#i promised nice teachers' board full of himbos
agrimedena-drax · 2 years
Teachers' introduction post is here!!! 🧑‍🎓
Hello there! ✨
General Kenobi!
Welcome to the post introducing you to "Quinque Lupi"'s teachers! Of course those aren't all teachers that teach in the Academy. I will present those, which most often take an active role in the story, which are divided into:
- Headmaster
- Mentors -> the ones that are mentoring certain units in the Academy (those units, under which are the main characters)
- those that are close to them/their classes are taken by all students at the academy
Without further ado, let's meet our teachers!
Headmaster - Chimwala Aroha (he/they) - Gatian (Nazargati) - protecting magic
He is a middle-aged man with olive skin, greyish, curly hair and short beard. He usually walks around the school Jack Sparrow style in his colourful robes. The voice claim for this individual is Taika Waititi's voice. They might talk shit and act goofy, but man, they will kill anybody who dares touch his children or teachers.
His specialisation is specific. He was studying abjuration magic in the military unit. Everybody thought that they would go and be a bodyguard for current Nazargati regents. BUT NO! He decided to stay in the Academy and pursue himself as a protector of the school. After the last headmaster died, the teachers' board voted him a new headmaster, as his doings were the most loyal and focused on protecting the school. They also believed that magic is not something strict and assigned. It's fluid, it's beautiful, it can expand to the areas people wouldn't think about.
He is now one of the best headmasters Quinque Lupi ever had.
Some of our mentors:
Astral Unit - Edmond Jericho (he/him) - Lasan (Medzilas)
Edmond Jericho is a man in his late 30s. He has light skin, dark warm brown hair reaching until the jawline and emerald eyes. He is slightly muscular and tall. His voice is melodic, he speak with strong, slight Slavic accent (kinda Essek's voice from Critical Role 2 sort of thing). Jericho usually wears a lot of colourful shirts and mismatched vests and trousers.
He's been Vieno's mentor for the past 4 years of their education at the Academy. This cold looking individual turned out to be very supportive and protective over his students, though really pushing his students towards studying and expanding their knowledge. Bring sweet and protective doesn't rule out also being a strict teacher with high expectations. Edmond is also a man of patience, which is why Vieno bonded with him, as they had a hard time at the beginning of their academic education.
They also share passion about anti-gravity and black holes, which can be destructive sometimes 😅
Transmutation/trickery/entertainment Unit - Evandrill Algar (he/him) - Tentian (Potentium)
Evandrill is the youngest among male professors in Quinque Lupi. He is pale, heavyset, short fella with big, icy blue eyes and short, straight, golden hair. Algar is usually very loud and energetic, you can hear his bright voice from the other side of the campus. He usually wears white shirts with sleeveless sweaters with animal patterns.
He is Dakarai's mentor, not only in terms of the studies, but also when it comes to his private life. He is the one supporting his work and accepting him now matter who he is (in opposite to his parents). He was the one that encouraged him to study and modified his program to his personal preference. He saw the same spark that he had when trickery magic was almost extinct. Algar and Pretorius share bond of good uncle and his nephew, the bond that actually matters to Dakarai and it's 100% honest and healthy.
Engineering Unit - Aurea Oro (she/her) - Gatian (Nazargati)
Aurea is a woman in her early 40s. She is tall, curvy, dark skinned goddess with black afro and golden eyes. She wears a lot of golden piercings on her long ears and golden hoop nostril piercing. She is very proud in public, acting really official and professional as a professor. Her unit though knows her as very quirky and passionate about her work. She acts like a perfectionist, but truly is a messy mom with big aspirations and dreams. She usually wears colourful, vibrant dresses and a lot of golden accessories, also high heels, which makes her even taller and majestic.
She and Devina get along perfectly. Oro is very supportive of her, she sees a future in engineering in Devina. She doesn't pick favourites, but feel connected to Devina in a sense of similarities in their way of being, background and determination to achieve the goal.
Military Unit - Durga Bravado (Gaul (Gaulia) - kinetic force through staff with cobra head) and Alvar Aetius (Furidian (Furidium) - bladesinger)
Durga Bravado (she/they):
Durga is youngest female professor in Quinque Lupi. She is a short, pale, slim person. Her hair are in the shades of autumn leaves, eyes with black sclera and brass iris. They walk around with their staff, are one of the few people in the world that manage to channel and control magic through an object. Their presence is intimidating every time they enter a room. Paradoxically, she is very chill and casual with her students. They can count on her during day and night. She wears sleeveless tops (often cropped) and long, cut skirts.
She is main mentor of Nurah, as they share a type of magic they use. Bravado help Sultan manage her emotions and stay in balance in difficult situations as she is a student leader of the unit. They connect well spiritually, have a strong sense of responsibility for people under them.
Alvar Aetius (he/him):
Alvar is a man in his late 40s. He is a big and tall man with praline skin and black, short beard. His eyes are black. As tradition says, he covers his body and hair. He usually wears neutral shades (blacks, browns, creams etc.) of tunics, loose trousers and turbans. He walks barefoot, eventually in sandals 365 days in the year, in hot and cold. He looks scary because of his looks, but he is a total himbo, who encourage his students and has a very soft, big heart. They have massive respect towards them as he also receives one. Aetius explains everything in detail and is a teacher that helps everyone that didn't understand the first time, he doesn't count time but slow, but final catching up.
Alvar showed Lech a lot of warmth and understanding when he arrived to the Academy. He became his mentor because the same magic style. Lech can always count on his when it comes to dating advices with Nurah, so as academical and emotional support.
Zoological Unit - Caelestis Brontë (he/him) - Tentian (Potentium)
Caelestis is a man in his late 40s. He is middle height, tanned, with vines tattoos spiraling on both arms. His hair are dark blond and slicked back, with both sides shaven. He has hazel eyes. He usually dressed in earthy colours (browns, oranges, greens, greys, blacks etc.). Bronte's voice is very poetic, calm and melodic. He is very calm and collected, patient and understanding. Students can relax and learn a lot during his lectures. He takes care of the animals leaving in the nearby forest. His pet is a little canary names Pumpkin.
He is Ferrer's mentor. They really bonded, both being from high, elite families from Potentium. He was staying with Ferrer, who never wanted to come back home for summer vacations. He really resembles Brontë on that matter. They both shared a bond to birds, they could watch them together, nights and days. Caelestis is almost like a father Ferrer wished to have.
Other staff members from Quinque Lupi:
Toshiko Levi (they/them) - PE professor - air elemental mage - Gatian (Nazargati)
Eard Wulf (he/him) - etiquette professor - water elemental mage - Lasan (Medzilas)
Marion Bates (she/her) - vice headmaster and head of the Students' Council - magical studies major - Gaul (Gaulia)
Aisha Rahat (she/her) - school healer and nurse - healing magic - Furidian (Furidium)
Ok!!! Those are all the wonderful teachers with passion and determination to teach those little brats called main OCs beauty of magic and protect those dumbasses at all cost 😅
Hope you liked it, see you next time ✨
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bungeenomin · 3 years
jeno has always been an empathetic person. he gets it from his mother. whether it be comforting jaemin through his hardships, or helping the crying little girl in the grocery store find her mom, jeno was always showing empathy. what jeno doesn’t understand is why seeing a shaky shotaro, eyes welling with tears makes him feel so overwhelming concerned. 
shotaro is always smiling, beaming with energy. before this, jeno would wonder if shotaro was every upset, if anything ever got to him, evidently now, he does get upset, and things do get to him. 
“taro” jeno asks ever so delicately, “are you okay?”
shotaro’s eyes widen at the realisation that his roommate can in fact see the emotions he’s displaying right now. “o-oh, yeah i’m fine jeno, are you okay?”
jeno smiles softly at the boys response, seeing right through his white lie. “let’s go”
“huh?” shotaro questions, not quite grasping what exactly jeno was getting at. 
“i can tell that you’re sad taro. you always talk about the stars, so lets go look at them, yeah?” jeno smiles, grabbing his jacket and wrapping it around his body, as a wide eyed shotaro looks back at him. 
“wow” shotaro whispers as they reach the school rooftop. “it’s so beautiful up here. look at the stars jeno!” 
to some people, it might be comical seeing someone so in awe with tiny little stars in the sky, but to jeno, the smile that shotaro currently has displayed on his face is an image that he hopes to keep in his mind for a long time. if stars make shotaro happy, jeno will bring him to see them every night. 
“lets go lay down” jeno suggests, dragging the younger boy to a clear spot on the ground. shotaro, being shotaro, plants himself at a slight distance from jeno, fearing getting too close to the other boy. 
“i don’t bite” jeno chuckles, signalling shotaro to move close, to which he technically complies, dragging himself half an inch closer. 
jeno raises an eyebrow and shakes his head, “come here”, and with that, shotaro was being dragged into jeno’s chest. 
“jeno i’m shy!” the younger boy protests into jeno’s neck. 
“trust me, i know”
the silence between the pair is comfortable, it always is. every night when the pair sit down to study, or do homework, the silence between them is always comfortable. if they’re both just doing their own thing, laying on their phones, the silence is comfortable.
“the sky is so beautiful tonight” shotaro smiles softly, looking at the twinkling lights above them, growing comfortable in jeno’s arms.
“it really is. i never really pay attention to the night sky, or the stars, but it’s really pretty taro” jeno hums. “do you want to talk about what made you upset?”
“oh uh” shotaro mumbles, building himself up to talk, “it’s silly honestly. it’s just, my parents promised me they’d come visit this weekend. i was really, really excited. they mean a lot to me, you know? we get on so well. but they called me today and said that something came up in the business and that they had to cancel. i know it’s silly for me to get upset, but i was so excited jeno” shotaro rambles, pouting as he finishes.
jeno frowns, hating seeing the younger boy so deflated. “i’m sorry taro. that sucks. i can’t even imagine how hard it is for you. you’ll see them soon though yeah? you can facetime them and stuff until then”
“i’m just really tired of people forgetting about me” shotaro almost whispers, sending a jolt of pain through jeno’s heart.
“hey” jeno whispers, grabbing shotaro’s soft cheeks that lay on his chest ever so gently, bringing shotaro’s big eyes to meet his own, “i’ll never forget about you”
they both realise it’s probably too soon. they both realise it’s spur of the moment. they both realise they probably shouldn’t. but neither of them care, because as their lips fit so beautifully against each other under the moonlight and twinkling stars, they have no other cares in the world.
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let me know what you think!
social media!au jaemin!au nct!au
pairing: jaemin x reader
genre: boarding school!au badboy!au fluff smut angst
warnings: drinking, smoking
summary: when your boarding school is forced to close, you and your friends move to the next nearest boarding school, neo high. you’re full of nerves as you enter the school. will your roommate be nice? your classmates? the teachers? but what happens when the only other person with a single room, situated beside yours, is the boy you can only describe as a delinquent that knocked all your books on the floor after running into you in the hallway?
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sharpen-jadescythe · 3 years
Operation Kitten, 1
Part One: The real story of what happened after Sharpen punched Mathias Shaw in the face. Continuation of the other SI:7 Seal story LOL
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Jiroki, I’m sorry you had to find out this way. That the problem with Lux’ana Queenwing, a member of your guild posing as someone else? Yes, that can be traced back to me. But one upshot of this situation is, I finally get to be honest with you about something I was holding back. Not because I started things with us in a lie—no I would never do that unless lives depended on it. And they did, actually. I was protecting a lot of people so that’s why I didn’t tell you or anyone the full story, about me. Maybe that sounds like a lie a lover would tell you when he just happens to um, secretly be SI:7. Every time there’s a problem in your romance, he goes ‘Look baby, I had to lie to you in order to save lives.’ And I do know some agents like that. Those guys who use their jobs as an excuse, they’re filth. I guess if you think I’m filth too, I wouldn’t blame you. However, this is the truth. Alessandre and I were both trying to save Lux’ana’s life and the lives of her flock when she walked up to you that day and asked to join the Greyshields like it was nothing. Like Alessandre was just her friend and I had nothing to do with it. But it was part of a much bigger operation, love. Like you wouldn’t believe...
Al instructed me to pretend like I didn’t know Lux’ana, never met her. Al was going to serve as her reference. But now that cover of ours has unraveled some, and so much time has passed? I am going to tell you the truth. The real truth. Okay so, I’ll start at the beginning.
It's dangerous to talk about my work, so usually they give you a story to tell other people instead—not that this is it. I’m telling you everything, even my part in it. I’ve been called a himbo before, that sometimes I make dangerous or stupid decisions. But I see no point in lying to a woman I care so deeply for. I made some promises to you that I intend to keep. Just know that SI:7 gave me another version of my recruitment story, that I failed the swim test. That they threw me in a carriage for punching Mathias Shaw on the beach and sent me home. I embellished a little and said I got to keep the swim trunks. Because I look so damned fetching in that little blue and gold speedo, I guess my vanity sold me out a bit. It was a poor excuse for still having them anyway—as if SI:7, as powerful as that organization is, would let some recruit walk away with their standard issue uniform, even a… choice part of it, just to wear at pool parties. No, you can get picked up and arrested for that, seriously.
There’s a scene I was instructed to leave out, because my situation with them stayed tenuous even after my first mission. Yes, I did punch Mathias actually. That’s still true. But they didn’t give me a free ticket home with no muss nor fuss. That’s the part they asked me to tell my friends. What actually happened is they hogtied me, shipped me all the way out to Boralus which was the center of things at the time, then put me in a holding cell. After leaving me to cool down for a few days, they brought me before the man himself.
They brought me more standard issue stuff to wear, some loose cloth pants and a shirt. I was mad, and wanted some way to mess with them, so I ripped the shirt sleeves off. Which was a bit foolish, I guess. It does get pretty cold in Boralus. Shaw and the others had a barracks set up on the east side of town, close to the damp docks. Close to the Alliance ship docked there and all the cough-cough, handsome fair winds flowing in from the sea, if you know what I’m saying. (Fairshaw’s totally a thing, but you didn’t need an SI:7 Seal to reveal that secret to you. All I’m sayin’.)
To my surprise, they sent me in to see the head man without shackles on my wrists. I had a tight escort—this big Kul Tiran named Big Mack who took up almost the entire hallway, but I did also note that it was just one man and they’d fed me this whole time, treated me well, let me go out into the practice yard for exercise. They just didn’t let me mix with any of the other recruits. And another thing I noticed, all the people I’d trained with were gone. Even that annoying Dwarf guy Hael who couldn’t save himself in the water, let alone from being an obnoxious Dwarf stereotype, being loud and trying to get me drunk the night before the swim test and all that. (In fact, I think I remember telling him that, that he was playing up the Dwarf thing so much I was starting to wonder what he was trying to prove?) So anyway they dropped us all off the coast of Northrend, near Honor Hold, gave us the swim test and they all graduated, even that fool who tried to hang on my back like I was a Night Elf-sized wading board, and drown me in shark-infested waters? Geesh, what a world.
I teased Big Mack, said he looked like he wanted a sandwich. I mean, come on, how big did this guy really need to be?
“Hrmph. Need a third man for that, if it’s a real offer you’re making.”
I blinked. I… was Big Mack coming on to me? He laughed, and yes he did a good job of scaring the pants off me. Let’s not think about me, Big Mack and my pants off. Anyway…
Mostly, I was sullen. I hadn’t shaved in days. My green beard was scruffy and I knew my long dark green hair was kinda bedhead, too. If I didn’t get released right away, I was fully prepared to do something I promised myself I would never ever do, wherever I worked, no matter how tough things got—but damned if I was going to let them lock me up for no real reason, even if it was in the recruit’s barracks. If things were truly rough, then I was going to name drop my sister Wisthera Bane. They knew about her, of course, she was a master rogue in a leading Kaldorei spy organization. But they needed to understand that I was at the point of leveraging my sister and all her connections. Alessandre’s too, if I needed. He was a top assassin as I understood it. He helped run the Kaldorei Rogue Network with her, and they only really reported to High Priestess Tyrande and the Shando, Malfurion himself. Not the Alliance. Well, the Alliance wasn’t their first stop anyways. The Kaldorei people came first.
Big Mack rather roughly pulled out a metal chair for me and pointed with a meaty finger for me to sit. I had a little shock at first, seeing the important man I had punched waiting for me on the other side of the table. Arms crossed, that certain smirk on his face beneath that clipped brunette moustache, but this time, Mathias Shaw had a black eye. Well, it was more of a gray eye by now. The medics had it healing up nicely.
“You don’t just punch a man like Mathias Shaw in the face and get away with it.”
“Well.” I was stunned to be facing him. But I knew from our training that you never showed you were intimidated. However, I’d learned that from before in life anyway. “How do you punch a man like Mathias Shaw? Maybe next time I’ll stand my ground, should’ve stayed standing over you on the beach while you were flat out like a light.”
Mathias uncrossed his arms, sat up right in his chair. “Alright, Seal. You’ve had your word in. I’m letting you have your personality because it’s useful to us. Your freedom of speech in this situation is in my gift—you do get that, right?”
“I’m not an SI:7 Seal. I failed my test.”
“Did you, though?” Mathias cocked his head at me, smirking anew. So this was his revenge, the hitch. Why he was able to smile at me even with that black eye. Mathias was giving me the one thing that I hated most of all.
“I did so fail that swim test.”
“I’m not sure that’s how tests work? Right? I mean… doesn’t the teacher grade you? And if the teacher isn’t sure, then doesn’t the pass-fail decision fall to the headmaster? How exactly do those Kaldorei schools work, that you still don’t know?”
“Interesting line of inquiry, sir. But I’m immune to insults coming out of the mouth of a man that I punched.”
“Hold on now—we’re going in circles. Relax.”
I guess I did have my hackles all the way up already. I let my big shoulders sink down, took easier breaths. I glanced back over to see Big Mack still standing in the room by the door. I gave Mathias a look, that after everything, he wanted a bodyguard in my presence.
Shaw folded his hands on the table. “Yes, SI:7 has a reputation for letting some big arseholes in. Arseholes who bungle missions because they’re really in it for the gold, the chance to retire early after body-breaking work and then start up their own businesses. Security agencies and the like.”
“Yes! After only one year of service! Maybe two? But how does that serve the Alliance?”
Mathias nodded at me, that it was all true. But he also looked weary. That wasn’t a part of his organization, they way it was run, that he condoned. “If men get tired, we have to let them go. We can’t force them. And there’s this pipeline of ex-pats helping their buddies and the sons and daughters of their buddies to join up, just to make even more money. We’re trying to break that down from the inside. No offense, but Kaldorei don’t tend to rub each other’s backs like that. So, we’re aggressively recruiting your people. And before you think of threatening me with intervention from your sister in the Kaldorei Rogue Network, we know all about them. In fact, I made them, Wisthera and Alessandre. And the third triumvir rogue, Mistress Myrielle Fadeleaf? I trained her as well.”
I pointed his way, “Not how my sister tells it.”
He rolled his eyes, “Anyway. You’re young, you’re new to spywork. And seems it runs in your family. We recruited you because of your sister, Sharpen. You’re not going to catch us out with that, it was one of the main reasons. SI:7 didn’t go into it blindly.”
“But you just said!” I floundered for a moment, realizing my parachute was gone. “Corruption, back-scratching is rife in SI:7! That whole recruitment experience—nightmare—is not something I want to repeat in the field. I won’t serve!”
Mathias stayed calm, sucked his teeth and looked up thoughtfully before he spoke. Like he was indulging me. “Now. I don’t want to call you a himbo. I don’t wanna hurt your feelings. But let’s say that, unlike your sister, you are a man who would take orders. You would do it for the greater good, you would be incorruptible in that way. Sharpen, didn’t I just explain to you that I’m sick of the bad guys inside our organization? I want a real man. You.” He pointed at me with both hands, thumbs up like he was attempting to sell me a horse, fast. “You are a real man, Sharpen Jadescythe. A man we can depend on.”
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bungeenomin · 3 years
you have always had a really big conscience. honestly, you aren’t sure if it’s a good or a bad thing. obviously, it helps you be a good person. always listening to your conscience and trying to do right. on the other hand, when things don’t go one hundred percent right, you spend a long time dwelling on mistakes and decisions. 
that’s exactly what you’re doing now, as you turn over in bed yet again, staring at your digital clock to see it’s 11:48 am, and all you can think about is how you pissed na jaemin off. what’s he going to do? how will he change his attitude towards you? how angry is he? is he upset? 
all these thoughts bounce around in your head but are interrupted as you jump and hide under the covers, a squeak leaving your lips in the process. as well as always having a conscience, you have always been petrified of thunder and lightening and right now, you don’t think you’ll get a wink of sleep tonight between your mind being in overdrive and the thunder and lightening taking over the night. 
you don’t know what you’re thinking when you get up out of bed. you don’t know what you’re thinking when you leave your room. you don’t know what you’re thinking when you knock on his door. you don’t know if you’re thinking at all. 
“y/n?” a sleepy looking messy haired jaemin questions, confused as to what exactly it is you’re doing at his door at midnight on a monday night. 
“j-jaemin i know you’re really mad at me and i’m super sorry i really am but i-” a scream falls from your mouth at another loud crash of thunder, “i’m really really scared of thunder, can i please stay with you?” 
jaemin is honestly baffled. all you do is complain about him, miss tutoring sessions without even telling him, and now here you are, at his door shaking asking can you stay here. “uh, sure?” jaemin replies, moving out of your way, surprised by how fast you run passed him and into the room. 
jaemin furrows his eyebrow when he see’s you sitting on the floor, your arms wrapped around your knees, your body both shaking from fear and coldness, as you’re pyjama shorts and tshirt don’t allow for much heat on a night like this. “there’s room in here” jaemin says, genuinely serious, as he gets back into his bed. 
“absolutely not” you scoff from your position on the floor, “i’ll sleep here, on the carpet”
“suit yourself” jaemin rolls his eyes, “here” he says, tossing you one of his hoodies, oversized on jaemin and surely huge on you. “you look freezing” he mumbles before tucking himself in under the sheets. 
there’s a few minutes of extremely, extremely awkward silence. the only sound filling the room being you and jaemin’s breathing, and the rain pounding against the window. this time, when the thunder sounds, you scream, hiding your face with your hands. 
“y/n just come up here, you’re not going to sleep on a carpet with this storm”
“jaemin no i-”
“y/n stop being so stubborn, i’m not going to try anything. i wouldn’t call you wetting yourself because of a storm in any way sexy” jaemin sighs, pulling up the bed sheets for you to climb under, which after much hesitation, you did. 
once again, a very awkward silence washes over the two of you. from being at each other’s throats, to laying in bed together, things are a little weird. “shouldn’t you be banging on sungchan’s door?” jaemin questions
“why did you come to me, and not sungchan?” 
“well you’re right beside me, and you don’t have a roommate either. why would i go to sungchan in the first place?”
“just a question” jaemin replies simply. 
both of your attentions are drawn to jaemin’s bedside table, when he gets a text notification. “can you just check who it is?” jaemin asks, clearly not bothered to lean over you and check. 
a small smile forms on your face when you see the message. “mama said goodnight nana with a red love heart” 
jaemin groans after you read out the message, embarrassed that you saw that side of him. “erase that from your memory”
“is that what your mom calls you? nana?” 
“yes” jaemin sighs, running a hand through his hair. 
“it’s cute. can i call you that too?” you nervously ask. 
“no. only my mom and my br-” jaemin is interrupted by two screams filling the room at the sound of thunder. 
a small giggle escapes your lips. “na jaemin did you just scream because of the thunder?”
“no” jaemin scoffs, “i did it so you wouldn’t feel left out”
“sure” you giggle, pleasantly surprised by how not irritating jaemin is being tonight, especially after what you did today. 
“i’m really really sorry about today jaemin. i really am. i promise it won’t happen again” you say, genuinely sorry for bailing on him. 
jaemin sighs softly, a small yawn leaving his lips. “it’s fine y/n, just don’t do it again. now come on, try and get some sleep, it’s late” jaemin yawns again. what you weren’t expecting was jaemin to wrap his arm around you and pull you close to him by the back. you don’t know why you’ve done a lot of things tonight, and you certainly don’t know why you say nothing about jaemin’s actions. you also don’t know why it feels so nice. you know jaemin’s a flirt, but you know that his arm isn’t around you right now to try and get with you. jaemin knows you’re scared, and you know he clearly is a little bit too, so you know that arm is for comfort. for both of you. it’s nice. 
jaemin is quick to fall asleep, clearly tired after the day. you lay there comfortably, eyes closed and with jaemin’s arm around you. you shove one of your cold hands into the pocket of the hoodie you’re wearing, jaemin’s hoodie, trying to heat it up. to your surprise, your hand lands on a small piece of paper. curiosity taking the better of you, you decide to see what it is. you can’t hold back the smile that takes over your face when you read what’s on the piece of paper. it’s a receipt. a receipt for a brown bear, and a valentines day card. 
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social media!au jaemin!au nct!au
pairing: jaemin x reader
genre: boarding school!au badboy!au fluff smut angst
warnings: drinking, smoking
summary: when your boarding school is forced to close, you and your friends move to the next nearest boarding school, neo high. you’re full of nerves as you enter the school. will your roommate be nice? your classmates? the teachers? but what happens when the only other person with a single room, situated beside yours, is the boy you can only describe as a delinquent that knocked all your books on the floor after running into you in the hallway?
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