#i originally was just going to make the jacket version but fully drew his body once i saw the bts photos of fang's tattoos
thescarvedinsect · 11 months
Fang offers you a hug.
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Version without jacket below (I couldn't resist.)
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tuxedaaron · 1 year
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For those of you who have read my Danny Phantom fanfic series, what you're looking at probably answers a lot of questions. I described them well enough in my first fic, "Facing the Future", but you never really got to see them fully until now (not counting, of course, that teaser picture I drew earlier). Anyway, yes, the first picture is Future Danny, the version of Danny brought back to the present by Clockwork to fight Dark Danny when he escaped from the Fenton Thermos. What you're seeing is the three forms Danny uses in the story. First comes his human form, which is about as standard as you can get Unlike Future Sam (who is in the next pic), Danny prefers pretty simple attire. Next comes his ghost form, which really isn't as different as you might think. Truth be told, he still wears his traditional Danny Phantom costume when he transforms. He's just wearing it under a motocross jacket and track pants. But the third form is probably what's going to throw you all off a bit. Don't worry, Dark Danny felt just the same way. This is actually a secondary transformation that Danny has acquired. Actually Danny in the present has instinctively changed into this form a couple of times in my series (once during "Facing the Future" as well). But unlike young Danny, who flies into a mindless rage whenever this transformation comes over him (the second time it happened, he nearly beat Vlad to death), Of course, more recently in my fics, Danny has actually gained the ability to control himself in this form and can transform in and out of it at will. Nevertheless, while this form makes him at least three times stronger and faster than his standard ghost form, the strain it puts on Danny's body has shown to be potentially fatal if he maintains it for too long. Even in the future, stronger though he is, Danny can only hold the transformation for a few minutes before having to change back. And even then, the ordeal drains him considerably. (Oh, for the record, Dannv's jacket is supposed to have a hood on the back, but I completely forgot to add it in. And it wasn't until I had the picture re-sized and saved that I finally realized. So...just pretend that it's there.) Moving on, we have Future Sam, who also made her appearance in my fist DP fanfic, "Facing the Future" and was also brought to the present by Clockwork to fight an escaped Dark Danny. In fact, it was this encounter with her future self and learning that she was half ghost that drove the Sam of the present to recreate Danny's original accident in the Fenton Portal and gain ghost powers of her own. Anyway, here we have Sam in the three forms she uses in the story. The first is her human form, which, is very elaborate in terms of the clothes she wears. As you can see, even in her mid-20s, Sam still hasn't outgrown the goth thing and has even taken it further with almost every kind of piercing a person can get. Next is her ghost form, where she has again taken her original teen ghost look and evolved it. Next comes her secondary ghost form, which is very much like Danny's with regards to the power increase. And if the grown fangs and twisted grin have you thinking this form makes her every bit as vicious as well...trust me, go with the feeling. However, since this second form also has the exact same weakness in terms of the strain it puts on her body, she can only maintain it for brief periods. Unlike Danny, however, Young Sam in the present hasn't gained this form...yet. But anyway, here are some more detailed images of Future Danny and Future Sam for those of you who've read my stories and tried desperately to picture her. And for those of you who haven't read my fics yet, perhaps seeing these pics will inspire you to do so. Either way, hope you like what you see.
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rotshop · 3 years
UGHHH this is so bad. (head in hands) LOOK. look. im sleepy tired and i just needed to warm up w/ something and also took exactly One break during this to grab a dirnk !!! shhh.
This was by far the worst situation you could've been in. Nevadean winters were a simple fact of how it was, but that didn't take any of the bite from the freezing winds. Some years, it would be a decent one, there would be a fair amount of hot and cold days and little snow. Not entirely pleasant, but you could work with it with in relative ease. Other years though, the season seemed to just throw it all at you, shoving everything off the shelves and toppling dominoes to see how you'd fair. It was the cruelest whenever those years came about.
This though? This had to be a fucking joke.
The others had already been on edge about the mission, as you and your partner didn't exactly have the best relationship. There'd been several attempts to switch things around so that threat would be eliminated, but ultimately they'd proven fruitless. So, with great reluctance they went along with it, though Deimos had been particularly adamant on you all meeting back up as soon as possible. He'd been especially antsy and anxious as the mission had drawn ever closer, voicing the most concerns and posing the most questions to you. He wasn't the greatest at hiding his worries when it came to those he considered close, you admired that about him.
It was almost funny with how right he'd been to worry about it. Not only had there been far ore agents and mags than expected, there was also jack shit worth taking. Obviously, this had been some sort of trap in an attempt to catch you all off guard. It'd worked, evidently, just not in the way they'd probably expected. At some point or another, it was decided you all had to get out and go. Sanford was far too injured to continue on, 2b was too stressed to think straight, and you and Hank had the luck of getting trapped on the other side of base.
You didn't exactly feel too surprised when you'd been yanked up by the back of your shirt and thrown into the back of a truck, door slamming shut seconds after. You could see a hoard of agents and mags alike nearing closer, unable to tear your gaze away from them even as your partner got in the driver's seat. There was a bit of commotion from them, barking into the comms. about needing to get out and go. You were still too distracted even when they'd begun to speed off, and far too distracted to hear Deimos' confused shouting get cut.
You could tell it was coming, somewhere in between all the pre-existing stress and dread. It was like your own version of getting a headache shortly before it storms, except all it did was tell you you'd be royally fucked for the next day or few. It was always a little too hard for you to decipher exactly how long it would be, a little too fuzzy of a reading for you to say anything accurate on the matter. All you could tell was that it was coming soon, it wouldn't stop just for your less than friendly company.
Three days. You'd been stuck driving out here for three days now.
Originally, the plan was to drive off until the agents would give up, turn around, and go back to base to find the others. It'd started off easy enough, the agents chasing after you seeming to lose interest in the hunt after a good while, turning and leaving. You weren't sure why at the moment, but the action had shifted something uncomfortably in your chest. It just felt too easy, too convenient.
You'd soon figured it out when the storm had started to kick in. It didn't seem too bad at first, a minor inconvenience that drew a little grumble and a lean forward in their seat from your companion. Then, it'd worsened and worsened. By this point, neither of you knew where you were. Sure, the anti-aahw had been all over Nevada- but that was just of the Nevada they knew about. It wouldn't be far fetched to suggest you'd both gotten turned around and were now god knows where.
Eventually, it was decided there was no progress that could be made here. You'd both have to either hope for a place to stay or that the car wouldn't fair too uncomfortably. Which, considering the lack of space in it and you with far too little energy to get into an argument, the first would be the blessing of the two. It wasn't too long until your quiet prayers from the back seat had been answered, the faintest of outlines among the storm showing some form of shelter. You could already feel exhaustion settling in, far too quickly for your own comfort. By the time Hank had pulled over to walk in, he'd had to reach into the backseat and tug you by the collar of your shirt with an impatient noise, a gentle encouragement laced with the threat of dragging you out.
You were sure you couldn't have pulled your legs further to your chest than you already had. Your spine was already beginning to set with soon-to-be-aches and cramps as you curled into yourself. You'd attempted to keep yourself as taut as possible, not wanting to look as pathetic as you felt in that moment, half-shaking on the cold hard floor of some abandoned complex. Hank had gone off a while ago, leaving you in the lobby to go look for a room to stay in- a room for him to stay in.
You'd lost track of time, too focused on trying to keep it all together as your mind threatened to go blank and shut down. It was the worst when it was like this, where you could only lay and hope for exhaustion to kick you into sleep at one point or another. Your limbs all felt heavy with weight, uncomfortable with just how impossible it seemed to move them. Every part of your body felt locked up, stuck and stiff how it was when you'd dropped down to the floor. You were at least glad you'd fallen to face the door, able to see the snow falling from your position.
Sure, it was the cause of your current estrangement. Yes, it meant you were stuck with the man who hated your guts with a burning passion. Despite all that, it was still pretty. It was surreal to see the sky something other than a burning red, though that oddness was fully welcomed if it meant a break from that damned color.
You'd been snapped out of your daze by a light nudge to your back, you attempted to summon up a sound of acknowledgement- coming up with nothing. The lack of a response earned another, rougher nudge, shoving against your spine uncomfortably. You'd jumped away from the contact with a little mix of a whine and hiss, head jerking back to meet the eyes of your 'assailant.' Red lenses met your gaze, looming over you from your place on the ground.
"Get off the floor and come with me," it wasn't a request. He'd always been especially bossy with you, a little colder and more detached from you. It didn't take a genius to tell he was on less than stellar terms with you.
You didn't have time to stagger up onto your feet, a hand finding its way to the collar of your shirt to yank you up once more. The world spun around you in a haze as you stumbled forward, attempting to re-balance yourself as best as you could in the short breath you were given. Apparently, it hadn't worked well, you ending up crashing into Hank in the process. He'd barely stirred at the movement, still as a statue despite your disturbance. Distantly, you'd noticed how his hands had moved to your back, keeping you upright. You'd also noticed how they weren't a bruising grip on your form-
You'd blinked. You had no clue what he'd even asked, did he ask anything in the first place? I mean, you could've totally just imagined it. Maybe you were just dreaming already, it happens sometimes..
"I don't ask questions just for you to not answer. Can you walk?"
You'd opened your mouth to speak, shutting it shortly after. Your tongue was like lead in your mouth and your voice seemed to have gone for a walk. You weren't going to play the chances of you not answering again. Instead, you'd simply given a little nod. He was..surprisingly warm, in all honesty. You found yourself leaning further into him, unconsciously nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck.
He seemed satisfied by the answer, giving a little grunt of acknowledgement before pulling away. You'd caught yourself before you'd fallen, sleep snapping from you momentarily again as reality came back. By the time you found some sort of feelings in your legs again, he was already down the hall, not waiting for you by any means. You were grateful for the little burst of energy that'd found you, stumbling after him quickly.
You were reaching for his arm before you could really even process it, holding onto him once more in a moment of unconscious indulgence. You missed the little curious glance he gave you, and the way he'd pulled his arm (and subsequently you) a little closer to him. Admittedly, you leaning onto him so much did force him to slow down a bit, much to his chagrin. He didn't make any comment about it though. You didn't either, happy to just stay close as you just barely stayed awake enough to continue walking with him.
The mattress felt far more comfortable than the floor.
"Better than laying on tile, isn't it?" Came the sarcastic question.
Nevermind, fuck this mattress.
You'd given a little hum, stirring a bit as you got comfortable. You were still curled up as small as you could, some sort of attempt to salvage what little heat you had. The thin fleece blankets didn't offer much relief from the elements, serving more as an empty pressure laying on you. Despite that though, it seemed you were given some mercy, as you were just edging into unconsciousness.
"I'll be in the next room over so don't be loud, alright?"
You'd nodded slowly. There was a pause. There was an abnormally long pause, to be exact. After a few breaths you could hear the clinking of metal and the shuffling of cloth. Curiously, you'd poked your head up, looking at the man over your shoulder in confusion. He'd met your gaze, pausing for the briefest of moments as he tugged his jacket off.
"What're you doin?..." you'd managed, words slurring together drearily.
He'd given a short 'tsk,' continuing his previous ministrations as he answered. "What I'm doing is making sure you don't go into some little coma on me, I'm not carrying your ass around if you pass out that hard. That's on you."
You'd given a little displeased hum at his words, narrowing your eyes slightly at him. He didn't react. Laying your head back down, you'd sighed in some sort of content, peaceful enough in the deteriorating room. You could feel yourself falling asleep, thought slipping from you as you finally found some sot of rest.
Just before you really fell unconscious though, you could feel the weight of a jacket being draped over you. You could've sworn you felt a hand settle on your arm for a moment, tracing a few shapes and lines idly before reluctantly pulling away. You were so sure you heard the faintest of 'Goodnight,'s before the door clicked shut. You could have just been hearing things or dreaming them up, though. You'd just have to ask him about it in the morning.
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apothecarywormcrud · 4 years
11 and 13 for Masato? 👀 i wanna say all of them for Masato but.
oh i am DOING all of them i wanna talk about masato
or. well. most of them. 
1. Does your insert have a name that’s different from yours? Does the name reflect their character in any way, or is it just because it sounds nice? How did you come up with it?
I’ve talked about this before, but Masato’s name is very specifically spelled 眞人, (the kanji for “real” and “human,” respectively.) I sorta knew from the start that I wanted to give them a name with 人 in it; something deliberately ironic, because Mayuri is a dick who loves a bad joke. 
(It’s a particularly cruel joke in the context of Masato’s original backstory, where they were meant to be an experiment in what happens when you let someone think they’re a real person and then strip that assumption away. But I wanted to give them sick powers, so that was shunted to the sidelines.) 
2. Does your insert have a very strong relationship with a f/o, maybe more than one? 
I talk about Szayel enough on here so I’m gonna talk about Nnoitra instead. In my version of canon, his mask is cracked open by Kenpachi, reducing him to a state similar to Nel’s. (That’s karmic retribution, bitch!) Suffice to say he’s pretty upset about this, and proceeds to skulk about Las Noches refusing to let anyone see him until Szayel gets back to fix things. 
Masato meets him by chance when their powers are still sealed up post-jailbreak (this one’s seal 2: electric boogaloo) and is all like, what’s with this sassy lost pre-teen? Eventually they become sparring partners, since while Nnoitra’s regaining his powers, Masato is the only person in Las Noches capable of fighting at such a low level; and once he’s got them back, they can go hog-wild without worrying about fucking him up too much. Their relationship doesn’t have the same...belligerent romantic tension that Masato and Szayel’s does, but Nnoitra is fond of Masato, even if he’s horrible at admitting it. They’re friends and they suck! 
More abt. Nnoitra actually bc I love this song: nerfing him puts him in a position where he’s forced to rely on other people, and despite feeling totally worthless and vulnerable and having to undergo the humiliation of being protected, there’s also the experience of being told, “So what if you don’t have any power? That doesn’t make me respect you any less.” So he has the opportunity to build his self-worth back up based on something less subjective, and now he can actually interact with other people on the same level, which is great news for Tesla, who gets to strengthen his spine and be truly up front about his feelings, because Nnoitra no longer has any power over him. 
I think, for relationships like these, finding a level playing field is super important! And I’ve always been fascinated by characters who develop in opposition to one another and eventually meet in the middle. Masato and Szayel are also that way, in that they round out some of his edges, and he sharpens some of theirs, and the actual feelings proper don’t start developing until a ways in, and they’re not even admitted until post-canon, because in order to even consider that sort of relationship, the two of them have to come to respect each other first. Enemies-to-lovers is a fucking ART. 
3. Who in their canon are they closest to? 
Kurosaki fam and by extension, Ichigo’s friends. Masato has commissioned at least one custom jacket from Uryu. Also Arrancar Squad and my friend Percy’s insert Juro, who’s a creepy little goth weirdo and a visored.  
4. Does your insert have a backstory? Tell us about it! How does their backstory, if any, define who they are? 
Masato is a mod-soul based off of Mayuri’s quincy research. They’re designed to passively absorb reishi until at max capacity (which is quite large), at which point they can be forcefully “detonated,” destroying them in the process and causing a significant amount of damage to the surrounding area as the stored reishi is released. As a weapon, they’re highly experimental—meant as a last resort rather than something put to regular use. 
Mayuri dumped them in the human world, where their reishi absorption wouldn’t negatively impact the Seireitei, and planned to let them simmer there for about ten years. There’s a seal incorporated into their gigai that not only blocks them from accessing the reishi inside of them, but prevents any outside force (such as hollows) from sensing it. 
Once they become aware of what they are, Masato gets big anxious about anything that implies they’re not a real person. I’d love to salvage Kon’s original personality from before he was relegated to pervy comic relief because I think there’s the potential for some interesting interactions there. 
5. Does your insert have any magical talents or otherwise special abilities? 
Passive reishi absorption, and after Uruhara modifies their gigai so they can access their power reserves, they can vent it from their body and use the force to blast themselves around or add more power to their blows. Their body is about as resilient as a normal human’s, but the only way they can truly “die” is if their soul candy is crushed, which means that injuries that would normally be fatal are just excruciatingly painful. This definitely isn’t just an excuse for me to fuck them up beyond all belief. 
Due to Szayel’s tinkering, they eventually end up as what’s effectively an artificial Quincy. 
6. Do they fight? What’s their weapon of choice? What’s the motivation for them to fight, or to stay OUT of a fight?
They prefer not to fight if they can avoid it, but if shit gets real then they won’t hesitate, bitch. They’re reasonably proficient with a blade after several years of kendo training, and like to bring a practice sword into dangerous situations. It’s not going to do much good against the likes of shinigami or hollows, but it makes them feel more secure, and it’s a good misdirection tactic. 
Due to the whole “functionally unkillable” thing, they’re also far more likely to take risks in battle, and have a tendency to rush in without thinking when one of their comrades is hurt. 
7. What kind of clothing style do they like? What would they never be caught dead wearing? 
It’s all cropped jackets and harem pants up in this bitch. I drew them in that sort of outfit once and now it’s all I give them. They don’t particularly care for their arrancar clothes, but it makes them less conspicuous and also, Szayel insisted on it. Can’t have your prized experiment running around looking like some sort of ragamuffin, after all. I keep meaning to write something where they visit Sastre for a fitting, because what good is having other arrancar OCs if I don’t do anything with them? 
8. How do they fit into their canon world?
A side character who tags along with the main cast but ultimately doesn’t impact events too much. They have their own wholly separate plot going for them and it involves self-actualization and kissing arrancar. 
9. Their favorite foods? Colors? Activities? What do they enjoy in life? 
Kendo, gardening, bike rides through the countryside.
11. How easy is it to make your insert angry? Sad? How easy is it to twist their emotions into negative things? 
Masato’s actually pretty difficult to rile up, unless you’re pushing some Very Specific buttons (personhood is the big one), at which point they become incredibly easy to mess with. Szayel is...uncomfortably good at making them upset. 
13. What are your insert’s goals? 
Up to a certain point, they were happy to live a normal life and protect the people around them when called for. Then they wind up back in Mayuri’s lab and proceed to jailbreak Szayelaporro, retreat to Hueco Mundo, and strike a deal with him in order to gain more power and get mutual revenge on Mayuri. 
Post-canon...they start coming to terms with the fact that their body will never age and grow like a normal human’s, and that if/when they die, their soul will effectively be destroyed, and they decide, hey, fuck that shit, actually, and do a bunch of crazy science until they’ve got that shit sorted out (ultimately becoming like Nemu, if not something that improves on her design). 
14. Does your insert have any family relations? 
Isshin was the one who found them shortly after they were dumped on Earth, and kept them around for a number of reasons (the majority of which involved his Soul Reaper Senses tingling). So Masato’s got what’s effectively an adoptive dad and three younger siblings, who they dote on and bully interchangeably (and whose last name they may or may not have borrowed) (Isshin insisted on it, actually, since it’d make the documentation easier). They have temporary solidarity with Yuzu over not being able to see spirits. 
Mayuri is....arguably family but also like, fuck that. Masato does consider Nemu to be something like a sister, though, and feels particularly protective of her the more they interact. They have just as much a desire to help Nemu escape Mayuri’s influence as they do themselves. 
15. Does your insert have any enemies? What’s that dynamic like? Why are they enemies? Did they ever get along in the past? Is patching up differences out of the question for the future?
Fuck Mayuri me and my homies all hate Mayuri. I shouldn’t really need to explain this one. He treats Masato solely as an experiment and tool for his use. Unlike with Nemu, the fact that Masato is developing on their own is more of an inconvenience than anything, and before they broke out with Szayel, Mayuri was fully intending to wipe their memories and start over from square one. There is some good news, however, which is that Masato does get their revenge and uses their shiny new Quincy powers to seal up Mayuri’s reishi and get him kicked out of the captain’s seat. 
Szayel starts off as an enemy, since you can’t really have an enemies-to-lovers plot without one. He’s done some pretty atrocious things to Masato, but he treats them significantly more like a person than Mayuri ever did. Masato has very little respect for him, and the only reason they start working with him to begin with is because he represents a means to an end. Of course, the more time they spend together, the more tolerant they become of each other...among other things. 
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anr-art-blog · 6 years
Some Fanart Pieces and its inspirations
One thing I’ve only briefly mentioned is that netrunner has an amazing fan community, and that that community puts out art and game stuff (tokens and so on) all the damn time. The biggest example of this is fan-art for cards (usually IDs, as they’re the most friendly for other players). So occasionally I’ll be posting fanart - especially if I can find who made it/get comments from them.
A particularly excellent example in this latter regard is what I’m posting today (partly because he sent me them ages ago, partly because of writers block), as the artist provided me with an in-depth look at why each piece is the way it is (and did non-ID cards). Working knowledge of the actual cards ideal but not essential. I wrote none of the following words:
"Just some headcanon descriptions of some of my alts and why I depicted them the way I did. Thought it’d be a good way to show off how I imagine characters inhabiting this world.”
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Jemison Astronautics
My alma mater is Purdue University, and outside Armstrong Hall, we have a large bronze statue of Neil Armstrong himself sitting on a slab of stone similarly to this one. Virtually everyone in the college takes a picture exactly like this one, sitting next to him and looking up at the first man on the moon. Jemison Astronautics was named after Mae Jemison, the first black female astronaut. FFG has always been good about the importance of diversity in their games, and but this hidden reference really stirred my imagination.
Here we have a young black girl, looking up at her idol. It’s personable and intimate in a way that few scenes in the setting depict. She’s young, and her legs are spread wide because she hasn’t yet been conditioned by society on the way a woman is ‘supposed’ to sit. Pure innocence.
But maybe it’s not so pure. If you look carefully, you can see a cluster of pins on her bookbag. They include, among others, logos for Weyland, the Oberth Protocol, and the SXC (the Space Expeditionary Corps). The SXC is the space-oriented version of the Marines in the setting. Once you realize this, the scene gets flipped on its head.
It’s admirable that Weyland named their flagship astronautics program on Mars after such a paragon of space exploration. However, they are also using and exploiting her image to recruit young minds to militarization and imperialist expansion.
The quote, “Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination,” is an actual Mae Jemison quote. It’s truly inspirational, and in context, it’s a striking rallying cry for continued excellence despite adversity. Weyland removes this quote from its original meaning, and with knowledge of all the devastation the megacorp has wrought, the quote is used as a sign of their continued arrogance and hubris.
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Estelle Moon
I was absolutely enamored with Estelle’s appearance when I saw her card for the first time, and resolved to make an alt of her. If there’s going to be a card that warps the meta as she did, I’m at the very least happy that it’s featuring a kind of person that isn’t normally depicted in sci-fi spaces.
In my picture, we have Estelle slurping the HB purple slushie in a rather ritzy part of town, the Laguna Velasco District. She’s showing her megacorp loyalty by wearing a Lakshmi Smartfabrics dress, white and short, fully proud of her body. She must have checked the time recently, because her watch is still showing an auspicious symbol; the signature logo for Women of Netrunner.
I love Estelle Moon. I love that she’s a non-petite Asian woman in a sci-fi setting, the kind of setting which normally doesn’t make room for people like her. I wanted to show her just having a day off, and being normal in a cyberpunk world.
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Valencia Estevez
Her story about everyone deserving redemption was extremely appealing to me. Hers was the first story of true altruism in a world of gray and black morality. Why is she so selfless? what led her down this road of Investigative Journalism and Government Investigations?
I latched onto the undercurrent of pain in her arc. She helps a nameless person out in her story, but it seems as though she’s helping someone she wishes she could have helped before. I placed her in a Catholic church, owing to the religious allusion in her name and the predominance of Catholicism in Latinx communities. She’s lighting a votive candle, a sign of respect, sorrow, and redemption for those she’s lost. Behind her in an alcove is a shadowy statue, echoing her moniker of The Angel of Cayambe.
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This one was kind of a struggle. It’s such a boring concept for a card, but I also knew everyone would want more, so I buckled down and tried to come up with something evocative.
I’d just played New Angeles, and I’m stronger with figurative art, so I leaned on the two megacorps in that game that aren’t the Big Four in ANR. Melange Mining Corp is a well known neutral card, and I figured I’d save GlobalSec’s executive for a more action oriented card.
In IPO, we have Yuri Talunik watching his profits rise as the public offering goes off splendidly. He looks dour and somewhat informal, but signs of his wealth abound in the surroundings. He wears a jacket of genuine animal leather, a rarity in a world full of Jinteki soybeef. His glass of whisky (which can only be properly distilled on Earth and had to be imported) rests on a large slab of authentic dead-tree wood. It would have cost a fortune to get actual wood up the Beanstalk to the moon, where everything is made of plascrete. All the while, his He3 mining operation continues without a hitch in the background.
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This one doesn’t have a huge connection to the lore of the game, but it’s funny because I drew this at the same time as IPO. Diesel took three hours, IPO took well over twenty, and I think Diesel came out as the better piece of art, lol.
This one was inspired by watching the people in my office drink can after can of Monster Energy Drink and watching out trash can overflow with the crumpled cans. My favorite one-off character, soybeef taco dude from Freelance Coding Contract, continues to code well into the night in the background.
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Temujin Contract
This one didn’t have any description, though apparently it’s based really closely on a batman cover/iconic moment
Art by Patrick Burk (BlueHg on slack and other places)
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