#i of course changed some stuff while taking account the rp's setting but she still could very much pass as gray and mary's kid haha
bbbartblog · 4 months
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I just wanted to doodle some HM/SoS OCs of mine. I made them for some collabs (the sisters for a collab comic and Beryl for a RP thing on DA)... but as collabs consisting of mostly teens often do, those kinda fizzled out haha
Even if the stories I created them for don't exist any more, I want to include them in some sort of story in the future, since I'm really fond of them~
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oraclememehacker · 5 months
I think I said this the last time you did one of these, but your Futaba is PHENOMINAL
Everything you write with her feels straight out of the source material, she's extremely likable, and her constant memes and references are never to the point where they're annoying (Honestly they're more endearing than anything). All your different verses are extremely creative and make for fascinating reads and amazing interactions! Some of my favorite threads I've ever had on this account have been with your Futaba, whether it's something more serious like the one with the miracle drug, or something ridiculous like that stupid Plushie supervillain thread that still makes me laugh
And while I haven't seen much of either of them, your Sojiro and Wakaba seem very on point too! Wakaba is especially impressive since she didn't have a lot to work with, but you made her extremely compelling, and that has to be commended
TL;DR You're doing awesome with all of them! Keep up the good work!
How am I doing with my character?
Send in your constructive criticism, your tips, your unfiltered opinion! Words of love, words of critique, so long as it’s not blind hatred!
I usually reblog these as a means to just take a temperature so to speak: to make sure that I'm not straying too far from what people like about my blog and characterization of Futaba. You know, it can happen that you inadvertently change the characterization of someone over time just because of mind set changes and how you view the character. So I just make sure that I'm still doing well.
With that said, I really, really appreciate it! <33. I mean it, knowing that I make people think that I'm rping her like she is in canon is something that I always strive for. It's a challenge because I'm westerner trying to rp as an eastern character so it's always something I'm working on getting better with. I'm trying to incorporate more actual Japanese stuff as I learn more about the culture and such.
I'm glad you love the rps that we've done. They're some of my favorites as well. It's so funny when I think about the marketable plushie thing because it wasn't meant to be her actually transforming into a plushie, but merely her breaking the 4th wall a bit and showing a plushie of herself. With that said, what actually happened was way funnier than my original idea for it.
And I'm glad you like Sojiro and Wakaba as well. They are fun to rp with, and whilst I wish we got more stuff about Wakaba in canon, I guess that's my cue to come up with more stuff with her, since she's similar to Futaba, but I wanted to add my own twists to her. A workaholic who's not the best at socializing but is still loving and motherly, especially post strikers verse where she isn't addicted to her work as much.
And Sojiro is of course Sojiro. I love him to death, just like I love Dojima in 4. He has to deal with a lot taking care of Futaba, but he does the best he can, and whilst he isn't exactly open at first, he gets better and I think he ends up getting used to the idea of taking care of a bunch of misfits, and takes in more when he can.
Thanks for all the praise! You're great as well. I love all the ideas you come up with Phantom Spider and such. It's clear you have talent and passion towards all of this, and I love when we talk and I get to throw my ideas out. So I really appreciate all of that. Man, this wasn't meant to be such a huge reply, and I could've just replied with a gif but I didn't feel like that would be appropriate. anyways, here's the gif:
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riftmeanewverse · 5 years
NAME : Ana NICKNAME :   annachibi FACECLAIM :  none PRONOUNS :  she/they HEIGHT :  5′6″ BIRTHDAY :  april 22nd AESTHETIC : bluey-purple & rainbow. overalls. baggy t-shirts. smiles. sitting in strange positions. sunsets. chillwave & synthpop. LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO :  Moonrunner by Droid Bishop FAVOURITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN : Sorren, Hopper, & Russel
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE : Since I talked about Hopper last time, I’ll talk about Sorren and Russel this time. So they originally came from message board RPs years ago. I was on a board run by a couple of friends and of course as I got to know them I started blabbing on about Rufus Sewell (who was the fc for the OC I had made there - Rhys, a grumpy half-selkie chain-smoker, kinda a proto-Sorren in a way). I became known for it, as I tend to do lol. So when they started up a new board with a medieval-ish original fantasy setting and I let them know that I would come along, they made a “canon” for me with Rufus as the fc and had him be “morally ambiguous” as per my request when I found out they were doing it. Basically, he had a few connections to other characters, a couple lines about his basic personality, and a last name. The rest was all up to me. In fact, I can actually grab the blurb yeah here it is:
“though technically more like an older brother than a father to his adopted sons, baron radvhet is a confusing man. one may think his intentions are good, but the next they believe him to be evil. he's raised the boys well to follow in his footsteps. the rest of his history and personality are UP TO THE PLAYER.” 
So yeah, that was it. I was honestly just inspired by Rufus’s acting and the depth he brings to even small roles. I think at the time I was mostly thinking about his Agamemnon and Tom Builder. I tried to make him... not really evil, but “ruthless” was a word that came up a lot. He had opinions and prejudices that were honestly xenophobic, but he sorta had to be that way in order to justify the role he played in his country’s court. I never got to play it out, but he tortured spies to extract information and dealt with poisons. At the same time, he had this side to him that really wanted to be a good father to his sons, despite the fact that he had a difficult time connecting with them emotionally. It was a real challenge to balance those two sides of him. At the heart of both of them was a fierce loyalty to country and family. And then, of course, that loyalty became challenged when he found out that the king was not the good man he thought he was...
Shit, I’m supposed to just be talking about inspirations, not going on a whole meta. XD Anyway, yeah, the other players loved him and sorta looked at him like a dad at first because I started off with a thread with one of his sons, so then I tried to switch it up and change their minds by having him get really angry with someone who accused his son of something (which he totally did, but Sorren didn’t know that) and getting into a sword fight over it at a peace conference which then basically turned into the beginning of a war. Sorren wasn’t bothered because he figured it had only been a matter of time before war broke out anyway so why not get it over with, but yeah... I don’t think I ever quite succeeded in getting them to think he was Not Good, but they did then consider him a badass lmao
So at that point, everybody on the board basically had this idea of Rufus tied to his usual kind of badass gruff characters, and when the creators of the board started up yet a new one (this time a boarding school with teachers) I wanted to turn the tables on their perception of Rufus completely. So I came up with Russel, based somewhat on Rufus’s character in Uncorked, the dorky, excitable, sweet cinnamon roll of an English teacher. I actually put a lot of myself in him, from his backstory to his interests. A lot of the other characters on the site had crazy names like Andromeda or yknow those kinds of names that sound cool but you don’t ever meet anyone named that in real life? So I tried to give Russel a really normal-sounding name along with the rest of him. I dunno, I just wanted to prove that 1. Rufus Sewell could be used as a fc for a total dork too, and 2. “regular people” characters without super tragic backstories are also interesting and likable!
So yeah, that’s how those two came about. I ended up changing Russel’s fc when I saw Hugh Dancy in Hannibal.
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVOURITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE :  Sorren has sometimes taken on less of a morally ambiguous role since I made him, partly because it requires a good bit of plotting out beforehand and partly because I realized that no matter how “evil” I made him, there would always be someone who would see his motivations or his other "good” actions and overlook it in favor of thinking of him as a good guy, unfortunately. So if I want him to be confronted or punished or called out by other characters, I pretty much have to explicitly tell people that’s what I want, which kinda takes some of the fun out of it. WOW OKAY this was about my favorite aspects I am so off track omg! But that I guess used to be my favorite aspect of him, and now it’s... I dunno, it’s hard to choose, and it changes depending on my mood and what I want to emphasize. I guess I love that he’s just so multifaceted. I’ve had him such a long time and gotten to play with him so much that I know him like the back of my hand.
For Russel, it used to be that he was so “normal” in a sea full of OCs with heterochromatic eyes, tragic backstories, legendary weaponry, etc etc. I still do like that about him, because it really lets his quirks and his personality shine when he doesn’t have any of that fancy stuff to hide behind. He’s such a dork, and he has this depressive streak that can make him mopey and annoying, but I kinda love that about him too. He’s just so real, I guess. He’s a good person but he has his flaws, too. They’re nothing huge like being a torturer, but they’re there and he is always learning and trying to be a better person, even if nobody says he needs to work at that.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING : Music, usually. Heck, I went off on a complete tangent and Russel came out full force because I found a song that made me think of his ex lol! When I write sad stuff, I usually try to find a song that will epitomize the mood I’m going for and listen to it on repeat while I’m writing. But my fcs can also inspire me, as I detailed above with Rufus. Okay, I say fcs but it’s usually Rufus. Rufus Sewell is my gatdang inspiration. There, I said it. The man is an amazing actor and plays such a wide variety of roles that I find myself thinking of gestures or expressions or ways of speaking that he’s done on camera and going “okay now how do I put that in words?” I do that with the others too, particularly David Harbour, but yeah.
FAVOURITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS : I love it when characters get to really connect with each other and emotions come out in their actions or words. I play characters who may not always say what they’re feeling, but if they’re feeling something, it’ll come out in other ways. Russel gets excited and happy about things. Sorren gets sad or defensive or evasive. Making him uncomfortable is hella fun. Hopper is also like that but I love how touchy-feely he is by nature, so I enjoy putting him in situations where he can express that. And I’ll mention my angry girl Phoenix on my sideblog because she is a bundle of emotion and I heckin love it. But yeah, make them feel something! Angst, fluff, humor, it can all lead to that.
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE :  HONESTLY I don’t know if it’s that I’m really active and reach out to people a lot or if Stranger Things and Hopper are just really popular or what, but I have a lot of threads. Don’t get me wrong, I love having something to reply to all the time, but it’s kind of a double-edged sword? Which kinda sucks because I actually want to RP with a ton more people than I already am?? THE STRUGGLE
TAGGED  BY : @aspecialprovidence
tagging: @tenacitybred @ambersrpblog @goxinsane @lovclyiism @playboytm @ridingwheeler @astra11 @mindslayed I’ve already done this once before so I don’t wanna re-tag people but also if you’re reading this and you wanna, do it!!
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luckyspike · 5 years
Creative Mode - A Good Omens fanfic about friends and Minecraft
dont hold me responsible for this i was seized with the spirit of minecraft halfway through building a diorite tower and had to write (ie i was bored and wanted to do something different but minecraft-adjacent)
forever filling my need for found families, we have the good omens idiot circus. behold.
There was a laziness about the winter holidays - no school, soft snow coating the ground outside, and nowhere, in particular, to be. It was the week between Christmas and New Years’, and Adam was enjoying himself. He had a good Christmas - a few things he’d been hoping for, as well as the ever-constant box of socks and underwear - and was planning on spending New Years’ Eve with the Them. He had, somewhere in the haze of his fourteen-year-old mind, designs of trying to kiss Pepper at the stroke of midnight, but these thoughts were fuzzy and tentative, and kept bumping up against thoughts of Pepper hitting him for telling her she looked “more like a girl than usual” on a day this past fall when she’d worn makeup to school.
He would need to consider it more.
Still, he reasoned there was plenty of time to consider. After all, he was largely on his own for the week while his parents were visiting his older sister in Spain. Certainly he was supposed to be spending the nights with Wensleydale and his family, while Anathema and Newt watched Dog*, but during the days he was free to wander around the village as he pleased, playing with Dog and just generally Hanging About. RP Tyler had already composed fifteen mental letters to the paper and Adam’s father about it.
It was sort of boring though - one could only strategize one’s New Years Eve romance so much - and by the fourth day Adam was wandering with less intent than usual, up the walk toward his house, Dog bouncing through the belly-deep (for Dog) snow alongside him. He was considering how to best while away the hours until Wensley finished with his piano practice, and was lightly entertaining the thought of finding Brian and asking if he’d like to see how far out they could get onto the ice on the pond before it broke and they fell in, when he heard a car pull up beside him.
He turned, and then he beamed. “Hey, Crowley!” Dog yapped excitedly, while the demon waved lazily.
“Hey, Adam. How’s things?”
“Boring,” Adam responded, completely honestly. “What are you doing here?”
Crowley shrugged. “I was in the area. Need a lift somewhere?”
Adam considered it. “I wasn’t really going anywhere. Home, I guess. Mum asked me to water her plants a few times while she’s away.”
“Ah.” And Crowley leaned across the seat, and popped the passenger-side door to the Bentley open. “Get in, I’ll drive you.” He managed to bite back a remark when Dog also jumped in, immediately leaving muddy pawprints on the leather seat. “What kind of plants?”
“I dunno, she’s got a lot. She left a list. Got directions on it and everything.”
“Ah.” Crowley pulled away after Adam shut the door, only sliding a little in the slush around the corner to Hogback Lane. “Having a nice holiday?”
“Yeah, not too bad. Kind of boring, though. Brian’s got his aunt over so he can’t hang out as much, and Wensley has piano practice for a few hours every day and Pep, uh …” Adam trailed off, and then swallowed. Imperceptibly, Crowley almost smirked. Teens. “I dunno, she has family or something.” A thought occurred to him. “Hey, didn’t Aziraphale say you have a bunch of plants or something?”
“I’ve got a few.”
“Only I’ve never watered my mum’s plants before, and she’s got some really weird directions for some of them.” He looked over, cautiously optimistic. “You wouldn’t have a minute to - ?”
The Bentley rolled up along the curb outside of the Young’s house, and Crowley shut the engine off. “Yeah, I have a minute.” Adam beamed.
Adam began to suspect Crowley had more than a few house plants based on the look he gave Adam’s mother’s plant care list when he picked it up. He read down the very-specific list of directions with Adam, and did a lap of the house with the kid, Adam studiously misting and watering as directed. He did notice, sort of distantly, how the demon would linger at each plant for an extra few seconds, apparently glaring at the foliage over the rims of his glasses, but he was preoccupied with the heavy responsibility of gardening, and the quiet hissing escaped his notice. As did the nearly-silent trembling of the leaves. The African violet, for the first time in four years, started to bloom. 
The boy deposited the watering can and mister back on their usual shelves, and stuffed his hands back into his pockets, surveying the plants around the house and feeling the warm glow of responsibility managed. “Wasn’t so hard, really,” he reflected, as Crowley joined him back in the kitchen, setting the list back on the counter by the sink. “Hope none of them die.”
“They won’t,” Crowley replied, likewise sticking his hands in his pockets. “So … family out of town?”
“Spain.” Adam sighed. “Dunno what I’ll do for the afternoon. Guess I could grab a few magazines and read ‘em back at Wensley’s. Maybe play a few games.”
“Which games?” Crowley asked, with the sort of passing interest that adults and adult-shaped beings used when they were trying to encourage a kid to talk about their interests. “I’m assuming video games, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Adam sighed. “I dunno. I already beat the ones Mum and Dad got me for Christmas. I guess I could play Minecraft for a while, start a new world or something.” Something about that - probably the bit about the new world - seemed to catch Crowley’s interest. Adam went on, “I mean, me an’ the Them got our world, but that’s more fun when we’re all playin’ together, so I guess I could just do a single-player. You, uh, you know what that game is, right?”
Crowley shrugged. “Can’t say I’m much of one for video games**.”
“Oh. Well, it’s really cool. You like … you start with nothing in the middle of like the wilderness, and you gotta build a house and find resources or whatever, an’ there’s monsters and you can starve to death and stuff. But you can build stuff too, like cool stuff.” He trailed off briefly, unsure of how his pitch was landing. “I could show you if you want.”
The demon appeared to consider it for a minute. Then, with a shrug, “Sure, I don’t have anywhere to be. You build stuff, you said?”
Adam nodded, enthusiastic, already leading the way to his room. “Yeah, I’ll show you.”
It took twenty minutes to get the console started, and to give Crowley a crash course on how a controller worked. He picked up it a lot faster than Adam’s father had. Probably, Adam reasoned, on account of him being so old. Must have been something like a controller sometime before in history. Adam perched on the side of the bed, controller in hand, while Crowley sat cross-legged on top of the plaid comforter, Dog happily stretched out between the two, already asleep. “Right, so you’re on the bottom of the screen an’ I’m on the top.” He watched studiously for a minute. “You gotta get some resources. If you punch the tree it’ll break and you get the wood from it.”
“Oh. Naturally.” Crowley twiddled the sticks and obediently began punching the tree. There was a pop, and an 8-bit rendering of a wood block appeared on the inventory bar at the bottom of the screen. “Right. Now what?”
Adam paused in his own tree-punching endeavors. “You can make a crafting table, but you have the make the block into planks first. Once you get a crafting table you can make all kinds of stuff.”
This is a complete waste of time, Crowley thought, as Adam coached him along through the crafting table process. And then, I love humans so much, these absolutely nutty things.
It didn’t take long for Crowley to pick up on it. He may have been new to console gaming, but Adam had chosen wisely in terms of introductory games, and he did have the unique intuition and common sense granted by six millennia living among humans. And Adam was, for the less intuitive parts, a good teacher. He chatted the whole time too, about whatever happened to drift across his mind - school, his friends, the current state of international affairs as far has he understood it (and questions relating thereto), things that annoyed him, and on and on. The light outside got dimmer, and they continued to play, controllers clicking quietly in the background, while in the game a house began to take place and then, by parts, look … good.
“You’re pretty good at this for a grown-up,” Adam reflected, after a couple of hours. He had changed position at some point, laying on his belly on the bed, feet kicking idly as he played, with Dog splayed across the small of his back.
Crowley considered that. “Am I a grown-up, technically?”
“Not sure what else you’d be, 6000 years old. You can’t be a kid.”
“True.” The demon hissed a little in frustration when he punched an existing pane of glass and it shattered, and Adam pretended not to notice. “Not a bad game, this one.”
“Nah, it’s cool. An’ you got the building down really fast. Even Wensley doesn’t make houses that look this good,” he hadded, appreciative, as he ran around the perimeter and surveyed the word done. “You sure you haven’t played this before?”
“Absolutely positive.”
“You played other building games then? Oh, or did you build stuff like, in the olden days?”
Crowley paused, and his nose twitched slightly. Adam had learned, over the years, that this was a tell. He was stumbling in to something, and if he wanted Crowley to hang around for any further length of time today, he shouldn’t push. He’d find out eventually. “Long time ago, yeah,” Crowley said at length. “Not that it was similar to this.”
“But like houses and stuff? Cause like, this is a good house. Looks really cool.”
“Not quite houses.”
“Oh!” Adam exclaimed, after arrowing a creeper to death and collecting the gunpowder for later. “Is anything you made still around? Like, in real life? Could I see it?”
“Yeah.” Adam blinked, and realized that the lower half of the screen - Crowley’s half - had gone mostly still. Mostly. The view, such as it was, was just the digital night sky, spinning slowly around. “You could.”
“The stars move with the moon,” Adam said helpfully, after a few beats of silence. “In the game,” he added.
Adam swallowed. And then, cautiously, because curiosity was gnawing him away from the inside, and yet he felt like a man perched at the edge of a vast chasm with the winds whipping at him, he said, “You’re not talking about buildings on Earth, are you?”
Crowley frowned a little, and Adam paused, finger hovering over the save button. He might have gone too far. But then, quietly, Crowley said, “No. Never built any actual buildings. Just …” He shrugged. “Other stuff.”
“Stars,” Adam said quietly, and it wasn’t a question. He stopped time, once, Adam remembered, but even for him the memories seemed just a little fuzzy now, three years later, separated in time by years of mundane things like school and video games and being normal. Sometimes, every once in a great while, he almost forgot altogether. Almost. They’re not just old people. They’re not people.
“Stars,” Crowley agreed. “Not a lot. Just a few. Someone had to do it, and it wasn’t a bad job.”
“Prob’ly.” Adam paused for a second and then, because he didn’t care for the weight of the silence, he said, “I think a zombie might be eating you.”
“Oh. Huh.” And the moment passed. 
The zombie was slain, and Adam returned to mining ore, while the weight of the silence lifted by inches and Adam breathed a little easier. Stars, he thought. I wonder which ones. He didn’t ask. “You know,” he said instead, “if you get a console at your place you could keep playing. Like online.”
“Oh yeah?” Crowley’s eyebrows raised. “Interesting.”
Adam set his controller aside. “I can write down what to get for you,” he explained, even as he pulled a pencil and pad off the little desk. Dog grumbled in protest as he slid from his Master’s back and onto the bed. “An’ the server an’ the password an’ everything so you can find it then. An’ you can text me if you forget.” He bent his head to the notepad, and so he didn’t notice Crowley’s smile, just a quick one, when it happened. The paper tore, and he handed the demon the note, scratched in the messy handwriting of a fourteen-year-old. “You know, if you wanna keep playing after you leave.”
Crowley looked the note over. “I might.” He glanced at the clock in the room then, and asked, “Is someone going to be expecting you home at some point?”
“Yeah,” Adam said, scooping his controller back up and returning to the game. “Wensley’s parents told me to be home by five, though, so I have time. But Wensley’ll be done with piano practice around three so I figured I’d go back about then.”
Crowley glanced over with a bemused grin. “It’s half three already, Adam.”
“Well, yeah, but I’m lost down this mine and I don’t wanna lose all the gold ore I got. We have to make a Tower. I’ll come back, then I’ll go.”
“Right, yeah, the Tower.” Crowley’s grin didn’t fade, and he cycled through the inventory to the map. “Hang on, I think I know where you are.” 
At length, Operation: Rescue Adam and the Gold Ore was a success. Adam shut the console off, and Crowley stuffed the note into a pocket. The house was locked up (with one last plant-check from Crowley, although Adam wasn’t sure he understood why), and the demon, the not-Antichrist, and the Dog loaded up into the Bentley, bound for Jasmine Cottage to drop Dog off. “You want me to wait?” Crowley offered, the car idling at the garden gate, while Adam and his dog jumped out. 
Adam considered it. “Nah. I’ll walk. Not that cold out.”
Crowley looked vaguely concerned, insofar as much as he ever looked concerned in situations that did not involve the impending Apocalypse, his own death and/or inconvenience, or Aziraphale being cross with him. “I could wait, really. Don’t have anywhere to be.”
Adam considered it again, but from the cottage he was fairly certain he caught a whiff of Anathema’s famous Polvorones, and shook his head. “Nah. Thanks, though.” Adam pretended not to notice when Crowley sniffed the air - the cookie smell really was strong - and then waited while he swung out of the Bentley and joined Adam at the gate.
“Might as well make sure you get inside alright and say hi to Anathema while I’m here,” he said, as an excuse.
“And get some cookies?” Adam suggested, cutting to the core of the issue, the two of them crunching up the walk together, Dog trotting between them.
“Aziraphale would kill me if I didn’t.”
Adam laughed. “Right. Oh, uh.” He stopped a few feet short of the door. “Uh, Crowley, um,” he looked up to the sunglasses, the carefully-arched eyebrow, and his mind raced a mile a minute. Which stars were yours? his brain whined. Which ones up there did you actually make? What’s outer space like? Are there aliens? What’s it like to make a star? His mouth, after a minute, said “Thanks a lot for the ride.”
Crowley was watching him. Not for the first time, Adam wondered if demons could read minds. He couldn’t have, he didn’t think, when … things were happening. But he was different then. It wasn’t the same. And Crowley had never said anything, but every now and again, he had this Look he could give you, a thousand miles wide and Adam wondered …
And then Crowley grinned, and shrugged, and knocked on the door. “Not a problem. Thanks for the game.”
“You think you might get a console?” Adam asked, as footsteps approached on the opposite side of the door. Crowley rocked back onto his heels and shrugged, but the amiable grin never dropped.
“You know Adam, I think I might.”
* In spite of numerous attempts, Dog and Wensley’s cat had never been able to reconcile their differences.
** This was not altogether a lie. Crowley had never played a game on a computer or a console, although he had been instrumental in the development of the E.T. game for Atari. Phone games, on the other hand, were another story entirely, and Crowley was rather proud of his perfect score in Heart’s Medicine, although only Aziraphale knew about this accomplishment.
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x-wearethefuture-x · 5 years
How do you get inspiration? Is there a muse that you consistently have the muse for? What has influenced your writing and blog? Take the opportunity to write a short ramble/drabble about something you want to write about.
How do you get inspiration?I’ve actually been struggling with this a lot lately. Usually it’s music,books, games, shows, or movies that give me inspiration to write. Though, mostcommonly, my inspiration to CONTINUE threads comes from the people I write with.If they seem actually interested in the thread (it doesn’t matter how longreplies take, I just mean the writing. Sometimes you can tell through how theyreply whether they’re interested or not) then that gives me more reason to wantto reply to it :)
Is there a muse that youconsistently have the muse for?Sooyeon on my other account is the one muse that I ALWAYS have muse for. I think it’s because she’s been a muse of mine since even before I moved over to tumblr rp, so I have a ton of history with her.Over here, it fluctuates a lot more, mostly dependent on things I mentionedabove. Yongsun is my most consistent muse with Wheein being a closesecond. Then probably Hyuna and Hyuk? Usually my female muses are my strongest ones,honestly. Lately I’ve had a ton of muse for Sarah. When I have musefor my boys, though, the strongest ones tend to be Seunghyun, Hyuk, and Jaewon. I think that Jaewonand Hyuk have similar personalities in some ways, so when I have high muse forHyuk I tend to have high muse for Jaewon, as well.Also, I ALWAYS have a ton of muse for most of my secondaries. I’m alwayswatching, reading, or playing stuff related to Star Wars so those are mystrongest muses, closely followed by my muses for Jack and Nisha (I literally play Borderlands all the time, and TPS is my favorite of the three). I’ve beenDYING for another thread with Jack, one where I can show off the complexity ofhim. Jack is technically the “bad guy” ofBorderlands 2, but he doesn’t see himself that way... he honestly believeshimself to be a hero even if his methods of achieving peace are a little harsh. He kind of thinks of it like it’s “for the greater good”. I would love to explore that more and have a chance towrite about it. Atton is such a complex character, too. He’s one of the biggest reasons that I’ve replayed KotOR2 so many times. And, like, I would even be okay with writing him in a normal verse as opposed to a Star Wars one because I just love him that much.The one muse of my secondary muses that I have a hard time with is my maleRevan. People expect me to water him down so he’ll be easy/fun to write with orthey want to write with him because he’s a Jaejoong face claim and they haven’tread his bio, but he’s actually incredibly difficult to write as or with. Andromantic threads are an absolute no-go. If he’s intimate in that way withanyone, it’s purely for power, not for love. So while I think he’s super interesting and I’d love to write him in some very serious threads, I think he’s the kind of muse that people have to be careful of ^^;
What has influenced your writing or blog?I’ll be answering this one in another ask soon~ I’ll try to remember to link it here when I’mdone~
Take the opportunity to write a short ramble/drabble aboutsomething you want to write about. Can I ramble about more than one? I’ve been desperate to write almost anything on my Wanted Plots list, honestly. Something based a little bitaround Princess Yue from A;TLA. Hogwarts AUs. Star Wars AUs are (obviously) myfavorite and I’d REALLY love someone to write an Old Republic based AU with,even if you haven’t played any of the games (I’ve, personally, hardly evenplayed the MMO). I’d specifically love a chance to use Atton or Meetra. I’dLOVE someone to write their own version of the Exile opposite of my Atton becausein KotOR (2 specifically because that’s where these characters are from) youget some back story but mostly get to choose your own path, so you don’t haveto feel inclined to follow a specific type of character (also the Exile cantechnically be male or female in the game, so that helps too! She’s femalecanonically, but I’m not entirely like stuck on canon- in fact, I prefer Revanto be a female as well, personally, and canonically Revan is a male so...).But, yeah, I know I’m older than some of the rest of this community (andprobably more into Star Wars than a lot of them, too xD) so I know it’s a longshot finding someone to write Star Wars AUs with me, but they’re my favoriteand I could accidentally ramble for a hundred years about Star Wars AUs oTLI’ve also REALLY wanted to do an AU where both muses are on the run from the law(a serial killer duo would be fantastic, but I’d also just love one where maybethey’re both thieves doing heists together. Or maybe one of them hasaccidentally killed someone in a struggle and in a panic fled the scene and theother is a proper criminal who happens upon them and they join up to outrun thelaw). Speaking about NON-aus though, I’d really love to explore my muses powers more. I getto do it a little here and there (mostly with Hyuk and a little with Wheeinwhich is PERFECTION) but I’d like to focus a little more on the mutant side ofmy muses. How they discovered their powers growing up. The control (or lack of)that they have of their abilities now. How people react (both positively and negatively). How it affects their lives.Sooyeon trying desperately to control other elements because she knows shetechnically CAN, but she struggles with anything outside of water manipulation.Hyuna being able to transform into animals, maybe having to do so in order toescape. Also her ability to speak with them would be fun to explore, too. ALL OF HYOJIN’S ABILITIES. She can absorb memories and powers both, and shestill sometimes can’t control either. So her catching flashes of someone’smemories when she touches them, or finding out that someone is a mutant becauseshe accidentally starts stealing their powers and draining them of their life force. Hyojin is such an underrated muse of mine tbh.Ericka thinking the bar is closed and empty, but Rui didn’t tell her that shehired someone new so when Ericka teleports from home to the bar and suddenlyshe just kind of APPEARS there, she’s got a lot of explaining todo to the new employee. Sarah’s emotions accidentally manipulating the weather because she can’t alwayscontrol her powers, and it goes from a perfectly bright and sunny day tohowling winds and downpours. And maybe she has a friendwho kind of catches on, whether immediately or not. Her eyes go white when shechanges the weather intentionally, but that doesn’t always happen when it’sjust emotions causing it, so it might make it harder to catch on in that way. And I’d also love more chances to explore the harsher side of things-anti-mutant coalitions trying to assassinate mutants. Underground governmentprojects to create power suppressing/eliminating serums. “Science”outposts where they kidnap mutants and experiment on them, trying to discoverif they can eliminate their abilities or take them and give them to others tocreate super-soldiers. I’ve had a few opportunities to scratch the surface ofthese types of things, but I’d love the chance to go more in depth!Also, just about anything that’s a “broken timeline”. Like AUs but based on theactual muses backstories, just with a change or two that set things way offcourse and now they’re completely different people from who they are in themain verse. So, like, if Sooyeon and Seunghyun had never met, where would theybe right now? Or what if Wheein had kept her powers hidden and continued tolive with her over bearing, overly religious, family? What if Sooyeon’s father hadn’t diedand she’s stayed with him? Or if Seunghyun’s mother hadn’t passed away, wouldhe have ever discovered his abilities of resurrection? What if one of the museswho attended Xavier’s had been drafted into the Avengers? Or joined the X-Men?What if someone became an actual superhero, bringing vigilante justice andhiding in plain sight? What if one of them had started using their abilities ona larger scale for more sinister acts? How would they have gotten to thatpoint, anyway? Things like that.
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@dcntcommitsuicide​ asked: 12. What’s the meaning behind your muse’s url?
Another RP Questions For The Mun (always accepting) 
Here it is on another post because I am extra and ramble far too much. So here’s an essay on what all the URLs for my sideblogs (and for this blog!) mean, for anybody who was curious:
the-unofficial-force - So this is going to take some explaining... Basically, all of the muses here (my OCs, anyways) are/were from a fanfic universe/series I was planning on writing back in like 2011-2012 when I was in middle school (I might still do this if people want me to and if I ever have time, but, this is fine for now. Also good gravy I just realized how long I’ve been in BBC Sherlock hell... I’m old...). The original idea was that all of the muses here know each other, are friends with each other, and sometimes get involved in their parents’ business in between dealing with their own lives and stuff. Because I wanted to justify this by hearkening back to the original books, I called these doofs “The Baker Street Irregulars”. Therefore, when it came time to pick a URL, I figured the quote where Holmes first coins the term, “it is the unofficial force... the Baker Street Irregulars”  would be a good pick.
The rest are under the cut because this got so long and you probably only wanted this URL... I am so, so sorry.
elijahseditorials - Eli’s a writer and his blog is from his perspective/a good deal more personal than some of the others because of how emotional he is. Editorials, of course, are personal thoughts on the world and the people around the writer. Hence, the blog is kind of like Elijah’s editorials. (I had a hard time with this one, so it’s not the best of reasons!)
the-domin-ator - Dom’s a funny guy but kind of innocent (despite being a little shit) and loves puns, and he’s also a rock star/musician type. When I first started out/in the fanfic verse I mentioned above, I set his age as a young teenager with somewhat misplaced/odd rock ‘n’ roll sensibilities, so, I figured he’d try to make up a really, really stupid badass stage name for himself and use it totally unironically, hence “The Dominator”.
singingsoftlytothedawn - Will’s an actor and really into musical theatre, and I felt like “Corner of the Sky” from Pippin (which is also one of his nicknames) fit him and his attitude rather nicely. The specific lyric is, “So don’t ask where I’m going/Just listen when I’m gone/And far away you’ll hear me singing/Softly to the dawn”.
stvitusdancer - Okay, so the St. Vitus’ Dance was what a lot of people called this outbreak of dancing mania/dancing plague throughout the 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries (I’m a huge medieval and history buff, so...) where people literally danced until they died. St. Vitus is the patron saint of dancers and entertainers, but there’s this huge macabre history surrounding him because of that. Penny loves any and all things morbid and dark (eventually becoming a detective like her uncle Sherlock), but remains completely well-adjusted, pleasant, and happy. She’s also a ballerina and loves to dance, so I figured St. Vitus would fit a dancer who loved dark and creepy stuff.
theotherdilestrade - This one is pretty self-explanatory. Isabel, like her dad, goes into police work at New Scotland Yard and becomes a DI. So I figure there would be a lot of confusion between having two DIs with the same name, and Isabel would have to clarify who she is and how she’s not her father (if somebody expected to have her father consult on their case but got her instead, for example). The scenario I was imagining specifically was Isa and Greg eating lunch together or something and someone calling for DI Lestrade, and both of them turning around, Greg making motions to get up, and whoever called them would have to say, “no, not you, the other DI Lestrade”. Also the URL can sort of be read as Isabel trying to step out from her dad’s shadow while still being really close to him and honoring the work he does.
neverchangeanddontyoueverstop - So Sarah is still woefully underdeveloped and I need to fix that at some point, so I had no idea what to do with her URL. Thankfully, Fleetwood Mac’s song “Sara” has the line, “Sara/You’re the poet in my heart/Never change/And don’t you ever stop” which captures her attitude fairly well (she’s an optimist and has a very plucky outlook on life) so I just used that.
quis--custodiet and forged--in--fire - Ah yes, the cryptids of my blog. Sean and Daisy are a pair of siblings who may get scrapped at this point (but I love them so much...) but are important to everybody else here as they’re part of the fanfic verse I’ve been talking about. Quis custodiet is Latin for “who guards”, and it’s a take off on the phrase, Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?, or, literally translated, “Who will guard the guards themselves?”. I feel like that’s sort of a summation of Sean’s role in the team, as he’s often times the voice of reason and is very protective of all his friends. Daisy loves to do really cool metallurgy stuff (welding, soldering, smeltering, mechanics probably too, all that jazz), and really comes into her own by finding it/something she’s good at (it’s a big character moment for her), so, she was literally forged in fire.
rose--of-the--world - My unannounced, unofficially official Rosie Watson blog! This is just a translation of one of the meanings of “Rosamund”.
lets-investigate - So this is theoretically the home for my Holmes and Watson muses, but, I’m not on here as much as I ought to be. I probably should have made this its own main blog but I got lazy... this whole account is probably going to be going through some overhauling soon (nothing bad though!). “The Other Side of Life” by The Moody Blues always has given me really strong Sherlock Holmes vibes. Like, all of it, but specifically the lines, “The atmosphere on the streets tonight/Is the driving beat of the world/The word down here on the streets tonight/Is the truest music you’ve heard” but I couldn’t think of a good URL from that because all of it is so good. So, instead, I picked the chorus to pluck a URL from: “Baby, baby, baby, let’s investigate/The other side of life tonight/The lovers and the fighters and the risks they take/Are on the other side of life tonight”.
holmesthemeddler - This comes from one of my favorite exchanges in the ACD books, from The Speckled Band, when Roylott is trying to intimidate Holmes and Holmes just gleefully takes the (in my opinion) really silly insults: “I know you, you scoundrel! I have heard of you before. You are Holmes the meddler!... Holmes the busybody!... Holmes the Scotland Yard Jack-in-office!” Also, he does meddle, a lot, and I think it’s a pretty good descriptor of his character.
goodoldwatson - Also from the ACD books, this is from His Last Bow: “Good old Watson! You are the one fixed point in a changing age. There's an east wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson, and a good many of us may wither before its blast. But it's God's own wind none the less, and a cleaner, better, stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared.” I also thought it complimented “holmesthemeddler” nicely!
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Lusamun, do you have any advice for someone who really wants to write something, but can't get the motivation or courage to write it? You're a really good writer, so I was wondering if you had advice.
{Ahhh! I don’t think I’m that good but thank you very much :D 
Okay, so this one took me a while, because I really wanted to make sure I responded properly. Behind a Read More because of length}
{Go ahead and skip to the last two paragraphs for the answer to your question, unless you want a huge story about my life in fandoms and other random shit. Which you probably don’t. 
So as you may or may not know, I haven’t been an active member of the Pokémon fandom for that long. I’ve always been a fan of the series, having played my first game at about 6 or 7. I just haven’t ever been involved in the fandom, per say. I may have read a couple of fics, but I never really got involved.
Now let’s talk about writing. Creative writing is fun, but it’s really, really hard. I wrote a lot of random stuff a few years ago - Just during Study Hall I would write little books (when I probably should have been doing homework so I wasn’t quite as screwed some nights), but I could never find the motivation to continue them. I had no idea where things were going, the characters and settings were unrealistic (Even by the standards of fantasy and sci-fi novels), and after a few chapters I just started to hate the setting, story, and characters I had created - This is unrelated, but I also wrote things that were very heteronormative and centered on relationships... Which was a super bad idea, because when I started to realize I mayyyybbeeee wasn’t interested in girls I grew to hate my protagonists even more. They seemed to taunt me, and at the time I was still very confused, so that didn’t help at all.
Then, I found fanfiction. Fanfiction is something I previously had a very skewed image of - Only what I’d heard people say about it: It was all shippy and all porn, it was all terribly written with awful grammar and stories that realistically make no sense (Why would a mom leave a fourteen-year-old at home alone for  a month!), by twelve to fourteen-year-old girls, stuff like “Naruto and One Direction are all married and all adopted me now they kiss and touch each others’ butts every night and then touch MY butts!!!” (If you get that reference because you’ve seen the parody video “Welcome to Fanfiction (And Wattpad!!)” good for you. It’s a brilliant satire. Have a cookie.)
But I was so, so wrong. I just kind of, I don’t know, stumbled into fanfiction. At first I just read shippy fluff (And sometimes smut to be honest) because I thought it was all that was available. This isn’t related, but through this fanficiton is kind of how I realized that a certain type of paring happened to appeal to me a little more - I always knew I was fine with that, and would ship it if the ship was good, but I didn’t ever consider, you know, empathizing with it in a weird sort of way. Without fanficiton I’d probably still be very confused.
Sorry. I’m rambling. Point is, I found stuff that wasn’t just that! I actually found a Yogscast fanficiton with good plot to it. MindfulWrath’s “The Rise and Fall.” (She is on Archive of Our Own for those interested! If you say Lusamine sent you she will probably be very confused XD) I CRIED. Literally! Over someone else’s take on fictional characters! Anyways, I tried my own hand at writing Yogscast fanfiction.
What I did wasn’t very well written, but it got better over time. I knew what I wanted, though. I knew how it would end, and I knew the story along the way (Except for a tinnny gap at the beginning), and I had an idol to encourage me. I thought it would work great! Annnnd.... I lost motivation. I tried to come back, but the gaps between chapters became larger, and larger, and larger.
Eventually, it all stopped. I tried another one, which also kind of copied MindfulWrath. But I didn’t really care. I just wanted to write. I had foreseen such cool scenes, but I could just never get trough the exposition, never could actually write them, and that sucked. My second Yogscast fic turned out pretty much the same. So I stopped writing.
Fast-forward to the release of Pokémon Sun and Moon. I knew a few things instantly: I HAD A MASSIVE CRUSH ON GLADION. I also knew that it was one of my favorite Pokémon games of all time. I loved the characters, the darker, more personal story, the dynamic between Gladion, Lillie, and Lusamine, the complexity of Lusamine, Guzma, Gladion, and Lillie, the music, Lillie’s desire to be braver and be just like her trainer friend, which I related to a lot. The music was also phenomenal. Oh, and shirtless Kukui/Masked Royale. That was pretty nice, too.
So somehow I just found these RP blogs for Guzma and Plumeria. Don’t really remember. They led me to one of Gladion, which I of course followed. I did that on my personal account, I think. I also fell in love with branch-chief--faba’s blog. I knew I wanted to make one, to interact and write stories with others, and to understand a character in a new way.
Lusamine. I knew instantly, it had to be Lusamine. She was abusive, she was regretful, she was determined, ambitious, and obsessive; she was possessive, she was brutal, she was tender, she was awful, she was redeemed by the end, and oh my goodness, just such a deep villain. Her facial expressions in-game (Especially that manic smile one) made me certain that she was the character I wanted to RP. Definitely.
At first, things were a little shaky. I didn’t have that many people who wanted to RP with me, and since I didn’t get many Asks due to my low follower count, I didn’t really have anything to do.
But, the numbers climbed steadily, if slowly, and then I went on vacation for the holidays. While there, I started a thread with branch-chief--faba for the first time (Who was super nice and didn’t get bothered by the fact that I had literally no idea what I was doing!!), and posted a couple of Ask memes.
Within a week, I went from like 40 followers? Or maybe 30-50? TO 100. It just happened so quickly, it was crazy. People were being nice, and following, and encouraging me to keep going. I loved it. So I started actually writing things for the blog - Things that were actually pretty long, many, many paragraphs. It was a lot of work, but I didn’t feel exhausted at all - Because people always said nice things when I did! It replenished my energy easily! It became a privilege when someone sent an Ask that allowed me to write something long.
I’ve never thought about stopping the writings I do for this blog.
So what’s the moral of the story here? What does this have to do with your question, you ask?
Well, here’s the thing: Writing is really, really tough. And if you write things that no one sees or compliments - It’s hard to keep going. Really hard, in fact. But here on this blog, it’s easy for me. What I’m trying to say is... Umm...
Don’t do what I did. Don’t just get confused and angry when the words stop coming out for a particular thing you’re writing. No, the story isn’t bad, you’re not a bad writer, it’s just not happening anymore. And if it happens again someday, that’s great, but sometimes it doesn’t. That’s okay too. People grow. Writers grow and , just like all people, and sometimes you realize you don’t want to write that something anymore. Ideas are fluid, and sometimes things change - Your opinions may change, your thought process may grow and you won’t be able to write things anymore, but it’s okay. Don’t force it. And, I can’t stress this enough, get your writing out there. Because if it weren’t for people complementing me, I wouldn’t be writing for this blog. That’s why I do. You’ve all been so amazing and supportive, and if you hadn’t, I would have stopped doing this a long time ago. Don’t worry about getting motivated - Just think about all of the coolest things you plan to write, and then start. Let people see it, put it up online, take constructive criticism. And if at some point you lose motivation? That’s okay! It’s okay! You’re not an awful writer, it might just be time to reconsider things, or take a break, or maybe give up on the story - which isn’t a bad thing at all.
Try your best and you’ll accomplish it!!!    
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