#i mean I read a warriors book in a day when I was 10 years old
louisloulouie · 2 years
Oh noooo…… I’m in danger of wanting to read and collect all the Warriors cats books that I never bought after I stopped reading the series
There’s 80+ books in this damn series….
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yua-nism · 8 months
I saw your tags and I’m now very intrigued like what do you mean yuhan has the SHORTEST TRAGIC BACKSTORY?!?! JUST WHAT IS GOING ON?? like granted I should have known a game about devil cat butlers would have some angst and tragic backstories but god damn 😭😭
there was a miscalculation on my part and yuuhan's is in fact, not the one with the shortest backstory! however that's only because the others have yet to have their backstories be revealed. sorry for the late answer btw, exams have made me pretty tired.
ok so ill briefly explain a bit. this ties in to the requirement to become a devil butler that is, having felt so much despair that one feels like dying. normal people will be swallowed up by the devils they contract with. the despair essentially acts like chains for the devil. so to talk about their pasts in the Briefest Way Possible (lie):
miyaji has beef with lucas on the surface but really it's because he still can't get over the fact that lucas decided to save him from the verge of death instead of someone else he thought was more capable than him while lucas simply chose to save miyaji because he had higher chances of living.
lucas was basically a child prodigy/genius. since young, he's always loved reading books, and even read thick books that even adults struggled to understand. even though he was lonely and had no one to talk to, he still endured it, skipped grades, and became a doctor at the age of 10+. at first he was looked down on for being young, but an older doctor stood up for him. eventually he became the leader of the doctors, but due to his lack of social skills, he struggled to communicate well, which resulted in the doctors hating him. in the end, all the doctors except lucas quit their job. and the group collapsed. (tbf id quit too... imagine being said you didn't work as hard as him and don't have as much brainpower compared to him as well)
ammon has only had his mom since birth and lived with her, selling flowers for a living. ammon would always make sure the flowers would be sold out at the end of the day for his sickly mother, but if he doesn't manage to sell all of them it's heavily implied his mom whips him like he does to himself even now. they were like super poor but ammon still loved his mom because he only had her
berrien has like this super mysterious past but rn it's starting to unravel in chapter 4. he's an orphan and got adopted into a church backed by the grovanas or whatever nobel family to nurture warriors who could fight angels, but surprisingly the church is actually full of love and was ran by someone who fighted angels named Goetia. berrien also met his soon-to-be older brother figure named Beren/Belen. btw all of the kids go by the last name Cliane because goetia wants everyone to become true family.
when berrien was 26 (Beren 29), goetia died from a chronic disease and Beren had to take on goetia's responsibilities. berrien became the one running the church, however shit happened, Beren got demonized, and berrien used his powers to keep Beren alive after forming a contract with his current devil. he's still residing in berrien's basement as of current, but in a coma. berrien still thinks he himself has no rights to be a butler and really does not believe that he's the one keeping the damn thing running
also the church got destroyed like 2400 years ago and yes berrien is 2000+ years old
haures was born into some wack ass family, his dad ran away with some other woman and his mom projected her rage and stuff like that onto haures, and his newborn younger sister Tricia. haures is 10 years older than Tricia. when he was that age, he ran away from home with Tricia (literal baby) because he no longer trusted his mom to take good care of them. after that, when haures was 18, he trained hard to become a soldier under the grovanas nobles so he could afford to let Tricia get treatment for her worsening vision. one heartbreaking scene was when haures showed off his red uniform to Tricia and she said the blue uniform looked good on him... but 5 years later, haures managed to get Tricia's eyes healed!!! surely nothing bad could happen!!!!
sike. haures caught one of the grovanas nobles illegally trafficking humans with some dealer, and arrested him. however that led to the seller getting revenge, and he decided to capture tricia. he stabbed her and threw her into the woods. when haures found her, she only managed to call out to haures before she died after a few breaths. haures was really really really devastated. he sought revenge on the noble, and while the noble didn't die, he was jailed 5 years for harming the noble (not death sentence because he was determined mentally unstable after losing Tricia.). after he got out of jail, he found the noble again and wanted to kill him, but he was reminded of how Tricia admired him for protecting the people and helping those in need, which stopped him. after that, he became a devil butler because of his proficient fighting skills.
lamli was forced to work at a circus by his mom at the age of 10, while starting up with simple duties, he decided to train to become a circus troupe performer so he'd earn more money for his complaining mother. its heavily implied he's abandoned by her and becomes a devil butler because of his nimble body. btw his mom said she never wanted to have lamli right in front of him. jesus.
fennesz was born into a wealthy happy family, and had an older sister. however his war general father lost a war against nobles, and the economy went into shambles. his mom remarried but even though their stepdad was nice, fennesz and his sister ended up strays on the street due to some reasons i forgot of. fennesz would get bullied by kids on the street because of his father's loss in the war, but his sister would always protect him, and they relied on each other for survival. she's very smart, as shown in the story. she also loves history, as she said, it can help people learn from the past. its heavily implied she is dead.
ok flure! flure grew up with his older sister and mother who both did ballet (can one of you have an actual dad for once?), and he also followed in their footsteps. however when he was a child he was bullied for liking stereotypical girly things, like playing with his sister's dolls, doing ballet and having long hair. even though he was laughed at for doing it, he still underwent strict training guided bg his sister and mother. he never found the courage to tell his sister or mom even though his sister could tell something was wrong (heard him crying at night). he still thinks he should be more courageous to this day and thinks he's pathetic. we don't know what happened to his family but they probably died.
i wanted to talk about boschi but i realized idk much about him apart from the fact that he only had his grandmother (who's actually a great caretaker for once!) and he was bullied for being a bookworm/nerd at school and had no friends. though he did actually beat those bullies up later for mocking his grandma when she wanted to take him back home. she didn't want boschi to fight but she said herself she was actually rooting for him when he was fighting LMAOOO love her for that
lono. ok so lono was really poor and had no parents, and he acted as the older brother for the younger kids living on the streets with him. he'd work as someone who'd clean up rubble from battling angels, which was a job that had unstable income since no one knows when angels are gonna appear. they were family basically. lono would rather starve than let his siblings eat less, and his love of cooking originated here because he loved seeing them happy from his cooking. we don't know what happened to them, but they're probably dead
nac was born into a rich family, and has a father, not sure if he has a mother, never mentioned at least. apparently the stein family was great at sales or trading or smth??? they're just some very rich and well-known name. however on his 12th birthday, his butler led him to the forest near the stein mansion, and revealed himself to be someone the stein family harmed. just as he was about to kill lil nac in shock, nac retaliated in defense. and when he realized, he already stabbed the man at his vital point. his dad appears out of nowhere and reveals that he knew this all along, and that the stein family is actually a long line of assassins with sales as their front personas. nac was trained to kill since then, and thought he'd never feel positive emotions again before he became a devil butler. he also has scars all around his body, probably from the assassin work he did.
lato and his non-blood related brother, Aleks I think? were kidnapped by people who wanted to train people to become angel fighters. however unlike berrien, this time it's just pure cruelness and literal torture. they were 8 when this experiment started. not only that, all the children were sold by their caretakers to this place, including lato and aleks' "mother", the head of their orphanage, who they deeply loved and believed in. when lato finally found a way to escape, almost half the children were dead.
and when he told the others, they told lato that they already gave up on escaping, including aleks. from, i suppose, all the suppressed anger and trauma, he burned the experiment facility down, leaving the other kids to die because he hallucinated that they wanted them to be burned so they could be free. after that, lato returned to the orphanage even though he knew the "mother" sold him in the first place. guess what the mother did! that's right she ran back into the orphanage when she saw him, locked the fucking door and told him to get the fuck away from her. and lato burned the orphanage down.
now onto the new butler trio!
teddy is the one with the most details in his backstory so far. when he was young, he Had a twin brother, and teddy was a far cry from who he is now. he was negative and gloomy compared to his brother, who was positive and talented, and people always favored teddy's brother more. but one day, his brother died protecting him from an angel, but since they were so alike people didn't know whether the one that died was teddy or his brother. and after grieving his brother, teddy decided to become him, and used his brother's name to live on as him so people wouldn't be sad, because "teddy" was the one that died. and that led to teddy forming his personality today. teddy is his actual name though, he started using it after he became a knight. he became a knight because he wanted to protect people from angels.
but during an attack by an intelligent angel, namely seraphim, one of the angels that appeared at the end of chapter 1 and also the major antagonist of the story, teddy's entire unit got killed. at the start of chapter 2.5, he recuperated in a hospital, however he kept terrible nightmares (reliving the massacre, and hearing the voices of his comrades asking him why he abandoned them and why he got to survive) and so didn't sleep at all. he eventually snuck out of the hospital to visit their graves, and then started wondering what the point of him still being alive is. he almost threw himself off a cliff before haures and aruji reached him.
hanamaru. ten years before the story, hanamaru was fleeing from something- he walked all the way from the east to the central, and collapsed in a forest. a nun found him and took him back to a church that doubled as an orphanage. however the nun soon fell ill and died, so hanamaru began taking care of the kids in the church after he was saved by her.
but 5 years later, the church was attacked by angels. he was away from the church when the attack happened, and when he came back, all he saw were angels flying away from the ruined church. only 4 kids survived. hanamaru had a breakdown, and kept kneeling and pressing his head against the ground, saying things like "i couldn't protect them", "i swear ill keep them safe next time", implying this is not the first time something like this has happened. he swore vengeance against the angels that day, that he would never forgive them, and himself. so berrien suspects that the 4 kids that survived were the people that kept hanamaru around. who knows what could've happened if they passed as well...
lastly (finally), yuuhan. at the age of 9, he trained to become a soldier of the sardeis family so he could protect his hometown, and made it after 3 years. he quickly rose up in the ranks, being a prodigy. in the main story, he started doubting his loyalty to the family after they attempted an assassination on the devil butlers. and he betrayed the sardeis family and fell into their trap when investigating forbidden records. he got thrown into jail by the head, and the head decided for his punishment, yuuhan's whole village and everyone he knew there will be burned and killed. he could only despair in jail. in the story, after his prison guard left after serving him food, yuuhan started crying. he called out to his father, his mother, everyone from his hometown, apologizing again and again, believing that it's his fault that they died.
after that, the head, fubuki, paid him a visit. fubuki beat yuuhan up, pushed him to the verge of death, but not grave enough injuries to die. yuuhan asked fubuki to kill him, but fubuki refused. he even says he'll force feed yuuhan till the day of his death execution if necessary. however, yuuhan was rescued by the butlers during his execution. (it took place in a forest with tigers. basically the death penalty is getting eaten by tigers) he became a devil butler after that.
holy shit. also im not typing Bastien's since you can read his backstory from the tls available here.
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princeofsinweek · 29 days
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Hello! I am so excited to be hosting a Prince of Sin Week this year. The goal is to get more content on the Princes and to celebrate the next book coming out in October! @afandomangel is running the account but I want to shout out @litnerdwrites and @cadiawrites for all of the support and great ideas. The encouragement to have this be a larger event has really helped!
Shoutout to @litnerdwrites for this idea to have both prompts for each day and a prince for each day that creators can choose from! We need your help for the second option of each day. For each day creators can choose to either write for that Prince and/or use the prompt. i.e. for 07/08 you can choose to create something for Pride, use the prompt to make something for Pride, or chose a different Prince and use the prompt for 07/08.
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07/07 Day 1: Prince Wrath/All Is Fair In Love and War
Featuring Prince Wrath’s sin, Wrath is the demon general of war and is a fierce warrior and strategist. "Acta non verba," meaning "actions, not words," is Wrath’s motto, and he lives by it. And don’t forget that “anger is his own personal aphrodisiac.” 😏
07/08 Day 2: Prince Pride/ Reflections and Ego
“I don’t simply look pretty. I am dashing.” Day two will feature Prince Pride. He loves to feed his ego and leads many to believe he is debauched, a drunkard, and a rake, but it is all an act. Though he does play the role so well that sometimes it doesn’t look like an act, leading to some of his struggles with those he cares for.In Emelia’s description of his throne room, it is described to have ornate mirrors everywhere to allow him to gaze upon himself whenever he likes. And as we learned from one of the other princes (Envy) the mirrors may not always be used just for his own reflection.😉
07/09 Day 3: Prince Envy/Games and RIddles
Prince Envy, oh Prince Envy, our prince loves a good game just as much as he loves to invoke his namesake sin in others. He often plays games with others, some dangerous enough to threaten his court. He is very cunning and ruthless, and he is not above trickery.  He is quite envious (hence his sin) and is a tad possessive as we saw in Throne of the Fallen with Camilla. 
07/10 Day 4: Prince Greed/All Bets Are Off
Prince Greed, like his brothers, enjoys games and tricks. He rules over his own gaming hell and enjoys placing wagers. He is also very calculating and ruthless, and Emelia describes him during an encounter as having a possessive hunger in his gaze. With his namesake sin, he is very greedy and can never get enough of things, power being one of them.  
07/11 Day 5: Prince Gluttony/Champagne Fountains
“He was a rake through and through. And he seemed adored for it.” Prince Gluttony overindulges in the things he enjoys: food, alcohol, debauchery, and hosting jaw-dropping parties to shock others, including the Reporter (Can’t wait for Throne of Secrets).  Gluttony is very suggestive and is often occupied in the selfish matters of his sin. Someone mentioned in the suggestions for prompts that he spends a lot of time with his partner. Our prince most likely does overindulge when it comes to his partner, time, gifts, food, attention, etc. 
07/12 Day 6: Prince Sloth/For Research
Like Gluttony, Sloth is often preoccupied in selfish matters of his sin. But unlike his brothers, he prefers to lounge around and read rather than engage in debauchery. He wears a mask of being a bashful, lazy book lover but he is also a very lethal warrior wielding a powerful weapon of his mind. He is very calculating and does not miss a detail. He takes his time studying until he has formulated a conclusion and course of action.  Sloth is very guarded and wary of others and often investigates others wanting to know everything about them from birth to the present day, including all potential lovers.  As for relationships Sloth has only had a few serious relationships and none have ended with tragedy or heartbreak. Sloth tries to avoid drama. 
07/13 Day 7: Prince Lust/Lover
The final day will feature Prince Lust’s sin. The Prince of Lust is known for toying with a person’s happiness and their carnal urges. He is quite the gossip and is very cunning. The prince is also a secret romantic despite his love for debauchery. Him being needy and romantic were a common suggestion for the prompts for Prince Lust.
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kestreljaylover · 5 months
My Top 10 Favorite Warrior Cats.
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Cinderpelt was the main source of entertainment and enthusiasm in book 2, and 3 and I love that! She would have made it higher is the authors (don't remember the name, and too lazy to look it up) didn't kill her off so soon. Twilight was so annoying, the entire book was terrible, and I was so sad when she died. And her disability was very terribly written. She broke her leg by a car, and she can't be a warrior anymore. I would discuss about it all day long, but I need to move on to #9.
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I love our little fruit loop! I mainly love Tallstar's character because of his Super Edition. Tallstar's Revenge is my favorite Euper Edition of all of warrior cats. The characters in the book got stuff done for once. (I don't remember all of the super editions, it has been a long time since I read them). And his little relationship with Jake is super cute! I met someone at a library and she doesn't like Tallstar x Jake. She was a homophobic, and I hate homophobes. She just make me angry, so I never talked to her again. Anyway, I just thought the bowtie idea was cute, and I decided to put that in.
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I really love frostpaw because I can relate to her issues, but I think she was like a reboot of Shadowsight. Which Shadowsight was fine, no problem with him. I think frostpaw is just a cute name in general. I have never drawn her before, so i had to some up with grays on the spot. Anyway the next one!
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Now we got some of the best kitties in my eyes! Ravenpaw was my favorite characters in the books before someone else came along that will be in #1. But he was basically the start of the series besides Firestar. Think about it, he tells him what happened with the Tigerstar situation. Firestar would have never known if Ravenpaw didn't spill the truth. And I think him moving to the farm was probably the best thing that has happened to him. Barley is not my favorite, it is just that I wanted to draw them. Next one!
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Honestly Lightleap is probably the best character in arc 8 because she is so entertaining and snarky. The best type of character. And she caused a lot of drama which I love. It sucks that she has not been there much in book 3 and 4 of A Starless Clan.
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She was supposed to be #4, but I forgot I didn't do 5, so instead of thinking more, I just put her there. Briarlight is the only good cat in her family. Mille is very mental, Blossomfall is very bad, and is very.... dramatic? I don't know how to describe it. Graystripe who i don't know what is going on in his head, and Bumblestripe who obsessed with a girl who doesn't want him. Briarlight is the sweetest cat and her death in the fourth or fifth book in AVOS was very sad. I love her friendship with her best friend, Jayfeather. (Yes, best friend! Jayfeather is gay in my head! I don't care if he loved Half Moon). Briarlight is just great! Love her!
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Don't really have a reason to put her up here. Maybe I am just obsessed with the name i gave her. I was gonna switch her and Briarlight out, but oh well. I mainly like first arc Bluestar not her super edition (I mean, who does like her super edition)? I just like calling her Queen of the double wide.
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Here's Dovewing! My baby! I am happy to put her here on this list! I really don't understand why some people hate Dovewing. She is a great protagonist, and a good mom as well. And also I feel bad for her because she was forced to be with him (Bumblestripe) for a while because of peer pressure. But I am glad she made to choice to get out of the pain.
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AAAHHH! SQUIRRELSTAR!!! SHE'S HERE! I have been waiting for 4 years for this. She is basically just like me. (Except the shortness! I am not short). I do what is right, but I don't need approval from anyone. Honestly her husband is a dickhead, so I am glad he stepped down. I wished he would have died though.
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JAYFEATHER! HE IS MY FAVORITE KITTY EVER! Does anyone need to explain why he is some people's favorite? Well I do. I can relate to him because everyone is an idiot! The books make them really dumb sometimes, and points out Jay's blindness. And guess who points this out? Jayfeather! He is my favorite for that reason. He is grumpy, but has a valid reason for it. And I can't get myself started on his boyfriend. He is not that interesting, but seeing fanart of Jayfeather and Kestrelflight just makes a smile on my face. (Dusklight for example, go follow them! One of the remaining kestreljay fans, and their work is flawless)! Honestly the sunglasses idea was random. I love a video that someone posted on Christmas day, https://youtu.be/ijd4YaXCjIQ?si=QY8NmE_tV46Yk_8x anyway, that is it. I am tired. :(
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acourtofquestions · 21 days
Okay okay, so... who, out of everyone you know about rn is your favorite? (Fleetfoot is included, Fleetwood is adorable)
Thank you for such a great question!
I love a lot of things about so many characters, & am really enjoying getting to know them in my first read of the Throne of Glass series (so it changes a lot)… Honestly, Fleetfoot might be my most consistent😂favorite😊, I don’t think any character can ever be better🥹???
— Especially as in a world of such prejudice Fleetfoot loves every person for who they are (including Archer; who she does not love; because who he is sucks🤣). — She doesn't care that Dorian has magic she stays with him until Celaena can come back, she follows Celaena into the woods on the 10 year marker of "Aelin's dark day" just to sit with her. — She also defends Celaena from the monster even while injured herself she wouldn't let them hurt her person.
She was the outcast of the litter, the "underdog" and became the bravest hulking wolf of them all.
Fleetfoot serves as the “save the cat” for both Celaena in showing her disgust at the idea of calling a dog a burden to be rid of because of a shy temper and at not liking humans after they stole it from its mother (which also speaks a lot to her, as if Fleetfoot is her Abraxos style “spirit animal”) while showing even the Assassin has moral lines. While also giving Dorian the chance to “save the cat” or in this case the dog. She even heavily serves as a plot telling device such as recognizing Nehemia from beyond the veil. More than that she becomes a beloved by all character… as you can see by this very dramatic explanation. Also I’m just a sucker for dogs & golden retrievers😂
Otherwise (sry this is gonna ramble😂): if ya want more
+ I’d love to hear yours if you want to share: so, who are your favs/fav?😃
I really want to learn more about Aedion because his relationship to Celaena thus far in HoF heavily reminds me of my siblings (and normally makes me cry because of it). I want Celaena to come to know that kind of love, and I already love Aedion for it.
Dorian really astounds me in his character — I mean that word literally & in phrase — he is a good man, he consistently shows it, and I give him props for being such a healthy emotional male character in a YA series.
Of course I have to mention our main gal Celaena / Aelin; there’s a lot to love. First I’d say the tropes she breaks (reminding me of a Nesta/Feyre mix of leading female perspective book traits) which I really appreciate. — She is tough, she is a warrior, she is not a damsel; she also loves makeup, and fancy dresses, and wishes to dance; she can be entranced by the romantic fantasy of just being normal. She is not equated to her love interests alone but she does love many and remains quite a loveable character within her resilience; as most of them come to say & bring to further light as well. She is fiery in all she does, there is something beautifully magically brave & empowering in that.
Sam Cortland will always get a shoutout because I will always love him.
Chaol used to be on this list and still isn’t off it but it’s complicated; I can say though I wish he didn’t take pieces of what he dreams people to be and try to make them fit that mold, he does apologize from it come to recognize it learn and try to do better. I genuinely believe he loves Dorian and Celaena (which doesn’t fix everything but does mean something); that he is a good man who just wants to do the right thing; he’s still a young kid. And so, he hasn’t lost me yet.
Rowan has entered where he will stay in the list of favs forever & ever “to whatever end”.
Emrys right now (& probably always) has my heart; I love a good loving character who makes everyone soup and tells stories. Give me a Hagrid, Chiron, kinda character any day. One that makes them feel at home; strangers, friends, foes, legends alike. Calls them out when they’re an idiot, and welcomes them with open arms after every exhausting day… He’s just good and kind.
And after a recent HoF chapter (some might say THE HoF chapter) Lady Marion deserves a mention & round of applause; mad respect, absolute adoration; the true hero; a mothers love. The way it made me cry at the love of a mother, the way I love my littles, etc.
P.S. for ACOTAR it’s probably Feyre, Nesta, Gwyn, Rhys, Azriel… also the house if it counts? lol 😂
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zwy01 · 1 year
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Millennium AU!
Hi everyone!!! After three years I finally updated+upgraded my Millennium AU lineup! Now I have a total of 15 ocs for this AU instead of the previous 10! This is probably my magnum opus as a noblesse fanart/fan-content creator lol.
For context, this is an alternate universe where Razark is alive, it’s 1000+ years in the future, and everyone has kids.
Important note: this is not a happy AU. There are happy moments, but with the general settings of characters and their relationships with one another, and the way Lukedonia is defined by Lord Raskreia… not very optimistic. It’s angsty. I’ll explain more as this post goes, and you’ll see why.
On how nobles have kids in my headcanon: nobles reproduce asexually. To be precise, children are born from soul fragments. Soul fragments can be extracted at the cost of some of the parent’s own lifespan. Two soul fragments create a new soul, aka the child. Because how this entire process has lifespan shortening qualities, children are usually proof of true love or repaying a major favor/debt to someone. It’s a huge deal for nobles, so it is never taken lightly. If a clan’s last clan leader/pureblood dies without an heir, a new heir/child/soul is born from the mystic energy that the air/ground of Lukedonia emits. Kind of like a thin-air baby appearing out of nowhere.
How to read this lineup:
White text: character name
Blue text: parents’ names, if any.
Ring + heart: parents are in love & married.
Heart: parents are in love & not married.
Green diamond: parents are not in love. Soul fragment donation as debt repayment. Children do not carry their donor’s surname.
Eldest to the left, youngest to the right.
Now introducing the characters!
Alois Elenor: Male. First child of Ludis Mergas and Rozaria Elenor. Name means “famous warrior”. An introvert. Nicknames: Al, the hair guy, magic boy. Relationship with family: Ludis (father, good), Rozaria (mother, good), Susanna (sister, good)
Alois is the first born of the entire nextgen cast. He is very very shy, and almost never talks, and if he does it’s when he thinks it’s necessary. He doesn’t like eye contact with virtually anyone who isn’t family, so he usually has his eyes and face covered with his bright red hair. If you try to brush his hair aside to see his eyes, he WILL freak out and turn you into a frog. That’s reserved for his family and his crush, sorry. He’s usually calm, but has an anxious side to him that shows when he feels stressed out. He’s also quite sensitive, but people usually have no idea about what he’s thinking since he doesn’t talk, and they can’t see his face. His younger sister Susanna can always tell, though. She reads him like a book. Alois is a very big family-oriented guy and will do anything to make his family happy. The four of them have an extremely close relationship, and make a happy family unit. Though Alois being the only introvert in his family means that sometimes he gets overwhelmed by their excess energy. He may not show it in the way his family does, but he’s very very happy to receive their love. Dotes on his younger sister Susanna. Has a major crush on Luzia Tradio. Super big fan of Kei Ru, idolizes him.
Luzia Tradio: Female. First child of Kei Ru and Claudia Tradio. Name means “light of the day”. An introvert. Nicknames: Lucy, Cici, witch queen. Relationship with family: Kei (father, not very good), Claudia (mother, good), Jia (sister, bad)
Luzia Tradio is never seen to smile, and she always wears a frown on her face. She is a bit grumpy and standoffish. If you look at her with the wrong expression she might give you the death stare… or so it seems. You see, she has a history of casting curses on people and making them vomit maggots for hours, but hey it’s for a good reason. They annoy her too much. Just don’t get too close to her, or ask too many questions. She has inherited her grandfather Lagus’ talent, and is the most powerful in the entire nextgen cast. But what most people don’t know is that she is trying to recover Lagus’ legacy… specifically his research, creations, and abilities. Due to the Lagus’ traitor history, doing so has been banned by none other than Lord Raskreia. And even if it weren’t banned, Luzia trying to chase after Lagus’ research would make mommy dearest drop dead in anxiety. Luzia won’t actually try to take over Lukedonia; in fact she’s not interested in any of it. She just genuinely enjoys doing the same creepy/shady/illegal stuff gramps did. So she has an underground lab where she pursues Lagus’ legacy and conducts her… err, research. Just evil edgy witch stuff. No one needs to know. Hah. She has a great relationship with her mother Claudia and swears to protect her. She can’t stand her father Kei and sister Jia for… complicated reasons, so she avoids them and shuts them out. They try to reach out to her, though their attempts almost always fail. May or may not like Alois back… welp, she’s in denial. Likes candy.
Aretis Verja Di Reiner: Male. Only child of Razark and Erga Kenesis Di Raskreia. Name means “the deciding warrior that defends virtue”. An extrovert. Nicknames: N/A. Relationship with family: Razark (father, good), Raskreia (mother, very very bad)
Reiner is Raskreia’s heir and the next lord. Reiner’ story is a complex one. He is naturally very charismatic and shines in his own way, but that gets affected by his upbringing and now he’s just majorly depressed and too tired to care about anything. You see, his mother Raskreia isn’t the best at expressing her emotions as she is naturally stoic.. and has her sense of pride, even when it comes to loving her son. She believes her duties as Lord comes before anything else, even if it’s her family. So, she makes it to clear to young Reiner that he is her heir and subject before he is her son. Welp, that’s certainly very…reassuring to hear from your mom-lord. So even when Raskreia and Razark love each other very much, Reiner was raised almost entirely by his father Razark, whom he shares a good relationship with. Reiner has a very strong sense of justice and seeing how Raskreia’s ways are stubborn, archaic, even borderline tyrannical and how she is headed towards failing Lukedonia, he protests againsts her ways and seeks to abolish their system altogether in favor of a democracy. Reiner fails and proceeds to leave Lukedonia out of anger and helplessness and decides to never become Lord, though he had already made this decision long ago when he cracked under pressure to become the perfect prince. Raskreia sees his act as a rebellion, and deems him a traitor. Uh oh, his own mom-lord might be after his head. Time to run. He’d probably be way happier to stay away from all the trouble at home and work as a cashier in the human world. Sigh. Give him a pat on the shoulder and tell him good work. Too depressed to like anyone.
Jia Ru: Female. Second child of Kei Ru and Claudia Tradio. Name means “auspicious”. An extrovert. Nicknames: little tigress, bedrock annihilator, them muscles. Relationship with family: Kei (father, good), Claudia (mother, good), Luzia (sister, neutral)
Jia is an excellent martial artist, just like her father Kei, whom she absolutely adores. She enjoys sparring with others, often running out of people to challenge just because she does it so often and they’re all tired and want to rest. What do you mean you wanna rest, it’s only been the 8th spar of the day! Ugh, y’all don’t exercise enough. She has sharp canines that show in a toothy grin when she’s happy. She is on good terms with most of her peers though sometimes she may or may not offend others with her bluntless. She doesn’t mean any harm, she just doesn’t really have a filter and says whatever’s on her mind…even around their Lord. Whoops. Luckily Raskreia wasn’t too pissed. Be careful next time. She does get extremely shy around Alois though, whom she has a huge crush on. Her hair accessories (set of golden hoops) are gifts from her mother Claudia. Claudia wears the other pair. Kei isn’t the best with expressing love and he mostly only gives combat-related compliments that roughly translate into “I love you”. He does call his daughter “little tigress” when they are alone; it’s a nickname he gave to her as a child. Jia knows Kei loves her, and he knows she loves him, and they’re happy. She doesn’t like sweet food, and loves meat.
Susanna Mergas: Female. Second child of Ludis Mergas and Rozaria Elenor. Name means “to be joyful/graceful lily”. An ultra extrovert. Nicknames: Susa, teacup, cupcake. Relationship with family: Ludis (father, good), Rozaria (mother, good), Alois (brother, good)
Susanna might be the shortest and tiniest of the bunch, but she is jam-packed with raw energy. Fun energy. Chaotic energy. Loud energy. Just pure energy. She’s the ultimate definition of a social butterly. As long as something moves, she’ll want to befriend it. Hey you! You can be her 278th best friend! Seriously. She’ll love it and so will you. What do you mean you can live for tens of thousands of years and still haven’t memorized everyone’s names? That’s impossible! Lol. She loves hanging out with people and finding fun things to do. Tea parties is one of her absolute favorites, and she too has mastered the art of tea parties under the guidance and apprenticeship of her beloved daddy and the master of human traditions, Ludis. A day is never dull with her and her family. They just love partying. As loud and energetic as she is, she is actually quite good at picking up very very subtle cues of how other people are feeling, and will quiet down and approach you differently if you need it. Smothers her brother in affection, and loves being doted on by him. Arya’s girlfriend.
Kaelestis Blerster: Male. Only child of Karias Blerster and Rael Kertia. Name means “of the sky, heavenly”. An extraverted-introvert. Nicknames: Kaekae, dad, the no-fun guy. Relationship with family: Karias (father, good), Rael (donor, good) Raegyn & Arya (half-siblings, good)
Kaelestis is the most mature out of the bunch. Unlike his eccentric father Karias, he is very proper and does not engage in the former’s speech and actions. In fact, he’s probably closer to being the parent than the other way around. He often calls out Karias for his behavior and does not hesitate to reprimand his father for his inappropriateness. Karias just laughs, does a fake dramatic flop down the floor, whines to his son about how he’s just no fun at alllll. Kaelestis just shakes his head and sighs. Kaelestis actually got his nickname Kaekae from Karias because Karias gets okay’d by his son all the time. “Okay Clan Leader, time to act maturely like a proper noble”, etc. Even his friends call him “dad” as a joke. The only time he’s ever acted “improper” was when he called Raskreia “auntie”… but that’s because Karias lied to his son and told him daddy’s Lord’s brother. And Kaekae believed it. Never again for those petty tricks. Kaelestis is also an excellent painter and architect, and is responsible for Lukedonia’s artistic projects. His personality may not be romantic, but his crafts certainly are. Just breathtakingly beautiful and you won’t see talent like this anywhere else. Likes Izar.
Raegyn Kertia: Male. First child of Regis K. Landegre and Rael Kertia. Name means “little king/impulsive”. An extrovert. Nicknames: Ray, the genius, mr. Celebrity. Relationship with family: Regis (father, good), Rael (father, good), Arya (sister, good), Kaelestis, Garyth & Alethea (half-siblings, good)
Raegyn is a surprisingly good diplomat, as he is the smartest of the entire nextgen cast. Though, he is seen as a good diplomat and loved by all not because he truly is that way. He is just very, very smart and knows how to get things… and people to be the way he wants. At his level manipulation is quite easy, though usually he doesn’t need to do so as his natural charm does the job for him. He’s already everyone’s favorite guy #1. He’s snarky and witty. Sometimes, he might come off as arrogant because he expects people to understand things without needing him to explain and gets frustrated when they don’t. He doesn’t show this side easily, but he’s secretly very apathetic and loves dark humor. By human standards sometimes you’d wanna call him lil’ shit. Damn, it’s just lonely to be at the top. He has a good relationship with his fathers, and Rael often comes to his son for advice. They have casual debates sometimes and Rael always loses. So proud of my son. He’s the smartest. Yaaaaa. Likes Umbra.
Arya K. Landegre: Female. Second child of Regis K. Landegre and Rael Kertia. Name means “noble/air song”. An extrovert. Nicknames: Ari, Yaya. Relationship with family: Regis (father, good), Rael (father, good), Raegyn (brother, good), Kaelestis, Garyth & Alethea (half siblings, good)
Arya is the opposite of everything elegant. She’s actually quite cringy, in a good way. She’s loud, fidgety, and cheerful. If you brought all these kids to a fast food restaurant, she’ll be the one throwing fries around like confetti and convincing everyone else to join in. If it weren’t for the black stripes in her hair, you would’ve never guessed that she’s a Landegre because she doesn’t act like one at all. Truth be told, part of it is a show. She is sad to see Lukedonia so somber, and tries to cheer up others by putting on an act, thinking she can try to get others to feel a bit happier, if she pretends to be happy too. But mostly it’s for making her clan leader and father Regis happy to know that she’s “happy”, now that he has a really shortened lifespan and they don’t have too much time together. A not-so-healthy coping mechanism for her soon-to-be grief. Someone get this girl an oscar and some therapy. Susanna’s girlfriend.
Garyth J. Loyard: Male. First child of Regis K. Landegre and Seira J. Loyard. Name means “honest/tender person”. An introvert. Nicknames: Gary, angel, starlight. Relationship with family: Regis (father, good ), Seira (mother, good), Alethea (sister, good), Raegyn & Arya (half siblings, it’s complicated)
Garyth is the most beautiful child in the entire nextgen cast. You’d take one look at his face, and you’ll want to throw chocolates and diamonds at him. He has super long eyelashes that seem to flutter like feathers in the wind. He also has an angelic voice, and is an excellent singer. You’d get distracted and walk face first into a pole if you happen to stumble upon him singing. He is also the great-grandchild that resembles Gejutel the most out of the four that exist, despite being the Loyard heir. His mannerisms are also very Landegre. He’s very obsessed with being elegant, and while he is very dignified, he can engage in playful banter just like how Regis does it. Susanna probably handed him a sharpie once and told him to “color his hair” since Gary is just so obsessed with the Landegre side of himself. Smooth one, Susa. Gary is super embarrassed. Garyth does have a lingering sadness inside once he learns of his mother Seira’s trauma and past. He loves her very much and will do anything for her. For that reason, he absolutely hates Rael’s guts for his history of stalking and harassing Seira. He loves Regis very much too but is confused why Regis forgave his former nemesis and even married him. He avoids his half siblings for the same reason, since they remind him of Rael. Confused Garyth harbors a deep resentment and sadness inside for not being able to help. His sister Alethea knows of it, but wonders why her brother never talks about it. Has a lil’ thing for Reiner.
Alethea J. Loyard: Female. Second child of Regis K. Landegre and Seira J. Loyard. Name means “truth”. An introvert. Nicknames: Thea, bunny. Relationship with family: Regis (father, good ), Seira (mother, good), Garyth (brother, good), Raegyn & Arya (half siblings, good)
Alethea resembles her mother Seira so much, she could very much be her. Seira’s little clone basically. If you put her side-by-side with her mother’s younger self, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between them. Seira nicknames her daughter “bunny”, and Alethea blushes when her mother calls her that. Alethea is quiet and reserved, though not entirely due to being an introvert. She suffers from low self esteem. Being Seira’s second child she won’t get a soul weapon nor will she become clan leader, and she is fine with that. Her low self esteem stems from her feeling extremely out of place in this world. Everything feels so foreign even though she’s experiencing everything in her own skin. She just never feels like she belongs here, and often zones out because of this. She suffers from a lack of purpose. She is just observing this world, and prefers to not partake in it. She is very empathetic though, and shares a close bond with her family. She doesn’t avoid her half siblings like her brother Garyth does. Prefers to hang out with great grandfather Gejutel, just the two of them, in his library. That’s where she feels the most at home. Nice safe space. Likes peace and quiet.
Bellona: Female. Gradeus’ clan’s heir. No parents, born from thin air. Name means “goddess of war”. An extrovert. Nicknames: Belle, Nana. Relationship with family: Gejutel (caretaker, good)
Bellona was born to be Gradeus clan’s heir. Gejutel names her in good will, hoping that she becomes a good leader, should she choose to use her powers in battle. Interestingly, Bellona channels her energy into dancing. She is a skilled fighter, though she prefers to let her energy out by dancing and her dance moves mimic those of battle. Intense and passionate. Fiery. A berserker of a different kind. She can feel it in her muscles, in her bones, in her soul. Dancing is her life. She’s that person who tells you working out will help with feeling sad. Often drags Reiner around and forces him to dance, much his annoyance and Raegyn’s amusement. C’mon, it’s gotta help! Just shake the tension off. Feel your feet on the ground, and forget the thoughts in your head. Good friends with Cordelia Kravei. Ps she sometimes summons Messad and swings it around as dancing prop, because hey it looks pretty damn cool. Likes Garyth.
Izar Siriana: Male. Siriana clan’s heir. No parents, born from thin air. Name means “star”. An extraverted-introvert. Nicknames: Izzy, bookworm. Relationship with family: Gejutel (caretaker, good)
To Gejutel, Zarga just… seemed bit lost. So in hopes that this his heir finds a passion in life and shines brightly, he names this boy Izar. Just as his name suggests, he develops a love for astronomy and the maths. Most nobles nowadays arent too concerned with being empirical aside from a few who also have an interest in these subject matters, but Izar takes it to another level. Having a passion that grounds him to the earth while he stares into the sky makes him happy. A neet. By human standards you’d be questioning how long he hasn’t showered. He’s not shy though, just prefers to live with his books. One day hopes to discover alternate universes and conquer the black hole, probably. At least he jokes so. Vomited maggots many times from Lucy’s curses from being too annoying and pestering her nonstop for a possible “research buddy”. Lucy doesn’t care for hot burning elemental cores or numbers. Leave her alone. Has a super smart pet ferret named Charles who acts like an assistant and helps him fetch his books and papers. Drinks coffee not because he needs it, but because it’s fashionable and trendy scientists do so. Right? That’s what you call them… scientists!! He even got himself some round glasses to complete his look. Sooo cool. Maybe he’ll ask Lucy for some of her eyeshadow to give himself dark eye circles. …You really wanna vomit maggots again? Likes Jia.
Asa Drosia: Male. Drosia clan’s heir. No parents, born from thin air. Name means “healer/morning”. An introverted-extrovert. Nicknames: N/A. Relationship with family: Gejutel (caretaker, good)
Edian had suffered from multiple unfortunate events prior to her death, so Gejutel names her heir Asa, hoping that he lives a peaceful, hopeful life. Asa is surprisingly good at talking and is quite diplomatic. Unlike Raegyn who only pretends to care and seems like nice guy thanks to his charm, Asa is genuinely nice. He is calm, and mentally and emotionally stable. He’s basically the local therapist kind of guy. He never judges anyone for their circumstances and is accepting of everyone. If you even just look at him in the eyes and see him smile, you’ll feel an uncontrollable urge to cry. Everyone (excluding funny Lord Rask) truly loves him and he’s glad to help. He’s pretty much the only dude in the entire cast not affected by depression. Just like how his SW is a pair of sharp rapiers, he’s good at pinpointing issues and digging them out from the source… though sometimes it hurts to bring out those old scars, even just to talk about them. Which is why Reiner even avoids him because. Cant hide anything from this guy. Ugh. Reiner’s pride. It’s okay, Asa won’t judge you. He has a collection of scented candles, and likes to do knitting in his free time. Likes Bellona.
Umbra Agvain: Female. Agvain clan’s heir. No parents, born from thin air. Name means “shadow/shade”. An introvert. Nicknames: Umbie, firecracker. Relationship with family: Gejutel (caretaker, good)
In contrast to Urokai’s character, Gejutel names her in hopes that she’d be calm and collected, with shadow in her name also meaning she’d protect the ones she loves…instead of the opposite. Unfortunately, she isn’t calm at all. Just like her predecessor, she is quite explosive, but for a different reason. She isn’t angry, nor is she jealous. She is frustrated. She feels and senses everything much stronger than everyone else. If she loves something, she loves it to death. If she hates something, she hates it to death. Everything comes so strongly, she only ever eats plain food, and uses her powers to suppress light and sound around her. Avoids people. It’s just too much for her. Cries and screams often when she is alone from the overwhelming sensations and feelings. Ironically, her hobby is cooking and makes great food. Stress cooks. Doesn’t eat any of it though. Susa’s more than happy to help herself to Umbra’s cooking. Likes Asa.
Cordelia Kravei: Female. Kravei clan’s heir. No parents, born from thin air. Name means “heart/jewel of the sea”. An introvert. Nicknames: Del, Lili, fish girl. Relationship with family: Gejutel (caretaker, good)
Cordelia is the last one to be born in the entire nextgen cast, which means she’s the youngest. Since Lukedonia is surrounded by the sea, Gejutel names her Cordelia in hopes that her heart and soul feels at home. Cordelia is a great illusionist and magician. Not magic in the sense of Elenor and Tradio, but as in tricks and visual effects. She spends a good amount of time by the sea and teaches herself to manipulate aura into various shapes and forms outside of battle usage. She can conjure beautiful illusions of both marine animals and mythical sea creatures, and often works with her best friend Bellona, giving a great show of illusions while Bellona dances. She’s good friends with Kaelestis, with Kaelestis often getting inspiration for his paintings from Cordelia. A pretty chill person in general. Likes Alethea.
Annd that’s it! For a little end note, yes Gejutel raises the last five. Why? Because of bad examples. The Previous Lord kept dumping stuff on Gejutel without explanation. Raskreia observes her father’s doings, and concludes that that’s the way to go when she doesn’t know how to approach something. Just hand it to Gejutel. So when the five thin air babies appear…. Yup, she just assigns Gejutel to them and yolos. Not my business. They’re the traitor clans’ new heirs, and back then Gejutel took good care of Claudia and her clan so he can manage five more right?? Right?? And as of now she doesn’t want to associate with them so… good luck Gejutel. Sorry. Ehh maybe not sorry. Anyways grandpa vomits blood and says goodbye to retirement. But he does follow her orders. Now he has 5 more kids to raise. Ugh. Btw Gejutel names all of them too cuz Rask being the negligent paranoid Lord she is, she doesn’t bother with it either. Gejutel raises them and has a good relationship with all five.
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uglygirlstatus · 9 months
Okay hello these questions are for WARRIOR CATS. 1 + 2, also 9 + 10, and 21 (in particular do you have any opinion on Scourge/Ashfur vs Hawkfrost/Ashfur or am I sounding insane to you rn) ?
What OTPs do you just not get?
I remember beefing with Graystripe and Millie & Leafpool and Crowfeather as a kid but honestly I am not sure if anyone really liked those pairings?? I think Crowfeather and Leafpool was popular but I always knew Crowfeather was a RAT
2. Are there any popular OTPs that you only BROTP?
Jayfeather and Briarlight? I think they were a semi popular pairing back in the day but I was never on board.
9. Most disliked character? Why?
BRAMBLECLAWWWW I have hated him since I was 8 years old and it has been so vindicating seeing everyone else hate him too now after whatever he's done in the latest series (I am only partially aware of newer books via people I follow). I hated him as a kid because I thought he was needlessly rude to Squirrelflight and Berrynose and had a bad attitude and I also blamed him for Yellowfang's death (tho maybe unfairly). When he replaced Graystripe as deputy I was FUMINGGGGG I was like did Whitestorm's dying wish mean NOTHING to you Firestar?!?! Ugh. Anyway I think I heard he got rabies in the latest series or something? Deserved.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
I only read up to about halfway through the fourth series so I can't speak to the newer books but I remember I mega did not care about all the back in time stuff that Jayfeather was up to in his dreams. 1) it bored me and 2) I was a stickler for warrior cat naming conventions as a child and it pissed me off that their names were in two parts in the past lmao
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
As a kid I could not stand them. I was like what are you doing this is SERIOUS. but of course now I like to have fun. I own a physical edition of this recent rarepair zine
Bonus: Scourge/Ashfur vs Hawkfrost/Ashfur? (you can never sound insane to me)
Scourge and Ashfur was one of the ones that had me livid as a kid but also I would pick Hawkfrost/Ashfur anyway since they share some mutual beef against our common enemy Bramblestar. Also I love Hawkfrost
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I grow weary of the HP/JKR discourse.
Honestly HP - Dramione to be exact - is my first fandom, and my oldest. I’ve read for it for 20 years, over half my life. I used to be more involved, and when I was younger I bought some merch, but I haven’t bought anything new for HP in over 7 years, and I won’t in the future because I don’t want to monetarily support JKR.
But I bought the films 10 years ago. My books are older than that. JKR doesn’t get any money from me re-reading once every 5 years or watching physical media I have owned for decades. HP got me through some really rough points in life, when all I wanted was to escape. I grew up with Harry and the rest. My best friend, who is the 1 person in my life that I trust to share every part of myself with, we became friends at first because neither of our friend groups were into HP and we could talk about it with each other. We’ve been best friends for 20 years now, and I wouldn’t have her without all the bonding we did through our shared love of HP at first.
I get why people cut it out entirely, I can understand why some people choose not to engage with it at all. However, I don’t agree that creating or engaging with fan works means implicit support of JKR or her beliefs. Sorry not sorry, but me reading fic and leaving kudos and liking fanart of a non-canon ship gives nothing to JKR. The argument that free fan works are keeping HP alive and giving JKR money simply through “exposure” doesn’t ring genuine for me, not when there’s literal theme parks and public channels play the movies and businesses pay for licensing to make HP costumes, and mugs, and bedding, and dishware, and watches, and everything.
There are plenty of fandoms that survive and thrive that have no or very little merch available, it isn’t necessary, and people can really just stop buying HP stuff - like I did. And some companies have stopped their HP stuff, and I’m sure that trend will continue, but I doubt they will ALL stop, because in the end JKR isn’t the only person with shitty beliefs.
HP isn’t my only fandom, it’s not something I give 100% of my attention to, and I fall into new stuff all the time, but this whole idea of recommending other things to replace HP in peoples’ lives? Regardless of how many other books I read or shows I watch, HP is irreplaceable in my life. That ship has sailed. It sailed over 20 years. I don’t go on about it all the time or even recommend that people read them now, I tend to talk about more relevant media on a day-to-day basis (House of the Dragon, superhero stuff, Star Wars, Doctor Who, The Queen’s Thief books, All Souls books-and show, etc). But none of those can replace what HP was for me, and still is to a degree. I have to scroll down to see all the Ao3 bookmarks when I open a new tab because I have so many, but nothing else will ever comfort me like a fluffy Dramione one-shot after a truly awful day. Because they were the first ship I really fell in love with, and it’s been 20 fucking years.
I’m just tired of seeing posts about how people should read The Magicians instead (which, there was a rape scene and pedophilia - in the show at least - so not something I would put in the same category as HP) or Warrior Cats (please). By all means, recommend media you like to people, recommend new things and don’t engage with HP at all if you don’t want to. But please stop acting like it’s as simple as liking something new will make people stop liking HP, or that they’ll get the same things out of them. Sorry, this turned out way longer than I planned.
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the-wolfbats · 20 days
random thoughts after reading 4 more Redwall books
the bellmaker
Honestly it's pretty badly paced like the main heroes (Mariel, Dandin, that gang) are stuck in a castle for like 1/3rd of their story)
but it may also be the shortest one but my ebook is also fucked.
the most interest part of the entire story are the 4 pages we get of the little stranded animal children and the adult hedgehog whose back broke from a mast falling on her, it's not really said what happened to her brain but she "was confused", and she dies and they leave her body in a tent as a tomb on a deserted island.
also I guess two characters who disappear but are so mentally distressed from their ordeal they become near savage.
also bc the world is so segregated, some species are always Good and some are 99.999% bad, and the 00.00001% we see be good - it would have been nice for them to actually stick around Redwall for a few seasons.
Redwall (the OG one)
if I were to outline every bit of early installment weirdness we'd be here all day so I'll just leave it at
this canonically takes place the book after the bellmaker (ironic I tried not to read them in order)
"I'm like a bad penny; I always keep coming back" THERE'S CURRENCY???
so going from names like Dandin, Bowly, and Finnbarr to names like Colin, Hugo, and Ambrose, like...I know it was written first but it's hilarious to imagine these animals went through some hhuman weeaboo phase 800 years later for about 10 years
also that apparently Portugal did not exist, showed up, and then went away again
bit about rats: First they're like "Hey don't discriminate against rats", meaning the dichotomy of good species vs bad species wasn't set in stone like it almost is for the rest of the series (see above)
there's also a mention of "Wandering Foxes" so foxes also weren't pigeonholed into "bad"
you can see this in the naming convention - Sela and Chickenhound (We'll get to the livestock thing in a bit) where most of the other vermin names are like Scumtail and Dipshit and what not.
then the rats ate an entire litter of piglets so were the piglets sentient? there's also a mention of livestock so I guess they were that but this is very Some Animals are more sentient than Others.
There's also a mention of badgers working in the mines and I do somewhat appreciate how there were more oppertunities for badgers in the old days besides "Lord of Salamandastron", "lone warrior", "mother", until you get about to Eulalia.
there's like different types of mice and rats when later in the series, it's just 'rats' and 'mice' with the occasional dormouse.
good lord this isn't even halfway through the book yet i'll make another post
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
Top 22 of 2022
I've been meaning to do this before the end of the year for obvious reasons, but I just didn't have the chance until now! Thank you everyone who had tagged me, you all are so sweet
I apologize in advance, though. My memory sucks and my perception of time is broken sdjfjdhf
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Part 1: Fandom Faves 
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year: SPY x FAMILY, Demon Slayer
02. Favorite new ships since this year: SPYxFAMILY - Twiyor, Cynari, ScaraLumi - Genshin Impact
03. Favorite anime/TV show of the year: Extraordinary Attorney Woo, SPY x FAMILY, Pokémon Journeys
04. Favorite movie of the year: Hmm, I honestly don't watch many movies, so this one's hard... maybe Turning Red? Haha
05. Favorite character of the year: Scaramouche/Wandered, Tighnari - Genshin Impact. Uzui Tengen, Rengoku Kyojuro - Demon Slayer. Seo HyunSoo - XXX Buddy.
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year: One of my favorite soundtrack every year will always be Liyue OST - Genshin Impact!
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year: sajkhfjdf this year I read lots of new Manhwas and also a few books. Some of my favorite manhwas were Define the Relationship, Perfect Buddy, Actually, I was the real one, Who made me a Princess?, Under the Oak Tree, Love so Pure (side story), Forget About My Husband, I'd Rather Go Make Money, The Marriage Business and mooore.
I didn't like the books I read this year that much, but I guess my favorite was Six Crimson Cranes. Also read some light novels and they were The Marriage Business and I'll be the Warrior's Mother.
08. Favorite game of the year: Genshin Impact and Obey me!
09. Highlight of this year to remember: March 7th when I went to Disneyland JSAFHJ
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Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2022: Tickletober, my 2k milestone. @vqler and @dokidoki-muffin return aaaand... I think that's the most I can remember hahaah
11. Favorite fan art of the year: I have been blessed with so much fanart this year omg, some of my faves were this one, of course because it's the first time someone drew art for one of my fics!
Also this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one, but honestly, there are so many aaaa
12. Favorite fic of the year: I read good fics this year, I can't choose, but definitely some of my faves are these beautiful fics I got from my dearest friends in my birthday and Christmas, here, here and here.
13. Favorite ask game of the year: The tickly alphabet, this one and the 3 sentence fic
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger: Participating in Tickletober for the first time! I didn't finish all days, but I'm happy with the result haha. Also getting to finish my 2k milestone event!
15. My own best fic/post of the year: I think I wrote a lot this year, but one of my faves to write was this Koi ga Ochitara one because I've been wanting to write one with them for sooo long!
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year: Probably not the "most", but this Mafuyu x Ritsuka x Yuki one?
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected: Omg these three Tickletober fics because they don't have a large popularity in the community, but they got more attention that I expected!
Koi Ga Ochitara, Junai Drop Out, Sign
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year: I think I did write more this year, so that was nice!
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Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year: I'd like to work on this little AU idea thingy I have been neglecting because I feel unsure to write and post, but we'll see!
20. Goals for next year: As for this blog... maybe getting into more fandoms to keep writing haha. Also, Ginny girl is trying to write less trash, but I'd like to keep collaborating with her, because I just love how well we write together aaaa
21. 2023 releases I look forward to the most: MAHOUTSUKAI NO YOME SEASON 2! Aaaand more Genshin updates and also Obey me cards that I can actually get LOL
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Part 4: Spreading Love
22. Shoutouts to people who made my 2022 a better year: 
Goodness, here comes the fun part haha:
@otomiya-tickles of course my sweetie girl precious baby boo. I already told you this, but thank you for making my 2022 a loooot better, thank you for your endless support and your love! You are the best and I'm so happy to talk to you every single day! You are so so talented and smart and amazing and I love you!
@ragewerthers my frieeeend, I always have so much fun talking with you! From just daily life activities to our endless hcs about our precious Toshi *teary emoji* you definitely did my 2022 a lot better too and I hope we can still talk lots this 2023!
@wertzunge Maaaax, I think this year we talked more than any other time haha, I'm happy we're both excited about Mahoutsukai no Yome sdbfhsdf I already said this to you, but I hope we get to talk some more this year as well! Thank you for your friendship!! (Also thank you for your kind support during commisions!)
@vqler @dokidoki-muffin we barely interact with each other BUT I wanted to say that you both are amazing and super talented people and I admire your abilities and your creativity and it's so so nice to have you back in the community! You both are GREAT and I get excited every time I see art from you both. Such talented people, let me give you a respectful kiss on your forehead.
@ticklystuff omg hi! I know we don't talk much, but I just wanted to say that I really like you and you are so so so so SO good at writing ome such talent! I love seeing you in my dash and seeing all the cool amazing stuff you write aaaaa I think of you every time I see Childe, no lies. Thank you for being amazing!
@happyandticklish Queen of writing. No words just admiration. Honestly, you are so so so GOOD. I wish I could write like you and you're so kind and amazing help askdjskf We've talked a bit before and I apologize for my awkwardness aaaaa Thank you for showing us all how cool you are and for being a cupcake!
@myreygn Reeeeey! I honestly get so so shy when you mention how you fangirled when I followed you back ahahaha, thank you for always being so supportive with me! You are amazing and I like chatting with yoouuu! I hope we get to talk some more during 2023!!
@thornoisdono Thank you for the generous support in kofi aaaaa, I love every single fic you requested and hopefully, you'll see them up in the next couple of days! Thank you!
@intheticklecloset @zeke-ism @lovelynim @xsezzie @bloominggiggles @ticklish-v-93 @soft-tk-fluff @chibimochii @nnainai @tickles-tea @looneytickles @tiredleekaz @ssnicker-doodless @spongeboblevel25 @justmaybee @itslittlegiggle @tiklart @lovelymessybubbly @italeean @ticklishfanart - whether we had talked before or not, I'm so thankful for you all! I love seeing and interacting with your content. You all are amazing and make my stay in tumblr so much better! I'd love to get to know you all more this year, but I'll be always be awkward, but I want you to know that you are some of my favorite blogs EVER.
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sc-the-doodle-bugs · 2 years
Facts About Me (If You're Wondering):
(you can find most of this stuff on one of my posts)
Name: Soul_Catcher
Nickname(s): S.C.
Gender: Demigirl
Sexuality: Straight, Asexual
Pronouns: she/they
B-day: Sep. 13th
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
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Fandoms or things I'm into:
Book Series/Novels:
Keeper of the Lost Cities (book series) [Kotlc]
Harry Potter (book series) [HP]
The Unwanteds (book series) [TUW]
The Candymakers (book series) [TC]
The Hunger Games (book series) [THG]
The Inquisitor's Tale (book) [TIT]
The Glass Secret (book series) [TGS]
Maybe a Mermaid (novel)
The Secret Zoo (book series) [TSZ]
The Land of Stories (book series) [TLoS]
The Story Thieves (book series) [TST]
The Prince Warriors (book series) [TPW]
The Someday Birds (novel)
Prisoner B-3087 (novel)
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (novel)
Dark Roads (novel)
Assassination Classroom (animation) [AssClass]
My Hero Academia (animation) [MHA]
Drifting Home (anime/movie) [Drift. H.]
Hitorijime My Hero (anime) [H.MH]
Sasaki and Miyano (anime) [S&M]
Given (anime) [Given]
Love Stage! (anime) [LS?]
Number 24 (anime) [n24]
Black Butler (anime) [bb?]
Animations (because it's different):
Alphabet Lore (animation) [AL]
Who I Choose (Minecraft Animation) [WIC]
Otomes (I love otomes...)/Visual Novels:
Dangerous Fellows (Otome, visual novel) [DF]
Underworld Office (visual novel) [UWO]
Charlie in Underworld (visual novel) [CIU]
Tokyo Debunker (otome/live 2d) [TD?]
Video Games:
Genshin Impact (game) [Genshin]
Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 1, 2, & 3 (game) [MHP]
Poppy Playtime (game) [PP]
Doors (Roblox game) [Doors]
Piggy (Roblox game) [Piggy]
Rainbow Friends (game) [RF]
Cookie Run Kingdom (game) [CRK]
Hastune Miku: Colorful Stage Project SEKAI (game) [Pjsekai]
Ensemble Stars Music! (game) [Enstars]
Bang Dream Girls Band Party! (game) [Bandori]
Twisted Wonderland (game) [Twst]
Danganronpa (game) [Dng]
OMORI (game) [Omori]
The Schoolbus Graveyard (Webtoon) [Sbg]
High Class Homos (Webtoon) [HCH]
K-pop Groups (because I started listening to them, if you have any recommendations, just comment on this post or send it in my inbox):
Girls Generation
Five Night's At Freddy's (game, book series, animation) [FNAF]
HOLOSTARS (vtuber) [Holo]
The list above will expand as I continue to keep reading or watching videos about lore.
Favorite Characters (or I simp these people):
Dexter Dizznee (Kotlc)
Venti (Genshin Impact)
Aira (Enstars)
Favorite Ships:
FeDex/Detz (Fitz x Dex, Kotlc)
XiaoVen (Xiao x Venti, Gen Imp)
Drarry (Harry x Draco, HP)
Marellinh (Marella x Linh, Kotlc)
Alexheed/Samex (Alex x Samheed, TUW)
Ruikasa (Rui x Tsukasa, Pjsekai)
Hiiai (Hiiro x Aira, Enstars)
Sasayano? Misaki? (Sasaki x Miyano, S&M)
Main Doodle Bugs Account:
Main Blog:
Other Blogs:
YouTube Channel:
Other Accounts on Other Websites:
Archive of Our Own-SC_soulcatcher
soulcatcher #9126
10 followers (completed)
20 followers (completed)
30 followers (completed)
100 followers-goal by the end of this year (hopefully)
200 followers -goal by the end of next year, hopefully
Ask anything you'd like, but please be respectful about my opinions when I answer them.
I accept any religion, any gender, any race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+, and whoever you are! I don't accept pedos, bots, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and abuse. It doesn't matter who you are, as long as you're not mean towards me or my mutuals, thanks!
Just so you guys know, I check Tumblr every once in awhile... So it might be some time before you get an answer.
You can also ask my Gacha OC's anything. And you can ask for drawings by me. (I'm still trying to get used to virtual drawing, so most of them will be on paper.)
-Soul_Catcher 💞💞💤💤
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wc-wild-rewrite · 8 months
Fire and Ice reread!
I didnt enjoy this nearly as much as the first book, so 7/10, i give my reasonings in the My Thoughts section. The writing is less clunky in the way its written, but the writing itself is, eh, its not terrible but its not book 1 standard.
On the bright side, i'm loving Windclan and the thunderclan apprentices.
Poor morningflower, having to give birth road-side without her mate
Its been nearly a moon since windclan was driven out, so they were there when rusty joined thunderclan
Deadfoot my beloved
Honestly ashfoot your complaining isnt unjustified, id be mad too
Chapter 1
They need to grow in their leafbare fur, interesting! Probably never brought up again though
"After many moons as an apprentice" its been 4 moons max, and you spent one of those moons not actually training, how did you even qualify for this
Ah yes, exposition monolouge on what happened the previous book
God i love how respectful whitestorm is
"Only been warriors for a few days" you literally just finished your vigil, dude, its not even been a whole day
Honor is a big thing for the clans
I like the idea of longtail just walking around camp giving the least subtle hints for days on end
Aww swiftpaw was so anxious for his ceremony, thats adorable
Way to have double standards, longtail. Still love you tho
And theres the full moon
Ah, more exposition, on lionheart this time. Thank you, erins, we get it, we did read the last book
Interesting how easily bluestar takes ravenpaw's leaving. I mean, not the tigerclaw part, but the leaving the clan part.
Chapter 2
Whitestorm still being respectful, even to the enemy
Oh no, whiteclaw, your not gonna see the end of this book
Yeah, so he did spend a moon looking after her
Im shocked Tigerclaw wants Windclan back
Chapter 3
Slow slug
Yellowfang seems rather chipper today
Chapter 4
As of the gathering, its been two moons since windclan was driven out
They have wood ants
They know what a year is
Apparently windclan doesnt patrol its borders often
Chapter 5
Ok so this generstion of windclan cats are DEFINITELY traumatised
I can't imagine tnp journey is gonna go well for them
I admire their sturdiness though, still willing to fight despite everything
Chapter 6
Ooo smart move, Fireheart, asking to go with them instead of offering help
Gorsekit is officially a little creature
Deadfoot!! My boy!!
I love fireheart's comeback to the apprentice
Aww barley likes sharing food with his boyfriend
Chapter 7
I love deadfoot so much, little blorbo man
Damn ok riverclan chill out
"Lame warrior" can we not
But also yess tigerclaw save my boy
Chapter 8
Oh no, whiteclaw!
Yess willowpelt protect your son
I wonder how much the story would've changed if sandpaw had dropped instead of whiteclaw, or both of them
Tigerclaw i see you trying to get your cronies new apprentices
I hope fireheart and greystripe share the story with the elders, i like them
Ok apparently brackenpaw is ginger now
Awww cinderpaw babie girl
Lil moody brackenpaw there, love him
But also they are like 4 moons didnt we just learn this was bad
Chapter 9
Honestly it is so irresponsible for bluestar to make these two mentors, they are like 10 moons at best, theres only 6 moons between them and their apprentices
Someone get Greystripe in therapy
Queens tell boogeyman stories of kit-snatching owls
Again, tree scaling, this time by smallear
Aw cinderpaw, my adhd babie girl
"When you brought them home" girl that was you, you were that kit. I know this is a writing error but i like to think its a mental disconnection due to the trauma of it
God, the "that cat in the forest...was his sister!" Is such a 2009 writing style
Chapter 10
Rip tulipkit, i think your the first of that litter to die
I wonder if fern and ash ever remembered their littermate
I love the difference between cinderpaw's wild bounding and brackenpaw's careful thinking
Awww princess and fireheart bonding is so cute
Chapter 11
Aw i like seeing them mentor, its so cute
Greystripe u kitten
"Cant you drown in your own territory" your honor i love her
Haha mischeivous cinderpaw
Chapter 12
Cinderpaw is a good liar confirmed
"Where were you when i was training" asked fireheart, the liar. "I found somewhere quiet to rest" said greystripe, also a liar
I cant tell if tigerclaw really is that observant or firepaw is just the king of overthinking
Brackenpaw's such a nerd i love him
Cinderpaw sweetie your adorable but please dont sneak up on your mentor
Chapter 13
They lost 5 kits to greencough last year, we never get info about them
Still very interesting that each prey has its own stalking technique
Chapter 14
"He was breaking the code by meeting up with another cat" oh really, sound familiar buddy?
Fuck it, im with greystripe, go see your code-breaking girlfriend
Since when the fuck has speckletail had a kit, but also hi mistlekit!!
Chapter 15
Dude your a hypocrite stop yelling at your bestie's girlfriend
But i do like how leader's daughter seems to be an important title
Silverstream's got a point, their love isnt affecting anyone
Ohhh the tabby kit was mistlekit
Ok damn why is dustpaw so aggressive
I wonder how dustpaw feels, technically being the cause behind cinderpaw's injury
Chapter 16
Explicitily described as twisted, noted
Chapter 17
Tigerclaw honestly didnt mean to, huh.
So now theres two kits with whitecough
Oh willowpelt absolutely heard that
Chapter 18
Unfortunately, fireheart, i gotta agree, its frustating watching people react to tragedies and just move on
Chapter 19
You've changed your tune awfully fast, Sandpaw, are we gonna get a reason for that or do we have to guess?
Willowpelt feels like shes covering for her son, but im definitely looking too far into it
These patrols are always longtail, darkstripe, and willowpelt. I know they probably just dont have any other warriors but its suspicious
Chapter 20
Oop, greystripe got sent to his room
Goddamn dustpaw chill out
Chapter 21
Princess honey you cant just spring this on a cat
Oh shes so sweet
Aaaand heres the ooc writing, this doesnt make sense
"It'll be at least 5 moons" would you rather he bring in a 5 moon old kit whos already adjusted to kittypet life?
Ah, there goes elderkit
At least the queens have some compassion
Ah, tom's first panic attack
Chapter 22
Has it been one moon or two? Im not sure
Cinderpaw i still love you
Asha and fern recently stopped nursing, meaning their about a moon old. Only a moon's differemce between them and cloud, then
"With all that white fur" what, like Frostfur? Or Whitestorm? Shut the fuck up, darkstripe
Chapter 23
Yeah, so its been 2 moons since the gorge fight
Yeah ya'll better shut up, starclan's displeased
Chapter 24
I still dont think fireheart would be this against greystripe's relationship
Ok no yeah fireheart's definitely overthinking this, he was talking about the mossball, dude
Chapter 25
Again! Willowpelt and Darkstripe in the same patrol
I can see Whitestorm being really pissed off at disrespect like this
Tigerclaw really doesnt think before he acts, huh
Good brackenpaw, run boy, run!
Hello brokenstar, you mangy motherfucker
Chapter 26
Spottedleaf's death was six moons ago, though this feels incorrect
Also fireheart, dude, you barely knew her
Kick their ass, frostfur! Kick their ass!
I nearly forgot yellowfang was a warrior before a medicine cat
Pathetic ass brokenstar, wheres your gloating now huh
Eugh can we not have this burden to the clan thing. Like shes allowed to feel like that, but only if the narrative shuts that shit down
Yay whitestorm back at it again being logical
Chapter 27
Yay, sandstorm and dustpelt!
I dont like dustpelt tbh but lets see if he redeems himself
Yeah, yellowfang, you shut that shit down!
Ok damn, greystripe, calm down, i dont even know why your angry anymore
Chapter 28
I might not like incredibly stubborn characters much, but i gotta give it to cloudkit, hes like a moon old and he caught a vole
Ugh i forgot spottedleaf is his messenger
Chapter 29
He just can't get it into his head that he's a hypocrite, huh?
What part of "dont leave the camp unguarded" was missed here, you just took every single warrior with you
Im not as fond as cloudkit as i am with cinder and bracken, but he knows what he wants
Chapter 30
Tigerclaw you arrogant bastard, i still love you though
I didnt see my boy deadfoot, where was he!!
About fuckin time these two reconcile, good god, this could've been sorted chapters ago
My thoughts
Eh, 7/10, a lot of it was just frustrating to read. Im really not a fan of miscommunication tropes or whatever hypocritcal shit was going on between fire and grey. Im also getting really sick of spottedleaf, The cloudkit being brought in scene was bad and weird, and dustpaw's just an asshole.
I liked the mentoring scenes, the apprentices, and yellowfang. I quite like brokenstar and tigerstar, even if their both bastards, and my boy whitestorm is still well written. I like that the queens are good fighters, and how supportive princess is of her brother. We didnt see much of runningwind but im fond of him. They still havent explained why sandstorm warmed up to him so suddenly, but its only book 2
Overall, a bit of a sour one, i definitely prefer the first book, out of the two, and i still think fire and ice should've been the name for the 6th book
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minnesotadruids · 2 years
How long have you been a druid and how long was the initiation process?
Bullet point timeline!
Early 1990s elementary school: Dorling Kindersley's Eyewitness Books about ancient civilizations and archaeology pique my interest - the slippery slope begins
1997 junior high: The miniseries Roar starring Heath Ledger as an Irish warrior in the Iron Age features druids depicted in a positive light
1997 or thereabouts: Miranda J. Green publishes The World of the Druids and I find it in a library - I'm fascinated
1999: I realize solstices and equinoxes are on the calendars but we never do anything to observe them - so I start
1999, December 22, Midwinter Solstice: I organized a solstice party with my high school friends - it's a full moon
2002, June: I go on a 10 day tour of Ireland after graduating high school - I'm mystified at the landscape where druids once walked
2003: I date a Wiccan and start researching different forms of paganism with interest
2004, January - May: I spend a semester living in Ireland - most of our cottages are haunted - locals don't like talking about the nearby faery hill at all - the landscape is surrounded by megalithic stone monuments: tombs and standing stones - Bronze Age stone alignments whisper and hum to each other - I see the Neolithic tomb at Newgrange: 5,200 year old inscriptions in stone, their meanings lost to the ages, move me to tears that some forgotten persons' handiwork will be appreciated for thousands of years after I'm gone - and what would I leave behind that lasts?
2004, May: Home from Ireland, I have better access to internet where I can launch myself into the study of the ancient druids, the Druidry Revival movement of the last 300 years, and neo-druidry - I declare myself to be practicing "rogue druidry" - which I now convey as "freeform druidry" as to not confuse it with role playing game terminology - I learn of the Reformed Druid movement, founded right where I live in Minnesota, but am dismissive of it when I read that they don't take themselves very seriously (which turned out to be inaccurate anyway)
2009: I start dating another pagan who inspires me to explore paganism deeper
2011, spring-summer: In a desire to join a druidic community I create a grid of contemporary druid orders comparing basic criteria to see what sets them apart - I keep circling back to the Reformed Druids of North America because it started popping up in threes in my research, and I was finding lots of synchronicity as well as similarities to my personal existing practices - then I find an actual photo of myself circa 2003 in a book about druids from 2004, and I'm like, "that's it, I'm joining, I'm already in the book and I haven't even contacted these people yet"
2011, August 21: I declare my belief in the Two Basic Tenets of Reformed Druidism and enter the order
2012: I organize the 49th anniversary reunion at Carleton College on Beltane
2013, late winter, early spring: I organize the 50th anniversary reunion at Carleton College on Beltane - in the weeks leading up to it, "Mike the Fool," the 30th Arch-Druid of Carleton College Grove emeritus expects me to Vigil and enter the Third Order while I'm there
2013, Beltane: Seventeen druids show up from around the country, some flew in from as far as Ohio and California - 7 are members of the Council of Dalon Ap Landu - in the afternoon they requested to interview me to ascertain my level of preparedness to enter the priesthood - it was not stressful, yet was slightly reminiscent of having to stand before a panel of professors and defend a thesis - this went on for about half an hour to 45 minutes or so, then they deliberated in private for about 20 minutes and determined that I was ready to Vigil for the Third Order - we all had dinner at the local Indian restaurant, and my Vigil began at sunset, along with one other member of my Protogrove who like me was also a Second Order druid at the time (but he had already been 2nd Order for 10 years as of that weekend) - dawn came and we had passed our ordeals, and were duly ordained as Third Order druids and became members of the Council of Dalon Ap Landu
For me to go from newbie to a member of the priesthood in about 2 years is not that uncommon, especially at Carleton College Grove where members join and graduate within 4 years, and sometimes have to hastily ordain someone to the priesthood right before they leave to ensure the tradition will be passed along.
Still I faced heightened scrutiny from the Council since they didn't really know me that well compared to my grovemate. They wanted to make sure my dedication was solid and my commitment was genuine before they allowed me to enter the priesthood. Nine years later, I still remain committed.
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helvelloides · 2 years
1, 10, 14, 19 for weird questions for writers - @leiwritess
For the Weird Questions for Writers asks.
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
I write in Halant, because I'm pretty sure that's the default wavemaker font, and I rarely if ever bother to change it.
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
To me, something haunting you kind of just means it sticks with you for a long time. Which I have had a few things that have done that to me. Just kinda stuck.
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
I, on principle, don't like lending things to people because I don't trust other people with my things. So I can say that I've never lent a book to someone, and probably never will.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I started writing at 11/12-ish with warrior cats fanfiction, purely because I was apart of warrior cats forums on ffn and that's what you did to like, rank up, on those forums. And, honestly, I can't even begin to explain how much of a formative experience being involved with fandom at that age had on my life. I definitely attribute my current love of writing back to that, even though what I wrote then and what I write now are wildly different.
Now I write both original fic and fanfiction. I'm part of an amazing writing community. I have dreams of putting my work out there one day. All because of some silly little books I read as a kid.
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Words written for this ask: 236
Total words written: 2,473
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lesbiansanemi · 2 years
for the writers asks 3, 4, 10, 28??? :3
Omg hi Lee!!! :D <3
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
Tbh anytime I'm not Out doing something, I'm probably writing, so if it's a day I don't have to go to work immediately upon waking up, I generally roll out of bed, tramp downstairs, and sit in the rocking chair and just immediately start writing lol The most cursed thing about it is probably just that my cat Dimaria likes to come stand on my chest/in my lap so I'm just trying to see around her lol I also tend to have some type of reality TV on in the background cuz reality TV is the best background TV
4. What's a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Any time I get to type out "necessary" or "necessarily" makes my brain happy. Idk, it's just satisfying for some reason. But also I get super excited anytime I'm writing gore and I get to describe the noises that come with broken bones, ripping flesh, etc. Squelch and crunch are particular favorites :3 Free brain scritches
10. Has a piece of writing ever "haunted" you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
There are definitely a couple of things! It's not necessarily exact lines or passages most of the time, but just particular scenes that have so clearly stuck with me since I read/watched them for the first time, because of super strong emotions they evoked, or just the all the planning and meaning that went into them beforehand. Tbh the first one like this that I can really remember was when I read Warriors for the first time when I was like eight and Firestar had the prophetic dream of the mountain of bones and it started oozing blood and he drowned in it. And then in the same book when Scourge ripped Tigerstar open "from throat to tail" and then he died in absolute agony nine times over 'cause he'd just gotten his nine lives but the wound was so awful not even the gods could heal it, so he'd come back to life just to die of the same wound over and over again. Profound. That shit is seared into my brain lol. Um... a more recent one is the bit from Demon Slayer when Tanjiro is fighting Rui and his sword is broken, and Rui decides he's taking Nezuko to be his sister because he's jealous of her relationship with Tanjiro, and she's hanging in the spiderwebs and bleeding down on top of Tanjiro as he fights. The scene itself is beautiful visually, but then Tanjiro remembering his father's dance and using Hinokami Kagura the first time, coupled with their mother telling Nezuko to wake up and save Tanjiro or "he'll die too" and she uses her Blood Demon Art for the first time, so they both use their "signature moves" not only for the first time but together against a single opponent who just wanted to understand sibling love? God all the parallels rolled up in that scene and also what it signified for all the characters involved? Amazing, beautiful, 10/10. Tbh I could keep going, I have so many examples lol
As far as my own writing goes, years ago, I wrote this one scene for my steampunk dark fantasy pirate novel where the main character, Louisa (who was also the villain), tortured someone for information by cutting off her tattoos, which the person believed protected her and connected her to her gods, and if they were ever marred or ruined in anyway it meant the gods would abandon her when she died and she would be left to wander the afterlife alone until she succumbed to the nothingness and became a Hringatha (essentially a demon, so I don't have to explain copious amounts of worldbuilding here lol). But yeah, idk, could probably analyze that, something to do with religious trauma, yada yada lol, but that scene has always stuck with me, and even though I'm overhauling a lot of that novel, that's one that'll definitely be staying
And idk, as far as haunting me, like I said, I think it's just something that really sticks. That I think about, something that I haven't forgotten since the first time reading/watching/writing it. It's echoing in me, and will always be inside my head, so yeah, haunting me constantly. Artist tortured by art or something like that, idk lmao
28. Who is the most delightful character you've ever written? Why?
Dark Warrior my beloved.... my very first OC, and the main character of my most worked on high fantasy novel.... She started out as a super edgy self insert character (tbh I think she can given Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way a run for her money lmao), and you know? She stayed that, but just became fleshed out and rounded enough that she Actually Works. I just love her a lot 'cause I've put so much work into her, and I've had her for over eight years now, and it's just neat 'cause she's grown with me. She's very important to me, and writing for her is always such a joy :D
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my-weird-news · 10 months
🔥 Unbelievable: Dinner and Hot Girl Walks Exposed! 😱
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The Confusing Circus of Trendy "Girl" Labels You won't believe what my TikTok algorithm had the audacity to ask me the other day: "What kind of insufferable girl are you?" I mean, seriously, it's like the algorithm's become a judgmental aunt at a family gathering. The options it presented were a wild trio: "femcel," as in a radical feminist who's allegedly pathologically unlovable; "coquette," for those who adore bows and bop to Lana Del Rey; or "blogger," which, of course, means me. The original video might've been ditched into the digital abyss (too much insufferableness, perhaps), but I'm telling you, it's stuck in my head like gum on a shoe, not because it was an intellectual masterpiece but because it introduced me to another internet "girl" to add to my collection. Just what I needed, right? Welcome to the era of "girl" obsessions, where the internet's gone gaga over half-baked microtrends involving the word "girl." People are blabbering about their "girl dinners," which, let's be honest, are just glorified fridge clean-outs. Oh, and those "hot girl walks" we're all taking? Yeah, they're just regular strolls with extra flair. And don't forget the "feral girl summers" that somehow make us all feel like wilderness warriors. The internet has spiraled into a rabbit hole of absurdities, trying to decide whether they're "strawberry girls," "cherry girls," or even "tomato girls." I swear, it's like we're building a fruit salad cult. We're deep in "girlboss" territory, doing complex equations with our fabulously fabulous friends during the sizzling "hot girl summer." We're gulping down pink goo and green powders, hoping to transform into "clean girls" or "That Girls." But when those plans flop, what are we left with? Apparently, the crown of "insufferable girls." Eating my girl dinner, strolling my hot girl walk, binging on sad girl music, reading feral girl books, dancing with my girlianas, sipping with my girlipops—every day, a snail's pace towards... well, womanhood. — @EmmaKupor, July 10, 2023 Seriously, if you read these trend labels in sequence, you might wonder if we've all lost our marbles. And who's surprised? A good chunk of the folks riding this "girl" wave are women, and it's a smidge demeaning to treat grown women like toddlers playing dress-up. Are 30-year-olds really supposed to care about being a "strawberry girl" or a "cherry girl"? Shouldn't we have cracked the code of our own personalities by now? We could argue that boxing women into these labels reeks of gender stereotyping, or that stamping ordinary behavior as "girl-coded" merely widens the gender gap. But let's not kid ourselves—these aren't trends, they're just slick marketing ploys. Remember that Saturday Night Live skit where they cooked up a fake teen trend called "souping" to scare parents? Like, teenagers were supposedly getting high on expired soup cans? Classic. It's like today's trend journalism has taken a masterclass from SNL. One video goes viral, chats spark, media jumps in, and before you know it, you're watching the 6 o'clock news, where seniors gasp at how bizarre youngsters have become. And guess who gets the most bewildered mentions? Yep, our girls—because, naturally, they're the ones who must've lost their minds. But here's the kicker: half the time, the original video was a playful jest, meant for an audience who already knew it was bonkers. Take "girl dinner," for instance. It caused an uproar that'd make a volcano jealous, all because it blended womanhood with eating. Olivia Maher, a showrunner's assistant, labeled her medieval-peasant-inspired feast of bread, cheese, pickles, and vino as a "girl dinner." Why? Because she could do whatever the heck she wanted when her boyfriend wasn't around. But oh boy, did that get twisted in the news. Suddenly, this cute oddity turned into an epidemic—like leftover meals were a crisis worthy of international attention. But guess what? The "girl dinner" gig is so last month. I mean, I'm discussing it in August—talk about being fashionably late to the party. But no worries, the internet's churning out new "girl" stuff faster than rabbits procreate. And that's because "girls" sell like hotcakes. Casting our minds back to 2015, we had another "girl" frenzy gripping the bookstores. Remember the time when books like "Gone Girl" and "The Girl on the Train" took over the bestseller lists? Suddenly, every book had to have "girl" slapped somewhere on the cover. But the "girl" craze wasn't just literary—it infiltrated TV shows, movies, and even office lingo. "Girlboss" became a thing, and shows with names like "Good Girls Revolt" and "2 Broke Girls" dominated the airwaves. Seriously, we couldn't escape the "girl" invasion. Now, if you dive into the rabbit hole of analysis, it's not about the age of these "girls" but the themes of their stories. It's all about the transition from girlhood to womanhood, from being someone to being someone's wife or mother, whether that narrative path suits them or not. The protagonist of "The Girl on the Train" exemplifies this—she's like an erased wife, faded into nothingness once the marriage ink dried. This whole "girl" shebang is like a journey back to girlhood, where possibilities are endless. So, these TikTok women aren't merely following trends; they're strategists, plotting their moves like marketing geniuses. They've seen VSCO girls and e-girls break the internet, so they're riding the "girl" wave, because they know it sells. Heck, even this year's blockbuster movie and the record-breaking musical tour revolve around women in their 30s navigating their unique versions of girlhood. People will always be intrigued by girls—partly because they're not quite women, which makes them less of a target for scorn. Girls are like trending snacks, readily consumed, and they've got more avenues than ever. In the end, these online ladies aren't just trend-followers; they're marketing moguls in the making, crafting click-worthy labels that break the internet. We've all turned into mini-publishers, hoping to milk the anticipation of girls blossoming into full-fledged women. And in the process, we might end up a bit insufferable, but hey, at least we're stylishly insufferable. This zany column first hit the world through the Vox Culture newsletter. And hey, if you're up for supporting journalistic clownery like mine, why not throw a few coins Vox's way? They're not just banking on ads and subscriptions—they're all about bringing quality info to the masses. Will you support Vox's explanatory tomfoolery? *Most news outlets juggle cash from ads and# The Confusing Circus of Trendy "Girl" Labels You won't believe what my TikTok algorithm had the audacity to ask me the other day: "What kind of insufferable girl are you?" I mean, seriously, it's like the algorithm's become a judgmental aunt at a family gathering. The options it presented were a wild trio: "femcel," as in a radical feminist who's allegedly pathologically unlovable; "coquette," for those who adore bows and bop to Lana Del Rey; or "blogger," which, of course, means me. The original video might've been ditched into the digital abyss (too much insufferableness, perhaps), but I'm telling you, it's stuck in my head like gum on a shoe, not because it was an intellectual masterpiece but because it introduced me to another internet "girl" to add to my collection. Just what I needed, right? Welcome to the era of "girl" obsessions, where the internet's gone gaga over half-baked microtrends involving the word "girl." People are blabbering about their "girl dinners," which, let's be honest, are just glorified fridge clean-outs. Oh, and those "hot girl walks" we're all taking? Yeah, they're just regular strolls with extra flair. And don't forget the "feral girl summers" that somehow make us all feel like wilderness warriors. The internet has spiraled into a rabbit hole of absurdities, trying to decide whether they're "strawberry girls," "cherry girls," or even "tomato girls." I swear, it's like we're building a fruit salad cult. We're deep in "girlboss" territory, doing complex equations with our fabulously fabulous friends during the sizzling "hot girl summer." We're gulping down pink goo and green powders, hoping to transform into "clean girls" or "That Girls." But when those plans flop, what are we left with? Apparently, the crown of "insufferable girls." Eating my girl dinner, strolling my hot girl walk, binging on sad girl music, reading feral girl books, dancing with my girlianas, sipping with my girlipops—every day, a snail's pace towards... well, womanhood. — @EmmaKupor, July 10, 2023 Seriously, if you read these trend labels in sequence, you might wonder if we've all lost our marbles. And who's surprised? A good chunk of the folks riding this "girl" wave are women, and it's a smidge demeaning to treat grown women like toddlers playing dress-up. Are 30-year-olds really supposed to care about being a "strawberry girl" or a "cherry girl"? Shouldn't we have cracked the code of our own personalities by now? We could argue that boxing women into these labels reeks of gender stereotyping, or that stamping ordinary behavior as "girl-coded" merely widens the gender gap. But let's not kid ourselves—these aren't trends, they're just slick marketing ploys. Remember that Saturday Night Live skit where they cooked up a fake teen trend called "souping" to scare parents? Like, teenagers were supposedly getting high on expired soup cans? Classic. It's like today's trend journalism has taken a masterclass from SNL. One video goes viral, chats spark, media jumps in, and before you know it, you're watching the 6 o'clock news, where seniors gasp at how bizarre youngsters have become. And guess who gets the most bewildered mentions? Yep, our girls—because, naturally, they're the ones who must've lost their minds. But here's the kicker: half the time, the original video was a playful jest, meant for an audience who already knew it was bonkers. Take "girl dinner," for instance. It caused an uproar that'd make a volcano jealous, all because it blended womanhood with eating. Olivia Maher, a showrunner's assistant, labeled her medieval-peasant-inspired feast of bread, cheese, pickles, and vino as a "girl dinner." Why? Because she could do whatever the heck she wanted when her boyfriend wasn't around. But oh boy, did that get twisted in the news. Suddenly, this cute oddity turned into an epidemic—like leftover meals were a crisis worthy of international attention. But guess what? The "girl dinner" gig is so last month. I mean, I'm discussing it in August—talk about being fashionably late to the party. But no worries, the internet's churning out new "girl" stuff faster than rabbits procreate. And that's because "girls" sell like hotcakes. Casting our minds back to 2015, we had another "girl" frenzy gripping the bookstores. Remember the time when books like "Gone Girl" and "The Girl on the Train" took over the bestseller lists? Suddenly, every book had to have "girl" slapped somewhere on the cover. But the "girl" craze wasn't just literary—it infiltrated TV shows, movies, and even office lingo. "Girlboss" became a thing, and shows with names like "Good Girls Revolt" and "2 Broke Girls" dominated the airwaves. Seriously, we couldn't escape the "girl" invasion. Now, if you dive into the rabbit hole of analysis, it's not about the age of these "girls" but the themes of their stories. It's all about the transition from girlhood to womanhood, from being someone to being someone's wife or mother, whether that narrative path suits them or not. The protagonist of "The Girl on the Train" exemplifies this—she's like an erased wife, faded into nothingness once the marriage ink dried. This whole "girl" shebang is like a journey back to girlhood, where possibilities are endless. So, these TikTok women aren't merely following trends; they're strategists, plotting their moves like marketing geniuses. They've seen VSCO girls and e-girls break the internet, so they're riding the "girl" wave, because they know it sells. Heck, even this year's blockbuster movie and the record-breaking musical tour revolve around women in their 30s navigating their unique versions of girlhood. People will always be intrigued by girls—partly because they're not quite women, which makes them less of a target for scorn. Girls are like trending snacks, readily consumed, and they've got more avenues than ever. In the end, these online ladies aren't just trend-followers; they're marketing moguls in the making, crafting click-worthy labels that break the internet. We've all turned into mini-publishers, hoping to milk the anticipation of girls blossoming into full-fledged women. And in the process, we might end up a bit insufferable, but hey, at least we're stylishly insufferable. This zany column first hit the world through the Vox Culture newsletter. And hey, if you're up for supporting journalistic clownery like mine, why not throw a few coins Vox's way? They're not just banking on ads and subscriptions—they're all about bringing quality info to the masses. Will you support Vox's explanatory tomfoolery? *Most news outlets juggle cash from ads and Read the full article
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