#i own the first four arcs and stopped there so I was 14-ish????
louisloulouie · 2 years
Oh noooo…… I’m in danger of wanting to read and collect all the Warriors cats books that I never bought after I stopped reading the series
There’s 80+ books in this damn series….
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scarletwelly-boots · 5 years
Books Read 2019
It’s time again for my annual books read post (a little earlier than usual, but I couldn’t wait). I read 24 books in 2019, 4 books more than last year, though two are in progress and I expect to finish them by the new year.
It is year four of the reading challenge from Popsugar. There were 48 categories this year, so I got 50% again. Unlike last year, I did not change any categories, but I may have taken liberties with some again, we’ll see. So, without further ado, let’s begin the list. [Under the cut]
1. How to Train Your Dragon, by Cressida Cowell (A book becoming a movie in 2019). Okay, so there have already been two movies in this series, but the last one (*sob*) came out this year, so it counts. I read this book and a few of the others in the series a few years ago, but revisited the first one this year. It’s really good, but don’t go into it expecting it to be like the movies. The character names are the same, but that’s about it. If you can get your hands on the audiobook version, it’s read by David Tennant, which is excellent. Definitely recommend; it’s just as good as the movies.
2. Little House in the Big Woods, by Laura Ingalls Wilder (A book that makes you nostalgic). This is another reread. My dad read the whole series aloud to my sister and I when we were barely older than Laura is in the first book. It was the series he read before the Harry Potter books came out, and we both got sucked into that series. So yeah, very nostalgic. This is a series of semi-autobiographical stories chronicling Wilder’s pioneer childhood, and this is the first in the series. Some of the language doesn’t really age well, but for the most part it’s a delightful book.
3. An Absolutely Remarkable Thing, by Hank Green (a book you think should be turned into a movie). Holy. Shit. I was very, very pleasantly surprised by Hank Green’s debut novel (and yes, John Green is his brother). This is a mysterious book about first encounters and internet fame, with a queer young adult (like, really YA, as in post-college) protagonist. She’s kind of shitty sometimes, but I would argue all twenty-somethings are shitty sometimes (I mean, I literally typed “*sob*” two entries up, like I’m channeling my 2009 self, and I didn’t delete it.). I would highly, highly recommend. And apparently, SOMEDAY, there’s supposed to be a sequel, thank GOD.
4. Loki: Agent of Asgard, by Jason Ewing (a reread of a favorite book). I could actually get away with a reread for this one! I love this graphic novel series. I love how they depict Loki, how he finally gets a goddamn redemption arc. It’s a really fun read. Check it out.
5. The Beast Within, by Serena Valentino (a book inspired by mythology, legend, or folklore). A companion novel to Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. I don’t really remember much about this book. It was weird. But like, it plays with the timeline and the curse a little bit, where the beast gets cursed but doesn’t become a beast immediately. He slowly transforms as his behavior gets worse and more cruel. Apparently he used to be friends with Gaston, but Gaston forgot about him once he finally transformed. Really weird. If you’re obsessed with this fairytale like I am, give it a shot. If not, it probably won’t be that interesting.
6. Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen (a book you see someone reading on TV or in a movie). Another reread. I know it’s a classic, but I seriously just love this book. 
7. Howl’s Moving Castle, by Diane Wynne Jones (a book about someone with a superpower). Another reread of a favorite book, what can I say. The movie is my favorite movie, but the book is better.
8. Carry On, by Rainbow Rowell (a book told from multiple character POV’s). Okay, listen. I had to reread this book, because it had been a few years and the sequel came out this year. Think of this as generic brand Harry Potter if Draco was a vampire, was Harry’s roommate, and helplessly in love with Harry. I’m serious, it’s generic brand. But damn if I don’t love it. @JKR, this could be us but Harry had to be the jock that married his high school sweetheart and grew up to be a cop. Definitely read.
9. Franny and Zooey, by JD Salinger (a book with no chapters/unusual chapter headings/unconventionally numbered chapters). My brother got me this book for my birthday. Before this I had only read Catcher in the Rye, which I started out hating when I was fourteen but turned into loving when I was nineteen. Honestly I think this novel is better than that one. I really loved it. Highly recommend. What’s it about? Who the fuck knows? But to quote my brother: “At its core, I think this book is about a smart brother and a smart sister. I think we can relate.” So read it and buy it for the smart brother or sister or sibling in your life.
10. 1916, by Tim Pat Coogan (read a book during the season it is set in). This is an Irish history book about the Easter Rising of 1916 and (what I didn’t know when I started reading it in April) everything that came after that can trace its cause back to the rebellion, all the way to the centennial of the Rising. The Easter Rising was the catalyst of Irish freedom. It was like the Boston Tea Party of Ireland, rather than the Battle of Yorktown (as in it kickstarted the War for Independence but didn’t immediately result in freedom), that is, if the instigators of the Boston Tea Party were rounded up, imprisoned in Kilmainham Gaol, and a week later almost all executed by firing squad. It’s a tedious read if you’re not into Irish history or history in general, but I enjoyed it.
11. Loki: Where Mischief Lies, by Mackenzi Lee (a book set in space). Okay, technically it takes place on Asgard and Earth, but those are planets, and planets are in space, so it counts! I’m still reading it, but I really like it so far. (Honestly I maybe just like the idea of Loki in knee high black boots marketed towards women and black nails. I never promised not to be gay.)
12. Norse Mythology, by Neil Gaiman (a book set in Scandinavia). I’m sorry! I read this book every year. Neil Gaiman is an amazing writer, and we all know I’m gay as shit for some good Loki tales. 
13. Artemis Fowl, by Eoin Colfer (a book that takes place in a single day). Okay, I know people love this fantasy series, and since it’s Irish I fully expected to, too. But I didn’t like any of the characters enough to read the rest of the series, least of all Artemis himself. I struggle to enjoy stories if I don’t like the main character, and Artemis was kind of a shit. Sorry, I did not like this one.
14. Skulduggery Pleasant, by Derek Landy (a debut novel). I just started this one, too, but I really like it already. I think the audiobook is read by the same guy that read Artemis Fowl, but already this is way better than that one. The characters are likable, for one (god, the bar is so low for fantasy books for me right now). It’s a mystery and a fantasy, and the main-ish character is literally an anthropomorphic skeleton detective. It’s excellent. I’m going to read the whole series. (I have to; my mom accidentally got me the 12th installment for my birthday.)
15. Red, White, and Royal Blue, by Casey McQuiston (a book that’s published in 2019). I read this twice. It’s so beautiful. I really expected it to be a shitty YA novel, but it wasn’t! It was very romantic (once they stopped “hating” each other), and gay. The premise sounds far-fetched: First Son of the United States falls for the Crown Prince of England. But, guys, it’s soooo gooooood. Highly, highly, highly recommend. 
16. The Wisconsin Road Guide to Mysterious Creatures, by Chad Lewis (a book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature). I mean, you can make your own decision whether these cryptids are real or imaginary. This is a travel guide to cryptids in Wisconsin, which I got on vacation earlier this year. I liked it, but reading a road guide for pleasure is admittedly kind of weird. Recommend if you’re planning a road trip through Wisconsin and want to stop at some cryptid, ghostly, or Nessie-like hotspots. Or if you just want to fuck Mothman, like me. (Dustybae’s not in this particular travel book though.)
17. Take Me With You, by Andrea Gibson (a book recommended by a celebrity you admire). Okay, so it was by a celeb I admire, not recommended by. This is a very quick read, of quotes from Gibson’s poetry. They are a queer spoken word poet with some really good pieces. They’re on spotify and apple music, probably among other sources. Recommend their work, but the book is very short, so maybe only purchase if you enjoy their work.
18. This is How it Always Is, by Laurie Frankel (a book about a family). This book was really, really good. It was passed around the aunts in my family until it got to my mom and I, which was really kind of a magical thing. It’s about a family navigating the challenges and gifts of raising a trans child. I cried a couple times, and it was so good. It’s written by a parent of a trans child, so it came from a place of understanding, and it was interesting to read this type of narrative from a parent’s perspective, when usually being genderfluid myself, I tend to consume media that is from the perspective of trans characters themselves. I had some very interesting conversations with my aunts and mom about it, and I really think this book changed my family a little bit, and I didn’t expect it to change me, too. Highly recommend. 
19. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, by Suzanne Clark (a book that includes a wedding). So the wedding is at the very beginning, and sadly not between Strange and Norrell. But it’s really good. Lots of magic, lots of regency-era Britishness. The book is huge, but there is a miniseries on Netflix based on the novel and that’s really good too. Highly recommend, and still in love with my man John Childermass. Hnng.
20. Wayward Son, by Rainbow Rowell (a book by an author whose first and last names start with the same letter). Sequel to Carry On. Sheer madness. I loved it. Think of it as generic brand Harry Potter post-DH, if Harry sprouted dragon wings during the final battle, is gay as shit for Draco, and a year later Harry, Draco, and Hermione are set loose on America with .5 seconds of research, severe culture shock, one cell phone between them, and a half-assed plan to rescue Ginny who may or may not want to be rescued. Shit show, but well done and I’m fully invested and ready for the third installment.
21. Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman (a book with a two-word title). I’m sorry, I need to shift to caps for this. GUYS I FUCKING LOVE THIS STORY YOU HAVE NO IDEA IT IS THE GREATEST THING THAT HAS EVER COME INTO MY WORLD! I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE WATCHED THE AMAZON SERIES THIRTEEN TIMES TO DATE AND IMMEDIATELY DEVOURED THE BOOK IN THREE DAYS. You don’t know what it’s about? Where have you BEEN?! An angel and a demon who are gay as shit for each other and love humanity way more than either of their respective sides. One downside is that as the miniseries came out like twenty years after the novel, my two favorite parts were only written for the series, and are not in the novel. But the book is still very, very good. 15/10.
22. Dumplin’, by Julie Murphy (a book revolving around a puzzle or game). I took game to mean competition, so this is about a beauty competition. I watched the Netflix movie first. I honesty thought I was not gonna like it, but holy shit it was amazing. Admittedly I think the movie was better (despite having Jennifer Aniston in it), but the book was really good, too. Recommend.
23. The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde (your favorite prompt from a past Popsugar reading challenge; a book with a queer protagonist). God, please read this book. This has been up there in my list of favorite books since I was fourteen. Oscar Wilde is a master storyteller, and Dorian Gray is intriguing and despicable and beautiful. I’ve already read this, but I love it too much not to.
24. Terrible Queer Creatures, by Brian Lacey (a book set in an abbey, cloister, monastery, vicarage, or convent). Okay, so it’s not set there for the whole book, but gay monks and nuns are things. This was another birthday present, and an absolute hit. Combining two of my favorite things: Irish history and queer history. I had no idea a book like this existed. I’m still really excited about it. The only issue I have is that most of the one chapter dedicated to gay women involve biographies of people that were actually probably trans men, like Dr. Barry. They could have probably had a separate chapter and then a chapter of the clear lesbians and bisexual women (including trans women, of course). Lumping them in with the women in a chapter specifically dedicated to queer women did not seem particularly inclusive. But overall I really enjoyed the book.
Top Ten Books of 2019 post will be forthcoming.
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boywebbed · 6 years
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                       OH WOW A TIMELINE ! 
hi i’ve been on this blog for a year & a half-ish and i think it’s time that i finally write up a cohesive timeline. i’ve pulled from canon to build my own spider-man & filled in the gaps with headcanons! so ummm… here’s my mash potato spider-man.
at age five peter is left his his aunt may & uncle ben by his parents. it doesn't dawn on him that this is for good until a bit later in life. he’d been left with his aunt & uncle for long periods of time before, so he didn’t quite process what was happening. he still remembers his parents & as he grows he still has specific memories. he can remember his mother’s hair & father’s smile — but he doesn’t know or understand why he was left until much later in life. 
at ages nine to ten he begins seeing tony stark on the TV more often — he begins to love the idea of superhero’s and starts idolize tony stark. this is what starts his fascination with science/inventing things. he finds that he loves to create & is actually pretty good at doing it!
at age twelve he meets skip westcott. please see this post for more details. ( tw. csa ) he learns then what it is to use his voice, and there’s a period of disconnect that he works through with the help of his aunt & uncle. their love & support also make it really dawn on him that these are the people raising him & they people who love him like a son. it’s a concept he hadn’t really grasped prior to what happened to him. 
ages thirteen to fourteen show peter’s awkward/anxious nature blooming. during this time he doesn’t have many friends & really throws himself into his schoolwork rather than going out & making friends. this is when his scientific ability starts to blossom & he finds a new idol - otto octavius. his work fascinates peter & keeps his mind busy, distracting him from peers a general disconnect from his peers. he later learns that the disconnect is caused by his anxiety & doesn’t get help for this until later in life. somewhere in this chunk of life, he also meet harry osborn, who later becomes his first true friend as well as mary-jane watson. he falls for the redhead & falls hard, a crush for her lasting throughout all of high school. 
age fifteen is when he’s bit by the spider that changes peter’s life. he had been along on a field trip, taking pictures for his school paper when he’s bit. the night where he gets his powers is perhaps the most hellish night of his life - his body tore itself apart from the inside & rebuilt according to whatever the venom of the spider dictated. overwhelmed by his newfound spider-senses, peter parker wonders into the streets of new york & finds out about his heightened abilities when he jumps over a car that nearly hits him. he tries to use his powers to earn money in the wrestling arena, where he is first called spider-man. he isn’t paid in full one night & lets a robber go with the man who had shorted him’s money, only to find out later that the man was to take his uncle ben’s car & shoot him in the street. his uncle dying in his arms is what drives him to use his powers for good & so he does. 
at age fifteen peter starts earning a name for himself as spider-man. he wears a costume made from on sale goodwill items & takes it upon himself to protect new york city. he starts building different gadgets to help him do just that ( goggles that help him focus his vision, web shooters, ect. ) he builds a suit for himself & starts gaining the attention of the public. a video of him goes viral on the internet & spider-man catches the attention of tony stark, who recruits him for a set of events that loosely follow the MCU civil war/homecoming plot lines. i want to make a seperate post about this, but it opens doors that were previously closed. he improves his suit with the help of tony stark & starts to view himself as on the same playing field as the rest of the vigilantes he encountered.
unless we have plotted a ship for our characters, at age fifteen peter also meets the future love of his life…ruby rose ( @combatpetals )!  when she’s sent by S.H.I.E.L.D to keep tabs on the spider-boy.
at age sixteen peter encounters electro for the first time. this is his first really traumatic fight - the first villain he encounters that he feels that he can’t win against. he almost dies during his first fight with the villain & has to adapt. he builds new gadgets, he fights to protect the people of new york & he wins. this is, however, the first time it really sinks in how deadly the path in life he has chosen is. 
at seventeen peter parker spends his summer fighting a list of different villains. they seem to come out in response to someone like spider-man existing.
at ages seventeen to eighteen peter goes into his senior year after a summer of stopping gang wars & putting the smackdwon on crime in new york city. he’s tired but had no intention of stopping - this is when he first encounters the symbiote, which is explained in detail in this post. peter gets rid of the symbiote when he realizes how it affects his mind & that it is living by destroying his body.  
at age eighteen he encounters the green goblin for the first time. this happens near the end of the symbiote arc & the two events overlap. the events of this arc are put into motion when norman osborn becomes obsessed with recreating the serum that gave spider-man his powers. when he believes he has created it, he takes it. he gains enhanced physical abilities, but the serum affects his mind & drives him temporarily crazy. peter apprehends him & he gets out of any trouble by claiming the serum affected his mind & caused him to wreak havoc ( paying off the right officials helped too. ) 
at age eighteen peter hangs up his suit ( temporarily ) he needs time to process all of the things that have happened over the past three years. the end of his senior year is dedicated to trying to fix grades that had slipped & get into college. 
at age nineteen he begins college, fresh out of highschool. without  the suit he feels lost & throws himself into his studies. he finds comfort in the work of otto octavius once more & gets back in touch with himself & the friends he had drifted away from near the end of his high school career. he begins to explore more of himself & uses this time for self reflection & gets a job at the daily bugle.            ( though this is flexible, this is when he meets gwen stacy & they hit it off pretty quickly! they become study-buddies and begin spending more time with one another & it ends in a budding romance. )
at age twenty peter is forced to put his mask back on when wilson fisk’s grasp on the city becomes too tight. peter knows that he can’t just sit back & watch the crimelord run new york city & that no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, he was still spider-man. he had a responsibility to help those around him & so he would. it’s another hallowing experience to go toe to toe with the crimelord, but he does. it shoots him back into the life of a hero & protecting the city he loves. plus, it helps that the bugle pays a bit more money for pictures of the wall crawler.
at age twenty, shortly after his confrontation with fisk he enters a relationship with gwen stacy! 
at age twenty peter has to deal with the threat of fisk once more, when he get’s out of prison & resumes his place as the kingpin of new york. spider-man becomes a regular pest for the crimelord, but doesn’t get close enough to tear his operation down again for a hot second. 
there’s a spot in between these two events that’s yet to be worked out; i will return to it & update it one day when i’ve had time to really think about it. just know that in this time, gwen & peter split ( maybe gwen’s death will go here, but i’m not sure yet ) & he ends up in a relationship with ruby rose.
at ages twenty-two to twenty-three peter graduates college & applies to work under his idol, otto octavius. this is followed by the events of the insomniac game, where he faces the sinister six & encounters miles morales for the first time. 
between ages twenty-three to twenty-four peter starts unofficially working alongside with the avengers on bigger problems. more & more often. this is about when he starts considering the group his peers rather than his superiors.
past here is a mix of things that have yet to be completely worked out, but the shortest version of it is that peter enters a permanent relationship with ruby rose & continues his life as spider-man. sometime in his early thirties, he has his son:syl. near his mid-thirties a mutant registration act forces peter parker to unmask himself to the public, though he later regrets the decision. this timeline is very flexible & will adapt to that of my partners!
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earl-of-221b · 7 years
Tagged by @laryna6 to say what I’m working on/ have been working on/ should probably stop procrastinating on
1) supernatural fic
 I’ve been working on this one supernatural fic (working title ‘Tripwire’) that has three arcs (I think.) It’s a destiel fic.  I’ve only written one arc in about half a year last year and haven’t done anything with it since. First chapter deals with how Cas meets Dean in random circumstances. By second chapter, there’s a big time skip wherein Dean wakes up with no memory and Cas has already fallen in love with him.
The following chapter, it goes straight back to where chapter one ends off. And then goes back to the timeskip next chapter. Yeah - both timelines are running concurrently - past Dean meeting Cas for the first time and getting into shit, and then present Dean not understanding why this Castiel cares about him so much and trying to figure out what happened. The timelines get closer and closer together (reveal/back up information at the same time) to the point where it converges - Dean loses his memory/Dean is about to find out why he lost his memory. The end of timeline one should fit immediately to the beginning of timeline 2, chapter 2. So it’s a pretty different structure I’m trying out, instead of just spamming flashbacks like in Monster lol. 
The actual story I might be a little cliched - Cas is in a Shadowy Organisation, has been indoctrinated into it his entire life, has Super Spy Powers. Goes into a fancy black tie event To Kill A Man. Meets Dean, a guy who stole a suit and snuck into the party For Funsies. Things happen and Bad Guys mistakes Dean for Cas, kidnaps wrong guy.
Dean wakes up. There is a bullet hole in him. Apparently, he’s officially dead on paper. His brother has finished law school. Mysterious guy Cas nurses him back to health and then leaves. Bad Guys are (still) after him, though he has no idea why. Tries to find Cas, while Cas is shooting down people who try to catch him. (violence! action movie vibes!! cliches, probably!) (I’m actually really proud with the concurrent timelines but not sure if I have the motivation to do the full three arcs....) (There’s 14 chapters but I haven’t worked on it in months and months.)
2) Noblesse time travel.
An entire year and only three chapters to show for it: That Noblesse Time travel fic I said I was going to do. I have the ideas but not the motivation ugh.
Three main storylines:
1 - For Reasons Not That Important, Just An Excuse To Do The Premise - Rai goes back the past to find a Frankenstein who has not yet met him. A Frankenstein who is hunting nobles and mutants. (HOly shoot I just got the idea to add Tesamu in this omg maybe I should.......get on that.....)
2 - Tao, M-21 and Takeo wind up in Lukedonia. Like near a thousand years ago. When Franken and Rai are living together, but not bonded. Frankenstein is very suspicious of them. (Actually....this might be a little ‘parent trap’ ish if I can pull it off hahahahaha.)
3 - Frankenstein goes to the future, where he meets Regis and Seira grown up. In the future, there is no Noblesse.
Then the characters start time jumping to each other’s timelines before going back to present day.
3) Rurouni Kenshin and Shakespeare fic 
Gosh this could have been good if I wasn’t such a fuck. I’m four chapters into this Rurouni Kenshin fic. Except, it’s Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, and I named it “Twelfth Knight.” !!! 
(Also probably blatant indulgent fic but fight me.) It’s a crime mystery. Kenshin and Kaoru (married) and co. go back to Kyoto because Saitou told them to Come See This Shit. Which is - a lot of murders that were definitely done by Kenshin’s Hiten Mitsurugi ryu, because Saitou knows his rival’s style too well. 
Meanwhile in The Past, a hardened samurai woman- an onnabugeisha - is searching for her disciple who ran away. A thing happens and she ends up in Kenshin and co’s present. 
Meanwhile Hiko Seijuro has also come across these clearly-Hiten-mitsurugi-murders. So. Because there are only two living practitioners of the Mitsurugi ryu, and Kenshin and Saitou know that it’s not Kenshin who lives in Tokyo, they think Hiko Seijuro did the murders. Hiko Seijuro, who hasn’t had to kill anyone in years, thinks it’s Kenshin who’s gone awol. They try to track each other down.
The samurai woman, of course, turns out to be the third Hiten Mitsurugi user. But she came from the past. Making her the twelfth heir of the style. Meaning she was the master of Hiko Seijuro 13 - she’s Hiko Seijuro 12. Who is looking for her missing kid disciple in Meji era 1880, wherein he would be 40+ years old. Thus, “Twelfth Knight!”
Based on Shakespeare’s best comedy imo 
4) “embers, smog, cinder, ella.” About Cinderella. And the demon who lives in the walls of the house she cleans.
Exactly how it sounds. Everyone treats Cinderella like a servant. The demon that lives in the old wood of her family’s country home sees everything. The role of the fairy god mother is given to Mr. Demon, who never shows up, but is always there, watching, lurking, helping Cinderella clean the house and get to the ball. Never really planned on posting lol purely aesthetic and indulgent XD, a character study more than a fic. I named it.
5) “A Magnolia Rides to War” Mulan character piece
Don’t know if I’m going to post this lol not really a fic. Totally for my own indulgence. Just a character study - full of oodles and oodles of pretty metaphors and purple prose. Magnolia flower is the eng translation of ‘mulan.’ 
6) An Unadmitted Defeat
Ah yes, one day I decided to, you know. Rewrite the entirely of the Lotus Lantern myth. (???) This was so spontaneous I don’t know hahaha. 
About the story of Chen Xiang, a young boy who lived in mostly mountain isolation with his loving parents. One day, family he didn’t know he had rocks up. It turns out his parents were trying to raise him away from celestial gods and magic, because his Uncle is the Heavenly Law Enforcer, Erlang Shen. Who quickly destroys their house, steal’s his mother Sanseng Mu’s powerful Lotus Lantern weapon, and traps her under a mountain after a big fight. 
Chen Xiang learns this happened because he is a demigod - his dad was human and mum was a goddess. Human-god intermarriage is outlawed and Chen Xiang is a Heretic. After stealing back the Lantern and escaping from Erlang Shen’s cold fifth layer palace, Chen Xiang has one singular objective: Save Mum. To save Mum, he has to defeat God Erlang Shen, who has never lost a fight in recorded history.
But just because he never lost a fight doesn’t mean he’s won every single one. Who is the person Erlang Shen could not win? -- Heavenly rebel, Sun Wukong, who is just what Chen Xiang needs. 
8) Two and Three
Character piece on the Yang twins before their heavenly fallout - goddess Sanseng Mu and Erlang Shen. 
7) Who is the Monster
Of course, my long running Noblesse fic!! A rift comes between Frankenstein and Raizel when an enemy from Frankenstein’s past comes back to enact a grand plan. 
(minor spoilers - First adopted child is terribly jealous and mad at adopted father’s new partner and new adopted children, thinks dad deserves better, so does most logical thing - destroy everything he loves.) 
8) A man with no mother 
An ongoing naruto fic.....that I have not updated for a long time :( 
An excuse for Kakashi to hang out with Kushina and get motherly vibes from her. Minato, Konoha’s best, goes missing. Kushina goes out of retirement to go Find Him. Outside the KOnoha boarders, she finds young ANBU Kakashi, who has broken rank to also go Find Him. Hijinks ensue. 
(One of the early fics looking back now I’m a little...eugh...but I will try -- try-- to finish it.) 
Tagging: @kurasaika, @daylight-star, @qdeanna, @pizza-with-me-okay, @whiteplum
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