed his hand now shaking and I frowned up at him. “Have you slept at all since we last spoke?”
“Haven’t had the time, I wanted to be sure I was ready when you arrived…,” he admitted softly before attempting to stifle a yawn.
I scowled at this. “Listen, man, as much as I’d love for you to return as soon as possible, I think it’s safe to say you’re in need of a nap before coming back,”
“I’m inclined to agree with Miss Knight,” Barry joined in, bushy mustache twitching as he took a sip of his coffee. “No offense. Hughes, but you look like hell,” he admitted while shuffling past him and giving him a gruff pat on the shoulder. “Give me a holler when you’re about to leave, I’ve gotta make rounds. ‘Preciate the coffee!”
I watched with an amused smile as he stumbled forward, clearly too tired to brace himself for the gesture before he scowled to no one in particular. Whether it was because Barry had used his first name or that he had to accept how tired he was I didn’t know. What I did know was that he now knew we were right, he just didn’t want to admit it.
Hearing his name mentioned caught my attention as well, especially when that man, Phobus, had called him something else earlier. They hadn’t matched.
Something was off about it.
“So Hughes, huh? I feel like I need to put this under the ‘Things I’m Not Supposed to Know’ files.” I joked carefully, watching him saunter towards his last box before halting and turning to me. Despite looking tired he was suddenly on guard.
“I trust you to keep that to yourself,”
“I mean obviously, though I guess I have to ask: Why are you so secretive about it? And that name that the creep used, Darw-”
“Don’t,” he interrupted in a stern tone before I could even get it out. I looked at him in surprise, taken aback at how quick he was to dismiss the name before and how rapidly the atmosphere of the room had changed.
Seeing my face he sighed and removed his glasses. “That’s a name I don’t use anymore and I would prefer not to speak of it,”
“Ah. Right, I get it. Sorry,” I apologized quickly, watching his demeanor change from uncomfortable back to weary at my words. As much as I wanted to leave it alone it only seemed to raise more questions in me. Why did the name bring him so much grief? And why did this man Phobus go to such trivial lengths to get back to him? None of it was making sense.
I jumped as Renato’s hand squeezed my shoulder and brought me back. He was now staring down at me with red, exhausted eyes before cracking a faint smile.
“I know it’s a lot to ask of you, especially considering the circumstances, but do you think you can wait a little longer to hear my story?”
“This better be a good background story if I’ve got to babysit that from some edgelord science freak coming to take Levi,” I smirked while nodding towards the tank. The fear from earlier began to creep back slowly even mentioning it because I knew what lurked inside. Renato looked at the tank and sighed heavily in response. As much as I had reamed him for what he had done he seemed to be his own worst enemy from his earlier actions.
“It’s one for the books,” he responded softly before he began to gather his remaining things. He hung by Levi’s tank with a solemn look on his face before turning to me and studying me.
“Are you absolutely sure you want to do this? Barry is more than capable of keeping an eye out,” he offered once more. A rumble of thunder rolled above us and I shrugged my shoulders, pointing to the ceiling.
“One, if anything is going to keep freakazoid away it’s going to be the storm. Two, I think Levi is more of a threat than him this point, but my point still stands. Go do what you need to do, we’ll hold down the fort here and for the love of God take a nap! Can’t have you blasting through the building because you decided to sleep at the wheel…,” I added, playfully easing him to the door before he dug his heels against the tile to stop only to release a sigh of annoyance.
“Hold on, Nina. There’s something about him you need to know. Phobus isn’t a man to be listened to or have your guard down around, not even for a second-”
“Alright, alright. You done yet?” I asked, rather crossed now. I knew he was trying to prepare me for the worst but I don’t think he realized the fear he was building in his desperate attempts to warn me. He rolled his eyes and nodded reluctantly, shifting with his box as he inched slowly out of the sliding doors.
“Fine. I’ll be back as soon as possible and then it’s straight to Xavier's School-”
“Hang on,” I stopped him, tugging him back by his lab coat to playback what he had just said. “Charles Xavier?”
“And you’re going to his School for Higher Learning?”
“Yes, Nina. Is there something wrong with that?” he asked, confusion melding into his tone. My stomach gave a jolt of excitement at the confirmation. If he was going maybe I could-
I shook the thought away.
“No, nothing. I just didn’t know you knew him like that...,” I answered quickly before he could suspect the actual reasoning behind my sudden interrogation. He frowned at this and seemed to drift off into thought.
“I swear I told you that was where my colleague resided. His lab is miles ahead of mine so it’s only logical to go there to get answers,” he added with a hint of envy before shaking his head and backing out of the room once more. “Regardless, I’ll be able to discuss more once he’s in safer care. Remember, don’t uncover him unless it’s necessary and keep your phone handy-”
“I got it, don't feed the gremlin after midnight, don't collect $200, yadda yadda, just get outta here, man!" I called, already making myself a spot at one of the tables as I peeled off my gloves and hoodie to dry, donning a damp black tank top underneath.
I took to setting up my phone to play some music while I unpacked my belongings, determined to keep my mind off of the lurking sensation of fear that grew in the corner that was Levi’s tank. It was fine, I reassured myself, everything was going to be fine. Barry was here in case anything happened, my phone was charged and I had things to keep me busy. All I had to do was hunker down for the night and await Renato’s valiant return.
That had been almost 5 hours ago.
I now stood in the middle of the room holding a golf ball size ball of ink running it around my palm as Bambi made a noise of disgust over the speaker.
“Seriously? Pulled apart like a mozzarella stick? Ugh,” she groaned as I recounted what happened earlier in the day. I had only lasted an hour by myself before boredom took over and I called, since then we had managed to talk about everything an nothing. Pulling apart the ball like slime I smiled at the sudden silence.
“You’re thinking about mozzarella sticks now, aren’t you?” I asked.
There was a moment of silence before she begrudgingly whispered ‘Yes,’ and I snickered. This was why we were best friends. She was always able to turn a bad moment good, and that’s what I needed most right now.
“Now hold on,” she started, her tone turning serious suddenly. “Renato told you he was going to Xavier’s mansion and you didn’t offer to go with him??” she asked earnestly as I rolled the ink sludge back into a ball and chucked it at the nearby wall. I fully expected it to come bouncing back, hoping somehow the hammer had just been a fluke. Instead, it shattered against it like a crystal and I cursed under my breath.
“Uh, yeah. What was I going to say? ‘Hey I have the hots for a professor there and I want to tag along’?”
“That’s exactly what you say! He owes you after this, especially after hearing about that guy. What was his name again?”
“Phobus. And...you’re not wrong,” I agreed as I pressed my hand against the floor where the shattered pieces lied to summon the ink back, risking one more attempt to work on my control. As much as I was now uncomfortable with the idea of doing any more superhero shenanigans the fact that my weapon had broken so easily rubbed me wrong. It meant I was getting weaker, and that was something I couldn’t afford to happen. “I just think it’s bad timing is all,”
A soft impatient sigh came from Bambi as I began to roll up another ball.
“Time isn’t real, Neeners, just ask half the villains that try and take over this stupid city. That said, can you please go ask this man out so I can hear the deets on what he’s packing?” She asked as I reared my arm back and gave a hefty swing forward. The question took me so off guard that I only had a moment to ask ‘What?’ before feeling the ball smack into the side of my head.
The bright side was that my powers weren’t weakening. The bad side was that it hurt like hell to find out. I heard the lab's doors slide open and Barry’s hurried footsteps amidst Bam’s laughter. His worried voice followed.
“Knight? You alright?? What in the world happened?”
“Didn’t expect that to bounce back so hard…” I admitted embarrassingly as I straightened myself. The ball was nowhere to be found now and Barry took my arm to sit me down in a nearby chair to fix myself. I tried to smile and ignore Bambi’s snickering in the background but inside I wanted to die from embarrassment. “What’s up? Any update?”
“‘Fraid not. It’s just gettin’ a bit late and it’s raining cats and dogs out there. Thought maybe he had given you an update so I came down to ask. Glad I did,” he chuckled softly while checking his watch, his brows narrowing at the time. I looked at my screen to find it was now nearing 10:30. Everyone else had been well gone by now, gone to try and beat the thick of the storm. We watched as the overhead lights flickered as they had been since the storm worsened and I shook my head, the uncertainty creeping on me again. Before I could sink any deeper into my paranoia he took one of my hands, brows raised high as he inspected my fingertips and I froze. “What’s going on with your hands? Are you alright?”
“Ahh, charcoal project, that’s all!” I answered quickly, motioning to my supplies that lay scattered across the table. He seemed hesitant to believe me at first, as there was no charcoal drawing to back up my reasoning, but eventually gave up on whatever hypotheticals he had and nodded.
“You kids and your projects. I better not see any of that on the wall,” he scolded playfully, using his best dad tone before looking hesitant. “You sure he hasn’t said anything?”
I shook my head in response.
“Nothing. I’m sure he’ll be back soon though, maybe he just forgot to set an alarm or something,” I tried to reassure him, nudging him playfully. He only shrugged in return.
“I sure hope so, I was hoping to see Jodie before she headed to bed. Ah well, holler if you need me, alright? I’m gonna do one more sweep around the building,” he smiled as he headed for the doors. I nodded and waved, a sigh of relief leaving me as he departed once more. As soon as he was out of sight I scrambled to toss my hoodie back on, grimacing at the slight dampness to it but relieved that I could once again hide my hands.
“That was close…” I whispered as I took to the floor to search for the magical ball that had succeeded in not smashing on impact. Bam seemed less than enthused at the conversation that had taken place.
“He’s not back yet? Isn’t that a little worrisome?”
“Like everything, except for science, Renato is really bad about contact. I’m sure he just forgot to tell us he was on the way back,” I reasoned, trying to keep my own morbid theories at bay.
She did not seem so convinced. “And you’re sure you don’t want us to come? I mean Ava’s out...doing Ava things and Benni is doing...questionable Benni things on her computer but I’m totally ready, just as soon as I get this face mask off...and put on some clothes…”
“Bam I’m fine, really,” I laughed, a noise of victory escaping me as my sights settled on the black ball lurking by Renato’s desk. “I’ve got Mitski playing, Barry’s been checking on me all night and Levi hasn’t made a peep since...well, earlier. It’s fine!”
“I still can’t believe that,” she admitted, hearing her shift in her bed. “That guy sounds like a psycho but Renato doing that…”
“I know, I know. I’m still reeling over it too but I mean...it’s done, right? I’d rather not have this dork get his hands on Levi if he’s that crazy,”
“But what are you going to do, Nina?” Bambi asked suddenly, the tone in her voice direct and serious. “He saw what happened yesterday, what if he actually comes? He knows you can’t defend yourself-”
“He’s not coming so can you just chill out?” I snapped a little too abruptly, crossing my arms at the uncertainty of my own words. I knew it had been too harsh, but the sudden memory of that twisted smile made a chill run down my spine. I didn’t want to think about the what-if’s, what would happen if he did come because she was right.
I wasn’t prepared.
“Listen, I’m sorry but I’m already a little shaken up and this isn’t helping…” I began, but found myself jumping in fear as a crack of thunder shook the glass and the room went black. The few seconds in the dark were sheer terror as I scrambled to find my phone, moments later a red emergency light flickered on over the door and I inhaled sharply. “I hate you, Bambi. I really hate you.”
“What? What happened?? If you’re going to hate anyone hate that guy Thor-”
“No...we lost power,” I whispered, fumbling for my phone's flashlight. The red light from above casting ominous red shadows over everything was not helping me keep calm. The shadows moving in the corner of my eyes were no better as I felt the room grow heavy with my fear.
From up above I heard Barry’s muffled voice call down. “You alright, Nina?”
“I-I’m fine! Is everything okay?” I called back up. Soon I saw the light of his flashlight bounce against the stairs, a feeling of brief relief washing over as he poked his head from around the corner. He had his flashlight in one hand and nightstick in the other held at the ready, and if we hadn’t been in such a frightening situation I would have laughed at how ready he was to take on anything.
“Probably just a blown generator. Not surprised with this weather,” he assured me, but the suddenly heavy booms against the entrance door had us both eyeing one another with uncertainty.
“You don’t think…?” I began to ask, a look of suspicion on Barry’s face as he seemed to debate going to the door.
“Could be the Professor. As far as I know, key cards won’t work while we’re running on a battery, conserving power or some mumbo jumbo,” he explained gruffly as if trying to convince himself we had nothing to worry about. He held a hand out to me to wait as I tailed behind him, unsure of what to do. “You hang on down here just in case.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing, power outage just has us spooked,” he chuckled carefully before I watched his timid frame head up the stairs. I clutched my phone with growing unease as I waited for a sign that things were alright.
“You still there, Bam?” I asked quietly. Her breath was sharp as she exhaled.
“I’m here, what’s up?”
“Someone is at the door, Barry’s checking now-”
“Oh hell no, Nina. This is a horror film in the making, get out of there while you still can!” she protested, panic rising in her voice. Above there were muffled voices speaking but no matter how hard I tried to listen I couldn’t make out what they were saying. My screen suddenly lit up as another call came in and my heart leaped in my throat.
It was Renato.
“Bam I have to go,” I whispered softly before she could protest, switching over to the next line hastily where Renato was already talking a mile a minute.
“Nina, go now,” he ordered, his voice cold and filled with an emotion I had never heard from him: Fear. “Find whatever you can to put Levi in and get out of there. He’s coming and I won’t make it in ti-” he started but was drowned out by the sound of muffled shouting above followed by a loud crash. My hands began to shake as the thuds of bodies wrestling against the ground grew with an intensity before a gunshot rang through the air, followed by the guttural noises of someone struggling to catch their breath.
“Nina...Nina go! Run,” I heard Barry’s pained moans beg before a wail of agony echoed through the air. The room was suddenly spinning as I tried to regain control over my thoughts. Was Barry dead? Was this mystery assailant really Phobus coming here to get what he wanted?
“Nina!” Renato’s voice shouted from the phone, snapping me back into reality and I held it up to my ear.
“Professor, I think Barry is dead…,” my voice quivered, unable to keep it steady as I heard the slow tatter of footsteps above of someone regaining their footing. He only cursed in response, as if coming to terms that this situation had gone completely out of control.
It was then that I realized I only had a matter of seconds before the mystery assailant would be coming down to find me and that I had to act fast.
I searched for something, anything to use to scoop Levi in. “Couldn’t have spared a container during your big move…?” I tried to joke to keep the growing tears at bay, but inside all I wanted to do was scream.
“I...I’m almost there. There’s an emergency exit near the back offices, do you remember where?”
“I think so…,”
“Good, do you think you can make it there?”
“I don’t know,” I whispered as the steps grew louder. My eyes scanned his desk desperately, trying to find anything to use before falling on an old coffee pot. Without thinking I dove for it, dropping my phone in the process before ripping off the dark sheet. The dark made it almost impossible to see anything in the tank, but I knew the little crustaceans shape when I saw it as it turned on me and began to swell once more. “Please don’t do this, please…,” I begged softly, blood pounding in my ears as all I could focus on were those steps that neared the steps at a frightening pace. I felt my nose begin to gush blood, watching it drip haphazardly into the water before I was finally able to scoop him into the pot and grimacing at the feeling of its skin. It was slimy and cold, and I felt something wrap around my finger before I shot my hand back out in fear.
There was no time to dwell on it though as a chuckle filled the air outside.
My time was up.
“Don’t tell me he left his little pet to take care of his messes,” a voice that I now pieced together as Phobus’ echoed through the air, a hint of excitement ringing through. “Like what I did with the place? A simple smash to the fuse box and no one’s the wiser during this.” he continued as another crack of thunder shook the foundation. My only rational thought in this moment was to hide under the desk before he could make it into the room, no longer able to get my phone and out of time to escape. I listened as the door slid open and he stepped through, a sigh of pity following.
“Not talking now? That’s a shame. I had so many interesting things I wanted to share with you,” he called to me, feigning sadness as I listened to his steps grow closer and then pause. I swear, between the ferocity of my heart hammering against my chest and the absolute mess I was making from the water splashing against my hoodie he was going to find me. Instead, I listened as he picked my phone up, Renato’s voice still on the line before hearing it smash against the tile and I grimaced.
Seconds later I felt the desk screech and a whimper of fear escaped me before I could stop myself, a pleased chuckle erupting from above.
“Found you, come out before I have to force you out,” he ordered gently, though his tone told me he wasn’t going to ask again. My whole body went rigid with fear as I struggled to stand, sliding the coffee pot out of sight before I straightened myself and focused at the barrel of the handgun he held. “Was that so hard?” he asked softly, but I couldn’t control the panic inside, now forming into anger as I clenched my fists at my sides.
“What’s wrong with you? Why are you doing this?” I spat, a harsh laugh emerging from him as he retracted the gun and began fiddling with it like he was looking for the right words to say to me. His hair fell over his face soaked from the rain and his lip was busted open, a mark I assumed from Barry before his final moments. The thought made me purse my lips and look away.
“Why do I do this…? An interesting question to ask. I could just say that I’m a man of science, a man ‘driven to the end of his rope’ as everyone else says of me…,” he pondered loosely, rubbing the tip of his gun against his scalp as he thought.
“So all of this, these threats, the stalking, killing innocent people, it’s not because you’re searching for an answer?” I asked coldly, saying whatever I could to stall him for Renato to show with help in tow. At least that’s what I hoped as I watched him study me before rolling his eyes at my accusations.
“So he did tell you,” he murmured softly as he dared take a step closer to me. I took one back reflexively and he smirked, like he saw it as a game. “He told you I experimented on people too, right? I never, ever touched a human being.” he went on, daring to take another step towards me while studying my shaking hands with a newfound curiosity.
“I only ever experimented on mutants,”
My voice caught in my throat at his words. A part of me was furious that he had the audacity to say such a thing and not get a piece of my mind in response. But the other part, the part driven by fear, knew that he was fucking deranged and that I couldn’t tempt fate. I had to take everything he was saying with a grain of salt or I was going to find myself in Barry’s position.
“Judging from the look on your face you either know one or...you are one. Am I right?” he mused, stepping towards me once more in one fluid motion. I was so startled at his movement that I couldn’t stop myself as I staggered back, felt my leg twist over the other before I hit the ground. Soon I was looking up at his sickeningly pleased face as he squatted down and grinned. “Not every day I get to meet one of your kind, had I the time and the resources I’d love to pick your brain. Unfortunately, I’m not after you today,” he whispered as he focused his attention under the desk where the pot gave a sudden jolt.
My panic rose.
“Wait, you can’t take that. You don’t know what it can do!” I protested as I attempted to reach for it, instead being greeted with the gun once more. I froze in place, unable to do anything from this position without potentially having my brains color the walls.
“I know what it can do, I saw the look in your eyes yesterday and I knew. I knew I had to see this for myself,” he hissed before the door above burst open. Relief hit me like a freight train as I heard Renato’s voice echo from above, a scowl forming on Phobus’ face as he processed that he might not make it out like he had planned.
“Nina? Nina are you down there?” Renato’s voice, frantic as he charged down the stairs, called before he emerged through the lab's doors. He was drenched from the rain, his shoulders heaving as he took in the scene before him. His gaze fell on my fallen figure and started toward me, only to have another gunshot fire through the room as Phobus shot at the floor.
“Not another step, Darwin. I won’t let you foil my plans again,” he snapped as I readjusted myself to look at him.
“It’s okay, Professor. It’s just a nosebleed,” I tried to reassure him, ears ringing with a shrill scream from the gunshot, but he wasn’t having it. He looked absolutely furious and with good reason.
With the gun pointed at Renato now, I wondered what could be done. If Phobus saw me coming then I was as good as dead. If Renato came at him he was as good as dead.
“This has to stop, Oliver. Let go of this damned obsession you have with trying to save her while you still have time.” he seethed, hands shaking as he was forced to stand and watch at an impasse. Whatever sick joy Phobus was getting out of this entire thing suddenly left at the mention of her. Who was she to instill such a look of pure pain in him that he took a step back to hear in bewilderment even the mention of her?
Just as soon as the look came it had faded just as quickly and rage took place. I watched as he began to yell something at Renato and raised the gun to fire, all instincts taking over. I fished in the pocket of my hoodie for the ball I had been toying with earlier, using it to transform it into a thick shard that I tossed at his trigger hand. He released a grunt of pain as it connected, but he didn’t release the gun.
Instead, he aimed it at me and sneered.
“You should have let him take the shot,” he seethed before pulling the trigger.
I had no time to run, to summon something that may have saved me from the inevitable. All I heard was the bang of the gun and something hit me, a searing red hot pain growing in my chest moments later. I fell to my knees and looked down. The once happy-go-lucky saying across my chest now was now blotted out as my blood began to dye the fabric.
I heard Renato shout and his hands grip me as I began to fall. He was shaking now, eyes wide with panic as he looked at my chest.
“Nonono, Nina stay with me, okay? Breath, please,” he begged, his voice slowed as his hand gripped mine while the other attempted to stop the wound from bleeding. I tried to gasp for breath but my lungs were on fire, it hurt too much to keep trying. My eyes scanned the room to see Phobus using the distraction to escape, anger replacing the void that fear had left.
“Go,” I voiced with difficulty, staring at the door with a fury I did not realize I had. Maybe it was because I was dying, or because we were letting a Grade A asshole escape while I bled out, but I couldn’t live with the fact that he would get away with this. Not after everything I learned, and all that he had done. I looked at Renato and grimaced, nodding towards the door. “Get him,”
“I can’t do that, if I do you’ll-”
“It’s all for nothing if he runs,” I barked, the taste of iron hitting my tongue at my outburst. I was pushing myself too hard, the room blurring the longer I tried to stay awake. He stared at me long and hard before cursing and placing my hand over the wound. He promised to return and I listened as he booked it to catch up to Phobus until there was nothing but my struggling breaths left to fill the air.
I wish I could tell you I was at least proud of going out defending the town from whatever hell that man was going to unleash with Levi, but more than anything I felt regret. I hadn’t done anything heroic, I was being reckless and stupid just like the night before.
And look where it got me.
Stuck dying in a lab with Ridley Scott’s wet dream of a creature only separated by some flimsy glass.
Glass that shook and burst a few feet away and left me shutting my eyes tight as a strange unfamiliar noise greeted the air. It was wet, and whatever it was sounded large, getting louder as the distance was closed between us. Despite my heart trying to keep up with the fear growing within me I knew it wouldn’t last. My hand had already fallen to my side as I felt whatever terrifying force that used to be Levi creep up to me. My only hope now was that I died before whatever this thing was got to me first.
I opened my eyes, daring to take a look at the creature that was once Leviathan. Instead, I was greeted with pure darkness that seemed to consume any and every source of light the room once held.
Then when it was done with the light it came for me, and I no longer saw anything.
It had gotten what it wanted.
It had gotten me.
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4. I have a robot inside me.
Original prompt: https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/bo0yiq/wp_youre_a_little_slower_than_others_but_its/ If you like my story, please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/storyforger
“The whole time you have been whispering. You are scaring people off.”
“What, I did?” Walid looks at his boss. Her face is filled with wrinkles, some from old age, some from worry.
“Yes, you are also looking at Waruna. She is crying in the freezer because she thought you are still angry at her.”
Walid slaps his face a little, trying to mold it to a more presentable look. His face now has a bit of a smile, and his eyes doesn’t gaze as sharp as before.
“She already paid for the damages. After all, I wasn’t angry at all. I just...”
Now Walid’s boss is the one massaging her face, mostly around her forehead. “Whatever it is, hold it in for now okay? We are all on the rush season. I will close this bakery for a week after Festival. Deal with your problems, get a psychiatrist, or meditate or something. Okay?”
“Yes, Mdm Kamisah.”
She holds Walid’s face and smiles broadly. “Work hard. The Festival is just three days away. I promise, we will get a big fat bonus, hm?”
“Yes. Well, I need to carry the pastries.”
“Good! That’s the spirit.”
Mdm Kamisah enters the office. Walid turns to the tray of tepung puluts. The smell of glutinous rice and pandanus flour mix in the sweetmeats are alot for him to handle. Walid thinks he is going to eat it all.
If you eat it all, you will have stomach problems again!
Walid sighs. “I am carrying food,” talking to himself again.
Oh you will, see the puddle you will flip!
[I won’t wait what oh god!]
Walid slips and almost fall flat on the tray. The floor where cakes are baked is made rough to prevent slipping, but the floor to the presentation aisles are made from smooth tiles. At least the cakes are safe.
Hamid takes the tray from Walid and places it on the counter. He then lifts Walid up, whose legs spread too far for his level of joint mobility.
“God you’re heavy!”
“Oww, oww, oww, my thighs.”
Hamid steadies Walid, who is groaning slightly from the gymnastics. “Well, I’m sending the tray.”
“No, wait.” Hamid gets a dry towel and wipes the floor from the accident to the aisle until it’s dry. “Ok, go.”
Their work that day is rather hard, and all workers are tired. Walid isn’t as tired, but his limping isn’t making things more comfortable either. At least the cleanup is made easy by the dishwashers and bots.
“That’s a wrap for the day. See you tomorrow!”
“See you!”
Walid hails a Grab and lets himself be carried to his flat. The city lights are pretty at night, especially when we are sleepy. The Grab driver thanks Walid too soon. Walid grumbles his thanks and clumsily walks up the stairs.
[Oh yeah, elevator] Walid goes to the elevator only to see that it is under maintenance. “Augh! Today?” He really wants to kick the door, but the last time someone did, that is how the elevator stopped working. Dejected, Walid winds wearily to his bed and falls asleep without even changing clothes.
Yo, how’s life?
[Life-threatening, thanks to you.]
You slipped, and I’m to blame? LOL GG.
[You’re my subconscious. How do you even know what is LOL GG?]
I am not blind when you control this body. I see what you see, I learn what you learn, I am aware of what you are aware. Well, and other things.
[What do you mean?]
We. Need. Diagrams.
Walid’s dream now forms a room. It is cozy, with two blue long sofas facing each other and a lamppost standing guard next to it. The table in between the sofas has a jug of lychee drink. Walid knows it by the smell. He pours a cup and pours the liquid into his mouth. The sweetness slams his tongue, and it flows into his body, making him... happy. He sits on the sofa, drinking more lychee juice.
You like what you’re seeing?
[Yeah, pretty much.]
Now! I will introduce myself. The subconscious slithers from behind the sofa and towards Walid. It is like the root of a ginger tree, only that it has a single straight shaft and many root fibers jutting through it. One of the larger root fibers extend a hand, as if in greeting. Walid shakes it. It does not show its face.
Subconscious, glad to meet you.
[Walid, pleasure’s all mine?]
The ‘ginger root’ slithers to the other sofa, its body reclining regally upon the sofa. Tired, Walid lies down to imitate the ‘ginger root’.
I think you have a lot of questions.
[Are you a ghost? Will you kill me? Is this poison?]
No. I need you alive. I can’t really tell you what I am yet, it will only create more questions. But I am ready to show you.
Walid thinks of the ginger root unzipping its costume and a pretty woman’s leg jut out of it.
No, unfortunately, I am not that sexy. But let me show you.
[How are you going to do that?]
I am going to take over your body. Just for a day. You will have my word, you can get full control of it once I have done my business.
Walid chugs down the lychee. The entirety of his life’s lessons flash before his eyes. All his life, his parents never told him what to do when your subconscious wants to take control of your body. Don’t open the door if the parents don’t expect guests, don’t touch other people’s breasts (and dicks once he came out), don’t steal, don’t show your private parts on the internet, and most importantly, if the offer is too good to be true, turn it down and run like hell.
I am twenty and honest to God, I need an adult.
[As frightening as it is, I am an adult. I assure you, your good health and functioning body is in my best interest.]
Come to think of it, the stress of his life isn’t going away anytime soon either. He still have to work hard tomorrow at the bakery. And he had to take Chinese exam next week, just so employers will consider him a worthy job candidate. Walid pours another cup. He raises it. To the last possible day of me being the conscious mind.
[To a more fruitful Walid.]
They both chug down the lychee. Walid sees the ‘ginger root’ face for a split second before the dream ends.
The next morning, Walid finds his body to be moving to the fridge. It dips some wholemeal bread into the black coffee and sends the bread into its mouth. Walid tried to move his body but it can’t.
Ginger root, are you controlling me?
[Yes, I do. You want answers. I am in the process of showing you. But first, your body needs some fuel and coolant!]
Fuel? Coolant? I am not a robot!
[Oh you’ll understand. By the way, you have a sick leave today. Convenient!]
Convenient for what? Hey, why are we walking?
[To the Doctor!]
The body washes itself. It washes its muscular body with water, then lathers soap on it. The body cleans everywhere, including the nether regions. Walid feels a slight pain as that area is stil a bit overstretched from yesterday. Walid can feel how clean his body is. And how it hurts to almost slip again from water puddles.
The body then pats itself dry with a towel. Walid tries wipe his face a bit more but the body doesn;t listen.
Ginger root, wipe my face!
[Alright, fine!]
Walid feels the intrinsic itch to his soul scratched for now. The body wears a tight T shirt and a sports trousers. Walid always feel comfortable wearing the trousers, but the tight T shirt is chafing his nipples.
Can we get a looser shirt?
[No, I always want to show off this awesome body.]
Walid would like to huff, but it only manifests as the word ‘huff’. He spies to the side of his eyes. There are numbers and letters, some jumbled.
Are those coordinates, distance in kilometers, and name of The Doctor?
[Yes! Now be quite and observe!]
The body hails a Grab and calmly enters the car. The body chats with the driver a bit. Walid thinks the mouth is moving but the language isn’t what he is used to.
“Ni de shangban meiyou mang ma?”
“Aiya, zui mang! Quanbu ren bu yao mai che, he quanbu de shangdian hen yuan la!”
And they both laughed. This son of a bitchy ginger root, he actually knows Mandarin!
The chat ends as the car arrived before the clinic. The sign says ‘The Doctor’s Swig’. This isn’t a clinic, this is a bloody pub.
Wait! I am a Muslim, I can’t drink alcohol.
[Oh come on, we’re meeting a doctor, not drinking!]
This is a pub!
[Oh god, just watch!]
The ginger root moves the body. Well, the insides is a pub. People are eating sunflower seeds and pistachios while watching the news. And drinking beer. There is a blackboard with a chalk drawn picture of a jar and ‘Lihing Limited Edition’ hanging above the bartender’s head.
“Bear with me bro, I need a help.”
The bartender winks. “What help?”
“Health Care.”
“One sec.” The bartender gives a call. “Number?”
Ginger root gives a small paper. The bartender whispers to the phone, and burns the small paper. The bartender then whispers to Ginger Root. “The Doctor is available now. Please come in.”
The Ginger Root smiles and nods. The back of the pub has three doors. Two unisex toilets and one closet. Ginger Root presses the code and the closet door opens. He enters the room, which is littered with brooms, mops, and scoops for the dust. Ginger Root places his hand on a brick, and pushes. A door swings open, away from the body. The body bravely marches through the darkness.
The dark path isn’t very dark to Walid, but he’s still afraid. He instinctively makes command to jerk his foot, but the body remains stoic, moving forward without flinching. They make their way down some stairs and more dark alleys, some branching.
Ginger Root, where are you taking me?
[Oh I’m Ginger Root now? Well, like I always said, just watch. We have a checkup AND a job.]
Walid is too afraid to complain further.
The darkness ends at the end of the tunnel, where the body pulls the door open. Inside is a room. Bodies of men and women are hung, suspended from the ceiling with ropes and hooks.
[Stop shouting, I almost jumped!]
A young man, barely 20, rushes forward and shakes the body’s hand with much enthusiasm. “I am always honoured to service you sir.”
“Hello to you too. Please check this body first.”
“Yes, this way.” The room of bodies gave way to a few beds. Ginger Root lies the body on an empty bed, the eyes pointing upward.
“Sir, we are about to begin checkup. Please leave the body.”
And Walid lose consciousness.
Walid finds himself still unable to control his body. The body is strapping some belts and pouches.
Wait, what time is it?
[10 am. We have a mission. Rescuing hostages.]
Wait, I am not a soldier!
[I am. Sit tight, you’re my mecha. Switching off auditory output, Auxilia HI.]
Wait, don’t shut me... And Walid can only see and think, not form words. The eyes emits a small screen of the ginger root. His face like an odd, jagged, jack-o-lantern, but Walid doesn’t feel a thing from it.
[I need you to listen closely. I am on a high risk mission to rescue fellow, well, ‘ginger roots’. They are stuck in some continents away. You must trust me that I will bring us alive okay.]
Walid would like to say yes, if only from desperation.
[We may get injured. Yes, even me in this cockpit. You will have extra functions in the fight, but mostly for your brainpower. Just remember, even if you lost all four limbs, you can be repaired.]
[Switching on auditory output, Auxilia HI.]
I thought I was human! Well... if I survive whatever comes, I need a lot of questions answered.
[OK, fair enough. I need to concentrate, so... Switching off auditory output, Auxilia HI]
Ginger Root meets with a few other people. Men and women, they are well-equipped with weapons and body armour.
“Listen up, our hostage situation has turned sour. The kidnappers decided not to further negotiations, and will kill all hostages this midnight. We have to save them. We do not have to kill all of the kidnappers, but we will kill anyone standing in our way. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir!” Their voiced are lowered, but their voice are filled with fire.
“Good. We Drive Humanity Forward...”
“... So Our Survival’s Assured!”
The team raced to a truck and is driven to an abandoned building. There they dismounted and fan out to secure the perimeter. “The police has been notified of our mission and they will not stand in our way. If you see any uninfected policeman, rescue them. Reports shown that some are held hostage after a failed assault.”
“Our target is 200 meters southwest. We will have to secure a rooftop entry, Damit. Then, Hamidah, Rizal, Shafwan, you three enter first and get a foot hold. We will enter as soon as it’s clear.”
The team races to the top of the abandoned building. To the southwest, they could see three men chatting and drinking coffee on a rooftop balcony. Damit scopes with the sniper rifle. “Three men, mostly bored.”
“Are they armed?”
“No, I don’t think so, Ikhlas.”
Walid knows the name doesn’t refer to him, but Ginger Root. Ikhlas eh?
Ikhlas looks intently with a binocular. “They are, I could see their rifles resting on the wall, behind the sitting man drinking.”
“What’s the plan?”
“Shoot the sitting man first. Then the two.”
Damit pushes the sniper stock close to his shoulder, aims at the sitting man’s neck. He holds his breath, and shoots.
The sitting man falls on the rifles and the two other fumbles to grab their guns. Damit shoots their heads clean off with one shot.
“Double headshot at 200 meters. Easy gg lol.”
Damit sighs. “That isn’t how humans speak.”
Ikhlas writes down the kills. “I know. Still funny though. Shafwan, the rappel.”
Shafwan shoots the rappel rope with his crossbow. The bolt buries deep into the wall. Shafwan slides down first, with some equipment. The others slide down one by one, Ikhlas being the last. They switched equipment amongst each other, as they had carried others’ equipments too.
Walid sees the map screen appear before his eyes. Ikhlas gives the signal to huddle.
“Everyone have maps and possible enemies?”
Everyone nodded.
“We stick together. Rizal at front, Shafwan and Hamidah center, me and Damit behind. Get to the target, fight our way out to the ground floor. Then we evacuate.”
Ikhlas points at the door. Rizal rammed the door with the butt of his gun and the rest streamed in. They move quickly downstairs, but stop before the first door facing the stairs. Two gunmen gets out from the door, laughing along the way. Rizal throws a smoke grenade.
Instead of shouting ‘Boogies’ or something, the two writhed in agony. Their bodies twist and turn, coughing out blood and mucus. Soon, some organisms escape their mouth. It tries to wipe itself clean from the smoke, but it drops as it shouts a small screech of pain.
The two gunmen lays unconscious. Ikhlas’ team moves forward. A few minutes later, they are stopped by three kidnappers running to them. The team manages to take cover behind the walls as the kidnappers shoot to kill. They only stop to reload.
Shafwan takes the opportunity to shoot them in the head, but they do not drop. Instead, they keep firing. Shafwan remains unfazed as a bullet rips through his right upper arm. Some wires frayed out, but his movement isn’t hindered as he reload. Hamidah is about to throw another smoke grenade, but Ikhlas stopped her. Ikhlas waits until they reload again, and turns to shoot.
He aimed at the stomach of the kidnappers. They drop dead as soon as the bullet hits them. Damit moves forward and pumps another bullet in the temple to each of them. Rizal takes the forward position and the team keeps moving forward.
Rizal raises his fist, a signal to move forward. They stopped before the turn of a hallway. Rizal watches the other side with a mirror. “Four men. Standing guard.”
Ikhlas nods to Hamidah. She hands over a defragmentation grenade to Rizal. Rizal removes the pin and moves forward to throw it. The four guards points the gun at Rizal.
They centered their fire Rizal’s head, but Rizal ducks while throwing. Instead, his right arm is severely riddled with holes as the grenade flies. The four is about to jump, but the grenade explodes. The four disintegrated into the smoke. Ikhlas’ team fires forward, as Rizal slings his rifle. He looks at the uselessly hanging right hand. He rips it off. The fingers wiggle uncontrollably as the hand is separated from the body. Rizal holds his rifle on the left hand and joins Ikhlas.
Ikhlas leads the team forward. There seems to be no more kidnappers left. It’s... too quiet. Walid begins to feel uneasy. He wants to ask Ikhlas what is going on, but he can’t say anything. They entered an open courtyard, with doors flanking it.
The silence is finally interrupted a few minutes later. Two kidnappers storm out of a door, but Ikhlas manages to shoot them both before they could open fire. Ikhlas is about to walk forward to the target area, but he is suddenly thrown away by an explosion. Ikhlas almost lands at the other side of the courtyard wall.
A large man, about 9 feet tall appears before the team. Rizal fires his rifle at the man’s face. Its face is chipped away as the bullets ricochet off from the metallic skeleton. The rest pumps their gun dry to the robot. But all their bullets do not even dent it.
Hamidah jumps to give the man a flying kick.  Her shin hits his neck. The man calmly grabs her leg and throws her straight through a wall. Shafwan jumps to the man’s shoulders, stand on it, and pumps a new magazine worth of bullets between the chest and the shoulder blade. The man grabs Shafwan and slams him a few times. Sounds of twisting metal can be heard from Shafwan’s body as he tries to stab and sever the wires in the robot’s hands. The robot throws Shafwan and he is impaled on a pole by the left chest. Shafwan tries to remove himself.
The robot is shaking, it finds itself hard to straighten its body. The robot walks to Shafwan, but he isn’t as fast as he was a few minutes ago.
Rizal and Hamidah pumps more bullets into the robot. But this time, they try to aim at the joints. Hamidah fires all her bullets into the left knee, circling to the front and back. The robot swings his fists to Hamidah but Hamidah can easily evade the robot. Rizal aimed at robot’s right shoulder. The robot turns his attention to Rizal and is preparing to launch himself to him.
The robot sprints towards Rizal. Rizal turns to run away, and the robot is running at full force.
Suddenly, the robot’s trajectory is thwarted by a shot to his head. Damit fires more sniper rounds at the robot. The robot turns and runs towards Damit. He holds his ground, but the robot still charges forward.
Ikhlas bodily throws himself at the robot, pushing the robot away. The robot is flat on its back, and Ikhlas desperately tries to reach his shotgun. The robot grabs him by the leg, and pulls Ikhlas towards him.
Walid feels all the past actions of his flood back to him. His killings of animals, his bullying of other kids, his angry rants against his parents’ He wants to say sorry for all he has done, and he can’t even say in it his inner voice!
Ikhlas the Ginger Root is sweating in its cockpit. He can feel all the anguish that Walid has. Added to his own, he is almost mad from all this. None of his training ever prepared him for this, and none of his experiences ever will. What can he do?
The robot tries to stand, but the connections in its body is too damaged to command his legs for the proper procedure. Instead, the legs dig into the soil erratically. The robot grabs Ikhlas by the neck and raises him up.
“Damit, its elbow!”
Damit aims at the elbow. The robot’s right hand plops uselessly as the bullet hits the joint but Ikhlas still can’t remove himself. He drags the robot’s right hand with him as the robot tightens its grip. But the grip gets looser and looser with each wire ripped from the robot’s hand. Ikhlas’ team gives the robot a wide berth.
The robot tries to stand up with its remaining appendages. But it only ends up wriggling and writhing.
Ikhlas looks for something in his back pouch. “Hamidah, you have anymore grenades?”
“I only have two, and it’s all used up.”
Shafwan has extracted himself from the pole. He hands to Ikhlas one smoke grenade.
Ikhlas throws the grenade to the robot, and it gives out a lot of smoke. When the smoke clears, the robot is still writhing.
“We have to deactivate it, it’s not an exosuit.”
Damit pumps a few sniper rounds to the robot’s left shoulder joint. Shafwan ties his bayonet to a stick and cuts all the wires from a few feet away, far from the robot’s grip. The robot’s hand almost come dangerously close to snatching the stick, but Shafwan deftly retracts it. Soon, the robot is uselessly moving its appendages. Rizal steps forward and jams his left hand to the robot’s neck. He pulls the here and there a bit, and soon the robot stops writhing. Its eyes loses its blue colour, fading to transparent black.
The hostages are brought outside by Shafwan, while Damit checks the perimeter. “It seems like all the kidnappers are dead or have fled. The hostages are just behind me.”
One of the hostages rushes forward to hold Ikhlas’ hands. Ikhlas raises his hands to meet it, but the right hand doesn’t budge.
The hostage looks at Ikhlas’ right hand. Shee shakes her head, but then shakes Ikhlas’ left hand vigourously. “All you have risked your lives to save us. I assure you, the High Root will reward your team well.”
“Thank you, madam, but we aren’t necessarily in the clear yet. We should get out of here quickly.”
They allow the hostages to leave from the front door. The police receives them and hands them to the healthcare unit stationed behind the blockade. Ikhlas’ team goes to the back gate. Along the way, they passed through one of the guard’s body. One being of goo is breathing weakly as the body writhes weakly.
“This... isn’t... over... We... will... be... victors...”
“It never is.” Ikhlas shoots the goo with his pistol.
The team gets into the extraction truck. Rizal holds his severed hand, while Damit ogles Shafwan’s large hole in the chest. Shafwan slaps Damit’s hands as he try to touch his dangling wires.
[Switching on auditory output, Auxilia HI.]
Aaa... Aaa... Aaa...
Walid could hear a small screeching on the screen. Is that the ginger root shouting too or the echo in the suit?
[Well, any questions?]
Lots. Wh... Well, what the fuck? I’m a robot? Was my memory real? Did I signed a waiver? Why does all this have anything to do with me?
[Your body is a robot. Your mind is from a human brain, taken from your body. You signed a waiver, but it’s because you are losing all use of legs and hands. It had nothing to do with you, you are just my mecha. Your service to us is how you pay back for the surgery. You also get some money on the side, but from bonuses or bounties.]
Bonuses? Bounties? So I am what, an army equipment? Whose army?
[Yeah. You’re a medium grade military equipment. We are the military arm of Court of Mother Zingiber, Grand Commandery of Lady Goddess Halya of Earth. We have branches in other planets. But in recent centuries, battles are mostly forged here.]
[That goo organism you see is one of our enemies. Just call them Oozes of Doom. As if we want to call them by their regal name, hah!]
So, what happens to me?
[You will be repaired of course. I always intended for you to know about this sooner or later. Having a human on our side helps us to blend in. We can mimic human behaviour, but we aren’t always successful.]
This is too much for me to take in now. You’re in charge I guess, Ikhlas. But can I ask one thing?
[What is it?]
I want to be conscious to see the repairs. I need to see for myself what I am.
Ikhlas takes the body down to The Doctor. Walid sees the ginger root climb out of his abdomen. The Doctor sets up the machinery as they chat. The language isn’t like any on Earth, so Walid stopped bothering to listen.
The Doctor then starts checking Walid’s right hand. He massages the hand to find where to slice, and starts slicing. Soon Wires are pulled out, reattached, and returned into the body. The Doctor continues with repairing the rest of the bullet injuries. Finally, the damaged body tissue are removed and pastes of new body cells are placed on spots.
The operation as a whole is quite soothing. Walid doesn’t feel any pain, and The Doctor’s movements are as smooth as silk. Soon, Walid’s body is as good as new. Walid extends his right palm to Ikhlas and Ikhlas creeps on to the palm of his hand.
“So that’s how I got my muscular body.”
“These days. Even before the surgery, you’re rather muscular.”
Why I didn’t remembered that? But Walid remembers another thing.
“Why I didn’t feel pain during the firefight just now, but I felt pain from my fall yesterday?’
“Pain reception can be switched on and off. Usually when we take over the body from you, we shut off the pain reception so you won’t go mad from it.”
“Can you make it stay off?”
“No, we want to blend in, and includes you having to feel pain in normal life situations. Can I get into your body now?”
Walid shrugged. “Sure.”
The ginger root presses some buttons on a small key that he holds. Walid’s stomach split into two, and door hinges opento both sides. A small podium with a seat extends out. Walid places his palm before the podium and Ikhlas takes his seat. He presses a button, and the podium pulls back in and Walid’s stomach closes shut.
Walid can move his body again. “Hey, Ikhlas, you there?”
Yeah. Enjoy your bodily autonomy for now. We may be called for next mission later.
Walid sighs. Now he has two jobs, one a part-time back breaking work, and the other a part-time body-breaking work. At least this one has good healthcare benefits.
The team is escorted by The Doctor to a door. “Well, this is goodbye for now. I am always honoured to service you. Your pay will be sent to your accounts by this week. And here are the MCs you require should your bosses question you.”
Walid takes a piece of paper from The Doctor. An MC from... Yang Yang and Co. Clinic?
Walid fishes out his handphone from the pocket. Funny how it survived the carnage. Walid hails a Grab and lets the car carry him to his flat.
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apex-academy · 5 years
Chapter 3: Down Down Down and the Flames Went Higher (#15)
Kaichi still hasn’t found anything useful by the time we finish breakfast. He didn’t seem to have much written so far, so I won’t get my hopes up. Either way, there’s not much use sitting around in here when we’re all done eating.
Aware of this, Itsurou steps to the front of the room and claps his gloved hands together.
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“If you all would leave your plates where they are, I shall be happy to clean up.”
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“Ah, allow me to help.”
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“No, no, ‘tis fine. The glasses appear to be rather fragile...”
Several people look at Tsunyasha.
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“...so I’d prefer to have as few people attempting to squeeze past each other in the kitchen as possible.”
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“I suppose...?”
Mahavir looks at his dirty dishes like he’d be abandoning a child. Tamiko, meanwhile, seems much less upset.
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“Thanks, hon! ‘Preciate it.”
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“No, thank you girls for the meal!”
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“Yes! Thank you terribly, mis amores. I’ll have to find some way to repay you...”
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“I’m sure I can make it worth your while.”
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Yuki, no.
People start to filter out as Itsurou zips around collecting plates and glasses. Some hang around the hallway to chat, but I’d rather stretch my legs. Maybe I’ll hop over to the aerobics room. Maybe bring the fire extinguisher.
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“Or, actually...”
I’ll give the art room another try. I can see a little better now, so maybe it won’t be so hard to get a look. Just have to see if I can do it without drawing undue attention.
I head for the art room door and lay my fingers on the handle.
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I stay frozen longer than I should. It’s just my imagination. She’s gone. I know she’s gone. If there’s a secret message or something in here, I have to check it out.
I open the door with my breath held. The corpse hasn’t suddenly returned. Everything else looks the same.
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“Okay. It was supposed to be...”
I turn on the light, but nothing happens. Besides the lights turning on, at least. With that, I make my way to the pottery wheels and the damaged wall behind them. Guess I could have asked Itsurou for more details, or if he’s checked it out himself already. He’s a little busy, though.
Stepping over clumps of plaster, I peer at the outer wall. After a while of searching the goopy-looking mortar, I find that weird wire.
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It’s not far from the dumbbell and other pieces of the machine that never got cleaned up. If I need an excuse for being in here, I can just say I was fetching those.
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“That is odd, though.”
The coating of the wire running along this wall has several gaps, but this part of it is completely bare. Did current run through here, or is all of this part of some abandoned prototype?
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Didn’t we use something like this for the rust traps, too? Maybe not exactly, but... If a current can help break down steel, surely there’s some way to apply that to mortar. Did Aidan figure out a way to make it work? That would have broken rules, but if he disguised it as part of the murder machine, maybe Monochap would turn a blind eye to it?
I’m also just below the cameras in this room, and I can’t see any more in the sort-of crawlspace. Could this stretch of wall be a blind spot? Is this really the reason...
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“...If he knew it would work, he wouldn’t have used the machine.”
So it’s nothing certain, but it was worth a shot? Better than any ideas I’ve got right now.
I hold my hand over the bare wires, but I don’t feel my hair stand on end. Since the pottery wheel isn’t spinning anymore, I’m sure this part’s off, too. I still avoid the wires themselves as I press my fingertips to the brick. It’s cool to the touch. 
Am I sure this really is the outside wall? It would be strange, but maybe there’s another layer beyond it. Then again, I don’t think Rule #8 would have been written like it is if we couldn’t actually get to the outside wall.
I take a deep breath and push on the brick. A sharp scraping sound makes me flinch. It doesn’t look like anything’s changed, but...
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My hands tremble, but there’s no sign of Monochap. I push a little harder.
More scraping.
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It stopped there, but if I just put a little more oomph into it, then maybe...!
Wait. There’s no point knocking it out right now if Monochap might find it before I can do anything with the gap. And I don’t have the flare. Crap, where even is it? Arthur’s study hall?
I straighten up, kneel again, grab the plaster-dusted baseball for an excuse, and hastily walk out. Guess I’m going to the gym first if I’m going to convince anyone I’m not up to anything. I run into Tsunyasha on the stairs, but she doesn’t ask questions. I’ll take it.
I drop off the baseball and zip to Arthur’s study hall.
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Unlocked, as usual. It takes me a few deep breaths before I can pull the door open.
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“Whoa! Kakumi!”
I jump back. In retrospect, I shouldn’t be surprised he’s here. But then again, he isn’t alone.
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“What, somebody crashin’ the party?”
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“Am I interrupting something? These doors can lock, you know.”
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“Really?! Incredible!”
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“We’re just hangin’ out, though.”
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“Yea, ain’t much of a date if ya just let anybody crash it.”
Arthur laughs before turning back to me.
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“What’s up, mate?”
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“Oh, I...”
Do I trust them enough to let them in on this? Maybe not quite that much.
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“Do you still have any road flares in here? I wanted to try something.”
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“What, makin’ your own fireworks?”
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“More or less...”
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“Do I?”
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“I’ll look around.”
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I hang back awkwardly in the doorway as Arthur shuffles through all the junk in his room. I can’t remember if Aki brought the flare back, or whatever else could have happened to it. But it won’t surprise me if this hunt takes a while.
I try not to sneak glances at the cameras. It’s hard to fight the urge, but checking won’t tell me anything. It would just tell anyone watching that I’m acting suspicious today. Not what I want.
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“Dunno how many you were lookin’ for, but I found one, at least.”
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“That’s plenty. You don’t mind?”
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“Not at all!”
He hands it over.
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“I’m not gonna be gettin’ into any roadside trouble anytime soon, so.”
Tamiko gives me a nod.
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“If you figure out any good pyrotechnics, lemme know, all right? Might be good for the concert.”
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“Sure thing.”
I bid them goodbye and slip out of the room. Maybe I should be concerned they don’t care about me setting the building on fire, but then again, we’re talking about Arthur. And Tamiko seems... distracted somehow.
I let out a breath and step into the art room. I’ll only have one shot at lighting this thing, so I'll wait until I hear a plane overhead. Right? There aren’t any highways nearby, and we’re not that close to shore, so that’s the only thing that could really notice the flare.
And if I’m caught damaging the exterior wall... Well, the rules are pretty darn subject to change. I’m sure I can find a loophole somewhere if this spot isn’t as blind as I’d hoped.
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I sit, my back against the first pottery wheel, and examine the road flare for instructions. It has its own built-in matchstick kind of thing. Not too hard to figure out.
I don’t know how long I have to wait. Biding my time elsewhere isn’t a great plan. I wouldn’t have much of a window to get back in here if I hear engines. Guess I’ll do something artistic.
I’ve only just cleaned off some table space for a fresh sheet of paper when I freeze.
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I shoot a glance at the door, but it doesn’t move. Something could be happening upstairs, but I doubt it would sound this similar to a plane passing overhead.
I sidestep to the loose brick and grab the flare. Here’s hoping I haven’t missed anything that’s going to get me punished for my efforts.
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Okay! I’ll push with as much force as I can!
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The scraping is high-pitched but quiet. The brick comes to a stop. It’s still not even halfway out. I huff and try again. Nothing. The dull roar overhead grows louder.
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I try a kick, but the toe of my boot doesn’t fit in there well. I reach for the five-pound weight and rip it off the stupid string. The head of the weight is small enough to fit in the recess. I set it up and give the other end a solid kick. I don’t know if the brick moves, or if the metal is just making the scraping noises against it. If anything budges, it’s not by much. Definitely not enough to toss the flare out.
Are the engines getting quieter? How much time do I have before they're gone?
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I try more kicking and then just slam the dumbbell into the wall. Red crumbles fly off, but the brick holds its position. The noise overhead fades.
I nearly throw the dumbbell to the floor in frustration before stopping myself. If I do anything in view of the cameras, I’m screwed. I might be screwed already after all that noise. 
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Let’s just run this back to the stupid weight room before Monochap decides to crash the party. I grab the part of it you’re actually supposed to hold and hurry over. Otoya’s not in here today, so no problems getting it to the weight rack. It clanks onto the rails with sad finality.
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Guess dissolving a little mortar isn’t going to break all of it down. Or just enough of it. Can’t say we didn’t try. But...
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lizziebathory42 · 7 years
Stardew Valley Stories
A one-shot ficlet. Sebastian/Fem. Farmer. Sebastian, Abby and Sam convince the Farmer to wear a GoPro while in the mines.
Sebastian opened his bleary eyes slowly. The glowing display of his clock told him it was late afternoon. He threw off the blankets, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He’d been up late finishing a project and still felt fuzzy. Yawning hugely, he made his way up the stairs, heading for the kitchen and some brain clearing caffeine.
“Sebby!” His mother called from her counter. He winced. He hated the childish nickname but had given up on asking his stubborn mother to call him his preferred Seb or the more mature, Sebastian. He turned to walk into the foyer, the smells of cut wood and sap drifting up to meet him.
“The Farmer dropped this off for you this morning,” She said, gesturing to a small cloth sack sitting on her countertop. Sebastian frowned, taking the bag and glancing inside. It was the GoPro he’d lent her. He grinned suddenly.
“Thanks mom!” He leaned over the counter and kissed her cheek, “Would you like a coffee?” Robin shook her head, lifting her almost full mug from behind her cash register.
“No thanks sweetie.” She replied. Sebastian didn’t see her eyes narrow as he entered the hallway, or the worried look she gave his retreating back as he took his coffee and bag into the basement. Robin was concerned by how much time the Farmer seemed to be spending with her son. She knew her son was sensitive, perhaps a bit sheltered and worried the city slicker who’d moved into the abandoned farm would break his heart when she inevitably left Stardew Valley.
Sebastian, blissfully unaware of the worry happening on his behalf upstairs, sat down at his computer. He took a long draught of his coffee, set the mug aside and opened the rough bag. Inside he found the small, square camera, the mounting plate he’d screwed onto the Farmer’s mining helmet and a note tied to what felt like a rock. He pulled the knot apart, smoothing the note out. She had tied it to a Yeti Tear.
He held the small, smooth white stone in his hand while he read the short note. He liked the way the stone glittered, like rainbows were caught in the crystalline material. It amazed him how it stayed cool, almost cold, no matter how hot it was outside. The writing of the note was crabbed and spidery, as if the writer was in a great hurry to get their thoughts down. There was a mysterious green smudge on one corner of the crumpled paper.
I tried to clean the gunk off your camera, sorry.
Sebastian looked closer at the camera. Sure enough, in the crevices he could detect crusty remains of something. He shrugged, the device was designed to get dirty. It was just like the Farmer to be concerned about returning it in less than pristine condition. He chuckled softly to himself as he connected the device to his computer and imported the video file.
He’d gotten to know the pretty farmer over the past few months. She would often come to visit him after doing business with his mother, bringing him fresh carp sashimi and sitting with him as he ate. They would talk about comic books and computer games for hours. Sebastian didn’t take it too seriously. The rumours around town were that the Farmer brought everyone gifts. It didn’t mean anything special. They were just friends anyway. He appreciated how she would leave him alone if he told her he was working. She was one of his few friends who seemed to respect his job.
A small window popped up on his computer screen, indicating the video had been completely loaded.  It was one hundred minutes long. He double clicked and opened the video, making the small window full-screen so he could watch comfortably.
The video began pointed into the Farmer’s face, her brow furrowed in concentration. The view was a blur of stones, then the inside of the rickety elevator. Sebastian had only ever seen it from the outside, when he’d wandered into the entrance of the mine out of curiosity. Now he watched as the Farmer pried the doors open, stepped in and pressed one of the glowing buttons. This one was labelled 70, the small black number standing out against the shining yellow button.
The elevator made an awful racket, clanking and chuffing as it descended, but Sebastian was pretty sure he could hear the Farmer humming the Flower Dance. He thought about how last year she’d asked him to dance and he’d turned her down, not knowing the newcomer well enough. Oh how things had changed!
It was only last Friday when she had been sitting with Abigail as he and Sam had their weekly pool match.
“Oh,” Abigail had cried suddenly, “I wish I could get that deep in the mines! I would love to see what it looks like down there and all the delicious minerals you’d find!” The Farmer had only chuckled, shaking her head.
“It’s very dangerous that deep, Abby.” She said, “You’ll need a lot more sword practice before you go.” Abigail had pouted and flicked her purple hair over one shoulder. Sebastian loved his friend, but she was still as bratty as when they had been little kids catching frogs together.
“Maybe you could, like, film it or something.” Sam suggested from across the pool table. The Farmer lifted one shoulder in a half shrug, still smiling.
“I don’t have a camera,” She admitted, “and I don’t think I could film and mine at the same time.” She had shifted in her seat, looking uncomfortable. Sebastian felt bad for his two friends putting her on the spot. Before he could change the subject, Sam was continuing.
“Seb has a camera you can mount to your head or chest.” Sam blushed pink on the last word. The Farmer hid a smile. Sebastian knew his friend had a crush on the Farmer, he wondered if she knew it too. “It’s waterproof and really small, so it shouldn’t get in your way.” She turned her large, soft eyes on Sebastian then. They were shining with curiosity.
“That sounds neat! I wouldn’t mind filming,” she said, “but if Seb doesn’t want to lend it out I’d understand.” Sebastian had shrugged, keeping his face carefully neutral.
“I don’t mind.” He said, casually lining up a shot. “I can bring it over tomorrow, show you how to set it up.” He didn’t want to admit it, but he too was curious to see the deep innards of the mines and wanted to watch the Farmer in action.
He was getting his wish now. The first level she stepped out in had been fairly tame. The angle of the camera allowed him to only really see her hands, giving the film a first-person shooter video game feel. He watched as she smashed rock after rock with her steel pickaxe. No wonder she was hard with muscle! She picked up a silvery ore and a plain looking blue rock, tucking them behind her, into her backpack. She smashed another rock, splintering it in half with one strike. The pieces fell down a dark hole. She climbed down without hesitation.
In that dark moment, Sebastian could hear her still humming softly. Then she emerged into the light. For a moment, he thought he was seeing things. There were small, bouncing black rocks approaching. There was a sharp noise and suddenly the Farmer was holding a glittering black sword. She dispatched the odd creatures with a few swipes, stooping to pick up the coal one dropped.
Large, transparent blue gelatinous blobs attacked next. The Farmer was looking down, so Sebastian saw when one hit her leg, searing through the overalls with a blurp and a puff of smoke. He saw the raw, burned looking skin where it hit her leg through the hole in the fabric. She was still fending off the last blob when he heard a loud screech. She turned quickly, her sword flashing. He saw the bat, as large as a housecat, cleaved in two by the obsidian blade.
“Augh!” She cried turning to swipe at the remaining blob. It burst into liquid goo. Sebastian’s stomach roiled when she reached into the goo to pull out a weathered looking scroll tied with a yellow ribbon. Sebastian felt like he was going to be sick. This wasn’t like a video game. This was his friend and in real life. She could be hurt or worse while down there. Still, he couldn’t look away or stop the video.
She cleared the rest of the level, smashing rocks and fighting two more slimes before finding another hole to climb down.
With each passing minute Sebastian felt his anxiety for the Farmer rising. Logically, he knew she had to have made it out, but it didn’t stop him from squeezing the stone in his hand so tight he felt its cold point pierce his skin. He watched as she broke apart skeletons, like those he admired at the Spirit’s Eve Festival, who tore bones from their own bodies to fling them at her. He saw her chase a ghost, cleaving it over and over until it disappeared with a poof, leaving a glittering gold rock which she quickly snatched.
In another moment, she notice something tucked in a corner, smashed a path to it and picked it up. It was a frozen tear, like the one he held in his hand. It might even be the same one, he thought, suddenly feeling as cold as the stone in his hand.
His heart stopped when she was attacked by no less than six blobs at once. Her humming had ceased, replaced by grunts of effort and hisses of pain. She managed to render all six into steaming puddles before she collapsed. Sebastian’s heart, which suddenly beat again, was in his throat, choking him.
He watched, unable to look away as she pulled a container of blackberries out and ate the whole thing. She gave him a good look at her wounds as she examined them herself, patching what she could with duck-tape. Her legs were burned raw, a large gash had been opened in her side from a skeleton’s bone boomerang.
Sebastian checked the time remaining on the video. An hour left. He took a sip of his coffee, his hand shaking. His drink had gone cold, but he didn’t care. He needed something, his mouth suddenly having gone dry. He was given a brief respite when the next level held nothing but an entrance to the elevator and a ladder leading down.
The next hour passed slowly. Sebastian watched, agonized, as the Farmer fought nightmarish creatures, dodging glowing green projectiles or darts of flame which bounced off walls to come at you again. She was fearless, breaking rocks apart to gather the gold ore even as shadow creatures approached from the periphery. Occasionally she would stop to eat and tend her wounds.
Sebastian thought of how he’d invited her to join their fantasy game in this very room. How childish it must have seemed to her, to pretend to fight monsters. Sure she had looked like she was having fun, but she was probably just humouring them. Humouring him. His game was nothing like the messy, painful chaos he was witnessing.
In the end, he didn’t see her leave the mines, the video simply stopped with her breaking stone after stone. He stared at the final, frozen frame, the Farmer’s pickaxe a silver blur. The small stone in his hand felt heavy, as if his knowledge of the blood spilt to get it made it weightier. More significant, more precious. He got up suddenly, his paralysis over.
He needed to find the Farmer. Now. He needed to make sure she was okay.
Sebastian’s legs felt wooden as he walked up the stairs. As if drawn by his need, the Farmer was there, chatting casually with Maru in the lab. Her smile swiftly changed to concern when she saw Sebastian’s face. She excused herself from Maru, taking Sebastian’s arm and leading him outside. She said nothing, only glanced at him with worry in her eyes.
He couldn’t stop staring at her. She was okay. He couldn’t see any evidence of her being hurt. She didn’t even limp. He lightly touched her side, where he’d seen a bone split her flesh. He could feel a bandage under her thin t-shirt. For a moment, he’d wondered if she was even real. How could someone be so thoughtful, kind and beautiful as well as a savage warrior? She stopped at the shore of the lake and turned him to face her.
“You watched the video?” She asked, rubbing his arms lightly. Sebastian realized he was shivering. He nodded, not trusting his voice. “I’m sorry if it scared you.” She said, sliding her arms around him in a comforting embrace. He shook his head, clearing his throat.
“It-It didn’t-“ He cleared his throat again, very conscious of the small, hard body of the Farmer pressed against his own. “It didn’t scare me, not like that.” She looked up at him quizzically.
“I mean,” he began, “I wasn’t scared of the monsters and stuff. It was just…” he paused, his hands making small circles on her back. He hadn’t realized he was holding her until now.
It occurred to him in a flash. He cared for the Farmer. Really, really cared. It was more than a little terrifying. He might be in love with this wild creature.
“It was brutal watching you get hurt,“ He swallowed hard, “and keep going. You’re a real tank.” He joked weakly. She winked broadly at him.
“I sure am, Sebbo.”
He held her tightly, conscious of her hidden wounds.
“I don’t think we should show Sam and Abby then,” she continued, “I don’t want to be blamed for nightmares.” Sebastian nodded. He wanted to ask her to never go into the mines again, wanted to keep holding her safe in his arms forever. He knew she had to, she needed the ore and stone for her farm. He knew he was being foolish but he couldn’t stop from asking her to be extra careful in the mines.
“Sure sweetheart,” she said, giving him a little squeeze, “I’ll be extra careful for you.” Sebastian didn’t want to examine the way his heart leapt in his chest at the endearment so he contented himself with holding her as long as she would let him.
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celebrationnebula · 5 years
Old Man Keith
Chapter 2: Meeting the gang 
Another late start to the day and another wakeup full of creaking bones and sore muscles. Really being old hasn’t changed much for him.
Except he was slower. So much slower. Keith was actually starting to frustrate himself with how slow he was. To get out of town he had to climb these stairs that lead up and down a walkway above the train line. On the other was an old lady, arms full of groceries she descended one slow step at a time. But before Keith could feel any sympathy pain, a young man walking by gave her hand. Keith started from across the way with envy. Why didn’t he get offered help too? He was clearly struggling, what with all the grumbling he was doing. Being old is frustrating. And slow.
It was night by the time he made it to the edge of The Waist Lands. And he dreaded spending it out in the elements with his frail old man body. In quite the Deus ex Machina fashion, just over the horizon, Keith saw a large structure moving. It was a mess of a building walking on four legs at a pace only slightly faster than Keith’s. Which is to stay it was fairly slow. A patchwork blob that can walk and is the size of a small castle… yup, definitely the work of magic. Mission checkpoint one! Next on the list is convinced whoever’s house this is to fix him. Keith hurried to meet the structure as it passed, he would only have one chance, since, well, it was walking faster than him.
It was a difficult got to the entrance, it bobbed a bit as the structure walked but Keith managed to stumble onto its welcome mat and pry the door open.
It was dark and cool inside the moving thing. The interior was much more cohesive than the exterior. Hardwood floors and late century furnishings, woven rug, a soft fire in the hearth, with a cushioned couch in front of it.
Keith and his old bones made a B-line for the couch. Relaxing into the cushions, he started to doze off, the fire’s face shifted out of focus.
The fires face. His eyes must have been going…
“That one ugly curse.” What.
“You’re gonna have trouble breaking that one.”
The fire. The fire spoke. Keith saw it. The mouth moved and everything. Slowly and with great effort, he pulled himself forward; wide eye like a child Keith stared at the fire.
“Names Pidge. I’m a fire daemon and boy do I have a deal for you!” the fire chirped.
“Why- ” Keith started but stumbled on his words. This world of magic shore did leave him stuttering a lot. “Who in their right mind would make a deal with a daemon?” he finally got out.
“Listen, you’ve got a pretty though curse and all any magician is gonna do is give you the old runaround. Me on the other hand, I need your help and you can count on that. If you free me from my contract with Lance I can then use my powers to break your curse.” Explained the fire. Explained Pidge.
“Why can’t a magician just break my curse for a reasonable fee, ya know, instead of me going through the trouble of figuring out how to free a fire demon?”
“Nah, all those clowns care about is casting spells, they can’t fix nothing!” burst the fire in exasperation.
“Oh I see is this how you got stuck with this Lance?” Keith smirked.
“Yeah it is and since it’s my contract I cannon break my own curse.” Complained the fire.
Keith mulled it over for a moment and agreed, “alright but I’ll need a place to crash.”
“NooOOoo problem” retorted the fire, “Lance has rooms to spare!”
“That’s good… my old bone can’t take the cold out… side...” Keith trailed off as he dozed.
“What! Wait! He- augh” grunted Pidge, “you’ve gotta be kidding. Some help you’re gonna be.”
The next morning Keith woke to heavy footsteps down the stairs. A tall sturdy-looking man bounced down the steps while chatting with the fire. With a quick spin, the man swung himself around the corner expecting to see his dear friend Pidge.
“Oh hello, there sir” greeted the man clearly taken aback by the surprise of Keith. “What are you doing here?” Unsure of what to answer Keith looked to Pidge for answers. Was it okay to let other people know about their deal? Their deal was about breaking another deal, so it might be better to keep that sort of planning under wraps…
“I dunno” Pidge shrugged, “he just wandered in from the Waists.” Keith couldn’t help the groan he let out, this fire just put all the hard work on him.
“I’m Keith.” He said hoping to stall for a bit of time.
“Oh um hi Keith, I’m Hunk. So not to be rude but ah, who are you? Or rather why are here?”
“I’m... cursed… so… uh..” Keith never was good at lying, he was much more straightforward kind’a’guy, direct and assertive. This might be why he got into so many fights but it’s also how he won them.
“Oh haha I see so you’re here to ask the Wizard Lance for help.” Hunk sighed in relief, “well, he’s not home right now but you’re welcome to stay here until he returns. Hold on for a bit and I’ll get breakfast ready.”
“Ah yes thank you…” Keith said, sounding remarkably like an old dazed person. Pidge snickered at him from her place across the couch in the hearth, earning a glare from Keith. Lance…now, where had he heard that name before…
“The witch!” Keith exclaimed from the couch.
“What?” squeaked Hunk in alarm.
“The old lady who cursed me! The last thing she said was ‘Lance know how to find me.’” Keith explained while trying to bottle down his growing resentment of a wizard he hasn’t even met yet.
“ooh this has got to be his fault then!” Chimed Pidge from the Hearth.
“Old lady huh…” Hunk hummed as he walked with a pan and basket of food over to Pidge. “Did she have on some old purple robe with-”
“-gold trimmings.” Keith finished.
“Yah that’s her, Hagger. She’s a mean one. Head druid of the Galra Empire.”
“So what does she have against Lance? And why would she bring me into this?”
“hhmm… that’s not really my business to go spreading around- ”
“Except it's clearly my business now so spill.” Interrupted Keith.
“I would but to be honest I don’t know all of the details myself.” Hunk explained as he finished frying the bacon.
“Great” Keith growled as he leaned back into the couch. “So when is this Lance guy coming back?”
“Weeell...” Hunk drew out. Keith groaned again with dread. “Lance always comes back… but sometimes not for days at a time.” There it was. This time Keith let out an even louder exasperated groan and he let his head fall back to rest against the couch.
Breakfast went quickly, it was pleasant and tasty and full of great conversation. Hunk is a real chief in the kitchen, and pidge is a real spitfire in conversation. After the dishes were done Hunk showed Keith around the castle, which is apparently what Lanced called it. Which seemed a bit generous considering the messy looking exterior, but indeed the inside was large. There were a dozen cozy looking bedrooms, some bathrooms, a few studies, a library, a couple of recreational rooms, and Keith’s favorite, the balcony. It wasn’t large, in fact, it was just big enough for two people to stand close together, but the view was breathtaking. After the tour pidge gave him an audaciously dramatic wink, probably implying Keith should begin the search to break their curse. Instead, he found his way back to the balcony.
The castle was still moving pretty slowly but the rhythm was soothing. Right now they were passing over the peak of a hill giving vantage to a sparkling lake in the distance and a backdrop of ridge white peaked mountains, which were a stark contrast to the soft green rolling hills they were climbing over. Keith sighed in bliss. The air was cool and fresh and clean. Nothing like what he had breathed all his life is the overcrowded city. Magic may have made him old but it also seemed to be gifting him some of the best moments he could remember.
Don’t get him wrong, the Shiroganes had been nothing but good to him, they treated him like they treated their own son. It’s just that the Shiroganes adopted him pretty late in the game at 17, things before that were pretty shitty, and even after being adopted Keith always felt guilty or unworthy of the kindness the Shiroganes would show him. It wasn’t like that with magic. The walk through the sky, this wonderful view, the curse of old age; these things didn’t really feel like something he needed to be deserved they simply were as they are.
“Enjoying the view grandpa?” Chimed a voice from behind him. Keith wiped around to see the wizard from this morning leaning up against the window frame, a smirk plastered on his face. Just as suddenly as he had been shaken from his trance, Keith felt a familiar annoyance well up inside him.
“You’re Lance?” Keith gawked.
“Hm? Well yeah. Of course. This is my house. The real question is who are you, old man?”
Something about all these pet names, this guy’s smug face, and now the pieces were falling into place -- the witch cursed him because she saw Lance and him walking through the air the morning-- Keith just could hold back his anger anymore. “Ohmygod this is your fault!”
“Excuse me-”
“A WITCH CURSED ME! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU?!” Keith wildly gestured at Lance.
“Excuse you but I'm a perfectly acceptable reason to be cursed. Just look at cheekbones!”
“augh” Keith groaned as he rolled his eyes so hard he gave his old body a headache. This was exasperating and frustrating and just- just- so unfair! All that sappy crap about deserving being irrelevant in this mystical world of magic was just the scenery talking, Keith absolutely didn’t deserve this!
“Your pretty rude old man” Lance snorted.
“Enough with the damn nicknames!” Keith snapped.
“Well you never actually told me your name, genius. Even though I just gave you the perfect opportunity at the beginning of this little conversation.Remember? Or did you forget already.”
“Keith,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Well, Ke~ith, it’s been a pleasure meeting you we really must do this again sometime.” Lance winked and began to turn back toward the hallway behind him, the wind tossing his hair gently around his face.
“Ah! No, wait” Keith blurted out, almost forgetting the whole reason he was out in the Waists. “I came here to ask for you to break this cures.” Keith said, knowing that was enough and that Lance looked pleased enough with that to help, Keith couldn’t help himself but to add in a sort of pouty mumble “Especially now that I know it’s your fault…”
Lance’s smile quickly turned to a frown as his brows creased together. “hmpf, well if you’re going to be like that who says I want to fix your damned curse. It’s not an easy thing breaking a spell you know!”
Pidge’s words echoed in Keith’s head, ‘…all any magician is gonna do is give you the old runaround… all those clowns care about is casting spells, they can’t fix nothing.’ So the cheeky fire daemon was his only hope. Either way, Keith would need Lance to let him stay in the castle longer. “No,” Keith sighed as he swallowed his pride, “sorry, can you please fix this curse.”
“That’s much better” Lance said as his smug smile spread across his face again. God how mad it made Keith.
Just like that, the first day had gone by, somewhat uneventfully and somewhat unsuccessfully. After his encounter with Lance, Keith went to the library to try and read up about magic and more specifically about breaking contracts and curses. He found nothing. Figures, if Pidge had to go for outside help then it’s unlikely the info was written out in some step by step guide in this ‘castle’.
Keith lied in bed staring at the ceiling thinking. He really hadn’t planned to be gone much longer than this. When he left, Keith didn’t even bother with a note. He really regretted that now, if he was gone too long, for the Shiroganes it would be like to have a second son go missing. Keith’s adopted older brother had been missing for a few months now and the police have all but given up the search. Keith rolled over, tears pricking at his eyes. Would the Shiroganes call the cops once he had been missing long enough, how bad would it hurt them to lose another son in the same way. Left knowing nothing. Would Keith be gone long enough for the cops to also give up on his search? Would Keith ever get to go home, if he truly was unable to turn back could he face the Shiroganes again. After causing them such grief.
The next few days went by, all equally unsuccessful. Sometimes Lance was there, sometimes he was wasn’t. When he was, him and Keith usually got into some sort of petty argument.
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