#i put my whole badussy into this pls don't flop
kierewrites · 2 years
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The Supers
navi - masterlist
Dabi x Reader
Mood Song: lost in the fire
Summary: Somehow the world's most feared super villain and the world's most loved super model found their ways into each others lives. And somehow, you were both perfect for each other.
Warnings: mentions of violence, dirty talk, manhandling, choking, degrading, brat taming, pretty much dabi being an asshole lol
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Dabi let out a frustrated sigh as he waited for the elevator doors of your apartment building to open. Your snoopy front desk guard was on duty tonight, and honestly that was the last thing he wanted to deal with right now.
He promised you he would be home early today to celebrate some shitty event you had going on. Normally he would remember such an event that had your eyes practically glowing in excitement, but his corpse of a boss had been hounding him about a particular job he needed to get done.
Just as expected, his target made the task much harder than it needed to be. He spent nearly two days tracking the fuck down, and when he found him. Oh, did he make him pay.
“Dabi p..please! I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”
The villain’s eyes narrowed to slits as the man tried to back impossibly closer to the brick wall behind him, cornered by Dabi at last.
“Too late for that I’m afraid.” Dabi spoke cooly, growing annoyed by the man’s incessant sobs.
“No! No, I can give Shigaraki all he needs I promise!” The man cried, his knees beginning to give out in fear as he shrunk to the floor in terror.
The villain felt his hands tingle with rage as the pathetic man cried for mercy. After all this searching and trouble he had to go through, this man should be begging for Dabi to end his life quickly and easily.
“You know you wasted forty eight hours of my time, right?” Dabi hissed, shuffling towards the man with his hands shoved in his pocket.
The man let out a shriek when Dabi leaned down towards him in a quick movement, a crazed smile on his lips as he let the steaming heat radiate off his body.
“Told my doll I would be home a whole day ago, but I couldn’t do that, could I?” Dabi questioned rhetorically, bending down now on the heels of his feet so he could level with the man, “You know how many hours she’s been waiting because I’ve had to chase scum like you?”
Once again, a rhetorical question. But the man didn’t seem to notice.
“T..Twenty four-”
The sound of his quivering voice pissed Dabi off beyond his already thin patience. Letting out a growl he grabbed the man’s face harshly, his palm beginning to heat up and sear against his flesh.
“Thanks for proving to me that you know how to count,” Dabi growled, slamming the man’s head against the wall causing him to cough up blood all over his jacket.
“Fucking hell, you’re a damn mess.” Dabi snarled, knowing you weren’t going to like seeing the crimson liquid.
“You know I was just going to ignite your sorry ass to dust and call it a night,” Dabi spoke, wiping the greasy sweat from the man’s face on his already ruined jacket before glaring back down to his victim, “But I don’t think you deserve that.”
The man’s eyes now shot up to Dabi, almost a bit of hope glimmering in them at his words, until he noticed the downright sinister look in the villain’s eyes. He wasn’t about to show any mercy.
Dabi glanced up at the stone ledge above the two of them and quickly shot his hand up to ignite a burst of fire towards it, effectively severing it from the building to fall directly into the lap of the victim.
His shrill screams of pain echoed throughout the air, surely waking anyone nearby. The sound made Dabi’s heart beat with sadistic excitement, finally feeling justice was served for his previous days wasted.
“Now I hope you bleed out for fourty eight fucking hours, so you’ll know exactly how my doll felt.” Dabi barked with a grin, sending one last stream of flames towards the man to ensure his demise before finally concluding this headache of a job.
The thought alone of the pathetic man made Dabi grit his teeth; between that and the guard obviously staring at him, he was wanting to turn the whole building to ash.
All he wanted to do was crawl into bed and pull you close into his chest and make up for two days worth of sleep. Two days starved of your soft touch.
The elevator ride felt incredibly longer than usual, each step he took towards your apartment only felt like he was moving farther away from it. He almost couldn’t believe it when he found the familiar numbers of your place before him.
The sound of the door creaking throughout the living room made Dabi cringe, though he would never tell you that. Typically when you whined to him about waking you up, he just laughed or simply told you he didn’t care.
He knew that was a lie, but you didn’t need to know that.
Dabi’s ‘profession’ wasn’t made known to you quite yet, for obvious reasons: you were a supermodel.
Your life was broadcasted to millions of people, and though he trusted you enough to know you wouldn’t blabber his secrets to the world, he also knew all eyes were on you, and accidents happen. A life of his own couldn’t afford accidents.
He had a feeling you had a small idea that what he did was illegal, catching hints of blood or ash on his clothes often. The fact that most of his “shifts” ended in the early hours of the morning also seemed strange to you, but you never questioned any of it.
Just the way he liked.
Surveying the empty living room, Dabi came to the conclusion that you were fast asleep, not a sliver of light in sight. Never a surprise to the raven haired man, as you tended to fall asleep on him as early as ten o’clock, to which he would always call you his little baby.
When you were awake in the early hours during his return home, he knew something was wrong, but luckily tonight wasn’t the case.
Though his muscles screamed at him with every quiet move he made, Dabi still made an effort to strip his boots off as quietly as possible. Today’s job was a rather messy one, and the last thing he needed were those adorable cheeks puffed at him when you found a bunch of ‘dirt’ all over the floor.
Stripping his jacket off, he shoved it in a nearby hamper so you wouldn’t see the work he had done all day, deciding he would wash it in the morning.
Your apartment was cute, honestly rather luxurious for someone so young. Luckily your job paid more than enough bills, which initially shocked Dabi since he claimed you were just “posing for a camera”, to which always earned a slap from you.
As much as he hated to admit it, each time he saw the skyline view of Musutafu from your floor to ceiling windows he was amazed. It’s so easy to see the beauty and charm of such a large city when you live at the top, blissfully able to ignore the real chaos that happens down below.
Though he normally hated places like this, he also knew you didn’t have the luxury to live in just any regular apartment anymore. People were always tracking your every move, cameras and lights becoming a part of your lifestyle. Stunning apartments like this always had high security so you could have a somewhat normal lifestyle at home.
With that in mind, Dabi wasn’t quite thrilled with your so-called ‘security’. Since he wasn’t able to waltz into the doors, he usually had to come in with a disguise or through the back entrance. Not once did he ever have any issues. Hell he could break into your place to murder you and they probably wouldn’t find out for months.
He claimed that’s why he stayed with you as often as he did, because your ‘bimbo ass’ needed protection from your freaky fans. And though he wasn’t lying, you and him both knew that’s not the only reason why he stayed with you.
Letting out a sigh, Dabi gave the sparkling city one last glance before rubbing at his neck and shuffling to your bedroom.
He had every intention of showering, honestly, especially because he knew you would freak if he dirtied your freshly cleaned satin sheets. But his plans came to an abrupt halt when his eyes finally fell on your body.
Though a beauty to look at, you were a train wreck of a sleeper. Your body typically flailed every direction once you hit a deep slumber. Sure enough, your arms were beneath your pillow while one of your legs haphazardly stuck out from beneath the satin sheets.
Normally Dabi would’ve chuckled, maybe even snapped a picture for blackmail before continuing on with his night, but thanks to your sloppy position, he was able to drink in in what you were wearing.
Either you were trying to surprise him, or you were trying to tease him: either way his reaction was the same.
Your silky skin was wrapped up like a perfect sinful present for him, your chest and waste was adorned with the most luxurious lingerie he had ever seen. The red fabric just barely hid what was necessary, a slight shimmer in every detail that only accentuated your beautiful curves.
The sight made him groan as he felt his grimey pants tighten at the sight. He almost didn’t even want to touch you, didn’t want to ruin such a beautiful sight before him, but that’s what phones were for. Snapping a photo quickly, the raven haired boy quickly ripped his shirt from over his head and crawled into bed towards you.
He knew you were in a deep sleep since you didn’t even twitch as the bed dipped beneath you. A part of him couldn’t help but admire each adorable huff that slipped from your parted lips.
As much as he wanted to pull you close and fall asleep, the sinful painting before him was sabotaging any hopes of that. If you wanted to be a little tease, he would have to treat you like one.
Warming his hand up a bit, he grabbed a handful of your ass cheek, squeezing at the plush skin before laying a playful slap against it.
Surprisingly the initial grab didn’t seem to fully wake you up, but the harsh slap certainly did. Your eyes shot open, immediately looking around for whoever made your ass begin to sting until you were met with mischievous cerulean eyes.
Your once shocked expression melted into one of frustration, your brows knitting together and your lips pinching into a pout as you shoved him away with folded arms.
“You’re an asshole Dabi, you know that?” You say, though you can’t fight the grin that’s forming in the corner of your lips as he begins to crawl towards you again and hover over you, “Nearly scared me to death.”
Dabi simply smirked down to you, chuckling as your still tired eyes struggled to remain angry with him as he ran his warm hand up your thighs.
“C’mon that’s not very fair, is it doll?” Dabi questioned as his eyes began to drink in your attire once more before smirking up to you, “I fucking told you what happens when you tease me like this.”
You had to fight the mewl that threatened to spill from your lips, your hand grabbing his wrist before it made contact with your surely dripping underwear. His glowing cerulean eyes glared up at you through the dark, but you held your ground as you huffed at him.
“This wasn’t for you.”
At this Dabi raised a brow, a mix of anger and confusion bubbling in his chest as if to wonder who this was all for then.
“Okay well it was kind of for you,” You corrected, sitting up a bit so you could be more level with the man, “But I only had it on because of my show today.”
Dabi’s eyes widened in realization, understanding why you all of a sudden had a brand new lingerie set. This must’ve been what your big event was, how he had forgotten about a lingerie show of all events was beyond him.
“I wore it home, thinking I would surprise my boyfriend with it,” You hissed, the sound making Dabi wince internally as he struggled to meet your gaze, “But sure enough he wasn’t even there for it.”
Dabi let out a growl, his hand squeezing at your thigh before tugging you a bit closer to him as he looked at you with mildly apologetic eyes, “Work got a bit complicated.”
Looking him up and down, you felt your eyes soften just a bit as you took in his exhausted features. You had no doubt that he was telling the truth, you just wish he would tell you more about what his work entailed.
“Wait a fucking minute, does that mean a whole crowd saw you like this?”
The familiar possessive growl made your eyes roll, the sight making Dabi seethe with anger at your bratty response. Clearly two days was long enough for your little attitude to come back.
Beyond that, the fact that possibly hundreds of people were able to see what was his, all wrapped up pretty in this lingerie made him even angrier. Probably a bunch of pervs and rich old people.
Maybe he should’ve made his victim suffer even more for missing out on this.
Before he could advance forward, your foot landed firmly on his chest stopping any movements. An unimpressed brow was raised as you gave him a knowing look.
“Ah ah ah handsome,” You purred, the sound literally making the man before you growl as you smirked at him, “If I can’t get mad about your job, then you can’t get mad about mine. Remember?”
His own words escaping your lips made him huff in frustration. You were right, but that didn’t make it any better. Your smugness also wasn’t helping your case either.
Grabbing at your ankle, he yanked your foot away and dragged you beneath him roughly, causing a quick giggle to escape your lips as he glared down at you.
“Sorry I couldn’t make it to your show dollface.” Dabi spat, trying his best to mean the apology when all he wanted to do was fuck that snarky little brain dumb.
You saw the fire in his eyes, but you wanted to torment him just a bit longer before he lost it. Although you knew the consequences of whatever this secret job was, you were still mad he was away from you for so long.
“S’okay, I know you couldn’t have come anyway.” You mumbled, your gaze breaking away from his own.
Your words stung in his chest, leaving a sour taste in his mouth. He knew there was no venom in your words, but regardless he knew how much it hurt you that he could never come to support you in person due to his secret profession.
“Don’t be like that, you know I want to.” Dabi says sternly, grabbing your cheeks to force you to look at him once more.
Though your lips were already squished together between his fingers, he could still see the pout forming on your lips when you stared up into his cerulean eyes.
“It would make me feel better if you just told me what you did.” You said softly, your confession making his heart melt though he refused to show it. Even if he wanted to, there’s no way he could tell you.
It would ruin your career. It could possibly ruin your relationship. It could even ruin his career. Those were all risks he couldn’t take.
“Doll.” Dabi growled threateningly, giving you a glare of warning at your persistence, “We talked about this.”
Much to his surprise, you dared to roll your eyes at him for the second time in one night. After the hell of a two days he’s had, he was going to enjoy shutting up that smart mouth.
“I’m sorry did you forget your manners the whole two fucking days I’ve been gone?” Dabi growled, releasing your cheeks as he looked down to you incredulously.
Though you felt your heart flutter at the change in his tone, you tried to hold out for as long as possible, “You were the one that left me for two days-”
Before you could finish your sentence, his warm hand was now around your neck, squeezing just enough to make you gasp as he looked down to you with sinister eyes.
“And just like that, you’ve lost your talking privileges!” Dabi snarled with a grin, the sight making your eyes widen as you felt your legs begin to press together, a sight that didn’t go unnoticed by Dabi.
A rough knee forced your legs apart before rubbing against your warm core, causing a warbled mewl to escape your lips as he laughed down to you.
“This is why I hate that flashy fucking job of yours, it goes all to your damn head,” Dabi sneered, flicking at your forehead, “But that’s okay, each and every time you forget your manners I’ll happily fuck them right back into you, yeah?”
The feeling of his fingers now ghosting over your warmth had you bucking your hips up, a whimper escaping your lips when he somehow squeezed tighter around your throat.
“Dabi.” You whined, plump lips parted as his fingers continued their soft torture along your folds. He couldn’t hold out for much longer, and you both knew that. “You gonna talk back to me dollface?”
You looked into his eyes and quickly shook your head, giving him a pleading look through those glossy lashes that went straight to his cock.
“That’s my good girl,” Dabi spoke, releasing your throat as you began to cough and gasp for air. He might have been rougher than he should, but he had a tough few days.
“D..Don’t leave marks you dick, I have a shoot tomorrow-” You hissed now that you were able to breathe, but your words were cut short once again as he shoved three of his fingers down your throat.
“Like I give a fuck, I hope all those fucks see who the hell owns this slutty little throat,” Dabi growled, shoving his fingers deeper till he nearly felt the back of your throat, “Clearly you still haven’t learned your lesson.”
Tears danced down your cheeks now at the uncomfortable feeling, a cry of pleasure escaping your lips when you felt his fingers plunge into you without much of a warning.
“Knew you were being a brat on purpose,” Dabi hissed, smirking down to you as your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, “You’re fucking sopping down there, all because I choked you, huh? Slutty girl.”
His crude words made your face feel like it was on fire, your moans being muffled by his fingers as his pace began to speed up, rubbing at your clit roughly.
“Shit, are you about to cum already?” Dabi questioned, a mocking laugh filling the air before he narrowed his eyes down to you, “Poor baby, probably tried to get off with those tiny fingers of yours while I was gone, didn’t you?”
As soon as you tried to nod he barked out more laughter, speeding up his minstrations causing you to squirm beneath his touch. Just before he could threaten your release, he felt you tighten around his fingers as your body began to convulse beneath him. “Did you just fucking cum?”
Even when he removed his fingers you just mewled at his questions, trying to rub your thighs together as you twitched down from your high.
“You selfish little brat, you really did miss me didn’t you?” Dabi sneered with a smirk, forcing your lazy head to look up at him.
When you could barely respond he let out a groan, moving quickly to undo his belt as your eyes lazily watched him.
“Did I fuck you dumb with my fingers alone? You’re so adorable doll.” Dabi cooed in a condescending tone, his finger grabbing your face once again to keep you focused, “Unfortunately for you, I’m just getting started.”
The morning air stung at your raw skin before your eyes could say good morning to the warm sun trying to seep through your curtains.
Memories of last night’s events had you shivering, your body processing the new feeling of an arm tightly wrapped around your waist.
Moving your head slightly to the side, you felt your heart warm at the sight of your boyfriend’s drooling face beside you. You loved watching him sleep. It was one of the few rare moments you had to see his face soft, void of any emotion. No anger, smugness, lust, sadness: just his soft two toned skin finally at rest.
Moving to sit up a bit, you let out a groan when a sharp pain shot to your hips. Glancing beneath the sheets, your eyes widened at the sight of purple bruises now adorning your normally flawless skin.
Jutting your lip out, you glared back to your peaceful boyfriend.
“You’re such an asshole.” You whispered more to yourself, but the smile on your lips betrayed your words.
Normally moving out of bed would elicit a growl from your lover, his arms moving you impossibly closer to him so you couldn’t escape his hold, but he genuinely seemed exhausted from whatever job he returned from.
Taking advantage of this, you gently wrapped his arm around your pillow before sliding out of bed and shuffling to your bathroom.
The cold marble of your floor made you hiss, always the worst type of wake up call, but it was soon replaced with a moan when you reached the heated floors of your bathroom.
Upon your presence, the lights of the bathroom turned on to put your naked figure on full display. Your jaw dropped to see more colors of the rainbow adorning your skin, all the way up to your jawline.
“Damn you Dabi.” You hissed, a bite to your words this time as you ran your fingers along your raw skin. Of course, you deserved every bit of it knowing you were testing his already thin patience last night, but you knew your agent was going to kill you.
He was always going on about how you needed to find a new boyfriend, but he never quite understood the masochist in you loved this sort of treatment.
The thrill of knowing Dabi would protect you with his life, but also treats you like his play thing thrilled you. The two of you were somehow more compatible then you should be,
Honestly your only problem with Dabi was this second life he seemed to hide from you. It’s not that you didn’t trust him, as he’s never once tried to lie or hold secrets from you. It’s just that you could tell it was inadvertently hurting him. You knew the jealousy he felt each time you left for work.
Though you weren’t a huge fan yourself, a large part of the job was being observed by millions. Touched by millions, intimate with millions, seen by millions. And though you’ve gotten used to the unfortunate treatment of the modeling industry, Dabi has not.
You know he would never tell you to quit, whether that be for your sake or for his ego’s sake, but you know so badly how he wants to be there with you. To be your menacing guard dog and make sure you were being treated nothing short of royalty.
But for some reason, he had to stay out of the public eye.
By the looks of it, whatever his profession was seemed a bit shady. You tried many times to tell him that the press wouldn’t care, and that there were many shady people in your line of work too, but he just kept saying it wasn’t the same.
Letting out a sigh, you finished your morning skincare routine, deciding you would cover up your happy little accidents from last night later.
Just as you had expected, his clothes were sprawled all over the ground. He clearly had little patience last night.
Shuffling over to your closet, you snatched one of his clean shirts and shoved it over your head, glancing at him to make sure he wasn’t awake before moving towards the living room.
A small chuckle escaped your lips when you noticed his boots and coat haphazardly thrown near the hamper. How you didn’t hear his surely loud entrance, you weren’t sure.
As you began to warm up a tea kettle, you moved towards his boots to place them on the clean shoe rack you begged him to use, to which he usually would drop his shoes right next to just to see your cute face scrunch up in frustration.
Next you grabbed his coat, moving across your cold floors to the laundry room to place the dirty article in the washing machine along with your own dirty fabrics.
The minute you pressed start, you froze when you saw red splotches covering where you once pressed the start button. Glancing down to your hand you let out a not-so-quiet gasp when you saw crimson adorning your fingertips.
Immediately you paused the washing machine, yanking out Dabi’s jacket before biting at your lip at the sight. How had you not seen the thick gooey blood dried all over the front of his jacket? A small part of you grew anxious wondering whose blood it was, his or someone else’s?
“Are you always this invasive with my shit, doll?”
The scream that escaped your lips when you felt his warm hands grab at your stomach made him chuckle, your body whipping around to see him already smirking down to you.
He loved the face you always made when he scared you like this, as if he had caught a child stealing from the cookie jar.
Looking into the scene before him further, his eyes darkened when he saw his coat in your hands, your soft fingertips coated with that filthy rat’s blood from last night.
“What did I tell you about touching my stuff Y/n?” Dabi husked, snatching the coat from your hands before shoving it back in the washing machine and slamming the start button.
Though your lips twitched, wanting to ask him a million questions, you instead let him spin you around before pinning your hips against the counter, his own hips digging into your own as he turned the sink on and aggressively washed both of your hands.
The sight of that man’s blood on your delicate little hands... his delicate little hands.
“Don’t ever fucking do that again.” Dabi whispered coldly into your ear, both his words and the feeling of his warm breath against the shell of your ear causing you to shiver while he dried both of your hands off.
Nodding against his chest, you slowly turned around to look at him, your glossy eyes peering up at him through your lashes which made his jaw stiffen at the sight.
“That.. that wasn’t your blood… right?”
The minute those soft words were whispered from your lips, Dabi felt his body tense as he looked down at you. Of course you weren’t worried about him being mad at you. You were just worried about him. Like you always were. Always putting his shitty needs before your own.
“Course not, princess.” Dabi said softly, his stern features melting into lazy kind ones as his hands pressed against the small of your back into his chest, an invitation for you to wrap your arms around him.
He knew you wanted to press further. Ask him what it was, what he was doing, if he was putting himself in any danger. But instead you just held him close, allowing yourself to trust in him and know he would never put you or himself in that situation. Knowing you should listen to him like he always tells you to do; never question him.
Just like his sweet angel should.
“You’re too pretty to worry dollface,” Dabi cooed, his fingers now digging into your hips which caused you to hiss as he lifted you up on the cool counter, “Aw, are you sore?”
Though still glossy, your eyes narrowed into a glare as the shit eating smirk appeared on his lips, referring to the fresh bruises along your hips.
“You know my agent is going to kill me, right? I told you I have a shoot today! It’s my last for a full week, you couldn’t have waited a day?”
Dabi only chuckled down to you, voice dripping in smugness as his fingers gently gripped at your chin, “Maybe you shouldn’t have dressed up all pretty for me like a slut last night baby.”
Though he wasn’t wrong, you also were planning on him coming home much sooner so you could lay out some ground rules. He definitely took advantage of your sleepy state.
The minute you attempted to roll your eyes his fingers moved from your chin to your cheeks as he squished them harshly, snarl at the tip of his lips.
“Did our little lesson about manners not click in that dumb head of yours?” Dabi growled, forcing your hips closer to his chest as he grinned wickedly down to you, “Because I’ll gladly review it again for you.”
You hated how your body reacted before your brain could, a whimper softly falling from your lips when his warm hand traveled up your thigh beneath his shirt, but luckily you were able to snap out of it now that you were much better rested.
“I’ll have to take a raincheck on that sir,” You chirped, grinning at his wide eyes at the little nickname, “I have tea on the kettle, and I need to be at that shoot in a few hours!”
Somehow you were able to slip from his hold, most likely thanks to his small period of shock before his grin began to twitch, footsteps following after you causing shrieks of giggles to escape your lips as you ran from his grasp.
You were definitely going to be late.
Exhaustion havoced through your bones, but it wasn’t even close to the excitement you felt surging through you.
After a far too eventful fashion week, your agency granted you a full week to be off and take time for yourself. Though, it was well deserved, especially after today’s shoot.
“Y/n F/n, are you fucking kidding me?!”
The sound of your name being hissed venomously from your agent’s tongue made you cringe. 
Luckily you were able to cover up most of the marks on your neck and chin, but the makeup on your torso must have rubbed off on the walk to the testing site.
“I promise it’s not as bad as it looks, Charles.” You said with a sweet smile as you pulled him in for a professional hug, “Makeup will easily cover it up.”
From behind you, the makeup team confirmed this as they began setting up their spray foundation station, their reassurance making you smile as you looked back to your fuming agent.
You knew it was unprofessional, you really did. And you tried your best for this to not happen often, as your body unfortunately was your entire career. But what annoyed you the most is that your agent seemed to care less about the marks, and more about your partner.
“Same scumbag boyfriend, huh?”
Every part of you wanted to scream at him and storm out, but you really liked this client and knew you could never turn away a holiday shoot like this.
“Charles, you're ever so chipper this morning.” You spoke, offering him the warmest smile you could muster before being dragged off by the makeup team.
The rest of the afternoon went fine. Luckily the hair and makeup teams were just as excited to talk with you, so it helped speed things along. You told them all about your trip with your boyfriend to the mountains, as this would be your first official ‘vacation’ with him.
Little did you know, your agent kept a close ear to your small conversations with each division of the shoot, devising a small plan of his own. 
In the best interest of you, his client, of course.
“Are you all packed Dabi?”
Your cheerful voice sent waves of warmth through Dabi’s chest, his lazy eyes falling on you as you bounced before your tall doorway.
He knew it was cold outside, but you went a bit overboard. Almost every article of clothing you had on consisted of fluffy fabrics, from your earmuffs and beanie, down to your cozy brown boots.
“Probably not as well as you, snow bunny.” Dabi chuckled, the nickname causing you to pout as he flicked at the small fluffy ball on top of your head.
“Don’t be like that, it’s going to be cold up there!” You whined, happily letting him grab your Louis Voution duffles before you opened the door for the two of you.
“I just think it would be smarter for you to wear less, so I damage less of your prissy little outfits.” Dabi sneered with a grin, your head whipping to him with narrowed eyes as you locked your door behind you with the keycard.
“You will not be ruining this outfit, asshole. You can learn to unbutton things like a normal person.”
Dabi only hummed, confirming he certainly would not be doing that before you both made your way down the stairs. Normally you would take the elevator, but Dabi didn’t feel like putting on an entire disguise so you asked for your car to be ready behind your building.
Going down fifteen flights of stairs was never fun, but for Dabi it was worth it. Plus you couldn’t complain much since he decided to hold both of your luggage, not that he had much anyways.
“We’re taking the Tesla?” Dabi questioned, noticing the key card you were fiddling with in your hands, when you nodded warmly he only smirked, snatching it from you with a whistle, “I’m definitely driving then.”
A sharp whine escaped your lips as you tried to take the card from his hands, but even with his hand full with three bags, he managed to escape your swinging arms.
“You drive like a lunatic Dabi! You better not speed in my baby.”
He simply smirked down to you smugly, the sight making you groan before you finally made it to the final floor.
“Your car is ready outback Miss Y/n.” A familiar voice spoke, the sound startling Dabi as he quickly shoved his hood up and jerked his head the opposite direction, “But I must warn you-”
Before he could finish, Dabi shoved all the bags in the bellhop’s arms causing the man to slightly stumble over, “Make yourself useful, will you?”
A small giggle bubbled out of your lips, shooting a playful glare to Dabi’s mischievous eyes, reminding yourself you needed to tip that poor boy extra when you both returned.
As you made your way to the doors, you thought you heard strange noises from outside, but as the bellhop tried to stutter something out, Dabi simply placed his palm on the small of your back and ushered you outside.
Sure enough, those strange noises were your worst nightmare.
A crowd of people suddenly turned to the sound of you and Dabi exiting the building, there was a moment of silence before shouts and cameras began flashing towards both of your directions.
“Y/n! Is this your boyfriend?” “Y/n, is it true that you’re scared to leave your boyfriend?” “Y/n, show us the bruises! Speak your truth!”
The rapid questions caused your head to spin, the quick flashing of cameras making you back up, your boyfriend quickly wrapping a protective arm around you.
“W..What bruises?” You questioned, eyes narrowed until you saw a screen being held up amongst the crowd, your entire body growing rigid as the familiar sight of your skin littered with warm bruises was held up amongst the crowd.
“How did you…” You whispered, eyes wide and horrified until you noticed the familiar outfit in the corner of the photo. That was from today’s shoot…
“Charles.” You growled, the sound of your agent’s name making Dabi’s fists heat with anger. He knew that damn agent of yours was trouble.
Quickly spinning around, you stood before Dabi to try and deflect any view of him from the crowd as you looked at him apologetically, “I’m so sorry Dabi, I think my agent called the press on me. Let’s just go through the front-”
Your words were only half processed by Dabi. He could tell by your tone you were genuinely sorry, this wasn’t your fault. He wasn’t mad at you in the slightest. What he couldn’t ignore though, was the one pair of eyes out of the entire crowd that had been staring at him since he walked out those doors. 
The eyes were wide, trembling. They were filled with fear. Dabi knew exactly what was about to happen.
“That’s Dabi! From The League of Villains!”
The sound of the crowd gasping had your head whipping back, your mouth agape before you glanced back at your boyfriend whose jaw was locked tight.
“L..League of Villains?” You whispered, his eyes finally falling on you for the first time throughout this entire event.
Everything was over. This perfect little life he got too comfortable in. This domestic, sickly sweet lavish life you swaddled him in until he almost forgot who he really was. What he really was.
He wanted to leave you there. Do what he knew was right and make an easy escape to never see you again, but he was in too deep now. He dragged you into this and now this was both of your problem’s. The new onslaught of questions only confirmed this.
“Has Dabi from The League of Villains been holding you hostage, Y/n?” “Are those burn marks in this picture Y/n?” “Someone call the heroes!”
All he really wanted to do was drown. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, like he was about to lose everything he’s ever lived for.
And then your hand wrapped in his own. Your eyes held so much emotion. Confusion, anger, sadness, worry. But one thing he didn’t see was fear. And your words only confirmed that.
“I’m not scared of you Dabi.” You whispered, two tears dancing along your cheeks as your lips quivered, trying to keep a brave face as he looked down at you.
Dabi could feel his own tear ducts growing warm, but that’s not what he needed right now. He needed to get both of you out of here.
With the raise of his arm, flames grew from the tip of his fingertips down to his elbow as he glared at the crowd with sinister eyes.
Screams echoed throughout the crowd, everyone running in opposite directions while still trying to film the two of you as Dabi led you towards your car. He didn’t need to say a word for you to obediently run to the passenger side, Dabi already climbing in the driver’s seat before he sped off, pushing the limits of your car as he sped down the street.
He knew exactly where he was going. The only place he knew that was close enough to reach before those damned heroes showed up.
Every few minutes he glanced at you, and though your breath’s were uneven and your body was slightly trembling, you made no moves to betray him. You didn’t reach for your phone to call the police, you didn’t try to attack him, you just sat and looked forward, your teeth digging harshly into your lip.
He couldn’t imagine how terrified you must have been. Nearly three years of trust flushed away, with possibly the worst kind of betrayal yet. A villain, of all secrets to hide. Of course he wanted to do anything to still keep you in his life, but he knew that wasn’t his choice to make.
Slamming on his breaks, your eyes widened as you looked around, wondering what he was stopping for before your name was growled from his lips.
Looking at him, his cerulean eyes were already on you. The look on his face was one you’ve never seen before. Maybe it was the real monster in him he’s been hiding this entire time. Those cold blue eyes were deathly serious, not a hint of mischief in them.
“We’re not going to the mountains Y/n.”
The words dawned on you, realizing what this was about. This was your final opportunity to exit. To leave the villain before you, and try to operate what damage control you could to get back to the life you’ve always known.
This was your last chance.
You swallowed thickly, feeling your mouth go dry at what this decision meant, and how it would change the trajectory of your entire life. Inhaling sharply, he was surprised to see your head whip up, eyes leveling the seriousness of his own as you nodded.
Dabi searched. He searched hard, almost hoping he would find any glimmer of doubt in those beautiful eyes of yours, but he found nothing but acceptance.
Looking back forward, Dabi nodded wordlessly and sped off towards the one place he dreaded most.
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