#i own my fair share of miniskirts and heels
teddybeartoji · 2 months
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6 notes · View notes
blueberrylixie · 9 months
gray thunder
rock band! jilix x fem! reader
word count: 10, 280 (yes this is a whole ass novel don't bully me)
content warnings: threesome, no m x m, soft dom!felix, soft, possessive jisung, pet names (sweetheart, love), they call reader slut, oral sex (m and f receiving), vaginal penetration, pussy job (barely), double penetration (both holes lol), fingering, overstimulation, cum swallowing, unprotected sex, creampie (use protection kids!),
let me know if i missed anything in this one-shot bc i tend to miss stuff! if you want to skip to the smut, scroll to the white heart divider! but i promise the build-up is worth it ((;
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You had never been more nervous than you were at this moment. Your stomach was so filled with butterflies, you were scared they might fly out of your mouth in the form of something more solid. You had been waiting for tonight for the past three months, ever since you and your best friends bought tickets to see your number one favorite band in the world.
Black Petal.
You took a deep breath, your fingers playing with the bottom of your black velvet miniskirt.
"Are we going to drink tonight?" One of your two best friends asked from her spot next to you.
You all had taken an Uber to the concert venue, which was about half an hour away from your shared apartment.
You rolled your eyes. "No, we're not babes. We want to remember this night for the rest of our lives! We can't be drunk for the entire thing."
Your other best friend, who sat to your right, nodded. "We definitely shouldn't be drinking. This is going to be the best night ever, I don't want the only thing I remember to be the toilets. Not like last week."
"That's so real," you agreed.
The car finally pulled up to the entrance of the venue and stopped. The kind driver opened both doors for the three of you, and you piled out and into the line, which had already started outside the door.
"I can't believe we got here four hours early, and the line is already this long!" One of your friends complained as you got behind the fifty or so people who were already waiting. "Should I beg some of them to let us go ahead? What else is my pretty face good for?"
"Maybe we could sit on the ground and wait? These heels hurt my feet so bad," Your other friend suggested hopefully.
"We should flash the security guards, maybe they'll let us in," you joked.
You and your friends claimed that you were each like thunder, lightning, and rain.
You were the thunder, loud and a natural leader. You liked to share your opinions, and didn't care what other people thought about them. You wore whatever the hell you liked, said what you wanted, and were known to flirt around with any man within your reach. Of course, you left your friends' guys alone, but everyone else was fair game. A few people might find you obnoxious and over-the-top, but what was the fun in being liked by everyone?
Your second friend was lightning. She wasn't nearly as loud, but her personality was bright, and she made herself known in her own way. She didn't like to be the center of attention, but she was the most loyal, supportive friend who would die for those she loved in an instant. She always got scared of your crazy plans, but went along with them without question. Everyone loved that girl. You swore she'd done the impossible in getting everyone on her side.
Your last friend was rain. She could be quiet sometimes, or loud and lively at others. She was the mom friend, telling you off after you had all gotten punished for your insane ideas. But you knew she always had a great time, even if she wouldn't admit it. Sometimes people found her to be a bit of a party pooper, but what no one knew was that she had the best sense of humor out of anyone you'd ever met.
Thunder, Lightning, and Rain. That was you and your friends.
Finally, the line started to move as people were let inside.
The three of you started jumping up and down. Or rather, you and Lightning jumped up and down while Rain sighed, humoring you. She still held your hands though, and a smile was hidden behind that stormy face.
You were all let in, and immediately raced towards the pit. There was no assigned seating for your ticket tier, and you had hoped to get as close to the stage as possible.
You found standing space almost at the front of the pit, mere feet from the stage. Only two other people stood in front of you.
"Holy shit, how did we get so lucky??" Lightning squealed, hopping around and clapping her hands together. Her hair, which was pulled in two ponytails on the side of her head, bounced up and down as she jumped.
"I hope they notice us," you said, staring at the stage. The fact that your favorite band, consisting of eight of the hottest men in the world, would be standing on that stage in the very near future, was mind-blowing to you.
"They'll notice the two of you screaming at the top of your lungs," Rain laughed. "Maybe they like the mysterious one though. That's what I keep telling myself, at least."
"Maybe they'll see me because I'm taller than you both!" Lightning exclaimed. "Even with sneakers, I'm still taller!"
"Oh shut up," you rolled your eyes, nudging your friend with a fake pout. "Everyone knows guys like short girls!"
"Yeah, we're closer to the ground, that's good for other things too," Rain smirked, and you gasped playfully.
"I didn't know you were so dirty-minded!" You teased.
"Yeah, ewe!" Lightning pretended to cover her ears.
"What?? We look hot, even I can admit that!" Rain insisted.
Along with your velvet mini-skirt, you wore a cropped glittery gold tank top, with a loose neckline that scooped so low you had initially been afraid of a nip-slip. That would probably make headlines. You wore black boots with three-inch heels, just in case there were tall people standing in front of you. Thankfully, they were each about your height, so you'd have the perfect view.
Lightning wore an entirely light blue ensemble, consisting of a gauzy dress that hit three inches above her knees, with matching light blue leg warmers and blue sneakers. She hated high heels, and boasted that she could afford to wear comfortable shoes because she always towered over everyone anyways. Her hair was tied with matching light blue ribbons. She looked like a leggy piece of cotton candy.
Rain wore a black silk slip dress with lace along the bottom and top, and four-inch stilettos that you had no idea how she could walk in without face planting. She always wore some sort of heel, because she insisted she could watch the two of you better from a higher vantage point, even though it was just a couple of inches. Her hair was tied in a bun on the top of her head, making her look even taller. Still, she was shorter than Lightning.
"We do look so hot," you said decisively, running a hand through your hair, which was in a half up, half down style.
"There's no way they won't notice us, huh?" Rain's eyes gleamed with excitement. As calm as she usually was, you knew how crazy she could be when it came to Black Petal.
"They're just so amazing, aren't they?" Lightning sighed, closing her eyes as if she was imagining them in front of you right now.
"I can't believe they're actually going to be here," you agreed as you stared up at the stage. They had to be coming any minute now, right?
Suddenly, the lights dimmed so low it was practically pitch black, and music started playing.
"Holy shit!" You exclaimed, covering your mouth with one hand and grabbing onto Lightning with the other. Rain gripped your forearm so tight you thought it was going to fall off.
Then, the lights flashed back on, and all eight members of Black Petal were standing on stage, looking so hot you almost sobbed.
To the right of the stage was Changbin, the drummer, his hair mussed like he'd already been head-banging for the past hour. His arms were fully exposed in a leather vest, showing off those dizzyingly huge muscles that made your mouth water. In front of him stood Hyunjin, the rhythm guitarist. He wore a black Celine tank top that draped his lean-muscular frame perfectly. He licked his full, perfect lips as he grinned out at the crowd, like he knew he was hot.
In the middle stood the two vocalists, Jeongin and Seungmin. Jeongin donned a black suit jacket without a tie. Half of it was unbuttoned, giving just a hint of his entirely bare chest. Seungmin wore a short-sleeved black blazer with a fitted white tee underneath, highlighting his built stomach, with his shaggy brown hair draping over his forehead perfectly.
To the other side stood Minho, the second bassist, with Christopher, the keyboardist and lyricist for all their songs, behind him. Minho had black jeans that showed off his amazing thighs, and a matching black button-up, the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, exposing veins and hotness all over the place. Christopher looked drool-worthy in a tight black t-shirt and jeans, a black baseball cap over his messy hair as he stood behind his instrument, those perfectly large hands ready to play.
Jisung, the lead guitarist, and Felix, the first bassist, stood a few feet away from Minho. Jisung, who stood next to Felix, with his curly brown hair so long it almost covered his eyes, looked stunning in a suit, with a tie loose around his neck. Felix wore a black tank top and a loose-fitting fishnet long sleeve that still showed off his perfect arms and collarbone. His blond hair, which graced the nape of his neck, showed off his perfect skin even more, and you thought you fell in love right then and there.
They all looked fucking incredible.
"Hello Seoul!" Seungmin yelled, from his spot at the front of the stage.
The three of you screamed so loud, you knew your voice would be gone by the end of the night.
"We're Black Petal, and we're so excited to be here performing for you tonight! We've got some really special songs lined up, and we hope you enjoy them! Now who's ready to rock??" Seungmin looked around the stadium, which was completely sold out.
The entire room shook with the yells and screams from each and every person.
"I don't think they sound very excited, do you Seungmin?" Jeongin grinned at his bandmate, and they both shook their heads.
"We wanna hear you louder, Seoul!" Jeongin shouted, and the stadium boomed again with the crazed cries of their fans.
"Hell yeah!" Seungmin smirked at the crowd, and your heart stuttered at the sight. Damn that man and his famous smirks.
The band started off with one of their most well-known songs, and you, Lightning, and Rain squealed like little girls. You started jumping and singing along to the music, just the same as everyone else.
But you barely noticed those around you as you gazed up at the eight men on stage. The way they held themselves, the way they moved, entranced you. They were hot, and they knew it.
Jeongin and Seungmin came closer to the crowd, taking their microphones off the stands and singing right up next to the crowd, on your side of the stage. Holy shit, were your idols really standing a few feet in front of you??
Seungmin's chocolate brown eyes reflected off the hot stage lights, his blazer all the way open and his white t-shirt practically glued to his chest from sweat. Normally, you found sweat disgusting, but you just wanted to pull him closer and-
"Holy shit, he's looking at me!" Rain covered her mouth in a silent scream as she stared at the other vocalist, whose jacket was so loose it was practically all the way open. She was usually so calm, it was crazy seeing her so worked up.
Jeongin grinned down at the crowd, and it really felt like he was looking right at you guys. Maybe he was.
Before you could react, he was reaching down, that perfect hand of his inches away. He grabbed Rain's hand, pulling her so close to the edge of the stage that she had to stand on tiptoes to keep contact. Her cheeks were so red you thought she might burst a blood vessel as she stared up at Jeongin, who kept singing with that perfect voice of his, all the while staring at her like she was the only girl in the room.
"Holy shit she's living her main character moment!" Lightning gaped at her friend, twisting one of her ponytails around her finger over and over again. "Ugh, I'm so jealous!"
Before she could complain anymore, Seungmin, who stood next to Jeongin, winked down at her, and she instantly silenced, her mouth agape as she waved her free hand at him. He just chuckled and walked back to the center of the stage.
Jeongin, who had finally let go of Rain's hand, much to her chagrin, followed his friend. They put their arms around each other's shoulders as they finished out the first song.
"Holy crap girl, what the fuck????" You screamed at Rain, grabbing the hand Jeongin had held. "How was it?? What did it feel like??"
"I think I blacked out!" she gasped, staring down at her hand in awe. "Was that real?? This is a dream, this has to be a dream!"
"Seungmin stared right at me, I swear he did!" Lightning giggled, eyes following the second youngest band member like he was a juicy piece of meat. "He's sooo hot, and those eyes!"
You sighed inwardly. You were so glad your friends were getting so much attention from the band. Of course they were, they were gorgeous! But you couldn't help feeling a little left out. Did the guys not see you standing there too? You knew you were a catch. If your friends were getting noticed in this crowd of thousands, was it really that crazy to hope they might notice you too?
The second song started, and this time the bassists and guitarists came out front. Minho and Hyunjin stood next to each other, with Jisung and Felix on your side.
They started off with a crazy guitar riff from Jisung, which had all the girls practically melting down when he finished, his hair hanging in front of his face, a tired yet elated grin on his face. Felix followed with a funky bass riff that had everyone's jaw on the floor. When the full song started, the rest of the guys joined in force, their instruments a part of them as they played.
But even though you were supposed to be paying attention to all of them equally - and you did love all of them - you couldn't keep your eyes off a certain curly haired brunette and blond-haired bass player.
And somehow, they seemed to sense your heated gaze. Both of them looked up in unison, and your eyes met theirs. As if in synch, they both grinned at you, before approaching the crowd, just as Seungmin and Jeongin had.
But this time, both of their gazes were fixed entirely on you, like you were the prey and they the predator. Your entire mouth dried up like someone had forced you to eat a bunch of cotton balls.
You tried to swallow and bring some moisture back, but with two of the hottest men you'd ever witnessed just staring at you, it didn't work.
"Hey beautiful," Felix whispered, that deep voice instantly sending shivers down your back and heat to your center. He wasn't miced up, so no one could hear what he was saying. Your friends stared at you, eyes wide with shock and excitement.
"What's your name?" Jisung chimed in, running a hand through that perfect hair of his. His voice was softer than Felix's low one, but it still sent your heart thumping, your brain going fuzzy.
You could barely get your name out over the screaming of the crowd. With both of them so damn close, everyone was freaking out.
But out of all the people there that night, Felix and Jisung were talking to you. They were asking you what your name was.
You might be going crazy, but... from the way they were staring at you, to Felix's Adam's apple bobbing and Jisung's arms flexing, were they interested in you?
Jisung repeated your name, the word sweet like syrup rolling off his tongue. You understood what Rain said now. This felt like a dream. None of this was real. You were going to wake up in bed absolutely devastated in the next couple minutes.
Felix motioned for you to come closer, and you accidentally shoved the girl in front of you out of the way so you could stand next to them
"S-sorry!" You exclaimed, but you weren't really paying attention. This was a once-in-a-lifetime moment.
Minho and Hyunjin were carrying the bass and guitar while their members were distracted. They kept looking over at Felix and Jisung, a little confused about what they were doing, but they didn't try to stop them. They probably thought they were just interacting with fans, a usual occurrence at their concerts.
But there was nothing usual about this. At least not for you. You hoped they didn't flirt with all of their fans.
Felix leaned in so close to you, his lips brushed the curve of your ear, one of his hands coming down to caress your cheek. You visibly shuddered, and you could feel his mouth turn up in a pleased grin.
"Meet us backstage after the show, won't you Love?"
You couldn't say anything, your brain going completely blank as you tried to process his words. After a moment, you found it in you to just nod in agreement.
"Good," Felix stepped back, giving Jisung a conspiratorial nod, before turning back towards the stage and continuing to play, as if he'd never stopped.
Jisung waved at you with a cheeky grin before following Felix back to his spot.
You stared after them, unable to even sing along despite this being one of your favorite songs.
Was this really happening? Did the Lee Felix and Han Jisung just ask you to meet them after the show? Or so you assumed, based off the "we" Felix used when he invited you.
You weren't stupid. You knew what they wanted.
"What did they want??" Lightning gasped from next to you, grabbing your wrist so tight you thought the circulation might cut off. "They were whispering in your ear!!"
"The way he touched your face was so hot," Rain gushed.
"He wants to meet up with me after the concert," you said breathlessly.
"Oh my gosh????" Lightning squeaked. "Can we come with?? Maybe some of the other guys want to meet us too!!"
"Both you and Jisung?" Rain covered her mouth. "That's so hot."
"I know, I'm kinda freaking out right now," you said in as calm a voice as you could muster.
"Did you say yes?" Lightning breathed. "Please say you said yes."
"Who do you think I am? Of course I said yes!" you laughed in what you hoped was a cool-girl laugh.
But holy shit.
This was something you had, admittedly, fantasized about. After all, who didn't think about sleeping with any of the members from Black Petal? They had all gone viral not just for their looks, but their insane talent as well. They were known as the best rock band in Korea. Anyone would die to be in your position right now.
But they wanted to sleep with you. You sure as hell weren't going to turn down that offer.
The rest of the concert went by in a haze. You enjoyed every second of it. Every song, all the funny banter they had between each other. You sang at the top of your lungs, jumping around with your friends. You watched as some of the other members came over, notably Minho and Hyunjin, who also seemed to take an interest in your friends. They grinned at you with an almost knowing look on their face, like you were off-limits or something. You couldn't quite tell what they were thinking, but you didn't mind too much.
Because you still couldn't take your eyes off of Jisung and Felix.
The two stayed next to each other for most of the concert, which was a nice excuse to get to stare at them both the whole time. You could see Changbin and his perfect arms as he played the drums. Christopher with his big, calloused hands on the keyboard.
But really, you were just watching Felix and Jisung, who now stood in front of them. You weren't sure if you were imagining it, but it felt like they looked your way a lot more than they looked at everyone else. Every time your eyes met, your cheeks heated up. Their gazes were hot and heavy, like they were communicating their desire to you without words. But you didn't look away. Even with these literal celebrities, you knew when a man was into you. You were known to enjoy the attention of as many of them as possible, and they were no different.
Quite the opposite, in fact. It was somehow a million times hotter to have caught the attention of two of the biggest celebrities in the country. Men who women flocked to.
Now, even just for a night, they were yours.
The show ended with a bang.
"Thank you so much, everyone! This was Black Petal!" Seungmin called. The entire group waved goodbye, the crowd yelling and cheering, before the curtain closed, and they were gone.
People started filing out of the concert hall, but for a few minutes, you couldn't move. Had that all really just happened? Were you about to go out there and meet the band? Specifically Felix and Jisung?
"C'mon, let's go!" Rain nudged your arm, and you started from the contact.
"You're gonna take us with you to meet the band, right?" Lightning giggled, playing with her hair again. "I can't believe they actually talked to us! And want to meet us!"
You nodded, linking arms with each of them before making your way slowly through the crowd, and towards the stage. They wanted you to meet them back there, right? You just hoped it wasn't all a big joke, and security wasn't ready to tackle you when you showed up.
But apparently, the band must have told everyone that you were coming. Security just nodded at you as you headed backstage, as if they knew you personally. Their manager, a short woman maybe ten years older than you, stood outside their dressing room door.
"Hi!" You said as confidently as you could muster. "I'm-"
"I know, please come in," the woman nodded to all three of you before unlocking the door and letting you inside.
The room was surprisingly spacious for being wedged backstage. It was at least twice the size of your apartment, which you had to admit, wasn't large to begin with. The lights were headsplittingly bright, so much so that you had to squint. Two tables sat by the door, with a dozen or so chairs around each one. Another table was filled with snacks and drinks, and three half-full pizza boxes. There was a couch in the middle of the room, which looked surprisingly comfortable. A few managers paced around the room, talking on their walkie talkies to people outside.
Then you saw them.
All eight men were halfway done changing, and they were wandering around in lounge pants, no shirts to be seen. While they looked exhausted, they were comfortable being only half clothed. Holy hell. You could barely keep yourself from raking your eyes down each of their bodies.
Let's be real, you failed, miserably.
Jisung was the first to notice you. When he turned around, a slice of pepperoni pizza in his hand, his handsome face lit up like fairy lights. His eyes turned to half-moon crescents, his smile bright and excited.
"Hey, you made it!" He motioned you over, and you had no choice but to obey. It was like an invisible force was pulling you towards him.
Felix noticed the two of you almost instantly. He finished his slice of pizza, licking his pointer finger in an almost pornographic manner before approaching you, a sly grin on his face.
"Took you long enough," he chuckled, his clean hand coming to rest on the small of your back. Your eyes widened, but you didn't say anything, nor did you move out of his grasp. You didn't want to react so openly in front of his band mates, or even your friends, who knew basically everything about your sex life.
"What did you want with me?" You asked, trying your best to keep any sign of nervousness out of your voice. You sounded a lot more confident than you felt. How could you be, when two of the men you were literally obsessed about literally stood right in front of you?
Felix raised an eyebrow, glancing between you and Jisung, then back again. "I don't know much about you yet, Sweetheart, but I didn't take you for an idiot."
Heat flamed up your face, and you crossed your arms. "I could just leave, if you're gonna be mean. I get enough dick as it is without yours in the mix."
Felix let out a hoarse laugh, taking a sip from his water bottle. His eyes now glowed with a newfound interest.
Jisung instantly reached out and grabbed your wrist, shaking his head as he brought you even closer to him. You could smell a hint of his cologne, which smelled like woodsy pine, mixed with his sweat. Heat emanated off his bare skin like an open fire. And you were the moth, drawn to it.
"Don't leave, Love," he said softly, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand. "Lix is just messing around, aren't you Lix?"
The blond-haired male shrugged and nodded, the hint of a grin still playing on his lips.
"I kid Sweetheart, I kid. We just want you so badly, we were impatient. That's all."
The hand that had once rested on your back replaced itself again, squeezing lightly.
"So, tell us about yourself," Felix's hand moved to your side and started rubbing, an inviting smile replacing that crafty look he'd donned a few seconds ago.
You paused, unsure of what to say. Why would these men, who were literal superstars, want to learn about you?
But you stopped your self doubt before it could go any further. They had gone great lengths to invite you and your friends here. If they were asking, you had to assume they were actually interested.
Besides, you were an interesting person, weren't you? You had an exciting life. Friends. Money. A good job. Who wouldn't want to get to know you?
"I work as a divorce lawyer here in Seoul," you said proudly, feeling more comfortable as you started talking about things you knew. "I graduated with my law degree last year, and I was hired straight out of an internship at the law firm. Those are my two best friends over there, and we go out together all the time. You guys are our favorite band, we love you so much," you couldn't help but gush, cheeks heating at the words.
"We love to hear it," Felix purred, leading you over to the cushy leather couch, which was still vacant. His hand immediately came to rest on your left thigh. Jisung claimed your right one, his head resting on your shoulder as you continued to speak.
"Outside of work, I go out clubbing, I love dancing. I love animals, and I volunteer at the animal shelter on the weekend," the words spilled out of you, as if you had known these men for a lot longer than a short thirty minutes.
"We saw you dancing to our music," Jisung grinned, his lips ghosting the nape of your neck. "It was pretty hot."
"We couldn't keep our eyes off you, Sweetheart," Felix nodded, his hand squeezing your leg.
"I-I couldn't stop looking at you guys either," you stammered against your will, but both men seemed to delight in your nerves.
"You ready to get out of here, Love?" Jisung asked, sliding his hand into your hair now, fingers dancing across your neck.
"Where are we going?" You asked, confused. Were they really just asking you to find somewhere to fuck them? Smooth.
"Our hotel, of course," Felix's lips slid down your neck, dusting kisses all the way down to your chest, and up again.
Your breath stuttered as you tried to get your bearings. You rubbed your thighs together as covertly as you could, wetness already pooling in your panties, but judging by their satisfied smirks, they both noticed. "I-what about my friends?" Was all you were able to choke out.
Felix glanced over at them. "I think they'll be okay. They're in good hands."
You watched the rest of the group out of the corner of your eye. Rain was chatting with Jeongin, who had shown her a great amount of interest during the show. Christopher had appeared at her other side, offering her a slice of pizza, as if you three hadn't just eaten before the show. Changbin watched them with an interested expression as he drank from his water bottle, those biceps flexing as he leaned against the table next to him.
Lighting was being cornered by the three remaining men. Despite being almost the same height, she looked small next to Minho, who had his arm propped up against the wall. He looked like he was interrogating her, based on the way her eyes widened further and further the more he spoke. Seungmin was watching them, an amused expression playing across his lips, while Hyunjin had his back up against the wall on her other side, his face barely a few inches away from her face.
They certainly looked like they would be fine without you. You could afford to leave them for the night. It wasn't like they weren't used to it. You all had sex lives.
You just had one more question. You weren't sure if it would make this whole situation even more awkward, but you had to ask.
"And... I would be leaving with the two of you?"
Both men looked at each other, similar smiles painted across their uniquely handsome faces.
"We're a package deal, Love," Jisung was the one to answer. His voice was calm, innocent even, as the two men stood up and started to put shirts on.
But you saw that hungry glint burn both of their eyes.
You knew you were in for a crazy night.
The short Uber right over to their hotel was torture. You could barely walk to the car you were so aroused, and when you finally got in, sandwiched between both of them, they refused to keep their hands off you.
It was pure heaven, if heaven was simultaneously physically painful. Jisung, being the possessive man that you were learning he was, had pulled you so close you were basically sitting on his lap, his hands roaming all over your back and ass, his lips leaving kisses against the outside of your tank top, not caring if he left wet marks. Felix had slid over next to you, sucking harshly on your neck as he slid your already short skirt up so high it was bunched around your waist, soaked panties exposed.
"Fuck, you're already so wet and we haven't even done anything," Felix snickered, his fingers ghosting over your pantie-clad core.
You shook beneath his stare, trying to move your hips against his curious hand. But he denied you, moving away right as you tried to satisfy your hunger.
"Be patient, Sweetheart," he slid his hand under your chin, bringing his face so close to yours, you could smell the mint gum he was chewing. Those dark eyes bored into yours, his alight with desire. You bit your lip and he groaned, pulling away and running a hand down his face.
"You're gonna be the death of me," he groaned as he sat back in his seat.
"It's only a few more minutes," Jisung encouraged you as he continued pawing at the front of your shirt. You slid a hand into his curly hair, your eyes closed as you pulled your lower lip into your mouth.
You could be patient. Because something told you it would be worth the wait.
The three of you could barely make it inside the heavy wood door of their hotel room. Jisung had fumbled with the key, trying to get it to scan, for much longer than normal, before shoving the door open and dragging you to the couch, which sat in the middle of the soft white carpet.
The lamp in the living room automatically turned on, bathing the three of you in soft orange light.
The room was uncharacteristically large, with the bed situated in the corner, a tv a few yards in front of it. The entire place was the definition of lavish.
However, you scarcely had time to study the place, before Jisung, always impatient, pushed you onto the couch and straddled your hips, coming to hover mere inches above you before placing harsh kisses all across your neck, along your shoulders, your chest.
"I-I can't wait," he breathed against your skin, his fingers tracing your collarbones like they were masterpieces, his mouth coming to land on yours in a bruising kiss.
You immediately reciprocated, kissing back with equal reverence, opening your mouth and pressing your tongue against his lips, asking for entrance. He obliged, making soft, almost desperate whining noises as you explored him. He tasted of strawberries and desire, and you moaned against him, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer.
"Have you forgotten about me already, Sweetheart?"
Felix, who had taken his time removing his shoes and fixing his hair, approached you, a disdainful look on that gorgeous face of his.
You had never thought Felix would be sadistic, or mean in any way, or any situation. In fact, he, along with Jisung, were known for being the sweet, nice ones of the group. The reality - at least in bed - was so far from that, it sent shivers down your spine. What else would surprise you tonight?
"No, of course not Lix," you cleared your throat, trying to keep the thudding of your heart in check. "How could anyone forget you?"
Jisung grinned at his friend apologetically. "We just got carried away, Lix. She's all yours," he glanced at you, that same glint appearing in his eyes again, "for now, at least."
You reluctantly unwrapped your legs from his waist, your core already pulsing with need. You just needed one of them - ideally both, but you'd take whatever you could get - to satisfy your needs.
"There's my pretty girl," Felix grinned wickedly down at you, his eyes crinkling up at the edges, his freckles barely visible in the dim hotel light. "I think we've done enough waiting now, haven't we?"
You found yourself nodding furiously, your hands reaching out to beckon him closer. He followed, approaching you like a starved animal.
When he got close enough, he gripped your waist with such force you let out a squeak of surprise. His lips smashed against yours with even more strength than Jisung's as one of his hands wandered up your shirt and ripped it off, leaving it a mangled tangle of threads as he threw it onto the ground. You were left in your lacy black bra, your nipples fully exposed to the chilly air. They instantly turned to stiff peaks, as they brushed against the front of Felix's plain white t-shirt.
You whined at the sensation, clawing at his back, desperate for more contact. You continued to kiss him back fervently, moaning needily into his mouth over and over again.
His teeth came out to bite your bottom lip and suck on it in an almost caring manner, taking the time to explore every crevice of your mouth. Your hands tangled in his hair, tugging as if you wanted him to let go, when you wanted anything but.
"Ji, Ji, please touch me," you gasped, breaking the kiss with Felix to look up at the other man, who was sitting and watching you in a chair a few feet away. "I-I need you both."
Felix smirked down at you. "One man isn't enough, is it?"
"You're more than enough Lix," you assured him, and he closed his eyes, his entire body shuddering at your words. "But I want you both, if you're offering yourselves."
"We are," Jisung said instantly, coming to your side, pulling the cups of your bra aside and latching onto your left nipple. He started sucking and licking like his life depended on it, as Felix started moving down the length of your body to your core, which was still pulsing with desire.
"Please Lix," you begged, although you weren't sure for what, your hand still in his hair as he gazed up at you, eyes so blown out they were entirely black.
Felix pulled your skirt off, leaving you in your matching bra and panties. He gazed at you appreciatively, licking his lips once before tugging them clean off, throwing them into a pile along with your ruined top.
He spread your legs, gazing upon your soaked cunt with a smug grin on his face. If you weren't so turned on, you would have kicked him.
"Please Lix, I'll keep whining until you touch me," you breathed, using your hold on his hair to push him closer to your aching center.
"Since you've been such a good girl, Sweetheart," he murmured, before diving in.
His mouth encased your entire pussy, licking and sucking, emitting the most obscene sounds you'd ever heard. His tongue worked in and out of your cunt, one of his hands coming up to massage your sensitive clit at the same time.
You gasped, rocking your hips up to meet his mouth as he slid a finger inside of you.
Jisung switched to your other nipple, and you pulled him up for a long, passionate kiss. His hands continued to massage your breasts as Felix added a second finger, pumping them both in and out of your cunt, which was so wet it was dripping onto the couch.
"F-fuck Lix, please don't stop!" You panted, voice muffled by Jisung's full lips against yours. "Feels so fucking good."
Felix chuckled against your core, and you shook at the sensation. His tongue fucked you in and out in rhythm with his fingers as he simultaneously sucked hard on your clit, making you see stars.
"Please, Lix, I'm close!" You moaned, gazing up at Jisung pleadingly, your mouth half-parted as he watched you with such intense desire you knew you were finished.
"You wanna cum, Love?" Jisung whispered, stroking your hair as he pinched each of your nipples. "You're being such a good girl for us, just cum in Lix's mouth, yeah?"
You nodded, your eyes unable to leave Jisung's face as he reached down to touch your core as well, rubbing your clit at the same time as Felix fingered you.
And that was the end for you.
"O-oh shit!" You cried, hands gripping the edges of the couch as you tumbled over the edge, your vision going white as you came so hard, your body lifted off the couch, and you collapsed back down in front of Felix, gasping and shaking as you stared at both men in front of you.
He continued to lick and suck on your drenched cunt, lapping up every drop of release that came out of you, until you started whimpering with overstimulation. He finally let go, licking his lips and sliding back up your body to press his lips against yours. You could taste yourself on his tongue, but it just turned you on further.
"Now Jisung is gonna make you feel really good, Sweetheart," Felix murmured against your mouth, breaking the kiss to slide both of his fingers, which were coated with your release, into your mouth.
You whimpered in response, watching as Jisung removed his pants and positioned himself at the entrance to your cunt, which was still fluttering with pleasure from your first - and best - orgasm.
You sucked on Felix's fingers, wrenching a moan from the man, as you watched in awe as Jisung stroked his cock once, twice, before rubbing his length up and down the entrance of your soaked cunt, groaning as the lewd sounds filled his ears and wetness began to envelop him. He was completely hard and very long, a bit on the skinny side, but so pretty. Your mouth watered, tempted to lick the bead of precum slipping across the tip.
"Please Ji, inside," you implored, gazing down at him with wide eyes.
Jisung groaned, unable to resist you. "You sure you're ready, Love?" He said, his voice low with barely-tethered control.
You nodded silently, and Jisung reared his hips back, before slipping the tip of his cock, which was positively throbbing with bridled desire, inside your cunt.
"More," you gasped, your body instantly tightening around him as he struggled to push himself further in.
Felix stood next to you, his cock uncomfortably hard in his sweatpants, creating an obvious tent right by your face. It brushed the side of your cheek, and you turned, reaching out and tugging his pants down, leaving him in his boxers. Just from the outline of him, you could tell he was huge.
"Do you need help there, Lix?" You asked in the most sultry tone you could muster, batting your eyelids up at him.
At the same time, Jisung bottomed out inside you, letting out a guttural moan as he did so, your cunt tightening around him so he could barely breathe.
"Fuck, Love," he growled, his eyes squeezed shut. He began thrusting in and out of you in quick, shaky jerks, unable to control his movements.
Felix smirked and nodded, tugging his boxers off and kicking them to the side. His cock, heavy with arousal, sprung free, and you instantly reached out, grabbing hold of the base.
He was certainly thicker than Jisung, maybe an inch shorter. The tip of his cock was angry with arousal, precum already smeared across his length. You licked your lips, eager to please.
Felix hissed an oath through his teeth, his eyes barely slits as he gazed down at you. Your body rocked back and forth from the power of Jisung's thrusts as he held your waist, fucking into you with messy shoves of his hips.
"Fuck yeah, just like that baby," Felix praised you, and your cunt tighened at his words. Jisung whimpered at the added pressure, his hips stuttering for a moment as he got his bearings.
You suck your tongue out and kitten-licked Felix's cock, tasting the salty warmth of precum spread throughput your mouth.
"Don't fucking tease me, Sweetheart," Felix spat, grabbing the back of your head and pushing you onto his length without warning.
Your eyes widened as you immediately gagged on him. He was thicker than you'd expected, and longer too. His tip hit the back of your throat, bringing tears to your eyes, but you refused to give up. You started bobbing your head up and down, sucking with just the right pressure, taking him fully until your nose hit the small patch of hair against his pelvis. You breathed in the musky smell of him, a sexy, ocean scent you were now addicted to. You pulled him out of your mouth, swirling your tongue along his tip and over the prominent vein along the side of his length. He groaned through gritted teeth, throwing his head back and thrusting himself against the back of your throat again and again, his hand still gripping your hair.
Jisung removed his hands from your hips, his fingers going to play with your clit, rubbing your already-sensitive nerves as he bullied himself deeper inside of you. He hit that spongy part deep inside of you, and you let out a tortured gasp, your cunt fluttering around him as his fingers moved faster, eagerly chasing your release. Your hips bucked up to meet his, and he almost came on the spot.
You started whimpering so loudly, your entire body shaking so hard, Jisung knew you were close. He continued to slam his cock against that perfect spot, the squelching sounds of your cunt driving him crazy p, until you squirmed underneath him, your entire body seizing up, moaning around Felix's sensitive cock, until you finished around him, all garbled whines and moans. 
Jisung knew he couldn't last much longer. The sensation of your tight pussy getting impossibly tighter as you came sent him over the edge.
"Fuck Love, you keep doing that, and I'm gonna cum inside you," he bit out, pushing the sweaty hair from his eyes as his hips continued to stutter forward, your hips still moving against him, milking him till the end.
"Please cum inside me," you whimpered softly, your voice almost unintelligible around Felix's girth.
Felix groaned, laughing as he thrust himself into your wet mouth. He grabbed your chin, forcing your mouth open further. He closed his eyes, letting out a choked grunt, before finishing down your throat. He tapped his cock on the outside of your mouth a few times, before saying, "Fuck dude, I guess you got no choice now. She's begging for it."
You opened your mouth to show both men you'd swallowed all of his warm, salty cum. Felix pressed his lips against yours, Jisung's cock getting impossibly harder. What kind of other-worldly being were you?
Jisung all but snarled, his body falling on top yours as he started to hammer into you, all sense of control forgotten. You begging for him to cum inside you, swallowing Felix's cum like the obedient slut you were, had undone him. He couldn't hold on any longer.
"Shit, shit, shit, you know what you're doing don't you you little slut," he panted, the words almost foreign on his lips as his hips turning to sloppy jerks, as he pounded in and out of your wet heat a few more times, before emptying his cum deep inside you.
You moaned loudly. Now that Felix had finished, you were able to fully express your pleasure as you bucked your hips up against him, wrapping your legs around him once more. Your throat was deliciously sore, your mouth still covered with Felix's cum, but you found it that much hotter.
"Fuck Ji," you hiccuped, teary eyes landing on the man as he gently slid out of your cum-stained pussy, collapsing on top of you. Letting go of Felix, you pulled Jisung close to you, pressing your lips against his, your hands going to his strong, sweaty chest, fingers roaming all over his body, continuing to explore him. He moved against you, not caring that you tasted of Felix's cum. In fact, he found it extremely sexy. His cock, which was exhausted from his eagerness to please you, had already begun to get hard again. Were you that irresistible? Of course you were.
"Wanna switch places?" Felix grinned in satisfaction, his perfect white teeth glinting in the orange light of the hotel lamps. "It's about time I had a turn in this gorgeous pussy."
Your cunt clenched at his words. You'd felt how big he was in your mouth. You could only imagine how big he'd be inside of you.
Jisung smirked, glancing from you to Felix. "Can I have a turn in her other hole?"
You opened your mouth to protest, but Felix shrugged before you could say anything. "That is our thing, isn't it?"
You glared at both of them, hurt coursing through you. "You do this with all your fans? That's really flattering. Maybe I should just leave you to it, I'm sure you'll find someone-"
Felix stopped your fighting words with a passionate kiss, his tongue swiping over your bottom lip as you melted into his touch.
"No one is better than you, Sweetheart," he cooed, kissing down your neck before biting on a soft vein. You whined, but didn't move.
"You better be telling the truth," you grumbled, but you had already folded. You would give these men anything they asked for.
Jisung took the opportunity while Felix was sucking on your neck like a vampire to slot his mouth against yours. He was a lot less smooth with his movements than Felix, clearly just as needy as you were.
"Mm, Ji, you taste so good," you murmured against him, one of your hands moving to each man's hair.
He groaned, his eyes fluttering shut at your words. "I need you again, Love," he sighed dreamily, his hand going down to stroke his cock as he continued to kiss you so sloppily, drool ran down your chin.
Felix kissed down your stomach, along your hips, ghosting against your bare pussy, and sucking your inner thighs, leaving bruises all the way.
"You ready to be on top, Sweetheart?" He smiled wolfishly at you, his mocha eyes glinting with seduction.
"It'll give me space in the back," Jisung added to comfort you, running a hand through your hair before you had time to protest. You shut your mouth, nodding obediently. Felix glanced at Jisung, impressed by his convincing skills.
Felix was about to give in anyways and flip you over onto your back, when you decided it was time to take charge instead. You weren't a dominant woman in bed, persay, but you loved the look of surprised desire in a man's eyes when you made the move on them. Seeing as Felix was clearly used to taking control in the bedroom, you wanted to shock him a little.
So you sat up on the couch, gripped his muscular shoulders, and pushed him into the couch. His eyes widened with pleased astonishment as he let himself be shoved down, his head hitting the soft material beneath him as you hovered over him. Just that look alone caused your cunt to clench around nothing, a quiet moan escaping your kiss-swollen lips.
You straddled his waist, lining his thick cock up with your aching center, before impaling yourself on all eight inches of him, taking him all the way to the hilt.
You let out a guttural moan, throwing your head back as Felix grunted underneath you, his hips immediately thrusting up to meet yours, pounding into you at a bruising pace.
You whimpered as his cock hit your g-spot over and over again. You reached behind you, seeking pleasure from the other man in the room. He was spreading lube onto his cock, prepping himself for what was sure to be a tight squeeze.
"Ji, please, kiss me," you gasped, bouncing yourself up and down on Felix's cock.
"Fuck yes, baby," Felix grunted, breaths coming hard and fast as he was already coming undone. "You think you can take control, huh? I'll let you have your fun for now, then you'll see."
Jisung wrapped his arms around the back of your waist and pressed his lips to your impatient ones. Your body was twisted around so you could kiss him, and you watched out of the corner of your eye as he continued stroking his cock. The squelching sounds from Felix fucking into your pussy mixed with the sounds of the lube on his dick was like a symphony, and your entire body shuddered from the pure hotness of it all.
Jisung slid a finger against your hole, and you moaned, your head falling against his shoulder as you broke the kiss.
"Please, be careful," you breathed, your eyes fluttering as you tried to stay present for both men, everything threatening to overwhelm you. "I-I've never done this before."
"Fuck, she's never been fucked in the ass before," Felix cock hardened impossibly more inside of you, and you squeaked in pleasure, your hips rising and falling with such intense need you didn't know what to do with it all.
"I'm honored to be your first then," Jisung murmured, nipping your earlobe before sliding a finger inside of you.
"O-oh shit," your breaths came in short, quick bursts as you tried to accommodate the foreign sensation. It wasn't painful, yet, just uncomfortable.
"Just getting you ready for me," Jisung murmured against you, kissing your jawbone as he spoke. "Don't want to hurt you."
Jisung wasn't quite as thick as Felix, but he was longer. Still, you weren't sure if he was going to fit in such a small hole.
He added a second finger, gently scissoring them in and out. You squirmed against him, gasping when a searing pain zipped through you, down your spine.
"You're doing amazing for us, Love," Jisung praised, holding your waist steady with his free hand.
"I think she's ready, Jisung ," Felix hissed beneath you, his movements becoming progressively sloppier, his brain going foggy as he became drunk on your perfect cunt. "I'm gonna bust way too fucking fast in this tight pussy, and I want both of us to be inside her before I do."
You whined, turning your body back around so you faced Felix again. You weren't sure if you would be able to watch as Jisung entered you. It was all so overwhelming, but you loved it at the same time.
Jisung's long cock prodded against your hole, and you shook against him, gripping Felix's lean, veiny arms. You had drooled over those arms for years, and now you were able to hold them, kiss them. You leaned down so your chests pressed together, your sensitive nipples brushing against his chest. You nestled yourself against his neck, breathing heavily as you fucked yourself up and down on his cock, equal parts excited and terrified for what was to come.
"You're being the perfect little slut for us, aren't you Sweetheart?" Felix's deep voice was hoarse with lust as his cock hammered in and out of you, sweat slipping between your two bodies. "You were practically begging for us to fuck you in both holes, weren't you? You wanted this."
Despite his harsh words, he lifted your chin up before mashing your lips together. His eyes were closed as he licked your bottom lip, an extremely vulnerable moment despite what was happening.
Jisung gently pressed the tip of his cock into you, and the tightness nearly took his breath away. Gasping from the unexpected pleasure, he gripped your waist as he slowly eased himself in.
"O-oh, Ji please, slower," you breathed, your eyes, which had been blissfully shut moments before, were now wide open, gazing down at Felix with a mix of pleasure and pain, excitement and fear.
Felix ran his hands along your spine reassuringly, pressing his lips against your arms, which were now propped against his chest.
"You're doing so well for us, Sweetheart," he purred, his other hand brushing the hair back from your shoulder. "You're making Jisung feel so good, he might cum early."
"Not true," Jisung growled through gritted teeth. He was trying to go slow for you, he really was. But the tight heat of your body just did something to him, something no other woman had done to him before. You were addicting. You were his.
You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment, letting your body get accustomed to the sensation of two people inside of you at the same time. It hurt like hell, to be honest, but it was also somehow liberating, knowing you could give pleasure to two men like this.
"You can move again," you finally murmured, glancing back at the man behind you and nodding. You wanted to make him feel good. And you wanted to know if it could make you feel good too.
Jisung kept moving, watching you every second to make sure you weren't in too much pain. Slowly, he bottomed out inside of you.
You collapsed back on top of Felix, who hadn't moved once since Jisung started entering you from behind. He didn't want to overstimulate you. He found himself wanting to put your needs before his own. That was new for him.
Jisung sat there for a moment, a silent question hanging, asking if you were okay for him to move.
"P-please move," you finally got out, the intense sensations of Felix's thick cock and Jisung's long one causing both holes to clamp down on each of them. "I-I think I'm ready."
Felix didn't need to be told twice. His hand slid into your hair as he began thrusting in and out of your sopping cunt, pulling you close so he could gaze into your eyes. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he had already fallen for you. He didn't want you to be with anyone else. You were his. His and Jisung's.
Jisung, with one final glance to check in on you, began moving in time with Felix's thrusts. When Felix moved in, Jisung moved out. The two of them had shared multiple women in the past, so they fell into an easy, practiced rhythm. But this time, it felt different, to both of them. Jisung could feel his heart physically ache in his chest as he gazed down at you, sweat shining off your back, your hair a mess, as you pressed kiss after kiss against Felix's neck, tortured moans spilling from your lips like a prayer.
"Please, faster," you sobbed, tears staining Felix's skin as both men had their way with you. The pain you once felt had opened up to reveal a new kind of pleasure, one you had never felt before. The sounds of both cocks thrusting in and out of you caused you to whimper, your body wracking with shudders against them.
Felix reached down between your legs, his thrusts not slowing, as he rubbed harsh circles against your aching clit, and you were undone. He touched just the right spot over and over, You whimpered his name over and over again, your hips stuttering forward, out of your control.
"I-I'm going to cum, Lix," you panted, bouncing up and down on his cock faster and faster, chasing your orgasm. You threw your head back as you tumbled over the edge, your hips bucking against him, your whole body quaking as you came down from your high.
He growled against you, his fingers dipping into your cunt before licking the arousal off of them. His hips pounded harder into you, his eyes lighting with the fire you knew meant he was close. You let him pound into you, your orgasm rising to crescendo again, his cock pressing so deep against your cervix you could feel him in your stomach. You pressed a hand against him, and he groaned loudly, his hips stuttering with pleasure. You watched in fascination as his perfect, toned abs flexed, and without warning, he emptied himself deep inside of you.
Jisung watched in fascination as the two of you came together, and his hips instantly sped up. He had tried to hold off until you came, and now that you had, he let himself free, using you however he liked.
You turned around, lasering him at him with a coquettish stare. Those entrancing eyes drew him closer to you, his hips snapping forward of their own accord as he kept eye contact. You whimpered, biting your lip and gazing at him pleadingly. He thrusted as hard as he could, his eyes screwed up, his fingers pressing so tight against you, they were sure to leave bruises on your hips.
"Fuck me Ji, harder," you begged, staring at him with those doll-eyes, your hole sucking him in further.
"L-love-" he choked out, managing a few more sloppy thrusts before releasing inside of you. He stayed inside your warm, tight body before pulling out and tugging you on top of him, completely spent.
Felix grunted as you toppled over to lay on Jisung's chest, the two men moving to sandwich you in an embrace. Despite the couch being small, you didn't mind these two lean men squeezed right next to you. Jisung, who spooned you from behind, pressed his warm lips against your neck over and over again, sending tingles down your spine. You shivered, giggling softly, nuzzling him with your nose in response. Felix, who had turned to face you from his position in front, held your waist, pulling your face close as he kissed your lips over and over, like he couldn't get enough.
"I bet you entice all the ladies with these moves, don't you?" You tried to smile at your joke, but it felt forced. You couldn't imagine what it looked like to them.
"We don't do this for anyone else," Felix said simply, tracing circles against your soft skin. "We always kick them out after."
"Right after," Jisung agreed.
"We wouldn't want to give them the wrong idea, ya know?" Felix kissed the side of your mouth, winking at you.
"Next time, I want to be in your mouth," Jisung broke in, play-pouting as he breathed in the floral scent of your hair.
You hid a smile, just shrugging your shoulders carelessly. "Will you be able to last in my mouth, Ji?" You smirked as he frowned, pretending to be hurt as Felix chuckled lowly at your words.
But inside, you were grinning like a fool.
There would be a next time.
laska's note —
wow, this was SO long and i half apologize, half don't for that. i got a bit carried away hehe. this is a late happy birthday gift to jilix so wish our men a happy birthday!
part of the story was set up, so i gave you a marker for where the smut starts! this one shot is going to be a series, with lightning and rain getting their fun too! so definitely keep an eye out for that. please leave as many comments as you'd like, i love to read them! again tysm for your support on these, they're great fun for me! love you all <33
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bullseye, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Are you the insufferable, cocky, absolutely-no-good-for-anyone female equivalent of a fuckboy? Maybe. Okay, yeah. But guess who decided to come along and interrupt your conquests? Jeon Jungkook. What now? Complain to your best friend Kim Taehyung all day or fucking do something about it?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; alcohol consumption; Taehyung getting shitfaced lol; you're a cocky asshole and so is Jungkook, welp; schemes; smut (fem reader, making out / dry humping in public, cowgirl, m-masturbation, edging / orgasm denial, penetrative sex, so much kissing); non-idol!BTS; (secretly pining) fuckboy!Jungkook x bisexual, fuckgirl!reader; ft artist, best friend!Taehyung; mostly reader's POV with a short JK's POV
yes, it's purple-haired Butter JK
now playing – 마.피.아. in the morning by itzy
“Are you kidding me? Fucking Jeon Jungkook, again?”
“You need to calm down,” Kim Taehyung said, patting your shoulder and handing you a mojito.
“What I need is a fucking bow and arrow to shoot down this fucking pest!”
“I know you were the archery champion in high school, but that’s still a weird thing to think,” replied that baritone voice, pushing you into a chair so he could sit down as well, observing you violently chugging down the entire mojito in your rage. He seemed highly amused, looking a bit like a young French socialite in a black beret, loose tan dress shirt, and black slacks with black loafers. Gold accents because Kim Taehyung was that bitch. “Never ceases to impress me that you can do that.”
You pulled the glass from your lips, ice and mint clinking. “This is the third girl I’ve been dating that he’s just–” You flapped a hand in the general direction of the crowd at the bar, completely ignoring Taehyung’s comment about your record-breaking skills of draining cocktails. “–unashamedly making out with when clearly I’m right here.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes, far too crass for how drop-dead handsome he was, but it seemed that he didn’t care. “I doubt he knows you’re here or that you’re dating them. And to make it fair on him, you were casually dating them all at once, so technically, no one is at fault here,” he added.
You narrowed your eyes. “I wasn’t–”
Taehyung gave you this look.
The look of ‘shut-up-you-know-I’m-right’.
Being your best friend, he had a right to do that.
“Shouldn’t you be mad at the girl anyway? Being faithful and all that, which, by the way, you are not.”
“Dating is not the same as being in a relationship,” you argued.
“Mmm, so fucking them is not indicative enough that you should be less of a fuckboy.”
“I’m not a fuckboy,” you muttered. “I’m a woman.”
Taehyung raised an eyebrow. “The general term still stands because you’re a class-A asshole.”
You closed your eyes and sucked in a deep breath, trying not to bolt home and buy a bow and arrow online to shoot, not Jeon Jungkook, but Kim Taehyung, because he was testing your last nerve with the truth.
“Again, why are you not mad at them?” Taehyung reoriented the conversation with a sweep of his arm when you opened your eyes, prompting your gaze to shift and witness Jeon Jungkook with his tongue down a pretty girl’s throat. This cheeky bastard was even wearing a leather jacket and white shirt, just like you. The only difference was that you wore a leather miniskirt and he wore black jeans with rips in the thighs, but both of you were wearing heeled black moto-style boots.
“Because he’s the denominator in this equation,” you snapped, smacking your glass on the table.
“Please do not make math references. My brain is not made for that.”
“Fractions? Tae, seriously, are you defective or–”
“Maybe he’s doing it to piss you off.”
“Well, I am pissed off!”
The bar was very loud with music and noise. Your shout was still clearly heard. Neither you or Taehyung seemed to care that people turned to look at you two and shake their heads.
Taehyung shrugged. “Then he succeeded.”
You clicked your tongue. “Why, though? I didn’t do anything to him. He just started popping up stealing my girls. What if I switch back to chasing dick and he takes them too?”
Taehyung snorted. “I doubt it. You’re just continuing on this train because you’re stubborn.”
As usual, he saw right through you.
He raised an elegant hand and tapped his lips. “Maybe he likes you.”
You gave Taehyung the most disbelieving, fiery, indignant look that you had ever produced in your life.
“Or, he doesn’t,” he hastily corrected. “Let’s face it, sometimes I don’t even like you and I would murder for your dumb ass.”
You tapped the melting glass of icy mint onto the tabletop.
“If you think about it,” Taehyung began tentatively, scooting his chair slightly away from you with your flaming eyes boring holes in the back of Jeon Jungkook’s head. His hair was dark violet now so you could spot him easily, pinning your (not yours, but you know, that was your prey at one point) girl against the back wall of the bar. “He always goes after your target. He wants you to notice something.”
You watched a YouTube video once about making your own bow and arrow. It didn’t seem that difficult, all things considered. Sharpening a long stick with a knife and–
“Stop thinking about murder.”
You jerked your head back to Taehyung and his honey-brown curls framing his amused expression. You glared in response.
“I’ve never interacted with him a day in my life,” you frowned, abandoning your homicidal tendencies for the moment. “What does he want me to notice?”
Taehyung gave you a pained look. You returned with a black stare. Then he sighed and shook his head.
“He’s a fuckboy. You’re the female equivalent of a fuckboy. What do you think he wants?”
“My body count?”
Taehyung slapped his own face, muttering under his breath. “… be part of your body count.”
“Sorry, what?” You raised your voice over the bass. “Can’t hear you over the music.”
He raised his head. “I don’t know. Fight him. See what happens.”
“I’m not gonna win a fistfight.”
Taehyung looked ready to fistfight you.
You stood up, dragging him by the arm. “Come on, wingman. I need another drink. I’ll buy, since you got me the last one.”
Taehyung laughed, loud and full, yanking his arm out of your grip and clapping a hand around your shoulders, pulling you to him so your body knocked into him. You grimaced, now forced to walk side by side with him, not seeing the looks shared between the patrons witnessing you two together.
“Now we’re talking. I wanna get trashed.”
“Cure for a broken heart, am I right?”
“Mine’s shattered,” Taehyung chuckled, rubbing the left side of his chest playfully, but you couldn’t help but notice the hurt in his eyes. It was his idea to go out tonight and assist you with getting laid but, one, you didn’t need assistance and, two, he had recently broken up. It was pretty obvious he just wanted you to buy him drinks and have an excuse to do something.
Which was fine with you, until Jeon Jungkook showed up holding your previous eye candy.
Whatever, you had a Taehyung to nurse back to health with an obscene amount of alcohol.
Two hours later, you were standing in the men’s bathroom, holding Taehyung’s beret with one hand and his hair in the other as he vomited loudly into the toilet.
The guy looked in the stall and then looked at you.
“You’re not supposed to be here…”
You raised an eyebrow. “You wanna hold his hair?”
The guy slunk away at your dismissive tone.
Taehyung tapped your thigh and you patted him on the head soothingly. He flushed and coughed.
"S... sorry," he croaked wetly.
You chuckled. "Wash your mouth, ya nasty."
He got up and you straightened his clothes in an almost maternal fashion.
"Need water, I think..." he winced, stumbling past you to the counter. You followed him to make sure he didn't hurl in the fucking sink.
"I'll be right back. Don't do anything crazy."
"Heh, that’s you," he slurred as he put his hands under the tap to wash up.
You plopped his beret on your head and sauntered out of the men's bathroom, unbothered by the stares and the people trying to catch your eye. It took you no time at all to waltz to the counter and obtain the water, striding back to the men's bathroom with the tall glass.
Only to run into you-know-who.
The girl sputtered your name in surprise as if she hadn't met you in this very bar a couple of weeks ago.
You completely ignored her existence, narrowing your eyes at the smirking face of Jeon Jungkook.
There was no denying his attractiveness. His purple hair was a little messy now, curling around his high cheekbones and large brown eyes. The dim light of the bar cast strange shadows over his chiseled jaw and shapely lips, curved into a devilish grin. He had a mole and red lipstick residue underneath his lower lip.
You had a strong urge to douse him and his leather jacket with your giant glass of water.
Taehyung was the one who found out Jungkook's name for you. You sent him on the mission after the first time this little shit started meddling in your business.
At this moment, you remembered that.
You pointedly looked away, walking past Jungkook, knocking into his arm forcefully and on purpose, annoyed that he seemed pretty strong under that jacket, muscular and lean. Whatever. You had a large bear cub named Kim Taehyung to take care of. You didn't have time to waste on Jeon Jungkook.
You stiffened at the deep, silvery voice. Of course. He had to have a sexy voice too. Bitch.
"You should apologize."
Your eyes flickered to the glass of water. It was pretty cold in your hand. You raised your chin back up, facing towards the bathrooms.
The choice was easy.
You continued waking and raised your free hand to flip Jeon Jungkook the bird, off to deliver the water to your best friend.
Some guy at the urinal screamed as you entered the men's bathroom but you completely ignored him, only focusing on Taehyung, who was gripping the corner of the sink, turning not to pass out, pallid face dripping and looking green.
"Drink this and I'll take you home."
"Ugh, thanks for the other day... sorry I wasn't the best wingman... I ended up making you exorcize my demons instead..."
You laughed, jabbing a toothpick in the steaming fried chicken. You and Kim Taehyung again, hanging out in the afternoon at the local chicken spot.
"It's cool. I know you needed it."
Taehyung frowned. "If you knew, why did you play along?"
You shrugged. "You would've done the same for me."
He smiled and popped a piece of crispy chicken in his mouth. "Yeah, if you ever had a serious relationship for once."
You glared. "This is a non-judgment zone. Shut up."
He chuckled. Then he leaned in and you grimaced, catching a whiff of his chicken breath. He was wearing a pinstriped shirt and neglected to button the first two because he was too hot to bother with some stupid buttons. You weren't going to say you could relate, but you were wearing a loose black sweater dress that was bordering on flashing your panties, so, maybe.
"I heard from a little birdie that you had a run-in with the bane of your existence."
You raised an eyebrow. "The tax man?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes. "No, the other one."
Now it was your turn to roll yours. "Oh, right. The Dark Lord."
Taehyung gave you a weird look. "Is that a movie reference or..."
"Harry Potter, ever heard of it?"
"You're such a nerd."
"That's not... anyway, so what?"
He wiggled his eyebrows. "He spoke to you."
You narrowed your eyes. "Where do you get your information?"
He fidgeted. "Uh... a reliable source that chooses to remain anonymous."
Your eyes became slits. "Who."
Taehyung stick his tongue out at you. "The whole point of anonymous is you not knowing!"
"Who are you, fucking Rita Skeeter–"
"Stop with the weird references!"
"For fuck's sake," you hissed, causing a mother sitting at a table near yours to chastise you, covering their kid’s ears. You frowned, lowering your voice. "Alright so what? He opened his mouth; nothing original came out." You jabbed another piece of chicken.
"Well? Feel any tension? Sweet romance? Unbridled fury?" Taehyung piped, greatly interested in your two-second interaction with Jeon Jungkook.
You chewed, huffing. "I had a big kid to take care of. I didn't give a shit."
"Hey, I'm not a kid!" he shot back.
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, you’re more important to me than poking his pretty eyeballs out of his head, so I didn't even reply."
Taehyung paused, mid-chew. "Really?"
"Yes, I didn't say–"
"No, that I'm important to you."
Taehyung was doing that thing where his big brown eyes went all sparkly and sentimental. It was making you uncomfortable. Bad with feelings and all that. The only reason you tolerated it was because Taehyung had been like this ever since he was that dorky weird kid you defended from bullies in elementary school. A folding chair was involved and you might have watched too many WWE TLC (tables, ladders, chairs) matches as a kid, but hey, those bullies didn’t bother Taehyung ever again, did they?
You got sent to detention for the rest of the year and anger management counseling appointments, but Taehyung remained your friend throughout the whole ordeal and for years to come, tolerating your poor life choices so… worth?
You reached over and shut his open mouth. "Of course, you are, that's why I'm not calling you a disgusting pig for chewing with your mouth open."
"Oi, that's bullying!"
"You bully me all the time," you snorted and the same mom made a noise of distaste that you pretended not to hear. "Like now you keep bringing up the spawn of Satan."
"You're also the spawn of Satan, by the way."
"Yeah, and you're my guardian angel and he ain't got shit, so I’ve already won this war."
Taehyung laughed nervously.
"Er, yes... totally..."
Another day, another conquest.
Well, you had to find the prey first, but that wasn’t going to be hard.
“You’re a chronic asshole.”
“Thanks, Tae. You sure you don’t wanna come?”
He rolled his eyes at you as you shrugged on one of his black dress shirts. You checked the tag. Silk. Damn. Kim Taehyung was a fancy bitch. He leaned against the closet doorframe as you fitted your black leather corset-style belt at your waist to cinch it in. You often raided Taehyung’s closet and paired it with your accessories. Did he enjoy your fucking in his clothes? Probably not, but you always returned them cleaned in the proper way, so he couldn’t complain.
He did anyway.
“No, I don’t. Let me sulk.”
“Ah, yes, moody starving artist, I’ll let you be,” you snickered, slinging the waist bag over your shoulder, wearing it across your chest instead of your hips. You lightly punched him in the arm and he pretended to topple over exaggeratedly. “You going to paint today?”
He shrugged. “I think. Dunno what media I want to use.”
“Just use a bunch of different ones. Your mixed media stuff is amazing,” you replied, waltzing out of his bedroom, past his messy studio with a blank canvas balanced on a wooden easel in the center of absolute chaos of paints. You helped him organize them once, but Taehyung often was too in the zone to pay attention to neatness.
“When’s the exhibit? I want to drop by,” you commented, seeing the line of his works safely wrapped up, leaning against the wall.
“Um… next week, Thursday through Sunday,” Taehyung replied sheepishly, cheeks flaring red at the mention of his own art exhibit. He was humble even though he was talented. “I’ll text you the address. Don’t show up looking like a high-paid escort.”
You tucked your feet into your heels and raised an eyebrow.
Silk black men’s shirt worn as a dress, belted at the waist to show off your curves, bare legs out, toned calves standing out due to your sleek black high heels.
“Who, me? Never.”
Taehyung shook his head. “Text me if you need a ride.”
“You got it.”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
You tapped your nails on the bar, having already finished your peach mojito.
“Fucking Jeon Jungkook, again?”
You needed to invest in a bow and arrow, like, yesterday.
Shoot right between his pretty eyeballs. Dude even pulled back his long, deep purple hair into a smooth ponytail with wispy strands framing his sculpted face. Was that damn eyeliner and mascara making his eyes look sharper, sexier? Fuck, he even knew how to make himself look even hotter.
Not as hot as you, of course.
“How does he always know where I’m at?” you muttered under your breath, turning away to look at the bartender and order another mojito. Watermelon. It seemed interesting. Fuck it, you were going to focus on drinking rather than the thorn in your side, Jeon Jungkook and his black dress shirt halfway buttoned and his tight-fitting black slacks with sleek oxfords. The bartender slid your glass in front of you, a gradient of pink to transparent with a little sprig of mint on top. It was a pretty drink.
You reached into your waist bag to pay, but the bartender stopped you.
“The gentleman over there paid for you. A gift.”
Oh? Maybe a potential for the night. You shifted your gaze to–
“Tell him to fu–”
But the bartender was already off servicing other customers on this busy night.
You know what? Fine. He put himself up as the target. He wanted to play this game.
And you never missed a bullseye.
You tilted your head to survey Jeon Jungkook out of the corner of your eye, making his way over to you, bringing your drink close to your lips. He stopped right next to you. The colorful lights of the club made rainbows dance across his lightly tanned skin and his dark lips, curled into a smug smirk.
You cocked an eyebrow.
Mmm, fuck, that was some deliciously smooth rum. The watermelon was a refreshing addition to the mint too. You probably weren’t meant to drink it all at once, but you were glaring at Jungkook who was pointedly watching your throat swallow and it was aggravating you more and more, the entire drink disappearing in record time, leaving nothing but ice and mint.
You smacked the glass down on this table with a hiss.
Jungkook purred your name with that deep, silvery voice of his. His eyes flickered down to your exposed collarbones and then back up to your face.
You clicked your tongue.
Then you turned away from him dismissively, walking past him, knocking into his arm forcefully and on purpose.
But instead of letting it happen, Jungkook shifted his weight and slid to block your path. You stopped, eyes darting up to narrow at that conceited little brat’s face. Now you could smell his cologne, fresh, sensual, a mix of pungent dragon fruit and black coffee.
Hold on.
You inhaled. Yup, no mistaking it.
That was your perfume.
Jungkook grinned as the realization hit you. How did he know what perfume you used?
“The fuck you want?” you growled.
He licked his lips slowly. He ticked his chin, taunting you.
“Finally got you to talk to me,” he purred, chuckling.
Alright, you were past causing actual bodily harm these days – jail being your primary reason – but that didn’t stop you from staring down Jeon Jungkook and his self-satisfied smirk with your signature tapering of your sharp stare.
You just stood there.
He bit his lower lip, exposing that tiny mole underneath, shivering under your gaze. “Are you mad at me?” he asked, almost innocently, but there was no chance in hell that he was.
You quirked your head, lifting your chin defiantly. “Absolutely fuming,” you replied acidly.
He took a step towards you, closing the distance, so close you could feel his warmth, your breasts brushing against his chest. Now people were whispering around you two, sensing the tension between you and Jungkook. The similar outfits, the same violent energy, the same predatory aura.
As if the fox had confronted the wolf.
“What’s there to be mad about when we play the same game?” Jungkook drawled.
Cocky. The fox was so damn cocky.
“You’re just nibbling on my leftovers,” you countered, stepping forward so you pressed against him, burning body heat to burning body heat. “Which makes you the scavenger.”
Jungkook leaned down, dark brown eyes glittering with amusement.
“Then why so angry?”
His lips ghosted over yours, breathing in your exhale.
“I’m just a pest, right? A mere annoyance in your eventual victory.”
His lashes lowered, arrogant smirk reaching his dark eyes.
“Play your ace. Let’s see if it works,” he purred in the deep, sexy octave of his.
Shut up.
A low snarl rumbled in your chest.
“Shut up, Jeon Jungkook.”
You gripped his belt and yanked him to your body, rolling your crotch into his, your lips colliding with that maddening smirk, alcohol, dragon fruit, black coffee, flint igniting the dry wood, devouring his lips hungrily, his hands sliding up your sides, and his smile.
You couldn’t give two fucks about Jeon Jungkook and he was into it.
Like the impossible enigma, he couldn’t figure you out but he was drawn to you anyway. The whole world was your plaything, and you treated it as such. There was something exciting about you, the thrill too irresistible to avoid when you made your presence known. Always you and that teasing smile, never getting serious, making everyone hesitate to take it farther with you. Who could blame them with your borderline brash attitude and ease of moving from one to the next?
That and your friendship with Kim Taehyung, who was a whole damn tiger next to your wolfish nature.
At first, Jungkook was intrigued.
As time went on, he became frustrated and annoyed.
What gave you the right to ignore him?
You picked up guys far less attractive than he was, not that he was that vain but, seriously, he was right here! Waiting to be caught. He didn’t try to interfere at first. In fact, Jungkook wasn’t even the sleep-around-and-mess-with-feelings kind of guy. But the more he watched you, the more impressed he was, seeing the way you charmed your way into everyone’s hearts, the way you focused on them for that moment, making them feel like they were the most perfect creature on Earth before slinking to the next, leaving them with a pining heart and lost in fantasies of what-ifs.
And, yeah, you were hot.
What was Jungkook going to do?
He could do nothing.
Or he could befriend Kim Taehyung, get under your skin, and make you notice him.
Not a scheme, per se.
Kind of a scheme.
Alright, definitely a scheme.
In Jungkook’s defense, your best friend Taehyung was all for it. Taehyung was the one who came up with all the ideas, informed him of your location, and the names of the girls you were after.
“Give her a taste of her own medicine. She needs a reality check.”
The problem was, Jungkook didn’t really want to let you go now that you were in his arms.
“Silly pretty boy.”
You had his chin in your palm, pressing your thumb against Jungkook’s lower lip, opening his hungry mouth to tease him with your tongue, tracing his soft lips and thrusting in, his low moan filling your lungs. His hands on your waist tightened, pulling you closer even through you were already in his lap, murmurs and eyes on you, but neither your nor Jungkook cared, used to this by now.
You were, after all, making out in the club.
The chair scraped against the ground as Jungkook firmly placed your thighs on either side of his, thrusting upwards into your core, letting your feel his rapidly growing hardness with every one of your kisses. Your hair feathered his cheeks and shoulders as your free hand toyed with his ponytail, twirling it in your fingers, smirking into his lips with his gasp from you grinding back down on his crotch, rolling your hips into him.
“Thought I was the bane of your existence?” Jungkook taunted under you, squeezing your ass through the silk and meeting your movements, staring into your eyes with his. So dark, so smokey, so fucking sexy, almost like looking into a mirror, because you too wore similar makeup, maybe a little darker and a little more of a flick to your eyeliner. “Just going to kiss me to shut me up?”
You wouldn’t be surprised if the other clubgoers were eagerly watching now, waiting to see what was going to happen between you and him.
“I don’t need to be on your mouth to shut you up,” you mused, tugging his ponytail back and kissing down his neck, tongue tracing the contours of his muscles, feeling him shudder under your lips and teeth, lightly nipping at his skin. Tracing circles, gentle kisses, relishing in his gasps and his tightened grip on you, letting your breath linger for that extra second, that extra what-if, kissing back up his neck and onto his jawline, murmuring his name sweetly, tip of your tongue curling around his earrings and bouncing them, sighing softly in his ear.
“Can’t claim my leftovers when my leftovers are you, now can you, naughty boy?” you chuckled darkly, pressing your breasts on his hot chest and your clothed pussy on the tip of his stiff length, rutting against it, making him hiss your name.
“I have no intention of being leftovers,” he growled into your ear.
Your eyes flew open as his lips transfixed to the space under your ear, sucking hard, forcing you to squeeze your thighs at the attack on your erogenous zone, sparks of arousal flinching through you, soaking your panties. You gasped, hips bucking into his needily, barely processing his words, his tongue flicking against your throbbing skin, lips and teeth, and then his mouth was moving, traveling up your earlobe, nipping at the curve, your eyelids fluttering, clutching his purple ponytail tightly.
How did he know? Did he ask your previous conquests to spill the information? There was no time to think, his hands traveling up your back, clenching fistfuls of your shirt and digging his nails into your back, your body responding and squirming against him, the quiet whine of his name escaping your lips and drifting right into his ear.
“J… Jungkook…”
He groaned, turning your head forcefully, him kissing you this time, just as ravenous, just as powerful, basically simulating sex in the middle of the fucking club with the way your hips were twisting into his and he was thrusting back against you, breathless, whispering in your mouth so only you could hear his words resonate in your chest.
“Fuck, you’re so hot, you turn me on so fucking easily, I just have to have you,” he murmured, his forehead pressed against yours, capturing your lips again and again. “There’s no way you’re any good for me, but I don’t care, fuck.”
You snickered, eye to eye, trapped in those expanding pupils and his heavy pants. “They say the same about you, Jeon Jungkook.”
You felt him smirk. “Nah, not me. No one calls me the spawn of Satan.”
You raised an eyebrow. “You sure? Because I do.”
Jungkook’s tongue licked your lips, making your shiver in delight. “That was special treatment. Just for you.”
Hold on a second.
Through your hazy buzzed brain, you began to piece the puzzle together. With each part falling into place, the amusement in Jungkook’s eyes grew and grew, seeing you fill in the missing blanks. Your eyes widened and you curled a finger around his ponytail, yanking roughly to pull his grinning face away from yours. You jerked back, but his strong hands held you in place.
Wispy strands of violet framing that devious expression.
“Taehyung,” you breathed, venomous.
Jungkook had the audacity to cock an eyebrow.
You were going to kill Taehyung. That little shit! Taehyung was no idiot, so he must have planned this somehow. He always telling you to get serious and stop messing around. That’s why Jungkook always knew who you were dating, where you were, and what you were wearing! Did Taehyung recruit Jeon Jungkook to trick you? Fuck! He was dead meat, scheming against you like this!
Jungkook brought you out of your homicidal tendencies with a soft drawl of your name.
“For the record, he was helping me out,” he murmured, pulling you to him, pressing your chest to his. You narrowed your eyes, his hard cock still throbbing against your panties. “I want you.”
He lowered his face, breathing hard.
“Not just like this.”
Your eyes widened.
“I said I’m not going to be leftovers.” Looking deep into your eyes, holding you tightly. “I’m not going to let you throw me away like the rest.” Every inhale making your body rise into his touch, his deep, silvery voice saturated with lust and determination. “I’m going to make you fall in love with me as much as I am in love with you.”
You opened your mouth to retort, but…
Jungkook gave you this look.
The look of ‘you-know-you’ve-already-lost’.
You could sit here and pretend, but you were also grinding back onto his dick right out here in the open, clutching his purple hair and his pretty face. His hard body was tucked snugly in your thighs. That smug little smirk. Shit, shit, shit.
Jeon Jungkook got you and he got you good.
He knew it too, his hands sliding down and grabbing your ass again, rolling his hips into yours.
“Come on. Let’s fuck.”
“Oh, fuck, yes, yes, yes!”
Jungkook threw his head back onto his pillows, exposing his straining throat, veins popping out, clutching your hips strongly to rut back against you as you smacked your crotch down onto him, riding him hard and fast, your hands next to his head, his long purple hair a mess even if it was still in the ponytail, sweat glistening on his forehead, moaning loudly with your walls closing in on his hardness. You were too busy fucking the daylights out of him to say anything, but Jungkook had plenty to say, hazy eyes opening and gasping as he viewed your body hovering over him, naked with his hickeys on your neck and breasts, strong thighs flexed on either side of him, his rock-hard cock repeatedly disappearing into your tight, wet hole.
“Fuck, I knew it, I knew you would be so fucking good and so fucking sexy,” he whined, nails digging into your hips and adding more force to your thrusts.
Your clothes and his clothes were all over his bedroom floor.
Your phone was on his nightstand.
Tonight, you sent one text to Kim Taehyung.
I’m gonna buy a bow and arrow and shoot you in the ass.
You screen flashed, indicating Taehyung had replied. One quick flick of your eyes and you smirked.
Oh shit.
Jungkook squeezed your ass, making your return your attention to him.
“Focus on me,” he begged, blown-out pupils. “Only me, please.”
“So needy,” you teased, licking your lips slowly. He groaned under you, mouth opening, his pretty pink tongue lolling out, desperate to be sucked. “If you think you can keep me, you’ll have to last longer than this, Jungkook.”
He swallowed hard at the way you said his name, a mixture of warning and desire.
“P-Please… it’s too good, I-I can’t…”
You redoubled your efforts, roughly slapping your hips into his, enjoying the loud sound and the way your core tightened, constricting him inside you, telling him he couldn’t cum until you did and deliberately holding yourself back, shifting your attention when you felt it rise, denying him over and over, until he was like this, whole body shaking, grasping your ass, sweat on his chest. His right arm, covered in tattoos, looking extra delicious in the moonlight, so fucking perfect with his forearms flexed with tension. You purposefully stared into his brown eyes overtaken with lust, his lips trembling from denying himself his own orgasm.
Jungkook whimpered your name.
On the verge of breaking, helpless at your command.
A sharp throb inside you, wildly turned on by his duality.
You smirked.
You inhaled deeply, sighing in satisfaction with the wave of pleasure, intense shivering pulses running up and down his length, sinking down so he could feel it all, the tight and rough massage of your orgasm taking over, low moan of his name emitting from your throat, and Jungkook followed suit, louder and lewder, eyes rolling back as he shot into the condom with jerking hips, burying the twitching head deep inside you, swelling the latex with thick cum, rocking you back and forth on his length, your juices dripping down and coating the inside of your joined thighs.
“Oh, fuuuuuuuck, so good, s-so fucking good…”
You know what, he was right.
It was so fucking good.
You savored it, the ecstasy that seemed endless and overwhelming, squeezing Jungkook between your thighs and moaning, just something about it, so satisfying and gratifying listening to his wheezing gasps and content whimpers, lowering yourself to his face, and he raised his, your hands sliding under his head, giving him what he wanted, light, maddening, carnal kisses, his cheeks, his chin, his quivering lips, whining your name, pleading with you to play with him more, more, tugging on his ponytail and his hands stroking your breasts, rolling your hard nipples between his index and thumb fingers, shaking at your hissing inhale.
“Hey,” you murmured, clenching him between your legs to get his attention.
Jungkook blinked at you, brown eyes unfocused, panting hard. “Y-Yeah?”
“You should apologize.”
The side of his swollen lips quirked upwards despite his fucked-out state. His deep voice was slightly hoarse. “What for? Tell me and I will.”
You raised an eyebrow. “For your scheming and using my own best friend against me.”
Jungkook smirked slyly.
“I’m sorry.”
He lifted you and made sure he had the condom before he pulled out, still semi-hard. You narrowed your eyes. He sure as hell didn’t sound sorry. Didn’t look sorry either, peeling the condom off and crawling over the bed to toss it in the trash before straightening.
“Sounding insincere there,” you remarked coolly, balancing your chin on the back of your knuckles, elbow on the bed, tapping the air impatiently.
“I mean it,” he purred, reaching for the towel beside the bed and knocking the condoms from his nightstand to the sheets. His right hand wrapped around his glistening length, still covered in lube and his cum, toned hips thrusting into his closed fist, grinning with his lower lip between his teeth as you watched him.
“I’m so, so sorry.”
Slowly jacking himself off as his eyes roamed over your curves, moaning lustfully, lingering on your legs, clutching the towel in his left hand so hard his knuckles were pale, forearms flexed, the slick head of his cock turning purple-red, emerging from between his closed fingers, throbbing as it was choked by his harsh grip.
“Let me make it up to you,” Jungkook shuddered, stroking faster, making wet squelching sounds, his muscular thighs bulging with effort.
Fuck, he was so damn attractive.
You kept an indifferent look on your face, raising your leg, your free hand sliding down, tracing the outside of your already wet opening. Those hungry dark brown orbs immediately fixated on it, moaning imploringly as you dipped your fingers in it, soft squishing noises as you spread open your soaked pussy, slipping a finger in your heat, gently thrusting.
He gasped your name, begging you.
It made you wetter, seeing his want. He knew it too, brutally fisting his cock, hips quivering.
Jungkook whined despairingly, pulling his hand away, his stiff cock bouncing from the swiftness of the movement, cutting off his own orgasm. He sucked in a shivering breath, tipping his hips up to you so his glossy, hard length twitched.
You shifted, laying back against his pillows, opening your legs.
Smirk on your lips.
“Mmm, fuck, yes, fuck me with that.”
Jungkook smirked back.
It took him no time at all to wipe his hand and crotch off, ripping open another condom and moaning as he rolled it down, the mere contact of the thin encasement stimulating his sensitive skin. He slid up to you, gripping your knees and spreading you even wider, pressing the tip against your drenched heat.
He whispered your name, like sweet smoke.
Jungkook leaned down, kissing you deeply as he sank into you, drinking in your gasp at the fullness.
“I’m going to make you feel so, so good,” he mumbled into your lips, pecking you softly.
He was about to retreat but your hands snapped up, tangling into his messy violet waves, clutching his ponytail. Jungkook blinked at you, questioning.
“Not too far away,” you said with a playful smile. “I wanna see that handsome face of yours.”
He bit his lower lip, tiny mole and wicked grin revealing themselves.
He lifted his hips and plunged fully into you, the connection of your hips making a loud, wet smack.
“Fuck, Jungkook…!”
And you could tell from his elated expression and his furious pace that he was ecstatic at your response, chasing it, chasing you, moaning as you caught him between your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist, gaining some leverage and meeting his thrusts, fingers tightening in his soft hair, fuck, so beautiful, the way the pleasure overtook his handsome features, his hazy dark brown orbs shrouded in lust, his pink lip trembling in his teeth, sharp jaw set, but still maintaining a little bit of that cunning exterior that ensnared you in the first place, unknowingly at the time, the side of his lips ticking up, this cheeky bastard.
Jungkook saw the way you looked at him.
He adjusted the position, hitting deeper, swelling inside you, and, fuck, you couldn’t help it, you smirked too because he was so, so full of himself and so were you, insufferable, troublesome, competitive even now, the obscene smack of his crotch hitting your hips, wet and noisy, the squish of your juices smearing against his inner thighs as you wildly matched his rapid, bruising rhythm, your moans blending together, sweet hot harmony, his bedframe ramming against the wall, and, as usual, neither of you caring, far to occupied with yourselves, pleasure snaking between you, up your spine and into your head, mixing with the light buzz of alcohol, a different kind of euphoria from every other one-night stand, because this was Jeon Jungkook and he wasn’t going to be a one-night stand.
His lower lip popped out of his teeth and he gasped your name.
Longingly, breathlessly.
Was he thinking the same thing?
You lifted yourself a little, your hands molded to his head, whispering intensely against his shaking lips.
“Don’t worry, Jungkook. We have all night and the morning.”
Fuck, he had a brilliant smile.
It was actually doomed for you, but you weren’t mad about it.
Eye contact, and he didn’t waver, thrusting deep into you, low moan pulled from his chest, jolting shudders sliding down his shoulders and then in between you and him, his cock twitching and spilling into the condom again, roughly clamped by your tightness, and you were already there, falling over the edge with a soft cry, straining your neck and pushing his head down to you to collide your lips with his, greedy for his kiss, his taste, his whimpers at your forcefulness.
“Jungkook, ah…”
He said your name in the same tone, delicate and possessive, a bullseye right to the heart.
“On one hand, I’m glad you’re finally serious about someone.”
You paid absolutely no attention to the annoyed baritone voice of your best friend.
“On the other hand,” Kim Taehyung gritted out, smacking you in the shoulder blades as you crawled into Jeon Jungkook’s lap, kisses intensifying, a needy whine in his chest, his hands wrapping around your waist. “Really feeling like a third wheel, you two! Stop making out for one goddamn second!”
He threw up his hands as both of you pretended to be deaf.
interlude respect drabble — "how much did you see?" popcorn drabble — "who are they?"
part ii threesome, ft kth — got it bad
723 notes · View notes
ificanthaveu · 4 years
2:00 am || Shawn Mendes
Description: You and Shawn Mendes had 2 things in common: you were always awake at 2 am and you had a habit for saying things you’d regret at 2am. Inspired by those 2:00 am lines in Feel it Twice and Mutual.
when you show up late say love at 2 am then tell me you can’t stay
it’s almost 2 am and I can’t ask you to stay
A/N: SO WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED AT 2 AM???? The world will never know, so I created my own scenario of the very complicated time of 2:00 am between Shawn and the reader. I’ve been obsessed with this parallel for a while, and I’ve been very uninspired but with heartbreak knocking on my door in more ways than one, I was prepared to write this. Enjoy :)
Word Count: 7k
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Your tennis shoes were haphazardly thrown into the back seat of the car before you quickly slid on a pair of heels as your driver pulled up to the front of the venue. People were buzzing, photographers and celebrities alike running back and forth like their lives depended on it. 
Your door was opened for you, and you took a deep breath before stepping out and grabbing whoever’s arm was there. 
You mumbled a thank you as the man disappeared to help whoever pulled up next. You glanced around and gripped onto your purse. 
You were alone. 
Your manager was somewhere along the long row of professional people, probably trying to last-minute check in on your scheduled interviews. 
You were used to looking next to you and having your boyfriend with you, but he wasn’t here. 
Apparently, the Grammy’s weren’t his thing. 
You walked forward along the carpet, finding the entrance along with a few other familiar and unfamiliar faces. 
A hand rested on your back and gently pushed you forward on to the carpet. You looked forward and plastered on a smile, turning to whoever shouted your name. Random questions were hurled at you, but you knew better than to answer questions from people who weren’t the ones you planned on ahead of time. 
But the questions were all the same. 
“Where’s Jett?”
You ignored every one of them and continued walking down the carpet, meeting your manager along the way. 
“Your first interview is just with the Grammy’s livestream. All have been instructed to not ask about Jett, but we can’t always be sure they’ll follow through,” she whispered in your ear. 
You nodded your head before stepping up the first one. 
“[Y/N]! So good to see you,” the one said as she pulled you into a hug, having interviewed with her before. 
“So great to be here!” You said with a little too much excitement. 
“Now, this is your first Grammy’s, but your film A Day Too Long has a song nominated for best film song, which is so exciting,” she said before pointing the microphone towards you. 
“I know! I loved the song the second I heard it. It fits just perfectly with that pivotal scene, and I’m so glad it’s getting the recognition it deserves,” you said with a smile. 
“Now, you’re working on your next project I presume,” the other one said with a sly smile. 
You shrugged your shoulders and hid your smile, “Guess you’ll have to wait and see.”
“Any hints?” She said.
“Well, you might just see me on the big screens again sooner than you think,” you hinted. 
Both the girls shared a look, knowing they were the first ones to get this from you. 
You said goodbye to them, slowly backing up as you finished your conversation. 
You bumped into someone and felt a tug on your dress as you leaned backward, grabbing the train and tugging it out from under someone’s shoe.
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” the guy said as he stepped back and reached down to straighten your train. 
“It’s fine,” you sighed as the man stood up and towered over you. 
“[Y/N], right? I loved your movie,” he said with a smile. 
“Yeah, yeah, thank you. I love your newest single,” you stumbled over your words. 
“Shawn, by the way,” he said as he reached his hand out, his voice shaking as much as yours.
“Yeah, I know. Hence why I said I loved your single,” you said with a small smile. 
He nodded his head and looked away for a second. 
“Yeah, probably should have figured that out,” he whispered. “Aren’t you usually here with someone?”
You glanced around and hoped no reporters heard what he just said. Shawn noticed your hesitation. 
“I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. I just kind of know Jett,” he whispered. 
“No, it’s fine. I just don’t want any reporters thinking they can also ask,” you said with an eye-roll. “He just couldn’t make it tonight.”
Shawn cocked an eyebrow at you as you avoided his look. 
“Couldn’t make it to the biggest night in music?” He questioned. 
“Priorities,” you said simply. 
“I should keep moving,” you said after a moment of silence. 
“Yeah, yeah, me too,” he said as he stepped back and let you walk first, watching as you made your way back out to the middle of the carpet and posed for a final few pictures. 
You caught his stare and smiled at him as he returned it. He made his way back out and posed just a few feet from you. 
You made your way to the next interview and greeted them nicely. 
“We just saw you chatting with Shawn Mendes over there. How amazing is he?” He asked. 
“Oh, just the sweetest. That was actually my first time meeting him, and he stepped on my dress. But it’s totally fine! We’re all good,” you explained with a laugh and a smile. 
You looked to your side at the same time as Shawn did as he talked to the interviewers next to yours. 
“So, Shawn is good friends with your boyfriend Jett, right?” He asked with a smile that could kill someone. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you nodded your head slowly. You could feel Shawn staring at you as he finished up his interview. 
“Yeah, yeah, they’re really good friends,” you said as smoothly as you could. 
“Are you talking about how good of friends we are?” Shawn said as he jumped into your interview and slung an arm around you. 
You breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at him and nodded. 
“Exactly, how did you guess?” You said softly. 
“Shawn Mendes, how are you doing tonight? Nominated for two Grammys!” The interviewer said. 
“Yep, super excited. Now, I’ve gotta pull Ms. [Y//L/N] away, since I know someone’s looking for her,” Shawn said as he carefully tugged you along, waving goodbye to the interviewer. 
“You’re a lifesaver,” you said through a fake grin. 
“Jett and I aren’t even that great of friends,” Shawn said with a confused look. 
“You know how it is. You see someone twice, and you’re best friends,” you said as the two of you continued to walk to the end of the carpet, done with interviews and pictures. 
“So that’s why we’re best friends, right?” Shawn said cockily. 
“We’ve only met once,” you said with a shrug as you walked into the building, and he laughed. 
“Well, then this is where I leave you, and when I see you again later, then we’ll be best friends. Right?” He confirmed as he backed away. 
“Whatever you think, Mendes,” you said as he rolled his eyes and made his way to his seat towards the front with his hands tucked in his pockets. 
You ignored the feeling in your stomach as you walked towards your spot off to the side. 
The show took longer than necessary, and you again ignored your feelings as Shawn presented an award. 
You ducked out of the show a few minutes early, hoping to have time to find your manager to help you change before you headed off to an afterparty. 
“[Y/L/N]!” You heard from behind you as you spotted your manager. 
You turned around to see Shawn walking towards you. 
You smiled at him as he got closer. 
“You made it. We’re officially best friends,” you said sarcastically as you stepped into a corner with your manager, Shawn following. 
“What after-party are you going to?” He asked as you worked on the detachable skirt of your dress, a miniskirt waiting underneath. 
“Vanity Fair, I think,” you said slowly as you looked at your manager, and she nodded her head. 
“I can take you in my car. You know, save the environment, take fewer cars,” he rationalized. 
You gave him a questioning look as you finally detached the long skirt, and your manager put it into the garment bag. 
You didn’t miss Shawn looking you up and down. 
“Sounds good,” you said, a new hit of confidence hitting you as your manager handed you your purse. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said as she squeezed your hand and walked out. 
You followed Shawn to the front as people started to pour out. His car picked you up in the front, and you made your way to the afterparty down the street. 
You made small talk about the evening, sharing which artists deserved it and didn’t. You instantly felt comfortable with him, saying things you normally wouldn’t say to someone you’d only met once. 
The car pulled up, and Shawn opened the door for you. Cameras flashed as you quickly walked into the bar with Shawn right behind you. 
“You don’t think anyone’s going to think this is something else, right?” You said to Shawn as you got inside. 
Shawn shook his head, “Jett and I are best friends, remember? Nothing against being with his friends.”
You nodded your head slowly, “Not everyone sees it like that though.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Shawn said as he slowly pushed you further into the packed bar. 
You greeted a few friends who happened to be there, getting separated from Shawn pretty early on, occasionally seeing him from across the room or bumping into him as you both talked to everyone. 
After a few hours, you found yourself alone in a booth, drinking a bottle of water to hopefully sober yourself up for your 8:00 am meeting the next day. 
Shawn plopped in the booth across from you, also drinking water. 
You hit your bottle against his. 
“Why are you drinking water?” You asked. 
He shrugged his shoulders as he traced the sides of the bottle, “I have a writing session at 8:00 tomorrow.”
“I have a meeting at 8:00 tomorrow,” you said, raising your bottle again as he tapped his against yours. 
“Good for us,” he grumbled as you both took a sip. 
“Want to get out of here?” You said, alcohol still flowing through you. “My apartment is a few blocks away. It might be easier to get picked up there.”
Shawn nodded his head and helped you out, making your way to the back entrance. You looked both ways down the alley before slipping down it and tugging Shawn to follow. 
“You seem like you’ve done this before,” Shawn said as you came out at the other end at an empty sidewalk. 
“I do it more often than I’d like to admit,” you said with a scrunched nose. 
“This specific bar or other places?” He questioned. 
“This bar and the restaurant next to it. I love both the places, and I don’t want people catching on that I spend time there because then there’s always way too many people there,” you explained. 
“That’s how my favorite coffee shop got ruined,” he mumbled. “People saw me coming out of it like three times, and now it’s always packed. People just sit and wait there anytime I’m in town.”
“Yeah, this shit is not always fun,” you related. 
You lead him up the stairs of your building and up to your apartment on the top floor. 
“An Uber is going to take an hour,” Shawn grumbled as he followed you in. 
“Well, make yourself at home then, Mendes,” you said, gesturing to the couch. 
Shawn sat down and leaned his head back as you went into your kitchen. 
“Anything to drink?” You yelled.  
“Coffee,” he mumbled just loud enough. 
You shook your head and laughed to yourself as you started a pot. A few minutes later, you walked into your living room with two mugs. 
“Wake up, Mendes,” you border-line yelled as you nudged a mug into his hand. 
He groaned and took a sip as you sat down next to him, maybe just an inch too close. 
It stayed quiet and you let out a yawn before glancing at the clock on the wall. It was nearly 2:00 am. 
“So what do you do in a writing session?” You asked as you both faced each other and sipped at the coffee. 
“Well, I’ll meet Scott at the studio, we’ll both share any ideas we have and see what we can do with them,” he explained. 
“That’s it?” You said with a confused look. 
Shawn rolled his eyes, “It’s not that easy. There’s obviously a lot more to it.”
“Mhm, sure, ok,” you said slowly as you took a drink. 
Shawn shoved your shoulder playfully as he rested the side of his head against the couch, watching you as you stared out your window and took another drink. 
“What about your meeting?” He asked quietly. 
“A movie deal,” you said simply. “Paperwork.”
“Fun, fun,” he said back. 
“I’m glad I got the part, not glad that I have to spend five hours in a meeting that’s exactly like every other one,” you said, leaning your head as he had his, looking back at him. 
“So, where is Jett?” He asked. 
You sighed and leaned your head to the side, looking at the ceiling, knowing this was going to come up eventually. 
“As a director, he doesn’t think he should have to go to the Grammys,” you said slowly. 
“His movie won for best score.”
“I know.”
You could feel him staring at you as you refused to look at him. 
“Kind of bullshit,” Shawn finally said. 
“Yeah,” you said back as you finally turned your head to look at him, being much closer than you remember. 
“You deserve better,” he whispered. 
“You barely know me,” you said back at the same volume. 
“You’re pretty easy to get to know.”
You felt yourself get closer to him, your eyes not leaving his, until you tore them away for a moment, instantly seeing the picture on your end table of you and Jett. 
You didn’t move, your eyes not leaving the photograph. Shawn continued to look at you, before following your eyes to the photo. 
“I don’t expect you to ask me to stay,” Shawn whispered. 
“You know I can’t ask you that, Shawn,” you replied, finally looking at him. 
He nodded his head and you looked back at him, but he looked down before your eyes could meet his. 
“My Uber is here,” he whispered before standing up. 
You followed suit and followed him out of your apartment. You both could feel the guilt eating away at you as you stood at the front door of your building. 
He turned towards you and tugged you into a hug before you could change your mind. You relaxed at his touch as you felt his lips press a kiss to your cheek before he pulled away.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled. 
“I am, too,” he said before turning to walk down the stairs. 
You watched as he climbed into the car and disappeared into the unsettling darkness that came with 2:00 am. 
You made your way back up to your apartment, checking your phone for the first time all night. You sent a text to Jett congratulating his movie for winning best score before going through the pictures your manager sent you. 
You picked one with the artist of the song that won from your movie and one where you were looking off to the side and smiling. 
You knew it was when you smiled at Shawn. 
And he knew it too when he saw it the next morning. 
He stared at it for just a moment too long, admiring the glimmer in your eyes as you smiled at him. 
But you had a boyfriend. And Shawn had music to write. 
But it didn’t mean the music couldn’t be about you.
Your eyes were glued to the clock as you watched it slowly pass 1:30. You sat pretzel legged in the middle of your couch, not moving as you willed yourself not to cry. 
You’d give up on the dress you’d picked out around 10:00. The makeup came off shortly after, and your hair was undone just an hour ago.
You tapped your phone, hoping to see a text from Jett explaining everything. 
But still. Nothing. 
The dinner you’d made and been so proud of was picked at by you and the rest was put in the fridge. 
It was your first night off in a while, and while you loved the movie you were in, it was mostly night shoots. So you weren’t seeing Jett as frequently as you used to. 
You tapped on your phone once more before finally picking it up and dialing his number. 
It rang a few times before it picked up and you hear rustling. 
“Hey, hun, I can’t really talk right now,” he said as you could hear him trying to get somewhere quieter. “Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“You know I can’t fall asleep before 2:00,” you said softly. 
“Well, babe, you really should try.”
“I have,” you said harshly. 
“What’s up? What’s going on?”
“You were supposed to be here seven hours ago.”
“Shit,” he mumbled. 
“Please tell me there’s a good explanation for this,” you said, trying to keep yourself calm. 
“The guys wanted to grab drinks after today’s shoot,” he said slowly. 
“The guys? Didn’t realize you couldn’t take a night off from them to spend one with me for the first time in weeks,” you said as the anger started to bubble in your chest. 
“I’m sorry, hun, I’ll make it up to you,” he said with little emotion in his voice. 
“You can’t just say that. You say that all the time and every time you try to make it up, you forget about that, too,” you snapped. “This was my one night for another few weeks.”
“Well, I don’t know what you want me to do,” he snapped back. 
“I want you to remember when we make plans for something,” you said, standing up and walking to your window. 
“You want me to come over now?” He asked. 
You let out a sarcastic laugh, leaning your head against the cool glass. 
“No. I really don’t want to see you right now, and to be honest, I don’t know how much longer I can tolerate this,” you choked out. 
Jett was silent on the other side. 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He finally said.
“I don’t know. It’s late, and I can’t think straight right now, but I’m really fucking mad, J,” you said, his nickname rolling off your tongue before you could stop it. 
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow, ok? I promise we’ll figure this out,” he said, trying to make it sound like it meant something.
“Ok,” you said softly. 
“I love you.”
You didn’t say it back, shutting your eyes and begging tears not to fall. 
“[Y/N],” he said softly. 
“I just can’t say it right now because I’m really not feeling it,” you said, a tear slipping out. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” you quickly said before hanging up and sitting against the window sill. 
You leaned your head into your hands and let yourself cry. You sat there for what felt like hours as you questioned why you let him continue to do this to you. 
You finally stopped and leaned your head against the glass again, staring at the ceiling. 
It was 2:00 am by the time you stopped crying.
And you only knew one other person who would be up this late. 
You pressed his contact before you could convince yourself not to. 
Shawn sat on the chair in the corner of his room, scrolling through his phone and occasionally looking up to see his girlfriend’s sleeping figure. 
He was snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at her when his phone vibrated. He looked down, and his heart jumped at seeing your name. 
He quickly stood up and walked into the living room before answering. 
“Hey,” he said softly. 
“Hey,” you said through a sob. 
“Oh, [Y/N]…” he trailed off as he heard you cry. 
“I can’t do this, Shawn. I can’t fucking do this,” you sobbed, leaning your head between your knees. 
“What happened? What’s going on?” He asked frantically, walking towards the other end of the living room and hoping he didn’t wake her up. 
“I planned this shit for weeks,” you said through sobs. “I made him dinner on my one night off, and he forgot,” you said breathlessly. 
“I’m so sorry, honey,” he said quietly. 
“This is the seventh time he’s done this,” you said quietly. 
Shawn’s eyes widened as he leaned against the wall. 
“[Y/N], seven times?” He asked carefully. 
“Yeah,” you whispered back.
“You deserve better than this,” he reminded you for what felt like the hundredth time. 
“Do I?” You questioned. 
“Hey, don’t you dare fucking say that,” he snapped. “You deserve someone who would rearrange his schedule for you and would drop everything to be with you. You deserve someone who wants to be with you every minute of every day, and that’s not him.”
You went quiet, and Shawn instantly regretted snapping at you. 
“I didn’t mean for it to come out like that, but you know what I mean.”
“Yeah, I do,” you said. “I’m just having a really hard time believing it.”
“I know,” he responded. “But I’ll always be here to remind you that you deserve the world.”
“You would’ve given it to me,” you said before you could take it back. 
Shawn didn’t respond. He instead leaned his head against the wall and tried to make himself not say something he’d regret. 
He paced back and forth before standing in the doorway of his bedroom. He leaned against the doorframe and watched her chest rise and fall. 
“I would have,” he said. “I still would.”
You didn’t say anything this time, leaning the side of your head against your window and watching the few cars travel on the street.
“Then come over,” you said. 
Shawn let out his breath as his heart skipped a beat. The word “yes” was at the very tip of his tongue before he looked up at her. 
“You know I can’t do that,” he forced out. 
“I know,” you said. “I say stupid things at 2:00 am.”
“You and me both.”
It had been barely a few weeks by the time you and Jett were fighting again. You were in London for your final few weeks of filming. He was supposed to come and visit. 
He never did. 
So there you were, alone in your hotel room on one of your final nights of filming. All of your co-stars were out with friends and family in the area, but you didn’t have anyone. 
You stared at the clock on the wall, wondering if it would be worth it to meet some of them out, but you just didn’t have the energy to do it. 
You laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling before your phone started to ring. 
You picked it up and glanced at Jett’s name before waiting a few more rings and answering. 
“Hey,” you said softly. 
“Hey,” he said back. “I think we need to talk.”
“I think you’re right,” you said back, expecting him to apologize again. 
“I think we need to break up,” he said. 
Your body stilled. You could barely move your mouth as you felt like someone poured concrete on you. 
“Our schedules are just too different, and when I really sit down and think about it, I can’t see us together in the long run,” he explained. 
The weight on your body got heavier and heavier as you tried to force yourself to breathe. 
“You can’t tell me you don’t feel the same way,” he said. 
“I get it,” you choked out. “I get it,” you repeated, not being able to form any other words. 
“We can get coffee or something when you get back and talk it out,” he said. 
“Bye, [Y/N],” he said before hanging up. 
You stared at the ceiling as the weight slowly pulled off you. You sat up and stared ahead at the mirror on the wall, feeling like you were looking at someone else. 
You tore your eyes away and stood up, grabbing your bag and your room key and storming out of the hotel as you let your tears fall. 
You called an Uber and gave them the address you were given last week when he found out you’d be in London. 
You pulled up to another hotel a few miles from yours, gave the receptionist your name and made your way up to his room. 
You glanced at the time as you got out of the elevator. It was 2:00 am, and you knew he’d still be awake.
You knocked on the door softly, not wanting to wake up anyone else on the floor. 
The door swung open, and you were face to face with Shawn. 
He yanked you into his room and into his arms as you broke down, sobbing into his chest. 
“He-he…Jett-he,” you tried to choke out as Shawn just hugged you tighter. 
“You don’t have to say anything,” he reassured you as he rested his cheek to the top of your head and ran his hands up and down your back. 
After a few minutes, your sobs died down, and you looked up at him. 
“He broke up with me,” you said with a confused look on your face. “He broke up with me. Over the phone.”
“He’s a piece of shit, [Y/N]. I don’t know how many times I can say it for you to get it like everyone else does,” he said with a shake of his head as he tugged you further into the small kitchen. 
You rested your elbows against the counter and leaned your head in your hands. 
“I can’t believe I let this happen,” you whispered. 
“It’s not your fault,” Shawn whispered as he slid you a bottle of water. 
“It really feels like it.”
“You know that’s not true.”
It stayed quiet as you sipped at the bottle he handed you. After a moment, he rested a hand on your back and led you to the couch in the corner. 
You sat down next to him as he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you tight to his chest. 
“What can I do to make you feel better?” He whispered. 
“Just this,” you said softly. 
Shawn nodded his head and continued to hold you close, the silence becoming deafening. 
“That night we first met,” you whispered. “I should’ve known that night.”
Shawn didn’t say anything, letting you process whatever emotions you needed to. 
“He ditched me on one of the nights I was really looking forward to and then when I met you…” you trailed off, unsure of how to phrase it. 
“I know,” Shawn said softly. 
“I don’t think you do,” you said, feeling your throat tighten again. 
“No, I do,” Shawn said as you looked up at him. He ran his thumb along your cheek, wiping away your tears. “I felt the same way.”
You looked back down at your lap, the weight of “felt” pressing against your chest harder than your break up did. 
“I get it,” you said softly. 
“I wish it was different,” he said as he tried to meet your eyes. “But I can’t just feel that feeling twice.”
“But I-“ Shawn cut you off. 
“[Y/N],” he said softly. “Please don’t.”
You stayed quiet, resting your head against his chest again as he ran his hand up and down your arm. 
“You just broke up with Jett. You’re in a different city, a different country. It’s 2:00 am,” he explained. “I don’t want you saying something you don’t entirely mean. We both do too good of a job at that at this time.”
You nodded your head against his chest, not wanting to look up and see the look on his face. 
“You can stay,” he whispered. “I have a spare bedroom,” he said before you could get your hopes up. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled. 
The two of you stayed there as you both breathed deeply, both feeling how fast the other’s heart was beating. 
But no one said anything. 
You found yourself dozing off as you could feel Shawn's heartbeat slow back down to normal, his arm staying securely around you.
Shawn eventually felt your breathing even out as you fell asleep against his chest. He stayed still for a while, making sure you were really asleep before he carefully picked you up to carry you to the spare bedroom. 
He walked into the untouched room and carefully set you on the edge of the bed before moving the covers back on the other side. He picked you up again and placed you in the bed, pulling the covers over you. 
He sat on the edge of the bed and could feel your knee against his back as he looked over at you. 
His heart skipped a beat, and he felt the same way he did when you smiled at him for the first time. 
He toyed with his phone between his thumb and his finger before looking at the time. It was 2:30. He hit her contact before he could let himself think it through. 
“Hey, you’re up late,” her voice rang through the phone as he heard her walking down a busy street. 
“Yeah,” he choked out as he stood up, careful not to wake you. 
But not careful enough.
He closed the door slightly behind him and leaned against the wall on the other side as your eyes opened to watch him walk out the door. 
“[Y/N] showed up at my door. Jett broke up with her,” he explained. 
“Oh,” she said on the other side. 
He heard a door slam and then silence. 
“You don’t have to say it,” she said. 
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. Really, I should have seen this coming. You always answered her phone calls at 2:00 am, yet I could never seem to get ahold of you at any time of day,” she paused and took a deep breath. “Damn, I really should have seen this coming.”
Shawn could hear the hesitation in her voice. 
“Can we talk more when I get back?” He asked.
“I’d rather not,” she said as he heard her voice break. 
Before Shawn could say anything else, she mumbled goodbye and hung up. 
He took a deep breath and slid down the wall, still oblivious to you being awake less than ten feet away, having heard everything. 
Shawn stood up and walked back into the room. He froze when he saw you sitting up and staring at him with tears in your eyes. 
“Why did you do that?” You choked out in barely a whisper. 
Shawn hung his head and ran his hands over his face, not thinking he’d have to explain this so soon. 
“I had to,” he finally said. 
You simply nodded your head, too emotionally exhausted to actually talk it out. So instead, you lifted the other side of the covers. 
Shawn shuffled around the bed and climbed in beside you. He didn’t hesitate to pull you into his side. Your body fit around his like two puzzle pieces as you traced shapes along his chest. 
“I don’t know what to say right now,” Shawn said after a few minutes of silence.
“Me neither,” you responded. 
Silence filled the room once again as you both were wide awake. Shawn stared at the ceiling and thought of a million things he could say to you, but none of them were right. 
But at this point, with the night you two had had, Shawn decided it wasn’t worth holding back. 
“That night, when we first met,” Shawn began. “When you smiled at me from across the carpet, at that moment, I would’ve given up everything for you.”
You didn’t say anything. 
“I had barely known you for five minutes, and if you would’ve asked me to give up everything and run away with you, I would’ve done it,” he paused. “And I’d still do it.”
You pushed yourself up to rest your chin on his chest and look up at him. 
“What if we did?” you whispered. 
“I’d do it for you in a heartbeat,” Shawn said without hesitation as he looked into your eyes. 
You tore your eyes away from his as you rested your cheek against his chest again, staring at the fireplace across the room. 
“We really say a lot of things we don’t mean this late,” you forced out. 
“Yeah, we do.”
You woke up at 6:00 am, confused until you remembered what had all happened the night before. You looked to your side to see Shawn’s face just inches from yours, his hand resting gently on your hip. 
You slowly got out of bed and slipped on your shoes discarded by the door. You reached for the handle but hesitated before turning it. 
You quickly turned around and found the pad of paper on the desk. You scribbled down a quick note and set it on the pillow next to Shawn’s head before pressing a longing kiss to his forehead. 
You were gone before he woke up. 
When he reached over for someone, no one was there. He sat up, also confused as to what just happened until the weight of the world came crashing down. 
He quickly stood up and walked out to the living room, looking back and forth and listening carefully, hoping you were just on the balcony or in the other room. 
But there was nothing. 
Shawn turned around and walked back into the room, seeing the note on his pillow. 
He stood by the doorway for a moment too long before forcing himself to read it. 
You and I have 2 things in common: we’re always awake at 2 am, and we have a habit of saying things we regret at 2 am. We both know this wasn’t supposed to work. I’m sorry. 
The premier for Everything and More was exactly as the title implied. The crew went all out to incapacitate the dreamy feeling the film offered. Fairy lights lined the carpet, and your pure white dress said everything it had to about who your character was. 
And who you were now.
It had been over a year since you finished the movie in London, and after a few too many reshoots and press tours, it was finally being released.  
Cameras flashed, and you smiled big among your costars, laughing with each other and knowing it would never be like this again. 
You were whisked along the carpet before you were onstage to start the movie. You stood alongside your male co-star and laughed with him as the director said a few thank yous. Once it was his turn to talk, you turned towards the audience. 
And you saw him. 
He sat off to the side, a crisp grey suit and his hair just a bit too long with the lights reflecting off the chain on his neck. 
And he was looking at you. 
You tore your eyes away before he could even smile at you. You’d do things you’d regret if you saw that smile.
Your co-star nudged you and handed you the microphone as you tried to remember the things you were supposed to say. 
“I just wanted to thank everyone so much for coming tonight,” you started as everyone else did. “I really put my heart and soul into this movie, we all did, and I’m so proud of it and what we did,” you said as the director squeezed your hand, noticing you shaking.
“Um...as far as thank you’s, I always have to thank my amazing manager and my team, my parents and my high school drama teacher,” you paused, taking a deep breath. “I went through quite a bit during this filming, as everyone here, unfortunately, had to deal with,” you said with a smile as everyone laughed lightly with faint smiles.
“But with what this film is and who the character is and what I learned about myself while doing it, is something I can never fully encapsulate into words,” you said, looking over to your co-star as he winked at you before looking into the audience again and catching his eye once more. 
“If you can learn anything from this movie, I hope you learn how precious time is. How quickly it can go away and how easily you can feel like you’re living the same thing over and over again,” you said, your eyes not leaving his. “And while time may not always be on your side, it’s on our sides in ways we sometimes don’t realize until years later.”
“I hope you love it as much as I do,” you said with a smile as you finally tore your eyes away from his.
Everyone went offstage to find their spots up front and watch the movie. 
Everything clicked into place when you recognized the voice singing in the background of the pivotal scene in the movie where you apologized to the love of your life. 
Everything felt eerily ironic. The song hit you in ways you didn’t expect. 
But a surprise to yourself, you didn’t cry. You weren’t the same girl you were when that scene was shot in London over a year ago. You were everything and more. 
The movie ended and the cast moved around to talk to everyone about the movie. You were caught up in conversation with someone when you looked up and saw him.
Your heart leaped out of your chest, and you offered him a soft smile before turning back to who you were talking to. 
You ended up at a bar down the street with some other people from the movie, laughing and reminiscing with a drink in your hand before going off to dance. 
You felt a hand rest on your back, and you turned around, expecting to see your co-star. 
“Mind if I dance with you?” He whispered against your ear. 
“You already know my answer,” you whispered back as he pulled you close against his body and your arms found their way around his neck. 
“I loved the movie.”
“I loved the song.”
An hour later and you were still wrapped up in his arms, the time ticking dangerously closer to 2:00 am as neither of you said a word, instead just enjoying the feeling of his arms around you for the first time in over a year. 
One tap on your hip and you followed him to a secluded corner. 
“It’s been a while,” Shawn said, breaking the silence as he leaned against the wall. 
You crossed your arms and leaned against the wall opposite of him. “I guess it has.”
“You were amazing, by the way,” he said. “That part was made for you.”
You nodded your head slowly before saying, “I didn’t know you had the main song in it.”
Shawn didn’t say anything, focusing on the wall behind you. 
“You could’ve warned me,” you whispered, barely audible. “I don’t want to jump to conclusions, and I could be completely wrong, but that song kind of sounded like it could be about-”
He cut you off with just a look. 
“It is,” he said softly. “They all are. Have been for a while.”
You took a deep breath, resting your head back against the wall. 
“I always thought you’d eventually call.”
“I didn’t think that was the best idea. I didn’t think you’d want to hear from me,” he responded. 
“I always want to hear from you.”
“That’s not what you made it sound like.”
It went silent as you played with the edge of your dress, trying to figure out how you were supposed to articulate that you felt the same way now as you did that first night. 
“Shawn, I-“ he cut you off with a sigh. 
“I know,” he said quietly. 
“I have a feeling you don’t.”
“Then tell me,” he said with that tone in his voice that made you want to tell him all your secrets.
“I didn’t leave because of you. I left because of me,” you started. “Jett had been my life for a long time, and I identified myself way too close to that. If I had woken up beside you, and let myself live in it, I would’ve done the same thing. And I couldn’t let myself live like that again.”
“Do you still love me?” He asked. 
“Who said I ever did?” You said, keeping a straight face. 
“That night, you almost said it,” he reminded you. “And I stopped you because I was still with my girlfriend.”
You simply nodded your head, already fully aware of that moment. 
“I should have let you say it,” he finally said. “Because I would have said the same thing.”
Your inhibitions went out the window, and you took a step closer to him, closing the small distance between the two of you. 
“Then say it,” you whispered. 
His hand snaked around your waist, pulling you the last few centimeters into his chest. 
“I’m in love with you,” he said, his nose barely brushing against yours. 
Your heart leaped out of your chest, yet again reminding you of the feelings that never left. 
“I’m in love with you. I think I have been for a lot longer than I’d like to admit,” you responded. 
“Is it bad I want to kiss you?” He asked, his nose brushing against yours again. 
“2:00 am is a bad time for us to be making decisions like this,” you reminded him.
“I have a feeling this isn’t a bad one,” he said, finally closing the distance between you. 
Real talk this is my first fic in a hot minute (since Ficmas) because I’ve felt so uninspired and I was so freaking happy to feel that inspiration again while writing this so PLEASE send me affirmations bc a bitch needs them with the year she’s been having
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Keep Me Warm (Let Me Wear Your Coat)
Pairing: Scott McCall/Lydia Martin/Allison Argent Rated: Teen Audience and Up Summary: There are certain advantages, Lydia discovers, to being the smallest person in her relationship. Alternately titled, "two times Lydia's partners shared their jackets with her, and the one time she shared hers with them." Original Prompt: @chillin-like-villains asked “take my jacket, it’s cold outside.”
[read it here on AO3]
There are certain advantages, Lydia discovers, to being the smallest in her relationship.
“Here, take my coat,” Allison says, shrugging out of her quilted parka, the deep navy a stunning contrast against pale creamy skin and cropped dark hair. She and Lydia are sat on the bleachers, breath puffing from their mouths in sparse clouds as the autumn weather takes an unexpected dip into the low forties.  
Lydia has long since learned not to protest Allison’s chivalry. She takes the coat and slides it on, burrowing into the welcoming heat and familiar scent of Allison’s perfume lingering in the fur around the collar. Allison pulls her hands up into the sleeves of her sweater, the porous, grey cable knit doing little to shield her against the chill of the wind as it whipps against her open flank.
“Come on, Scott,” Allison hollers, eyeline fixed once more on the pitch. She claps her hands and lets loose a whooping cheer when the synthetic wool muffles the sound of the impact. Lydia watches her for a breath, strong muscles clenched tight against the cold, nose and cheeks turned adorably pink, before she turns to the field herself and cups her hands around her mouth.
“You got this, babe,” she shouts.
Scott looks up from the pitch and offers them both a wave and a shy, embarrassed smile as the team continues their warm up around him. Some players stop to offer their captain a gentle razzing, while others are too focused on the game to register any activity from the stands.
“There are no wolves at Brighton,” Lydia says, looping an arm around Allison’s and cuddling in close, chin resting against her shoulder, both to keep their conversation private, and to pass along as much body heat as she can. She presses a kiss against the sharp line of Allison’s jaw, and delights as Allison hums contentedly. “They should be no problem,” she adds.
Allison purses her lips. “Scott’s been talking to the guys about using their strength on the field,” she replies. “He wants the game to be fair.”
Lydia scoffs. “Because life’s always so fair for us.”
Allison spares her a glance, but rather than let herself wallow, Lydia smirks and meets Allison’s stare with mischief in her eyes. “Don’t worry, Allie, dear,” she says, sweet and sly, like honey and venom rolled into one. “Even if Scott has to play nice with the team, I’m sure I’m sure we can come up with plenty of ways to put all that strength and stamina to good use later.”
Down on the field, Scott throws a practice shot so hard, the ball tears through the receiving player’s net.
Lydia’s smirk turns to a grin.
“You’re gonna freeze,” Scott cautions, taking one look at Lydia on his doorstep in her too-short-for-November miniskirt, then glancing back at Allison, already inside, lacing up her boots, to confirm.
Allison’s eyes rake appreciatively up Lydia’s legs – the desired effect, and Lydia has to bite her cheek to keep from smiling – then raises an eyebrow, straightening to her full height and grabbing her coat from the wall hook to her left.
“You know where we’re going, right?” Allison asks.
Lydia turns up her nose. “Obviously,” she says. “Why else would I have gone wedges over stilettos, especially with this outfit?”
Allison chuckles and shakes her head, fond exasperation dimpling her cheeks in a way that Lydia has grown to know and love so well. Scott still looks at her with eyes wide as saucers, big and brown and wet in the most heartwarming way.
“What if you get pneumonia?” he protests.
Lydia arches a perfectly sculpted brow. “I don’t know what I did to give you the impression I’m the kind of person who would be okay spending their anniversary in hiking gear–” she says it with a sneer “–but there is absolutely no way I’m going out tonight not looking like I’m about to upstage someone with an eight figure modeling contract.”
Scott’s face falls on a dime. “Do you not want to do the Preserve thing?” he asks, like he’s ready to completely replan their evening in the next five minutes if Lydia asks.
“Of course I do,” she rushes to correct. “Are you kidding? It’s sappy and romantic and exactly the way I want to spend my evening with the two of you.”
Allison smirks. “You just want to look good while you do it,” she supplies, zipping the front of her winter vest shut. She looks incredible, blue plaid flannel sheathing her arms, toque pulled over her ears. Scott is handsome, too, tan corduroy lined with thick woolen fleece stretched over broad shoulders.
Lydia pouts. “I always look good,” she says. “I want to look damn good.”
“You at least have a coat, right?” Allison asks.
Lydia shrugs. The white gossamer fabric of her blouse feels flimsy even inside the warmth of the McCall house, but it looks too tantalizing overtop her lace bralette – a deep, rich, royal plum – to dain covering up.
“It’s seventy degrees,” Lydia says.
Allison glares. “Sixty-two.”
“Then you’ll both just have to keep me warm, won’t you?”
Later that evening, when they finally make it to the top of the ridge overlooking Beacon Hills proper, Lydia’s lips are nearly blue under the sheen of her muted coral gloss. Gooseflesh prickles her arms, rough textured skin catching on the silky fabric of her blouse, but she keeps any complaints to herself, too satisfied that her heavy duty hairspray’s held up against the sweat and strain of the hike to admit other defeats.  
Allison reaches into her backpack and pulls out a thick, checkered blanket. An unfurled sleeping bag, if Lydia had to guess, something warm and inviting and insulated to keep the dampness of the earth at bay.
Scott kicks off his boots as she lays it down, then settles in at one edge, reaching into his own pack for a long, metal thermos and a bottle of mezcal.  Allison sits next, swapping her hiking boots for a pair of slippers she pulls from her bag.
Lydia sits between them, feet aching in her more-practical-than-they-could-have-been-but-still-wholly-impractical heels. Her toes are cramped and rubbed raw, damp from sweat and blisters that have both formed and ruptured during their uphill trek. She keeps them off lest she find herself unable to bear the pain of putting them back on.
“It’s a family recipe,” Scott explains, unprompted, as he pours thick, velvety, hot chocolate from his thermos into an enameled, stainless steel mug. He screws the cap back on and grabs the mezcal, adding a generous, but not egregious, splash, and swills it around to mix. “I’m about eighty percent sure I actually did it right.”
Lydia clucks her tongue and gazes high and left, the way she always does when she’s about to tease someone. “That’s a B-, Mr. McCall,” she says. “I thought you were a better student.”
Scott chuckles, his eyes crinkling adorably in that way that makes Lydia’s heart flip. “Yeah, well,” he volley’s back. “It’s a good thing I didn’t try making churros, then. Otherwise, you’d really be disappointed in me.”
He pulls instead from his bag a container of store-bought pound cake, staled and cut into batons.
“I think your mom would have been, too,” Allison teases, then winces at her own words. “Sorry, that was mean.”
But Scott’s smile never falters as he passes Lydia her mug and starts to work on another. “No,” he says. “You’re right. I’d totally have burned the house down.”
“True Alpha does not a master chef make,” Lydia adds. She eats her words the fist touch of chocolate to her tongue, a groan slipping past her lips despite herself. “Oh my god, Scott, this is delicious.”
Scott flushes pink and ducks his head. “Thanks,” he murmurs.
When Allison gets her own, she immediately adds to Lydia’s praise.
“It’s not that big a deal,” Scott insists, but Lydia sees the way his chest puffs up, the way his smile carves dimples deep in his cheeks, the way pride shines in his eyes.
“It’s a big deal to us,” Lydia assures him, leaning into his side and resting her chin on his shoulder. “Thank you,” she adds, then shifts to thread Allison’s fingers between her own. “Both of you, for this. It’s really beautiful up here. I’m glad we did this.”
Despite her complimentary words and the alcohol pooling hot in her belly, a shiver runs up Lydia’s spine as a breeze gusts through the trees, and Scott feels her tremble against him.
“Babe, you look gorgeous,” he says, like it’s the safest way to broach the subject, and Lydia thinks maybe it is. “But, you look even more gorgeous when you aren’t turning blue.”
Scott’s warm, broad palm wraps around her arm, rubbing until the friction brings feeling back to her numbed skin.
“Scott has a point,” Allison adds.
Lydia huffs. “Fine,” she admits. “Maybe I’m a little cold.” She hold up a perfectly manicured finger when Scott and Allison open their mouths to protest. “Only a little.”
Shaking his head, Scott chuckles, then gets to work sliding his arms from the sleeves of his coat.
“I don’t need–” Lydia starts, but Scott cuts her off.
“I’m a werewolf,” he says. “Remember? I’m not gonna get cold. Just take it, please.”
Suppressing a flattered smile, Lydia lets Scott manhandle her into his jacket. “Okay,” she says. “But I’m not zipping up. In at least one department, the cold is doing this look a favour.”
The way Scott and Allison’s eyes linger on her chest, where the chill of the evening pebbles her nipples to hard, swollen peaks under her flimsy blouse, Lydia knows she’s right.
Scott, always the gentleman, tears his eyes away with a flush, but Allison is bolder, keeps her gaze fixed as a predatory glint sparks in her eyes.
“Oh, no,” Scott interjects as soon as he catches the look on her face. “Allison, come on. I just got her in that thing.”
Allison smirks. “No reason she can’t keep it on,” she replies. “I happen to like the look of her in your clothes anyway, don’t you?”
Scott gulps, pupils blown instantly wide, and Lydia sighs, running her fingers through her hair to fan it out in a halo as she lays back on the blanket and parts her thighs. Allison’s fingers don’t waste time trailing upward from her knee.
Lydia kicks off her heels. Let Scott carry her back, if it comes to that.
“Best anniversary ever.”
Lydia’s scream rattles the Balsam firs that grow dense and thick in the Preserve. Needles rain to the ground in torrential showers, branches snap, entire trunks crack and bow, submitting to the power of her voice.
She’s killed them, she’s sure, the amphibious creatures that rose from the lake and dragged Scott and Allison away. Two are crumpled in a heap on the frost-covered ground, while a dull thud Lydia can barely hear over the ringing in her ears implies a third meeting their end at the business end of Stiles’ bat. They aren’t like humans – not according to Deaton. They don’t have consciences, aren’t capable of higher thought. They don’t pack bond. They don’t love.
Not the way Lydia does.
She feels blood, sticky on her jawline, running down her neck, but pays it no more attention than the nominal amount required to wipe it away on the back of her hand. Instead, Lydia focuses on the lake, where Boyd and Erica help Scott lift a pallid, chattering Allison from the frigid waters. As soon as Erica drags her legs onto shore, Boyd turns back to Scott and helps him leverage his way out, too, Scott’s muscles frozen stiff, even as they convulse under his skin, working to keep his core warm.
“Scott,” Lydia croaks, her voice thready and devastated as she teeters forward on shaky legs. She tries again, this time louder, more urgent, as her legs carry her forward in a sprint. “Scott! Allison!”
Lydia drops to her knees on the ground beside them, wrestling them from their sopping clothes. The earth is damp with fresh water and frost, soaking through the thick denim of her jeans, but it hardly registers in her flury of concern for her partners’ well-being.
“Take my jacket,” Lydia says, tugging off her camel-coloured duster and bundling Scott inside. His arms strain the seams, but it’s cut to fit loose enough on Lydia’s petite frame to be pull closed around the middle, even if the sleeves prove to be short. She ties him in with a double knot, then turns to Allison with wet, worried eyes.
“It’s cold outside,” Lydia stresses, redundant in her panic. The bitter chill of winter is hard to ignore drenched and half-naked, painful winds cutting into flesh like knives.
She peels out of her cardigan and drapes it around Allison’s shoulders, then guides her arms, frozen stiff, through their holes one at a time. It leaves Lydia damp and half-naked herself, shivering in a pair of jeans and a burgundy camisole, but she’s half convinced it’s from shock more than anything, and knows for a fact it doesn’t matter either way. She would walk across the Arctic barefoot if it meant keeping Scott and Allison warm.
“Are you guys okay?” Lydia asks, checking them over for bruises and cuts.
Allison’s teeth are still chattering, but she nods. “Still have all my fingers and toes,” she replies.
Lydia scoffs, but the sound is filled with so much relief, it’s almost delirious. “That’s not funny,” she scolds, big, hot tears streaming down her cheeks as a smile lights her face.
“Scott, are you alright?” Allison checks, reaching out for him with one trembling hand. He grabs hold and tugs her to his side, tucking her under his arm to share the bit of body heat his werewolf metabolism has him already regaining.
“I’m okay,” he promises, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “We’re all okay.”
Lydia registers briefly that it’s true. Boyd, Erica, and Isaac are checking over the amphibious bodies to make sure they’re really and truly dead. Meanwhile, Derek gently coaxes Stiles’ aluminium bat from his hand, grip held so tight his fingers have turned white. His muscles are tense, too, like a loaded spring about to snap.
Lydia knows Stiles is going to need to see Scott soon, to reassure himself his brother in everything but blood is really alive and whole. But for now, Stiles can wait. He can wait while Scott draws Lydia in with a bone-chilling hand around her neck, wipes the blood so carefully from the corner of her ear, and pulls her into a kiss that is so filled with relief and passion and affection it makes Lydia’s toes curl.
“I love you,” Scott whispers as they part. He places another kiss to Allison’s temple and breathes into her hair, wet and plastered to her cheek, “god, I love you so much.”
“We love you, too,” Allison replies. She reaches out to clasp fingers with Lydia, and Lydia brings their joined hands to her mouth to place a gentle, loving kiss against Allison’s wrist.
After, once Melissa’s given Allison the all-clear against possible hypothermia, the three crawl into Scott’s bed, limbs intertwining, hearts beating in perfect time, not in sync per se, but winding and weaving together to create a rhythm, a perfect syncopation, that drums in tandem to the slow pulls of their breath.
“Sorry I stretched out your jacket,” Scott mumbles, on the verge of tipping over into unconsciousness. Allison’s breathing is already steady, a sure sign of sleep.
Lydia smiles. She places a kiss against Scott’s sternum, trails her hand over Allison’s hip. “That’s okay,” she says. “It was my turn anyway.”
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fayewonglibrary · 4 years
A light that never goes out (2012)
by Divia Harilela
As the saying goes, behind every great man is a great woman. In fashion, however, it's the high-powered stylist that makes or breaks the woman. Lady Gaga claims she would be a fashion mess without best pal and style guru Nicola Formichetti, and Rachel Zoe transformed Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie from spoilt brats into style stars.
While the West has seen its fair share of celebrity stylists, no one in Asia comes close to Hong Kong's Titi Kwan. While his name may not ring many bells, people will definitely recognise his most famous client, pop diva Faye Wong. For more than 15 years, the pair have collaborated on show-stopping and edgy looks that have earned Wong the moniker of 'Madonna of the East'.
Kwan, Wong's official 'image director', has stayed in the background, preferring to let his work - and muse - do the talking. He keeps to himself, shuttling between Hong Kong and his second home in Paris, rarely granting interviews and avoiding public appearances.
Last October, during Paris Fashion Week, Kwan broke his silence at the unveiling of a fashion line which he was launching after a three-year hiatus. In true Kwan style, the presentation was at a quiet gallery near Rue Saint Honore and attended by a few select invitees.
It's early afternoon, but Kwan has just woken up from a nap and is dressed in an old T-shirt, pink jeans and a banged up leather jacket. He is nervous and speaks slowly. He starts to loosen up when we broach the subject of his new line and latest project, a fashion boutique that will open this month in Chai Wan.
'It will be based on the concept of my apartment,' he says. 'When friends come to visit me in Paris, they love going through my wardrobe. I've collected so many things over the years and don't know what to do with them, so why not open a store? I'll sell pencils, rubbers, silk blankets - whatever I want that's part of my lifestyle. I will also bring in some designer friends and special pieces.
'I'm opening it in Chai Wan because I like the area; most of the studios and industry people are there. For me Chai Wan is Hong Kong. I don't know Central that well. When I hear Central, all I think about is the bank.'
Perhaps industrial Chai Wan reminds Kwan of his upbringing: he grew up in a public housing estate in Kwun Tong with nine family members in a 200 sq ft flat. As a young boy, he would watch and copy his father, a tailor who worked at home.
'I don't know if he was an influence exactly, but the fabric inspired me,' Kwan says. 'I am a curious person, so I observed him and tried many things myself. I made clothes from fabric that was left over and discovered the bias cut this way.'
Kwan also has a rebellious streak. During his teens, he frequently got into trouble for dying his hair red or stapling together his school uniform. While these may seem like typical adolescent pranks, his mother got fed up and shipped him off to Paris at 15 to stay with his older sister.
'I was uncomfortable with my surroundings in Hong Kong. I was lost and felt uncomfortable. Really, I just wanted to be different,' says Kwan, 43.
'It was a shock when I moved to Paris. But then I went to the Centre Pompidou and admired the punks in the streets. It was during the boom of the new wave, and I loved the fashion, the safety pins, everything. Everyone was accepted. Finally, I didn't feel that different.'
Kwan's exposure to fashion continued in high school, where he observed the chic style of young French girls in high heels and miniskirts. At 18, he enrolled in Paris' famed fashion school Studio Bercot. To pay his tuition, he took a part-time job as a waiter in the evenings and studied during the day.
'Studio Bercot opened my mind. That being said, I didn't have time to do the work and was always rushed, although my teacher always complimented my work. I believe compliments kill your creative spirit, which is why I hate them,' he says.
'Eventually, I quit because I was so busy with other styling work. I knew I had to learn in the field, and I needed the money. Styling was new at the time, and people were hungry for stylists. I was really lucky since I was one of the first Chinese faces.'
Fate intervened when he met Wong during a trip home after an eight-year absence. It was the mid-1990s, and Kwan was looking for an artist to feature in a new fashion magazine, so he made an appointment with Wong's management team. While locals were wearing late '80s bling, Wong and Kwan bonded over young and edgy names such as Dries Van Noten, Helmut Lang and Martin Margiela, who were just starting out.
'The first outfit was a Versace dress mixed with flip flops - plastic ones that were very Chinese looking,' Kwan says. 'It was a shock to most people, but she was happy with it. The vibe between us was right. She was such a nice person and the opposite of what I expected. She wasn't an ice queen; she was a warm person.'
Since then, Kwan has worked almost exclusively for Wong. It wasn't until the singer decided to take a four-year break from show business in 2004 that Kwan was free to revisit his first passion - design.
'I always wanted to be a designer, but I took a different path,' he says. 'A few years ago, Faye decided to take a rest, which was perfect for me. I took this time to clean my mind. I saw so many collections that when I designed clothes, I lost my own personality. It was easy to be influenced by others, and I knew what was sellable and what was strong. I wanted to try something new and different, so I stopped looking at fashion for three years,' he says.
He launched his first collection in 2008, which caught the attention of French fashion icon and retailer Maria Luisa. Although it was shortlisted at the prestigious Hyeres Fashion Festival, he didn't feel confident and put designing on the back burner until late last year. This time, he has a much bigger support network for sales and distribution.
Under the name Alibellus, the 70- to 80-piece collection is divided into three lines: luxury casual, which is a collection of separates; dresses featuring handmade pieces; and limited edition, one-of-a-kind styles made from vintage fabrics from Kwan's personal collection. The line will be stocked at retailers around Asia including Liger and Shine in Hong Kong.
'I like classic pieces, but I twist them. I keep telling myself I must get bored of myself before people get bored of me. I need to keep reinventing things. Faye is perfect for me in this way,' says Kwan.
'My customers are women I know. They want something functional and have a different point of view on how to dress. They want something simple, but they want to stand out. I put a lot of effort into the proportions, so the look is slimming. I don't like things that are tight.'
The starting point for the collection was a photograph Kwan took of the sky while on a flight. The silhouettes are clean yet soft as seen on the jumpsuit with frayed edges and long draped white dress that pays homage to Madeleine Vionnet, one of his favourite designers. A white dress made from lace resembles clouds, and a zip-up dress is covered in fabric petals.
Highlights from the collection include dresses made from layers of plastic, muslin with exposed seams, gold brocade and lame.
Of course, Wong has already been photographed in several of the pieces, almost guaranteeing the line's success before it lands in stores on February 1.
'I now have three branches to grow which gives me lots of choice. Meanwhile, I have professionals to make decisions on where the brand is going. I don't need to think about that side of things. I don't want to make big money, I just want to make things right in fashion, things that I like. People may love it for the fact that I am well known, or they may hate it for the same reason,' he says, smiling. 'We'll see.'
Three Titi Kwan created for Faye Wong's 2011 world tour.
1. This structured white mini dress was made for the winter section of the show's four seasons theme. The headpiece is by Paris-based designer Erik Halley. Kwan also crafted the chandelier microphone stand, which contains more than 10,000 crystals
2. Cut from a single piece of fabric, this shoulderless gown was inspired by the Chinese idiom that 'a goddess' robe is seamless'
3. Kwan used almost 100 metres of chiffon for this multilayered masterpiece, which moved and 'flew' on stage with dramatic effect
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