#i played storyscape and it really amazed me
europeanguy · 5 years
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jams-sims · 3 years
(Skip near the bottom if wanna hear actual coherent thought.) Im losing my fucking mind- THERE IS NO WAY HALF OF THIS SHIT- ON THIS APP HAS NOT BEEN STOLEN FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE. ITS ODDLY GOOD BUT ALSO FAILS AT THE WEIRDEST PARTS!???
Okay run down there a two vampires that are trying to dating you. You can fuck both of them. Imma be real my running theory is because these two vampires parents did the same thing to your mom. Your mom was fucking their mom and dad.
Its weird ass fuck- in you got the step brother and sister vampire from different families. That is connect to your family but your moms dead so she can't answer for this cluster fuck.
So clearly they are taking a page out of Choices ala wolf bride (THERES A BOOK CALLED ALPHA THAT JUST A DIRECT RIP GUYS IM LOSING MY MIND.) by having you be able to fuck them both at the same damn time.
Its clear they don't have many assets like Choices. Nothing is draw you get like 3 different locations. None of which is like drawn they are just real as places with a painting filter over them. To shit i think was ripped straight from fucking harry potter. All the important choices are locked behind diamond (I haven't spent a fucking diamond).
Yet the dialogue is so fucking funny, they swear but not really. Some of the oneliners are fucking amazing and I qoute.
"I hope the poor raise up and fucking eats you."
OH I FORGOT ABOUT THE CLASS SYSTEM! OH MY GOD- we love systematics oppressed based on what number you are.
Its a cluster fuck- and it so fucking fun.
[Actual serious talk here]
Heres the thing- there something clearly fishy going on. The books the stories are obliviously probably stolen from somewhere else. The budget and art is all over the place and it here to milk you for diamonds.
And yet-
It is miles of more fun than playing Choices currently. See I got into choice by accident. Just like how im doing now app hopping i found choices the same way. I stuck with choices for a year. I have 3 stories I really like and 2 I fucking hate with a passion.
(The two favorites are the two horror books can Andy and King Kain top me. And Bolas i will be coming back for. Fuck you baby bump and my school love story suck my dick.)
Choices has all this fucking money and yet. I found myself having more fun playing the fucking Love Sick app than I did choices. Fundamentally they are night and day. One clearly stealing ideas the other is creating original stuff. Yet fails at fan communication, diversity, making books people actually want. And or hiding it behind a fucking 14 dollar pay wall (get fucked if you live outside the US the prices are horrendous). Too read one book and never open the app again or to hate blog about a story until its death.
There something about wading into trash and knowing it trash. Than coming to a 5 star restaurant and getting a shitty dinner. That the owner then ignores me when I say my steak is raw and I would like a new one. Only for them to tell me my favorite horror series isn't getting another book-
What i'm saying is- Choices legit is leagues ahead of all these other app. The only one that rivaled it was a disney own interactive story app that got fucking destroyed. (Rest in peace Storyscape.)
I don't even count Love island as competition neither! The ball is fully in their court they can't fucking lose and they keep dropping the ball!
I'm hopping to come back during that zombie book. Just to see how it is, if it worth me redownloading the app. But jesus it said im having fun with this hell of a mess than actual choices.
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annapostsstuff · 4 years
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I’m THAT dumb bitch that plays choices in multiple devices to try as many routes as possible, yes, my LI in my main device is Ethan (I couldn’t call myself a hardcore Ramsaynator tho, I admit that even I get tired of that sometimes), but as someone who spent my real hard earned money to buy diamond scenes romancing Rafael and Jackie too I feel completely clowned, specially with Rafael, like, what the FUCK? we literally met his grandma in book 1, and now you’re telling me that they couldn’t even mention the existence of Sora?What the fuck?!😤
Listen, I’m a messy bitch that lives for the angst and drama so I wouldn’t mind a little bit of a love triangle, but giving the guy, specially a guy like Rafael, a gf/bf out of nowhere?,like what the actual fuck dude? that’s so out of character and completely fucked up.
Also, you’re telling me that between book 1 and book 2, the MC didn’t interact AT ALL with Jackie, Bryce or Rafael?
WHAT 👏🏻 THE 👏🏻 FUCK 👏🏻
Make it make sense sis!, that argument only works if you’re romancing Ethan, the other 3 could have a real thing going on by now, like, ugh I can’t even explain...
I completely understand how disappointed and angry must feel the people that are romancing Jackie, Rafael and even Bryce exclusively, but let’s be real here and always keep in mind that this is business baby, everything is about statistics and coin and if something isn’t as redituable as the companies want/hope well, they remove it, just like that, no matter how good and amazing it is for some people (RIP Storyscape😔) HOWEVER I really think PB should grow a pair and come out and say ���Hey guys, Rafael isn’t a LI anymore”, if that’s the case, not keep the fandom’s hopes up and stop clowning them, I can’t speak for Kyra and Aurora because well, I’m gonna be real here and not clown myself, no one said they were LIs, we never had the chance to be really romantically involved with them except for some flirty comments, it would be amazing if they were tho, specially Aurora bc I’m a sucker for the Enemies to Lovers thingy, but I am genuinely shocked for the poor treatment that you’re getting if you’re romancing Rafael, Jackie and Bryce.
Business or not at the end of the day you own yourself to your fandom, they're the ones giving you coin, so you guys completely have the right to riot and at the very least get some real answers.
And that’s on that from me😌.
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I downloaded Storyscape for the first time yesterday... I have played through season 1 of life 2.0, the first episode of titanic and edge of extinction and I’m partly through eternal city and oh my god you guys I think I’m in love srsly it’s so incredibly amazing I don’t even have words to describe it... but I’m gonna ramble on anyways so 🤷‍♀️
The art is out of this world crazy good
The storylines are incredibly detailed and thought out and beautifully written and I’m so impressed?? Like who gave them the audacity to be this amazing? Who gave them permission to mess with my emotions like this??
Choices matter!!! Like they really matter and there hasn’t been any forced li yet which almost made me cry (happy tears in cause your incredibly weird and confused)
Their next book has a non binary mc (how fucking cool is that?!???)
Even if you can’t make diamond choices there’s always an alternative option (for example in life 2.0, when the mc is asked to come forward about the sexism and sexual harassment she’s seen in the office, you have the diamond option to actually go through with it, the free option to not do it AND the FREE option to convince Abigail to do it herself!! Like I find that seriously impressive)
Also the directing, as someone who once tried to direct on episode and gave up because that was too hard, I’m in actual awe of the directing that goes into each chapter. I imagine it’s already far more advanced than episode but it’s so flawless I can’t get over it
Okay I’m done geeking out over it I swear, it’s just so good and I had to ramble about it while I wait for my tickets to restock lol
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adrrianraines · 5 years
Wait wait wait, people are already saying there's no rep in Storyscape? It just came out worldwide and there's only four books available, and even then there's already plenty of rep, with Life 2.0 being a big example. And Ageless will give players a chance to play as an NB for crying out loud! I still like Choices, but come on, people! If they're going to complain about the new app, then they should at least be smart about it.
yknow what i dreaded the most about storyscape’s worldwide launch? this. thank you for coming to me with this concern. ik that complains will surely come since consumers will always try to find something worth their money/time to spend on but with storyscape only hitting the worldwide market for a span of a few days with having only four books available to consume for the mean time, then it’s not yet a final basis of what they can & will provide in the long run. but instead, it’s saying something about how serious they are as a company to cater, reach out and hear the side of the people they are servicing with the application. life 2.0 delivers well. ageless is still in production. there’s edge of extinction in the waitlist. we don’t know what future books they’re planning but with what’s available, they’re already doing amazing. perhaps even if that’s the case it’ll never be enough? idk...it seems to me as if some just wanted to find something they can complain about. give the app some time to mature & deliver please
i just don’t get who’d even complain tho? i’m sorry, correct my uneducated ass if i’m wrong, but i never really associate myself in discourses so i might be lagging behind on this topic. on that note, please give the app time to run and release before dishing out complaints. the people who works for them are always doing their best and their customer service is the nicest i’ve encountered so far. they actually listen
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thefirstcourtesan · 5 years
I really don't get how you can love Storyscape. The art is so white trash and the dialogues as well. But I guess it's because you really love the mature content.
I don’t find the art or dialogue white trash ar all. Also, Titanic doesn’t have any mature comment (the intimate moments are fade to black) and it is my favorite story so far.
I like character driven stories. I like to relate to the MC, to get to know the other characters and feel connected to them. I also like fallible characters and so far Storyscape is providing that.
None of the characters in Life 2.0 are perfect, they have flaws, the relationships falter at times, there are conflicts and honestly it makes me like them more and root for them. Seeing the guy you hooked up with on a date with someone else is awkward and I love that they address scenarios like that or going to a dinner that you can’t afford because of work pressure. It feels real.
And Titantic... It is beautiful and tragic and the characters are flawed, especially Adele, and the fact that all the LIs can die? And it doesn’t require diamonds but smart chooices? That to save them, you have to understand them? That is amazing.
You don’t have to like Storyscape. No one is making you play it. And my liking it doesn’t impact you or anyone else in anyway.
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thefirstcourtesan · 5 years
Hi! Sorry for asking about Storyscape again, but it's just there aren't many people playing it on here. Do they update weekly? I learned about it through your blog and I'm obsessed. I think they have potential to surpass Choices by a long shot.
Don’t apologize! I love Storyscape. They don’t update regularly yet (which is kind of a bummer) becuase they are still in beta, I am assuming that is one of the things that they are waiting for before they do a full launch, more content and a regular update schedule.
It’s only available in Canada and New Zealand right now, so I am not surprised there isn’t a big fan base, but I think once it is widely released a lot of people will start playing it and I think a fandom will spring up pretty quickly.
I also think it will definitely be a serious contender for Choices crown as the best of the visual novel games. The stories are really good and it does a lot of things that appeal to me personally. I love how your choices unlock different paths and interactions (including free romantic/sexy options), I love that the stories are female driven, and I love that there is more mature content (but clearly labelled and warned as such).
I am also so excited to see what story Jennifer Helper will be writing, becuase I am sure it will be amazing. A Courtesan of Rome was such a well written story with such amazing characters and i can’t wait to see what she can do with a platform that is even more accommodating in some ways.
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