#also no one asked but in my attempt to break the survive kids into duos
manofmanymons · 6 months
Kaito trying really really hard to put his protectiveness aside giving miu some growing room by distracting himself with dating and hanging out with people he barely is able to tolerate due to his experience in the other world, wince dating and making friends is what normal highschoolers do.
Miu developing very /very/ messy feelings regarding Kaito seemingly having no more time for her, while at the same time pushing him away when he does since that's just how their dynamic has always been as siblings and she wants him to feel like everything is fine with her, get really mad at girls he brings to the house, her even worse ability to relate to other people her age. . Also gender stuff unrelated to the main plot.
Takuma and Ryo being the only still decently well adjusted ones.
Shuuji developing a bad rebellious streak due to his father treating lopmon like a stray animal at the best of times.
Saki having anxiety since, now that she's improving in her physical self she has to prepare for rhe future.
Aoi being a mess with the fact their group is starting to drift apart due to their own issues and worrying she won't have anyone that really /gets/ her if they do stop talking together.
The concept of Kaito trying too hard to be a "normal" kid as a distraction from Miu even though he's clearly bad at it and doesn't like doing it is honestly really interesting. It's almost funny in a fish out of water way, but also really sad thinking about him being stuck with nothing but fake friends after having spent time with real friends.
Pretty much everything you said about Miu is like,,,exactly how I imagined she'd act post game? Like yeah Kaito being clingy annoyed her, but that doesn't mean she wants him to never be with her. Not having friends her age AND having this new distance between her and someone she's used to having around a lot would be really isolating and tough. I actually talked a little about this one before. Lowkey love that pretty much everyone seems to agree that this kid has gender stuff going on.
I actually imagine Ryo would have a similar problem to Aoi. He went to camp to make friends because people at his school already didn't like him, so drifting apart from the friends he DID make would be hard for him since they're all he has. Well, other than Kunemon.
Takuma probably would be the most relatively well-adjusted person here but he is still a kid trying to pretend life is normal after having to save the world so ladfkjakj idk maybe as former team leader he'd be a little adverse to taking responsibility for things for a while. Y'know like having trouble finding ordinary things in his life important compared to saving the universe. I think I accidentally just described ant man quantumania never mind ignore me.
Shuuji WOULD have a rebellious phase. He didn't go through an entire self-acceptance arc to watch the other half of his soul be mistreated ToT It'd probably be a bit awkward tbh tho like sunk cost fallacy is real and I don't think he'd want to throw away everything he's worked for academically when he's this close? Local rebellious bad boy still top of his class? But then again what better way would there be to spite his dad than failing aldkfa idk
I actually. Really really love that idea for Saki. Her being someone who didn't plan about the future before because she didn't know if she'd even have one now realizing that Life is Happening and she doesn't know what she's doing. Obviously she's still young but tbh can confirm that at any age it's extremely stressful when everyone seems to know what they want and where they're going but you.
What is a squad mom without her squad ToT It probably would be jarring for Aoi going back to school with classmates that just take advantage of her after having friends who truly appreciated her. Being unable to feel the same way about her old "friends" anymore.
Honestly I think they would all be afraid of drifting apart. In a lot of ways, most of them are each other's first true friends who care about them and not just for the masks they wear or the help they can give. None of them WANT to move on from each other, they just don't have the time, and most of them don't go to school together. ...Digimon Tri Joe moment. Joement.
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definii · 4 years
Are there any events, details, headcanons, etc. that are specific to your Hermit!Tommy AU? :D I’d love to hear anything about it!!
Well, I don't have that much of my own Hermit!Tommy AU since I tend to lean on other people's take of it like redorich and petrichormeraki because I suck at writing, plus, I don't have much knowledge on Hermitcraft and the hermits themselves (I know widely on Grian, Mumbo, Xisuma, and Iskall however the other hermits, not so much) anyways.
Details on my Hermit!Tommy AU?
-He used to live at Joe's doghouse district (Crediting Petrichormeraki for that) settled at  Mumbo's old hobit home for a while till he's ready to make his own base. Tommy has a small cottage house, a hillside storage room in disguise, and an underground war room where he grinds weaponry, experience, ores, etc as a way to cope and calm his paranoia but surely turned to healthier coping mechanisms such as building, gardening, beekeeping, and bookbinding.
-Scar and Tommy has this soft comedic Love-Hate friendship, It all started with Tommy leaving messes like creeper holes and unsheared tree leaves which made Scar fed up and conforted Tommy about it, Scar tried to be gentle but Tommy like the loud child he is, it only led the two into an argument yet Tommy made a pinky promise to never do that again and Scar gave him tips about it.
-There's an inside joke among the hermits that whenever they pass by Tommy's place, they would leave a stack or two of building in his chest anonymously like quartz, different types of woods, slabs, etc because let's be honest, the kid's building is not too much pretty to look at and Tommy still doesn't take their gift since he doesn't want their "pity".
-Tommy after he's comfortable with the hermits (entrusting them with his trust) he hangs the old pictures (him and tubbo, the crew when the time of L'manberg and Tubbo in his presidential suit) The hermit wants to ask about it like who, what and when of those pictures but doesn't want to push him, worried if they pushed any of his personal buttons.
-Tommy has night terrors on some occasions, screaming as if he was going to getting murdered, rare hallucinations of Tubbo, Wilbur Even dream (He doesn't know the triggers of his hallucinations are yet) Xisuma and Impluse try to find a way for his night terrors to be smoothened put by potions or medicine.
Events on my Hermit!Tommy AU?
-Tommy fled after Dream blew up Logstedshire and almost attempting suicide, like any other Hermit!Tommy AU take on, He somehow ends up in Hermitcraft. He doesn't remember but he does remember blurringly like a fever dream, running away from something, wounded, blindly, screaming hoarsely for help and stepping in something but that's about it. He was found passed out bleeding beneath a tree by Zombiecleo and alerted the Admin about it.
-The Mycelium vs Grass war got Tommy wracked up, to the point he unhealthy grinded days on end but surely is informed that it isn't the same "definition" of war like in Dream SMP that gave Tommy a huge slap on the face of what's normal and what's extreme.
-Tommy took a break from MCC but soon came back, teaming up along with the hermits and agreed on being masked from the crowd, worried that he'll be found. However in the second chosen mini-game: Survival game, Tubbo, and Tommy came across each other due to the borders shirking fast
Both of them thought that they were hallucinating but fortunately, it isn't. Tubbo frantically started to ask him, begging for forgiveness to Tommy but he was killed in the process. Tommy was very quiet the next round.
(that’s it for now).
Headcanons on my Hermit!Tommy AU?
-Tommy has a short ponytail now and is very good with braiding because techno would always ask Tommy to do his hair.
-Techno has two forms. Piglin form, and Human form. 
he prefers his Piglin form as a battle appearance because it’s tanked, faster, and generally stronger than his human form so whenever he goes into something battle-related and casually in public so most people don’t know he looks like in human form. (he also has this mentality to not let his guard down whenever he’s surrounded by people unless it’s his loved and trusted ones).
-Tommy started to curse less in Hermitcraft. The day when Tommy said frick instead fuck, Scar was smiling the entire day.
-He likes ZombieCleo like a sister because he reminds him of Niki.
-He has a small bee garden hobbit (soon extended larger) where he sometimes has picnics, plans out builds, vibe, and relaxes because bees give him this sense of calmness, soft happiness though it gave him a sided homesick heartache. (Y’know, Tubbo.)
-Tommy has two huge surgical wounds on his shoulder blades, he used to have wings when he was little but got into a mega-wither accident which resulted in him transmitted to a hospital, worried that the continuous withering might cause his life so they surgically removed the already halfway severely withered wings off, losing them at a young age.
-Grian and he are the ultimate prankster duo in the Hermitcraft.
-Tommy has problems when it comes to telling what’s real and what’s fake in relationships due to the betrayals, gaslighting, emotional manipulation (from his brother, Wilbur), and the constant inner changing dreads of indecisiveness he dealt with. 
(The drawings will be posted after this)
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The Star Plasma Vessel:
When I first read Gojo’s past arc, Riko Amanai and the whole dynamic created between all of the characters and how fast a strong bond can grow, really interested me.
⚠️Spoiler warning ofc ⚠️
But... I was so confused over the Star Plasma Vessel. I was so confused and thought I missed something because I didn’t even know who Master Tengen was. And the site I was reading the manga didn’t have chapter 72, but after re reading it... the Star Plasma Vessel and Master Tengen are... still suspicious as hell.
So Let’s talk about it!
Who is Master Tengen?
In the Nara Period (710-794) Tengen spread Japanese Buddhism and ‘preached what would become the foundation for Jujutsu sorcerers(JJK.wiki)’. They were first mentioned in chapter 53 by fake Geto. 
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At this point, the only information about Master Tengen was that of their jujutsu. Jogo asks Fake Geto who’s stronger; Tengen or Gojo? Fake Geto simply states that “it’s immortality not anti-aging” and that Master Tengen doesn’t interfere unless it involves the barrier. He also makes this comparison with a tree? However, I’m not sure if the tree metaphor is comparing Tengen and Gojo or describing/comparing Tengen’s technique. 
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During Gojo’s Past Arc, we find out more about the specifics of their jujutsu and how powerful and important they are. Tengen’s jujutsu is immortality but it doesn’t stop the aging process. The cursed technique tries to switch bodies roughly every 500 years. If Tengen doesn’t get a vessel, then they will ‘evolve’ or ascend to a higher state where they have no will. If in this higher state, they could become a threat to humanity. If they do get a vessel, then they rewrite the body’s genetic information. 
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On top of all that, Master Tengen’s ability strengthens the barriers that protect the jujutsu world and keep the amount of curses limited to Japan. The Jujutsu world wouldn’t be working the way it has for so long if not for these barriers. It isn’t specified whatsoever what Tengen would do that would make them a threat to humanity, but my guess is that it would have something to do with allowing curses to run free and unrestricted. 
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In the reccent chapters, Fake!Geto used a remote activation technique that Yuki orginially mistakes as an attack on the barrier. He’s disrupting the balance that’s for sure, but I believe that  he could have broken the barrier. He had the option and probably the power, but he didn’t. This implies that Tengen is a force that even our antagonists fear or don’t wish to get involve. They said that they were  stabilized even after Riko Amanai died, but... considering Ep. 18 where Principal Yaga goes ‘I’m going to see Tengen” after the Curses break onto school grounds implies that maybe he is weaker. Gojo even talks about how in the end, Tengen’s barrier hides rather than protects and that it’s weak once infiltrated, which raises a lot of questions. And maybe Tengen plays a part in this whole scheme because of  the talk of how much chaos the world would be thrown into had the barrier been broken by Yuki and Fake!Geto’s questionable response. 
Who is Riko Amanai?
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Riko Amanai was the Star Plasma Vessel in 2006. It is implied that she was pretty wealthy, and when she was younger, her parent’s died in a car crash, but she survived. Between the years of her parents’ death and her death, she was cared for by Misato Kuroi, a non combatant  jujutsu sorcerer who can fight curses, well educated in the curse world, but might not be able to use cursed energy/techniques. It is unknown with who Misato is affiliated with and if Amanai became aware of her status as the Star Plasma Vessel at an early age. 
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 When first introduced, she is very willing and seemingly okay with the merger. When Gojo expresses his surprise over Amanai’s reaction to her attempted assassination attempt and the whole concept of the merger, she simply proclaims “Master Tengen is me and I am Master Tengen!”. She then goes on a rant about how the merger and death are different things and how after the Merger, her will and spirit will live on. However, this statement was contradicted earlier, when Yaga describes the Merger as an ‘eraser’. Later, Geto even talks about how after the Merger, Amanai will just be forced to be beneath the school and has to get rid of all mortal connections. It just happens to be that, she has no relations besides Kuroi... suspicious.... 
  Riko is spunky and fiesty. During her rant, Gojo and Geto comment on how she probably has no friends based on how she talks. She is clumsy, and honestly just... funny. I keep on hoping someone in the main timeline says something similar to the “Liar, you look a liar... and whats with those bangs” line  in reference to Fake!Geto. Getting back at hand, Riko is also brave. When Kuroi gets kidnapped, she insists on coming with Geto and Gojo despite having no fighting or curse capability. When nervous or in an emotional confrontation, she has a habit of scrunching up part of her skirt in her fists. 
 Despite putting up an image of content with the Merger, Riko is a normal teenage girl. Moments before her death, Riko’s inner monologue focuses on how she was always told she was ‘special’ and ‘different’, and how despite everything that happened, she always survived. Now, being told that you are special and different at a young age is something that affects people heavily. Weather  it is being told that you are a ‘gifted’ kid or that you are just ‘different’ can lead to a lot of self separation from others. One might see themselves as better than others because of these skills or believe that someone else like them can’t exist and struggle when meeting someone similar or in a similar situation. Before her appearance in the story, it is implied that she had good relationships with her friends, classmates, and Kuroi, but didn’t really value them as much as she should due to this idea of being special or having a destiny. (Damn, a Gojo parallel maybe hmm)  This led her to be really lonely and she believed that she would be okay with the merger because she thought that the loneliness and sadness would disappear. In the last three days of her life, Riko got to spend time with her friends at schools  (the last she saw of them was them teasing her for her ‘hot cousin’ Gojo), spending time with Kuroi, and developing a strong bond with Gojo and Geto. She realizes that the sadness and loneliness could and would leave as long as she had strong bonds with others. 
“I want to be with everyone more! I want to go to more places, see more things with everyone... More!!” 
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  After Riko comes to terms with what she really wants, she dies at the hands of Toji Fushiguro/Zenin. Her death sets an entire series of misfortunes and rifts between the Strongest Duo and she serves her part as... well the plot tool she  doubles as. 
A Choice:
 Before her death, Riko is given a choice. Geto gives her instructions on where to go for the merger, before saying “Or you can turn back and return home with Kuroi.”. He gives her a choice. A choice to go through with the merger and ensure stability despite no one truly knowing what is happening, or a choice to live a life of her choice. We find out that Yaga gave hints that there is something wrong with the Merger due to the way that he described  it as an ‘erasure’ and how he isn’t one to ‘beat around the bush’. 
 We find out that Gojo and Geto decided beforehand that if the Vessel wasn’t willing to go through with the merger, they wouldn’t do it and that they, the strongest duo, would fight Master Tengen. Gojo and Geto were the strongest and Geto says that no matter what she chooses, they will protect her future. 
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 Riko decides to go home, wherever that may be, instead of the merger, but of course, dies. 
 As established before, this whole concept is suspicious. Yaga knew there was something wrong with this. Gojo and Geto both knew there was something wrong with this.
 In chapter 138, Yuki goes “it’s about time I confront Tengen.” This opens a box with even more questions. What does she mean by this? Why is it ‘about time’ and how casual is it for sorcerers to talk to Tengen? As mentioned before, Yaga is apparently in communication with Tengen when he needs to be. And Yuki is the one who told Geto that Tengen was stabilized after the failed merger and that the vessel was probably reborn...
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 I honestly hope more than predict that we get to meet Riko Amanai reborn or the next SPV.  Tengen is a name that is getting thrown around recently so there is no way that he is just.. not going to be relevant in the coming chapters. 
  I know a lot of people have found comparisons to Buddhism and the Jujutsu world, and I am not that well educated in this area, I do know that rebirth plays a big role in it. Rebirth is viewed as a negative cycle one should want to escape from called “Samsara”. I personally headcanon/theorize that the Star Plasma Vessel and the soul of Riko Amanai, is one that gets reborn constantly and is stuck in a cycle where they experience a lonely and sad  life before getting a taste of a full and happy one right before the merger. In terms of the 500 year thing, the Star Plasma vessel would have first been born( created?) during sometime in the in between of the Heian Period (794-1184) and the Muromachi Period (1392-1573). The Heian Period is implied to be the Golden Age of Curses and when Sukuna was in full power despite being known in history as a peaceful time for Japan, so I definitely believe that there is some connection if my math is correct (which it probably isn’t. I hate math). 
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Right now in the story, vessels... are really important. According to Fake Geto, he released what is like a thousand Itadori Yujis, so I think that bringing back the star Plasma vessel would fit really well. However, they would roughly be around 12 years of age in 2018, meaning that they might not even be able to do the merger because I think the vessel has to be sixteen and older and have a full moon.
(Edit: added 4/1/21: Also, it might not be Riko reborn, but just another Star Plasma Vessel. Like Yuki says that either they had another vessel at hand, or another one was already born. So like... the new SPV might be the age of our main characters or possibly even one of the characters we already know!)
I also think it will be really interesting to see how it would play off with the fact that Gojo/Geto are no longer involved in the story. Gojo is sealed and the real Geto is dead. When thinking about how the SPV would be in the story, I imagined a picture of a younger girl in a uniform and with a braid holding the sealed Gojo and staring up at the fake Geto. I’m not over what happened to Riko Amanai if you haven’t noticed and I feel like she deserves to have this other chance. I also think it’ll set up the eventual meeting or confrontaion with Master Tengen which I’m personally dying to see.
So what do you think? I don’t really have any solid predictions other than that the SPV reborn will make an appearance, but what about you? Do you guys think Tengen will play a big part? Do you think Tengen may end up becoming a big threat or a good ally? Do you guys want to see Itadori and the SPV interact? Or am I just over analyzing this?
Thanks for reading!
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pi-creates · 3 years
Top 5 Aasim Moments
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Is anyone surprised that when CJ asked if people wanted to collaborate on a Top 5 post about a character that I’d choose my favourite pyro?
This was quite fun to talk about and I know everyone else who collaborated on this idea shared the sentiment. If you wanna check out some other lists:
@stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale talks about Louis @kaylee-wolf talks about James @taurusicorn2400 talks about Violet @akemi-rose578​ talks about Ruby
Though in all seriousness, Aasim is probably one of my favourite characters from the whole series, and I feel like even as a side-character he has some very good moments that reflect well on who he is as a person. And while most of what we see are only small details, I like what those little details could mean if they were expanded upon.
So yeah, here are my personal Top 5 Aasim Moments from the Final Season.
5. “Aasim was the third.”
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“Aasim said you knew how to survive. He could just tell that the school would be safer with you there. I voted for you because I liked you, but his reason, it was better.” 
This is one of those things that I think sums up a lot about what kind of person Aasim is. He is thinking about the big picture and the long term consequences from a logical standpoint rather than a purely emotional one. Violet and Tenn have more emotional reasons for wanting Clementine and AJ to stay – and that is all fine and dandy, but I personally like the distinction that Tenn makes which implies that Aasim is trying to consider the future of everyone at the school. 
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been really nice to him or horrible, he sees Clementine and AJ as people they need to keep around if there’s some guy in the woods who has already taken some of the kids from the school before. It is simply a smarter move to keep the people who know how to survive close by when there may be an impending danger creeping around.
And I think it’s also really telling that he’s only known Clementine and AJ for a few days at the time of the vote, and he’s already gotten a read on their skills. It seems a little counter-intuitive given his sometimes awkward social abilities, but he’s clearly observant and using those observations to inform his decision making.
Plus on a personal level, I like that this shows Aasim as like a middle ground between Violet and Louis. Violet seems to vote in terms of Marlon deserving punishment, and therefore AJ did nothing wrong and shouldn’t receive any repercussions for his actions - whereas Louis just lost his friend and knows that AJ is a threat, and he’s voting from an emotional standpoint where he’s hurt and isn’t focusing on the future because of it.
I find both those mentalities realistic and in-character, but too extreme - Aasim is upset by the death of his friends, he acknowledges that Marlon had made some bad decisions, but he still votes for the pair to stay. He feels like the only character who is listening to the explanations and processing things clearly. 
Overall, I really like the way that Tenn tells us about this moment – I just wish that maybe this revelation came earlier in the plot so that we could potentially bring up the discussion with Aasim and thank him, or hear more of his thoughts overall.
4. Going hunting for rabbits
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The only pure, one-on-one interaction you can have with Aasim. And I just wish there were more moments like this.
I like that Aasim will ask Clementine if she’s a good shot – and he will take her word for it and let her help without any undercurrent of doubt. And if you do well, he’s quick to say that it’s thanks to you that they’ll end up with more rabbits than expected today. 
It’s just nice, ya know? It’s an acknowledgement that we are making an effort and it is appreciated. 
And it once again gives you more insight into his priorities – he cares about the group and is hoping that Clem shares his mentality of prioritising the group’s wellbeing and survival first. That she is ok with putting the work in to make sure that they not only get through today, but tomorrow and the next.
Perhaps this is all down to personal preference – but in this series I really really like meeting characters with that mentality. There are too many groups that we meet who don’t have long-term plans, or their plan is essentially to make it up as they go along, take what they need and screw the consequences.
Forward thinking is a really good quality to have in the environment they’re all stuck in, and this scene cements that. I just wish there were more scenes where I could reciprocate having this mentality and potentially find a way to corroborate ideas on where the school is heading.
3. Standing up for Clementine and AJ during the Marlon drama
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This is technically spread out between two parts – how Aasim deals with the twin revelation, and also how he deals with the aftermath of AJ shooting Marlon.
It is a very tense situation, emotions are running high, everyone has just learned some unhappy secrets, they are trying to process that Brody has just died, and a gun is being passed around like a hot potato and pointed everywhere. A lot of the kids are confused and unsure if what they’re hearing is truth or lie. 
And naturally, since Marlon doesn’t want the truth to come out like that, he isn’t trying to clear things up. If he doesn’t let Clem explain either and simply paints her as the threat and the liar then it is easier for him to gloss over the details. And in reality, no one wants to believe someone they trusted would hide something so heavy from them – and some people would rather continue to trust them because that feels better. That makes us feel like we haven’t been betrayed.
But Aasim doesn’t do that. He wants to hear the story, and he makes sure he shuts Marlon down in his attempts to stop Clementine from explaining herself. Keep in mind, this is also at a time when Marlon has the gun, and is threatening to shoot Clem if she doesn’t shut up. To speak up at all in this moment is dangerous, especially when you are siding against the person with the gun.
I know that the main point of this scene is to appeal to either Louis or Violet – but we shouldn’t forget that we didn’t need to appeal to Aasim for him to stand up for you in his own way. He does that for himself because it’s the right thing to do – you let people explain themselves when something happens. He might not get in the middle of the fight like Louis or Violet, but I still appreciate that he picks up that something is wrong and gives Clem the opportunity to speak up.
Yet of course, we know what happens at the end of that episode regardless of how we play this final scene. 
Marlon gets shot. AJ doesn’t understand why everyone is angry. Violet pulls her cleaver out and tells Clem and AJ to go inside, while pretty much everyone else is stuck somewhere between wanting to punch someone and bursting into tears.
While everyone is stuck in this limbo of anger and sadness, Clem leads AJ back towards the dorms. And Mitch isn’t pleased in the slightest and pulls his little knife on the duo. And this is the second time in this whole drama that Aasim steps in to deescalate. 
If you choose the silent option [...] or let the timer run out on this choice, Aasim will tell Mitch off, telling him to stop and that what he is doing isn’t helping.
It’s a little thing, but if people have seen me comment on argumentative scenes in these game, I don’t like when characters don’t know how to deescalate. So having a character blatantly point out how fighting fire with fire sometimes just causes a bigger fire and burns everyone – yeah, I appreciate that. Any character who deescalates is a good thing in this series.
2. Watching out for his friends on the boat
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Imagine being on that boat, being scared and hearing your friends in clear distress, when suddenly someone appears to break you out – and instead of simply saying “great, get me the hell outta here”, Aasim and Omar wait for Clem to attend to Louis/Violet first.
They know that the highest priority at that moment isn’t them, it’s their friend who has received more direct attention from Lilly.
But then of course things get worse and Clem gets caught too. And Regardless of who is captured, the first thing Clementine hears when trying to find an escape is Aasim asking her if she’s alright. Thanks for checking in, Aasim, that’s a good friend move there.
And that’s his whole thing with the boat – he is watching out for everyone else there. He watches out for Clem who just got there, and in the escape from the boat he is either being the shoulder for Omar to lean on, or he beelines over to Louis to support him after his ordeals from being captured.
He just... aaah, he’s being a good friend and trying to help. It isn’t self-preservation that drives his actions, it’s the preservation of the group as a whole. After everything that happened on that boat, I don’t think we could blame the characters if they wanted to hightail it out of there without thinking. Aasim doesn’t forget about his friends in spite of how scared he tells us he is. How can I see this and not think he’s just an incredible friend to have in the apocalypse?
1. Protecting Willy from the raiders
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This is another point with two parts.
The first part is obvious – Mitch has just been stabbed in the throat, and Willy is prepared to run out there into the thick of things. It is only Aasim being quick to grab a hold of him that stops the boy from meeting a similar fate.
And it’s awful to think about – Mitch was a friend to both of them, they’re both probably shocked, hurting, and they don’t have the time to do anything about it. They can’t save him, it’s too late, and they can’t mourn him or do anything. Somehow, Aasim can at least keep his head clear enough to stop Willy from getting himself hurt too. And I can’t help but feel how bad that must hurt emotionally too, to be forced to hold everything back because you have to prioritise everything else over your friend who is dying.
Yet they don’t break. They keep moving. It takes a lot of inner strength to not crumble, and these two manage.
But then there is the second part to this point – and hear me out, we’re entering speculation territory.
The raid continues, and the kids carry on with their plan and fall-back to the admin building. They set off their traps, end up stuck up stairs, and Abel decides to throw a molotov towards them. In the next moment Clem and AJ go into the headmaster’s office, and Aasim and Willy turn and move somewhere down the hallway.
We don’t see either of them again until Clem is outside and given the choice to save Louis or Violet. And when we do see them, it’s seeing Aasim unconscious in the back of the cart, and then Willy suddenly appears behind Clem as he exits the admin building.
Aasim and Willy were together when we last saw them, and yet somehow Aasim got caught and Willy stayed in the admin building somewhere?
It doesn’t make sense to me. Aasim had been shown as the one who would be less likely to get caught out of the pair. And surely if they managed to get Aasim they should have been able to more easily get Willy too, right? So why didn’t they?
The most logical answer I can come up is that Aasim got caught while attempting to keep Willy hidden from the other raiders. Whether he was playing distraction and got caught in that task, or if he simply didn’t have time to hide/run after Willy got somewhere safe, in either case I feel like that’s a huge risk to take to save someone else. 
But he does that, and I think it’s an incredibly selfless move to make. And I really do believe he will do that - I believe he cares enough to go the extra mile to keep his friends safe.
And I want the details. I love everything that is implied in these moments, but I want those details solidified.
That is the thing about me adoring Aasim as a character - there’s less concrete information to latch onto, but what is there is good. 
Are there any other things I missed that you guys love? Let me know - always happy to talk about the pyro.
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sweetwritertanya · 4 years
Trick-or-Treating (Original)
A/N: Guys! It’s my first attempt at an horror trope! I can’t honestly tell if it’s any good or not, so you all will have to tell me... Because of this, I kept it as a short story. It’s a quick read to try and spook you a bit for the season ^.^
Summary: You take your nephew out on Halloween night for trick or treating. But the night takes a horrifying turn just as you were about to go back home.
Warnings: this is a HORROR fic and this will include children getting hurt/injured (although no death) as well as some mentions of blood. I don’t get too descriptive, so I wouldn’t call it gore, but you are warned. If you don’t feel comfortable, feel free to skip this one! 
Word Count: 1368
“Auntie, auntie, can I go to the next doorway on my own? Can I?” the adorable ten-year-old boy asks with bright round eyes, a big smile across his thin lips bellow his button nose.
Sighing but unable to keep a mimicking smile from your own lips, you ruffle the boy’s ashy blond hair, now out of his spider-man mask he only put on when it was time to knock on people’s doors.
“You know your mom asked me to keep you nearby. Some kids went missing last year and she’s being extra careful, quite rightfully so” you explain to the disappointed boy.
“Not fair” he pouts, head hanging low.
“Don’t be like that, Dan. Think of all the candy you’ll get today! Your parents never took you this far out of your neighborhood before for trick-or-treating, did they?” You try and cheer up the child, but he continues pointing.
“I guess…” As your nephew looks ahead with small interest in his light eyes, his whole expression suddenly lifts up as he recognizes someone. “Charlie! That’s my friend, auntie!”
The boy tugs at your hand and practically jumps in place as he points towards a duo of kids coming on the opposite direction down the street with two adults following closely behind. Coincidentally, the boy he recognized was also dressed as spider-man, while the other was dressed as a police-officer.
“Oh? You wanna go and say hi?”
“Please, please, please! Can I go trick-or-treating with them? Pleeaaaseee?” Dan begs in his best puppy eyes, to which you seem to never be able to say no.
“Gosh darnit… Fine, we’ll go and see if the people supervising them allow you to join in. But no promises, and don’t sulk if they say no, deal?” You warn, knowing how he got when he didn’t get what he wanted.
“Yay!” It’s like he never heard your warnings and automatically thinks he gets to play with his friends for the rest of the night.
Rolling your eyes at his reaction, you hold his hand and cross the street to meet the group of friends he had pointed to. You introduce yourself and your nephew to the two adults present, an older woman who was the mother of one of the kids and a younger guy who was an older brother. They saw absolutely no harm in letting your nephew join in on the fun and so the night continued with the group going house to house around the block.
As the night started to settle and fewer kids hang around the sidewalks with their parents, you warned Dan that is was almost time to go back home, to which he showed a lot of aversion, clinging to the friend dressed equally to him.
“How about this?” The woman suggests to the group of friends. “There are only three houses left and then we all have to go home. Us, grownups, will watch by the sidewalk and we’ll let you boys go to the front door on your own and ask for candy yourselves on these ones. What do you say?”
She wasn’t even finished talking and the children were already running ahead towards the next house, with excited squeals and chuckles. You shake your head and smile at how little could make them happy.
The first two houses go by well enough, one kid complaining about getting the worst candy out of the three but nothing more. By the third house, you watch with the rest of the adults as they ring the doorbell and no one seems to answer. They ring again, but nothing.
“C’mon boys, no one is home” you call out for them.
“But aunt Y/N, it’s called trick-or-treating! Now is when we trick, right?” your nephew asks from the front door.
“I have toilet paper” the kid dressed as a police officer says, taking out a roll from his bag.
“I have party streamers!” the other claims, taking it out of the bag too.
You and the other two supervisors exchange looks, wondering if you should let them do this. The older brother shrugs his shoulders and shouts out his response to the boys.
“You have two minutes! Then, we are going home. And careful not to break anything!”
Not needing any more convincing, the kids start running around the front yard with excited screams and jumping as they throw the toilet paper and streamers around the grass. You bite your lip, unsure if this was really the best idea and the older woman seemed to share your concerns.
“Do you even know who lives here? What if they don’t find this funny and get mad?”
“I’ll come by tomorrow early and talk to the owners. I’ll even offer to clean it all up, it shouldn’t be a problem” he assures you both, lifting a weight from your heart.
“That’s good. I know my sister doesn’t want any problem with anyone in the neighborhood, especially after last year.”
“Oh, those poor children!” the woman recalls the disappearance.
“Yeah, they were from my sister’s school district, went to the same school as her son and she’s been very protective ever since” you explain.
“Of course, we can’t be too car-”
It starts then. The most chilling and gut wrenching screams you have ever heard in your life.
You recognize your nephew’s horrifying screams and as your head snaps to the house, you realize the kids were no longer on the front yard. Your memory blurs for the next few minutes, but you recall jumping the small fence, even with your plump body not making it easy but the adrenaline helped, alongside the child’s older brother, screaming Dan’s name in a panic. The older woman, too fragile to jump like you, has to go around the gate and soon you are all going around the house to the backyard, where the trail of toilet paper and party streamers led.
The scene you come across still to this day makes you sick. Your nephew is standing there, screaming bloody murder, with the kid dressed as a police-officer laying on the floor, face down with a nasty cut on the back of his head, covering his head with blood. In front of them is Charlie, Dan’s friend, with a knife by his feet and the spider-man mask bloodied on his hand.
It all happens so quickly, you truly have a hard time remembering as you tell your side of the events to the cops.  Somehow, in the midst of your perplexing shock, you manage to run and grab your screaming nephew away from the murderous kid at the same time the older brother kneels by the injured kid and tries to stop the bleeding. The woman, the mother of the other boy, cries her eyes out as she reaches for her son, who was completely numb until he found himself in the arms of his mother and then begins to sob and shake.
The police and an ambulance show up before you know it, and you are still absent-mindedly holding Dan in a crushing hug when the police officer asks you for a testimony. Your nephew’s story corroborates what the police already suspected and the boy who got hurt is taken away in an ambulance still alive.
You take your sister’s son back to her home still in somewhat of a shock state. She gets incredibly mad at you for letting him out of your sight and it takes months before you two make up and you are allowed to see your nephew again. By the time that happens he has returned to his normal self, that happy bright kid you were used to see, like nothing ever happened.
No one questions the injured kid, who thankfully survived, any further after he says that spider-man attacked him. No one really questions how Dan even befriended Charlie, since their parents knew nothing of any friendship between them. No one wonders why Dan chose to dress up as spider-man for Halloween, when he never showed any interest in hero movies before.
And no one ever notices how the spider-man mask Dan took out that Halloween nigh was not the same that he brought back home.
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poetunias · 4 years
day 6 - hello, world
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It's February 2017. The world...well, it isn't great, but at the very least world-wide pandemics are confined to the history books. We live in a blissful state of ignorance, but mostly everyone is excited for Valentine's Day, when renowned musical duo (and iconic couple) Jana&Jon release their second studio album, Storybook.
As part of the lead-up to release, Jana's blogging every day, starting on the first - fourteen blog posts on fourteen days for fourteen new songs.
Relive yesteryear! Build your excitement! Storybook is coming.
When I was twenty, I attempted to take a programming course. Promotions for the class were splashed across every bulletin board across campus, promising improved job prospects and logical skills. I couldn’t imagine what I could specifically do with such superpowers, but according to the advertisements, the answer was everything. I tried to convince Jon to take it with me, but he asked, “why?” and then continued fashioning butterflies out of his music history notes. I figured I’d show him when I was off designing a beautiful website for us.
If you were to unearth our very first website -- as I know some of you have -- you would realize that I fell short of this goal. Poorly designed, even with the help of a website design template, it’s an eyesore I’d rather you not see. Truthfully, I stuck through the class out of determination for a taxing five days before quitting. The only thing I learned was that I do not have a computational brain.
I remember, as a kid, dreaming of sitting on my couch, watching a French television program or listening to a neuroscience podcast while crocheting a fluffy sweater for a dog I’d adopted. As it turns out, it’s not that easy. What I’m really doing is spilling hot chocolate over my keyboard because I was distracted by a bird screeching in my chimney. (Maybe we should get that cleaned.)
As I’ve written before, Jon was a celebrity from a young age. He met up with brilliant minds of all ages from around the country. He thought, when he was grown up, he’d have it all figured out. Constant gigging with the option of taking breaks. Devoted listeners and a devoted family. Innovation flowing from his fingertips without a second thought. I’ve also written before that melodies flow from his fingers, but I suppose writer’s block discriminates against no one.
The sixth song, written in the wee hours of the morning at our most sarcastic, plays on ambitious childhood dreams and adulthood realities. I thought I’d be building websites and designing new music players, while I barely figured out how to open a terminal and print “hello world.” Jon thought he’d be effortlessly performing with groundbreaking new ideas. We’re both currently snowed in with a modem that won’t stay on for longer than half-an-hour. You can only reboot so many times before you lose your sanity. Ingenuity has failed us all, but hopefully it will survive long enough to post this.
see all the posts here!
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You’re a WHAT
Kanene’s Notes:
I’m weak for carzy scenarios  and glitter, so BOOOM!! Why don’t get these two things together??? :D)/ This fic marks the end of my break, I will be (trying to) going back to my old projects and probably won’t be writing for some weeks kjnhgfvghjkjhg. Wish me luck! <33
This wasn’t suppose to take so much to be written but I lost my PC and life got in the way :v   Buuuut! I manage to finish it and I already count this as a victory! xP
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* That fanfic has Remy and Roman. They’re friendos yay :3. Oh, and this is pretty crazy. Context: The morning after Black Friday when you’re grumpy and wanting to kick the society in the face. A LOT of swearing, Patton does not approve.  
* This characters do not belongs to me. They all belongs to the amazing Thomas Sanders in his series of Sanders Sides.
* Something around 2.900 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome!
* Tô com preguiça de postar a versão em português brasileiro aaaa! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Try and have fun with new hobbies, be safe, talk with the one that you love, drink water and sleep well! Byeioo!~
Roman thought himself as a really lucky human being. Unbelievable lucky.
 It wasn't due to the apartment where he currently lived - Too much dull for his personal taste and space, getting even smaller from the day he admitted a messy, sassy and with sleep problems roommate, since Roman just started his musical career and couldn't afford an own house yet. - or the fact that was finally able to pursue his dream after years and years of just picturing, painting this moment on his future, only to find out his fantastic breathtaking and incredible goals weren’t nearly close of the cold reality, at least for now (Who would know that, after umpteenth days of hard studying and training he would need years and years of experience in order to even START wondering in get out of his partial-time job on that Electronic Store) or any other reason someone would be able to consider himself a receptacle of pure, brute luck, enlightened by the spotlights of the good, pleasant destiny...
 ... Or at least the most pleasant it could be in the horrible and exhaustive middle of the night after a whole day filled with his attempts to survive and treat respectfully the unmerciful, dirty jungle that humanity was at Black Friday. Something around fifteen  hours working with massive hordes of unscrupulous zombies starved for a sale and able to even kill and die (more likely the first option) to get what they want and with souls (if they still got one) free of any slight sight of education, patience and morals to be inserted in a society which, as it seemed, was equally rotten as them. View point only proved as Roman was obligated to be working after his shift to "clean all the mess" - more like hide the bodies of exhausted warriors after such bloody battle. – the store because those sons of a...
 "... Bitch, YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!!" The poor, frustrated employed shouted to nowhere specific, his face turning towards the sky, seeking in some way to show his all his hate to the cinematography - because this was too much coincidence to NOT be part of a movie or some random fanfic on the black hole that was internet - rain falling at full force leading the weather to became even more freezing as soaked them both with its cool, thick drops.
Anyway, what he was daydreaming about?
"Roman." Oh, yeah, the reason why he viewed himself as a truly lucky person. "My gurl, if you try to impersonate a fucking, dramatic, bitch crow in my ear even again, I swear in the name of my life juice bean that I'm going to KILL you with my bare hands and these sunglasses."
 At least his best friend since, honestly, diapers, who coincidentally was his roommate and even more coincidentally, his coworker was just screwed as Roman himself. Which automatically made the duo less screwed, however equally pissed off, something that neither of them discovered if that was a good or bad thing, yet.
 "Fuck you, Remy" Roman whispered between an tired yawn, too much tired to even think about some nickname or to put real heat in his words as he got instinctively closer to the other, the one called taking off his jacket and lazily throwing it over their heads, doing his best to cover they both with the small available black leathered fabric, the act intertwined with grumpy grumbling and motions which would probably slap Roman's face if he wasn't careful. "I'm the one who buys your coffee."
 "Having my incredible, unique personality in your life should be motivation enough for you to buy me the entire Starbucks Company, be glad I'm weak to your cute face and am going easy on ya."
 " 'Cute'? Excuse me, I'm the most handsome, hottest and fabulous man you will ever met in your lowly life, mortal."
 Remy snorted at this "Whatever helps you sleep at night, babe, but if it's going to be like that your ego soon will have to pay his part at the rent."
 "Well, this 'ego' here was the only thing between your highness and jail after stopping you from committing all those murders today."
 "Bold of you to assume I wouldn't use my contacts to hide the evidences." Their tune were already completely sleepy, bodies instinctively leaning onto each other as the words stumbled, mixed and almost lost themselves in the soundly wind as slipped from their lips. Roman just laughed.
 "Well, if by ‘contacts’ mean 'Virgil' good luck getting him out of his bed on his free day. You would became the fucking new King Arthur." Roman rubbed his eyes, trying to physically force his eyelashes to not close, a new yawn finding its way to his mouth. He didn't even know about what they were talking anymore.
 "I roll the dice to cast Badass Nerd Bitch."
 “He likes to study nature stuff, especially at night, I’m sure he already knows some good spots to hide bodies. Glasses.”
 “OMG, the anime character with glasses.” Roman stopped, his mouth wide open as if all the secrets of the universe had been revealed to him.
 “Exactly.” Remy extended each syllable, grinning smugly.
 “I’ve never-“
 The sentence, which appeared to came out from nowhere, cut the air in a harsh, sharp tune, breaking the barriers and tying them up in the same place in a frozen position and wide eyes staring astonished the hooded form and their unreadable features under the bad illumination of the light poles helped by the increased storm. The wind trespassed them, stirring their clothes and making the muscles shake both of the alone employees in the middle of a dark, empty street at the dawn, even if the dangerously shiny knife directed towards their direction still in a hatred silence. 
 “My.” Roman knew he probably should be afraid, the freezing feeling running across his veins and frightening his brain and actions as infected his words in an unspeakable terror impossible to ignore nor escape. “fucking.” However, the only thing that slipped through his next was the purest, deepest, truest... “ASS.” Indignation.
 Roman thought about a lot of things. He thought about running away, grabbing Remy’s arm and sprinting across the street, about scream in the top of his lungs the waterfall of swearing already racing half way to his throat and even about kicking the knife out of the other’s hands and then kicking him - with a couple of cool moves he saw in some actions films - together with their frecking audacity to try to rob him of all the people in the world. Roman, who asked himself if he would have enough money to eat in the next week with a concerning frequency, who wondered if this is the life he will have until the end of his existence, if he will ever be able to accomplish his dreams.
 His gaze changed to Remy, who was paralyzed, trembling between the poor light of the street and the massive rain. Roman swallowed. Everything was in his hands.
 For a piece of Roman felt the strange urge to spill to the figure before him the story of his life, all his tries, all his battles, his everyday fights to make his dreams real. Blow by blow. Day by day. A life destined to go after everything he wished to himself, everything he wanted to life, to experience, to savor, to do everything in his hands to ignore and one day maybe, hopefully forget all the ghosts - these ones always accompanied by those emotionless, sharp whispers - asking, doubting nonstop if he ever would be able to do all of this, if he was doing the rights thing, if it was really worth all of it.
 However, before the first word even slipped of Roman’s tongue or his mind came fully back to Earth, Remy was already positioning himself strategically between the robber and his friend, the currently only one with the leather jacket falling on his shoulders. However, Remy didn’t seem nearly soaked as he should be, and for a heartbeat, the same one which Remy moved his hands to his jeans’ pocket, his fingers touching and firmly holding something there, Roman could swear that the unexpectedly shiver running across his spine wasn’t due the cold wind.
 Nor the sentence hurled in the clouds.
 “You know what?? Fuck it.”
 And then he unsheathed his magic wand.
 Roman loved with the entirety of his heart all kind of magic, he could easily spend an entire afternoon (which he already had, by the way) listing his favorites movies, musicals and stories with that theme. That also could be easily said by the thousands and thousands of worlds, universes and lifes he invented – in and out of his head - about the subject trough his childhood and handful of teenage years, random ideas and inspirations appearing and dancing in his mind until nowadays. If that only wasn’t enough to convince someone then the umpteenth memories of mornings and afternoons bathed in the smell of books, rocked by the calm silene of the public library as he turned one more page, his back lightly aching by the bad position assumed behind the shelters, in a place he strategically found and claimed as his own Bridge to Terabithia, enjoying every moment as if nothing else mattered. Perhaps you wouldn’t even need to swim in such deep, ancient waters to find out his love, since at least fifty percent of his day was dedicated to shout, hummer or murmur Disney songs.
 However, as rays of pure energy  - shiny and kind of glittery one - involved and swirled from Remy’s, who now was floating a few centimeters above the ground, wand in stripes that got lighter and lighter, begging to spin faster around the aforementioned, creating a spere of a power stunning and big enough to stop the rain in the corner.
 The silence resulting from the lack of the storm didn’t had the opportunity to fill the moment, being obligated to give its space to a soft, intense melody whispered in their ears. The notes standing some more moments in the air, the beating following the changes in the shadowed figure inside the spere. Hesitations taking over the loud, quick heartbeats when the song finally stopped.
 The power’s spere finally exploded, the impact leading to an unbelief and intensive force push both human meters away.
 “Get. Out.”  Remy’s tune still the same, his form – Now adorned by a gleaming crop top, his fluttering skirt over shorts floating in synchrony with the veils which surrounded his clothes and wrapping his arms, the ending spreading in the air as a bunch of angry powered and fancy snakes. - even with the new vestments full of glitter (this probably would be a hell to get off, later) still the same, his gaze, powerful – a new meaning pouring from this word – strong, still the same. But yet…
 Yet his wide eyed, heart hammering in his chest friend since he could remember found himself struggling to connect the same Remy who he had known – if he could still say that? -  all his life with the same being who gleamed dangerously before him.
 The magic wand danced in a quick flick and a trash can came of what seemed nowhere to hit the wobbled and absolutely terrified robber, who fell with a soft thumph in the ground, unconscious.
 “-man, Roman!!! Don’t just stay standing there like a tree, help me here, gurl!” Suddenly the called snapped from his own sea of thoughts, submerging and astonished blinking in Remy’s direction. The rain started to fell on them again, and when their eyes met, when Roman saw the same guy who spent afternoons climbing trees and pretending they were knights and dragons attacking or saving the world, when he recalled the silent sleepovers where they just sat near of each other enjoying the mutual company, the grumpy mornings in their apartment, the comfort hugs, the looks full of words, the smiles filled with meaning, the friendship stuffed with so many, many memories... 
 Nostalgia. The feeling that everything was changed albeit something… something important always stayed. Roman felt, truly felt it and fixed his glare into that brilliant – quite literally - glare adorned with a ‘I’m about to punch your cocky face if you keep fucking narrating every freaking second of your life, ya bitch’ he realized... 
 It was Remy.
 He took a deep breath, moving closer and gradually relaxing as the aforementioned focused in trying to lift the guy, swearing more frequently than raindrops fell from the sky.
 “First crush.”
 The other stopped, frowning confused. Roman didn’t quiver, feeling he deserved some sort of answer. At least about this. “What?”
 “My first crush. Who?”
 “Kovu.” Remy maybe was a bit cold hearted, maybe he wasn’t the best with human interactions or knew exactly what Roman wanted with that… but he knew Roman enough to realize this was important. Essentially when the said seemed to relax, his form untensing itself and being allowed to get closer of the magic being.
 “Okay. Okay, okay…” Roman took a deep breath, grounding himself. Their gaze met, his next words coming a little calmer. “Okay.”
 “Please don’t make me sing that serenate you made for him. I’m gonna fucking quit.”
 “Oh, shut up!! Our first love is something special, mister I-Can’t-Choose-Between-The-Beast-And-The-Beauty.”
 Remy decided to ignore the words, slightly lowing his sunglasses with his special Judgmental ‘Bold of you to assume I have enough shame to be mocked’ Look. Roman just flipped in his direction, taking advantage that the other’s hands were occupied.
 It was still Remy, with a whole more of style and glitter – Why are there so much glitter here?? - but it was just Remy. Like just any other day.
 Before he even realized, Roman was already at his friend’s - and as it seems a magical being - side, helping him to carry the robber’s body to somewhere dry so he wouldn’t die of hypothermia.
 “Why don’t you- Ouch!! My feet, dammit!” His breaths came out as puffs, the effort leading to his already exhausted muscles only protest even more and very much probably curse him later with sore movements for the audacity to transport anything heavier than a pen. “Why don’t you use your... Wizard magic or something to carry him??”
 “Oh. My. Gosh. Roman, you are sooo intelligent, why aren’t you in Harvard? Ow! Ow! Ow!!” Remy’s sarcasm was cut when the other kicked, or did his best to with their actual position, him in protest.  “Homophobic.” He exhaled a mix of irritation and a snort, receiving a playful punch in his arm by their inside joke.  “I’m your Fairy Godmother, brainless. Unless it was you laid in this stupid, cold ground I can’t use my magic anymore... Except if this is someone of your family but I doubt-”
 “Wait, wait, wait, WAIT!!! YOU ARE MY FAIRY GODM-”
 “No, no way, nope, we are NOT having this conversation right now.” Remy, the Fairy Godmother let go of the unconscious body in a way that probably will make the guy wake up sore, perhaps with a concussion even, directing his index finger in Roman’s direction in a deep, determined stare full of darkness and things that Roman could swear would make Remy be expelled from the group of Friendly Fairy GodmotherS  or whatever... thing he was inserted. “Let me tell you what we are doing right now: We are going to home, change our clothes then I’m getting coffee and you will get sleep so I don’t have to face nor care about the freak consequences of my damn actions.”
 “That...” Roman stop, as if was considering his next words. Remy’s face just scrunched in a bigger, firmer frown. “That would be hella scary if you didn’t look like someone who just stole a store of glitter and got attacked by the gay, glitterly, shiny fairies who protected the place.”
 “Go fuck yourself. I’m locking you outside when we get there.”
 “Noo, please don’t! My evil stepmother didn’t let me go to the prince castle and now I need help! Crying emoji, crying emoji.” Roman mocked, imitating sad sobs and sniffles as quick his pace to follow the other, who flipped him.
 “I’m this far from knock you out with my magical wand and then you will see who is the evil stepmother.” His wand gleamed in warning, the red color getting mixed and trembled by the fast movements of his veils, one of them getting dangerously next to Roman’s face, who cleverly got silent for some heartbeats, the sound of the rain slowly calming their heartbeats and rocking them, the tiredness gaining the space which, piece by piece, was being unhanded by their adrenaline.
 They arrived home, both still quiet, feeling free as a relieved sign left their lips. Remy threw his soaked jacket in some dark corner, the bed being the only thing which was allowed to take over all his thoughts and will. 
 An awed gasp echoed behind him and he immediately regretted his move.
 Before his eyelashes closed, the shiny of the wand disappearing gradually as an ungodly amount of sleepiness gained complete control over his body, relaxing each one of his fibers and as a warm, magic good feeling fills every single cell in his being, Roman wondered if ‘Fuck it’ was the name of Remy’s spell.
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aftermathdb · 4 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Winter Soldier vs. Red Hood.
Our second Live-Action DEATH BATTLE, and we have a big one!
Winter Soldier′s Preview.
So, we open up on the usual commentary that these comic book superheroes get.
With Boomstick pointing out just how often the whole “Dead parents, strong sense of justice” trope has been used.
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It’s times like these that make you appreciate All Might for just wanting to help people.
But, as the hosts go on, Bucky… Eventually perished.
Or, so we thought. See, comic books… Actually yeah. Just that.
Bucky got resurrected as the Winter Soldier.
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He got equipped with all sorts of things, like all sorts of training, and the Infinity Formula, which gave him some extra boosts in most areas, and basically was a knockoff supersoldier serum.
Downside: all the brainwashing meant that he clashed with his old mentor, Captain America.
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After a bit of overview on how deadly he is, we go into an animated segment that talks about his arsenal.
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After emasculating Wiz on his robotic arm, they go over just how powerful the arm is.
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Unlike the movie version, which is made up of Vibranium, the canonical metal arm isn’t as impressive. But it’s still a powerful weapon. As mentioned earlier, it’s equipped with all sorts of additional weaponry, and is likely made up of a similar alloy as the Iron Man armor.
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As far as feats are concerned, they mostly cover who he’s fought, like Wolverine, Daredevil, Iron Man, and Captain America, of course.
But eventually, Cap used the Cosmic Cube to restore Bucky, and get him back on the side of the angels. The guy even took up the old Shield and Stripes when cap died for a time.
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Even still, Bucky’s road to redemption is a tough one, and is filled with self-doubt. But despite that, his sheer resilience makes him a hero in his own right.
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Red Hood′s Preview.
We open on a few notable sidekicks throughout history, such as Tails, Diddy Kong, Chewbacca, and Kazooie. After a bit of snark, we go to the classic, the original, the Boy Wonder: Robin. Dick Grayson.
But after their falling out, Batman needed a new sidekick.
Enter: Jason Todd, who was basically introduced to Bruce by trying to steal the tires off of the Batmobile.
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The kid had a rough life, so Bruce thought that training him to be Robin would put him on the right path.
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Unfortunately, as Boomstick put it, he was in a literal “Dick measuring contest” and didn’t live up to expectations. So, DC did something drastic. The fans had a choice:
Jason could live…
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or die.
As history has taught us, Jason ultimately perished…
And then Superboy Prime came along, punched reality, and brought him back to life.
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In the words of the great Boomstick “Take that, fanbase! Your contribution means nothing!”
Anyways, understandably pissed that the Joker was still alive, Jason decided to destroy Batman, in an attempt to prove that his merciful ways were more destructive than anything.
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(Sidenote: Why hasn’t Gotham done anything about Joker? Like, what?- Does that old Diplomatic Immunity that he has keep him from getting the electric chair or something?)
Regardless, the hosts go over Jason’s arsenal and skills. He obviously has his cowl that’s his main thing.
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On top of his usual guns, explosives, and knives, he also managed these… “All-Blades” to fight off the supernatural.
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He also uses the same Venom as Bane.
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After the typical joke of “Why is the Symbiote here?” and a jab at Wiz’s physique (or lack thereof) Wiz goes over the benefits, and the downsides of the steroid. Boomstick attempts to get superpowers by drinking it, but it’s something to inject, not consume. So… he barfs all over DUMMI.
Yeah, I kinda wish that it was a better segment.
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Regardless, with this drug, he’s fought off powerful monsters, torn through alien tendrils, and even broke free of Supergirl’s grip.
He’s survived numerous things, dodged bullets, and lived through a ritual called “The Cleansing”
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Be it because he was worthy, or because he was just plain stubborn, this proves that Jason is one tough SOB.
And they go over some impressive feats.
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Still, Jason eventually managed to mellow out, and even teamed up with Bats and the rest of the Batfamily.
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So, in the end, the best case scenario is that Red Hood has managed to land in that “Anti-Hero” sweetspot, and at worst, he’s a violent vigilante who takes the law into his own hands.
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The Battle Itself.
Ismahawk is doing this battle live. Winter Soldier will be portrayed by Tyler Tackett and Red Hood will be portrayed by Tim Neff. Red Winter by John Scigulinsky, and audio led by Chris Kokkinos.
So, we get a really interesting story here, one that I assume would be an Ismahawk reference- I’d have to check out more of their channel to confirm, but basically Bruce calls Jason accusing him of gunning down some members of the League of Assassins, only for Jason to 1: Deny that it’s him, and 2:
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Have some lunch.
Unfortunately, this is a DEATH BATTLE, and this season’s theme seems to be “This guy messed with my food, so I’m going to kill them” so Winter Soldier shows up.
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After a brief firefight, Red Hood manages to retreat, and Winter Soldier is confronted with a battle.
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After disarming his disarmed opponent, the two start doing some hand-to-hand, and they eventually take the fight to the kitchen.
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We eventually go into a knife fight, and it is glorious. Like, really awesome choreography.
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Anyways, Winter Soldier manages to get the Red Hood into a pickle, but the ex-Robin manages to push him off and disable his arm.
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Minor complaint: That is clearly a wingding. They could have at least stylized it a bit better to make it look more distinct from Nightwing’s.
Anyways, with this brief advantage, Red Hood manages to get Bucky on the ground, but Bucky fights back with the ONE THING JASON SHOULD HAVE LOOKED FOR AND THROWN AWAY THE MOMENT HE SAW IT:
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A Crowbar. Naturally, this causes some major strain on Jason’s psyche, and makes him lash out a lot more.
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Anyways, the Winter Soldier takes a moment to recover his arm, while Jason picks himself back up and goes for his last trick: Venom… The drug, not the Symbiote.
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And after roiding out, we get Winter Soldier’s only line in the actual fight:
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So, Jason starts beating around Bucky for a bit, even managing to bring him down to the floor.
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So, yeah.
Finishing blow in
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Verdict + Explanation.
Anyways, Wiz says the line of “This was an even match”
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And to his credit… Yeah. It really was.
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They were about even in all areas, and Jason’s only major advantage was stealth. But outside of that?- Bucky blew him out of the water.
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Yeah, Jason had training from monks, assassins, and Batman, but Bucky’s trained with commandos, assassins, and Captain America. He took experience easily.
And when it came down to defense, Jason was out of luck.
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A knife breaks when hitting the bionic arm, but the same attack cracks the Red Hood’s helmet. 
Jason also had no real ways of stopping the arm for good. He could disable it for a time, sure, but it wasn’t going down so easily.
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And as for breaking the grip from Supergirl?- Well, there’s a lot of context to that.
1: She wasn’t expecting the Venom. and
2: They weren’t fighting to begin with.
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There’s no way that the Venom could actually match a Kryptonian’s raw strength.
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Overall impression.
For the second Live-Action fight, I gotta say: That was awesome. I really did enjoy the lighting, and the choreography was really well-done.
I feel like there were some missed jokes here and there (For example, I would have enjoyed Boomstick making the comment of “Guess how I voted” when bringing up the vote to kill Jason), and the animated segment in Red Hood’s preview felt like it wasn’t informative enough. It was more of a joke that, in my opinion, fell flat.
As for easter eggs in the fight itself, like I said: I’d have to go back and try to find those for myself.
And the music felt a little muted. The first time I watched this, I was wondering if there was any music at all. Subsequent viewings does confirm this, but it really feels like the music was a bit muted.
And I gotta say: That Chekov’s Gun moment with Bucky’s actual gun was my favorite part.
Next Time…
Y’know, I’m glad we’re getting some Soul Eater and all, but…
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Couldn’t they have at least made it Agent Venom instead? Switch it up a little, like c’mon…
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
A duo two-on-two.
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
So I’m curious as to how Alison is with Five in your Responsible Luther AU. Has she had Claire? And does interacting with a younger Five prevent her from rumoring her daughter or is that still the same? And is she as maternal towards a younger brother since she herself is younger? I just absolutely love this entire AU!
(responsible luther au posts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven)
Claire exists! I headcanon her as being about six during canon because that allows her the four years that Luther knew of her existence plus some extra years because I didn’t think she was four in that flashback at all SO because the responsible luther au takes place four years before canon…
Claire is in her terrible twos!! Allison is married and Exhausted and is now in contact with the squad a la skype/facetime, partially because Five absolutely insists and partially because Allison feels lowkey guilty about cutting everyone out of her life when she left home
the main difference between canon and au here is that Allison has a support network
She gets on skype and can vent and complain and ask for advice in a way that she can’t ask anyone else because her siblings know her, know her circumstances, and most importantly know her powers
I sincerely doubt that Allison confided in Patrick (their marriage had issues) and I doubt she breathed a word about her child soldier childhood with her actress friends and Allison was so very desperate to put it all behind, to be normal, that she was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. She felt like a failure constantly because she couldn’t handle an infant child, a job that is stressful for the best of people, and she didn’t know how to ask for help or advice and what knowledge she had to draw upon of disciplining a child made rumoring sound like a merciful option tbh
but the point is that Allison gets online and calls up the family and she has people who understand that her first reaction to most things is a violent one because violence was drilled into her bones, into their bones
so when Allison complains, the squad understand and are willing to brainstorm solutions that don’t involve violence OR rumoring, because Allison would absolutely admit her desperation or admit to rumoring her daughter into not crying or silencing a tantrum and all that, and, most importantly, she has people who would tell her no while understanding why she would jump to it
there’s no judgement (well only a tiny bit) but she’s talking with the people who remember her rumoring them to do really stupid and petty shit when they were kids. Diego still has the scar on his arm after the incident where Allison’s magazines went mysteriously missing that no one speaks about since Allison still gets that slightly crazy look in her eyes when it’s brought up (it was actually Klaus’s fault but Diego will deny it to his grave due to a very particular piece of blackmail between the duo)
Luther and Allison get close because Luther’s basically raising Five right now so they both compare notes on child rearing. Like yeah, there’s some differences but actually Allison’s advice on how to help your child sleep all the way through the night/soothe them back to sleep is alarmingly applicable with a traumatized Five who frequently wakes up not knowing where he is and thinking he’s either back in the apocalypse or locked up in their childhood home. And Luther’s advice on how to deal with a picky eater is pretty applicable to baby Claire, though admittedly Five’s wariness of certain foods which spoil quickly is fairly justified (Five still accuses raspberries of going moldy overnight which I mean. Luther can’t exactly argue with because he takes his eyes off the fridge for two seconds and suddenly the berries are fuzzy)
Klaus is somehow?? A baby whisperer? Small children absolutely ADORE him (Diego says it’s because he’s a child himself and Klaus always shoots back about being young at heart) so Claire can be a sobbing mess and Allison will facetime Klaus and then suddenly Claire is cooing at the phone and babbling about her latest imaginative story she made up while Klaus offers up critiques and suggestions for even cooler ideas and characters while Allison is gently irritated that Klaus can get Claire to stop crying faster than she can (but then again she’s also just relieved)
Patrick also chats with the whole squad now that Allison is actually back in contact with the family. Him and Klaus get along well, Patrick laughs at Klaus’s jokes and comments, though Patrick has already solemnly informed them all that if it comes down to it he’s legally obligated to take his wife’s side in every argument which they all respect
Allison IS maternal towards Five, but I mean,,, all of them are protective over their smallest and youngest sibling even though Five rolls his eyes and bristles under it half the time. Five survived the apocalypse! He survived thirteen years under Reginald’s regime! Honestly Five’s mood towards his siblings general being-older-ness is somewhat mercurial - sometimes he’s perfectly fine with it and even seeks it out and other times he absolutely rejects it and gets as prickly as a hedgehog
but for the most part Five is the one prodding everyone to call Allison and being absolutely draconian about everyone sitting down for family time because so help him god he spent months trying to get back here after finding his family’s dead bodies and dealing with THAT he’s very insistent on keeping an eye of everyone’s whereabouts and health (especially Vanya’s because he never did find her body)
honestly talking to Five actually helps Allison with Claire a lot because Five literally tells Allison to ask Claire things. Why is she crying? What upset her? Why did that thing upset up? What can be done to make it not be upsetting?
Claire adores Five because he takes her very seriously whenever he chats with her. He asks her very seriously about the status of some of her stuffed animals while she giggles into her hands. Five is willing to patiently wait while Claire introduces him to every single one of her toys, and he is also willing to memorize every single name given to him. 
Allison gets therapy!! Mainly because Five is in therapy, and Luther is in therapy, and Klaus is in therapy, and Vanya is in therapy, and they’re all trying to convince Diego to also get therapy (he’s actually seeing someone but hasn’t told the rest of them because he likes being a difficult son of a bitch) and so everyone is gently confronting their child soldier childhood and the shit they went through so Allison gets to go to therapy as well
and Allison gets to learn some communication skills and is encouraged to talk with Patrick so their marriage doesn’t break down the way it does it canon (though I dunno I still think they probably get divorced but more of an amicable one)
Allison probably does fly down at some point, probably after a few gentle kidnapping attempts a la Reginald/Hazel/Cha-Cha who are after Five, leaving Claire in Patrick’s very capable hands (they facetime twice a day so that Allison can see Claire, though Claire is sulky the entire time because a, her mother is gone and b, SHE wanted to go visit all her cool uncles and aunt as well heck)
Allison, showing up: oh, oh no. i’m going to get everyone a new wardrobe what do you have my baby brother wearing? 
Luther: j,,jeans? t-shirts? regular people clothes? 
Allison: are these from walmart? don’t answer that. everyone is getting a new wardrobe consider it payback for all the missed birthdays and christmas gifts from when I, you know
Klaus: cut us out of your life like yesterday’s trash?
Luther: KLAUS
Klaus: hey man you can keep your grease monkey shirts to yourself I for one and THRILLED to go shopping on Allison’s dime
Five: can i get a hat? I had a hat in the apocalypse and i was fond of it
aww now I want to write a scene where Allison shows up but this is already getting to be a really long post hmm
is that going to stop me though?? probably not
So Allison arrives at the door with her bags after a long day at the airport (she’d told Patrick five times that you only had to be there three hours before for international flights but he could be such a worrywart) and knocks a quick ‘shave and a haircut’ tune just like she always did as a kid. 
Immediately the door flies open and there’s a breathless looking Five who clearly jumped to the door to get their first and he’s got a smile on his face and yeah, she’s seen him through a screen with great frequency but it’s not the same as seeing him in person. Folding him into a hug is the easiest thing in the world. He’s so little, and skinny. Even skinnier than she remembered him being, and Five had always been a boney little shit with sharp elbows and a willingness to use them. 
“I like your hair.” He tells her, hands fisted in the back of her shirt. He’s told her that about once a day since she let Claire pick out a color and she ended up with purple hair.
She looks up and meets Luther’s eye where he’s wiping his hands on a towel and making a face that says there is probably more to this love of her hair color than meets the eye.
(”He saw us dead.” Luther tells her, later, when the rest of the house is asleep on the couches while one of Allison’s movies plays softly. “Your hair… it wasn’t purple, when you died. It makes him feel safer. He shredded Klaus’s favorite coat right after he moved in as well, almost caused world war three.”
Allison presses her hand to her mouth, feeling tears gather at the corners of her eyes as she looks over her shoulder in the direction of the teen draped across Klaus with a dog drooling on them both. He looks so carefree and innocent in his sleep, it’s so easy to forget what he’s been through. What they’ve all been though.)
“Allison!” The cheerful greeting heralds the arrival of Klaus who stumbles out of the kitchen, mouth half full of a cookie. Freshly baked, from the smell wafting around the house. It’s easy for Klaus to brush past Luther and wrap his arms around both her and Five, swaying them side to side and making Allison giggle as he lays an exaggerated kiss on her cheek with a loud “Mwah!”
“Okay okay,” Allison says, prying both of them off of her so she can fully come in the door with her suitcase.
“Let me take that for you.” Luther says, coming forward and grabbing it out of her hands. He looks good, more relaxed that Allison has seen him in years. He reaches out to ruffle Five’s hair in an affectionate gesture familiar between the two, “And why don’t you go grab our sister a cookie before Klaus manages to eat them all.”
“You’re sleeping in Klaus’s room.” Five informs her, smile quirking his lips up. The reason for the mischief on his face is quickly explained by the outraged squawk that emerges from Klaus’s mouth.
“You can’t expect Allison to sleep on the couch.” Luther throws over his shoulder as he’s already heading deeper into the house.
“I’d be fine with the couch.” Allison shrugs, half because she actually was and half to stir up shit because that’s just what their family is like. 
(It used to be if they weren’t in their rooms for bedtime, they would be locked out - because of course their rooms locked on the outside and not the inside, like in normal houses. Allison spent more than one night sleeping on the hardwood floor outside of her door, knowing that to be caught sleeping on one of the couches or other soft surfaces in the mansion was to invite further punishment.)
“We aren’t making our guest sleep on the couch!” Luther calls, out of sight.
“Diego sleeps on the couch!” Klaus hollers right back in outrage.
Five tugs on Allison’s arm, “Allison! Allison come on! You have to meet Mr. Pennycrumb.”
“I’ve already met him.” Allison informs her brother, because she has. Over the phone. Luther and Klaus are still yelling at one another, but it’s in a way that everyone knows that Klaus is going to end up sleeping on the couch.
“That doesn’t count.” Five insists, tugging on her arm again. Allison allows herself to be towed towards the kitchen where there is a half eaten tray of cookies on the counter, and a dog that looks like the very picture of patience laying in a dog bed in the corner. At their entrance, Mr. Pennycrumb raises his head and gives a few thumps of his tail but doesn’t get up until Five makes a ‘come on’ gesture with a hand.
Immediately the dog is at their feet, and Five’s hand is clamped around Allison’s wrist and offering her hand for said dog to sniff. “Mr. Pennycrumb,” He says, with great gravity, “This is my sister, Allison. Allison, this is Mr. Pennycrumb.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Pennycrumb.” Allison says with equal gravity. Mr. Pennycrumb finishes sniffing her hand and immediately sits and puts one paw in her hand. Allison, never one to be caught off guard, gives it a firm shake. At least having a toddler prepared her for this - this exchange actually reminds her of introductions to some of her daughter’s stuffed animals. Though she is never going to inform Five of this fact.
Five, for his part, looks exceptionally pleased that the two of them are getting along. 
There’s a new argument echoing through the house, which from a quick listen reveals that it’s because of the state of Klaus’s room. Which, thinking back to their childhood, Allison is not so surprised. Though it seems to be only about clothes on the floor, which is far neater than their youth where scorch marks were commonplace. Klaus had been quite the little pyromaniac.
“Where’s the rest of the motley crew?” Allison asks, straightening up and swiping a cookie from the tray on the counter. It’s still warm, with gooey chocolate. Allison doesn’t even hesitate to pick up two more. Self preservation, really. 
“Ben’s probably with Klaus.” Five says, shrugging, apparently not even realizing that Allison is choking on her mouthful of cookie. No matter how many times she heard about their deceased brother being an active member of the family thanks to Klaus, it never got any more bizarre to her. “Diego should be here before midnight, maybe? He’s never on time for anything. And Vanya’s gonna swing by after practice but she can’t stay ‘cause she’s got a lesson with the Brat early in the morning.”
“The brat?” Allison asks, already amused.
“The brat.” Five confirms with a nod, “Vanya says she won’t tell me a name ‘cause of teacher-student privilege but she’s awful. Thinks she’s the next coming of - of - of whoever is a famous violinist except for Vanya I dunno.”
Allison elects to not inform her younger brother that teacher-student privilege isn’t actually a thing. It’s probably safer for whatever young girl happens to be both spoiled and have the luck of being taught music by Vanya Hargreeves.
“You know, you calling someone a brat is a little like the pot calling the kettle black.” Allison informs her brother with a smile, scrunching up her nose and pulling a face at him. He makes one right back, and it’s so familiar that it feels like she’s being punched in the chest for a moment. 
She’s known that Five is back for months, that he’s alive for months, but it’s not the same as him being there. Solid and real. He’s skinnier, cheeks more hollow and eyes more haunted. His hair is a bit longer than she remembers, though reportedly not as long as it had been when Five had made it back.
They’d never been close, her and Five. Not like he’d been with Vanya, with Ben, with the kids lower on the totem pole than Allison had ever been. Oh, their father hadn’t liked her, but she’d completed every task he set before her with ruthless efficiency and she was rarely punished. Too good at gaming the system. She’d only ever been close with Luther, too busy to deal with the others on a regular basis. But there had been times regardless where they’d all been together, as a family. 
Five had been a firecracker of a kid, always explosive where Allison preferred to skirt around the rules, bending but not breaking. They both liked the spotlight, though Five had never seemed to begrudge her for her own time shining. She’d thought he was such an arrogant brat, but he was still her brother.
It’s different now, seeing mischief light up his face. Back then she would have rolled her eyes, felt irritated, maybe even tried to rumor him into being quiet for once (though he’d gotten alarmingly good at telling when she was about to speak a rumor over the years, and gotten even better at jumping away before she could get a word out). Now though, now she just felt affectionate nostalgia. Maybe it was because she was older, she was an adult looking into the face of a child who she knew had never gotten a real childhood. It was almost a relief that Five’s spark had never managed to be stamped out. 
“Hey,” Five interrupts her thoughts. He’s on the floor, rolling Mr. Pennycrumb’s head between his hands thoughtfully, “Can we watch your movies? I’ve seen a couple but Luther and Klaus are always super weird about it.”
Allison’s mind scrolls through some of her more risque movies with scenes that she would much rather none of her siblings ever witness, especially her thirteen-year-old sibling. Or thirteen-year-olds in general, truthfully. “Uh,” She starts, but is thankfully interrupted by Klaus gliding into the kitchen to sweep up three more of the cookies, pouting while he does so.
“I,” Klaus pauses, bringing a hand up to gesture dramatically, cookie still gripped and sprinkling crumbs, “Have graciously decided to allow you to use my room - ”
“Technically it’s my room.” Five interrupts.
“You gave it to me!” Klaus rebuffs. It sounds like this is an old argument between the two, “You can’t just take back a gift! That makes it my room! You’re such a little brat - ”
The argument continues and Allison eases herself back to lean against the counters and watch as her two brothers snipe back and forth at one another with a smile. It’s the kind of controlled chaos that she’s almost used to. She can’t help the smile across her face. Even though she misses Claire like nothing she’s ever felt, that hurt is soothed just a little bit by being around these losers again.
Despite everything, she missed them. All of them.
It’s good to be back.
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selfshipstuff · 4 years
💡 give me all the fandoms ~Audrey
ARROWVERSE (The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl)
In all Arrowverse AUs, my SI is a metahuman from Earth-1 with energy-based powers. I primarily exercise control over electricity, movement, and gravity, but with practice I could probably expand my repertoire to include light, heat, elasticity, radioactivity, sound-- all sorts of things. During my time on Teams Flash and Arrow, I go by the moniker Switchboard, and then in my Team Arson AU, Lonnie and Astra (@astralshipper) call me Sparks. 
In The Flash, my primary f/o is Cisco Ramon, and we have that best friends to lovers thing going on. I also love Becky Sharpe, although I don’t talk about her much! She’s girlfren, and I’m poly with the two of them in my Flash-centric Arrowverse AU-- she’s not dead, hush, I save her life and canon can eat my entire ass tbh.
I don’t have a romantic f/o on Arrow, but John Diggle is like a brother to me. I don’t have an AU that focuses solely on Team Arrow, because it’s not a primary thing for me, but when I’m on the team, it’s because I’m taking a break from Team Flash.
In my Supergirl-centric AU, instead of joining Team Arrow after leaving Team Flash, I actually use some of Cisco’s tech to hop on over to Earth-38 to make a new life for myself. Eventually, I end up helping out Team Supergirl, because once you start superheroing it’s not really something that has an off switch, and that’s how I meet Winn Schott. He and I click almost immediately and we have a best friends to lovers type thing similar to what Cisco and I had. I also have a small crush on both Lena Luthor and Mon-El, but I haven’t decided if I’m gonna do anything about it yet.
Finally, there’s the Team Arson AU, which isn’t really based on any of the shows in particular, but rather on one of the villains of Arrow: specifically, Lonnie Machin. This AU starts after I leave Team Arrow because of Oliver, John, and Felicity’s actions toward the newer team members; incensed by the hypocrisy of my fellow heroes, I run into Astra (@astralshipper) and Lonnie, who have turned into sort of an anti-hero team, and I join forces with them. This sometimes leads to problems when my ex-teammates come after us, but we handle it.
And last but not least, I actually forgot to mention, but there is an offshoot AU of the Team Arson storyline; it doesn’t have a catchy name, so I just call it the Team Arson and Michael AU, because it’s essentially the same thing as the regular Team Arson one except it incorporates Michael Collins from The Uniques as a new hero. In this AU, I eventually leave Team Arson to form a power-couple duo with Michael and go back to being a hero, mostly.
Not totally sure what my whole deal is going to be here, but I’m definitely an airbender. I know in canon they’re wiped out, but I’m just saying, there could definitely be a few in hiding; who’s to say all of them were at the air temples when the Fire Nation attacked? The air nomads were a highly mobile people, so yeah, while those were the hubs of activity, I don’t see it being where every single one of them would’ve been. 
Anyway, I don’t have a romantic f/o in this series, but the Gaang in general is just a little family I’d like to be a part of. In particular, Aang has little brother vibes, and I’m definitely gonna take him under my wing; I think it would be good for him to have another airbender around, and it would be cool to see how a traditional air nomad would interact with one whose views and values have been shaped by a century of other cultures dominating the world. It’s definitely sad, because cultural loss is a huge part of genocide, but it would be neat to see how the surviving families passed down that culture and mixed it with that of the world around them. Like, it would be a little bit of home for Aang, but also sort of like... a hope for something new, I guess? I dunno, I’m spitballing here
My SI timeline isn't the most well-defined for this one yet, but one thing I've decided on is that I pretty much end up adopting, fostering, and taking in kids that need help. Currently, it's sort of just... been the kids that are victimized during the team's cases, but that's a byproduct of the source material rather than a conscious decision.
In Criminal Minds, I ship with Spencer Reid and Emily Prentiss, who are my boyfriend and girlfriend, respectively; we’re poly, but they’re not dating each other. They are queerplatonic, though! Fun fact, I’ve adopted Hotch and Rossi as my dads; Hotch is the primary father figure, and Rossi was kind of like, uncle vibes? Until I realized how much romantic tension there is between the two of them, and now he’s like, stepdad. Hotch already sees Spencer as a son, and he’s close with Emily, so this works out really well.  
In EAH, I’m the eldest child of the White Rabbit-- yes, the one you know from the story of Alice in Wonderland. (Don’t ask how that works, because I don’t know.) Anyway, I was born and raised in Wonderland, along with my younger sister, Bunny. (Yes, her name is Bunny Rabbit.) Things were alright until sometime in my early teens when the Evil Queen tried to basically destroy the world of wonder; it was crazy and chaotic, and very few Wonderland folk managed to escape to Ever After before the Brothers Grimm closed the portals between the two worlds. I was among the handful that escaped: my sister, father, and friends were not. I was all alone in an unfamiliar world, and man, was that scary. Luckily, I was still school-aged, so it was easy enough to get a place to stay at the Grimms’ school-- Ever After High. 
I’ve got crushes on Raven Queen, Alistair Wonderland, Dexter Charming, Chase Redford, Northwind, and Cedar Wood, but no established romance.
Okay, so there are a few different timelines and AUs for this franchise. We’ll start with the most established one. Obviously, I’ve got the obligatory AU where I’m there for everything from the very beginning, but there’s also one I thought of back in middle school which goes something like this: I’m newly orphaned, so I’ve been sent to live with a relative in the UK. It’s the year of the Quidditch World Cup, not that I know anything about it, because my parents were Muggles and so is the great-aunt-twice-removed or whomever it is I now live with. I’m out for a walk, trying to clear my head and familiarize myself with the new neighborhood; out the back of the house, there’s a forest in the distance, hills, and marshland which seem suitably spooky and melancholy for my mood, so I head out exploring that way. After a while, I hear noise, like celebration and shouting, so I head over to check it out and stumble across the tent-grounds for the World Cup. 
Obviously, it’s a lot to take in at once, because it’s clearly magic-- but I’ve always believed in magic, in a sense. So I just grin and start exploring, getting friendly with the kids my age in the area, lie to the adults when they ask where my parents are (”oh, our tent is over there”) and nobody even thinks twice about my accent because people from all over the world are here for the event. Of course, I’m only 15, and eventually I run into one of the people who actually coordinates the grounds, so I’m found out fairly easily; cut to me being interrogated and scared half to death by the magical authorities before who else but Dumbledore swoops in and quietly talks to them. It’s a lot, and it’s too quiet for me to hear all of it, but I manage to take away something about me obviously being magic if I found the place-- and then suddenly, this old man is offering his hand and escorting me out, telling me about a whole other world I didn’t know I could be a part of. 
I do go to Hogwarts, and I have to do a LOT of remedial studying to catch up to the other students, but it helps that I love to read about magic and studying over the summer isn’t a problem. 
In some AUs, I’m poly with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley; in others, I’m with Fred and George Weasley. Sirius Black ends up taking me under his wing along with Harry, and he doesn’t die in my canon-- neither does Fred, Remus Lupin, or Tonks.
I also have a pretty big crush on Newt Scamander from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, but I haven’t got my AU timeline figured out for him yet.
Agents of SHIELD: This show is a separate AU from my other Marvel stories, but I have the same energy powers as usual. Basically, I’m an Inhuman on SHIELD’s watchlist for a long time, even before they know what Inhumans are; unlike some of the other individuals on the list, I’m friendly, cooperative. I consult on cases from time to time, mostly as needed until Phil Coulson starts putting together his dream team: that’s when he reaches out to me, asks me to be a permanent consultant to his team. I’m sort of hesitant, because permanence is restrictive when it comes to organizations like his, but I agree on my own terms. I find myself fitting in and warming up to the team more than I thought I would, and I even find myself crushing on Fitz and-- to a lesser extent-- Skye. When she gets her powers, it’s frickin’ neat as hell, but I end up fighting with the team for treating her so poorly afterward. 
Spider-Man (Tom Holland): Originally, I’m not even in New York, but rent in our area is going up, and the frequency with which certain areas in NY get destroyed leads to their rent actually being more appealing in an attempt to get people to move back. So, with everything going on, my family weighs their options and we move. It’s the end of summer when we get there, and it’s a different school district, so they make me take all sorts of tests to see where I’ll best fit in-- eventually, they put me into some prestigious school my parents are thrilled about and which I’ve never heard of. Of course, I’m much more thrilled after the first week or so: the classes are more engaging, and the students seem to know their stuff. Other than the classist rich kids, it’s paradise for nerds! And that’s before I develop a crush on a classmate (Peter Parker) and start paying attention to news about a local superhero. Around this time is when my powers start to show themselves; sparks fly, literally, and I find myself getting done with things faster than anyone else. It all comes to a head when, on my way home from school, someone falls from the upper floor of a building and I somehow manage to slow their fall so they land safely. Thoroughly freaked out, I start experimenting with my powers, seeing what I can do-- eventually, I put together my own suit and start helping out the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. (We end up dating out of costume.)
So, in the ML universe, I’m an American exchange student in Paris, and I end up figuring out the identities of the local heroes fairly quickly, which leads me to help out in the crises a lot more. After a while of this, Master Fu decides to gift me with the Mouse Miraculous, which has a different power than in canon, because I developed this before the debut of Kwami Buster and honestly I kind of think Multimouse has a stupid power? Anyway, as Souris Gris, I have the power of stealth. I realize pretty quickly that my accent is gonna be an easy identifier, so I take up Langue des Signes (French Sign Language, or LSF) to use while transformed-- as a bonus, it adds to the stealth thing. Meanwhile, as my civilian self, I’m still adjusting to using conversational and situational French 24/7.
Adrien Agreste (also known as Chat Noir) is my primary f/o from this, but there’s also an AU where we’re poly with Marinette Dupain-Cheng (also known as Ladybug), who we’re both dating. 
Okay, in the past with this one I’ve 100% focused on the romance, so I’m gonna make something up on the spot. I still would’ve been born to a lower middle-class family in Midwestern America-- flyover country-- but at some point in my youth, a family member wins the lottery-- literally, and not just as a figure of speech. It’s a big one, and instead of spending it, they invest; as I grow up, things start to look up for us. I’m a creative kid, and I’m bugging my parents to let me design and make my own books, games, and toys. Eventually, they cave, and that’s the story of how I become a “self-made” millionaire. 
At first, the products only really sell in North America, until a knock-off line comes out in Japan, and we release them there to curb the competition. The sales skyrocket in the Japanese isles and surrounding countries, so sometime in my preteens, my family moves to Japan to better oversee the majority of the business. After a lot of private tutoring and language classes, I beg my parents to let me go to a real school. Now, my parents, who are quickly becoming the snooty rich folks they used to curse, take some convincing, but we finally agree as long as they choose the school, which is how I end up enrolled at Ouran Academy. 
I eventually find myself meeting the host club and befriending them, which... also leads to me dating Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, the notorious twins. We’re all lowkey crushing on Haruhi, but none of us do anything about it. 
I still haven’t decided how I end up on the team to begin with, but I do know that my powers are pretty much the same in The Uniques as they are in the Arrowverse. (This is mostly because that’s my default when it comes to superpowers. Energy powers are frickin’ neat, okay?) Again, they primarily cover electricity, movement, and gravity, but in this universe I also have a little more experience bending light and manipulating heat. 
One of my f/os from this is also mentioned in the Arrowverse section because of an AU, and that’s Michael Collins. He and Scout are my boyfriends, and they’re best buds. The rest of the team (the New Guard) are our best friends, so they’re platonic f/os.
WALKYVERSE (It’s Walky!, Shortpacked!)
Technically, the Walkyverse also includes Roomies!, which comes before It’s Walky! sequentially, but I don’t even really think about that part of the comic tbh. Basically, I’m an alien abductee, so I have powers-- neat!-- and I’m an agent of SEMME-- less neat. We’re a secret government agency fighting a hostile race of aliens known only as “aliens”, which I guess are separate from other extraterrestrial races because Martians are specified as a separate race within the comic...? Anyway. I’m a SEMME agent, and I have enhanced abilities like super-strength due to my status as an abductee. Originally, I was a part of a different squad, but a mission went south, leaving me as the only surviving member. 
By the time the retrieval unit showed up, most of my teammates were already dead, and I was just barely holding up a fallen building which would have crushed me had I let go. Upon my return to SEMME HQ, I was asked to wait outside an office for a moment while the Big Boss and some poor agent tasked with debriefing him duked it out behind the closed doors. There were whispers about me, being the sole survivor of my unit and having held up a building, and people had their suspicions, but it didn’t matter. The fact was that I was the only agent that had made it through a suicide mission, which is a feat in and of itself, disregarding the valuable intel I had gathered; Big Boss eventually reassigned me to Squad 128, the most infamously effective team on payroll, and sent me off to get checked out by medical. 
My main f/o in Walkyverse is Mike Warner, a fellow SEMME agent and abductee. I’m also FWB with the titular character before he gets married-- David Walkerton (Walky)-- and Marcie. 
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truthisgoldenau · 4 years
Happy Ending AU
So let's start the expanded lore alternate AU posts with admittedly the most mundane one but also the best guilty pleasure one.
I called it a branch AU on the short post and that's because I go by the theory that there are certain points within the AU where if a single thing went differently it would have entirely different outcomes. One such moment is in regards to the argument that caused the downfall of the 80s Freddy's.
In the Happy Ending AU, the conversation between Pierce and Fred in August of 1987 goes a bit differently than the argument that happens in the main timeline.
Everything's still the same. Pierce was out sick with the flu (let's be real, with his constant lack of sleep/overworking habits and a general disregard for his own health his immune system was just like 'okay you're about to have a real tough time with this'), Fred was still on leave because his twins were just born, and the health/safety inspector that came around was still a no-nonsense woman who had never been sent before. Foxy's still declared dangerous.
In the main AU, Fred comes in specifically to tell Pierce about Foxy with his own ideas of what the plan is and due to exhaustion from recently becoming a father and knowing Pierce is going to take the news badly, he's on guard the whole time and both of them end up saying things that escalate the situation.
In the Happy Ending AU, Fred's still exhausted and on guard but instead of getting frustrated when Pierce suggests he can have revamped Foxy plans prepared in advance so that the time Foxy is decommissioned is shorter, Fred doesn't immediately tell him to basically shut up and do as he says and only worry about Spring Bonnie.
Instead he asks how long it'd take to come up with some workable replacements for the too sharp teeth and hook on Foxy and Pierce tells him he could have a rough idea in a month or two because he's gotta test out what could still be construed as too dangerous himself. Remember these are moving machines Fred, all the motion sensors and gadgets in the world won't do shit if they fall or something.
Fred tells him to work on the plans but to not let it take up all his time since he's still got Spring Bonnie to work on. Then he asks how long it'll take to get Spring Bonnie up and running because it's been a long while and Pierce has been working on it like crazy.
"Maybe by the end of the year, but that's if I keep up with all the rest of the animatronics enough to give me time to work on Spring. If they break in a complicated way or if we have issues with programming it'll cut into that time the way it's been doing. How's the search for another mechanic coming?"
"I can't find anyone. I'm doing my best."
"Yeah. Figured. This might be a longshot but the guy who runs the repair shop I take my bike to has a nephew who's apparently got an eye for electronics. Name's Fritz Smith I think. He was telling me about him last time I was there, I think trying to see if he could get the name out there."
"... I'll look into that."
So yeah, the talk ends amicably and with an actual plan, not just spiteful resentment and stress the way it does in the main story. Fritz Smith, at the time barely out of high school, gets an interview at Freddy's based on the offhand mention of his uncle and gets hired in a trial basis and ends up working part time while still in college. It works out well because remember, the reason Fritz was stressed in the main AU is because Fred was constantly on his case about the failing animatronics and having no assistance to figure out the upgrades left by a mechanic he couldn't contact.
Pierce still is the only one working on Spring Bonnie but once Fritz gets the hang of the different daily maintenance checks and small fixes here and there, Pierce has more time to figure out the last remaining issues with Spring Bonnie and by the middle of January 1988, the diner duo is back in action at Freddy's. The only difference being that they never got the actual gold suit bit fixed because Pierce got the idea that it could be implemented as a story element (he's back, he was hurt for a long time, but he's here now and both old and new characters love him). Fred loved the idea and let him go with it, and with Fritz's help the programming of the diner duo return show was executed flawlessly.
Foxy, who was taken offstage after Finn's sixth birthday party (which went perfectly and no one got hurt), returns in early February of '88 after Fred and Pierce are able to show off Foxy with non-dangerous teeth and hook and prove that unless there were an act of God Foxy couldn't hurt a fly.
In late 1989 for the five year anniversary of this location, the First Mate Finn animatronic used as Foxy's sidekick for the special April Fools' Day show beginning in '87 is made an official part of the lineup.
In '91 an extra security guard (Mike Schmidt) is hired on due to the popularity of Freddy's increasing; talks about finding a larger location are serious.
By the twins 6th birthday in '93, Freddy's has moved to a larger building with more variance in shows. Despite now being 11/12, Finn and Marian are still some of the most well known regulars at Freddy's. Finn has also developed an interest in the animatronics and how they work and both Freddy's mechanics know this well.
There's still tragedy. Maddie Fazbear still is diagnosed with cancer in 1996.
In 1997, Pierce's dad Henry still passes suddenly from a previously unknown heart condition, and with Pierce still around to convince, his mom Jamie tells him he needs to keep up with that kind of check since he lost his dad and grandpa that way. Pierce gets lucky and manages to avoid a problem with this advice. (so how'd he survive in the main au if he wasn't keeping up with this stuff well that's something to be explained later 😎)
Maddie Fazbear still passes away in 1998, even with everything that medicine at the time can do. The family is heartbroken of course- not just immediate family but so many of the people who even just knew of her.
Every year following on her birthday the diner duo play her favorite show song from the original Fredbear's, and every year Fred's still surprised it can hurt that much.
Finn's mom still shows the signs of early onset Alzheimer's beginning in the mid 90s. However, since Finn was never bitten by Foxy, his dad isn't stressed to a point of unawareness due to having both a son who can't remember and a wife beginning to lose her memory and avoids the car crash that would have killed both Patrick and Katherine O'Malley. Finn gets to stay with both his parents which is good, because by 1998 him and Marian (at the time 17/going on 17) have started dating.
By the early 2000s, Finn has started apprenticing at Freddy's to learn how to fix the animatronics because that's his dream. Finn picks it up surprisingly fast, and Fritz, who's been looking for a way to duck out without causing issues, takes this time to respectfully leave Freddy's. He wants to go do his own thing, really, and well, him and longtime boyfriend Mike Schmidt really want to know what the world outside of Spring Valley can bring.
In the mid 2000s, Freddy Jr, now in high school, keeps trying to get a band together. The only kid who shows interest is this kid who Frankie knows from his math class that's called Bonnie. Freddy's skeptical, but Bonnie absolutely kills a guitar solo, and frankly, Freddy's heart is stolen from that moment on, even if he won't say it.
On July 23rd 2005, Fred Fazbear Sr is safe at home with his boys for a monster movie night and doesn't wind up in the accident that takes his life in the main storyline.
Marian and Finn get married in 2007 after dating for over a decade. Everyone's mood is "it's about goddamn time". It's one of the happiest fucking weddings that Spring Valley has ever seen though, that's for sure.
And after that, it's just the rest of the happily ever afters.
Somehow, over all those years, the employees at Freddy's wonder how Pierce was ever the intolerable jackass he's known for being when by the 2010s he's just known as the company grouch.
And Fred never misses a beat with being the best he can be. If anything, he throws more into making Freddy's perfect for families after he loses Maddie since all she ever did was encourage it. She may not have been a constant in the building, but without her love and support, well, what would Freddy's be but a hollow attempt and plea for attention?
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johnny-writes · 6 years
List of muses
This is a cheat sheet of all the muses available on this blog, and it’s also a summary if you want to interact. My fandomless OCs have no verses besides the “standard” (and any verse is a variation of it), talk to me if you want to create one. Most of my main muses have their own separate pages, so if you want more details about them, click on their names.
Active muses
Marcos Grzbowski - OC, thinks he’s smart, Duning-Krüger hasn’t been nice to him, emotional guy disguised as a rational one, the “meta-guy” Rebecca Z. Mishko - OC, awkward girl, stutters, loyal like heck, rational girl disguised as an emotional one, could be a queen bee in an alternate timeline Talyna - OC, not an actual vampire, an alien that looks like a vampire, wants to go home Marya - OC, sassy fairy, travels a lot, dying is no big deal, a sun that never sets, secretively the worst tsundere ever Eagle - Ace Combat Zero/OC (gijinka of Pixy’s F-15), has a scary face, actually socially awkward, can fly and kill you in 13 different ways, tries to make friends Mara and Tojava - OC, they are as night and day, oil and water, two sides of the same coin, and yet are the same
Archive of muses
I used to play these muses. They are still open for PLOTTED threads and QUICK interactions, like one off asks and RPs with less than 10 turns.
Lumi - Vocaloid, jellyfish goddess or android with a peculiar design, either way she’s clumsy, believes too much her stories Mayu - Vocaloid, is processing 108 ways to kill you per second, actually cares for her family, yandere for fun, that rabbit is a cyborg Yohioloid - Vocaloid, depressed genius, sabotages himself frequently, needs a slap from himself Maika - Vocaloid, preciosa, can’t get sad, that can be a problem Anon - Vocaloid, shy, stays at home, Smash champion Kanon - Vocaloid, extroverted, has a job, fears she’s stunting her sister Cubi - Vocaloid, infernal creature, what was Hio thinking, tries to light him up IA - Vocaloid, cinnamon roll, can befriend Mayu Gumi - Vocaloid, romantic, can’t understand her feelings Yukari Yuzuki - Vocaloid, edgy to the circuits, cares only for IA Lily - Vocaloid, issues orders, actually a good boss, just wants a break, needs to smile Tone Rion - Vocaloid, nurse, overworked, secretly has a talent for being an idol, hates it Lapis Aoki - Vocaloid, cinnamon roll, forgetful Merli - Vocaloid, aloof, there’s a reason for that Yan He - Vocaloid, was a mistake, doesn’t care (cares a lot), please hug her Padparadscha - Houseki no Kuni, manliest rock ever, nice hair, will be your big brother, can destroy others if requested, wants to die Alexandrite - Houseki no Kuni, nerd (nerd), overbearing teacher, goes berserk, champion of self-control Rutile - Houseki no Kuni, a doctor better than the one below, hopelessly in love with Padpa (again, who doesn’t?), might be a yandere Obsidian - Houseki no Kuni, weaponsmith, behaves like a valley girl, cheerful, just don’t mess with their swords Yellow Diamond - Houseki no Kuni, smiling, depressed, survivor’s guilt, old Presea - Tales of Symphonia, a girl trying to understand what the heck happened to her, be nice with her Kazuma Satou - Konosuba, the worst hero ever, wants to be a NEET, has to get involved in wild adventures instead, wants to dump his teammates, returns to them in a co-dependency relationship Darkness - Konosuba, masochist, looks pure, is anything but, but can actually be, cares about her duty Megumin - Konosuba, chuuni, likes explosions, has a hot temper, cares a lot for her teammates Aqua - Konosuba, useless goddess, good party tricks, not very smart Mitsurugi Kyouya - Konosuba, thinks he’s the hero (spoiler: he’s not), well-intentioned, but a goddamn (in the most literal way) imbecile, thinks the world revolves around him, but he’s too imbecile to realize Izumi Makino - Konosuba/OC, Kazuma’s former childhood crush, doesn’t like him, think he’s a creep, but knows a lot about him, secretly wants to mend up things, but too proud to admit, otherwise she belongs in a biker gang Tanya Degurechaff - Saga of Tanya the Evil, magical girl who’s also a libertarian economist and willing to be morally gray King - One Punch Man, the biggest hero-by-accident case, hates his life, just wanted to play videogames Natalia - Idolm@aster, girl with a big heart and small common sense, likes belly dancing and kitchen experiments, like banana sushi Gahata Meiji - UTAU, witch, geography teacher, has no idea why, just needs Kamina - Gurren Lagann, manliest man ever, will be your unorthodox big brother, will punch you, can’t survive without his little brother Kotaro Tatsumi - Zombieland Saga, a loud idol producer, can turn anything into an idol, ANYTHING Hitomi Shizuki - Puella Magi Madoka Magica, rich girl, emotionally strong, wants to help, forgets to consider others’ feelings Dr. Danny - Angels of Death, thinks he has a good disguise, doctorate in tongue twisters, hateshateshateshateshateshateshates Rebecca Info-chan - Lovesick: Yandere Simulator, does not know recognize the meaning of privacy, sadistic, h@cker, hates hates hates Osana Najimi Yuri - Doki Doki Literature Club, smug reader, fancies herself to be smart, can be good at parties, sees people as games Donovan Truck - OC, Truck-kun personified, kind kid, believes in you, trusts you can overcome your suffering, for that reason he won’t care with them Suwako Moriya - Touhou, was tossed away, speak in enigmas, gets anime for Sanae Pixy - Ace Combat Zero, hates borders, chill, can use a gun
I attempted to write or I wrote enough to be relevant remembering, either NPC or one-off
Matcha and Azuki - Vocaloid, they are like a comedic duo Tohoku Zunko - Vocaloid, big sister, tired of Lumi’s crap Momoko - Ghost Stories, can’t fear anything, God is with her, 10 years of theological education to write this Ruby Rose - RWBY, loves her gun, tries to discover the meaning of fun Tohru Adachi - Persona 4, looks like a bumbling police officer, actually is an edgy loser that wants to watch the world burn, but can keep his word Star Butterfly - Star vs the Forces of Evil, princess from another dimension, brighten up your day, may or may not be in love with Crona Marco Díaz - Star vs the Forces of Evil, just wanted to help, almost unleashed a monster and went RULES OF NATURE Janna Ordonia - Star vs the Forces of Evil, smug, wants to star a hentai with Marco Koakuma - Touhou, flirty and cocky towards humans, wants to eat your soul, but can look cute doing it Simon - Gurren Lagann, needs his big bro, serious, Kamina’s character makes no sense without him Dokis - Doki Doki Literature Club, treated as one, the same as canon but with ultra-smug Yuri The ballpit from Dashcon - OC?, there’s a story behind it
Oh hi Mark
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This Week in Gundam Wing 30 Dec 2018 - 05 Jan 2019
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
I’m finally back in the swing of going through what’s been posted on AO3 throughout the last week, so, be prepared! lol
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
My father, the hero https://archiveofourown.org/works/17281061
Relena Peacecraft, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net
Set eighteen months after Endless Waltz. Mariemaia seeks out Relena on Father's Day. Written for Mariemaia Month at gwozzies on LJ. Originally posted in 2006.
My father, the soldier https://archiveofourown.org/works/17280938
Lucrezia Noinheim, Dorothy Catalonia
Noin comforts Dorothy on the death of her father. Originally posted in 2006.
My father, the pacifist https://archiveofourown.org/works/17281001
Zechs Merquise, Quatre Raberba Winner
Une convinces Zechs to talk to Quatre about his father before he departs. Originally posted in 2006.
A Winter Engagement https://archiveofourown.org/works/17262764
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner
Christmas, Holidays, Winter
Heero asks a question that surprises Duo.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @miss-m-muses​
Tequila (Ch. 10) https://archiveofourown.org/works/15935852/chapters/40683125
Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell, Long Meilan/Hilde Schbeiker, Catherine Bloom/Abdul Kurama
Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Heero Yuy, Hilde Schbeiker, Long Meilan, Chang Wufei, Catherine Bloom, Abdul Kurama, Rashid Kurama, Sister Helen, Solo, Maxwell Shinpu | Father Maxwell
Past Relationships, bad breakups, Tequila, Weddings, Car problems, love you so much I hate you, Military, Fights, hostage, injuries
Whoever wrote the rules of breaking up never kissed your lips Touched your skin, held the world at their fingertips Didn't have a clue what heaven was -Rules of Breaking Up ~Brandon Ratcliff
Red https://archiveofourown.org/works/17252438
WuFei Chang, Angst & Tragedy
His first memory is a swirl of red, red that faded far too fast.
Don’t Talk Smack About the Caped Crusader https://archiveofourown.org/works/17260058
Duo maxwell/Chang Wufei
Duo Maxwell, Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei
Fluff, Meet-Cute, onesie pajamas, Coffee, Christmas Caroling, Tumblr Prompt, 2X5, Pre-Slash, No Sex
This still wasn’t the most embarrassing thing that happened to Wufei in his lifetime, but it was definitely in his top five. Playing his sophomore saxophone solo during his school’s winter concert with his fly open scored a little higher than this.
The guy with the wicked dimples in his cheeks and gleaming blue-violet eyes was grinning at him. Wufei wanted to punch his lights out.
“I always wanted to visit the Batcave. Gonna give me a tour, big fella?”
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @kirinjaegeste​
Can You See Me? https://archiveofourown.org/works/17255429
Trowa Barton/Heero Yuy
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @seitou​
We Don’t Know Where We’re Going (Ch. 1) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17285099/chapters/40651691
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner
It's after the wars, still kids, recovering from war and learning to be okay. It'll be a Heero/Duo get together.
A Christmas Holiday https://archiveofourown.org/works/17255783/chapters/40578641
Dorothy Catalonia/Relena Peacecraft
Dorothy Catalonia, Relena Peacecraft, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell
DXR, Christmas, Sass, Fluff, Snark, quiet moments
It was always crazy around Christmas; people were always trying to squeeze her in to give speeches at Christmas Dinner Parties, or New Year’s Parties. Relena never knew if she would see Dorothy for the holidays or not.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @jalaperilo​
Like A Wave Breaking https://archiveofourown.org/works/17266415
Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell
Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei
Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Preventers, Fluff and Angst, Christmas Fluff, Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Self-Worth Issues, Eventual Happy Ending, Attempted Sex, Safe Sane and Consensual, Trowa Barton Deserves Happiness, Duo Maxwell Is A Sweetheart, Chang Wufei Is A Good Bro
Five times Duo surprised Trowa at Christmastime, and one time Trowa surprised him in return.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @anaranesindanarie​
Bump in the night https://archiveofourown.org/works/17260199
Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei, Quatre Raberba Winner
Supernatural, Ghosts, Liberal use of the word fuck, Spooky
Duo and Wufei stay the night in one of Quatre's many estates, which is not haunted at all.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @w-chang / @challahchic2​
Taste of Rumchata https://archiveofourown.org/works/17263310
Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell
Fluff, I think this rotted my teeth, I've never done this pairing before, or this much fluff, New OTP, can't believe i didn't have this in my life, new to 2x3
Duo and Trowa have a nice night in and share gifts
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @idkmybffflamingo​
Time Away https://archiveofourown.org/works/17226368
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Fluff, Cabin Fic, Cute, Romance
Heero and Duo flee the end-of-year bustle of Brussels and Preventers Headquarters and spend some much needed vacation time tucked away in a snowy European forest.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @duointherain​
Saturday Snippet https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/181754922019/winner-family-compound-l4-v05001-26-december-210
Winner Family Compound
26 December 210
Fairness and Friends https://archiveofourown.org/works/17305352
Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei
Post-Series, Humor, Cocktail Friday, Friendship
Wufei might end up in the emergency room tonight, but if he does, at least he won't be alone. That's what friends are for.
Maxwell’s Toy Emporium https://archiveofourown.org/works/17262152
Duo Maxwell/Zechs Merquise
Cheesy, Smut, Christmas Miracles
It's Christmas Eve and Duo's toy store is going out of business. That is until a handsome rich stranger just happens to need gifts and ends up visiting Maxwell's Toy Emporium.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @simulacraryn​
Straight to My Head (Ch. 3) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17184560/chapters/40684865
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Lady Une
Light Angst, confused!Heero, Awkward Romance, some smut
Heero's yearly Preventer evaluation is usually an annoying formality. But this year, it is much more complicated due to a certain Duo Maxwell...
Waves and a Wedding (Ch. 6) https://archiveofourown.org/works/15639375/chapters/40609283
Duo Maxwell/Relena Peacecraft
Relena Peacecraft, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Dorothy Catalonia, Trowa Barton, Catherine Bloom, Sylvia Noventa, Vice-Foreign Minister Darlian, Mrs. Darlian, Rashid Kurama, Treize Khushrenada, Lucrezia Noin
Tumblr Prompt, Cruise Ships, Alternate Universe, Fake Marriage, Becoming a real marriage, Also I've never been on a cruise, so everything about this is entirely made up, My first het fic ever so bear with me
Weddings need flowers, right? And a Captain sure would come in handy, too.
How Barton Won a $100 Bet before New Years https://archiveofourown.org/works/17297747
Chang Wufei/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton
Crack, Probably ooc, Christmas Crack, UST, Jealousy, Bets & Wagers, Wufei is a disaster, Heero is bad at feelings, oblivious idiots, Trowa is tired of their nonsense, just embarrassing really
Crackfic 1x5. Honestly defies description.
“Every year, Wufei gets drunk at every party he’s forced to attend and hits on you, and every time you say no, and it is excruciatingly embarrassing for everyone forced to witness it.” Trowa crosses one foot over the other and, seeing that he has captured the full laser-beam of Heero’s attention, continues. “We never exchange gifts but, how about as my gift to you and every other Preventer keen to survive the celebrations, I give Wufei something new to think about.”
What Would the Daughter of "The Perfect Soldier" Think About the Most? High School Edition https://archiveofourown.org/works/17214587
Serena (the daughter) answers some about me thing asking that question. She questions how in the world will she survive school with whom she considers to be a bunch of “idiots”. Texts her dad, and this spirals into him basically giving her a list of chores because she whines about being bored.
Oh Christmas Cat, Oh Christmas Cat. Ho Lovely are thy... Claws? https://archiveofourown.org/works/17223383
Heero’s kids (about age 5) persuade him to do something against his better judgement. He does it to prove a point. His “minions” as he jokingly calls them learn that Uncle Duo and the internet do not have good ideas. And Heero re-learns that he can’t say no to a small girl who has his hair and eye colour. Unfortunately, said act results in a hospital visit, Heero teaching one of his subordinates a valuable life lesson, and one angry cat on a murderous rampage. So a lovely Christmas fic after Christmas.
The Yuys v. The Monster with 8 Legs. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17267852
We get to see Heero and his daughter Serena interact and “fight” over how the spider should have been disposed of. Serena gets reminded of her genetics and where she gets her sass from, and Heero gets given a “gift” he asked for for his 40th birthday 3 years later.
Here for the Tea https://archiveofourown.org/works/17256653
Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Chang Wufei, Lady Une
Sometimes clarity comes with a nice cup of tea. And an ambush.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @sweethoneysempai​
Unexpected complication https://archiveofourown.org/works/7201409/chapters/16341509
What if you woke up near somebody you can't remember meeting. What if you decide to stay, trying to escape your own life. Is such a thing really possible?
A Christmas Dare https://archiveofourown.org/works/17258774
Heero Yuy, Reader Insert
At a Christmas party a lot of things can happen … Especially if you add a too short dress and too many perverted men who can't seem to control themselves.
Traditions https://archiveofourown.org/works/17258834/chapters/40585796
"No one deserves to spend their holidays by themselves." It was what you had told him when you had first showed up at his front door, forcing your presence upon him. Now, three years later, you wouldn't put a stop to that tradition just because he was in the hospital!
Miracles https://archiveofourown.org/works/17258798
His twenty-four hours were nearly up, not that you knew of them or what they meant ...
Slave https://archiveofourown.org/works/6304465/chapters/14447272
You get a slave for a month, but what are you going to do with him? Should you take advantage of the situation given, or should you just act as if it wasn’t happening?
‘Tis the season by phoenixrebirth88 https://archiveofourown.org/works/17258615/chapters/40585352
Trowa Barton, Treize Khushrenada, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Reader insert
Gifts https://archiveofourown.org/works/17258828
Year after year, you failed to give him something he truly wanted. Would you manage to succeed this year?
Scarves and Kisses https://archiveofourown.org/works/17318234
Treize Khushrenada/Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy. Treize Khushrenada. Original Male Character(s)
Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Christmas Fluff, First Christmas, OOCness
Treize asks Heero to spend Christmas with him. Both are dorks.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @vegalume​
Bound, Bonded and Betrayed (Ch. 77) https://archiveofourown.org/works/7188593/chapters/40580942
Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Treize Khushrenada/Lady Une
Chang Wufei, Zechs Merquise, Hilde Schbeiker, Dorothy Catalonia, Lucrezia Noin, Sally Po
Sap, Angst, Bondage, Slavery, Yaoi, Lemon, Lime, Het, Violence, Fluff, AU, OOC. - Freeform
Heero is the eldest son of the King of Colonia. His 21st birthday is approaching and as tradition dictates his betrothed is soon to arrive. However he is also bound by tradition to select his own personal slave. The events that unfold lead him down a path that not only tests his sanity but his humanity and love as well.
The Academy (Ch. 7) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17119034/chapters/40723589
Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada, Lucrezia Noin, Lady Une, Nichols, Walker
Zechs goes to the Specials Academy in Lake Victoria.
Home (I’ve found I belong) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17263526
Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy
Fluff and Angst, Freeform, New Year's Resolutions, Gundam Wing Christmas Exchange, Romance, Established Relationship, Friendship, References to Depression, Mental Health Issues, Older Characters
Retirement is looming over Heero and Relena's heads during Christmas AC 219. An uncharted future for two people that were molded for their respective positions in life.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @peachandbetty​
Turn the stone and look beneath it (Ch. 2) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17263481/chapters/40700147
Gundam Wing, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Tony Stark, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Stephen Strange, T'Challa (Marvel), Steve Rogers
Crossover, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Parent Tony Stark, stuck in a new world, New Avengers, Not A Fix-It, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Civil War Team Iron Man, Salty Team Iron Man, Slow Romance, Slow Burn, romance is not the focus, but it will be there, eventually
Their war was over, they won. For the measure of winning a war, anyway. The truce was what was supposed to matter. But in the end, the other side used public opinion and their own renewed authority to try to bring an end to the perceived threat of the Gundam Pilots.
Except it went wrong. So very wrong. And now the pilots have to navigate this weird new world with its super heroes and aliens and magic while deciding if they even WANT go try to go back.
Hint: They really, really don't.
You Hold Our Hearts (Ch. 2) https://archiveofourown.org/works/16992327/chapters/40728941
Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero Yuy, Lucrezia Noin/Sally Po, Dorothy Catalonia/Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Lucrezia Noin, Sally Po, Dorothy Catalonia, Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei, Howard, Doctor J, Instructor O, Original Characters
Angst, Smut, Rape/Non-con Elements, Minor Character Death, Missing in Action
Trowa Barton has gone missing, leaving his two lovers behind. Instead of waiting for him to return, Heero and Quatre set off with the others to find Trowa. Only, they learn that by following Trowa's trail, they follow danger.
Make the Yuletide Gay https://archiveofourown.org/works/16905405
Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Mariemaia Khushrenada & Lady Une
Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Lady Une, Mariemaia Khushrenada
Christmas, what non-Christians do on Christmas, Pagan Trowa Barton, Implied Muslim Quatre Raberba Winner, Jordanian Quatre Raberba Winner, Nostalgia, Winner Family, Trowa has mad game in this, he’s a good boyfriend, Trowa and Quatre fill the void in their souls with kisses and mansaf, Food, Trowa’s Mercenary Squad, Saturnalia
Suddenly off-duty on Christmas, Trowa and Quatre piece a holiday together.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @weiclown​
Coming Out https://archiveofourown.org/works/17319806
Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero Yuy
Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Heero Yuy
Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Feelings, Relationship Discussions, Coming Out
Falling into a relationship just happened. Quatre’s been playing the media for his own gains, but he knows it’s time to let the world know. On their terms, not the media’s.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @sailoriceprincess​
Who We Say We Are https://archiveofourown.org/works/17259911/chapters/40588475
Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell
Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner
Get Together, Light Angst, Kid Fic, duo's a baby whisperer
When Trowa finds a baby in the woods, he's determined to keep it, even if he doesn't have the first clue how to care for an infant. Luckily, Duo's willing to lend a hand. Soon, something starts to kindle between them, and they must decide if they have the courage to follow where their feelings lead.
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @helmistress​
Relena Darlian/Peacecraft
Duo & WuFei
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018! Gift for @ziggystarsandmars​
Head Canons:
WuFei Chang
Music Album discussion
Heero Yuy
Quatre, Duo, WuFei, & Server
Duo, Heero, Trowa, & Random Preventers Agents
Trowa & Heero
Heero & Duo
Quatre & Heero
Gundam Pilots in general, Quatre
WuFei & Heero (via: @lemontrash​)
Une & WuFei
Heero & Trowa
Duo & Trowa
Heero & Duo
Zechs & Heero
Duo, Trowa, & Quatre
Noin & Relena
Dorothy, Relena, Zechs, Noin, Une, & Sally
Heero & Relena (more added by @gwminorcharactersrpblog​)
WuFei & Trowa
Cathy & Trowa
Heero & WuFei
Cathy, all the gboy pilots, Duo, & Heero
Quatre & Duo
No Idea What To Put This Under:
Heero Yuy
Just Communicatioin
Wings of a Boy
Radio Meteor is doing a new Gundam Wing PODCAST.
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday January 11th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/181740312975/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-january
For those going to Pillowfort https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/181733192168/for-those-transferring-their-focus-to-pillowfort
Summer of Zechs 2019 Ideas https://our-summer-of-zechs.tumblr.com/post/181628092091/we-appear-to-still-be-up-and-running-folks
Come let us know how we should proceed for this coming summer!
Summer of Zechs will start being run from This Week in Gundam Wing Events on pillowfort as well!
Gundam Wing Holiday Gift Exchange 2018!
Gift Master List! To be put out later today!
If you have pillowfort, be sure to add your gift to the Exchange discussion in the This Week in Gundam Wing Events community!
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ohn1m · 6 years
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The Art of Being Mino
The South Korean hip-hop star wowed critics and fans alike with his solo album ‘XX’; but is he any closer to discovering who the ‘real’ Mino is?
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Mino's journey is an ongoing one and 'XX' is a chapter that marks an artistic coming-of-age on this wild ride.
Understanding Song Minho is kind of like catching lightening in a bottle; impossible to do but the idea itself is so dazzling, you need to give it a shot anyway. Tall and blonde with bleached eyebrows and sharp features, Song–better known mononymously as Mino–cuts quite the intimidating figure. He’s intelligent, polite and forthcoming on every answer and there’s an elegance to him that’s instantly appealing. There’s one little thing that proves to be more charming than any of this, however, and it comes in the form of a little note he sends on email after the interview; “Thank you for your interest!” it reads cheerfully, accompanied by a smiley emoji. “I hope we do it again when Winner’s back!” It’s simple but sweet and suddenly there’s yet another dimension to the chic, fierce rapper we’re used to seeing onscreen.
Before sitting down with Rolling Stone India for a conversation in December, the 25-year old musician’s schedule through 2018 included the release and promotion of a full LP with his band Winner, a Japan tour, a more extensive Asia tour, a series of performances across his home country South Korea, starring roles in several variety shows and a feature on YG Entertainment labelmate and his senior Seungri’s viral hit track “Where R U From.” November was busiest for him with the release of his first solo LP XX, a 12-track feast of hip-hop, tradition, emotion and culture. December finally closed with yet another single with Winner and a series of year-end performances in Korea.
While a bit of a break is warranted after the whirlwind of activity, Mino confirms he has no plans to take it easy in 2019. “Winner will release a full album this year,” he reveals cheerfully. “I cannot talk about our plan in advance, but we are preparing a surprise gift with a great musician!” The four-member K-pop band are working on their upcoming third LP and have already begun their tour schedules in full force– they’re currently on a six-city run of the United States with stops in Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago and New York.
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Over the past year Mino has embraced the avant-garde with ease, stepping away from his swag-heavy hip-hop image and slipping into a more elegant avatar.
As an artist, Mino is full of surprises with an evolution that’s been thrilling to map. He started his career as a rapper in South Korea’s vibrant underground hip-hop scene back in 2010 (when he was just 16) but success took a while to come along. He debuted briefly in 2011 with a group called BoM before its premature disbandment in 2013, and then finally signed with leading music label YG Entertainment as a trainee. In 2014 he got his big break after participating in TV channel Mnet’s reality-survival program Win: Who Is Next and ending up as a member of the winning Team A–which would go on to form Winner and debut that same year. He shot to fame quickly this time around, gaining attention as a solo artist after finishing as runner-up on the fourth season of South Korean hip-hop survival competition Show Me The Money in 2015. With several eyes on him, he wowed with a more bluesy, melancholic persona on Winner’s 2016 EP EXIT: E. That same year he and YG Entertainment labelmate Bobby announced a duo project titled MOBB, which showed off a completely different, swag-heavy, fun-loving attitude, but in that EP he included “Body,” a solo single that blended sex and passion with angst and regret. Winner’s discography as of late has been bright, tropical and electronic-pop and he’s able to adapt to it effortlessly as well. His career trajectory spells ‘chameleon’ and even in times of trial there’s a sense of chill around him, as though deep inside he knows everything’s going to work out.
Over the past year Mino has embraced a life of avant-garde with ease, stepping away from his swag-heavy hip-hop image and slipping into a more elegant avatar. He seems more comfortable and willing to express himself in ways outside of music. He’s always had fondness for art but now seems to revel in it, regularly posting images of artwork he’s created on Instagram, participating in media projects, exhibitions and editorials. Last year, he displayed some of his own artwork at an exhibit titled ‘Burning Planet.’ The pieces were a combination of installation art with media and performance art which explored the idea of burnouts, stress and humanity’s exhausting pace of birth, work, death. It’s morbid, futuristic and almost prophetical in its warnings about the pressure society puts on young people and quickly gained critical acclaim. Mino remains modest in the wake of all the praise, saying, “I do not know if I have had any talent when I was young, but I painted as a hobby since I was a kid. So I have become interested in art naturally. It was a very good opportunity to exhibit ‘Burning Planet’ with [eye wear brand and collaborator] Gentle Monster. It was a good time to learn and experience many things.”
It’s this artistic and emotional evolution which seems to have had the biggest hand in the creation of XX. “I wanted to give a tweak to my existing image, which I guess has been heavy with hip-hop and rap. I wanted to start afresh,” he stated at a press conference in November, according to a report by the Korea Herald. XX is an extension of his performance art–dramatic, creative with an ambiguous title to boot (he’s explained he wanted his listeners to have their own interpretations of it.)  The video for the lead single “Fiancé” features imagery around birds, dreams, fantastical landscapes and more. In addition to being involved in the entire concept, Mino also contributed to the set design–there’s a giant mural of a bluebird featured in the video which he painted himself. Several fans as well as popular YouTube channels like DKDKTV have attempted to decipher the meanings behind it and he’s thrilled to see all the various discussions. “It is one of the things I enjoy the most,” he says when I ask if he ever watches these theories. “Making parts that can be interpreted in various ways… I love watching them in various interpretations.” Could he tell us which theory got closest to deciphering his work? “I will never tell which one is correct or incorrect for more diverse guesses!” he teases.
“Fiancé” has also been appreciated for its unconventional combination of trot, a form of Korean folk music, and trap. To do this, the track samples Korean veteran singer Kim Taehee’s 1969 track “Soyanggang River Maiden” and blends it with bass-heavy, rolling trap and Mino’s drawling rap. “There was no intention to use ‘Soyanggang River Maiden’ from the beginning,” Mino says. “When the song was almost 80 percent complete, [YG Entertainment CEO and music producer] Yang Hyun Suk gave me an idea of putting a part of ‘Soyanggang River Maiden’ as a sample source, and it fit perfectly into the message and vibe of this song.” The haunting sample had younger fans enthralled and searching through YouTube to listen to the original track while applauding Mino for putting a limelight on Korean pop culture and history. Because in addition to the retro sound, the music video for “Fiancé” is a fever-dream blend inspired by the Korean Joseon dynasty and modern-day angst. In the clip the rapper wanders between fantasy and reality, dressed as an emperor as he searches the past, present and future for his one true love.
“I was getting to love myself, and everything [about that experience] is in this album.”
Is it possible that with younger artists like him using older genres like trot or paying homage to their history in music videos, it can help young listeners appreciate tradition a little bit more? Mino reveals that wasn’t really his intention at all. “In fact, I considered this song for older people than younger people,” he says, adding his plan was to erase misconceptions about hip-hop and ‘young’ music in the minds of older generations. “Even if the genre of hip-hop is popularized, it is still hard to catch up with higher age. So it seems like sampling of ‘Soyanggang River Maiden’ was a good plan for this song.” “Fiancé” has indeed added to the buzz around rappers defying expectations and stepping into traditional musical and visual territories. Hip-hop no longer has one definition and inspiration can come from anywhere. For Mino, the ideas for “Fiance” and XX came from several fragments of art. “I have so many things inspiring me, so I do not know which one to say first,” Mino says. “Among them, some works of  (Italian painter) Piero Fornasetti, various plants–especially blue roses– and the Japanese anime Devilman were in my mind. However, it’s my inner self that affected it the most. I stayed alone in the studio every time so I could be deeply involved in my work and I looked back upon myself.”
XX as a whole has been well-received thanks to its use of complex metaphors, puns and double meanings in its lyricism, but for Mino, making this record was about finding his true self. “I got down to work in earnest in the beginning of 2018 for this album,” he says. “It contains various songs ranging from a song written two-three years ago to a song written two weeks before the album came out.” The rapper has written and composed each and every track, taking a dive into his own psyche to unleash several different sides of himself. In a video teaser right before XX‘s release, Mino explained he’d made the album by “grating [his] soul into it” and the result is an LP that is diverse, clever, saucy and undoubtedly one of the best hip-hop albums of 2018. Lyrically, he tackles everything from waiting for a lost love (“Fiancé”) to calling out obsessive fans (“Agree”) and bold eroticism (“Hope”). He gets emotional on “Alarm” and “Her,” exploring heartbreak, his relationship with his fans and self discovery. “I was getting to love myself, and everything [about that experience] is in this album,” Mino tells me. “I got a lot of thoughts and experiences from it and I am so proud of the production process.”
It’s clear from the get-go that wordplay is key; in the vicious introductory track “Trigger,” Mino uses syllables in its Korean title to play on the curse word ‘shibal,’ blazing through verses of self-praise with swagger, while on “Rocket” he drops references to art, Korean mythology and more. It’s the realest taste of what he’s truly capable of and it surprises and delights in equal measure. The impressive roster of collaborators on the record include YG Entertainment’s biggest in-house producers Choice37 and Millennium, comedian and actor Yoo Byung-jae and up-and-coming vocalist Blue.D, among others. There was one artist, however, that Mino was particularly excited to work with. “It was all fun, but working with YDG was extremely impressive,” he says proudly of his collaboration with the Korean hip-hop veteran on “Bow Wow.” “It was one of my dreams from my childhood.”
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Mino at a press event for ‘XX’ in November 2018.
With XX being his first massive solo effort, Mino confesses there were hurdles along the way that he hadn’t expected. “The toughest part was familiarity,” he says, adding, “When I listened to songs hundreds of times to make a song, I always got confused. That’s the hardest thing to me.” Working alone means more pressure and he says he finds it more peaceful when he’s working with the members of Winner– Hoony, Yoon and Jinu. “When I work alone… I get sensitive because I am dissatisfied with any result. When I work with Winner, it’s really a load off my mind. Each member has their own roles, and I think we fit in nicely with each other.”
Mino’s journey has been wild, difficult, rewarding and a little messy–we’ve covered a lot of it over the course of the interview, but it still feels like we’re scratching the surface. He seems to agree; there’s a lot more he wants to consume and learn and a lot more he wants to show all his fans, old and new. “I am always thankful to fans who have supported me from the beginning and everyone who has known me since yesterday,” he says. “I will try to put a little more of my own personality and style on next album, and I also want to challenge something that no one expected.” While the search for the ‘real’ Mino continues, XX is a chapter in his story that marks a significant turn; he’s found a balance between the sexy rapper we see with Winner, the exuberant hip-hop dudebro he turns into with MOBB and the expressive poet he is as a soloist. It might not be lightening in a bottle just yet, but it’s pretty damn close.
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lostbutterflyutau · 6 years
EoA Mirror World AU Synopsis (Part 4)
Other Parts: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
For the final part, we jump into the beginning of summer vacation before Isabelle’s eighth grade year and the girls’ senior year.
At the beginning of the holiday, the Crownlets arrive at Isabelle’s house to wake her up one morning. Moana informs her that the bus for Camp Wildwing leaves in only a few minutes.
Isabelle freaks out, commenting about how she can’t believe she overslept. Carla points out that it is highly unlike her to do so and Anna asks where her “super-annoying” alarm clock is, finding it under one of the decorative bed pillows while the younger girl rushes around the room and scrambles to pack, which she somehow also forgot to do. Her friends offer to help, Moana asking why Rapunzel is debating between two dressy outfits if they’re going to be camping in the woods. Rapunzel reminds her of the dance at the end of the session and Isabelle grabs her clothes to change, only to find that, when she steps in front of the mirror, her reflection isn’t the only thing she sees. Behind her, floating above the bed, is her dark sorceress form.
Isabelle: How is this possible? Carla helped me defeat you at the Friendship Games!
The sorceress snaps that the girls will never truly defeat her and covers the room in darkness, taking Isabelle and her friends with her to another dimension where she snaps that she is a part of Isabelle and will always be there, waiting in the darkest shadows of her mind until the day she returns to claim all the magic.
Isabelle screams, startling herself awake and finding that she’s actually on the bus to Camp Wildwing.
Isabelle: STOP!
Mingo: Isa, wake up.
Anna: We can’t stop, Silly. We’re not there yet.
Seeing the younger girl’s distress, Carla asks if she’s alright and Isabelle lies and claims that she’s fine. Carla goes to speak again, barely getting a chance to think before Anna cuts in, excitedly talking about the things they’ll be doing at camp. She is then interrupted by Principal Paloma and Vice Principal Flores, who say that they’re proud of the students for raising the money for this trip through various fundraisers, including the musical showcase. The trip is a collaboration between the eighth and twelfth grade classes, the intent being for the seniors to mentor the eighth graders and help them understand themselves, become leaders, etc…Hortencia wishes them luck and success, says she hopes that they’ll make good memories at Camp Wildwing.
When they arrive, the girls and Mingo excitedly talk about the things they’re looking forward to over the week.
Snow White: Isn’t Camp Wildwing just beautiful? I can’t wait until we have our first nature walk!
Mingo: I definitely want to go on one of those
Snow White: Oh, did you want to see all the adorable woodland creatures too?
Mingo: Yeah! Specifically moles! More specifically so I can chase them!
Moana: Well, I’m looking forward to roughing it. My grandmother has been teaching me island survival since I was little. I’m going to build my own shelter, forage for food…
Belle: You do know they provide us with food and tents, right?
Moana shrugs, says that she’s going to forage anyway and Rapunzel says she’s excited to relax and just take some time to wander around, especially after the past few months.
Anna: I’ll say! We fought three evil Sirenas who tried to hypnotize everyone with their song, one ridiculously competitive rival school and two evil sorceress friends! Um…No offense.
Carla rolls her eyes, tells Isabelle that she better get used to comments. Belle agrees with Rapunzel, saying that getting away from magic will be good for them considering that WMS has become a magnet for it. Just as she finishes speaking, an announcement goes out for the students to meet in the courtyard where they’re introduced to the college-age sister duo in charge of the camp. The women introduce themselves as Ivy, the overly chipper camp director, and Lilith, her right hand. The sisters inform the students that they are free to do any activities they wish, minus hiking near the rock quarry, which is off-limits. Ivy asks the students to shout out what they’re excited about, getting various answers including team sports, water activities, cookie decorating and crafting. Rapunzel cuts in, says she wants to host a fashion show with clothing she designs and her friends model.
Ivy: Oooh! A camp tradition!
Lilith: We have literally never done that
Ivy ignores her and takes the suggestion anyway before opening the floor to more requests. Hortencia then speaks up, reminding them of the tradition of the Camp Gift.
Lilith: The Camp Gift? Really?
Ivy: Yes, really.
Liilth: But I thought…
Ivy: Well, you thought wrong. As always.
Seeing the interaction, Carla comments to her friends about the tension between siblings. Her friends agree and Ivy continues, explains that, every year, the campers work together to build something useful for future campers. It encourages working together and breaking barriers between the levels of the school. Ivy points out how the gazebo she and her sister are standing in, totem pole and sundial were all made by campers and that she’s sure their group will come up with something inspiring before splitting up the groups to give them their mentor/mentee assignments as provided by Principal Paloma.
Carla is paired with Isabelle as introductions are made all around. Moana and Zooey are paired, Rapunzel and Cristina, Anna and Amara, Belle and Caterina, Snow White and Vivian.  Ivy cuts in, says that the students will be given time to settle and to meet at the dock in fifteen minutes just before she’s cut off by the arrival of a limo, out of which steps Hector. 
Thinking quickly, Ivy escorts him back, asks what he’s doing there and then snaps that he can look around when camp is over after he says something about “taking in the scenery.” He goes on his way and Ivy, noticing the tension among the students, makes up a lie about Hector being an alumnus who likes to visit now and again before everyone is dismissed.
On the walk to the tents, Rapunzel, while pushing Cristina, talks about how she hopes to start on her designs soon and asks if she wants to help. Cristina laughs and says she’d love to, but is also surprised that Rapunzel convinced Ivy to make it happen, after all, they are in the woods. The older girl says that Ivy’s wardrobe makes it clear she has decent taste and that they can make it work. Inspired by her eagerness, Cristina agrees and then comments about how she’ll help as long as her mentor doesn’t put her in something too frilly. Rapunzel shrugs it off and they move on as, in their tent, Carla comments to Isabelle about how the interaction with Hector seemed off to her.
Carla: That was weird back there, right? With that guy, Hector?
Isabelle: Hm? Oh, I guess so.
Carla: Ivy is definitely hiding something. All the signs are there.
Out of it, Isabelle simply nods and returns to sorting out her clothing. Confused, Carla asks if Isabelle is alright since she’s been zoning out most of the day. Mingo speaks up from his bed, suggests that maybe his owner had another nightmare. Isabelle frowns, tosses a shirt over him and says that she has nothing to complain about and that transferring has been good for her. Her new classmates are accepting and she’s actually been welcomed in her eleventh grade level physics class. She says it’s great, especially considering what happened at the Games.
Carla: That wasn’t your fault. That awful Headmistress is the one who encouraged you to try and use all that magic to win the games for Coronado Prep. You simply couldn’t handle that type of power. But, it’s over now and if there’s any group who will forgive you for your past, trust me, it’s this one. 
Moana and Zooey cut in, ask if they’re ready and Carla mentions wanting to run a brush through her hair if she can find it. Isabelle finds it, but when she points to it, the purple hairbrush and several other objects in the room start levitating. Though she’s at first startled, Carla quickly becomes fascinated.
Carla: Did you…? How is this possible?
Isabelle: I can’t believe this! This is…Terrible!
Carla: This is amazing! Are you kidding? This is great! I mean, we’ve all powered up before, gotten the whole crowns, gowns and sparkles thing, shot magical glitter lasers, but nothing like this has ever happened! How did you do it?
Isabelle: I don’t know. Maybe I didn’t! Maybe it’s her!
Carla: Her, who?
Isabelle brushes her off and says that she prefers not to talk about it with Carla or anyone else. After all, Belle said that this place was supposed to be free from magic and that they can’t know she brought some new kind with her. Though hesitant, Carla agrees to keep the secret, mentioning how she’s rather good at keeping them, but also points out that the magic isn’t necessarily bad. Isabelle walks out and Carla attempts and fails at levitating the hairbrush herself.
Mingo: I think you’re just going to have to pick it up
Carla frowns and does so, taking a moment to run it through her hair a few times before heading out, only to smack into Ivy who she swears muttered something about the interaction. Carla asks her to confirm what she said and Ivy says that she didn’t say anything and only came to make sure the students were making their way to the docks. She asks if Carla needs anything and even though she’s told “no,” she continues,
Ivy: Because if there is anything I can do to make this the best week ever, you just let me know! I’ve got this!
Carla: Thanks. I’m good.
*Ivy stalks off*
Carla: People who are that chipper make me nervous
*Anna runs up, hugs Carla*
Anna: This is going to be SO MUCH FUN!
Carla: Okay, most people
The two leave with the others to meet by the dock. After a brief spiel about various lake activities, Ivy leaves everyone to their own devices, with Isabelle deciding to take a walk on the dock, passing Snow White along the way as she feeds some ducks. Unfortunately, due to a broken board, Isabelle ends up tripping right into Lilith, who carefully helps her back up. She asks if the younger girl is alright before turning to investigate the hole in the board and declaring it a safety hazard. She even suggests shutting down the docks, much to the students’ chagrin.
Ivy: Oh, I’m sure it won’t be for the remainder of camp. It just needs to be patched up again! I’ve got this!
Caterina steps up, says that, after analyzing it, the whole dock needs to be replaced. Belle agrees and suggests that building a new dock could be their classes’ gift. Lilith is against the idea, saying that it’s too much work and that it’s a waste of time, earning a glare from her sister that Carla catches and raises an eyebrow at. Moana interrupts, says that while she understands Lilith’s point of view, the school has a reputation to uphold and Zooey declares that there’s no way she’s leaving without making something great. She agrees with Belle and Caterina. In fact, students from both classes agree.
Ivy: Looks like it’s settled then
Lilith: Looks like it.
Carla: That’s some tension, alright
The students get to work tearing apart the old dock while Rapunzel, Cristina and Isabelle, along with some of the art students, work to draw up a blueprint. Isabelle says that they should reinforce the foundation, make it nice and sturdy. Cristina, while sketching, points out a need for ramp and Rapunzel suggests making a wood-carved sign. Snow White throws out the idea of food boxes for the ducks and fish, while Vivian suggests lanterns for them to see at night. Taking in the suggestions, the art students and Cristina make a sketch that Rapunzel says is not only stunning, but perfect for her fashion show. While observing from behind, Esteban comments on how it seems like a lot for the students to take on and Hortencia shrugs it off, saying that she knows her students are capable.
When they start building, Moana takes a moment to comment about how she made her hammer when Belle is using one from the toolbox and earns a sigh in response.  Everyone takes a different role. Some are working with wood, others on painting food boxes and lanterns. Fascinated, Isabelle comments on how Lilith’s lantern is made with solar-powered garden lights and the older woman offers to show her how to put it together. However, before she can, Hortencia dismisses the students, saying that they’ve done enough for the day.
Later that night, both groups settle by the campfire to exchange scary stories. Lilith tells about the legend of Marimonda. Year ago, her and Ivy’s great grandparents came to the forest and decided to build up a camp, but once the building started, strange occurrences happened. One night, after a tree crashed down on their cabin, they ran outside to see a creature rise from the Earth and out of the forest. She had wild hair like the roots of a tree, jagged rock teeth and black tar eyes. Yet, she also had a shimmering aura and left  trails of gem dust in her wake. The creature identified itself as Marimonda, an ancient spirit who lays claim to the forest. She warned the humans that they were trespassing, but they begged her to allow them to stay and share the beauty of the forest with others. She agreed, but only temporarily. Marimonda vowed to return and take her forest back.
Lilith concludes by warning them to watch out for gem dust just as Ivy makes her way through the bushes, startling the students.
Ivy: Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you!
Carla: Then why’d you come out of the bushes?
Ivy: I…Um…Took the scenic route because the forest is beautiful at night. But no one else do it without a guide.  
Ivy dismisses everyone to bed, but the girls linger. Frightened, Snow White admits that the story really got to her, and Moana points out that Marimonda could be some creature that got thrown out of Avalor. Carla confirms that she’s not. That the Marimonda from her realm has been locked away and that Lilith made the whole thing up to scare them. Belle agrees, says that the last thing they need to face another magical creature at the moment.
Rapunzel: Ugh. I feel you. We’ve had to deal with more than our fair share of those. At the Spring Fling, our musical showcase, the Friendship Ga – Oh – Er – Everything turned out alright of course
Isabelle: Um…I’m tired. I’m going to turn in
Carla: Can you not talk about the Friendship Games? I think she’s still shaken by it.
The next morning, Isabelle has another nightmare. Her shouting startles Carla, who ends up falling out of her bed. Scowling, she looks up, eyes widening when she sees how Isabelle’s bed and belongings are all levitating. Just as she asks what happened, everything crashes back down and Carla insists that they talk. Isabelle rejects the offer, but Carla pushes, saying as they head to the dock after changing that they need to talk and figure out what’s happening with her magic and that she needs to learn to control it just as a sailboat crashes into the dock. Isabelle immediately thinks her magic is at fault and tries to apologise, but the kids on the boat reveal that it was a sudden gust of wind that propelled them forward after they were stranded in the middle of the lake. Anna wonders if it was Marimonda as Isabelle slinks off.
Oblivious to the magical trail of gem dust, the students gather together to form a plan for fixing the runway/dock again and Isabelle runs off, laments through song about how she used to understand the world, but now everything is mixed up and she’s worried about the darkness coming back to overtake her.
Isabelle: If I can stay with the light I know I’ll be free. And I can start to be whole, I can start to be me. But instead I am struggling with all that I see. And these friends…Mustn’t see the darkness in me.
Carla goes looking for her mentee, stopping by the tent to ask Mingo if he has any idea where she could be hiding. Mingo asks what’s going on and if Isabelle has been “lifting things again.” Carla says that she’s not sure why it’s happening, but that she’s tired of playing games and needs to deal with the situation. Mingo claims that he knows how to find her and they go off, unaware of Isabelle walking back through the woods. She tells herself to take a deep breath, that she is not a monster and literally runs into Lilith and Caterina. Isabelle asks what they’re doing and Cat explains that she was taking a walk and animal watching until she got lost. She shows off her biology notebook and asks if Isabelle wants to join. Lilith offers to show them back to the main grounds, saying how she knows everything about the woods due to having grown up there.
Caterina: That must have been interesting, growing up at a camp
Lilith: It was…Most of the time. I used to wish that my parents would sell the place and move to the city like normal people.
Isabelle: Really?
Lilith: I was ten.
The girls laugh together and head onward, unaware that Carla and Mingo are watching the interaction. They agree that Isabelle will be fine for the time being and leave her with her new friends.
Meanwhile, Hortencia is supervising some of the other girls in a rock climbing exercise. She says that rock climbing is about trust and how Rapunzel can trust Belle to spot her. Zooey comments that it means she can go faster and Moana agrees, says that she’s been waiting to do this activity since arriving. Belle and Rapunzel scold both of them for their impatience while Cristina laughs and Isabelle and Caterina step up to the platform after waving Lilith off. Moana says that it’s great to see them and that they can help Zooey. She runs off to find another harness and Caterina becomes distracted by watching Rapunzel climb, mutters something about how the pulley system on the harness works and moves in for a closer look.
Carla steps up behind Isabelle, says they need to talk just as an earthquake, or what seems like one, hits. Isabelle comments that they aren’t near any fault lines and one of the other students points out a trail of gem dust just as Rapunzel slips. Startled, she asks to get down. Belle tries, but comments that it’s stuck. She gives the rope a tug and suddenly a vine shoots up alongside the rope and into the pulley, getting caught in it and sending her friend first up and them tumbling down as it slinks back. Rapunzel snaps, asks what Belle is doing and Belle apologises, says that she has no idea where that vine came from before offering to help. Throwing her hands up to indicate ‘stop,’ Rapunzel says “no thank you” and ends up sending her friend backwards with a sun-shaped force field of some kind. When Belle returns, she’s soaking wet and Hortencia, who was witness to the whole thing, asks what happened.
Hortencia: What in the world just happened?
Rapunzel: I am so sorry…I think. Did I just do…whatever that was?
Isabelle: I…don’t think it was your fault.
Isabelle offers to get Belle a towel, only to be followed by Carla who eagerly points out that Isabelle isn’t the only one with new magic. She says it’s great and Isabelle contests her, says that her friends could have hurt each other and laments about what happened just as they run into Ivy, who asks what’s wrong. Isabelle blurts out that “Belle just fell into the lake” and Ivy runs off to get a towel and new clothes for Belle ahead of them. The moment she leaves, someone screams and the two girls follow the sound to the mess hall, where Anna, Amara, Snow White and Vivian are decorating cookies, or were supposed to be. The place is a mess.
Anna explains that she was looking for more sprinkles and frosting and sprinkled frosting and ran to the kitchen to get some, except she went too fast and ran into the whole shelf, knocking it down. She demonstrates, taking off at an unnatural speed and slamming into a nearby wall, the whole group cringes.
Carla: Oookay. Anna, here’s an idea. Why don’t you stop running?
Vivian says that they should clean up and she and Snow White go in search of paper towels, but both are too short to reach. Snow White thinks aloud about how they could use some help when a bird flies in, knocks the roll into her hands before settling on her shoulder. She thanks him, answers his request for a snack and suddenly realises that she understood the bird. Startled, Snow White shakes it off, says it’s impossible and the bird calls for more friends to see if she can understand them as well.
Carla: Are you seriously talking to the birds?
Snow White: Um…yes?
Rapunzel and Belle burst in, recount the rock wall situation for everyone about how this mysterious rose vine got tangled in the pulley and shot Rapunzel upwards and then how the latter of the two made some sort of sun shield that knocked Belle over and then disappeared.
Belle: Speaking of disappearing…has anyone seen Moana?
The mentioned girl then comes through the door, riding a wave of water and knocking into the wall. When asked how she did it, Moana says she doesn’t know. Only that she was running with Zooey to get a harness and then she slipped in a puddle, but instead of falling, the water started carrying her until she was in the middle of the woods. Rapunzel questions why, if she has this mystery water propelling her, it took her so long to return and Moana explains that, when she got farther away from camp, she wasn’t able to summon it. Anna jumps up, says that being at camp must be giving them all new powers.
Carla: Not all of us. I don’t have any magic powers
Carla crosses her arms, frowns and throws a look towards Isabelle, who shakes her head. The older girl sighs, lies about Isabelle having magic and wonders aloud exactly what at the camp is making this happen. Vivian speaks up, suggests that maybe it’s Marimonda just as Ivy comes through the door and hands off a towel and clothes to Belle. Looking around, she asks about the mess and Carla says they’re “still trying to figure it out.” Ivy offers to clean it up and moves to do so when two other students interrupt, asking for various things before Lilith burst in She approaches her sister, whispers that Hector is back and ask if Ivy wants her to handle it.
Ivy snaps, “Absolutely not!” And stomps off.
Carla then tells Snow White or Vivian, whoever it is, to quit screaming, only to be told that no one was screaming, though she swears she heard something. She shakes it off and Belle speaks up, asks if they can forget about magic for now. She says she was looking forward to the trip for a month and wants to enjoy it and getting to know her mentee, Rapunzel and Moana agree. Carla insists that they need to figure out the magic situation, but agrees to let it go for the time being, so not to start conflict. Though she makes it clear she is not happy about it and they go off to make paper lanterns with their classmates.
Despite the fact that the pairs are meant to work together, Isabelle isolates herself, explains to Mingo when he asks why she’s alone that she believes her inner darkness is causing the magical mishaps. She thinks the evil sorceress is still part of her and that her magic is infecting the other girls, admits that she doesn’t know what to do.
After releasing the lanterns, everyone goes to bed for the night, but Carla is startled awake in the early morning and gets up to find Isabelle’s bed empty and her friend running across the camp. Thinking quickly, she grabs her shoes and chases after her without bothering to change. She calls out her name and the two stop in the middle of a cleaning. Carla demands to know what Isabelle, who is fully dressed and carrying her suitcase, is doing. Isabelle admits that she’s meeting a cab to go home, which Carla raises an eyebrow at, crosses her arms.
Mingo: She thought you’d talk her out of it
Carla: You know I would.
Carla tells Isabelle that she can’t leave, reaches over to touch her arm and is suddenly given insight into Isabelle’s innermost thoughts.  She sees how Isabelle blames herself and her dark side for the magic happening and how she admitted to Mingo that she believes the magic is infecting he friends. When she snaps out of it, Carla reassures Isabelle that she doesn’t have a ‘dark side.’ That the only thing in her is herself. Isabelle asks how she knows what she’s thinking.
Carla: When I touched your arm, I could see things. I could understand why you were leaving…My new magic. This is my new magic! This is incredible!
Isabelle: No, it’s not. I’m infecting you now!
Carla: Isa, you have to stop looking at this as a bad thing
Isabelle: Easy for you to say. Magic turned you into something beautiful. The last time I tried to use it, it turned me into a monster. I’m just so afraid it’s going to happen again
Carla: It’s true. Last time, I turned into something amazing. But, I’ve let magic turn me into a monster too, so if anybody understands what you’re going through, it’s me. And the rest of our friends are here for you too, but not if you run away.  
Isabelle agrees to stay, but still wants to keep her distance and Carla relents just as they’re both startled by a movement that turns out to be Lilith, who was chopping up firewood. She admits that it’s weird to do it at night, but that if she doesn’t do it now, her sister would, and she already has so many things to do. She then asks why they’re sneaking around and Carla lies that she was sleepwalking and Isabelle came to lead her back. Lilith offers to walk back with them, says she’ll protect them from Marimonda.
Carla sighs, says that Marimonda is just something she made up until Lilith points out the strange happenings and turns away with Isabelle following, a trail of jewel dust raining down from her pocket that Carla and Mingo notice. Mingo asks why Lilith would make up such a story if she’s actually the force behind the legend and Carla points out that the older girl did say she wished her sister would sell the camp. If people thought it was haunted, they may not come to the area, which would only help her. Mingo says they should tell the others and Carla disagrees, saying that everyone is going through a lot and doesn’t need that on their shoulders too.
Later that morning, everyone is back to working on the dock, minus Rapunzel and Cristina, who are sewing together some of the fashion show pieces. Rapunzel comments about the slow work, and Belle points the finger at Anna, who’s in charge of the wood and says that she can’t go any faster or she might end up in the woods. Moana shares the sentiment, saying that she’s been afraid to go near the water in case her magic triggers it. Belle nods, says that she’s been careful as well since she doesn’t know how to control her own power. Snow White assures them that it’s okay because none of them understand it and Carla cuts in as she steps onto the dock, saying that their lack of understanding is exactly why they can’t pretend magic doesn’t exist. Moana stops, asks if Carla has a power and she confirms that she does. When she touches people and wills herself to, she can “feel what they’re feeling and see their memories.” Anna excitedly demands that Carla try it on her and puts the other girl’s hand to her head, dragging her friend into world of crazy, candied fantasy that leaves her completely stunned. 
Carla: That explains SO much
Anna: YUP!
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Shaking off the experience, Carla tells them that they can’t just brush their powers off because it’s inconvenient and that they may actually make things better! She explains that this has to be some kind of fate and encourages them to embrace their powers.
Carla: So you have magic and it’s not that great. But when it found you, you know it was fate and it might seems scary now but it could be wonderful too. So how ‘bout we embrace the magic and make the magic a part of you?
Encouraged, the girls decide to try testing out their powers, using them to assist in the building of the dock and help out other students. The process is sped up immensely and they manage to finish the project. Moana admits that it was a good effort and Carla points out that it was due to their magic.
Moana: Okay. That was pretty amazing.
Carla: And look what you managed to accomplish
With the dock finished, Rapunzel insists on a run through for the fashion show and Carla runs off, thinking that, if Isabelle knew the good it could do, then maybe she’d embrace her own magic.
Carla: I’m going to go find Isa. Seeing what we’ve managed to do here might make her embrace the new magic too! Not that she has any.
However, along the way she overhears and is intrigued by an argument between Ivy and Lilith, where the older sister says her younger sister is doing too much and has to let it go. Carla concludes that Lilith wants Ivy to get rid of the camp just as they both stomp out the door. Curious, she stands back, follows Lilith’s path before going after her into the woods and to a hidden cave, being startled along the way by the ground shaking again. Seeing some sort of magic blast, she concludes Lilith must be up to something and texts Isabelle, telling her to meet by the rock quarry.
In the tent, Mingo points out that they aren’t supposed to go to the quarry, but Isabelle insists it’s important and goes, seeing the same strange glow Carla already witnessed along the way before running into her friend, who quickly grabs her hand and drags her off without another word. When Isabelle asks what’s happening, Carla says that she thinks it’s Marimonda…or rather, someone who wants them to think she’s real. So, they investigate, finding that the cave is full of sparkling, glowing crystals. 
Isabelle: This place is beautiful!
Carla: There’s…Maruvian Magic here. I can feel it.
Mingo says that he thought the story about Marimonda was fake and that Lilith made it up. Isabelle asks what Lilith has to do with this and, from behind the shadows, Ivy cuts in, admits Lilith had nothing to do with the magic, she did. Carla says that she had thought it was Lilith trying to scare people away and Ivy says she wouldn’t want to scare anyone away, walks past them as if in a trance. Carla grabs her wrist, wills herself to look into Ivy’s memories and sees Hector bullying her for falling behind on rent, saying that it’s now his land and intends to make it into a resort despite her pleading for the camp, saying it’s been in her family for years. He scoffs, says that leaving the camp won’t make him any money, but makes a deal and gives her until the end of the month to make up for it. Distressed, Ivy ventures into the woods and ends up finding and following a trail of jewel dust into the cave, finding a group of magical gems that give her magical power. She steals them, makes them into a necklace. Lilith is against it, saying that her sister doesn’t know what they are, but Ivy insists that she figured it out and can control their power, which involves growing vines and plants. Despite her sister’s protests, she insists on using the power, saying that if it is to be their last week at camp she will make it count. Her memories reveal that her and her powers were responsible for the boat crash and earthquake, though they were accidents. Again, Lilith scolds her for using the magic, and it’s revealed that she used the Marimonda story as a cover up for her sister, which led to the argument that Carla heard.
Snapping back reality, Carla realises that Lilith was not talking about letting go of the camp during the argument, but of her sister letting go of her magical jewels. She points out that every time Ivy used magic, it caused a problem elsewhere on the camp grounds and that her sister was covering it up. Ivy asks how she knows about the jewels and the magic.
Carla: I can see things. Feel things. Because I have magic too. And so does she and so do our friends.
Isabelle insists that Ivy stop using the magic because too much of it can be dangerous, but Ivy refuses to listen, insists that she has it under control and will use it to save the land.  With that, she swipes the last two of the seven jewels and uses her power to trap the girls before transforming herself into a dark forest sprite, floating out, and trapping them inside, saying that they’re “not on the same page.”
Meanwhile, on the docks, everyone is preparing and dressed for the fashion show dress rehearsal. Rapunzel notices that Carla and Isabelle are absent and asks where they are. Since no one knows, she concedes, decides to start without them and teases Cristina about liking her new dress, frills and all before sending her on her way up the dock. Seeing the other students’ curiosity, Rapunzel tells them it’s merely a preview and that she has another line planned as well, but then, the music cuts off as Ivy approaches with everyone assuming that she’s Marimonda. Everyone except Lilith, who asks Ivy what she’s doing.
Belle: Wait, that’s Ivy? Am I insane or are her feet not touching the ground?
Ivy ignores her, announces that Hector wants to shut down the camp, but that she’s taking care of it and traps them all behind a wall of overgrown vines and plants, destroying the dock in the process.
Amara: Oh, come on! We literally just finished building that!
Ivy announces that she’ll use the magic to protect them, tells them to behold her power and not fear people like Hector, after all, she’ll protect them with her walls of thorns. She insists that the camp will stay, oblivious to the fact that she’s only scaring the students. After her song, we cut to the Crownlets hiding behind a docked boat.
Snow White: Why do these kinds of things always happen to us?
Rapunzel: What are we going to do?
Moana: What we always do. Save the day!
The others agree and they decide to stand together, if only to stop Ivy from trapping everyone in. They step up, using their powers to assist their classmates and find ways out, activating their partial transformations along the way. Snow White asks the groundhogs, Belle attempts to fight with her own vines, Moana by summoning and riding on water.  Ivy stops them all and the brambles grow back and seal themselves back up. Frustrated with their efforts, she simply starts trapping everyone, minus Anna, who’s zipping around it all, in cocoons of vines. The girls barely manage to escape and Belle points out that Ivy’s magic has grown too powerful.
In the same moment, in the cave, Mingo manages to claw the vines off of Carla and Isabelle. The older girl insists that Isabelle use her magic to move the boulders from the opening, to which she initially hesitates and then concedes to when she realises that they need to help their friends. With some effort, she manages to move the rocks over just enough to them to escape.
Back in the courtyard, Ivy asks why the girls continue to fight her. After all, she’s doing this for them. Lilith pleads with her, says that she doesn’t know what she’s doing, but Ivy refuses to listen, allowing the magic to further corrupt her. Trapped behind the wall of vines, Isabelle again refuses to use her magic, not wanting to bring out the darkness by using too much of her power. Carla reminds her that their friends are in danger, triggers a princess power-up that inspires Isabelle, who successfully manages to create a hole big enough for them to walk through.
Lilith: Please, Ivy! What you’re doing is crazy! You have to listen to me!
Carla: That isn’t Ivy! That’s someone who’s been corrupted by Maruvian Magic.
Lilith: Please! Whoever you are, let my sister go! Please come back, Ivy! I need you!
Ivy doesn’t hear her, lets the vines consume her and seal off the area, which begins to burst with trees and roots. A now blonde Rapunzel throws a sun shield up for the time being, but admits that she can’t hold it for long. Carla confronts Isabelle, says that they need her magic to pull the brambles apart. Isabelle insists that she can’t. That it’s too much. She insists that she’ll end up turning into that sorceress again and things will just be made worse. But, her friends stand up, say that they refuse to let that happen and that she has to at least try to embrace the magic and be stronger than the darkness.
Though frightened, Isabelle tries, but the fear begins to consume her. All she sees is darkness, the image of the sorceress taunting her until a stronger force breaks through to remind her of who she is.
Carla: Isabelle! Listen to me! You are in charge!
Rapunzel: You’re a light! A force for good!
Moana: Yeah! You can kick the darkness’ butt!
Anna: We’re here with you, Isa!
Belle: And we’ll be here no matter what!
Snow White: We believe in you!
Carla: You are not a force of darkness!
Isabelle hears them, their words snapping her back to herself and through the darkness as she declares:
No! I am Isabelle Castillo-Flores and the magic I carry inside me is the magic of friendship!
The brambles break open, as does Ivy’s necklace containing the magical jewels. Drawn by the forces in them, they scatter to the girls and activate their princess transformation, which is Isabelle’s first as she’s granted a flowing, sky blue gown and tiara. Their combined force finally busts apart the trap and changes Ivy back to normal, much to Lilith and the students’ relief. Mingo congratulates Isabelle, compliments the jewel around her neck, which Belle turns her attention to, asking exactly what it is. Carla says that she’s not sure, but theorises that they have some sort of connection to them, makes a mental note to ask Elena and Mateo. Rapunzel cuts in, says that they are pretty and suggests they let her mother, a jewellery maker, turn them into necklaces. That way they’ll always have them. Carla hesitates, puts a hand to the jade necklace currently hanging around her neck. Rapunzel asks what’s wrong and Carla admits that her necklace was a gift and that replacing it seems wrong to her. Her friend smiles, says, “Really? Is that all? Well, I guess we’ll just make you a bracelet instead!”
Ivy: I am so sorry. I only wanted to make this the best week Camp Wildwing has ever had and instead I made it the worst. Maybe it’s for the best that I’m losing the camp to Hector.
Hortencia scowls at her comment, says that no, she shouldn’t sell the property. That the camp means too much to so many, including her, and Isabelle steps in, saying that they can’t give in to Hector. She suggests that maybe, since it meant so much to Principal Paloma, that it means a lot to other past campers. Cristina nods, says that they can reach out to those campers and see if they’ll help them save it. Amara suggests a fundraiser. Anna says they can host a charity ball instead of the dance. Moana insists that the Crownlets play and Snow White says she’ll write a new song. Ivy admits that they’re good ideas but that they need a location bigger than the courtyard used for the end-of-camp dance, to which Carla suggests the Crystal Cave.
Still, Ivy hesitates, says it’s too much, but the girls?
They got this. 
With Carla leading the fray, they use their powers and the help of the other students to put everything together, discovering that the magic really is helpful as Anna uses her super speed to deliver invitations. Belle uses her own rose vines to push away rocks and clear the cave. Isabelle’s telepathy helps with the decorations and invitation prepping and Rapunzel uses her power to make a solid, sun-themed crystal light fixture.
The Crystal Ball is a success, with Ivy even taking time to thank the girls for their help, to which Carla replies that “it’s what we do.” Anna mentions that it’s thanks to their powers.
Anna: I handed out like, four-hundred fliers, set up the stage and still had time to pick up the cake! I love my super speed!
Carla theorises that the jewels must be the source of their powers, that perhaps, they were meant to have them and that she’ll look more into it on her upcoming visit to Avalor.
Carla: There is one thing I wonder about, though…
Isabelle: What’s that?
Carla: Where did the magic that hit this cave come from?
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kara-querl · 6 years
Karadox in the Bronze Age Part 4
It’s Not as Bad as it Sounds... Really
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Of all the super-powered teens called legionnnaires, he was the brightest -- and more level-headed than worldly men twice his age! The other members could always count on Brainiac 5 for sound advice and good sense! But no one is infallible - - as you’re about to find out when you met . . .  “Brainiac 5′s Secret Weakness!”
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Title: Brainiac 5′s Secret Weakness Issue: Superboy Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes #204 Date: October 1974 Placement: Backup story   Writer: Cary Bates Pencils: Mike Grell Inker: Mike Grell
In 1974 DC comics had learned the power of the 100 page Super Spectacular. Which meant instead of printing individual monthly 20 cent books for what they considered secondary characters they could toss them into one giant 60 sent book along with some money saving reprints of old stories. This meant that Supergirl, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Krypto, Superbaby, etc. All moved to “The Superman Family.” Some months Kara didn’t appear at all and other months she might only have  a reprint of a silver age story. Kids were still reading about Supergirl, but her long term character development stagnated. 
Meanwhile the Legion of Super-Heroes had taken over Superboy’s book. Sure Kal was still there, but as a member of an ensemble with about the same weight as other characters. That meant that the Legion characters developed at a much faster rate. Even though they still sometimes called themselves teens, they had hit that phase in their lives when couples were solidifying and even marrying. But Brainiac 5′s true love was no longer able to cross over so easily. 
It had been nearly 4 years between Kara’s choice to stay with Brainy and her next appearance at The wedding of Duo Damsel and Bouncing boy and it seemed to be time to finally address Brainy’s growing loneliness. This issue appears 4 months after that meeting and it seems it triggered feelings in Brainy he had long suppressed. 
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So Brainy had been increasing exhausted to the point where it became obvious he needed a break. (I am going to move right past he part where Imra tells Querl he’s only human because she skipped the Legion’s annual sensitivity training that year) Brainy himself is curious as to why he has been so tired lately. 
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So to get some things out of the way. For a 12 level intellect Brainy is a bit dense when it comes to love. 1. They made out a lot 2. Kara told Brainy several times how she felt about him This is just one big emo pity party from a guy who has a sprocking TIME MACHINE. I mean she grabbed his buttocks 4 issues ago! 
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While Thom and Brainy are arriving at their Spa weekend a mysterious woman with an all too familiar power pose shows up at Legion headquarters to demand what readers had been screaming for for about 4 years... an explanation!
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Brainy goes to check in and is then shocked to find the same figure in the same power pose! 
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Note that editorial had to remind you Supergirl’s Kryptonian name was Kara. At that time her Secret Identity was Linda Danvers and only those who knew her really well called her Kara. I will chalk it up to shock, but this is one of the sloppiest kisses I have seen in a Legion book. 
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Brainy’s like "You had me at Hello” and immediately resigns from the legion even tossing his ring to Star Boy in a rather dramatically. Thom is thinking “Well nass, there goes my ride?” 
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Starboy calls Legion headquarters kinda freaked because the legion has let Brainy do most of the thinking for years and the survival rate of the team just dropped pretty significantly. He has to borrow a phone because apparantly his was on the cruiser? 
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This part actually really disturbs and saddens me but we will talk about that in a moment. 
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Wait! What Wait What! and android! What? This ends up being Brainy’s 2nd most embarrassing moment after Computo. People would continue to bring it up even after they Supergirl’s death. 
A couple of things I have come to realize about this horrific business. (feel free to challenge me on these as I have changed my mind often about it)
1. You have to accept the fact this was Brainy’s a subconscious filling a desperate need. There is absolutely no hit anywhere that he is lying about not consciously knowing that this Kara was an Android. 
2. The android was not an attempt for Brainy objectify Kara, if that were the case they would have stayed at the spa and never left their quarters
3. The real intent seems to have been suicide. Brainy is a 12th level intellect surrounded by technology yet the android takes him right into a deadly radiation field neither of them could survive (where did he think she was taking her or did he even ask) 
 4. It is a crazy odd coincidence that Kara came to the future at exactly this time. 
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Brainy’s compassion for the dying android is heart breaking. He acknoledges her self awareness and is perplexed why a self aware android would choose to be with him. It would be really easy here for her to ignore her and focus on minimizing his embarrassment in front of Kara, but his guilt over the death of the android and his moral failure become his focus. 
The picture also references the Pieta which Anj talks about over on Supergirl Comic Box Commentary   
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It might also be important to note that Kara never makes him feel bad about this and the fact that he made an android of her really didn’t seem to bother her at all.  The healthy thing to do here, Kara, seeing Brainy is suicidal and in extreme emotional duress is probably not to ask him wait for you to get your life sorted for who knows how long?  She should probably get him counseling and help him move on with his life. But she just can’t break up with him so they hold hands and make-out.  
This should have either been closure or a reconciliation but we got neither.  The only positive here is she is eventually good on her word. 
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