#i really hope we get more scenes like this from the marines perspectives. luffy can be terrifying on his own he doesn't even need the silly
dbphantom · 11 months
that one part in film z where it's edited like found footage and luffy is an unstoppable monster to the marines >>>>>>> whatever the fuck was going on during roof piece
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frobin · 4 years
hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet
“I can totally understand the Jinbe/Robin ship, it does make sense. But...”
>> What... do you mean about not being sure if Zoro reacted correctly or not about Usopp?
Hey hey, 
okay this has nothing to do with FRobin and is more about Zoro, Usopp and the crew dynamics but since you asked I decided to answer. And I try to make myself clear because it’s probably VERY, VERY, VERY subjective and also comes from my female and very European point of view. 
I read the scene again (in german bc I don’t have the official translation at hand) but I also looked if kaizoku-ni-naru has it translated and here it is: https://kaizokuou-ni-naru.tumblr.com/post/190464807603/thank-you-so-much-for-your-wonderful-blog-im
Also many of it is from memory because of course I’m missing the volumes with the beginning of Water7 More behind the read more: 
Let’s do a little recap: 
Usopp left the crew. Why? Because to him it seemed like they were leaving Merry behind because the ship wasn’t strong enough anymore. 
That might seem weird since Merry is just a ship right? But we know that Merry had a soul, that manifested in the Klabauter. Merry was part of the crew but as soon as she was too weak (Usopp did not know that Merry was beyond repair), as soon as there was something better, Merry was replaced. 
That hit Usopp hard because Merry had not only been a present from his friend Kaya but this ship had been with them through so much and who knows how strong the bond between Usopp and the ship had really grown (he had been the one to see the Klabauter and the first to hear Merrys voice) so of course for him it felt like they were abandoning not only a ship, a thing, but a friend and even a crew mate.  Now, Usopp has a lot of problems. He feels weak, especially compared to Luffy, Sanji (who is also the cook) and Zoro who are The Monster Trio for a reason. Nami is a Navigator and so essential to the crew. Chopper is a doctor (also essential) and a literal monster! 
But all Usopp can do is shoot. He is probably going to be the best sharp-shooter in the world but he is not aware of that. Not back then and not now. Even after all the amazing things Usopp did in the recent arcs, he still considers himself weak. 
His self-worth is low and he loathes himself, probably feels like he is worth nothing. The only thing that he is good for is keeping Merry afloat, a memento to his island where he was important. Maybe the only thing that keeps him afloat too. 
So, the crew is willing to abandon Merry. Who tells that they won’t abandon him? Right after he lost a part of the money that was supposed to be used for Merry, right after he had to be saved by his crew, because he is weak!  
And you can bet that Usopp has abandonment issues too. After all, his father left to have adventures. Usopp lost his mother to sickness when he was still a small child. The village was annoyed by the child that ran every morning along the road to shout “Pirates are coming!”. Not as a threat but because he hoped that it would be true, that his dad would come back for him one day. Instead he grew up alone until he found some kids that thought he was cool enough to be their leader. He somehow managed to befriend the sick girl, and told her lies, like he did for his mother. And then Kaya was willing to renounce, to abandon him for Kuro.  
Merry is important and they want to leave Merry - him - behind.   
Usopp was afraid, got angry and he attacked Luffy. 
Was it smart? No. Was is it understandable? Yes. Could they have handled all that better? Fuck yes! 
But they are both teens who are stubborn and hot headed and in a tough and loaded situation. So I understand why it happened. 
And Usopp again is beaten, even with his smarts and his knowledge of Luffy’s weaknesses. He could not win. Because he is too weak. He lacks. He is not good enough. Luffy not only destroyed Usopp’s (already beaten) body, but also another part of his self worth. 
(I’m not crying you’re crying!) 
Then, we all know that Robin was caught,  while Usopp fixed himself up and then later met Franky. It was only then that Usopp learned that the ship was beyond repair but also learned that Merry had a Klabauter. And then more shit happened. What we also know is that Usopp had a very, very large role in the rescue of Robin and that he was one of the people who talked sense into her. Without him they wouldn’t have saved Robin and Luffy might have given up. He pep-talked him to continue fighting. 
(It’s still you who is crying! Shut up!) 
Anyway, let’s get to Zoro telling the rest of the crew that they can only accept Usopp back when he apologizes. Which, let’s be honest, makes sense.
Usopp should apologize. Because he was in the wrong. But his decisions came from a very specific place. 
So yeah, Zoro is right. But I get a bad feeling at the whole display of aggression and that Zoro expects Usopp to live up to his (Zoro’s) also very specific views and values of a warrior and the honor associated with it, without caring for Usopp’s. Again, a boy who grew up alone without any role model except that vague idea of an amazing pirate that was sailing the sea.
And the whole “Either it is like I say or I go!” stroke me as especially harsh.
Because I’ve been confronted with that sentiment so often, that I felt that deep in my bones. When I read it first, I didn’t even realise why that scene shook me. But it was that exact sentiment that poisoned my club and ultimately made me leave it, because I gave the ultimatum right back “You will go if things don’t go your way? Then go or I leave!” I’ve been part of that club since I had been seven years old. I left it with 25 because I had more balls than that fucking asshole and I’m still pissed about it, ten years later. And I’m very forgiving.
What Zoro said was that everyone has to know their place or they are no material to be a pirate (which is kind of weird since some people become pirates to be free, if you want to follow and know your place, maybe you should become a Marine). Ultimately you have to know whom to follow and that is - in this case - Luffy and no one else. You have to trust his judgement because he is the captain or else he is not much of a captain. 
And again this can make sense because if you don’t trust your captain or know your place on a ship it can be a death sentence at sea. 
Then there is this thing that this is ‘no playing pirate’. 
We still don’t know all of Luffy’s reasons why he wants to be pirate king but he often hints that he just wants to be free and have fun with his friends. That sounds a lot like ‘playing games’. At that point he only slowly learns that being a pirate is often way more serious and dangerous and filled with tough decisions than he thought. Playing games and have fun, that is why he was so delighted when he heard that Usopp wanted to come back. But playtime is over that is why he agreed with Zoro. Time to grow up they are at war after all.  
We know why Usopp left the crew, went against his captain and friend, because Usopp felt like they were abandoning ANOTHER FRIEND. 
But whatever reason there MIGHT BE does not matter for Zoro. He even says he does not know why all of it happened, does not care who was wrong or right.
I think that is a dangerous sentiment! Because personally, I feel like it’s important to try to see outside of your own perspective and I think you should never judge before you know all the facts. If you then still come to the same conclusion that is fine and if you come to another that is good too.That is what it means to make an informed decision, because the world is not black and white. Many things have reasons that are so layered that you can’t just expect everyone to come to the same conclusion when they don’t have the same information. That is why communication is important. 
Usopp waited for the very last moment to reach out to his friends. The longer he waited the longer he could imagine that everything would be fine in the end. He gave himself to that illusion. Zoro would have never done that and so no one else should do it. He is not exactly empathic. I feel like Zoro can’t look farther than his own ideas.
But I can agree with Zoro to some amount. I understand where he comes from.
Do I like it? Absolutely not. 
So, to slowly come to an end, we all know how this went. And I have to give it to Zoro, he also did say “I hear nothing” whenever Usopp tried to handle the situation like nothing had happened. He wanted him back too, after all.
And shit, it worked. Usopp cried out to his friends, he apologized and Luffy reached out to him to reel him in. 
But I can’t help but think that it absolutely destroyed Usopp after all. He saw his friends leaving him behind in a foreign city without any support. He just got a bounty and so would get in the focus of the marines, especially them thinking he is still part of the Strawhat crew. 
The crew, his friends, would leave him because he is weak and not worth anything and he would have no friends and be alone forever. 
I don’t even want to start to imagine the pure despair he felt that moment. And it stayed with him, as we learn in Thriller Bark. And again and again. 
So yeah. 
It worked in the end but I think it could have been handled better. 
Well, that is easy to say as a grown up with some more years under my belt and from an outside perspective. But even back when I first read it, it gave me a strange feeling. 
I think at least one of the crew should have talked to Usopp and given him some clues. And I’m sure Franky would have if he knew what was up but he hadn’t been part of the crew. Robin didn’t for whatever reason talk to Usopp, but she also never agreed with Zoro, looked almost angry about it. Nami also didn’t want to go against her captain, I guess. Sanji agreed with Zoro, maybe also with a bad feeling and Chopper is even less experienced than any other of them.
Oda is an amazing storyteller with a lot of characters that have an incredible amount of layers but that does not mean I agree with him all the time and so I don’t agree with his characters all the time.   
And that is what I meant. XD Sorry for the long text.
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petite-neko · 7 years
Fanfiction: Saudade Story Summary:  “A deep emotional state of melancholic longing for a person or thing that is absent.” Characters: Luffy, Law Pairing: Lawlu Rating: T Warnings: Swearing, alcohol use Day/Prompt: Day 1 : S - Saudade A/N: Here’s Day 1 guys! Funny thing is is I saw this word as a ‘word of the day’ and I had wanted to do it, but then realised I had too many other things to do than to write something else but a few days realised they: Hey! I can use this for the Lawlu week! Enjoy
(And huge thank you to @wolfliorchi for helping getting me going on this story and coming up with some ideas :D)
.xxx. - Scene jumps.
.+++. - Perspective change
Read on Ao3
For some reason, at the last three or four islands they had visited they had encounters with the Marines.
Certainly, Law knew that if they were spotted and recognised, the Marines would go after them but… so many times in a row? Well, it was unusual, and suspicious.
And an annoyance, one Law didn’t need right now. Lately, he had been in a mood, and encounters with the Marines weren’t helping. Well, sometimes it helped…
(He had been having trouble sleeping – not that that was a foreign entity to him, just… more-so than usual. Many nights had he spent just looking out into the sea and just…
Day-dreaming he supposed.)
A smile would haunt him.
“For the last time Bepo, that isn’t going to work. We tried that before, and look what happened!”
Bepo huffed. “Well, do any of you have better ideas?”
It had been a few months. A few months of not seeing their allies, and the captain was most definitely not appreciative of that fact. And the crew had tried everything they could think of to get the captain out of his sullen mood, but none of their usual tactics prevailed. At first, they thought it was his usual pattern of depression. But upon numerous failings of improving their captain’s mood were they able to decipher the problem.
He missed Mugiwara no Luffy.
(Sure, there was nothing official as of yet, but they weren’t dumb.)
And, with a call to the Strawhats, they found the other captain was in a similar state – however being far more open about it than theirs. So, the two crews plotted to try and set up these two mooning captains up.
Without much success, however.
Many just missed encounters and encounters from the Marines later, here they were trying to figure out just how to rendezvous.
“Besides, I’m the navigator, am I not?”
Bepo could only hear the groans of his crewmates.
However, the one by the scope had interrupted them. “Hey – wait a minute! Surface! Surface!”
“Captain! Captain! Good news!”
Law groaned at the banging at his door. What now?
He groaned again before getting himself out of bed and opening the door. (He knew he probably looked like shit but he most certainly felt like it right now…)
“The hell are you on about Bepo?”
Bepo looked him up and down, almost condescendingly.
“…I don’t think you wanna greet Mugiwara like that Captain, so why don’t you clean up, and get on deck. We bumped into the Sunny!”
---Wait? The Sunny? Luffy?
Law felt a smile creeping onto his face. Well, that was certainly a reason to get out of his room… “I’ll be right up.” He said before closing the door.
Luffy had just hurtled himself over the water to collide with him.
(Since when was he to expect anything different?)
Law sighed, and was extremely grateful for the railings on his deck as he caught the ball of rubber.
And Luffy was smiling and laughing and looking up at him.
And Law felt like the world had begun spinning again.
“Let’s get onboard your ship. Less risk of falling into the sea that way.”
“Did you hear that guys!” Luffy was yelling up at his crew. “Torao says we should party!”
“I did not-” That fucking idiot! But he could only sigh and shake his head as Luffy used his abilities to hurtle them back into the Sunny.
Ah well, he always enjoyed Sanji’s cooking anyway…
“Aren’t ya glad we set this up Captain?”
Penguin was drunk. There was no question about that.
“I mean, we’ve been try’n so hard, ya know? Cause you’ve been so depressed ‘n sad ever since we parted ways with Mugiwara here.”
Law reached up and rubbed at the bridge of his nose. If Penguin was going to say another damn word…
“But, I mean, we kept failing… n’ all… Ev’n with Bepo and Nami work’n together…”
And suddenly a realisation hit him. “Wait – you fuckers were talking over the phone?” No wonder why they kept running into the Marines! “You idiots! The Marines were tracing the damn calls!”
The guilty look on Penguin’s face was obvious.
“Well, it all worked out in the end, didn’t it Captain?”
Law brought a hand up to his face and shook his head.
“…I hope you realise that they still have Bepo’s vivre card... And if you had asked me, I would have let you use my portion of Mugiwara-ya’s.”
Idiots. Fucking idiots. And did they seriously believe he would believe they were responsible for happening to bump into the Sunny in the middle of the ocean?
When Penguin wandered away, he turned towards the gaze that was burning into the side of his skull.
“Torao missed me?”
“…Of course I did, idiot.”
And Luffy was smiling up at him. “Good, ‘cause I missed you too~”
And when the other pulled him down for a kiss – well Law didn’t really care at the moment. He missed this man too damn much.
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