#i put miu and shuuji together
manofmanymons · 6 months
Kaito trying really really hard to put his protectiveness aside giving miu some growing room by distracting himself with dating and hanging out with people he barely is able to tolerate due to his experience in the other world, wince dating and making friends is what normal highschoolers do.
Miu developing very /very/ messy feelings regarding Kaito seemingly having no more time for her, while at the same time pushing him away when he does since that's just how their dynamic has always been as siblings and she wants him to feel like everything is fine with her, get really mad at girls he brings to the house, her even worse ability to relate to other people her age. . Also gender stuff unrelated to the main plot.
Takuma and Ryo being the only still decently well adjusted ones.
Shuuji developing a bad rebellious streak due to his father treating lopmon like a stray animal at the best of times.
Saki having anxiety since, now that she's improving in her physical self she has to prepare for rhe future.
Aoi being a mess with the fact their group is starting to drift apart due to their own issues and worrying she won't have anyone that really /gets/ her if they do stop talking together.
The concept of Kaito trying too hard to be a "normal" kid as a distraction from Miu even though he's clearly bad at it and doesn't like doing it is honestly really interesting. It's almost funny in a fish out of water way, but also really sad thinking about him being stuck with nothing but fake friends after having spent time with real friends.
Pretty much everything you said about Miu is like,,,exactly how I imagined she'd act post game? Like yeah Kaito being clingy annoyed her, but that doesn't mean she wants him to never be with her. Not having friends her age AND having this new distance between her and someone she's used to having around a lot would be really isolating and tough. I actually talked a little about this one before. Lowkey love that pretty much everyone seems to agree that this kid has gender stuff going on.
I actually imagine Ryo would have a similar problem to Aoi. He went to camp to make friends because people at his school already didn't like him, so drifting apart from the friends he DID make would be hard for him since they're all he has. Well, other than Kunemon.
Takuma probably would be the most relatively well-adjusted person here but he is still a kid trying to pretend life is normal after having to save the world so ladfkjakj idk maybe as former team leader he'd be a little adverse to taking responsibility for things for a while. Y'know like having trouble finding ordinary things in his life important compared to saving the universe. I think I accidentally just described ant man quantumania never mind ignore me.
Shuuji WOULD have a rebellious phase. He didn't go through an entire self-acceptance arc to watch the other half of his soul be mistreated ToT It'd probably be a bit awkward tbh tho like sunk cost fallacy is real and I don't think he'd want to throw away everything he's worked for academically when he's this close? Local rebellious bad boy still top of his class? But then again what better way would there be to spite his dad than failing aldkfa idk
I actually. Really really love that idea for Saki. Her being someone who didn't plan about the future before because she didn't know if she'd even have one now realizing that Life is Happening and she doesn't know what she's doing. Obviously she's still young but tbh can confirm that at any age it's extremely stressful when everyone seems to know what they want and where they're going but you.
What is a squad mom without her squad ToT It probably would be jarring for Aoi going back to school with classmates that just take advantage of her after having friends who truly appreciated her. Being unable to feel the same way about her old "friends" anymore.
Honestly I think they would all be afraid of drifting apart. In a lot of ways, most of them are each other's first true friends who care about them and not just for the masks they wear or the help they can give. None of them WANT to move on from each other, they just don't have the time, and most of them don't go to school together. ...Digimon Tri Joe moment. Joement.
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genork-the-fandork · 8 months
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Word Count: 762 Prompt: Cooperation Featured Characters: Takuma Momozuka & Minoru Hinata & Kaito Shinonome A/N: Okay, so I said I was going to explore other characters, but there are a couple days where I return to the main eight. This is one of those days. There is some slightly spoiler-ish territory? But in reality, this is just a kind of made up scenario of a brainstorming session my three favorite boys go through. (I say favorite as if I don't love Shuuji and Ryo to a degree too, haha.) It's been a while since I've written them or witnessed them, so I hope it's not terribly OOC. But nevertheless, I persist! @surviveweek
They needed a plan, but they couldn't agree on anything. Well. Correction. The boys couldn't agree on anything.
Aoi, Saki, and Miu had slunk away to let them all work it out. Takuma, Minoru, and Kaito stood in a triangle of sorts, three points of one shape, but all vastly different-minded. The Kemonogami stood in the spaces between them, a triangle of their own, but they hadn't weighed in on this particular discussion just yet. It seemed they had a silent agreement to let them work it out on their own. For once, Takuma did wish that Agumon at least would interject with something, anything.
Minoru sighed, his hands propped on his hips as his entire body slumped with the motion. "We're going in circles. Obviously we need to do something, but…" His expression crumpled, and he kept his eyes fixed on his feet. "I'm not sure we should be risking so much with everything's that happened."
"There's probably no other way," Kaito insisted, his arms crossed tightly across his chest. If he didn't keep his hands contained, they would start flying, and then nothing would get done. "It might be the only way we'll all get out of here."
Takuma agreed with both of them, in some sense. Yes, it was possible that fighting their way out seemed to be the only way to get things done in this world, but Minoru was right—so much had been lost already. How much more before there was nothing left? No one left? And why was it that he was caught in the middle of this? Again?
Kaito glanced down at Dracmon, who stared back at him in silence. "Do you three have anything to add?"
"You know I'm going to follow you no matter what you do, Kaito," Dracmon said simply.
"And I'll follow you, Takuma!" Agumon said, raising one of his clawed hands. Takuma couldn't ask for a better answer from his partner. It was support, and he knew he was going to need it in the coming hours, even days.
All eyes turned to Falcomon, who held up his wings. "You both have valid points. We'll need to be smart about this."
"Exactly. The smart thing to do is to face it head-on. They won't expect it, after everything." Kaito gestured vaguely, referring to the mysterious "they" that was after them.
"But what if they do? We already tried something like that, and Shuuji—" Minoru's mouth twisted, and he saw the pain flash across Kaito and Takuma's faces. What had happened to Ryo had been terrible. What happened to Shuuji… indescribable. Even if Minoru tried, it just made his stomach twist. Swallowing back the bile that wanted to creep up his throat, he continued, "Bad things have happened when we've tried this."
Kaito shook his head in exasperation. "We know better now. If we all stick together, it should be fine. Takuma?" He turned to Takuma, who had retained the same thoughtful look on his face during this entire discussion.
"You're both right," Takuma began. "We need to be careful, and we need to be smart. I do think sticking together, at least better than we have been, will help. Sitting around rarely works out for us. We usually end up doing something rash."
"What do you suggest, Takuma?" Falcomon asked, his eyes seeming particularly wise at this moment.
Takuma closed his eyes to put words to the shapeless thoughts in his head. "We make a plan. A much more thought-out plan than before. We need to be more aware that failure could happen at any moment." He paused, letting out a breath. "Overall, we need to stay together. Keep an eye on each other. Be honest with each other." Slowly, he met Minoru's gaze and then Kaito's. "Then we can make sure we take care of each other."
There was a moment of silence, of contemplation. Kaito and Minoru kept looking at him, processing his proposal. Then they looked at each other and nodded.
"Sounds good to me," Minoru said, the slump disappearing as he straightened and smiled.
Kaito's smile wasn't nearly as wide, but Takuma knew it was genuine all the same. "Yeah. Let's try it."
If this had been a team meeting, Takuma would have suggested they all put their hands in. That didn't seem applicable here, especially not with Falcomon's wings or the eyes on Dracmon's hands, but he pretended they had done it. "Then let's go tell the others."
It was the most hopeful any of the three of them had felt in a long time.
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fearowkenya · 9 months
😂😂😅😅 I keep saying I'll leave a comment proper on ao3.... I swear it'll happen...
But anyway, I just caught up on your "Winds of change" fic, chapter 5 is such a nice transitory chapter. Very sweet and soothing for what's to come LOL I like Shuuji's suspiciousness of the other partnermon because they're rooted in observation that have the right amount of ambiguity to make him feel like he's losing his mind lol Specially with how the others don't seem to acknowledge them at all lol In Saki's case, she's in her feelings and wary and keeping on her ever avoidsnt facade, so it makes sense she doesn't wanna put her hands to the fire. Aoi is always about holding herself back, specially if it could be something disruptive so it makes sense she wouldn't say anything either lol If it's something in her mind, she's gonna over think it and talk about it privately to Takuma or Labramon, whoever feels pertinent, later so 😂 Tough luck, Shuuji. It's harder for me to tell if Miu picks on anything, it could go either way lol But yeah, the doubt about his own perceptions works well for his general anxious demeanor.
I love the way you write Labramon lol Her strong personality and the inherently bossy way she carries herself really comes across lol Very resolute. Agumon also came across so sweetly, that sort of hilarious and apparently simple-minded loud and surprised reactions from him that still underscore how emotional and sensitive he is was really good. And ofc, Miu holding then together and relaxing the atmosphere with her antics was great as well.
seriously, there's no rush or obligation! it means a lot to me that you're reaching out on tumblr to comment (:
oh phew, im so happy to hear that it feels like a good transition between 'arcs'.
yeah, i'm actually having a lot of fun exploring shuuji in this post-waterway but pre-10daytimeskip period of time. ive talked about it before, but i noticed theres not a ton of interaction between shuuji and the others (other than takuma and ryo) that the player gets to see after he makes amends with lopmon and before part8.
based on how shuuji is much more respected by the group after takuma is back from the other side, i think there was a lot of effort on his part to smooth the feathers he ruffled before he underwent that personal growth. it's a shame we don't get to see it in-game, but i know im having (and am going to have) a lot of fun thinking about shuuji trying very hard to build or rebuild relationships with his peers after botching a few of them (notably kaito, though i will say that while i DO have plans for writing kaito-shuuji interaction, they're outside the scope of what im covering in winds of change).
BUT yeah, all this to say, these stunted relationships he has with the group at this point in time is why it's so hard for him to discern if other people's partners are deliberately hiding things from him. jumping to conclusions has only caused problems for him in the past, so he's trying to avoid it and think about things rationally. but that's hard when he has no frame of reference for how the digimon "normally act" , and you're right, the lack of acknowledgement of "suspicious" behavior from the human partners makes it even harder for him to tell if something's off.
i was SOOOO surprised at how fun and easy labramon was for me to write!! i was actually pretty worried about it at first. labramon's a lot more complex than i gave her credit for - i mean obviously the way she treats aoi is FAR different to how she treats everyone else, but i do think that the snark and bossiness is just her way of conveying that she's confident in her methods and wants to use those methods to keep the others safe. she's such a delightful contrast to aoi but if i get into that now we'll be here all day. glad you enjoyed how i portray her! agumon is fun too, he's just so genuine <3 it's very comforting to hear that i'm doing okay with miu too. as much as i love her, i think she's the toughest for me to write after saki.
thank you again so so much for taking the time to write such a long and thoughtful comment. i really do appreciate it!! <3 you have a really solid grasp on the characters as well, so i'm always happy to hear your insight! (:
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not-too-many-eyes · 1 year
For the character ask game: Ryo Tominaga
First impression
I didn't really think much of Ryo ngl, I think it's cause I knew he was going to die due to him only having one line and since he died pretty early I didn't really connect with him much.
Impression now
RYO BELOVED! HE'S SUCH A GOOD GUY! I love how active and reliable he can be, it's not super present due to how truthful works but he is! He's really good at keeping things on track. Plus his bond with Kunemon is just great.
Favorite moment
Okay so you know that part in Truthful where Miu and Kaito are arguing and instead of Aoi getting overwhelmed like she does in all the other routes Shuuji and Ryo step up to help? That, I love that, it's just this lovely showcase of how the both of them have grown and how they fit into the team. Love it dearly.
Idea for a story
That whole period where Takuma was away. I don't have anything super interesting I just want to see what was going on there. I want to see Ryo take charge when Shuuji and Aoi are tired! I want to see Ryo cooking with Aoi! I want to see Ryo bonding with everyone else and trying to keep them safe! That whole period where Takuma was away lives in my brain, so much happened during that period and I really wish I could see it.
Unpopular opinion
I...I don't know what's considered unpopular in this fandom. Uh, I don't really get the pathetic charm for pre-chapter 3 Ryo, sorry I just kinda don't.
Favorite relationship
My problem with this is that they don't really interact much with the others even in Truthful but like- Shuuji! Shuuji! I love these two a lot. They don't get much screen time but there good for each other! I think they contrast really interestingly! I have Truthful Chapter 5 living in my brain.
Favorite headcanon
...god what do I headcanon for characters? Uh...I like sorting the characters into what karma alignment I think they embody the most, I think it's fun to think about. And I find Ryo to be someone very connected to Moral in my opinion. I think when he gets his shit together he's very forward about trying to be better and again is very reliable and proactive. Like if Ryo was put in Takuma's place he would go back to save his friends even if he's scared. His friends didn't abandon him and he isn't going to abandon them yknow?
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supermacaquecool · 1 year
Fic meme; 2, 4, 33, 35
2 answered here.
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Not sure how many.
I'm trying to write two things right now, might come to another two after I'm done.
From the first lot:
A) Ryo and Saki are skipping class, so it's just another of those fics mostly about people talking. I think I mostly wanted to write about why one becomes a truant, since I was an incorregible one during my schooling lol
Ryo actually lets out a small chuckle, but the text looks dry as hell. He wonders if he should send a sticker to convey it actually amused him. Geez, somehow texting is even more awkward than talking face to face sometimes. He wonders if Saki is actually in class and her teacher isn't there yet or if she's playing hooky like him. It'd be nice to talk to someone instead of just doom scrolling all day. He's no master at subtlety, and there doesn't seem to be any way to naturally stretch the conversation, so…
'cani call?'
The checkmark fades and is replaced by the read notification. It's been interesting to see which of his friends have the feature disabled. He wishes it'd be the kind of thing you can bring up in conversation without sounding totally bonkers.
'why? miss me that much?'
B) Since Aoi and Shuuji were the poll winners, I was gonna draw something for them, but then my cat bit my finger really hard lol So instead I'm writing them planning an outing for the group, but they get silly about it. Overachievers™ and all. (But I got almost nothing done for this one 🙈)
Might come back to:
I) Been toying for a while about the idea of exploring how Minoru's and Aoi's ideals might intersect. I wrote the first snippet months ago and finally thought up a scenario for the second snippet. Here's a preview of that second snippet.
Aoi is dead silent, frowning. Her face hovers over his, with that of him laying down and her patching up the cut on his brow. It's not often you get to see someone's nostrils from below. Minoru opens his mouth but decides against it last second. No, a hole joke isn't gonna fly with her. Even him can be considerate sometimes. Still, the seriousness is killing his vibe…
II) Wrote a Miu fic I'm agonizing about. I feel I need to adjust the narration to fit her pov better, so I need to revise it once I feel more comfortable with doing so. It's a girl incommunication fic lol (I also feel that it puts in evidence which was my fav scene from The Haunting of hill house). My friend said Aoi is very annoying in this passage, which pleased me greatly.
Aoi's eyes widened.
"You were listening."
Ugh. Busted. Miu shrinked, burying her jaw in the collar of her hoodie. "Only a little.
Aoi stared at her, sitting upright. "It's wrong to eavesdrop on people, you do know that, don't you?"
"Yeees,"Miu drawled. Well, that was it. She was talking to Miu like a little kid. She wouldn't answer any of her questions. Miu hated grown-ups because of this.
"Have you brushed your teeth?" Aoi asked next, as if to prove her point.
"Yeah," Miu lied by reflex.
Aoi smiled—she smiled a real smile. Miu could tell because her whole face changed.
"I know it's hard for you, so it's great you're making the effort."
Syakomon sighed and her shell closed. Miu wished she could that. Lying to Aoi was the worst; now, Miu felt guilty. Now, she'd actually have to do it, even though it was the grossest thing in the world.
Plus other things. I'm still thinking I'm gonna finish the multi-chapters/series I got there lol I also got another document about moments with Aoi and Saki, I wanted to fuse Simple Dreams to it, but I ended up not figuring out how to tie them together in an over aching theme... So I'll just go back to it and finish the whole scenario and post it separately, prolly. Ah, I keep remembering some other things. Like writing some pseudo horror stuff with Saki and Shuuji's first day in kemonogami world, and Plutomon, ofc (I was thinking writing something loosely inspired by The Telletale Heart...) These will take me way longer to get to because I have never written horror 😂😭
33. How do you feel about crack?
Never done it.
(Not particularly fond of it, but I don't really care enough to think much of it.)
35. Would you ever kill off a canon character?
Not really entertaining such idea atm since I mostly care about small interactions, and, also, the canon already kills charas for me lol But I'm more likely to want to injure the charas or make them go missing than outright killing someone. If I think of a scenario where someone dying would feel interesting, I would do it (I do like symbolic deaths a lot, but again, that's already canon in Survive lol).
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animegenork · 2 years
Digimon Survive First Impressions
Okay so this might go a tad long, and I KNOW, what do you mean "FIRST impressions"? I bought the game on the 29th but didn't get to play it until today ;w; and I'm not even done the dang prologue yet--
ANYWAY, I'm really enjoying the game so far! I didn't expect them to put the prologue movie in the game so I watched it on YouTube beforehand and proceeded to be hella embarrassed LOL
In terms of story, I'm hecka interested to see where this goes. I have a really dumb theory that is probably not true at all, but I'm already thinking, which is good! I also didn't expect a certain character to show up and like. Be important. That was cool.
Also, love the various Easter eggs/cameos I've seen so far. AND it seems like the wonderful Chika Sakamoto will be blessing my ears with her voice as Agumon once again. So soon. UGH I WANT IT NOWWWWW
Here are my impressions of the main cast so far, in no uncertain terms:
Takuma: Baby. Baby goggle boy. I wanna hug him.
Aoi: A little like Sora, but more feminine. She's very funny when interacting with Minoru, though. Her hair goes SWOOSH
Minoru: A little shit I love to love. Just the funny man. I think he's related to Daisuke. I want him to be my bestie.
Kaito: He's like temperamental but also super polite??? I kinda like the hot and cold, though, it's not the usual lone wolf type of vibe. Also, I love how he calls his sister "frail" and she's like. Not. Silly boy.
Shuuji: He looks like Jou and actually started to show off Jou-like panic. Otherwise, he's got his act together a little more. Still funny when he screamed like he was Jou.
Saki: Basically Mimi, except like later Mimi. Less spoiled, you know/? Somehow is also Belle from Beauty and the Beast, because of...
Ryo: The Beast. Somehow is hanging out with Saki even though he's basically hating on everyone. Also a coward which is ADORABLE.
Miu: She's super funny to me. Clearly done with Kaito's "princess in a tower" act. But not afraid to be, well, afraid. She reminds me of Takeru in the best way.
Will I probably want to write Digimon Survive content now? Yes.
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doubleddenden · 2 years
just got to part 6.
i... need to take a step back for a bit. a lot happened. a lot.
i'm gonna jot my thoughts down. Spoilers below. HEAVY spoilers. I'm not really ranting but I am... frustrated. Scared. But invested.
First of all, that whole tunnel bit. it was heavy. I don't like what's implied for some of them.
Saki has a lot of death flags- one of which is her fucking hair style. Second is how she seems to be getting closer to Takuma (i'd argue almost within shipping distance) and is like a sister to Aoi. Then the fog mentions a doctor. She's low on energy often and coughs sometimes. I think she's already dying of something. I'm scared because I actually like her.
Miu's encounter with the fog is... troubling. I don't think she's in danger, she's the youngest after all. But the fog taunted her by saying "Everyone hates you and knows you're a liar. Oh wait, your brother loves you... And so did that one guy. He seemed to REALLY love you!" and she screamed and cried. She's talked about not wanting to remember some painful memories, she's been playing out a fantasy where she has power... I don't want to go there. I really don't. But I think she may have been raped or something. Either that, or her parents were killed or something. I don't know. But the one guy bit just... Oooof. I don't like it when kids get hurt. I hate it. I hope I'm just one too many Criminal Minds episodes of analyzing here, but I'm scared I'm correct.
I already hated Shuuji, but he unraveled SEVERELY. I already thought he was a selfish jerk riding off a victim god complex, but its SO MUCH WORSE. He considered SACRIFICING one of them. He only wants everyone to survive so that way he can come out a hero and prove his dad wrong and prove he's better than his brother by getting whatever job or into whatever college he wants off of that story! AND THEN HE ACTUALLY STARTS BEATING UP LOPMON! I'm actually angry because nobody tried to stop him! And then Lopmon dark digivolved into Wendigomon, beat MEGASEADRAMON- an ULTIMATE to his CHAMPION, in ONE PUNCH, and THEN ATE, A T E. ATE. ATE SHUUJI. No room for misinterpretation, held him over his drooling mouth and ATE HIM ATTACK ON TITAN STYLE! BITING OFF HIS ARMS AND LEGS! BLOOD INTO THE CAMERA, ATE! HIM! And then we had to listen to Lopmon begging for help, we had to fight him, and we had to watch the fog eat him! Shuuji deserved it, sure, but Lopmon didn't! I'm actually very distraught. Lopmon didn't deserve that. He deserved a happy ending... not that...
I'm glad the Professor is alive, though.
But then of course, my worst fear after fucking Shuuji poisoned the well, now everyone is afraid of their partners! I was actually talking about it with a friend, and we both agree that these people lack some serious critical thinking skills. Minoru especially, because if they really wanted you dead, REALLY wanted you dead, why the fuck wouldn't they just kill you in your sleep? Why not just lie when danger is near? They love you and you're paranoid now because you fucks were too stupid to put 2 and 2 together to realize the reason Shuuji got eaten was because he snapped and Lopmon responded and was out of his fucking mind when he ate HIS FUCKING GOD DAMN ABUSER THAT NONE OF YOU STUPID FUCKERS DID ANYTHING ABOUT!
I know someone will say "guuhhhh but they're kidssss" but they're anime kids, they're not stupid like real kids! At least I thought they weren't. They complain about having "forced" the role of leadership onto Shuuji because he was older and how they "forced" everything on him- but this didn't happen. At all. Shuuji just showed up and started barking orders and declared himself leader. They were talking about how they weren't working together like he wanted- BUT THEY WERE! THEY WERE WORKING TOGETHER! Even when Shuuji kept throwing wrenches into their plans! Takuma and Aoi were leading the group just fine! Even WITH Shuuji there literally bitching and moaning about EVERYTHING while everyone else did the the actual work and risk taking so they could actually FIND A WAY HOME!
ugh... I'm actually at the point I have a headache. Its a lot to process. I don't want to hear how Shuuji didn't deserve it because he absolutely did, I don't care how sad his backstory is- he had a choice to be a different person, and chose to become his father, so that's all his fault. Trust me, I've been in his exact shoes with my mother! I'm not a perfect person, but I'm not that bad and I've decided to try not to become that bitch. He leaned WAY into it. He could've actually used critical thinking and empathy to realize this adorable lil bunny rabbit with nothing but love in his tiny widdle heart was NOT the same as the snarling sharp toothed monster trying to eat him, but he didn't and instead took out all of his pent up aggression out on him, so that's also his fault. He was not a good person- He pretended to be, and he was a good actor that could disguise his motives, but he did not actually give a shit about anyone except himself and how he could spin this tragedy to help himself. And the fact he wanted to use Lopmon to kill anyone that stood in his way, including his father and brother- which I guran-damn-tee you would include Takuma, Minoru, Kaito, and the others if Wendigomon was coherent.
I'm very conflicted, because Shuuji absolutely deserved to die, and this is absolutely just desserts. But Lopmon did not. Lopmon deserved to be adopted by Saki or Takuma or Aoi or Miu or whoever else and be loved. The information on the characters other than him is troubling, but i am curious.
But god damn, I wish they would fucking think. I really do. If they had called out Shuuji on his bullshit and abusive behavior toward Lopmon IMMEDIATELY, then we maybe would have one happier bunny boy with us now.
But I am convinced that Dracmon is the one to listen to in the future when it comes to danger. He called that shit BEFORE they went into the tunnels, he called that shit BEFORE Lopmon dark evolved. I would trust this funky vampire with my life.
Oh, and I learned you can cross Karma for evolutions. I had high harmony and got Tyrannomon, then got high Morality and got MetalGreymon. I'm tempted to go high Wrath and go Machinedramon.
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manofmanymons · 11 months
Ok hi, i know i havent sent an ask in a while to you but i need this idea to go to someone because something similar happened (only in terms of chaos)
Ok so, survive kids play uno, chaos id assume
Like, kaito and miu cheating together, ryo is raging because he keeps getting skipped, aoi and takuma trying but failing to calm everyone. Stuff like that
A long time ago I hced that Minoru and Kaito have been banned from group game nights after trying to kill each other over Uno and now I feel the need to make this post somehow reach that conclusion alkdfjakj
I love the idea that Takuma would legitimately accidentally keep screwing Minoru over just because they sat next to each other. Like his only card that's a matching color is a +2, or he'll accidentally change the color before Minoru can put a card down. He keeps apologizing, even offers to skip his own turn because he feels so bad. Unfortunately Minoru is now out for blood.
You're so big brained ngl it would be so funny if Miu and Kaito looked at each other's cards and were purposely trying to help each other (e.g. changing the color to what the other needs if they get a wild card, or holding onto +4 cards until the rotation changes so they only get the others sitting next to them and not each other). They're not above screwing each other over if they have to put a card down, though. They both still wanna win.
The same way Takuma keeps accidentally giving Minoru cards, Shuuji keeps accidentally skipping Ryo. Saki, on the other hand, is purposely skipping Ryo because she thinks it's funny watching him slowly lose his mind. He picked the wrong two people to sit between.
Aoi tries to be a peacekeeper and be like maybe you should try to hold onto your next skip card until someone plays a reverse even though she's the one sitting on Saki's other side and would be the one getting skipped. Unfortunately, the offer is so sweet that Saki is only more unwilling to skip her, and the net result is Ryo getting hit by even more skips and reverses. He hasn't put down or even picked up a single card in ten minutes.
Everyone thought Ryo would be the first one to flip his shit UNTIL Minoru ends up getting Miu with a +4 that he was trying to save for Takuma, but someone played a reverse and he ran out of cards that matched the current color. So now MIU is out for blood.
Sibling cheating mode increases bc now Kaito is purposely setting Miu up to keep hitting Minoru with +2 and skip cards (drawing cards even if he already has the right color just to change it to the color Miu needs). Bc of course he would throw the game if meant getting at back at the person who +4'ed his sister. Minoru catches on and tries to call him on it, but he keeps denying it.
Minoru completely forgets operation "vengeance against Takuma" and starts targeting Miu instead (he would go after Kaito, but he's sitting too far away, and Takuma won't help him cheat), which swiftly leads to The Incident that gets him and Kaito banned from game night.
I ended up making a seating chart lmao
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manofmanymons · 1 year
I like to imagine the traits all the survive kids' habits when faced witha. Game with in depth character customization.
Imagine miu getting full on monster factory with it.
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I'm assuming these are all from the same person and answering them all as a batch lol
I feel like on a scale of "makes the character look mostly like themself because they're not very creative" to "makes them look absolutely nothing like themself because what else is the point of fantasy" I'd put Takuma, Shuuji, and Kaito towards the left; Miu, Minoru, and Saki towards the right; and Aoi and Ryo somewhere in the middle, perhaps using themselves as a baseline but then changing things up a bit from there.
Do you think any of the games have goggles as an available accessory jdjdjdb
Character customization as a form of gender expression is so real. Sometimes, you just gotta play a character that's you but the opposite gender. Other times, you just gotta play as an eldritch abomination and refuse to confront the concept of gender altogether.
Kaito is such an anomaly in the system because NORMALLY big brothers are the reason you witness things at an age where you were never meant to witness them, yet I can 100% see him turning the TV off like "ABSOLUTELY NOT" if Miu tried to play an M rated game before she was old enough
And even after Miu IS old enough he'd still try to turn it off bc he simply refuses to exist in a world where his baby sibling is exposed to anything "inappropriate" 💀💀💀 Miu has to get Dracmon's help to make him go away
But also imagine them making a character together by handing the remote back and forth to pick out different features. Miu actively forcing Kaito to have fun creating a character that isn't literally just himself.
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manofmanymons · 2 years
I love how cute the late chapters of the truthful route are
This is more me rambling than any form of serious post or ~anaylsis~ I'm just replaying the route and constantly sobbing over how adorable they all are
They get along so much better with each other and their partners than at the start or in the routes where bitches be dying and it is very much fun seeing them have so many positive interactions
Even their arguing is more productive barring when Takuma FIRST got back but admittedly that was MOSTLY just Kaito ksksmd like there's a lot more "think we should do this because this" "I see what you mean but also consider—" and a lot less "maybe we should—" "FUCK YOU SHUT UP YOU'RE WRONG"
Super love the scene where Ryo and Kaito are talking to Renamon and at first Takuma freaks out thinking they're gonna start a fight but then Shuuji tells him to calm down and just trust them and they end up just being like "hey what you did sucked but we're on the same side so let's work together" and Takuma is like
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Like not even just the fact that those two of all people DIDN'T start shit but the fact that Shuuji wholeheartedly trusted them not to is SO insanely different from early game
Also the fact that after everything they've been through they can even still joke around with each other like there are just so many scenes where they're just being happy and silly in spite of it all
Minoru continuing to piss Ryo off by not treating him like he's older is so funny. Like they also clearly get along way better than before especially since Ryo doesn't take Minoru's dumbassery to heart anymore but that one scene where it was LITERALLY like "it's not what you said it's how you said it" had me dead jdjdnd they are such an old divorced couple. Not an old married couple. An old divorced couple.
Also love how pretty much all of them have at least one line that's just something along the lines of "we can do anything if we're together" because you KNOW none of them used to feel that way. Putting up with each other bc safety in numbers to actually genuinely trusting each other and being grateful for each other.
This is turning into a "random scenes I love" post but I love when Minoru calls Kaito weird for being happy about Miu bossing him around and Takuma telling him to knock it off because there's probably more to it than that. Also Minoru being like "dude how can you put up with this" and Kaito being like "how long do you think I've been her brother for" ksjskdn like it is so funny to think that Miu has always been a little dictator and Kaito has always just gone along with it
Also all the kemonogami are precious I mean they're precious in every route but I laughed so hard when I purposely picked a wrong dialogue option and Labramon yelled at Takuma for being stupid ToT
Falcomon and Dracmon kill me every time they're on screen. They're the funniest characters in this whole game. Again I mean they're like that in every route but I think the humor lands better in the route where there's not constant death happening.
Also also I'm sorry but them being afraid of the ghost at the school was so funny to me bc they've MET other ghosts at that point and also the other times they've thought there were ghosts it was just like...a digimon. It's like in ghost game when Kiyo is like AAAAAH GHOST and it's like bitch you KNOW it's a digimon.
Also also also Kaito lying about not being worried about Dracmon bc he doesn't wanna freak Miu or Takuma out but then after getting him back being like I WAS SO SCARED SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU
Also also ALSO also Ryo and Shuuji being alive so I can see all their battle lines with the other characters. And how even lines between characters change over time. I actually don't know what all the lines are and if the change is related to the chapter or to the route or to their affinity but I know for a fact that the lines aren't always the same and I am always delighted to see a new one.
Anyways these kids are the cutest friend group when their spirits are not actively being crushed by pointless deaths with no clear end in sight and it's just so nice seeing the kinda people they all are when they're not completely miserable and being pushed to/past their breaking points.
Like truthful may not be the most fun or interesting route but goddamn does it make me happy that the canon path is the one where they're actually allowed to grow and learn and be happy
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manofmanymons · 2 years
Assigning every Survive kid a crest (because I can)
Yes I know a lot of these kids parallel Adventure characters, no I don't think that means they should have the same crests. You're gonna look me in the eyes and say you think Knowledge fits Minoru or Friendship fits Kaito? Nah.
I'm also gonna go by the 01 concept of 1 crest per kid, but I'll point out times where I was tempted to give someone two.
Starting with our main protag boy, Takuma: Friendship. Did you expect anything else? He is the embodiment of "my friends are my power." Half the gameplay is him building relationships with everyone, and everything he does is for his friends. I WAS tempted to give him the usual main protag Crest of Courage bc of what happened in part 7...but I don't think he exemplifies Courage as much as he does Friendship.
Anyways moving on to who I DID give the Crest of Courage to: Minoru. I know that seems like a contradiction in light of how he ran screaming from Falcomon and left Aoi in the dust that one time...but his overall adventurous spirit, the fact that he overcame his initial fear and charges ahead even when he's visibly shaking, and the way he puts on a brave face to keep everyone's spirits up makes him the most qualified for this crest in my eyes. He's even got the right color scheme (obviously that's not actually why I picked him but I couldn't not point it out.)
I've already stopped keeping to a consistent format what is this post
Whatever, next up is Aoi. To her I give...Reliability. Because who in this group is more reliable and does more to keep everyone alive and together than Aoi? I wanted to give her Kindness because of how gentle and empathetic she is, but I didn't wanna double up on crests, and I kinda already gave that one to someone else who DEFINITELY wouldn't exemplify Reliability the way Aoi does.
Full stop before I actually say it, can you guess who I did give the Crest of Kindness to? Bc like in my mind I'm lile "lol it's so obvious" but then I realized it's probably only obvious to me cuz it's my own brain.
Yeah it's Ryo. And not just because he has a worm partner! Going back to what I just said about being gentle and empathetic, I think that fits Ryo really well. Sure he's aggressive and decked Shuuji in the face that one time, but like...he really understands how other people feel and doesn't want them to suffer. He empathized with the amusement park kids because he could tell they were scared, and he wanted to save Miu because he didn't want her to go through anything like what he did. The way he loves Kunemon and the way he stood up for Lopmon also proves to me how incredibly kind his heart is.
So that's where I put the Crest of Kindness, but as you may have noticed, I also didn't give the squad mom the Crest of Love. It will either be a total shock or the most expected thing in the world to you depending on how similar your brain is to mine to know that I gave THAT crest to Kaito. I legitimately for my life cannot think of another crest that would fit him better or another character who the crest makes more sense for. If crests are a source of power, then there is no one who draws strength from love as much as Kaito does. And like, I think Miyako in 02 kinda proved that "feral gremlin who can and will physically assualt someone with 0 hesitation if need be" and "digidestined of love" are not mutually exclusive.
I'm gonna go ahead and say something I don't think anyone's gonna argue with me in the replies over and say that Shuuji would be Knowledge. I mean he basically becomes the Professor's apprentice and helps solve the huge mystery behind the Other World so... I know his fear outweighed his curiosity in the beginning and there was a point where he seemed too close-minded for the Crest of Knowledge, but I do think this crest is one that he grew into by the end. I mean even in Adventure, the kids had to ACTIVATE their crests, yeah?
And I know I said I didn't want to double up on crests but also Akiharu Minase is definitely a digidestined of Knowledge. His dedication to pursuing the topic he wanted to know about even when no one believed in or supported him makes him SO perfect for that crest, and knowing that he's been like that since he was a kid just makes me more certain. If I were to give him a different crest, it would be another double, and it would be courage again. He really throws himself in front of danger without a second thought if it means protecting someone, and my god do I love him for it. But also he's a freaking Professor did you think I WOULDN'T pick Knowledge?
Speaking of Minases, Miyuki would be light. Of course she would be. She's obviously special, she's everyone's light in the darkness that they need to get home, and even her personality shines so brightly.
Getting to Saki and Miu. The reason I saved them for last is just that...even though I said I didn't think EVERYONE should share a crest with their Adventure 01 counterpart, I also don't think NOBODY should. That being said, you probably know exactly which crests I'm aboutta give them.
Saki is Sincerity. Yes she lied and kept a secret about herself, yes she's overly worried about how she's perceived by others. Despite all that, I don't think there was ever a point in the game where she wasn't still true to herself. Even Aoi admired how Saki would always do what she wanted and believed was right, even if it might not be what others would agree with. She always spoke her mind, whether it was about splitting up the rooms by gender or about Shuuji being a dick in part 5. She could be a little hard to read and a little unpredictable, and she could keep things to herself, but she was never FAKE. Saki is and always was just...Saki.
And last but not least, I believe Miu would have the Crest of Hope. Anyone who could go through everything that she did and still believe in the good of others, believe that things can get better, and never ever give up is the very embodiment of hope. Girl literally got kidnapped by a horrifying spider monster and still managed to have a good time and see the Other World as a fun and beautiful place.
Of course these are all my opinions and some of y'all might think I couldn't be more far off about these characters, and if that's the case...well I'm down to hear your hcs but only if you say them nicely <3
More on Aoi, Kaito, and Shuuji!
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genork-the-fandork · 2 years
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Word Count: 738
Prompt: "Survival"
Featured Characters: Minoru Hinata & Falcomon
A/N: I mentioned this scene in the drabble for yesterday, but Minoru finding that suspicious mushroom popped into my head when I thought about this prompt. So why not follow Takuma with Minoru? That was the logic, haha. Theoretically, this little snippet takes place between Parts 2 and 3, if I'm following canon logic (and I guess I was). It shouldn't be too spoilery, but here's a warning just in case!
Minoru lay spread-eagle on the floor of the classroom, staring at the ceiling. The peaceful—if slightly nervous—breathing of everyone around him should have been enough to lull him to sleep. Unfortunately, his thoughts were much louder inside his skull than Shuuji's snoring. And boy, were the gears turning tonight. The faint strains of moonlight shining in through the window couldn't even distract him from his thoughts.
Okay. Minus Kaito and Miu, they had just about everyone that was at the shrine. They still had no clue if the Professor was okay, but they weren't risking the fog, not with the way Falcomon and the others stayed away from it. And after they saw how it got to Fangmon, well… they definitely weren't risking that.
So what was next? How were they going to get through this without the only real adult supervision they'd had? Shuuji seemed to be having a hard time accepting he was the oldest—he had a similar expression to Ryo about all of this.
Ugh. It was getting stuffy in here. Minoru rolled onto his side and pushed himself into a sitting position. He needed some fresh air. And less snoring.
He tiptoed out of the room, trying his best not to step on or disturb the other boys. In a way, he was glad Saki made such a fuss about her and Aoi sleeping in a different room. Less people to step over if he had to pee. Slipping his hands into his pockets, he stepped down the hall and went down the stairs. The floorboards creaked a little under his feet, but he tried his best not to make too much noise. Minoru really didn't need to be yelled at tonight.
Outside held an entirely different atmosphere. If you ignored the possibility of some dangerous monster lurking in the woods, it was almost peaceful. The moonlight lit up the springy grass around the rundown school, dispelling most of the creepy shadows. Plus, no snoring and no stuffy air of a bunch of sweaty boys. Perfect for some thinking.
Minoru plopped down on the grass, releasing a breath. Most of the tension in his chest drained out, but he still felt a knot of apprehension. Yesterday had put everything into a lot more perspective than even the incident with Dokugumon. Then, he and Takuma and Ryo had been able to work together, and they'd even had Labramon to help out. Dokugumon hadn't been all that smart, just tough. Fangmon, though, was a different story. Tough as nails and intelligent. He'd known exactly what he was doing. If there were monsters like that willing to go after them, they were in trouble. And he wasn't sure if Falcomon's new evolution into Diatrymon would be enough next time.
No, he wasn't going to be all doom and gloom about this. The group had enough of that with Ryo's panicking. He had to stay strong. Breaking down wasn't going to get them out of this.
"Hey, Falcomon," Minoru ventured, recognizing the voice even before he turned his head. "Couldn't sleep either?"
"I heard you leave and wanted to make sure you were alright." Falcomon lowered himself so he was sitting as well. "Is something wrong?"
"Nah, I was just thinking." He looked out toward the forest again. "I really wanna make sure everyone gets out of this alive, y'know?"
"Yes, that's understandable." The bird peered up at him surreptitiously. "You don't have to do so on your own."
"Aw, I know that. I've got you and Takuma on my side." Minoru grinned and wrapped his arm around his partner, hugging him. His expression fell into a softer, more pensive smile. "I just hope that will be enough."
Falcomon leaned his beak into Minoru's chest, the best reciprocation of a hug he could muster, considering they were sitting. "It will be."
"Of course it will." Minoru masked his worry, as he always did, by spreading his arms out and kicking his legs up. "I'm a hero, after all! And heroes can do anything!"
The creature beside him chuckled, and though his beak lacked the necessary structure to form a smile, he seemed to be doing so. "I certainly believe in you, Minoru."
"You know what else heroes need? A good night's sleep! Let's go, Falcomon." Minoru leaped to his feet, leading his partner back inside for some much needed rest. He couldn't be a hero without sleep!
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manofmanymons · 2 years
survive kids holiday party hcs?
Opening up with a hc I STOLE from @dingbingbats which is that Takuma's mom would make sweaters for all the kemonogami jsjsjd
Also my brain has apparently designated Takuma as "that friend whose house all the parties happen at"
They try to make gingerbread cookies together, but you do NOT need eight people and eight monsters to make cookies, so only a couple of them are even doing anything while the others are absolute hindrances, awkwardly standing in the way or throwing flour at each other or eating the raw dough.
When the cookies DO manage to get made, it devolves into that one scene in Adventure where they're arguing over egg toppings, but now it's cookie toppings.
Minoru and Takuma put too much icing (although with Takuma it's mostly bc Agumon seems to really like icing), Aoi doesn't put enough, for some reason Ryo is using any condiment BUT the royal icing, Miu found the candy eyeballs from Halloween is making all the snowmen biblically accurate, Kaito keeps using red instead of green on all the trees so they look like they're bleeding (only Dracmon appreciates the artistry), Saki's going ham on the sprinkles (Floramon approves of the sparkles. Floramon is a chaos enabler.), and Shuuji is the one sane person making Normal Cookies.
All the younger boys are on clean up duty afterwards because they were No Help baking and 90% of the mess was their fault.
I think they should be allowed to have fun in snow also. Sometimes you gotta let go of your responsibilities and roll around in snow with the besties for a bit. There is a group effort to make the largest snowman possible. They go all out, even getting their partners with flying evos to help them make it taller. It catches the eyes of everyone on the block.
A true modern tower of babel.
...can Dracmon make a snowball or would that just be jamming snow in his eyes ksjskdn
For all their usual arguing, I like to imagine that these kids would actually have an easy time settling down and picking holiday movies. It's the most wonderful time of the year, after all, and even they can't get on each other's nerves ALL the time.
Plus they feel guilty about being too rowdy when Takuma's mom is around. (She doesn't actually mind it).
They don't do presents because there are simply Too Many Of Them and that would get complicated and stressful and awkward. As corny as it sounds, the best gift is being together.
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