#i originally wanted to photograph my R+ collection full stop
magistralucis · 2 years
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here is my R+ apparel collection. i need a bigger bed
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Gavin’s R&S - NW Project (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains spoilers from an R&S (NW计划) which has not been released in EN 🍒
Heavy angst warning... T-T
To follow along with the narrator: here
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[ Chapter One ]
The NW Project - “New Weapons Project” in full. This project was first put forward 20 years ago. 
Even though I’m the main person in charge of this project, the person who raised this project wasn’t me. Neither was it an outstanding scientist. Instead, it was this man in front of me.
Patiently, I finish reading the agreement in my hand, which spans dozens of pages. Before putting my pen to the page, I lift my head to look at him. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
The man looks straight into my eyes. Without a hint of retreating or wavering, his tone is calm as he responds, “I’ll take complete responsibility for the consequences.”
“You aren’t afraid of permanent infamy?”
“This is our only chance. Exchanging the lowest cost for peace experienced by the most number of people. Black Swan doesn’t leave us any choice.”
I fall silent, but the man doesn’t give me an opportunity to probe further.
“This is the second time I’ve made this decision.” He continues speaking calmly. “Ever since the first step was taken, there has been no room for backing out in this matter.”
I pinch the pen with force, the weight in my hands a little difficult to bear for a moment. I take a deep breath, finally signing my own name on the paper, underneath the name already written on it.
I’m very clear that we have no room for retreating. We have to move forward!
After signing, the man hands me an archive envelope. “This is the first experimental subject this time round.”
I open the archive envelope directly. When I see the name written on the materials, I lift my head to look at him in shock. Before I can speak, he responds. “There’s nothing wrong with the materials.”
“Right now, he’s the most suitable candidate.”
“But-” I continue finding it difficult to believe.
“You can return to make preparations. He’ll be here soon, and the NW Project can officially begin.” There’s absolutely no change in his expression. He’s so calm that it’s as though he’s talking about someone who is insignificant. But the tenseness of his body faintly reveals his inner perturbation. 
I suppress the shock in my heart, not adding anything else.
Returning to the office, I open the file once again, reading it seriously--
Gavin, 24 years old, Evol ability is wind control. His Evol was awakened at 17 years old. During the tests two years ago, his ability levels were determined to be of the highest rank.
In the attached photograph, a young man wearing the white Special Task Force uniform is facing the camera. His eyes have a knife-life fierceness and a trace of unruliness. Even when separated by the photograph, they bring with them a certain sense of oppression.
This is a resolute person - that’s what I conclude. But when he undergoes the modification in this project, whether it’s successful or not, would he be able to remain as resolute?
I’m unable to make a determination, but I hope he does. After all, he’s their child...
[ Chapter Two ]
The restarting of this project, which had stopped for decades, was beset with difficulties. But no matter how difficult it was, this project had to be pushed forward.
A month later, as Black Swan’s activities grew increasingly frequent, the man, in the capacity of commanding officer, led the team himself, leaving the base. He kept his promise, bringing the first experimental subject back - the NW Project could officially restart.
Gavin stands in the middle of the laboratory quietly. His familiar appearance causes me to have a lapse in concentration. But very quickly, I retract my emotions and explain what the first phase of the experiment entails, and its possible effects.
When he hears the cruel wording I use, he has no reaction, no wavering, and no fear. His back is straight, and there are still speckles of dried blood on his body. I’ve only met his eyes once before averting them quickly. That pair of eyes shrouded in shadows suppress far too deep, and far too heavy emotions. Yet, they reveal a certain odd sense of calm, as though he has calmly and fearlessly accepted his fate.
“Gavin, are you ready?” The man, who has remained silent all this while, finally speaks. In an incredibly cold voice, Gavin responds. “Yes.”
The man turns his head towards me, nodding slightly in indication. “It can begin.”
We’ve been waiting a very long time for this experiment. Before the experiment officially begins, the man’s footsteps leave hurriedly.
All procedures proceed in a systematic and orderly way. Underneath the cold lights of the laboratory, Gavin, who has been injected with the drug, is submerged into transparent phosphate buffer. Dozens of metal patches are linked up to his body, monitoring the slightest change in data.
As the experiment carries on, something peculiar happens quickly. The fluctuating lines on the electrocardiogram gradually slow down. After a sudden jolt, it becomes a flat line. Just like the final glow of light in the darkness extinguishing suddenly, although we had already prepared ourselves for this, I still find my hands trembling when this moment arrives.
A researcher informs us that Gavin’s vitals are falling, and that his Evol fluctuations are barely able to be captured. All the data cruelly tells us that this experiment is about to fail, and the death of this young man will be announced soon.
I pound my hands onto the wall heavily to prevent my fingers from trembling, and direct everyone to carry out all possible rescue measures. But as time passes by - one minute, two minutes... his signs of life have completely vanished.
“Gavin...” Quietly, I watch that young man, whose eyes are shut tight, and recall when this departed person had said this name to me.
Suddenly, the lines on the electrocardiogram fluctuate for a moment, and someone exclaims in surprise. I frantically observe the screen, watching as the degree of fluctuations gradually increases. It’s as though a hand has forcefully pulled him back from the fringes of death, finally bringing him back to normal. Everyone heaves a long sigh of relief.
After the experiment, I assume the task of observing Gavin’s situation. On the sickbed, the young man who has experienced death has a face void of colour. Even in an unconscious state, his eyebrows remain deeply furrowed.
I tidy the items that were collected from him: A phone which is turned off, a set of keys, a Special Task Force ID... and a photograph which was originally in his breast pocket. This photograph seems to have been taken unawares. It has already turned slightly yellow, and has a pretty-looking girl on it.
After a while of thinking, I place the photograph next to Gavin’s pillow.
Perhaps this way, he can have a good dream.
[ Chapter Three ]
It has been a week since the experiment ended.
A few things surpassed our initial expectations: Within the first 30 hours of Gavin awakening, his state of mind temporarily went into chaos. At the same time, the strength of his modified Evol left us unable to control him, and he destroyed the entire laboratory. Fortunately, he recovered at a certain point. But he became deficient in terms of emotions, and turned extremely cold and distant. It’s as though he had become the strongest “weapon” as we conceptualised.
“Thud--” The sound of something heavy falling drifts from the tightly shut door. The hand I’ve placed on the door pauses. After waiting for a few minutes, I push the door open.
Gavin is standing in the middle of the spacious underground training room. A pair of cold and indifferent eyes look over. Even though I’ve experienced this several times, my heart still jumps, and my body tenses up involuntarily. All the cells in my body warn me - he’s extremely dangerous.
I maintain a set distance, and advise, “You should act according to our designated plan to undergo this adjustment process.”
Gavin doesn’t speak. Black wind encircles his surrounding, the swirling air slicing the walls and floor like knives. In an instant, it ripples through the entire room. I reach out to touch the blood oozing from the new wound on my face, quietly putting even more distance between us.
I watch silently as he exhausts his Evol, waits for it to be restored, and repeats it again. This is an incredibly painful process, no different from breaking all the bones in his body and forcing them to straighten. Such capacity for violence often results in harm to himself. Very quickly, his whole body is riddled with scars, and his entire person appears as though he has been pulled out from a sea of blood.
“Today’s training should be over.” I speak up once again, stopping him.
But what I get as a response is the sound of a ear-piercing report. Stunned, I look at the patch of white appearing before Gavin. Everything in that region has completely disappeared - there has been a change in his Evol. According to the plan of the experiment, he should only reach a breakthrough after half a month.
This time, Gavin finally speaks. “Someone’s waiting for me.”
This seems to be a thought he is clinging onto. Sometimes, one’s thoughts can destroy a person, but can also strengthen a person.
I don’t know who is the person waiting for him, nor do I know how he obtained such a belief. But it enables him to persevere in this cruel project.
--The NW Project can stimulate the experimental subject’s Evol gene to its highest degree, enabling one’s Evol ability to reach its strongest state in a short span of time. But its pitfall is just as obvious. There’s a large possibility that an experimental subject wouldn’t be able to withstand the weight of such strength, and face a decline after his Evol reaches its peak.
Right now, the strength Gavin has obtained after the modification has far surpassed approximations. None of us are able to predict what ending awaits him should his Evol start to decline.
Gavin finally stops, sitting on the steps in exhaustion. I can’t help but ask, “Why did you accept this project?”
“I need strength.” He says this without hesitation.
“Is obtaining strength necessarily a good thing?”
“Not to most people.”
I understand the meaning in his unfinished words, because he is even more certain than we are that he can control such strength.
At this moment, I suddenly look forward to his future, even though an experimental subject from the NW Project will only become a “weapon”. And the future of a weapon is only to destroy or be destroyed.
[ Chapter Four ]
It has been two weeks since the experiment ended.
The modification in the NW Project has reached its final phase. From Gavin’s body, we’ve collected large amounts of information, supporting the future development of this project.
At the same time, Black Swan’s sudden appearance on the surface leaves us with no choice but to speed up the process of the NW Project, and search for the next batch of experimental subjects. But this is an incredibly difficult matter. Every person who accepts the modification has to possess a sufficiently firm willpower. They have to persist through the agony of such destructive strength, and have to endure the temptation such strength brings.
During this special period, Gavin suddenly looks for me. Seeing the documents placed in front of me, I lapse into a long silence before speaking. “If you’re clear on the consequences this would bring, I’ll sign it.”
“I’m very clear.” Gavin stands up straight, the resoluteness in his eyes not wavering even once. Without further questions, I lift my pen, signing this agreement solemnly - to allow NW717 to be dispatched, and carry out missions.
“If you insist on choosing this path.” I take out a set of seemingly normal-looking gloves and place them on the table. “They can help you control such strength.”
Gavin freezes slightly, and it looks like he has been taken aback. But he doesn’t ask further questions either, putting on the black gloves, the leather material fitting every finger seamlessly. He looks at his hands, a hint of cloudiness flashing across his eyes, though it dissipates very quickly. 
This is a strength which shouldn’t exist on this earth, yet it has surfaced due to various incidents.
The next time I see Gavin who has returned from a mission, all the staff have already left the laboratory. The assistant had given me a warning beforehand, but I’m determined to be here.
What I see is a Gavin who is on the brink of collapse. His body is bowed, both fists balled tightly, veins evident, as though he has sustained a blow which is difficult to bear. I understand the cause of such a situation, and it’s exactly the consequence I had warned him about before he left on the mission--
The drugs used during the NW Project modification are especially fierce. Before they are completely assimilated, the backlash is also especially fierce. Right now, perhaps every blood vessel and every cell in his body are bringing him incredible pain. Such pain far exceeds the very first experiment by multiple folds.
“You need to stop the pain.” I take out the injection needle, prepared to give him a cortisone shot.
“No need.” Gavin doesn’t even lift his head. His tone is perhaps even calmer than mine, but his voice trembles almost imperceptibly. “I’ve seen your report. I need this chance.”
He’s betting on that one glimmer of hope. I respect his wishes, setting down the cortisone shot. Instead, I give him the final dose of drugs for the experiment. After all of this, I await the final outcome from afar.
Gavin remains silent from start to end. The sound of his breathing is so light and faint that it seems to disappear, only the data on the equipment displaying the radical changes in his body. Just like this, my eyes are wide open as I observe the entire night. At the first glimmer of dawn, Gavin stands up. Because he has been maintaining the same posture for a very long time, he staggers for a moment, almost losing his footing.
I do a complete examination for him, and discover that he has indeed grasped that one thousandth of a chance. In our plan, the degree of completion of the modification will hover at around 80%. But right now, Gavin has far surpassed this numerical value.
With a complicated expression, I look at the final verdict. Before Gavin leaves, I warn him once again. “It could engulf you in the end.”
The air surrounding Gavin permeates with danger, but his eyes are as calm as ice. “I can’t retreat.”
This project doesn’t leave him any room for retreating.
I know that the success of Gavin’s modification also represents drawing the curtains on an expansion of the NW Project. I’ve stored all the data and reports related to him in a file, ready to accept the next experiment.
[ Chapter Five ]
Along with the implementation of the NW Project, the effects of the modified individual increasingly got out of our control. This caused us to start pondering on how we should handle those people who accepted the experiments once everything was over.
Someone asked me about what I planned to do, and my answer was that I would perhaps find a place where nobody recognises me, and live the rest of my life with a guilty conscience and remorse.
As the very first successful experimental subject of the NW Project, Gavin’s choice came even earlier than I expected.
I reach the doors to the commanding officer’s office. Just before the door closes, I see an insignia on the desk at a glance, along with that pair of black gloves.
When we cross paths along the corridor, Gavin gives me a slight nod. I hand him something - the Special Task Force ID which was collected from him when he had first undergone the experiment. Gavin seems to find this unexpected. Very softly, he says a “thank you” before leaving without taking it.
From behind, I watch his retreating form - his back is very straight when he walks. At this moment, his footsteps gradually turn from heavy to relaxed. I watch as he takes out his phone to make a call, disappearing into a corner of the corridor.
I hope this will be the last time we meet.
With anticipation in my heart, I push the door to the office. The man stands at the window, as though waiting for something.
“Why did you choose to let Gavin leave?” I ask.
The man returns to the desk, the NW symbol on the wall behind him seeming to become the heaviest shadow, caging him. He says calmly, “Behind this position, I’m also a father. Even though I’m not qualified.”
He pulls open a hidden drawer, retrieving a yellowed photograph from inside - I know that what’s on it is the image of a beautiful woman who remains in the memories of everyone.
I recall the night on which he knew Wardia had passed on, and recall the child who had splinters all over his body, his face filled with resistance and despair. It was such an endless, heavy night. The next day, the man had already collected his wavering and crumbling self. It’s as though all the pain I saw was just an illusion.
That child from back then has already grown up. He has grown up to have an indomitable spirit, and to the point where nobody can overlook him.
Just like what his mother had anticipated, he has become a strong protector.
For an inexplicable reason, I suddenly speak. “Actually, the two of you are very similar.”
The man immediately shakes his head. “He’s more outstanding. Back then...”
At this point, he seems to sink into a short contemplation, and doesn't continue. 
I don’t harp on this topic. Taking out the file, I give him a report on the final verdict of all the experiments in the NW Project.
The original intention of this project was to utilise absolute abilities to get rid of rebellious Evolvers, and reduce the damage between civilians and Evolvers. During the project, we fulfilled this original intention, though it also brought about several inevitable problems. And right now, perhaps it’s time for it to leave the stage.
After waiting for a very long time, I finally hear the man’s announcement. “The NW Project will officially end one week later.”
Perhaps we have already been waiting for this moment for a very long time. I pack up the files, and give him a salute - as well as to everyone who has contributed to this project and to this world.
Very soon, this project will be covered in dust and enter the vast and long tide of history, and will never be spoken of by anyone.
Only those glistening stars continue to illuminate the boundless and long night.
A translated comic based on (but not entirely) on this R&S: here
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westakoasta · 6 years
P-MINUS - 2019
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Where are you from? And what’s your first memories linked to hip hop?
I’ve lived all over - Belgium, Germany, Ohio, Missouri, the Virgin Islands, San Francisco, and now Los Angeles.  But I spent the most years, including high school and college, in Missouri, so I feel like that’s where “I’m from.”  I first remember hearing hip hop while living on St. Thomas (in the Virgin Islands) and the three songs that started me on this journey were “I Need Love,” by LL Cool J, “You Be Illin’” by Run-DMC and “Fight For Your Right To Party” by the Beastie Boys.  I must have heard them on the radio, so that would have been 1987 - the year of my hip hop birth.  In 1988, I moved back to Missouri and a neighbor of mine had a ton of rap tapes so I’d borrow his tapes all the time or listen to them in his car on the drive to school.  I believe that the first tape I ever bought was Schooly D’s “Smoke Some Kill” (1988).
What got you started with Atak Distribution, how and when did it begin?
Fast forward to 1994 - I had graduated from college, where I had been the Hip Hop Director at the school’s radio station, and moved to San Francisco where I began an internship at Gavin, a music magazine that curated Top 40 lists for radio programmers.  Somehow through that job, I met DJ Stef (editor of the Vinyl Exchange) and started writing record reviews for her.  And on one fateful day, I received a copy of Sacred Hoop’s “Demo” tape for review and I thought it was the freshest thing in the world and in 1996 I officially became an underground hip hop junkie.
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Were you a hardcore music collector before you started Atak?
Before Atak, I had a decent cd and record collection, full of ‘90s “golden era” major label releases, but hardly any tapes and barely anything considered “indie” or “underground.”  Back then I wasn’t a collector, just a music fan, because all this incredible music was just sitting at the record stores for $12.99.  I shopped a lot at Amoeba and Rasputin’s and a few other smaller stores in the Bay area, plus a few record labels and artists would send me promos for review.
How did you choose what would be in your catalog? How did you make contacts with the artists?
Starting with Sacred Hoop, I was certain that this amazing group wasn’t getting the exposure it deserved, so the seeds of Atak were first planted.  I then started soliciting for more submissions through the Vinyl Exchange and some other Bay area rap magazines, such as 4080.  I think that the Hoop started spreading the word, too, because I soon started getting tapes from the likes of FTA, Megabusive, San Francisco Street Music, Jedi Knights Circle, 99th Demention and others from the South Bay and SF.  Somewhere in there, I met up with the Mystic Journeymen, bought some tapes from them, and was eventually exposed to Berkeley and Oakland artists such as the Living Legends, Hobo Junction, Zion-I and Illa Dapted.  If I liked your tape, it would get in the Atak catalog.  The first printed mail-order catalog had 12 tapes in it and the very first tape sold was Mystik Journeymen’s “Escape Forever” on August 10th, 1996.
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Was the mail-order a full time job or did you have other occupations (studies, other job?)?
During the first few years I had several jobs: the Gavin internship became a paid job, I worked at a grocery store and then later at a vegetarian cafe.  Eventually, since my rent was cheap and I was starting to sell more music, I was able to do Atak full-time.  All the storage and shipping was done out of my bedroom.
Did you have many overseas/international customers and what role did that play in the business?
It looks like I started getting my first international orders (from Finland!) in 1997.  I don’t know how they found out about Atak, but they were serious fans of West Coast underground so word spreads fast amongst those folks.  Fans in Finland, Australia, Canada and Japan were my strongest supporters, with a few folks in France and Germany, too.  This was before I started selling online, so these folks were trusting me with their cash and money orders and I will be forever indebted to them.  Through these customers, I was exposed to international hip hop and eventually started selling music from the likes of Ceebrolistics, the Sebutones, mcenroe, Mary Joy Recordings, Muphin and the Hilltop Hoods.
What was the « peak » year in terms of sales and in terms of quality of music?
After a year or so of mailing out catalogs and setting up tables of merchandise at shows, Atak finally got online with the help of one of my earliest customers, Todd (aka Vic aka Celph Titled), who was extremely active on hip hop message boards, and he really helped spread the word around the U.S. and the world, so Atak started getting more non-Bay area music in the catalog and I started getting  orders from everywhere.  I think that the music quality was strong start to finish.  I was listening to everything before I put it in the catalog, and if it wasn’t dope, it didn’t get in.
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Did you ever wanted to make Atak a bigger thing, like UGHH or such?
There was a time in which I would have loved for Atak to get really big, because it was all so much fun - all the shows, meeting the artists, hearing a ton of new music, even the packing and shipping was fun for me.  But in hindsight, it is clear that I was better at being a huge fan of the music rather than being a savvy businessperson.  At the point in which digital music started taking off, I didn’t have the technical knowhow to adjust accordingly, and a big part of me still simply loved selling physical copies.  As a fan, I didn’t want everything to go digital, but as a businessperson I should have dived in headfirst to keep up with the other big websites.  I admired what the other sites were doing, and what friends like Shane (aka Kegs) was doing with Below the Surface - putting out records, putting on shows, opening a brick-and-mortar storefront.  But part of me liked keeping things small and simple, but that clearly pushed me into smaller and more obscure corner of the online hip hop biz and eventually bumped me out of it altogether.
You did some cd-r reissues as well as a couple of mix-cds. Any temptation of launching a proper record label (as in: « new release, no reissue ») at some point?
I’d been wanting FOREVER to start a label and put out records!  I made a feeble attempt to put out an Atak compilation in the late ‘90s, full of all the folks that were in my catalog at the time.  I was able to get maybe 7-10 crews over to my house one night to talk about it, but since I had no idea how to really put it all together, I ended up getting one original song, from Nitrous Ox, out of that great big idea.  More recently, I’ve been hoping to help folks put out releases but nothing has materialized just yet.  Nowadays almost everyone is really good at getting this stuff done themselves, so I’m happy that they are taking control of their destinies and getting their music out to the world.
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Can you give us your personal Top 5 favorites in your sale catalog? Also one that you think was dope and didn’t have the recognition it deserved?
In no particular order, I’ll list a few of my favorites, but I’m obligated to mention Sacred Hoop’s “Demo” (aka “Sacred Hoop” aka “Runny Poop”) first since that tape inspired everything.  I was also thrilled to be able to pick up indie music from the Hieroglyphics (“Hiero Oldies”)and Saafir (Hobo Junction’s “Limited Edition Compilation”) since I was such a fan of their major label stuff.  I really liked Red Tide’s “Rogue MCs” tape.  Disflex6’s self-titled debut (aka “1984”) was great.  The Kracken’s “Abstract & Cognac” left me wanting much more.  The Sebutones’ “50/50 Where It Counts” blew my mind!  Early stuff Dose One and Why? showed me that hip hop had no boundaries.  This is an extremely abbreviated favorites list - as I look back through my old catalogs, I realize that I loved them all.  It was all so new and so fresh and I think these artists all deserved more recognition than they got.  I’m glad that I could help expose them a bit but I wish I could have done a lot more.
Did you developed friendship with artists/crews over those years and do you have interesting stories/ anecdotes linked to that?
My anecdotal memory is terrible so I’ve sadly forgotten a ton of great stories, fantastic show moments and hilarious conversations.  Looking back, I should have kept a journal or taken a million photographs, because we all had so much fun and did so much back then.  But, luckily for me, I’ve been able to keep in touch with a few of my very favorite people, emcees Luke Sick (Sacred Hoop/Grand Invincible) and Roughneck Jihad (Third Sight), and producer Deeskee (who has probably produced more songs in the Atak catalog than anyone else).  And luckily for everyone else, all three of these guys are still making incredible music, more than 20 years after giving me tapes to review.  A few weeks ago I got to hang out with The Grouch for a bit and he gave me a copy of his “F...the Dumb” double vinyl, 20 years after I first sold that tape in the catalog.
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Why (and when) did you stopped Atak?
Atak started to slow down around 2004.  I had recently moved from the Bay area down to Los Angeles, gotten married, bought a house, and started another job that was able to pay the bills more reliably.  I was still getting orders and submissions from new artists, but wasn’t able to give Atak the focus it required to really push new artists and releases.  I didn’t have time to go to many shows anymore, and all my hip hop buddies were still up in the Bay.  I had ambitions to reboot the website, but then my web host got hacked and I had to shut down the site...and then I never got it back online.  I eventually moved my inventory onto some other online platforms and kept selling, but for the most part, Atak was done.  I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize to the artists who submitted music around this time.  I was getting some great music but just didn’t have juice to do anything with it.
Any thoughts on the evolution of hip hop? What about the the come back of the cassette? Is it possible that Atak would make a comeback in the future, in some form or another?
Tough question, because I don’t keep up with much truly “underground” music anymore, so I really hope that there are a ton of dope kids putting out dope music out there, and I’m sure there are plenty of them.  I love 90’s hip hop so much, both major label and my Atak stuff, that that is what I still listen to the most, digging in my records, tapes and cds or bumping music in my car.  I agree with most true heads that a lot of today’s hip hop is junk, and though I’m happy to see rappers get big and make money, I’d much rather that it be good, original and compelling hip hop.  I’m stoked to see everyone buying and releasing tapes again, because of my love for the physical copy (though I agree that a free or cheap digital download is an essential part of that sale).  And in regards to Atak’s great big comeback, I don’t think it will happen - it would require too much time and energy to do it right.  But if I can still help out a few people, promote a few records, maybe even sell a few for my old pals, I’m happy to contribute.
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A specific question from the homie Age: do you still want to reissue that Hi-State album?
I bugged my man Mr. E about that tape FOREVER and at least he finally put it up on Bandcamp (https://eightarrow.bandcamp.com/album/hi-state-project-demos-n-shit-vol-1) and we chatted about putting out a cassette reissue.  I’m sure he wouldn’t have much trouble selling a short run of 100 tapes, so I’ll remind him about it.  But I’m happy that fans can at least take a listen or buy it online.
What do you think was the most special in the 90's underground scene, and do you believe something like that would ever happen again?
I’ve never really tried to analyze that scene, but in retrospect, I bet that a lot of these emcees, producers and deejays were inspired by all the incredible major label releases that kept pouring out in that decade.  So much quality hip hop was coming out and it was easy to see on “Yo! MTV Raps” and BET and the good stuff was even getting on the radio!  It was everywhere and it was so damn good!  I’m sure that these kids just wanted to be a part of that magical time, and a lot of the underground music was super fresh, too, because it wasn’t easy to make beats and put out cds - they had to commit to it and create a whole scene and they had to be dope to do it.  Granted, I’m a old nostalgic rap dude now, but I don’t think the major or the underground scene will ever be that saturated with fantastically innovative, powerful, creative and inspired hip hop.  Nowadays there isn’t enough inspiration in the scene for there to be an onslaught of great new hip hop like there was for me back in the days.  There will always be a lucky few who can inspire themselves to be original and make great music, and hopefully these kids will get a chance to be heard.
Interview conducted by Kaliyuga Pro & Pseudzero with a bonus cameo by Age, february 2019.
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vanilla-blessing · 6 years
qb anime of the year list 2018
Anime of the Year 2018 - the year of girls going to aquariums together
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I’ve seen at least one person who claimed that 2018 was the best year for anime in recent memory and I’m inclined to agree. A large majority of my top ten list is shows that I would consider perfect and even shows that blew away what I thought was possible in the medium. It was a revolutionary year and makes a strong argument that anime wasn’t a mistake after all. - qb
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Hugtto! Precure blew away my expectations every week for close to a year. I don’t exactly know what to say about it here, since this isn’t the last time I’ll talk about it for sure. It doesn’t even end in 2018, but it was such a huge part of my 2018 in anime that it would be inaccurate to not include it. The only way I can think to explain Hugtto! Precure is to talk about the Netflix She-ra reboot. She-ra’s a pretty basic modern Dreamworks cartoon, with some interesting ideas thrown in and likable characters, but mostly held back by what they could realistically allot for production. Because of this limitation, She-ra goes hard on a single perfect episode (if you’ve seen it, you know which one) that stands out in a big way and shows the full potential of what they set out to make. Usually, Precure is lucky to get a handful of these stand-out episodes in a season, and most of the time just gets by, due to being an annual series that can never, ever take a break. Normally, the first few episodes of a Precure season can be counted on to be strong, but the realities of anime production being hella tough inevitably catch up.
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Hugtto! Precure started with an incredible opening arc, then never let off the gas pedal. Nearly every episode of Hugtto is a stand-out, never-before-seen, innovative tour-de-force. The combination of production miracles that resulted in Hugtto has been talked about by me on this blog before, (http://vanilla-blessing.tumblr.com/post/176000267859/hana-is-getting-unstable-a-pink-precure) but the length of time that Hugtto stayed in the paint, going extremely hard every single week with few exceptions, was just absurd. Every season of Precure has one or two peaks, sometimes a good season gets lucky and has even more, the best seasons bat a solid average, but are still expected to be held back by reality. Coming out of the fifteenth season of Precure with a majority of the best episodes in the entire franchise isn’t something that I can wrap my head around, but it definitely happened, mostly in 2018. It’s simultaneously a love letter to the franchise’s past, present, and future made by the biggest Precure fans on the planet, and it’s unquestionably the best season. Hugtto threw what we all knew was true and had accepted about Precure clear out the window, retroactively made older seasons better, watered my crops, brought world peace, ect.
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Oh yeah and boys can be cures now. 
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I’m definitely not done with Revue Starlight and this won’t be the last time I talk about it. Revue Starlight essentially carried the Summer 2018 anime season on its back. Starlight absolutely dominated my anime watching schedule; my week was seriously just waiting for and watching different translations and releases with every other show being almost incidental, far less important than waiting for the song lyrics to get translated for an episode I had seen three times already. I won’t get into everything here, since I’ve already talked about it on this blog after all (http://vanilla-blessing.tumblr.com/post/179023723689/subtext-is-for-cowards-revue-starlight), but I need to reiterate that it was such a commanding, unique, stylized experience and didn’t drop a single episode in its entire absurdly high-level production. The only reasonable explanation for this is devil magic, and hell, it was worth it. Revue Starlight is probably in my top 5 anime of all time and I wouldn’t get this list out if I said everything I wanted to say about it. It’s great. Watch it twenty times. 
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Pop Teen Epic, or Hoshiiro Girldrop, was the most wildcard that has ever been in seasonal anime, and could have been absolutely anything. What none of us predicted was just how much of anything this show would be, encompassing an unprecedented range of artists, voice acting talent, and whatever AC-bu are, each giving their very individual takes on a self-described shitpost comic strip, sometimes covering the exact same material two or three times, with no regard for any sort of cohesion or structure.
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Nothing about this idea should have been funded, nothing in Pop Team Epic has any reason to work, and as a straight adaptation probably wouldn’t have worked. PTE spun gold from trash through the raw effort of artists doing their own thing, which captures the original spirit that made the formerly-cancelled comic popular in a way that’s much too intelligent for haters to understand. Also it got a dub, which is the most ridiculously bad idea i’ve heard in my life, and it owns that it happened.
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Spider-man into the Spider-verse is legit the best comic book movie ever made. It’s a fun, expressive twist on the most tired superhero origin story of all time, and showcases some of the most sssssssssstyle and raw, real emotion I’ve ever seen in animation. Its particular selection of influences is brilliant and poignant, rising far above the simple fanservice you’ve come to expect from Spider-man. The unrelenting individualistic spirit of this movie will stick with you the longest in the soundtrack, bravely incorporating a side of pop music that you don’t usually get to see in big-budget productions, pulling soundcloud rappers out of their grody (i’m told) dens into the spotlight with equal importance alongside the heroic score. Spider-verse is all about establishing your own unique flavor, and it manages to overwrite every other entry in this cursed franchise with its bold taste.
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It doesn’t make sense to me how amazing Aggretsuko’s dub is. The impeccable timing of each line, the perfect integration with the comedy, and the optimal length of the episodes are all far beyond what I expected from a Netflix show. It not only converted the original series of shorts that I already had on my top 10 the first year into a godlike longer series I didn’t know I wanted, but went to the effort to bring real metal singers in for the karaoke. Honestly just repeat everything I said in my 2016 list and multiply it by five. I hope they make more. They’re making more.
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I was pretty slow to pick up anime in the Winter 2018 season, but I never missed Hakumei and Mikochi, maybe because it was like, the only simulcast on my favorite online anime streaming subscription service HiDiVE. The subs weren’t great, and it certainly wasn’t all that popular, but it was just the relaxing show I needed. Hakumei and Mikochi brought me back to my favorite non-racist parts of the Redwall series of books: friendly animals, delicious foods, alcohol, and rustic songs. I was ready to put it on my list for simply being a cute healing foodie anime, but to my surprise, it had much more in store within its tiny world: stark confrontations with mortality, a shy riverside necromancer, the inexplicable remake of The Raid: Redemption in miniature, fashion trends, frogs, carpenter weasels, carpenter skeletons, ghost celebrations, a country beetle with lofty dreams. The list of memorable people, places, and things contained in the gnomish roommates’ tiny world goes on and on.
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Masaomi Ando’s directing went completely along with the storybook aesthetic, maybe even to an overall detriment, which is exactly the kind of reckless commitment to style I love to see. The distinctive paneling, constantly gorgeous backgrounds, and deliberate pacing perfectly captured the imaginative stories I loved to read as a kid, but with more alcohol, and more sophisticated themes under the surface. Even something anime rarely get right, endings, were perfectly capstoned every week with a short digest that explored more of the history, legends, and very personal lore of their small, unique world. At its core, Hakumei and Mikochi is the calming story of tiny roommates you think it is, but it’s also so much more. They have day jobs and get drunk and remodel their house after it explodes that one time. They gamble dangerously to escape a blizzard, help a photographer give herself a little credit, and rescue their neighbor from a fancy grave of her own making. By the end of the show Hakumei practically built half a town. The collective stories from their everyday adventures build into something tremendous, and it all wraps up on the most perfect ending sequence I could have hoped for, which calls back to every story thus far as a new verse of the show’s central duet is sung. In any reasonable AnimeOTY Hakumei and Mikochi would be my top anime of 2018, but this year, the competition was unreasonable. This show will just have to settle for being the best regular anime of the year.
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Bloom Into You is an incredible adaptation of an apparently yuri romance manga that raises the bar for anime adaptations in general. I don’t know when, but somewhere along the line I stopped expecting that serious capital R Romance anime would have a distinctive style, and gave up to the notion that there was no demand anymore and a stylized, seinen/josei romance would just never get made. Well that was 2016 and then Scum’s Wish happened which this blog has covered extensively.(http://vanilla-blessing.tumblr.com/post/168842023559/how-lerche-adapted-an-average-trashy-romcom-into, http://vanilla-blessing.tumblr.com/post/168789506264/scums-wish-and-our-messy-uncomfortable) To me Bloom Into You feels similar in concept, as a difficult romantic situation with no easy answers or completely happy people. The main perspective character, Yuu, is among my favorite romantic leads in any series; she doesn’t get romantic feelings, although she wants to, and despite being easily motivated, is kind of dispassionate. Her relationship that she was pushed into with Touko might as well be out of mutual convenience, since Touko doesn’t want to fall in love with someone who would love her back, and Yuu doesn’t think she can.
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Yuu filters the developments of the series as they grow closer through a very different perspective compared to more emotional leads of usual romance stories, methodically breaking down and considering where she’s at, observing where others are at, before taking an action that makes sense to her. Her growth through the series takes a very different direction than the common dramatic formula; instead of running headfirst into misunderstandings to overcome romantic challenges, she’s compelled to take a step back and position herself in a way that allows her to understand and confront her girlfriend’s issues. The changes that she experiences herself during this process are extremely gradual, but are no less significant to her. Although the dramatic weight of the series is obviously all about Touko, the central thesis of Bloom Into You is to explore Yuu’s complex feelings, and ask to what degree our actions are dictated by our emotions. It’s a heavy topic to be sure, but what makes this anime adaptation special in particular is how the directing and production pull it off, to maybe an even stronger degree than the original material.
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Bloom Into You’s most striking and noticeable feature is the incredible conservation of small movements that connect expressions naturally. Minute changes in characters’ faces are vital to observe the almost imperceptible changes in Yuu over the course of the series, and every aspect of the direction is in service of highlighting these subtle moments. In addition, repeated cinematic themes are reinforced over the show’s run, such as the use of light to impart a blinding realization, flower language to inform deeper personalities, even using a literal (not literal) cinema. Symbols such as trains, masks, and mirrors are used constantly and consistently to reinforce the show’s themes, which should be immediately obvious from the opening animation. I’m still kind of stunned that Bloom Into You’s ending theme is such a banger and managed to use an oscillating sine curve in a metaphorical way. These details might be lost without the brilliant layouts, intentionally resembling a stage, which always push the minute differences front and center. As an anime adaptation, Bloom Into You adds so much value in such a subdued, conservative way that it puts uninspired adaptations to shame.
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Thunderbolt Fantasy 2 rounded out the year with a good old new-fashioned Japanese-speaking Chinese-Wuxia Taiwanese puppet show. The novelty of this wild series, like, existing at all, is still incredible to me, but I was really wowed by the new characters and the direction the series went in after the already high standards of the first season. Following the outrageous action and fights of the previous season, I did not expect that season 2’s introductory goon would 1. Live past the first episode 2. So quickly become my favorite swordfighter and 3. Have inarguably the most complete character arc of the entire show thus far. The Princess of Cruelty’s struggle against her inner and outer demons in a unreasonably stacked, desperate situation developed her into easily the most compelling character of the season, and the rest of the cast including a corrupt police officer with extremely disconcerting and bad puppet teeth, a ventriloquist rock-lutist, and a nihilist monk each bring their own unique flavors to the table. The table that they throw the puppets in the air from to make the show. All of the new elements of Thunderbolt Fantasy 2 improved an already strong formula even more, and revealed an emotional depth to the series that I’m excited to see developed further. Some people might not call this anime, but those people haven’t seen Thunderbolt Fantasy for longer than 2 seconds. It’s so anime.
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I blasted all available seasons of Star vs the Forces of Evil early in 2018, and it was basically my first foray into straight-up American cartoon magical girl, despite watching all the Japanese ones, which was probably an oversight on my part. That’s because Star Versus is really good, and provided a flavor of magical girl I had been missing out on. I could talk about the excellent sparkle witch aesthetic of the show, fluid animation, and hilarious comedy, but I’d rather spend this blogspace posting Star Butterfly faces. 
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A Place Further Than the Universe, or YoriMoi, or my preferred moniker That Antartica Anime, wasn’t on my radar until well after it had finished airing, but it stuck with me for most of the year. Although it’s definitely melodramatic at times, it utilizes this tendency in exactly the right way to enhance the individual characters’ emotional arcs. Even though I was personally sort of taken out of it for many of the girls’ personal trials, :penguin emoji: is obviously thoughtfully written and carefully constructed, and especially knows how to orchestrate an immense emotional reaction with pitch-perfect timing. If there’s one particular aspect this anime has absolute mastery over, it’s hitting that perfect note and cue to create a memorable narrative climax. And for all my bellyaching about not fully relating to some of the characters, Miyake is definitively the #1 qb-relatable character of the year.
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Here’s the rest of my list. Don’t @ me about it because if its not on my top ten then it doesnt really count anymore i dont make the rules thats just how it is
11. Yuru Camp
12. Hisone and Masotan
13. Asagao to Kase-san
14. Devilman Crybaby
15. After the Rain
16. Planet With
- friend of the show @queuebae on twitter 
That’s why the 2018 anime of the year award goes to Kaiju Girls 2.
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boofmont · 5 years
- ̗̀ * ( liana liberato + cisfemale + she/her ) have you seen ( saige beaumont ) walking around campus ? they are a ( 20 ) year old, studying ( linguistics + criminal psychology ). we hear they are in ( theta sigma eta ), and can be ( passionate & irrational ), maybe it’s because they are a ( cancer ). they sort of remind us of ( drunk stick n' pokes at 2am, avoiding cracks in the sidewalk, the familiar riff of an old song ), maybe we can find out more ! ( jamesy the fool + 20 + EST + she/they ) * ̖́- + newspaper photographer, campus tour, swim
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lmao hi here’s my final baby she is the love of my life i’ve known her for 8 years i think and she’s come a long way sdfkgh please love her as much as i love her. if i was fictionkin i’d identify solely with her (and she’s not even a self insert ! wow !) **IM STILL ON HAITUS UNTIL MONDAY BUT I HAD THIS READY TO GO LMAO**
gen. info
full name: saige alouette beaumont
nickname(s): she...doesn’t have any in this timeline but PLEASE, she LOVES nicknames. she’s a nickname slut.
b.o.d. - july 7th, 20 whole yrs old.
label(s): the hedonist, the icarcian, the reveler, etc. etc.
height: 5′7″ thank u very much !!
hometown: thibodaux, louisiana
sexuality: firstly when aren’t my babies bi as FUCK (minus aster). but she also prefers masc-presenting folks
the only child of a world renown fashion designer named manon lévêsque (surname kept b/c Branding) and US lieutenant general robert beaumont
manon’s brand is like...on the level of chanel, and dior, and shit, y’know??
manon’s...obv french, very french. born n raised in france. 
robert beaumont comes from a very southern family, all located in louisana. also french, just more...american.
they’re fucking loaded
saige’s childhood wasn’t the...Usual, childhood. they moved around a lot as due to both of her parents’ jobs. (’cos robert wasn’t ALWAYS a 4-star army man smh)
the longest they’ve rly stayed in one place (minus saige’s ucla yrs) is like...two yrs, tops ??
due 2 that she didn’t rly make...a lotta friends?
but when she DID , it was always the most interesting ppl she could find
but her parents were always SUPER strict
it was like they came together purely to mold the perfect child
like, they controlled where she went! what she wore! who she interacted with! what she watched or read or listened to!
she’d have bodyguards on her when her parents were busy, not nannies
she was taught all the proper things ladies were to learn, like cooking and sewing and ballroom dancing, and more
she was also taught how to drop a man to his knees in less than 10 seconds and how to shoot a gun, but that was it in terms of self defense skdfgh
eventually saige got bored with a life of being carefully watched and attending military balls and fashion runways
how do u surround a girl w/ so much culture and expect her to not want to experience life for what it is?
she learned how to dodge guards in order to go canoeing in the full moon with strangers she’d met five hrs prior, and how to blend in at festivals filled with throat-melting sweet drinks
she almost landed in a tabloid at the age of 15 for sneaking out w/ a boy three years older and her parents paid a lot of money to hide it.
no matter how much they tried to keep her rooted, saige always found a way to bend the rules and escape her lil golden cage
like they even had her homeschooled w/ the best tutors one could pay for n she still yeeted tf out whenever she could
born for the party life t b h
they decided that the best course of action to deal w/ her was to finally keep her in one place so they p much made her go to ucla lmao
homegirl did NOT want to go at first, just ‘cos she HATES being rooted to one place, is used to traveling the world and seeing shit and learning other cultures n shit, y’know ??
but then she joined theta sigma eta lmao n the parties ??
fucking amazing
it didn’t take a lot for her to be convinced to stay, esp ‘cos her parents didn’t quite realize...how big the party scene is
(not like they could’ve sent her to like...harvard or smth...homegirl’s smart but not THAT smart lmaooo)
unfortunately, saige has piss poor self control; and this was too much freedom for her. she was being Too Wild
anyWays the summer before her current year (i ... think she’s a sophomore ?) she went to a particularly wild party and somehow ended up at one of her mother’s collection launch parties w/ a pal of hers !!
and she totally embarrassed her mom !! in front of everybody !! being lil’ ol drunk n freshly 20 yr old !
after that saige was NOT welcomed at home (wherever home was, at the moment, that is). she wasn’t DISOWNED ‘cos that’d be HORRIBLE for the press n god, imagine the media ?? it would worsen it all
but she wasn’t allowed at home. wasn’t allowed with them. wasn’t allowed to see them unless at events they specifically ordered her to come to for press reasons
doesn’t really...know where she’s going to go in the summer ‘cos the summer she Fucked Up she lived out of hotel suites and friend’s couches. n like yeah she can just Buy a place or smth but ?? commitment ?? adult decisions ?? christ !
nobody knows her parents have essentially kicked her tf out and aren’t even talkin’ to her, ‘cos homegirl’s ashamed
it isn’t rly hard to hide it tho ‘cos her parents still give her a shit ton of money LMAO rich privilege
but it can’t fix how absolutely hurt she is
the alcohol , however, COULD
started partying more, and more intensely, and didn’t stop when the parties did
alcohol became part of her diet.
irish cream in her mornin’ coffee, coke n rum at lunch, vodka and like...23 packets of crystal lite in her hydro flask during lectures
without alcohol, she suffers terrible withdraws and those turn her into a completely different person
noBoDy KnoWs
or if they do, they don’t realize the extent of it! just how bad it is! ‘cos she’s a big ol’ faker
she’s fine it’s FINE
i actually have...traits i’ve written for her
positive traits:
kindhearted, optimistic, energetic, dreamy, charismatic, intelligent (to...a degree, lmao), active, charismatic, sympathetic, amiable
negative traits:
naive, dumb (to...a degree, double lmao), self-destructive, spiteful, stubborn, defensive, inattentive, unstable, loud, reckless
if she wants to do smth, she’ll do it
there’s no way to talk her outta whatever she has set in her mind, even if it’s fucking STUPID
‘cos she’s stupid and we love her for it
she’s a vegetarian, loves animals too much 2 do it
has adhd but she’s not medicated ‘cos her parents suck n young girls r always severely under diagnosed ‘cos doctors also suck
she’s allergic to cats, pumpkins, and penicillin
loves cats
she does her own stick n’ pokes, n will do ur stick n’ pokes if u ask. Loves doin ‘em, but she can’t draw for shit LMAO
however ! she does play three instruments:
piano, violin, n bass guitar
hates piano w/ a burning passion ‘cos she was p much forced to learn. thinks violin is lit as fuck. bass guitar? her fav thing ever. did it as an act of rebellion.
also, even tho she’s just....a whole ass dumbass, she knows like...four languages
yes including english
anyways she knows uUUuUH french, spanish, n latin (for funsies)
is also learning mandarin, german, n irish gaelic (for funsies)
is a big language slut, essentially
and a uh...slut in general
like she just rly loves everybody
she’s SUPER friendly, super confident, like...the best gal to know, ‘cos she’s got sm energy n if u don’t talk a lot ? that’s fine ! she’ll talk for u ! even if u don’t ask her to !
but yes she’s not like EASY but she’s easy
she’s had a few short-term relationships and even fewer long-term relationships
and she doesn’t ! have commitment issues !
doesn’t like getting hurt but also ! she will fall in love w/ anybody !
(i’m kidding every time i’ve ever played her in all my years she’s always, always attracted to like...grumpy tough ppl. that’s her type. do u sell drugs? she loves u. do u get into pointless fights and have constantly bruised knuckles? she loves u. did u sell ur soul to the devil? oh, she rly does love u.)
actually thinks rly low of herself but would NEVER let ANYBODY know that ‘cos god forbid
just keep smilin’ :)
probably uses finger guns
skateboards into EVERYTHING she’s fucking CLUMSY and stupid
will wear gucci on top of her thrift finds (stop going to goodwill if ur nearly a billionaire u dumbass)
that being said she’s not always........aware? she’s not shallow but she’s kind of just...she’ll throw her money at u if u can’t afford smth, and like...doesn’t know how taxes work? and also...doesn’t know how poor ppl go on living?
like she’s highly dependent on her money
she has three fucking cars ‘cos she just thought they were PRETTY
one’s a pick up truck w/ LED lights, one’s the literal car from the princess diaries, and the other’s just a real fast sports car
totally does illegal street racing but ? only sometimes ? mostly for funsies rly doesn’t care abt money at all LMAO
she’s...not very independent
she’s got an addictive personality, y’see?
does MANY drugs, like mdma (ecstasy? molly?), coke, shrooms, acid, the marijuanas. i think that’s it.
a lil bit of a cokehead but only at parties okay uwu
idk how but she always manages to be laidback and yet also super energized at the same time. she just truly, does not give a single shit
also i said she was dumb earlier and like...TRUE
excels at english, history, etc. etc.
but as soon as math or science is involved? fart noise
bad shit
hate it
she can’t focus on shit she doesn’t like so like...that doesn’t help
in other news, she can be best described as a DRUNK TINKERBELL
as she was originally a pixie. it’s suiting
she’s ... almost ethereal
will tease u. will act like she’s known u for years. this is normal for saige.
she’s just rly BUBBLY and FUN okay ! pls love her
like pretty please
she’s my best muse by far and i’ve been rping since 2010
OH okay so like fun fact: her mother still sends her pieces that she hasn’t released yet so saige’s closet is filled w/ clothes she will nvr wear ‘cos she refuses to in order to Spite her Mother
also will GIVE these EXCLUSIVE UNreleased articles of clothing to her FRIENDS as GIFTS as a big FUCK U to the MAN (mom)
she’s just a dumbass
wanted connections
ok so gimme a blackmailer who knows abt saige’s like...issues, n instead of tryn to help her they use it to their advantage to get whatever they want from her :^)
also a TUTOR ‘cos she’s stupid in math n science
party pals like do i even have to explain
childhood friend(s) or like...acquaintances ?? she’s traveled for so long
da PLUG gimme her DEALER
ex boyfriend(s) - she loves ppl, sometimes too much. were they in love? maybe not. did she get bored? did he? who knows?
i mean same applies to girlfriends
just ?? a dude who has completely caught her attention. saige finds him SO INTERESTING for some fucking reason. reminds her of travelling, reminds her of her years of exploring. reminds her of a lotta things, rly. he might b a good person. or ! he might not !
random hookups - past ? present ? fwbs ? one night stands ? i’ll take them all !
best friend - y’know. her ride or die. celeste. i mean there can b another, but celeste. try n compete w/ celeste.
other close friends!
fake friends!
(also am a big slut for the on-and-off relationships where theyre both horrible for each other n it’s not.. Good , but they can’t stop ! they won’t stop ! it’s not abusive but it’s toxic just ‘cos they’re both fucking enablers smh breaking up n getting back together all the time)
bad influence ? good influence ?
roommates ??
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homorazzi · 6 years
OUT magazine’s annual celebration of the most influential LGBTQ people of the year is here. The 2018 OUT 100 list marks the most diverse one yet with numerous trans, non-binary, women, people of color, and honorees under the age of 35 who are being celebrated.
The publication not only unveiled the full list, but the four collectible covers snapped by photographer Martin Schoeller. The Queer Eye cast, Bobby Berk, Karamo Brown, Tan France, Antoni Porowski, and Jonathan Van Ness, snagged the honor of being Entertainers of the Year. Meanwhile, Billy Porter, SOPHIE and Emma Gonzalez snagged Performer of the Year, Artist of the Year and Newsmaker of the Year respectively.
Queer Eye Cast On Original Fab Five
“The original show was a trailblazer,” says Van Ness, the new grooming guru with a wealth of sassy quips to match his pristine cascade of hair. Berk, the design expert whose religious struggles have enriched his on-air narrative, adds, “I love that we’re able to take such a groundbreaking show from a pivotal time in my development and still make it work today.”
Billy Porter On Challenges He’s Faced In Industry
“I was pigeonholed into the only thing that the industry could handle at the time: the magical fairy faggot,” Porter says. “Don’t get me wrong: What I was given was an opportunity to stop the show, but when it came to my humanity, nobody wanted to discuss that.”
SOPHIE On Her Music
“My music is political, but talking about politics is boring,” she says. “I’d rather have a more emotional conversation through the music. You can say something more multidimensional. Pop music is the most relevant format we have to discuss anything. A song can have meaning to people anywhere, without any context.”
Emma Gonzalez On Changing Narrative On Gun Law Reform
“One of the coolest experiences for me was the Peace March in Chicago on Friday, June 15,” she says, explaining that activists in Chicago organized marches every Friday to combat the city’s high rate of gun violence in the summer months. “We marched through the streets and neighborhoods, and we were all chanting, screaming, and singing. And we brought the press with us to shine more light on the event.”
Additional award recipients went to Cynthia Nixon (Hero of the Year), Jeremy Scott (Stylemaker of the Year), Renee Richards (Legend) and Randy Barbato & Fenton Bailey (Media Pioneers). Check out a few select images from this year’s OUT 100 gallery below.
Clemons Kiersey
Wanda Sykes
Adam Rippon
Queer Eye Cast
Kim Petras
Cynthia Nixon
Ryan Murphy
Kate McKinnon
Gus Kenworthy
For the complete OUT 100 gallery, click here.
Other notable OUT 100 honorees in specific categories include the following:
Brendon Urie, lead singer of the smash-hit band Panic! At the Disco Kehlani, breakout artist who’s collaborated with Demi Lovato, Halsey, and G-Eazy, to name a few Lauren Jauregui, member of the girl group Fifth Harmony who’s carving out her solo career MNEK, a London-based artist succeeding with his own brand of queer R&B Samantha Ronson, celebrated artist and DJ who returns this year with a new band
TV & Film
Kate McKinnon, the ever-reigning jewel of SNL who’s successfully crossed over to movies Hannah Gadsby, the Tasmanian comedy who became a sensation with her Netflix special Nanette Mj Rodriguez, Indya Moore, and Dominique Jackson, the breakout trans female leads from Pose Rupert Everett, a renowned actor who outdid himself this year as the writer, director, and star of the movie The Happy Prince Justin Simien, the uncompromising creator of the film and series Dear White People Max Mutchnick, the Emmy-winning creator of Will & Grace, and its triumphant reboot Daniela Vega, breakout Chilean actress whose film A Fantastic Woman won an Oscar this year
Gus Kenworthy, Olympic snowboarder whose on-air kiss with his boyfriend made national news Adam Rippon, Olympic figure skater whose vocal opposition to the powers that be made him a hero Layshia Clarendon, WNBA player who’s become a sought-after MVP in her sport Collin Martin, professional soccer player who inspired countless people by coming out this year Sue Bird, another WNBA player who rivals Clarendon in both notoriety and skill
Steven Kolb, the president and CEO of the CFDA Sue Y. Nabi, former president and CEO of L’Oreal and Lancome, and founder and CEO of Orveda Jeremy Scott, the hugely successful creative director at Moschino The Blonds, fashion design duo (and couple) who’ve been breaking boundaries for 18 years Willy Chavarria, designer whose eponymous label reached a peak this year Becca McCarren-Tran, founder and designer of the gender-inclusive and body-positive sportswear line Chromat
Activists, Politicians & Community Organizers
Danica Roem, trans politician elected to the Virginia House of Delegates Kimahli Powell, Executive director of Rainbow Railroad Adam Eli, activist for Gays Against Guns, queer Jewish rights, and more Stan Sloan, Executive director of the Family Equality council Amber Hikes, Philadelphia’s new director of the Office of LGBT Affairs Nick Fager, founder of the medical service Lighthouse LGBT, as well as QueerTherapy
For the full OUT 100 list, head over to OUT.com.
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hrhagnes-blog · 6 years
* good cop / bad cop (1).
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           agnes’ personal phone lit up with a caller id that she hadn’t seen in over a year :                home .                   well ,      not    “ home “ ,    obviously .             GOOD COP      because that’s how she had written down her father’s number when she went off to college .                     her mother ?       bad cop .              but that was one number that wasn’t going to be popping up for a very long time .                  she did have communication with belgium ,    obviously ,     but not with anybody that was of any relevance to her parents .                  it didn’t matter ,       barely any of that mattered except that agnes was able to do what she had to do .                 that ,     despite all that had been going on ,      despite the scandal ,      despite her fallout with her parents ,       agnes was a    SOCIALITE      and knew her duties as such ,     and as princess of belgium .                people count on you ,     agnes !                    no ,     mother ,     no they don’t .                    they count on ilyas ,        but not on me .                     i’m part of the decor ,     i have to look pretty .                          that’s duty enough for you .                        and so she was always pretty ,        she was always on the dot ,      always pristine and smiling as her brother and her father talked ,       next to her mother who directed her with a simple look .
            belgium’s darling princess ,       the youngest of the royals ,       the family jewel ,     paraded around like a porcelain doll .              quiet ,      quiet and gorgeous ,     quiet and peaceful .       like their nation .                    right under their noses ,        agnes had done just about everything .                  gotten on trains and left in the dead of night ,     returning with the rise of the sun ,     sweat that wasn’t hers stuck to her body ,      several substances of dubious origins in her bloodstream ,      the hazed expression and yet the sharpness to know exactly how to make it all disappear ,      how to keep it all under wraps .
              her cellphone lights up ,          beethoven’s fifth symphony rings loud and clear .                she could let it go to voicemail ,      afterall she’s in the middle of sorting through her stash ,      doing the math of how much she can get and how much she has to sell ,       how much she already has sold for the upcoming night .                 the music stops short and she exhales ,      ignoring the way her heart had started racing .                her father had sworn he would never look at her again after her naked pictures had made it to the newspapers ,      physical and online .              tmz ,      e!news ,       what - the - fuck - ever ,      she’d never given a damn about it ,      even rejoiced in       the good angle     the pictures flattered her from .                belgium’s darling princess had been brutally murdered ,      by herself .                   the media had gone crazy ,     there had been paps following her more than usual for a few weeks ,     and as much as she would’ve wanted to stir the pot even further ,     some sort of duty to her parents hadn’t allowed her to do so .
             mindless chatter in her brain that leads nowhere .             keep counting .                  HER PHONE LIGHTS UP AGAIN ,        like her thoughts keep drifting back to the issue of her parents .               and why did they keep calling her ?            they’d made their feelings quite clear a year ago ,     and she didn’t need them .             if it hadn’t been a matter of speculation of her finances ,      agnes would be paying her college tuition and rent by then ,      along with all the earthly pleasures she so enjoyed ,     which weren’t those of riches considering she gave away a percentage of her money .            books ,      concert tickets ,       antiques to collect .               things that fascinated her went to her collection and that’s where her money leaked onto .                 her business could finance her everything she wanted ,      she needed ,      but that’d spark too many questions .                beethoven’s fifth kept ringing through the room ,      and she kept ignoring it .               her father could send her a fax ,     or text her ,     or speak to her through ilyas ,      she didn’t really care .              the music dies away only to return a couple of seconds after .                   exasperated ,     the royal picks up the phone and answers .
             ‘        what ?        ‘                      for a moment ,      the silence is deafening .                          ‘       if you want to know if your daughter’s still a     slut ,      the answer’s yes .       ‘                        more silence .                        ‘      so ?         was that it ?        i have things to do ,      i’m busy .        ‘                              in her free hand ,        a medium sized bag full of pills of varying colors and shapes .                              ‘        SPEAK !       ‘                         her father’s silence was always like that ,       a blade in her spine and a hand twisting it .                  he seems to snap out of some trance ,        and the thought that not having heard his daughter’s voice in a year could impact him doesn’t even     cross    agnes’ mind .                           we’ve finished the last details of your betrothal .                           agnes stops short in what she’s doing ,       leaves the bag aside and stands up .                                 ‘        OH .        so ...��     who is it ?        ‘                              her voice remains even casual about the matter ,        she was long used to the idea that she’d be someone’s wife once the summit was there .               and hell ,     it was .                            christian meyer ,      of luxembourg .             you remember him ,    don’t you ?                        his father knew of agnes’ photographic memory ,       but leave it to him to underestimate her .                                 ‘       yeah ,        you’d send me away to luxembourg several times a year .           of course i r ---------     YOU’VE BEEN PLANNING THIS ?!       ‘                             she’d considered it as a possibility through those visits ,      otherwise why would she be sent away so often ?           but it just now landed on her the complexity of all her parents had been planning for her .                             ‘       he      is what you meant when you said my      NAKED PICTURES       would ruin my prospects for a    future ?!      ‘                                  
                 agnes .                     her father’s voice tried to soothe her ,      but it was to no avail .                                ‘       did the king say     shit ?           bet he    jerked off      before being worried ,       bet he jacked it to your        DAUGHTER ,       but trash me !        ‘                          agnes was seething and her father was still repeating her name like a goddamn curse over and over .                           ‘          oh quiet now ,       bloody hell .            quiet because i’ve heard     enough .                 was that all ?        ‘                            give me your word you’ll marry him ,    agnes .                       and she had to stiffle a sigh ,       though her eyes rolled so far back she thought they might just stay there .                        ‘         i give you my word i’ll marry him when the time comes .                done ?          ‘                           thank you .                there was a particular kind of devil in agnes’ father’s voice sometimes ,       and the princess could practically see his pleased smile ,       she could practically      see     his gesture done to his wife who was surely listening to all of this and putting a pin on every out of place thing agnes said .                     how’s co--                           ‘      you don’t care .      ‘                             and she hung up .
              immediately ,      the guilt .                  oh ,      the terrible guilt gnawing at her insides would kill her someday  ------  if she didn’t manage to kill it first .                    tossing her phone onto the bed ,          the princess stuffed the drugs back into their hiding spot ,       the money once again under the mattress ,       and reached for the pack of marlboros on the vanity ,      sticking one between her lips and watching it burn as she took a deep drag from it .
             the lighter ,       a zippo she’d had for years ,        engraved with her initials ,        kept shining that firey light that somehow comforted her .            the window ,     once open ,      let a cold as    fuck    breeze in but agnes ,       even though she barely had anything on ,       didn’t        feel       it .                        there were no tears ,        no ragefit ,      no longing to be sat on her father’s legs with the fireplace burning before them because that had     never happened .                    there was only the quiet of her room ,      the sound of the wind ,      distant voices that came from below somewhere in the gardens ,            and not much else .
             so she was to marry someone she’d known since she was ten ,      at least he wasn’t some asshole with no drive nor intelligence .                       thanks ,    dad .                 bounced in her head ,     though she had nothing to thank him .                   many ,       and that was        most of the other royals ,          had it worse than her .                         it wasn’t shocking ,      she’d been trained for this . 
             after a while ,     the princess began laughing .              it started small ,      like an afterthought ,     it grew to a giggle ,     then the bouts of laughter were escaping her undisclosedly ,    bending her over and shaking her through and through .                           ‘     fuck ,       i gotta tell bea i’m marrying her half - brother .      ‘                          the thought was just too good ,      too funny .
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roinish · 7 years
Credit goes to /u/blakeclass.So, what the hell DO you do if you are unlucky enough to win the lottery?This is the absolutely most important thing you can do right away: NOTHING.Yes. Nothing.DO NOT DECLARE YOURSELF THE WINNER yet.Do NOT tell anyone. The urge is going to be nearly irresistible. Resist it. Trust me./ 1. IMMEDIATELY retain an attorney.Get a partner from a larger, NATIONAL firm. Don't let them pawn off junior partners or associates on you. They might try, all law firms might, but insist instead that your lead be a partner who has been with the firm for awhile. Do NOT use your local attorney. Yes, I mean your long-standing family attorney who did your mother's will. Do not use the guy who fought your dry-cleaner bill. Do not use the guy you have trusted your entire life because of his long and faithful service to your family. In fact, do not use any firm that has any connection to family or friends or community. TRUST me. This is bad. You want someone who has never heard of you, any of your friends, or any member of your family. Go the closest big city and walk into one of the national firms asking for one of the "Trust and Estates" partners you have previously looked up on http://ift.tt/1ahUdMh from one of the largest 50 firms in the United States which has an office near you. You can look up attorneys by practice area and firm on Martindale./ 2. Decide to take the lump sum.Most lotteries pay a really pathetic rate for the annuity. It usually hovers around 4.5% annual return or less, depending. It doesn't take much to do better than this, and if you have the money already in cash, rather than leaving it in the hands of the state, you can pull from the capital whenever you like. If you take the annuity you won't have access to that cash. That could be good. It could be bad. It's probably bad unless you have a very addictive personality. If you need an allowance managed by the state, it is because you didn't listen to point #1 above.Why not let the state just handle it for you and give you your allowance?Many state lotteries pay you your "allowance" (the annuity option) by buying U.S. treasury instruments and running the interest payments through their bureaucracy before sending it to you along with a hunk of the principal every month. You will not be beating inflation by much, if at all. There is no reason you couldn't do this yourself, if a low single-digit return is acceptable to you.You aren't going to get even remotely the amount of the actual jackpot. Take our old friend Mr. Whittaker. Using Whittaker is a good model both because of the reminder of his ignominious decline, and the fact that his winning ticket was one of the larger ones on record. If his situation looks less than stellar to you, you might have a better perspective on how "large" your winnings aren't. Whittaker's "jackpot" was $315 million. He selected the lump-sum cash up-front option, which knocked off $145 million (or 46% of the total) leaving him with $170 million. That was then subject to withholding for taxes of $56 million (33%) leaving him with $114 million.In general, you should expect to get about half of the original jackpot if you elect a lump sum (maybe better, it depends). After that, you should expect to lose around 33% of your already pruned figure to state and federal taxes. (Your mileage may vary, particularly if you live in a state with aggressive taxation schemes)./ 3. Decide right now, how much you plan to give to family and friends.This really shouldn't be more than 20% or so. Figure it out right now. Pick your number. Tell your lawyer. That's it. Don't change it. 20% of $114 million is $22.8 million. That leaves you with $91.2 million. DO NOT CONSULT WITH FAMILY when deciding how much to give to family. You are going to get advice that is badly tainted by conflict of interest, and if other family members find out that Aunt Flo was consulted and they weren't you will never hear the end of it. Neither will Aunt Flo. This might later form the basis for an allegation that Aunt Flo unduly influenced you and a lawsuit might magically appear on this basis. No, I'm not kidding. I know of one circumstance (related to a business windfall, not a lottery) where the plaintiffs WON this case.Do NOT give anyone cash. Ever. Period. Just don't. Do not buy them houses. Do not buy them cars. Tell your attorney that you want to provide for your family, and that you want to set up a series of trusts for them that will total 20% of your after tax winnings. Tell him you want the trust empowered to fund higher education, some help (not a total) purchase of their first home, some provision for weddings and the like, whatever. Do NOT put yourself in the position of handing out cash. Once you do, if you stop, you will be accused of being a heartless bastard (or bitch). Trust me. It won't go well.It will be easy to lose perspective. It is now the duty of your friends, family, relatives, hangers-on and their inner circle to skew your perspective, and they take this job quite seriously. Setting up a trust, a managed fund for your family that is in the double digit millions is AMAZINGLY generous. You need never have trouble sleeping because you didn't lend Uncle Jerry $20,000 in small denomination unmarked bills to start his chain of deep-fried peanut butter pancake restaurants. ("Deep'n 'nutter Restaurants") Your attorney will have a number of good ideas how to parse this wealth out without turning your siblings/spouse/children/grandchildren/cousins/waitresses into the latest Paris Hilton. change all telephone numbers and ensure the new ones are unlisted before going to claim the prize stop home mail delivery. Get a PO Box, and if your postal service allows it, ensure that mail is only delivered if it is addressed to the family members whose names are listed as belonging to the PO Box. Change all your billing records to the new address and phone number before claiming the prize. once you have eventually claimed the prize, do not read mail from sources you do not know. The sob stories will break your heart. Save yourself the anguish and do not read them In some jurisdictions (including mine), you have to agree to some minor publicity when you collect your prize. This can frequently mean a photograph and your name in the media. I have a few pieces of advice for this:only one person should collect the winnings. You want to minimize the chance that you are going to be recognized. If there is more than one person in the photo, then there is double the chance that one of you might get recognized. Try to be as anonymous as possible. ask that the novelty cheque and subsequent media release name you without using your full name. So if you are John Quincy Smith, ask to be identified as "J.Q. Smith." This doesn't work as well if you have an uncommon family name, but in some cases it can help anonymize you a bit. if you're likely to be photographed, then now's the time to play dress up. Wear a hat. Wear sunglasses if you can. Men, grow some facial hair. You are going to get your 15 minutes of fame, whether you like it or not, so my advice is to look as unidentifiable as possible when you go to get your prize. if the lottery corporation has prize offices in more than one location, collect your prize at a location that is as far away as possible and/or where you know the fewest people before collecting the prize, you will have already made your arrangements for the funds. Collect the cheque and immediately deliver it (to the bank, to your lawyer, wherever you have made your previous arrangements). as soon as you deposit your winnings, you and your family need to disappear for a month. Most of the excitement and focus will be in the immediate aftermath of you winning the prize. Now is the time for you and your family to rent a cottage on a beach in a foreign country and lay low 4. You will be encouraged to hire an investment manager. Considerable pressure will be applied. Don't.Investment managers charge fees, usually a percentage of assets. Consider this: If they charge 1% (which is low, I doubt you could find this deal, actually) they have to beat the market by 1% every year just to break even with a general market index fund. It is not worth it, and you don't need the extra return or the extra risk. Go for the index fund instead if you must invest in stocks. This is a hard rule to follow. They will come recommended by friends. They will come recommended by family. They will be your second cousin on your mother's side. Investment managers will sound smart. They will have lots of cool acronyms. They will have nice PowerPoint presentations. They might (MIGHT) pay for your shrimp cocktail lunch at TGI Friday's while reminding you how poor their side of the family is. They live for this stuff.You should smile, thank them for their time, and then tell them you will get back to them next week. Don't sign ANYTHING. Don't write it on a cocktail napkin (lottery lawsuit cases have been won and lost over drunkenly scrawled cocktail napkin addition and subtraction figures with lots of zeros on them). Never call them back. Trust me. You will thank me later. This tactic, smiling, thanking people for their time, and promising to get back to people, is going to have to become familiar. You will have to learn to say no gently, without saying the word "no." It sounds underhanded. Sneaky. It is. And its part of your new survival strategy. I mean the word "survival" quite literally.Get all this figured out BEFORE you claim your winnings. They aren't going anywhere. Just relax./ 5. If you elect to be more global about your paranoia, use between 20.00% and 33.00% of what you have not decided to commit to a family fund IMMEDIATELY to purchase a combination of longer term U.S. treasuries (5 or 10 year are a good idea) and perhaps even another G7 treasury instrument. This is your safety net. You will be protected... from yourself.You are going to be really tempted to starting being a big investor. You are going to be convinced that you can double your money in Vegas with your awesome Roulette system/by funding your friend's amazing idea to sell Lemming dung/buying land for oil drilling/by shorting the North Pole Ice market (global warming, you know). This all sounds tempting because "Even if I lose it all I still have $XX million left! Anyone could live on that comfortably for the rest of their life." Yeah, except for 33% of everyone who won the lottery.You're not going to double your money, so cool it. Let me say that again. You're not going to double your money, so cool it. Right now, you'll get around 3.5% on the 10 year U.S. treasury. With $18.2 million (20% of $91.2 mil after your absurdly generous family gift) invested in those you will pull down $638,400 per year. If everything else blows up, you still have that, and you will be in the top 1% of income in the United States. So how about you not fuck with it. Eh? And that's income that is damn safe. If we get to the point where the United States defaults on those instruments, we are in far worse shape than worrying about money.If you are really paranoid, you might consider picking another G7 or otherwise mainstream country other than the U.S. according to where you want to live if the United States dissolves into anarchy or Britney Spears is elected to the United States Senate. Put some fraction in something like Swiss Government Bonds at 3%. If the Swiss stop paying on their government debt, well, then you know money really means nothing anywhere on the globe anymore. I'd study small field sustainable agriculture if you think this is a possibility. You might have to start feeding yourself./ 6. That leaves, say, 80% of $91.2 million or $72.9 million.Here is where things start to get less clear. Personally, I think you should dump half of this, or $36.4 million, into a boring S&P 500 index fund. Find something with low fees. You are going to be constantly tempted to retain "sophisticated" advisers who charge "nominal fees." Don't. Period. Even if you lose every other dime, you have $638,400 per year you didn't have before that will keep coming in until the United States falls into chaos. Fuck advisers and their fees. Instead, drop your $36.4 million in the market in a low fee vehicle. Unless we have an unprecedented downturn the likes of which the United States has never seen, should return around 7.00% or so over the next 10 years. You should expect to touch not even a dime of this money for 10 or 15 or even 20 years. In 20 years $36.4 million could easily become $115 million./ 7. So you have put a safety net in place.You have provided for your family beyond your wildest dreams. And you still have $36.4 million in "cash." You know you will be getting $638,400 per year unless the capital building is burning, you don't ever need to give anyone you care about cash, since they are provided for generously and responsibly (and can't blow it in Vegas) and you have a HUGE nest egg that is growing at market rates. (Given the recent dip, you'll be buying in at great prices for the market). What now? Whatever you want. Go ahead and burn through $36.4 million in hookers and blow if you want. You've got more security than 99% of the country. A lot of it is in trusts so even if you are sued your family will live well, and progress across generations. If your lawyer is worth his salt (I bet he is) then you will be insulated from most lawsuits anyhow. Buy a nice house or two, make sure they aren't stupid investments though. Go ahead and be an angel investor and fund some startups, but REFUSE to do it for anyone you know. (Friends and money, oil and water - Michael Corleone) Play. Have fun. You earned it by putting together the shoe sizes of your whole family on one ticket and winning the jackpot. via /r/LifeProTips
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davedimartino · 7 years
New This Week 10.20.08
It's a big week for rock 'n' roll fans, as AC/DC--the legendary Australian rock band who set an entire generation on the "Highway To Hell"--has returned with their first new studio album in eight years.
In these days of short-term artists who blaze to the forefront of pop with a giant hit single and then slowly fade away, how nice it is to encounter actual "career artists" in this day and age.
That said, eight years is a long time for any band to stay out of the spotlight--even giants like AC/DC--so the question of whether they still "have it"--that is, whether they still rock like nobody's business or are instead old, washed-up, kangaroo-loving rock hobbyists looking to relive their respective youths all over again--remains.
Plus, High School Musical 3 is out!
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  AC/DC: Black Ice (Columbia) In a remarkable retail coup, AC/DC's new album is exclusively available at Wal-Mart, so you can bet your boots that I--like most of my metal-loving friends--was waiting in line this morning to pick my copy right up! Unfortunately, at my Wal-Mart, the music section is sort of at the back of the store. And while walking there I noticed a fantastic deal on Hawaiian Punch--my favorite non-carbonated beverage--and an incredible bargain on one of those hats that have beer can holders and a straw on top! Who could pass that up? Heading toward the music section, I noticed a stylish apron/dishtowel set I just know my mom would love this Christmas, so guess what? My hands were suddenly full! Planning to return after hitting the checkout counter, I ran into some guy with tattoos and a crewcut  who mentioned the album was actually streaming that very minute on the Wal-Mart website! Wow! So I drove home, checked out the site, and am listening to it right now! It's great!
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 Various Artists: High School Musical 3: Senior Year (Walt Disney) If you thought High School Musical 2 was something of a shocker--with the original kids slightly older and at a small private college--this sequel will completely astound you! Taking the concept of "senior" to shockingly literal heights, the plot now features the gang white-haired and, frankly, doddering in the confines of an oddly nameless senior retirement home! Thus there are therefore two entirely different meanings to be had with such songs as "Right Here, Right Now," "A Night To Remember," and--perhaps most harrowing--"We're All In This Together (Graduation Mix)" likely to chill the most sensitive among us thoroughly to the bone! So it's pretty cool!
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 Labelle: Back To Now (Verve) A great return from the marvelously talented Labelle, a trio whose talents were evident back in the early '60s (as three-fourths of Patti LaBelle & the Bluebelles) and highly conspicuous in the early '70s, most notably via the international smash "Lady Marmalade." The three ladies here--Patti LaBelle, Nona Hendryx and Sarah Dash--sound like they never left, and the music behind them, by Gamble & Huff, Lenny Kravitz and Wyclef Jean, is contextually perfect. Closing track "Miss Otis Regrets" was actually recorded in 1969, but for the most part, that's the only real backward look from this yet again, very forward-looking trio. Give it a spin and then watch Jason & The Argonauts!  
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 Various Artists: Love Train: The Sound Of Philadelphia (Philadelphia International/Legacy) Speaking of legendary producers Gamble and huff, they're all over this superb collection of tracks from the Philadelphia International label--71 songs on 4 CDs, all filled with pure joy and pop standards. With nearly every hit you'd want from such artists as Billy Paul, the O'Jays, Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes, and countless others, the set pops with a consistency and verve that's almost astonishing in retrospect. Interestingly. the last track on the set, Patti LaBelle's "If Only You Knew," originally appeared in 1983--exactly the same year music stopped being good anymore! Heck, just buy this and move on to other consumer disposables!  
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 Lee Ann Womack: Call Me Crazy (MCA Nashville) No, despite all the rumors and the album cover and the title, it isn't true that country star Womack had the upper two-thirds of her body removed in a plastic surgery mishap--because there's plenty of lung-power to be heard here! Featuring guest appearances by George Strait and Keith Urban, Womack's latest set is an expertly produced collection that any self-respecting country music fan will find immensely pleasing!  Call her crazy? Crazy like a fox! But not like that annoying cartoon guy in the comercial!
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 Mary Mary: The Sound (Columbia) Inevitable comparisons to Duran Duran notwithstanding, this polished duo merge gospel, R&B and pop in a manner that's as fresh and invigorating as a spring rain or an old-fashioned Orange Julius! With guest appearances by David Banner, Kerra "KiKi" Sheard, and Deborah Winans, The Sound mixes up faith-filled tracks like "God In Me" and "I Worship You" with the intriguingly titled "Dirt" and is inspirational listening throughout! They certainly seem pleasant!
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 Brett Dennen: Hope For The Hopeless (Dualtone) Anyone who's seen this appealing singer/songwriter in full performance mode knows how appealing he is, and his recent tours with John Mayer, Colbie Calliat and Sheryl Crow ensured that many people saw him indeed. The follow-up to his So Much More, this CD is--like the singer--warm, emotional, uplifting and so gosh-darned huggable you just want to put it under your pillow and close your eyes so hard you start to see spots! Yeah, just like that!  Incidentally, he's very tall!
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 The Dears: Missiles (Dangerbird) From Montreal and acclaimed in their product description as "elder statesmen of the indie rock renaissance"--which is quite an honor, sort of!--the Dears have produced a fine follow-up to Gang Of Losers, and this is it! There's 10 tracks in all, and with titles such as "Meltdown In A Major," perhaps you'll have an inkling of much of this album's subject matter! That's right--the gang is shrunken to microscopic size in a military encampment, strapped into a tiny vehicle capable of being injected directly into an army officer's bloodstream, and forced to photograph the physiological effects of excessive radiation exposure! That would actually be a cool idea, huh?
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 Of Montreal: Skeletal Lamping  (Polyvinyl) Since we just discussed the Dears, who are of Montreal, why not discuss Of Montreal, who, I am told, are dears? Certainly near the zenith of that "indie rock renaissance" thing product descriptions are always raving about, these guys are actually getting better by the minute and you should buy all their music or get left behind! Unfortunately, according to group leader Kevin Barnes, there may be a slight problem. "This record is only for broad-minded people," he told Billboard, "who like to dance, make love and freak the f**k out. It's not for most inanimate objects." So what's the problem? Simply this: CD players, turntables and even computers--they're all inanimate objects! Maybe he'll come to your town and hum a few bars of it!
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 Hank Williams III: Damn Right, Rebel Proud (Curb) He's back with a new album--though sadly it doesn't feature his recently performed "McCain-Palin Tradition," a rewriting of his earlier hit "Family Tradition."  But it does feature a track called "Candidate For Suicide," which is nearly as good and may even have a longer shelf life! Bless his heart!
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Vanessa White on life after The Saturdays – BBC News
Image copyright Vanessa White
She made her name as the youngest member of girl band The Saturdays – but Vanessa White has ditched the squeaky clean pop of All Fired Up and What About Us for an altogether more intriguing foray into sultry and infectious R&B.
It’s two o’clock on a crisp November day and Vanessa White saunters up to the gates of Ealing Studios in west London.
The film studio has played host to Shaun Of The Dead, Bridget Jones and the entire “downstairs” set of Downton Abbey – but she’s not here to film a cameo (“Can you imagine?” she giggles).
Instead, the 27-year-old climbs the fire escape of a dilapidated high-rise building, enters a propped-open door and navigates the corridors to a small back room that’s been converted into a recording studio.
Like all such facilities, it’s painted black and littered with empty liquor bottles. The walls are haphazardly decorated with polaroids of previous occupants – including US hitmakers The Chainsmokers – and, in the corner, there’s a tiny figurine of Ariel from The Little Mermaid.
Inside, Vanessa’s producers are ready and waiting, sorting through various tracks they’re hoping she might choose for her forthcoming EP.
But first, the singer has a confession: “I’ve got a sore throat and I’m a bit hung over.”
It doesn’t seem to matter. If anything, the consensus is that a husky voice is better for the material – a sultry and sumptuous serving of downtempo R&B; all heavy breathing and soaring harmonies.
Image copyright Vanessa White
Staving off the hangover with a “nourishing” lunch box, Vanessa explains her musical state of mind to the team.
“Everything I’m doing now is so dark,” she says, cueing up a song on her phone. “Not like I-want-to-kill-myself dark, but it’s quite angry.”
One of the tracks – tentatively called Trust – is seething with vitriol.
“I won’t stroke your ego,” she spits. “I’m onto you, I’m onto you. Don’t underestimate my intelligence.“
The song was inspired by encounters with “snaky people” in the music industry, she explains.
Specifically, it tackles a toxic situation in her immediate team that ended up “with the lawyers” last year.
She can’t discuss the details, but says her solo career was significantly delayed as a result: The EP she’s working on today was originally due last summer.
“There were certain songs I loved that I couldn’t use any more,” she explains. “So I’ve basically had to start again, which is why it’s taken this long.
“The silver lining is it’s given me something to write about. I’m in a much better position now, mentally.
“I used to get so scared of going in the studio with people I didn’t know but now, you could put me anywhere and I’d be fine.”
Image copyright Vanessa White
Vanessa certainly takes charge in the studio. Having brought the producers up to speed, she sits cross-legged on a sofa as they scroll through a few skeleton songs, looking for “an uptempo track with a dark heart”.
One by one, Vanessa dismisses them. “That’s too light,” she says of one. “I’m not instantly drawn to it,” is her verdict on the next.
After half a dozen tracks are waved off, engineer Day Decosta brings up a simple loop built around a gooey, pulsing bass groove.
Vanessa instantly sits up, alert. “Oh, I like this.”
She starts ad-libbing vocal riffs over the top, trading ideas with co-writer Celetia Martin, a former vocalist for Groove Armada whose credits include Skepta, Conor Maynard and, yes, The Saturdays.
Within minutes, she heads to the vocal booth. “I don’t really know what I’m doing right now,” she laughs. “I’m just going to sing loads of random nonsense.”
Image copyright Vanessa White
Slowly, painstakingly, the song takes shape. Some of the improvisations stick and are pieced together into a coherent melody. Every so often, Vanessa emerges from the booth to kneel on the floor with Celetia, and the pair go back and forth over lyrics and harmonies.
When inspiration dries up, they scroll through Instagram, gossip about TV box sets, and goof off doing the Mannequin Challenge for Vanessa’s Instagram page.
Conversation eventually turns to the singer’s upcoming holiday, a “juice retreat” in Portugal, where solid food is forbidden for an entire week.
It sounds awful (although photos from the journey suggest otherwise) – but it’s apparently the standard sort of torture female pop stars endure before the promotional round of video and photo shoots begin.
“It sounds worse than what it was,” laughs the singer when we catch up four months later.
“Honestly, if you were hungry it wasn’t like they starved you. They added more to the smoothies or they’d give you a piece of fruit. It was actually fine.
“I feel like I need another one now, that’s the problem!”
Image copyright Salute The Sun Records
In any case, the 27-year-old counts dressing up and being photographed as a perk of her job… although it wasn’t always that way.
“When I was in The Sats, it actually got a bit boring having to be made up every single day,” she says. “I stopped appreciating it.
“Now I can come to the studio looking like this and it’s fine. Dressing up has become more of a treat again.”
Back at Ealing Studios, work continues late into the night – long after the BBC has left the building, having contributed precisely zero to the writing process.
The song is ultimately destined for the scrapheap, but Trust (completely overhauled and re-titled Trust Me) makes it onto Vanessa’s Chapter Two EP, which was released last Friday.
As she predicted, it set the tone for a collection of brooding neo-soul that’s surprisingly candid about anger, lust and sexuality. Fans of The Saturdays’ chirrupy chart fodder are in for quite a surprise.
“I guess people are going to question it,” she admits of her new direction. “But I feel pop is not very me at the moment.
“It took a bit of time to find a sound that was completely right for me. Now I feel like I’ve really nailed it, and it’s obvious it’s coming from me. Once people believe that, you’re half-way there.”
Image caption Born in 1989, the star was just 17 when The Saturdays formed
Certainly, the sophisticated harmonies and complex ad-libs reflect the US singers she grew up idolising – Janet, Alliyah, Brandy and Mariah – without sounding like a cheap, plastic counterfeit.
“We’ve had a problem with that in the UK in the past,” she acknowledges. “I don’t know why we haven’t really got the sounds right before – but this is what I listened to for years and years, so I guess that’s where it’s come from.”
The EP has been well-reviewed on the sort of music sites that would have given The Saturdays a wide berth. But it’s hard to see where the music fits in the current charts, crammed full of Ed Sheeran’s acoustic pop and The Chainsmokers’ emo EDM.
“To be honest with you, I’m not even thinking about that,” says the singer. “With everything that’s happened this year, including the label stuff, I’ve ended up doing this on my own – and at this point I’m preferring it, to be honest.
“I feel like I have to run with this. I’m not going to be hard on myself and expect it to be [huge] at this point.
“Whatever happens will happen.”
Image copyright Vanessa White
Image copyright Vanessa White
Image copyright Vanessa White
Vanessa White’s Chapter Two EP is out now on Salute The Sun Records.
Follow us on Facebook, on Twitter @BBCNewsEnts, or on Instagram at bbcnewsents. If you have a story suggestion email [email protected].
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from Vanessa White on life after The Saturdays – BBC News
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
Image copyright Vanessa White
She made her name as the youngest member of girl band The Saturdays – but Vanessa White has ditched the squeaky clean pop of All Fired Up and What About Us for an altogether more intriguing foray into sultry and infectious R&B.
It’s two o’clock on a crisp November day and Vanessa White saunters up to the gates of Ealing Studios in west London.
The film studio has played host to Shaun Of The Dead, Bridget Jones and the entire “downstairs” set of Downton Abbey – but she’s not here to film a cameo (“Can you imagine?” she giggles).
Instead, the 27-year-old climbs the fire escape of a dilapidated high-rise building, enters a propped-open door and navigates the corridors to a small back room that’s been converted into a recording studio.
Like all such facilities, it’s painted black and littered with empty liquor bottles. The walls are haphazardly decorated with polaroids of previous occupants – including US hitmakers The Chainsmokers – and, in the corner, there’s a tiny figurine of Ariel from The Little Mermaid.
Inside, Vanessa’s producers are ready and waiting, sorting through various tracks they’re hoping she might choose for her forthcoming EP.
But first, the singer has a confession: “I’ve got a sore throat and I’m a bit hung over.”
It doesn’t seem to matter. If anything, the consensus is that a husky voice is better for the material – a sultry and sumptuous serving of downtempo R&B; all heavy breathing and soaring harmonies.
Image copyright Vanessa White
Staving off the hangover with a “nourishing” lunch box, Vanessa explains her musical state of mind to the team.
“Everything I’m doing now is so dark,” she says, cueing up a song on her phone. “Not like I-want-to-kill-myself dark, but it’s quite angry.”
One of the tracks – tentatively called Trust – is seething with vitriol.
“I won’t stroke your ego,” she spits. “I’m onto you, I’m onto you. Don’t underestimate my intelligence.“
The song was inspired by encounters with “snaky people” in the music industry, she explains.
Specifically, it tackles a toxic situation in her immediate team that ended up “with the lawyers” last year.
She can’t discuss the details, but says her solo career was significantly delayed as a result: The EP she’s working on today was originally due last summer.
“There were certain songs I loved that I couldn’t use any more,” she explains. “So I’ve basically had to start again, which is why it’s taken this long.
“The silver lining is it’s given me something to write about. I’m in a much better position now, mentally.
“I used to get so scared of going in the studio with people I didn’t know but now, you could put me anywhere and I’d be fine.”
Image copyright Vanessa White
Vanessa certainly takes charge in the studio. Having brought the producers up to speed, she sits cross-legged on a sofa as they scroll through a few skeleton songs, looking for “an uptempo track with a dark heart”.
One by one, Vanessa dismisses them. “That’s too light,” she says of one. “I’m not instantly drawn to it,” is her verdict on the next.
After half a dozen tracks are waved off, engineer Day Decosta brings up a simple loop built around a gooey, pulsing bass groove.
Vanessa instantly sits up, alert. “Oh, I like this.”
She starts ad-libbing vocal riffs over the top, trading ideas with co-writer Celetia Martin, a former vocalist for Groove Armada whose credits include Skepta, Conor Maynard and, yes, The Saturdays.
Within minutes, she heads to the vocal booth. “I don’t really know what I’m doing right now,” she laughs. “I’m just going to sing loads of random nonsense.”
Image copyright Vanessa White
Slowly, painstakingly, the song takes shape. Some of the improvisations stick and are pieced together into a coherent melody. Every so often, Vanessa emerges from the booth to kneel on the floor with Celetia, and the pair go back and forth over lyrics and harmonies.
When inspiration dries up, they scroll through Instagram, gossip about TV box sets, and goof off doing the Mannequin Challenge for Vanessa’s Instagram page.
Conversation eventually turns to the singer’s upcoming holiday, a “juice retreat” in Portugal, where solid food is forbidden for an entire week.
It sounds awful (although photos from the journey suggest otherwise) – but it’s apparently the standard sort of torture female pop stars endure before the promotional round of video and photo shoots begin.
“It sounds worse than what it was,” laughs the singer when we catch up four months later.
“Honestly, if you were hungry it wasn’t like they starved you. They added more to the smoothies or they’d give you a piece of fruit. It was actually fine.
“I feel like I need another one now, that’s the problem!”
Image copyright Salute The Sun Records
In any case, the 27-year-old counts dressing up and being photographed as a perk of her job… although it wasn’t always that way.
“When I was in The Sats, it actually got a bit boring having to be made up every single day,” she says. “I stopped appreciating it.
“Now I can come to the studio looking like this and it’s fine. Dressing up has become more of a treat again.”
Back at Ealing Studios, work continues late into the night – long after the BBC has left the building, having contributed precisely zero to the writing process.
The song is ultimately destined for the scrapheap, but Trust (completely overhauled and re-titled Trust Me) makes it onto Vanessa’s Chapter Two EP, which was released last Friday.
As she predicted, it set the tone for a collection of brooding neo-soul that’s surprisingly candid about anger, lust and sexuality. Fans of The Saturdays’ chirrupy chart fodder are in for quite a surprise.
“I guess people are going to question it,” she admits of her new direction. “But I feel pop is not very me at the moment.
“It took a bit of time to find a sound that was completely right for me. Now I feel like I’ve really nailed it, and it’s obvious it’s coming from me. Once people believe that, you’re half-way there.”
Image caption Born in 1989, the star was just 17 when The Saturdays formed
Certainly, the sophisticated harmonies and complex ad-libs reflect the US singers she grew up idolising – Janet, Alliyah, Brandy and Mariah – without sounding like a cheap, plastic counterfeit.
“We’ve had a problem with that in the UK in the past,” she acknowledges. “I don’t know why we haven’t really got the sounds right before – but this is what I listened to for years and years, so I guess that’s where it’s come from.”
The EP has been well-reviewed on the sort of music sites that would have given The Saturdays a wide berth. But it’s hard to see where the music fits in the current charts, crammed full of Ed Sheeran’s acoustic pop and The Chainsmokers’ emo EDM.
“To be honest with you, I’m not even thinking about that,” says the singer. “With everything that’s happened this year, including the label stuff, I’ve ended up doing this on my own – and at this point I’m preferring it, to be honest.
“I feel like I have to run with this. I’m not going to be hard on myself and expect it to be [huge] at this point.
“Whatever happens will happen.”
Image copyright Vanessa White
Image copyright Vanessa White
Image copyright Vanessa White
Vanessa White’s Chapter Two EP is out now on Salute The Sun Records.
Follow us on Facebook, on Twitter @BBCNewsEnts, or on Instagram at bbcnewsents. If you have a story suggestion email [email protected].
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Read more: http://ift.tt/2nR2q5B
 The post Vanessa White on life after The Saturdays – BBC News appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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