#i need to see him and kenny hanging out on camera like i wanna see how they interact
jrueships · 8 months
the four genders: the work in progress amygdala, average gay person, forehead indent, and White
and the forgotten fifth gender: JT Thor .
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englishknightsky · 3 years
Thomas: Honey the news just said teenagers under the influence of drugs aren't happy, vibrant or involved! Do you think Craig-
Laura: Thomas, Craig has never been happy, vibrant or involved.
Thomas: Oh, right.
Eric: Look, these are the shelves I was talking about.
Kyle: Are those the same shelves from that Nazi's house? You want Nazi shelves?
Eric: No, if anything those shelves were Nazi-occupied.
Stan: I finished the memorial for Pip.
Kyle: One problem, you misspelled both his first and last name.
Stan:... Eh, he's dead, he's not gonna notice.
Clyde: Tweek's new boyfriend is a secret, that means he's ugly.
Craig: Asshole! I'm Tweek's new boyfriend!
Token: Guess you were right, Clyde.
Richard: I quit using meth for good, now I'm only using it for evil!
Craig: Where are my pants?
Tweek: You threw them out of the window in a fit of passion. You said you were never gonna need them again.
Kenny: My medical alert bracelet warns first responders that I kiss back during CPR.
Damien: Aw, were you beaten as a kid?
Pip: Yeah...
Damien: Well you're still annoying, so clearly they didn't hit you enough.
Cartman: I get my snack ideas from 600lb Life, those people have some bomb ideas for dinner.
Kenny McCormick added Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens, and 23 others to a group chat.
Kenny: Damn girl you look fine
Kenny: Wow they ain't send separately
Kenny: Bye
Kenny McCormick left
Timmy: Did you just call yourself a Nintendo console?
Jimmy: No, that's a Nintendo Switch, I called myself a crippled bi-biii-bitc- bitch!
Tweek: Do you wanna get married?
Craig: Well, we're already engaged so yeah.
Tweek: In Stardew Valley, you goof.
Craig: Oh! Yeah.
Tweek: Dad, will you read to me?
Richard: Who the hell are you?
Mars: Dads, I'm supposed to fight some kid at school tomorrow.
Tweek: Oh god.
Craig: Try to not to fall in love with them.
Clyde: See Token, I told you they could deep fry my shirt!
Token: I didn't say they couldn't, I said you shouldn't.
Craig: I need some space.
Tweek: Are you breaking up with me?
Craig: No, I'm falling off the bed, move over!
Stan: Check out this animal, it's called a kinkajou.
Cartman: A kinky jew? Where?!
Craig: Um, so. Stripe got outside, but luckily we caught him. Points camera at Stripe in his cage But if that's Stripe... who the fuck is this? Points camera at Tweek holding an identical guinea pig.
Kenny: Once I was jogging and found a corspe, and I was glad, because that meant I could stop jogging.
Pip: My nickname is Pip.
Damien: What's Pip short for?
Eric: 'Cause he's a twink.
Butters: Hi can I have a happy meal with extra happy, please? :)
Kyle: No, you hang up first!
Cartman : No you hang up first!
Kyle: Okay.
Cartman:... He hung up on me!
Jimmy: Is that why you opened a cafe? To get people to like you?
Tweek: You want to talk about getting people to like you, funny man?
Stan: Agent Raven approaching the site, operation 'sleepy time' commencing, over.
Wendy: Stan, stop playing with the baby monitor. Over.
Token: Craig, got any cleaning tips?
Craig: Never fall in love, have any friends or pets or family, then they won't make a mess.
Craig: Good morning babe.
Tweek: Die.
Craig: I got you a triple espresso, but I'm gonna hold it just out of reach so you have to get up if you want it.
Tweek: Die twice.
Butters: Well, it doesn't have a tail so I'm pretty sure it's a hamster.
Tech Support: Okay fine, right click the hamster.
Jason: So is this thing between Tweek and Craig a secret?
Token: Hardly. The only people who don't know that Tweek and Craig are in love with each other are Tweek and Craig.
Mr. Mackey: I heard children screaming, and as a counsellor I know that screaming can be a cry for help.
Tweek: Do you think Clyde will like the new cookies?
Craig: He'll eat anything you put in front of him. He's like a dog.
Tweek: Hm, that's true. I saw him eat a receipt once.
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When I watched jatp for the first time (and a few others after that lol) I didn’t notice that Julie didn’t sing as much with Luke during Edge of Great until someone made a post about it and now I’m watching it while listening to the soundtrack on yt even tho I should totally be working and like woah this actually has a lot of depth while they’re really just singing???
Let me explain.
So Flynn tells Julie to tone down all the heart eyes while they’re playing before Edge of Great right and we can see she is obviously trying to do that (probably bc of the whole “I just had a whole daydream of dancing with my ghost crush to a love song I just came up with while supposed to be dancing with my dance partner” thing, but that’s a whole nother post) bc she’s rocking out with the crowd more than usual and Luke less than usually, etc. But like. The amount of emotion and interaction they do while just performing and all about this one thing Flynn said is amazing
So after after she rocks out with Reggie a little bit (and even has a little moment with Alex), you can see Luke kinda move towards her like he wants to do their mic sharing thingy right after the line “this moment is ours to own” but she turns away from him and vibes with the crowd more and you can literally see him stop moving forward, go back to his mic all sad bc why did Julie rock out with Reggie and then Alex but then ignore him?? And he sends Alex a little ? look before going back to normal singing, but he still looks a little sad and he shoots julie a bit of a confused sad look too before getting back into the song
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(Sorry for the bad quality this is all on my phone and yt oof)
And then when he gets his solo bit and Julie goes to vibe with Reggie again he gives her The Look that I’m sure has been giffed many times
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And they lock eyes and it’s kinda hard to see and a bit obscured by her hair, but you can see Julie giving him a similar look
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And THEN while they’re staring at each other dead in the eyes, Luke does a little headshake thing which is him saying “hey hey come sing with me pls? 🥺” in like the most obvious way he knows and Julie’s face goes from sad pining to like kinda strained, trying-not-to-express-my m-true-emotions smile and she turns back to the crowd fairly quickly and she has this rather forced looking smile (it goes back to normal pretty quickly once she vibes with the crowd more but still)
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And a little bit after this, at the “I believe, I believe that we’re just one dream / away from who we’re meant to be” part, Reggie comes over to sing in the mic with Luke but Luke just doesn’t move over (which is pretty ooc for him as we know) and Reggie gives him this look like “hey did you wanna sing together?” and he responds with the sad face and Reggie (I love him your honour) goes back to his mic like he understands that Luke doesn’t wanna do some mic sharing atm and maybe even why even tho this is so weird for Luke to do
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Not to make a lot of of nothing but that’s pretty telling about Luke bc we always see him go over to Reggie or Julie or he beckons them over to him during every single performance afaik, so him rejecting mic sharing with Reggie while trying (and failing) to mic share with Julie several times throughout the song goes to show that hes not just sad bc he wants to share the mic with anyone then, he wanted to share it with Julie specifically, and her avoiding him made him hurt and not in the mood to do one of his favourite things (the same thing actually) with his best friend, which kinda implies that he thinks of Julie as more than just a friend (“we say we’re friends / we play pretend” parallels anyone?) And all of that gives me so many juke feels for such a small moment wow
And then it’s that thing where Reggie and Alex stop playing and it’s just Julie’s voice and Luke’s guitar (yknow that guitar bit that’s not included in the studio soundtrack) and when he walks up to Julie on the piano he has his real sad/maybe a bit confused/and maybe cautious in a way (?) smile while he plays the chords
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But then Julie leans in kinda and gives him one of her smiles so he does too and he starts smiling this like puppy dog “okay we’re good now” hopeful smile
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And so he leans in a little bit more to sing in her mic I think (boy does not stop trying ill give him that) bc he sings for the next line, so obviously he needs a mic right? But Julie stands up really quickly, a big “not in my microphone, Lucas,” and he walks back to his mic while he’s singing the lines “something big, something crazy / our best days are yet unknown” with Reggie and Alex, which is something I’ve never seen (or noticed, at least) him do bc he is always in front of a mic istg. He might have another sad 🥺 face again but I’m not really sure bc we get one small not very great shot where he kinda looks sad and like he’s pouring his sadness into his singing before the cameras moves to Julie and when we see him again he’s back in the vibe of the song
And then the bit when Alex and Reggie poof out. I think Luke was supposed to poof out then too and Julie was supposed to finish solo but he stayed so he could finally get his mic singing with Julie. One bc once Reggie and Alex stop playing and poof out, he stops playing too and lets his guitar hang by the strap while he walks over to Julie’s bench instead of poofing out. And when he sits down, right before singing and right after starting to sing, he has this hopeful, cautious (but in a soft way yknow?) expression. And then the other reason is that when you watch the video several times and at .75x and .5x speeds, you can see Julie startle just a little bit when he starts singing, as if she wasn’t expecting him to be there. But then she starts smiling, kinda like she wanted to sing with him and do their Thing the whole time, but she wouldn’t let herself so she could try and prove a point to Flynn, but then finally realized that she liked singing with Luke. And when she smiles, Luke smiles, and we get the soft end of Edge of Great duet, arguably one of the most iconic juke moments
Finally, all throughout the performance for the whole “she wanted to do the Thing with Luke but wouldn’t let herself to try and fail to prove a point to Flynn” thing: throughout the performance you can see her go all around the stage, like near the crowd, next to Reggie, close(ish) to Alex, on top of her piano, but she practically avoids Luke’s side of the stage completely, never going near him or even getting up close to the crowd past the middle.
Oh hecc this turned out WAY longer than I meant it to be but yeah. All of this is just like a “holy shit this is some amazing writing” moment for me, we stan Kenny Ortega and Nora Sullivan on this blog y’all
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debbiechanclub · 3 years
Best Two Out of Three, Part 26
This is it: the last chapter of BTOOT 😭 
I wrote a long, sappy post about what this means to me *months* ago when I thought we would finish much sooner than we did (whoops), so I won’t get into all that again. However, I will say that this is a huge accomplishment for me because I have never finished a multi-part fic until now. But I didn’t do it on my own. I absolutely could not have completed this in the time that I did without @hotyeehawman, and BTOOT absolutely would not be the fic that it is without her. So thank you so much, Lauren. We wrote a whole ass 123,419-word, 228-page mf’in fanfiction novel in less than a year 😳
And, at the risk of sounding cheesy AF, we couldn’t have done it without you all, either. The response to this little wrasslin’ fic consistently blows us away. SO THANK YOU. It means more than words can say. So once you finish reading this last chapter, please come scream at me in your tags, in the comments, in my asks, in my DMs. Because I cannot wait to hear your thoughts.
Alright, enough of that 🤧 I’ll let you get to reading 😉
Best Two Out of Three
Part: 26/26
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC, Matt Jackson x OFC x Cash Wheeler, Adam Page x himself
Word count: 7.8k
Warnings: Language; MAJOR angst
Catch up on previous parts here.
Tag squad: @freshlysqueezedmox @comeasyoudar @heelchampbucks @bec0m @betsy-bradock @linziland13 @gabbynorth98 @exe-darbyallin-exe @librathepheonix13 @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @kingswitchblade
Callie pulled her phone out of her purse to check the time again. 8:57 a.m. She put it back and glanced anxiously around the hotel lobby. She and Cash had agreed to meet there at nine to head to Orlando, and with each passing minute she worried that it would be Matt who stepped out of the elevator instead.
Their conversation had played on a nonstop loop in her head all night. This all happened way too fast. Yeah, I guess it did. Over and over again. Except, in her head, it didn’t end the way it had last night. Instead of Matt walking off she called out to him to wait. She told him that the reason she’d been avoiding him was because she felt guilty about how much she enjoyed being with him. Her brain told her it was wrong, but her heart told her otherwise, and because she didn’t know how to reconcile the two it was easier to just avoid the issue all together.
And that’s exactly what she was doing now: avoiding the issue by going to Orlando with Cash. And she wasn’t just going for the day—she was staying the night at his place.
It had been Cash’s suggestion that she spend the night. It’ll save me a round trip, he’d said via text. It made sense; they both had to be back in Jacksonville for Dynamite tomorrow, so there was no point in making Cash drive four extra hours tonight. So, Callie had agreed.
But, deep down, she knew she’d mostly agreed because it helped her avoid Matt that much more.
She pulled out her phone again, but rather than check the time she opened the camera and flipped it to face toward her. Her double black eyes had worsened from last night, turning an ugly bluish color, but thankfully some full-coverage concealer had made them barely noticeable. Even so, she pushed her oversized sunglasses onto her face. The last thing she needed was people thinking she was a battered woman.
The elevator dinged, and Callie’s chest constricted as the doors slid open. Mercifully, it was Cash.
“You ready?” he asked as he moved toward her. “Sorry I’m a little late.”
She nodded and jumped up from her seat. “Mhm,” she said as she grabbed her suitcase. She couldn’t leave the hotel fast enough.
* * * * * * * * * *
The drive to Orlando was mostly quiet. Cash had asked her if there was anything in particular she wanted to do or see, but she’d just told him she was up for whatever. She knew absolutely nothing about Orlando outside of the fact that Disney World and Universal Studios were there and the little bit she’d seen when she’d stayed with Britt. But Cash didn’t seem bothered by her apparent lack of enthusiasm; he’d just grinned and said, “I got you.” It made Callie’s stomach flutter.
They dropped off their bags at his place and she met his English bulldog, Pawla, before they set off for their first stop of the day. Cash seemed excited as he steered his truck into a parking lot in front of a large complex. Callie, however, was more than just a little confused when she saw what it was.
She hadn’t meant to sound so disappointed, but Cash just let out a laugh. “What? You don’t like go-karts?”
She didn’t answer, looking skeptically out the window at the building. For whatever reason, it made her think of Alex. Go-karts seemed more her speed. She frowned. I wonder if he took her here, too.
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” Cash said. “I think you could use the adrenaline boost.”
“I can think of better ways to get an adrenaline boost.”
As soon as she said it, Callie wished she could take it back. It had just slipped out, implication and all. She looked hesitantly at Cash. He was smirking.
“I’m sure you can,” he returned. Callie felt her cheeks burn hot behind her sunglasses.
“Come on,” he repeated as he unbuckled his seat belt. “I’ll let you pick where we go to lunch afterward.”
He got out of the truck, and Callie drew in a deep, calming breath through her nose as she did the same.
Maybe avoiding Matt wasn’t the only reason she’d decided to stay overnight in Orlando.
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex still hadn’t gotten over what had happened at the Labor Day party. In a word, she felt awful. She wanted to text Callie and apologize again, but between nearly breaking her nose and all but telling her to stay away from Matt, she doubted she wanted to hear from her. So, in hopes of boosting her mood, she’d decided to sit out by Kenny’s pool and soak up the last vestiges of summer while she still could.
But, so far, it hadn’t worked.
Her phone chirped next to her on the lounger, and she picked it up and unlocked the screen. She had a text from Trent.
Hey loser. You have plans today?
She rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips as she typed back. Not really. Why?
She hit “send,” but instead of setting the phone back down she opened up Instagram. She clicked on Jay White’s story and let it autoplay through a couple more people before it unexpectedly came to Cash’s story. It was a Boomerang video of an indoor go-kart track. Alex recognized it; he’d taken her there one of the first weekends she’d stayed with him in Orlando.
A banner appeared at the top of her screen with Trent’s reply. Because Sam is in town if you want to come hang out.
That caught her off-guard. Sam, the boys’ friend who she’d first met five years ago. Alex had had no idea she was going to be in Jacksonville. Had one of them told her and it’d slipped her mind? But she didn’t think too much of it as she opened the text and sent her response.
Idk. After yesterday I kind of just feel like being a hermit today.
She went back to Instagram and refreshed the page—and her eyes widened at the first picture that popped up.
Callie, a bright smile on her face as she posed in a helmet at the very same indoor go-kart track from Cash’s story.
“Are you shitting me?”
“There you are.”
Alex nearly dropped her phone on her face at the sound of Kenny’s voice. He gave her an amused look. “You alright?”
“Yeah…” she started. But she thought better of it and huffed, “No.”
Kenny cocked his head in concern as he sat down on the edge of the lounger next to her. “What’s wrong?”
Alex let out a sound that was half sigh, half groan. The last thing she wanted to do was to complain to Kenny about Callie and Cash, of all people. But if she couldn’t talk to him about it, who could she? “I’m just frustrated with the whole Callie situation,” she breathed.
She glanced at him from underneath the bill of her baseball cap. He frowned sympathetically at her. “I know, baby. But you didn’t hit her on purpose. If she doesn’t believe that it’s her problem.”
“It’s not just that,” she interjected. “According to Instagram she’s in Orlando with Cash right now.”
His brow furrowed in confusion when she said that. Alex knew exactly what he was thinking. “I don’t give two shits about Cash,” she assured him. “He can do whatever and whoever he wants. Honestly, I expect bullshit like this from him. But I don’t get where Callie’s head is at. Where the hell does she get off blaming me for ruining her relationship with Adam while she’s off driving fucking go-karts with the guy who stabbed him in the back? It hasn’t even been two weeks since she left him!”
“Because it’s what Callie does,” Kenny blithely returned. “She thinks she’s blameless in everything and doesn’t take accountability for anything. This isn’t the first time she’s shown you that’s exactly the kind of person she is.”
“But we were friends, Kenny! Somehow, we got over all the bullshit and became friends, and then fucking Adam…”
She trailed off, her voice growing thick with emotion, and looked to the ceiling. She didn’t want to get upset. But it was hard not to. She felt betrayed. That was the only word for it.
“Hey.” Kenny put a hand on her bare leg, drawing her eyes back to his. “Do you want my honest advice?”
She nodded.
“Stop wasting your energy on Callie and Adam. They’re not worth it, Alex. You’ve given them so much of your time and effort and what have you gotten in return?”
A tear rolled out of the corner of her eye and she quickly wiped it away. She didn’t need to answer him. They both knew the answer. “I know,” she softly agreed. “You’re probably right.”
A corner of his mouth quirked up. “Of course I am.” He leaned over and kissed the side of her head. “I was thinking about ordering sushi for dinner tonight. That always makes you feel better.”
She perked up a bit at that. “Can we get sake, too?”
He nodded. “Yes, I’ll get you sake, too.”
She smiled. “Okay.”
He gave her leg an affectionate squeeze and stood. “Well, I’m gonna go get a workout in. Wanna join me?”
Alex couldn’t help herself. “Is that a euphemism?”
He grinned. “No, despite how much I want to take that bikini off you right now.”
She just playfully rolled her eyes in response.
“Come on,” he said, holding out his hand. “Endorphins will make you feel better, too.”
Alex emitted a dramatic groan as she put her hand in his and let him pull her to her feet. “Not if you try to kill me like you did last time,” she argued.
“But I always take good care of you afterward,” he said. “That was a euphemism, by the way.”
She returned his smirk. “Yeah, I got it.”
* * * * * * * * * * 
To Cash’s credit, the go-karts had been fun—but Callie was more than happy to take the lead on the rest of the day. She’d picked out a restaurant on International Drive for lunch (Cash had groaned and said that was where all the tourists went, to which she’d cheekily replied that she was a tourist), and afterward he’d convinced her to ride the Ferris wheel at ICON Park, where he’d pointed out some of the different areas of the city to her (Callie, who was afraid of heights, had kept a death grip on his arm the entire time). Then, at Callie’s request, they’d driven around some of the neighborhoods so that she could get a better feel for them (“Obviously, I recommend my neighborhood,” Cash had said). Overall, it had turned out to be a good day after all, and Orlando was looking more and more like the place Callie wanted to move.
But, the more time she spent with him, the more she started to wonder how much of that feeling was due to Cash.
“What’re you craving?” he asked as they sat on the couch in his living room.
“You pick,” she returned. Pawla lounged between them, and she reached down to scratch her behind the ears. “I’m honestly still stuffed from lunch.”
“Chinese it is,” he decided, and he pulled out his phone to order. Callie did the same, but to open up Instagram—and she found that Alex was the first person in her stories queue. She stared at the little circle of her profile picture, hesitant. But she was too nosy not to look, so she angled her phone screen away from Cash and clicked.
There were only two pictures in her story. The first showed her in sweat-drenched workout gear lying face-down on a gym room floor with the caption, “@/kennyomegamanx tried to kill me again.” The second was of her smiling in satisfaction in front of a takeout container of sushi. “He made up for it,” the caption read.
“I guess Alex and Kenny aren’t hiding their relationship anymore.”
She froze and glanced at Cash out of the corner of her eye. That was the second time that day she’s put her foot in her mouth. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “They’re probably the last two people you want to hear about.”
But Cash shook his head. “I don’t care. They can have each other.”
Callie frowned. She wasn’t sure how to respond to that, but he spoke up again before she could.
“Do you prefer beef and broccoli or chicken?”
She thought for a second. “Beef.”
A few more clicks and he finished putting in the order. “It says it’ll be here in thirty-five minutes,” he said as he stood from the couch. “You want a drink? I have a bottle of The Rock’s tequila, it’s really good.”
Callie’s nose scrunched up. “Do you have vodka?”
“Yeah. You want it on the rocks or mixed?”
“Mixed please.”
He nodded and disappeared into the kitchen. Callie occupied herself with petting Pawla until he returned with their drinks a few minutes later. “Here you go; vanilla vodka and Coke Zero.”
“Oo, that sounds good,” she said as he handed her the cocktail. She took a sip. He’d made it just right, not too much vodka, not too little.
“So, what’d you think of Orlando?” he asked as he sat back down. “Did I convince you to become my neighbor?”
His choice of words made her stomach flutter again. “I think so. There’s more to do here than in Jacksonville, and a two-hour drive to work is a lot better than a cross-country flight.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I like it. Dax is planning on moving back to Asheville, but I think I’m gonna stay here. It’s grown on me. Plus, I like Disney and Universal Studios too much.”
“Yeah, I definitely want to check those out,” she returned.
“We should plan a weekend,” he smirked. Callie took a sip of her drink to hide her blush.
They fell into silence, and they both turned their attention to the random show Cash had put on the television. But there was something hanging in the air; Callie could feel it. She was about to speak up when Cash beat her to it.
“So, we’ve avoided the topic all day, but I kind of feel like I have to ask now.”
There was no need for him to clarify what he meant. “Matt?” she guessed.
He nodded. She shifted in her seat. “What about him?”
“Well… are you two not together?”
He sounded almost hopeful. She hesitated to respond.
“That was the rumor backstage,” he added.
She rolled her eyes. “Of course it was. But I guess, yeah, at one point it was moving in that direction. But… I actually told him last night that I think we rushed into things.”
“Oh,” Cash said. It was obvious that he expected her to continue, but her confusion over Matt was the last thing Callie wanted to get into right now. So, she deflected.
“There’s something I need to ask you, too.”
Cash arched his eyebrows as he raised his glass to his lips. “That doesn’t sound good,” he joked.
But Callie wasn’t joking. “Why’d you do what you did to Adam?”
He paused to cock his head at her. “What do you mean?”
She shot him a flat look as he took a sip of his drink. “I mean when you stabbed him in the back, Cash.”
Cash made a noise as he swallowed down the tequila. “Damn, not pulling any punches, huh?”
“You didn’t with Adam.”
He looked back at her in surprise. She didn’t waiver. He breathed out again.
“Alright, look,” he started. “I don’t have anything against Adam. I’ve known him a long time. But he and Kenny had what we wanted, and we did what we had to do to get it.”
She rolled her eyes again. That was such a canned response.
“You did not have to do what you did,” she returned. “You didn’t have to manipulate him the way you did.”
His eyebrows arched. “Manipulate him? Callie, all we did was point out that Kenny and the Bucks don’t give two shits about him. He did the rest himself.”
“I swear.”
“So you didn’t tell him to sabotage Matt and Nick in the gauntlet match?”
“No! He did that because he was upset about you and Matt!”
Callie’s brow puckered in confusion. “What?”
“Yeah,” he confirmed. “He told us at the hotel bar that night that he found out right before the gauntlet match that you were staying with Matt in California, so he retaliated by sabotaging their title shot. Dax and I didn’t have anything to do with that, I promise you.”
The room grew silent as his words sunk in, stunning her. That was exactly what Alex had surmised when Matt had confronted her immediately after the gauntlet match. But Callie hadn’t wanted to believe it, and after FTR had turned on Adam she’d assumed that they’d been the ones to put the idea in his head.
But if Cash was telling her that they hadn’t, then it meant she really was to blame.
“Hey,” Cash softly beckoned. She looked back up at him. His eyes were earnest. “It’s not your fault. I didn’t mean to make it sound like it was. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Callie stared down into her drink, tapping her fingernails on the glass. She appreciated the sentiment, but she didn’t agree. Not really. “Well, technically I walked out him, so…”
She trailed off and took a long drink. She felt like such a bitch. I shouldn’t be here.
“And?” Cash returned, drawing her out of her thoughts. “I’m sure you had good reason to.”
Callie didn’t answer right away, nearly draining her drink. Once she’d had enough, she looked down at Pawla and scratched her head again. “Let’s not talk about it anymore,” she said.
“Done,” he said, and she sent him a tight, grateful smile. “So what do you wanna do? Watch a movie?”
She nodded. “Yeah, that sounds good. I just have one request.”
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Anything but Mean Girls.”
* * * * * * * * * *
When Matt arrived at Daily’s Place on Wednesday, he had half a mind to go to Tony and tell him to cancel the mixed tag match. He had no desire to wrestle a match with Callie anymore. To be frank, he didn’t want much of anything to do with her at the moment.
He knew she’d been in Orlando with Cash yesterday. He’d seen her Instagram photo at the go-kart track and hadn’t thought much of it. But not long after, Kenny had texted him.
Hey, did you know Callie is in Orlando with Cash right now?
It had caught him completely off-guard. No? he’d responded. Who told you that?  
He’d been more on-edge than he cared to admit while he’d awaited Kenny’s reply. Alex. I guess they posted photos from the same place on Instagram or something.
A quick search for Cash’s Instagram profile—Matt didn’t follow that asshole—had confirmed the claim to be true. It wasn’t a photo, but a Boomerang video on his story that gave it away. It was unmistakably the same indoor go-kart track from Callie’s picture.
I just thought you should know, Kenny had followed up. Matt hadn’t responded. He’d tried to put it out of his mind ever since, but he couldn’t. He kept going back to what Callie had said to him the last time he’d seen her.
This all happened way too fast.
He didn’t disagree; they had moved fast. But what confused him was that Callie had been the one to set the pace, not him. He’d thought she’d wanted everything that had happened between them.
But the way she was acting now made him feel like nothing more than a regret.
“Hm.” He looked up from his phone at Brandon. He, Nick, and Kenny all stared expectantly at him from across the EVP room.
“Do you want me to film the mixed tag match for BTE?” Brandon asked. His tone that conveyed he was repeating himself. Matt obviously hadn’t heard him the first time.
“Oh, no. Sorry,” he replied, and he looked back down at his phone. He saw the three of them exchange a wary glance out of his peripheral vision. Thankfully, they just left it alone.
“Alright, I’m starving,” Nick announced as he stood from his seat. “You guys coming?”
“Yeah,” Brandon agreed.
“No,” Kenny wearily returned. “I got that interview with JR.”
There was a pause. And then, “Matt?”
He looked up again, this time at his brother. He shook his head. “No. I’m not hungry.”
Nick let out a breath. “Alright,” he said, and he and Brandon went out the door, leaving Matt and Kenny alone. The silence in the room was deafening. But it didn’t last long.
“Have you talked to Callie at all?” Kenny asked. “About the match,” he quickly clarified.
Matt shook his head again. “No. I haven’t talked to her period. Not since Monday.”
There was another beat of uncomfortable silence. Again, Kenny was the one to break it. “Look, about yesterday. I wasn’t trying to—”
“Don’t,” Matt abruptly cut him off. He knew exactly what he was going to say, and he didn’t want to hear it. “I’m glad you told me. Let’s just leave it at that.”
He raised his palms in surrender. “Fine,” he said, and Matt hoped that really was the end of it.
But then Kenny added, “But I think you owe Alex an apology.”
“What?” Matt cut his eyes at him in disbelief. “For what?”
“Oh, come on, you know exactly for what. For the whole reason the mixed tag match is happening in the first place.”
That confused him even more. “The mixed tag match is happening because Trent can’t mind his fucking business.”
Kenny rolled his eyes. “Oh, okay,” he sarcastically returned.
“You called Alex a slut, Matt!” Kenny burst. “That’s what led to the mixed tag match! You accused her of putting Hangman up to sabotaging your title shot and you called her a slut for being involved with both me and Cash. But where was Callie yesterday? In Orlando with Cash, even though she’s apparently with you. So yeah, I think you owe Alex an apology.”
Matt sat back, physically stung by Kenny’s words. They hurt because there was more than just a grain of truth in them. But, at the moment, he was too stubborn to hear it. “Oh, so Callie’s the slut now? Is that what you’re saying?”
Kenny expelled an exasperated breath. “No, that’s not what I’m saying.”
“It sure fucking sounds like it is.”
“I’m saying she’s making you look like a fucking idiot.”
They were thrown into silence again, their arguing replaced with quiet, palpable hostility as they sat opposed on either end of the room. Matt’s eyes turned dark. He didn’t need this. Not now. Not from his best friend.
“Fuck you, Kenny,” he spat. He stood and stalked toward the door, and as he gripped the handle he turned back, a cutting remark on the tip of his tongue. But in a moment of clarity, he decided it was better left unsaid. The shoe was on the other foot now. So he just went out the door, suddenly glad that he did have a match. He needed to hit something.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Are you guys going out for Jim’s match?”
Alex glanced across the locker room at Trent, looking for him to answer Chuck’s question. He met her gaze before responding.
“I don’t think so,” he said. “We’ll probably stay back here and focus on our match.”
Chuck nodded. “Yeah. I wish it wasn’t mixed tag rules. I’d like to see Alex hand Matt his ass.”
“Oh, she doesn’t even need to touch him to do that,” Trent returned. “Didn’t he train Callie?”
Alex knew he was asking her, but she didn’t look up as she rummaged through her suitcase. “I think so.”
Trent smirked. “So then kicking Callie’s ass will be kicking Matt’s by proxy,” he said. Chuck blinked at him.
“Wow, you actually used that correctly.”
He sucked his teeth. “Fuck off. I know big words.”
“‘Proxy’ is a five-letter word.”
“You know what I meant.”
“Spell it.”
“Are you serious?”
Alex smirked to herself and let them continue to argue while she grabbed the top to her gear and a pair of joggers and went into the bathroom to change. Truth be told, she didn’t want to talk or even think about the match against Callie and Matt. It was a complete one-eighty from a week ago—she’d been aching to kick Matt’s ass then. But now, she just wished the entire situation would go away.
She finished changing and returned to the main area of the locker room. Chuck was still challenging Trent to spell different words. “I’m going to hair and makeup,” she announced over them.
“What gear are you wearing?” Trent asked.
She turned to face him as she pulled on her zip-up hoodie. Her top was a sparkly dark silver-purple with black trim. “This gear. Why?”
“Because we should try to match. I knew I should have brought the gear from Fyter Fest…” he trailed off as he dug through his things and pulled out his dark gray tights with the blue and pink designs. “Do these work?”
Alex gave him a soft smile. “Yeah, those work. I’ll ask Stella to do a blue and pink eye look,” she said, and she went out the door.
Unfortunately, she didn’t get ten steps before she ran into Adam.
He slowed to a stop when he saw her. “Hey.”
“Hey,” she returned, and her brow puckered with concern as she looked him over. He had his ubiquitous glass of whiskey in hand, but he at least looked better than he had when she’d seen him at the hotel on Sunday. “Going somewhere?”
He looked confused at that. “No… why?”
She awkwardly fidgeted with the sleeve of her hoodie. “Well, you just look dressed for TV and I didn’t see you on the card tonight. I wasn’t even sure you were here.”
Adam hadn’t said a single word to her since she’d texted him to ask if he was going to the Labor Day party. But she hadn’t said a single word to him since then, either. Because the more she’d thought about it, the more she’d realized how right Kenny was. It was exhausting putting so much effort into a friendship where she wasn’t getting the same effort in return.
“Oh,” Adam regretfully said as he looked down at his pale blue button-up. “Yeah, I just had an interview with Schiavone.”
“Oh,” Alex repeated. “About—”
“Where I go from here,” he interjected. “I said I was still open to tagging with Kenny if he was.”
He laughed wryly to himself and took a sip of his drink. Alex frowned and looked away. Kenny was not open to tagging with him again; she knew that for a fact. But judging by the look on Adam’s face, deep down he knew that, too.
“Where are you headed?”
She looked back up at him. “Oh, hair and makeup. For the match tonight.”
Realization dawned in his eyes. And then, sadness and hurt. “Oh, right. You have the mixed tag against Matt and Callie.”
“Yeah.” Alex fidgeted and glanced away again. She couldn’t bear the look on his face. But then she wondered: did he know that Callie had been in Orlando with Cash yesterday? Should she tell him?
No, she quickly decided. It’s not your place or responsibility.
“Well, I should get over there,” she said, gesturing in the direction of hair and makeup.
“Oh, yeah,” he nodded as she started walking. “Good luck tonight.”
“Thanks,” she said, and she turned and hurried off as quickly as she could.
* * * * * * * * * *
In the years since she’d started wrestling, Callie had never felt as much of an outcast as she did now. As soon as she’d arrived at the arena with Cash, she’d realized she had nowhere to go. The EVP room was out of the question, and she didn’t want to go back to sharing a dressing room with Britt—she was the one who’d blabbed her business all over Daily’s Place to begin with. Cash had offered for her to share with him and Dax, but she’d turned him down; she could only imagine the rumors that would start if people noticed her sharing a locker room with FTR. No, she needed to keep a low-profile, and so she’d found an empty room away from everyone else. Now, she sat in one of the lounges watching the show as she awaited her match, alone.
Orange Cassidy had just beaten Angelico with the Orange Punch. Callie had expected Best Friends and Alex to be at ringside for the match, but they weren’t. She looked away from the TV and down at her phone as Bryce Remsburg raised Orange’s arm in victory, but a commotion a moment later redrew her attention. Santana and Ortiz had attacked Orange from behind. The assault didn’t last long, however, as Chuck and Trent ran out and chased them off like a pair of guard dogs. Callie couldn’t help but roll her eyes as Trent angrily paced the ring, shirtless in his skinny jeans. She sincerely hoped Matt would get a quick pin on him in their match.
Chuck grabbed a mike to speak, but Callie’s phone buzzed in her hands and she looked down at the screen. It was a text from Cash.
Are you free? I need a favor.
Her pulse picked up a bit as she unlocked her phone to respond. Yeah… what’s up? she typed back and hit “send.” She watched as the typing bubble appeared and, soon after, his answer.
Don’t laugh. I can’t decide on a shirt.
Despite his request, Callie couldn’t help but let out a little laugh. But she couldn’t blame him too much; FTR was having an in-ring celebration in honor of their championship victory at All Out that night. He probably wanted to look his best.
Usual room? she asked as she stood to leave.
Usual room, he replied, and she headed off in the direction of FTR’s dressing room.
The door was slightly open when she arrived, and she knocked to announce herself before she let herself in. Cash stood alone in the middle of the room in a pair of dark navy slacks and socks, shirtless. Callie’s mouth went suddenly dry as he looked over at her.
“Okay, I can’t decide between these two.” He motioned to a pair of dress shirts hung up in the cubby behind him—one white with tiny blue dots, the other with a subtle blue and white checkered pattern. She walked over and pulled them both out of the cubby so that she could hold them up next to him. He smirked at her as she studied them. She did her best to ignore it.
“This one,” she decided, handing him the checkered shirt. But she frowned as she returned the white shirt to its place. “Are those the only dress shoes you have?” she asked, nodding at the pair of black square-toed loafers on the floor.
“Yeah…” Cash slowly returned. “Why? Is something wrong with them?”
It took every fiber of Callie’s being not to blurt out with, “Yes, they’re hideous.” Instead, she said, “Just brown would look better with navy, is all.”    
“Oh,” he realized. “I guess I should have asked your advice before we left this morning.”
She smirked. “Is that all you needed?”
“Yeah, thanks,” he answered as he pulled on the shirt. Callie watched as he fastened the buttons, and she realized she was staring. She fidgeted and looked awkwardly away, but Cash didn’t seem to notice. “Are you ready for your match?”
She drew in a deep breath. “Physically, yes. Mentally… not at all.”
He snorted. “Make Matt do all the work. He’s the one who dragged you into this.”
Callie anxiously bit her lip. He wasn’t wrong; of the four of them in the mixed tag, she was the only one who hadn’t been present when the match was made. But even so, she couldn’t do that to Matt. “No, I don’t want to do that. And besides, Matt didn’t ask for the match, either—Trent did. All because he didn’t like Matt mouthing off about Alex.”
Cash rolled his eyes as he tucked his shirt into his pants. “That doesn’t surprise me. I think he has a thing for her.”
She scoffed. “You think he does? Please, it’s obvious he does,” she said. And then she muttered, “It seems like everyone has a thing for her.”
“Not me,” Cash abruptly announced. “I’ve moved on.”
Callie looked up at him, but he turned away to grab his suit jacket. She wondered if he had more to say—it felt like he had more to say—but before she could ask the door to the locker room opened and Dax walked in. He halted when he saw her.
“Oh, hey, Callie. I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”
He glanced between her and Cash. They both quickly shook their heads. “No, I just asked her to come help me pick out a shirt,” Cash said.
“Ah,” Dax nodded. Callie didn’t miss the little smirk on his face. It was her cue to go.
“Well, I’ll go so you can get dressed,” she said to Dax as she started to leave.
“Good luck if I don’t see you before your match,” Cash returned, and she gave him a tight smile and went out the door.
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex’s hands were clammy as she stood at Gorilla with Trent. The mixed tag match was next. Unfortunately, it was right after FTR’s joke of a tag team championship celebration. She did her best to tune out Dax’s egotistical blathering as she rolled her neck and loosened up. She needed to focus. A match was a match, and even though she wasn’t looking forward to this one, she still wanted to do her best.
“You ready for this?” Trent asked.
She looked up at him and nodded. “Yeah. Are you?” she meaningfully returned. She still couldn’t believe that he and Chuck had challenged Santana and Ortiz to a parking lot brawl next week. On top of worrying that they’d murder each other, she was concerned that Trent’s focus was no longer on their match.
“Yes,” he assured her. “Don’t worry about me.”
Alex smirked. “Man, have I got bad news for you next week.”
He gave her a crooked smile; but then his eye was drawn to a spot just past her shoulder. She turned to look. Matt and Callie had arrived.
Trent scoffed. “They don’t match at all. Losers.”
Normally, Alex would have laughed. But it was obvious even in the dim lighting of Gorilla that Matt and Callie’s gear wasn’t the only thing off about them. Callie in particular seemed unsure of herself. Her eyes met Alex’s. She turned away without a second glance.
Back in the ring, the “celebration” came to a screeching halt when Jurassic Express dumped a cooler full of beer cans over Cash, Dax, and Tully’s heads. Thankfully, they returned backstage a different way than through the entrance tunnels.
Alex drew in a breath and shook out her arms and legs as the show went to commercial. But it seemed like no time had passed at all when she heard the distinctive beat of the Best Friends theme song sound throughout the arena.
“Let’s do this,” Trent said as he held out his fist to her. She bumped it confidently with her own, and they walked into the tunnel together.
* * * * * * * * * *
A boulder settled in the pit of Callie’s stomach as she watched Alex and Trent disappear down the entrance tunnel. She didn’t know why she’d expected Alex to be just as nervous as her. On the contrary, she’d looked laser-focused; her and Trent both had. It was glaringly obvious that they were ten times more prepared for this match than she and Matt were. The two of them hadn’t even walked to Gorilla together—they’d just happened to get there at the same time.
“I’ll start the match,” Matt said. “I’ll try to keep your ring time to a minimum.”
Callie looked at him in hurt and confusion. “Why would you say that?”
“Because it’s obvious you don’t want to do this,” he breathed. “So I’ll just make quick work of Trent and get it over with, alright?”
The opening of the Young Bucks theme interrupted before Callie could say anything. Matt didn’t so much as glance at her before he walked into the tunnel, and she had no choice but to follow him out.
The crowd offered a mixture of boos and cheers as they walked out onto the stage, but Callie couldn’t hear them over the music. She stood awkwardly next to Matt and waited for him to do his signature pose, but he never did. He just glared into the ring at Trent, who glared right back.
The cannons on the side of the stage shot fake $100 bills high into the air, making Callie flinch. She looked back into the ring as the paper money floated down around them. Alex rolled her eyes in annoyance and turned to say something to Trent.  
She stood stiffly at the top of the stage until Matt moved, and they made their way down the entrance ramp. Trent started jaw-jacking, but Callie tuned him out as she took her place on the ring apron. Matt, however, took the bait; Aubrey had to push him back as they yelled at each other. Eventually, Trent scoffed and turned back to Alex.
“You wanna start?” Callie heard him ask.  
But Alex didn’t even get the chance to open her mouth before Matt yelled, “No, we’re starting the match!”
Alex and Trent exchanged a look, but she stepped through the ropes and out onto the apron next to the turnbuckle. Matt removed his leather jacket and tossed it to the floor. Aubrey called for the bell, and the match started.
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex didn’t know if Matt was ignoring Callie, if Trent just wanted to beat the shit out of Matt, or if it was some combination of both. But whatever the case, the match had been going on for nearly ten minutes now, and neither of them had even tried to tag in her or Callie. It was aggravating, but at least it worked in her team’s favor. The match had effectively become a singles contest, and Trent had far more experience wrestling on his own than Matt did. That, and his cardio was better. If it continued like this, it would only be a matter of time before they won.
Matt tried to whip Trent toward the ropes, but he reversed it and pulled him into a side headlock. He pivoted toward a corner and charged, running up the turnbuckle to hit a float-over DDT. He went for the pin—but Matt kicked out at two. Afterward, both men remained still on the mat, taking what chance they could to catch their breath. Alex eagerly stepped up onto the bottom rope and banged on the turnbuckle. She wanted in.
“Trent! Tag me in!”
She leaned into the ring, reaching as far as she could, and he looked over at her. But just as he pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, Matt hit him with a clubbing blow to the back. He grabbed him by the hair and jerked him into a chinlock. It wasn’t a move that Matt typically did. Alex knew it meant he was getting tired.
The crowd started clapping in rhythm for Trent, and Alex stomped her boot on the ring apron in time. Trent wrenched at Matt’s fingers, prying them away from his face. In response, Matt pulled him to his feet and swiftly maneuvered to hit a float-over DDT of his own. Alex bit down on her jaw as she watched him hook his leg. Trent got his shoulder up at two.
Alex stepped back up onto the ropes. She was tired of this. “Why don’t you tag in your partner, huh, Matt?” she taunted. “Worried she can’t beat me?”
Matt glared daggers at her as he climbed to his feet. “I don’t want to subject everyone to having to watch you wrestle,” he spat.
But Alex’s wit was just as quick. “Oh really? You look awfully lost without your little brother out here doing all the work.”
That needled him. She knew it would. But what she didn’t expect was his response.
“Please, you wouldn’t even have a contract if you weren’t on your knees for Kenny every night.”
For a second, Alex was stunned into silence. But then a white-hot rage bubbled up inside her. She ducked through the ropes and charged toward him.
“What’d you say to me?”
“You heard me.”
“Why don’t you say it again.”
“Get out of the ring, Alex!” Aubrey ordered.
At Callie’s warning cry, Matt instinctively whirled around and dodged—and what happened next seemed to unfold in slow motion.
Trent flew toward Alex like a bullet. He crashed into her and knocked the wind from her lungs, sending her violently back into the turnbuckle. She felt a pop in her right shoulder, and then nothing but searing hot pain.
* * * * * * * * * *
When Trent realized what he’d done, he felt sick.
He hadn’t known Alex was in the ring. That DDT had left him dazed, and he’d been oblivious to his surroundings until he’d spotted Matt with his back turned to him. So he went for a spear. But Matt dodged at the last second. Trent had absolutely no chance to stop himself or correct course, and he rammed full speed into Alex.
He watched in stunned horror as she writhed against the turnbuckle. She clenched her right arm, her face screwed up in pain. She was hurt. He’d hurt her.
He was abruptly cut off by a superkick to the jaw. He crumpled to the mat. Matt dragged him by the ankle further into the ring and pinned him. The count sounded distant and faint.
The bell rung. Trent felt Matt throw down his leg as the music started, ringing in his ears. He stared up into the lights, unblinking, while Matt’s arm was raised in victory. He’d hurt her. He’d hurt her and then lost the match.
“Alex,” he said again as he rolled over onto his hands and knees. She was still huddled against the turnbuckle, clutching her arm as Aubrey checked on her. He felt sick all over again.
“Alex.” He crawled over to her and put a hand on her knee. She looked up at him. Unshed tears shined in her eyes. It broke him. “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “It was an accident—”
Suddenly, Kenny was in the ring. He practically pushed Trent out of the way as he knelt in front of Alex. “What’s wrong?” he asked her.
“I think it’s dislocated,” she winced.
Trent looked at her right shoulder. It hung visibly lower than her left. His heart dropped into his stomach.
“Let’s get you to Doc,” he said as he tried to move toward her again.
But Kenny blocked him. “I got it,” he bit. Trent didn’t have it in him to argue.  
He watched as Kenny helped her to her feet and ushered her to the ropes; he held them open for her so she could gingerly duck through. As she stepped to the other side, Alex looked back. For a brief second their eyes met. But then Kenny put his arm around her, and she turned away and disappeared into the back.
* * * * * * * * * *
Callie couldn’t stay out there a second longer. She was horrified by what she’d witnessed. The way Matt had taken advantage of Trent’s awful mistake, how he hadn’t hesitated to kick him in the jaw—there’d been a viciousness in his eyes that she’d never seen before. And she didn’t want any part of it.
She stormed off before Aubrey could even raise his arm in victory, marching quickly up the ramp. Kenny nearly bowled her over on his way down to the ring, and she turned to watch as he ran to Alex’s aid. But then she saw Matt coming after her, and she turned back around and hurried through the entrance tunnel.
She didn’t stop or even glance his way. She just kept walking.
“Callie! What the fuck?”
That got her stop and face him. “Me what the fuck? You what the fuck, Matt? What the fuck was that out there?”
If looks could kill, she was certain she would have been dead on the spot. “Are you serious?” he spat. “I won the match and you just ran off!”
Her eyes darkened. “Well, I didn’t want to be a part of it anyway, right?”
Matt bit down on his jaw. There was nothing he could say to that. She gave him one last glare and turned her back on him again, praying that was the end of it. She just wanted to leave. Alone.
“I want your shit out of my house by the weekend.”
Callie halted. His words were like a knife in the back. They hurt. And suddenly, she wanted him to hurt, too.
She turned around again, her head held high. “That’s fine, because I don’t want to move back to California anymore.”
She held his gaze in defiance. But Matt just laughed, cruel and low. “Let me guess, Orlando with Cash?”
She faltered. He knew about yesterday. But she steeled herself again. “No. I want to move to Orlando for me.”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Okay.”
“That’s the truth!”
“Was all this just a rebound to you?”
If his previous words had been a knife to the back, those were a blow to the gut. Tears sprung to the back of Callie’s eyes. Her voice came out strained. Apologetic. “No. I care about you, Matt. So much that it scares me.”
He laughed again and looked away. “Coulda fooled me.”
She took a step toward him. “Matt—”
“Have fun in Orlando,” he cut her off, and that time it was him who stormed off and left her behind. Alone.
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden's Gate: Kidnapped Chapter 12 - Breaking In
word count: 2,482
warnings: some swearing, some angst,
some cuteness between Kate and Wheaty.
I'm lowkey shipping Kate and Wheaty!!!!!!!
5 days have passed, and still no sign of Paige’s family breaking into Jacob’s stronghold, and saving her redheaded hunter ass from the elder Seed bro’s redheaded ass. I just wanted to put some comedy relief into this for once. Anyway, Paige has learned from Ryan that Jacob goes by a schedule, and everyday he wakes up at 6am sharp, he goes over to his route with training his soldiers, doing paperwork, putting in orders, and torturing innocent people with classical conditioning. 
Between 8am and 10am that's when he goes to the cages, and taunts the elder Winchester sister. For the past few weeks Paige and Ryan have been keeping track on his schedule, luckily Ryan has a watch, and that makes everything easier for them. Everyday for the past 5 days, and even before that, between 12 and 1:30pm when the soldiers feed the prisoners the half cooked shitty raw meat, they also dump out dead rotten bodies of the innocent people Jacob as killed via his classical conditioning, and his trials. 
Paige and Ryan lay awake in their cages, Ryan looking down at his watch reading 5:52am.
“It's almost time for Jacob to get up” he whispers to Paige.
She nods her head, and says “So today is the day we bust out of here”.
“Yeah, I don’t wanna jinx anything but hopefully they go by the everyday schedule” he says worried.
Paige looks over at him with a somewhat mad look, while he looks down at his watch.
Kate still can’t believe it, it's been a few days and she still hasn’t told anyone, not even Kenny.
She never thought she would even see her again.
Her mother Mandy Winchester, she’s alive and well.
She hasn’t seen or heard from her mom in almost 8 years.
She lost custody of her and Paige when they were 13 and 16 years old. 
When they were attending school in Iowa, one of Kate’s teachers saw cuts, bruises and scrapes on her arms, and that was enough for the teacher to call Child Protective Services on them, and let's just say it didn’t end well for that teacher. 
But where in the Whitetails is she living? It's a huge region, nothing but mountains and forests.
She waits until everyone else gets up, because it's too early and she’ll never hear the end of it. 
Plus she’s known her mom was alive for a few days, and she never told anyone. 
“Maybe I should go out, and find her” she thinks to herself.
She decides to go look for her mother. 
She gets up out of bed, goes to her computer and looks up the saved location of her mother’s whereabouts.
It looks like she was near the wolves den? 
“Is she working with the Whitetail militia?” she thinks to herself again. 
She goes into the cameras, and checks. She sees her mom talking to Eli? Maybe? From what it looks like. 
Eli was helping us search for Paige, and does he know that Mandy is Kate and Paige’s mom?
She gets dressed, and quietly leaves the house trying not to wake up the others.
She gets into her car, and leaves to the Whitetail Mountains.
Ryan and Paige keep a close eye on Jacob’s schedule, he just stepped out of the facility, and now he’s giving orders to his men. He goes back inside the facility. 
“Okay if all this goes as planned, we should be able to get out by 2pm” he says softly.
She nods, and says “Okay, okay, good”.
“So for now, we just go by their schedule, and wait”.
Realization hits Paige like a train, she turns back to Ryan and says
“Okay but how do we get out of our cages”.
“Fuck” he mumbles under his breath.
“That’s one of the important parts. Getting out of the fucking cages is a very important part” she whispers to him, trying not to let any of the guards hear her. 
“I’ll figure something out” he whispers back. “God I’m so fucking stupid” he mutters to himself.
Paige looks around her cage, trying to find any opening, anything that’ll aid them out of this shithole. 
Kate is half ways to the wolves den. When she finally arrives, she climbs up the grassy like mountain, and sees that the bunker door is open.
As she gets closer she hears voices coming from the inside, and one of them is definitely a female, and the other two are male most likely Eli and Wheaty.
She slowly walks down the stairs trying not to alert them.
“Hello? Eli?” she says in a calming but somewhat stern voice.
She makes it down the stairs, her and Wheaty almost collide with each other.
“Hey Kate” he says in a “trying to sound nervous” voice.
“Hey Wheaty” she says back. She steps further into the bunker, and sees Eli, and Tammy. 
Bummed because she really thought she heard her mom’s voice moments ago, and she saw her on one of Jacob’s cameras an hour earlier.
“Hey Kate, do you need anything?” Eli asks with a concerned look on his face. 
She awkwardly scratches the back of her head, and says “Umm, this is gonna sound weird but umm. I was able to hack into Jacob’s cameras that he has set up around the region, and while flipping through the cameras. I uhh” she stumbles on the last part.
“You didn’t see anything off putting right?? Wheaty asks, somewhat embarrassed. 
Tammy and Eli look at him with disgusted looks on their faces. 
Kate just looks at him confused, shaking her head “no”. 
“What did you see?” Tammy asks, turning back to Kate
“I saw something. Well someone who looked familiar, and I haven’t seen in years”
As she’s talking to them, Mandy walks back into the room looking down at her phone.
“Hey guys, so are we-” she gets cuts off. 
“Mom!!!” Kate exclaims, causing Eli and Wheaty to jump. 
Mandy looks up, and she drops her phone in a dramatic form.
Tears start to form in Kate’s eyes.
“Katella?” Mandy says softly, getting choked up. 
Kate slowly runs into her mother's arms, both of them crying ugly.
Tammy, Eli and Wheaty leave the room to give them some space. 
They pull away after a few minutes.
“Where have you been?” Kate asks, with a raspy voice. 
“Saving people, hunting things, the family business. Looking for the demon who killed your father” she whispers the last part.
“Why didn’t you visit us when we were in Jackson?” she asks.
“Legally I wasn’t allowed to, and also I had too many people on my ass. I didn’t want you or your sister getting hurt”. 
They both look down at the floor, before she asks.
“Where is your sister?” 
Paige, Ryan and all the other prisoners sitting in their cages, listening to Jacob ramble on. Mainly Jacob’s attention is on Paige, like always, it's always on Paige and no one else.
She’s waiting for him to pull out that damn music box, and have her kill people again. 
He continues his speech to the prisoners. 
“You see this whole thing. 
It's gonna show you where you stand in this world.
You'll know your purpose, it's either dead or with the Project”
He continues but he looks over at Paige while saying this.
“You will say where you stand. You will decide who lives, and who dies.
It’s your choice. You decide. The blood is on your hands”
She stares at him with intense eyes. 
He slowly stands up, and reaches into his jacket pocket.
Paige and Ryan quickly exchange glances, realizing their plan to escape is ruined.
They turn their heads forward, she hears Jacob turn the handle of the music box, she closes her eyes, mentally and physically prepares herself for the painful headache, and the thought that she might kill her new friend in the trials. That was her only way out. 
“Only Yooooouuuuu”
Looking down at the floor, trying to figure out how to tell her mom that Paige was taken by the Cult.
“Katella, where’s Paige?” she asks
“She’s uhh” she stumbles over her words when Eli steps in and says
“She was kidnapped by the Cult, and she’s being held by Jacob Seed”
Mandy looks at him in shock, shaking her head.
“No, no, no, no” she says, panicking.
“Mom?” Kate asks worried. 
“That bastard has Paige” she says, almost hyperventilating. 
She drops to the floor, her hands on her head, and feeling the urge to vomit.
Her mood instantly changes from panic to anger. 
“I’m gonna fucking kill that asshole” she says furiously. 
Kate helps her up, and sits on the arm of the couch.
Kate’s phone rings. “I’ll be back” she says.
Stepping out of the room, she answers her phone. 
“Hey” she says.
“Kate where are you??” Kenny asks from the other end. 
“I had to go do something” she answers.
It's like a lightbulb went off in Kenny’s head.
“You better not be at St. Francis by yourself!!” he raises his voice. 
“I’m not, I’m not okay. I just had to go find someone. It's very personal” she says. 
“Personal? What do you mean personal?” he asks, getting annoyed. 
She can hear the annoyance growing in his voice, and she somewhat snaps at him.
“Did you have a stroke? Personal as in my own grown up personal I don’t know crap”
If she could see through her phone she’s pretty sure Kenny looks offended but she’s too happy to see her mother to give a fuck, and she hangs up her phone. She sighs, and turns around. 
Not realizing Wheaty walked in, standing 5 feet behind her, and overheard her end of the conversation.
“Hey, is everything okay?” he asks, concerned.
She nods her head “Yeah that was just my brother in law. He thought I was at St. Francis by myself”. She sits down on a table.
He nods, and sits next to her. 
”Are you planning on going to St. Francis to get your sister?” he asks. 
“Yeah me, Kenny and a few others were gonna break in. Through a tunnel that runs underneath the Veteran’s Centre” she replies. 
She can feel the awkwardness between her and Wheaty. She knows he likes her but she is terrible when it comes to reading those types of signs.
She clears her throat, and says “We were, uhh, supposed to go later today, maybe tomorrow. But after getting my mom back, I’m sure she should want to meet them first. Or maybe I can surprise them with Paige and my mom” she says, trying to keep her breathing steady.
He puts his hand over hers, and says “I think you should surprise them with her”. 
She nods her head, and says. 
“Yeah, I think I’ll do that. Kenny is gonna… he’s gonna be so happy when he sees her”
As she’s talking, Wheaty just stares at her in admiration, not hearing a single word she says. 
“But I’m sure, 100% he’s gonna want to rip his head off” she finishes. 
He snaps out of his trance, and says “Yeah, yeah absolutely”. 
She smiles at him, and looks down at their hands. His hand is still on top of hers.
He quickly moves it, somewhat embarrassed, she gets up from the table and says.
“I’m gonna go check on my mom”, 
Before she leaves the room, she turns to Wheaty and says.
“And Wheaty?”
He looks up at her.
“You don’t have to be nervous around me” she says with a smile, and she leaves the room.
She goes back to her mom.
Her, Tammy and Eli are going over a plan. “What’s this?” she asks. 
“We’re getting Paige back” Mandy says.
“When? Right now?” she asks. 
“Yes” she responds.
She stands next to her mom, and looks at the map of the Veteran’s Centre.
“So if we get a bunch of our men, the Resistance, and the Cougars. That’ll be enough to bring Jacob’s army” Eli says. 
“Okay we have everything ready right?” Mandy asks. 
“Yeah, we have the guns, ammo, throwables, and explosives enough for everyone” Wheaty answers. 
“Okay, good” Mandy responds.
“How are you guys getting in?” Kate asks.
“Through the front gate of course” Tammy answers.
“You guys are gonna go in, and get detected?” she asks
“That's our only way in” Eli says. 
“Actually Kate told me there’s a tunnel that runs underneath the VC” Wheaty says.
Eli, and Tammy look over at her. 
“Really?” he asks.
She nods her head, “Yeah it starts 1.5 miles away from the Centre, starting from the Northeast”
“But if she’s outside in the cages it's better to go through the front gate” Tammy says.
Kate agrees it’ll be easier to get Paige, and get the fuck out of there. 
They go over the plan again, and then they leave for the Veteran’s centre.
Guns, ammo and everything else all set, and ready to go. 
Kate texts Kenny saying “I’ll be home in a bit”, and sends it. 
Thinking that’ll be her final words to him. She doesn’t know if she’ll come out of this alive.
Her, Mandy, Eli and Wheaty leave in one of the militia’s trucks.
Eli driving, Mandy in the passenger, Kate and Wheaty in the backseats.
He can tell Kate is tense about all this.
He places his hand over hers, hoping it”ll calm her down. 
It helps a little.
4 other militia trucks follow behind, and a few planes above them. 
Paige goes through the trials once again, and wakes up her cage.
She shoots up and looks over at the next cage. 
She is relieved to see Ryan is still alive.
She hears Jacob’s chuckle next to her. She turns her head, staring at him angrily.
He says. 
“You’re little friend there took one Hell of a beating. I’m surprised he held on that long. He won’t next time though”.
She hears planes flying in the distance, and they shoot at the front gate of the Veteran’s centre. 
Jacob quickly gets up, and runs inside the facility.
The sound of machine guns and explosives make her ears ring. 
One explosive goes off in front of her cage. Luckily she didn’t sustain any injuries,
“What’s the fuck going on!?!?!” Ryan yells out.
Paige can’t even hear anything, her vision is all fucked up, smoke clouds are all over the place. Gun fire, dead bodies of peggies everywhere. She sees a truck pull up in front of her cage, and sees someone break the lock and does the same to the other cages.
Her vision still blurry, she couldn't recognize the face of her little sister.
“Paige!! Paige!!!!” she yells. Her vision goes clear, and tears immediately form in her eyes.
“Kate!?!?!?!” she yells over the sound of gun fire, and people yelling.   
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fallynleaf · 3 years
first line meme!
i was “tagged” by @norationalthoughtrequired​!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
i’m not going to tag specific people, but if you’re reading this post, consider yourself tagged!
1. They fucked with the lights on because neither of them cared enough to turn them off. — Save Nothing for the Cameras, Stardom, Natsuko Tora/Saki Kashima
2. When Mizuki woke up, the first thing she realized was that she wasn’t in her own bed. — Rabbit in Wolf’s Clothing, Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling, Pro Wrestling NOAH, Mizuki/Yuka Sakazaki, Katsuhiko Nakajima/Go Shiozaki
3. “Wei Ying.” — Some Ends Tied Up, The Untamed, Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji
4. This isn’t the first time you’ve died. — What Isn’t Alive Can Never Die, DDT Pro-Wrestling, Yoshihiko genfic
5. They go back to the locker room—their locker room, not the EVP one. — Out of the Rain, All Elite Wrestling, unrequited Hangman Adam Page/Kenny Omega
6. Charlotte felt both very brave and very foolish for sneaking out with Georgiana. — Violets, Sandition, Charlotte Heywood/Georgiana Lambe
7. Nyla doesn’t have weaknesses. — Disaster and the Sublime, All Elite Wrestling, Nyla Rose/Riho
8. It started, as it always did, with a job. — Waltz of the Dreamers, Inception, Arthur/Eames
9. The idea comes to him at the height of his fever. — Multitudes, New Japan Pro Wrestling, Kota Ibushi/Kenny Omega
10. There is a breeze, toying with a lock of her hair. — Vanitas, Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling, Misao/Sakisama, Misao/Rika Tatsumi
11. There is glass on the floor, and it doesn’t matter that there is glass on the floor, because you’ve got him pinned to the wall and his tongue is in your mouth and there is the taste of blood there, and you aren’t sure if it’s yours or his. — Unsanctioned, All Elite Wrestling, Jon Moxley/Joey Janela
12. It happened on a warm, melancholy night after Kenny and Ibushi had gone out to dinner with Michael. — Shining Bright, DDT Pro-Wrestling, Kenny Omega/Kota Ibushi
13. As the three of them approached the plantation, Jack felt nervous anticipation eating away at him like a carrion bird. — His Shroud of Finest Silk, Black Sails, Jack Rackham/Original Character
14. Pearl stared down at the phone in her hand. — First Date, Steven Universe, Pearl/Mystery Girl
15. The first night Penelope sat down behind the loom, candlelight dancing on her fingers as she worked the weft off of the warp, a slave girl came to her. — The Goddess and the Weaver, The Odyssey, Penelope/Athena
16. The day after the article in the Daily Prophet, there was a knock at Remus’ door. — Grey Mornings, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
17. It was bound to happen eventually. — Fill Me With Your Poison, Venom, Eddie Brock/Venom
18. They sat outside, at a small metal table for two, pushed up against the side of the donut shop between a planter and a hanging basket. — Sugar and Spice, Andi Mack, Bex Mack/Miranda Patrick
19. "Hey!" Donna said brightly over the phone, her tone like she was going to invite Jody to maybe a party or a football game. "I just saw a report that sounds like a vamp attack in Minneapolis. Wanna come?" — Something New, Supernatural, Jody Mills/Donna Hanscum
20. They fight over whose room to use, because of course they do. — Three’s Company, MCU, Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes
i don’t know if there are many patterns here, except for the fact that i really need to work on improving my first lines haha! there are a few similarities in phrasing, but for the most part, they’re pretty different, which i’m relieved to see. i don’t know if i can choose a favorite, but i think 11 is the most evocative, and 4 is the most fun.
quite a range of fandoms represented here. seventeen different ones! six are wrestling, though.
as a bonus, here’s the first line from the last original fiction story i wrote:
It’s just the two of us in a pool of our own sweat, grappling for something greater than ourselves.
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jonny-byerss · 4 years
All Words Muttered By Jonathan Byers In Stranger Things
Season 1
S1: E8 The Upside Down
-Don’t step on the trap.
-Alright. You ready?
-On three. One...two...you don’t have to do this-
-I’m just saying, you don’t have to-
-It’s just the wind.
-Don’t worry. My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes.
-Blink. Think of them as alarms.
-No, it’s fine. Thanks.
-You need to get out of here. Listen to me, I’m not asking you, I’m telling you, get out of here!
-Nancy. Nancy. Nancy! Nancy! The lights.
-It’s here.
-I don’t know. I don’t see it.
-Go! Go! Run! Go! Get out of here!
-Shut up!
-I don’t know.
-Come on. Come on, you son of a bitch! You see it?
-Come on. Where are you? Come on!
-Get back!
-No. It has to be dead. It has to be.
-Mom. Is that you? Mom?
-I don’t think that’s the monster.
-You’re home. You’re home now. You’re safe.
-Yeah, it’s me, buddy. We missed you. We really missed you.
-What, this? It’s just a cut. It’s nothing. You’re worried about my hand.
-Oh, hey, uh...we, uh...we brought you some stuff...so you don’t get bored in here.
-Uh, I made you a new mixtape. There’s some stuff on there I think you really might like.
-Guys, guys, go easy on him.
-Jeez, what’s that smell? Have you guys been playing games all day or just farting?
-Will, come on.
-So, you have fun?
-Hey, Mrs. Wheeler.
-Yeah, thank you. Uh, Merry Christmas.
-So, uh, you win?
-Thanks, um...I...I didn’t get you anything, I...I feel bad.
-Merry Christmas.
-You ready? Let’s go.
-Alright. Buckle up.
-Yeah, sure.
-Yeah. Yeah, pretty cool.
-What you got there? That one yours?
-Looks pretty big.
-Be careful. You’ll break it.
-Because...it looks great.
-Mom. Mom, it’s gonna be great.
-Mm. Very good, Mom.
-Mm, hey, did Will tell you about, uh, the game?
Season 2
-“Come and get sheet-faced”. No, I’m not.
-Well, you can relax, I’m not gonna be alone. I’m going trick-or-treating with Will.
-Sounds like a nice night.
-Hey, bud. I, uh, didn’t know what you’d like, so I got a variety. Take your pick.
-Alright. What are you working on?
-Zombie Boy? Who’s Zombie Boy?
-Did someone call you that? Hey, you can talk to me, you know that, right? Whatever happened. Will, come on, talk to me.
-What? Like what?
-What are you talking about?
-You’re not a freak.
-You know what? You’re right. You are a freak.
-No, I’m serious, you’re a freak. But what? Do you wanna be normal? Do you wanna be just like everyone else? Being a freak is the best, alright? I’m a freak.
-I have-I have friends, Will.
-Because you’re my best friend, alright? And I would rather be best friends with Zombie Boy than with a boring nobody. You know what I mean?
-Okay, look...who would you rather be friends with? Bowie or Kenny Rogers?
-Exactly. It’s no contest. The thing is, nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world. You got it?
S2: E2 Trick or Treat, Freak
-He’s not in his room?
-Three, two, one...
-Great! Hold up the proton blaster.
-Alright, now turn to the light.
-Yeah, cool.
-Are you ready, bud?
-I just-I just don’t get what she sees in him.
-What? You think I’m lame?
-Hey, listen, if I let you go on your own, you promise to stay in the neighborhood?
-And ve back at Mike’s by 9?
-Alright. Hey, Will, don’t let any of your spazzy friends use this, alright?
-I hope it doesn’t suck.
-Oh, uh, yeah, I’m going as a guy who hates parties.
-Uh, Jonathan.
-KISS? The band?
S2: E3 The Pollywog
-We’re looking, Mom.
-He’s staying over now?
-Yeah, yeah, he was upset. I mean, he was...he was really upset. But he was still worried about you.
-Hey, you need to cut yourself some slack, okay? People say stupid things when they’re wasted, you know, things they don’t mean.
-Like there’s this weight you’re carrying around with you? All the time? I feel it too.
-Yeah, yeah he did, but, you know, he’s not the same. I try to be there for him, you know, to help him, but...I don’t know. I mean, maybe...maybe things just can’t go back to the way they were.
-The people responsible for this...they’re dead.
-Yeah. Why? What are you thinking?
-Oh...Ms. Wheeler!
-Yeah, uh, we have a test tomorrow.
-Bye Ms. Wheeler!
-Okay, are you sure about this?
S2: E4 Will the Wise
-Mom? Will? Hello?
-No, she was sleeping, but I left a note.
-Stop saying that.
-Yeah, I know. Just give him time.
-We’re not together.
-You still wanna do this?
S2: E5 Dig Dug
-Nance...uh, on or off?
-It’s not going to end.
-What do you mean?
-Yeah, Will needed me...and Steve...
-Yeah, like only a month.
-Are you positive this is the right place?
-What camera?
-You might wanna sit down for this.
-What? Think?
-You don’t believe us, do you?
-This is ridiculous!
-Wait, what?
S2: E6 The Spy
-To taking down the man.
-Yeah, no, no, I’ve gotta drive.
-I mean, do...do you wanna stay?
-Okay, uh...could I use the sofa?
-No, no, I mean, we’re just friends.
-What? No, I mean, my dad’s-
-Trust issues? Trust issues.
-Trust issues? I do not...
-Oh, no, don’t, I mean, he’s so drunk.
-Yeah, I mean, what, he knows us for a couple of hours and he’s got us all figured out?
-Yeah, yeah, it’s fine.
-Yeah, um, goodnight.
-Uh, sorry?
-Oh, yeah, yeah, it was...it was good.
-Oh. Okay.
-No, no, it’s fine. They’re probably just at the matinee or something.
-I don’t know. Mom? Will?
-I don’t shoot Polaroid.
-It’s not mine. Someone else has been here.
S2: E8 The Mind Flayer
-Why are the lights off?
-And security just took the night off? I don’t think so.
-No. The power’s off.
-Nancy, Nancy, wait.
-Hello? Who’s there? Who’s there?
-Hang on-
-Come on! Get in!
-Hey. Hey there. It’s me. Um, I’m sorry, bud. I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I should’ve been there.
-You sure this is gonna work?
-Do you remember the day Dad left? We stayed up all night building Castle Byers...just the way you drew it, and it took so long, because you were so bad at hammering. You’d miss the nail every time. And then, it started raining, but we stayed out there anyway. We were both sick for like a week after that, but we just had to finish it, didn’t we? We just had to.
-Do you remember the first time I played you this? Mom and Dad were both arguing in the next room, so I played you the mixtape I made you, and it was the first time you got into music. Real music.
-They’re coming!
S2: E9 The Gate
-Then we need to make the host uninhabitable.
-Okay. Denfield to oak tree, swing a right, that’s it. But, it’s channel ten, right?
-Are you sure this is a good idea?
-It’s not working. It’s not working! Mom, are you listening to me?
-How much longer? Mom, look at him!
-You’re killing him!
-You’re killing him! No!
-Mom, you’re killing him!
-Come on, buddy!
-Come on!
-Come on, Will!
-Chief, are you there? Chief, do you copy?
-Close it.
-No, no, just the good stuff.
-Yeah, yeah, it’s what’s happening.
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Chapter 11 - I Want My MTV
Seattle Washington, September 3 1994
"...Alright, it's nice to see you again, I had no idea you were working with Pantera and Type O Negative," Vanessa Warwick smiles sweetly shaking my hand as Peter and Kenny grab a seat on the edge of the large fountain that stood in the center of the Seattle center with the Arena far off on the other side.
"I had no idea you even remembered me," I say.
"Oh, of course... I remember catching you and Chris on the GNR tour, what was that a couple of years ago now?" She says in her British accent.
"Um, yea about that long I think," I say shyly. I remember that encounter too. Chris and I making out in front of one of the trailers and Kim walking up with Vanessa, catching us right in the moment like we were a couple of teenagers. At least this time I wasn't in the middle of anything at all thank god.
Vanessa and I chat for a few more moments and I go over the plan with her for the interview with Kenny and Peter than show her where Dime and Phil were, since they are the only two that are able to do the interview (Rex and Phil are working on sound check for tonight) and offered to lead her there if she needs to find the trailer. She then heads over and greets Kenny and Peter while I check off a few things in my planner and I feel Kenny glance over at me for a moment while he takes a drag of his cigarette. I glance back over at him and he gives me such a sly sexy smirk that makes my insides flutter and I can't help but flirt right back with him knowing exactly what took place just a short while ago.
"Alright well we just wanted to ask you, how are things going on tour? I heard you had a few new people on the road with you and you're opening for Pantera?" Vanessa asks as she points the mic towards Peter.
"Yep, well we are making the record company lots of money, they are very happy, we of course do have a few new crew members that are a slow to get used to us but that's ok, we like that," Peter says flatly.
"Alright, you're a bit cynical here but how do you think it's going compared to Europe? You were doing really really well in Europe," Vanessa chuckles.
"Well after touring 5 or 6 times here in the states, of course things are going well, 'cause each time we went out we went out with a different band each time. This is the first one where we're on the road with one band for a longer amount of time so it's been even better. A lot more stability I guess,"
"Now is type o negative actually a band that can write on the road? Or... really how much have you writen for your next album?" Vanessa asks pointing the mic back to Peter.
"I believe I have enough songs writen for like, 5 albums probably,"
"Wow, really?""Yea, so we'll probably just pick the strongest material," Peter says.
"And most of that was written on the road?"
"Some of it was yea, some was written like a long time ago and I just druged them up you know, and even sometimes I steal songs from the opening bands, and you know, we just rip 'em off like that, " Peter says in an extremely sarcastic tone as Vanessa laughs.
"So how was Dynamo'94 Kenny? I think that was the last time I saw you?" She asks.
"Uh that was very... uh.. confusing... um chaotic... unsanitary but I survived," Kenny says maintaining a bit of the sarcasm that Peter gave which makes me laugh.
"Alright well I'd say that about sums that up... ok we'll be back in a moment but right now we're going to show you a bit of type o negative live from Dynamo '94 here is 'Christian Woman' Vanessa smiles. After a few moments of random chatting between Vanessa and Peter and Kenny just staying quiet but glancing at me every once and a while and flirting, they come back from the live performance footage and continue with the interview.
"So we've got a few more moments to talk to type o negative before we catch up with Pantera who are the headliners tonight right here in Seattle at the Seattle Center and Peter I have to say that the Type O Negative today is quite different from when you first recorded and released 'Bloody Kisses' becasue you've got a new drummer Johnny...so I was wondering just how much is he going to be involved with new material and how it's going to change because of his input?"
"It is not going to change at all you know, because I write the songs... I request the members of the band play certain things and if they want to put their own two cents in , that's fine, so long as it doesn't stray from the basic idea I had in mind so it should sound a lot like 'Bloody Kisses' but uh, unless Johnny starts drinking like a lot of those health drinks you know, I really dont' think it's gonna change too much, " Peter responds sarcastically at first then adding in a bit of humor like he always does while Vanessa laughs.
"But what I was saying is that because he's more apart of the live environment and because of the touring has it become a much more closer unit type thing?" Vanessa turns to Kenny.
"Closer? Uh, as close as 4 people can be that have lived in a box for a year together,"
"That's pretty close," Vanessa chuckles.
"Pretty close," Kenny smirks at the camera
"Alright.. well thank you guys so much for hanging out with me for a few moments,"
"You're welcome sweetie" Peter says sweetly and Vanessa turns to the camera.
"Alright we're going to take a short break with some more live footage of Type O Negative from Dynamo '94 and we'll be back with the one and only Pantera... Stay tuned," Vanessa ends the interview and Peter reaches up and plays with her hoop earing, attempting to flirt which made me giggle. Peter can be so cute sometimes.
Once Vanessa thanks them again, she turns with her camera guy and heads over to the equipment trailers where Dime and Phil were to do the interview with them.
"We are back and right now I have 'Dimebag' Darrel Abbot and Phil Anselmo of Pantera with me and I just wanted to say how amazing it is to see you guys again,"
"Thank you," Phil says sweetly.
"Now, I heard you guys were on tour with Megadeth last year, and you played a big show which went over really well..." Vanessa asks pointing the mic to Phil.
"Yea we uh you know, had some bad blood in the past but uh, we played the show together and mellowed things out and you know, just made up so to speak and uh... yea everything all smooth and cool," Phil smiles
"So with your last album, Vulgar Display Of Power, it was much heavier than Cowboys From Hell so for this one, um, Far Beyond Driven... it's much more aggressive sounding... were you wanting to maintain the same approach as the previous album?" Vanessa asks and point the mic to Dime.
"Um, well we just did it like we do it live, pretty much kept it going with how we do everything, stick to just being ourselves and whatever comes out, you know... " Dime says.
"Cool, ok um... a question for you Phil... the lyrics on this album are much more so filled with anger and frustration much like Vulgar but even more so, do you find that seems to gain more attention that way? Like it's the best way to express yourself?" Vanessa points the mic to Phil.
"Well... uh... yea I guess, see people always focus on my lyrics for how fueled with anger they are and yea I do feel that way sometimes but not all the time. I find that this is the best way to express myself and my feelings when I do feel angered or frustrated, it's therapy you know, and if others feel the same way, it can be therapy for them as well. But there's always something positive at the end of each song you know... well positive to me anyways,"
"Alright, now you guys describe your sound as power groove, how have you carried that on in Far Beyond Driven?" Vannessa asks.
"Um, well, we write song that move people you know, instead of going a hundred million miles and hour we just uh, write song that will move ya, and make you wanna dance man... no I'm not talking about - for those of you that don't know - ballroom dancing and shit, we're talking about dancing and uh.. you punks out there know what I'm talking about - Anyway it's like... writing songs that we feel you know - "
'Its like not trying, it's just letting it happen," Dime finishes what phil was trying to get across as Vanessa giggles.
"Alright, thank you Dime and Phil for hanging out with me for a few moments," Vanessa smiles sweetly.
"No problem sweetie," Phil says sweetly.
"Alright so right now, we're going to show you a few live clips of Pantera from the Monsters of Rock tour and we'll be back in just a bit," Vanessa says as she turns back to the camera and the camera guy cuts the interview.
"Thank you, guys... we'll see you a little later," Vanessa turns back to Phil and Dime and shakes their hands as they wish her well. She then turns to me and thanks me though she really didn't need to. I thank her as well and make sure she doesn't need anything else from me which she says she's completely fine making it out of the Seattle Center on her own. After a few more moments of chatting with her she says goodbye and walks away with her camera guy.
"Hey Andi... do we have anything else we need to do today?" Phil asks me as he steps over to me to look over my shoulder while I check more things off in my planner.
"Um... just looks like sound check and then pretty much nothing until the show tonight. You guys are on at 10:00pm and Type O's opening  between 8 and 8:15pm," I say as I read through the schedule.
"Dude, what time is it?" Phil calls over to Dime as Dime stands in the doorway of their tour bus taking a sip of his can of beer.
"6:00" Dime calls back and takes another sip.
"Fuckin' right on, ok, I need a fuckin' beer man," Phil says excitedly and walks away from me as I glance up and giggle at his reaction.
"KENNNYYY!!!!!" Dime calls and I turn to see Kenny walking up towards us, puffing away on a cigarette with his gorgeous dark curls swaying with each movement and Johnny following not far behind. I swear every time I see him, my heart starts to flutter and I love it every time it does.
"Hey baby," Kenny says sweetly to me and places a kiss on my forehead as I close my planner.
"Awe... the two love birds... look at you two... so cute," Phil says as he steps down off the bus with a beer in hand.
"Shut up," I giggle and they all laugh. I don't know why they insist on teasing me all the time but whatever.
"You still need to head home to pick up a few things?" Kenny asks taking a drag of his cigarette.
"I do but it's alright, I can just grab some things tomorrow since you guys have the day off," I say.
"We have a day off?" Kenny asks. Apparently he had no idea.
"Yep. Then you have a show in Portland at the Coliseum on Saturday," I say trying to remember, then opening my planner quickly for a moment to check.
"Yep the Coliseum on Saturday," I re-iterate more to myself than to Kenny as he chuckles.
"What?" I giggle, closing my planner back up and flipping my curls out of my face as I look up at him, not sure why he was laughing at me.
"You are just so adorable when you're all organized and shit," He says and exhales a cloud of smoke and presses his lips to my temple.
"Ok fuckers! Lets Drink!!" Phil exclaims and we all laugh as I head up on the bus with Kenny to get our much needed drink on.
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Hello Everyone,
Is the Camera working? -Cartman
You have to... -Kyle
GUYS! The light is blinking! -Kenny
Ah, there we are. -Cartman
Can they see us? -Kyle
Probably not. -Cartman
Well, hey guys. My name is Kyle Broflovski, these are my boyfriends Eric Cartman and Kenny McCormick. Umm... this is the first “blog” thing we’ve ever done, and our camera is broken as fuck. So... basically... Umm, -Kyle
Stan’s a dick and we don’t wanna hang out with him anymore! -Kenny
Yeah... Umm... Stan’s just needs his alone time. Wendy broke up with him and he’s blaming it on Cartman. -Kyle
We decided to make to friends on the internet. It was a unanimous decision... -Cartman
As you can see, they argue a lot. -Kenny
I fucking love our name though! Tumblr came up with it and I’ve been laughing for like... an hour! -Kyle
It’s true. -Kenny
Anyway, if anyone wants anything, or just wants to talk we could work something out. If our camera doesn’t get better we’ll probably just hire Kenny to draw us so you can understand what we look like. -Cartman
I can write... pretty well. Kenny can draw, and if you ask Cartman to get pissed off he’ll go off on like, a 6 hour rant. -Kyle
That’s everything! Ask box is open, I’m pretty sure and we’d be happy to answer any questions. -Kenny
Pfft, haha! Spookydeputyhoundbat! -Kyle
BYE! -Cartman
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bran-writes · 5 years
Flashback: An Outlier Lunch
The Outliers have been together since before middle school, but these are the years they solidified as a group and stuck together for the rest of their lives.
May 12th 2025
“Yo, seriously. What do you guys think?”
Kwin McCall sat across from Zig-Zag at lunch but looked around at his friends to see who would answer first. Gabi sat to his right and was already halfway done with her food. She’d left her library class early to snag their favorite picnic table outside, while Harlo, Zig, Kwin and Jonah walked from the annex to get their food. 
“Zig with a vlog channel?” Harlo asked, opening his bag of chips and dumping them on his tray. 
“No, about starting a porn channel… Yes, the vlog.”
“Fuck it,” Kwin shrugged, twisting the cap from his water bottle. “You’re more interesting than half the people who have a lot of followers.”
Zig stared across at him down the rim of his glasses, gaging whether Kwin was being serious. When Zig realized he meant it, he nodded, “Thanks Kwin.”
“Don’t let it go to your head,” Jonah chuckled. 
Kwin’s mother always packed him a water bottle for lunch, whether he had a meal to go with it or ate from the cafeteria. Three days a week he trained at Knox’s Dojo after school- the water bottles she loaded him up with every day were a measure to ensure he stayed hydrated. In the past few weeks, she’d started packing extra for Jonah. Kwin handed the boy to his left a water, which his friend accepted graciously. Harlo nudged Zig in his side and smiled with a mouth full of pizza. 
“You can get the new celebrity here to guest star, probably pump your views up.”
“In the porn or the vlogs?” Zig smirked.
“I don’t see why you can’t do both,” Jonah suggested. 
“Oh, look at that, Zig,” Kwin nodded to Harlo with a slight smile, “You don’t even need followers, you’ve got your own biggest fan right here.”
“Oh, we’re sorry, are you not used to being all big and famous yet?” Gabi feigned ignorance.
Last month, Kwin’s grandfather brought the boy out to a red carpet premiere and to do interviews with him in support of a new movie, The Package Boy- a  horror film Sam McCall wrote and produced. The main character of that movie, Joseph, was heavily inspired by Kwin himself, so Sam invited his grandson along for some publicity and a few minutes in the spotlight. Thinking back on it, he had the sneaking suspicion that Sam pulled him out of school that week for the press run as some kind of gesture. A “Hey, sorry I’m not around much and never really talk to you, how’d you like to be on TV?” sort of gesture. Kwin didn’t care for it in hindsight. Especially since his friends wouldn’t let him forget it. 
“Oh, come on, Kwin,” Harlo grinned. “You were a natural out there. You’ve got a future, I can see it!”
“Three Pines Middle School’s first celebrity alumni,” Zig-Zag bucked his eyebrows.
Gabi pulled out her phone. “I’ve been meaning to check back on that, by the way.”
“Check on what?” Jonah leaned forward and craned his neck to get a better look. Kwin rolled his eyes when he realized Jonah was goading him. 
“To see how much attention our Kwinjamin here is really getting.”
Kwin hated that nickname, but couldn’t get mad at Gabi. Being friends since primary school got her a lot of mileage. “You don’t have to check on that.”
“Sure I do. Let’s see, I don’t wanna check the official video’s comments. The only people commenting about you on that vid are middle aged housewives talking about how much more well-mannered you are than their kids. Oh and pushy movie nerds talking about how the horror genre is dead.”
“That’s not the kind of pumping up our boy needs,” Zig agreed, staring at Kwin with an appraising look. “Yeah, go where the teenagers hang out on the Internet, see what all the hype about our boy here is about.”
“Got it,” Gabi snapped her fingers. “Kenny Mischief covered the news.”
“Wow, he did?” Kwin leaned over to inspect the phone. Zig snorted. 
“Talk about worthless vloggers.”
“I’ll have you know, Zig-Zag, that Mister Mischief has quite the teen following,” Gabi tutted. 
“Don’t remind me.”
Gabi cleared her throat and loosened her shoulders before sitting up straight. “Lisa Lee says: ‘That dude’s grandkid looks like that? Social media stalking intensifies’. Charlotte Hermes commented: ‘I wish boys at my school were that cuuuute’. She added the weary emoji face too,” Gabi pointed down at the phone and stared up at Kwin with an appraising stare. 
“I really hope these comments are from, y’know, people our age. Cause this could get weird,” Zig chuckled. 
“You made your point, yeah?” Kwin laughed. Jonah glanced up at him, able to read his embarrassment in a heartbeat. 
“Mm, I have, but now I’m just having fun. Lucky Babe commented: Does he come with the tickets? Tracey Two-Step Smith says: ‘Oh he’s cute for a white boy… And a Ginger’. A heated race debate ensued in the replies over that one,” Gabi chuckled. She set the phone down on the table. “Okay, now I’m done.”
“Told you you’re a ginger,” Harlo laughed.
“I’m not… Douchebag,” Kwin threw a chip at Harlo, who caught against his chest and popped it into his mouth. “Gross.”
“When are you going to accept your people, Kwin?” Zig asked, eager to continue this long-running debate.
“My hair’s blonde.”
“Eh, reddish blonde,” Jonah shrugged.
“Hey, you’re drinking my water, you’re supposed to back me up.”
“Just accept it so you can move on, Kwin. We need to settle it,” Harlo shrugged. “Closure once and for all.”
“You want me to prove it?” They stared at him questioningly until he stood up and unhooked his belt with a daring smile. “I swear, I will. I’ll give you some closure you’ll never forget.”
“Oh, God, please don’t,” Gabi smacked Kwin’s leg.
“Please do! Wait, I need to get the camera out first,” Zig rooted in his bag for his new DSLR. “We can get this vlog started off right now.”
“Kwin, what are you doing?” Jonah laughed.
“Whaddaya say, Harlo? Should we settle it? Get three coffins ready,” Kwin dramatically shifted his gaze to Gabi and unzipped his fly for full effect. “My mistake. Four Coffins.” 
“Jonah, you said you were gonna stop letting him watch that movie,” Zig sighed. 
“I did. Harlo, back down please. You know he’ll do it.”
Kwin knew Harlo well enough to know he always buckled first in any game of chicken. Especially games like this. Some of the other middle schoolers in the courtyard glanced in their direction, but Kwin was undeterred. In fact, it sort of thrilled him. He locked eyes with Harlo.
“Okay, okay,” Harlo held his hands over his eyes.
“Say I’m not a ginger,” Kwin smirked. 
“You’re not a ginger, geez. You are crazy, though.”
“Crazy’s okay. I can handle crazy,” Kwin zipped and buckled back up, feeling triumphant. 
“You’re the worst,” Jonah shook his head yet was couldn’t hide his smile. Knowing how to best get to Jonah, Kwin wrapped an arm around him, laying his head on his friend’s shoulder with a contented sigh.
“Yeah, but I couldn’t be the worst without my best,” Kwin patted Jonah’s shoulder even as Zig-Zag snapped a photo. 
“You guys are just so cute,” Zig lilted. 
“So wait a second,” Harlo pointed a fork at Zig. “Your mom paid you to help her out at the camp, right? The all girls camp?”
“Cool your jets, I worked in the main office.”
“Right, and the first thing you buy with your money is a fancy camera? That wasn’t a red flag for her?”
“Ha, very funny, Harlo. She helped me pick it out. I told her vlogging was gonna be my new hobby. And Gabi helped me buy it, too.”
“Yeah, so be careful what you do with, or we’ll both go down for the crime.”
“What’d your mom say about your vlogging idea?” Kwin asked around a mouthful of chips. Zig shrugged.
“She said it’s better than getting to high school and selling weed. For some reason she thinks that was my fate.”
“Still a red flag,” Harlo smiled.
“Oh! Speaking of,” Gabi pointed an accusing finger at Zig-Zag, whose eyes grew wide.
“What’s with people pointing at me today?” 
“Outlier Court is in session,” Gabi narrowed her eyes.
“Yo, can she just call a trial in session by herself?”
“I thought she was the judge,” Kwin shrugged and took a bite of pizza.
Outlier Court held a very special purpose in their friend group: It was their way of calling each other out on transgressions. “Hit us,” Jonah said, dramatically pushing his food to the side and steeping his fingers. 
“We’re Outliers, right?” Everyone agreed. “So we’re all of the understanding that we don’t do basic shit.” Gabi dramatically enunciated her words, which meant this case was already closed. Kwin looked from Zig to Gabi in anticipation, his mouth full food. Gabi set her arms on the table, lips pressed in a thin line. 
“What’d I do?” Zig shrugged.
“Oh, I think I know what this is,” Harlo laughed around food, using a hand to cover his mouth. His eyes squinted with joy. “Sorry, bud. I was gonna ignore it.”
“But that’s not how we correct the behavior is it, Harlo?” Gabi continued. Kwin was confused. Jonah voiced that confusion.
“Somebody explain it for Kwin, he’s lost.”
“If we are, in fact, Outliers, and we’re already past basic, annoying phone etiquette… Explain to me, Zig-Zag Sutter, why I’ve been woken up the past two mornings with mirror selfies from you. In the group chat of all places,” Gabi admonished. 
“That’s right!” Kwin slapped the table. Some of the other kids in the courtyard glanced back their way. 
“I was wondering what that was about,” Jonah nodded. 
“Yo, everybody relax. There’s a perfectly good explanation for it.”
“The court would like to hear it,” Gabi crossed a leg over her knee and folded her hands, the picture of professionalism. 
“You guys know I’ve lost a lot of weight-,”
“All of it,” Harlo corrected. 
“And I like to show it off - shut up- but I can’t do it just anywhere cause I’ll get clowned. Nobody cares so I gotta vent where people do care,” Zig-Zag shrugged.
“Well we don’t care either,” Jonah shrugged. 
“Sure as hell not six in the damn morning.” Gabi added. 
“There’s also, like two more reasons. One, it’s everybody’s wake-up text.”
“I’d rather have a regular text, though,” Kwin smiled. 
“Also, I kinda like showing off how much better I look by the time I get to school compared to when I just wake up,” Zig flashed a rare grin.
“You look trash when you wake up,” Kwin chuckled. 
“Yo, will you relax?”
“You look trash now, too,” Jonah added. The group’s laughter unfortunately spread to Harlo, who was in the process of drinking milk. He instantly coughed it back up and sent the liquid spraying in all directions, thought most of it ended up on his face. The group roared louder as Harlo wiped his face with his shirt, still shaking with laughter. 
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candiedillusions · 7 years
You’re Worth Everything [Pt 1]
Edit: PART 2 NOW UP, and now on Ao3! :D
Fandom: FFXV
Pairing: Promptis 
Summary: 4-part short fic on Brotherhood-era Promptis. Dork boys are up to some late-night shenanigans because what could go wrong when you’re wondering the backstreets in the middle of the night when you’re the Crown Prince, right? 
A/N: WELP It’s my first FFXV fic, so any feedback is completely welcomed! 
It had been a week since the winter break started, but Noctis hadn’t been able to catch a break. Whisked off to citadel briefings, trainings, reports, meetings with dignitaries, and more duties than he had been able to keep track of, he wondered how he managed to keep one foot in front of the other on most days. He was awfully, terribly, incredibly exhausted.
For the first time in a long week, he had the evening off, and nothing pressing the next day. Every bone in his body screamed out at him to crash and not wake up for at least fourteen solid hours. So naturally, Noctis being Noctis, reached for his phone and thumbed a quick text to Prompto.
Noct: i’ve been released from my week-long imprisonment.
Prom: sweeeeet astrals, finally! I thought my best bud had gone and died on me from all those princely duties :(
Noct: ha-ha. funny. should drag u to trainings and meetings. u can be my stand-in.
Prom: nice try but a pleb like me dont stand a chance at passing off as royal~
Noct: had me fooled. u totally nailed being a royal pain in the arse.
Prom: *GASP* U. DID. NOT.
Prom: :(
Prom: </3
Noct: >:)
Prom: u’ll regret that comment when i BEAT YER ASS in that new dungeon crawler u just got. we can pull an all-nighter. U know u wanna ;)
Noct: fat hope prom. but nah. need some air. wanna head out?
Prom: already otw. anything for u, bruh.
Noct: see u round the block.
Noctis put on a warm black coat and a beanie over his dark locks. The weather looked dismal outside, but somehow Noctis felt a smile creep in despite himself. He pulled on his gloves and headed out - seems like his week was finally starting to look up, after all.
Noctis found Prompto just round the corner of his apartment complex, the hood of his plush yellow jacket pulled up against the cold. He looked like a lanky chocobo, and hell, he looked cute. Noctis bit back a smirk.
“Didn’t know fast travel was a thing in real life. How’d you get here so quickly?” said Noctis, casually bumping his friend on the shoulder.
“Just got off work. Was uh, in the area?” said Prompto.
Noctis gave him a deadpan look. “The camera shop is two districts away, Prom.”
Prompto had the decency to grin sheepishly and flush a little at being caught. “Okay fine, I was just gonna show up anyway and I dunno, either drag you out or crash your couch. Figured you need to let loose a little. And I haven’t seen you all week, Noct!”
“Well I haven’t seen me all week either. I swear I’m just gonna play dead the next time Iggy shows up at another ungodly hour to drag me outta bed,” groaned Noctis. He hesitated, then added, “Sorry I haven’t really been able to hang.”
“Nah, it’s cool. Picked up more shifts at the shop since it’s the school break anyway. I’m keeping busy,” said Prompto.
The boys fell into a comfortable silence, shoulders bumping while they walked. Noctis was glad to be out, despite the cold weather that always made his back ache. He shivered, and crossed his arms to keep himself warm.
“You sure you’re up to this, buddy? Wanna head back instead?” said Prompto, concern in his eyes.
They walked aimlessly for awhile, and Noctis sighed. “Nope. Got some Really Important Reports to look through when I’m back. I’m pretending they don’t exist for as long as I can.”
“Well I’ve got just the thing. How about we get out of this Glacian-level cold here and check out the new 24hr arcade?” said Prompto, hoping it was something that would cheer up the sullen prince.
Noctis took one look at Prompto’s hopeful expression, and knew he’d never say no to that face. He nodded, and Prompto broke out into a grin that was brighter than the sun itself. He tugged on Noctis’ arm and led the way, and Noctis felt a warmth spread through his chest.
Reports be damned. They can wait. Noctis needed this.
It was almost a whisper, barely audible over the constant buzz of the city. Prompto arched a brow but hurried along, a spring in his step despite the late hour.
“What, dude? It’s freezing, and the arcade is just around the corner, let’s go let’s go let’s go!”
Noctis slowed, then stopped entirely, staring straight ahead with an unreadable expression. Prompto followed suit, eyeing his best friend carefully.
“I.. I think we’re being followed,” Noct said slowly, as his eyes darted to the street corners, carefully taking in his surroundings. “Don’t look right away, but there’s a guy in a hoodie at my four o'clock who’s been trailing behind us for the last two blocks.”
Prompto raised his gaze just enough to be discreet. He could spot a small figure in the distance, all hooded and bundled, looking idly at his phone now that the boys have stopped. He made a terrible show of looking preoccupied.
Prompto bit his lip for an instant. “Shit, I think you’re right,” he said, stiffening a little as he shifted his weight uncertainly. Then, he threw an arm casually over Noctis’s shoulders. “I got you bud. He ain’t getting to you without going through me first.”
That drew a snort from the prince, as he moved to lightly jab Prompto’s arm. “Really, Prom? Whatcha gonna do, swing those twigs at him?”
“Pfft, don’t be a hater, Noct!” Prompto protested, swatting away the offensive fingers. Dropping his voice to a whisper, he tugged Noctis closer and leaned in. “Look, just follow my lead. You trust me, right? C'mon, just start walking. I’ve got this.”
Noctis was suddenly incredibly grateful for the late hour and dim street lamps - Prompto’s warm breath next to his ear sent an unexpected jolt that went straight down his belly and burned an impressive red on his cheeks. Hesitating for the slightest moment, Noctis found himself fumbling for words while falling in step anyway.
“Uh.. okay?”
They walked in silence, Prompto’s arm still slung protectively over Noctis’ shoulders. Noctís was suddenly hyper aware of the warmth emitting from the blonde, and his own heartbeat hammering against his chest.
It must be the adrenaline, thought Noct.
Prompto’s grip tightened. Chancing a glance, Noctis met his pale blue eyes and saw a determination that Prompto often wore when they teamed up to take down dungeon bosses. Furrowing his brows, Noctis shot him a quizzical look that was met with a bright, reassuring grin. He gulped and took a deep breath.
It’s natural. No biggie. It’s a dark alley after all. We might be in danger. It’s definitely nothing to do with how good Prom looks when he smiles, or his arm over me and how his breath feels on my - goddamit. Noctis shook his head and mentally slapped himself for his thoughts.
He’s my best friend. Get it together, Noct.
After what seemed like an eternity, they turned a corner and Noctis felt himself being suddenly pulled into a tight alleyway that he didn’t notice before.
“Wha.. wait Prom, what the he-”
Prompto quickly placed a gloved hand over Noctis’ mouth, shaking his head quietly, while looking out to the street. The small alley was dark, and it barely fit the two boys shoulder to shoulder. Prompto grabbed Noctis and ducked behind a trash bin.
In a flash, Noctis’ beanie was pulled off his head, and Prompto put it on, taking care to tuck his blonde locks into the dark fabric. Shrugging off his jacket in record time, he tugged Noctis’ coat off too and replaced it with his own before the prince could react.
“Put it on, quick, and keep the hood up. I’ll kite him. Shh - don’t argue Noct, trust me, I’m a fast runner. Meet me at the street corner at the Kenny Crow’s three blocks down, there’s always a crowd there, you’ll be safe. I’ll see you there, I promise!”
“Fuck Prom, like hell I’m gonna let you do tha- PROM!”
The hooded figure following them rounded the corner and came into sight, and Prompto tore off, running like his life depended on it. The figure gave chase. Noctis thought he saw a flash of steel, something that looked distinctly like a dagger, being unsheathed.
For the first time since he was a child, Noctis felt a deep primal fear sink into his gut as he stood there, shocked at what Prompto had just done.
Sooooo... anyone keen to read more? :D 
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