#i never knew she was a legendary drummer until my friend told me
miss-what-a-d0ll · 4 months
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boredout305 · 4 years
Baron of Love: Moral Giant
A chapter preview from Ross Johnson’s upcoming memoir on Spacecase Records. Out late September 2020. 
CHAPTER 30: DICKINSON As in James Luther Dickinson or Jim Dickinson or simply Dickinson as he was referred to by friends and strangers alike. I always addressed him as Jim, but if we were playing a recording session or a live gig we always wondered aloud if Dickinson was going to show up. And often he didn’t for reasons of health or personal ones that were highly private. I often felt Jim wouldn’t show up because he felt something was wrong with the context of the gig or session, that something was unlucky somehow. I never asked him about this, just a feeling I had. If he didn’t show, there was disappointment but no offense taken. If he did show up he always elevated things in what felt like a magical way, for lack of a better term        I will repeat a story here I told in the liner notes of Goner’s Make It Stop! about meeting Jim. I repeat stories verbally all too often, but I don’t like to tell the same story over in print or in filmed interviews. I was working as a sack boy in the summer of 1972 at one of the local Big Star (yep) chain groceries. Jim would usually shop for groceries there mid-afternoon Friday while my drumming idol Al Jackson Jr. shopped at the same Big Star on Friday around dusk. They were the only customers who ever tipped me for carrying their groceries out. One day I got the nerve up to speak to him as I was loading groceries into his car and said: “You’re Jim Dickinson, aren’t you, and you recorded with the Flamin’ Groovies on Teenage Head, didn’t you?” Years later Jim admitted that he thought I was going to ask about The Rolling Stones but was impressed when I mentioned the Groovies instead. We had an extended conversation in the parking lot about the Teenage Head session and he enthusiastically mentioned that he got paid $700 by producer Richard Robinson for one night of work on the record. I got in trouble with grocery store management for staying in the parking lot so long, but the conversation was worth it.         There are so many stories about Jim I could tell, but I’ll relate just a few here. When I started playing with the Panther Burns in 1979 he remembered our parking lot chat about the Flamin’ Groovies. I’ve said it before, but I always considered Jim an unofficial member of the group because he produced and played on several of our recordings as well as joining us on many live performances. Recording with Jim and Alex was not often easy; there was always some tension left over from the Sister Lovers sessions. There was also a lot of attitude on display at Panther Burns recording sessions and I often felt out of my league, musically and emotionally speaking. Jim sensed this and one day he followed me outside Phillips Recording Studio when I was taking a mental health break and he told me I had as much right to be in there as Alex, Tav and the other players. Jim could always sense what was going on psychologically among musicians at a recording session and produced accordingly. My favorite production technique that Jim used was the stories he would tell before cutting a take. Sometimes the stories were oft-repeated, but I loved hearing him tell them over and over. I often asked him to tell stories about the late, great guitarist Jesse Ed Davis. He always obliged. During the last few years we recorded together we would inevitably talk about the Klitz and his early efforts to produce them. He always thought they should have been hugely successful. I agreed.        In 2008, co-producer and Reigning Sound drummer Greg Roberson set up a pro-bono session at Jim’s Zebra Ranch Studio for me to record a number of favorite covers and one original about legendary Arkansas rockabilly singer Bobby Lee Trammell. Greg did a great job of putting a band together, drumming so I could concentrate more on “singing” (almost all my solo rant records were done live with me singing and playing drums at the same time) and co-producing the record with Jim that became Vanity Session by Jeff Evans and myself that was eventually released on Spacecase Records. Rather than using booze and pills as my muse for the session, I opted for a herbal concoction that enabled us to record 13 songs in a little over three hours.         During a break, Jim and I went outside to talk privately. Both of my parents had died not long before the session and I could tell Jim was not in the best of health himself so talk rather naturally turned to death. I won’t disclose what we said that day since the conversation was private, but the topic of death was on both of our minds. A little over a year later Jim would be dead in the late spring of 2009.        Jim was a mentor, father figure of sorts and friend to me as he was to an untold number of other musicians. I was going through a bad patch with depression in the spring of 2009 and Greg Roberson thoughtfully told Jim I was rather down at a time when he was gravely ill. Nevertheless, he penned a very encouraging email to me then which lifted my spirits considerably. He did so during a period when his own life was ebbing away. That was Jim, always involved with what others were thinking and feeling. A few years later I sent that email to his widow Mary Lindsay Dickinson because I wanted her to know how concerned Jim was about other people until his death. Of course, she already knew as did her sons, Luther and Cody, the North Mississippi All Stars. I agree with the title of Jim’s memoir, that he is merely dead but not gone. I always imagine him being onstage or in a studio when I perform live or record since his death. I couldn’t have a better revenant or muse.
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Etched into your skin - Chapter 4
Here’s the 4th chapter, I hope you’ll enjoy it! :)
Link to AO3
Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3
“I’m not sure I’m in the mood to go out.”
“What? But we already told P’Jeed we were going to play tonight!”
“I know, we’ll be playing, but I’m not in the mood to stay after we finish.”
Lhong sighed deeply, clearly having expected to hear that complain at one point during the evening.
“You haven’t been in the mood to do anything since the start of term Tharn. You have to go out every once in a while and enjoy life. Are you going to stay in your dorm for 4 years without ever leaving?”
To be fair, Tharn did go out sometimes. For classes. But even in his sour mood the man realised that would be a terrible argument to use during this conversation.
Since the discovery that Type must have been avoiding him -it was truly the only explanation he could make sense of- Tharn had been feeling miserable for himself. He had become one of these people rejected by their soulmate. But not only that, he’d been rejected before he had even met them. Talk about bringing bad luck to the next level.
Lhong had let him be at first, occasionally bringing him some food and offering his company to fill the too big room. Forcing him to join the rehearsal of their band. But the man seemed to now think going out was their next big objective to make him go back to normal and had asked P’Jeed to book them some stage time.
Frankly, had it been anyone but P’Jeed, who had treated him with so much kindness throughout the years, he would have called the gig off.
Tharn hadn’t shared the reason for his moodiness and Lhong must actually think it linked to the breakup with Tar, still. Tharn couldn’t bring himself to share his current situation, it would make it… too real. Like he had officially admitted his soulmate didn’t want to be associated with him.
“Come on, let’s go, you can brood in the car.”
“So where are we going tonight?”
Type, Techno, and Champ were all gathered at the condo, getting ready to go out for a relaxing evening of fun, alcohol and music apparently.
“It’s a super cool bar, this guy I know is performing there tonight.”
Type frowned at that.
“You don’t know anyone that performs anywhere Techno, who’s that guy.”
Techno huffs, throwing them both a look over his shoulder.
“Certainly not any of you guys! You have the artistic soul of a fork.”
Type raised his hand to hit his friend, but the later dodged at the last second, laughing placatantly.
“I was joking, I was joking. It’s that guy from the music faculty I met last time. Cool dude, I owe him a beer.”
“You need to stop talking to strangers, you’ll get kidnapped one day,” warned Champ, tilting his pack of crisps to get the last crumbs stuck to the bottom.
“Nonsense, the guy is smaller than me.”
“What’s his name,” asked Type, going for casual while his whole body tensed.
Type could have sighed out loud in relief if not for Techno legendary nosiness. He’d managed to keep his friend out of his soulmate business for years now by some miracle. He fully intended to keep it that way.
“It better be good, that bar is so far away. We’ll have to taxi if you plan on drinking.”
The three put their shoes on and were out of the door the next minute. The evening was hot and humid as per usual. Many partygoers were already drunk and singing in the streets. Most of them were young looking and probably fellow students.
They didn’t have too much trouble finding a taxi and splitting the fare in three made it quite reasonable. The ride to the bar was definitely longer than usual. Normally, their criteria for picking a bar were: is the alcohol cheap? Can we crawl back home at the end of the evening?
This time, the bar looked more refined, the type of place that could easily become their ‘usual place’. The rumble of the music was audible from the outside, but not to the point of already being deafening.
At the entrance, they were welcomed by a beautiful smiling woman.
“Hello young men. I am Jeed, the owner of the bar. It’s the first time I see you around here.”
“Hello! Lhong recommended this place, he’s playing here tonight, we want to enjoy the live music.”
“That cute boy… Well, make yourself comfortable, there should still be some free tables next to the stage, the boys should start playing soon.”
They all bid her goodbye and made their way inside the bar. It was populated but not crowded and they indeed managed to find a comfortable table not too far away from the front. There were quite a few women all around them focused on the yet empty stage.
“Many pretty women here. It’s really a great recommendation.”
“So thirsty No. If only you could actually manage to get some I’ll be impressed,” replied Type, browsing the menu to see if there were any special drinks.
“The night is long, you can never know what will happen!”
“You mean apart from the usual: you get too drunk to stand and I have to bring you home carrying you?”
Techno was a lightweight and never knew when to stop until it was too late. Type wasn’t a big drinker, he had never actually gotten blackout drunk, which meant he often ended up playing babysitter for his other friends.
“Ah Techno! You managed to come!”
A young man, pretty much the textbook definition of adorable, approached their table as the women around them followed him with their eyes, whispering to their friends.
‘Hey man! Guys, this is Lhong, my saviour. These guys are my friends, we’re all in the sports department together.”
They all nodded to each other in acknowledgement.
“Thanks for coming, hope you’ll enjoy the music. If anything, the alcohol is good, you should try the Lao Khao, it’s very nice.”
“I’ll go order,” said Type, sliding off the chair, patting his pockets to make sure he had some money with him.
“Get me some snacks as well,” requested Champ.
Type rolled his eyes at the predictable request, but nodded nonetheless.
Jeed was behind the bar, and when she spotted him, she immediately approached with a large smile.
“What can I do for you handsome?”
Type put his usual snark on the backsit and offered her a smile in return, she had that mum energy that made it hard to rebuke or be bitter toward her.
“P’Jeed, I’d like to order some Lao Khao for the table. Also some rice crackers and fried eggs if we can.”
“Anything for you, let me give you the drinks, I’ll bring the food over as soon as it’s ready.”
Propping an elbow against the bar, Type gave another look around. The lights were dimmed and colourful, giving a very lively atmosphere to the whole place. As he scanned the room, he noticed his table had been invaded by yet another guy, currently using Lhong as an arm rest.
Even from the distance, Type could see the man was quite tall and well built, much more imposing than Lhong. His dark hair put in a fashionable cut were hiding his eyes just so.
“Here for you, Nong.”
He blinked in surprise at the voice calling for him before grabbing all the glasses and thanking the woman.
Slowly, he made his way back across the room and almost tripped when he made eye contact with the stranger at their table. He’d never seen a man with such large and deep eyes, catching his attention and refusing to let go. The dark circles under his eyes didn’t take anything away from how handsome his face was, angular and sharp, on the contrary. The man stared back, unintimidated by Type’s direct inspection.
Unfortunately, just as Type arrived at the table, Lhong and the stranger walked away and jumped on the stage, followed shortly by two other men.
“Here,” said Type, carefully putting their glasses down.
On stage, Lhong was getting everyone’s attention as the musicians were taking place behind their instruments. The stranger sat behind the set of drums, playing with the drumsticks as he waits for the singer to finish his introduction.
Type never cared much for music. He’d listen to the radio, put a playlist as background noise during his studying, but he never actively got into it. Never cared much for the various bands or artists. Certainly never spared a shed of attention for the drummers.
But here he was, unable to look at anyone else than that guy.
If Type had ever thought the man was handsome before, it was nothing compared to the moment he started playing. His features and his posture immediately relaxed as his eyes closed. He hadn’t even noticed how tense the guy was up until that moment.
“Whoa, they’re super cool!” Techno was swaying from one side to the other, enjoying the song.
“Lhong has a very nice voice,” agreed Champ, nodding along to the rhythm.
Type hummed his agreement, drinking slowly. And then their eyes meet again.
Who in the fucks was this guy.
Only Techno’s joy at the arrival of the food managed to get him to look away.
As talkative and sociable as ever, Techno drew Champ into conversations in between enjoying the music that was being played. Type made a special effort to listen to his best friend, trying his hardest to not stare at the drummer to the point of ogling.
“Who do you think is most popular, musicians or sportsmen?” wondered Techno, staring at the women cheering for the band.
“Musicians. It makes them look more sensitive or some shit like that,” replied Type.
“But, we have hot bodies!”
“Yeah cause these guys are so ugly,” retorted Champ, pointing to the band with his chin.
They all instinctively turned toward them and fuck, Type was an idiot, why did he look again.
The drummer had an impressive build, just like Type had imagined from the other side of the bar. The muscles in his forearms kept on flexing and relaxing with each movement. And where these… veins he could see from here?
“What the fuck…”
Thankfully, Techno seemed to interpret it as a general statement more than a targeted one.
“They are handsome.”
“Here you go,” concluded Champ around a mouthful of salted eggs.
The band played for a while, doing some covers while including a couple of original songs in the mix. They were really good and Type actually managed to enjoy the music despite finding himself uncontrollably going back to the drummer. As much as he never really cared for music, he cared even less for musicians. He never got the whole frenesy around celebrities and concerts and ‘you must see it live’. But looking at the man, maybe he could start to make sense of it.
He didn’t seem focused on the audience at all, the only thing that mattered was the music and his drums. Type couldn’t explain the expression on the man’s face, it was intense and passionate and pleased. And entirely too hypnotic.
Type got up to get himself another drink, put some distance and put clear his head. The music came to an end as he waited, Lhong thanks getting drowned by the clapping of the patrons.
Beer in hand, he got out of the bar and rested against the wall. The air outside was barely fresher than inside, but at least there was some silence. Type sighed deeply, rubbing his eyes.
What was that guy’s deal?
And what was his own deal?
As if summoned by too loud thoughts, the drummer came out of the bar, bag under the arm, rummaging through it thoughtfully, ready to leave.
Type wasn’t sure which of them was most surprised. He hadn’t called out to him consciously at least. The silence started to stretch as Type was too busy getting lost in the other’s man features to come up with something clever to share.
“Yes?” tried to prompt the man, looking him up and down. Type felt strangely self conscious, trying to relax his stance.
“Mmh… great job tonight in there.”
The drummer offered a half smile, pulling his car keys out of the bag.
“Thanks, if you liked it you should come back again, we play next week too.”
The man walked away, not hearing Type’s ‘I will’.
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secretradiobrooklyn · 4 years
SECRET RADIO | 9.26.20
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Secret Radio | 9.26.20 |  Hear it here.
“We don’t know where you are but we’re glad you’re here”
Liner notes by Evan, except * means Paige
1. Ayalew Mesfin - “Hasabe (My Worries)”
This track comes to us via Marc Hawthorne in San Francisco and is some hot Ethiopian stomp. Marc has been turning me on to crucial music for years, but I feel like both of our palates have expanded in unexpected directions lately. I love how foreign and how relatable this song sounds at once — “hasabe” really does sound like a guy singing about his worries, which makes it feel like he’s speaking the same language. 
2. Witch - “Introduction”
Such a commandingly hip voice announcing the band and getting us all in the groove. Witch is Zambian rock in a pretty unhinged style — apparently WITCH stands for “We Intend To Create Havoc,” which if true is basically the greatest band name ever. 
3. Erkin Koray - “Cemelim”
Every time I hear this track I think of Jefferson Airplane’s foreboding sense of dark anticipation. The added frills of shifting into Turkish bent-note vocals takes it up another level. This track is from 1974 but carries the whole psychedelic ‘60s wave forward in an unbroken wave. As we mentioned, the video is worth checking out not just because the singer/guitarist is mesmerizing or because the bassist is inherently hilarious but because their outfits are legendary. Our thanks to Brian and Mona for the heads up.
4. The Velvet Underground - “Coney Island Steeplechase”
“Lies and betrayals / fruit-covered nails” — naw, just kiddin, this song happens long before Pavement, or the Strokes for that matter. I never really understood what people meant when they said that the Strokes sound like VU, but listening to this song in headphones it kinda feels like the Julian Casablancas built an entire career off Lou’s vocal delivery on this song. And who could blame him? Lou wasn’t usin it anymore.
Hailu Mergia - “Sintayehu”
We got this record during the pandemic and it has been like a stress dissolver. There’s a tape that we got in Manhattan Kansas at a house show we played, a band called Casino Gardens, that I think of every time we hear this album. Not the same in particulars, but very much the same in spirit.
5. Divino Niño - “Melty Caramelo”
One of Sleepy Kitty’s first tours was with Divino Niño (thanks, Brandon!) just as they were assembling, and they have always been a band of fellows we enjoy as much as the music that they write. I did this set of dates with a broken bone in my swole-up, purple right hand, which I wouldn’t recommend to any drummers out there. I will say though that every single drummer in the bar that night told me that they had broken the same exact bone the same way. Not by drumming but by punching an inanimate object. 
6. Moodoïd - “Je suis la montagne”
I think this song is a benefit of Paige learning French for the last couple of years. Found it on a 3.5 hour French mix on Spotify.
7. Sleepy Kitty - “Dreaming of Waterfalls” demo *
There are like, 7 people who have heard this song until now. This song came pretty mysteriously to me after a completely transformative trip to Kauaʻi for the wedding of ace folks and dear friends Stewart and Trenton. People who have gone to Hawaiʻi have always told me how amazing Hawaiʻi is and how it’ll change your life and it’s the best place in the entire world, and I was always like, “ok, sure whatever” until we went and now I am forever changed. I won’t get too into it here, but it’s all totally true and as amazing as they say. I can’t remember if this song was literally in the dream I had in San Diego the night we returned to the contiguous 48, or if it somehow emerged out of thinking of that dream, but it basically just appeared and I thought about it and thought about it and kept it in my head the whole plane ride back to St. Louis and recorded it pretty much immediately when we got back. I played 2 songs at our friends’ wedding on uke (where I was relieved to get approval from the Hawaiian family, ha ha) and it’s still a very unfamiliar instrument to me but it was the only answer for this song.
This is also one of a few recordings I made shortly before the first of 2 vocal surgeries around that time. It was kind of a stressful time musically; I was still figuring out what was going on, knowing something was wrong, getting hoarse all the time but not knowing what was going on yet.  Learning the songs for the wedding, and this song and this recording are positive memories in what was a very uncertain period in Sleepy Kitty life. I can definitely remember the challenges and limitations of that time, but it’s great to have this beautiful little moment that came out of that time too. When I hear this now, I like it and I’m glad to have it. It transports me back to that magical place and I’m thankful to Stewart and Trenton for having us there to celebrate with them.
8. The Fall - “Arms Control Poseur” (Bonus Version) (whatever that means)
“What do you fear?”
“Being found out.”
“The why do you always give yourself away?”
After initially being repulsed by The Fall, I eventually had what felt like essentially a religious experience after falling asleep listening to them on repeat in the tour bus — somehow their perverse aesthetic had become grafted into my DNA. I became an avid proselytizer for the band, with few takers, for years. Eventually I kind of gave up, baffled both by how intensely I felt their music and how immune everyone else apparently was to it. 
Cut to years later in an apartment on North Ave in Chicago, watching Paige bike up the street towards the window where I stood. She apologized as she walked her bike up the stairs. Sorry I’m late, she said, I just got caught up in the Fall. I don’t know how to explain it. You don’t understand, The Fall is not like other bands.
I literally thought that she was teasing me, and that I must have talked her ear off about the band at some point. But NO — she’d had the exact sort of conversion experience as me. In her case it was to “Extricate,” which was one of my very favorite albums, being the second one I personally owned. 
Still, this record’s aesthetic is completely dominant in my life. I couldn’t even guess how many times I’ve listened to it, and it still fascinates me every time.
“I quite very very much enjoyed 
his jovial lies
9. T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo - “Wodeka Kpoe”
The day I found this track I was completely distracted by it. It’s so muscular and lean and intense. I love everything about the almost metallic drum sound, the dry vocals, the guitar telling its own narrative, the sharp little shaker going the whole time. It’s the closest thing to punk in Beninese music that I’ve heard. I read recently that this was on a 1983 Albarika Records comp LP (the person referred to the as “legendary,” but I don’t know to whom, or when), and when I looked it up a lot of other tracks that we love from the Soundway comp were there. But as far as I know, it’s not on any of those 21st century collections. So good!
10. Orchestre Abass - “Haka Dunia”
The cover of this 6-song burner shows a guy with a guitar behind a keyboard called TIGER 61, with his foot up on… what? the keys bench? There’s a single pedal on the floor that leads up into the keyboard. The sounds that come from that board though! This is a tone I think of as completely desirable. I guess this is also punk, this one from Togo. I mean, I have no idea what he/they think they’re doing, but to me it feels like it has all the stuff that I love in punk music.
Hailu Mergia
11. T.P. Orchestre de Cotonou Benin - “Moulon Devia”
I just realized this track can be found elsewhere, but I found it on a record credited to T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou Benin, with a great photo of Yehouessi Leopold and Zoundegnon Papillon Bernard on the cover looking like the coolest dudes in the world cos they are. There are some great stereo panning effects, no doubt done live, on the horns at the beginning and the keys solo in the middle, which really enriches the headphone experience. This keys solo uses a suite of sounds that I absolutely love from them — and which are apparently the work of Papillon himself! I knew he was the guitarist who builds sand castles in the air of T.P. songs, but I only just realized that he’s also the guy throwing down those supper trippy Farfisa sounds! Holy smokes, that’s just ridiculous. He and Yehouessi are probably my favorite rhythm combo ever. PLUS they’ve got Bentho Gustave on bass, whose T.P. album was the first one we bought abroad. I mean, this track is so epic.
12. Patrick Juvet - “Où sont les femmes”*
I have a new awesome French teacher, who sends me cabaret songs to check out and says things like “I’m an old queen! What am I to do!” He played this song over Zoom for some live hold music while I was printing something for a recent lesson. I’m excited to hopefully hear more French music from him and also to hear more of his stories of discotheques in the 80s.
Evan adds: The video is well worth your attention as well, especially if you like red sequins glinting disco diamonds beneath deeply feathered hair. 
13. Le Tigre - “Deceptacon”
This is one of the all-time top art school party songs as far as I know. And why the hell not? It’s pure Olympia, and all the hooks line up all the way down.
I video that someone made for school has essentially become the official video of the song because it’s totally awesome and fits like a pure expression of the song.
14. Themne Song Track 1  
I don’t know who performed this track or what it’s called — it’s just identified as “Themne Song Track 1,” Themne being the name of a tribe in Sierra Leone. I think it might be a “comedian story teller” called Miranda T Denkenneh, but can’t tell.
I’ve been into Janka Nabay and the Bubu Gang for a couple of years now. Nabay is a Sierra Leonan musician who came to NYC and put together a band of hip NY musicians who make this rhythmically complex yet somehow austere dance music that I find totally fascinating. Reading up on them, he was described as translating the music he came from into a more electric style. Well, it turns out that is indeed the case, based on this track from Sierra Leone. This sounds like Janka Nabay but warm and large where his music is focused and tight. I totally see both how damn danceable this Themne 
One of my favorite things about discovering this song is: the notes on the YouTube track are exclusively from ex-pats loving music from home and the old days, calling out their tribe and checking in from wherever they are. One guy, Ibrahim Noah Koroma, writes from Senegal:
tears fall down in my eyes when I listing dis song missing u SL 🇸🇱🇸🇱💪💪💪 I'm proud of my tribe temne 💯💪💪💪
15. The Sugarcubes - “Regina”
The setup of this song is such an angular, proggy spiky comic thing, definitely cool in its own way, but man, when it hits the chorus, it’s absolutely the most gorgeous thing. The lyrics are truly bizarre, and they’re making me appreciate how this band impacted Bjork’s later work. One thing I don’t understand: does she pronounce “Regina” with a hard G because that’s how that word is pronounced in Icelandic? Or is that just something she does?
16. Gétatchèw Mèkurya - “Ambassèl”
The more we learn about Ethiopian jazz and popular music before and after their political strife, the more there is to learn. In fact, one thing I learned about Mèkurya is that he played with Dutch socialist punks The Ex, a band I have admired for a couple of decades now, though mostly because I’m stuck on their album “Scrabbling at the Lock.” They apparently toured together in the aughties… and all of a sudden I can hear how their very different sounds actually relate very aptly. Man. That’s enough to fall in love with music all over again.
Also, one fact that must be acknowledged: Gétatchèw is maybe the best first name ever.
17. Jacques Dutronc - “Et moi, et moi, et moi”
I just dropped these lyrics into Google translate and it turns out he’s got a very identifiable brand of humor — wry, confident, diffident. He always makes me think of Dylan with his delivery.
18. Meas Samon - “Jol Dondeung Kone Key (Going to Get Engaged)”
So much feel! Those key dives just to open the song, man, I don’t even know. And the vocals are spilling over with character — it’s like watching a movie unfold. This is Cambodian, from the late sixties or early seventies. Every time it gets to the keys solos I think about how much I want Dave Grelle to hear this track, like, right now. It’s between this and Abass for sickest keys distortion to be found.
19. T.P. Orchestre - “Senamin” *
What is up with this song? We came across it and kind of set it aside, and then it was just in my head all. the. time. At first I wasn’t sure about the 1996 movie version “I’d Be Surprisingly Good For You” style sax (my LEAST favorite song in Evita) But, even so this song is so...majestic! And mysterious! The haunting melodies dancing around together at the end really got me.  
20. Hallelujah Chicken Run Band - “Alikilula”
The constant interaction of 3s and 4s in Chicken Run songs never fails to delight me. The shapes of the songs are almost like Guided By Voices tracks — one good idea perfectly expressed, and then they’re outta there. 
21. Antoine Dougbé - “Nou Akuenon Hwlin Me Sin Koussio”
If I could pick one album for all of my friends to spin a few times in a row… that would not be easy. But lately, that record would be “Legends of Benin,” the totally headspinning comp put out by Analog Africa. Every track is a deep insight into what rock music can be. In the liner notes, Samy Ben Redjeb takes the listener on a whole record-buying expedition through the southern coast of west Africa, describing where he picked up particular LPs, falling into conversations with some of the musicians, and generally providing insights both romantic and invaluable. (His notes on Dougbé are worth the price of admission.) In one note he mentions talking to a friend about how Africa doesn’t seem to deal well in reggae, and he considers “Nou Akuenon” one of the best attempts on the continent. It hadn’t occurred to me to think of this as reggae… and I still don’t hear it that way. But I like thinking of the band reaching for reggae and making this instead. 
22. Francoise Hardy - “Les temps de l’amour”
23. Ros Sereysothea - Chnam oun Dop-Pram Muy “I’m 16”
I love how fully developed these Cambodian songs are. They’re not aping a particular song or building replicas of songs in English or French: they’re working in pop music just like anyone else. The arrangements are so tight and well structured, and everybody is adding in more than their share on their instruments. Though Ros’s voice steals the show, the backing vocals on this song are especially good as well.
24. Aerovons - “Say Georgia”
Man, one of the pleasures of living in St. Louis was learning the story of The Aerovons, a group of high school kids who got flown across the Atlantic to record at Abbey Road with all of the same gear and technicians who were busy putting together records for The Beatles… only to have the album go unreleased for decades. It’s truly a reminder to appreciate the experience itself and not just the results. These guys experienced the absolute pinnacle of the studio recording dream — there is none higher — but that’s it. None of the fame or the attendant glory, just the knowledge of what they’d been able to do together.
“Texas Thunder Soul 1968-1974”
25. Ravi Shankar - Jazzmine - “Mishrank (Finale)”
The whole “Jazzmine” album is a mindblower, and it’s almost a shame to cut right to the finale of an album that builds its case song by song, illustrating the paths that Shankar’s raga and jazz take toward each other, from “Melodic Moods” to the amazing tabla solos of “Taalank” to “Deshank (Folk Patterns)” to crest with “Mishrank,” where Zep meets jazz club meets Somalian backroom in an Indian realm. Every solo brings a ton of new information about whose voices are adding to this total experience. And more than anything, it sounds like fun.
One thing I dig about this recording is that, as far as I can tell, more than one performance of this song is spliced together into this single track. That seems like a big no-no among jazz folks, but I really don’t mind it one bit — if anything, that helps me hear the song relative to more jarring experimental tape manipulation bands. 
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milkchu · 5 years
❝anyway the wind blows❞ one.
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Summary: (Y/N) Mercury’s journey of love, fame, and pain, alongside what would become one of the most legendary bands ever, Queen.
Pairing: Borhap!Queen x Reader, eventual Brian May x Reader
A/N: alright! here we go. before anything else, a big thank you to everyone who liked the preview, i’m really excited for this one!!! yes, this will be mostly based on the movie. next, (Y/O/N) = original name, (Y/O/L/N) = original last name, and also you have a cousin named poppy. alright that is all for now! enjoy the ride. happy reading!
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of drinking and smoking
{next chapter}
Bright lights.
Everyone is screaming.
The ground is shaking.
Heart is pounding.
“You’re a legend, (Y/N).”
London, 1970
Cursing under your breath, you rubbed at the top of your head, wincing and glaring the dropped box of biscuits near your feet. Sighing, you bent down and picked it up and placed it back on the shelf.
Looking at the clock at the far end of the store, above the cashier’s desk, it was a little past the end of your shift and as much as you wanted to leave and go have a drink at your favorite pub, you had to finish stocking up the shelves first, not wanting to get an earful from your boss.
Even though you were studying design at uni, you still opted to get a job at the local grocery store, ‘Fletcher’s’, where your only human interaction was with elderly women and on some nights, teenagers who are looking to get shit-faced.
Knowing that your family was already struggling, you felt guilty and you wanted to help pay for the tuition yourself. Plus, some extra purchases, of course.
A full thirty minutes later, you finally stepped the store, and ripped your work vest off and threw it somewhere in the tiny locker room for employees.
Not even bothering to say goodbye to your fellow co-workers, you just walked towards the nearby bus stop and sat down.
While waiting, you decided to pull out your small notebook and pencil, and began writing song ideas.
You brought this notebook with you everywhere. Whenever you thought of something nice or clever, you just pulled it out and wrote everything.
This had become a habit of yours, after your mother had left for some ‘business trip’ around the country.
You were only eight years old by then, and she told you to write anything you wanted to tell her on pieces of paper, and put it inside an old shoebox she gave.
She always had music playing around the house, the lyrics becoming stuck inside your head, so, you wrote literally everything from little letters for her to the same song lyrics over and over again.
Hearing the bus finally pull over, you put away your notebook and stepped inside to finally head home.
When you got home, you immediately ran up the stairs to your bedroom and changed out of your filthy clothing into a new outfit, it was an old sweater you’ve had for ages, but, it’ll work.
Walking down the stairs, and past the small living room, where your cousin, Poppy, was watching something on the telly, you heard your aunt call, “Dinner is ready!”
“Oh, I’m not hungry, auntie,” You said, as you walked towards the coat rack.
“Where are you going?” She questioned, fixing the plates on the dining table. After grabbing your coat, you looked at her, “Out with friends,” You said, with a small smile.
“A boy?” She smirked, looking at you with a knowing smile. You let out a small laugh in response, “Oh, auntie.”
As she faced you, she fixed the collar of your coat, “Look at you,” She smiled, “Give your auntie a kiss.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, but pecked your aunt’s cheek anyway, “I’m going to be late!”
“You’re always late,” Your aunt chuckled before you heard the front door open and close, signaling your uncle’s arrival from work.
“Hi dad, how was work?” Poppy said, before standing up to take his things. Ignoring his daughter’s question, he looked at you with his stern eyes.
“Out again, (Y/O/N)?” He asked calmly, but still making you a little bit uneasy.
You gulped, and looked at him with a straight face, “It’s (Y/N) now, uncle,” Readying yourself for another lecture.
“(Y/N) or (Y/O/N). . .What difference does it make when you’re out every night, no thought of the future in your head?” He began, his tone getting louder.
The air immediately became tense, making both your cousin and aunt very uncomfortable. It was not unusual, though.
You looked at the ground, keeping up the straight posture as he continued, “Good thoughts, good words, good deeds, that’s what you should aspire to.”
You walked towards him, “Yes, and how’s that worked out for you?” You squint your eyes at him, before finally walking out of the house.
Feeling a wave of relief wash over you, you sighed, and took a bus going to your favorite pub.
You started going to this pub a lot because of the band that was playing there, Smile. They were pretty good, and had very nice music.
You thought of approaching them several times, but you never really got to do it mainly because you were too shy or you found them a little bit intimidating.
But, you decided that was going to change tonight.
Walking down the stairs leading to the pub, you smiled as you heard the familiar music filling your ears.
Where will I be this time tomorrow?
Jump in joy, or sinking in sorrow?
Anyway, I should be doing all right. . .
Reaching the end of the steps, your eyes turned to the three men playing on stage, the huge ‘Don’t Forget to Smile’ poster hanging behind them.
Doing all right. . .
You walked towards the bar, the bartender asking for your order. “Pint of lager,” You responded.
After coming back with your glass, you thanked her, “Cheers.”
As you took a sip, you turned around to face the band again, your eyes looking through each member, but lingering longer on the guitarist for some reason.
Should be waiting for the sun,
And anyway I've got hide away. . .
You started bobbing your head to the music, and sat down. You ended up staying a little bit longer in the pub, even after the band had finished, so you could write some more in your notebook, to finally finish a song that’s been on your mind for weeks.
After some finishing touches, you let out an exhausted sigh, and started walking towards the exit.
The band must be outside the pub by now, you thought, heart pounding faster in nervousness.
Near the exit, you noticed two men talking to each other on the side, one of them was a brunette while the other had blond hair.
As you passed by them, you couldn’t help but notice how cute the brunette was, he was wearing a shirt with ‘The Beatles’ on it under a dark denim jacket that fit him perfectly.
You didn’t even notice you were already staring until, “You all right?” The brunette asked, looking at you with a little smile.
Warmth immediately rushed to your cheeks in embarrassment, “Sorry, um, I was just looking for the band,” You stammered.
“They’re usually out back,” He gestured towards the exit.
“Thanks,” You nodded, turning around to the exit, but paused, and looked at the man again, “I like your shirt.”
“Thanks, it’s from Radio Box,” He smiled, before his blond friend added, “He works there,” He smirked, before the brunette looked at him with an annoyed look, “Thank you.”
You chuckled, before finally walking away, exiting the pub.
Walking into the cold air, you began looking for the band. Spotting a van that had it’s back open, some smoke coming out of it, you walked towards it, hoping it was them.
Recognizing the guitarist and the drummer from the band, whom you knew as Brian May and Roger Taylor, you stopped in front of them, “Enjoyed the show,” You smiled at the two men.
“Thank you,” Brian said politely, while the blond drummer said, “Thanks, love.”
You looked at the ground before continuing, “I’ve been following you for a while, actually,” You beamed.
“Oh, really?” Roger smirked, before bringing the beer bottle to his lips. Letting out a small chuckle, you began, “Smile.”
“Makes sense for a dental student,” You looked at the drummer, who now looked at you with a confused look.
“And you’re astrophysics, aren’t you?” You gestured towards Brian, who was just as confused, but still nodded, “Yeah.”
You smiled at him, “Makes you the clever one, then.”
Brian looks towards Roger, smiling, “Yeah, I suppose it does, yeah,” While Roger just shook his head at his friend.
“I study design here,” You said, before reaching into your coat pocket.
They both nodded, “Oh yeah?” Roger said, before taking a sip of his beer.
“Yeah. Also, um, I write songs,” You pulled your notebook out, letting out a shy smile. “Might be of interest to you.”
Noticing the change of atmosphere between the two men, “It’s just a bit of fun, really,” You chuckled awkwardly, before putting the notebook back into your pocket.
“Well, you’re five minutes too late,” Roger sighed, before Brian added, “Our lead singer just quit.”
You look at them in awe, before a smile starts making its way towards your lips, “Well. then you’ll need someone new.”
Brian shrugged, “Any ideas?”
You licked your lips as your eyes wandered to the ground then back to them, “What about me?” You pointed at yourself.
Roger then looks at Brian with a mocking smile, “Um, not looking like that, love,” He chuckles, gesturing towards your old, ragged sweater.
Your smile fell, before you nodded dejectedly, and slowly started walking away.
Brian just looks at his friend in disbelief, immediately smacking him on the arm for being so rude, especially to a lady.
Before Brian could even call you back, you turned around, and suddenly started belting out, “I know what I’m doin’,” Brian and Roger stared at you in amazement.
“I got a feeling I should be doing all right,” You continued. Brian and Roger still shook by your performance, decided to join in with you, “Doing all right.”
Brian and Roger chuckled, before you said, “My mum was a singer herself, used to tour and everything. I guess her skills were passed down to me.”
“I’ll consider your offer.” You smirked, before walking away from the two, slack-jawed men.
Brian and Roger look at each other, still shook by your performance, they both nodded in agreement.
“Uh, do you play bass?” Brian calls out to you.
You turned around,
tagging; @icantgetnorelief // @b-hardys // @spideyyypeter
atwb taglist; @yoonlatte // @geek-and-proud // @everything-you-dont-wanna-be // @itsametaphorbriansblog // @marequeenii // @ladylannisterxo
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leah-halliwell92 · 5 years
Too Much Love Can Kill You
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Summary: Soul marks are found through touch and song, one must sing to find their half and touch completes their connection. To reject your mark is to sentence them to death. You have been on tour with Brian, Roger and Rufus for a year and have known them for nearly four. What happens you find out along the way that you are the mark of one Brian May?
“I…I can feel her,” the older man gasped with a breathy laugh.
“And you hadn’t before?” Rufus asked carefully.
“No, I had felt something before but not since we completed our bond,” Brian admitted.
“She’d closed her end,” Rufus said now understanding what had happened to you.
Brian’s eyes widened at that fear now a prominent emotion, “Why did she…?”
“I don’t know. But whatever reason she had for closing the bond, it could be the reason for why she was in the state she was in when da went to her,” Rufus said almost to himself, “She went into shock…from withdrawal.”
Prologue – Chapter 1 – Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Roger felt her small gasp of surprise and couldn’t help give a breath of relief recognizing the action as a sign that both marks’ bond had met. He saw a soft smile start to form your lips and couldn't help the small sad grin that appeared on his.
"He's there...I can feel him," she whispered tiredly her smile growing despite the wince of the phantom pain.
You felt your mark warm and heart thrum as Brian's end of the bond seemed to embrace you. You basked in the feel of your bond meeting his as if you’d been doing it all your lives. This feeling of completion, love and hope...it is borderline euphoric. If it weren't for the fact that their bond and are hanging onto whether or not he accepts them the moment would have been perfect.
In the living room, Rufus sat with a quietly sobbing Brian a supportive hand on the older man’s shoulder.
“She...she knew,” Brian gasped between sobs as the realization of what he had been about to do fell on his shoulders.
Rufus furrowed his brow in wonder at what Brian could mean with that.
“She knew what Bri?” He asked reluctantly.
“That I would reject her, us our bond and she knew why,” Brian said as a fresh wave of tears hit him.
Rufus’ eyes widened at the revelation. He should have known, and taken you warnings to heart, the reasons you’d told him from the moment he found out whose mark you carry and all the reasons you gave him were not out of spite or you being a bitch because of the age gap. It couldn’t be further from the truth, and now is when he realizes that you had taken the time to get to know Brian deeper without doing much in hopes that it would be enough. That this friendship would be enough.
Silence surrounded them as Brian’s sobs subsided.
“She loves you you know,” Rufus said quietly.
Brian looked at the younger man in shock.
“Has for awhile now, since–”
“Since we sang our song,” Brian cut in voice soft and broken.
Rufus nodded silently.
Brian remembered that day… and to this day he couldn’t remember a day you hadn’t looked so happy and yet so sad at the same time. He fell back against the backrest of the sofa and let his head fall back against it. He closed his eyes letting the memory take over.
In the bedroom, you snuggled into the bed and manage to doze off into sleep with the memory of when their bond flared to life for the first time in her mind’s eye.   _________________________________________________________________
You took a deep breath in a an attempt to keep your nerves in check…the concert starts soon after all. But you couldn’t help it! This is your first tour with your new found family and friends, who happen to be Queen, and who were you kidding you’re a nervous wreck. You don’t want to embarrass them, especially not Roger who had been more of a father to you than your own had been. And abso-fucking-lutely not Brian.
If you were to have a best friend then he fits the mold. He’s more than understanding, kind and doesn’t mind listening to you ramble about your classes or help out when you’re taking a physics class. He jams with you on his legendary Red Special and gives you tips and tricks to improve your own playing. It’s an amazing friendship no matter what people said about him being older than you or vise versa.
Today proved to be more than just nerves about this being your first tour with Queen but there’s been a song stuck in your head for the past month that is driving you up a wall more often than not. You sat the dressing room you share with the Queens on your own as they did whatever it is rockstars do to before a show, allowing you to put a lyric to the tune. You hear the door open and a familiar poof of hair as Brian walks in a grin on his kind face.
“Hey Bri,” you say putting down the pencil.
“Hey yourself, you doing alright?” He asked taking a seat on the other side of the couch you were sitting on.
You nod with a grin of your own before you give the half written song an unsure look and with a deep breath then asking, “Can you read over this for me?”
Brian shifted closer to you teasingly saying, “And what do we have here hmm?”
As he read the lyrics, you plucked the chords of your guitar here and there playing the basic tune of the song.
Brian looked up at you a bright grin on his face after reading.
“So...what do you think?” You asked curiously.
He hummed thoughtfully and with a small smirk said, “I think I need to listen to the music with the lyric to decide.”
You returned his grin and began to play...
“Woke up sweating from a dream With a different kind of feeling All day long my heart was beating Searching for the meaning Hazel eyes I was so color-blind We were just wasting time For my whole life We never crossed the line Only friends in my mind But now I realize It was always you Can't believe I could not see it all this time, all this time It was always you Now I know why my heart wasn't satisfied, satisfied It was always you, you No more guessing who Looking back now I know it was always you, always you”
You sang the first verse happy and proud at how well the music and lyrics go together. You nearly outwardly gasp when Brian picks up where the second verse starts.
Your world shifted at that moment. Your mark warmed and darkened as your voices mingled and fit… like puzzle pieces you and Bri fit together perfectly. The both of you sang on until the end of the lyrics.
He looked, dare you say it, proud. He looked at you with a bright smile on his face and said, “Quite the song my dear, I certainly can’t wait for you to finish it.”
You nodded forcing a bright smile as you pushed down the urge and itch to reach for his hand. The feeling is excruciating but necessary…
“Five minutes to show time (Y/N),” he said as he stood and made his way out of the room.
“Ok, tell Rog I’ll be there soon yeah?” You say as you put the paper away in your guitar case.
He nods and leaves you alone again.
You feel yourself sag as he leaves, as if he’s taking a part of you with him and in a way he is. You take your time making your way to the main stage. Taking this time to come to terms with the fact that he cannot for any reason know what he means to you and you to him. You hummed your song committing to memory the sound of his voice as he sang along with you. You grinned sadly to yourself as you resigned yourself to living a half life...a life where you and Bri are the other’s marks and he will never know...  _________________________________________________________________
Roger slips out of the bed tucking the blanket around you snuggly before leaving the room and letting you rest.
Out in the living room, Roger looked on at the state his closest and oldest friend is in and sighed knowing the feeling of having a young love and feelings that came with it. He’d been in the emotional position of feeling too old to be with the unbelievable woman’s mark and having those feelings of inadequacy due to the age gap between them. As angry as he was with Brian, Roger couldn’t blame the man for wanting the very best under the sun for his mark.
He nodded to Rufus who had stood up when he spotted his da coming out of the room.
Rufus went to go into your room but was stopped by Rog who said, “Let her rest a bit for now.”
He pulled his boy into the farthest room leaving a very clearly distraught Bri sitting on the couch.
“When the time comes, Brian will start going haywire emotionally. I mean...do you remember how I got when Sarina and I met?” Roger asked.
Rufus nodded as the realization of what Roger is telling him dawned. When his da and stepmother met, their bond was instantaneous. Not like yours or Bri’s but near on faster than the speed of light. He remembered how it had taken most if not all the family to sit Roger down and convince him to at least have lunch with her at all! The man looked about ready to jump off a cliff instead of doing it. And it took Sarina even longer to break through the old drummer’s shell before she could convince him that she wanted him fully bond or no bond age gap be damned.
They have all known you for close to five years now, and throughout that time they have learned that you love person based on their personality not based on their age. Age does play a factor but not a major one unless it did bring cause for concern.
“Will it be him going in then?” Rufus asked seriously.
“I think it might be for the best,” Roger said thoughtfully, “Their bond, being newly forged, will be flaring violently now due to their current emotional state…it’s going to be a long night.”
The Taylor men stood in silence for a moment before Rufus asked, “Should we just be as supportive as we can?”
Roger nodded running and hand over his face as he sighed exhaustedly before going for his phone.
Rufus left the room at the sound of him talking to Sarina. His da needs some time with his mark right now.
Entering the living room again Rufus was met with an empty sofa and the door to your room ajar.  _________________________________________________________________ 
If you wanna be tagged shoot me an ask!!! Thanks for reading don’t forget to like and reblog!!!! Feedback is always appreciated!! _____________________________________________
Tag list: @pansexualqueendarling, @queenattheopera, @brianandthemays, @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever, @ramibaby, @captain–americanna, @awkwardangelshezza, @avengerraven1023, @danamaleksworld, @pastywhiteperson, @readinghorn, @i-was-born-like-this, @redspecialstardust​, @reedusteinrambles, @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives, @readinghorn, @subbysharkbabe, @capan-devereaux, @bowieandqueen11, @bellamy1998, @reedusteinrambles
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survivemiddleearth · 6 years
Rites of Passage
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Crow- Bruh. I thought we were going to be friends/allies in this game but then I hear you were telling the entire tribe how I was not to be trusted and as much as you mock me for my lack of a social game, it sure saved me there! But still love ya and hope things have gotten better, and hey, maybe you were smart for targeting me from the start :P
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmc21V-zBq0 
Roxy- runaway with me noww  oh its come away with me fuck
Dylan- king of first boot
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Well mine was short lol. but I think Crow has played an amazing game and def deserves this dub :)
Crow- Although I personally trusted you, you were just unfortunately the outsider from the start and with having proof of Drew/Zach sparing me, I didn't want to risk reaching my neck out for you and getting labeled as trying to play both sides. You were robbed though, it was just because our tribe was so garbage at comps...
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2WWrupMBAE 
Roxy- We didn’t meet in this game
Dylan- king of second boot
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Crow- Legendary flop! You were hilarious and completely messy and if there's any way to bond with me, it's that. Unfortunately flops are always targeted for some reason pre-merge (maybe cuz they wreck their tribe average??? no shade, but) but I would have KILLED for your commentary from post-merge onwards cuz I felt completely alone being the only one constantly hogging the spotlight :/
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfHHv7yOYX0
Roxy- skinny legend
Dylan- you would have killed the lip syncing comp but these losers flipped the vote
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Aah, what a fun time I had during this game (from the little I remember). I still would like to say it was a wonderful tribal, 8-0? wow so great. COuldn’t do it without people hating me <3 jkjk. Anyways! It was fun while it lasted and hopefully was fun for everyone that was in it too.
Crow-  Okay, truth be told, I really thought you were like the social queen of your tribe but when tribal came around and people said your name, I felt powerless, as the only person from Pikachu, to try and sway it, and especially when you seemed okay with it. Thank you for having a graceful exit, not many people can do that nowadays....
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CID-sYQNCew 
Roxy- http://sketchtoy.com/68755176 
Dylan- queen of having crazy fast internet. accepted her defeat which was iconic 
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This game seemed very fun and I loved the opportunity to play, I wish I didn’t get so busy so I could’ve backstabbed Roxy like I planned. Ah well. Congrats on getting so far I hope the game was fun for you all!
Crow- I know I'm a big reason why you were cut just shy of merge but it was more of a move to solidify Sammy/Johnny (and supposed to be Eric...) and break apart the potential trio I saw in you, Roxy, and Dennis (I mean, now I'm sitting next to both of them in f4 so can't say I regret it :P ) You were a very intelligent, brash guy and I hope you know that your placement was not indicative of your game. Hope the novel turns out well!
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1tAYmMjLdY 
Roxy- MY AUSSIE BUDDY UGH/ I wonder how this game wouldve gone with you here. You were fun to talk to and play  with and i loved chatting about the shows we both loved together/
Dylan- king of being blindsided. second season where I watched you get blindsided from a different tribe. 
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Crow- Thank god you didn't try in this game. I didn't even want to get into the ring with you again and go for Round 3. Thanks for making this one easy :P
Dennis-  You freaking stole my tom bombadil to just be inactive -.-
Roxy- L
Dylan-  making it to merge without doing anything ? queen
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That damn bitch Beyoncé got me again huh. I swore I wouldn't let her after last time but she always has to have the last word. Thank god she's been outed as a satanic black witch!!! Thank you to the brave former drummer for walking in the light and exposing her depravity. I will expect my reparations settlement money in the mail.
Crow- Okay I literally feel so bad like comforting you in that round but know that I was completely blindsided by it myself so I really hope that wasn't misunderstood as me trying to make sure you were blindsided asghsgsho but thanks for taking the bullet then! Love a good shiel- bodyguard.
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdCslA8xs98
Roxy-  nnnn I remember when I saw you in merge I was hyper excited to play with you. I never really allied with you or met you in games so finally getting to play with you finally a familiar face from your tribe was refereshing and welcoming. I told you to f2 me or im quitting lmfao. That lasted long ... rdfc Your vote off was a mess of flipping multiple names thrown and idols. I feel like we drifted during the day or 2 leading up to the tribal and we didn't really talk game that round which was sad. I really wanted to have you as a clsoe allly that game but it ended up the way it did since I saw jg as a closer ally.
Dylan- literally actually the most robbed person in this entire game. you were missed
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This game was pretty fun. All of the people I was close to voting me out and losing on a twist was pretty shitty. I’d just never do these challenges ever again. :P
Crow- You're honestly just a mess. P.S. My beard is now gone because of you.
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRh_vgS2dFE
Roxy- hahah hi hi johnny. “Daddy”. You are always a great blast to play with even though we have yet to truly get somewhere together. ALthough in hos we were close it was just a diverging of end game interests that tore us apart. I remember the jokes we made about applying for this org. I had no idea when I was applying that I would make it this far and when I applied for you as a joke haha. My biggest regret is not telling you about the vote and what was going down. Our relationship this game was sort of foggy but it was great while it lsted. 
Dylan- voted for me but you’re so lovable 
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Crow- We were never on a pre-merge tribe together, then you made the big-ass move to blindside Drew at the first vote (without telling me, which no hard feelings) so when it came down to our mini-tribe's tribal, I felt like it was too little too late for both of us to try and make something happen together? I'd say we just fell on opposite sides rather than being enemies. But I hope you've been watching because I know you're an analytical guy who's obsessed with Survivor so I would love to hear your input as a juror.
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YShWLjj1TO0 
Roxy- UGH SO ROBBED!!! We had so much potential to play a fun game together but the unmerge robbed us of that T_T im glad we got to play together for one round at least
Dylan-  you and I have a lot in common, we both put our trust in the wrong person.
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Hey y’all! This was game was fun and fresh and I did better than last time so I definitely achieved my goal! There really wasn’t anything shady going on until the night I left and I’m sure that was aired out so I have nothing to spill. Tbh I was just bored and wanted to be messy and have fun. It was a fun last night! I had a great time playing with everyone and good luck to the final 4!
Crow- Truth be told, I really didn't see myself voting you out so soon. I thought we were working together, sorta, but it always felt like you had better allies? Which I don't fault you for, I know I was not the most critical ally, for like, anyone in this game, but that's purely the reason I decided to vote you out over Eric. I might regret it though since Eric pretty much shunned me from there on out and I know you would've really appreciated me saving you.....but it is what it is. (also you didn't swipe on my tinder so im kinda insulted but dats fine!)
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfWlot6h_JM 
Roxy- Hey zach!! You seem like a really sweet person. We didn’t really hit if off and we never clicked together. WE had different allies and diff groups so us allyining was never really an option. I recon its just how the game unfolded and you were loyal to your allies while i was to mine and i respect you for that despite the mess of how you left. 
Dylan- why didn’t you give me the legacy idol. I’m kidding I would’ve misused it 
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I really didn’t know what I was getting into here, and I REALLY liked it!! Who knew performing arbitrary semi-public tasks with complete strangers could be so much fun? I wish each of you the best, in the game and out of it. May Manwë smile upon those who walk the world; may Mandos rule with steady hand those who rest in his hall.
Crow- Literally, you were the only one I was just like, hey, he's probably not going to lie to me. And so it's ironic that we also never talked game other than the casual vote here and then....you were a very interesting person though so I wish I hadn't got caught up in the game as much and really tried to connect with you as a person, and for that, I take the blame.
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE-1RPDqJAY 
Roxy- Ford!! When I first saw you in the scvanger hunt I asked "are you single ?" nnn you seem like a cool dude and you were fun to play with despite the fact we never really talkde game and we werent really aligned this game/ I still promised you to be honest to you and I think i pulled through on that. It was amazing fun to play with you and i hope you luck in yoru studies.
Dylan- you were amazing sweetie as a newbie you made it so far omg 
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Hey guys! Like I said before I quit, I have no regrets about the game and how I played it. If I stuck around the community I would have loved to be friends with all of you! Best of luck to you all and may the best player win!
Crow- Hope everything is okay in your real life and I hope you were never offended by anything I did or said. I completely understand your game decisions and you don't ever need to apologize for them. You were a chaotic mess, but genuine and real, so you have my respect. You also proved what I've always thought you were (even back in Great Lakes) as a really go-getter type of player.
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrcMMyNeJJs 
Roxy- rip gl with life
Dylan- I loved how we found middle ground during the F7. 
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hiii yes i don’t have much to say. i had a blast and made some amazing friends and just goofed off a lot. No hard feelings, you are all icons...I’m rooting for one of you but i wish you all good luck!
Crow- Okay I love you as a person, but like, you also betrayed me for no reason so I'm a little confused as to why or how we stand now, but just know that whatever your reasons for doing so, it doesn't change how I see you as a person. And even through my bitterness in the betrayal, I will admit, you didn't deserve to go out like that.
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSvFpBOe8eY 
Roxy- Sammy!! Weve had a very varied ride in our org careers and this game was no exception/ I feel like timezones really got to us this time round and early on our games diverged when I tried to save stephen and you tried to save Eric.  During merge and then unmerge i think you bonded more with jay and that tribe so we never really played as allies. Howveer i think the way you left did not give you justice. Jay letting you get idoled out after you were one of the few who stuck with her and then her quitting just because people were voting her out. You did NOT deserve that. And I was honestly  mad at jay for doing you dirty. 
Dylan- cirie who ? Jay shoulda used that idol on you you were the second most robbed queen 
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Crow- Well, I had your back. I knew of multiple of your misdeeds in previous rounds and I think you knew that? But game-wise we were very compatible in playing styles (not similar, but definitely compatible - you were the strategic one, I was the......other...one) so although your exit was less than glorious for me, I do hope you find comfort in your gameplay and know that you were really impactful on the game, for better or worse.
Dennis- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXzDu071RdQ 
Roxy- nnnnnn she snapt
Dylan- there’s not enough space to describe anything but the takeaway is that I hope you know that like I actually genuinely care about your well being 
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We just want to say a sincere thank you to everyone who came to have fun and played to their fullest extent. Jo and I have worked on this game for months and like we’ve said all along: the goal for this was for everyone to have fun in the chaos and the world of LOTR and Survivor combined. There’s a lot of drama and toxicity in the org community and in the world right now and if this game provided you with any sort of reprieve from either that’s all we could ever hope for. We hope you had a great time, we know we did, and we want to reiterate again: thank you all for bringing this game to life and for participating. Good luck to our final 4!
Olivia and Joanna <3
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eshtarwind · 7 years
Tokyo 7th Sisters - Episode Queen of Purple Novel Summary Part 2
Continuing last time, here. I will proceed with my “summary” of what I remember about the novel, be warned there might also be some additional details like parts from the in-game episode in case they exist as referrals or maybe I feel like it has any significance in it.
Chapter 2. Meet Them There
Whilst feeling out of place in a bar brimming with adult atmosphere, Ferb and Yumeno sat by the stool near the counter. Murasaki served Ferb and Yumeno some juice drinks (which Yumeno said taste better because it is served by a beautiful girl and Murasaki was like, isn’t that irrelevant lol). As Ferb looked into the interior of the bar more closely--noting how an underage like her and Yumeno being there was not exactly a good thing and perhaps that is why Murasaki never invited them--Ferb thought how Murasaki had rejected her offer, it was a fact, and Ferb was sure there was a reason for it, but she hesitated to ask. Yumeno perhaps felt the same, but she talked in her usual chirpy, bright attitude to break the ice and the somber atmosphere. Yumeno commented how great it was for Murasaki to help tidying the shop, and Murasaki went like, I did it every day tho, it’s my home. And she asked like, is that the reason of her rejecting the offer, to help the shop? Murasaki then proceed to explain that if it were any other moment, it would not have been a problem, but not this time.
Turned out her mother had an accident and she broke her arm. Thus, Murasaki had to help her mother until that arm heals and it would still take time for it to heal. It seemed her mother is a single mother---but I will clarify later to make sure--and has been working for both of them all these times. Murasaki went like, I am sorry that I have to reject, while both of you had gone all the way here. Yumeno quickly answered that that was not a problem at all, which Ferb nod to (Yumeno did most of the talking, while Ferb just nod or confirmed), since that can’t be helped after all. Murasaki said that there are others with great voices in Nanasis she could ask for help, but Ferb was like, “No, I want it to be you and no one else.” Murasaki was like, “you stubborn.” “Well I am, when it comes to music.” but it seemed Murasaki had thought as much about Ferb, with how well they knew each other. Murasaki asked of Yumeno’s thought on it but Yumeno was like, I don’t mind for as long as it was what Ferb and Murasaki’s decided. Since that cant be helped, Ferb was about to ask Yumeno to phone Shihainin that they cannot do the project (at least not in that year--it was an annual festival), but suddenly someone came from the inner part of the store.
Murasaki Mom, Echizen Kon, came up and apparently she was a mesmerizing beauty which made even Yumeno silent (lol). Kon was like, you have your friends visit you--which is extremely rare--and you just reject them? Murasaki said, but you’re hurt and shop might get busy and all. But Kon was like, “I have hired a part timer over to help me so you don’t have to worry. I’ve been taking care of this shop while raising you all these years and I am not that fragile that I need an underage kid who can’t even drink sake yet to worry about me.“ She then proceeded that, unlike her, her two friends needed her, and no one else. Under hopeful eyes of both Yumeno and Ferb, Murasaki eventually “gave up” and said that she, too, wondered how her jazz would go with Ferb’s music. However, there came the next problem: who would do the drum. Just as they were contemplating the matter, the door opened with someone who would like to sign for part time job--and turned out that someone was Matsuri.
So Matsuri was looking for part time job to get more income for this new super good game and since the shop was stylish with good atmosphere along with good enough salary, she was interested. However, Kon had already hired someone else. So as an apology, Kon served Matsuri the shop’s curry rice and also served the same for Yumeno and Ferb. Being sharp, Matsuri noted how it was unusual to have underage kids like Yumeno and Ferb in a bar like this, the trio eventually told Matsuri their predicaments. Murasaki commented that the drummer she knew was a jazz drummer old man who came for mini live show at their bar from time to time but that won’t do, as perhaps he would not be able to put his heart into it t (as per Ferb’s words, not enough “fire”). With Yumeno knew no one, they asked if Ferb knew anyone in the light music to help. Sounding matter of factly, Ferb said that the light music club is busy with their upcoming live, but she could not help feeling really bad when the topic came up. As it was her who rejected them as well, over the cover band thing, and it would be awkward to just suddenly came and ask for their help with her own band.
With that unsolved, Ferb finally said, that it was useless to think about something that did not exist, then they would have to resort to recording for the drum--despite her own best judgment that it would not be as ideal as she would like with her song. However, with how Murasaki had decision regardless of her situation, it would be appropriate to do so. Matsuri said, from older person POV, that seemed to be the best decision to come to, and supported the decision. She felt bad that she could not help them, despite being older, the only drummer she knew where her friends who play drumming game but even then she was the best among them. Ferb was like, eh, there are such game? and Matsuri was like, what you didn’t know? lol. And eventualy they all decided to go watch Matsuri play the game at the game center near the station because Matsuri felt like (Yumeno was like, wow, game center date!!! #not).
Matsuri was like hey lets play highest difficulty with randomized notes! Yumeno: IS THIS THE LEGENDARY MATSURI GAMER?! SUCH HONOOOOR!! while Ferb and Murasaki were like,I kiiiiinda understand? reaction lol. Anyway there goes the playing and Matsuri actualy hit all the notes in perfect full combo and Yumeno was left flabbergasted (tbh she was the only one who understood what the heck Matsuri was doing) and Murasaki was like, “I dont really understand but that was awesome.” Ferb was silent all the while watching the banter (Matsuri was like, : see? that change your perception on me, right?). Yumeno then noted how Ferb was silent (you must have already fallen in love with  Matsuri-san ! nuuu she is mine~ kind of Yumeno way lol) and Ferb was like, “You hit all the beat perfectly, that was amazing.”
Ferb was deep in thought and she said, “Matsuri-san, will you try drumming?”
With her words, suddenly the excitement of high score died away, and in a serious face that none of the girls have ever seen before, Matsuri replied slowly, like drowning all the sound of the game center around her.
“You see. Game and real world are different.”
~ End of Chapter 2~
Wow that was long. I actually went to a lot more details than I expected. It’s one of the chapters that I read over and over (the bar scene is among my favorite!). I actually don’t remember Chapter 3 that much so I guess I will do chapter 3 and 4 together. Ah well~ wait up for the continuation! (I have to cut here because my laptop started to stutter when it reached certain number of words, like now....)
Continue to Part 3
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stardust2003 · 7 years
Madferit: The Novel - Chapter 1
“Who’s Oasis?” I asked my friend Kelly as we got ready in her bedroom.
“Some band from England.” She replied as she drew her eyeliner pencil across her bottom eyelid. “They’re like bigger than the Beatles over there and they’re singer is gorgeous.”
I hadn’t heard them or seen them before so I hoped she was right. For only six bucks, I didn’t know what to expect but at least it gave us something to do.
We arrived at the venue which was really small. It felt like we were in an oversized bar. It wasn’t skanky which surprised me. We were in Cleveland Heights after all, which definitely had its sketchy parts.
Fans lined up to go in, waiting outside near where the band’s tour bus would park. The air was a bit chilly but it was to be expected in Northeast Ohio. I was kicking myself for wearing such a short skirt.
But that all changed when the bus pulled up and its passengers exited the vehicle.
There were five of them. The concert goers screamed and cheered as they filed one by one past the crowd. They were all young (no older than me at least) and beautiful.
Especially the two who came out first.
Their eyebrows stood out like sore thumbs. But their eyes…my gosh! Crystal blue pools. Dead stares so you couldn’t tell where they were looking exactly.
I certainly hoped it was at me.
The first one walked on like he meant business. He led the others like a mother goose leads her goslings. Did that mean he was the frontman?
The second one looked younger than the first. He swaggered along taking a drag off a cigarette as he went. No American guy I ever met walked like that and it was definitely a nice change of scenery.
They had to be related. Their eyes and other features were too similar not to be. But what did I know? That sort of information was Kelly’s department.
Surprisingly, all five boys stopped along their journey inside to sign autographs and all that. The closer they got to me and Kelly, the louder my heart started to pound. Those eyes were mesmerizing and I couldn’t even tell you the names of who they belonged to.
Until they got close enough.
“Hi Noel!” The girl next to us beamed at Number One.
“Alright.” He said with a nod.
“I baked you cookies, er, biscuits.” She said as she shoved a box towards his chest.
“They got any drugs in ‘em?” He said it so fast and his accent was so thick, I could barely understand him.
But God he was sexy!
The girl stuttered trying to say “no” and this Noel just chuckled at her before walking away with his gift.
I watched him head on his way until someone spoke to me.
“Got anythin’ for us to sign?”
I turned to see Number Two staring right at me…and nowhere else. My heart skipped a beat as I focused on the blue.
“No I don’t sorry.” I replied sheepishly. What the fuck was I apologizing for? It was my loss, not his.
“It’s alright, Love. No worries.” He replied with a smile and a thick accent to match Number One’s. “Just thought ya’d like to 'ave a keepsake or summat. This gig’s gonna be fuckin’ legendary.”
“It is?” I sounded so unsure. What was I so afraid of?
“You’re fuckin’ right it is! We’ll show you yanks what real music is. Your grunge shit is fuckin’ dreadful.”
I had to agree with him there. I couldn’t stand grunge. I loved the Beatles though and so many other bands from the sixties.
Maybe these guys would be the next best thing.
I smiled at him in reply and he did the same again.
“How 'bout your ticket?” He suggested as he waved his Sharpie in the air a bit. “Ya have a ticket, don’t ya?”
“I do.” I told him. “How else am I gonna get in?”
He chuckled a little at my piss poor attempt to sound cocky. “Go on then. Get it out for us.”
I did as instructed and handed him the ticket. I watched in awe as he hurried and wrote his name down.
“'Liam Gallagher.’” I read out loud after he passed it back to me.
“Yep.” He said. “In the fuckin’ flesh, right?”
He smiled again. “See ya inside.” He winked.
“Yes you will.”
He smirked again before swaggering off with the other three following close behind him.
Kelly and I somehow managed to get front and center for the show. I was getting more and more excited as the minutes ticked down to the start.
Finally it was time.
I screamed from the bottom of my lungs as those five British boys swaggered out from the side of the stage and took their respective places on it. The drummer, the bass player, and rhythm guitarist were still nameless to me but the other two…well, that was a different story.
The one called Noel strapped on his guitar and stood on the left (my right) side of the stage. The one called Liam stood in the center.
'So he’s the frontman.’ I thought to myself as I watched him get into position. It was nothing I’d ever seen before. He put his hands behind his back and crouched down a bit so he’d have to sing up into the microphone.
The Beatles certainly never did that.
But these guys weren’t the Beatles. They were Oasis. And they were quickly on their way to becoming my next favorite band.
Their set was full of weird sounding guitars, screeching and winding through almost every song. Again, nothing like the Beatles. It was something totally new. Totally sexy. And I loved every minute of it.
They finished their set with a Beatles’ cover, adding those odd sounding guitar riffs. Liam wailed and whined out every vowel he could extend. That accent shined through the lyrics. What part of England were they from? Not Liverpool. Not London.
But at that point, it really didn’t matter. What did matter was they rocked. They were sexy. They were British. And as someone originally said, they were legendary.
I knew I had to find out more about them. Buy their CD. What was it called? “Definitely Something”? They had copies of it on the merch table, along with tapes and t-shirts. I was definitely going shopping when everything was said and done.
As soon as the show began, it was over. At least that’s how it felt. They were done in an hour and a half and it was time to go home.
Or so I thought.
People milled around in the bar in between buying t-shirts and stuff, and the band came out to sign autographs again.
Kelly and I got drinks, shirts, and CDs and then hung out to watch the goings on.
“Which one is your favorite?” She asked as she nodded at the boys while they sat at a table signing people’s things.
“I don’t know.” I replied. “It’s too hard to decide.”
And it was. I was definitely hooked on Liam and Noel. Those were their names, right? The others were cute too but those first two, they demanded people’s attention.
Everyone at the show seemed to fawn over them versus anyone else in the group. What was it about them that caused this to happen? Was it seriously just their eyes?
I was curious to find out more. They were the biggest band in England. Were they going to take over the States as well?
They finished signing autographs and then made a bee line for the bar. Kelly and I sat only a couple bar stools away from where they were putting in their drink orders.
“A Gin and Tonic please.” Liam said politely to the bar tender.
I gazed at him while he stood there waiting for his drink.
The bar tender hurried to fix and then passed it to him.
“Cheers.” Liam nodded as he raised the glass to his lips.
My cheeks felt really hot as I watched him swallow his first sip. He’d cast a spell on me and he didn’t even know it.
Or maybe, just maybe, he did.
He scanned the room a bit before turning to his right and that’s when our eyes met. Was he staring at me like he had before the concert?
“Alright. Ticket Girl!” He exclaimed as he came towards me.
I guess so.
“Hi.” I said trying not to let my voice crack.
“Enjoy the gig?” He asked as he set his drink down on the bar.
“Oh yeah. You guys were amazing!”
He smiled. “Thanks.”
We sat silently for a few seconds before Kelly nudged my arm.
But Liam spoke again before I could. “So, uh, we’re havin’ a party backstage for a bit before we ship out for Canada.” The way he pronounced “Canada” sounded something like “Canader” and my heart melted. “You lot wanna join us?”
“Sure.” I replied quickly. There was no way I was passing that opportunity up.
Liam took Kelly and me backstage where the others and their crew were already located. He introduced us to the rest of the band (which finally gave names to the faces I didn’t know) and some of the crew.
“Our Mags is American, just like you lot.” He said in reference to the band’s tour manager. She was nice. A bit older than us. She was from New York which was a far cry from Ohio or Cleveland for that matter.
One of the crew members offered us each a beer and we took them happily. Kelly and I got comfortable on a couch near the boys and watched Liam go join Noel at the coffee table.
“Oh my God!” I said quietly as I watched them both inhale a line of coke up their noses. I guess it came with the territory. Goodness knows it did with the Beatles.
Kelly and I chatted with Maggie which was comforting in a room full of drunk and stoned men. She certainly had her hands full but I bet she had one hell of a good time.
I listened intently as she told us about the coming stops on the tour before I felt someone grab my arm.
“Come with me!” Liam said as he jerked me up from the couch.
I didn’t have time to respond as he pulled me out of the dressing room and down the hall.
“What the hell is your problem?!” I yelled as I tried yanking myself from his grasp. But it was no use.
He didn’t respond and quickly led us through men’s bathroom door. He scanned the room and then pulled me into the closest open stall. Once inside, he locked it and just stared at me.
I stared back for a few seconds before we both pounced on each other. Our lips locked as we moaned into each other’s mouths. The coke made him hungrily aggressive as he felt me the whole way up and down the front of my body, never stopping in one place.
I quickly reached for the button and zipper of his jeans and wasted no time in getting those open. His jeans were down just enough as he hiked my skirt and pulled down my underwear.
My back hit the wall with a gentle smack as he positioned himself. His rock hard dick pressed against my thigh in preparation for what was coming next.
“Ya never told me your name.” He said through a kiss.
“Addie.” I replied quickly.
“Addie? Pretty name, that. But I’d rather call ya Ticket Girl.”
I giggled and felt him smile against my lips.
“Or Tix.” He went on. “I reckon that’s me favorite.”
“Tix it is then.” I agreed. I liked the sound of that too.
Our tongues continued to dance and my body continued to charge up.
And then it was finally time.
I cried out in pure ecstasy as Liam put himself inside me and nearly lifted me off the floor. His hips began swinging and it didn’t take long for us to find our rhythm.
I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together
Our moans matched each other in such perfection. He was beautiful and at that moment, he was mine.
We came together and Liam filled me with his. It was warm and wonderful and so many other things but my head was spinning too fast to remember them all.
After catching our breaths, we fixed our clothes and exited the bathroom.
The rest of the party was as we left it.
“Where’d you go?” Kelly asked as I sat back down beside her while Liam went across to talk to the guy they called Bonehead.
I tuned out her question as I watched him smile and laugh with the other guy. He was something else but I’m sure he already knew that.
The guilt started to set in as reality forced it to come. I just fucked a guy in bathroom stall. Not just any guy but still.
Would he remember me after that night? Or would I get lost in the shuffle with all the other groupies?
That definitely sounded about right.
But I still held out hope it wouldn’t be.
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fifteenstrawberries · 7 years
Surely Someday
So, once upon a time, I had an idea for a music au. and, well . . . 
Also please please check out the song in the description, you will not regret it, I promise.
Surely Someday
Modern college/ jazz band au. Title and the lyrics at the end come from “Because” by Yoko Kanno. Which is emphatically Not Jazz, but it worked so well I couldn’t help it. The legendary jazz quintet, Voltron, of Altea University, started out as just Hunk and Lance jamming out in an empty music room. They would get back from their afternoon classes, grab Lance's trumpet and Hunk's bass from the orchestra room lockers, then find a good space and chill for an hour or so, unwinding from the stress of the day. They never set out to play anything specific-- Lance liked to improvise and Hunk was good at riffing off his notes, but by the time Pidge found them, they'd practiced enough songs for a pretty decent length set.
Pidge-- better known as Katie Holt to everyone but Hunk and Lance-- was one of those child musical genius prodigy types, who came to the university for classes and was on track to graduate early with a degree in music composition. She took lessons for five different instruments (only piano was required for her degree, the rest were just for fun) and had apparently never heard of improv jazz before in her life. She had burst into their practice room and demanded to know what exactly they were doing, that chord would work much better if you raised the bass line by a half step, and could they please decide whether they were playing in four/four time or not? Her brother had dragged her out, apologizing profusely, as Katie shouted back questions, wanting to know if they actually knew how to play their instruments because that would explain a lot, really.
Needless to say, they kept her.
It was just the three of them for the first few weeks. And that was good! Pidge kept bringing different instruments to their jam sessions and had a knack for harmonizing, and kept bringing new music for them to play, either her favorite songs arranged for trumpet, bass, and clarinet, or pieces that she'd written for her music composition class with Professor Coran. They even performed during the Homecoming concert as 'the Voltron Jazz trio.'
"Which is why," Lance argued, as Hunk stapled another 'looking for player' notice on the student board, "We don't need another player. Jazz trios are a thing, dude."
"Jazz quartets are also a thing," Hunk gave him an amused look, "It'll be nice to have another person to play with. Besides, we're getting to the point where we could really use a decent drummer."
"Oh no. The legendary Voltron jazz trio does not need a drummer."
"Do you want to give Pidge an excuse to bring her metronome again?"
Lance shuddered. That practice had been a nightmare and didn't bear remembering.
"Exactly," Hunk said grimly. "The only way we're going to keep her from bringing that monstrosity again is if we put someone on drums." He stapled the next flier to the cafeteria message board with unnecessary force, muttering to himself, "Bringing a metronome to jazz practice, honestly . . . ."
Lance patted his shoulder in silent, sympathetic commiseration.
In the end, only one person got in touch with them. Hunk refused to tell Lance who it was, and it wasn't until Lance saw a familiar mullet sitting at a table at the student café, waiting to meet them, that he understood why.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Lance hissed, clutching at Hunk's arm.
"Keith? Really? Keith?!"
"He's the only one that responded and he's good, Lance, don't you dare ruin this because of that one thing when you were a freshman."
"It was marching band! Do you know how cool I would've been if I'd gotten into marching band?"
Pidge rolled her eyes at their whispered argument, pulling the café door open, "Hey," she said, walking up to Keith, "Are you here for us?"
Keith blinked at her, "I think so. Are you guys the--" He consulted one of Hunk's fliers, now wrinkled almost beyond recognition, "Voltron jazz ensemble?"
"That's us," Hunk said agreeably, pulling up a chair.
Lance flung himself into the chair opposite Keith, who eyed him uncertainly. "So, Keith," Lance drawled, "Since when were you interested in jazz?"
"I'm not, really," Keith shrugged, "But I need another extracurricular if I'm going to keep my scholarship next semester and the rock band I was going to join fell through."
"Lucky for us then," Hunk noted, ignoring the strangled sound Lance was making, "You said you play drums, right?"
"For the past ten years."
"Cool. I play bass, Pidge here plays either clarinet or saxophone depending, and you know that Lance plays trumpet."
 “Ummm . . . .”
Lance could actually see the moment where Keith failed to remember how he had ruined Lance's life.
No. No nononono no no nope, Lance refused to play with a guy who didn't even have the decency to remember his part in one of the more humiliating moments in Lance's life. Keith wasn't getting into Voltron. Period.
But Hunk might actually kill him if he just stood up and walked away, so Lance needed to figure out a way to dispose of Keith subtly . . . .
His eyes lit on Pidge.
"You the only person who replied to the flier," Hunk was saying.
"But we have a minor in our group," Lance interrupted, ignoring the strange looks all three were giving him, "So Pidge gets a final say in who joins."
There, Lance thought smugly. Keith looked nervous as Pidge inspected him over the top of her glasses. Hunk couldn't even give him a hard time about it, they'd already agreed that they would defer to Pidge's judgement since she was the closest thing they had to a conductor. And Pidge had ridiculously high standards when it came to the people she played with so there was no way she'd ever, ever--
"Keith can stay." Pidge said.
"Oh, cool," Hunk said, as Lance gaped, "Keith you heard her, you're in."
"Why?!" Lance exclaimed, staring at Pidge in betrayal.
Pidge pushed up her glasses, "He can play the percussion piece I composed."
Hunk and Lance paused.
"The one you brought in last week?" Hunk ventured.
"The one you wrote specifically to be physically impossible to play?" Lance yelped.
They both turned to Keith, who shrugged. "It was pretty challenging." He admitted.
Hunk and Lance exchanged long, speaking looks.
"Fine," Lance sighed, at the end of their silent conversation, "Keith," He paused, then said begrudgingly, "Welcome to Voltron."
Keith grinned.
"Do you have some time right now?" Hunk asked, as Pidge offered Keith a high five, "We're going to find a practice room to jam in. You can come and get a feel for how we play together."
"Yeah, sounds good." Keith nodded, still smiling faintly, and stood up.
"You're in charge of whatever sticks or tambourines or whatever you need to play." Lance told him, "Don't expect us to help you lug around your equipment. It's every man for himself."
Pidge cleared her throat pointedly.
"Every person for themselves." Lance amended.
"I . . . wasn't expecting you to?" Keith was frowning again, confused.
"Ignore him Keith, he's just mad that you don't remember him." Hunk said, holding the door open for everyone to walk outside.
"Oh," Keith gave Lance another confused look, "Sorry?"
Lance seethed.
Ten minutes later, walking through the halls toward the practice room, Keith stopped dead, "Wait, Lance, weren't you the guy who sent like five people to the hospital during marching band auditions?"
"Minor injuries, only three people, and it was your fault!"
"That's why you've been giving me a hard time? How was it my fault that you tripped over your own feet?!"
"I was distracted by your mullet!" _____________________________________________________________________________
Practices got a lot more . . . intense, after Keith joined--
("Keith, can you at least try to stay on the beat?"
"It's called syncopation, Lance, I know you know what that is.")
--But even Lance could admit that they were better with him than without.
Lance and Hunk finally got the paperwork together to get their little band registered as an official club so Keith could list it on his transcript. They played at the November Thanksgiving concert, the Christmas concert, the faculty holiday party . . . . Miss Allura, who planned college events on top of being Pidge's piano teacher, booked them for like three different alumni parties, telling them that since they were playing anyway, they might as well get paid for it. Things settled into a new kind of normal.
Until one day in early spring when Keith pulled Lance aside, and told him that his friend was joining their next practice. "So try not to be as much of an asshole as you usually are." He said, voice tight.
Lance bristled, "Excuse you, I am not--"
"You are," Keith interrupted, "And I'm warning you now, if you rag on him the way the way you do me, I'm going to melt down your trumpet and turn it into an asshole of the year trophy."
Lance gasped, clutching his trumpet protectively to his chest as Keith turned on his heel and left.
 He spent the rest of the night complaining to Hunk. How dare Keith threaten his trumpet! Would Keith deny the world the sweet music Lance made, over perfectly valid criticisms of his hair, and fashion sense, and ability to stay on beat?
Then Keith's friend stepped into the music room with a shock of white hair and tired eyes, the lower half of his right sleeve hanging empty, and yeah, Lance could see how even the good-natured teasing he indulged in might be out of place here.
Takashi Shirogane. Piano virtuoso and Altea University alumnus extraordinaire. The gift shop still sold recordings of his Carnegie Hall piano concert.
While Lance was standing there tongue tied, Hunk set his bass on its stand and walked over, left hand extended, "You must be the friend Keith was telling us about." He grinned, "I'm Hunk."
"Takashi Shirogane. Call me Shiro, please." Shiro shook his hand with a warm flicker of a smile.
"Good to meet you," Hunk said easily, "The tiny one with three different instruments is Pidge—“
 Pidge waved from where she was putting together her clarinet.
 “—and the guy emptying his spit valve on the carpet like a heathen is my friend Lance. He's the one that got this whole crazy thing started."
"Glad you could join us," Lance said, trying for nonchalant because holy shit, was Takashi Shirogane really going to play with them?? "So do you wanna practice with us or . . . ?" Wait, missing arm, shit.
Hovering at his friend's elbow, Keith's expression went from resting bitch-face to murderous.
The quirk in Shiro's smile was the only indication that he'd noticed Lance's faux pas. "Nah. I don't want to mess you up. Keith tells me you do a lot of improv."
"Oh, improv's not hard," Lance assured him, "Lots of people think that it is, but really, just pick a chord and a key and go from there. You could probably do it with one hand tied behind--" God dammit, if Keith wanted to kick his ass later, Lance was going to let him.
After a long pause where Lance tried to ascend to the astral plane and Keith tried to kill Lance with his brain— Hunk was standing with his eyes raised to the ceiling, hands pressed together in front of his mouth like he was praying-- Pidge said, "You are the living embodiment of tact, Lance."
"Thanks for the salt Pidge, makes the shoe leather taste much better."
Shiro laughed. “It’s okay, really.”
Huh. Maybe Lance could hold off on suicide by Keith after all.
"Seriously though," Pidge added, glancing at Shiro, "You're just going to sit and listen to us?"
Shiro’s smile turned wry, and he shrugged. The movement made the empty part of his sleeve sway.
Keith hesitated, unhappy, "Shiro--"
"It's fine," Shiro interrupted. He nudged Keith in the direction of the drum set, pulling out a chair for himself at the edge of the room, "Do your thing. Just pretend I'm not here."
Lance caught a glimpse of Keith as he walked past . . . .
"Hey Shiro" Lance said suddenly, "Can you sing?"
Shiro paused with his hand on the back of the chair, taken by surprise, "What?"
"Pidge has been working on some stuff with vocals," Lance nodded at her, "Right Pidge?"
"Oh yeah!" Pidge dove for her backpack, pulling out a pile of sheet music, "It started out as an exercise for my music composition class, but it turned out to be really fun, so I kept going."
Shiro blinked at the music she shoved into his hands, "Fall Out Boy?"
"Arranged for jazz band." Pidge agreed, "Now come on, get over here so we can hear you."
"I'm not really a singer," Shiro protested, pulling his chair over slowly.
"Can you carry a tune in a bucket?" Lance asked, arranging his music on his stand.
"Then you can sing. It's fine man, it's jazz," Lance flashed him a smile, then turned to the rest of the group, "Let's get started. Pidge, Hunk, you all tuned up?"
"Of course." Pidge sniffed at him, picking up her clarinet and playing a short C major. Hunk plucked his strings a couple more times, then gave Lance a thumbs up.
"Keith, we've actually got someone singing with us today. Try not to drown us out the way you usually do."
Keith rolled his eyes, "Right back at ya, buddy."
Lance sneered elegantly at him, then turned to Shiro, "If you get lost, just keep an eye on Hunk, he’ll cue you in. And remember, if you mess up, blame Pidge."
"Hey!" Pidge squawked.
"I can read this sheet music woman! When exactly am I supposed to breath?"
"You talk that long without breathing all the time, you'll be fine."
"Ha. Ha. Everyone all set?" Lance glanced around. Pidge was rolling her eyes at him, Hunk was snickering, Shiro was trying to hide a bemused smile, and Keith kept stealing glances at Shiro.
Lance had never seen that expression on Keith's face before.
"We're ready," Lance decided, "On my count. A-five six seven eight!" _____________________________________________________________________________
They had been good before. But after Shiro joined, something locked into place, and now they were on their way to becoming great.
Shiro had a beautiful, strong tenor, and was surprisingly good at singing the blues for someone who had never studied jazz before. (Which was Not To Be Commented On.)
 It took them a while to convince him to come to practice. He kept trying to bow out, saying that he didn’t want to disrupt their practice, or that he wasn’t a good enough singer, or that he was too old, they couldn’t possibly want him around--
 (Pidge rolled her eyes, “Dude, just shut up and sing with us.”
 “It’s a little hard to do both.” Shiro said drily.)
 But once they’d finally managed to convince him that they didn’t care, he was took to jazz like he’d been waiting for a way to let music back into his life after . . . after. He started taking singing lessons, he audited Lance and Hunk’s music history class, he started making requests and suggestions, looking for ways for all of them to improve—
 Lance felt something warm and soft in his chest when Shiro launched into an impromptu lecture on the historical significance of Harlem jazz clubs, eyes no longer tired but shining with enthusiasm. He glanced at Keith, who was watching Shiro with the same warm, soft expression as Lance, and the two of them shared a smile.
 Shiro took over as music director, with Lance’s blessing. They had a little ceremony to transfer the tuner and everything. It was just as well, really. Shiro was much better at keeping them all in line, and with him in charge Lance could goof off with his friends instead of pretending to be responsible.
 Then Pidge set up a Youtube channel for them, they recorded a couple songs and put them up and . . . suddenly they were kinda sorta famous? People recognized them when they walked around campus now, and usually complemented them on their videos and asked when were they going to put up the next one. Miss Allura and Professor Coran helped them record their first album, carefully making no mention of the fact that this was Shiro’s second time doing this. After finals were over and school let out for the summer, they even got a couple gigs! Nothing too big, just a couple coffee shops in and around the tristate area and one wedding. But it was still enough to justify renting a van to take the Voltron band to their various locations.
 They turned it into a proper road trip. Mr. and Mrs. Holt drove and chose various places for them to stop and have fun, museums and parks and farmers markets. Shiro divided his attention between helping them navigate and keeping peace in the back seat, which became essential when they were forbidden from practicing in the car.
 It was different, more exciting and more stressful than anything Lance had ever done before, and he was sincerely grateful that Shiro was there to talk them down from their pre-concert jitters. Going out there, being on a stage and seeing a whole crowd of people watching . . . .
 Lance never imagined that him and Hunk jamming out in a classroom together would lead to this.
 Then it was over. They went their separate ways for the rest of the summer, promising to meet up when school started.
 Now here they were again, after the first day of classes, Hunk, Lance and Pidge with instruments in hand, and Keith twirling his drumsticks like a cheerleader’s baton, heading for the auditorium where they’d agreed to meet. None of them had heard from Shiro in the past month, but Keith promised he’d be there for practice in a couple hours. In the meantime they had an after-class jam session to get to, which was a tradition dammit, and they weren’t going to let things like an impending concert and a growing case of fame get in the way.
 Only it seemed like some one was already there. A slow melody plinked out from the baby grand on stage, and Lance craned his head to see who was playing . . . .
 That was Shiro.
 In the wings, Lance threw out a hand to stop the others, motioning for silence. Hunk clapped a hand over his mouth and Keith grabbed onto Lance’s shirt. Pidge rolled her eyes at them, but stayed quiet.
 Shiro was frowning in concentration as he picked out the notes, his eyes as tired as they had been the first time he’d come to practice with them.
 Lance couldn’t help but remember the two albums on his computer, played countless times. The piano on them had sung, the notes flowing like water, smooth and easy . . . .
 This wasn’t that.
 Stiff and clumsy, from lack of practice and the use of his non-dominant hand, the music bare without a second hand to play harmony, but he was still playing, and they would never ask for more than that—
 One of Keith’s drumsticks dropped, clattering against the ground. Shiro’s gaze flew up, eyes widening when he saw them in the wings.
 Lance tried for a grin as Hunk waved sheepishly behind him.
 Shiro flushed and looked away, his hand falling from the keyboard.
 No, dammit, that wasn’t—they hadn’t meant--
 Lance, Hunk and Keith slunk on stage, setting up and tuning their instruments guiltily.
 Pidge just stood there with her hands in her pockets, head tilted like a bird, “Why’d you stop?”
 “We’ve got a lot of work to do before our first concert,” Shiro didn’t look up, his remaining hand curled loosely in his lap, “If you’re all here we should start practice.”
 “You were already practicing though.” Pidge pointed out, frowning slightly.
 Shiro didn’t reply.
 Pidge slid onto the bench next to Shiro, picking up his hand and placing it on the keys when he didn’t move. “You take the top, I’ll take the bottom.” She told him, and started to play.
 Hunk joined in next, drawing long, slow, easy notes from his bass. Then Keith, with a soft, rolling beat on the cymbals. Lance took the descant, playing as quietly as he could.
 Then Shiro finally beginning to play again, the counterpoint to Pidge’s harmony, and all of them shifted to match.
 They played their way through the opening one more time. Shiro was smiling now, as music echoed throughout the hall.
Look back On a
Young day We shared
We learned We had
We lost Because
You know Tomorrow had another plan Because
We lose
The future is all we have left We have someday Surely someday Surely someday"
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